
This is Param.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <appkit/graphics.h>

#define	PARAM_SIZE	20;

@interface Param:Object
//	unit generator parameter (input or output)  object
	NXPoint location;		// location of param 	
	NXPoint offset;			// amount offset from location of ugen for rect
	NXPoint drawPoint;		// point to draw from for connector
	NXRect  rectangle;
	id		ugen;
	id		connectedParam;
	int		type;			// 0 = output, 1 = input
	char	value[20];
	char	title[10];

- init:ugen:(NXPoint *)theOffset;
- move:(NXPoint *)newloc;
- (NXRect *)getRect;
- (NXPoint *)getDrawPoint;
- setConnectedParam:param;
- getConnectedParam;
- setValue:(char *)val;
- (char *)getValue;
- getUgen;
- setTitle:(char *)tit;
- (char *)getTitle;


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