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From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT laser printer: can not load paper... Date: 31 Mar 1998 07:00:26 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6fq4aa$5db$> References: <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804121801!0023491111 In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: >I have a NeXT laser printer that does not work well. Everything appears >fine except that it can not load paper from the paper tray. >Do I need to replace the roller ass'y? or just part of the ass'y? >What are the good sources for the part(s)? I called DecisionOne and ordered the assembly. You may be able to take the initial assembly and flip the rubber roller inside out and reuse it. This topic has been discussed before and I believe someone recently posted the procedures. Check dejanews. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Next mouse Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 08:38:34 -0600 Organization: All USENET -- Sender: @ Message-ID: <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804121801!0023948767 Is it possible to use a next ADB mouse on a macintosh 1400? Thanks. Greg
From: Timothy Luoma <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 10:07:47 -0500 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <6fremk$iq0$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131801!0031697924 On 31 Mar 1998, Charles Swiger wrote: > People want to port another system to it for a couple of reasons: > > 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 networking, > virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall support, etc. Of course the limitation of not being able to have 2 Ethernet ports would make NeXT-as-firewall/router difficult, unless I'm missing something... > 2) Hacking and educational value of having source-code availability for > an OS that runs on black hardware. Especially nice when the latest DoS attack has been made known and the answer from NeXT is either "Upgrade to 4.2" and/or "Wait for the next release".... Any bugfix that is not in 4.2 won't help anyone with NeXT hardware, and there are those of us with 25MHz/32ram max NeXTstations who assume that OpenStep would be too slow to use... > A black machine isn't state of the art, truly, but it's an entirely > reasonable system to use as a proxy server, firewall, or what have you.... Indeed. If it had another Ethernet port I would be using it as such. I know folks who are using a 386 as a router/firewall with Linux or FreeBSD TjL
From: "Alien" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Monitors with PowerMacs Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 10:51:19 -0600 Organization: The University of Iowa Message-ID: <6fr74d$oem$> References: <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804122201!0017960835 The original NeXT B&W monitors (4000 and 4000a) require a connection to the power supply in the cube. Any of the color monitors can be made to work if used with the appropriate sync adapter. Jason Schneiderman wrote in message <>... >Do the NeXT monitors work with any PowerMacs? >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: SiS 5591 m/b (e.g. Gigabyte GA-586SG) Date: 02 Apr 1998 01:30:34 +0900 Organization: 3Web internet service Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.106) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804132201!0015801564 Hi. I want to know whether SiS5591 based PC motherboard such as Gigabyte GA-586SG can be used to run OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach. In fact, I am particularly interested in this mother board for upgrading my current system with minimum cost. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Toshinao Ishii $B@P0f=SD>(B email: (NeXTMAIL/MIME Welcome)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT laser printer: can not load paper... Date: 31 Mar 1998 20:36:24 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6frk48$6nl$> References: <> <6fq4aa$5db$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804130201!0010156100 In <6fq4aa$5db$> Ken Lui wrote: > In article <>, > Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >I have a NeXT laser printer that does not work well. Everything appears > >fine except that it can not load paper from the paper tray. > >Do I need to replace the roller ass'y? or just part of the ass'y? > >What are the good sources for the part(s)? > > I called DecisionOne and ordered the assembly. You may be able > to take the initial assembly and flip the rubber roller inside > out and reuse it. This topic has been discussed before and I > believe someone recently posted the procedures. Check dejanews. > This is for all the folks that are having the above problems & others. I've started what I consider a decent set of web pages on Trouble Shooting the NeXT Laser Printer & Repair at the following URL also for grins folks can check out the rather raw pages @ and where I've htmlified parts of the Winter 1992 Software & Peripherials catalog and a brochure describing the Slabs, Cubes, and NeXTDimension board. Some of the images in the latter are still 'raw' and if you get the urge to peruse you'll find a lot of placeholders for things to come.. Final plug for $$ to help support the site & efforts :) If anyone needs some of the following replacement parts I have located the following: New replacement Feed Rollers $15+ship New replacement expeller Drive Gears $5+ship New replacement Ozone filter $8+ship I'm still checking out a Laser Printer Tray (envelope) I purchased and may have found a solution for Laser Printer Cables. Enjoy. And feel free to e-mail any feedback to me. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "Steve Downs" <> Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 09:44:05 -0800 Organization: Message-ID: <6ftuc0$> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804132201!0031224761 It's a solid drive that offers good value as well. I have installed several of these drives in the past year and have never had any problems. Some are on servers, some are on workstations. The drive in my own system is a Viking. Steve Melissa O'Neill wrote in message <6fsjqd$d4s$>... >I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with the Quantum >Viking drive series. Technically, it looks good, and I've not seen anyone >posting complaints, but I know that some other Quantum drives (like the >Fireball) have had a poor reliability record, so I'm a little cautious. > >I plan to use the drive as the primary drive for my aging (but still >perfectly servicable) NeXTstation running NEXTSTEP 3.3. I'm currently >using a Quantum Empire 1080S. This means I'll have to get the narrow >50pin version, and it won't use the drive at its peak performance >(the SCSI controller is pretty old). > >I've also not seen anyone mention whether you can use the SCSI mode >select command to set the block size on the drive (and whether it's >necessary to reformat the drive after issuing the command -- I'm >pretty sure that you can't make the drive *really* use 1024 byte >sectors, but it may be possible for the drive to make out that it >is using 1024 byte sectors even though it isn't internally -- this >seemed to be the way things worked on the Quantum Empire). > >I'll also have to make a disktab entry, but I figure that shouldn't >be too much trouble... (although if any NeXT folks have already done one >I'd be interested to see). > >Thoughts welcome, > > Melissa. > >P.S. I currently have a Quantum Empire 1080S. >--- >To reply by e-mail, you need to remove `N O S P A M' from my e-mail >address (i.e. `NoOnSePiAlMl' -> `oneill').
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 1 Apr 1998 19:07:43 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6fu39v$p1q$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804132201!0044727569 >For >the long haul I would say that the ND will be the most usabe for longest >amount of time, since it has video ram and can take up to 128ram for the >cpu (someone correct me if I'm off here) The Turbo cube motherboard can take up to 128MB, same as Turbo stations. A non-Turbo cube motherboard only takes up to 64MB (vs 32MB for non-Turbo stations). The RAM on the ND takes up to 64MB. Note: the user expandable RAM on the ND is _not_ video RAM. Its simply used for things like backing store, etc so it wont have to go over the NeXTbus to access the CPU's RAM. The video RAM/screen size/bit depth of the ND is fixed. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: (Simon Karpen) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sun.hardware, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2/Mach on newer SPARCstation 5s? Date: 1 Apr 1998 01:02:49 GMT Organization: NTRnet Systems Message-ID: <> References: <7ysonyxvgd.fsf@romulus> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804130601!0015402756 On 31 Mar 1998 16:00:02 -0800, Manu Iyengar <> wrote: > >Has anyone successfully installed OPENSTEP 4.2/Mach on the newer Sun >SPARCstation 5 machines? AFAIK, the only difference is the faster >Fujitsu TurboSPARC processor with a bigger cache. Everything else >appears to be the same. According to Fujitsu, the TurboSPARC is >pin-to-pin and binary compatible with the microSPARC-II. Would there >be any other factor that would prevent OS4.2 from running on these >machines? They're *really* nice... I do know that current Linux/Sparc needed some work to run properly on Turbosparcs (last I remember it's still a work in progress) Simon -- Simon Karpen #include <std_disclaimer.h> My opinions are my own. If you don't have a nasty obituary you probably didn't matter. -- Freeman Dyson
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 1 Apr 1998 13:00:15 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Distribution: world Message-ID: <6fu6cf$l7u$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> Jake Garcia <> wrote: : Hi there. It's been a long time since I've used a NeXT system, and have been : considering picking one up from a "DeepSpace Technowlegies" web sight. My advice is to avoid NeXT hardware. Here's why. (1) Intel hardware is far more cost effective and can run NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP with far higher performance than old black hardware. A typical Moto machine will run you $300-$400. Add RAM, a bigger disk, and you are in entry-level Pentium II territory. And a Pentium II with an S3 ViRGE DX on the AGP port is going to have video so slick you'll think they used Teflon backing store. Further, with Intel hardware, if you got sick of NEXTSTEP, you could load Rhapsody, BeOS, Linux, Solaris x86, SCO UnixWare, FreeBSD, or even any flavor of Windows. That makes sense if you ever want to play games like Quake with accelerated 3D, etc. (2) NeXT hardware, though nice, has reached its end of life as a production workstation. Before everyone and their dogs flame me about how their slab or cube is plenty useful, understand that I use my turbo color slab and mono cube on a daily basis, and that I find it intolerably slow for running things like TIFFany, Quantrix, and other productivity apps. I do think Moto hardware has a valid use as a file and print server, WAN gateway with PPP, web server, authentication server. But I would not even consider doing real work on it, when my Pentium Pro sitting next to it is immensely more usable, boots into Rhapsody, Linux, etc. : 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if this was the : TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system now, and have high hopes : of similar performance out of that system. All things equal, color slabs are going to feel slower than mono slabs. Pentium Pro or II machines with PCI or AGP video are going to leave tire marks over any Moto machine, even the legendary Nitro. : 2: I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased from, and : if they can verify they received proper service, along with hardware in good : condition. They have a good reputation, and I would probably buy from them without reservations about their integrity. If you absolutely have to purchase Moto hardware, do it from them. ..............kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6fu7sp$6sj$> Control: cancel <6fu7sp$6sj$> Date: 01 Apr 1998 20:52:36 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6fu7sp$6sj$> Sender: Ted Bilmer<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Jake Garcia) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 2 Apr 1998 01:08:59 GMT Organization: Rt66.COM, New Mexico's #1 ISP Distribution: world Message-ID: <6fuofb$as4$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140601!0022392530 Timothy Luoma ( wrote: : On 1 Apr 1998, Jake Garcia wrote: : If you get a color model, make sure it is a turbo. Stick at least 64 RAM : in it to be comfortable. So I take it the turbo model has a noticable speed difference. Getting the turbo would be a better buy for a "first" NeXT. The 64MB RAM is also a must, and I was actually planning on maxing it out at the time of purchase. 16MB just doesnt cut it with most workstations (unless you like swapping before the /etc/rc* files finish executing). : I would definitely get the ND. It has always been a dream of mine... For Hrm. Well, as it is, I definately don't have the cash as of right now. But, assuming all goes well with the first purchase, I could always begin saving for a the ND. Besides, two systems are better than one, no? :-) : DeepSpace Tech has been around for years and enjoys an excellent : reputation. I can count on one hand the complaints I've heard about, and Great! That's what I was hoping to hear! : The place to comparison shop would be aka Spherical : Solutions. They too have a great reputation. ORB is in CA and DeepSpace : is in MD, so (depending on where you are) shipping might be the biggest : difference. (Just coming back from Prices about the same. Considering I'm in NM, they should probably have better S/H rates available. Thanks for the info! : something isn't right, I always feel better dealing with a company rather : than someone who has finally gotten rid of their old computer... That's My opinion too. If I ever buy used anything, the seller must come with a good history of doing good business. I've been burned in the past, and learned the hard way. Well, thank you for your opinions! I feel much better about buying now. So, expect to see my face around this (and related) newsgroup pretty soon! Thanks again! -- Jake Garcia <> Please finger for more info...
From: (Steven C. Perkins) Newsgroups: Subject: Horizontal Sync frequency for N4005A 21" NeXT color monitor Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 02:52:21 GMT Organization: scp Sender: Message-ID: <6fuuhq$ov6$> I am trying to setup X windows under LINUX to work with a 21" NeXT N4005A monitor and a Gemini C1 video card. What is the Horizontal Sync rate for the monitor? Is it 61 which I have found listed as the Horiz refresh rate? Is 60 - 80 correct for the VertSync? Anyone already have a working XF86Config for this monitor/video card combination? TIA for all replies. SC Perkins
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 2 Apr 1998 06:32:57 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6fvbep$uii$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> 'cuse the earlier failed post... wrote: >Also one other point. I havn't checked this personally and Mike P >should >be able to correct if I'm wrong (There are some discussions in news >days >past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy of whatever the >ND >displays. No. The motherboard sends _PostScript_ to the ND board which has its own Postscript backend. The main motherboard doesn't render Postscript destined for the ND itself and so it is not going to (always) take up RAM on the main motherboard. Of course, if the ND is anemic, say only 8MB, then it may at times have to go over the NBIC and steal some RAM from the motherboard for things like backing stores if it can't store it onboard. That's what you want to avoid. >Which effectively means that you should have more RAM in >your MB than your ND (I did 64/32 commonly). The rule of thumb is that in most cases its best to keep them balanced, ie about the same, unless of course you want over 64MB on the motherboard which is of course fine... >Basically this means >that RAM in the ND helps the ND but probably doesn't save you a whit >on what your MB needs in RAM to drive the whole thing. No really. See above. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: "Ron Reaugh" <> Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Date: 1 Apr 1998 14:27:07 GMT Organization: MBR International Message-ID: <6ftirr$> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131801!0024054320 Melissa O'Neill <> wrote in article <6fsjqd$d4s$>... > I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with the Quantum > Viking drive series. Technically, it looks good, and I've not seen anyone > posting complaints, but I know that some other Quantum drives (like the > Fireball) have had a poor reliability record, so I'm a little cautious. The UW Quantum Viking is currently the best buy in SCSI HDs for a workstation. Its reliability record is good and has a 5 year warranty to back that up. > I plan to use the drive as the primary drive for my aging (but still > perfectly servicable) NeXTstation running NEXTSTEP 3.3. I'm currently > using a Quantum Empire 1080S. This means I'll have to get the narrow > 50pin version, and it won't use the drive at its peak performance > (the SCSI controller is pretty old). > > I've also not seen anyone mention whether you can use the SCSI mode > select command to set the block size on the drive (and whether it's > necessary to reformat the drive after issuing the command -- I'm > pretty sure that you can't make the drive *really* use 1024 byte > sectors, but it may be possible for the drive to make out that it > is using 1024 byte sectors even though it isn't internally -- this > seemed to be the way things worked on the Quantum Empire). No. It'll do 1024 byte sectors but that takes a full mode page editor followed by a SCSI low level format unit; be careful.
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions References: <6ft6hk$b40$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <352251b9.0@> Date: 1 Apr 98 14:39:53 GMT Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131801!0025273957 (Jake Garcia) wrote: > 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if > this was the TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system > now, and have high hopes of similar performance out of that > system. Since this will be my first NeXT purchase, I'm really > not too willing to spend the thousand extra bucks for a Cube > Dimension system, which I understand is quite a bit faster. My > question here is, do I go with a color system to start, and then > consider a Dimension? Or would it be a better choice to just take > the plunge, go broke, and get the Dimension? Get either a Turbo Color Station (not much more) or a dimension. If you plan on running OPENSTEP 4.x, you will *NEED* 64mb of ram or more for acceptable performance. I find that turbo speed helps make OPENSTEP more palatable. The problem with most nonturbo machines is they only accept upto 32mb of ram. If you will run NS 3.2 or 3.3, that will get you by. A nonturbo 040 cube can take a maximum of 64mb of ram, but it's a bit pokey with a NeXTdimension. I'd get a turbo in either case. The best bang for buck right now is the turbo color station. The dimension is nice for 24 bit color, and watching (not hearing) a cnn feed, but the video never did anything to useful (except video out, which was nice), so I don't think it's worth the premium it demands. YMMV. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Timothy Luoma <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 10:17:24 -0500 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Jake Garcia <> In-Reply-To: <6ft6hk$b40$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131801!0033272103 On 1 Apr 1998, Jake Garcia wrote: > 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if this > was the TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system now, and > have high hopes of similar performance out of that system. Since this > will be my first NeXT purchase, I'm really not too willing to spend the > thousand extra bucks for a Cube Dimension system, which I understand is > quite a bit faster. My question here is, do I go with a color system to > start, and then consider a Dimension? Or would it be a better choice to > just take the plunge, go broke, and get the Dimension? If you get a color model, make sure it is a turbo. Stick at least 64 RAM in it to be comfortable. I would definitely get the ND. It has always been a dream of mine... For the long haul I would say that the ND will be the most usabe for longest amount of time, since it has video ram and can take up to 128ram for the cpu (someone correct me if I'm off here) > 2: I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased from >, and if they can verify they received proper > service, along with hardware in good condition. Being a non-NeXT owner > currently, it sure would be a bummer to get burned on my first purchase. > Do these guys seem to have fair prices? Are there other places I should > "shop around" at? DeepSpace Tech has been around for years and enjoys an excellent reputation. I can count on one hand the complaints I've heard about, and I'm pretty regular on these Usenet groups (read: I've been here just about every day since 1993.... and every day since 1995). The place to comparison shop would be aka Spherical Solutions. They too have a great reputation. ORB is in CA and DeepSpace is in MD, so (depending on where you are) shipping might be the biggest difference. I've dealt with Shannon (Deepspace) and Sam (Orb) and bought from them in the past and have no reservations about recommending both of them. TjL ps -- of course you might find a steal in but if something isn't right, I always feel better dealing with a company rather than someone who has finally gotten rid of their old computer... That's MO... I know plenty of folks who have gotten machines from csn.marketplace with no problems at all...
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 1 Apr 1998 18:56:58 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Distribution: world Message-ID: <6fu2lq$num$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804132201!0038698209 In <6ft6hk$b40$> Jake Garcia wrote: > Hi there. It's been a long time since I've used a NeXT system, and have been > considering picking one up from a "DeepSpace Technowlegies" web sight. So, > this is a kinda multi-parter question: > > 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if this was the > TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system now, and have high hopes > of similar performance out of that system. Since this will be my first NeXT > purchase, I'm really not too willing to spend the thousand extra bucks for > a Cube Dimension system, which I understand is quite a bit faster. My question > here is, do I go with a color system to start, and then consider a Dimension? > Or would it be a better choice to just take the plunge, go broke, and get the > Dimension? I have both. Go for the Color Turbo Station. 24bit is nice and the ND is nice but it is MUCH slower than a Color Turbo Station because it is 24bit AND because all the DPS code gets shoved through the NBIC to be RIPed by the ND. Also one other point. I havn't checked this personally and Mike P should be able to correct if I'm wrong (There are some discussions in news days past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy of whatever the ND displays. Which effectively means that you should have more RAM in your MB than your ND (I did 64/32 commonly). Basically this means that RAM in the ND helps the ND but probably doesn't save you a whit on what your MB needs in RAM to drive the whole thing. For ripping PS the ND is nice - very nice - but when it comes to images it get's quite slow. Ever seen what size a PS file is with a image in it under NS3.x? Try to print to a .ps file sometime :) Then compress :( 64MB is a good place for most general usage under NS or OS. The only time I've needed more was when I was viewing PhotoCD's and editing the images. It worked but was noticeably slow. But it did work (2kx3k images) and no crashes!!!! > 2: I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased from, and > if they can verify they received proper service, along with hardware in good > condition. Being a non-NeXT owner currently, it sure would be a bummer to get > burned on my first purchase. Do these guys seem to have fair prices? Are there > other places I should "shop around" at? Can't. I've found it best to buy from an individual that way you can look for sellers with variious perks. The resellers usually sell rather barren machines software & peripherial wise. Individuals usually have a lot of software (or some) and peripherials also (sometimes). But you have to face the prospect of something not being right (rare) and hashing it out with seller if something is not right. I found this to be rare if ever. > Thank you for your patience with the newbie... :-) Any advice would be greatly > appreciated! > Get a Color Turbo Station w/ 64MB and a 1-2G HD (5400 rpm) HD and you'll be very happy with NS3.3 or even 4.2. Good luck and have fun you'll love Black with NS. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 1 Apr 1998 21:46:10 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6fv8n2$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu6cf$l7u$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804141001!0022753232 > > I do think Moto hardware has a valid use as a file and print server, > WAN gateway with PPP, web server, authentication server. But I would > not even consider doing real work on it, when my Pentium Pro sitting > next to it is immensely more usable, boots into Rhapsody, Linux, etc. > I'd agree. Aann unless your real work is to write in LaTEX. You can do real work with Moto using LaTEX. However, if you have a ND cube you can run a system with two (or three) color 21" monitors and NXHost to the faster Intel box. So you get the cost benefit of moto 21" monitors (just 250$ at 16million colors), the beauty of black hardware, and the performance of Intel. Emmett
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sun fixed freq monitor with Color Slab Date: 2 Apr 1998 06:06:56 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6fv9u0$24b$> References: <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804141001!0027077406 In article <>, Steve M <> wrote: >I have a Sun GDM-1662B 16" fixed freq monitor. It has 13w3 on the >back, but I am unable to get a sync signal from the Slab. > >Does anybody know if Sun's 13w3 is compatible with NeXT's 13w3? In >general, are Sun fixed freq monitors compatible with the Clolor Turbo? I use a Sun GDM-1955 on my Turbo Color slab, non ADB, with no problem (well, the horizontal dimension is slightly shrinked). I just plug the NeXT 13W3 cable to the monitor and it just works (wont work with the ADB ones though, as the vertical refresh is higher). Paulus
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: 31 Mar 1998 19:03:48 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6fremk$iq0$> References: <> <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131401!0010364959 wrote: [ ... ] > I can understand that the GNU people work on implementing OpenStep (i.e. > GNUStep) for some other hardware but what is the point of porting another > UNIX to original NeXT hardware?? I mean, with NeXTStep and OpenStep running > on this hardware, you have great software to work and play with. And, > seriosly, the original m68k NeXT hardware just isn't top-of-the-line > anymore, lets face it. People want to port another system to it for a couple of reasons: 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 networking, virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall support, etc. 2) Hacking and educational value of having source-code availability for an OS that runs on black hardware. A black machine isn't state of the art, truly, but it's an entirely reasonable system to use as a proxy server, firewall, or what have you.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: fatal@**** (Marco van Hylckama Vlieg) Newsgroups: Subject: Will there ever be a RIVA128 driver? Date: 2 Apr 1998 12:13:26 GMT Organization: University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands Message-ID: <6fvvd6$fnv$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804141801!0002709348 Hi all, I'd get OpenStep 4.2 for my P200MMX/64MB if there'd be a damn videodriver for the nvidia RIVA128 chipset. Does anyone know if such a driver will ever be released? I really want to run OpenStep but it's a bit drastic to get rid of a perfectly good videocard to be able to do it ... :( TIA Marco -- -------------The AfterStep Desktop Customization Page:------------- ---------------------------------me-------------------------------- Marco van Hylckama Vlieg - ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GED d- s: a-- C++>$ ULI(++++)>$ P+ L++ E W+++ N++ o? K? w--- O M V-- PS+ PE- Y PGP+ t-- 5 X R- b+ DI- D+ G e h- r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Newsgroups: Subject: Advice on notebooks From: Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Apr 98 10:22:05 GMT Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804131401!0018174359 Hello everybody, upto now, I've ignored the Intel hardware, but with Rhapsody running on Intel, I'm thinking of purchasing a laptop. It will have to run OPENSTEP4.2 (and hopefully Rhapsody). As I'm not at all aquainted with all the hardware specs of these beasts, I'd appreciate any information for a laptop with the following options: 13.3 or 14 inch screen, floppy disk CDRom >=1G disk >=32Mbytes Ram - Will OPENSTEP work with laptops which have an exchangeable floppy and CDRom? (i.e. does one have to reconfigure each time the drive is exchanged?) - How well is the power saving feature used? - Some systems require a partition for the setup, can OPENSTEP handle this? I have had a look at the following systems: Compaq Armada 1598 IBM Thinkpad 770 Dell Latitude CP I'd really appreciate any information on any laptop successfully running OPENSTEP 4.2. Thanks in advance, -Robert -- Institut fuer Informatik tel +41 (0)61 321 99 67 Universitaet Basel fax. +41 (0)61 321 99 15 Robert Frank Mittlere Strasse 142 rfc822: (NeXT,MIME mail ok) CH-4056 Basel (remove any no_spam_ from my return address) Switzerland
From: (Michael A. Barker) Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 20:32:34 GMT Organization: IDT Message-ID: <> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> <6ftirr$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140201!0009261280 On 1 Apr 1998 14:27:07 GMT, "Ron Reaugh" <> wrote: > >Melissa O'Neill <> wrote in article ><6fsjqd$d4s$>... >> I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with the Quantum >> Viking drive series. Technically, it looks good, and I've not seen anyone >> posting complaints, but I know that some other Quantum drives (like the >> Fireball) have had a poor reliability record, so I'm a little cautious. > > >The UW Quantum Viking is currently the best buy in SCSI HDs for a >workstation. Its reliability record is good and has a 5 year warranty to >back that up. How would you compare them to the Seagate Hawk 4xl? I know the Hawk has a 3yr warranty. Also as far a warranties go who has the better service, Quantum or Seagate? ______________________________________ Michael A. Barker Systems Engineer Digicon Corporation Columbus, Ohio
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: 1 Apr 1998 18:07:03 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6ftvo7$c7j$> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140201!0027310650 Timothy Luoma <> wrote: [ ... ] >> 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 networking, >> virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall support, etc. > > Of course the limitation of not being able to have 2 Ethernet ports would > make NeXT-as-firewall/router difficult, unless I'm missing something... Umm, yeah-- good point. I guess I was explaining the types of functionality people were interested in without considering prosaic details like that. :-) -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 1 Apr 1998 17:54:03 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6ftuvr$c7j$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140201!0027275232 (Jake Garcia) wrote: > 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if this was the > TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system now, and have high hopes > of similar performance out of that system. Since this will be my first NeXT > purchase, I'm really not too willing to spend the thousand extra bucks for > a Cube Dimension system, which I understand is quite a bit faster. My question > here is, do I go with a color system to start, and then consider a Dimension? > Or would it be a better choice to just take the plunge, go broke, and get the > Dimension? The system with the fastest "feel" is going to be a mono Turbo. To be honest, if you already have a color machine (a PC, for instance), I'd recommend getting that rather than a color system. If you do want a color system, you've have to choose between getting a cube with the 32-bit Dimension, and a 16-bit color slab (unless Deepspace has done something weird by shuffling motherboards around). > 2: I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased from, and > if they can verify they received proper service, along with hardware in good > condition. Being a non-NeXT owner currently, it sure would be a bummer to get > burned on my first purchase. Do these guys seem to have fair prices? Are there > other places I should "shop around" at? There aren't a lot of NEXTSTEP hardware companies around (and the NeXT crowd tends to be vocal and well-informed via such things as these newgroups), so they try very hard to do a good job with their customers. Deepspace is reputable, and their prices are fair. You might want to check out Sam Goldberger at Spherical Solutions.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Ron Reaugh" <> Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Date: 1 Apr 1998 22:16:58 GMT Organization: MBR International Message-ID: <6fuecq$> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> <6ftirr$> <> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140201!0034378595 Michael A. Barker <> wrote in article <>... > On 1 Apr 1998 14:27:07 GMT, "Ron Reaugh" > <> wrote: > > > >Melissa O'Neill <> wrote in article > ><6fsjqd$d4s$>... > >> I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with the Quantum > >> Viking drive series. Technically, it looks good, and I've not seen anyone > >> posting complaints, but I know that some other Quantum drives (like the > >> Fireball) have had a poor reliability record, so I'm a little cautious. > > > > > >The UW Quantum Viking is currently the best buy in SCSI HDs for a > >workstation. Its reliability record is good and has a 5 year warranty to > >back that up. > > How would you compare them to the Seagate Hawk 4xl? It's close. The Hawk 4XL was discontinued almost as soon as it was introduced by Seagate. The UW Viking appears to be less expensive.
From: "Alex" <> Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 14:09:00 -0800 Organization: University of Washington Message-ID: <6fuda4$e30$> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140201!0034939280 Going on four months now with a pair of 4.5GB vikings in my home system paired with a Fireport, an Ultraplex, and a Panasonic CDR. They work great. No problems at all so far, and they perform much better than my Seagate IDE. I think you'll be happy
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Organization: Center for Communications Programs--The Johns Hopkins University MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> Message-ID: <TJLU.214$> Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 12:43:31 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 07:43:31 EST Vis-a-vis Black Hardware Speed: On my desk I have, side by side, a Turbo Color slab with a 21" monitor, 80 megs RAM and a 2 gig HD running 4.2, and a Dell P90 with a 14 " monitor, 32 megs RAM, a 550 meg HD and Windows 95. Now, because of some of the upgrades I've done, I use the slab as a file and print server for the P90, using Samba. My overall impression is this: for everyday things (I'm a web developer) the NeXT is as fast and easier to use. I spend the *vast* majority of my time working with the NeXT because of it's elegance and the superior operating system. Also, I can't stand not having a decent shell available to me. The DOS prompt just doesn't cut it. Now there are things that the P90 is faster at: image manipulation, mostly. I'll do basic image stuff in WetPaint on the NeXT, but I use Ventura on the P90 if its really involved. The bottom line is, though the P90 is faster for some things, the windows 95 operating system is such a kludge that it saps almost of the muscle that the faster chip gives you. Furthermore, the high level of hardware integration on the NeXT makes things go faster than they should. So, where I spent $1000 on this P90 a year ago, I could replace my NeXT machine at Deepspace for about $500. If it were up to me, with the same budget, I'd go with the NeXT. Peace, James PS. I've also used Linux on the P90, which *screams*. If only Linux had some commercial level SW and a decent interface (and let's face it, after NeXTSTEP, almost any other GUI is a disappointment), it would be a good solution. JDM -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: 2 Apr 1998 00:54:05 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6funjd$pik$> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <6ftvo7$c7j$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804140601!0014611776 In <6ftvo7$c7j$> Charles Swiger wrote: > Umm, yeah-- good point. I guess I was explaining the types of functionality > people were interested in without considering prosaic details like that. :-) Don't feel bad.... I was halfway through setting it up before I went "Uhh..... oh wait...." and had to put everything back the way it was TjL -- [do NOT remove the 'nospam' to reply!]
From: (Steve M) Newsgroups: Subject: Sun fixed freq monitor with Color Slab Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 11:41:49 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804141001!0012117405 I have a Sun GDM-1662B 16" fixed freq monitor. It has 13w3 on the back, but I am unable to get a sync signal from the Slab. Does anybody know if Sun's 13w3 is compatible with NeXT's 13w3? In general, are Sun fixed freq monitors compatible with the Clolor Turbo? I know I've seen this asked before, And I've searched DejaNews and AltaVista, but I couldn't find my answer. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank You! Steve antispam in place, avoid autoreply please direct any response to smarqz at unm dot edu or remove animal from return address ;)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 2 Apr 1998 06:22:32 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6fvar8$cju$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804141001!0031490958 -- --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 2 Apr 1998 13:45:21 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Message-ID: <6g0td1$n$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804150201!0016507271 James D. Meacham <> wrote: : Vis-a-vis Black Hardware Speed: : On my desk I have, side by side, a Turbo Color slab with a 21" monitor, 80 : megs RAM and a 2 gig HD running 4.2, and a Dell P90 with a 14 " monitor, 32 : megs RAM, a 550 meg HD and Windows 95. Now, because of some of the upgrades : I've done, I use the slab as a file and print server for the P90, using : Samba. My overall impression is this: for everyday things (I'm a web : developer) the NeXT is as fast and easier to use. I spend the *vast* : majority of my time working with the NeXT because of it's elegance and the : superior operating system. Also, I can't stand not having a decent shell : available to me. The DOS prompt just doesn't cut it. You are using old Intel hardware running DOS, and you are saying the NeXT is as fast and easier to use? Hardly a fair comparison. Try running OPENSTEP 4.2 on a PPro, then get back to us about the speed of Intel vs. Moto hardware running OPENSTEP. The P90s were much faster at CPU-bound tasks, but due to slow memory access and missing bitblt ops in the CPU, the NeXT felt about as fast as the P90 in everyday usage (e.g., opening windows, scrolling, etc.). The PPros and PIIs are far different animals. With 10 ns SDRAM, PCI and AGI video with hardware support for bitblt ops, the PII makes Moto NeXT hardware look bona fide slow. Also, here's an informal price comparison: $1K ~= price of a turbo color slab with enough RAM and disk $1K ~= price of your old upgraded P90 $1K ~= price of entry-level PII that will smoke both machines I wouldn't purchase another NeXT machine (I have two) unless it cost me $100 fully loaded. ...............kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: (Sean Harding) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 18:39:59 -0800 Organization: University of Oregon Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> [)%i~h?)D!-%[A17<5rtTts~/!y;KxLNnQ=.VVZxFUssdm7sx^(*b0kpnbbC+YZMrVkH aB6DW[jU}@`M Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804150601!0047971795 In article <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat>, Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > The place to comparison shop would be aka Spherical > Solutions. They too have a great reputation. ORB is in CA and DeepSpace > is in MD, so (depending on where you are) shipping might be the biggest > difference. Of course, I just bought a monitor from Orb and when I got it, it had been shipped by DeepSpace, so didn't make much difference :-) I'd agree that both companies are great to work with; I'd readily recommend either. Sean -- Sean Harding,
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <35245d9c.0@> Date: 3 Apr 98 03:55:08 GMT Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > I would definitely get the ND. It has always been a dream of > mine... For the long haul I would say that the ND will be the > most usabe for longest amount of time, since it has video ram > and can take up to 128ram for the cpu (someone correct me if I'm > off here) The CPU Board, if it's a non Turbo, i.e. 25mhz, generally, can handle up to only 64Mb. Turbo based motherboards, generally 33mhz machines, can handle up to 128Mb of RAM. The Dimension video card, itself, can accomodate up to a maximum of 64Mb of RAM. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,comp.hardware,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <01bd5158$0eb5a880$40e9ebc2@notebook-0001> Control: cancel <01bd5158$0eb5a880$40e9ebc2@notebook-0001> Date: 3 Apr 1998 03:33:25 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6g1la5$> References: <01bd5158$0eb5a880$40e9ebc2@notebook-0001> Xcanpos: shelf.01/199804030602!0076468546 Binary in . ( wrote: : Prijslijst update : Zie File : : : begin 600 [snip 900 lines of binary] : end : -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 4/2/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me.
From: (Kurt D. Bollacker) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 3 Apr 1998 07:56:48 GMT Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Message-ID: <6g24o0$rde$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> <6g0td1$n$> Kristofer Jon Magnusson ( wrote: : Also, here's an informal price comparison: : $1K ~= price of a turbo color slab with enough RAM and disk Uh, No. From DEEPSPACETECH: Color Turbo 16/400 with Sony Trinitron Monitor, ADB Keyboard, ADB Mouse, ADB Sound Box and cable with release 3.3 user installed on the Hard drive. Price $399.00 Add 64MB RAM -- $100 1GB Disk -- $75 And we are looking at less than $600. : $1K ~= price of entry-level PII that will smoke both machines Add: 17" used trinitron monitor -- $250 Cheap SCSI card -- $50 Ethernet card -- $30 And we are looking at $1300 minimum. And it would have crummy sound hardware too. Sure, the PII is faster. But the same price? NOT! ...................................................................... : Kurt D. Bollacker University of Texas at Austin : : P.O. Box 8566, Austin, TX 78713 : :....................................................................:
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 02 Apr 1998 23:55:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804040601!0090260212 Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Best Intel box for Openstep for Intel 4.x Date: 3 Apr 1998 04:13:29 -0800 Organization: Newsguy News Service [] Message-ID: <6g2jp9$> I am about to buy a box for running the latest OpenStep for Intel. I was thinking of a high spec Compaq box such as the Workstation 6333 1P/128MB/4GB/3DF graphics. However Compaq say that Openstep is 'not a supported OS'. Now that has become Apple, the Openstep link don't work anymore, can anyone advise me on the best Intel box that will give me decent OpenStep performance for development of a serious app. The most mainstream the supplier would be best. Thanks, - TF.
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <35245e76.0@> Date: 3 Apr 98 03:58:46 GMT (James D. Meacham) wrote: > The bottom line is, though the P90 is faster for some things, > the windows 95 operating system is such a kludge that it saps > almost of the muscle that the faster chip gives you. Furthermore, > the high level of hardware integration on the NeXT makes things > go faster than they should. So, where I spent $1000 on this P90 > a year ago, I could replace my NeXT machine at Deepspace for > about $500. If it were up to me, with the same budget, I'd go > with the NeXT. Peace, James PS. I've also used Linux on the P90, > which *screams*. If only Linux had some commercial level SW and > a decent interface (and let's face it, after NeXTSTEP, almost > any other GUI is a disappointment), it would be a good solution. > JDM Perhaps we're missing the obvious. NEXT/OPENSTEP for Intel runs rather nicely. And on a P90, it's much faster than on NeXT equipment, generally. Though I like NeXT hardware lots, don't get me wrong. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: (Samuel M) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Best Intel box for Openstep for Intel 4.x Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:39:40 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> References: <6g2jp9$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 3 Apr 1998 04:13:29 -0800, wrote: I am about to buy a box for running the latest OpenStep for Intel. I was thinking of a high spec Compaq box such as the Workstation 6333 1P/128MB/4GB/3DF graphics. However Compaq say that Openstep is 'not a supported OS'. Now that has become Apple, the Openstep link don't work anymore, can anyone advise me on the best Intel box that will give me decent OpenStep performance for development of a serious app. The most mainstream the supplier would be best. Thanks, - TF. While the search link may be down (It worked yesterday) you can click on a link that lists all the NeXTAnswers. Choose 'by date' and then select the link for OpenStep compatibility. The most significant limiting factor in your choices will be for the video. Scsi/ethernet/sound/ are important, but these factors don't change significantly on enterprise level machines Sam -I-Am geah
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 13:19:05 -0600 From: cjk <> Organization: University of Alabama MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: What versions of NeXT/OpenStep will my machine run??? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hi, i'm looking in to purchasing one of the following: NeXTSTEP 3.2 for Intel OpenStep 4.2 - Academic Bundle i've looked through NeXTAnswers and it seems that almost all of my hardware will work with OpenStep 4.x. will it work with 3.2 also or should i just get 4.2? my hardware: Matrox Millenium II 4 meg PCI Abit IT5V motherboard 166Mhz Pentium classic 64 Meg edo ram adaptec 2940 UW scsi controller Iomega Jaz Jet PCI SCSI controller (chipset made by advansys--i couldn't find any references to this at NeXTAnswers) Quantum Viking 4.5 gig narrow scsi drive Iomega Jaz drive (1 gig) SoundBlaster 16 SCSI2 SupraExpress PnP modem (i'm guessing this won't work) Plextor UltraPlex (scsi) cd rom thanks, christian klein cklein1<at>
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 3 Apr 1998 16:27:32 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Message-ID: <6g3r94$1lg$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> <6g0td1$n$> <6g24o0$rde$> Kurt D. Bollacker <> wrote: : Kristofer Jon Magnusson ( wrote: : : Also, here's an informal price comparison: : : $1K ~= price of a turbo color slab with enough RAM and disk : Uh, No. From DEEPSPACETECH: : Color Turbo 16/400 with Sony Trinitron Monitor, ADB Keyboard, ADB Mouse, : ADB Sound Box and cable with release 3.3 user installed on the Hard drive. : Price $399.00 : Add : 64MB RAM -- $100 : 1GB Disk -- $75 Could you send me some of those $75 1 GB SCSI disks? I've got a slab with a 400 MB disk that is crying out for retirement. : Sure, the PII is faster. But the same price? NOT! Notice I said "approximately equal," not "equal." However, I concede you are right, and I am wrong; a new PII from Dell with integrated NIC, sound, and video costs about twice to three times what the Deepspacetech system costs. I think you can do a lot better than the Dell system... ( ...but that is an adequate yardstick by which to judge the cost of a Pentium II, since I have scoured this month's Computer Shopper and found that price representative. However, that $600 slab is going to perform at one-tenth the speed of the PII at CPU-bound tasks and at graphics operations. It's also going to have slower network, disk, and serial port performance. It will have also better sound quality. It will NOT be able to run popular Windows applications at near-native speeds (SoftPC 4.0, if you can find one, or even native Windows NT), it will NOT be able to run a variety of operating systems, etc. Most of all, it will also have that ineffable slab quality that apparently makes people spend hard-earned money on seven-year-old obsoleted hardware. Yes, the PII is more money, but it's a lot more computer than the slab. .................kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Best Intel box for Openstep for Intel 4.x Date: 3 Apr 1998 16:30:39 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Message-ID: <6g3rev$25o$> References: <6g2jp9$> <6g36df$4i4$> -bat. <> wrote: : writes: : > I was thinking of a high spec Compaq box such as the Workstation 6333 : > 1P/128MB/4GB/3DF graphics. : Yuk, don't even think about trying to get it running on a Compaq. horrid : machines that give me no end of headaches every time I have to do an install. I second that. I have fought for weeks trying to get OPENSTEP to run on state-of-the-art Deskpros. The latest drivers from Apple (ATI Rage Pro, Yamaha OPL3 sound, 3C-905) seem to suggest that Apple hardware boyz have been playing with Dell OptiPlex GXa boxen. That is what I would get if I were purchasing new Intel hardware for OPENSTEP. ................kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6g26qd$> Control: cancel <6g26qd$> Date: 03 Apr 1998 08:32:14 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6g26qd$> Sender: (Advertisement) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 02:52:40 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6g479o$adp$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu6cf$l7u$> I think maybe people are missing the point. If you want a machine for an everyday machine (the only one you have) get an intel machine and enjoy. The black hardware is like an old car. You probabbly won't buy a Duesenberg to go to the store and to work. It would be a second car (or 30th if your like Jay Leno). You take it out ocasionally. If you want another computer to play with you can't beat the Moto hardware. It wins hands down on everything except inpress your friends performance. A P2 machine is quite a bit more expensive than black hardware. You would need to spend 2 times (at least to get a "decent" system) and even then you wouldn't have a 17 inch trinitron monitor. wes Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > My advice is to avoid NeXT hardware. Here's why. > (1) Intel hardware is far more cost effective and can run > NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP with far higher performance than old black hardware. > A typical Moto machine will run you $300-$400. Add RAM, a bigger disk, > and you are in entry-level Pentium II territory. And a Pentium II with > an S3 ViRGE DX on the AGP port is going to have video so slick you'll > think they used Teflon backing store. > Further, with Intel hardware, if you got sick of NEXTSTEP, you could > load Rhapsody, BeOS, Linux, Solaris x86, SCO UnixWare, FreeBSD, or > even any flavor of Windows. That makes sense if you ever want to play > games like Quake with accelerated 3D, etc. > (2) NeXT hardware, though nice, has reached its end of life as a > production workstation. > Before everyone and their dogs flame me about how their slab or cube > is plenty useful, understand that I use my turbo color slab and mono > cube on a daily basis, and that I find it intolerably slow for running > things like TIFFany, Quantrix, and other productivity apps. > I do think Moto hardware has a valid use as a file and print server, > WAN gateway with PPP, web server, authentication server. But I would > not even consider doing real work on it, when my Pentium Pro sitting > next to it is immensely more usable, boots into Rhapsody, Linux, etc. > : 1: In the past, I had used a monochrome system. I do not know if this was the > : TURBO model or not. I am considering the color system now, and have high hopes > : of similar performance out of that system. > All things equal, color slabs are going to feel slower than mono slabs. > Pentium Pro or II machines with PCI or AGP video are going to leave tire > marks over any Moto machine, even the legendary Nitro. > : 2: I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased from, and > : if they can verify they received proper service, along with hardware in good > : condition. > They have a good reputation, and I would probably buy from them without > reservations about their integrity. If you absolutely have to purchase > Moto hardware, do it from them. > ..............kris > -- > Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> > "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum > as a major attribute of space." -- Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: "Mark Marshall" <> Newsgroups: References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu6cf$l7u$> <6fv8n2$> Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Organization: Maximum Interactive Message-ID: <kshV.52$> Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 03:05:52 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 22:05:52 EST Emmett- > However, if you have a ND cube you can run a system with > two (or three) color 21" monitors and NXHost to the faster Intel box. Could you elaborate on this? I'm considering picking up a Moto box, and this is a really good reason to do it if what you say is true and somewhat easily achieved. Unfortunately, being a Mac/PC user, I have NOT A CLUE about this NXHost whatchamacallit. Thanks, MM. Emmett McLean wrote in message <6fv8n2$>... >> >> I do think Moto hardware has a valid use as a file and print server, >> WAN gateway with PPP, web server, authentication server. But I would >> not even consider doing real work on it, when my Pentium Pro sitting >> next to it is immensely more usable, boots into Rhapsody, Linux, etc. >> > I'd agree. Aann unless your real work is to write in LaTEX. You can do > real work with Moto using LaTEX. > > However, if you have a ND cube you can run a system with > two (or three) color 21" monitors and NXHost to the faster Intel box. > > So you get the cost benefit of moto 21" monitors (just 250$ at 16million > colors), the beauty of black hardware, and the performance of Intel. > > Emmett >
From: "Mark Marshall" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Ethernet on a Next Color Station? Organization: Maximum Interactive Message-ID: <ixhV.53$> Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 03:11:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 22:11:10 EST Hey, Folks... Currently running a small 10mbps ethernet network w/a p120, p133, p200, G3 266, 8100/80av. How difficult would it be to integrate (SEAMLESSLY) a Next Color Station into this setup? The two Macs are networked together - the PC's are NWked using a Win'95/WFW network, and the platforms are connected via PC Maclan. ??????????????????? thanks, MM.
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 00:25:04 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Distribution: world Message-ID: <6g4n8g$dg7$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu6cf$l7u$> <6g479o$adp$> Wesley Horner <> wrote: : I think maybe people are missing the point. If you want a machine for an : everyday machine (the only one you have) get an intel machine and enjoy. The : black hardware is like an old car. I agree with this interpretation if all you want to do is own a NeXTslab for owning's sake. That's why I owned a Vespa and drove a Nissan Sentra--one was nostalgic and sexy, and the other got me places I needed to go, no questions asked. As workstations, however, slabs are long in the tooth, and I wouldn't recommend one to anyone these days as anything other than a server, and that only for an exceptional price (e.g., < $600). Even a $600 Pentium 166 would make a better OPENSTEP workstation than a slab these days, let alone a $1500 PII machine. I also find it funny that people think the NeXT's sound qualities make up for the vast differences between Moto and Intel hardware, especially when with an Ensoniq Soundscape, your Intel box will be the equal of the old DSP. I usually disable sound on my Wintel machines, except for playing Quake II, when I pump it through my 240 watt keyboard amplifier. =) (You've never played Quake unless you can make the upstairs neighbor's windows rattle by firing the hyperblaster. I just wish Brian Willoughby would come up with a Rhapsody driver for the new 4/8 MB wavetable AudioPCI card, which makes Turtle Beach cards sound like scratchy old Pro Audio Spectrums.) ................kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 29 Mar 1998 04:50:50 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: lal9@po.CWRU.Edu (Larry A. Latson, Jr.) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI boot disk problems Date: 3 Apr 1998 16:19:50 GMT Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA) Message-ID: <6g3276$nmq$1@pale-rider.INS.CWRU.Edu> hello all, well this is like the fifth time i've installed OS4.2, and you'd think i'd have the routine down by now. but something new always comes up. i have two seagate 4.2GB SCSI HD's. I installed fine on /dev/rsd0h (i have no idea what that means - i'm used to the /dev/sda2 from linux). anyway, after some juggling of hardware it installed fine. i also have redhat and win95 on my system, so i rebooted in redhat and updated my lilo.conf to read: boot=/dev/hda map=/boot/map install=/boot/boot.b prompt timeout=100 image=/boot/vmlinuz- label=redhat root=/dev/sdb1 initrd=/boot/initrd-2.0.31.img read-only other=/dev/sda2 label=next table=/dev/sda other=/dev/hda1 label=win table=/dev/hda image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.31 label=kern_backup root=/dev/sdb1 initrd=/boot/initrd-2.0.31.img read-only looks fine to me. everything works except for the 'next' booting. when i type next, the screen says 'OPENSTEP boot1 v40.13.1' and hangs right there. so i'm assuming that i left something out of my lilo.conf file. doing a linux fdisk on /dev/sda gives: Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 522 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 1 1 13 104391 82 Linux swap /dev/sda2 * 14 14 522 4088542+ a7 Unknown which is what i want it to be (my linux system is on sdb - i moved my swap to sda so it'd be on separate disk, to make it faster). can anyone point out what might be wrong here? thanks, LL -- "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye. Until we meet again." -JimiH
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Best Intel box for Openstep for Intel 4.x Date: 3 Apr 1998 17:31:27 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6g36df$4i4$> References: <6g2jp9$> writes: > I was thinking of a high spec Compaq box such as the Workstation 6333 > 1P/128MB/4GB/3DF graphics. Yuk, don't even think about trying to get it running on a Compaq. horrid machines that give me no end of headaches every time I have to do an install. -bat.
