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		 Emacs for Windows NT and Windows 95

This file describes Emacs on Windows NT and Windows 95.  Both ports
support the base functionality of Emacs as well as the windowing
features (colors, fonts, menus, scrollbars).  Currently, due to
limitations encountered with the Win95 command.com, only the NT port
supports subprocesses.

For instructions on building and installing Emacs, or obtaining
precompiled versions, see the INSTALL file in this directory.

This release should run on your system with relatively few bugs.  If
you do encounter Windows specific problems, please first check the web
page to see if the bug has been encountered already.  If not, please
email me directly with a description of the problem, and please
include the version of Emacs and the version and type of the operating
system and compiler you are using.

Also, if you are interested in testing out trial versions that are
less stable but have potentially more functionality, browse

A description of the current state of the port, including bugs
encountered and workarounds, can be found in
http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/voelker/ntemacs.html.  If you do
not have direct WWW access, then you can access the WWW using telnet
or email: for telnet access, run "telnet telnet.w3.org"; for email
access, send email to "agora@mail.w3.org" with "SEND
http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Agora/Help.txt" in the body of the

For more recent release notes, see the ChangeLog in this directory.



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Old release notes:
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Merged in 19.28 patches.  Fixed myriad small bugs, including:

* dired finds directories
* random now really is random
* directory-file-name handles UNC names
* M-C key sequences (and [home] and [end]) now work 
* C-, M-, and M-C- punctuation keys now work
* can change the bell sound using set-message-beep


Now up to 19.27.  See nt\ChangeLog for all the gory details.

If you've used a previous version, you should look over these changes
that were made to the runtime environment for emacs:

* For the .emacs file, switched from the emacs.dot convention to the
_emacs convention of the MSDOS version to keep things consistent.
Simply rename your emacs.dot or .emacs file to _emacs.

* Emacs now uses INFOPATH instead of EMACSINFOPATH to find info files.
(This change has been reflected in emacs.cmd).

* Emacs now relies upon the environment variable TERM to be set; "set
TERM=CMD" does the trick.  (This change has also been reflected in

* The system-type lisp variable "Windows-NT" is now "windows-nt" to
conform to the existing lower-case convention for this variable.

Many thanks to Sridhar Boovaragh and Matt Rhoten for the help in beta
testing the software.



The Emacs port to NT has been upgraded to 19.25 and improved.  
It now supports:

- dumping
- binary files in a reasonable way
- larger files (~12MB)
- case-insensitive completion (actually, it only needed to be enabled)
- proper expand-file-name processing (i.e., "c:\foo\d:\baz" does
  the right thing...can't believe I let that go so long).
- adoption of MSDOS convention of using _emacs instead of emacs.dot
- plus myriad other small fixes

See the nt\install file for latest directions on installing emacs.



This is a port of Emacs version 19.17 for Microsoft Windows NT.  Once
the dust settles on the latest version of the main emacs source (19.22
at this writing) and I get more time, this port will be rolled

The port has most of the Unix emacs functionality, in particular
subprocesses (and, hence, support for the compile, shell, and grep
modes, among others --- for dired, though, you need a 32-bit version
of ls for now).  However, the port is still rough around the edges
(the degree of integration with Windows is small as compared with X,
for example).  

If something is very obviously broken, it shouldn't be; let me know

For those people who feel particularly hackish, you can browse through
the TODO.NT file and chip away at the remaining things that need to be
done (this also serves as the problems file, so if you encounter a
problem first look here to see if it's been noted).  The vast world of
lisp packages is relatively unexplored, for example.

If you do fix broken lisp packages, or trace down bugs in the emacs
source, send fixes back so that they can be integrated into the main
distribution for everyone to use.  It would be great to hear about
bugs _and_ their fixes, but send the bugs too.  Also, the port has
been tested only on mips and i386 boxes.  It will be interesting to
test it out on other architectures.

Read the INSTALL.NT file for directions on installing emacs.
Regarding disk space requirements, with the mips version the build
tree requires ~27 MBytes of disk space; if you install in the same
directory, add ~3 MBytes; if you install in another directory, add ~16





For a brief history, Tim Fleehart did a lot of the hard work porting
emacs 18.58 to NT.  I upgraded the port to 19.17, changed the memory
allocation, added subprocess support, etc.  Drew Bliss then did a
thorough job improving child process support, signal handling, and
keyboard and mouse events.  I am sure that I can't credit Tim and Drew
enough for all that they have done, and hope they forgive me for
leaving anything out.  Darach Foskett and John Sichi graciously tested
the distribution and provided very helpful feedback.  As with any
large piece of software, many others have also made contributions, but
if I started to list names I would leave someone out.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.