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#import <sys/message.h> #import <mach_error.h> #import <soundkit/Sound.h> #import <string.h> #import "Pvc_Object.h" void bitreverse( float *buf,int N ); @implementation Pvc_Object : Object { /* int N, N2, Nw = 0, Nw2, decim = 0, interp = 0, in, on, valid = -1, eof = 0; float freqmlt = 0., srate = 44100., pi, twopi, synt = 0., *Hwin, *Wanal, *Wsyn, *input, *buf, *channel, *output; BOOL obank = 0, aflag = 0, sflag = 0; NXZone *ozone; */ } + create { id newInstance; newInstance = [ self new ]; return newInstance; } - init { [super init]; [self setDefaults]; inputFilename = malloc(1024); status = IDLE; return self; } - setInputFilename: (char *) arg { int err; if (inputFilename && !(strcmp(arg,inputFilename))) return self; if (insfh != NULL) SNDFree(insfh); if (strlen(arg) > 1023) return nil; strcpy(inputFilename,arg); err = SNDReadSoundfile(inputFilename, &insfh); if (err != SND_ERR_NONE) return nil; return self; } - setOutputFilename: (char *) arg { outputFilename = arg; return self; } static BOOL isPowerOfTwo(int n) /* Query whether n is a pure power of 2 */ { while (n > 1) { if (n % 2) break; n >>= 1; } return (n == 1); } - checkArgs:(char *)msg /* If failure, sets msg to error message and returns nil. Msg should be at least 1024 long */ { if (Nw == 0) Nw = N; if (interp == 0) interp = decim; obank = freqmlt != 0.; N2 = N>>1; Nw2 = Nw>>1; if (interp > Nw) { sprintf(msg,"I must be less than or equal to window size."); return nil; } if (decim > Nw) { sprintf(msg,"D must be less than or equal to window size."); return nil; } if (decim > Nw) { sprintf(msg,"D must be less than or equal to window size."); return nil; } if (!isPowerOfTwo(N)) { sprintf(msg,"FFT size (N) must be a power of 2."); } return self; } - allocateDataspace { int width, size; if ( ozone != NULL ) NXDestroyZone(ozone); ozone = NXCreateZone( 10 * Nw * sizeof(float), vm_page_size, 0 ); /* analysis window */ Wanal = (float *) zspace( ozone, Nw, sizeof(float) ); /* synthesis window */ Wsyn = (float *) zspace( ozone, Nw, sizeof(float) ); /* input buffer */ input = (float *) zspace( ozone, Nw, sizeof(float) ); /* hamming window */ Hwin = (float *) zspace( ozone, Nw, sizeof(float) ); /* FFT buffer */ buf = (float *) zspace( ozone, N, sizeof(float) ); /* analysis channels */ channel = (float *) zspace( ozone, N+2, sizeof(float) ); /* output buffer */ output = (float *) zspace( ozone, Nw, sizeof(float) ); SNDGetDataPointer( insfh, (char **)&inData, &insize, &width ); if (outsfh != NULL) SNDFree(outsfh); SNDAlloc( &outsfh, ( (int) ((N+insize) * width * ( (float) interp / decim ))), SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16, insfh->samplingRate, insfh->channelCount, 0); SNDGetDataPointer(outsfh, (char **)&outData, &size, &width ); srate = insfh->samplingRate; return self; } - (SNDSoundStruct *)outsfh { return outsfh; } - (SNDSoundStruct *)insfh { return insfh; } - setDefaults { N = 1024; Nw = 0; valid = -1; decim = 128; interp = 0; eof = 0; freqmlt = 0.; srate = 44100.; pi = 4 * atan(1.); twopi = 8 * atan(1.); synt = 0.; obank = 0; inPoint = 0; outPoint = 0; return self; } - (float)howFar { return ((float)outPoint) / ((outsfh->dataSize)/sizeof(short)); } - N: (int) aN { N = aN; return self; } - Nw: (int) aNw { Nw = aNw; return self; } - decim: (int) aDecim { decim = aDecim; return