From: "Chase T. Abbott" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next Driver for Buslogic Flashpoint LT Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 15:26:53 -0800 Organization: NorthWest Nexus Inc. Message-ID: <6g3r88$5bf$> References: <6fei4p$357$> <6fhhn2$5ur$> Ok. Got 3.3, but I still have the same problem. I think that I just might be lame in the disk imaging department. Someone help? -Chase Satoru Uzawa wrote in message <6fhhn2$5ur$>... >"Chase T. Abbott" <> wrote: >>Does anyone know of any floppy disk image problems when using rawrite. I >>need the beta flashpoint driver for 3.1 for Intel, but no disk image will >>work in any of the floppies I have tried. I get a BADSUPERBLOCK 2 error. >>Whats up? >> > >3.1 was the first release of NeXTSTEP for Intel and its supported SCSI >controllers were DPT 2021 or Adaptec1542B only. Later Buslogic was added but >those are for VL-Bus and EISA SCSI controllers. The Buslogic FlushPoint came >out after 3.3 came out, if my memory is correct. PCI support came in 3.3. >None of 3.3 drivers will work with 3.1 since the Driver kit had changed so >much. It's like trying Windows95 driver with Windows2.1...... I don't know >how you got 3.1, but you better blame who sold it to you. Get 3.3 or later. > >Good luck! >-- >Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What versions of NeXT/OpenStep will my machine run??? Date: 4 Apr 1998 00:14:23 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6g3u0v$452$> References: <> cjk <> wrote: [ ... ] i've looked through NeXTAnswers and it seems that almost all of my > hardware will work with OpenStep 4.x. will it work with 3.2 also or > should i just get 4.2? For Intel hardware, you want 3.3 or later. I'd definitely recommend 4.2 over 3.2. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (David Kelman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ethernet on a Next Color Station? Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 07:42:06 -0500 Organization: None Message-ID: <MPG.f8ff4a8736a4a0998973d@> References: <ixhV.53$> In article <ixhV.53$>, Mark Marshall spake thus... > Hey, Folks... > > Currently running a small 10mbps ethernet network w/a p120, p133, p200, G3 > 266, 8100/80av. > > How difficult would it be to integrate (SEAMLESSLY) a Next Color Station > into this setup? The two Macs are networked together - the PC's are NWked > using a Win'95/WFW network, and the platforms are connected via PC Maclan. What do you mean by 'seamlessly'? Being able to browse directories on the NeXT? Share the printer? Have the NeXT read folders on the PCs and MAC? First, you need to be using TCP/IP on the network, as that is the only protocol with which the NeXT can communicate with either a PC or Mac. I've been able to intergrate my NeXT, 2 PCs and my girlfriend's Centris 650 into one network by use of Services for Mac under NT Server, the freeware rumba running on the NeXT and the freeware print driver for NT for the NeXT printer that is available on the archives. Using an NT server box to support the printer queue and shared folders, I can print from any of the machines to the NeXT laser printer, and have a shared folder on the NT server that all machines can read and write to. That's about how 'seamless' as I can get it. David Kelman
From: "Mark Marshall" <> Newsgroups: References: <ixhV.53$> <MPG.f8ff4a8736a4a0998973d@> Subject: Re: Ethernet on a Next Color Station? Organization: Maximum Interactive Message-ID: <XisV.58$> Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 15:26:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 10:26:47 EST David- Thanks for the quick reply. Basically, printing would be nice, but my main concern is drive sharing. As I stated, I'm using a Win'95 network, so the NT solution doesn't necessarily work for me. (It might, in fact, but I know nothing about networking on the NT side) David Kelman wrote in message ... >In article <ixhV.53$>, Mark Marshall spake >thus... >> Hey, Folks... >> >> Currently running a small 10mbps ethernet network w/a p120, p133, p200, G3 >> 266, 8100/80av. >> >> How difficult would it be to integrate (SEAMLESSLY) a Next Color Station >> into this setup? The two Macs are networked together - the PC's are NWked >> using a Win'95/WFW network, and the platforms are connected via PC Maclan. > >What do you mean by 'seamlessly'? Being able to browse directories on >the NeXT? Share the printer? Have the NeXT read folders on the PCs and >MAC? > >First, you need to be using TCP/IP on the network, as that is the only >protocol with which the NeXT can communicate with either a PC or Mac. > >I've been able to intergrate my NeXT, 2 PCs and my girlfriend's Centris >650 into one network by use of Services for Mac under NT Server, the >freeware rumba running on the NeXT and the freeware print driver for NT >for the NeXT printer that is available on the archives. Using an NT >server box to support the printer queue and shared folders, I can print >from any of the machines to the NeXT laser printer, and have a shared >folder on the NT server that all machines can read and write to. That's >about how 'seamless' as I can get it. > >David Kelman >
From: Ralf Bornat Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Advice on notebooks Date: 4 Apr 1998 18:42:22 GMT Organization: World Access Message-ID: <6g5uue$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In wrote: > upto now, I've ignored the Intel hardware, but with Rhapsody running on > Intel, I'm thinking of purchasing a laptop. Ignore the processor battle. It's the software that counts. > It will have to run OPENSTEP4.2 (and hopefully Rhapsody). > As I'm not at all aquainted with all the hardware specs of these beasts, > I'd appreciate any information for a laptop with the following options: > 13.3 or 14 inch screen, > floppy disk > CDRom > >=1G disk > >=32Mbytes Ram I'm using a Toshiba Tecra 730 CDT with Openstep 4.2 and it performs very well!!! > - Will OPENSTEP work with laptops which have an exchangeable > floppy and CDRom? (i.e. does one have to reconfigure each > time the drive is exchanged?) I'm using CDROM, floppy and SCSI ZIP-drive without any problems. Normally the floppy is disconnected and I've changed the configuration in a way that I have to type config=floppy at the boot prompt to use the floppy. This is just to speed up the boot process. > - How well is the power saving feature used? > - Some systems require a partition for the setup, can OPENSTEP > handle this? Power monitoring is part of Preferences. All power saving functions are available from within the BIOS. Suspend/resume is not supported. Hope this helps Ralf -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Bornat mobile: +49-172-9536888 Erkelenzstraat 17 vox/fax: +31-46-4517681 6132 HG Sittard work: +31-45-5262397 NETHERLANDS
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 19:33:06 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6g61ti$512$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu6cf$l7u$> <6g479o$adp$> <6g4n8g$dg7$> Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > (You've never played Quake unless you can make the upstairs neighbor's > windows rattle by firing the hyperblaster. I just wish Brian Willoughby > would come up with a Rhapsody driver for the new 4/8 MB wavetable AudioPCI > card, which makes Turtle Beach cards sound like scratchy old Pro Audio > Spectrums.) I'm not much of a quake player but I do have my powermac plugged into my sterio. if I forget that the volume is up when I boot it, it can be quite surprising. -- Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (David Kelman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ethernet on a Next Color Station? Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 15:04:11 -0500 Organization: None Message-ID: <MPG.f905c44e463bd9098973f@> References: <ixhV.53$> <MPG.f8ff4a8736a4a0998973d@> <XisV.58$> In article <XisV.58$>, Mark Marshall spake thus... > David- > > Thanks for the quick reply. > > Basically, printing would be nice, but my main concern is drive sharing. > > As I stated, I'm using a Win'95 network, so the NT solution doesn't > necessarily work for me. (It might, in fact, but I know nothing about > networking on the NT side) You then might want to look into PCNFS, and NFS mount the NeXT drive onto a PC. You may then be able to share the volume so that the Mac and other PCs can access the drive. Rumba is freeware which allows the NeXT to mount a PC share. That's how I have the NeXT access a shared folder on my NT server. I'll try to dig up the address of the author. The software is freely available from his website, already compiled for the NeXT. David Kelman
From: "Benjamin Folk Jr." <> Newsgroups: Subject: problem booting... Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 15:41:46 -0500 Organization: CoreTech Consulting Group, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a NextStep workstation that refuses to boot. I am relatively new to UNIX and need a little help. After some fooling around, I got the machine to boot in a way that displays what exactly is taking place (verbose). Here is what I see on the screen: yp: server not responding for domain "test"; still trying Is there any way to get the machine to boot without looking for this "yp" server? How can I change the domain name and ip address when this machine keeps looking for a yp server. It has repeated 17 times so far and I am hoping this is not some sort of infinite loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ben
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 02:42:39 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6g46mv$adp$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> <6g0td1$n$> <6g24o0$rde$> <6g3r94$1lg$> Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804180601!0021571174 Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > However, that $600 slab is going to perform at one-tenth the speed of the > PII at CPU-bound tasks and at graphics operations. It's also going to have > slower network, disk, and serial port performance. It will have also > better sound quality. It will NOT be able to run popular Windows > applications at near-native speeds (SoftPC 4.0, if you can find one, or > even native Windows NT), it will NOT be able to run a variety of operating > systems, etc. As a whole I agree with you but I bet to differ on the sound quality issue. The slab sound is better than current pc hardware produces. I have 3 systems and the Turbo Color sound is better (not that much really) than my pc with a Gravis Ultrasound Wavetable card (which incedently sounds better than any sound blaster I have heard). My PowerMac has good sound too. wes -- Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (Peter Eisch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 20:39:23 -0600 Organization: etude engineering Message-ID: <6g6qsr$d6a$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> Thanks, I'm off to go shopping now... David Evans ( wrote: : In <6g4h8s$h0m$> Peter Eisch wrote: : > ps, I'm pretty sure the highest density for the dimension is 4M 72pin : > simms leaving the max at 32M. : : Nope; it will take 8MB SIMMs, giving you 64. This wasn't advertised by : NeXT but does work. :
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Sun, 29 Mar 1998 13:28:45 GMT Date: 4 Apr 98 07:31:04 GMT In article <>, writes: In article <>, (Matthew R. Potter) writes: > Where can I get the hardware specs for Next color slabs, > specifically what chips for the ethernet, SCSI controller Video > Chips etc, I was thinking it might be possible to take a fair > amount of the mk68 code from the motorola ports of Linux, > OpenBSD, NetBSD etc... Did the I can understand that the GNU people work on implementing OpenStep (i.e. GNUStep) for some other hardware but what is the point of porting another UNIX to original NeXT hardware?? I mean, with NeXTStep and OpenStep running on this hardware, you have great software to work and play with. NeXTSTEP/OpenStep are somewhat sucky as server platforms. This isn't intrinsic in their base - it's just that NS/OS haven't had that much development on their Unix layer in a _long_ time. If there were a capable Linux port for NeXT hardware, I'd be running it in a second. These machines still would make great X terminals or light server boxes, for all that they are no longer that great for running most NS/OS stuff. 32M of memory isn't much for a windowing console, but for a bare Linux server, it's more than enough. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi Subject: Re: Experiences with Quantum Viking drive? Followup-To:,comp.periphs.scsi Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6fsjqd$d4s$> <6fsvrb$> In-reply-to:'s message of 1 Apr 1998 09:02:35 GMT Date: 4 Apr 98 07:31:06 GMT In article <6fsvrb$>, (No#Spam) writes: Melissa O'Neill ( wrote: : I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with the : Quantum Viking drive series. Technically, it looks good, and I've : not seen anyone posting complaints, but I know that some other : Quantum drives (like the Fireball) have had a poor reliability : record, so I'm a little cautious. Mine works fine, but I don't like it's noise -- it's "too metally" (a high pitched whine); actually, it's not louder than other 7200 rpm drives I use, but that high frequency component were driving me nuts until I put a cardboard enclosure around my computer. I have a pair of Quantum Atlas II, and they also have that whine. Mine must not be quite as annoying as your's - otherwise, perhaps my enclosure stops the sound better, or perhaps it's placement across the room makes a difference :-). In any case, I really like IBM UltraStar 2ES drives. In my experience, they are very quiet. After hearing the noise and feeling the heat on my Atlas drives, I've rethought my decision to go with them over UltraStars. For all that the Atlas drives are somewhat faster, and were about %10 cheaper. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Can I Boot Openstep from hd1a ? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to:'s message of 30 Mar 1998 11:45:47 +0200 Date: 4 Apr 98 07:31:05 GMT In article <>, (Roberto Di Cosmo) writes: I reboot, always with hd(1)mach_kernel rootdev=hd1a + BUT, ... Now I get a kernel trap during the "Device driver load" phase, like what happened on ns3.3 omitting rootdev=hd1a. Two things. First, make certain you're using the OpenStep boot loader. It can load NeXTSTEP fine, but I had problems loading OpenStep with NeXTSTEP's loader. I refer, here, to the prompt you get where you enter "hd(1)...". Second, you might be having a problem with which kernel you're using. Once upon a time, I installed a dual-boot NS/OS system with NS on a SCSI disk and OS on an EIDE disk. I had to put a minimal OS partition on the SCSI disk, because the EIDE disk wasn't accessable from the BIOS drivers (a second _SCSI_ disk would have been fine, but it's either one or the other, not both). Once I had an OS partition, I could install the OS kernel and boot drivers, and then it worked fine. [I doubt that second part is your problem, though, as you should be able to access both drives if they are of the same type. It _might_ be a controller problem. Perhaps you should also try putting both drives on the same controller, to see what happens.] Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> In-reply-to: Timothy Luoma's message of Wed, 1 Apr 1998 10:07:47 -0500 Date: 4 Apr 98 07:31:07 GMT In article <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat>, Timothy Luoma <> writes: On 31 Mar 1998, Charles Swiger wrote: > People want to port another system to it for a couple of reasons: > > 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 > networking, virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall > support, etc. Of course the limitation of not being able to have 2 Ethernet ports would make NeXT-as-firewall/router difficult, unless I'm missing something... Granted, you need the second port for a firewall, which means you either use ethernet and serial, or nothing. [I believe that SCSI-based ethernet boxes exist. That would probably be a more expensive solution than an entire new box, though.] On the other hand, a NeXTstation would make a very nice NAT host or router, assuming that you can put the ethernet into promiscuous mode. For the longest time, I ran two networks through one hub, a WAN (an ISDN router plus a Linux server) and my WAN (various boxes, plus that same Linux server). I just gave the Linux server an IP address on the LAN, an IP alias on the WAN, and told it to route between the LAN and WAN. Worked just fine. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> In-reply-to:'s message of 2 Apr 1998 06:32:57 GMT Date: 4 Apr 98 07:31:08 GMT In article <6fvbep$uii$> writes: wrote: >Also one other point. I havn't checked this personally and Mike P >should be able to correct if I'm wrong (There are some discussions >in news days past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy >of whatever the ND displays. No. The motherboard sends _PostScript_ to the ND board which has its own Postscript backend. The main motherboard doesn't render Postscript destined for the ND itself and so it is not going to (always) take up RAM on the main motherboard. Of course, if the ND is anemic, say only 8MB, then it may at times have to go over the NBIC and steal some RAM from the motherboard for things like backing stores if it can't store it onboard. That's what you want to avoid. Actually, I think it's weirder than that. So far as I recall, the ND was more of a very intelligent framebuffer than a DPS interpreter. I'm pretty sure the DPS handling happens on the main CPU, while the ND does anything remotely resembling a composite (which includes text drawing, BTW). Since the ND and main board share a fairly large low-latency link, this makes sense. It can leverage off all of the DPS handling code on the main CPU, with all of the grunt-work handled by the i860 on the ND. Processing the DPS is not computationally all that hard, it's the marking the "page" that takes time. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Peter Eisch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 3 Apr 1998 23:34:17 -0600 Organization: etude engineering Message-ID: <6g4gop$gr6$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> wrote: : wrote: : >past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy of whatever the : >ND : >displays. : : No. The motherboard sends _PostScript_ to the ND board which has its own Postscript backend. : The main motherboard doesn't render Postscript destined for the ND itself and so it is not : going to (always) take up RAM on the main motherboard. Of course, if the ND is : anemic, say only 8MB, then it may at times have to go over the NBIC and steal some RAM : from the motherboard for things like backing stores if it can't store it onboard. That's : what you want to avoid. : ND runs a mini kernel that maintains copies of the bitmaps that were rendered by the MB (the ND doesn't run the PostScript rip as stated above). The os on the ND then keeps copies of each window (the backing store) in the ram on the ND board copying the image data over to the video memory for the DAC conversion. The ND board also masks out the video input's clipping area so as not to put windowing information into the live video area while the DAC rasters right into the available area. The also ND copies the bitmaps for the windows in the live video clipping area to the DAC for video out. When the ND runs low on backing store memory it does page (aka swap) back to the MB which could be implicitly forced to swap as well by this. The windows that get paged out first are the windows furthest back (as in from front to back). Remember that if you have a window that hasn't been promoted beyond a 2bit backing, the backing store on the ND will still be 2bit and the i860 on the ND does the right thing when presenting the window in the video memory. If you only have 8MB on the ND you can get reasonable performance by limit to 2bit dwrite GLOBAL NXWindowDepthLimit TwoBitGray but it isn't much fun. With current memory prices I can't imagine why anyone would have a ND and not fully populate it to the 32M max. The "balance" issues came from practicality of having enuf ram on either board to keep one from swapping way before the other, but remember that ram was comparatively more expensive back then and folks needed some reasoning to balancing spending money on RAM. peter
From: (Peter Eisch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 3 Apr 1998 23:42:52 -0600 Organization: etude engineering Message-ID: <6g4h8s$h0m$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> <35245d9c.0@> There are some non-turbo slabs out there with the turbo memory controller which means that it can take the 128M. If there are 4 slots of 72pin simms, you have the turbo memory controller, if you have 8 or 16 slots of 30pin simms you can only use up to 4M simms. The slabs with the turbo memory controller were made much later in the lifecycle of the slab. It was integrated into non-turbo units because it was cheaper and used fewer components than it's 30pin counterparts. peter ps, I'm pretty sure the highest density for the dimension is 4M 72pin simms leaving the max at 32M. John Kheit ( wrote: : The CPU Board, if it's a non Turbo, i.e. 25mhz, generally, can : handle up to only 64Mb. Turbo based motherboards, generally 33mhz : machines, can handle up to 128Mb of RAM. The Dimension video card, : itself, can accomodate up to a maximum of 64Mb of RAM.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 4 Apr 1998 15:13:59 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6g5inn$orm$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6fvbep$uii$> writes: > No. The motherboard sends _PostScript_ to the ND board which has > its own Postscript backend. > >Actually, I think it's weirder than that. >... Sorry - I wasn't specific or accurate enough. The CPU does _not_ send Postscript to the ND per se - but the point is the CPU doesn't simply render all the Postscript and then send it to the ND either, as it does for say the NeXT printer. The following gives a good description of what happens. - Gareth ************** ... That would be a NeXT Cube with the NeXTdimension board. The i860 is used to accelerate both PostScript and 3D drawing operations. (The following is culled from trade show presentations, papers, and articles published Way Back When...) Display PostScript and the NeXTdimension board The Display PostScript system can be (very broadly) broken into two pieces, the PostScript interpreter and the device. The interpreter processes the language, and passes marking, imaging, and (in the NeXT version) compositing directions to the device layer.. The device layer takes the high level marking, imaging, and compositing operations and (eventually) converts these to bitmap level operations. The Display PostScript system spends the majority of it's time down here. In the case of the NeXTdimension board, the device layer is implemented on the NeXTdimension board. Marking, imaging, and compositing operations are asynchronously transmitted to the NeXTdimension for processing while additional PostScript is interpreted on the 68K processor. A good degree of parallelism is achieved in normal operation. The NXPing() AppKit call is interpreted by the Display PostScript system as a request to synchronize the NeXTdimension, PostScript interpreter, and app, and will not return until PostScript rendering is complete on the NeXTdimension.. Quick Renderman and the NeXTdimension board Renderman uses a similar architecture. The 3DKit and RI C binding reside on the m68k (otherwise you couldn't link with them). Depending on the setup of the Renderman context, a RIB stream can be spooled to Photorealistic Renderman running on the host CPU (the m68K for black hardware), or to a Quick Renderman implementation loaded on demand into the Window Server. The Quick Renderman implementation in the Window Server may then, if the target window is on a NeXTdimension, forward the rendering operations to a Quick Renderman context running on the NeXTdimension board. The NeXTdimension board performs all rendering operations for windows displayed by the board. Everything from high level geometry tesselation on down to marking the pixels is done on the NeXTdimension.. Mike Paquette *****************
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sun fixed freq monitor with Color Slab Date: 2 Apr 1998 16:58:13 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6g0g35$k6c$> References: <> (Steve M) wrote: > I have a Sun GDM-1662B 16" fixed freq monitor. It has 13w3 on the > back, but I am unable to get a sync signal from the Slab. > > Does anybody know if Sun's 13w3 is compatible with NeXT's 13w3? Yes. > In general, are Sun fixed freq monitors compatible with the Clolor Turbo? I've heard that specific combinations work, but I'm not sure whether I can generalize safely. :-) Your monitor also needs to work with composite sync on green and a 68Hz refresh for the pre-ADB systems, or 72 Hz for ADB machines. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 19:15:14 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <> wrote: > Also one other point. I havn't checked this personally and Mike P > should > be able to correct if I'm wrong (There are some discussions in news > days > past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy of whatever the > ND > displays. Nope. When the ND memory is exhausted, the ND board's external pager will start to use main memory as a secondary store, though. > Which effectively means that you should have more RAM in > your MB than your ND (I did 64/32 commonly). Basically this means > that RAM in the ND helps the ND but probably doesn't save you a whit > on what your MB needs in RAM to drive the whole thing. Once you'e got 16 Mb on the ND board, I'd always add more memory to the CPU board, given the choice. With the backing store compression tricks in OpenStep 4.2, the ND isn't nearly as memory hungry as it used to be. Those 32 bit UI elements compress really well :-) -- Mike Paquette "Struggling Apple Computer" and the "Struggling Apple" logo are trade and service marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 19:15:17 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <> wrote: > No. The motherboard sends _PostScript_ to the ND board which has its own > Postscript backend. The main motherboard doesn't render Postscript > destined for the ND itself and so it is not going to (always) take up RAM > on the main motherboard. This turns out not to be the case. All the PostScript is interpreted in the front end running on the 680x0. There's a good bit of shared state (dictionaries, global PS VM, etc) that makes this the best choice. The device primitives that result from PostScript interpretation are sent to the ND board asynchronously for rendering.
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 19:15:20 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <> <6g5inn$orm$> <> wrote: > (The following is culled from trade show presentations, papers, and > articles published Way Back When...) > > Display PostScript and the NeXTdimension board [munch] Yeah. What he said... That's a pretty good summary. Mike Paquette
From: "macghod" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,,, Subject: help! Date: 5 Apr 1998 04:24:07 GMT Message-ID: <01bc4241$d5c69500$22f0bfa8@davidsul> Openstep 4.2 is simply a bitch to install for me. People have suggested that I use a slower cd because openstep doesnt like panasonic 24x cd's. The only other cd I have is a sony 2x2 cdr with a tekram dc 310 scsi adapter. I have no idea which driver to use with this? This is a partial list of the symptoms of the problem with the panasonic and possibly the western digital hard drive as well: hc0 : lba supported hc0 drive 0 pio mode 4 hc0: drive 1: pio mode 3 registering hc0 hd0 wdc ac34300l 10.08mil hd0 : 8896 cylinders, 15 heads, 63 spt (disk geometry) hd0: using multisector (16) transfers. registering: hd0 hd0: no valid disk label // their is only 1 partition, and its labeled hd0: device block size 512 bytes hd0: device capacity 4104 mb //(free space is at beginning) idedisk disk 1 is atapi hc1: pIIx4 pci ide controller at dev 7 func 1 bus 0 hc1 pci bus master dma disabled hc1 no devices detected at port 0x170 registering sc0 sd0 matshita cd rom cr 585 zs18 registering sd0 at target 1 lun 0 at sco sd0 waiting for drive to come ready sd0 device block size 2048 bytes sd0 device capacity: 488 mb sd0 disk label openstep_4.2 registering< sgo -sg3 at sc0> root o sd0 rootdev 600, howto 0 power management is enabled. sd0 : no error to report; retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <same> io error on pagein(breadDirect) sd0 media error retrying target: 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 io error on pagein (breadDirect Root device is mounted read-only filesystem check skipped sd0: media error retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <continued with this error and io error on pagein (breaddirect) /preicate/etc/rc.cdrom: illegal instruction also has sd0: no error to report; fatal. target 1 lun 0 op read block 226640 blockcount: 4 after long list of this it gets to the startup disk in this computer is ide disk #1 (type 255 - 4104 mb installing causes more of the same errors, these repeat infinitely
From: "macghod" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,,, Subject: Help!! Date: 5 Apr 1998 04:29:09 GMT Message-ID: <01bc4242$89efcc40$22f0bfa8@davidsul> Installing openstep 4.2 is a huge pain! It has been suggested that I use a slower cd because os does not like panasonic 24 x cdroms. The only other cd I have is a sony 2x2 cdr (cd burner) with a tekram dc 310 scsi adapter. I have no idea what driver to use with this????? These are the sysptoms of the problem with the panasonic (and possibly the western digital drive as well??) hc0 : lba supported hc0 drive 0 pio mode 4 hc0: drive 1: pio mode 3 registering hc0 hd0 wdc ac34300l 10.08mil hd0 : 8896 cylinders, 15 heads, 63 spt (disk geometry) hd0: using multisector (16) transfers. registering: hd0 hd0: no valid disk label // their is only 1 partition, and its labeled hd0: device block size 512 bytes hd0: device capacity 4104 mb //(free space is at beginning) idedisk disk 1 is atapi hc1: pIIx4 pci ide controller at dev 7 func 1 bus 0 hc1 pci bus master dma disabled hc1 no devices detected at port 0x170 registering sc0 sd0 matshita cd rom cr 585 zs18 registering sd0 at target 1 lun 0 at sco sd0 waiting for drive to come ready sd0 device block size 2048 bytes sd0 device capacity: 488 mb sd0 disk label openstep_4.2 registering< sgo -sg3 at sc0> root o sd0 rootdev 600, howto 0 power management is enabled. sd0 : no error to report; retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <same> io error on pagein(breadDirect) sd0 media error retrying target: 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 io error on pagein (breadDirect Root device is mounted read-only filesystem check skipped sd0: media error retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <continued with this error and io error on pagein (breaddirect) /preicate/etc/rc.cdrom: illegal instruction also has sd0: no error to report; fatal. target 1 lun 0 op read block 226640 blockcount: 4 after long list of this it gets to the startup disk in this computer is ide disk #1 (type 255 - 4104 mb installing causes more of the same errors, these repeat infinitely
From: "macghod" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,,, Subject: Openstep 4.2 and sony cdr Date: 5 Apr 1998 01:42:33 GMT Message-ID: <01bc422b$44153a00$26f0bfa8@davidsul> I am trying to install Openstep 4.2 with a primary master = western digital 4 gig primary master = panasonic 24 x atapi drive (matshita 585) This does not work (see bellow), and people have suggested to try a slower speed cd. I only have one other cd (anyone in santa barbara want to lend me one?), which is a sony cdr 2x2. The scsi card is a tekram dc310 fast scsi 2 adapter. I do not know which driver to use to install openstep with this external cdr, instead of installing from the internal 24x panasonic which is having problems. Bellow is a partial log using the 3-24-98 updated driver disk from apple: hc0 : lba supported hc0 drive 0 pio mode 4 hc0: drive 1: pio mode 3 registering hc0 hd0 wdc ac34300l 10.08mil hd0 : 8896 cylinders, 15 heads, 63 spt (disk geometry) hd0: using multisector (16) transfers. registering: hd0 hd0: no valid disk label // their is only 1 partition, and its labeled hd0: device block size 512 bytes hd0: device capacity 4104 mb //(free space is at beginning) idedisk disk 1 is atapi hc1: pIIx4 pci ide controller at dev 7 func 1 bus 0 hc1 pci bus master dma disabled hc1 no devices detected at port 0x170 registering sc0 sd0 matshita cd rom cr 585 zs18 registering sd0 at target 1 lun 0 at sco sd0 waiting for drive to come ready sd0 device block size 2048 bytes sd0 device capacity: 488 mb sd0 disk label openstep_4.2 registering< sgo -sg3 at sc0> root o sd0 rootdev 600, howto 0 power management is enabled. sd0 : no error to report; retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <same> io error on pagein(breadDirect) sd0 media error retrying target: 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 io error on pagein (breadDirect Root device is mounted read-only filesystem check skipped sd0: media error retrying target 1 lun 0 op read block 226576 <continued with this error and io error on pagein (breaddirect) /preicate/etc/rc.cdrom: illegal instruction also has sd0: no error to report; fatal. target 1 lun 0 op read block 226640 blockcount: 4 after long list of this it gets to the startup disk in this computer is ide disk #1 (type 255 - 4104 mb installing causes more of the same errors, these repeat infinitely
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 5 Apr 1998 04:50:32 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100825.16312I-100000@luomat> <35245d9c.0@> <6g4h8s$h0m$> Cache-Post-Path:! Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 22:19:07 GMT In <6g4h8s$h0m$> Peter Eisch wrote: > ps, I'm pretty sure the highest density for the dimension is 4M 72pin > simms leaving the max at 32M. Nope; it will take 8MB SIMMs, giving you 64. This wasn't advertised by NeXT but does work. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (SWarfare2) Newsgroups: Subject: FS 20X new cdrom Date: 5 Apr 1998 00:03:17 GMT Message-ID: <> Organization: AOL Acer 20X cdrom, make offer
From: "Benjamin Folk Jr." <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 14:48:51 -0400 Organization: Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions Message-ID: <6g8ji9$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
From: Patel Chirag <> Newsgroups:,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,comp.sys.acorn.hardware,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,, Subject: Gujarati Keyboard Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 23:32:07 -0500 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I would like any information on where I could find a gujarati (indian language) keyboard (hardware) for use for a PC running Window's 95. I would like to purchase a gujarati keyboard. If anyone has any information on a gujarati keyboard, please email me at
From: Newsgroups: Subject: It is true !! Date: 6 Apr 1998 03:51:37 GMT Organization: World of Free Message-ID: <6g9jg9$egs$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="PART_BOUNDARY_GYKKNJTWBH" --PART_BOUNDARY_GYKKNJTWBH Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="test.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="test.html" Content-Base: "file:///C|/test.html" <BASE HREF="file:///C|/test.html"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- B = open("") blur(B) //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> --PART_BOUNDARY_GYKKNJTWBH Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Free email, homepage, counter, javacript, CGI, graphics, domain name, fonts, and even money............... World of Free please tell your friend about us, thank you
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NS3.3 on Thinkpad 760XD Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 18:33:35 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6gboof$ivm$> Has anyone installed NS3.3 FIP on a Thinkpad 760XD? This laptop appears to use the same display driver chipset as the 760CD, which, according to NeXTAnswers is supported. Please respond by e-mail to Thanks, Lon -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups: Subject: CD-ROM Disappears Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:24:48 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6gd5uf$25h$> Hi All, I've just installed OS4.2 on a Gateway. Everything is working brilliantly, except for the CD-ROM. After install, it was there and I was copying a bunch of stuff off of a CD when bam, right in the middle of the copy , the OS forgot where the CD was and gave me file I/O errors for each of the remaining files in the copy. I have no idea where it went or how to get it back. My only guess is that I need an fstab entry, but I have no idea what one would look like. Can anybody help me out? Does this sound like a possible solution, or is it maybe something more serious. Thanks much - Jon If you would be so kind as to e-mail me, I'd appreciate it. Reading news is a bit of a pain in my current situation. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Geordie Korper) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT ADB and Macs? Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 16:02:17 -0500 Organization: Chapman and Cutler Message-ID: <geordie-0704981602170001@> References: <6gc8ql$> Mail-Copies-To: never r9;SSdvI;]1VVf In article <6gc8ql$>, wrote: :This may be a stupid question, but does ADB NeXT accessories (keyboard & :mouse) work with Macs? Thanks! : :- Matt The extra button on the mouse and the volume controls on the keyboard won't work but other than that I have used them on everything from a 68000 based SE to a G3 Mac (actually only the mouse on the G3). I just wish that RDR would take advantage of the extra button on the NeXT mouse. Geordie Korper ********************************************************************* * The text above should in no way be construed to represent the * * opinions of my employer, even if specifically stated to do so. * *********************************************************************
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 7 Apr 1998 17:32:48 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6ge620$ql4$> Summary: I'm looking for a video card with certain specs. Hi there, I'm building a Pentium-II-based system for use with Windows NT and NeXTStep 3.3. There's some software I want to run on the NT side that requires an OpenGL-compatible video card with 8-16 MB of RAM. The machine has an AGP port, so I'd like to take advantage of that. Does anyone here have any recommendations? My ideal card would be expandable to 16 MB RAM, AGP, and OpenGL-compatible. I'll settle for 8MB-only if necessary, and PCI is also OK if there's no NS support for AGP cards. Thanks in advance. -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: 7 Apr 1998 22:14:24 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6ge8g0$k3q$> References: <> Rainer Leuschke <> wrote: > Bonus question: It would be cool to revive the OD. Right now it takes a > disk and doesn't do anything with it except sounds like it's trying to > read it. Any software out there that can do an OD check-up? You might try cleaning the drive. There are instructions in the hardware faq about how to do this. The older cubes had the fan blowing in the opposite direction which made the OD gather more dust. There is a flter kit that came with an upgrade I believe. You can also reverse the fan. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 7 Apr 1998 22:25:31 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6ge94r$cg5$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> wrote: [ ... ] > Does anyone here have any recommendations? My ideal card would be > expandable to 16 MB RAM, AGP, and OpenGL-compatible. I'll settle for > 8MB-only if necessary, and PCI is also OK if there's no NS support for > AGP cards. Get the Matrox Millenium II AGP. It meets all of your requirements completely and it has a NEXTSTEP 3.3 driver available: From <URL=>: "General Overview notes: This graphics driver is designed to support the MGA Millennium and Mystique Graphics adapters from Matrox Graphics Inc. It may also support other adapters based on the MGA1064SG, MGA1164SG, MGA 2064W and MGA 2164W Graphics controller chipset from Matrox. This driver supports the use of 2MB or 4MB of SGRAM for the MGA1064SG based adapters; 2MB, 4MB or 8MB of SGRAM for the MGA1164SG based adapters; 2MB, 4MB, or 8MB of WRAM for the MGA2064W based adapters; and 4MB, 8MB, 12MB, or 16MB of WRAM for the MGA2164W based adapters. Supported Products / Add-on Adapters: Matrox MGA Millennium Matrox MGA Millennium II Matrox MGA Millennium II AGP Matrox Mystique Matrox Mystique 220 Matrox Mystique 220 AGP" -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Rainer Leuschke <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 15:28:50 -0700 Organization: University of Washington Message-ID: <> References: <> <6ge8g0$k3q$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII NNTP-Posting-User: rainer In-Reply-To: <6ge8g0$k3q$> On 7 Apr 1998, Wesley Horner wrote: > Rainer Leuschke <> wrote: > > > Bonus question: It would be cool to revive the OD. Right now it takes a > > disk and doesn't do anything with it except sounds like it's trying to > > read it. Any software out there that can do an OD check-up? > > You might try cleaning the drive. There are instructions in the hardware faq > about how to do this. The older cubes had the fan blowing in the opposite Where can I find the harware faq? Thanks, R! --- ,--+___. ,/ | \ ___ / | \. Rainer Leuschke __ / | \. web: , __ / 14 |\ \ phone: (w) 685-0900 |\ __ | ~~ | \ \ (h) 524-7887 | \ __ | | \ \ | o\ - | | \ \ |~U'\ | | \ | |/(-' +--o o--| \ | `------;- .|_[]{ }_|------+======' M|_______________| U H U
From: Laurent Curnier <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT mouse Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 15:19:56 +0200 Organization: INRIA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My NeXT mouse doesn't work very well (maybe connections ??) What kind of mouse works with NeXT, and which adaptor ? Thanks in advance Laurent Curnier -- --------------------------------------------------- Laurent Curnier Email: ---------------------------------------------------
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 8 Apr 1998 17:24:06 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6ggbrm$fit$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> John Kheit <> wrote: > (Nathan G. Raymond) wrote: >> * As new graphics cards are coming with more local (onboard) >> RAM, >> the textures can get larger than used currently and still >> fit into the local RAM. Only applications that use particularly >> large textures or graphic cards with only 4 MB local RAM >> or less will see an advantage from AGP, at least for now. > > I think the "at least for now" is key here. The current batch of > AGP cards seem to be the same old PCI cards with a new interface. > I wouldn't expect much to any improvement. The first AGP only > cards, I bet, will be significantly faster. Some companies (ATI) are shipping the AGPx2 cards. Basicly, while I respect Tom's Hardware site as a great reference, the fact that WinBench or 3D games don't run faster between PCI and AGP isn't the be-all and end-all of analyzing graphics performance. AGP is a seperate video port (not a bus) which uses sidebands and write-combining, and thus has significantly higher throughput to the video framebuffer than PCI video cards do. Under Windows or 3D games, raw throughput doesn't matter as much since everybody tries to have the video card's hardware accelerator do the work. Under NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, the CPU generally does the drawing, and then you have to blit from main memory to video memory-- which is something AGP is significantly faster at. > Also, I typically use a 1600X1200@16bit display, and probably will move to > 1600X1200@24bits. At these higher bandwidths, AGP performance boost should > become more significant since most of the vid card memory will be used > for video purposes; i.e. any additional 3D work will have to be > swapped off the card and thereby employ the greater bandwidth of > the AGP bus. It depends on what operating system and software you're running, too. If the drawing system is being done in software to main memory, AGP helps more. If the drawing is being done on and by the video card mainly, there isn't going to be a noticable difference between the AGP and PCI cards based off the same controller and/or RAMDAC chipset(s). > Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, I think the AGP is > a seperate bus. AGP is a seperate port ("Accelerated Graphics Port"). It's not a bus-- you can only have one AGP card on it. > So for those of us with PCI SCSI, ethernet, Sound > cards, there will be a reduction of bandwidth on the PCI bus. > Thus, the AGP card will have a greater overall bandwidth to work > with when the system is using the other cards. This is true, however. One of the advantages of AGP is that it does reduce contention for the PCI bus by offloading the bandwidth for video. IIRC, somewhere on Intel's site about the 440LX and BX chipsets, they talk about "quad-port acceleration" which they give a diagram of the ASPset/PCIset architecture and how they arbitrate data going between the CPU, AGP, PCI, and main memory. However, it certainly is true that AGP has not revolutionized video display performance at this time. In practical terms, the fact that using an AGP cards costs the same as the PCI version, and doesn't take up a PCI slot makes them worthwhile just for that. > The one question I have about AGP is what good is it with regards > to multi-display setups? Dunno. Good question. > If I want to have 2 or 3 1600X1200@24bit displays, what do I do? >Can there be more than one AGP slot? No. > Are there any AGP/PCI multihead solutions? Ask Matrox. > It seems like part of the target market, those that > want killer performance, are just the sort of folks that would like > multi-head displays. Multiheaded displays under Windows suck rocks. I have yet to get the pop-up dialog boxes and new windows to not be split between the displays even using the MGA desktop software (on the dual-headed Millenium-II box I'm using right now) or the equivalent software for dual-headed Elsa cards that's supposed to control that. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Kurt D. Bollacker) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 6 Apr 1998 05:34:33 GMT Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Message-ID: <6g9ph9$sda$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> <6g0td1$n$> <6g24o0$rde$> <6g3r94$1lg$> Kristofer Jon Magnusson ( wrote: : Kurt D. Bollacker <> wrote: : : Kristofer Jon Magnusson ( wrote: : Could you send me some of those $75 1 GB SCSI disks? I've got a slab with : a 400 MB disk that is crying out for retirement. Check out They've got Seagate Baracudas (4GB) for $220. That's what I'm looking at now, but I'm waiting to see if other customers trust them. : : Sure, the PII is faster. But the same price? NOT! : However, that $600 slab is going to perform at one-tenth the speed of the : PII at CPU-bound tasks and at graphics operations. It's also going to have : slower network, disk, and serial port performance. It will have also : better sound quality. It will NOT be able to run popular Windows : applications at near-native speeds (SoftPC 4.0, if you can find one, or : even native Windows NT), it will NOT be able to run a variety of operating : systems, etc. Yup. The PII is probably a more practical investment. : Most of all, it will also have that ineffable slab quality that apparently : makes people spend hard-earned money on seven-year-old obsoleted hardware. The superior HW/SW integration of NeXT machines with NeXTStep makes using my Color Slab more plesant than any PC. I only edit text/read & send mail/read & post news/Web surf through a 14.4 modem on my NeXT machine. None of this is improved by a PII-300, but it sure is nice to use the Delorean of computers. Aesthetics count in the big picture. I've never seen a PC with as "friendly" hardware as a NeXT machine (or even a Mac.) ...................................................................... : Kurt D. Bollacker University of Texas at Austin : : P.O. Box 8566, Austin, TX 78713 : :....................................................................:
From: (Net2phone Information) Newsgroups: Subject: Warning about the FCC and Internet Taxes Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 0:34:46 -0500 Organization: NET2PHONE Message-ID: <> This is not spam in the strictest sense of the definition, it's about the FCC and more taxes that are looming ahead. The method of delivery is spam-like and for that we apologize. We apologize for bothering you, but if we don't warn you right now, you might not be able to communicate over the net as freely as you do now. The Federal Communications Commission is planning to regulate the Internet by imposing new universal service fees which are likely to be passed on to you in the form of higher Internet-service charges. If these taxes are imposed, you will have to pay more every time you use the Internet. IDT Corporation (NASDAQ IDTC) a leading telecommunications and Internet access company, wants to make sure this does not happen. We are calling for a citizens uprising against government bureaucracy and taxes. IDT is going to let you voice your opinion on our nickel. We are sponsoring free phone calls to lobby your representative, senator or the FCC against this most serious infraction against affordable communications. By going to you can place as many free calls as you like to Congress and the FCC to demand your right to low-cost communications. We have always viewed the Internet as a fantastic medium to communicate with anyone worldwide at little or no cost. Please do not let the FCC take this right away from you. Please make that free call right now before you lose your right to unfettered Internet access. Thank you, IDT/Net2Phone Management
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: 8 Apr 1998 06:34:23 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6gf5pf$2ot$> References: <> <6ge8g0$k3q$> <> Rainer Leuschke <> wrote: > Where can I find the harware faq? or you can find a web version by doing a search on yahoo for next faq wes --- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: Toshinao Ishii <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SiS 5591 m/b (e.g. Gigabyte GA-586SG) Date: 07 Apr 1998 01:06:25 +0900 Organization: 3Web internet service Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.106) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804220601!0028926037 Hi. This is self-follow. > I want to know whether SiS5591 based PC motherboard such as > Gigabyte GA-586SG can be used to run OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach. I tried GS-586SG + AMD-K6 233 with OPENSTEP 4.1J. It worked. However, I have a problem. Under certain BIOS setting, the board automatically allocate IRQ12 to my PCI SCSI card (53C825 based) and this IRQ is also used by PS/2 mouse. This conflict of resource causes m/b to hang-up just after SCSI BIOS is loaded. # This is not OPENSTEP related problem. This problem is solved by setting PNP/PCI CONFIGURATION "Resource Controlled by Auto". If one has non-PnP device, this can be a critial problem. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Toshinao Ishii $B@P0f=SD>(B email: (NeXTMAIL/MIME Welcome)
From: Timothy Luoma <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT mouse Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 09:55:58 -0400 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980406095320.3305I-100000@luomat> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Laurent Curnier <> In-Reply-To: <> On Mon, 6 Apr 1998, Laurent Curnier wrote: > My NeXT mouse doesn't work very well (maybe connections ??) > > What kind of mouse works with NeXT, and which adaptor ? A Logitech bus mouse with an adaptor will work with a non-ADB keyboard. I just bought one from DeepspaceTech and Spherical Solutions has them as well... Not sure if anyone over yonder sells them but shipping from US shouldn't be bad for such a small item. TjL
From: Bruce Yarbro <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT & HP 4P Scanner Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 11:39:47 +0000 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! Is there any software out there that will allow me to use my SCSI HP 4P scanner? Thanks! Bruce
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 8 Apr 1998 03:05:05 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6geph1$muj$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804220601!0030248845 In article <6ge620$ql4$> writes: >Hi there, > I'm building a Pentium-II-based system for use with Windows NT and >NeXTStep 3.3. There's some software I want to run on the NT side that >requires an OpenGL-compatible video card with 8-16 MB of RAM. > >The machine has an AGP port, so I'd like to take advantage of that. > >Does anyone here have any recommendations? My ideal card would be >expandable to 16 MB RAM, AGP, and OpenGL-compatible. I'll settle for >8MB-only if necessary, and PCI is also OK if there's no NS support for >AGP cards. I'd say AGP isn't worth the trouble right now, Windows or not. AGP = hype. Check out the following below (its a good site) and the bit I've excerpted. - Nathan Raymond The Performance Issue The expected increase in system performance is certainly the most interesting thing to all of us. This question can be answered fairly simple in the first place - there doesn't seem to be any!!! Shocking!! Well, it isn't quite like that, but you have to try hard finding any improvement in performance from using AGP. Using any real world applications or benchmarks won't get you anywhere. It is difficult to believe, but any popular benchmark program will show you the same results with the PCI card as well as with the corresponding AGP card. As to my knowledge there is currently only one benchmark available that can show you the advantage of AGP and its DIME feature, which is the [20]3D Winbench 97 from Ziff-Davis. Now hold your horses before you start benchmarking with 3D Winbench, because if you are using the benchmark just as it comes, it won't show you any difference between PCI and AGP either. What you will need in addition to 3D Winbench is a special scene called "Station 2 Large Textures Scene". This scene can be downloaded from ZDLabs as [21]3d97agp.exe. This "Large Scene" got its name because it's using very large textures of up to 6.1 MB. Even new cards with 8 MB onboard memory won't be able to hold the complete textures in their local (onboard) RAM in case you are using high resolutions that need a lot of local memory for frame buffering and Z-buffering.This means that the texture has to be swapped to local memory. Here is where DIME comes in for AGP cards that are able to use it. You can see a benefit of about 200% by using the AGP card, when running the "large scene" at a resolution of 1024x768. The benefit from AGP decreases whilst using lower resolutions and depending on the amount of local card memory the results will finally be the same at some low resolution, e.g. 640x480 in case of a 8 MB graphic card. You invoke the "large scene" by selecting 'user scene' in the 'test settings' of 3D Winbench 97. Select 'Stations2LargeTextures.scene' as user scene name and tick the options you want to run the test with. Choose the resolution you want to run the test at and run the test via 'selected' in the 'Run' menu, choosing '3D Scene/User Defined'. To summarize the findings regarding system performance with AGP graphic cards compared to the corresponding PCI graphics card there are the following things to be considered: * I can say that so far there is no real world application available that benefits from AGP's DIME feature. * Normal applications, like e.g. business applications don't benefit from AGP at all. In Winstone 97 the Business as well as the HighEnd benchmark are showing identical results between AGP and corresponding PCI card. * Current 3D applications are also not benefiting from AGP. The textures used by current 3D games and 3D benchmarks are either not large enough or the games and benchmarks don't run at high enough resolutions for forcing the graphic card to swap parts of the textures outside their local (onboard) RAM into main memory. * As new graphics cards are coming with more local (onboard) RAM, the textures can get larger than used currently and still fit into the local RAM. Only applications that use particularly large textures or graphic cards with only 4 MB local RAM or less will see an advantage from AGP, at least for now. -- Nathan Raymond
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 8 Apr 1998 03:08:30 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6gepne$n00$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804220601!0030254105 In article <6ge620$ql4$> writes: >Hi there, > I'm building a Pentium-II-based system for use with Windows NT and >NeXTStep 3.3. There's some software I want to run on the NT side that >requires an OpenGL-compatible video card with 8-16 MB of RAM. > >The machine has an AGP port, so I'd like to take advantage of that. > >Does anyone here have any recommendations? My ideal card would be >expandable to 16 MB RAM, AGP, and OpenGL-compatible. I'll settle for >8MB-only if necessary, and PCI is also OK if there's no NS support for >AGP cards. > >Thanks in advance. I would say forget about AGP for now - the benchmarks show its not worth it. AGP = marketing hype Check out the link and excerpt I have below. -- Nathan Raymond The Performance Issue The expected increase in system performance is certainly the most interesting thing to all of us. This question can be answered fairly simple in the first place - there doesn't seem to be any!!! Shocking!! Well, it isn't quite like that, but you have to try hard finding any improvement in performance from using AGP. Using any real world applications or benchmarks won't get you anywhere. It is difficult to believe, but any popular benchmark program will show you the same results with the PCI card as well as with the corresponding AGP card. As to my knowledge there is currently only one benchmark available that can show you the advantage of AGP and its DIME feature, which is the [20]3D Winbench 97 from Ziff-Davis. Now hold your horses before you start benchmarking with 3D Winbench, because if you are using the benchmark just as it comes, it won't show you any difference between PCI and AGP either. What you will need in addition to 3D Winbench is a special scene called "Station 2 Large Textures Scene". This scene can be downloaded from ZDLabs as [21]3d97agp.exe. This "Large Scene" got its name because it's using very large textures of up to 6.1 MB. Even new cards with 8 MB onboard memory won't be able to hold the complete textures in their local (onboard) RAM in case you are using high resolutions that need a lot of local memory for frame buffering and Z-buffering.This means that the texture has to be swapped to local memory. Here is where DIME comes in for AGP cards that are able to use it. You can see a benefit of about 200% by using the AGP card, when running the "large scene" at a resolution of 1024x768. The benefit from AGP decreases whilst using lower resolutions and depending on the amount of local card memory the results will finally be the same at some low resolution, e.g. 640x480 in case of a 8 MB graphic card. You invoke the "large scene" by selecting 'user scene' in the 'test settings' of 3D Winbench 97. Select 'Stations2LargeTextures.scene' as user scene name and tick the options you want to run the test with. Choose the resolution you want to run the test at and run the test via 'selected' in the 'Run' menu, choosing '3D Scene/User Defined'. To summarize the findings regarding system performance with AGP graphic cards compared to the corresponding PCI graphics card there are the following things to be considered: * I can say that so far there is no real world application available that benefits from AGP's DIME feature. * Normal applications, like e.g. business applications don't benefit from AGP at all. In Winstone 97 the Business as well as the HighEnd benchmark are showing identical results between AGP and corresponding PCI card. * Current 3D applications are also not benefiting from AGP. The textures used by current 3D games and 3D benchmarks are either not large enough or the games and benchmarks don't run at high enough resolutions for forcing the graphic card to swap parts of the textures outside their local (onboard) RAM into main memory. * As new graphics cards are coming with more local (onboard) RAM, the textures can get larger than used currently and still fit into the local RAM. Only applications that use particularly large textures or graphic cards with only 4 MB local RAM or less will see an advantage from AGP, at least for now. -- Nathan Raymond
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 7 Apr 1998 05:54:56 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6gcf3g$nad$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <6fvbep$uii$> <TJLU.214$> <6g0td1$n$> <6g24o0$rde$> <6g3r94$1lg$> <6g9ph9$sda$> Kurt D. Bollacker <> wrote: > post news/Web surf through a 14.4 modem on my NeXT machine. None of this is > improved by a PII-300, but it sure is nice to use the Delorean of computers. > Aesthetics count in the big picture. I've never seen a PC with as "friendly" > hardware as a NeXT machine (or even a Mac.) I like the spirit of the DeLorean comparisons but have you ever seen/ridden in a DeLorean. They couldn't be more differnt than next hardware in the quality department. The fit and finnish leaves somthing to be desired. That being said. I will buy a DeLorean as soon as I can afford one (long time). They do have a certain quality that the next has. Not everyone can own one and most people don't understand why you would want it in the first place. Their loss.. wes --- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
Newsgroups:, From: russ@doghaus.uucp (Russell Sutherland) Subject: OpenStep 4.2 MACH platforms Organization: University of Toronto, Computing & Networking Services Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:13:27 GMT Message-ID: <> Sender: (nntp inews) Keywords: OpenStep Distribution: na I have recently acquired OpenStep 4.2 MACH. Which Sun/Sparc platforms can it run on? I seem to remember: Sparc 5 Sparc 10 Sparc 20 Are there any others (e.g. SparcLX)? What are the memory requirements for reasonable performance? Is there a reference to minimum requirements for installation on an Intel platform? I believe that one needs a SCSI CDROM, special Video card, etc. -- Russell P. Sutherland Email: 4 Bancroft Ave., Rm. 102 Voice: +1.416.978.0470 University of Toronto Fax: +1.416.978.6620/3787 Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 1C1 WWW:
From: Sebastien Mallet <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sun fixed freq monitor with Color Slab Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:47:01 +0200 Organization: Nortel Message-ID: <> References: <> <6fv9u0$24b$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi , I'm trying to use a SONY GDM - 1952 .I hope this monitor will extract the sync signals from the green (?) coming from my Turbo color non ADB SLAB. If it doesn't work I'm afraid i'll buy a new one.. Does anybody knows if it's it a standard feature for monitor to extract SYNC from GREEN ?? I looked in different places(PEAK.ORG)...: I found no compatibility information on monitor... Or symply if for example a SONY 200 ES (or GS) will work ? Thanks for any information Sebastien.
From: "NeXT Newbie" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: first day with OS Date: 9 Apr 1998 21:06:29 GMT Message-ID: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> Some impressions of OS 4.2 1) This OS sure was designed for big monitors! I have a 17 inch and it seems to small. Seems like you would want at least a 20 inch monitor 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems much better. 3) How do you connect to the internet with ppp? 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? 5) where is the option to change the monitors resolution and bits of color?
From: "Klas M. Brenk" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ATI EXPERT @ WORK config problem Date: 10 Apr 1998 00:07:42 GMT Organization: Filozofska fakulteta Message-ID: <01bd63e3$3e9dd8e0$> I ran into problems when trying to configure new ATI expert @ work display card using ATI Rage beta driver from NextAnswers. The first problem was that the computer didn't find the display card at all. I got somehow through that by finding out the IDs of cards on PCI bus and including them in "auto detect" field in Configure expert fields. The computer now finds and correctly identifies the card, but it reports VRAM check error, stops and sets Default VGA display instead. Does anybody have any advice on how to get arround the problem? Thanks in advance! g.
