
This is IconAnimator.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

IconAnimator Release 1.0  Copyright ©1995 by Craig Laurent.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	NSObject

Declared In:	

Class Description

IconAnimator has been modeled after Fone.app (v1.0) by Jim Million, October 1992.
The IconAnimator is a class defining an object that provides a convenient way to animate the icon for an application.  Animation requires an array of images/icons to display in the icon, an array indicating the pattern/order to display the images, and the number of times to loop through the pattern .  Other information that may be specified include: the image to display when the animation sequence finishes, the image to display when animation is stopped, and the time interval between image changes.  

The animation sequence uses TimerEvents to loop through the animation pattern array.  The pattern array contains the order in which to display the images.  Each entry in the pattern array is an index into the array of images.

The startAnimation: method starts the animation sequence in the icon.  The stopAnimation method is used to stop the animation sequence.  The initWithImageArray: animationPattern: andPatternLoops: method is the designated initializer for the IconAnimator object.

Instance Variables

NXImage *appTile;

View *appIconContentView;

NSMutableArray *animationPattern;

NSMutableArray *imageArray;

int patternLoops;

float timeInterval;

int indexOfEndIcon;

int indexOfStopIcon;

DPSTimedEntry timedEntry;

int patternIterator;

int loopCount;

int patternEnd;

int offset;

appTile 	The application's tile "NXAppTile".

appIconContentView 	The contentView of the application's icon.

animationPattern 	Array of indices into the imageArray, indicating the order to display the images.

imageArray 	Array of images to be placed in the icon.

patternLoops 	The number of times that the animationPattern will be looped through.

timeInterval 	The time interval between image changes. (default = 0.2 seconds)

indexOfEndIcon 	Index into the imageArray, indicating what image to display when the animation sequence ends. (default = 1)

indexOfStopIcon 	Index into the imageArray, indicating what image to display when the animation sequence is stopped. (default = 0)

timedEntry	The identifier of the timed entry.

patternIterator	The current pattern entry being animated.

loopCount	The current number of loops through the pattern.

patternEnd	The number of entries in the animation pattern.

offset	Used to limit the display of the last image in the pattern to the first loop through.

Method Types

Initializing an IconAnimator	- init
- initWithImageArray:animationPattern:andPatternLoops:

Configuring an IconAnimator	- imageArray
- setimageArray:
- animationPattern
- setAnimationPattern:
- patternLoops
- setPatternLoops:
- timeInterval
- setTimeInterval:
- indexOfEndIcon
- setIndexOfEndIcon:
- indexOfStopIcon
- setIndexOfStopIcon:

Controlling the animation	- startAnimation: 
- stopAnimation

Displaying an Image in the icon	- displayImage:

Internal methods	- animateIcon
- cornerPointForImage:
- removeTimedEntry

Instance Methods

-  (void)animateIcon

Control the animation of images into the application icon.  This method is called at the end of each timer interval.  The next image from imageArray identified in the animationPattern is displayed, and then processing continues based on the input parameters.  The timer may continue, or timing and the animation sequence may end.  When the animation sequence ends, a designated image is displayed based on indexOfEndIcon.

See also:  - animationPattern, - displayImage:, - imageArray, - indexOfEndIcon, - patternLoops, - removeTimedEntry, - startAnimation:, - stopAnimation


- (NSArray *)animationPattern

Returns the NSMutableArray set by setAnimationPattern:.  This array contains the pattern used in determining what order to display images in the animation sequence.

See also: - setAnimationPattern:

-  (NXPoint)cornerPointForImage:(NXImage*)anImage

Return the point that should be used as the corner for anImage.  This is used to make sure the image is centered on the application icon.

See also:  - displayImage:

-  (void)displayImage:(NXImage*)anImage

Display anImage into the application icon.

See also:  - cornerPointForImage:

-  (NSArray*)imageArray

Returns the NSMutableArray set by setImageArray:.  This array contains the images displayed in the animation sequence.

See also:  - setImageArray:

-  (int)indexOfEndIcon

Returns the indexOfEndIcon.  The image associated with this index is displayed in the icon when the animation sequence ends.

See also:  - setIndexOfEndIcon:

-  (int)indexOfStopIcon

Returns the indexOfStopIcon.  The image associated with this index is displayed in the icon when the animation sequence is stopped.

See also:  - setIndexOfStopIcon:


- init

This is an override of the superclass's designated initializer.  Calls initWithImageArray:animationPattern:andPatternLoops: with empty arrays, and pattern loops of zero.

See also:   - initWithImageArray:animationPattern:andPatternLoops:


- initWithImageArray:(NSArray *)anArray animationPattern:(NSArray *)patternArray andPatternLoops:(int)loops

This is the Designated initializer for the IconAnimator class.  Initializes the appTile and the appIconContentView.  Sets the imageArray, animationPattern, and patternLoops from the provided input parameters.

See also:   - animationPattern, - imageArray, - patternLoops, - setAnimationPattern:, - setImageArray:, - setPatternLoops:

-  (int)patternLoops

Returns the number of loops through the animationPattern that should be executed during the animation sequence.

See also:  - setPatternLoops

-  (void)removeTimedEntry

Removes the DPS timed entry if one is currently running.

See also:  

-  (void)setAnimationPattern:(NSArray*)anArray

Sets the current animationPattern array to anArray.  Sets patternEnd to the number of entries in the array.

See also:  - animationPattern

-  (void)setImageArray:(NSArray*)anArray

Sets the current imageArray array to anArray.

See also:  - imageArray

-  (void)setIndexOfEndIcon:(int)endIcon

Sets the indexOfEndIcon to endIcon.

See also:  - indexOfEndIcon

-  (void)setIndexOfStopIcon:(int)stopIcon

Sets the indexOfStopIcon to stopIcon.

See also:  - indexOfStopIcon

-  (void)setPatternLoops:(int)numLoops

Sets the patternLoops to numLoops.

See also:  - patternLoops

-  (void)setTimeInterval:(float)interval

Sets the timeInterval between image animations to interval seconds.

See also:  - timeInterval

-  (void)startAnimation:sender

Starts the animation sequence.

See also:  - stopAnimation

-  (void)stopAnimation

Stops and resets the animation sequence.  A designated image is displayed based on indexOfStopIcon.

See also:  - startAnimation:

-  (float)timeInterval

Returns the timeInterval between image animations in seconds.

See also:  - setTimeInterval:

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.