self; } - interp: (int) aInterp { interp = aInterp; return self; } - freqmlt: (float) aFreqmlt { freqmlt = aFreqmlt; return self; } - srate: (float) aSrate { srate = aSrate; return self; } - synt: (float) aSynt { synt = aSynt; return self; } - aflag: (BOOL) aAflag { aflag = aAflag; return self; } - sflag: (BOOL) aSflag { sflag = aSflag; return self; } - writeOutputSound { int err; err = SNDWriteSoundfile( outputFilename, outsfh ); if (err != SND_ERR_NONE) return nil; return self; } - kill { [self resume]; eof = 1; return self; } - resume /* Gets called from the other thread */ { kern_return_t ec; msg_header_t msg = {0, /* msg_unused */ TRUE, /* msg_simple */ sizeof(msg_header_t),/* msg_size */ MSG_TYPE_NORMAL, /* msg_type */ 0}; /* Fills in remaining fields */ if (eof != 2 && appToObjPort != PORT_NULL) return nil; msg.msg_local_port = PORT_NULL; msg.msg_remote_port = appToObjPort; ec = msg_send(&msg, SEND_TIMEOUT, 0); if (ec == SEND_TIMED_OUT) ; /* message queue is full, don't need to send another */ return self; } - pause { eof = 2; return self; } - (int)status { return status; } - _waitForMessage /* This is the main loop for a separate-threaded performance. */ { struct { msg_header_t header; char data[MSG_SIZE_MAX]; } msg; status = PAUSED; (void)port_allocate(task_self(), &appToObjPort); msg.header.msg_size = MSG_SIZE_MAX; msg.header.msg_local_port = appToObjPort; (void)msg_receive(&msg.header, MSG_OPTION_NONE,0); (void)port_deallocate(task_self(),appToObjPort); appToObjPort = PORT_NULL; status = RUNNING; return self; } /* phase vocoder */ - runPvc /* Returns self if successfully writes file, else nil. */ { status = RUNNING; /* initialize input and output time values (in samples) */ in = -Nw; if ( decim ) on = (in * interp) / decim; else on = in; /* main loop--perform phase vocoder analysis-resynthesis */ while ( eof != 1) { if (eof == 2) { [self _waitForMessage]; if (eof == 1) break; } /* increment times */ in += decim; on += interp; /* analysis: input D samples; window, fold and rotate input samples into FFT buf; take FFT; and convert to amplitude-frequency (phase vocoder) form */ eof = [self shiftin]; [self fold]; [self rfft:YES]; [self convert]; /* at this point channel[2*i] contains amplitude data and channel[2*i+1] contains frequency data (in Hz) for phase vocoder channels i = 0, 1, ... N/2; the center frequency associated with each channel is i*f, where f is the fundamental frequency of analysis R/N; any desired spectral modifications can be made at this point: pitch modifications are generally well suited to oscillator bank resynthesis, while time modifications are generally well (and more efficiently) suited to overlap-add resynthesis */ /* oscillator bank resynthesis */ if ( obank ) { [self oscbank]; /* oscbank( channel, N2, srate, Nw, interp, freqmlt, output ); */ [self shiftout]; } /* overlap-add resynthesis */ else { [self unconvert]; [self rfft:NO]; [self overlapadd]; [self shiftout]; } } if (![self writeOutputSound]) { status = IDLE; return nil; } status = IDLE; return self; } /* overlap-add FFT analysis/resynthesis without phase unwrapping */ - runFFT { /* argument checking */ status = RUNNING; /* initialize input and output time values (in samples) */ in = -Nw; if ( decim ) on = (in * interp) / decim; else on = in; /* main loop--perform phase vocoder analysis-resynthesis */ while ( !eof ) { /* increment times */ in += decim; on += interp; /* analysis: input D samples; window, fold and rotate input samples into FFT buf; take FFT; and convert to amplitude-frequency (phase vocoder) form */ eof = [self shiftin]; [self fold]; [self rfft:YES]; [self convertFFT]; /* at this point channel[2*i] contains amplitude data and channel[2*i+1] contains frequency data (in Hz) for phase vocoder channels i = 0, 1, ... N/2; the center frequency associated with each channel is i*f, where f is the fundamental frequency of analysis R/N; any desired spectral modifications can be made at this point: pitch modifications are generally well suited to oscillator bank resynthesis, while time modifications are generally well (and more efficiently) suited to overlap-add resynthesis */ /* overlap-add resynthesis */ [self unconvertFFT]; [self rfft:NO]; [self overlapadd]; [self shiftout]; } status = IDLE; return self; } /* shift next D samples into righthand end of array A of length N, padding with zeros after last sample (A is assumed to be initially 0); return 0 when more input remains, otherwise return 1 after N-2*D zeros have been padded onto end of input */ - (int) shiftin { register int i; if ( valid < 0 ) /* first time only */ valid = Nw; for ( i = 0 ; i < Nw - decim ; i++ ) *(input+i) = *(input + i + decim); if ( valid == Nw ) { for ( i = (Nw - decim); i < Nw; i++) { if ( inPoint >= insize ) { *(input+i) = (float) (*(inData + inPoint) / 32768.); valid = i - (Nw-decim); break; } *(input+i) = (float) (*(inData + inPoint) / 32768.); ++inPoint; } } if ( valid < Nw ) { /* pad with zeros after EOF */ for (i=valid; i < Nw; i++) *(input+i) = 0.; valid -= decim; } return (valid <= 0); } /* if output time n >= 0, output first I samples in array A of length N, then shift A left by I samples, padding with zeros after last sample */ - shiftout { int i; if ( on >= 0 ) { for ( i=0; i < interp; i++ ) *(outData + outPoint + i) = (short) (32767. * *(output+i)); outPoint += interp; } for ( i = 0; i < Nw - interp; i++ ) *(output+i) = *(output + i + interp); for ( i = (Nw - interp); i < Nw; i++ ) *(output+i) = 0.; return self; } /* S is a spectrum in rfft format, i.e., it contains N real values arranged as real followed by imaginary values, except for first two values, which are real parts of 0 and Nyquist frequencies; convert first changes these into N/2+1 PAIRS of magnitude and phase values to be stored in output array C; the phases are then unwrapped and successive phase differences are used to compute estimates of the instantaneous frequencies for each phase vocoder analysis channel; decimation rate D and sampling rate R are used to render these frequency values directly in Hz. */ - convert { static int first = 1; static float *lastphase, fundamental, factor; float phase, phasediff; int real, imag, amp, freq; float a, b; int i; /* first pass: allocate zeroed space for previous phase values for each channel and compute constants */ if ( first ) { first = 0; lastphase = (float *) space( N2+1, sizeof(float) ); bzero(lastphase,(N2+1)*sizeof(float)); fundamental = srate / (float) (N2<<1); factor = srate / (decim * twopi); } /* unravel rfft-format spectrum: note that N2+1 pairs of values are produced */ for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { imag = freq = ( real = amp = i<<1 ) + 1; a = ( i == N2 ? *(buf+1) : *(buf+real) ); b = ( i == 0 || i == N2 ? 