
This is the README for InstrumentBuilder.1.0.NI.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

			InstrumentBuilder version 1.0
	InstrumentBuilder is a graphic tool for creating instruments for the computer 
music program cmusic (some attempts have been made to make it csound compatible as well).  Users drag and drop unit generators on a page, connect them, and "unparse" the instruments directly into cmusic scores.  Users can also "parse" cmusic scores, have InstrumentBuilder extract the instrument definitions from them, and create its version of the instruments.
	This release of InstrumentBuilder runs under NeXTSTEP 3.x, requires about 4 MB of disk space, and is compiled for both black and white hardware.  InstrumentBuilder is shareware but costs nothing to register (I only ask that users do register it).
Some Key Features:
	·  Graphic, user-friendly environment for creating cmusic instruments.
	·  Drag and drop unit generators into instruments and control-click to connect 
	·  Users can unparse directly into existing scores, or they can create new 
	·  Users can parse an existing score, having IB extract the instruments from 
	·  IB learns about unit generators at runtime through an external file (ibdef), 
		so it is not locked into a fixed set of unit generators, and default unit 
		generator characteristics can be modified at anytime.
	·  The unit generator palette can be reloaded at any time -- and from any ibdef 
	·  IB is very configurable.
	·  Multiple scores can be open at a time, and scores can have mutiple 
	·  Cut and paste unit generators between instruments or scores.
	·  You can save your score as an "InstrumentBuilder Score" (.ibs), thereby saving 
		the placement of the windows, the placement of the unit generators, scale 
		factor of  the instruments, etc.
	·  You can create "Groups" -- a set of unit generators grouped together inside
	        another unit generator.  This allows you to quickly add features to 
		your instrument by dropping a Group into it.
        ·  Groups can be saved in "InstrumentBuilder Group" files (.ibg).  These files
	        can be loaded at anytime, and you can have InstrumentBuilder load them
		automatically as it loads unit generators from an ibdef file.
	·  Full on-line Help.
Enhancements from version .99:
	·  You can now directly connect two ugs by draging from one's out to another's 
		in. IB will automatically choose the buffer for you (unless you choose 
		otherwise through the inspector panel).
	·  In display mode, title's appear on inputs if the field is blank.
	·  Outputs are now displayed vertically like inputs.
	·  Printing problem fixed!!!
	·  Scrolling problem fixed!!!
	·  Sets of unit generators grouped together are now called "Groups" rather than
	        "Macros" to avoid confusion with cmusic macros like SPACE.
	·  Group file's file extension has been changed from "ibmacro" to "ibg"
	·  Creating Groups has been made more bullet proof and works properly.

	Included with this release of InstrumentBuilder is the support file "cmusic.ibdef".  InstrumentBuilder will need this file, or one like it, in order to know what unit generators are available.  This file can be called anything ending in ".ibdef", and can be modified to your hearts content.  See the help section on ibdef files for more info on modifying them.  When you first run InstrumentBuilder, you will be prompted for the location of the .ibdef file.  Select the one that came with this distribution.  Later, if you wish to change the file or its location, you should change the filename through the Preferences panel.
	Also included with this release of InstrumentBuilder is a directory called "Examples" containing some cmusic scores to try InstrumentBuilder out with.
	Mark Trombino
		Center for Research in Computing in the Arts, U.C.S.D.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.