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License: Paula is shareware. This means that you may test this software freely for six weeks. After this evaluation time, you have to decide wheter you want to continue using Paula or not. If you decide to continue using this software, you have to register. You can find details on how to register in the Registration Procedure paragraph below. Using a unregistered copy of Paula after the evaluation time is over, is just like using any other illegal copy !!! If you decide not to register, you have to destroy all installed/unbundeled copies of this software, you may only keep copies in bundeled format for distribution purpose!!! (see the next paragraph for more details...) You are not allowed to modify this software or to use it for other purposes than those that it is qualified for. By keeping this software installed on your system, you agree to this license !!! Distribution: Paula must only be distributed free of charges. (for other ways of distribution you have to get my written consent) Distributing this software like freeware or public domain software is allowed, but the shareware status of this software is not affected. You are only allowed to distribute unmodified copies of this software. You are only allowed to distribute this software in a bundle (compressed tar archive or any other archiving/compressing method with similar purpose) including all files that are part of the this software package (the wrapper and it's contents, checkmod and checkmod.1) What do you get for your money? By registering you get the right to use this software. Future versions of Paula will have new features which will only be available to registered users. You will also get eligible for support via eMail. Registration Procedure: Registering Paula costs LUF 800 (approximatively USD 25, DEM 40) You can either pay in to my bank account, send me a cheque or send me cash. In any case, you will have to send me a letter/eMail with your name, address. If you send me an eMail wait for a confirmation before sending the money. If you can't send an eMail, then send the money/cheque together with your letter respectively make the payment when you send the letter. I will confirm your registration as soon as I receive it. - paying in to my bank account: Just go to your bank and pay in to my account. Ask your bank that you cover all charges, so that I really get LUF 800. My account is: Christian Limpach Banque Internationale a Luxembourg account number: 4-132/1866 you will probably also need to tell them my address. - sending me a cheque: Just send it to my address. Again you will have to ask your bank that you want to cover all charges. - sending me cash: This is probably the easiest. The best is to send it as a registered letter, so you know that it arrives at the right place and you have a prove, that you have send it. eMail should be sent to: letters should be sent to: Christian Limpach 10, rue de Hobscheid L-8422 Steinfort Luxembourg/Europe (letters may take 3 weeks until I get them, as I am studying in another country and I get home only every 3 weeks...) Warranty: - Limited Warranty: This software is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. - No Liability For Consequential Damages: In no event will Christian Limpach or anyone who redistributed the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by your or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if Christian Limpach or any other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. All products or trademarks mentioned in this program are trademarks of their respective trademark holders. Copyright (c)1993, Christian Limpach. All rights reserved.
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