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/* Standalone analysis program, reading fixed-point monaural sound files. * Currently set for maximum of 34 poles, & max anal segment of 500 samples, * meaning that the frame slices cannot exceed 250 samples. * Program size expands linearly with slice size, and as square of npoles. */ #include "sysdep.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <pwd.h> #define NEXT #include "sfheader.h" #include "lpsf.h" #include "lp.h" #define INCR 4 #define readin read extern char soundFile[], lpFile[], *comment; extern int npoles, lpframeoffset; extern float lpinskip, lpdur; extern void report(char *s); static int NPOLE; /* why are these external? -dll */ static int FRAME; static int NPP1; static int alpol(), gauss(), dies(), die(); static int debug=0, verbose=0; #define NDATA 4 /* number of data values stored with frame */ int anallpc () { int jj, slice, counter; float coef[POLEMAX+NDATA], inskip, dur; char *sfname; char *iname; char *oname; double errn, rms1, rms2, cc[40]; double sigi[FRAMAX]; long i, nsamps, skipbytes, outskip; struct SFDESC sfdesc; int anal, sfd, nbytes, nblpc, firstframe, nread; int n, hsize, esize; /* new declarations */ char inbuf[SIZEOF_HEADER], framerpt[64]; SFHEADER *sfh; int Hflag = 0; LPHEADER *lph; char *lpbuf, *tp; char c; int nframes; lpbuf = (char *) calloc(LPBUFSIZ, sizeof(char)); lph = (LPHEADER *) lpbuf; tp = lph->text; iname = &soundFile[0]; /* '\0' ==> stdin */ oname = &lpFile[0]; /* '\0' ==> stdout */ NPOLE = npoles; slice = lpframeoffset; inskip = lpinskip; dur = lpdur; /* should implement an EOF dur */ strncat(tp, comment, (LPBUFSIZ - sizeof(LPHEADER) + 4)); tp += strlen(tp); if ((anal = creat (oname,0644)) < 0) { dies ("cannot open output data file: %s", oname); return 0; } sfname = iname; if ((sfd = open (sfname,O_RDONLY)) < 0) { dies("cannot open sound file %s", sfname); close (anal); return 0; } if ((n = readin (sfd, inbuf, sizeof (SNDSoundStruct))) < sizeof (SNDSoundStruct)) { die("soundfile header read error"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } sfh = (SFHEADER *) inbuf; if (sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.magic != SND_MAGIC) { /* if (sfmagic (sfh) != SF_MAGIC) { */ dies("%s is not a soundfile", iname); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } /* sfdesc.sf_chans = sfchans(sfh); sfdesc.sf_class = sfclass(sfh); sfdesc.sf_srate = sfsrate(sfh);*/ sfdesc.sf_chans = sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.channelCount; switch (sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.dataFormat) { case SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16: sfdesc.sf_class = SF_SHORT; break; case SND_FORMAT_FLOAT: sfdesc.sf_class = SF_FLOAT; break; default: die ("data format must be short or float"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } sfdesc.sf_srate = sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.samplingRate; if (debug) { fprintf(stderr, "sf_chans=%d sf_srate=%d sf_class=%d\n", sfdesc.sf_chans, sfdesc.sf_srate, sfdesc.sf_class); } if(sfdesc.sf_chans != 1) { die("takes monaural files only"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } if (NPOLE > POLEMAX) { dies("poles exceeds maximum allowed"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } FRAME = slice * 2; if (FRAME > FRAMAX) { die("framesize (inter-frame-offset*2) exceeds maximum allowed"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } lph->lpmagic = LP_MAGIC; lph->srate = sfdesc.sf_srate; lph->npoles = NPOLE; lph->nvals = NPOLE + 4; lph->framrate = lph->srate / (float) slice; lph->duration = dur; /* compute header size */ hsize = tp - (char *) lph; /* sizeof text */ esize = INCR - (hsize % INCR); /* round up to 4 byte boundary */ if (esize == 4) esize = 0; /* if we need it */ lph->headersize = hsize + esize; if (lph->headersize >= (LPBUFSIZ - sizeof(LPHEADER) + 4)) lph->headersize = LPBUFSIZ; if (write(anal, (char *) lph, lph->headersize) < lph->headersize) { die("anallpc: can't write header"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } lseek (sfd, sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.dataLocation, L_SET); skipbytes = (long)(inskip * sfdesc.sf_srate) * (long)sfdesc.sf_class; if (lseek (sfd, skipbytes, L_INCR) < 0) { die ("bad sflseek on skip"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } /* fprintf(stderr,"Specify starting output frame number\t"); /* scanf("%d",&firstframe); /* for now we'll just say to start at 0 ('C' mind set) */ firstframe = 0; NPP1 = NPOLE+1; nblpc = (NPOLE + NDATA)*FLOAT; outskip = firstframe * nblpc + lph->headersize; /* headersize is new */ if ((lseek (anal,outskip,0)) < 0) { die("Bad lseek on analysis file"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } nsamps = dur * sfdesc.sf_srate; nbytes = FRAME * sfdesc.sf_class; /* bytes for whole frame */ if ((nread = readin(sfd, (char *)sigi, nbytes)) != nbytes) { die("soundfile read error: couldn't fill first frame"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } if (sfdesc.sf_class == SF_SHORT) { short *pt = (short *) &sigi[0]; for (i = FRAME - 1; i >= 0; i--) sigi[i] = (double) pt[i]; } else { /* SF_FLOAT */ float *pt = (float *) &sigi[0]; for (i = FRAME - 1; i >= 0; i--) sigi[i] = (double) pt[i]; } /* for(i=0;i<FRAME;i++) printf("%d ",sigi[i]); */ nbytes >>= 1; /* bytes to refill halfframe */ counter = 1; nframes = nsamps / slice; for (i = 0; i < nsamps; ) { if (!alpol(sigi,&errn,&rms1,&rms2,cc)) { close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } coef[0] = (float)rms2; coef[1] = (float)rms1; coef[2] = (float)errn; coef[3] = 0.; /* for pitch of this frame */ /* reverse the coefs & change sign */ for(jj=NDATA; jj<NPOLE+NDATA; jj++) coef[jj] = (float)-cc[NPOLE-jj+(NDATA - 1)]; /* then write the anal frame */ if ((n = write(anal, (char *)coef, nblpc)) != nblpc) { die("write error"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } sprintf (framerpt, "frame %5d of %5d", counter++, nframes); report (framerpt); for(jj=0; jj<slice; jj++,i++) /* now move slice forward */ sigi[jj] = sigi[jj+slice]; /* & refill: */ for (jj = slice; jj < FRAME; jj++) sigi[jj] = 0.0; if ((n = readin(sfd, (char *)(sigi+slice), nbytes)) <= 0) break; /* ran up against eof */ if (sfdesc.sf_class == SF_SHORT) { short *pt = (short *) &sigi[slice]; for (jj = FRAME - 1; jj >= slice; jj--) sigi[jj] = (double) pt[jj - slice]; } else { /* SF_FLOAT */ float *pt = (float *) &sigi[slice]; for (jj = FRAME - 1; jj >= slice; jj--) sigi[jj] = (double) pt[jj - slice]; } } close (anal); close (sfd); return 1; } static int alpol(sig, errn, rms1, rms2, c) double *sig, *errn, *rms1, *rms2, *c; { double a[POLEMAX][POLEMAX], v[POLEMAX], b[POLEMAX]; double *vp=v, *bp=b; double sum, sumx, sumy; int k1, i, l, k, limit, j; k1 = NPOLE + 1; for (i = 0; i < NPOLE; ++i) { sum = (double) 0.0; for (k = NPOLE; k < FRAME; ++k) sum += sig[k-(i+1)] * sig[k]; v[i] = -sum; if (i != NPOLE - 1) { limit = NPOLE - (i+1); for (l=0; l < limit ;++l) { sum += sig[NPOLE-(i+1)-(l+1)] * sig[NPOLE-(l+1)] - sig[FRAME-(i+1)-(l+1)] * sig[FRAME-(l+1)]; a[(i+1)+l][l] = a[l][(i+1)+l] = sum; } } } sum = (double) 0.0; for (k = NPOLE; k < FRAME; ++k) sum += sig[k] * sig[k]; sumy = sumx = sum; for (l = 0; l < NPOLE; ++l) { sum += sig[NPOLE-(l+1)] * sig[NPOLE-(l+1)] - sig[FRAME-(l+1)] * sig[FRAME-(l+1)]; a[l][l] = sum; } if (!gauss (a, v, b)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < NPOLE; ++i) sumy = sumy - b[i] * v[i]; *rms1 = sqrt(sumx/(double) (FRAME - k1 + 1) ); *rms2 = sqrt(sumy/(double) (FRAME - k1 + 1) ); *errn = (*rms2 * *rms2) / (*rms1 * *rms1); for (bp = b; bp - b < NPOLE; ++bp, ++c) *c = *bp; return 1; } static int gauss(aold, bold, b) double aold[POLEMAX][POLEMAX], *bold, *b; { double amax, dum, pivot; double c[POLEMAX], a[POLEMAX][POLEMAX]; int i, j, k, l, istar, ii, lp; /* aold and bold untouched by this subroutine */ for (i=0; i < NPOLE ;++i) { c[i] = bold[i]; for (j = 0; j < NPOLE; ++j) a[i][j] = aold[i][j]; } /* eliminate i-th unknown */ for (i = 0; i < NPOLE - 1; ++i) { /* find largest pivot */ amax = 0.0; for (ii = i; ii < NPOLE; ++ii) { if (fabs (a[ii][i]) >= amax) { istar = ii; amax = fabs (a[ii][i]); } } if (amax < 1e-20) { die("gauss: ill-conditioned"); return 0; } for (j = 0; j < NPOLE; ++j) { /* switch rows */ dum = a[istar][j]; a[istar][j] = a[i][j]; a[i][j] = dum; } dum = c[istar]; c[istar] = c[i]; c[i] = dum; /* pivot */ for (j = i + 1; j < NPOLE; ++j) { pivot = a[j][i] / a[i][i]; c[j] = c[j] - pivot * c[i]; for (k = 0; k < NPOLE; ++k) a[j][k] = a[j][k] - pivot * a[i][k]; } } /* return if last pivot is too small */ if (fabs (a[NPOLE-1][NPOLE-1]) < 1e-20) { die("gauss: ill-conditioned"); return 0; } *(b+NPOLE-1) = c[NPOLE-1] / a[NPOLE-1][NPOLE-1]; /* back substitute */ for (k = 0; k < NPOLE - 1; ++k) { l = NPOLE-1 -(k+1); *(b+l) = c[l]; lp = l + 1; for (j = lp; j < NPOLE; ++j) *(b+l) += -a[l][j] * *(b+j); *(b+l) /= a[l][l]; } return(1); } static char errmsg[60]; static int dies(s,t) char *s, *t; { sprintf(errmsg,s,t); return die(errmsg); } static int die(s) char *s; { report (s); return 0; } #define PFRAMSIZ 2 /* words per frame (pitch&rms */ #define PCHSIZE 16 /* record size in float words */ #define BPPFRAME FLOAT*PFRAMSIZ /* bytes per frame */ #define BPPREC BPPFRAME*PCHSIZE /* bytes per record */ #define FPPREC PCHSIZE/PFRAMSIZ /* frames per record */ static float PFPS; /* pitch frames per second */ static float sampspf; static int pitches; static int lpclast; static float getfreq(); extern char ptFile[]; extern float ptframerate; int lpconcat () { int anal,j; int npoles,lpcframe,pchframe,pchlast,nbpch; long nskiplpc,nskippch,nblpc; char *input, *output; float pch[2],val,sr,time; LPHEADER *lph; char lpbuf[LPBUFSIZ]; char c; input = &ptFile[0]; output = &lpFile[0]; PFPS = ptframerate; /* this is ptrack.c default SR/JSLIDE */ lpcframe = 0; lpclast = -1; /* to EOF */ if((anal = open (output,2)) < 0) { report ("Can't open lpc analysis file"); return 0; } if((pitches = open (input,0)) < 0) { report ("Can't open pitch analysis file"); return 0; } if ((j = read (anal, lpbuf, LPBUFSIZ)) <= 0) { report ("Can't read header on lpc analysis file"); return 0; } lph = (LPHEADER *) lpbuf; npoles = lph->npoles; sr = lph->srate; sampspf = sr / lph->framrate; nblpc = (npoles+4)*FLOAT - FLOAT;/*to beginning of next pchloc*/ nskiplpc = (long)(lpcframe)*(long)(nblpc+FLOAT) + (3*FLOAT); /* pch is 4th data value in fr*/ if((lseek (anal,nskiplpc + lph->headersize,0)) < 0) { /* add */ report ("Bad lseek on analysis file"); /* headersize */ return 0; } for(j = lpcframe; ;j++) { time = (float)j*sampspf/sr; if ((j > lpclast && lpclast != -1) || (time > lph->duration)) break; /* * if((read(pitches,(char *)pch,nbpch)) != nbpch) { * printf("Bad read on pitch analysis file\n"); * exit(1); * } */ if ((val = getfreq (time)) < 0.0) return 0; if((write(anal,(char *)&val,FLOAT)) != FLOAT) { report ("Bad write on lpc analysis file"); return 0; } lseek (anal,nblpc,1); } return 1; } static float getfreq(time) float time; { int i,j,frame; float fframe,fraction,cps,error; static int oldframe = 0; static int endframe = 0; static float parray[PCHSIZE*2]; fframe = time * PFPS; frame = (int)fframe; fraction = fframe - (float)frame; if(!