
This is PatchView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// PatchView.h
// By Jayson Adams, NeXT Developer Support Team
// You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
// NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to its
// fitness for any particular use.

#import <appkit/View.h>
#import "UnitGen.h"

#define 	UGENS 			26
#define 	NONE			0
#define	MOVING			1
#define	SETTING 		2
#define	CONNECTING	3

@interface PatchView:View
    	id     	currentImage;
	int		ugenType;
    	id	   	delegate;
	id		screenImage; 	// off-screen buffer
	NXPoint currentUgenCenter;
	BOOL	connecting;
	BOOL	selecting;
	BOOL	moving;
	BOOL	setting;
	BOOL	firstErase;
	BOOL	ugenselected;
	NXPoint *connPoint1;
	NXPoint *connPoint2;
	NXPoint erasePoint1;
	NXPoint erasePoint2;
	NXPoint *ePoint1;
	NXPoint *ePoint2;
	NXRect	*hrect;
	id		currentUgen;
	id		currentParam;
	id		connUgen1;
	id		connParam1;
	id		eraseParam;
	id		outUgen;
	id		paramVal;
	int 	choice;
	int	viewMode;

/* instance methods */
- setImages;
- windowChanged:newWindow;
- setUgen:(int)uType;
- setDelegate:anObject;
- (BOOL)windowEntered:dragSource;
- (BOOL)windowExited:dragSource;
- (BOOL)windowDropped:dragSource:(NXPoint *)currentLocation;
- erase:sender;
- mouseDraggedAction:(NXPoint *)currentLocation;
- mouseUpAction:(NXPoint *)currentLocation;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)count;

/* delegation methods */
- acceptedWindow:acceptView fromSource:source;


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