0. : *(buf+imag) ); /* compute magnitude value from real and imaginary parts */ *(channel+amp) = hypot( a, b ); /* compute phase value from real and imaginary parts and take difference between this and previous value for each channel */ if ( *(channel+amp) == 0. ) phasediff = 0.; else { phasediff = ( phase = -atan2( b, a ) ) - *(lastphase+i); *(lastphase+i) = phase; /* unwrap phase differences */ while ( phasediff > pi ) phasediff -= twopi; while ( phasediff < -pi ) phasediff += twopi; } /* convert each phase difference to Hz */ *(channel+freq) = (phasediff * factor) + (i * fundamental); } return self; } - convertFFT { int amp, phase; float a,b; register int i; for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { phase = (amp = i<<1) + 1; a = ( i == N2 ? *(buf+1) : *(buf+amp) ); b = ( i == 0 || i == N2 ? 0. : *(buf+phase) ); /* compute magnitude value from real and imaginary parts */ *(channel+amp) = hypot( a, b ); *(channel+phase) = -atan2( b, a ); } return self; } /* unconvert essentially undoes what convert does, i.e., it turns N2+1 PAIRS of amplitude and frequency values in C into N2 PAIR of complex spectrum data (in rfft format) in output array S; sampling rate R and interpolation factor I are used to recompute phase values from frequencies */ - unconvert { static int first = 1; static float *lastphase, fundamental, factor; int i, real, imag, amp, freq; float phase; /* first pass: allocate memory and compute constants */ if ( first ) { first = 0; lastphase = (float *) space( N2+1, sizeof(float) ); fundamental = srate / (float) (N2<<1); factor = twopi * interp / srate; } /* subtract out frequencies associated with each channel, compute phases in terms of radians per I samples, and convert to complex form */ for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { imag = freq = ( real = amp = i<<1 ) + 1; if ( i == N2 ) real = 1; *(lastphase+i) += *(channel+freq) - i * fundamental; phase = *(lastphase+i) * factor; *(buf+real) = *(channel+amp) * cos( phase ); if ( i != N2 ) *(buf+imag) = - *(channel+amp) * sin( phase ); } return self; } - unconvertFFT { int amp, phase; register int i; for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { phase = (amp = i<<1) + 1; if ( i == N2 ) *(buf+1) = *(channel+amp) * cos( *(channel+phase) ); else *(buf+amp) = *(channel+amp) * cos( *(channel+phase) ); if ( i != N2 ) *(buf+phase) = - *(channel+amp) * sin( *(channel+phase) ); } return self; } /* make balanced pair of analysis (A) and synthesis (S) windows; window lengths are Nw, FFT length is N, synthesis interpolation factor is I, and osc is true (1) if oscillator bank resynthesis is specified */ - makewindows { int i; float sum; /* basic Hamming windows */ for ( i = 0; i < Nw; i++ ) *(Hwin+i) = *(Wanal+i) = *(Wsyn+i) = 0.54 - (0.46 * cos( twopi * i / (Nw - 1) )); /* when Nw > N, also apply interpolating (sinc) windows to ensure that window are 0 at increments of N (the FFT length) away from the center of the analysis window and of I away from the center of the synthesis window */ if ( Nw > N ) { float x; /* take care to create symmetrical windows */ x = -(Nw - 1) / 2.; for ( i = 0; i < Nw; i++, x += 1. ) if ( x != 0. ) { *(Wanal+i) *= N * sin( (pi * x) / N ) / (pi*x); if ( interp ) *(Wsyn+i) *= interp * sin( (pi*x) / interp ) / (pi*x); } } /* normalize windows for unity gain across unmodified analysis-synthesis procedure */ for ( sum = i = 0; i < Nw; i++ ) sum += *(Wanal+i); for ( i = 0; i < Nw; i++ ) { float afac = 2./sum; float sfac = Nw > N ? 