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/* * -- IRC client program for NEXTSTEP * Copyright (C)1995 Norihiro Itoh * * このソースはIRC.appの一部です。 * This file is part of * * 本プログラムはフリー・ソフトウェアです。あなたは、Free Software * Foundationが公表したGNU一般公有使用許諾の「バージョン2」或いは * それ以降の各バージョンの中からいずれかを選択し、そのバージョンが * 定める条項に従って本プログラムを再頒布または変更することができま * す。 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 本プログラムは有用とは思いますが、頒布にあたっては、市場性及び特 * 定目的適合性についての暗黙の保証を含めて、いかなる保証も行ないま * せん。詳細についてはGNU一般公有使用許諾書をお読みください。 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * あなたは、本プログラムと一緒にGNU一般公有使用許諾の写しを受け取っ * ているはずです。そうでない場合は、Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USAへ手紙を書いてください。 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * 作者のメールアドレス: * Author's e-mail address: */ // // Messages // // Connection Registration #define MSG_PASS "PASS" #define MSG_NICK "NICK" #define MSG_USER "USER" #define MSG_SERVER "SERVER" #define MSG_OPER "OPER" #define MSG_QUIT "QUIT" #define MSG_SQUIT "SQUIT" // Channel operations #define MSG_JOIN "JOIN" #define MSG_PART "PART" #define MSG_MODE "MODE" #define MSG_TOPIC "TOPIC" #define MSG_NAMES "NAMES" #define MSG_LIST "LIST" #define MSG_INVITE "INVITE" #define MSG_KICK "KICK" // Server queries and commands #define MSG_VERSION "VERSION" #define MSG_STATS "STATS" #define MSG_LINKS "LINKS" #define MSG_TIME "TIME" #define MSG_CONNECT "CONNECT" #define MSG_TRACE "TRACE" #define MSG_ADMIN "ADMIN" #define MSG_INFO "INFO" // Sending messages #define MSG_PRIVMSG "PRIVMSG" #define MSG_NOTICE "NOTICE" // User-based queries #define MSG_WHO "WHO" #define MSG_WHOIS "WHOIS" #define MSG_WHOWAS "WHOWAS" // Miscellaneous messages #define MSG_KILL "KILL" #define MSG_PING "PING" #define MSG_PONG "PONG" #define MSG_ERROR "ERROR" // Optional messages #define MSG_AWAY "AWAY" #define MSG_REHASH "REHASH" #define MSG_RESTART "RESTART" #define MSG_SUMMON "SUMMON" #define MSG_USERS "USERS" #define MSG_WALLOPS "WALLOPS" #define MSG_USERHOST "USERHOST" #define MSG_ISON "ISON" #define MSG_VERSION "VERSION" // // Error Relies // #define ERR_NOSUCHNICK 401 #define ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 402 #define ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 403 #define ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 404 #define ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS 405 #define ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK 406 #define ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS 407 #define ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE 408 #define ERR_NOORIGIN 409 #define ERR_NORECIPIENT 411 #define ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND 412 #define ERR_NOTOPLEVEL 413 #define ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL 414 #define ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND 421 #define ERR_NOMOTD 422 #define ERR_NOADMININFO 423 #define ERR_FILEERROR 424 #define ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN 431 #define ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME 432 #define ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 433 #define ERR_NICKCOLLISION 436 #define ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 441 #define ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 442 #define ERR_USERONCHANNEL 443 #define ERR_NOLOGIN 444 #define ERR_SUMMONDISABLED 445 #define ERR_USERSDISABLED 446 #define ERR_NOTREGISTERED 451 #define ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 461 #define ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED 462 #define ERR_NOPERMFORHOST 463 #define ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH 464 #define ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP 465 #define ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED 466 #define ERR_KEYSET 467 #define ERR_CHANNELISFULL 471 #define ERR_UNKNOWNMODE 472 #define ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN 473 #define ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN 474 #define ERR_BADCHANNELKEY 475 #define ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 481 #define ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 482 #define ERR_CANTKILLSERVER 483 #define ERR_NOOPERHOST 491 #define ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG 501 #define ERR_USERSDONTMATCH 502 // // Command Responses // #define RPL_NONE 300 #define RPL_USERHOST 302 #define RPL_ISON 303 #define RPL_TEXT 304 #define RPL_AWAY 301 #define RPL_UNAWAY 305 #define RPL_NOWAWAY 306 #define RPL_WHOISUSER 311 #define RPL_WHOISSERVER 312 #define RPL_WHOISOPERATOR 313 #define RPL_WHOISIDLE 317 #define RPL_ENDOFWHOIS 318 #define RPL_WHOISCHANNELS 319 #define RPL_WHOWASUSER 314 #define RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS 369 #define RPL_LISTSTART 321 #define RPL_LIST 322 #define RPL_LISTEND 323 #define RPL_CHANNELMODEIS 324 #define RPL_NOTOPIC 331 #define RPL_TOPIC 332 #define RPL_INVITING 341 #define RPL_SUMMONING 342 #define RPL_VERSION 351 #define RPL_WHOREPLY 352 #define RPL_ENDOFWHO 315 #define RPL_NAMREPLY 353 #define RPL_ENDOFNAMES 366 #define RPL_LINKS 364 #define RPL_ENDOFLINKS 365 #define RPL_BANLIST 367 #define RPL_ENDOFBANLIST 368 #define RPL_INFO 371 #define RPL_ENDOFINFO 374 #define RPL_MOTDSTART 375 #define RPL_MOTD 372 #define RPL_ENDOFMOTD 376 #define RPL_YOUREOPER 381 #define RPL_REHASHING 382 #define RPL_TIME 391 #define RPL_USERSSTART 392 #define RPL_USERS 393 #define RPL_ENDOFUSERS 394 #define RPL_NOUSERS 395 #define RPL_TRACELINK 200 #define RPL_TRACECONNECTING 201 #define RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE 202 #define RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN 203 #define RPL_TRACEOPERATOR 204 #define RPL_TRACEUSER 205 #define RPL_TRACESERVER 206 #define RPL_TRACENEWTYPE 208 #define RPL_TRACELOG 261 #define RPL_STATSLINKINFO 211 #define RPL_STATSCOMMANDS 212 #define RPL_STATSCLINE 213 #define RPL_STATSNLINE 214 #define RPL_STATSILINE 215 #define RPL_STATSKLINE 216 #define RPL_STATSYLINE 218 #define RPL_ENDOFSTATS 219 #define RPL_STATSLLINE 241 #define RPL_STATSUPTIME 242 #define RPL_STATSOLINE 243 #define RPL_STATSHLINE 244 #define RPL_UMODEIS 221 #define RPL_LUSERCLIENT 251 #define RPL_LUSEROP 252 #define RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN 253 #define RPL_LUSERCHANNELS 254 #define RPL_LUSERME 255 #define RPL_ADMINME 256 #define RPL_ADMINLOC1 257 #define RPL_ADMINLOC2 258 #define RPL_ADMINEMAIL 259
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