
This is ModuleSoundView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 2.5, Copyright ©1997 by Sean Luke.  All Rights Reserved.


Category Of:	Sound

Declared In:	ModuleSoundView.h

Category Description

This category contains specific methods which Resound has added to its internal subclass of the SoundView object, which module designers may find useful.

It is important to note that you should not directly access a sound's info string with the standard SoundKit methods and functions.  Due to bugs in the SoundKit, Resound must maintain the Sound object's Info String separately in Resound's custom SoundView.  Below are methods for accessing Resound's special Info String.

Method Types

Sound Info String Access	± info
	± setInfo:

Data Format Conversion	± convertToFormat:samplingRate:channelCount:

Instance Methods

- (int)	convertToFormat:(int)newFormat

Converts the SoundView's sound to the given format, sampling rate, and channel count, but attempts to preserve the SoundView selection to still select the equivalent part of the sound.

- (char*) info

Returns the info string of the SoundView's sound.  See above.

- setInfo:(const char*)this

Sets the info string of the SoundView's sound to this.  See above.

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