1./afac : afac; *(Wanal+i) *= afac; *(Wsyn+i) *= sfac; } if ( Nw <= N && interp ) { for ( sum = i = 0; i < Nw; i += interp ) sum += *(Wsyn+i) * *(Wsyn+i); for ( sum = 1./sum, i = 0; i < Nw; i++ ) *(Wsyn+i) *= sum; } return self; } /* input I is a folded spectrum of length N; output O and synthesis window W are of length Nw--overlap-add windowed, unrotated, unfolded input data into output O */ - overlapadd { int i, n; n = on; while ( n < 0 ) n += N; n %= N; for ( i = 0 ; i < Nw ; i++ ) { *(output+i) += *(buf+n) * *(Wsyn+i); if ( ++n == N ) n = 0; } return self; } /* multiply current input I by window W (both of length Nw); using modulus arithmetic, fold and rotate windowed input into output array O of (FFT) length N according to current input time n */ - fold { int i, n; n = in; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) *(buf+i) = 0.; while ( n < 0 ) n += N; n %= N; for ( i = 0; i < Nw; i++ ) { *(buf+n) += *(input+i) * *(Wanal+i); if ( ++n == N ) n = 0; } return self; } /* If forward is true, rfft replaces 2*N real data points in buf with N complex values representing the positive frequency half of their Fourier spectrum, with *(buf+1) replaced with the real part of the Nyquist frequency value. If forward is false, rfft expects buf to contain a positive frequency spectrum arranged as before, and replaces it with 2*N real values. N MUST be a power of 2. */ - rfft: (BOOL) forward { float c1,c2, h1r,h1i, h2r,h2i, wr,wi, wpr,wpi, temp, theta; float br,bi; int i, i1,i2,i3,i4, N2p1; theta = pi/N2; wr = 1.; wi = 0.; c1 = 0.5; if ( forward ) { c2 = -0.5; [self cfft:forward]; br = *buf; bi = *(buf+1); } else { c2 = 0.5; theta = -theta; br = *(buf+1); bi = 0.; *(buf+1) = 0.; } wpr = -2. * pow( sin( 0.5*theta ), 2. ); wpi = sin(theta); N2p1 = (N2 <<1) + 1; for ( i = 0; i <= N2 >> 1; i++ ) { i1 = i<<1; i2 = i1 + 1; i3 = N2p1 - i2; i4 = i3 + 1; if ( i == 0 ) { h1r = c1 * ( *(buf+i1) + br ); h1i = c1 * ( *(buf+i2) - bi ); h2r = -c2 * ( *(buf+i2) + bi ); h2i = c2 * ( *(buf+i1) - br ); *(buf+i1) = h1r + (wr * h2r) - (wi * h2i); *(buf+i2) = h1i + (wr * h2i) + (wi * h2r); br = h1r - (wr * h2r) + (wi * h2i); bi = -h1i + (wr * h2i) + (wi * h2r); } else { h1r = c1 * ( *(buf+i1) + *(buf+i3) ); h1i = c1 * ( *(buf+i2) - *(buf+i4) ); h2r = -c2 * ( *(buf+i2) + *(buf+i4) ); h2i = c2 * ( *(buf+i1) - *(buf+i3) ); *(buf+i1) = h1r + wr*h2r - wi*h2i; *(buf+i2) = h1i + wr*h2i + wi*h2r; *(buf+i3) = h1r - wr*h2r + wi*h2i; *(buf+i4) = -h1i + wr*h2i + wi*h2r; } wr = ((temp = wr) * wpr) - (wi * wpi) + wr; wi = (wi * wpr) + (temp * wpi) + wi; } if ( forward ) *(buf+1) = br; else [self cfft:forward]; return self; } /* cfft replaces float array x containing NC complex values (2*NC float values alternating real, imagininary, etc.) by its Fourier transform if forward is true, or by its inverse Fourier transform if forward is false, using a recursive Fast Fourier transform method due to Danielson and Lanczos. NC MUST be a power of 2. */ - cfft: (BOOL) forward { float wr,wi, wpr,wpi, theta, scale; int mmax, ND, m, i,j, delta; ND = N2<<1; bitreverse( buf, ND ); for ( mmax = 2; mmax < ND; mmax = delta ) { delta = mmax<<1; theta = twopi / ( forward? mmax : -mmax ); wpr = -2. * pow( sin( 0.5*theta ), 2. ); wpi = sin(theta); wr = 1.; wi = 0.; for ( m = 0; m < mmax; m += 2 ) { register float rtemp, itemp; for ( i = m; i < ND; i += delta ) { j = i + mmax; rtemp = ( wr * *(buf+j) ) - ( wi * *(buf+j+1) ); itemp = ( wr * *(buf+j+1) ) + ( wi * *(buf+j) ); *(buf+j) = *(buf+i) - rtemp; *(buf+j+1) = *(buf+i+1) - itemp; *(buf+i) += rtemp; *(buf+i+1) += itemp; } wr = ((rtemp = wr) * wpr) - (wi * wpi) + wr; wi = (wi * wpr) + (rtemp * wpi) + wi; } } /* scale output */ scale = forward ? 1./ND : 2.; { register float *bi=buf, *be=buf + ND; while ( bi < be ) *bi++ *= scale; } return self; } /* bitreverse places float array x containing N/2 complex values into bit-reversed order */ void bitreverse( float *buf,int N ) { float rtemp,itemp; int i,j, m; for ( i = j = 0; i < N; i += 2, j += m ) { if ( j > i ) { rtemp = *(buf+j); /* complex exchange */ itemp = *(buf+j+1); *(buf+j) = *(buf+i); *(buf+j+1) = *(buf+i+1); *(buf+i) = rtemp; *(buf+i+1) = itemp; } for ( m = N>>1; m >= 2 && j >= m; m >>= 1 ) j -= m; } } /* oscillator bank resynthesizer for phase vocoder analyzer uses sum of N+1 cosinusoidal table lookup oscillators to compute I (interpolation factor) samples of output O from N+1 amplitude and frequency value-pairs in C; frequencies are scaled by P */ - oscbank { static int NP, tablesize = 8192, first = 1; static float Iinv, *lastamp, *lastfreq, *index, *table, Pinc, ffac; int amp, freq, n, chan; /* first pass: allocate memory to hold previous values of amplitude and frequency for each channel, the table index for each oscillator, and the table itself; also compute constants */ if ( first ) { float twopioL = twopi / tablesize, tabscale; first = 0; lastamp = (float *) space( N2+1, sizeof(float) ); lastfreq = (float *) space( N2+1, sizeof(float) ); index = (float *) space( N2+1, sizeof(float) ); table = (float *) space( tablesize+1, sizeof(float) ); tabscale = ( Nw >= N2 ? N2 : 8 * N2 ); for ( n = 0; n < tablesize+1; n++ ) *(table+n) = tabscale*cos( twopioL*n ); Iinv = 1. / interp; Pinc = freqmlt * ( (float) tablesize ) / srate; ffac = freqmlt * pi / ((float) N2); if ( freqmlt > 1. ) NP = (int) ((float) N2 / freqmlt); else NP = N2; } /* for each channel, compute I samples using linear interpolation on the amplitude and frequency control values */ for ( chan=0; chan < NP; chan++ ) { register float a, ainc, f, finc, address; freq = ( amp = ( chan << 1 ) ) + 1; if ( *(channel+amp) < synt ) /* skip the little ones */ continue; *(channel+freq) *= Pinc; finc = ( *(channel+freq) - ( f = *(lastfreq+chan) ) ) *Iinv; ainc = ( *(channel+amp) - ( a = *(lastamp+chan) ) ) *Iinv; address = *(index+chan); /* accumulate the I samples from each oscillator into output array O (initially assumed to be zero); f is frequency in Hz scaled by oscillator increment factor and pitch (Pinc); a is amplitude; */ for ( n=0; n < interp; n++ ) { *(output+n) += a * *(table + ( (int) address )); address += f; while ( address >= (float) tablesize ) address -= (float) tablesize; while ( address < 0. ) address += (float) tablesize; a += ainc; f += finc; } /* save current values for next iteration */ *(lastfreq+chan) = *(channel+freq); *(lastamp+chan) = *(channel+amp); *(index+chan) = address; } return self; } @end
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