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Openstep 4.2 on new Dell computer? Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 13:14:09 -0700 Organization: Stanford University Sender: Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " Has anyone put NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 on a Dell Pentium II computer? Were there any driver problems with any of the hardware? Did the disk drive size being > 2GB cause any problems? Anything else I should be aware of before I buy from Dell to run NS3.3 or OS 4.2? Thanks. Rob
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 6 Apr 1998 20:30:09 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gbe0h$f02$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Mike Paquette wrote: > <> wrote: > > > Also one other point. I havn't checked this personally and Mike P > > should > > be able to correct if I'm wrong (There are some discussions in news > > days > > past) but I believe that the MB maintains a full copy of whatever the > > ND > > displays. > > Nope. When the ND memory is exhausted, the ND board's external pager > will start to use main memory as a secondary store, though. > > > Which effectively means that you should have more RAM in > > your MB than your ND (I did 64/32 commonly). Basically this means > > that RAM in the ND helps the ND but probably doesn't save you a whit > > on what your MB needs in RAM to drive the whole thing. > > Once you'e got 16 Mb on the ND board, I'd always add more memory to the > CPU board, given the choice. With the backing store compression tricks > in OpenStep 4.2, the ND isn't nearly as memory hungry as it used to be. > Those 32 bit UI elements compress really well :-) > Mike, I thank you for the multiple replies. Also thanks to Gareth. I agree with your two statements above. But I don't think all of this has cleared up the issue at least in my mind. I understand the concept of the interpreter & device as posted by Gareth < The Display PostScript system can be (very broadly) broken into two <pieces, the PostScript interpreter and the device. The interpreter <processes the language, and passes marking, imaging, and (in the NeXT <version) compositing directions to the device layer.. < The device layer takes the high level marking, imaging, and <compositing operations and (eventually) converts these to bitmap level <operations. The Display PostScript system spends the majority of it's <time down here. Here is Gareth's comment on how these work together > In the case of the NeXTdimension board, the device layer is >implemented on the NeXTdimension board. Marking, imaging, and >compositing operations are asynchronously transmitted to the >NeXTdimension for processing while additional PostScript is >interpreted on the 68K processor. A good degree of parallelism is >achieved in normal operation. The NXPing() AppKit call is interpreted >by the Display PostScript system as a request to synchronize the >NeXTdimension, PostScript interpreter, and app, and will not return >until PostScript rendering is complete on the NeXTdimension.. I'm not quite clear what 'additional PostScript is interpreted on the 68K processor' actually means in detail. But I think I understand the display mechanism conceptually. In my statements on this thread when i said 'The MB maintains a Full Copy of whatever the ND displays' I meant the NXImage data not the interpreted DPS. Can we take an example? I imagine opening a PhotoCD image. At some point the image file must be converted to a NXImage to be readied for a display operation. That NXImage data is stored on the 680x0. I believe it is not compressed either but I may be wrong on that. At some point the NXImage will get displayed. Is it the case on a ND system that the NXImage data is moved from being on the Motherboard to the ND while the only reference to the NXImage data from the 680x0 would be a pointer to some address on the ND? I think I can see a way the above could work, but I would expect that it would make more sense to maintain the origional NXImage data on the 680x0. While having the interpreted copy on the ND. There would be certian DPS operations that one might send directly to the ND, and others where one would grab the origional (680x0) copy of the NXImage do the required operation (on the 680x0), and then send a update to the ND for a display update.. I'm not sure how this would relate to the origional question (best system) but it would relate to how one might want to partition RAM between the MB and the ND. Also it would be nice to comment directly to the posters question. I personally find that the ND is slower than the Turbo. Sure you get 24bit color on the ND, but you pay a performance price. I always felt with same RAM the Turbo felt faster than the Turbo ND for some things (especially image work) and you could still work with 24bit images just you'd only see 16 (or really 12bits). The speed definately made up for the quality in some instances.. Though I still love my ND, and am sorry I don't sit at it too much anymore. 1600x1200 is too alluring ;) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep 4.2 on new Dell computer? Date: 6 Apr 1998 21:04:12 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6gbg0c$kc8$> References: <> "Robert G. Jacobs" <> wrote: > Has anyone put NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 on a Dell Pentium II computer? Were there > any driver problems with any of the hardware? Did the disk drive size > being > 2GB cause any problems? Anything else I should be aware of before > I buy from Dell to run NS3.3 or OS 4.2? The only issue is that you'll need to make sure you have a supported video card. I don't believe the choices offered currently from the Dell XPS Dimension systems are, so you might have to blow an additional $100 seperately to pick up something like a Matrox. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Jeffrey Parnaby <> Newsgroups: Subject: new NS user wants to get online Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 20:47:32 +0000 Organization: MacConnect - Connecting the Mac OS to the World! Sender: macconr@ Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm new to NEXTSTEP, having just picked up a color turbo slab (nice box--like it better than my Power Mac!). I could use some advice on connecting to the Net. First, does anyone know whether I can use a GV 56k modem with my slab? I know I'd need a special cable, and I don't care if I can't get more than 28.8 baud, I'd just like to not have to buy an additional modem. Once I have a usable modem, I might have another problem. I have seen references to a website where I can download PPP software, and I know about OmniWeb, but how do I get this stuff on my machine if I'm not connected in the first place? Since NS can read Mac floppies, I've downloaded app files to my Mac, put them on a floppy, and tried to install them on my NeXT, but NEXTSTEP doesn't seem to recognize the file format (decompress is not an option under the Workspace Manager's File menu). Is it possible to do this and I'm just doing it wrong? If not, how do I obtain the software I'll need to make a PPP connection and browse the web? Thanks for any help you can offer. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> The problem with the rat race is, if you win, you're still a rat. <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
From: Rainer Leuschke <> Newsgroups: Subject: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 11:05:31 -0700 Organization: University of Washington Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII NNTP-Posting-User: rainer I got my hands on an old cube that I want to use for office decoration, email and other tasks with low MIPS requirements. It houses an apparently broken optical drive and a super noisy HD. I'm pretty sure I can handle the HD swapping. I'm not sure what it takes to attach a floppy disk drive. I've only seen those in the slabs and I wonder if the original cube boards can handle a floppy drive and what kind it would have to be, adaptors, drivers...? Bonus question: It would be cool to revive the OD. Right now it takes a disk and doesn't do anything with it except sounds like it's trying to read it. Any software out there that can do an OD check-up? R! --- ,--+___. ,/ | \ ___ / | \. Rainer Leuschke __ / | \. web: , __ / 14 |\ \ phone: (w) 685-0900 |\ __ | ~~ | \ \ (h) 524-7887 | \ __ | | \ \ | o\ - | | \ \ |~U'\ | | \ | |/(-' +--o o--| \ | `------;- .|_[]{ }_|------+======' M|_______________| U H U
From: (Supe3 User) Newsgroups: Subject: BRAND new MICROPOLIS Stinger 4.3 Ultra Wide SCSI 3 Onsale..for $165 Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 03:03:24 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <35938bfa.111192947@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit BRAND new MICROPOLIS Stinger 4.3 Ultra Wide SCSI 3 Onsale..for $165
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 20:08:00 GMT In article <>, Rainer Leuschke <> wrote: > >I got my hands on an old cube that I want to use for office decoration, >email and other tasks with low MIPS requirements. It houses an apparently >broken optical drive and a super noisy HD. I'm pretty sure I can handle >the HD swapping. I'm not sure what it takes to attach a floppy disk drive. >I've only seen those in the slabs and I wonder if the original cube boards >can handle a floppy drive and what kind it would have to be, adaptors, >drivers...? I believe all of the 040/25 (30) cubes take FD. I'm not sure about the 030/25 cubes. In order to place a FD in an old cube, you'll need: FD, of course, along with cube FD cable. Slab FD cable will not do; Mounting holes in the drive bay and the mounting bracket; New-style faceplate, or you can mill the old one ;-) The most difficult part is to have the right faceplate. Your best bet is to leave this alone, try to find a FD-ready cube, or try to find an external SCSI FD. > >Bonus question: It would be cool to revive the OD. Right now it takes a >disk and doesn't do anything with it except sounds like it's trying to >read it. Any software out there that can do an OD check-up? > >R! > You do not need any software to check this sick old puppy. It is dead ;-( The OD should read the disk automatically. You should take it out and admire it. Someone may want to have your cable...
From: "Andy" <> Newsgroups:,it.comp.hardware,,it.comp.hardware.cpu,,z-netz.rechner.hardware Subject: Database system for PC Resellers!!! Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 23:22:34 -0500 Organization: Western Pacific Network Services Message-ID: <6gk6oc$9uq$> If you are a PC Reseller, you'll want to check out this link!! Databased software for tracking: System quotes, invoices, sales tax, warranty information, customer information, including all reports.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: 7 Apr 1998 20:51:31 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ge3kj$kqa$> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <> <6gbe0h$f02$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Mike Paquette wrote: > <> wrote: > > > > In the case of the NeXTdimension board, the device layer is > > >implemented on the NeXTdimension board. Marking, imaging, and > > >compositing operations are asynchronously transmitted to the > > >NeXTdimension for processing while additional PostScript is > > >interpreted on the 68K processor. A good degree of parallelism is > > >achieved in normal operation. The NXPing() AppKit call is interpreted > > >by the Display PostScript system as a request to synchronize the > > >NeXTdimension, PostScript interpreter, and app, and will not return > > >until PostScript rendering is complete on the NeXTdimension.. > > > > I'm not quite clear what 'additional PostScript is interpreted on the > > 68K > > processor' actually means in detail. But I think I understand the > > display > > mechanism conceptually. > > Basically, the 68K processor is free to start working on additional > PostScript (or user programs, or whatever) as soon as the drawing > primitives are queued up for the ND board. The two can run in parallel, > with both CPUs grinding away at the same time. Interesting. Unfortunately I don't know enough about PostScript of the DPS engine in WM to know what could be split up.. But it makes sense to use the 680x0 along with the i860 for that extra oomph.. :) > > > I imagine opening a PhotoCD image. At some point the image file must > > be converted to a NXImage to be readied for a display operation. That > > NXImage data is stored on the 680x0. I believe it is not compressed > > either > > but I may be wrong on that. At some point the NXImage will get > > displayed. > > In this case, the PhotoCD data would be read into memory and > uncompressed to for a NXBitmapImageRep, which would reside in the > application running on the 68K. When the image is displayed (preferably > by compositing it into a view, the image will be copied (using a VM > system trick, not a byte by byte copy, Lawson) to the WIndow Server > process. If all or part of the image is to be displayed on the ND > board, the image will then be demand paged to the ND processor using a > special paging algorithm optimized for bitmap operations. Thanks for the info. Again all makes sense. It also sounds like you guys have already done a lot of optimization to improve display performance. I have to wonder if there is much more to wring out of the DPS engine in terms of performance.. Happily DPS seems quite snappy for many things even on the old 68040 hardware.. Thanks for the tidbit on how the paging to the ND was designed.. I'd personally be interested to know when the last serious optimizations happened for the ND? NS3.0 or 3.2?? I know we didn't get anthing in the interceptor libs for the ND and interceptor happend in the 3.2-3.3 time frame (maybe earlier internally).. > > Is it the case on a ND system that the NXImage data is moved from being > > on > > the Motherboard to the ND while the only reference to the NXImage data > > from the 680x0 would be a pointer to some address on the ND? > > In this case, no. However, if the image isn't used for a little while, > we bring some other tricks to bear to minimize the real and VM memory > used. > Again thanks. So in effect I am right that the NXBitmapImageRep is going to hang around on the 680x0 whilst the ND is doing it's job on some preprocessed code. Whatever you guys have done (in terms of these 'other tricks') is noticable when working with lots of open images/windows. I havn't done to calculations in detail but I was sure I should have been paging based on raw image sizes (no compression) but I wasn't.. I wonder how long a little while is (seemed like 10s of seconds) and whether the little trick involves compression.. Anyway I think you've answered my questions. Much thanks and as I get my taxes together and time to work on my NeXT Web Pages I will try to add your comments somewhere under NeXT Dimension :) BTW: Do you have any comments on a good place to be with RAM on a Turbo ND system. I've been up to 128/64 or 128/32/32 on various systems/usages and I find myself running NS3.3 with a 64/32 config.. For most things I find this adequate.. Anything more demanding and there is a P-Pro with 256MB RAM running 4.2 that I really use. Thanks for putting up with my question - and giving out some answers Mike. The wine offer is still on just e-mail an address to ship to ;) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT ADB and Macs? Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 20:09:27 -0800 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6gc8ql$> This may be a stupid question, but does ADB NeXT accessories (keyboard & mouse) work with Macs? Thanks! - Matt
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 22:26:10 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <> <6gbe0h$f02$> <> <6ge3kj$kqa$> <> wrote: > I'd personally be interested to know when the last serious > optimizations > happened for the ND? NS3.0 or 3.2?? June, 1995, for 4.x releases, where we added some special code to improve memory use with backing stores. > I know we didn't get anthing > in the interceptor libs for the ND and interceptor happend in the > 3.2-3.3 > time frame (maybe earlier internally).. The Interceptor stuff couldn't be uses with the ND, as direct access to the VRAM over the NeXTBus tended to hang the i860 :-( This was genarally considered a net performance loss. > I wonder how long a little while is (seemed like 10s of seconds) and > whether > the little trick involves compression.. 5-20 seconds, depending on avaiable memory and activity. > BTW: Do you have any comments on a good place to be with RAM on > a Turbo ND system. I've been up to 128/64 or 128/32/32 on various > systems/usages and I find myself running NS3.3 with a 64/32 config.. > For most things I find this adequate.. Anything more demanding and > there is a P-Pro with 256MB RAM running 4.2 that I really use. Um. I run 32 Mbytes on the 68040, and 16 Mbytes on the ND. -- Mike Paquette "Troubled Apple Computer" and the "Troubled Apple" logo are trade and service marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
From: (Jean-Paul Samson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT & HP 4P Scanner Date: 7 Apr 1998 22:11:28 GMT Organization: Computing Science, U of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Message-ID: <6ge8ag$cgl$> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> On 04/05/98, Bruce Yarbro wrote: >Is there any software out there that will allow me to use my SCSI HP >4P scanner? Yup, ScanOMatic, a commercial product, works with this scanner. I'm using this very setup at home on my NeXTstation. Check out the web page at You can get a free, time-limited licence from IPC to test their software with your scanner. ScanOMatic has also been ported to be OPENSTEP-compliant, so eventually you'll be able to use the application with Rhapsody. Jean-Paul -- -===================================================================- Jean-Paul C. Samson -===- (NeXTmail & MIME) -=============- -=============- -===================================================================- "Microsoft is a fact of life. They're like the air we breathe. Perhaps a better analogy is bottled water, because you have to buy it." -- Steve Jobs, Apple Computer's Worldwide Developers Conference, May 16th, 1997 -===================================================================-
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 22:47:37 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <6fu2lq$num$> <> <6gbe0h$f02$> <> wrote: > > In the case of the NeXTdimension board, the device layer is > >implemented on the NeXTdimension board. Marking, imaging, and > >compositing operations are asynchronously transmitted to the > >NeXTdimension for processing while additional PostScript is > >interpreted on the 68K processor. A good degree of parallelism is > >achieved in normal operation. The NXPing() AppKit call is interpreted > >by the Display PostScript system as a request to synchronize the > >NeXTdimension, PostScript interpreter, and app, and will not return > >until PostScript rendering is complete on the NeXTdimension.. > > I'm not quite clear what 'additional PostScript is interpreted on the > 68K > processor' actually means in detail. But I think I understand the > display > mechanism conceptually. Basically, the 68K processor is free to start working on additional PostScript (or user programs, or whatever) as soon as the drawing primitives are queued up for the ND board. The two can run in parallel, with both CPUs grinding away at the same time. > I imagine opening a PhotoCD image. At some point the image file must > be converted to a NXImage to be readied for a display operation. That > NXImage data is stored on the 680x0. I believe it is not compressed > either > but I may be wrong on that. At some point the NXImage will get > displayed. In this case, the PhotoCD data would be read into memory and uncompressed to for a NXBitmapImageRep, which would reside in the application running on the 68K. When the image is displayed (preferably by compositing it into a view, the image will be copied (using a VM system trick, not a byte by byte copy, Lawson) to the WIndow Server process. If all or part of the image is to be displayed on the ND board, the image will then be demand paged to the ND processor using a special paging algorithm optimized for bitmap operations. > Is it the case on a ND system that the NXImage data is moved from being > on > the Motherboard to the ND while the only reference to the NXImage data > from the 680x0 would be a pointer to some address on the ND? In this case, no. However, if the image isn't used for a little while, we bring some other tricks to bear to minimize the real and VM memory used. -- Mike Paquette "Troubled Apple Computer" and the "Troubled Apple" logo are trade and service marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 20:21:35 -0500 From: Eric Ulmer <> Organization: T.A.P.G MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Scott Hess wrote: > In article <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat>, > Timothy Luoma <> writes: > On 31 Mar 1998, Charles Swiger wrote: > > People want to port another system to it for a couple of reasons: > > > > 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 > > networking, virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall > > support, etc. > > Of course the limitation of not being able to have 2 Ethernet ports > would make NeXT-as-firewall/router difficult, unless I'm missing > something... > If a person could configure a next box to allow logical interfaces, like you can do under solaris: ifconfig le0:1 ,etc... You could make a NeXT box a NAT or firewall pretty easily. Just make the other logcial segment unroutable. Ala one-arm router
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 8 Apr 1998 16:51:38 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6gg9uq$fit$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6ge94r$cg5$> <> Monty Brandenberg <> wrote: > While gathering parts for an intel NS box, I read that nextanswer and > I'm not certain I believe the AGP support. Is 3.3 known to support the > AGP? Yes, it's just a fast PCI without arbitration but that doesn't mean > a piece of code written in '94 will support it. What's the story? The story is that version 3.41 of the driver came out December 11, 1997. :-) However, I suspect you should also upgrade your ISA/EISA bus driver to the latest version. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 8 Apr 1998 20:36:56 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6ggn58$fso$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> In article <352b5cd7.0@> writes: >I think the "at least for now" is key here. The current batch of >AGP cards seem to be the same old PCI cards with a new interface. "The AGP specification is based on the 66 MHz PCI specification rev. 2.1, which isn't in much use currently, since all current PCI cards are still only able to use the 33 MHz PCI bus speed. AGP however is adding three special extensions via so called 'sideband' signals, provided by some special lines added to the PCI specs. These three extensions are 1.pipelined memory read/write operations 2.demultiplexing of address and data on the bus 3.timing for data transfer rate as if clocked with 133 MHz..." "...Software Considerations Unfortunately, getting an AGP board plus an AGP graphic accelerator won't be enough to take advantage of AGP's new performance. Nothing goes without a proper operating system which has to take care of particularly the DIME/GART part of the AGP benefits. The OS has to provide main memory for the AGP RAM and has to monitor that main memory is still enough for the running applications. This shall be achieved via DirectDraw of Memphis (Windows98) and Windows NT 5. As long as these operating systems aren't out, nobody will be able to take advantage of the DIME and hence only half of the AGP benefits are used. >I wouldn't expect much to any improvement. The first AGP only >cards, I bet, will be significantly faster. As you can read above, its not the cards, its the lack of OS support that's really holding things back. >Also, I typically use >a 1600X1200@16bit display, and probably will move to 1600X1200@24bits. >At these higher bandwidths, AGP performance boost should become >more significant since most of the vid card memory will be used >for video purposes; i.e. any additional 3D work will have to be >swapped off the card and thereby employ the greater bandwidth of >the AGP bus. Yes, if the card's drivers are written correctly, you should be able to take advantage of at least the raw bandwidth to get some performance increase. >Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, I think the AGP is >a seperate bus. So for those of us with PCI SCSI, ethernet, Sound >cards, there will be a reduction of bandwidth on the PCI bus. >Thus, the AGP card will have a greater overall bandwidth to work >with when the system is using the other cards. This is true, the bandwidth is not shared. But here's more from that web page I mentioned above: AGP - Some Critical Thoughts The number one benefit from AGP is supposed to be the DIME feature, which is meant to save video RAM onboard the graphics adapter. There are some doubts however, where I'm wondering if this idea will turn out to be as wonderful as it sounds. We have learned that AGP offers a theoretical peak throughput of 528 MB/s using 'x2' mode and the next 'x4' mode is already planned. This mode would offer a throughput of about 1 GB/s, isn't that amazing? There is a little problem we easily forget though. This throughput is meant to transport data from main memory to the graphic accelerator. Now currently the maximum throughput of main memory to the CPU at 66 MHz bus clock is exactly these 528 MB/s. You certainly don't expect that the whole system is doing nothing while the graphic accelerator is accessing the main memory via DIME, do you? Whilst the graphics accelerator is doing its work, the CPU and other DMA using devices are accessing main memory just as well of course. Therefore AGP will never be able to get a throughput of 528 MB/s, since this is the whole bandwidth of main memory and thus it has to be shared with CPU and others. If you see it in a very simple statistical way you can't expect that AGP will get more of that main memory bandwidth than 50% = 264 MB/s. What is the 'x2' mode good for then? These above averaged 528 MB/s bandwidth of main memory are already only valid for SDRAM systems. EDO is considerably slower, let alone good old FPM. What AGP really needs is the 100 MHz bus!! This bus will offer 800 MB/s bandwidth with SDRAM and so AGP could get a good share of it. Hence there's not much value in going on about 'x1' or 'x2' mode AGP graphic cards currently, since there's simply no technical chance that data could be transfered at the speed 'x2' mode is offering in 66 MHz bus speed systems. What does this mean for us? 'Let's wait again!!' Let's wait for the 440BX or VIA Apollo VP4 chipset, both using 100 MHz system bus. There's one other consideration as well. Modern VRAM or WRAM cards as well as RAMBUS RAM cards are offering a video memory (onboard, LFB or local memory) bandwidth of up to 1.6 GB/s (e.g. Number Nine Revolution 3D, 128 bit port WRAM). This is much more than even 'x4' mode will offer. These cards will be faster if they are using their local memory for texture processing rather than the much slower AGP RAM. This means that high end cards will work just as PCI cards in the past, only taking advantage of the higher data transfer speed of AGP, no DIME used. Intel thinks that this will be more expensive, but isn't it funny ... RAM prices are lower than ever. This should not really be a reason for a more expensive card. _________________________________________________________________ Three Different Flavors This leads to the question if you have to use DIME to benefit from AGP. The answer even provided by Intel is 'NO'. * You can use AGP without using the DIME feature at all. In this case the graphic accelerator is just benefiting from the much higher transfer rates than PCI. The 'sidebands' can be used, but they don't have to. Without 'sidebanding' the transfer rate is already 266 MB/s, which is double of what a stand alone PCI graphics card would get. Here the access can (as with PCI cards as well) either use PIO or DMA to transfer the data from main memory into the frame buffer of the graphic accelerator. * The majority of graphic accelerators will most likely use DIME, thus saving on board texture memory and hence making the card cheaper without loosing performance. Of course these cards should be using the 'sidebands' to enable 'x2' mode. * The high end versions will most likely use DIMEL (Direct Memory Execute and Local also). Often used textures would be stored in a (large) on board local memory, less frequently used ones would reside in the AGP RAM. These cards will come with a lot of memory on board, like e.g. the (expensive but fast) Diamond Fire GL 4000 (PCI) with its 32 MB RAM already shows. Even Intel admits that high end solutions will still have a very large local memory, but will be too expensive for mainstream. _________________________________________________________________ Shall We Go and Buy AGP Boards Now ? The answer is yes and no. As you will see from my benchmark results, currently there isn't much to AGP at all. However the SDRAM support and the upgradeability (to AGP) of 440LX chipset boards will be a great advantage over the 440FX Pentium II boards. It will probably take at least until NT 5 and Memphis are released until there will be a really visible performance boost from AGP. >The one question I have about AGP is what good is it with regards >to multi-display setups? If I want to have 2 or 3 1600X1200@24bit >displays, what do I do? Can there be more than one AGP slot? Are >there any AGP/PCI multihead solutions? Or must we use PCI if we >want this feature? AGP is a one-slot solution, and I haven't heard of any plans otherwise. And it gets better - though Windows 98 will have multiple monitor support for the first time ever in Windows, developers will need to change their code and re-compile their programs to support it. Thus, the probability of multihead solutions gaining popularity in the Windows world is somewhere very far on the horizon. >To me, this uncertainty is the biggest argument >against AGP. It seems like part of the target market, those that >want killer performance, are just the sort of folks that would like >multi-head displays. AGP seems to me to be all about hype and selling new machines, with little real-world value which is exacerbated by the current lack of OS-level support. -- Nathan Raymond -- Nathan Raymond
Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> <6ggn58$fso$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <352c37b5.0@> Date: 9 Apr 98 02:51:33 GMT (Nathan G. Raymond) wrote: > AGP seems to me to be all about hype and selling new machines, > with little real-world value which is exacerbated by the current > lack of OS-level support. Seems like there is some benefit on hi-res displays. I don't see making some drivers to support AGP as being that big a deal. And I don't use windows, so the dual display problems you list don't mean too much to me. ON the other hand, I'm really greatful for all the AGP info. And I think you are right; that right now AGP offers marginal boosts. On the other hand, the price differences is little to nothing. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Todd Aitken <> Newsgroups: Subject: computers Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 22:37:03 -0400 Organization: Bits & Bytes Inc. Message-ID: <6gennq$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------8C01FB374627368B28949F2C" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------8C01FB374627368B28949F2C Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please let me quote on your computer needs. Wholesale - Retail - Tks, Hope to hear from you soon. Todd Aitken --------------8C01FB374627368B28949F2C Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Aitken, Todd Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Todd Aitken n: Aitken;Todd org: Bits & Bytes Inc. adr: 16126 Pebblebrook Dr;;;Tampa;Fl;33624;U.S.A. email;internet: title: President tel;work: 813-889-9551 tel;home: 813-969-3097 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------8C01FB374627368B28949F2C--
From: (Frank Knobloch) Newsgroups: Subject: Pentium II and OpenStep 4.2 Date: 9 Apr 1998 08:58:07 GMT Organization: InIS GmbH Message-ID: <6gi2iv$e00$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! We just try to install OS4.2 on the following machine: - PII, 266 - 128 MB-SDRAM - ASUS P2L97-S (BIOS Revision: 0106, V1.32 for Adaptec) - WD 2,x Ultra-Wide - ATI, AGP After selecting the Adaptec-Driver for the OnBoard 2940 the HD was detected, but we only get SCSI-Timeouts. We try to use the HD(Ultra-Wide) only, but timeouts appear. We try to use CD (SCSI-II) and HD(Ultra-Wide), but timeouts appear. We try to use CD (SCSI-II)), but timeouts appear. We try to change the CD, the board and the HD but shit happens. I know that it should work, cause a customer of us uses the PII and Asus board with Next and everything works fine. We terminated the CD-ROM, we terminated the HD, but it seems to be wrong. Which kind of termination should be used??? Thank you for any kind of hints... Frank Knobloch
From: (Chris Saldanha) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OpenStep 4.2 MACH platforms Followup-To:, Date: 9 Apr 1998 18:09:40 GMT Organization: Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Distribution: na Message-ID: <6gj2t4$smf$> References: <> Russell Sutherland (russ@doghaus.uucp) wrote: : I have recently acquired OpenStep 4.2 MACH. Which Sun/Sparc platforms : can it run on? I seem to remember: : Sparc 5 : Sparc 10 : Sparc 20 : Is there a reference to minimum requirements for installation on an : Intel platform? I believe that one needs a SCSI CDROM, special Video : card, etc. Go to and read the compatibility guides, which should tell you everything. --Chris Chris Saldanha | Computers are useless. Carleton University (Comp. Sci) | They can only give you answers. (NeXT/MIME) | | -Pablo Picasso
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups: Subject: netinfo and remote booting headless, driveless black hardware Date: 9 Apr 1998 20:54:01 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6gjch9$i4b$> I picked up a couple of color stations (non-turbo), and being new to NeXT (though having avidly followed the platform for the last decade), was wondering how feasible it would be to setup those color stations to net boot off a color turbo station and remote display to it? Are there any cool distributed apps i could run (like net rendering), or would i be limited to just regular apps? i.e. is it going to be worth the trouble? -- Nathan Raymond -- Nathan Raymond
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: 7 Apr 1998 15:55:51 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6gdia7$2ls$> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> <> Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804212201!0009384782 Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > Scott Hess wrote: [ ... ] > If a person could configure a next box to allow logical interfaces, like > you can do under solaris: ifconfig le0:1 ,etc... You could make a NeXT > box a NAT or firewall pretty easily. Just make the other logcial segment > unroutable. Ala one-arm router Such a machine would server as a NAT or proxy server, true. But it wouldn't accomplish much as a firewall-- the whole point of multihoming a firewall box is to actually segregate network traffic between external and internal network segments. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> <> In-reply-to: Eric Ulmer's message of Sun, 05 Apr 1998 20:21:35 -0500 Date: 10 Apr 98 16:30:44 GMT In article <> Eric Ulmer <> writes: Scott Hess wrote: > In article <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat>, > Timothy Luoma <> writes: > On 31 Mar 1998, Charles Swiger wrote: > > People want to port another system to it for a couple of reasons: > > > > 1) They want functionality from newer Unices, like the BSD 4.4 > > networking, virtual interfaces, IP proxying support, firewall > > support, etc. > Of course the limitation of not being able to have 2 Ethernet > ports would make NeXT-as-firewall/router difficult, unless I'm > missing something... If a person could configure a next box to allow logical interfaces, like you can do under solaris: ifconfig le0:1 ,etc... You could make a NeXT box a NAT or firewall pretty easily. Just make the other logcial segment unroutable. Ala one-arm router The problem is that if you route both logical networks over a single physical network, it's not a firewall. Put a different way, a firewall with the engine and the passenger compartment on one side isn't very useful. In this case, someone could possibly crack a machine logically "behind" the firewall, without having to traverse the firewall itself. Any machine on the physical network would have to be verified to be secure against various hackery, because any machine on the physical network could potentially subscribe to either or both logical networks. Using NAT and a sufficiently strict setup on the network that's logically "behind" the firewall, you can get something very similar to a firewall. With a real firewall, you don't have to have the same strictness of setup, because the firewall physically seperates the inside and outside from each other. Of course, there are many uses for such a beast. Home use, for instance, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> In-reply-to: John Kheit's message of 8 Apr 98 11:17:43 GMT Date: 10 Apr 98 16:30:45 GMT Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, I think the AGP is a seperate bus. So for those of us with PCI SCSI, ethernet, Sound cards, there will be a reduction of bandwidth on the PCI bus. Thus, the AGP card will have a greater overall bandwidth to work with when the system is using the other cards. Unfortunately, the system bus itself doesn't have all that much bandwidth headroom. For now, AGP isn't worth much, but in the future, with 100Mhz and faster busses, it might be worth more. The one question I have about AGP is what good is it with regards to multi-display setups? If I want to have 2 or 3 1600X1200@24bit displays, what do I do? Can there be more than one AGP slot? There's the rub. Sure, you could have multiple AGP slots - but since AGP is a point-to-point connection, not a bus, there would have to be chipset support for this. I think that's pretty unlikely to happen. Are there any AGP/PCI multihead solutions? Or must we use PCI if we want this feature? There are supposed to be multihead solutions coming out, though offhand I can't recall any names. Unfortunately, they'll probably tend to be fairly proprietary. I think Intel really messed up with AGP. They could have promoted 64-bit PCI instead, which would double the available PCI bandwidth, while being backward compatible with 32-bit PCI (including the ability to put a 32-bit card in a 64-bit slot), while allowing for multiple cards. And as long as they were willing to require a seperate slot (and thus seperate traces and all), they could have gone with 66Mhz PCI, or even the holy grail, 66Mhz 64-bit PCI. And that solution would have had an obvious extension to more slots later on. This would have also allowed for an elegant and compatible solution to the multiport card problem. There are currently multiport SCSI cards (generally two SCSI channels) and Ethernet cards (generally 4-port) out there. These are generally a number of standard PCI/SCSI or PCI/Ethernet chips, combined with a PCI/PCI bridge chip. Essentially a PCI bus on a card. From what I've heard they tend to be fairly easy to write drivers are with little modification from the standard drivers. This won't happen with AGP, because AGP is point-to-point. There's no consideration to an AGP "bridge" allowing access to multiple AGP interfaces through a single slot. OTOH, I doubt there's a reason that the PCI/PCI bridge couldn't have bridged a 64-bit PCI bus (providing high bandwidth to CPU) the to an on-card 32-bit bus (allowing use of cheap graphics chipsets). Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Michael Bartosh <> Newsgroups:, Subject: mounting NFS's Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 23:50:01 -0500 Organization: HiEd, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Apr 1998 04:34:19 GMT Could someone offer some assistance- I'm trying to do 1 of two things- whichever is easiest. I've agreed to learn enough of NeXT to support a small network on campus. I'd like to access the files shared on the netinfo network by a- putting my machine onto the netinfo domain or b- mounting the files somehow remotely on my machine without belonging to that netinfo domain. The complexity arises from the fact that we are in different subdomains- ie my dorm is under, which is entirely seperate from, where the netinfo server is. Any step by step ideas on how to do this? We've tried just adding my host <atremus> serverside and then telling atremus to mount the server <atlantis> but this does not seem to work- Thanks- -mab
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Date: 10 Apr 1998 17:31:10 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6gll0u$7j4$> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> <> <6gdia7$2ls$> <> Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > Charles Swiger wrote: [ ... ] >> Such a machine would server as a NAT or proxy server, true. >> >> But it wouldn't accomplish much as a firewall-- the whole point of >> multihoming a firewall box is to actually segregate network traffic >> between external and internal network segments. >> > > But It could be a firewall. You're internal network would be connected on > the same wire, but a different subnet. Your access router wont publish that > internal IP network unless you configure an interface on it which resides > in your internal network. :-) Hence, making your NeXT box your "gateway" > to your internal network. Part of the definition of a firewall is that it seperates traffic between two domains. If your external subnet is carrying internal traffic, that traffic will be visible to the outside world if someone breaks into a machine on the external subnet. The whole point is to prevent an intrusion into the exterior network from gaining access to the machines (and their traffic) behind the firewall. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <352b5cd7.0@> Date: 8 Apr 98 11:17:43 GMT (Nathan G. Raymond) wrote: > * As new graphics cards are coming with more local (onboard) > RAM, > the textures can get larger than used currently and still > fit into the local RAM. Only applications that use particularly > large textures or graphic cards with only 4 MB local RAM > or less will see an advantage from AGP, at least for now. I think the "at least for now" is key here. The current batch of AGP cards seem to be the same old PCI cards with a new interface. I wouldn't expect much to any improvement. The first AGP only cards, I bet, will be significantly faster. Also, I typically use a 1600X1200@16bit display, and probably will move to 1600X1200@24bits. At these higher bandwidths, AGP performance boost should become more significant since most of the vid card memory will be used for video purposes; i.e. any additional 3D work will have to be swapped off the card and thereby employ the greater bandwidth of the AGP bus. Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, I think the AGP is a seperate bus. So for those of us with PCI SCSI, ethernet, Sound cards, there will be a reduction of bandwidth on the PCI bus. Thus, the AGP card will have a greater overall bandwidth to work with when the system is using the other cards. The one question I have about AGP is what good is it with regards to multi-display setups? If I want to have 2 or 3 1600X1200@24bit displays, what do I do? Can there be more than one AGP slot? Are there any AGP/PCI multihead solutions? Or must we use PCI if we want this feature? To me, this uncertainty is the biggest argument against AGP. It seems like part of the target market, those that want killer performance, are just the sort of folks that would like multi-head displays. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: 7 Apr 1998 21:06:05 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ge4ft$kqa$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Andrew Chang wrote: > In article <>, > Rainer Leuschke <> wrote: > > > >I got my hands on an old cube that I want to use for office decoration, > >email and other tasks with low MIPS requirements. It houses an apparently > >broken optical drive and a super noisy HD. I'm pretty sure I can handle > >the HD swapping. I'm not sure what it takes to attach a floppy disk drive. > >I've only seen those in the slabs and I wonder if the original cube boards > >can handle a floppy drive and what kind it would have to be, adaptors, > >drivers...? > > I believe all of the 040/25 (30) cubes take FD. I'm not sure about the > 030/25 cubes. All 040 systems take the 2.88M Floppy. A Sony MFD-40W-1X or 1Y for anyone who cares. 030 Cubes do not. There are SCSI Floppys that will work but I don't know if anyone has been sucessful booting a 030 with a SCSI Floppy > In order to place a FD in an old cube, you'll need: > FD, of course, along with cube FD cable. Slab FD cable will not do; > Mounting holes in the drive bay and the mounting bracket; > New-style faceplate, or you can mill the old one ;-) > > The most difficult part is to have the right faceplate. Your best bet > is to leave this alone, try to find a FD-ready cube, or try to find > an external SCSI FD. I've sucessfully cut a slot in a faceplate for a Floppy. It's tough, takes time, and is done best with a origional with cut hole to compare to. Maybe someday I'll put up some images of those faceplates for anyone who cares.. The Floppy cables I think are straight through 22pin or 26 (can't remember off the top of my head) should be about 14-18 inches. I've made a few I'm sure from left over cabling and connectors. The main issue with the 2.88 is that the power comes over that cable and not from a seperate one.. > > > >Bonus question: It would be cool to revive the OD. Right now it takes a > >disk and doesn't do anything with it except sounds like it's trying to > >read it. Any software out there that can do an OD check-up? > > > >R! > > > > You do not need any software to check this sick old puppy. It is dead ;-( > The OD should read the disk automatically. You should take it out and > admire it. Someone may want to have your cable... > There is software that can do boot diagnostics on a 25Mhz 040 cube. I know I have it. It's called 040diag or bootdiag or some such (been a while) It runs the NeXT Optical Drive through it's paces. You'd be advised to have a good blank lying around. To the origional posters question though. It is possible to resurrect a NeXT Optical drive by either 1) Clean the optical lens with a q-tip & little alchol (many times I do it dry). Or disassemble the whole mechanism and clean out the dust balls. I've resurrected many this way. The only other way is perhaps by swapping parts.. If I knew how to readjust them I would try but I suspect this involves specialized carts & test equipment just like for floppies. My suggestion: get your stuff off NeXT Optical and switch to other more reliable technologies. I find 1.3G MO media to be a fine solution. I've booted 1.0 on a 030 cube with a 1.3G MO drive no problem.. Though one did have to create a disktab on the origional bootable NeXT Optical to make it happen.. I only have 1 NeXT MO drive left and I save that for emergency use (mostly to repair damaged disks for vaious clients with none to varied success) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone tried using EDO memory on NeXT Turbo? Date: 10 Apr 1998 13:51:04 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6glm68$edl$> References: <> <6gk337$m7s$> Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > Has anyone tried using EDO memory on a Turbo box? Yes. > Does it work? Yes. I'm typing on a color turbo slab with a couple of EDO SIMMs and a couple of FPM SIMMs. The system even runs the RAM at 70 ns. -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: * (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: 8 Apr 1998 00:28:11 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6gegar$5tf$> References: <> <6ge8g0$k3q$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Rainer Leuschke wrote: > Where can I find the harware faq? Your .sig is overly long TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, and much easier to type]
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep 4.2 on new Dell computer? Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 09:35:23 -0700 Organization: Stanford University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> <6gbg0c$kc8$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <6gbg0c$kc8$> "Reply-To: " Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804212201!0012607593 I have had problems recently on hard drives larger than 2GB so I was particularly curious if someone had any similar problems on any of the drives Dell uses. Rob On 6 Apr 1998, Charles Swiger wrote: > "Robert G. Jacobs" <> wrote: > > Has anyone put NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 on a Dell Pentium II computer? Were there > > any driver problems with any of the hardware? Did the disk drive size > > being > 2GB cause any problems? Anything else I should be aware of before > > I buy from Dell to run NS3.3 or OS 4.2? > > The only issue is that you'll need to make sure you have a supported video > card. I don't believe the choices offered currently from the Dell XPS > Dimension systems are, so you might have to blow an additional $100 > seperately to pick up something like a Matrox. > > -Chuck > > Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer > ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- > "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible." > >
From: (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI drive setup Date: 10 Apr 1998 21:35:37 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <6gm3b9$25l$> References: <6gkb1s$8iu$> In-Reply-To: <6gkb1s$8iu$> On 04/09/98, Scott Anguish wrote: >I'm trying to get my new Western Digital SCSI drive setup and running >with Rhapsody, and could really use some help.. > >I've got an Adaptec 2940UW, with two devices on it I got a followup from Apple on this, and unfortunately, Adaptec has reved their BIOS and its not compatible with the current Adaptec driver from Apple. If you have version 1.32 of the Adaptec BIOS on your card, you'll need to wait for a new driver from Apple.. -- Scott Anguish <> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:>
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 00:09:16 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6ge94r$cg5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Charles Swiger wrote: > > From > <URL=>: > While gathering parts for an intel NS box, I read that nextanswer and I'm not certain I believe the AGP support. Is 3.3 known to support the AGP? Yes, it's just a fast PCI without arbitration but that doesn't mean a piece of code written in '94 will support it. What's the story? m -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: NeXT HW speed questions Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6ft6hk$b40$> <> <6ge3kj$kqa$> <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 04:52:58 GMT In article <>, Mike Paquette <> wrote: > >The Interceptor stuff couldn't be uses with the ND, as direct access to >the VRAM over the NeXTBus tended to hang the i860 :-( Was this a hrdware goof or something that could be solved but wasn't worth the engineering effort? >This was genarally considered a net performance loss. > You don't say? -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 10 Apr 1998 18:45:45 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6glpcp$7j4$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: > Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, I think the AGP is a seperate > bus. So for those of us with PCI SCSI, ethernet, Sound cards, > there will be a reduction of bandwidth on the PCI bus. Thus, the > AGP card will have a greater overall bandwidth to work with when > the system is using the other cards. > > Unfortunately, the system bus itself doesn't have all that much > bandwidth headroom. For now, AGP isn't worth much, but in the future, > with 100Mhz and faster busses, it might be worth more. The bandwidth to memory in a nominal 66MHz bus system is about equal to that offered by the stock AGP port, and is twice that provided by PCI. > I think Intel really messed up with AGP. They could have promoted > 64-bit PCI instead, which would double the available PCI bandwidth, > while being backward compatible with 32-bit PCI (including the ability > to put a 32-bit card in a 64-bit slot), while allowing for multiple > cards. And as long as they were willing to require a seperate slot > (and thus seperate traces and all), they could have gone with 66Mhz > PCI, or even the holy grail, 66Mhz 64-bit PCI. And that solution > would have had an obvious extension to more slots later on. Problem: PCI is heading towards our current limits of electrical design capabilities for a reasonable price point. PCI is an unterminated bus dependent on the reflection from the far end to work at all-- it has tight timing and length requirements. It's not so easy to double the speed of the PCI bus, make it stay within FCC regs, and have it be affordable, too. Having a seperate, fast pipeline to video memory that can be sped up seperately from the timings of the memory, CPU, or peripheral buses makes sense to me. [ ... ] > This won't happen with AGP, because AGP is point-to-point. There's no > consideration to an AGP "bridge" allowing access to multiple AGP > interfaces through a single slot. No. But then, multiheaded displays are rather uncommon, and even when using one, most people choose one display for their "primary" content. AGP doesn't prevent a user from adding a PCI card to their system. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Subir Grewal) Newsgroups: Subject: Exception error 0x100034c Date: 10 Apr 1998 19:20:52 GMT Organization: Trill Host Selection Committee Message-ID: <6glrek$5lc$> I just received a new mono non-turbo slab to replace my dead board. When I boot up though, the machine displays the error: exception error 0x100034c I've tried different combinations of the RAM I have, but can't seem to get anything going. Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong? The slab I got didn't have a ROM so I pulled vers. 2.1 off my old one and transplanted it into this one. Well, now it seems as if I've damaged the ROM, because the new slab gives me a gray screen with or without the ROM. Shit. Any ideas, anyone? -- + Lynx 2.8 + NeXT/PGP mail + The engines of mass communication, in their highest state of development, assail the eyes and ears of the community on behalf of more beer but not of more schools. -- John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
From: (Supe3 User) Newsgroups: Subject: BRAND new MICROPOLIS Stinger 4.3 Ultra Wide SCSI 3 Onsale..for $165 Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 03:03:55 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <35948c09.111207127@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Xcanpos: shelf.1/199804241001!0011485952 BRAND new MICROPOLIS Stinger 4.3 Ultra Wide SCSI 3 Onsale..for $165
From: (Supe3 User) Newsgroups: Subject: Brand NEW SCSI 3 Ultra SCSI 3, close out SALE>>$165 ONLY Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 20:22:06 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <6gluuu$p14$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 20:22:06 GMT Message-ID: <354f7f6d.173515151@news> X-Agent-Group: X-Agent-Format: 1 1 0 0 1 500000 0 0 1 0 Brand NEW SCSI 3 Ultra SCSI 3, close out SALE>>$165 ONLY
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone tried using EDO memory on NeXT Turbo? Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 17:05:33 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <markm3-1004981705330001@> References: <> <6gk337$m7s$> <6glm68$edl$> In article <6glm68$edl$>, wrote: > Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > > Has anyone tried using EDO memory on a Turbo box? > > Yes. > > > Does it work? > > Yes. I'm typing on a color turbo slab with a couple of EDO SIMMs and a > couple of FPM SIMMs. The system even runs the RAM at 70 ns. > Hello All I purchased 2 16 meg 60ns EDO from the chip merchant and I get the following results (2) 4 meg 70ns SIMMS and the (2)16 meg 60ns EDO's installed in my Color Turbo ROM monitor says the memory is 80 ns Installing only the EDO it says the memory is 60ns Maybe I should have asked for 70ns EDO?? I am still new at this ya know.:)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: new NS user wants to get online Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 17:49:45 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <markm3-1004981749460001@> References: <> In article <>, Jeffrey Parnaby <> wrote: > Snip > Once I have a usable modem, I might have another problem. I have seen > references to a website where I can download PPP software, and I know > about OmniWeb, but how do I get this stuff on my machine if > >Snip > Thanks for any help you can offer. > -- > Youve got the right idea as far as downloading what you need onto your mac and transferring it by floppy. What you need to do once the files are on the next is to decompress them this can be done from the command line but to make life easier in the future download this now the problem is to decompress Opener app so that you can use it to decompress all the other stuff you do this by typing the following at the command line gunzip Opener.3.3.N.b.tar.gz of course you have to be in the same directory that youve put into now the problem is that I think there may be more to type in but I cant remember so Im hoping someone else will jump in and let us both know what the correct way is. Attn Pageing Tjl Tjl to the newsgroup please... (who is in need of sleep at the moment)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: new NS user wants to get online Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 18:06:55 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <markm3-1004981806560001@> References: <> I should have known I would find what I was looking for after sending that other posting. All the following is from deja news so Im taking no credit for the helpful info. Can somebody tell me how to uncompress file.tar.gz? The easiest way is to get from Of course is also .tar.gz.... so for now do gnutar zxfv file.tar.gz Once you get put it somewhere like ~/Apps or /LocalApps, select file.tar.gz in the Workspace Manager and do command-u and wait for it to update the app associations.... To make it faster you might put on your dock. TjL
From: Charles Swiger <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I'd like some video card suggestions Date: 9 Apr 1998 16:50:12 GMT Organization: BLaCKSMITH, Inc. Message-ID: <6giu84$6j$> References: <6ge620$ql4$> <6geph1$muj$> <352b5cd7.0@> <6ggn58$fso$> (Nathan G. Raymond) wrote: > In article <352b5cd7.0@> writes: >>I think the "at least for now" is key here. The current batch of >>AGP cards seem to be the same old PCI cards with a new interface. [ ... ] >> I wouldn't expect much to any improvement. The first AGP only >> cards, I bet, will be significantly faster. > > As you can read above, its not the cards, its the lack of OS support > that's really holding things back. Notice that Tom's comments were written from the perspective of Microsoft operating systems. The notion of buffering in main memory and blitting to VRAM via a fast pipeline has been supported by NEXTSTEP for a long, long time. [ ... ] > AGP seems to me to be all about hype and selling new machines, with little > real-world value which is exacerbated by the current lack of OS-level > support. I agree that it would be questionable move to replace a decent PCI video card in a reasonably modern system with an AGP card. So, rather than discuss whether the potential advantages of AGP apply, let me ask you this: what disadvantages does AGP have compared to a PCI video system? Are there any, assuming you're building a system from scratch, or have a pre-PCI system that needs to be totally upgraded? There isn't a significant price difference between AGP and PCI cards.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Steve Kellener <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 16:13:09 +0100 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> <6gl0ja$30u$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -bat. wrote: > > 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows > > 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in > > OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems > > much better. > > Hmmm... using a serial mouse ? If so get a PS/2 or Bus mouse. There was a newer driver that should eliminate the jerkiness. But PS/2 or Bus would be better.
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 20:37:10 -0500 From: Eric Ulmer <> Organization: T.A.P.G MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> <> <6gdia7$2ls$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Charles Swiger wrote: > Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > > Scott Hess wrote: > [ ... ] > > If a person could configure a next box to allow logical interfaces, like > > you can do under solaris: ifconfig le0:1 ,etc... You could make a NeXT > > box a NAT or firewall pretty easily. Just make the other logcial segment > > unroutable. Ala one-arm router > > Such a machine would server as a NAT or proxy server, true. > > But it wouldn't accomplish much as a firewall-- the whole point of > multihoming a firewall box is to actually segregate network traffic between > external and internal network segments. > > -Chuck > > Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer > ---------------+----------------------+-------------------- > "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible." But It could be a firewall. You're internal network would be connected on the same wire, but a different subnet. Your access router wont publish that internal IP network unless you configure an interface on it which resides in your internal network. :-) Hence, making your NeXT box your "gateway" to your internal network.
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 20:38:55 -0500 From: Eric Ulmer <> Organization: T.A.P.G MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Anyone tried using EDO memory on NeXT Turbo? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone tried using EDO memory on a Turbo box? Does it work? I'm thinking of buying some 32MB EDO Simms since they're much cheaper than True Parity or FPM Simms. I know EDO Simms work in my old 486 which is supposed to use regular SIMMS.
From: "." <> Newsgroups: Subject: Hierarchy Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 18:39:42 -0700 Organization: Seanet Online Services, Seattle WA Message-ID: <6gmhi7$> I dont completely understand the NeXT architecture and system layout as of hardware and software. Is there anyone that can tell me the hierarchy of a basic NeXT system in terms of hardware (CPU, mothboard, etc.) and of software (Operating System ---> Difference between Openstep and NeXTStep, Kernel (Mach4?), device drivers, file system, etc...) This would be much appreciated thanks.
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone tried using EDO memory on NeXT Turbo? Date: 10 Apr 1998 03:19:03 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6gk337$m7s$> References: <> Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > Has anyone tried using EDO memory on a Turbo box? > Does it work? I'm thinking of buying some 32MB EDO Simms since they're > much cheaper than > True Parity or FPM Simms. Much cheeper? They usually are only a few dollars different (about 4 bucks). wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: 10 Apr 1998 11:42:34 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6gl0ja$30u$> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> "NeXT Newbie" <> writes: > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > 1) This OS sure was designed for big monitors! I have a 17 inch and it > seems to small. Seems like you would want at least a 20 inch monitor 17 inch is o.k. if you set the resolution high enough. Anything less that 1024x768 is a right pain (and even thats not very good) > 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows > 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in > OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems > much better. Hmmm... using a serial mouse ? If so get a PS/2 or Bus mouse. I always disliked the serial mice under OpenStep. They were always appalling. I haven't used on recently though. If, however, you are referring to the pproprtionality of it then once you get used to it you will find that it's a lot nicer and requires much less desk space. > 3) How do you connect to the internet with ppp? ppp is shipped with it - configuring it can be a bit of a pain. You might like to take a look at on the archive. > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? Any UNIX newsreader. > 5) where is the option to change the monitors resolution and bits of color? run up configure.ap as root, go to the display section and theres a button marked "select" or something similar. -bat.
From: (Subir Grewal) Newsgroups: Subject: Boot monitor in Turbo ADB. Date: 11 Apr 1998 15:42:33 GMT Organization: Trill Host Selection Committee Message-ID: <6go319$c6g$> I have a color turbo slab, running NS3.3 and I can't figure out how to escape to the boot monitor. There's no ~` key on the keypad (ADB keyboard) and using the = key (which is the top left key on the keypad) has no effect. There's also only one command key/bar so I don't know how to move to the NMI monitor while the machine is running either. It would also be nice to know what the two green buttons above the ADB connectors are for. -- + Lynx 2.8 + NeXT/PGP mail + The engines of mass communication, in their highest state of development, assail the eyes and ears of the community on behalf of more beer but not of more schools. -- John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
From: (Subir Grewal) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot monitor in Turbo ADB. Date: 11 Apr 1998 18:48:04 GMT Organization: Trill Host Selection Committee Message-ID: <6godt4$h2m$> References: <6go319$c6g$> Subir Grewal ( wrote: : I have a color turbo slab, running NS3.3 and I can't figure out how to : escape to the boot monitor. There's no ~` key on the keypad (ADB : keyboard) and using the = key (which is the top left key on the keypad) : has no effect. There's also only one command key/bar so I don't know : how to move to the NMI monitor while the machine is running either. : It would also be nice to know what the two green buttons above the ADB : connectors are for. Well it seems like you can escape to the nmi monitor while the machine is running by holding down both ALT keys and typing the ~`. But I would still be interested in learning how to escape to the boot monitor during startup. -- + Lynx 2.8 + NeXT/PGP mail + The engines of mass communication, in their highest state of development, assail the eyes and ears of the community on behalf of more beer but not of more schools. -- John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot monitor in Turbo ADB. Date: 11 Apr 1998 19:14:19 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6gofeb$s20$> References: <6go319$c6g$> <6godt4$h2m$> (Subir Grewal) wrote: >Subir Grewal ( wrote: >: I have a color turbo slab, running NS3.3 and I can't figure out how to >: escape to the boot monitor. For a Turbo ADB system: cmd + left Alt + ~ bring up NMI monitor. Type 'halt' or 'mom' from here to get to the ROM monitor. cmd + right Alt + ~ restart/power down. >: It would also be nice to know what the two green buttons above the ADB >: connectors are for. They're the self destruct buttons. For gods sakes don't press either of them!!!... [Sorry, they just extend a bar to tilt up the keyboard :-)] >Well it seems like you can escape to the nmi monitor while the machine >is running by holding down both ALT keys and typing the ~` This key sequence does nothing on my ADB keyboard. See above. >But I would still be interested in learning how to escape to the boot >monitor during startup. I recall its cmd-alt-~ during "testing system" (it would be easy enough for me to check but then I'd have to shutdown first...) - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI drive setup Date: 10 Apr 1998 05:34:52 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <6gkb1s$8iu$> I'm trying to get my new Western Digital SCSI drive setup and running with Rhapsody, and could really use some help.. I've got an Adaptec 2940UW, with two devices on it One NEC CD drive on the narrow internal connector (with termination) One WDC Enterprise SCSI drive.. I'm having trouble getting the SCSI drive to work.. I'm getting timeout errors.. Which of the following should be enabled/disabled? These are the current settings (an X means that they are active) Disable Auto-Start Auto-Start Delay SCAM Disable Unit Attention X Disable Target Initiated Synchronous/Wide Negotiation X SCSI Termination X Termination Power The 2940 is pretty much at the factory defaults.. Anyone have any help to offer? Thanks! BTW, the docs for the drive are at.. -- Scott Anguish <> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:>
From: (Supe3 User) Newsgroups: Subject: BRAND NEW Micropolis Stinger Ultra Wide SCSI III for $165 Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 18:27:38 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <3551b618.253046221@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit BRAND NEW Micropolis Stinger Ultra Wide SCSI III for $165
From: Jonathan Hendry <> Newsgroups: Subject: Portrait displays? Date: 11 Apr 1998 19:42:29 GMT Organization: Steel Driving Software, Chicago Sender: Jonathan Hendry <> Message-ID: <6goh35$> Anyone (Mr. Paquette?) have a guess at what would be required to use a Portrait-orientation monitor with OpenStep or Rhapsody? I'd assume it'd require mucking with the video card's driver somehow. Thoughts? - Jon
From: "NeXT Newbie" <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: good books for openstep? Date: 11 Apr 1998 22:26:07 GMT Distribution: inet Message-ID: <01bd6661$b87e7cc0$43f0bfa8@davidsul> What are some good books for openstep and/or the unix underneath? Including stuff like system maintance, setting up ppp, email, modems etc etc.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Do you want to earn CASH $$$ ? Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 06:09:12 -0700 Organization: <no organization> Message-ID: <> It Works!!!! First, I would like to start off by telling you that I am only 15 and ROLLING in cash. I'm thinking about buying a new car when I get my driver's license. This WORKS! But you must follow my instructions to the letter. Once you get the hang of it though, it's really easy. So if you want some extra cash, and would like to earn it by doing nothing, then it's worth it. All you have to do is follow the directions and you'll make a ton!. To get the details, read on....................... THIS REALLY CAN MAKE YOU EASY MONEY! A little while back, I was browsing some newsgroups and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "OK, why not try this, if its a scam I'll only lose $6.00." Besides, it's so simple - no complicated stuff like mailing disks to people [some of the others are based on selling computer disks to people]. Anyway, it told me to send $1.00 to each of the 6 people on the list. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in some newsgroups (there are literally thousands). No catch, that was it. So I thought 'hey, what have I got to lose except six stamps and a few bucks, right?' But like most of you I was still a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! I then invested the measly $6.00, and stamps. Well, GUESS WHAT.....within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I still figured it would end soon, and didn't give it another thought. I had done an experiment, and I made back my $7.92. But the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $36.00 dollars. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00!!!!!! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in VERY rapidly! It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, You could spend more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY it works..... also, you might want to print a copy of this article, so you can refer to it as needed. The process is very simple and consists of 3 easy steps: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each one: "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" + your name and address. Now get six American $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper and fold it over so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent theft). Now, put one paper in each of the six envelopes and seal them. You should now have six sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name, your address, and a $1.00 bill. STEP 2: Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: *1 Earl Sampson 16975 Cherry Crest Ave. Lake Oswego, OR 97O34 *2 Mark Bailey 39O6 Arnold Ct. Cleveland, OH 441O9 *3 Kane McDolh 327O De la Pepiniere ave. appartment 2O8 Montreal, Quebec Canada H1N-3N4 *4 David Lane 816 Danbbury Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45240 *5 Jeremy Fulton 5804 Inman Park Circle Unit 370 Rockville, MD 20852 *6 Arkay Sajorda 1B Jalan Tun Sambanthan 4, Brickfields 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia STEP 3: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (#6 becomes #5, #5 becomes #4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as #6 on the list. STEP 4: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to some newsgroups (I think there are close to 24,000 newsgroups) and/or email it to some people. remember, the more you post, the more money you make! Don't know HOW to post in the newsgroups? Well do exactly the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTIONS - HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and hold down your mouse button. While continuing to hold down the mouse button, drag your cursor to the bottom of this document and over to just after the last character, and release the mouse button. At this point the entire letter should be highlighted. Then, from the 'edit' pull down menu at the top of your screen select 'copy'. This will copy the entire letter into the computers memory. Step 2: Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' pull down menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list. Remember to eliminate the #1 position, move everyone up a spot (re-number everyone elses positions), and add yourself in as #6. Step 3: Save your new notepad file. --------------------------------------- FOR NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR USERS: --------------------------------------- Step 4: Within the Netscape program, go to the pull-down window entitled 'Window' select 'NetscapeNews'. Then from the pull down menu 'Options', select 'Show all Newsgroups'. After a few moments a list of all the newsgroups on your server will show up. Click on any newsgroup you desire. From within this newsgroup, click on the 'TO NEWS' button, which should be in the top left corner of the newsgroups page. This will bring up a message box. Step 5: Fill in the Subject. This will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group. Step 6: Highlight the entire contents of your .txt file and copy them using the same technique as before. Go back to the newsgroup 'TO NEWS' posting you are creating and paste the letter into the body of your posting. Step 7: Hit the 'Send' Button in the upper left corner. You're done with your first one! Congratulations... ----------------------------------------------- INTERNET EXPLORER USERS: ----------------------------------------------- Step 4: Go to newsgroups and select 'Post an Article' or 'New Message.' Step 5: Fill in the subject. This will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group. Step 6: Highlight the entire contents of your .txt file and copy them using the same technique as before. Go back to the newsgroup 'TO NEWS' posting you are creating and paste the letter into the body of your posting. Step 7: Hit the 'Send' Button in the upper left corner. You're done with your first one! Congratulations... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroupes and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL** **MAKE!!** That's it! You will begin reciving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** Now the WHY part: Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With a original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average is probably 20 to 30! So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you could make: at #6 $15.00 at #5 $225.00 at #4 $3,375.00 at #3 $50,625.00 at #2 $759,375.00 at #1 $11,390,625.00 When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. You just have to be honest. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW, also. Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money!! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. P.S. Another great way to get this out to people is to send it to your friends, relatives, etc. in e-mail. Have fun! :)
From: "NeXT Newbie" <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: help with OS and configuring Date: 11 Apr 1998 22:29:40 GMT Distribution: inet Message-ID: <01bd6662$376a8d80$43f0bfa8@davidsul> My pc has a jaton 3d iimage card, I selected generic trident for the monitor, and now Openstep 4.2 only works in black and white, and when it starts up it says "trident pci adapter not found". When the bios first starts up it says trident 3d image 975. Also, does a epson inkjet printer work with openstep?
