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/* The following files must be imported. */ #import <musickit/musickit.h> #import <musickit/unitgenerators/unitgenerators.h> #import "FluteIns.h" @implementation FluteIns; /* Statically declare the synthElement indices. */ static int ampAsymp, /* amplitude envelope UG */ inputNoise, inputMult, inputAdd, /* adder for envelope and noise */ inputAdd2, /* adder to get exitation */ jetSquarer, /* multiplier to fake reed table */ jetCuber, /* multiplier to fake reed table */ sigAdder, /* adder to approximate sigmoid */ jetAdder, /* adder to get net jet pressure */ reflFilter, /* reflection filter */ delayLine, /* delay UG */ delayLine2, /* delay UG */ gainElement, stereoOut, /* output UG */ inputNoisePp, ampPp, /* amplitude patchpoint */ inputMultPp, inputAddPp, inputAdd2Pp, jetSquarerPp, jetCuberPp, sigAddPp, jetAddPp, filterPp, delayPp, delay2Pp, gainPp; /* output patchpoint */ +patchTemplateFor:aNote { /* Step 1: Create (or return) the PatchTemplate. */ static id theTemplate = nil; if (theTemplate) return theTemplate; theTemplate = [PatchTemplate new]; /* Step 2: Add the SynthElement specifications. */ ampAsymp = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[AsympUGx class]]; inputNoise = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[UnoiseUGy class]]; inputMult = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Mul2UGxyx class]]; inputAdd = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Scl2add2UGyxx class]]; inputAdd2 = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Scl2add2UGxyx class]]; jetSquarer = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Mul2UGxyy class]]; jetCuber = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Mul2UGxyx class]]; sigAdder = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Scl2add2UGxyx class]]; jetAdder = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Scl2add2UGyxx class]]; reflFilter = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[OnepoleUGyy class]]; delayLine = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[DelayUGxyy class]]; delayLine2 = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[DelayUGyxy class]]; gainElement = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[ScaleUGyy class]]; stereoOut = [theTemplate addUnitGenerator:[Out2sumUGy class]]; ampPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; inputNoisePp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; inputMultPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; inputAddPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; inputAdd2Pp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; jetSquarerPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; jetCuberPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; sigAddPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; jetAddPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; filterPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; delayPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; delay2Pp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; gainPp = [theTemplate addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; /* Step 3: Specify the connections. */ [theTemplate to:ampAsymp sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:ampPp]; [theTemplate to:inputNoise sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:inputNoisePp]; [theTemplate to:inputMult sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:inputMultPp]; [theTemplate to:inputMult sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:inputNoisePp]; [theTemplate to:inputMult sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:ampPp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:inputAddPp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:inputMultPp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:ampPp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd2 sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:inputAdd2Pp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd2 sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:inputAddPp]; [theTemplate to:inputAdd2 sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:delayPp]; [theTemplate to:jetSquarer sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:jetSquarerPp]; [theTemplate to:jetSquarer sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:delay2Pp]; [theTemplate to:jetSquarer sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:delay2Pp]; [theTemplate to:jetCuber sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:jetCuberPp]; [theTemplate to:jetCuber sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:delay2Pp]; [theTemplate to:jetCuber sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:jetSquarerPp]; [theTemplate to:sigAdder sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:sigAddPp]; [theTemplate to:sigAdder sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:delay2Pp]; [theTemplate to:sigAdder sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:jetCuberPp]; [theTemplate to:jetAdder sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:jetAddPp]; [theTemplate to:jetAdder sel:@selector(setInput1:) arg:sigAddPp]; [theTemplate to:jetAdder sel:@selector(setInput2:) arg:delayPp]; [theTemplate to:reflFilter sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:filterPp]; [theTemplate to:reflFilter sel:@selector(setInput:) arg:jetAddPp]; [theTemplate to:delayLine sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:delayPp]; [theTemplate to:delayLine sel:@selector(setInput:) arg:filterPp]; [theTemplate to:delayLine2 sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:delay2Pp]; [theTemplate to:delayLine2 sel:@selector(setInput:) arg:inputAdd2Pp]; [theTemplate to:gainElement sel:@selector(setOutput:) arg:gainPp]; [theTemplate to:gainElement sel:@selector(setInput:) arg: jetAddPp]; /* Return the PatchTemplate. */ return theTemplate; } - init { /* Sent once when the patch is created. */ return