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/************************************************** * SynthBuilder * Copyright 1993 Nick Porcaro All Rights Reserved **************************************************/ /* * FakeSynthPatch.h * Eric Jordan, independent work, Spring, 1992 * The screen as a whole corresponds to a fake synth patch. We must * use a fake synth patch, instead of a real one as provided by the * music kit, because we must keep track of fake ug's, and the connections * between them, rather than actual ug's. */ #define DEBUG_PRINT printf #import <objc/Object.h> #import <objc/List.h> #import <appkit/View.h> #import <appkit/graphics.h> #ifdef NEXT_2_0 #import <nextdev/event.h> #else #import <dpsclient/event.h> #endif #import "NodeView.h" double min(double a, double b); double atod(STR s); @interface FakeSynthPatch : View { // Outlets that must be initialized at init or load time id theController; // The bawana id utilities; // Object that has utility methods id memory; // if 1: x memory else y memory id midiPortSwitch; // tag 1: Serial port 1 tag 2: Serial port 2 id soundOutDeviceSwitch; // Switch that says what type of device sound out goes to id samplingRateSwitch; // Switch that says what sampling rate to use id defaultArgValSwitch; // Switch that says whether to read UG or use defaults id allocOnOpenSwitch; // Switch that says whether to alloc the patch on open id alwaysUpdateSwitch; // Switch that says whether or not to always allow inspector updates // If enabled, midi response will be slower, but you'll see // the numbers change on the inspectors id noteOnButton; id noteOffButton; id stopButton; id resetControl; // Reset menu item id closeAllControl; // Close all menu item id displayAllControl; // Display all menu item id printSelfControl; // Print theSP on admin menu // Internal objects id fakeUGs; // a list of the unit generators id fakePatchPoints; // a list of the patch points. NodeView *fromNode; // the first node in a pair of nodes being connected id selected; // The object that is currently selected. id orch; id serialPortDevice; id midi; // An instance of the Midi object id midiNoteOnHandler; // Internal variables int soundOutDevice; // NeXT internal DAC's = 0, DSP serial port = 1 int midiPort; // Port number midi is on -- 0 or 1 double samplingRate; // Sampling rate Orchestra uses char *name; // The name of this synth patch BOOL serialPortSoundIn; BOOL serialPortSoundOut; BOOL haveMidi; BOOL midiRunning; BOOL midiDidInit; BOOL noteOffEnabled; // YES: Enable sending of noteOff BOOL inputWarningDone; // YES: Don't tell the user their is a serial out device BOOL outputWarningDone; // YES: Don't tell the user their is a serial out device BOOL needsAllocation; // YES: Allocate the patch before sending first NoteOn BOOL windowMiniaturized; // YES: The window is hidden, don't bother with highlighting BOOL phraseInProgress; // For noteOn/noteOff/noteEnd mechanism BOOL allowPPInspectorUpdate; // YES: Allow PatchParameters to update inspectors BOOL alwaysUpdate; // YES: Allow update inspectors regardless of allowPPInspectorUpdate } +initialize; - init; - setWindowMiniaturized:(BOOL) flag; - (BOOL) windowMiniaturized; - setController: aController; - theController; - setWindowDelegate: aDelegate; - windowDelegate; - setMemory: aMemory; - setUtilities: aUtilities; - setMidiPortSwitch: aMidiPortSwitch; - setSoundOutDeviceSwitch: aSoundOutDeviceSwitch; - setSamplingRateSwitch: aSamplingRateSwitch; - setDefaultArgValSwitch: aSwitch; - setAllocOnOpenSwitch: aSwitch; - setAlwaysUpdateSwitch: aSwitch; - setNoteOnButton: aNoteOnButton; - setNoteOffButton: aNoteOffButton; - setStopButton: aStopButton; - setResetControl: aResetControl; - setCloseAllControl: aCloseAllControl; - setDisplayAllControl: aDisplayAllControl; - setPrintSelfControl: aPrintSelfControl; - setOrch:anOrch; - memory; - utilities; - midiPortSwitch; - soundOutDeviceSwitch; - samplingRateSwitch; - defaultArgValSwitch; - allocOnOpenSwitch; - alwaysUpdateSwitch; - noteOnButton; - noteOffButton; - stopButton; - resetControl; - closeAllControl; - closeAll:sender; - displayAllControl; - displayAll:sender; - printSelfControl; - updateSamplingRateSwitch; - updateSoundOutDeviceSwitch; - updateMidiPortSwitch; - (BOOL) useDefaultArgValues; - (BOOL) allocOnOpen; - setAlwaysUpdate:sender; - (BOOL) alwaysUpdate; - (double) samplingRate; - (int) soundOutDevice; - (int) getMidiPortFromSwitch; - (int) midiPort; - getFakeUGs; - addFakeUG: anDef at:(NXPoint)location; - setFrom:(NodeView *) newFromNode; /* Set the from node in the next pair of unit generators * to be connected to make a patch point. */ - connect:(NodeView *)toNode; /* Connect the two unit generators, making a new patch point. */ - makeSelected:anObject; - setSelected:sender; /* Set the sender to be the currently selected one. */ - getSelected; /* Return the currently selected object. */ - setNameOfSelectedObject:sender; /* change the name of the currently selected object. */ - cut:sender; - delete:sender; - remFakeUGFromList:fakeUG; - remFakePatchPointFromList:fakePatchPoint; - removeSelf; - (char *)getName; - changeName:(char *)newName; - (char *)getTypeString; - (BOOL)getXMemory; - (BOOL)isAFakeUG; - setUGParameterFromFakeUG:aFakeUG argNum:(int)j; - getOrch; - claimDSP:sender; - releaseDSP:sender; - allocatePatch; - syncUGArgs; - deallocatePatch:sender; - noteOn:sender; - noteOff:sender; - noteEnd; - checkDSPSerialPorts; - enableNoteOff:(BOOL) flag; - (BOOL) noteOffEnabled; - setAllowPPInspectorUpdate:(BOOL) flag; - (BOOL) allowPPInspectorUpdate; - eraseSelf; - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse; - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent; - getFakePatchPoints; - setSerialIn:(BOOL)state; - setSerialOut:(BOOL)state; - initMidi; - initMidiNoteOnHandler; - startMidi; - restartMidi:sender; - setHaveMidi:(BOOL) flag; - (BOOL) haveMidi; - freeMidi; - midiNoteOnHandler; - midi; - conductor; - (BOOL) hasSoundMakers; - (BOOL) hasControllableSoundMakers; - updateElements; - printSelf:sender; - sortFakePatchPointsByAllocOrder; - sortFakeUGsByAllocOrder; - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream; - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream; @end
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