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ISO-MPEG Audio Layer 3 software only Encoder and Decoder for Unix
Version 2.00.

copyright Fraunhofer - IIS 1994, 1995

- evaluate highest quality perceptual audio compression technique
  available today
- software only encoder and decoder implementations
- implements ISO/MPEG Audio standard ISO/IEC IS 11172-3, Layer 3
- wide range of compression ratios including
      6:1   fully transparent quality 
     11:1   64 kbps per channel, very high quality
     16:1   still better than your average 16 bit 44.1 kHz sound card 
- music data is input in raw format (16 bit signed integer), in
  RIFF/WAVE format as used by Microsoft Windows .WAV files, in 
  AIFF/AIFC format as used by SGI and Mac or in .snd/.au format used
  by NeXT and Sun.
- 44.1kHz sampling frequency (32 kHz and 48 kHz also for registered users)
- packed bit stream conforming to ISO/MPEG Layer III
- output of decoder is in raw format (16 bit signed integer), 
  in .snd/.au format, in AIFF/AIFC format or in RIFF/WAVE format
- .WAV music files can be played with Windows Media Player
- Under rare circumstances the .WAV output is broken. Please use raw format
  in that cases.
- optional decoder output as 24 bit hex ascii data
- written by the very same people at Fraunhofer-IIS who did the 
  Layer III codecs for the ISO and ITU-R (former CCIR) tests 
  (best sound quality at low bit rates at all listening tests)
- commercial real time products for encoding and/or decoding of 
  Layer III are available. Contact one of the companies listed 
  in the file info.txt

This package (the l3dec/enc binaries) is distributed as shareware. 
You may work with the package for 30 days for evaluation purposes. 
If you want to use this package after the
evaluation period, you are required to register the package (see information
in the file register.txt). You may give copies of this package to other 
people as long as no file is changed and no file is omitted.

If you need further information on Layer 3 products or if you have
any questions concerning this shareware product, please send email to
layer3@iis.fhg.de or try http://www.iis.fhg.de/. 

You can also fax or mail your questions to

   Layer 3 support
   Fraunhofer - IIS
   Am Weichselgarten 3
   D-91058 Erlangen

Fax: + 49 9131 / 776 399


Don't forget that there are no warranties associated with this software.
While we believe that our software is reasonably bug free and well behaved,
we are in no way responsible if our software does not work the way you
would expect it to work. No matter if it locks up your computer, garbles
your floppy disks or does any other harmful things to your computer - it
is entirely your problem. 
Fraunhofer - IIS is not liable for any infringments or damages of 
third parties' rights in consequencs of your use of this shareware 
product. Fraunhofer - IIS is in no event liable for, respectively does 
not warrant the trustworthiness, quality, industrial exploitability, 
serviceability of this shareware product for the supposed purpose 
or any other purposes.

All brand names are registered trade marks of their respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.