
This is UGArgDef.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * SynthBuilder
 * Copyright 1993 Nick Porcaro All Rights Reserved

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface UGArgDef:Object
  id inspector;
  char *theName;
  char *defaultValue;
  int argType;
  id theNameField;
  id theDefaultValueField;
  id theUGDef;
  id theTypeSwitch;
  id theTypeSwitchPop;

- init;
- initUGDef: aUGDef;
- takeNameFrom:sender;
- setName:(char *) aName;
- takeDefaultValueFrom:sender;
- setDefaultValue:(char *) aDefaultValue;
- setArgTypeFromMenu:sender;
- setArgType:(int) aType;
- (char *) getName;
- (int) argType;
- (char *) defaultValue;
- updateInspector;
- edit;
- closeInspector;
- write:(NXTypedStream *) stream;
- read:(NXTypedStream *) stream;

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