self; } - setDefaults { ampEnv = nil; amp0 = 0.0; amp1 = MK_DEFAULTAMP; /* 0.1 */ ampAtt = MK_NODVAL; /* parameter not present */ ampRel = MK_NODVAL; /* parameter not present */ portamento = MK_DEFAULTPORTAMENTO; /* 0.1 */ bearing = MK_DEFAULTBEARING; /* 0.0 (centered) */ return self; } - preemptFor:aNote { [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] preemptEnvelope]; [self setDefaults]; return self; } - applyParameters:aNote /* This is a private method to the InsTwoWaves class. It is used internally only. */ { /* Retrieve and store the parameters. */ id myAmpEnv = [aNote parAsEnvelope:MK_ampEnv]; double myAmp0 = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_amp0]; double myAmp1 = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_amp1]; double myAmpAtt = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_ampAtt]; double myAmpRel = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_ampAtt]; int MY_envelopeSlew = [[Note class] parName: "MY_envelopeSlew"]; double myEnvelopeSlew = [aNote parAsDouble:MY_envelopeSlew]; int MY_noiseVolume = [[Note class] parName: "MY_noiseVolume"]; double myNoiseVolume = [aNote parAsDouble:MY_noiseVolume]; int MY_delay2Length = [[Note class] parName: "MY_delay2Length"]; double myDelay2Length = [aNote parAsDouble:MY_delay2Length]; int MY_outAmp = [[Note class] parName: "MY_outAmp"]; int MY_dLineLength = [[Note class] parName: "MY_dLineLength"]; double myOutAmp = [aNote parAsDouble:MY_outAmp]; double myDLineLength = [aNote parAsDouble:MY_dLineLength]; double myPortamento = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_portamento]; double myBearing = [aNote parAsDouble:MK_bearing]; /* Store the phrase status. */ MKPhraseStatus phraseStatus = [self phraseStatus]; /* Is aNote a noteOn? */ // BOOL isNoteOn = [aNote noteType] == MK_noteOn; /* Is aNote the beginning of a new phrase? */ BOOL isNewPhrase = (phraseStatus == MK_phraseOn) || (phraseStatus == MK_phraseOnPreempt); /* Used in the parameter checks. */ BOOL shouldApplyAmp = NO; BOOL shouldApplyBearing = NO; /* The same portamento is used in both frequency and amplitude. */ if (!MKIsNoDVal(myPortamento)) { portamento = myPortamento; shouldApplyAmp = YES;} /* Check the amplitude parameters and set the instance variables. */ if (myAmpEnv != nil) { ampEnv = myAmpEnv; shouldApplyAmp = YES; } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myAmp0)) { amp0 = myAmp0; shouldApplyAmp = YES; } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myAmp1)) { amp1 = myAmp1; // [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] abortEnvelope]; // [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] setT60: 0.01]; [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] setTargetVal:amp1]; } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myEnvelopeSlew)) { [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] setT60: myEnvelopeSlew]; // Hack this for slew on breath pressure } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myAmpAtt)) { ampAtt = myAmpAtt; shouldApplyAmp = YES; } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myAmpRel)) { ampRel = myAmpRel; shouldApplyAmp = YES; } /* Apply the amplitude parameters. */ // if (shouldApplyAmp || isNoteOn) { // MKUpdateAsymp([self synthElementAt:ampAsymp], // ampEnv, amp0, amp1, ampAtt, ampRel, // portamento, phraseStatus); // } /* Check and set the bearing. */ if (!MKIsNoDVal(myBearing)) { bearing = myBearing; shouldApplyBearing = YES; } if (shouldApplyBearing || isNewPhrase) [[self synthElementAt:stereoOut] setBearing:bearing]; [[self synthElementAt:inputAdd2] setScale1: 1.0]; [[self synthElementAt:inputAdd2] setScale2: -0.35]; [[self synthElementAt:sigAdder] setScale1: -1.0]; [[self synthElementAt:sigAdder] setScale2: 1.0]; [[self synthElementAt:jetAdder] setScale1: 0.4]; [[self synthElementAt:jetAdder] setScale2: 0.90]; [[self synthElementAt:reflFilter] setB0: 0.7]; [[self synthElementAt:reflFilter] setA1: -0.3]; /* Check and set the embouchure. */ if (!MKIsNoDVal(myDelay2Length)) { delay2Length = myDelay2Length; [[self synthElementAt:delayLine2] adjustLength:delay2Length]; } /* Check and set the embouchure. */ if (!MKIsNoDVal(myNoiseVolume)) { noiseVolume = myNoiseVolume; [[self synthElementAt:inputAdd] setScale1:myNoiseVolume]; [[self synthElementAt:inputAdd] setScale2: 1.0]; } /* Check and set the fader level. */ if (!MKIsNoDVal(myOutAmp)) { outAmp = myOutAmp; [[self synthElementAt:gainElement] setScale:outAmp]; } if (!MKIsNoDVal(myDLineLength)) { dLineLength = myDLineLength; [[self synthElementAt:delayLine] adjustLength:(int) dLineLength]; } return self; } - noteOnSelf:aNote { delayMemory = [Orchestra allocSynthData:MK_yData length:100]; [[self synthElementAt: delayLine] setDelayMemory: delayMemory]; [delayMemory setToConstant:0 length:100 offset:0]; delayMemory2 = [Orchestra allocSynthData:MK_yData length:40]; [[self synthElementAt: delayLine2] setDelayMemory: delayMemory2]; [delayMemory2 setToConstant:0 length:40 offset:0]; /* Apply the parameters to the patch. */ [self applyParameters:aNote]; /* Make the final connection to the output sample stream. */ [[self synthElementAt:stereoOut] setInput:[self synthElementAt:gainPp]]; /* Tell the UnitGenerators to begin running. */ [synthElements makeObjectsPerform:@selector(run)]; return self; } - noteUpdateSelf:aNote { /* Apply the parameters to the patch. */ [self applyParameters: aNote]; return self; } - (double)noteOffSelf:aNote { /* Apply the parameters. */ [self applyParameters: aNote]; /* Same for amplitude, but also return the release duration. */ return [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] finish]; } - noteEndSelf { /* Remove the patch's Out2sum from the output sample stream. */ [[self synthElementAt:stereoOut] idle]; /* Abort the frequency Envelope. */ [[self synthElementAt:ampAsymp] abortEnvelope]; /* Set the instance variables to their default values. */ [self setDefaults]; return self; } @end
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