This is ClientText.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import "ClientText.h" #import "ServerText.h" #import "TextDiff.h" #import "RTFDChat.h" #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <remote/NXProxy.h> #import <remote/NXConnection.h> @implementation ClientText - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect text:(const char *)theText alignment:(int)mode { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; [[NXBundle bundleForClass:[RTFDChat class]] getPath:path forResource:"Empty.rtfd" ofType:NULL]; [super initFrame:frameRect text:theText alignment:mode]; [self openRTFDFrom:path]; stayFirstResponder = NO; return self; } - awakeFromNib { NXAtom supportedTypes[11] = {NXFilenamePboardType, NXFileContentsPboardType, NXSoundPboardType, NXPostScriptPboardType, NXTIFFPboardType, NXColorPboardType, NXFontPboardType, NXRulerPboardType, NXRTFPboardType, NXAsciiPboardType, NULL}; [self registerForDraggedTypes:supportedTypes count:10]; return self; } - setStayFirstResponder:(BOOL)aFlag { stayFirstResponder = aFlag; return self; } - resignFirstResponder { if (stayFirstResponder) return nil; return [super resignFirstResponder]; } - free { [[serverText connectionForProxy] unregisterForInvalidationNotification:self]; [serverText removeClientText:self]; [NXConnection removeObject:self]; return [super free]; } - (oneway void)applyDifference:(bycopy TextDiff *)diff { int start, end; int click; NXRect oldRect; id oldResponder; [window disableFlushWindow]; oldResponder = [window firstResponder]; if ([oldResponder respondsTo:@selector(setStayFirstResponder:)]) [oldResponder setStayFirstResponder:YES]; /* save up the old selection */ start = sp0.cp; end = spN.cp; click = clickCount; [superview getDocVisibleRect:&oldRect]; /* apply difference */ [self setEditable:YES]; [diff applyTo:self]; [self setEditable:NO]; [self setSel:spN.cp :spN.cp]; /* restore the old selection or scroll to visible */ if (autoscroll) [self scrollSelToVisible]; else [self scrollPoint:&oldRect.origin]; [self setSel:start :end]; clickCount = click; /* we HAVE TO free diff, because it should be a copy... */ /* if we are in another task than the server, it is... */ /* else it isn't, and the app will crash! */ [diff free]; if ([oldResponder respondsTo:@selector(setStayFirstResponder:)]) [oldResponder setStayFirstResponder:NO]; [[window reenableFlushWindow] flushWindow]; return; } - (int)clickCount { return clickCount; } - setClickCount:(int)count { clickCount = count; return self; } - serverText { return serverText; } - setServerText:aServer { serverText = aServer; [[serverText connectionForProxy] registerForInvalidationNotification:self]; return self; } - serverIsDead { [[serverText connectionForProxy] unregisterForInvalidationNotification:self]; serverText = nil; if ([[window delegate] clientIsDying:self]) { [[[self superview] superview] free]; return nil; } return self; } - (BOOL)doesAutoscroll; { return autoscroll; } - setAutoscrollFrom:sender; { autoscroll = [sender state]; return self; } /********************************************/ /* NXSenderIsInvalid protocol */ /********************************************/ - senderIsInvalid:sender { return [self serverIsDead]; } @end
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