From: (Supe3 User) Newsgroups: Subject: BRAND NEW Micropolis Stinger Ultra Wide SCSI III for $165 Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 18:27:41 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <3552b61c.253050056@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit BRAND NEW Micropolis Stinger Ultra Wide SCSI III for $165
From: (Chris Christensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate Barracuda SCSI HD advice needed Date: 11 Apr 1998 23:26:13 GMT Organization: Whole Earth Networks News Message-ID: <6gou6l$93v$> Greetings, I have an opportunity to purchase a new Seagate Barracuda 4.3G SCSI hard drive (model ST15150WC) for a good price. I intend to use it in a Turbo Color station. Has anyone had any experience using this model drive on NeXT hardware? Thanks in advance for any advice. Thanks, Chris <>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35948c09.111207127@news> Control: cancel <35948c09.111207127@news> Date: 10 Apr 1998 03:13:00 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35948c09.111207127@news> Sender: (Supe3 User) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35938bfa.111192947@news> Control: cancel <35938bfa.111192947@news> Date: 10 Apr 1998 03:13:00 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35938bfa.111192947@news> Sender: (Supe3 User) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 12 Apr 1998 03:50:19 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Seagate Barracuda SCSI HD advice needed Date: 12 Apr 1998 04:41:39 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6gpgm3$h4$> References: <6gou6l$93v$> Chris Christensen <> wrote: > Greetings, > I have an opportunity to purchase a new Seagate Barracuda 4.3G > SCSI hard drive (model ST15150WC) for a good price. I intend to use it in > a Turbo Color station. Has anyone had any experience using this model > drive on NeXT hardware? I have a drive simaler to this. It is kinda thick so space may be an issue. Also it runs rather hot. If you try it tell us how it goes. I may move mine to to my slab someday. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (Steven Gougi) Newsgroups: Subject: Teleport Platinum and TurboColor Slab?? Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 00:58:07 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Has anyone had much success at using a Mac Teleport Platinum External Modem with a TurboColor Slab? Can one communicate at speeds higher than 9600? TIA Steven
From: "S U B da L U N A T I C" <X@y.z> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.mac.hardwarecomp.sys.mac.misc,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware Subject: DELETED files from second master are not going to RECYCLE BIN Date: 11 Apr 1998 00:01:51 GMT Organization: CyberCity Internet Message-ID: <01bd64d9$fc27f5c0$LocalHost@bka1219> I've pluged my second harddisk as ''second master'' but files that I delete are not inside the Recycle Bin. How can I fix it? I want them inside!!!! Here I am: P.S. I need Norton Utilities 3.0 CRACK...............terribly. ThanX
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3552b61c.253050056@news> Control: cancel <3552b61c.253050056@news> Date: 11 Apr 1998 18:34:30 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3552b61c.253050056@news> Sender: (Supe3 User) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3551b618.253046221@news> Control: cancel <3551b618.253046221@news> Date: 11 Apr 1998 18:34:30 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3551b618.253046221@news> Sender: (Supe3 User) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 11 Apr 1998 22:13:42 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Dave Wentzlaff <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 18:44:24 -0500 Organization: UIUC Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Greetings, This is probably a dumb question, but I have noticed that my NeXT Color Turbo shuts itself down after a long period of no use. I don't want this to happen because I run a web server on it that I want to have running all of the time. I think it might only happen when it is at the login screen, but I am not sure. This might be a power saving feature, but I don't like it. If anybody has an idea how to fix this or if it is really my machine crashing, because it doesn't seem to properly shutdown, but rather just poof powers off, please e-mail or reply:) Thanks in advance, David Wentzlaff
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? Followup-To: Date: 13 Apr 1998 00:22:02 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6grlra$ar9$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE My guess would be a bad power supply.... but that is a guess. If there is someone else around with a NeXT you might see if swapping them would help... TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed]
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT History Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:07:13 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6grol8$16k6$> Dear NeXT Expert, I'm interested in NeXT history/timeline. Anyone knows the links to the history/Timeline of NeXT Machine for NeXT, Inc. please let me know. I will appreciate. Thank you very much in advanced. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? References: <> <6grlra$ar9$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <35317609.0@> Date: 13 Apr 98 02:18:49 GMT (Timothy Luoma) wrote: > NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE > My guess would be a bad power supply.... but that is a guess. > If there is someone else around with a NeXT you might see if > swapping them would help... An alternative explanation might be more heartening. I believe some of the later model machines had a preferences panel that allowed for timed powerings. That might be the culprit. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Exception error 0x100034c Date: 13 Apr 1998 03:57:16 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gs2es$jaq$> References: <6glrek$5lc$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6glrek$5lc$> Subir Grewal wrote: > I just received a new mono non-turbo slab to replace my dead board. > When I boot up though, the machine displays the error: > > exception error 0x100034c > > I've tried different combinations of the RAM I have, but can't seem to > get anything going. Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong? The > slab I got didn't have a ROM so I pulled vers. 2.1 off my old one and > transplanted it into this one. > > Well, now it seems as if I've damaged the ROM, because the new slab > gives me a gray screen with or without the ROM. Shit. Any ideas, > anyone? > Seems right. I've fried two myself by not making sure I put them in the right way. And you are definately screwed. Bell Atlantic used to sell those ROMS I actually copied a couple of mine for just this case.. Any hardware tied licenses you will loose.. This is one reason I've been trying to get Mooseman to send me copies of various versions of the ROMS so I can save copies and burn new ones in case Bell Atlantic decides not to do this for us anymore.. Ultimately I need to figure out how the checksum is done so I could modify the ethernet address to be able to match what a person needs.. Your going to have to nab another ROM BTW: Also are you sure that version number is 2.1 and not 3.1? More things to work on.. :| Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot monitor in Turbo ADB. Date: 13 Apr 1998 04:00:53 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gs2ll$jaq$> References: <6go319$c6g$> <6godt4$h2m$> <6gofeb$s20$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6gofeb$s20$> wrote: > (Subir Grewal) wrote: > >Subir Grewal ( wrote: > >: I have a color turbo slab, running NS3.3 and I can't figure out how to > >: escape to the boot monitor. > > For a Turbo ADB system: > > cmd + left Alt + ~ bring up NMI monitor. Type 'halt' or 'mom' > from here to get to the ROM monitor. > cmd + right Alt + ~ restart/power down. > > >: It would also be nice to know what the two green buttons above the ADB > >: connectors are for. > > They're the self destruct buttons. For gods sakes don't press either of > them!!!... [Sorry, they just extend a bar to tilt up the keyboard :-)] > > >Well it seems like you can escape to the nmi monitor while the machine > >is running by holding down both ALT keys and typing the ~` > > This key sequence does nothing on my ADB keyboard. See above. > > >But I would still be interested in learning how to escape to the boot > >monitor during startup. > > I recall its cmd-alt-~ during "testing system" (it would be easy enough for > me to check but then I'd have to shutdown first...) > There is also the three finger salute which power cycles the box that is either cmd-alt - * (* on number pad) or cmd-shft- * Something like that. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and OpenStep 4.2 Date: 13 Apr 1998 03:56:49 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <6gs2e1$bqd$> References: <6gi2iv$e00$> In-Reply-To: <6gi2iv$e00$> On 04/09/98, Frank Knobloch wrote: >Hi! > >We just try to install OS4.2 on the following machine: >- PII, 266 >- 128 MB-SDRAM >- ASUS P2L97-S (BIOS Revision: 0106, V1.32 for Adaptec) >- WD 2,x Ultra-Wide >- ATI, AGP The problem is the BIOS version Apple's current drivers don't support V1.32. Apparently, a fix is forthcoming.. -- Scott Anguish <> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and OpenStep 4.2 Date: 13 Apr 1998 03:32:33 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gs10h$jaq$> References: <6gi2iv$e00$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6gi2iv$e00$> Frank Knobloch wrote: > Hi! > > We just try to install OS4.2 on the following machine: > - PII, 266 > - 128 MB-SDRAM > - ASUS P2L97-S (BIOS Revision: 0106, V1.32 for Adaptec) > - WD 2,x Ultra-Wide > - ATI, AGP > > After selecting the Adaptec-Driver for the OnBoard 2940 > the HD was detected, but we only get SCSI-Timeouts. > > We try to use the HD(Ultra-Wide) only, but timeouts appear. > We try to use CD (SCSI-II) and HD(Ultra-Wide), but timeouts appear. > We try to use CD (SCSI-II)), but timeouts appear. > We try to change the CD, the board and the HD but shit happens. > > I know that it should work, cause a customer of us uses the PII and > Asus board with Next and everything works fine. > > We terminated the CD-ROM, we terminated the HD, but it seems to > be wrong. Which kind of termination should be used??? > > Thank you for any kind of hints... > Frank, Did you bother to try the Adaptec Diagnostics?? You don't say which ID's you've selected. I assume you've used lowest for the HD and something like 4 or 6 for the CD. I'd try the diagnostic first. After that given your setup I'd try setting HIGH termination ON and the LOW off rather than automatic. Oh. Something else. Turn off the wide negotiation for the ID for your CD, and you may also want to toggle ULTRA setting off until you get going.. You may actually have to notch the speed down on the various devices.. If you can get them both going via diagnostic you should have a chance. After that it's a matter of cabling and termination.. Beyond that checking that indeed the devices work properly.. I'm happily using a setup as you are trying but with P-Pro on Abit PS6 soon to try a LX6 with a PII 333 :). Hopefully I'll have time to gather some benchmarks under openstep before sending them off to a client. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Seagate Barracuda SCSI HD advice needed Date: 13 Apr 1998 03:39:30 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gs1di$jaq$> References: <6gou6l$93v$> <6gpgm3$h4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6gpgm3$h4$> Wesley Horner wrote: > Chris Christensen <> wrote: > > Greetings, > > > I have an opportunity to purchase a new Seagate Barracuda 4.3G > > SCSI hard drive (model ST15150WC) for a good price. I intend to use it in > > a Turbo Color station. Has anyone had any experience using this model > > drive on NeXT hardware? > > I have a drive simaler to this. It is kinda thick so space may be an issue. > Also it runs rather hot. If you try it tell us how it goes. I may move mine to > to my slab someday. > > wes > Good luck. Unless you have a second fan in that case blowing directly on that drive I expect it will get noisy as heck, and finally fail. Please folks the Station air flow/cooling wasn't designed for 7200 rpm drives. Perhaps some new ones but most if not all 5400rpm drives work great. I don't personally know how much cooling the station has in the design for the various HD's in there (100, 200, 400) but I know from experience that most 7200rpm drives will run way too hot in a station w/o extra attention to cooling requirements. And your talking about a HH drive I think rather than a 1" high to boot!.. Someday I'll figure out which 100/200/400M drives went into the slabs and what kind of power rating one should look for with the default fan and make a list of suitable drives that one can expect to use. But right now I'm a bit busy with my Laser Printer Repair web pages & other things.. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? Date: 13 Apr 1998 03:50:37 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6gs22d$jaq$> References: <> <6grlra$ar9$> <35317609.0@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <35317609.0@> John Kheit wrote: > (Timothy Luoma) > wrote: > > NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE > > My guess would be a bad power supply.... but that is a guess. > > If there is someone else around with a NeXT you might see if > > swapping them would help... > > An alternative explanation might be more heartening. I believe > some of the later model machines had a preferences panel that > allowed for timed powerings. That might be the culprit. It could be a couple of things. Bad battery causing the nonvolitle RAM to reset or get flaky. Bad powersupply. If the onboard clock gets screwed up a lot I'd suspect the battery. Generally I can't see how the timed powerings could be the culprit since I believe one has to set a date not a time from power on - though I could be mistaken. Another note. It is possible that you have the preferences set to autoreboot after power outage. If for some reason your power is flaky (brown-out conditions or drops) a NeXT will turn off but if autoboot is set it will turn back on when power comes on. I don't like this feature since one should wait a bit before coming back up or face more drops.. BTW: NeXT's are the LEAST sensitive to brown outs than any other computer I've seen due to a very well designed Power supply, but they will drop when the voltage get's below 80-90Volts for anything longer than 10 seconds. I don't know exactly where since I've not experimented with this, but I have a UPS that measures power conditions and cuts in when the line voltage is too low (100-105Volts roughtly).. I'm sure it cut in on my SGI one time whilst my PC dropped, lights dimmed, NeXT dimmed but kept on going w/o a hitch.. I'm pretty sure the order of things I would check would be. On board battery (is your clock loosing time if you unplug the slab on power off). Line supply may be low or flaky (brown-out or line drops) Power supply (could be getting too hot in there - ever cleaned your slab of dust balls??) That's about all I can think of. Good luck and if you find out what happened or what fixed it I'd like to know. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Web Surfer <surfer@www.web> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:37:58 -0400 Organization: WWW Message-ID: <35311816.6449@www.web> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: NeXT Newbie <> What OS is that? OS/2? The old NeXT OS? What? NeXT Newbie wrote: > > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > 1) This OS sure was designed for big monitors! I have a 17 inch and it > seems to small. Seems like you would want at least a 20 inch monitor > 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows > 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in > OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems > much better. > 3) How do you connect to the internet with ppp? > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? > 5) where is the option to change the monitors resolution and bits of color?
From: Web Surfer <surfer@www.web> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:38:14 -0400 Organization: WWW Message-ID: <35311826.7AD7@www.web> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What OS is that? OS/2? The old NeXT OS? What? NeXT Newbie wrote: > > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > 1) This OS sure was designed for big monitors! I have a 17 inch and it > seems to small. Seems like you would want at least a 20 inch monitor > 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows > 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in > OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems > much better. > 3) How do you connect to the internet with ppp? > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? > 5) where is the option to change the monitors resolution and bits of color?
Newsgroups: From: Subject: Q: Matrox Millennium II - 8 or 16 Mb? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (Mark F. Vlems) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 12:21:58 GMT Howdy, Some questions about the Matrox Millennium II: - I want a (still to buy) monitor to run in 1920 * 1200, 16 bit color mode. What are the gains of using 16 Mb instead of 8 Mb memory on the Matrox? -With 16 Mb, will it use the 3D capabilities of the adaptor, or is this not supported by the Openstep 4.2 driver? -NextAnswers tell me that the Millennium AGP is supported. Does the driver really make use of all of the AGP advantages? Thanks in advance, -- Mark F. Vlems Poor is the man, MIME Mail OK Whose pleasures depend NeXTMail preferred! On the permission of another. Fax: +31 (0) 23 5622368 Madonna in "Justify my love", 1990
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.mac.hardwarecomp.sys.mac.misc,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware Subject: cmsg cancel <01bd64d9$fc27f5c0$LocalHost@bka1219> Control: cancel <01bd64d9$fc27f5c0$LocalHost@bka1219> Date: 12 Apr 1998 12:57:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.01bd64d9$fc27f5c0$LocalHost@bka1219> Sender: "S U B da L U N A T I C" <X@y.z> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Laurent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Zip parrallel and Rhapsody Date: 13 Apr 1998 13:16:42 GMT Message-ID: <01bd66de$cd503300$> Hello, I would like to know if the parallel version of the Zip drive is supported in Rhapsody ? -- Laurent BARNILS
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Maxtor 7546AT Circuitry Date: 13 Apr 1998 14:46:18 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6gt8fq$> Does anyone know where circuitry diagrams for hard drives are available for the general public? I've always been willing to pay $5 for a hard instead of seeing someone throw it away. But even electronics expertise has its limitations without the proper diagrams. Please e-mail me at: Thanks
From: (Guido Beneke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and OpenStep 4.2 Date: 13 Apr 1998 17:29:59 GMT Organization: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Message-ID: <6gti2n$ko5$> References: <6gi2iv$e00$> <6gs2e1$bqd$> (Scott Anguish) wrote: > The problem is the BIOS version > > Apple's current drivers don't support V1.32. > > Apparently, a fix is forthcoming.. I bought my 2940UW 6 weeks ago and it says it has a BIOS V1.32. It runs happily together with my old Symbios 53C810 under 3.3p1. Driver is V3.37. The latest OS4.2 driver shouldn't differ much. Don't know about Rhapsody drivers. Guido
From: (Matthew Vaughan) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 14:06:10 -0700 Message-ID: <see-below-1304981406110001@> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> <35311826.7AD7@www.web> In article <35311826.7AD7@www.web>, Web Surfer <surfer@www.web> wrote: > What OS is that? OS/2? The old NeXT OS? What? The latter. > > NeXT Newbie wrote: > > > > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > > 1) This OS sure was designed for big monitors! I have a 17 inch and it > > seems to small. Seems like you would want at least a 20 inch monitor > > 2) The mouse really annoys me. It reminds me of when I first used windows > > 3.1, I was like god I hate how jerky the mousee is. The mouse movement in > > OS 4.2 seems like how it was in windows 3.1, windows 95 definitely seems > > much better. > > 3) How do you connect to the internet with ppp? > > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? > > 5) where is the option to change the monitors resolution and bits of color? .................................................... MATTHEW VAUGHAN matthewv at best dot com (damn spammers...) ....................................................
From: jrt4@Lehigh.EDU Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor on PC Date: 13 Apr 1998 17:07:56 -0400 Message-ID: <6gturc$4h6c@ns4-1.CC.Lehigh.EDU> Can I use my color NeXT monitor with my PC? If so what are the pinouts so I can make an adapter? Thanks. James
From: Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 16:49:51 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6gu19v$7e3$> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> <35311826.7AD7@www.web> Web Surfer <surfer@www.web> wrote: > NeXT Newbie wrote: > > Some impressions of OS 4.2 [snip] > What OS is that? OS/2? The old NeXT OS? What? In this newsgroup, it's safe to assume OS = OPENSTEP, especially when followed by version number 4.2. But you're right, it can be confusing with OS as a general term. Stefano Pagiola My opinions alone Longtime MacOS and NeXTSTEP user, reluctant Windows 95/NT user, future Rhapsody user -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Herschel M. Brown) Newsgroups: Subject: Printer Help Date: 13 Apr 1998 23:02:00 GMT Organization: UO Message-ID: <> OK, Just got my Color Slab, and pluged my Apple LaserWriter Select into port A on the back, went into the Printer Control Panel, and Selected the printer, and Port A. Said print me a test page and nothing happens. The printer does not do anything, I know the Printer works on my mac, and I'm using a standard Cable, any ideas> Thanks So much for your help Herschel M. Brown UO School of Law
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: $600$ OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER$600$.. REWARD- Date: 13 Apr 1998 22:14:12 GMT Organization: Customer of Flashnet S.p.A. - Message-ID: <6gu2nk$bo0$> I'M CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR THESE 2 HONG KONG CITIZENS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KULRAO RATHOUR TEL 00852/5702170-----FAX 00852/8878627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO TAK ON POSSIBLE PHONES NUMS: 23480445 SOU MOU PING KOWLOON 23647531 HO MANTINI KOWLOON 24570679 TUEN MUN NEW TERRITORIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFERING REWARD----------->600 US$<----------- FOR ANYONE GIVES INFORMATIONS AND ACTIONS LEADING TO HAVE BACK A CERTAIN AMMOUNT OF MONEY EMAIL IF YOU CAN HELP US:
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: $600$ OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER$600$.. REWARD- Date: 13 Apr 1998 22:14:11 GMT Organization: Customer of Flashnet S.p.A. - Message-ID: <6gu2nj$bo0$> I'M CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR THESE 2 HONG KONG CITIZENS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KULRAO RATHOUR TEL 00852/5702170-----FAX 00852/8878627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO TAK ON POSSIBLE PHONES NUMS: 23480445 SOU MOU PING KOWLOON 23647531 HO MANTINI KOWLOON 24570679 TUEN MUN NEW TERRITORIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFERING REWARD----------->600 US$<----------- FOR ANYONE GIVES INFORMATIONS AND ACTIONS LEADING TO HAVE BACK A CERTAIN AMMOUNT OF MONEY EMAIL IF YOU CAN HELP US:
From: (Weston Cann) Newsgroups: Subject: Memory that just works? Date: 14 Apr 1998 01:13:48 GMT Organization: inQuo Internet (801) 530-7160 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6gud8c$8v6$> Hullo, I'm shopping for some memory for a Color Turbo slab. I know that I'm looking for 72 Pin SIMMS, but I don't know if there's prohibitions on speed, or against EDO or other RAM variations. Or if there's any particular manufacturers to stay away from. Anyone who does know? Post or email away.... Weston
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 14 Apr 1998 06:27:17 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6guvk5$ot5$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> Weston Cann <> wrote: > I'm shopping for some memory for a Color Turbo slab. > I know that I'm looking for 72 Pin SIMMS, but I don't know > if there's prohibitions on speed, or against EDO or other > RAM variations. Or if there's any particular manufacturers > to stay away from. Anyone who does know? Post or email > away.... I just bought 2 32 meg parity 70ns simms for my colot turbo from and they work great. I am not sure about EDO but you can use parity and non-parity ram at 100ns or better 70ns is as fast as you will need. You probabbly shouldn't mix parity and non parity ram. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: kbenrmcaNICKI@BORED.COM Newsgroups:,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell,comp.sys.nsc,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: Bored? Looking to do something really different? Date: 14 Apr 1998 09:10:07 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <6gv95f$hqp$> **************************************************************** * This Article was Posted By an unregistered version of: * * Newsgroup AutoPoster 95 * * Send email address for info! Fax: +46-31-470588 * **************************************************************** Why don't you come see me at WWW.HOTXXXBABES.COM
From: tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 14 Apr 1998 13:27:55 GMT Organization: Princeton University Message-ID: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am replacing my black hardware with its 17" mono monitor. Moving to a 21" monitor at 1600x1280 will make everything smaller than it is now. Will I get used to it? (The alternative is a 19" monitor at 1280x1040, which will have almost the exact same resolution as my current set-up.) Not the place to ask but: Any recommendations on monitors? Thanks. Tim Van Zandt
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Distribution: world Organization: Center for Communications Programs--The Johns Hopkins University MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <6guvk5$ot5$> Message-ID: <sjIY.196$> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 12:06:48 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 08:06:48 EST In <6guvk5$ot5$> Wesley Horner wrote: > Weston Cann <> wrote: > > > I'm shopping for some memory for a Color Turbo slab. > > I know that I'm looking for 72 Pin SIMMS, but I don't know > > if there's prohibitions on speed, or against EDO or other > > RAM variations. Or if there's any particular manufacturers > > to stay away from. Anyone who does know? Post or email > > away.... I just bought 2 32 meg EDO chips for my color turbo. Took out two of the 8 meg chips out, stuck the EDO chips in, and, voila! 80 megs of RAM. You could surmise from this that I left two 8 meg non-parity SIMMS in there. So, since they are somewhat cheaper, I'd say go for the EDO. I mean, I just paid under $ 75 for the two chips total; and let me tell you it makes a big difference when running OmniWeb under 4.2. OmniWeb 3 still makes me suicidal with impatience, but with 80 megs, OW 2 runs great. An added bonus was that I was able to stick the two 8 meg chips into my PC, bringing it to 32 megs, enough to run Linux comfortably and enough to make running win95 a less teeth-gnashing experience. Good luck! Peace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 · Fax 410-467-9630 · Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:01:32 -0700 From: Gareth Greenaway <> Organization: CSU Northridge - Computing Services MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Monitor Cable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anyone know where to find the specs to make a monitor cable for a NEXT black cube?
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Seagate Barracuda SCSI HD advice needed Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6gou6l$93v$> <6gpgm3$h4$> <6gs1di$jaq$> In-reply-to:'s message of 13 Apr 1998 03:39:30 GMT Date: 14 Apr 98 20:53:16 GMT In article <6gs1di$jaq$>, writes: Someday I'll figure out which 100/200/400M drives went into the slabs and what kind of power rating one should look for with the default fan and make a list of suitable drives that one can expect to use. The 400M slab drive was an ST1480, which Seagate's website indicates put out a hot 9.1watts, 15 watts max. I believe it. My drive had a sticker on top, and when I pop the cover to my machine, I can see that the cover is darker over the drive - and lighter where the sticker was. The 200M slab drive was an ST1280. I've put a Seagate Hawk 2LP (1Gig, 6W, 9W max) and 2XL (2Gig, 7W I think) drives in a slab, they work nicely. I've also put a DSP 3107 in, but that was a bit too hot for my tastes. Other than the Hawks, I'd recommend an IBM UltraStar 2es for new installs, since they run very cool, very quiet. To be honest, the only reason my slab currently has the 2Gig 2XL in it is because it's somewhat tough to purchase anything smaller/older these days. The station is nowhere near fast enough to make it worthwhile for any other reason - we're talking SCSI-I, here, 3MB/s _max_, and you're lucky to break 1MB/s after overhead. Anyone who puts a 7200 RPM drive deserves to lose the drive :-), -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: 2.88MB floppies with NS/FIP? Date: 15 Apr 1998 00:04:47 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc Sender: Christian Jensen <> Message-ID: <6h0tiv$jhv$> Would NEXTSTEP/FIP 3.3, with the appropriate BIOS and ED floppy drive, be able to read/write 2.88 MB floppies? Or is support for that density dropped in the Intel verison of NS? Thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6gu2nk$bo0$> Control: cancel <6gu2nk$bo0$> Date: 13 Apr 1998 22:31:52 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6gu2nk$bo0$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6gu2nj$bo0$> Control: cancel <6gu2nj$bo0$> Date: 13 Apr 1998 22:31:59 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6gu2nj$bo0$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 14 Apr 1998 19:22:23 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6h0d1f$6o3$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <6guvk5$ot5$> <sjIY.196$> James D. Meacham <> wrote: > $ 75 for the two chips total; and let me tell you it makes a big difference > when running OmniWeb under 4.2. OmniWeb 3 still makes me suicidal with > impatience, but with 80 megs, OW 2 runs great. OW really that bad? I was thinking of giving it a try..... -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 14 Apr 1998 20:49:00 GMT Organization: none Distribution: world Message-ID: <6h0i3s$m63$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <6guvk5$ot5$> <sjIY.196$> <6h0d1f$6o3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6h0d1f$6o3$> Wesley Horner wrote: > James D. Meacham <> wrote: > > > $ 75 for the two chips total; and let me tell you it makes a big difference > > when running OmniWeb under 4.2. OmniWeb 3 still makes me suicidal with > > impatience, but with 80 megs, OW 2 runs great. > > OW really that bad? I was thinking of giving it a try..... For NeXT hardware, OW is pretty slow.... I turned off images most times (of course I was also behind a 28.8 so that didn't help) I'm running on a P-133 and OW 2 is much zippier.... pages with lots of tables can sometimes be slow, but otherwise I find it quite usable. 2.5 is definitely the fastest release AFAIK... TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed]
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Printer Recomm. for slab,Win95, & Newton? Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 18:23:29 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6h0r5h$hgk$> I'm looking for recommendations on a printer that will work on my NeXTstation Color, Compaq Win 95 laptop, and my Apple Newton MessagePad 2100. I would like a color Inkjet, with an IrDA port for wireless printing with the Newton. I've found the HP 340 CBI, does anyone know if this will work with my NeXT? TIA, Brian -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell,comp.sys.nsc,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <6gv95f$hqp$> Control: cancel <6gv95f$hqp$> Date: 14 Apr 1998 09:20:18 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6gv95f$hqp$> Sender: kbenrmcaNICKI@BORED.COM Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Sebastien Mallet <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Monitor Cable Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:27:45 +0200 Organization: Nortel Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are the specifications provided by next for colorstation monitor cable (it's the same for the cube): It's a 13W3 connector with : PIN Signal 1 +12V 2 PWR switch 3 MON CLK 4 MON DATA OUT 5 MON DATA IN 6 -12V 7 GND 8 GND 9 GND 10 GND A1 Inner RED VIDEO A1 Outer RED VIDEO GND A2 Inner GREEN VIDEO A2 Outer GREEN VIDEO GND A3 Inner BLUE VIDEO A3 Outer BLUE VIDEO GND IF you need B&W pinouts just e-mail me. Hope this helps Sebastien
From: Paul Buckley<> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? Date: 15 Apr 1998 12:35:51 GMT Organization: ISPNews Message-ID: <6h29j7$4as$> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> On 04/12/98, Dave Wentzlaff wrote: >Greetings, > > This is probably a dumb question, but I have noticed that my NeXT >Color Turbo shuts itself down after a long period of no use. I don't >want this to happen because I run a web server on it that I want to have >running all of the time. I think it might only happen when it is at the >login screen, but I am not sure. This might be a power saving feature, >but I don't like it. If anybody has an idea how to fix this or if it is >really my machine crashing, because it doesn't seem to properly >shutdown, but rather just poof powers off, please e-mail or reply:) > >Thanks in advance, >David Wentzlaff > > > When this was happening to me someone suggested a loose SIMM. I did not do a lot of testing, but after changing the simms around the system didn't power down during a three day test.
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:14:39 +0200 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Weston Cann wrote: > Hullo, > > I'm shopping for some memory for a Color Turbo slab. > I know that I'm looking for 72 Pin SIMMS, but I don't know > if there's prohibitions on speed, or against EDO or other > RAM variations. Or if there's any particular manufacturers > to stay away from. Anyone who does know? Post or email > away.... > > Weston Another question: Is it possible to use 60ns chips? I was told by several resellers that SIMM speed (i.e. nanoseconds) are just a sign of quality and shouldn't have an effect on the usability in any computer. Is that right? Harald
From: Newsgroups: Subject: PCMCIA SCSI card suggestions Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 00:42:28 +0900 Organization: Global OnLine Japan Message-ID: <> I'm running OpenStep 4.2 on an IBM ThinkPad 760E. Does anyone have any suggestions for a PCMCIA SCSI card that I can use to mount a Jaz or Zip drive? Thanks Christopher Wood Please remove the x from my e-mail address to reply
From: (Barry Bocaner) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 15 Apr 1998 17:02:43 GMT Organization: Cows Unlimited! Distribution: world Message-ID: <6h2p7j$811$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <> that Harald Ellmann ( scribbled: > Another question: Is it possible to use 60ns chips? > I was told by several resellers that SIMM speed (i.e. nanoseconds) are > just a sign of quality and shouldn't have an effect on the usability in > any computer. Is that right? I don't think it is. My Turbo Colorstation seems to be able to tell 60 from 70 ns, and it prefers 70! I put 60 in and it recognized it as 100 ns ram (yuck!) according to the ROM monitor. I had to pay extra for 70ns SIMMs so that the NeXT would recognize them as such. I was a little miffed by that since 6 months ago all you could find was 70ns SIMMs and you had to pay extra for 60ns ones... but oh well... -- --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Barry J. Bocaner <> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: "Peter Skrydstrup" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.mac.hardwarecomp.sys.mac.misc,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.mark Subject: YOU NEED MONEY? READ THIS... Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 16:27:10 +0200 Organization: Get2Net Internet Kunde Message-ID: <6h2h9j$afd$> If you are thinking of making some relatively easy cash to tide you over in life, this is IT! If you choose not to try it, your dreams and ambitions may never be fulfilled. But just imagine for such a small insignificant investment, you could get the things you always wanted that you normally couldn't achieve. Try not to be pessimistic but optimistic. Likelihood you will not regret it. This is simple, safe, and it really works! For $6 (U.S), 6 stamps, and about an hour of your time, you could earn a year's salary in a month. A little while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" but like most of us, I was curious. Like most of us, I kept reading. Anyway, it said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses stated in the article, you could make thousands in a very short period of time. You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 200 newsgroups. (There are about 22,000.) or e-mail them to friends, or e-mailing lists... No catch, that was it. Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in this sort of thing. 1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any money but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business. 2. Would the Post Office be ok with this...? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See Title 18,h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of collecting names and addresses for a mailing list. 3. Is this moral? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of money ... a much better chance than buying a lottery ticket! So, having these questions answered, I invested EXACTLY $7.92 ... six $1.00 bills and six 32 cent postage stamps ... and boy am I glad I did! Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I still figured it would end soon, and didn't give it another thought. But the money just continued coming in. In my first week, I made about $20.00 to $30.00 dollars. By the end of the second week I had a mad total of $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it was still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in..... It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 stamps! So now I'm reposting this so I can make even more money! The *ONLY* thing stopping *ANYONE* from enriching their own bank account is pure laziness! It took me all of 5 MINUTES to print this out, follow the directions, and begin posting to newsgroups. It took me a mere 45 minutes to post to over 200 newsgroups. And for this GRAND TOTAL investment of $ 7.92 (US) and under ONE HOUR of my time, I have reaped an incredible amount of money -- like nothing I've ever even heard of anywhere before! 'Nuff said! Let me tell you how this works, and most importantly, why it works. Also, make sure you print a copy of this article now, so you can get the information off of it when you need it. The process is very simple and consists of THREE easy steps. ============ HOW IT WORKS ============ STEP 1: ------ Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper: PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST. $1 US DOLLAR PROCESSING FEE IS ENCLOSED. (THIS IS KEY AS THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT LEGAL SINCE YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND LATER OFFERING A SERVICE). Now get 6 $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent theft/robbery. Then, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase and a U.S. $1.00 bill. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: #1 P. Paarlberg 3318 Pine Meadow SE, #212 Kentwood, MI 49512 #2 S. Tuggle 13315 NE 25th Street Vancouver, Wasington 98684 #3 L. Grawl 708-E Overlook Circle Drive Manchester, Mo. 63021 #4 K.Anderson 2947 SE Washinton Portland, Oregon 97214 #5 Benny Hansen Postbox 3302 2800 LYNGBY Denmark #6 Peter Skrydstrup Noerre Soegade 33A, 3 1370 Koebenhavn K Denmark STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. (If you want to remain anonymous put a nickname, but the address MUST be correct. It, of course, MUST contain your country, state/district/area, zip code, etc! You wouldn't want your money to fly away, wouldn't you?). STEP 3: Now post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. Remember that 200 postings are just a guideline. The more you post, the more money you make! Don't know HOW to post in the news groups? Well do exactly the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS FAST WITH YOUR WEB BROWSER: The fastest way to post a newsletter: Highlight and COPY (Ctrl-C) the text of this posted message and PASTE (Ctrl-V) it into a plain text editor (as Wordpad) and save it. After you have made the necessary changes that are stated above, simply COPY (Ctrl-C) and PASTE (Ctrl-V) the text into the message composition window, after selecting a newsgroup, and post it! (Or you can attach the file, without writing anything to the message window.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- If you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 do the following: 1. Click on any newsgroup like normal, then click on 'TO NEWS'. This will bring up a box to type a message in. 2. Leave the newsgroup box like it is, change the subject box to something flashy, something to catch the eye, as "$$$ NEED CASH $$$? READ HERE! $! $! $" Or "$$$! MAKE FAST CASH, YOU CAN'T LOSE! $$$". Or you can use my subject title. 3. Now click on 'ATTACHMENTS'. Then click on 'ATTACH FILE'. Find your file on your Hard Disk (the one you saved from the text editor). Once you find it, click on it and then click 'OPEN' and 'OK'. You should now see your file name in the attachments box. 4. Now click on 'SEND'/'POST'. You see? Now you just have 199 to go! (Don't worry, it's easy and quick once you get used to it.) NOTE: All the versions of Netscape Navigator's are similar to each other, so you'll have no problem to do this if you don't have Netscape Navigator 3.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! QUICK TIP! (For Netscape Navigator 3.x and above) You can post this message to many newsgroups at a time, by simply selecting a newsgroup near the top of the screen, hold down the SHIFT, and then select a newsgroup near the bottom of the screen. All of the newsgroups in/between will be selected. After that, you follow/do the basic steps, stated below at this letter, except of step #1. You can go to the page stated below in this letter and click on a newsgroup to open up the newsgroups window. Once you've done this, in the same window go to 'OPTIONS', and then mark 'SHOW ALL NEWSGROUPS' and 'SHOW ALL MESSAGES'. Now you can see all the newsgroups and you can apply easier the above tip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have MS Internet Explorer do the following: 1. Go to the newsgroups and press 'POST AN ARTICLE'. To the new window type your headline in the subject area and then click in the large window below. There either PASTE your letter (which it's been copied from the text editor), or attach the file which contains it. 2. Then click on 'SEND' or 'OK'. NOTE: All versions of MS Internet Explorer are similar to each other, so you won't have any problem doing this. GENERAL NOTES ON POSTING: A nice page where you'll find all the newsgroups if you want help is (When you go to the home page, click on the link 'Newsgroup Directory'). But I don't think you'll have any problem posting because it's very easy once you've found the newsgroups. All these web browsers are similar. It doesn't matter which one you have. (But it makes it very easy if you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later. You may download it from the Internet if you don't have it.) You just have to remember the basic steps, stated below. BASIC STEPS FOR POSTING: 1. Find a newsgroup and you click on it. 2. You click on 'POST AN/NEW ARTICLE' or 'TO NEWS' or anything else similar to these. 3. You type your flashy headline in the subject box. 4. Now, either you attach the file containing your amended letter, or you PASTE the letter. (You have to COPY it from the text editor, of course, from before.) 5. Finally, you click on 'SEND' or 'POST' or 'OK', whatever is there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER EXCELLENT PROGRAM: "AutoPoster" (Sorry it doesn't work at this time) MULTIPLE. POSTING ON HUNDEREDS OF NEWSGROUPS AT ONCE . The worlds most effective AutoPoster to Internets newsgroups! A high speed Newsgroup Auto Poster/Newsreader for Windows 95 Autopost articles to more than 27,000 newsgroups Super fast - up to 12,000 posting per hour on a single PC Easy to run Built in Special Functions such as: Scramble Random Fake Sender Rotate Unlimited Postings Group Postings Force Hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Now the WHY part: ================= Out of 200 postings; say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average are probable 20 to 30! So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you will make: at #6 $15.00 at #5 $225.00 at #4 $3,375.00 at #3 $50,625.00 at #2 $759,375.00 at #1 $11,390,625.00 When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. You just have to be honest. By the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get as much. Someone I talked to knew someone who did that and he only made about $150.00, and that's after seven or eight weeks! Then he sent the 6 $1.00 bills, people added him to their lists, and in 4-5 weeks he had over $10k. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW, also. Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember that HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. Please remember to declare your extra income. Thanks once again... ====================================================== LEGAL? ? ? (Comments from Bob Novak who started this new version.) "People have asked me if this is really legal. Well, it is! You are using the Internet to advertise you business. What is that business? You are assembling a mailing list of people who are interested in home based computer and online business and methods of generating income at home. Remember that people send you a small fee to be added to your mailing list. It is legal. What will you do with your list of thousands of names? Compile all of them into a database and sell them as "Mailing Lists" on the internet in a similar manner, if you wish, and make more money. How do you think you get all the junk mail that you do? Credit card companies, mail order, Utilities, anyone you deal with through the mail can sell your name and address on a mailing list, unless you ask them not to, in addition to there regular business, So, why not do the same with the list you collect. You can find more info about "Mailing Lists" on the internet using any search engine. .." So, build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you prove your business intentions. Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put your name at #6) and start posting again. ====================================================== NOTES: *1. In some countries, the export of the country's exchange is illegal. But you can get the license to do this from the post office, explaining the above statements (that you have an online business, etc. You may have to pay an extra tax, but that's OK, the amount of the incoming money is HUGE! And as I said, a few countries have that restriction. *2. You may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. (Or Database or Spreadsheet software.) *3. If you're really not sure or still think this can't be for real, please print a copy of this article and pass it along to someone who really needs the money, and see what happens.
From: Subject: You Just Can't Lose Newsgroups: Organization: UNC Message-ID: <35343ac9.0@> Date: 15 Apr 98 04:42:49 GMT So, do you want to make money? If you have ONLY US$6 or a bit more(6 stamps), you can do it!!! ******************************************************* PLEASE READ ON ABOUT HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL ******************************************************* 1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL?? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any money but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business. 2. Would the Post Office be ok with this....I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See Title 18,h sections1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of collecting names and addresses for a mailing list. 3. Is this moral? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of money ... a much better chance than buying a lottery ticket!!! ============ HOW IT WORKS ============ Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper: PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST. $1 US DOLLAR PROCESSING FEE IN ENCLOSED. (THIS IS KEY AS THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT LEGAL SINCE YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND LATER OFFERING A SERVICE). Now get 6 $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent theft/robbery (Add one chemical paper for example;this will turn your bill invisible and the letter still light). Then, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase and a U.S. $1.00 bill. #1 Ronald Stevens 20 Lordly court Kings Park NY 11754 USA #2 J. Turley P.O. Box 50604 Knoxville, TN 37950-0604 USA #3 K. Agler 109 Fraternity Ct. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 USA #4 R Sauter 3500 Crescent Ct Flower Mound, TX 75028 USA #5 Catherine Watkins P.O. Box 67 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0067 USA #6 Ryan 1201 Holleybank Dr. Matthews, NC 28105 USA STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. (If you want to remain anonymous, put a nickname, but the address MUST be correct. It, of course, MUST contain your country, state/district/area, zip code, etc!!! You wouldn't want your money to fly away, would you?!?!). STEP 3: Now post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. Remember, 200 postings is just a guideline. The more you post, the more money you make! NOTE: IN MANY NEWSGROUPS THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT DELETE THIS KIND OF MESSAGES I RECOMEND YOU TO POST 1 OR EVEN 2 TIMES A WEEK TO 300 NEWSGROUPS SO OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE YOUR MESSAGES.THIS IS A WAY TO INCREASE THE POSSIBILITIES FOR YOU TO GET MORE MONEY!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The TOP 200 newsgroups can be found at ---> *** BOTS *** Bots are small computer programs on a usenet server. 1) Bots look for certain characters in the "Subject:" field of your newsgroup posting. 2) Bots also look for "multiple postings". 3) If a Bot discovers any of the above, it will delete your posting. 4) Then send you a nasty e-mail. ***OUTSMART THE BOTS*** 1) You will make a lot MORE money if you outsmart the BOTS. 2) Post your message only ONCE. 3) Do NOT use characters such as (! $ % + # & * @ ?) in the "Subject" field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU > WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** > That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within > day's! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large > amount of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can > invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. > **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** >------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Now the WHY part: ================= Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With a original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average is probable 20 to 30! So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you will make: at #6 $15.00 at #5 $225.00 at #4 $3,375.00 at #3 $50,625.00 at #2 $759,375.00#1 $11,390,625.00 When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. You just have to be honest. ** By the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get as much. Someone I talked to knew someone who did that and she only made practically nothing, and that's after seven or eight weeks! Then she sent the 6 $1.00 bills, people added her to their lists, and in 4-5 weeks she had over $10k. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money!! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. Please remember to declare your extra income. Thanks once again... ________________________________________________________________________ --
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 15 Apr 1998 23:32:26 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6h3g2a$dns$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <> Harald Ellmann <> wrote: > Another question: Is it possible to use 60ns chips? > I was told by several resellers that SIMM speed (i.e. nanoseconds) are > just a sign of quality and shouldn't have an effect on the usability in > any computer. Is that right? That sounds right to me. -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: "M. Schwetterle" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Nextstep/Openstep & portable battery monitoring Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:09:50 +0200 Organization: Estec\ESA Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, On the way to install Openstep 4.2 on a Tecra 730CDT, I was wondering how it can be possible to monitor the battery level, is there any utility available ? Regards, Marc Schwetterle.
From: Jonathan Katz <> Newsgroups:, Subject: More dumb questions... Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 16:59:04 -0700 Organization: Atmosphere Networks Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I'm wondering about how Next/OpenStep 4.2 performs on sparc hardware. I have a lot of spare IPXs laying around that I want to put to good use. -Jon -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Katz Atmosphere Networks Inc. Unix Systems Administrator 10261 Bubb Rd. Bldg. 2 Cupertino CA 95014, USA Direct: +1 408 517 1297 Main: +1 408 517 2860 Pager: +1 888 694 7249 Fax: +1 408 517 1299 _______________________________________________________________________
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Cube Look-Alike Case? Date: 16 Apr 1998 00:12:24 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc Sender: Christian Jensen <> Message-ID: <6h3id8$edv$> References: <ru1Z.1$> (James D. Meacham) wrote: >I'm thinking about building my own Intel system, and a really cool thing >would be if I could find a case for that looked like the original black cube. Some suggestions: 1.) They make square-ish looking cases in a variety of (sometimes bizzare) colors, including black. 2.) Rob Blessin is still working on building Intel PCs inside cube cases, last I heard... 3.) They just posted that in the near future they will be selling a selection of *All-Black* Intel hardware. Cool! --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Intel Cube Look-Alike Case? Organization: Center for Communications Programs--The Johns Hopkins University MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <ru1Z.1$> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:12:07 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:12:07 EST Hi all, I'm thinking about building my own Intel system, and a really cool thing would be if I could find a case for that looked like the original black cube. If anyone knows of anyone who manafactures such a thing, I'd be really glad to know about it. I know, I know, I should let go of the past, but I'm sorry, the cube was (is) so damned *cool*. Peace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 · Fax 410-467-9630 · Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Control: cancel <6h2h9j$afd$> From: (M. Buchenrieder) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.mac.hardwarecomp.sys.mac.misc,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.mark Subject: cancel: YOU NEED MONEY? READ THIS... Organization: Get2Net Internet Kunde Message-ID: <cancel.6h2h9j$afd$> Sender: "Peter Skrydstrup" <> Date: 15 Apr 1998 23:28:50 MEST Cleaning up illegal MMF schemes. See for a more detailed record.
