
This is the README for Guitar.1.0.s.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

what comes to your mind when thinking of using black hardware?
Playing rock guitar of course.
So recently I brought together what belonges together: A rock guitar learning app for black hardware. And since it was such a big help for me I want to submit it to the public.
It requires NeXTSTEP 3.2 or higher, source is included. You may recompile it for other platformes. For saving bandwidth I didn't sample all the sounds. This may be done by someone else.

Here's the docu:
There are two major modes: info mode and training mode.
In info mode you can enter a note by any inspector and it is reflected by all other inspectors.
In training mode there are some sub modes. Depending on which sub mode is selected, an inspector displays a random note when pressing the NeXT button. Then you must enter the same note with the requested other inspector. If you're right, it smiles at you. You may try as often as you like. Further you may turn off sound. Sounds are sampled only up to the high e-string. The random notes cover the most often used notes. Once again anybody may change the random generator to train his specific range.

This is version 1.0.

Greets, Pirmin.

Pirmin Braun; BIW GmbH; Werkstr. 24; 71384 Weinstadt; Germany
Phone: 0049 7151 602 484; Fax: 0049 7151 602 341
Home:  0049  711 5170029
#include <StandardDisclaimers.h>

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.