((frame >= oldframe) && (frame < endframe))) { if(lseek(pitches,((long)frame*(long)BPPFRAME),0) < 0) { report ("Bad lseek on pitch file"); return -1.0; } read (pitches,(char *)parray,BPPREC); oldframe = frame; endframe = oldframe + FPPREC - 1; } cps = (1.-fraction) * *(parray+(frame-oldframe)*PFRAMSIZ) + fraction * *((parray+(frame-oldframe)*PFRAMSIZ)+2); error = (1.-fraction) * *(parray+(frame-oldframe)*PFRAMSIZ+1) + fraction * *((parray+(frame-oldframe)*PFRAMSIZ)+3); return(cps); } /* PTRACK - Standalone pitch analysis program. Revised dll@ems. * Reads a fixed-point monaural sound file (with or without header). * * Program accepts command-line data (see man entry), * or with -q will querie the user for the following: * * -Name of soundfile. * -Sampling rate (if no header). * -Name of file to contain analysis data--can be an old or null file. * -Framesize. The size of the frame to be analyzed, in samples. * Maximum is 350, which has been good working number. Frame should * be able to contain at least one expected pitch period of signal. * -JSLIDE. The number of new samples to add per frame. This number * should normally be less than half of LSLICE. 125 is good for 15k * and 250 is good for 30k sampling rate. * This number reflects the real time period of the frame, i.e. how * far you creep up for each frame in the signal. * -pchlow and pchigh-- expected lower and upper bounds of analysis. * the better you guess at this, the better the quantization will * be in the analysis. * At the present time the highest fundamental analyzable is about SR/20 * cps, due to the settings of the lowpass filter. This can be fixed * by using interpolation, as in the fortran version of this program, * or, more sensibly, different filters. * -inskip, amount of time to skip on input file before beginning analysis. * The program is now written to write data sequentially beginning at the * start of the data file, but this can be changed by simple adding an * lseek. * (inskip should match the -s value in soundout). * -dur, amount of time to analyze. This should equal, but not * exceed the -d value from soundout. * The following is good for a 15k signal, for example: * * inname 15000 outname * 350 125 * 200 300 * 0 .5 * */ #include "ptrack.h" extern float ptinskip, ptdur, sr, ptlowest, pthighest; extern int ptframesize, ptframeoffset; extern double lowpass(); extern void init_lowpass(); int LSLICE, JSLIDE, JMAX, MM; float SR, NYQ; static float gtphi[50][5][MAXMM],gtpsi[50][6][MAXMM]; static float gtgamph[50][5],gtgamps[50][6]; int ptrack () { double sig[PFRAMAX]; int MIDPOINT,needed,howmuch; float freq[50]; float getpch(),getrms(), ptable(); float pchlow,pchigh,input[4]; FILE *pdata; int i,n,jj,anal,framesize,sampsize; long nsamps; float data[2],inskip,dur; char *name, *fullsfname, ptrpt[64]; char *sigp,*sigtemp; double rmsm,freqm,rmsx,freqx; SFHEADER *sfh; char sfbuf[SIZEOF_HEADER]; char *sfname; int sfd, sfn, counter; int Hflag = 0; char c; int rflag = 0; sfname = &soundFile[0]; /* '\0' => stdin */ name = &ptFile[0]; /* '\0' => stdout */ LSLICE = ptframesize; /* 350 is max! */ JSLIDE = ptframeoffset; pchlow = ptlowest; pchigh = pthighest; inskip = ptinskip; dur = ptdur; /* should implement an EOF dur! */ SR = sr; if ((anal = creat (name,0644)) < 0) { /* create if not exists */ dies("ptrack: can't open output data file %s", name); return 0; } fullsfname = sfname; if ((sfd = open (fullsfname,O_RDONLY)) < 0) { dies("Ptrack: can't open soundfile %s",fullsfname); close (anal); return 0; } if ((sfn = readin (sfd,sfbuf,sizeof (SNDSoundStruct))) < sizeof (SNDSoundStruct)) { die("Ptrack: error reading soundfile header"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } sfh = (SFHEADER *) sfbuf; /* if (!ismagic(sfh)) {*/ if (sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.magic != SND_MAGIC) { dies("Ptrack: %s is not a soundfile",sfname); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } switch (sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.dataFormat) { case SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16: sampsize = SF_SHORT; break; case SND_FORMAT_FLOAT: sampsize = SF_FLOAT; break; default: die ("data format must be short or float"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } { /* do input skipping */ long skipbytes; int nread; lseek (sfd, sfh->sfinfo.NeXTheader.dataLocation, L_SET); skipbytes = (long) (inskip * SR * sampsize); if (lseek (sfd,skipbytes,L_INCR) < 0) { die("bad sflseek on skip"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } } NYQ = SR/2.; JMAX = LSLICE/10; MM = ((LSLICE/10+1)/2); MIDPOINT = LSLICE - JSLIDE; sigp = (char *)(sig+MIDPOINT); ptable(pchlow,pchigh,gtphi,gtpsi,gtgamph,gtgamps,freq,n); if ((jj = readin(sfd,(char *)sig,LSLICE*sampsize)) != LSLICE*sampsize) { die("Ptrack: couldn't fill first frame"); close (anal); close (sfd); return 0; } if (sampsize == SF_SHORT) { short *pt = (short *) &sig[0]; for (i = LSLICE - 1; i >= 0; i--) sig[i] = (double) pt[i]; } else { /* SF_FLOAT */ float *pt = (float *) &sig[0]; for (i = LSLICE - 1; i >= 0; i--) sig[i] = (double) pt[i]; } init_lowpass (); for (i = 0; i < LSLICE; i++) sig[i] = lowpass (sig[i]); nsamps = SR * dur; counter = 1; while (nsamps) { data[0] = getpch(sig,gtphi,gtpsi,gtgamph,gtgamps,freq,n); data[1] = getrms(sig); write (anal,(char *)data,8); sprintf (ptrpt, "frame %5d, pitch = %8.2f", counter++, data[0]); report (ptrpt); sigp = (char *)(sig+MIDPOINT); for (i = 0; i < MIDPOINT; i++) sig[i] = sig[i+JSLIDE]; howmuch = 0; needed = JSLIDE * sampsize; if ((howmuch = readin (sfd,sigp,needed)) != needed) break; if (sampsize == SF_SHORT) { short *pt = (short *) &sig[MIDPOINT]; for (jj = LSLICE - 1; jj >= MIDPOINT; jj--) sig[jj] = (double) pt[jj - MIDPOINT]; } else { /* SF_FLOAT */ float *pt = (float *) &sig[MIDPOINT]; for (jj = LSLICE - 1; jj >= MIDPOINT; jj--) sig[jj] = (double) pt[jj - MIDPOINT]; } for(i = MIDPOINT; i < LSLICE; i++) sig[i] = lowpass (sig[i]); nsamps -= JSLIDE; } close (anal); close (sfd); return 1; } void lpdump (FILE *outfile) { int fd, nbytes, l, framsize, i, frmno = 0; char lpbuf[LPBUFSIZ], dumprpt[32]; float frmbuf[MAXFRAME]; LPHEADER *lph; if ((fd = open (lpFile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { dies ("lpdump: can't open %s", lpFile); return; } if ((nbytes = read (fd, lpbuf, LPBUFSIZ)) <= 0) { dies ("lpdump: read error on %s", lpFile); close (fd); return; } lph = (LPHEADER *) lpbuf; if (lph->lpmagic != LP_MAGIC) { dies ("lpdump: %s is not an lpfile", lpFile); close (fd); return; } if ((l = lseek (fd, lph->headersize, 0)) < 0) { dies ("lpdump: bad lseek on %s", lpFile); close (fd); return; } framsize = lph->nvals * FLOAT; while (++frmno) { if ((read (fd, (char *) frmbuf, framsize)) < framsize) { die ("End of lp file"); close (fd); return; } fprintf(outfile, "\n\nFrame #%d\n",frmno); sprintf (dumprpt, "dumping frame %d", frmno); report (dumprpt); fprintf(outfile, "rms1: %f rms2: %f error: %f cps: %f\n",frmbuf[0], frmbuf[1], frmbuf[2], frmbuf[3]); fprintf(outfile, "Coeffs:"); for (i = 0; i < lph->npoles; i++) { if ((i % 6) == 0) fprintf (outfile, "\n "); fprintf (outfile, "%10.6f ", frmbuf[4 + i]); } fprintf (outfile, "\n"); } }
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