From: Simon Wagner <> Newsgroups: Subject: floppy in cube /mounting bracket Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 18:01:46 +0200 Organization: Unisource Business Networks Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit a while ago I asked about how to mount an internal floppy on my 040-cube.. a friendly guy told me he has several lying around or is producing them and would send me one.. I never sent him the money, because I lost his adress :(((( so, if anyone out there could ask around, or if YOU are reading it *G* then please help me... I'd like to mount an OD, floppy and internal 3.5" harddisk... thanks a lot!!!! simon
From: jrt4@Lehigh.EDU Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor for PC Date: 15 Apr 1998 16:17:52 -0400 Message-ID: <6h34lg$375m@ns2-1.CC.Lehigh.EDU> Is it possible to use a NeXT color monitor with a PC? If so where can I find the pinouts for such a conversion? James
From: (chiroptera) Newsgroups: Subject: 60ns simms on a turbo Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 00:43:11 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> 60ns edo simms work in my turbo color. it really does not mean anything to me but i just thought it should be mentioned. my box has rom monitor v 3.1 and it was made in 91. -eric rivet on #nextstep (efnet) / i idle a LOT
From: (stephen Hsieh) Newsgroups: Subject: Brand New Quantum 8400S 8.4GB Ultra SCSI 3 Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:53:40 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <35568ed2.46159784@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Brand New Quantum 8400S 8.4GB Ultra SCSI 3 Only two for $450 Full Length Warranty by Quantum Pricing and Availability The standard list prices are: Quantum Fireball SE 2.1 Quantum Fireball SE 3.2 Quantum Fireball SE 6.4 Quantum Fireball SE 8.4 Ultra ATA - $269 Ultra ATA - $339 Ultra ATA - $429 Ultra SCSI - $659
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 06:14:49 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> References: <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> "NeXT Newbie" <> writes: > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? I use and i love it! Get it free from the archives! -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: Robert Fischer <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Nextstep/Openstep & portable battery monitoring Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 10:25:28 +0200 Organization: GMD-FOKUS Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit M. Schwetterle wrote: > > Hi, > On the way to install Openstep 4.2 on a Tecra 730CDT, I was wondering > how it can be possible to monitor the battery level, is there any > utility available ? There is a level meter integrated into the Preferences icon. Very neat indeed. Robert -- --- - .-. -- -- --- / \ ---- Robert Fischer .-. / \ --- .-. __o .-. @ / \ / \ / \ _`\<,_ / \ GMD-Fokus / \ / \ / \ (*)/ (*) / `-------------- / `---´ `-´ `-----------´
From: Subject: You Just Can't Lose Newsgroups: Organization: ME Message-ID: <3534c139.0@> Date: 15 Apr 98 14:16:25 GMT So, do you want to make money? If you have ONLY US$6 or a bit more(6 stamps), you can do it!!! ******************************************************* PLEASE READ ON ABOUT HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL ******************************************************* 1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL?? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any money but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business. 2. Would the Post Office be ok with this....I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See Title 18,h sections1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of collecting names and addresses for a mailing list. 3. Is this moral? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of money ... a much better chance than buying a lottery ticket!!! ============ HOW IT WORKS ============ Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper: PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST. $1 US DOLLAR PROCESSING FEE IN ENCLOSED. (THIS IS KEY AS THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT LEGAL SINCE YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND LATER OFFERING A SERVICE). Now get 6 $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent theft/robbery (Add colored paper for example;this will turn your bill invisible and the letter still light). Then, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase and a U.S. $1.00 bill. #1 Ronald Stevens 20 Lordly court Kings Park NY 11754 USA #2 J. Turley P.O. Box 50604 Knoxville, TN 37950-0604 USA #3 K. Agler 109 Fraternity Ct. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 USA #4 R Sauter 3500 Crescent Ct Flower Mound, TX 75028 USA #5 Catherine Watkins P.O. Box 67 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0067 USA #6 Ryan 1201 Holleybank Dr. Matthews, NC 28105 USA STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. (If you want to remain anonymous, put a nickname, but the address MUST be correct. It, of course, MUST contain your country, state/district/area, zip code, etc!!! You wouldn't want your money to fly away, would you?!?!). STEP 3: Now post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. Remember, 200 postings is just a guideline. The more you post, the more money you make! NOTE: IN MANY NEWSGROUPS THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT DELETE THIS KIND OF MESSAGES I RECOMEND YOU TO POST 1 OR EVEN 2 TIMES A WEEK TO 300 NEWSGROUPS SO OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE YOUR MESSAGES.THIS IS A WAY TO INCREASE THE POSSIBILITIES FOR YOU TO GET MORE MONEY!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The TOP 200 newsgroups can be found at ---> *** BOTS *** Bots are small computer programs on a usenet server. 1) Bots look for certain characters in the "Subject:" field of your newsgroup posting. 2) Bots also look for "multiple postings". 3) If a Bot discovers any of the above, it will delete your posting. 4) Then send you a nasty e-mail. ***OUTSMART THE BOTS*** 1) You will make a lot MORE money if you outsmart the BOTS. 2) Post your message only ONCE. 3) Do NOT use characters such as (! $ % + # & * @ ?) in the "Subject" field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU > WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** > That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within > day's! You may eventually want to rent a P.O. Box due to the large > amount of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can > invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. > **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.** >------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Now the WHY part: ================= Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With a original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average is probable 20 to 30! So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you will make: at #6 $15.00 at #5 $225.00 at #4 $3,375.00 at #3 $50,625.00 at #2 $759,375.00#1 $11,390,625.00 When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. You just have to be honest. ** By the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get as much. Someone I talked to knew someone who did that and she only made practically nothing, and that's after seven or eight weeks! Then she sent the 6 $1.00 bills, people added her to their lists, and in 4-5 weeks she had over $10k. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money!! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. Please remember to declare your extra income. Thanks once again... ________________________________________________________________________ --
From: (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 16 Apr 1998 11:27:54 GMT Organization: Frankfurt University Computing Center Message-ID: <6h4pvq$> References: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) wrote: > I am replacing my black hardware with its 17" mono monitor. > Moving to a 21" monitor at 1600x1280 will make everything > smaller than it is now. Will I get used to it? (The alternative > is a 19" monitor at 1280x1040, which will have almost the > exact same resolution as my current set-up.) I've found a 21" monitor with a resolution of 1400 x 1024 to be ideal. Bye Uli -- _____________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine _____________________________________________________________________
From: tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 16 Apr 1998 12:42:20 GMT Organization: Princeton University Message-ID: <6h4ubc$g39$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> References: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> <6h4pvq$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6h4pvq$> Uli Zappe wrote: > tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) wrote: > > I am replacing my black hardware with its 17" mono monitor. > > Moving to a 21" monitor at 1600x1280 will make everything > > smaller than it is now. Will I get used to it? (The alternative > > is a 19" monitor at 1280x1040, which will have almost the > > exact same resolution as my current set-up.) > > I've found a 21" monitor with a resolution of 1400 x 1024 to be ideal. > > Bye > Uli Sounds great, but what graphics card/driver offers this resolutions? The description of the Matrox Mill II driver at nextanswers does not mention this resolution. Also, most monitors do not list this as a supported resolution. Does that matter? Tim VZ
From: (Les Harvey) Newsgroups: Subject: 3Com Etherlink III 3C590 PCI Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 15:35:28 GMT Organization: BT Labs, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, UK Message-ID: <35382363.629985@news.axion> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just installed OpenStep 4.2 Mach onto Intel hardware. Failed to do my homework , as I cannot find a driver for my 3Com 3C590 PCI card :-) Anyone using the above card ? Thanks Les Harvey "Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Newsgroups: From: Max Trefonides <> Subject: NeXT Color inkjet Service Codes Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 15:41:39 GMT I have a NeXT color printer that stops with "51 SERVICE" after saying "warming up". My docs say to call NeXT tech support. This is obviously out of the question. Does anyone have a service manual for these printers? I know that they are based on the Canon BJ 800, are the error codes the same? Will Canon service them? Any advice/experiences are welcome, thanks, -max
From: Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: Do you want ALL 30,000 + Newsgroups ? Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:46:39 GMT Organization: Strictly Uniform Message-ID: <6h5jmf$gm3$> If your ISP censors your newsgroup access (eg you are not getting at least 30,000 newsgroups) visit or our fast mirror at
From: (Herschel M. Brown) Newsgroups: Subject: Printers Date: 16 Apr 1998 07:49:52 GMT Organization: UO Message-ID: <> Hello I have an Apple LaserWriter Select, is there anyway I can use that as a printer that is directly cabled to my Turbo Slab. Many Thanks Herschel Brown
From: Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: Uncensored News Group Access Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:46:41 GMT Organization: Strictly Uniform Message-ID: <6h5jmh$gm3$> If your ISP censors your newsgroup access (eg you are not getting at least 30,000 newsgroups) visit or our fast mirror at
From: Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: 30,000 Newsgroups including 'banned' ones available Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:46:37 GMT Organization: Strictly Uniform Message-ID: <6h5jmd$gm3$> If your ISP censors your newsgroup access (eg you are not getting at least 30,000 newsgroups) visit or our fast mirror at
From: "NeXT Newbie" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,,, Subject: Good video card for OPENSTEP Date: 16 Apr 1998 20:58:20 GMT Message-ID: <01bd69b4$a3ed2760$3ff0bfa8@davidsul> My pc has a video card with 4 megs of video memory and a trident 975 video card. Trident generic video card doesnt work with it. What are good video cards that work with openstep? If anyone wants to trade a 4 meg card that works with opentsep for a jaton 3d blaze card with tv output I am game :) Cost of video cards is also a issue. The matrox I hear is a good card but costs like $150, some lesser priced 4 meg cards would be nice as well, say under $100? And working well with opengl would be nice for games as well :)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35343ac9.0@> Control: cancel <35343ac9.0@> Date: 15 Apr 1998 21:39:34 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35343ac9.0@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: help with OS and configuring Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 22:01:50 +0100 Organization: Total Connectivity Providers - Maximising the Internet Message-ID: <> References: <01bd6662$376a8d80$43f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit There is something call 'dots' that will print (PS) on inkjets for Nextstep/Openstep. I am fairly sure Openstep can not use your 3D graphics card (not the 3d bit). If your video card is PCI, will find it if it has a .config bundle/driver that supports it. If you start Openstep in verbose mode (-v to the boot: prompt) or in /usr/adm/messages you will see a list of PCI devices Openstep was able to find. If you do not know what chipset your video card uses, you/we may be able to work it out from the PCI vendor/device id, in the above list. NeXT Newbie wrote: > > My pc has a jaton 3d iimage card, I selected generic trident for the > monitor, and now Openstep 4.2 only works in black and white, and when it > starts up it says "trident pci adapter not found". When the bios first > starts up it says trident 3d image 975. > > Also, does a epson inkjet printer work with openstep?
From: "Ken Schuller" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,,, Subject: Re: Good video card for OPENSTEP Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 17:36:41 -0500 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6h61b5$> References: <01bd69b4$a3ed2760$3ff0bfa8@davidsul> You can get the Mystique 220 w/4MB at your friendly neighborhood Best Buy for $119. You can get it for less than that if you don't buy the "shrinkwrap" version. -- Ken Schuller from on the road somewhere in Texas... *remove the obvious spam foil to reply via e-mail* NeXT Newbie wrote in message <01bd69b4$a3ed2760$3ff0bfa8@davidsul>... >My pc has a video card with 4 megs of video memory and a trident 975 video >card. Trident generic video card doesnt work with it. What are good video >cards that work with openstep? If anyone wants to trade a 4 meg card that >works with opentsep for a jaton 3d blaze card with tv output I am game :) > >Cost of video cards is also a issue. The matrox I hear is a good card but >costs like $150, some lesser priced 4 meg cards would be nice as well, say >under $100? And working well with opengl would be nice for games as well >:) >
From: (Robert D. Bumpus) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: first day with OS Date: 16 Apr 1998 22:15:19 GMT Organization: The University of Arkansas Message-ID: <6h5vtn$> References: <> writes > In article <01bc462d$87ca8380$40f0bfa8@davidsul> "NeXT Newbie" > <> writes: > > Some impressions of OS 4.2 > > 4) once I get up and going with ppp, what do I use for usenet? > > I use and i love it! Get it free from the archives! > > -- He's right, NewsGrazer is way cool!
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: recommendation: hard drive Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 18:37:16 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6h64nc$jgr$> Hi, I am wondering if someone could recommend me a hard drive that I can still buy as brand new. I just got a Cube, and like to put extra hard drive. Any good luck with any particular drive? Thanks! ps. any info for good priced 4mg simms(30pins for regular 040 25mhz Cube?) would be really appreciated too. I have only 16mg now. -- *** Since few days ago, I have no home machine. Respond from me will not be as quick as used to be. *** ~Makoto Sadahiro A Designer Of Old Code. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Salvatore Denaro) Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: help with OS and configuring Date: 17 Apr 1998 03:31:29 GMT Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC Distribution: inet Message-ID: <> References: <01bd6662$376a8d80$43f0bfa8@davidsul> <> On Thu, 16 Apr 1998 22:01:50 +0100, Robert Forsyth <> wrote: >There is something call 'dots' that will print (PS) on inkjets for >Nextstep/Openstep. You can also use GhostScript to print .ps files. -- Salvatore Denaro "The reality of the software business today is that if you find something that can make you ridiculously rich, then that's something that Microsoft is going to take away from you." -- Max Metral
From: "Gerardo Quinonez, M.D." <> Newsgroups: Subject: best motherboard for ns 3.3 and PII 300 Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 23:09:30 -0700 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello everyone Can anyone please tell me the best motherboard that works with the PII300 intel chip for use with NS3.3? I currently have the following hardware. diamond stealth 2 mb vram quantum 4.5 scsi adaptec 2940 zip drive toshiba scsis cd rom drive I would like that the motherboard not have any conflict with this hardware. Please respond with suggestion to my email address as well. Thanks -- _____________________________________ G. Quinonez, MD <> NeXTStep 3.3/Windoze NT 4.0 NeXTMail/SUNmail Welcome
From: Jereld Hannis <> Newsgroups: Subject: What does ADB mean? Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 20:15:25 -0700 Organization: Island Net on Vancouver Island B.C. Canada Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In refernece to NeXT motorola hardware, what does ADB mean, or what are the differences between an ADB machine and a non-ADB? Thanks in advance. Jer
From: (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 17 Apr 1998 03:52:18 GMT Organization: Frankfurt University Computing Center Message-ID: <6h6jli$> References: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> <6h4pvq$> <6h4ubc$g39$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) wrote: > > I've found a 21" monitor with a resolution of 1400 x 1024 to be ideal. > Sounds great, but what graphics card/driver offers this resolutions? I use an Elsa Winner 2000/pro with 8MB VRAM > Also, most monitors do not list this as a supported > resolution. Does that matter? No, it's just a matter of the driver. I find it very strange that 1280 x 1024 is so much more common, since it does *not* correspond to the size of usual monitors... Bye Uli -- _____________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine _____________________________________________________________________
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35568ed2.46159784@news> Control: cancel <35568ed2.46159784@news> Date: 16 Apr 1998 05:12:31 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35568ed2.46159784@news> Sender: (stephen Hsieh) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "NeXT Newbie" <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: help with OS and configuring Date: 17 Apr 1998 05:08:32 GMT Distribution: inet Message-ID: <01bd69f9$1e844500$40f0bfa8@davidsul> References: <01bd6662$376a8d80$43f0bfa8@davidsul> <> Robert Forsyth <> wrote in article <>... > There is something call 'dots' that will print (PS) on inkjets for > Nextstep/Openstep. > > I am fairly sure Openstep can not use your 3D graphics card (not the 3d > bit). If your video card is PCI, will find it if it has a > .config bundle/driver that supports it. > > If you start Openstep in verbose mode (-v to the boot: prompt) or in > /usr/adm/messages you will see a list of PCI devices Openstep was able > to find. If you do not know what chipset your video card uses, you/we > may be able to work it out from the PCI vendor/device id, in the above > list. The card is a trident 975, at least thats what flashes during bios startup. Since it uses a trident 975 I set it up with the only trident driver in OS, trident generic. Plus, in their is a setting that says something like "drivers for devices detected" and none are listed, so it then switches to the other mode
From: phy070@spo109 (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Nextstep/Openstep & portable battery monitoring Followup-To:,, Date: 17 Apr 1998 10:30:38 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Message-ID: <6h7b0e$> References: <> <> <> <> Robert Fischer ( wrote: : M. Schwetterle wrote: : > : > Hi, : > On the way to install Openstep 4.2 on a Tecra 730CDT, I was wondering : > how it can be possible to monitor the battery level, is there any : > utility available ? : : There is a level meter integrated into the Preferences icon. Very neat : indeed. which basically means to select another clock symbol in the by clicking on the symbol, until an icon with a battery level meter bar in it shows up. Just in case you're lost with the above answer :-). Greetings, Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3534c139.0@> Control: cancel <3534c139.0@> Date: 16 Apr 1998 11:52:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3534c139.0@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Darren Wright) Subject: Re: What does ADB mean? Newsgroups: References: <> Organization: DCANet Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Apr 98 12:56:14 GMT Jereld Hannis ( wrote: > In refernece to NeXT motorola hardware, > what does ADB mean, or what are the > differences between an ADB machine > and a non-ADB? > Thanks in advance. > Jer ADB as in Apple Desktop Bus. You can use any type of Apple mouse with the NeXT, or other ADB devices for that matter. -Darren
From: rft@cg.spam (Robert F Tobler) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 17 Apr 1998 13:04:29 GMT Organization: Vienna University of Technology, Austria Message-ID: <6h7k0t$> References: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: tvz@Princeton.EDU In <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Timothy Van Zandt wrote: > I am replacing my black hardware with its 17" mono monitor. > Moving to a 21" monitor at 1600x1280 will make everything > smaller than it is now. Will I get used to it? (The alternative > is a 19" monitor at 1280x1040, which will have almost the > exact same resolution as my current set-up.) I am using a Nokia 445X (this is a better Monitor that the 445Xi !!!) with an Elsa WINNER 2000 Pro X-8 and the following resolution: 1536x1152 @ 24Bit, 82 Hz and found that to be optimal. I tried it at 1600x1200 and 1600x1280, but these two modes are to close to the dot-pitch of the monitor and so the very small letters, although still very readable are not as clear as they could be. In addition to that, the high screen refresh rate makes for a *very* flickerfree image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert F. Tobler - tel:+43(1)58801-4575,fax:5874932 Institute of Computer Graphics - mailto: replace last domain by Vienna University of Technology - tuwien dot ac dot at
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:58:59 -0400 From: (Joe Ragosta) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,,, Subject: Re: Good video card for OPENSTEP Message-ID: <> References: <01bd69b4$a3ed2760$3ff0bfa8@davidsul> In article <01bd69b4$a3ed2760$3ff0bfa8@davidsul>, "NeXT Newbie" <> wrote: > My pc has a video card with 4 megs of video memory and a trident 975 video > card. Trident generic video card doesnt work with it. What are good video > cards that work with openstep? If anyone wants to trade a 4 meg card that > works with opentsep for a jaton 3d blaze card with tv output I am game :) > > Cost of video cards is also a issue. The matrox I hear is a good card but > costs like $150, some lesser priced 4 meg cards would be nice as well, say > under $100? And working well with opengl would be nice for games as well > :) You should probably go to Apple's web site to look for the old NeXT compatibility list--it's as good a starting point as any. Someone suggested a Diamond Stealth to me when I asked the same question. -- Regards, Joe Ragosta
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 2.88MB floppies with NS/FIP? Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:19:53 -0700 Message-ID: <6h7vni$mk7$> References: <6h0tiv$jhv$> Does not work unfortunately. System hangs at boot. Bought an ED drive for nothing!! Christian Jensen wrote in message <6h0tiv$jhv$>... >Would NEXTSTEP/FIP 3.3, with the appropriate BIOS and ED floppy drive, be >able to read/write 2.88 MB floppies? Or is support for that density dropped >in the Intel verison of NS?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Looking for Memory FAQ Date: 17 Apr 1998 16:22:42 GMT Organization: three non-overlapping 192KB banks Message-ID: <6h7vki$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Could anyone point me to a FAQ for memory in general. Specifically I'm looking for info on the Next DSP SIMM but would like extended info. Thanks cd
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Opinions on OS with 21" monitor at 1600x1280 Date: 17 Apr 1998 11:44:16 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6h84dg$284$> References: <6gvo8r$kd3$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU> wrote: : I am replacing my black hardware with its 17" mono monitor. : Moving to a 21" monitor at 1600x1280 will make everything : smaller than it is now. Will I get used to it? (The alternative : is a 19" monitor at 1280x1040, which will have almost the : exact same resolution as my current set-up.) 21" @ 16 x 12 is going to take a little getting used to, just like if you moved into a house nearly twice the size of your old one. I have always been a resolution hog. I went out and purchased a Millenium and a 21" Hitachi just so I could run at 16 x 12. The type is small but plenty readable. Having two full-page web browsers plus a terminal window, all without overlap, is quite an experience. It's been nice having that combination for the past two years. I don't know which monitor / CPU combination you are ordering, but the 19" monitor that ships with the Dell Dimension XPS 333 does an equally good job at 16 x 12 @ 75 Hz as it does at 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz. It is slightly smaller than my 21" monitor, but still provides a lovely experience. Incidentally, 12 x 10 is noticeably more screen space than the NeXT 1120 x 832. You would notice the difference. You should definitely get a video card with a fast RAMDAC and that provides good colors and brightness at high resolutions. I have seen some cheapo S3 cards that sucked at any resolution/color depth other than 800 x 600 @ 256 colors. The new ATI cards are extremely good and provide good 3D acceleration under Windows. The Mil II cards are also going to be good, but I would not purchase one for an OPENSTEP/Windows dual boot system, because I like Quake II too much. : Not the place to ask but: Any recommendations on monitors? This is as good a place as any. .......kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <6h5jmh$gm3$> Control: cancel <6h5jmh$gm3$> Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:51:26 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6h5jmh$gm3$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <6h5jmf$gm3$> Control: cancel <6h5jmf$gm3$> Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:51:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6h5jmf$gm3$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <6h5jmd$gm3$> Control: cancel <6h5jmd$gm3$> Date: 16 Apr 1998 18:51:18 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6h5jmd$gm3$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Looking for Memory FAQ Date: 17 Apr 1998 15:19:23 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6h89vr$1m9$> References: <6h7vki$> It's kinda x86-centric, but still useful. wrote: : Could anyone point me to a FAQ for memory in general. Specifically I'm : looking for info on the Next DSP SIMM but would like extended info. : Thanks : cd -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Hitachi/Sun Monitor with Slab? Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:35:02 -0700 Message-ID: <6h8b5u$rc$> Forgive me if this is an often asked question but: I have been given a Hitachi 21" monitor off of a SPARCstation clone. The pin outs look the same as NeXT, can it be used with a colour slab? ADB or non ? NeXT cable OK? Thanks
From: Steve <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Cube Look-Alike Case? Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 20:11:09 -0400 Organization: Erol's Internet Services Message-ID: <> References: <ru1Z.1$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The Panda Project just came out with a true cube shaped PC called the Rock City. P200 & 233 models avalable. Looks cool, perfect companion to a NeXT cube. I want one myself. Details at their web site
From: (Igor van Oostveen) Newsgroups: Subject: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: 18 Apr 1998 00:38:26 GMT Organization: I-Motion Message-ID: <> Hello, Has anybody ever tried to speed up (clocking-up) their NeXTstations? I have a NeXTstation Mono (25MHz) and a NeXTstation Turbo Mono (33Mhz). Any options? Please point me to more info... Also, I would like to ask anybody to point me to info about powering up your slab without monitor/keyboard... Thanks in advance... Igor
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hitachi/Sun Monitor with Slab? Date: 18 Apr 1998 01:06:24 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6h8uag$k4r$> References: <6h8b5u$rc$> Cc: George B. Ameer <> wrote: >Forgive me if this is an often asked question but: I guess so, probably this item needs to be added to the FAQ. >I have been given a Hitachi 21" monitor off of a >SPARCstation clone. The pin outs look the same >as NeXT, can it be used with a colour slab? ADB >or non ? NeXT cable OK? I use one (GDM1955) on a Non-ADB Turbo Color slab with no problem at all (just a slight shrinkage on the horizontal size). This monitor won't work on an ADB slab, due to the vertical sync (72 Hz) that is too far from 66 Hz of the Sun. The Non-ADB vert sync of 68 Hz is near enough to the original so it works. Yes, I use the original NeXT cable. It was just a PnP (plug and play) job, and made my wife really happy ;) TTFN, Paulus
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Why would a NeXT shut itself down, and how do I stop it? Date: 18 Apr 1998 01:00:58 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6h8u0a$k5a$> References: <> <6h29j7$4as$> >On 04/12/98, Dave Wentzlaff wrote: >>Greetings, >> >> This is probably a dumb question, but I have noticed that my NeXT >>Color Turbo shuts itself down after a long period of no use. I don't >>want this to happen because I run a web server on it that I want to have >>running all of the time. I think it might only happen when it is at the >>login screen, but I am not sure. This might be a power saving feature, >>but I don't like it. If anybody has an idea how to fix this or if it is >>really my machine crashing, because it doesn't seem to properly >>shutdown, but rather just poof powers off, please e-mail or reply:) >> >>Thanks in advance, >>David Wentzlaff >> >> When this happens on my wife's Turbo Color, it is usually an overheated problem as I just need to blow the dust out with those canned air cans of off the power supply fins, and everything will back up fine for another 2 months. This thing never happened on my Turbo Color, probably different location in the same house has a different dust concentration. (and yes, both has 21in monitors, so we won't get jealous ;) TTFN, Paulus (glad that my newsserver is up again;)
From: (stephen Hsieh) Newsgroups: Subject: $550 ONLY (Brand NEW) factory sealed, Quantum Atlas II 9.1g SCSI 3 SCA(up to 80mb/sec!!!!) Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 01:10:10 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <3558fd70.205549794@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit $550 ONLY (Brand NEW) factory sealed, Quantum Atlas II 9.1g SCSI 3 SCA(up to 80mb/sec!!!!) With three years of Quntum original warranty... FACTORY SEALED.! Only three left!! Quantum Atlas II 9.1g SCSI 3 SCA...MAX transfer 80MB/sec ....Reserve yours today for ONLY $550 presently the cheapest is $700, check Buy one ==>$550 Buy two ===>$1,050 Buy three ==>$1,500 Payment==> Airborne COD, you get the drives first, then pay... Not from a reseller! Student working for Quntum got discount prices..
From: nobody@nowhere33.yet Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: Gorgeous teenager wants you to fuck her asshole until it bleeds! 95978 Date: Friday, 17 Apr 1998 22:57:05 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <17049822.5705@nowhere33.yet> Check out our free assortment of MASSIVE HARDCORE XXXTREME PORN PICS FREE!!! 2k0qxK73(GBi6`jcw$=b
From: Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: ^&* HEATHER LOCKLER from the MERLOSE PLASE is in swin-suit. *&^ 98278 Date: Friday, 17 Apr 1998 23:01:36 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <> dTl%``JJy.Dt<rBaua]R
From: nobody@nowhere33.yet Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: Can you believe a pussy could strech so far? 44332 Date: Friday, 17 Apr 1998 23:16:09 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <17049823.1609@nowhere33.yet> Free Asian Pics All Fetishes 500 Images for FREE viewing (and saving) No fees whatsoever! Check it out 4$<N00ssIWmDeBk1E1-"
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What does ADB mean? Date: 18 Apr 1998 03:44:52 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6h97jk$a3i$> References: <> Jereld Hannis <> wrote: > In refernece to NeXT motorola hardware, > what does ADB mean, or what are the > differences between an ADB machine > and a non-ADB? Apple Desktop Bus. Basically the original NeXT hardware had mice and keyboards that were sile adb but not quite. Later they decided to go the distance. The ADB stuff (mouse and keyboard) is much cooler in my opinion that the non-adb. Packard Bell tried to rip off the mouse desighn but failed as they are apt to. -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: arti@lava.DOTnet (Art Isbell - remove "DOT") Newsgroups: Subject: PowerMac G3/300 vs. Dell Dimension XPS D333 Date: 18 Apr 1998 03:50:31 GMT Organization: LavaNet, Inc. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6h97u7$> I have been using NT for OS development for over a year. I had hoped that NT would really mean "New Technology" and would represent a clean break from Microsoft's previous lame operating systems. But I've been very disappointed, so I plan to join the many other OS developers who develop under Mach and do only final building and testing under NT. Therefore, I need a fast development machine for Mach development. I had planned to support Apple by buying a G3/300 directly from Apple, but today I received a mailer from Dell which made me reconsider my purchase decision. After all, I can run Rhapsody on either. Computer Apple G3 Dell Dimension XPS D333 CPU 300 MHz PowerPC G3 333 MHz Pentium II/MMX L2 Cache 1 MB 512 KB RAM 64 MB 64 MB Hard Drive 9 GB Ultra/Wide SCSI 8.4 GB Ultra ATA Monitor 17" Multiple Scan 720 17" 1000LS Video Card ? 6 MB SGRAM STB nVidia 3D AGP 4 MB CD-ROM Drive 24X 32X Sound Audio/input (?) Integrated Yamaha Wavetable Sound Speakers ?? Altec Lansing ACS-90 Modem 56K k56Flex 56K US Robotics x2 WinModem Ethernet Built-in 10Base-T None PCI Slots 3 ? OS MacOS 8.1 Windows 95 Software Communications, ?? MS Home Essentials 98 or MS Office 97 Small Business Edition plus McAfee Virus Scan Warranty 1 year? 3 year Price $4,588 $2,199 The G3 definitely has a superior CPU, disk subsystem, and network subsystem, and may be more expandable. The Dell has a superior CD-ROM drive and price, and may have a superior video subsystem, sound subsystem, speakers, software, and warranty. Please help me understand why the G3/300 is worth more than twice as much as the Dell Dimension XPS D333. Is Apple still overpricing its hardware? What am I missing? -- Art Isbell NeXT/MIME Mail: arti@lavaDOTnet IDX Systems Corporation Voice/Fax: +1 808 394 0511 (for whom I don't speak) Voice Mail: +1 808 394 0495 Healthcare Info Technology US Mail: Honolulu, HI 96825-2638
From: nobody@nowhere33.yet Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: FUCKING and SUCKING! This gal has her PUSSY and her MOUTH full! 7314 Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 00:02:58 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <18049800.0258@nowhere33.yet> 400 FREE PICS 48 FREE 5 MINUTE MPEG MOVIES WANT TO DOWNLOAD INSTED OF VIEW, WE HAVE A 3 GIG PILE OF PICS TO DOWNLOAD... TAKE ALL YOU WANT AND VIEW WHENEVER NEVER A CHARGE 341:ymyTji,27)SmaE&*
From: Makoto Sadahiro <> Newsgroups:, Subject: recomm: fax modem Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 00:57:30 -0500 Organization: U of Texas Austin Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I like to hear your success story with fax modem. I am in process of getting modem for Cube. I will have at least NS3.2. any suggestion for particular fax modem will be really appreciated. Thanks! -- *** Since few days ago, I have no home machine. Respond from me will not be as quick as used to be. *** ~Makoto Sadahiro A Designer Of Old Code.
From: Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: SOME LIKE IT DRIPPING WETT !!! @@@@ 73185 Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 13:12:55 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <> Here are some pics of my College Days!!! 8Rs<]SAw./,4thtOed&-
From: nobody@nowhere33.yet Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: Can you believe a pussy could strech so far? 86330 Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 13:16:06 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <18049813.1606@nowhere33.yet> Free Asian Pics All Fetishes 500 Images for FREE viewing (and saving) No fees whatsoever! Check it out YJasVU??n$9i2g8VkWRH
From: nobody@nowhere33.yet Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops Subject: Hot face with a hard cock fucking it good! 57530 Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 13:17:00 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <18049813.1700@nowhere33.yet> RED RAW PUSSY CLOSEUPS UNBELIEVABLY HIGH REZ PICS THE BEST PART...ALL FREE @0HY<;%&TcxPqNw=Q=8.
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: Little GANG BANG Action HERE !! 11941 Message-ID: <> Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 15:25:52 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World My Nympho Wife Needs another Man, can you help? u(\1q3:>0[4hMF2UE5M^
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: HOT oriental chick takes a black cock!! 15169 Message-ID: <> Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 15:09:00 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Here are some pics of my College Days!!! W+>4SNuAk^Wk/ImXh8/a
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: GORGEOUS BLONDE GERMAN WITH THE NICEST TITS IN THE world 16521 Message-ID: <> Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 15:43:16 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Hardcore ASS Screwing!!! Tons of Anal Action. X,?5T8^CU_Xl1JWYj90c
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: Gay Male Sex Pics 29385 Message-ID: <> Date: Saturday, 18 Apr 1998 15:59:04 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World 4-18-98 to 4-22-98...MASTERBATION MARATHON!!! Come see it live!!! Participants Welcome!!! +8k)'CIN@k,5sTX"S[r+
From: (Howard Knight) Organization: Internet Specialties West, Inc. Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> Date: 18 Apr 1998 10:20:45 GMT Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Spam cancelled. Autocancel spam type: spam
From: (Howard Knight) Organization: Internet Specialties West, Inc. Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> Date: 18 Apr 1998 10:23:08 GMT Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Spam cancelled. Autocancel spam type: spam
From: (Howard Knight) Organization: Internet Specialties West, Inc. Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> Date: 18 Apr 1998 10:26:29 GMT Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Spam cancelled. Autocancel spam type: spam
From: Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:15:13 PDT Subject: Check it out! Organization: Email Platinum v.3.1b Message-ID: <> Visit Check out our site for the smallest, least expensive pointers on the market! For only $19.50 plus shipping and handling, you can own one! It measures only 2inches by 9mm!, yet it can send a brilliant red dot up to 1200 feet, even in the brightest of rooms! To place you order, visit our home page at: staff
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 16:58:45 GMT In article <>, Igor van Oostveen <> wrote: >Hello, > >Has anybody ever tried to speed up (clocking-up) their NeXTstations? >I have a NeXTstation Mono (25MHz) and a NeXTstation Turbo Mono (33Mhz). > In general it won't work. Black hardware has very tight timing dependencies between various system components so any change has to look to the system *exactly* like the original CPU. Very few plug-in accelerators can do this. Pyro and Nitro are the only ones that come close (well, Nitro comes more than close. :)) -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Royce Priem <> Newsgroups: Subject: IBM HD and Black Hardware Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 13:38:28 +0000 Organization: Heller Information Services, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all - Does anyone have experience with IBM's UltraStar XP hard drives on Black hardware? I have an opportunity to get one cheap, but I know they're 7200 rpm, so internally they're aren't a good idea. Thanks in advance... Regards, Royce
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3558fd70.205549794@news> Control: cancel <3558fd70.205549794@news> Date: 18 Apr 1998 01:12:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3558fd70.205549794@news> Sender: (stephen Hsieh) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Royce Priem <> Newsgroups: Subject: Printer Cable Pin-out Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 20:51:03 +0000 Organization: Heller Information Services, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all - Does anyone have the pin-out for the cable used between the NeXT printer port and the laser printer? Thanks in advance... Regards, Royce
From: Greg de Freitas <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Monitor Cable Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 03:45:23 +0100 Organization: Hollywood Computing ltd. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Subject: Re: Monitor Cable Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:27:45 +0200 Organization: Nortel Lines: 28 NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: X-Mozilla-Status: 8010 Here are the specifications provided by next for colorstation monitor cable (it's the same for the cube): It's a 13W3 connector with : PIN Signal 1 +12V 2 PWR switch 3 MON CLK 4 MON DATA OUT 5 MON DATA IN 6 -12V 7 GND 8 GND 9 GND 10 GND A1 Inner RED VIDEO A1 Outer RED VIDEO GND A2 Inner GREEN VIDEO A2 Outer GREEN VIDEO GND A3 Inner BLUE VIDEO A3 Outer BLUE VIDEO GND IF you need B&W pinouts just e-mail me. Hope this helps Sebastien -- Ciao 4 now, Greg. # Home Page : # # Email : # # To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave A Legacy. #
From: HOT XXXXXX Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 20:19:01 PDT Subject: VISIT NOW HOT XXXXX Organization: Email Platinum v.3.1b Message-ID: <> no tricks fees or bullshit just visit once if you dont think there is enough free pics dont come back. PICK FROM 25 CATAGORIES CONTAINING OVER 50,000 FREE PICS!!!!!! OVER 18 (21 IN SOME PLACES) JUST CLICK HERE ONCE AND SEE 4 YOURSELF!!!!!!! no pop up, trick banner bullshit
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 19 Apr 1998 03:50:14 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printer Cable Pin-out Date: 19 Apr 1998 04:54:22 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6hc01u$shp$> References: <> Cc: In article <>, Royce Priem <> wrote: >Hello all - > > >Does anyone have the pin-out for the cable used between the NeXT printer >port and the laser printer? Thanks in advance... Straight pin to pin. You can use a regular serial cable to do that. Paulus
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: YESSS THAT'S IT BABY CUM ALL OVER MY WET HOT PUSSY 51212 Date: Sunday, 19 Apr 1998 17:15:01 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <> U;/;oD+GMRDnG#`YEiXH
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PowerMac G3/300 vs. Dell Dimension XPS D333 Date: 19 Apr 1998 06:11:57 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6hc4jd$8im$> References: <6h97u7$> Art Isbell - remove "DOT" <arti@lava.DOTnet> wrote: > Please help me understand why the G3/300 is worth more than twice as much > as the Dell Dimension XPS D333. Is Apple still overpricing its hardware? > What am I missing? I saw one of these g3 systems the other day at the store and it was incredable. The only Dell machines I would buy the Optiplex line from Dell. The Dimentions cost less but there is a reason. The test the configurations on the Optiplex but the Dimentions are made with whatever was cheepest that week. I would get SCSI in any machine period. In that regueard the costs start to equalize. I would go ahead and get the G3 and if it comes with things you don't need you can custom configure them now which is nice. I run a number of os's on a number of platforms and the ones that have os's designed for the machine they are running on (black hardware, sgi, sun, mac) all seem to work better than the pc. You will spend less time futzing with hardware crap. If you want to run os's that won't run on the mac (NT, Openstep, Solaris, etc) you might be happier with a pc. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 08:34:03 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=NXBOT
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: help with OS and configuring Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 12:16:40 +0100 Organization: Total Connectivity Providers - Maximising the Internet Message-ID: <> References: <01bd6662$376a8d80$43f0bfa8@davidsul> <> <01bd69f9$1e844500$40f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit So this Trident card is not recognized by your current set of drivers. This may be due to the PCI vendor/device ID of your particular Trident card not being listed. If I remember your problem correctly, the driver does not recognize the hardware, gives up and you are left in a 640 x 480 x 2 BW screen. You could try the SVGA driver, for 800 x 600 x 2 BW, but this may not work at all; the driver uses the VBIOS and this has to be well behaved, whereas Trident is a cheap manufacturer so this is less likely. I had a look on NextAnswers (, but the only Trident drivers are the Trident Generic one and the IBMThinkpad ones. Either, get a card/chipset that is recognised and use that for Openstep, or, wait until someone writes a driver for your card/chipset (approx. $4000-$15,000 for one user and $50 for lots). In Windows 95, what does ControlPanel/SystemProperties/DeviceManager/DisplayAdpater/<x>/Propties/Resources say? NeXT Newbie wrote: > > Robert Forsyth <> wrote in article > <>... > > There is something call 'dots' that will print (PS) on inkjets for > > Nextstep/Openstep. > > > > I am fairly sure Openstep can not use your 3D graphics card (not the 3d > > bit). If your video card is PCI, will find it if it has a > > .config bundle/driver that supports it. > > > > If you start Openstep in verbose mode (-v to the boot: prompt) or in > > /usr/adm/messages you will see a list of PCI devices Openstep was able > > to find. If you do not know what chipset your video card uses, you/we > > may be able to work it out from the PCI vendor/device id, in the above > > list. > > The card is a trident 975, at least thats what flashes during bios startup. > > Since it uses a trident 975 I set it up with the only trident driver in OS, > trident generic. Plus, in their is a setting that says > something like "drivers for devices detected" and none are listed, so it > then switches to the other mode
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 18 Apr 1998 13:59:36 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "cal" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 14:38:15 -0400 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <6hdg83$coe$> I'm buying a NeXTstation Turbo Color. Some have ADB. Some don't. I know what ADB is (I have a Mac). From a user or developer standpoint, what's the functional difference? Should I consider ADB over non-ADB? Does the ADB just have smarter cable routing to the monitor and allow other ADB devices to plug in? I'm going to be using it as a controller for some home automation projects. Thanks for any help. cal [anti-spam: remove "z" in address to reply]
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Followup-To: Date: 19 Apr 1998 19:59:02 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6hdl26$1p1$> References: <6hdg83$coe$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE In <6hdg83$coe$> "cal" wrote: > From a user or developer standpoint, what's the functional difference? > Should I consider ADB over non-ADB? Does the ADB just have smarter cable > routing to the monitor and allow other ADB devices to plug in? I think the only real difference is from the user standpoint of "which do you prefer?" ADB obviously makes it a little easier to replace hardware that has failed. ADB's mouse was supposed to be a little more ergonomic, some folks didn't like the way it felt (I did, but never had one to use for very long). The real problem I had with the ADB was the COMMAND 'bar' rather than the two COMMAND keys that non-ADB has. I was always hitting it by accident (again, I never used one for all that long) and was more used to the COMMAND keys (one on each side of the space bar.... the ADB had the command-bar right under the space bar) When all is said and done, I still think it boils down to personal preference with a slight edge on ADB for being more easily replaced. TjL (another @Home user in your area) -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s?
Newsgroups: Subject: -Easy money better than MLM! From: Organization: Success Pte Ltd Message-ID: <> Date: 19 Apr 98 21:20:46 GMT **************************************************************** * This Article was Posted By an unregistered version of: * * Newsgroup AutoPoster 95 * * Send email address for info! Fax: +46-31-470588 * **************************************************************** HONEST "PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE" OPPORTUNITY 100 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN MLM! Could YOU use an extra $3,000, $5,000 or MAYBE $10,000 in the next 2 weeks? The Total Investment is only Five Dollars and less than One Hour of Work! THAT'S IT! Unless you want to do it again. COMPARED TO OTHER MLM'S: 1. It is so much easier to start. 2. You don't need to continually monitor or work it. 3. One time, very small initial investment. 4. Very high response rate. 5. Fantastic return on investment. 6. Perfectly legal. PLEASE TAKE THREE MINUTES TO FIND OUT HOW! THIS IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM you will ever do. Complete it in less than ONE HOUR and you will never forget the day you first received it. If you are doing other programs, by all means stay with them. The more the merrier! But, PLEASE READ ON! There are only THREE LEVELS. This three-level program is more realistic and much, much faster. Because it is so easy, the response rate for this program is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST. You will receive your rewards in about FOURTEEN DAYS. That's only TWO WEEKS - not three months. Then, buy those extra things you've been dreaming of. Cindy Allen tells how she ran this gift summation four times last year. The first time, she received $3,000 in cash in two weeks and then $7,000 in cash the next three times. When this letter is continued as it should be, EVERYONE PROFITS! Don't be afraid to make a gift to a stranger, it will come back to you TEN FOLD. Many of us have pet programs that we want to support, food, medicine or medical care for poor children is another. Maybe, you just need a new car, want to pay off some bills or take a much needed vacation. DO IT. IT'S YOUR TURN! HERE ARE THE SIMPLE DETAILS You e-mail just 20 copies (the more copies you send the more cash you make) of this program to people you personally know, to people like you who are interested in earning extra cash, and to people who send you e-mail about their programs. WHY? Because they are already believers and your program is BETTER AND FASTER. Even if you are already in a program, continue to stay with it. But, do yourself a favor and DO THIS ONE for the fast cash. RIGHT NOW! It is so simple and the cost is so little. Like going out for fast food or buying a couple of beers. JUST GIFT ONE PERSON A 5 DOLLAR BILL. THAT'S IT! THAT'S ALL! Follow these simple instructions and in as little as TWO WEEKS you could have at least $3,000, $5,000, or up to $10,000 in five dollar gifts. Why? Because many people WILL respond due to the "LOW" cost to get started and a VERY HIGH REWARDING POTENTIAL! So, get going and help each other! The government certainly isn't going to. 1. On a sheet of paper, clearly write down YOUR name and address, along with the statement "I GIVE THIS FIVE DOLLAR GIFT TO YOU OF MY OWN FREE WILL AND EXPECT NOTHING IN RETURN." Fold it around a FIVE DOLLAR BILL. Send it to the FIRST name on the list. ONLY THE FIRST PERSON ON THE LIST GETS YOUR NAME AND A FIVE DOLLAR GIFT. 2. Now, remove the first name and address from the list and move the other two names up. Then, add YOUR name and address to the third (#3) position. 3. Save your changes and then e-mail 20 copies or more of this letter. Remember, an excellent source of names are the people who send you other programs and the names listed on the letters that they send you. Do it right away. It's so easy! Don't mull it over. ONE HOUR! THAT'S IT! There are no mailing lists to buy or wait for. You can do it again and again with your regular group of Gifters. Why not? It pays to help others! Each time you receive a MLM offer, respond with THIS letter! Your name will climb to the number ONE position in a DIZZYING geometric rate. So, come on! The prospect of an easy $3,000, $5,000 to $10,000 in TWO WEEKS is worth a little experimentation, isn't it? It only takes less than One Hour of your time and a five dollar bill (cash). ACT FAST AND GET MONEY FAST! HONESTY AND INTEGRITY MAKE THIS PLAN WORK. COPY THE NAMES CAREFULLY AND SEND YOUR FIVE DOLLAR CASH GIFT TO THE FIRST NAME. SPECIAL NOTE: Please don't try to cheat the system. You will only be cheating yourself. PEOPLE HELPING OTHER PEOPLE! 1. MRA Consultants 761 Amsterdam Road Dept. #1 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-3201 2. Picasso Chen Blk 611 Ang Mo Kio Aveune 5 #11-2805 Singapore 560611 3. Simon Tan Blk 4 Hill View Ave #03-1090 Singapore 661004
From: (Subir Grewal) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: 19 Apr 1998 23:13:57 GMT Organization: Trill Host Selection Committee Message-ID: <6he0fl$k38$> References: <6hdg83$coe$> <6hdl26$1p1$> To add to TjL's comments, I've always thought the NeXT non-ADB keyboards kick some serious ass. I've never had a keyboard with such beautiful feedback as the non-adb NeXT. On the other hand, I've had a persistent problem with the location of the ADB port for the mouse, since this is on the "top" of the keyboard, and I have little real estate on my desk, I've managed to damage the connector so that I sometimes have to wiggle it to get the mouse to work. The ports on the ADB keyboard are nicely placed so it's difficult to damage them. The ADB mouse and keyboard look extremely cool (my Color Classic has a very similar keyboard), but I would opt for the non-adb keyboard every time, just for that cickety clack perfect feedback. I agree the the ADB mouse is more ergonomic, since the non-ADB is simply bulky and unweildy. -- + Lynx 2.8 + NeXT/PGP mail + The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right mind.
From: "MegaLynx" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Fast CPU? Date: 19 Apr 1998 23:23:00 GMT Organization: MagicNet, Inc. Message-ID: <6he10k$87i$> Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of?
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: 19 Apr 1998 23:34:13 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6he1ll$1k3$> References: <6hdg83$coe$> <6hdl26$1p1$> <6he0fl$k38$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6he0fl$k38$> Subir Grewal wrote: > The ADB mouse and keyboard look extremely cool (my Color Classic has a > very similar keyboard), but I would opt for the non-adb keyboard every > time, just for that cickety clack perfect feedback. I agree the the > ADB mouse is more ergonomic, since the non-ADB is simply bulky and > unweildy. This reminds me of another comment I had wanted to make: The non-ADB may be clunkier, but it also feels more solid. The ADB seemed somewhat flimsier/thinner. As a klutz, I would opt for sturdier hardware. Tj"8 thumbs and 2 pinkies"L -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s?
From: "cal" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 21:01:49 -0400 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <6he6n9$g1m$> References: <6he10k$87i$> Aren't Alphas are now over 700MHz? MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > >
From: "Dick Anderson" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 19:35:56 -0600 Organization: HighFiber Networks, Inc. Message-ID: <6he8ps$> References: <6he10k$87i$> Compaq release an Intel II 400MHZ this week. MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > >
From: (Walter Roberson) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 20 Apr 1998 02:00:44 GMT Organization: National Research Council Canada Message-ID: <6hea8c$pln$> References: <6he10k$87i$> In article <6he10k$87i$>, MegaLynx <> wrote: :Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it :seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? IBM has a multi-gigahertz transistor. That qualifies as the "fastest ever Central Processing Unit" under any definition that compares only clock rates without discussing the amount of work done per clock cycle.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 19 Apr 1998 03:13:13 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: HOT XXXXXX Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Makoto Sadahiro <> Newsgroups:, Subject: micropolis drive works on NeXT? Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 23:18:54 -0500 Organization: U of Texas Austin Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, does someone use either of these? MICROPOLIS....4221.7200RPM 2 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1" MICROPOLIS....3243.7200RPM 4 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1.6" I only have 400mg right now, and thinking about adding these drive. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you! -- ~Makoto Sadahiro A Designer Of Old Code.
Newsgroups: Subject: Laptops: Advise Please. From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <353ad54d.0@> Date: 20 Apr 98 04:55:41 GMT Hi, I'm in the market for an intel based laptop that will run OPENSTEP/Rhapsody. I need something that runs a minimum of 1024X768 at 65k colors on the display. The rest of the features matter less, I'm going for price. I see that Tecra 730's and 740's are availble on the cheap, but I also see for the same 1400 or 2200 I can get 233mhz Pentium machines with 14" displays. The problem is I don't know if there are any display drivers for the XGA standards these laptops offer. Any advise on how to proceed will be really appreciated. Thanks so much. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware From: bdb@GTS.Net (Bruce Becker) Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Message-ID: <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> Organization: G.T.S., Toronto, Ontario References: <6he10k$87i$> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 04:55:11 GMT In article <6he10k$87i$>, MegaLynx <> wrote: >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? Dec seems to be offering Alphas at 500 Mhz if I recall correctly -- ,u, Bruce Becker Toronto, Ontario 1 416 699 1868 a /i/ Internet: Uucp: ...!gts!bdb `\o\-e "When did the Me Generation become the meme generation?" _< /_ - Mimi Pond, historian
From: Raj Maniar <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 22:01:33 -0400 Organization: DNAI ( Direct Network Access ) Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet is what dec claims... Dick Anderson wrote: > > Compaq release an Intel II 400MHZ this week. > > MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... > >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it > >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > > > >
From: (Nathan Gelbard) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 20 Apr 1998 05:30:43 GMT Organization: Network for Education and Research in Oregon Message-ID: <6hemi3$bvu$1@news.NERO.NET> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii To: Raj Maniar <> Its not how fast your CPU is that matters, it's how you use it. (which, besides from being a lame joke, is actually true) > The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet > is what dec claims... > > Dick Anderson wrote: >> >> Compaq release an Intel II 400MHZ this week. >> >> MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... >> >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >> >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of?
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: 20 Apr 1998 08:30:25 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6hf131$2hp$> References: <6hdg83$coe$> In article <6hdg83$coe$>, cal <> wrote: > From a user or developer standpoint, what's the >functional difference? Should I consider ADB over non-ADB? The ADB keyboard, while it looks cooler than than the non-ADB NeXT keyboard, lacks the nice feel of the non-ADB keyboard, and doesn't have the multi- colored NeXT logo. Anybody ever tried transplanting parts of the non-ADB keyboard to an ADB version? I know the row with the space bar won't work, and the caps lock functionality would be problematic. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: 20 Apr 1998 08:35:59 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6hf1df$2hp$> References: <6hdg83$coe$> <6hdl26$1p1$> <6he0fl$k38$> In article <6he0fl$k38$>, Subir Grewal <> wrote: > On the other hand, I've had a persistent >problem with the location of the ADB port for the mouse, since this is on >the "top" of the keyboard, and I have little real estate on my desk, >I've managed to damage the connector so that I sometimes have to wiggle >it to get the mouse to work. I never owned an '040 NeXT but when I upgraded my '030 cube to an '040, the kit came with rubber tilt feet for the keyboard and its installation created the perfect height where the keyboard connectors would just pass over my monochrome monitor's stand. It eliminated the possibility of damage-prone connectors. Quite another story if you're using a 'station. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: "Homme R. Bitter" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 09:52:51 +0100 Organization: Webguide BV Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <6hemi3$bvu$1@news.NERO.NET> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nathan Gelbard wrote: > > Its not how fast your CPU is that matters, it's how you use it. > (which, besides from being a lame joke, is actually true) > > >> >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? I agree, besides, clock speed tells nothing of the power a CPU has, if you make an intel 8088 on 2000 MHz it will still be slow. There are faster ( MHz, not power ) alpha's anyway, to add to the useless bidding, I believe motorola released a 450 or something.....
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 07:12:29 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services Dare we go into the wonderful world of Kray, which in 1994 was working on a 1GHz cpu, and allegedly even then had a 500MHz cpu?
From: Martin Whittaker <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 06:28:11 -0400 Organization: SkyNET Corporation Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Raj Maniar wrote: > > The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet > is what dec claims... Right, and supposedly DEC is unveiling a 700MHz Alpha model at one of the Spring computer shows ... > > Dick Anderson wrote: > > > > Compaq release an Intel II 400MHZ this week. > > > > MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... > > >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it > > >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > > > /* Martin * * <- to reply: */
From: (Robert) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: To ADB or not to ADB? That is the question. Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 07:40:29 -0500 Organization: Slim Message-ID: <> References: <6hdg83$coe$> In article <6hdg83$coe$>, "cal" <> wrote: > I'm buying a NeXTstation Turbo Color. Some have ADB. Some don't. I know > what ADB is (I have a Mac). From a user or developer standpoint, what's the > functional difference? Should I consider ADB over non-ADB? Does the ADB > just have smarter cable routing to the monitor and allow other ADB devices > to plug in? > > I'm going to be using it as a controller for some home automation projects. > > Thanks for any help. > cal > [anti-spam: remove "z" in address to reply] I had both types of slab. Far as I know, the ADB allows you to use other manufacturers ADB devices. The ADB keyboard and mouse (Next's) were superior, in my opinion, the mouse especially. As for cabling, I frankly don't recall (use only powerbooks now, alas). Robert
From: (archive express) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color inkjet Service Codes Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 08:52:41 -0500 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <archivexpress-ya02408000R2004980852410001@news> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I bought one for a song because the seller thought it needed a costly repair. Got it home and found out the print head was in the locked position, look for a little lever on the side and see if this solves the problem. In article <>, Max Trefonides <> wrote: >I have a NeXT color printer that stops with "51 SERVICE" after saying >"warming up". My docs say to call NeXT tech support. This is obviously >out of the question. Does anyone have a service manual for these >printers? I know that they are based on the Canon BJ 800, are the error >codes the same? Will Canon service them? Any advice/experiences are >welcome, >thanks, >-max
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: micropolis drive works on NeXT? Followup-To: Date: 20 Apr 1998 14:10:10 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6hfl02$4iq$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE In <> Makoto Sadahiro wrote: > Hi, does someone use either of these? > > MICROPOLIS....4221.7200RPM 2 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1" > MICROPOLIS....3243.7200RPM 4 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1.6" > > I only have 400mg right now, and thinking about adding these drive. Any > information will be appreciated. Well, one piece of important information is that MicroPolis went under awhile back, so unless the seller is providing some sort of warrantee I would be leary. Many folks report problems wit MicroPolis drives not on NeXT hardware specifically but in general. As for me I have a 1gig full height SCSI-1 MicroPolis drive from 1991 (I can't imagine how much it cost back then!!) which has been on daily since then and is a tank as far as stability goes -- and I had great success with MicroPolis tech support when it existed. So if there is some sort of seller's warantee (and not just 30 days!) then you might want to go for it if the price is good (7200 RPM is too hot for an Internal in a slab however!) TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s?
