
This is Root.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

  struct rootFlags_
  { unsigned isAWindow:1 ;
  unsigned lock:1 ;
  unsigned clone: 1 ;
  unsigned wasMoved: 1 ;
  } ;
  #import "Glyph.h"
  @interface MKManager: Object
  - (double) beatsPerMinute ;
  - (double) deltaT ;
  - (BOOL) fastResponse ;
  - (double) headRoom ;
  - (double) samplingRate ;
  - (double) tickPeriod ;
  #define MAXENVS 256
  #define MAXPARTIALS 64
@interface Root:Glyph
{ @public
  id fGWin, bGWin, glyphView, tray, instanceManager ;
  Glyph *targetGlyph, *formerTargetGlyph, *superGlyph ;
  NXRect targetFrame ; // targetGlyph's frame in my coord sys
  NXRect clipRect ;    // clipping rectangle around targetGlyph
  NXRect visibleRect ; // visible portion of rootGlyph
  NXPoint mouseOffset ; // distance from mouse hit to target's origin
  struct rootFlags_ rootFlags ;
  id nRForPart[256] ; // array of note receivers (nRs[0] is unused)
  id mKNoteForPart[256] ; // "prototype" notes (mKNoteForPart[0] is unused)
  id envelopes[MAXENVS] ; // array of envelopes
  int envelopeCount ; 
  id partials[MAXPARTIALS] ; // array of wave tables
  int partialCount ;
- clearArrays ;
- envelope ;
- noteForPart: (int) partNum ;
- (id *) nRArray ;
- nRForPart: (int) partNum ;
- partial ;
- play:sender ;
- basicFree ;
- blowUp ; 
- clear ;
- clipRect: (NXRect *) aRect toGlyph: (Glyph *) aGlyph ;
- convertToScreen: (NXPoint *) aPnt ;
- debugWindows ;
- delete: (Glyph *) aGlyph ;
- display: (NXRect *) theRect  from: (Glyph *) startGlyph;
- displayRaised ;
- drawSelf: (NXRect *) aRect ;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount ;
- (Glyph *) formerTargetGlyph ;
- free ;
- freezeButton: theButton ;
- glyphView ;
- handOff: (NXPoint *) aPnt ;
- init: (float) width :(float) height ;
- (BOOL) inTarget: (Glyph *) theGlyph ;
- (BOOL) isLocked ;
- lock ;
- (BOOL) lockFocus ;
- unlockFocus ;
- mouseDown: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- mouseDragged: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- mouseUp: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- moveGlyph: (Glyph *) theGlyph toPoint: (NXPoint *) aPnt ofGlyph: (Glyph *) aGlyph ;
- newTarget: (Glyph *) tg ;
- printSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount ;
- receive: (Glyph *) aGlyt inWin: (id) aWin  at: (NXPoint *) aPnt offset: (NXPoint *) offset ;
- resignTargetGlyph ;
- resizeTargetBy: (double) w :(double) h pile: (BOOL) pile ;
- rightMouseDown: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- rightMouseDragged: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- rightMouseUp: (NXEvent *) anEvent ;
- scan ;
- setup ;
- sizeTo: (float) width :(float) height ;
- targetGlyph ;
- trayTest: (Glyph *) selGlyph ;
-read: (NXTypedStream *) stream ;
-write: (NXTypedStream *) stream ;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.