This is the complete NeXTanswers file tree, available for anonymous ftp in five forms: * The original documents, stored in plain text, Rich Text, PostScript, and other formats, are available in pub/NeXTanswers/Files. * Compressed copies of the documents are in pub/NeXTanswers/CompressedFiles. * ASCII text versions of the documents are in pub/NeXTanswers/AsciiFiles. * HTML versions of the documents are in pub/NeXTanswers/HTMLFiles. | * A single file called NA.compressed containing all of pub/NeXTanswers/Files. | | The compressed files are also available by NeXTanswers index number | in pub/NeXTanswers/ByNumber. For example, document 1119_NeXTanswers_News.txt | is in pub/NeXTanswers/ByNumber as 1119.compressed. | | (The compression is the same used by the NEXTSTEP Workspace Manager. | The compressed versions are created with the command | "gnutar cZf file.compressed file". To decompress a document, use | Workspace Manager or the command "gnutar xZvf file.compressed". | gnutar comes with NEXTSTEP and is available from NB: 95-11-10 NA.compressed removed; there's a problem with the system that builds it. For now, do: ftp bin cd pub/NeXTanswers get Files.tar.Z If you're running NEXTSTEP, ftp the compressed files and double-click on them in the Workspace. If you don't have access to NEXTSTEP, the AsciiDocuments are probably your best bet. pub/NeXTanswers contains the text file "1001_Master_Index". This file is a guide to all the directories. NeXTanswers is also available via world-wide-web, e-mail, BBS, and fax. See document pub/NeXTanswers/1000_Help for information. To report problems, send electronic mail to Thank you, NeXTanswers Enterprise Technical Support Apple Computer, Inc
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by