From: Timm Wetzel <me.NoSpam@baloo_mpibpc_gwdg_de.NoSpam> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printer Cable Pin-out Date: 20 Apr 1998 16:05:17 GMT Organization: GWDG, Goettingen Message-ID: <6hfrnt$bj4$> References: <> <6hc01u$shp$> (Paulus Adisoemarta) wrote: > In article <>, Royce Priem <> wrote: > >Does anyone have the pin-out for the cable used between the NeXT printer > >port and the laser printer? Thanks in advance... > > Straight pin to pin. You can use a regular serial cable to do that. > No, that probably wouldn't work. AFAIK, the signal is very sensitive to timing; you couldn't even use a cable of different length. Better try to get hold of an original NeXT printer cable (Spherical Solutions, BlackHole etc). Timm
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:02:36 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2004981302440001@> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <6hemi3$bvu$1@news.NERO.NET> <> In article <>, "Homme R. Bitter" <> wrote: > Nathan Gelbard wrote: > > > > Its not how fast your CPU is that matters, it's how you use it. > > (which, besides from being a lame joke, is actually true) > > > > >> >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > > I agree, besides, clock speed tells nothing of the power a CPU has, if > you make an intel 8088 on 2000 MHz it will still be slow. > > There are faster ( MHz, not power ) alpha's anyway, to add to the > useless bidding, I believe motorola released a 450 or something..... Actually the alphas are faster in MHz and power. Go to the below link for MHz and performance ratings on modern and crusty CPU's. -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Wolfgang Pausch <> Newsgroups: Subject: Scanner Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 00:17:22 +0200 Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello! Does anybody know something about the scanner "Vuego 610 Plus"? Or has somebody got infos or articles about it? It would be nice if somebody could help me. Thanks, Wolfgang
From: Laurent Curnier <> Newsgroups:, Subject: loginWindow problem Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 21:47:47 +0200 Organization: INRIA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a problem when I boot my NextCube (NS 3.0): At the end of the booting session, a "console" window appears, instead of the loginwindow. I tried to launch the loginwindow by hand, but nothing happens. I tried also to launch the WindowServer, but I've got a Memory Fault. The strange thing is that I've done nothing on config files. I thought my disk was corrupted, but fsck didn't find an error. Has anyone got a clue about this ? Do I need to re-install the system ?? Thanks in advance. Laurent Curnier -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | Laurent Curnier (CCH) | Web : | -----------------------------------------------------------
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 19 Apr 1998 21:47:10 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Allyn Tennant) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: micropolis drive works on NeXT? Date: 21 Apr 1998 00:06:54 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <6hgnuu$lum$> References: <> <6hfl02$4iq$> (Timothy Luoma) wrote: > >Well, one piece of important information is that MicroPolis went under awhile >back, so unless the seller is providing some sort of warrantee I would be >leary. Byte magazine (Feb 1998, p 112) says, "Micropolis...was abruptly and inconveniently put out of business by its Singapore parent company." Thus I'm not sure "went under" is the right phrase, maybe "was dragged under" would be better :-). > >Many folks report problems wit MicroPolis drives not on NeXT hardware >specifically but in general. As for me I have a 1gig full height SCSI-1 >MicroPolis drive from 1991 (I can't imagine how much it cost back then!!) >which has been on daily since then and is a tank as far as stability goes -- >and I had great success with MicroPolis tech support when it existed. > I also have a full height 1 gig SCSI-1 Micropolis from the early 1990's. It also has been rock solid and still is in use. A couple of years ago I got a 9 Gig Micropolis. It failed last year and was replaced under the 5 year warrenty. Allyn
Mime-Version: 1.0 References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> <> From: (Dave Broudy) Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <Z%V_.1501$> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 05:19:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 01:19:53 EST Apparently we dare, but perhaps we could spell Cray right? In article <>, Royce Priem <> writes: > Dare we go into the wonderful world of Kray, which in 1994 was working > on a 1GHz cpu, and allegedly even then had a 500MHz cpu? -- Dave Broudy
From: (Operator) Newsgroups: Subject: Openstep with ASUS P97L-S Motherboard? Date: 21 Apr 1998 07:43:51 GMT Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <6hhinn$> Hello NeXT/ Apple community: Does anyone have Openstep up and running on an ASUS P97L-S motherboard using SCSI, The ASUS has on board Adaptec 7880 chip set W/UW . It works great with EIDE, however we are experiencing SCSI timeouts during installation after first trying a wide IBM 34330 and then trying a narrow 2.1 GB Quantum with 24X Panasonic SCSI CD rom and a NEC 24X EIDE CDROM. We have tried tweaking many of the BIOS and driver settings. Our termination should be correct... any help, information or clues would be sincerely appreciated. Also if anyone is using the IBM DCAS34330 E182115 flavor of drive successfully , please let us know if there are any manufacturer sppecific gotchas like drive geometry incompatabilities... We are going to test the drives on a different P11 motherboard with 2940 wide controller but it would be cool to get it working on the above ASUS board... P233 with 128Mb SDram. Please email Best Regards Rob Blessin -- {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fmodern Ohlfs;} \paperw9840 \paperh8400 \margl120 \margr120 \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 ~ <@> ~\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\____ ))___ / \ \ Best Regards :\ \ Rob Blessin President \ Black Hole, Incorporated\ 8501 E. Grand Ave.\ Denver, CO 80237\ \ 303-741-9998\ 303-741-9997 FAX\ \\ \\ \ "NEXTSTEP is probably the most respected software on the planet" Byte Magazine\ \ \ }
From: (Jack Huesman) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: micropolis drive works on NeXT? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 03:55:26 GMT Organization: Annihilated Incorporated Message-ID: <> References: <> On Sun, 19 Apr 1998 23:18:54 -0500, Makoto Sadahiro <> wrote: > Hi, does someone use either of these? > >MICROPOLIS....4221.7200RPM 2 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1" >MICROPOLIS....3243.7200RPM 4 GIG....SCSI-2 4" 1.6" I am booting from a 3242 drive and had no problem putting it in the box or getting the system to work with it. I'm running OpenStep 4.2 with developer and web objects and have not had so much as a hint of trouble. Before I upgraded the system, I was running NeXTStep 3.0 on a little boot drive and had the 3243 in a tower. That was a little trickier...3.0 didn't seem to like any drive over 2GB, so I had to make the entries in disktab, mtab,... by hand.
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 03:31:46 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6hhlhj$177$> Raj Maniar <> writes: > The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet > is what dec claims... A processor does not a system make. DEC holds the record for single-CPU SPECint95, but not for anything else. SGI holds the absolute SPECfp95 record (8 CPU Origin2000, R10K/250MHz): Next is DEC with an 8 CPU Alpha 8400 (21164/612MHz): The leader for single-CPU fp performance is HP K580 240MHz PA8200: Its 4MB L1 probably helps there. :D SGI also holds the SPECfp_rate95 record too. And note that, for this benchmark, a 96 CPU 612MHz Alpha array: getting 10426 is actually *slower* than a _64_ CPU 250MHz Origin2000: getting 11984 (2X better than a 64 CPU Sun Ultra10000!). SGI's record is 18027 for a 128 CPU Origin2000: HP's results are less relevant right now since they have no data online for newer systems. DEC holds the record for single-CPU SPECint95: (notice the very low results variance) though only just beating HP. SGI holds the absolute SPECint_rate95 record, beating DEC by a whisker: SGI: DEC: though the Origin2000 is using R10K/195 there, not the newer 250 version (with the same no. CPUs, SGI would win with the 250: straight 35% improvement over older CPU with older compilers; that would give about 12031). Origin's architecture allows for better scaling of the _rate95 benchmarks. > Which is why I mentioned Crays. We do quite a bit of NASTRAN work > with an IBM/370 here. Easier to work with IDEAS on my P6, but Did I mention? Old IBM 160MHz Power2 thoroughly beats Alpha 21164/612MHz (eg. 2.5X better for applu): If ever one wanted evidence that clock isn't everything, this is it. :D Get all these and more from: And if it's not on the list, it doesn't exist. :) Cheers! Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (stephen Hsieh) Newsgroups: Subject: ONLY $450, I got three brand NEW Quantum Altas II 9.1g, 7200rpm SCSI 3 for sale.. Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 03:36:17 GMT Organization: Road Runner Message-ID: <355a142f.31839572@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ONLY $450, I got three brand NEW Quantum Altas II 9.1g, 7200rpm SCSI 3 for sale.. Hi, I am not a reseller, or dealer. I am just a student try to practice some business before get into the real world. I have three brand new Quantum Atlas II 9.1g, SCSI 3 for sale. Well, you might wondering where I got those drives. I got from Quantum! I worked there for many summer. Therefore I can buy Quantum products for just a little cheaper. I bought a batch of 5(because of the price) and I am going to keep 2 of them. The rest I am going to sale them. I bought them for $420 each. The cheapest you can find is about $700 at The drives is factory sealed with Quantum regular warranty (I believe is 3 years). Please check If you are interested, please reply as soon as possible..and if you want buy more then one. I might give you some discount.. Thanks ^_^
Sender: In-reply-to: bdb@GTS.Net's message of Mon, 20 Apr 1998 04:55:11 GMT Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> From: (Richard Ingram) Date: 21 Apr 1998 16:47:55 +0100 Message-ID: <> Organization: STMicroelectronics Limited, Bristol Cache-Post-Path:! In article <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> bdb@GTS.Net (Bruce Becker) writes: In article <6he10k$87i$>, MegaLynx <> wrote: >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? Dec seems to be offering Alphas at 500 Mhz if I recall correctly Well 600MHz for the Alpha from Digital, and 704MHz for a Kryo Intel-PII and K6-3D if you use the Kryotech coolers. Richard. --
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Experience with ZyXEL Elite 2864? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 14:40:43 GMT Hi, I'm getting a ZyXEL Elite 2864 modem to go along with my 1496E. Can some people share their experience with using this modem? Does NXFAX work with Elite? Any problem with PPP and kermit? Any voice mail software/experience? I know this modem is running at 28.8Kb. What's the progress about the 56KB flash ROM? Thanks.
Date: 21 Apr 1998 15:04:22 GMT From: (Chris Lewis) Sender: Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> XXX18 spam cancelled by Total spams this type to date: Total this spam type for this user: Total this spam type for this user today: Originating site: Complaint addresses:
Subject: Re: Fast CPU? From: "Robert A. Decker" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware nntp://, nntp://, nntp:// References: <die.spammer-2104981116410001@> MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <B1625FE6-B2FB8@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 18:34:51 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 14:34:51 EDT I believe microwave ovens run in the several GHz range... rob -- <mailto: "Robert A. Decker"> <> Programmer Analyst - Health Media Research Lab University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center "Get A Life" quote #14: "Boy, this is like a dream come true! First I get an incredibly gorgeous genius girlfriend, and then I get to be an experimental Guinea pig! No offense to our Italian friends." -Chris Elliott
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 13:34:35 -0700 Organization: Prodigy Services Corp Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Richard Ingram wrote: > > In article <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> bdb@GTS.Net (Bruce Becker) writes: > > In article <6he10k$87i$>, > MegaLynx <> wrote: > >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it > >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > > Dec seems to be offering Alphas at 500 Mhz if I > recall correctly > > Well 600MHz for the Alpha from Digital, and 704MHz for a Kryo Intel-PII and > K6-3D if you use the Kryotech coolers. > > Richard. > -- This thread seems to me to be somewhat nonsensical. Is the question concerned only with the _clock speed_ of _heavily commercialized_ _single-chip_ cpu's? Otherwise there are some radar processors out there that should be considered, e.g., and probably some DSP's as well.
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 11:16:41 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2104981116410001@> References: <6hhlhj$177$> In article <6hhlhj$177$>, wrote: > Raj Maniar <> writes: > > The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet > > is what dec claims... > > A processor does not a system make. DEC holds the record for > single-CPU SPECint95, but not for anything else. When the 21264 is released this year they will be the record holder of anything no questions asked. > SGI holds the absolute SPECfp95 record (8 CPU Origin2000, R10K/250MHz): > > nope, sorry. IBM's P2SC POWER chip (160 MHz) currently holds the fp record. This CPU can be found in several of thier large servers. > SGI also holds the SPECfp_rate95 record too. And note that, for this > benchmark, a 96 CPU 612MHz Alpha array: Two words. Cray T3E. 4096 300MHz 21164 Alphas in thier custom tourus achitechture. > getting 10426 is actually *slower* than a _64_ CPU 250MHz Origin2000: > > > > getting 11984 (2X better than a 64 CPU Sun Ultra10000!). SGI's record > is 18027 for a 128 CPU Origin2000: > > Both of thses illustrate how crappy this benchmark is for multi CPU systems. > HP's results are less relevant right now since they have no data > online for newer systems. > > DEC holds the record for single-CPU SPECint95: > > > > (notice the very low results variance) > > though only just beating HP. SGI holds the absolute SPECint_rate95 > record, beating DEC by a whisker: this benchmark is meaningless, and bears no real worl meaning. > And if it's not on the list, it doesn't exist. :) that's mighty presumtuous of you. -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Igor van Oostveen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 21 Apr 1998 19:41:20 GMT Organization: I-Motion Distribution: world Message-ID: <igor-2104982142310001@> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <> <6h3g2a$dns$> In article <6h3g2a$dns$>, Wesley Horner <> wrote: > Harald Ellmann <> wrote: > > > Another question: Is it possible to use 60ns chips? > > I was told by several resellers that SIMM speed (i.e. nanoseconds) are > > just a sign of quality and shouldn't have an effect on the usability in > > any computer. Is that right? > > That sounds right to me. > But NeXT hardware is different. Your average PC doesn't care if your memory is 70 or 60 ns...for what I recall NeXT hardware -is- sensitive to faster RAM, but speed gain is little. At bootup your NeXT tells you how fast your memory is. Again, I'm not sure 'bout this but I remember seeing it in a TechInfo doc. Greetz, Igor
From: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <Bg8%.636$> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 21:33:21 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 16:33:21 CDT Organization: Charter Communications David Evans <> wrote: : In article <>, : Igor van Oostveen <> wrote: : >Has anybody ever tried to speed up (clocking-up) their NeXTstations? : >I have a NeXTstation Mono (25MHz) and a NeXTstation Turbo Mono (33Mhz). : In general it won't work. Black hardware has very tight timing dependencies : between various system components so any change has to look to the system : *exactly* like the original CPU. Very few plug-in accelerators can do this. : Pyro and Nitro are the only ones that come close (well, Nitro comes more than : close. :)) : -- : David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Correction: In general, it works real well. The economics of the market has limited the available accelerators to two: Nitro and Pyro. They are each very expensive and limited numbers were built since the demand for a small and shrinking market wasn't there (I guess). The 25 MHz Color Turbo runs quite happily at 33 MHz (and may run faster than that - time will tell) as both the Nitro and Pyro prove. The timing of the board appears to be no different from other Motorola-powered logic boards. Macs and Amigas both run faster than 25 MHz - often 42 MHz or so before the serial bus quits, the floppy refuses to recognize disks, etc. -- Charles D Phillips <> Check the Macintosh Logic Board Battery web page at: <> "I Don't Do Windows, I Have A Macintosh"
Date: 21 Apr 1998 19:12:52 GMT From: (Chris Lewis) Sender: Message-ID: <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> XXX18 spam cancelled by Total spams this type to date: Total this spam type for this user: Total this spam type for this user today: Originating site: Complaint addresses:
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <Bg8%.636$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 02:17:05 GMT In article <Bg8%.636$>, <> wrote: > >In general, it works real well. The economics of the market has limited >the available accelerators to two: Nitro and Pyro. They are each very >expensive and limited numbers were built since the demand for a small and >shrinking market wasn't there (I guess). > I'll agree with that. >The 25 MHz Color Turbo runs quite happily at 33 MHz (and may run faster >than that - time will tell) as both the Nitro and Pyro prove. > Well, that's not quite right. Neither the Nitro (designed only for 33MHz Turbo boards) nor the Pyro (for 25MHz boards, not sure about Turbo chipset compatibility) effect the timings of the main board, based on information I've heard from Mike Paquette and others. They appear to the board as a standard 33MHz (or 25MHz) '040, with the accelerator containing logic to synchronise motherboard cycles with processor/cache cycles. >The timing of the board appears to be no different from other >Motorola-powered logic boards. Macs and Amigas both run faster than 25 MHz >- often 42 MHz or so before the serial bus quits, the floppy refuses to >recognize disks, etc. > Have you tried running a black 25MHz board at 42MHz? Did it work? Did it even work at 33MHz? I'm not surprised that a 25MHz Amiga ran faster; Amigas have many timing signals running around, few of which are synchronous with a 25MHz clock (most of the ASIC-associated stuff is based on an NTSC/PAL colour clock). I don't know anything about Mac hardware designs so I can't speak to that. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: NSFIP on motherboard chipset other than Intel's Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6hjhsc$ao7$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 02:47:26 GMT In article <6hjhsc$ao7$>, Piotr Twarecki <> wrote: >Hi, > >I was just wondering whether NSFIP3.3 can run on motherboards with chipsets >other than Intel's. I'm particularly interested in running it with the new >100MHz Super-7 chipsets (such as VIA) I've run it on a laptop with VIA chipset (the video didn't work well, but that's a C&T problem and could likely have been fixed if I were more diligent). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Leigh Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S/PDIF in w/ DSP port? Date: 22 Apr 1998 07:11:47 GMT Organization: The University of Western Australia Message-ID: <6hk57j$b6$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Eugene Yoo wrote: > I know the pinouts for the DSP port are available, so I'm wondering if > anyone has mapped these to a coax S/PDIF connector? > You need a lot more conversion from the DSP port to I/O S/PDIF or AES/EBU. The only box that is still being sold is Singular Solutions A/D64x. I just sold mine (sorry). Stealth boxes, Ariel and Metaresearch all used to make devices. > I have a Sony DAT (d7), and would like to do digital copies through the > DSP port. Maybe a direct connection between the proprietary Sony 7-pin > and the DSP would work. Is there software to grab the digital audio > signal from the port? From memory, the Sony 7 pin connector is just a physical variation to the S/PDIF connectors, I believe somebody makes 3rd party versions substantially cheaper than Sony. Check the DAT-heads digest. The software Singular Solutions supplied works. > Or maybe it would be easier to invest in a DAT drive and do digital > grabs? You could always rent a second DAT if you get the 7 pin->S/PDIF connector. -- Leigh Computer Science, University of Western Australia Smith +61-8-9380-3778 (NeXTMail/MIME) Microsoft - never has so much been made by so few, by pushing so much of so little, on so many with so little resistance.
From: (Sputnik) Subject: Q: NeXT and sound? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <MOg%.572$> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 07:15:56 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 03:15:56 EST Since im new to NeXT and in the market for one, i had a quick question about the SOUND in such a beast what model NeXT's come with the DSP and can you add more then one to a single box? and can they be used in parallel/together for greater processing power (thats if they have a add-on/add-in card/box)
From: Eugene Yoo <> Newsgroups: Subject: S/PDIF in w/ DSP port? Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 01:14:04 -0400 Organization: Oracle Corporation. Redwood Shores, CA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I know the pinouts for the DSP port are available, so I'm wondering if anyone has mapped these to a coax S/PDIF connector? I have a Sony DAT (d7), and would like to do digital copies through the DSP port. Maybe a direct connection between the proprietary Sony 7-pin and the DSP would work. Is there software to grab the digital audio signal from the port? Or maybe it would be easier to invest in a DAT drive and do digital grabs? Regards, Eugene
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can NeXTstation Turbo Color take 80ns RAM? References: <6hjfhq$nde$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Apr 98 08:20:42 GMT "cal" <> wrote: >Does anyone know if I can put 80ns (instead of the recommended 70ns) SIMMs >in the NSTC (without adverse affects)? I have some in a Mac that I want to >put in the NeXT. the FAQs say: For maximum performance use 70 ns SIMMs: SIMMs rated at 80 or 100 ns will be detected upon powerup and the memory system clock slowed to 100 ns. Faster RAM than 70 ns won't give you a speed increase anymore. In fact it could slow things down again, because some hardware drives 60 ns RAM as 100 ns RAM. greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Netwroking a NeXTStation? References: <franic-2104981942480001@> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Apr 98 08:23:53 GMT (Ernie Franic) wrote: >What kind of networking is built in? Is there built-in networking??? I'd 10MBit Ethernet with a BNC and the "telephone-like" revolver-plug. Serialports for Modem. DSP for faster modem. Thats it. greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: "cal" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Can NeXTstation Turbo Color take 80ns RAM? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 21:03:09 -0400 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <6hjfhq$nde$> Does anyone know if I can put 80ns (instead of the recommended 70ns) SIMMs in the NSTC (without adverse affects)? I have some in a Mac that I want to put in the NeXT. Thanks. cal
From: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Newsgroups: References: <Bg8%.636$> Message-ID: <fzb%.789$> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 01:18:03 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 20:18:03 CDT Organization: Charter Communications [some lines snipped for brevity - not all snippage has been specifically pointed out] : : Igor van Oostveen <> wrote: : : >Has anybody ever tried to speed up (clocking-up) their NeXTstations? : : >I have a NeXTstation Mono (25MHz) and a NeXTstation Turbo Mono (33Mhz). : : In general it won't work. Black hardware has very tight timing dependencies : : between various system components so any change has to look to the system : Correction: : In general, it works real well. The economics of the market has limited : the available accelerators to two: Nitro and Pyro. They are each very : -- : Charles D Phillips : <> Not that I often follow up my own posts ... I expect this to draw some responses, so: yes, I know what I am talking about. -- Charles D Phillips <>
From: (Piotr Twarecki) Newsgroups: Subject: NSFIP on motherboard chipset other than Intel's Date: 22 Apr 1998 01:41:32 GMT Organization: iSTAR internet Incorporated Message-ID: <6hjhsc$ao7$> Hi, I was just wondering whether NSFIP3.3 can run on motherboards with chipsets other than Intel's. I'm particularly interested in running it with the new 100MHz Super-7 chipsets (such as VIA) and and AMD K6 (it is running excellent on ASUS TX97-E with K6/200, but this MB has the Intel TX chipset). Any comments would be highly appreciated. -- Piotr Twarecki <> (NeXTMail and MIME welcome)
From: (Ernie Franic) Newsgroups: Subject: Netwroking a NeXTStation? Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 19:42:48 -0700 Organization: University of San Francisco Message-ID: <franic-2104981942480001@> What kind of networking is built in? Is there built-in networking??? I'd like to find this out before making a purchase. -Ernie -- Remove "NOSPAM' from my E-mail address to successfully reply.
From: arti@lava.DOTnet (Art Isbell - remove "DOT") Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: 22 Apr 1998 08:40:13 GMT Organization: LavaNet, Inc. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6hkadd$> References: <Bg8%.636$> wrote: > The 25 MHz Color Turbo runs quite happily at 33 MHz (and may run faster > than that - time will tell) as both the Nitro and Pyro prove. Please explain. The Turbo system was designed as a 33 MHz, not 25 Mhz. system with a totally different memory subsystem from that on 25 MHz. systems, so of course a Color Turbo runs quite happily at 33 MHz. Now drifting into territory about which I know little, I don't believe the Pyro overclocked the system clock. I believe it made a 25 MHz. 68040 run at 50 MHz. internally akin to a 486 DX2-66 (I could be totally wrong about this). But I know it didn't work well at all with many installations that didn't work reliably (kernel panics, etc.). The Nitro was a 40 MHz. 68040 on a daughter card designed by NeXT running in a Turbo system. Without the intimate knowledge of the hardware that NeXT had, designing such a system would probably be difficult. -- Art Isbell NeXT/MIME Mail: arti@lavaDOTnet IDX Systems Corporation Voice/Fax: +1 808 394 0511 (for whom I don't speak) Voice Mail: +1 808 394 0495 Healthcare Info Technology US Mail: Honolulu, HI 96825-2638
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <355a142f.31839572@news> Control: cancel <355a142f.31839572@news> Date: 21 Apr 1998 03:44:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.355a142f.31839572@news> Sender: (stephen Hsieh) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Experience with ZyXEL Elite 2864? Date: 22 Apr 1998 07:31:46 GMT Organization: Frankfurt University Computing Center Message-ID: <6hk6d2$> References: <> (Andrew Chang) wrote: > Hi, I'm getting a ZyXEL Elite 2864 modem to go along with my 1496E. > Can some people share their experience with using this modem? > Does NXFAX work with Elite? Yes. > Any problem with PPP and kermit? No. Bye Uli -- _____________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine _____________________________________________________________________
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 08:10:11 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> <> <Z%V_.1501$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services Oops! Well, before that first cup of coffee...
From: ruede@lagos.Math.Uni-Augsburg.DE (Ulrich Ruede) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 22 Apr 1998 12:35:03 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <6hko5n$gso$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii In article <6hhlhj$177$>, writes: > Raj Maniar <> writes: >> The Alpha 21164A is several fold faster. Fastest processor on the planet >> is what dec claims... > > A processor does not a system make. DEC holds the record for > single-CPU SPECint95, but not for anything else. No, it also holds the record for single processor SPECfp95 (from Digital Equipment AlphaServer 4100 5/600: 29.2 [ ... ] > The leader for single-CPU fp performance is HP K580 240MHz PA8200: Not quite: It has SPECfp of 28.5. > > > Its 4MB L1 probably helps there. :D Sure. The Alpha server above has 8 MB SRAM (3rd level) cache. The fastest single processor SGI (an Origin 2000) also has 4 MB of (2nd level) SRAM cache. It does not really matter whether it is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level cache, just that you have a memory of that size with a certain latency and bandwidth. > Did I mention? Old IBM 160MHz Power2 thoroughly beats Alpha > 21164/612MHz (eg. 2.5X better for applu): But only in that part of the Spec Suite, overall it "only" gets a SPECfp95 of 26.6. I also wouldn't call the Power2SC old. The RISC System/6000 397 states "Hardware available: Oct-97". In terms of main memory bandwidth the Power2SC it beats anything currently on the market and thus it has superior performance for many numerical codes which are more often limited by bandwidth than by computational power. On the other hand it has only second class integer performance. > And if it's not on the list, it doesn't exist. :) True in some sense. But I'd still find it interesting to see SPECfp values for the Alpha as used in the SGI/CRAY T3E. SGI is so proud of its large share of the the Top 500 list, but usually without saying that the larger portion of this is due to the T3Es from their Cray subdivison and thus based on Alpha chips. > Ian. > > SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, > Preston, England, PR1 2HE. UR __________________________________________________________________________ Ulrich Ruede, Institut fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Augsburg D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: Tel: +49 821 598 2190, Fax: +49 821 598 2339 URL:
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 08:19:39 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? References: <Bg8%.636$> <6hkadd$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services having no knowledge of the architecture of the NeXT hardware, save that it maintains a single clock source that is divided ad infinitum( I presume, as I see only one oscillator), as opposed to multiple clock sources, as in the intel, Sun, etc., there was rumor heard about a month ago from a source returning from Germany of a NeXT fan there who had managed to overclock his system to 100Mhz. This rumor can at least be confirmed as a valid rumor by others. Apparently this person was quite tight-lipped about how this miracle was accomplished. All the worse for us... Royce
From: John Wood <> Newsgroups: Subject: Undetected SCSI Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 12:27:11 -0700 Organization: Arizona State University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I recently purchased a SCSI card and drive, and was happily on my way to putting OS 4.2 on it when I ran into some problems. OS will detect my atapi/eide cdrom, and old harddrive, but it insists there is no SCSI device on my system. Linux seems to have no problem, but there is specific configuration for my card in the kernel. I have a Diamond Fireport 40 (Symbios 53c875 bios (used the Symbios 53c8XX driver)) and a Segate ST15230W 4.2 gig drive. Are there possibly any updated drivers somewhere? Thanks, John
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 12:05:36 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2204981205360001@> References: <die.spammer-2104981116410001@> <B1625FE6-B2FB8@> In article <B1625FE6-B2FB8@>, "Robert A. Decker" <> wrote: > I believe microwave ovens run in the several GHz range... usually 2 to 3 GHz, however there is not a processor in the unit that runs that fast. In fact they probably have a little 4 or 8 bit microcontroller like a 68HC11 that tells the magnetron "on" and "off" -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Organization: Internet Specialties West, Inc. Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6hmi8l$> Date: 23 Apr 1998 05:10:06 GMT Control: cancel <6hmi8l$> Message-ID: <cancel.6hmi8l$> Sender: Spam cancelled. Autocancel spam type: spam
From: "John Barneveld, MCSE" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 23 Apr 1998 08:54:32 GMT Organization: EuroNet Internet Message-ID: <6hmvk8$> References: <6he10k$87i$> The fastest CPU ever made is : THE HUMAN BRAIN MegaLynx heeft geschreven in bericht <6he10k$87i$>... >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > >
From: ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!!!!! Newsgroups: Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 22:37:48 PDT Subject: 4" CLITS LICKED BY HOT TEENS AND CELEBS! Organization: Email Platinum v.3.1b Message-ID: <> 3 OF THE BEST NO BULLSHIT SITES AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!1 JUST CLICK HERE ONCE AND SEE 4 YOURSELF!!!!!!! -101 new school age teens every day!! 69 new celeb pics daily 1000 asian pics daily no bull shit here just free xxx picss!!
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: 22 Apr 1998 19:00:34 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6hleoi$gpl$> References: <Bg8%.636$> In article <Bg8%.636$>, <> wrote: >The timing of the board appears to be no different from other >Motorola-powered logic boards. Macs and Amigas both run faster than 25 MHz >- often 42 MHz or so before the serial bus quits, the floppy refuses to >recognize disks, etc. Do you have a working machine with a Mac accelerator? I asked tech support at Sonnet and they said their accelerators' interface timing or some such wasn't compatible with NeXT machines. If they were, he told me they would advertise NeXT compatibility as well. Please followup if you have a working machine. I'd like to accelerate my cube. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Robert D. Bumpus) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Netwroking a NeXTStation? Date: 22 Apr 1998 21:33:28 GMT Organization: The University of Arkansas Message-ID: <6hlnn8$> References: <> writes > (Ernie Franic) wrote: > >What kind of networking is built in? Is there built-in networking??? I'd > > 10MBit Ethernet with a BNC and the "telephone-like" revolver-plug. > Serialports for Modem. DSP for faster modem. Thats it. > > greets > Sven > -- The hardware is there and the software configuration will take about 5 minutes. Bob
From: Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <cancel.355a142f.31839572@news> Control: cancel <cancel.355a142f.31839572@news> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 15:58:59 -0500 Organization: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Message-ID: <6hl41u$> References: <cancel.355a142f.31839572@news> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 23 Apr 1998 11:46:40 GMT Organization: PROLINK GbRmbH Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <6hemi3$bvu$1@news.NERO.NET> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cache-Post-Path:!unknown@ If you want to us it for OPENSTEP the Alpha won't help you. The Pentium II with 400 MHz is the fastest CPU for OPENSTEP. If you going for Rhapsody get a PPC 750. Even he "normal" PowerMac running at 300 MHz outperformed the Compaq 400 MHz nearly at factor 2. ( PowerLogix offers a CPU card with a PPC 750 with 1 MB Backside cache running both (cache and cpu) at speeds up to 340 MHz, which outperforms the original Apple PowerMac 300 MHz by far... - Marcus -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rübsamen Huber Internetcoaching - Telekommunikationsberatung Innsbrucker Strasse 32 D-79111 Freiburg Germany Tel: ++49 (761) 4730 -30 Fax: ++49 (761) 4730 -32 (NeXTmail & MIME welcome, PGP on request) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 730 -30 Fax: ++49 (761) 4730 -32 (NeXTmail & MIME welcome, PGP on request) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Sorry Date: 23 Apr 1998 12:09:26 GMT Organization: PROLINK GbRmbH Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cache-Post-Path:!unknown@ Sorry for posting my article 3 times. Alexandra crashed 2 times (the first time I experienced this) and I was sure that my article was gone to nowhere... I guess I was wrong. - Marcus -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rübsamen Huber Internetcoaching - Telekommunikationsberatung Innsbrucker Strasse 32 D-79111 Freiburg Germany Tel: ++49 (761) 4730 -30 Fax: ++49 (761) 4730 -32 (NeXTmail & MIME welcome, PGP on request) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 23 Apr 1998 11:42:32 GMT Organization: PROLINK GbRmbH Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cache-Post-Path:!unknown@ If you want to us it for OPENSTEP the Alpha won't help you. The Pentium II with 400 MHz is the fastest CPU for OPENSTEP. If you going for Rhapsody get a PPC 750. Even he "normal" PowerMac running at 300 MHz outperformed the Compaq 400 MHz nearly at factor 2. ( PowerLogix offers a CPU card with a PPC 750 with 1 MB Backside cache running both (cache and cpu) at speeds up to 340 MHz, which outperforms the original Apple PowerMac 300 MHz by far... - Marcus -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rübsamen Huber Internetcoaching - Telekommunikationsberatung Innsbrucker Strasse 32 D-79111 Freiburg Germany Tel: ++49 (761) 4730 -30 Fax: ++49 (761) 4730 -32 (NeXTmail & MIME welcome, PGP on request) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: Lionel Bodenes <> Newsgroups: Subject: RS6000 Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:43:38 +0200 Organization: bull SA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello Hello, I'm looking for some documents about the RS6000 micropressor architecture (instructions set .../...) but THEY have lost it. Does anybody know where I could I find it? (ftp sites? .../...) Merci Beaucoup. -- Lionel Bodenes BULL SA E1-1A-39 Rue Jean-Jaures Tel: 01 30 80 72 71 78340 Les Clayes-Sous-Bois Fax: 01 30 80 65 40 France __________________________________________________________________________
From: Sothana Srichai <> Newsgroups: Subject: Q:Year2000 for NeXT Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:28:12 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear all NeXT Experts, I'm wondering since I have never seen anyone mention about NeXT in year 2000. Probably, they would but I'm too new for both this news group and NeXT. Have any seen documentation or information about NeXT in year 2000 support? If you do, would you please give me an idea? By the way, I'm not sure should I post this message to hardware or software. If I post in the wrong newsgroup, please forgive me. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely Sarawoot
From: jeff hepp <> Newsgroups: Subject: NSTC 4 SIMM Slots vs 8 SIMM Slots Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 11:32:38 -0700 Organization: get hep! sound Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm upgrading a NextStation Color to a Turbo Color. All the literature I've seen says that there are supposed to be four SIMM slots but when I opened it up it has eight. I was anticipating using four 32-meg simms. It is ABC0005661 if that helps. I've looked at the FAQ but it seems to indicate that only Cube boards should have eight slots. I'm confused. Can anyone shed some light on what SIMM configurations will work? Jeff Hepp
From: (Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 23 Apr 1998 16:37:39 GMT Organization: CEC Karlsruhe Message-ID: <6hnqoj$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> In article <6hhlhj$177$> writes: >DEC holds the record for single-CPU SPECint95, but not for anything else. We hold it also for single-CPU SPECfp95: >The leader for single-CPU fp performance is HP K580 240MHz PA8200: > Nope. You missed the older submission HP K580: SPECfp95 28.5 SPECfp_base95 25.3 AlphaServer 4000 5/600 SPECfp95 29.2 SPECfp_base95 27.0 Not much, but still. Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz CEC Karlsruhe , European Applied Research Center, Digital Equipment Corporation email: 600 Mhz 21164, 2M Cache, 64 Mbyte SDRAM, 4.5 G USCSI Disk, CD, 2MB Graphics, Digital UNIX, $5995, see
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printer Cable Pin-out Date: 22 Apr 1998 20:13:00 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6hmbjs$> References: <> <6hc01u$shp$> <6hfrnt$bj4$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: me.NoSpam@baloo_mpibpc_gwdg_de.NoSpam In <6hfrnt$bj4$> Timm Wetzel wrote: > No, that probably wouldn't work. > AFAIK, the signal is very sensitive to timing; you couldn't even use a cable > of different length. I bought a 6 foot serial cable and it works just fine. It never had a problem printing... ever. > Better try to get hold of an original NeXT printer cable (Spherical > Solutions, BlackHole etc). Even with my success, and lack of motivation to do so, I agree and think an original cable is the better way to go. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: (Chris Saldanha) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI cards for OpenStep? Date: 23 Apr 1998 20:07:11 GMT Organization: Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Message-ID: <6ho71f$a6r$> Does anyone have any suggestions for good PCI SCSI cards under OpenStep/Mach on Intel? I've recently discovered that the Adaptec 7880/2940 have BIOS'es that have been rev'ed beyond compatibility, the BusLogic 958 doesn't work anymore, and the Symbios cards that I used (PC-SC200 with the BIOS on ASUS motherboards) don't work on Pentium II boards. When I shopped around, almost all the cards that OpenStep supports have been discontinued recently by the manufacturers. --Chris Chris Saldanha | Computers are useless. Carleton University (Comp. Sci) | They can only give you answers. (NeXT/MIME) | | -Pablo Picasso
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI cards for OpenStep? Date: 23 Apr 1998 15:04:55 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6hoadn$qb8$> References: <6ho71f$a6r$> Chris Saldanha <> wrote: : Does anyone have any suggestions for good PCI SCSI cards under : OpenStep/Mach on Intel? : I've recently discovered that the Adaptec 7880/2940 have BIOS'es that have : been rev'ed beyond compatibility, the BusLogic 958 doesn't work anymore, : and the Symbios cards that I used (PC-SC200 with the BIOS on ASUS : motherboards) don't work on Pentium II boards. : When I shopped around, almost all the cards that OpenStep supports have : been discontinued recently by the manufacturers. You might be able to get a BusLogic or DPT card and downgrade the BIOS. I used to do that when building NSFIP boxen in quantity. Both cos are helpful about FedEx-ing BIOSes. .............kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q:Year2000 for NeXT Date: 23 Apr 1998 18:08:04 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ho024$ob9$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Sothana Srichai wrote: > Have any seen documentation or information about NeXT in year 2000 > support? If you do, would you please give me an idea? Unix in general is Y2K compatible, as far as specific programs go, there are no known problems save one: The icon cannot *set* the time to a date post-1999. It will turnover to Y2K just fine, and can sync post-1999 just fine. It just can't *set* the time post-1999 due to a 2-year-digit used for the year. The solution is to replace /usr/lib/Preferences/date with this (you might also want to replace /bin/date) Otherwise no problems that I know of.... TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Q:Year2000 for NeXT Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 19:03:36 GMT In article <>, Sothana Srichai <> wrote: >Dear all NeXT Experts, > I'm wondering since I have never seen anyone mention about NeXT in >year 2000. Probably, they would but I'm too new for both this news >group and NeXT. Hardware-wise there's no problem. Software-wise and the stock date(1) get upset but that's easily fixed with the GNU date. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Geordie Korper) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 14:35:10 -0500 Organization: Chapman and Cutler Message-ID: <geordie-2304981435100001@> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6hmvk8$> Mail-Copies-To: never r9;SSdvI;]1VVf In article <6hmvk8$>, "John Barneveld, MCSE" <> wrote: :The fastest CPU ever made is : : :THE HUMAN BRAIN Not true it just has dedicated I/O processors massive bandwith and an holographically object oriented operating system with many orders of magnitude longer QA proccess than the alternative CPUs. It is a testament to why the Mhz race is fundamentally a dead end. -- Geordie Korper ********************************************************************* * The text above should in no way be construed to represent the * * opinions of my employer, even if specifically stated to do so. * *********************************************************************
From: jeff hepp <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NSTC 4 SIMM Slots vs 8 SIMM Slots Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 14:34:52 -0700 Organization: get hep! sound Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit jeff hepp wrote: > > I'm upgrading a NextStation Color to a Turbo Color. All the literature > I've seen says that there are supposed to be four SIMM slots but when I > opened it up it has eight. I was anticipating using four 32-meg simms. > It is ABC0005661 if that helps. I've looked at the FAQ but it seems to > indicate that only Cube boards should have eight slots. I'm confused. > Can anyone shed some light on what SIMM configurations will work? > > Jeff Hepp > Er, nevermind, I've discover that I was sent a NextStation Color with a NextStation Turbo Color lid. Caveat Emptor.
From: (Agu597) Newsgroups: Subject: Microprocessor - internal Message-ID: <> Date: 24 Apr 1998 02:58:41 GMT Organization: AOL I was told that the microprocessor has an internal random number generator for the microprocessor to process numbers while it is waiting for instructions. Is this true?
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 23 Apr 1998 09:07:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: ADULTS ONLY!!!!!!!!!! Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 17:33:49 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2304981733490001@> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6hmvk8$> <geordie-2304981435100001@> In article <geordie-2304981435100001@>, (Geordie Korper) wrote: > In article <6hmvk8$>, "John Barneveld, MCSE" > <> wrote: > > :The fastest CPU ever made is : > : > :THE HUMAN BRAIN > > Not true it just has dedicated I/O processors massive bandwith and an > holographically object oriented operating system with many orders of > magnitude longer QA proccess than the alternative CPUs. It is a testament > to why the Mhz race is fundamentally a dead end. In fact if you could assign a clock rate to the brain it would be about 3KHz. -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Brendan Bolles) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: loginWindow problem Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 05:16:07 -0700 Organization: UC Berkeley Message-ID: <> References: <> In article <>, Laurent Curnier <> wrote: > I've got a problem when I boot my NextCube (NS 3.0): > > At the end of the booting session, a "console" window appears, instead > of the loginwindow. > I tried to launch the loginwindow by hand, but nothing happens. I tried > also to launch the WindowServer, but I've got a Memory Fault. > > The strange thing is that I've done nothing on config files. I thought > my disk was corrupted, but fsck didn't find an error. > > > Has anyone got a clue about this ? Do I need to re-install the system ?? That's pretty strange that it just started doing that. Control over this is in the /etc/ttys file. The first two data lines should look like this: # console "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" NeXT on secure console /usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow NeXT on secure window=/usr/li b/NextStep/WindowServer onoption="/usr/etc/getty std.9600" (I seperated them because the second line is long) It's very important that the first console line be commented out. I think uncommenting it will make that other console appear rather than the loginwindow. If something is wrong here and the path isn't the loginwindow or is something has happened to the loginwindow permissions-wise or if it has gotten corrupted, that could explain why it isn't launching. You might want to try recopying the loginwindow from your CD if you have it. But otherwise, a reinstall may be the easier than tracking down the real problem, which you may not be able to fix anyway. Good luck. Brendan
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 06:31:38 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6hpt6q$aif$> (Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz) writes: > Nope. You missed the older submission You're absolutely right! Sorry about that. > Not much, but still. I'm looking forward to detailed 21264 results. Anything published yet? Anyway, here are the current leaderboards! See my comments about these on another thread. Alpha isn't so hot as it might first seem for SPECfp95; Stomps everyone for SPECint95 though. (best is left-most) SPECfp95: tomcatv: IBM DEC HP SGI SUN INTEL 50.4 41.7 39.5 34.6 31.8 15.5 swim: HP IBM DEC SGI SUN INTEL 65.3 61.6 51.1 50.0 40.4 21.3 su2cor: HP DEC SGI IBM SUN INTEL 17.7 15.9 15.6 14.9 13.0 5.53 hydro2d: DEC SGI HP IBM SUN INTEL 21.3 16.6 14.7 14.2 13.8 4.89 mgrid: DEC SGI IBM HP SUN INTEL 41.3 23.5 22.9 22.4 20.9 6.23 applu: IBM HP SGI DEC SUN INTEL 24.5 18.8 14.4 12.3 10.7 6.75 turb3d: IBM DEC HP SGI SUN INTEL 32.8 26.2 20.2 19.4 15.8 8.72 apsi: HP DEC SUN SGI IBM INTEL 31.3 29.3 26.1 21.1 11.6 11.3 fpppp: HP DEC IBM/SGI SUN INTEL 50.1 48.2 37.8 23.7 13.2 wave5: HP SGI IBM DEC SUN INTEL 39.6 33.7 33.3 32.9 24.7 9.35 (obvious conclusion: Intel is garbage, which is why many SGI customers are not happy with the move to IA64; there is no confidence that it would be anywhere near as good as H2) SPECint95: go: DEC IBM HP SGI SUN INTEL 19.8 18.0 17.4 14.9 14.2 12.0 m88ksim: DEC IBM HP SUN SGI INTEL 20.9 18.4 17.9 17.2 14.2 13.1 gcc: DEC HP SGI SUN IBM INTEL 20.7 14.9 13.5 13.4 13.2 12.1 compress: HP DEC SUN SGI IBM INTEL 20.4 18.8 15.6 15.0 9.66 9.57 li: DEC HP SUN INTEL IBM SGI 17.3 17.2 15.1 13.7 13.2 12.3 ijpeg: DEC IBM HP INTEL SGI SUN 19.5 17.1 15.4 13.2 12.9 12.5 perl: DEC SGI SUN INTEL IBM HP 19.6 16.7 16.3 15.2 15.1 14.7 vortex: HP SGI DEC SUN INTEL IBM 23.1 19.5 18.5 15.4 14.3 12.8 Cheers! Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI cards for OpenStep? Date: 24 Apr 1998 13:17:11 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6hq3cn$103$> References: <6ho71f$a6r$> In article <6ho71f$a6r$> (Chris Saldanha) writes: > and the Symbios cards that I used (PC-SC200 with the BIOS on ASUS > motherboards) don't work on Pentium II boards. That's odd. We have at least 3 or 4 P-II's using the ASUS-SC200 cards without problems... (The manufacturer that produced the systems for us did say they had to get a new batch of motherboards, however... perhaps this is your problem.) -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Harry Tanovich <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 18:20:21 -0500 Organization: Message-ID: <6hq85g$an$> References: <6hpt6q$aif$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Oh YEAH? My Intel PentiumII-DLD has a bigger SCHLONG than your Mips chip. It says so in all the Ziff-Davis magazines, AND my boss believes it too. You're sunk! wrote: > (obvious conclusion: Intel is garbage, which is why many SGI > customers are not happy with the move to IA64; there is no confidence > that it would be anywhere near as good as H2)Cheers! > > Ian. > > SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, > Preston, England, PR1 2HE. > > Doom Help Service (DHS): > SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: > BSc Dissertation: > CyberSurvival: > > > Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 > Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 > > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: "Andrew Green" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Fibermux Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 01:10:52 -0700 Organization: HBOC VAN Message-ID: <6hqh0j$oid$> I have some fibermux equipment that was attached to an AS/400 system and we are looking for a buyer. This equipment can be used for other systems. Please send inquiries to Thanks Andrew Green
From: (John McCalpin) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 24 Apr 1998 18:07:39 GMT Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Message-ID: <6hqkdb$9ef$> References: <6hpt6q$aif$> In article <6hpt6q$aif$>, <> wrote: > > >(obvious conclusion: Intel is garbage, which is why many SGI >customers are not happy with the move to IA64; there is no confidence >that it would be anywhere near as good as H2) The "obvious conclusion" is bogus. The correct interpretation is the IA32 processors perform poorly. No conclusion can be drawn about the performance of IA64 processors from this data, because the IA64 is an utterly and completely different architecture than IA32. The only thing that it has in common, is the first two letters of the name. I think that we could have made the H2 a better performer than the IA64, but probably not by enough to make the incompatibility with the mass market justifiable. Unfortunately, Intel won't allow any details of the IA64 architecture or implementation out for a while yet, but it is definitely a microprocessor targetted at high performance computing, including floating-point-intensive computing. -- -- John D. McCalpin, Ph.D. Server System Architect Server Platform Engineering Silicon Graphics, Inc. 650-933-7407
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can NeXTstation Turbo Color take 80ns RAM? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:00:02 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6hjfhq$nde$> <> Sven Droll <> wrote: > For maximum performance use 70 ns SIMMs: SIMMs rated at 80 or 100 ns will be > detected upon powerup and the memory system clock slowed to 100 ns. Actually, the clock speeds are unchanged. There's just an additional wait state inserted to allow for the slower RAM (with 1 wait state being about 30 ns with a 33 MHz clock). > Faster > RAM than 70 ns won't give you a speed increase anymore. In fact it could slow > things down again, because some hardware drives 60 ns RAM as 100 ns RAM. Actually, it's because some PC market SIMMs mis-identify themselves. Some PC chipsets and BIOS implementations ignore the speed ID lines, and require manual setting (or permit manual override!) of the mamory timing in the BIOS setup. (Set this wrong on an OPENSTEP for Intel box and you'll be treated to intermittant strange crashes!) Also, mismatched SIMMs (SIMMs with different speed ID encoding) in the same machine may result in the slower timing, due to the wired-OR combination of the speed ID lines. -- Mike Paquette I'm not an officer, spokesperson, or high muckety-muck of Apple Computer. I don't speak for Apple, and they don't speak for me.
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 10:49:50 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2404981049550001@> References: <6hpt6q$aif$> <6hq85g$an$> In article <6hq85g$an$>, Harry Tanovich <> wrote: > Oh YEAH? My Intel PentiumII-DLD has a bigger SCHLONG than your Mips chip. It > says so in all the Ziff-Davis magazines, AND my boss believes it too. You're > sunk! note that these groups are read by people that know better than to listen to mindless propaganda. -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI cards for OpenStep? Date: 24 Apr 1998 20:08:03 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6hqrf3$8mi$> References: <6ho71f$a6r$> (Chris Saldanha) wrote: > >When I shopped around, almost all the cards that OpenStep supports have >been discontinued recently by the manufacturers. This is sadly true.... I'm using DPT with it's most recent BIOS. Isn't it nice that you can justify yourself to get one of the fastest SCSI controllers??? Price difference from Adaptec's 2940UW to DPT SmartCacheIV 2044UW is not so big. The most advantage of using DPT is for it's support. They know what OPENSTEP is and will give you the right answer for it! Enjoy! --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Eugene Yoo <> Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI peripherals (SyJet & scanner) on NeXT black HW? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:23:50 -0400 Organization: Oracle Corporation. Redwood Shores, CA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My first guess is that I could attach a SyJet to a Cube, but wanted to see if anyone else had before. Would this need a disktab entry? Also, scanner support? Umax 1220 to be exact... Thanks, Eugene
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:00:09 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <Bg8%.636$> <6hkadd$> <> Royce Priem <> wrote: > there was rumor heard about a month > ago from a source returning from Germany of a NeXT fan there who had > managed to overclock his system to 100Mhz. This rumor can at least be > confirmed as a valid rumor by others. Apparently this person was quite > tight-lipped about how this miracle was accomplished. *SNORT* 'Confirmed as a valid rumor' I've got to remember that one. *THE* clock in the NextStation and Cube is used to generate everything from CPU and memory timing, through the video signal. If someone actually pushed the clock to the point where the CPU clock hit 100 MHz, it would be a race between the memory controller, video circuits, and the CPU as to which would blow it's pacakge apart first. The acceleration circuits such as the Nitro work by putting the CPU chip on a daughter card, and providing additional circuitry to map the bus signals down to the timing expected at the original CPU socket. This fancy bit of bus mapping requires a fairly sophisticated bit of logic to accomplish properly. It's probably outside the skills of a hobbyist without access to Synopsis and Verilog, and a good simulation model of the 68040 bus. The ASIC for this one-off hack is going to be pricy. -- Mike Paquette I'm not an officer, spokesperson, or high muckety-muck of Apple Computer. I don't speak for Apple, and they don't speak for me.
