
This is LPCPlot.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface LPCPlot:Object
    id	myPlot;
    id	myScroll;
    id	myView;
    id	numFrames;
    id	numPoles;
    id	curFrame;
    id	startFrame;
    id	endFrame;
    id	ampFrame;
    id	pitchFrame;
    id	addErrFrame;
    id	mulAmpFrame;
    id	mulPitchFrame;
    id	interpButton;
    id	topPitchFrame;
    id	botPitchFrame;
    id 	threshFrame;

    char	plotTitle[1024];
    char	filename[1024];
    int	openfd;
    int	poles;
    int	frames;
    int	numBytes;
    float	*lpcData;
    float	*pchData;
    int	hasData, framesize;
    float *PSAdata, *PSPdata;
    char	*PSops;
    float	step;
    float	zoomfactor;
    int	curzoom;
    float	threshold;
    float	*undoData;
    float	*undoLoc;
    int	undoSize;
    BOOL	dirty;

+ new:(const char *)title;
- (int) setLPCfile:(const char *)file;
- show:sender;
- drawData;
- setPoles:(int)pole;
- (int)getPoles;
- updateCursor:sender;
- changeCursor:sender;
- selectAll:sender;
- changeAmp:sender;
- changePitch:sender;
- interpolate:sender;
- multiplyAmp:sender;
- multiplyPitch:sender;
- addError:sender;
- save:sender;
- saveAs:sender;
- print:sender;
- plot;
- zoomIn:sender;
- zoomOut:sender;
- setThreshold:sender;
- doCopy:(NXStream *)selection;
- doCut:(NXStream *)selection;
- doInsert:(float *)data: (int) bytes;
- saveundo:(int)size:(float *)data;
- undo:sender;
- error:(char *)msg:(int)num;
- windowWillClose:sender;
- setDirty:(BOOL)val;
- (BOOL)isDirty;
- cursorSel:sender;
- cursorHair:sender;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.