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI peripherals (SyJet & scanner) on NeXT black HW? Date: 24 Apr 1998 21:20:02 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6hqvm2$2i4$> References: <> Eugene Yoo <> wrote: > My first guess is that I could attach a SyJet to a Cube, but wanted to > see if anyone else had before. Would this need a disktab entry? I don't know about the syjet but I use an ez135 on a slab with openstep 4.2 and it just worked. I didn't need to do anything other than boot it with the drive connected and turned on. It works wonderfully. It even ejects the disk correctly when you unmount it. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: AUCTION <> Newsgroups: Subject: Adobe Framemaker +SGML (Only $395) Date: Friday, 24 Apr 1998 14:18:08 -0600 Organization: CDE4 Message-ID: <> Adobe Framemaker +SGML (Only $395) =================================== FULL VERSION (5.1 for WIN 95 / NT) ONE COPY LEFT ! Brand New....Still in Shrinkwrap ! It Retails for $1000+ Yours for Only $395 !!! =========== WE ACCEPT: =========== 1) VISA 2) MASTERCARD 3) AMERICAN EXPRESS 4) DISCOVER / NOVUS 5) WIRE TRANSFER 6) CASHIER CHECK 7) MONEY ORDER CALL TOLL FREE ================= 1-888-300-5069 8MfFdLS
From: Raj Maniar <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:48:23 -0400 Organization: DNAI ( Direct Network Access ) Message-ID: <> References: <6hpt6q$aif$> <6hq85g$an$> <die.spammer-2404981049550001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dr. Bob wrote: > note that these groups are read by people that know better than to listen > to mindless propaganda. mmmmmm...Propaganda
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 19:46:20 -0400 From: Jeff Sciortino <> Organization: RIT MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Atlas internal for classic slab? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm buying a new drive for my (25MHz) NeXTstation mono. I found a good price on a quantum Atlas ($200), but I'm worried that it will run too hot since int is a 7200 rpm drive, and I will have reliability problems with my slab. I don't have AC, so sometimes it runs in a room as hot as 85 F. Has anyone had any experience with fast drives run internally in slabs? thanks. -jeff
From: Newsgroups:,,, Subject: seagate barracuda(st15150wc) anyone?T Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 20:16:43 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6hrdhr$rqt$> Hi, does anyone use sseagate barracuda(st15150wc)? I knwo it gets hot, but I believe Cubes cooling is sufficient for it. It is wide drive(68pin), but also converted to 50pins. I do not know what it means. Does it mean it exactly behaves as 50pin connector? Or should I still expect not working correctly? Here is spec I got. Part Number ST15150WC Formatted Capacity 4294 MB External Transfer Rate 20 MB/s Sync., 6.9MB/s sustained Fast Wide SCSI-2 Rotational Speed 7200 rpm Average Access 8.0 ms - This is very fast! Just compare to other drives. It doesn't get much better than this. Average Latency 4.17 ms - How fast it seeks on the same cylinder. A direct function of the Rotational Speed of 7,200rpm. Very important number. Buffer 1024 kB - Yes, that's 1 MegaByte! Dimensions 4.0 x 1.63 x 5.97 in (3 1/2 in form factor, half height) SCSI Connector 80-pin SCA 50-pin with adapter, add $24* 68-pin with adapter, add $49* read more about SCA adapters *Includes special savings offer Does this mean that I can use EXACTLY as 50pin scsi-2 HD with 50pin adaptor? If anyone out there uses this drive, please let me know. Thanks a lot! Makoto -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI peripherals (SyJet & scanner) on NeXT black HW? Date: 25 Apr 1998 00:58:36 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6hrcfs$rli$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Eugene Yoo wrote: > My first guess is that I could attach a SyJet to a Cube, but wanted to > see if anyone else had before. Would this need a disktab entry? SyJet works just fine. No disktab entry. Power down, hook it up, power up, and viola. TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Atlas internal for classic slab? Date: 25 Apr 1998 01:00:13 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6hrcit$rli$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Jeff Sciortino wrote: > I found a good price on a quantum Atlas ($200), but I'm worried that it > will run too hot since int is a 7200 rpm drive, and I will have > reliability problems with my slab. Don't do it. It's too hot. Get an external case and put it in there. Relatively cheap and won't cause your entire system to fry with the heat. (The external case will have its own fan etc) TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
From: Joseph Shomphe <> Newsgroups: Subject: Ram???? Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 23:16:43 -0400 Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.980424231602.18049B-100000@mabel> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Is there any way to check how much ram is installed without opening up a turbo-slab? --------------------------------- Joseph Shomphe Skidmore College Class of 2000 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 1-518-581-6292 ---------------------------------
From: Joseph Shomphe <> Newsgroups: Subject: IGNORE MY MESSAGE Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 23:41:25 -0400 Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.980424234059.18805A-100000@mabel> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Please disreguard the ram question he he=B4 --------------------------------- Joseph Shomphe Skidmore College Class of 2000 North Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 1-518-581-6292 ---------------------------------
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Many questions. Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 23:36:34 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6hrp3e$1p5u$> Dear all NeXT Experts, I have several questions regarding both software and hardwares. Since there might be some interaction between them. Therefore, I include all questions and post them in 3 newsgroups, hope you don't mind. 1) This is the popular question but I can't find it in any FAQ, though.. I'd like to connect my PC to the NeXT. I'm using 10BaseT interface to the hub by RJ45 and I have BJ45 from NeXT to that hub. Well, my question is, how can I make my PC sees NeXT and vice versa. Also, is it possible to share the printers between two systems? 2) Since NeXT already have SCSI interface, what is the interfacing? I saw on the back system looks like SCSI-2 but in the manual said it's SCSI(I assume it's SCSI). In addition, there are some venders sell SCSI-2 to SCSI-1 interface... If I have external SCSI-CD-ROM Drive, which is the SCSI-2.. Can I use it with NeXT? If so, how can I do it??? I'd love to have my NeXT talks to CD... 3) Do you think we can use ZIP driv(SCSI) with NeXT? 4) I can't download any software and use it in NeXT. I download the software on PC and copy them to NeXT (my NeXT doesn't have internet connection and I don't want to since my PC is more powerful-Pentium-II-400MHz). Most of them is .tar file. After I copied to NeXT, it shows icon as TAR (that makes me happy for a while). But when I click at it, it said that, I need to "unarchieve" by using tar command???? Can't I double click it directly????? What should I do if I want to download from my PC and transfer to NeXT???(This will be better if I can LAN my PC to NeXT). 5) What is the best -in your opinion- of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for NeXT? Where can I get it? 6) Is it possible to port my code to run on NeXT (and vice versa)? Thank you for the bandwidth and your time to read my questions(and answer my questions). I'm sorry if those questions offend you if I post in the wrong newsgroups. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for your suggestions. Any comments are most welcome... Your Sincerely, Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 24 Apr 1998 10:19:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: appology for ADULTS ONLY Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 03:18:22 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Question Regarding RAM Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit According to my Next Mono Turbo Station it has 16mb of RAM. According to its ROM system, this RAM is of the type "page mode." Will a NeXT accept "Fast Page Mode" or "EDO" RAM instead of "Page Mode?" I ask because I have 32MB of EDO, 60NS RAM sitting in front of me... and I guess I just got to wondering where I could put it... :) Any help appreciated. -Nicholas Floersch
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.ncr,comp.sys.newton,comp.sys.newton.announce,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,comp.sys.newton.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <6hsluh$fgd$551@news.on> Control: cancel <6hsluh$fgd$551@news.on> Date: 25 Apr 1998 13:35:37 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6hsluh$fgd$551@news.on> Sender: a@b.c Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question Regarding RAM Date: 25 Apr 1998 16:19:13 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ht2e1$dt$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Nicholas Floersch wrote: > I ask because I have 32MB of EDO, 60NS RAM sitting in front of me... and > I guess I just got to wondering where I could put it... :) I believe several folks have said that EDO will work... the 60NS may be seen as 100NS and it won't take advantage of the EDO-ness, but it should work TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Many questions Followup-To: Date: 25 Apr 1998 16:10:51 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ht1ub$dt$> References: <6hrpd8$1p4s$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC In <6hrpd8$1p4s$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: > I have several questions regarding both software and hardwares. Since there > might be some interaction between them. Therefore, I include all questions > and post them in 3 newsgroups, hope you don't mind. 1) you did not crosspost them correctly. To crosspost "correctly" put all the groups in ONE message separated by commas. This makes it easier for people who are using modern Usenet readers to see only one copy of it. Also if you do crosspost, set a Followups-To line. This is very easy using RadicalNews 2) You would be better off posting your software questions in '' and your hardware questions in csn.hardware. That way the posts are smaller, easier to read, and entirely on topic for that group 3) Please do not crosspost to csn.misc. It is designed to be a group for questions that don't fit anywhere else, so if you post to csn.hardware then you shouldn't post to csn.misc > 1) This is the popular question but I can't find it in any FAQ, though.. > I'd like to connect my PC to the NeXT. I'm using 10BaseT interface to the > hub by RJ45 and I have BJ45 from NeXT to that hub. Well, my question is, > how can I make my PC sees NeXT and vice versa. Also, is it possible to > share the printers between two systems? Samba will allow you to share files and printers. See > 2) Since NeXT already have SCSI interface, what is the interfacing? I saw on > the back system looks like SCSI-2 but in the manual said it's SCSI(I assume > it's SCSI). In addition, there are some venders sell SCSI-2 to SCSI-1 > interface... If I have external SCSI-CD-ROM Drive, which is the SCSI-2.. > Can I use it with NeXT? If so, how can I do it??? I'd love to have my NeXT > talks to CD... It is SCSI-2 IIRC Yes you can connect another SCSI-2 device to it, or use a SCSI-2--SCSI-1 cable > 3) Do you think we can use ZIP driv(SCSI) with NeXT? Yes, many people do. See for more > 4) I can't download any software and use it in NeXT. I download the > software on PC and copy them to NeXT (my NeXT doesn't have internet > connection and I don't want to since my PC is more > powerful-Pentium-II-400MHz). Most of them is .tar file. After I copied to > NeXT, it shows icon as TAR (that makes me happy for a while). But when I > click at it, it said that, I need to "unarchieve" by using tar command???? > Can't I double click it directly????? What should I do if I want to download > from my PC and transfer to NeXT???(This will be better if I can LAN my PC to > NeXT). The panel that comes up should offer to un-tar it for you. The best idea is to get Put that on your Dock (after ungzip and untar) and it will handle .tar and .tar.gz etc automatically (and a whole lot more!) > 5) What is the best -in your opinion- of Integrated Development Environment > (IDE) for NeXT? Where can I get it? No idea > 6) Is it possible to port my code to run on NeXT (and vice versa)? If it is regular C code, then yes. Some code looks for header files or kernel support not present in the NeXT, so that won't work, but much will > Thank you for the bandwidth and your time to read my questions(and answer my > questions). I'm sorry if those questions offend you if I post in the wrong > newsgroups. It doesn't offend me per se, but it would be nicer if they were posted just in the one appropriate newsgroup. Most people here read all the groups and they are not so busy that your post is likely to be unseen if you post it to just one group. TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ram???? Date: 25 Apr 1998 16:25:02 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ht2ou$dt$> References: <Pine.SUN.3.91.980424231602.18049B-100000@mabel> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <Pine.SUN.3.91.980424231602.18049B-100000@mabel> Joseph Shomphe wrote: > Is there any way to check how much ram is installed without opening up a > turbo-slab? Sure... echo "You have `hostinfo | fgrep 'Primary memory available:' | awk '{print $4}'` megabytes of memory installed" Or goto Workspace 'Info / Info Panel' > [11 line .sig deleted] A .sig should generally be 4 lines. It certainly shouldn't be 5x the length of your question :-) TjL, who used to run a login script that launched different apps depending on how much memory was installed (back when 16MB of ram meant "A LOT OF RAM") -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: Who decided we _wanted_ a Tarzan for the 90s? Or a new Love Boat, for that matter...
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 20:43:37 -0400 From: Zoont Foomby <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Quick question... Quick answer Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have yet to get manuals for my NeXT Turbo Mono machine (33mhz)... how do I open it up..?
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Quick question... Quick answer Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 01:35:19 GMT In article <>, Zoont Foomby <> wrote: >I have yet to get manuals for my NeXT Turbo Mono machine (33mhz)... how >do I open it up..? > There's a screw in the middle at the back. Take this out, then tilt the top towards the front. You should then be able to pull it free. It's a very similar scheme to that on the SPARCstation 10. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 26 Apr 1998 03:50:15 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (Steven Gougi) Newsgroups: Subject: Zyxel initialization string? Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 02:51:04 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi folks Got myself a Zyxel U-1496 and am trying to set it up to work with my TurboColor Slab. Can anyone please let me have the correct initialization string ? Thanks Steven please remove NOSPAMM in reply
From: (Jos Vermaseren) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI and PCMCIA Message-ID: <> Date: 26 Apr 98 14:51:11 GMT Organization: Nikhef-H, Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Hi Can anyone please shed some light on the following? I have a notebook which of course has some PCM/CIA ports. Recently I bought an Adaptec slim SCSI card for the PCM/CIA port. It seems to be the only one for which NeXTstep 3.3 has a driver. So far so good. I installed the newest PCMCIABus driver (v3.33) and the latest Adaptec AIC6X60 driver (v3.32) which has the remark 3.32 Adds support for Adaptec Slim SCSI (PC/MCIA) and SoundBlaster 16 integrated SCSI. During booting it even sees the card and makes some remarks about it. Then it tries to install the adaptec driver and it complains that it cannot find the host adapter. The complete message is: 58:06 lapt68 mach: Registering: PCIC 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Socket 0: card inserted 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Manufacturer: Adaptec, Inc. 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Product: APA-1460 SCSI Host Adapter 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Part Number: Version 0.01 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Socket 1: card inserted 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Function Type: Local Area Network (6) 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Manufacturer: Xircom 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Product: CreditCard 10Base-T 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Part Number: PS-CE2-10 58:06 lapt68 mach: PCMCIABus: Revision: 2.02 58:06 lapt68 mach: Registering: ISASerialPort0 58:06 lapt68 mach: ISASerialPort0: Base=0x03f8, IRQ=4, Type=16550AF/C/CF, FIFO=16 58:06 lapt68 mach: Registering: PCMCIA0 58:06 lapt68 mach: AIC6X60: can't find host adapter! 58:06 lapt68 mach: Registering: event0 58:06 lapt68 mach: Registering: kmDevice0 I was trying this with the old black single speed SCSI CD-ROM drive that I still have around. I also bought a SCSI ZIP drive. I saw on the net that with the iomega Jaz it has some problems that one has to makea separate disktab. Will I run into such problems too? What disktab will I need? Is the situation better with OS4.2? I tried to look up installation information from Adaptec, but it is in a fileformat for which my NextStep 3.3 does not seem to be licensed (PDF document encrypted for Adobe Acrobat). Some pointers would be greatly appreciated. Jos Vermaseren
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printer Cable Pin-out Date: 26 Apr 1998 17:01:50 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6hvp9u$6fr$> References: <> <6hc01u$shp$> <6hfrnt$bj4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: me.NoSpam@baloo_mpibpc_gwdg_de.NoSpam In <6hfrnt$bj4$> Timm Wetzel wrote: > (Paulus Adisoemarta) wrote: > > In article <>, Royce Priem <> > wrote: > > >Does anyone have the pin-out for the cable used between the NeXT printer > > >port and the laser printer? Thanks in advance... > > > > Straight pin to pin. You can use a regular serial cable to do that. > > > No, that probably wouldn't work. > AFAIK, the signal is very sensitive to timing; you couldn't even use a cable > of different length. > > Better try to get hold of an original NeXT printer cable (Spherical > Solutions, BlackHole etc). > Yes it probably will. Get a 6 or 10' straight though 9pin. I have a 10' and it works fine :). Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 15:53:52 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Recently Learned things! Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For all you other newbies out there, I've learned a couple of things regarding my NeXT Turbo Mono that you might be able to use. If you have to erase the setting in your ROM BIOS by taking out the battery, I only had to leave the battery out for 1 hour. I say this because I have heard of multiple leaving the battery out while they slept. 1 hour worked for me, maybe it'll work for you to. Also, I am yet another success story of 72 Pin EDO 60ns Simms working absolutely dandy in my machine. This may be false advertising as I understand problems can depend on the quality and make of the RAM, but at least some 72 Pin EDO 60ns Simms work. Hope this helps someone out there. Thanks so far to every one who has answered questions I've posted! -Nicholas Floersch Vermont USA
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube and Station Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 16:25:41 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i08k3$sko$> Dear all NeXT Expert, I read from NeXT Owner manual about the specification between Cube and Station(slab?). Then, I come up with the following questions.. and hope to educate myself from this newsgroup. 1) What are the different between Cube and Station (besides their physical shape)? I saw their spec are the same, e.g., 68040-25/33, RAM size...etc. 2) NeXT Cube has more room to put additional boards.... hmmm what are the additional boards use for? Another CPU to run multi-CPU? Is it feasible to get additional board in present day? 3) In your opinion, if you plan to get one NeXT MonoTurbo... will you get the CUBE or Station? and what are the reason that you pick ? This objective function is based on unlimited budget... Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Cube and Station Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i08k3$sko$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:35:53 GMT In article <6i08k3$sko$>, Sarawoot Chittratanawat <> wrote: > >1) What are the different between Cube and Station (besides their physical >shape)? I saw their spec are the same, e.g., 68040-25/33, RAM size...etc. > That's it; non-Turbo NeXTcube boards could hold more RAM (64MB vs. 32 for station) and they have the Optical Drive controller. >2) NeXT Cube has more room to put additional boards.... hmmm what are the >additional boards use for? NeXTdimension graphics/video board, Ariel QuintDSP board, another DSP board whose name I can't recall right now, FORE Systems ATM board, and maybe others. >Another CPU to run multi-CPU? Is it feasible to >get additional board in present day? > NeXTdimension boards are reasonably available but the others aren't. You can't run multi-CPU--the best you can get is separate machines living in the same box. >3) In your opinion, if you plan to get one NeXT MonoTurbo... will you get >the CUBE or Station? and what are the reason that you pick ? This objective >function is based on unlimited budget... > Cube looks niftier but takes up more space. Other than that it's up to you. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: william l rice <> Newsgroups: Subject: scsi cdrom on color slab Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 21:06:33 -0500 Organization: University of Minnesota Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit well I picked up a scsi cdrom from my dep who was "upgrading" anyway... How do I get my slab to mount it? I have not been able to,, I tried to do this: mount /dev/rsd4a /cdrom and it said I needed a blocking device.. or something.similar.. Is there a way to set it up in the UI? I tried diskbuilder and it said it didnt find anything,,, but I assume that was because it wa not a HD... thanks in advance Bill
From: Newsgroups: Subject: The new look of Hardseek! Try it! Date: 27 Apr 1998 01:53:26 GMT Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness Message-ID: <6i0oem$cef$> The first search engine to find out the URL of thousands hardware companies now has changed its look!!! Now you can find hardware products simply typing its name. E.G. if you want to search mouse producers simply type 'mouse'. And now Hardseek offers also a list of worldwide resellers of every kind of product! If you are a reseller you can get your FREE list in our reseller database! Take a look at it NOW! Best regards!
From: (RG) Newsgroups: Subject: FS: Color NeXT Station on Ebay Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:18:52 GMT Organization: Avtel Customer Usenet Access Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 27 Apr 1998 02:17:05 GMT Please check it out:
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: scsi cdrom on color slab Date: 27 Apr 1998 02:41:27 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6i0r8n$g1o$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> william l rice wrote: > well I picked up a scsi cdrom from my dep who was "upgrading" > anyway... How do I get my slab to mount it? I have not been able to,, I > tried to do this: > mount /dev/rsd4a /cdrom and it said I needed a blocking device.. or > something.similar.. > Is there a way to set it up in the UI? I tried diskbuilder and it said > it didnt find anything,,, but I assume that was because it wa not a > HD... You shouldn't have to do anything. Power down, hook up the drive (make sure everything is terminated right), power up, put in a disk and the automounter should take care of itself. There are ways to do it at the commandline, but there's no need to... TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: NeXTStep/OpenStep/Rhapsody Information & Software:
From: "Klaus Kunze" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Print server for HP deskjet Date: 27 Apr 1998 04:32:28 GMT Organization: Flashnet Communications, Sender: Message-ID: <01bd7195$716d5ba0$a1331ed1@default> Need to connect existing NeXT network (two black NeXT running NS 3.2) to a HP DeskJet 722C. I have Jet Pilot and attempted to set up a configuration with the Intel Netport Express Pro Print server, with no success. Does anybody have successfully tried connecting a HP deskjet via a Print Server like Intel Netport Express or HP Direct to a NeXT computer? How? Also, is it straightforward to connect a PC (with an ethernet card) as a client to an existing NeXT network.Do I need a separate ethernet hub? Your advice is much appreciated. Klaus
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI and PCMCIA Date: 26 Apr 1998 22:09:00 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6i13tc$> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Jos Vermaseren wrote: > I tried to look up installation information from Adaptec, but it is in a > fileformat for which my NextStep 3.3 does not seem to be licensed > (PDF document encrypted for Adobe Acrobat). > > Some pointers would be greatly appreciated. Are you running the latest PDF viewing software? One of the older versions (OmniPDF) would display this for no good reason. It was fixed quite a while ago. Since the fix, I have not had any problems with PDF files. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: "Seamawn Roocheeghi" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Where do I buy black Next user hardware in Europe? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:56:03 +0200 Organization: Telekom Slovenije - SiOL - Message-ID: <6i1h4d$n0c$> Where could I purchase some black Next (preferrably cube) hardware in Europe, (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Italy??)? Are there any web sites, where I could see pictures of black Next hardware?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Zyxel initialization string? Date: 27 Apr 1998 09:13:42 GMT Message-ID: <6i1i86$shv$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Steven Gougi wrote: > Hi folks > Got myself a Zyxel U-1496 and am trying to set it up to work with my > TurboColor Slab. > Can anyone please let me have the correct initialization string ? > Thanks > > Steven > > > please remove NOSPAMM in reply > Here is what I use on a ZyXEL U-336E. ABORT BUSY ABORT "NO CARRIER" ABORT "NO DIAL TONE" ABORT "ERROR" "" AT&F "OK" ATI2 "OK" AT&H3 "OK" ATL7 "OK" ATM1 "OK" ATX7 "OK" ATDT1234567 CONNECT "" ogin: aLoginName assword: aPassword PPP -- William Swats Voice: 415-456-9669 Rhapsody Software Engineer Fax: 415-456-7751 Metrowerks Corporation Email: 31 San Marino Dr Web: San Rafael, CA 94901
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6i0oem$cef$> Control: cancel <6i0oem$cef$> Date: 27 Apr 1998 02:17:27 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6i0oem$cef$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Ryan Woodsmall <> Newsgroups:, Subject: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Followup-To: Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 06:11:43 +0000 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hiya, I recently bought a used copy of NeXTStep 3.3 user, and I got a chance to install it yesterday. When the installation completed, the machine would only boot in verbose mode, but it finally did come up. Then it was time to configure everything. The first thing I did was to try the S3 drivers that come with NS 3.3 - I have a generic S3 ViRGE/DX PCI card with 4Meg RAM in my machine. This didn't work, so I defaulted back to regular VGA mode and downloaded the S3 Generic and S3 ViRGE drivers and installed them. When I change my card out of, it seems to be finding 8M of RAM. I tried to use the default 640x480x8bit@60Hz, but I get junk on my monitor when I boot back up. When I boot verbosely, it finds my card as an S3 ViRGE/DX (4096 K RAM) I read that a generic ViRGE card with 4M of VRAM or DRAM would work with the S3 Generic drivers. I'm not sure if it's the driver messing up or what. I think that when it "finds" 8192k or RAM, it maps it all wrong, throwing everything out of sink. I'm not exactly sure what to do. My card works fine in Linux and OpenBSD, but I don't think NeXT's S3 drivers like it too much. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it? Is there anything I can do short of buying a new video card? Thanks in advance. -- Ryan Woodsmall
From: Bjorn Lindgren <z@x.y> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 27 Apr 98 09:38:39 GMT Organization: echo "help!" | mail Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <Erp4Bz.5A9.0.hotlips@GTS.Net> <> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-971224 (UNIX) (Linux/2.0.33 (i586)) In comp.sys.sgi.hardware Royce Priem <> wrote: > Dare we go into the wonderful world of Kray, which in 1994 was working > on a 1GHz cpu, and allegedly even then had a 500MHz cpu? Guess what CPU Cray's top-range compu uses? yes Dec Alpha CPU's.. Cray T3E-1200 i think the name is. (up to 2048 Alpha's inside!) ________________________________________________________ Bjorn Lindgren bjorn(a) PGP key available on request unix/network bofh
From: (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups: Subject: Mouse restoration (How I solved a flaky ADB mouse) Date: 27 Apr 1998 10:58:55 GMT Organization: Idiom Communications Message-ID: <6i1odf$451$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Guys, I was having a problem with my aging NeXT ADB mouse, which was a tendency to get stuck, and not track smoothly in the x axis. After taking the ball out, and scraping off the rubber that accumulated on the rollers inside, I was still having the problem. I was afraid that the ball had just worn too much, and was too small to consistently engage the roller, but the wierd thing was that it worked just fine if I was tracking to the right. I took a close look at the ball, and realized that it had become *very* smooth! I washed it with dishwashing liquid, and then I roughed it up with a bit of 350 grit emery cloth (under the tap). Washed it again, dried it off, and now the mouse is working like new. Try this if your mouse is getting flaky. -jcr
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35343ac9.0@> Control: cancel <35343ac9.0@> Date: 15 Apr 1998 21:39:34 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35343ac9.0@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Zsolt Szabo) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 27 Apr 1998 08:24:18 -0400 Organization: University of Maryland, College Park Message-ID: <6i1tdi$> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6hmvk8$> <geordie-2304981435100001@> <die.spammer-2304981733490001@> In article <die.spammer-2304981733490001@>, Dr. Bob <> wrote: >In fact if you could assign a clock rate to the brain it would be about 3KHz. I am really interested in hearing the explanation for this one. Please elaborate. -- __ || _ | _/ __ _ |+-(_ __ _ |_ _ /__\ (_)|| __) /(_||_)(_)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: XXXPassword Free Date: 27 Apr 1998 14:46:42 GMT Organization: Free Password! Message-ID: <6i25oi$> References: If it expire , get password list go to this site Access Free 10,000 Pay Adult Site password : 4908saturday login : tmpoowy9 password : 10nyg917 Enjoy! Passwords Man!
From: (C. C. Chu) Newsgroups: Subject: Failed Iomega Jaz drive after 1.5 yrs Date: 27 Apr 1998 16:42:45 GMT Organization: Cornell University Sender: (Verified) Message-ID: <6i2ci5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Can anybody believe that Iomega Jaz drive would fail after 1.5 years? I have had a One GB built-in Jaz drive (about $499) in my Micron PC for about 1.5 years and it just shows definite signs of failure because after inserting the cartridge into the drive, the light beside the eject bottom would blink forever without stopping. I can't access to my cartridge anymore. Do any of you have the similar problem? I seriously question the quality of Iomega products. The only solution that Iomega has is to ask me to purchase another one. Let's bundle together to press Iomega for quality products instead of this junk. Please e-mail to for any opinion or comments.
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Rhapsody on notebook: what's needed? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:41:12 GMT Organization: University of California, Riverside Message-ID: <980427094112.214AAFpF.carl@einstein> Mime-Version: 1.0 (Generated by Eloquent) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Hi there, I'm posting this to the .software group too, since it's partly a question about what Rhapsody User will *look* like. I'm considering getting a notebook computer (IBM, Compaq or Toshiba most likely), as prices have finally begun to drop into my neighborhood. Here are some of my questions: 1. Screen: for OS 4.2, it seems 1024x768 is the minimum. I can't yet afford the 13.3" XGA screens, only a 12.1". My sense is this will things too small to read easily -- true? Hence the real question: will Rhapsody be better optimized for 800x600 displays than OS has been? (I actually like Windows 95 on 80x600 better than 1024x768, even on my 17" monitor.) Should I wait until I can get at *least* 13.3" and XGA, or not? 2. processor: will Rhapsody work on Pentium IIs as well as Pentiums? What about K6's? 3. How much RAM will I need to make a P166mmx or better processor do well on Rhapsody? Thanks for any help! Carl ********************************* * Carl Hoefer * * Philosophy Dept. * * UC Riverside * * * * * *********************************
From: (Dr. Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 11:24:52 -0700 Organization: The secret alliance of revolting Buddhist flower children Message-ID: <die.spammer-2704981124520001@> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6hmvk8$> <geordie-2304981435100001@> <die.spammer-2304981733490001@> <6i1tdi$> In article <6i1tdi$>, (Zsolt Szabo) wrote: > In article <die.spammer-2304981733490001@>, > Dr. Bob <> wrote: > > > > >In fact if you could assign a clock rate to the brain it would be about 3KHz. > > > I am really interested in hearing the explanation for this one. Please > elaborate. In many ways the brain operates like a microchip, a sorta analog and digital chip. The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a digital output. However even thought the answer is always yes or no the chemical selected to be transmited on will have either an exicatory or inhibitory influence on the next neuron down the line. Currently we have identified 13 (I think) of those chemicals called neurotransmitters. They suspect that there are hundreds. Anyway, since neurons function on electrochemical means rather than pure electrical like a chip, the propagation time is quite slow. The neuron must complete a cycle of listening to input, deciding what to do, acting of that desicion, and resting briefly before the next input. The average human brain neuron can do this whole cycle about 3000 times a second. Note that motor and sensory neurons operate much more slowly depending on thier size. It's important to note that this measurement only applies to signal propagation through groups of neurons; however, since a small section of the brain operates and is structured sorta like a very advanced CPU, I think it's the best value your gonna get. It's also important to note that the brain has between 600-800 billion neurons forming a massively parallel computer. It is also important to note that all processing centers of the brain operate asyncronously. There is no central clock governing timing of reactions. So, as I said before, if you could assign a clock speed it would be about 3KHz. Hope that clears it up. I tried to be as brief as possible without leaving out too much inormation. -- Dr. Bob "I am dyslexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6i2ci5$> Control: cancel <6i2ci5$> Date: 27 Apr 1998 18:24:20 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6i2ci5$> Sender: (Verified) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Atlas internal for classic slab? Date: 27 Apr 1998 18:27:47 GMT Organization: The Avant-Garde of the Now, Ltd. Message-ID: <6i2in3$oan$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Jeff Sciortino wrote: | I'm buying a new drive for my (25MHz) NeXTstation mono. | | I found a good price on a quantum Atlas ($200), but I'm worried that it | will run too hot since int is a 7200 rpm drive, and I will have | reliability problems with my slab. What really matters is how much power the drive uses. Going back in history, I found that the Seagate ST1480N drives that commonly came with NeXT slabs had 400MB of storage, were the full height 3.5-inch form factor, and had a power consumption of 9 watts idle, 15 watts maximum. Compare this with the Quantum Atlas II. 4.5GB of storage, reduced-height 3.5-inch, power consumption of 7.6 watts idle, 11 watts maximum. Seems to me that all things are in favor of the Quantum. It uses less power and will have better air flow over it due to the reduced height. The only thing you may notice is an increased noise level. There don't seem to be acoustic output spec's for the older drives. There have been some advances in disk-drive technology during the past 6 years. carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: 27 Apr 1998 18:36:16 GMT Organization: The Avant-Garde of the Now, Ltd. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6i2j70$oan$> References: <Bg8%.636$> <6hkadd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: arti@lava.DOTnet In <6hkadd$> Art Isbell - remove "DOT" wrote: | wrote: | | > The 25 MHz Color Turbo runs quite happily at 33 MHz (and may run faster | > than that - time will tell) as both the Nitro and Pyro prove. | | Now drifting into territory about which I know little, I don't believe | the Pyro overclocked the system clock. I believe it made a 25 MHz. 68040 run | at 50 MHz. internally akin to a 486 DX2-66 (I could be totally wrong about | this). But I know it didn't work well at all with many installations that | didn't work reliably (kernel panics, etc.). The Pyro was a 50MHz 68040 running at 50MHz. It was then interfaced to the 25MHz system bus of the NeXT. This made CPU-bound code run faster, but of course could do nothing for I/O-bound processing. For what it's worth, _all_ 68040 chips are "clock-doubled" DX2 style. Motorola just never advertised with the vigor of Intel. carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: "Sung Ho Kim" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: 27 Apr 1998 18:59:39 GMT Organization: Cornell University Sender: (Verified) Message-ID: <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> References: <> Hi Ryan, I am currently using a Diamond 3D 2000 with 2MB with NS3.3J. I did have the problem with the ViRGE drivers (blank screen, junk, card not detected, all the usual mombo-jumbo) but I'm running fine with the S3 Generic driver. This probably means that the 8MB on board is conflicting with NS...I read that S3 Generic works with only 4MB, but I might be wrong...I'll check on this... Hope that helped...(probably didn't :-0) Sung Ho Ryan Woodsmall <> wrote in article <>... > Hiya, > > I recently bought a used copy of NeXTStep 3.3 user, and I got a chance > to install it yesterday. When the installation completed, the machine > would only boot in verbose mode, but it finally did come up. Then it > was time to configure everything. > > The first thing I did was to try the S3 drivers that come with NS 3.3 - > I have a generic S3 ViRGE/DX PCI card with 4Meg RAM in my machine. This > didn't work, so I defaulted back to regular VGA mode and downloaded the > S3 Generic and S3 ViRGE drivers and installed them. When I change my > card out of, it seems to be finding 8M of RAM. I tried to > use the default 640x480x8bit@60Hz, but I get junk on my monitor when I > boot back up. When I boot verbosely, it finds my card as an > S3 ViRGE/DX (4096 K RAM) > I read that a generic ViRGE card with 4M of VRAM or DRAM would work with > the S3 Generic drivers. I'm not sure if it's the driver messing up or > what. I think that when it "finds" 8192k or RAM, it maps it all wrong, > throwing everything out of sink. I'm not exactly sure what to do. > > My card works fine in Linux and OpenBSD, but I don't think NeXT's S3 > drivers like it too much. Has anyone else had this problem and been > able to solve it? Is there anything I can do short of buying a new > video card? Thanks in advance. > > -- > Ryan Woodsmall > > >
From: Sung Ho Kim <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: 27 Apr 1998 19:40:32 GMT Organization: Cornell University Sender: (Verified) Message-ID: <6i2mvg$> References: <> <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> Hi again Ryan, BTW, how much RAM is installed in your computer? If you are using 64+MB, than there's a chance this is conflicting with your VRAM. BTW, I don't know what Diamond card you have, but my S3 Generic driver detects my 3D 2000 card as a Trio/64 and not a S3 ViRGE/DX...but it still works.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6i25oi$> Control: cancel <6i25oi$> Date: 27 Apr 1998 20:03:12 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6i25oi$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Scott A. Battaglia" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where do I buy black Next user hardware in Europe? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:45:52 -0400 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6i2umj$fm4$> References: <6i1h4d$n0c$> You can get NeXt Hardware at: Hope this is helpful Scott Seamawn Roocheeghi wrote in message <6i1h4d$n0c$>... >Where could I purchase some black Next (preferrably cube) hardware in >Europe, (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Italy??)? > >Are there any web sites, where I could see pictures of black Next hardware? > > >
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clocking-Up Black Hardware? Date: 27 Apr 1998 21:16:23 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6i2sj7$m22$> References: <Bg8%.636$> <6hkadd$> <6i2j70$oan$> In article <6i2j70$oan$> writes: [snip] >The Pyro was a 50MHz 68040 running at 50MHz. It was then interfaced to the >25MHz system bus of the NeXT. This made CPU-bound code run faster, but of >course could do nothing for I/O-bound processing. For what it's worth, _all_ >68040 chips are "clock-doubled" DX2 style. Motorola just never advertised >with the vigor of Intel. Not quite - whereas a 486 DX/2 66 has the internal chip and pipeline running at 66Mhz, a 68040 66/33 (labelled as a 33Mhz part) has its pipeline running at only 33Mhz, though the rest of the chip is 66Mhz. An important distinction. -- Nathan Raymond
From: (TERRI57) Newsgroups: Subject: hardware Message-ID: <> Date: 27 Apr 1998 21:29:32 GMT Organization: AOL Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Buy computer hardware and software at the LoudounGuide Mall. Go to shopping on We have brand name computers, monitors, software, and accessories. Sales going on now. All transactions are through a secure server!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 Apr 1998 22:12:43 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (TERRI57) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 Apr 1998 22:49:54 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Stanley Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: RAM? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 19:13:43 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i36qo$1g9k$> Dear NeXT Experts, I think it's a time to add memory to my NeXTStationTurbo Color now. I read the information from NeXTAnswer. It said that I need 72pin RAM-SIMM... Hmmm... I see.. but, they didn't say anything about Parity or Non-Parity RAM at all, sir/madam... So, I come up with the question again. Should I buy Parity or Non-Parity, sir? I have 8+8 right now, and I plan to put 32+32 to my machine. Do you think it makes sense? Hope to here from you soon. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot Reference
From: (Gerald Erdmann) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where do I buy black Next user hardware in Europe? Date: 27 Apr 1998 20:13:30 GMT Organization: STEPman OPENSTEP Consulting, Germany Message-ID: <6i2ota$> References: <6i1h4d$n0c$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6i1h4d$n0c$> "Seamawn Roocheeghi" wrote: > Where could I purchase some black Next (preferrably cube) hardware in > Europe, (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Italy??)? RCN (,, fax +49/30/8340108). Located in Berlin, Germany. Gerald -- Gerald Erdmann _ < STEPman OPENSTEP Consulting / / +49 30 39731400 -401 (Fax) \ __\ Berlin - Germany - Earth
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse restoration (How I solved a flaky ADB mouse) Date: 27 Apr 1998 17:10:04 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6i36os$> References: <6i1odf$451$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6i1odf$451$> John C. Randolph wrote: > After taking the ball out, and scraping off the rubber that accumulated on > the rollers inside, I was still having the problem. I was afraid that the > ball had just worn too much, and was too small to consistently engage the > roller, but the wierd thing was that it worked just fine if I was tracking to > the right. Umm, sorry to say, that's not rubber that accumulates on the internal rollers. It's dirt, grime, oil from the hands, and every little bit of foodstuff that you eat near your computer. It's the mouse version of toejam or smegma, take your pick. You need to de-lint these beasts on a regular basis. A Q-tip with some rubbing alcohol will get rid of it easily, and while you are at it, wash the grime off of that mousepad, they get funky after a while. Mice are just plain gross, like my wierd non-adb mouse, where the rubber "gasket" around the edge slowly disintegrates due to hand contact really gets my stomach a churnin'. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: (DQ.) Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.marketplace,comp.sys.hp.hardware,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,comp.sys.dec,comp.sys.hp.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.sun.wanted,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.terminals, Subject: For Sale: Used Workstation Hardware... Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 02:57:50 GMT Organization: MTS, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable USED WORKSTATION HARDWARE FOR SALE: We will accept the best reasonable offer on any of these systems!! Please visit our web site for contact information HTTP:// Systems (Monitors not included unless specified) SGI Indy R4000 100Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS1=20 32MB RAM=20 1GB SCSI Disk=20 8bit Graphics=20 Audio Processor=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 5.3 loaded + CDs=20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz WebForce Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS2=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manuals/CDs=20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS3=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manual/CDs=20 SGI Indy R4400 WebForce=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS4=20 128MB RAM=20 2GB SCSI Disk=20 24bit Graphics=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 6.2, Adobe PhotoShop & Illustrator=20 Cables/Manual=20 SGI Personal IRIS=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSS5=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 SGI Iris Indigo R3k=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS6=20 32MB RAM=20 0.5/1GB SCSI Disk?=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 Cables=20 NEC RISCstation 2200 R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS7=20 128MB RAM=20 CD-ROM + Floppy=20 1GB Disk=20 Windows NT 4.0 loaded=20 Graphics Accelerator=20 HP 700RX Graphics X-Terminal=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS8=20 20" Monitor=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 Cables=20 EnWare Software=20 Sun SPARCstation 1=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSS9=20 17" Sony monitor=20 No memory=20 1GB disk=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 External disk unit=20 Cables=20 Digital DECstation 5000/200=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSS10=20 DEC Expansion Unit=20 Keyboard=20 Cables=20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------- Monitors SGI 20" RGB Monitors (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSM1=20 SGI 15" 13W3 Monitor (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM2=20 HP 20" RGB Monitor=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSM3=20 HP 19" Monitor (Coax/1 BNC)=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM4 =20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------- =20 =20 Parts SGI 100Mbps GIO Ethernet Cards for Indy=20 Condition: New Qty: 6 Ref: FSP1=20 SGI Indigo2 R4400 CPU Boards=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP2=20 SGI Indigo2 Motherboard=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSP3=20 SGI Indigo2 Power Supply=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP4=20 NetPower FASTseries MP R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 2 Ref: FSP5=20 Broken cases=20 Complete Motherboards and CPUs=20 =20 = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D HTTP:// = =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
From: "cliff leong" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 22:58:20 -0700 Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <6i3ghs$d99$> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> > So, I come up with the question again. Should I buy Parity or >Non-Parity, sir? I have 8+8 right now, and I plan to put 32+32 to my >machine. Do you think it makes sense? Go with non-parity unless all your SIMMs are parity. Don't mix. This is taken from : Subject: N1. What type of memory may be installed in a NeXT? References: NeXTanswers' hardware.620, 92_spring_bulletin "Announcing NeXTstation Turbo and NeXTcube Turbo" NeXT Computer (68030-25MHz/68040-25MHz), NeXTcube (68040-25MHz): Number SIMM slots: 16 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 30-pin low profile SIMM access rating: 100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (1x8/1x9, 4x8/4x9) Maximum RAM: 64 MB The low-profile vertically mounted 4 MB SIMMs are easier to install in the NeXTcube than the horizontally mounted 4 MB SIMMs because of the small height clearance above the SIMM slots. It is possible to install the horizontally mounted 4 MB SIMMs, but you will be required to slide the CPU board and the center tower in simultaneously. Parity (9-bit) SIMMs can be used in both 68030 and 68040 NeXT machines, but should not be mixed with non-parity SIMMs. Only 68040 boards with ROM levels of 2.2 (v63) and higher can use the parity memory to detect parity errors. [One user adds the following unverified claims:] It is OK to mix parity and non-parity memory, but the system will not boot unattended. Cubes with early boot ROMs will not work with 4 Mb parity ram, unless at least 3 banks are used. The system gives an exception error on power up. The fix is to get a new boot rom from Next. You can pay $30, or you may be able to squawk and get one for free. I have found Next to be pretty responsive, once I find the right person. [Jimmie Quan, NeXT Hardware Service, adds:] The correct version is v66 which was the last or final rev for this series of 040 boards. This version also fixed the problem in the second paragraph. NeXTdimension boards (i860): Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 80 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4, 8 MB (256Kx32, 1Mx32, 2Mx32) Maximum RAM: 64 MB (32 MB official NeXT) NeXT didn't officially bless the use of 8 MB SIMMs, but they seem to fit and work. NeXTstations (68040-25MHz) serial numbers below ABB 002 6300: Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 30-pin SIMM access rating: 100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (1x8/1x9, 4x8/4x9) Maximum RAM: 32 MB Faster SIMMS (70/80 ns) don't make the memory system work any faster than the 100 ns units. NeXTstation Color (68040-25MHz): Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 2 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 80 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (256Kx32/256Kx36, 1Mx32/1Mx36) Maximum RAM: 32 MB NeXTcube Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstation Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstation Color Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstations (68040-25MHz) serial numbers above ABB 002 6300: Number SIMM slots: 4 SIMM group size: 2 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 70/100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 ,8, 16, 32 MB (256Kx32/256Kx36, 1Mx32/1Mx36) Maximum RAM: 128 MB For maximum performance use 70 ns SIMMs: SIMMs rated at 80 or 100 ns will be detected upon powerup and the memory system clock slowed to 100 ns. NeXT manufacturing introduced the new 25 MHz NeXTstation CPU board into production in late June '92. To verify which SIMM type your machine uses, check the system's memory configuration. You can do this by using the ROM monitor©s print memory configuration command m. Start with your machine powered down. Press the Power key to power on. As soon as the message ªTesting system...º disappears, press command-command-tilde (~ on the numeric keyboard). Under these circumstances, this will access the ROM monitor. In the ROM monitor, type m and press return. Turbo-designed boardsÐincluding new 25 MHz NeXTstations and all Turbo systemsÐwill return messages reporting the memory configuration contained in four sockets (sockets 0 -3); old 25 MHz boards will return messages for more than four sockets (usually 8). You can tell a Turbo-designed board, and the accompanying 72 pin, 70 nanosecond SIMMs, by the fact it only reports information for only four sockets. [John Graves, Hardware Engineering, NeXT Computer, Inc. adds] The memory system has programmable memory timing such that the number of processor clocks needed to access a given amount of data can be tailored to the speed of the memory installed. 70 ns memory is just enough faster than 80 ns memory to allow the cpu to access the data with fewer clock cycles. This improves memory system performance. "70 ns" memory is faster than "80 ns" memory in many parameters other than just RAS access time. The faster CAS access time in particular allows the memory system to respond quicker to burst (16 bytes) bus transfers.
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: RAM? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 02:12:39 GMT In article <6i36qo$1g9k$>, Sarawoot Chittratanawat <> wrote: >Dear NeXT Experts, > > So, I come up with the question again. Should I buy Parity or >Non-Parity, sir? Doesn't matter. 32/32 (giving a total of 64) sounds reasonable; you can later buy another 32/32 and go all the way! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Mouse restoration (How I solved a flaky ADB mouse) Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i1odf$451$> <6i36os$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 02:11:54 GMT In article <6i36os$>, Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> wrote: > >Mice are just plain gross, like my wierd non-adb mouse, where the rubber >"gasket" around the edge slowly disintegrates due to hand contact really >gets my stomach a churnin'. > Actually, this "gasket" is really odd. I have two NeXT machines and have used many others. All of them have shown this deterioration *except* for the mouse on my cube. It's older than all the others (it's an upgraded '030) but is super-resiliant. I wonder why. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 05:00:29 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> This may not help much but... I recently took a chance threw 32MB of EDO RAM of unknown manufacture into my NeXT TURBO MONO. The RAM is non-parity and 60ns speed. The machine sees it as 70ns, non-parity, non-edo, page-mode RAM. And it runs real happy like. Point: I think that the question is not whether or not your machine needs it, but whether or not you want error correcting memory? And also, as you can tell from the fact the my machine uses my 60ns RAM as 70ns RAM, the rules don't seem to be laid in stone that it must be 70ns RAM. My final note: if you haven't noticed it, there is a setting in the NeXT BIOS (NMI or whatever) that enables PARITY RAM checking. So you may have to enable this to use parity memory. I will now step aside and hope someone more knowledgabe speaks on this case. Thanks for listening. Nicholas Floersch >I think it's a time to add memory to my NeXTStationTurbo Color now. I read >the information from NeXTAnswer. It said that I need 72pin RAM-SIMM... >Hmmm... I see.. but, they didn't say anything about Parity or Non-Parity RAM >at all, sir/madam... > So, I come up with the question again. Should I buy Parity or >Non-Parity, sir? I have 8+8 right now, and I plan to put 32+32 to my >machine. Do you think it makes sense? > Hope to here from you soon. Thank you very much. > >Your Sincerely, >Sarawoot > >Reference > > >
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nkg$16iq$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nda$59c$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3mt1$ju8$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nh4$1ea6$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3n9e$l74$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nnl$ikc$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3o33$tfc$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nre$n2g$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate HD Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:47:49 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3nuo$11gg$> Dear NeXT Experts, I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following roughly specification 1.50PIN(Narrow) 2. 5200rpm 3. 4.3GB 4. SCSI-2 FAST 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) more spec at What do you think about above harddrive? Will it fit to NeXT Turbo Color Slab in both physical and practical? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much.. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Sorry! Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 00:16:43 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i3ojg$i3m$> I'm sorry for what happen. I didn't intend to post those 9 messages in the newsgroup though. But I don't know how come it keeps posting and posting (I need to reboot my machine) Sorry about that..! I"m really sorry. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Mobile internet connection with OPENSTEP Mach Date: 28 Apr 1998 09:06:14 GMT Organization: Offenes Netz Luebeck e.V. Message-ID: <6i4666$> Hello, has anyone mamanged to realize a mobile, world wide (Europe, USA) working connection to the internet using OPENSTEP Mach? What hardware do you use? (Notebook, Interface, Handy,...) What service provider is suitable for this purpose? Thank you very much! Andreas Hoeschler
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Mobile Internet access with OPENSTEP MACH Date: 28 Apr 1998 09:03:44 GMT Organization: Offenes Netz Luebeck e.V. Message-ID: <6i461g$> Hello, has anyone mamanged to realize a mobile, world wide working connetion to the internet with OPENSTEP MACH on the Notebook. What hardware do you use? (Notebook, Interface, Handy,...) What service provider is suitable for this purpose? Thank you very much! Andreas Hoeschler
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse restoration (How I solved a flaky ADB mouse) Date: 28 Apr 1998 05:41:11 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6i3q5n$> References: <6i1odf$451$> <6i36os$> <> David Evans ( wrote: : : Actually, this "gasket" is really odd. I have two NeXT machines and have : used many others. All of them have shown this deterioration *except* for the : mouse on my cube. It's older than all the others (it's an upgraded '030) but : is super-resiliant. I wonder why. : Supplier probably "upgraded" er.. changed the material. In some industries, it happens all the time. -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 4/2/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me.
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 07:22:58 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6i4hn2$reo$> Dr. Bob writes: > ... The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a > digital output. ... This leaves out the quantum element of operation that goes on in the brain. Nice explanation, but it may allow people to infer that its known how the brain works when in fact we don't. It isn't even known yet how data is actually stored. I'm not keen on brain analogies with computers. They're too simplistic. Can you work out the 7 millionth decimal place of pi in your head? I think not. Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender than any human. Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Subject: Re: Print server for HP deskjet Newsgroups:, References: <01bd7195$716d5ba0$a1331ed1@default> In-Reply-To: <01bd7195$716d5ba0$a1331ed1@default> From: (Charles C. Hocker) Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Apr 1998 13:01:13 -0600 On 04/26/98, "Klaus Kunze" wrote: >Need to connect existing NeXT network (two black NeXT running NS 3.2) to a >HP DeskJet 722C. I have Jet Pilot and attempted to set up a configuration >with the Intel Netport Express Pro Print server, with no success. > >Does anybody have successfully tried connecting a HP deskjet via a Print >Server like Intel Netport Express or HP Direct to a NeXT computer? How? > >Also, is it straightforward to connect a PC (with an ethernet card) as a >client to an existing NeXT network.Do I need a separate ethernet hub? > >Your advice is much appreciated. > >Klaus > > > Hello, I have a Intel NetportExpress server and the following works for me: printsrv: \ :sd=/usr/spool/NeXT/ \ :rp=LPT1_PASSTHRU:lp=:ty=HP5MP:\ :note=HP 5MP on Printserver:lo=lock: Note that I have a 3 port model. I order to direct the output to the correct printer you must specify the correct port. In this case I am directing it to LPT1. In the printcap this is specified by the rp=LPT1_PASSTHRU (the NetportExpress book lists these). The ty=HP5MP corrosponeds to the printer type listed in /NextLibrary/PrinterTypes/English.lproj/HP5MP.ppd. After you create the printcap, you will need to load into NetInfo. NextAnswers #1059 describes how to install a remote printer in a mixed network and load it into NetInfo. Hope this helps. Charles -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Charles C. Hocker ASCII, MIME & NeXTmail "Food is Power. We use it to change behavior. Some May Call that Bribery. We Do Not Apologize." Catherine Bertini, executive director, UN World Food Program, Beijing, China, UN 4th World Conference on Women, Sept. 1995. ---------------------------------------------------------------
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: 28 Apr 1998 15:26:06 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6i4see$> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, Nicholas Floersch <> wrote: >This may not help much but... > >I recently took a chance threw 32MB of EDO RAM of unknown manufacture >into my NeXT TURBO MONO. The RAM is non-parity and 60ns speed. The >machine sees it as 70ns, non-parity, non-edo, page-mode RAM. And it >runs real happy like. Point: I think that the question is not whether >or not your machine needs it, but whether or not you want error >correcting memory? And also, as you can tell from the fact the my ^^^^^^^^^^^ Just a minor correction here: Parity RAM does *not* do error correction. Single bit parity is capable of *detecting* a any odd number of errors (but *not* any even number of errors), but cannot *correct* errors at all. (If you want single bit error correction, you need more than 1 extra bit. For example, 8 extra bits will allow you to detect 2 bit errors, and correct single bit errors, in a 64 bit "word.") To the best of my knowledge, no NeXT machines were capable of handling true error *correcting* memory.... <snip> PB Schechter
From: Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Date: 28 Apr 1998 16:08:18 GMT Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: (Cy Borg) Cancelled by
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 28 Apr 1998 16:08:13 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6i4utd$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb I am considering buying a color slab, that I have been told has 8, 72-pin SIMM slots, and is a 25 MHz '040. I am confident about the '040 part, because I know (well, have never heard contradicted) that there were never any non-'040 slabs. However, I *thought* that I also knew that the 25 MHz '040s had 8 30-pin SIMM slots, and the 33 MHz '040s had 4 72-pin SIMM slots. So, is the seller confused? If not, what memory configurations are usable in this machine? In particular, what is the maximum memory it can handle--the 32 meg of an 8 slot 30-pin board, or the 128 meg of a 4 slot 72 pin board, or something else? Finally, is this likely to be an ADB machine? (It has a non-adb mouse, but that is apparently not an indicator, as non-adb mice are compatible with ADB machines, I have been told.) Also, on an only modestly-related note, what is the line on using gold-plated SIMMs in NeXTs? In particular, do they work? Is there any reason not to use them? Thanks in advance. PB Schechter
From: (Michael Lee) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 16:19:59 GMT Organization: Traveller Information Services Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> > >Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender >than any human. > >Ian. > Did they train a dedicated human for this comparison, or did they just give pop tests to humans with informal training in many areas? -- Michael Lee #include "disclaimer.h" work play Mike leem @ @ generalstandards hiwaay .com .net
From: (Jos Vermaseren) Newsgroups: Subject: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Apr 98 16:28:31 GMT Organization: Nikhef-H, Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Hi We just bought two nice computers with PII-300 chips for installation with NeXTstep 3.3 (or 4.2 if that can still be bought. we ordered it but the importer has vanished). Matrox-Milennium-II, SCSI disk, SCSI-CD-ROM etc. The works. With Adaptec 2940UW. On one computer installation went as well as you would want it. The other gave nothing but problems. It refuses to install, does not see the disk properly, sometimes does not see the CD-ROM, gives lots of resets on the SCSI bus etc. After lots of trying we reduced this to the Adaptec card. It turns out that the two are different. One is revision 1.25 of the BIOS, the other 1.32. Normally one would expect the 1.32 then to be the one that works but this time you would have to guess again. If we exchange the cards the computer that first did not work installs properly. Both machines have the SCSI id of the disk at 1 and of the CD-ROM at 4. Windows installs properly with the 1.32 but for that we could have bought a cheaper machine. Do we have here a problem with the driver (I have the latest version 3.37, because I still have NS3.3) or just a new bug in the 1.32 BIOS that does not matter for Windows? Does anybody have the 1.32 working and did they run into problems? We did try another 1.32 and it did exactly the same. Hence it does not look like the card is broken. Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? Jos Vermaseren
From: "Robert von Bismarck" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Mouse not found during install Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 18:51:37 +0200 Organization: Sunrise Netcom Services - News server Message-ID: <6i517f$g6$> Hi, I just got a new toy to play with : a complete 486dx2-66 EISA (don't laugh) with EISA Buslogic SCSI and VLB Mach32 (ATI) accelerated gfx. The machine actually works with 32Mb of RAM, 1Gb SCSI HD and SCSI CD-ROM. The interesting thing is, that I got Nextstep 3.1 for Intel with it for free (complete with developer CD, but alas, no docs). I thought about rebuilding this machine, and it works. NextStep boots, but it doesn't find the mouse. Any ideas, parameters to pass to the kernel so it looks at the right place ? The mouse is a logitech HiReZ mouse (busmouse with a special card) DOS finds it and linux as well. regards, Robert please answer by mail, as I don't read news groups this often. Thanx
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: 28 Apr 1998 13:40:08 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6i549o$6df$> References: <> Jos Vermaseren ( wrote: : Hi : Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? Why don't you just contact Adaptec and see if you can get them to help you? Perhaps the cards have updateable BIOSes, or perhaps they will trade cards with you. -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 12:33:13 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> In article <6i4hn2$reo$>, wrote: >Dr. Bob writes: >> ... The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a >> digital output. ... > >This leaves out the quantum element of operation that goes on in the brain. I didn't want to get too technical. >Nice explanation, but it may allow people to infer that its known how >the brain works when in fact we don't. > >It isn't even known yet how data is actually stored. > >I'm not keen on brain analogies with computers. They're too >simplistic. Can you work out the 7 millionth decimal place of pi in >your head? I think not. Well somebody wanted to know what it was so I told them. Notice that I put in a lot of disclaimers about the poor quality of the analogy. We do know a great deal about how neurons operate on a physical level. We do not know almost anything about how they store information. Your point about calculating pi is very poor since the brain was not meant to do that type of calculation, whereas a microprosser is. The brain is very good at doing complex comparisons and 3D spacial reasoning. >Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender >than any human. yes I know, I seen one do that. Before that we let it watch cars go by on a nearby road and let it classify vehicles into whatever catagories it wanted. However, as Mr. Spock put it when he grabbed kirk by the arm, "This simple feeling is beyond it's comprehension." -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate ST15230N Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:34:16 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6i5eb9$n6i$> Dear NeXT Experts, I'm planning to change harddrive of my NeXT Turbo Color from 400MB (standard) to Seagate ST15230N because the Seagate Drive has been sit in my old PC for a month without using it(but it's surely working). Do you think this drive will fit in both physical and technical ? I include the specification with this post also. Seagate ST15230N (Hawk) General: 4GB, 5400rpm, INTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbits/sec)________33.9 to 61.0 EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______5.2 Async EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______10 Sync Dimension: H*W*D = 1.62*4.0*5.74 Weight: 2.1 lbs POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _2.4 +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.54 +5V START-UP (amps) __0.61 +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.36 TYPICAL (watts) ______9 MAXIMUM (watts) ______11 INTERFACE: SCSI-2 FAST More information can be found at Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i4utd$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 21:02:26 GMT In article <6i4utd$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >I am considering buying a color slab, that I have been told has 8, >72-pin SIMM slots, and is a 25 MHz '040. I am confident about the '040 >part, because I know (well, have never heard contradicted) that there >were never any non-'040 slabs. Nope. There were no '030 slabs. >However, I *thought* that I also knew >that the 25 MHz '040s had 8 30-pin SIMM slots, and the 33 MHz '040s had >4 72-pin SIMM slots. So, is the seller confused? No, the seller's right on. Colour slabs have eight 72-pin SIMM sockets that can take up to 4MB SIMMs (giving you 32MB max). Mono slabs and non-Turbo cubes have the 30-pin sockets. >Finally, is >this likely to be an ADB machine? If it's a non-Turbo chipset machine then it can't do ADB. Turbo machines use the Turbo chipset(!) and there are some 25MHz mono slabs that use it, too. AFAIK no 25MHz colour slabs used it. Plus the SIMM socket count is a giveaway that it's a non-Turbo chipset. >(It has a non-adb mouse, but that is >apparently not an indicator, as non-adb mice are compatible with ADB >machines, I have been told.) > Sort-of. Both the non-ADB and ADB Sound Box (and MegaPixel display, for mono machines) work on later-model Turbo machines so they can be either. The type of Sound Box you have determines the type of hardware you can plug into it (and also determines the monitor refresh rate). >Also, on an only modestly-related note, what is the line on using >gold-plated SIMMs in NeXTs? In particular, do they work? Is there any >reason not to use them? > Don't think it matters. I have a mix in my cube--works fine. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: John Ross <> Newsgroups: Subject: Next Dimension Board Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 18:11:03 -0500 Organization: Informix Software, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a couple of questions for anyone who can answer them. 1) I have an 040/25 Next Cube with a Next Dimension Board. What can I do with the Next Dimension besides the obvious Color display or Dual display features? 2) I know that the Next Dimension will display on a Sun color monitor as I have done this in the past. Is there any product I can use to get this to interface to a SVGA monitor? Thanks, John Ross
From: Alexis Cousein <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 01:39:16 +0200 Organization: Silicon Graphics Belgium Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Raj Maniar <> Raj Maniar wrote: > > The Alpha 21264 is centered at 700mhz and is expected to have a SPECsfp > of 60+! To put that in perspective the PII-333 is ~9.5 and the current > Alpha 21164A ~24-28. And SPEC shows the real performance of a system. Well, that's a bold statement, certainly as the SPEC number is a SPEC *composite*...and we'll have to see whether the memory subsystem to achieve such SPECfp95 ratings will be there soon... ...after we've waited for *any* system with an EV6 to materialise, as SPECfp95 is a system benchmark, and not a chip benchmark (the DEC numbers are `estimates' of what the chip ideally could reach). And even with all these disclaimers, I would never use SPECfp95 as a good metric for application performance. If only because the production compilers aren't necessarily as good on real-world codes as on the smaller SPECfp95 codes, especially as these receive a lot of undeserved attention ;). And we won't mention other things like a good OS scheduler and fast I/Os either, of course. -- Alexis Cousein Added to confuse the enemy: Sales Support Engineer Silicon Graphics NV/SA (Belgium)
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:11:22 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> In article <>, (Michael Lee) wrote: >> >>Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender >>than any human. >> >>Ian. >> >Did they train a dedicated human for this comparison, or did they >just give pop tests to humans with informal training in many areas? the unit I saw could work with any human but it would capture the image and spend 20 minutes processing it and storing the image. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:13:53 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <> <> <> In article <>, Alexis Cousein <> wrote: >Raj Maniar wrote: >> >> The Alpha 21264 is centered at 700mhz and is expected to have a SPECsfp >> of 60+! To put that in perspective the PII-333 is ~9.5 and the current >> Alpha 21164A ~24-28. And SPEC shows the real performance of a system. > >Well, that's a bold statement, certainly as the SPEC number is a SPEC >*composite*...and we'll have to see whether the memory subsystem to achieve >such SPECfp95 ratings will be there soon... > >...after we've waited for *any* system with an EV6 to materialise, as >SPECfp95 is a system benchmark, and not a chip benchmark (the DEC numbers >are `estimates' of what the chip ideally could reach). historically, DEC has been very conservative in it's performance estimates. Remember the night and day difference between the 21064 and the 21164. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 01:11:19 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <6i4utd$> <> I just have a question here.... >>However, I *thought* that I also knew >>that the 25 MHz '040s had 8 30-pin SIMM slots, and the 33 MHz '040s had >>4 72-pin SIMM slots. So, is the seller confused? > > No, the seller's right on. Colour slabs have eight 72-pin SIMM sockets that >can take up to 4MB SIMMs (giving you 32MB max). Mono slabs and non-Turbo >cubes have the 30-pin sockets. > I have a NeXT Mono Turbo 33mhz 68040 "Slab" and it uses 72-pin SIMMs. Wouldn't this contradict what you are saying about which machines use 30-pin and 72-pin SIMMs, or am I confused? Danke! -Nicholas Floersch
From: Ryan Woodsmall <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 02:58:35 +0000 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <> References: <> <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks - the thing is that I only have 4 Meg, and the driver itself is finding 8Meg! It would be nice to have 8Meg, but I just don't. So, thanks to everyone for the help. Can anyone recommend a good PCI video card? Thanks. =) -- Ryan Woodsmall
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i4utd$> <> <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 03:53:48 GMT In article <>, Nicholas Floersch <> wrote: >I have a NeXT Mono Turbo 33mhz 68040 "Slab" and it uses 72-pin SIMMs. >Wouldn't this contradict what you are saying about which machines use >30-pin and 72-pin SIMMs, or am I confused? > Actually, no, I just wasn't talking properly. :) All Turbo chupset-based machines take 72-pin SIMMs. What I meant to say was that non-Turbo based mono slabs take 30-pin SIMMs. :) -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Next Dimension Board Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 03:52:47 GMT In article <>, John Ross <> wrote: >1) I have an 040/25 Next Cube with a Next Dimension Board. What can I >do with the Next Dimension besides the obvious Color display or Dual >display features? > You can get video in a window, move it around, grab frames, draw all over it, and spit video out again. Hours of entertainment. >2) I know that the Next Dimension will display on a Sun color monitor as >I have done this in the past. Is there any product I can use to get >this to interface to a SVGA monitor? > If you have a multisync SVGA monitor that can handle sync-on-green all you should need is a cable. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 22:45:01 -0600 From: Ed Vanwieren <> Organization: Zokero Inc. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: SureStore DAT Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------24B1C7681FB375B4E56A7D7C" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------24B1C7681FB375B4E56A7D7C Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Greetings folks.... I am attempting to determine what it takes to get a HP SureStore SCSI DAT drive to work under OpenStep 4.2. We've hooked the drive up and set it to SCSI ID 4 (recalling a problem under SunOS with SCSI ID's)... But the OS does not recognize the drive (i.e. attempting to tar to /dev/rst0 replies with no such device). Is there anything special that must be done to get this to work? I do know that under SunOS the kernel must have an entry added for this device. If this must be done under OpenStep, what file(s) should be modified and would the changes be the same (or similar) to SunOS (working under some assumptions of "standard" in BSD UNIX).... Ed Vanwieren --------------24B1C7681FB375B4E56A7D7C Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Ed Vanwieren Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Ed Vanwieren n: Vanwieren;Ed org: Zokero Inc. adr: 2314 15 St. SW;;;Calgary;AB;T2T 3Z1;Canada email;internet: title: n/a tel;work: n/a tel;fax: n/a tel;home: n/a x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------24B1C7681FB375B4E56A7D7C--
From: Ryan Woodsmall <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:38:28 +0000 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <> References: <> <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> <6i2mvg$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nope, I only have 32 M in my machine. I guess I have to get a new card. -- Ryan Woodsmall
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 29 Apr 1998 05:19:13 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6i6d8h$4ue$> References: <6i4utd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: pb@Colorado.EDU In <6i4utd$> PB Schechter wrote: > I am considering buying a color slab, that I have been told has 8, > 72-pin SIMM slots, and is a 25 MHz '040. I am confident about the '040 > part, because I know (well, have never heard contradicted) that there > were never any non-'040 slabs. However, I *thought* that I also knew > that the 25 MHz '040s had 8 30-pin SIMM slots, and the 33 MHz '040s had > 4 72-pin SIMM slots. So, is the seller confused? If not, what memory > configurations are usable in this machine? In particular, what is the > maximum memory it can handle--the 32 meg of an 8 slot 30-pin board, or > the 128 meg of a 4 slot 72 pin board, or something else? Finally, is > this likely to be an ADB machine? (It has a non-adb mouse, but that is > apparently not an indicator, as non-adb mice are compatible with ADB > machines, I have been told.) I'd have to check my archive to be certian, but off the top of my head I think the Color Slabs had 72pin slots. There were some Mono's that had 30pin, and some that had 72pin. As to ADBness. The non-turbo's couldn't be made to be ADB AFAIK. > Also, on an only modestly-related note, what is the line on using > gold-plated SIMMs in NeXTs? In particular, do they work? Is there any > reason not to use them? The only thing I've ever heard is that you want to use the same type of metal on the SIMM as there is in the socket to enhance contact and to reduce potential corrosion/oxidation. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SureStore DAT Date: 29 Apr 1998 05:23:23 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6i6dgb$4ue$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ed Vanwieren wrote: > Greetings folks.... > > I am attempting to determine what it takes to get a HP SureStore SCSI > DAT drive to work under OpenStep 4.2. We've hooked the drive up and set > it to SCSI ID 4 (recalling a problem under SunOS with SCSI ID's)... But > the OS does not recognize the drive (i.e. attempting to tar to /dev/rst0 > replies with no such device). Is there anything special that must be > done to get this to work? I do know that under SunOS the kernel must > have an entry added for this device. If this must be done under > OpenStep, what file(s) should be modified and would the changes be the > same (or similar) to SunOS (working under some assumptions of "standard" > in BSD UNIX).... > > Ed Vanwieren > Did you install the SCSITape Driver off the CD? Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (David Andrew Knight) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SureStore DAT Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 08:48:33 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ed Vanwieren wrote: > Greetings folks.... > > I am attempting to determine what it takes to get a HP SureStore SCSI > DAT drive to work under OpenStep 4.2. We've hooked the drive up and set > it to SCSI ID 4 (recalling a problem under SunOS with SCSI ID's)... But > the OS does not recognize the drive (i.e. attempting to tar to /dev/rst0 > replies with no such device). Is there anything special that must be > done to get this to work? I do know that under SunOS the kernel must > have an entry added for this device. If this must be done under > OpenStep, what file(s) should be modified and would the changes be the > same (or similar) to SunOS (working under some assumptions of "standard" > in BSD UNIX).... Hi, If on an Intel box you need to run /NextAdmin/ as root and add the SCSI tape drive. -- Regards David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc | UK phone: 01702 426400 | Vendors of NS/OS 351 London Road | fax: 01702 551515 | MCCAs, Hardware Hadleigh | Int'l prefix: +44 1702 | Apps, Networks Essex | | ISDN, Training SS7 2BT | Email: | Maintenance England | (NeXTMail/MIME ok) | and Support
From: mmalcolm crawford <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: 29 Apr 1998 08:52:54 GMT Organization: P & L Systems Message-ID: <6i6pp6$bll$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Jos Vermaseren wrote: > Adaptec card. It turns out that the two are different. One is revision > 1.25 of the BIOS, the other 1.32. Normally one would expect the 1.32 then > to be the one that works but this time you would have to guess again. > [...] > Does anybody have the 1.32 working and did they run into problems? > We did try another 1.32 and it did exactly the same. Hence it does > not look like the card is broken. > Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? > No, sadly it doesn't work at all (at least we coundn't get our versions to run). We downgraded first to 1.25, then to 1.21, but to no avail. You can get a "patch" to downgrade by calling Adaptec technical support. They will give you a password to allow you to download a file from their ftp site or from a bulletin board. You then run a check utility on the PC, and upload the "new" system through the PCI bus. But as I say, this didn't help us. Best wishes, mmalc.
From: mmalcolm crawford <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital Ears? Date: 29 Apr 1998 09:08:34 GMT Organization: P & L Systems Message-ID: <6i6qmi$bll$> References: <6gbfmm$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6gbfmm$> Dave Bartlett wrote: > As an alternative, suggestions for other NeXT Hardware compatible A to > D converters would be appreciated. > How about Singular Solutions' AD64x? They're based in Pasadena but looking at their WWW page I'm not sure if they're in that market any more. Best wishes, mmalc. in one machine... Best wishes, mmalc.
From: Rob Blessin <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 15:46:29 -0600 Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello Jos: We are having the exact same problem and agree with these guys and others , it has burned up a lot of time trying to figure it out. We support the hypothesis that the Openstep 2940 UW driver times out during installation start up, with a high probability that it is due to the bios revision changing from 1.25 to 1.32. The driver does not time out with a 1.25 bios and installation just works. For what it is worth, We are convinced after our R&D for the common knowledge bank that this affects ASUS P11 boards with onboard 2940 W/UW and the ASUS P11 board with an 2940 UW card both 1.32. We also conclude that this is nothing new to working with the awesome driver issue, its great when they work, and bogus when they don't... We have been trying a Panasonic 24X Cdrom and Fujitsu, Quantum, Seagate and IBM drives to wits end, and figured it was the driver through the process of elimination and the support of other next gurus. This has to be the answer , the driver is kaka, if we have an ear of someone at Apple Enterprise that can please come towards the light and tweak the 2940UW driver for the good of humanity or if anyone has current information on the envisioned revised driver from the true guru on high, it would be much appreciated, we will travel to this place and download the driver, we know it currently is not the one at NEXT answers , on the floppy or any cd yet. We would like to continue having success in installing Openstep for customers like DISNEY using new 2940UW adaptec cards on brand new P11 boxes. However is someone has a line on the older adaptec 2940 UW card we seek or an alternative UW scsi controller they would recommend DPT, we are open to help? If anyone has downgraded the 2940 UW 1.32 to 1.25 bios and can shed light on the recipe , it would be greatly appreciated. PS: Now I can sleep, I know it wasn't me, always remember when working on Pentium 11 systems as they are different from Pentium systems to UNplug them from the power supply completely before adding, swaping, changing cards or anything because power flows through the motherboard at all times even when they are powered down. This will prevent sparkage, flames and potential component failure from occuring. zzzzt Best regards Rob Blessin President Black Hole, Inc Jos Vermaseren wrote: > > Hi > > We just bought two nice computers with PII-300 chips for installation > with NeXTstep 3.3 (or 4.2 if that can still be bought. we ordered it > but the importer has vanished). Matrox-Milennium-II, SCSI disk, > SCSI-CD-ROM etc. The works. With Adaptec 2940UW. > On one computer installation went as well as you would want it. The other > gave nothing but problems. It refuses to install, does not see the disk > properly, sometimes does not see the CD-ROM, gives lots of resets on > the SCSI bus etc. After lots of trying we reduced this to the > Adaptec card. It turns out that the two are different. One is revision > 1.25 of the BIOS, the other 1.32. Normally one would expect the 1.32 then > to be the one that works but this time you would have to guess again. > If we exchange the cards the computer that first did not work installs > properly. Both machines have the SCSI id of the disk at 1 and of the > CD-ROM at 4. Windows installs properly with the 1.32 but for that we could > have bought a cheaper machine. Do we have here a problem with the > driver (I have the latest version 3.37, because I still have NS3.3) or > just a new bug in the 1.32 BIOS that does not matter for Windows? > Does anybody have the 1.32 working and did they run into problems? > We did try another 1.32 and it did exactly the same. Hence it does > not look like the card is broken. > Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? > > Jos Vermaseren
From: Alexis Cousein <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:11:58 +0200 Organization: Silicon Graphics Belgium Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <> <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dr_Bob wrote: > > historically, DEC has been very conservative in it's performance > estimates. Remember the night and day difference between the 21064 and > the 21164. > Historically, performance on SPEC used to be gated more by the chip than by the surrounding logic. For SPECfp95, that has broken even for the current generation of chips, so I do expect that effect to amplify for the next generation. Of course, I'm sure a 128MB of tertiary cache at 5ns could solve it, but memory and static RAM memory pricing has not improved as fast as CPUs have lately. Talking about SPECfp95 numbers for chips has become meaningless. *All* manufacturers now have a range of systems where the same chip gives wildly varying results on the composite number in different systems (and we're not even talking about individual results here). It's not that I don't trust DEC to be `conservative'; just that chip SPECfp95 numbers don't mean much to me, at least not until I see the system it takes around the chip to deliver them, and what that system around it actually costs, and whether you can actually buy that, i.e. it's not a freak (touting a fantastic chip SPECfp95 number for a freak system to try to sell cheaper systems that have less stellar performance due to trade-offs does happen *a lot* with some manufacturers). And for that, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, i.e. submitted SPECfp95 results. Not that I think SPECfp95 is a panacea either. Most people with lousy compilers will do LinPACK NxN well, and SPECint95 and SPECfp95 well, and that's about it; a very wise investment for them, given the marketing value for these numbers. Some even use a different OS and compiler to the ones that are actually selling in volume. It's not cheating, but it's being very creative with the truth. And for larger machines, it is *not* a throughput test; SPEC_rate tests are, but they're not widely used (because you need a solid OS underneath as well, and that's even harder to tweak for it than compilers -- for now). In short, nothing beats a well-designed application benchmark, with a realistic working set, where you test every aspect of the system that's important to you, and with the correct balance. Those are, and not by coincidence, the benchmarks SGI SEs tend to like better than small synthetic benchmarks, in my experience. -- Alexis Cousein Added to confuse the enemy: Sales Support Engineer Silicon Graphics NV/SA (Belgium)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec 1460A PCMCIA Card Trouble Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 20:46:14 +0900 Organization: Global OnLine Japan Message-ID: <> Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do to solve this problem. I'm running OPENSTEP 4.2 on an IBM ThinkPad 760E. When I try to start it with the PC card inserted it crashes. The start up process looks like this: Registering: PCIC PCMCIABus: Socket 0= card inserted PCMCIABus: Manufacturer: Adaptec, Inc. PCMCIABus: Product Number: APA-1460 SCSI Host Adapter PCMCIABus: Part Number: Version 0.01 Registering: PCMCIA 0 PCIBus support enabled Registering: PCI0 Registering: EISA0 AIC 6x60: Driver -- Version 3.2.3 AIC 6x60: Not using DMA AIC 6x60: controller at irq 11 Resetting SCSI Bus... Registering: sc1 AIC timeout: scb=0x4742640, opcode = 0x12 Resetting SCSI Bus... HIM Error: error class=8, error ID=0 Thanks Christopher Wood
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 1460A PCMCIA Card Trouble Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 22:26:04 +0900 Organization: Global OnLine Japan Message-ID: <> References: <> I forgot to say that if you want to reply via e-mail drop the x from my e-mail address. In article <>, wrote: > Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do to solve this problem. I'm > running OPENSTEP 4.2 on an IBM ThinkPad 760E. When I try to start it with > the PC card inserted it crashes. The start up process looks like this: > > Registering: PCIC > PCMCIABus: Socket 0= card inserted > PCMCIABus: Manufacturer: Adaptec, Inc. > PCMCIABus: Product Number: APA-1460 SCSI Host Adapter > PCMCIABus: Part Number: Version 0.01 > Registering: PCMCIA 0 > PCIBus support enabled > Registering: PCI0 > Registering: EISA0 > AIC 6x60: Driver -- Version 3.2.3 > AIC 6x60: Not using DMA > AIC 6x60: controller at irq 11 > Resetting SCSI Bus... > Registering: sc1 > AIC timeout: scb=0x4742640, opcode = 0x12 > Resetting SCSI Bus... > HIM Error: error class=8, error ID=0 > > Thanks > Christopher Wood
Newsgroups: From: (David Evans) Subject: Re: Cube and Station Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: University of Waterloo References: <6i08k3$sko$> <> <6i6qe3$bll$> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 16:01:45 GMT In article <6i6qe3$bll$>, mmalcolm crawford <> wrote: >ISPW: IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation -- shame on you David! :-) Ahhh, yes. The original platform for MAX. Yes, shame on me. As if I could ever afford one. >Two lovely i860s and an extra 56k... and up to three of those beasties in one >machine... > I don't know much about this machine's guts; does the MusicKit know how to use the extra 56ks? Naturally it would have no idea how to talk to the i860s. I imagine that this board would give the Ariel one a run for its money, though. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From:***(email spammers must die) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: 29 Apr 1998 17:00:21 GMT Organization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA Message-ID: <6i7mb5$> References: <> In article <> Rob Blessin <> writes: > Hello Jos: > > We are having the exact same problem and agree with these guys and > others , it has burned up a lot of time trying to figure it out. We > support the hypothesis that the Openstep 2940 UW driver times out during > installation start up, with a high probability that it is due to the > bios revision changing from 1.25 to 1.32. The driver does not time out > with a 1.25 bios and installation just works. Coming in late to this discussion, I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. However, I've seen some strangeness with the 2940UW BIOS 1.32 and OpenStep as well. Our current developer system config is as follows: Tyan Tiger PII266 Seagate ST32250W (x2) Misc IDE CD-ROM 96-128mb RAM Misc Video cards The problem I saw was that the system would install OK, but I could not run any kind of disk benchmarking utility once I had the system built. Terrible hangs and SCSI timeout messages were the result. If I disconnected the (unused - it's NT only) second HD, everything worked fine ! The kind folks at Adapted Tech Support walked me through this and we eventually found a solution. Go into the <CTRL-A> SCSI BIOS at boot and turn off "Initiate Sync Negotiation" for the HD's. Adaptec claims that the devices will still work in synchronous mode, as they will initiate the sync negotiation with the adapter instead of the adapter doing it first. Sounds a little hokey to me but at least the systems work now. I have a feeling we're losing a little disk I/O because of this, but at least we're still running OpenStep on recent hardware. Craig Dodson (Stratus Computer)
From: Trevin Beattie <*trevin*@*xmission*.*com*> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse not found during install Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 18:00:30 +0000 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6i7ps2$n3d$> References: <6i517f$g6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Robert von Bismarck <> Robert von Bismarck wrote: > > Hi, > > I just got a new toy to play with : a complete 486dx2-66 EISA (don't laugh) > with EISA Buslogic SCSI and VLB Mach32 (ATI) accelerated gfx. The machine > actually works with 32Mb of RAM, 1Gb SCSI HD and SCSI CD-ROM. The > interesting thing is, that I got Nextstep 3.1 for Intel with it for free > (complete with developer CD, but alas, no docs). > I thought about rebuilding this machine, and it works. NextStep boots, but > it doesn't find the mouse. Any ideas, parameters to pass to the kernel so it > looks at the right place ? > > The mouse is a logitech HiReZ mouse (busmouse with a special card) DOS finds > it and linux as well. Wow! Your machine is very similar to my own, especially in the part that counts: the Logitech Bus mouse. I had the same problem installing NS/i386 on my machine, and it took a LOT of guessing/digging/editing to get things working right. First of all, the bus mouse (at least mine) runs on IRQ2. But the EISABus driver in NS also requires IRQ2. I don't know why. The BusMouse driver will only detect the bus mouse at a couple of other IRQ's (I'm pretty sure one of them is 5; check NeXTAsnwers for details). If you can change the IRQ of the bus mouse, that's probably the easiest way to handle things. In my case, I couldn't. I tried changing the IRQ of BusMouse to 2 by manually editing the configuration file, but that doesn't work because the driver says IRQ2 is already in use. I thought I could remove the EISABus driver, since my system doesn't have such a bus (I think). Bus NS panicked without it. Then I tried reversing the order, so that BusMouse was loaded *before* EISABus -- and it worked! The only trick is that you're limited to what you can do with Configuration Manager after that. If you let Configuration Manager make changes to the system configuration, you *have* to go back and check the configuration files manually to ensure that BusMouse still loads before EISABus. Oh, yes: in order to make these changes, you have to start the system in single-user mode so that Window Manager doesn't start. This requires not only knowlegde of unix commands and the shell, but patience, because the Mach OS runs in a VGA window which does REALLY SLOW text scrolling! 'nuff said. In case you need them, here's a copy of my own configurations files; they should be placed in /private/Drivers/i386/. (Note: items within quotes are all on the same line; they can be very long.) --- BusMouse.config/Default.table --- "Title" = "Bus Mouse"; "Family" = "Pointing Device"; "Version" = "3.30"; "Location" = ""; "Instance" = "0"; "Driver Name" = "BusMouse"; "DMA Channels" = ""; "IRQ Levels" = "2 9"; "I/O Ports" = "0x23C-0x23F"; "Memory Maps" = ""; "Valid IRQ Levels" = "2 3 4 5 9"; "Inverted" = "No"; "Resolution" = "400"; "Server Name" = "BusMouse"; "Driver Version" = "PROGRAM:BusMouse PROJECT:kbdmicedrivers-16 DEVELOPER:root BUILT:NO DATE SET (-B used)"; --- BusMouse.config/Instance0.table --- "DMA Channels" = ""; "Memory Maps" = ""; "Inverted" = "No"; "Title" = "Bus Mouse"; "Version" = "3.30"; "Resolution" = "400"; "Valid IRQ Levels" = "2 3 4 5 9"; "Server Name" = "BusMouse"; "I/O Ports" = "0x23C-0x23F"; "Instance" = "0"; "Driver Version" = "PROGRAM:BusMouse PROJECT:kbdmicedrivers-16 DEVELOPER:root BUILT:NO DATE SET (-B used)"; "Driver Name" = "BusMouse"; "IRQ Levels" = "2 9"; "Family" = "Pointing Device"; "Location" = ""; --- EISABus.config/Default.table --- "Title" = "EISABus"; "Family" = "Bus"; "Class Names" = "EISAResourceDriver"; "Boot Driver" = "Yes"; "I/O Ports" = "0x00-0x0f 0x20-0x21 0x40-0x4b 0x70-0x71 0x81-0x8F 0x92-0x92 0xc0-0xcf"; "Valid IRQ Levels" = "2"; "IRQ Levels" = ""; "Version" = "3.30"; "Server Name" = "EISABus"; "Driver Version" = "PROGRAM:EISABus PROJECT:kernbus-13 DEVELOPER:root BUILT:NO DATE SET (-B used)"; --- System.config/Default.table --- /* Version of this file */ "Version" = "3.30"; /* Drivers to probe at boot time */ /* Bundles to load/probe later */ "Active Drivers" = "SerialMouse ParallelPort VGA"; /* Which kernel to load */ "Kernel" = "mach_kernel"; /* Other kernel flags */ "Kernel Flags" = ""; "Boot Graphics" = "Yes"; "Install Mode" = "No"; "APM" = "Yes"; "Boot Drivers" = "BusMouse PS2Keyboard Floppy SerialPorts EISABus Adaptec1542B"; "Language" = "English"; --- System.config/Instance0.table --- "Kernel Flags" = ""; "Boot Graphics" = "Yes"; "Version" = "3.30"; "Active Drivers" = "ParallelPort SerialPorts NE2000 SoundBlaster16 ATIMach32"; "APM" = "Yes"; "Instance" = "0"; "Install Mode" = "No"; "Kernel" = "mach_kernel"; "Language" = "English"; "Boot Drivers" = "BusMouse EISABus Floppy PS2Keyboard Adaptec1542B"; --------------------------------- Remember to edit the System.config/*.table files according to your own system, not mine! -- Trevin Beattie "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, *To*reply*to*this* for you are crunchy and good with ketchup." *message,*remove*the* --unknown *asterisks*from*my*email*address.*
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:53:06 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he8ps$> <> <> <> <> <> <> In article <>, Alexis Cousein <> wrote: >In short, nothing beats a well-designed application benchmark, with a >realistic working set, where you test every aspect of the system that's >important to you, and with the correct balance. Those are, and not by >coincidence, the benchmarks SGI SEs tend to like better than small synthetic >benchmarks, in my experience. I totally agree. I hate benchmarks because of all the little tricks you can use to distort the results. Ziff-davis makes a benchmark suite (for windoze only :(,) that actually loads appliocations from it's CD and performs common tasks. I would consider this to be a good test of the machine. Too bad we can't test it against anything and all the rest of thier benchmark programs are pure crap. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Rob Blessin <> Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec 2940 UW timeout the word from Apple Enterprise: Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 02:37:51 -0600 Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello NeXT / Apple Community: Christopher Hapka wrote: > > Mr. Blessin, > > I'm told that there is an updated driver in the works to correct problems > with the new Adaptec bios revisions. While we don't have a specific release > date for this driver yet, it is a very high priority and it should be out > within a few weeks. > > Thanks for your patience, > > Chris Hapka > Technical Support Engineer > Apple Enterprise Software Best Regards Rob Blessin
From: (Gerben Wierda) Newsgroups:, Subject: Replacing the internals of the original NeXT CD-Rom Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:51:46 GMT Organization: Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid Sender: news@AWT.NL Message-ID: <Es68uA.4B3@AWT.NL> My trusty (Sony) NeXT CD-ROM drive is single speed. A bit slow. I was wondering if it is a feasible project to replace the internals with a more up-to-date drive (faster, but with the audio etc). Has anybody done this? Yours, --- Gerben Wierda, Stafmedewerker Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid. Staff member Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy Javastraat 42, 2585 AP, Den Haag/The Hague, The Netherlands Tel (+31) 70 3639922 Fax (+31) 70 3608992 The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
From: "Ross Barker" <> Newsgroups: Subject: IBM PS2 Computers and Parts For Sale Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 19:08:27 -0700 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <6i8mib$> IBM PS/2 Computers and parts for sale: 2.88 & 1.44 Floppy drives...............$20 212, 245,100,80, MB SCSI Drives..$20-$50 Network adapters........................2/$20 XGA..............................................$20 XGA2............................................$30 8514/a...........................................$20 IrisVision Video card sets.............$150 External Floppy Drive Adapters......$20 360 K external Floppy Drives..........$20 ....Make Great External Drive boxes... 16 Bit SCSI Cards..........................$30 IBM, Kingston, Expansion cards.....$20 8 meg SIMMs, IBM/Kingston...........$35 All or part from 8530, 8535, 8540, 8556, 8557, 8570, 8580, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577, Wanted Any Unique Microchanel accessories Wanted 6091-023 Monitor Plus shipping & handling Inclusive some support Ross
From: (DQ.) Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.marketplace,comp.sys.hp.hardware,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,comp.sys.dec,comp.sys.hp.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.sun.wanted,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.terminals, Subject: FOR SALE: Unix/NT Workstations & parts.... Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 03:12:24 GMT Organization: MTS, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable USED WORKSTATION HARDWARE FOR SALE: We will accept the best reasonable offer on any of these systems!! Please visit our web site for contact information HTTP:// --------------------------------------- MAKE YOUR OFFER! We will accept the best reasonable offer on any of these systems!! Buyer must cover shipping expenses. --------------------------------------- Systems (Monitors not included unless specified) SGI Indy R4000 100Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS1=20 32MB RAM=20 1GB SCSI Disk=20 8bit Graphics=20 Audio Processor=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 5.3 loaded + CDs=20 =20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz WebForce Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS2=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manuals/CDs=20 =20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS3=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manual/CDs=20 =20 SGI Indy R4400 WebForce=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS4=20 128MB RAM=20 2GB SCSI Disk=20 24bit Graphics=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 6.2, Adobe PhotoShop & Illustrator=20 Cables/Manual=20 =20 SGI Personal IRIS=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSS5=20 Memory=20 Disk drives=20 Tape Drive=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 =20 SGI Iris Indigo R3k=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS6=20 16/32MB RAM=20 0.5/1GB SCSI Disk?=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 LG1 Graphics + Audio=20 IRIX 5.3 loaded=20 Cables=20 =20 NEC RISCstation 2200 R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS7=20 128MB RAM=20 CD-ROM + Floppy=20 1GB Disk=20 Windows NT 4.0 loaded=20 Graphics Accelerator=20 =20 HP 700RX Graphics X-Terminal=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS8=20 20" HP Monitor=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 Cables=20 EnWare Software=20 =20 Sun SPARCstation 1=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSS9=20 17" Sony monitor (broken case)=20 No memory=20 1GB disk=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 External disk unit=20 Cables=20 =20 NeTpower R4k MIPS Workstations=20 Condition: Good Qty: 2 Ref: FSS11=20 1GB SCSI Disks=20 CD-ROM + Floppy=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 Windows NT 4 (NTS 3.51 on other) loaded=20 =20 Digital DECstation 5000/200=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS10=20 DEC Expansion Unit (2 Disk Drives)=20 Keyboard (Missing DEC mouse)=20 Ultrix 4.3a loaded=20 Cables=20 --------------------------------------- Monitors SGI 20" RGB Monitors (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSM1=20 SGI 15" 13W3 Monitor (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM2=20 HP 20" RGB Monitor=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSM3=20 HP 19" Monitor (Coax/1 BNC)=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM4 --------------------------------------- =20 =20 Parts SGI 100Mbps GIO Ethernet Cards for Indy=20 Condition: New Qty: 6 Ref: FSP1=20 SGI Indy R4k CPU Board and Case=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP6=20 Missing Power supply.=20 SGI Indigo2 R4400 CPU Boards=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP2=20 SGI Indigo2 Motherboard=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSP3=20 SGI Indigo2 Power Supply=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP4=20 NetPower FASTseries MP R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 2 Ref: FSP5=20 Broken cases=20 Complete Motherboards and CPUs=20 =20 =20 --------------------------------------- =20 =20 =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D HTTP:// =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 23:55:11 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: OD Pinout Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services Does anyone know the pinout of the OD? More specifically, the orientation of pin 1? Is it upper left or upper right? Thanks in advance... Regards, Royce
From: DWells <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.wanted,comp.sys.mips,comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,comp.sys.newton.misc,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.pilot,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy,comp.sys.psion.marketplace,comp.sys.psion.misc,comp.sys.psion.programmer,comp.sys.sgi.admin,comp.sys.sgi.apps, Subject: EZ EZ MONEY, WHILE YOU WAIT... Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 08:35:09 -0400 Organization: Northeast Regional Data Center Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit .........For Your Ship To Come In!!!! This is simple, safe, and it really works! For $6 (US), 6 stamps, and about an hour of your time, you could earn a year's salary in a month. Sounds to good to be true, but just imagine. WHAT IF? A little while back, I was browsing these newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah, right, this must be a scam!" but like most of us, I was curious. Like most of us, I kept reading. Anyway, it said that if you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses stated in the article, you could make thousands in a very short period of time. You then place your own name and address at the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article to at least 200 newsgroups. (There are about 22,000.) or e-mail them to friends, or e-mailing lists... No catch, that was it. Even though the investment was a measly $6, I had three questions that needed to be answered before I could get involved in this sort of thing. 1. IS THIS REALLY LEGAL? I called a lawyer first. The lawyer was a little skeptical that I would actually make any money but he said it WAS LEGAL if I wanted to try it. I told him it sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate legal business. 2. Would the Post Office be OK with this...? I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See Title 18,h sections 1302 NS 1341 of Postal Lottery Laws). This clarifies the program of collecting names and addresses for a mailing list. 3. Is this moral? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has a good chance of getting A LOT of money ... a much better chance than buying a lottery ticket! So, having these questions answered, I invested EXACTLY $7.92 ... six $1.00 bills and six 32 cent postage stamps ... and boy am I glad I did! Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I still figured it would end soon, and didn't give it another thought. But the money just continued coming in. In my first week, I made about $20.00 to $30.00 dollars. By the end of the second week I had a made total of $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it was still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in..... It's certainly worth $6.00 and 6 stamps! So now I'm reposting this so I can make even more money! The *ONLY* thing stopping *ANYONE* from enriching their own bank account is pure laziness! It took me all of 5 MINUTES to print this out, follow the directions, and begin posting to newsgroups. It took me a mere 45 minutes to post to over 200 newsgroups. And for this GRAND TOTAL investment of $ 7.92 (US) and under ONE HOUR of my time, I have reaped an incredible amount of money -- like nothing I've ever even heard of anywhere before! 'Nuff said! Let me tell you how this works, and most importantly, why it works. Also, make sure you print a copy of this article now, so you can get the information off of it when you need it. The process is very simple and consists of THREE easy steps. ============ HOW IT WORKS ============ STEP 1: ------ Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper: PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST. $1 US DOLLAR PROCESSING FEE IS ENCLOSED. (THIS IS KEY AS THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT LEGAL SINCE YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND LATER OFFERING A SERVICE). Now get 6 $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent theft/robbery. Then, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase and an U.S. $1.00 bill. Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses: #1- Coveleski P.O. Box 803 Goshen, NY 10924 USA #2- Dixon G. 17811 S.W. 137th Court Miami, FL 33177 USA #3- Anders Roth Kuuvuorenkatu 1C 59 FIN-20540 TURKU FINLAND #4- Ron Cooper 177 Cochrane Cres. Ft. McMurray, Alta T9K 1H1 Canada #5- Bruce Pelletier P.O. Box 359 Gray, ME 04039 USA #6- D. Wells 18114 SE CR 234 Micanopy, FL. 32667 USA STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. (If you want to remain anonymous put a nickname, but the address MUST be correct. It, of course, MUST contain your country, state/district/area, zip code, etc! You wouldn't want your money to fly away, would you?). STEP 3: Now post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. Remember that 200 postings are just a guideline. The more you post, the more money you make! Don't know HOW to post in the news groups? Well do exactly the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS FAST WITH YOUR WEB BROWSER: The fastest way to post a newsletter: Highlight and COPY (Ctrl-C) the text of this posted message and PASTE (Ctrl-V) it into a plain text editor (as Wordpad) and save it. After you have made the necessary changes that are stated above, simply COPY (Ctrl-C) and PASTE (Ctrl-V) the text into the message composition window, after selecting a newsgroup, and post it! (Or you can attach the file, without writing anything to the message window.) ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 do the following: 1. Click on any newsgroup like normal, then click on 'TO NEWS'. This will bring up a box to type a message in. 2. Leave the newsgroup box like it is, change the subject box to something flashy, something to catch the eye, as "$$$ NEED CASH $$$? READ HERE! $! $! $" Or "$$$! MAKE FAST CASH, YOU CAN'T LOSE! $$$". Or you can use my subject title. 3. Now click on 'ATTACHMENTS'. Then click on 'ATTACH FILE'. Find your file on your Hard Disk (the one you saved from the text editor). Once you find it, click on it and then click 'OPEN' and 'OK'. You should now see your file name in the attachments box. 4. Now click on 'SEND'/'POST'. You see? Now you just have 199 to go! (Don't worry, it's easy and quick once you get used to it.) NOTE: All the versions of Netscape Navigator's are similar to each other, so you'll have no problem to do this if you don't have Netscape Navigator 3.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! QUICK TIP! (For Netscape Navigator 3.x and above) You can post this message to many newsgroups at a time, by simply selecting a newsgroup near the top of the screen, hold down the SHIFT, and then select a newsgroup near the bottom of the screen. All of the newsgroups in/between will be selected. After that, you follow the basic steps, stated below in this letter, except step #1. You can go to the page stated below in this letter and click on a newsgroup to open up the newsgroups window. Once you've done this, in the same window go to 'OPTIONS', and then mark 'SHOW ALL NEWSGROUPS' and 'SHOW ALL MESSAGES'. Now you can see all the newsgroups and you can apply easier the above tip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have MS Internet Explorer do the following: 1. Go to the newsgroups and press 'POST AN ARTICLE'. To the new window type your headline in the subject area and then click in the large window below. There either PASTE your letter (which it's been copied from the text editor), or attach the file which contains it. 2. Then click on 'SEND' or 'OK'. NOTE: All versions of MS Internet Explorer are similar to each other, so you won't have any problem doing this. GENERAL NOTES ON POSTING: A nice page where you'll find all the newsgroups if you want help is (When you go to the home page, click on the link 'Newsgroup Directory'). But I don't think you'll have any problem posting because it's very easy once you've found the newsgroups. All these web browsers are similar. It doesn't matter which one you have. (But it makes it very easy if you have Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later. You may download it from the Internet if you don't have it.) You just have to remember the basic steps, stated below. BASIC STEPS FOR POSTING: 1. Find a newsgroup and you click on it. 2. You click on 'POST AN/NEW ARTICLE' or 'TO NEWS' or anything else similar to these. 3. You type your flashy headline in the subject box. 4. Now, either you attach the file containing your amended letter, or you PASTE the letter. (You have to COPY it from the text editor, of course, from before.) 5. Finally, you click on 'SEND' or 'POST' or 'OK', whatever is there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT. ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Now the WHY part: ================= Out of 200 postings; say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! And as I said 5 responses is actually VERY LOW! Average are probable 20 to 30! So lets put those figures at just 15 responses per person. Here is what you will make: at #6 $15.00 at #5 $225.00 at #4 $3,375.00 at #3 $50,625.00 at #2 $759,375.00 at #1 $11,390,625.00 When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is, do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now! So can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. You just have to be honest. By the way, if you try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name in the list and not sending the money to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get as much. Someone I talked to knew someone who did that and he only made about $150.00, and that's after seven or eight weeks! Then he sent the 6 $1.00 bills, people added him to their lists, and in 4-5 weeks he had over $10k. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW, also. Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember that HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You don't need to cheat the basic idea to make the money! GOOD LUCK to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. Please remember to declare your extra income. Thanks once again... =========================================================== ========== LEGAL? ? ? (Comments from Bob Novak who started this new version.) "People have asked me if this is really legal. Well, it is! You are using the Internet to advertise your business. What is that business? You are assembling a mailing list of people who are interested in home based computer and online business and methods of generating income at home. Remember that people send you a small fee to be added to your mailing list. It is legal. What will you do with your list of thousands of names? Compile all of them into a database and sell them as "Mailing Lists" on the internet in a similar manner, if you wish, and make more money. How do you think you get all the junk mail that you do? Credit card companies, mail order, Utilities, anyone you deal with through the mail can sell your name and address on a mailing list, unless you ask them not to, in addition to there regular business, So, why not do the same with the list you collect. You can find more info about "Mailing Lists" on the internet using any search engine. ." So, build your mailing list, keep good accounts, declare the income and pay your taxes. By doing this you prove your business intentions. Keep an eye on the newsgroups and when the cash has stopped coming (that means your name is no longer on the list), you just take the latest posting at the newsgroups, send another $6.00 to the names stated on the list, make your corrections (put your name at #6) and start posting again. =========================================================== NOTES: *1. In some countries, the export of the country's exchange is illegal. But you can get the license to do this from the post office, explaining the above statements (that you have an online business, etc. You may have to pay an extra tax, but that's OK, the amount of the incoming money is HUGE! And as I said, a few countries have that restriction. *2. You may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future dollars. (Or Database or Spreadsheet software.) *3. If you're really not sure or still think this can't be for real, please print a copy of this article and pass it along to someone who really needs the money, and see what happens. *4. You should start getting responses within 1-2 weeks.
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.wanted,comp.sys.mips,comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,comp.sys.newton.misc,,,,,,,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.pilot,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy,comp.sys.psion.marketplace,comp.sys.psion.misc,comp.sys.psion.programmer,comp.sys.sgi.admin,comp.sys.sgi.apps, From: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> Subject: cmsg cancel <> Organization: Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 07:07:46 GMT Sender: DWells <> Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Nate Holloway <noone@illegal.domain> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 04:23:47 -0400 Organization: Fluidesign co. Message-ID: <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> <6i4see$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit PB Schechter said: > >runs real happy like. Point: I think that the question is not whether > >or not your machine needs it, but whether or not you want error > >correcting memory? And also, as you can tell from the fact the my > ^^^^^^^^^^^ > > Just a minor correction here: Parity RAM does *not* do error > correction. Single bit parity is capable of *detecting* a any odd > number of errors (but *not* any even number of errors), but cannot > *correct* errors at all. (If you want single bit error correction, > to detect 2 bit errors, and correct single bit errors, in a 64 bit > "word.") To the best of my knowledge, no NeXT machines were capable of > handling true error *correcting* memory.... But plain parity memory can be *USED* as ECC if it is wide enough, and it is, all the time. You just corral the 9th bit of each byte into the 7 bit ECC for the collective 64 bits of the memory area. It doesn't even have to be a 64-bit word per se, you can do this with different banks of memory with physical addresses leagues apart. Or if your memory is interleaved, you've taken care of this already. Since 4x9 memory in both banks of a Turbostation yields 72 bits across, it would be completely possible to do ECC on it. And the NeXTAnswers for the Turbo series does mention some 4% speed degradation or something when using parity RAM in all four slots. Am I alone in thinking this is a bizarre statement on its face? A simple parity check shouldn't take any extra latency no matter how many slots are filled. But *IF* you do ECC on those 72 bits, then the delay makes sense. Does that make sense? -- f l u i d e s i g n Nate Holloway, Technical director natedogg at fluidesign dot com
From: (David Andrew Knight) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:54:34 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> <6i6pp6$bll$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6i6pp6$bll$> mmalcolm crawford wrote: > In <> Jos Vermaseren wrote: > > > Adaptec card. It turns out that the two are different. One is revision > > 1.25 of the BIOS, the other 1.32. Normally one would expect the 1.32 then > > to be the one that works but this time you would have to guess again. > > [...] > > Does anybody have the 1.32 working and did they run into problems? > > We did try another 1.32 and it did exactly the same. Hence it does > > not look like the card is broken. > > Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? > > > No, sadly it doesn't work at all (at least we coundn't get our versions to > run). > We downgraded first to 1.25, then to 1.21, but to no avail. > > You can get a "patch" to downgrade by calling Adaptec technical support. > They will give you a password to allow you to download a file from their ftp > site or from a bulletin board. You then run a check utility on the PC, and > upload the "new" system through the PCI bus. But as I say, this didn't help > us. Hi, There appears to be two problems. The first is the known Adaptec 1.32BIOS / NEXT-OPENSTEP driver and the 2nd is Adaptec 1.32BIOS / certain motherboards. We have a number of motherboards here where the Adaptec 1.32BIOS will not not work with the NT or 95 drivers as well as the NEXT-OPENSTEP driver. -- Regards David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc | UK phone: 01702 426400 | Vendors of NS/OS 351 London Road | fax: 01702 551515 | MCCAs, Hardware Hadleigh | Int'l prefix: +44 1702 | Apps, Networks Essex | | ISDN, Training SS7 2BT | Email: | Maintenance England | (NeXTMail/MIME ok) | and Support
From: "Joseph K. Vossen" <> Newsgroups: Subject: problems with network interface on a cube Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 06:59:10 -0400 Organization: Internet and Systems Security Lab Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a cube running 3.3 that was networked using thin net (the BNC network connection). Recently, we have rewired the net so that we can use 10BaseT (twisted pair). I plugged my cube into the net using the twisted pair interface and rebooted; the kernel said that the computer was not connected to the network. I know the cables/jacks/patch panel are ok since other computers (win95/winnt/os2) work fine. I assumed that the connection type was detected automatically at boot time, but the twisted pair interface just doesn't seem to work. Is there some configuration mumble-jumble that I need to go through or is the network interface on my cube broken? I could use a hub to connect my cube to the net, going from thin net to twisted pair, but I would like to avoid that. thanks for any help
From: Peter Brauer <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Printer Question - Very basic Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 09:13:37 -0700 Organization: Duke University, Durham, NC, USA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This may be stupid question, but I have a NeXT 400 Laser Printer that I would like to connect to my pc (Dell OptiPlex GXa) which is running NT 4.0. Is there any way to do this? Thanks! Peter Brauer
Newsgroups:, From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Replacing the internals of the original NeXT CD-Rom Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <Es68uA.4B3@AWT.NL> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 13:47:54 GMT In article <Es68uA.4B3@AWT.NL>, Gerben Wierda <> wrote: >My trusty (Sony) NeXT CD-ROM drive is single speed. A bit slow. I was >wondering if it is a feasible project to replace the internals with a more >up-to-date drive (faster, but with the audio etc). Has anybody done this? > >Yours, > I've replaced the original one with another SONY of different model, but still the same speed. You will have to find the right drive that comes with the same faceplate. You'll then have to remove the old faceplate and put on the new one. This is the hard part. Or you can keep the new faceplate and either find the black one, or paint the white one.
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Printer Question - Very basic Date: 30 Apr 1998 16:30:20 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ia8us$k0g$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Peter Brauer wrote: > This may be stupid question, but I have a NeXT 400 Laser Printer that I > would like to connect to my pc (Dell OptiPlex GXa) which is running NT > 4.0. Is there any way to do this? Nope. It's just an engine, the computer (NeXT) does all the rendering TjL -- [Yes that is a valid mail address, until it gets spammed] Unofficial @Home FAQ: NeXTStep/OpenStep/Rhapsody Information & Software:
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Replacing the internals of the original NeXT CD-Rom Followup-To:, Date: 30 Apr 1998 12:50:40 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6iaa50$e03$> References: <Es68uA.4B3@AWT.NL> I've used an external Apple CD-ROM drive with my NeXTStation, it worked fine. Dunno about internals though. Gerben Wierda ( wrote: : My trusty (Sony) NeXT CD-ROM drive is single speed. A bit slow. I was : wondering if it is a feasible project to replace the internals with a more : up-to-date drive (faster, but with the audio etc). Has anybody done this? : Yours, : --- : Gerben Wierda, : Stafmedewerker Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid. : Staff member Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy : Javastraat 42, 2585 AP, Den Haag/The Hague, The Netherlands : Tel (+31) 70 3639922 Fax (+31) 70 3608992 : : The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: yumi8 <> Newsgroups: Subject: I am new to NEXTSTEP, and I have a couple small questions Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 13:12:07 -0400 Organization: Ball State University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I just got a CDROm with Nextstep 3.2 and the Boot diskette, for the Intel CPU's. Therefore I tried to install it only to be disappointed by the number of problems I was faced. First the Boot diskette contained an old version of the Adaptec1542B driver, so I finally managed to get the updated driver on the Additional Drivers disk from Next. Finally I was able to boot and go into the disk partitioning part, where I partitioned my SCSI hard drive and then was asked to reboot (for the FIRST time( Now more problems: According to the manual when the reboot occurs Nextstep should ask me to re-insert the "Additional Drivers" diskette(s) ... which it does not! Therefore without the new Adaptec1542B driver it hangs. I got around that by using the advanced boot: prompt ... forcing it to boot of the original floppy again yet having as rootdev=sd0a (why did this happen, any ideas?) Anyways, so I go to the next part where it boots from the SCSI hard disk and starts copying files, until it gets me to the very first graphical screen, the System Configuration screen... Guess what now? No mouse driver.... Manual said to have a mouse at Com0, IRQ4, 0x3F8 ..and start clicking to setup my hardware.. Welll where is it? I finally was able to get into the single user mode, mount the Boot Floppy, only to realize that the Boot Floppy has the PS2Mouse.config driver on it!!!!!!! At this point I am lost completely. since the manual says that it should have the SerialMouse.config driver on it! .. Any ideas? What can I do? Even the next website's Boot disk floppy image contains the stupid PS2Mouse driver.. Finally one question I had: how can I mount a DOS floppy under single user mode? I don't have a network connection on this machine right now, and I have to resort to this, which is fine by me, assuming I can do it =) Ohhh.. one more thing: the driver packages that are name .pkg (and even the .compressed which I was able to uncompress under Linux if I rename them to .tgz or .tar.gz since that's what they really are), how can I place those on floppy disk under the DOS OS, or the Linux OS ?? [since my Nextstep is not working as of now] Please help me out if you have the knowledge. I have been on this machine over 16hours straight because I really want to get his OS working.. It looks really neat and powerful, but the installation for the Intel's seems to be lacking user friendlyness (why not have a few more bootdisks etc etc) Thanks in advance! please respond to: thanks
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 30 Apr 1998 17:00:05 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6iaaml$dve$> References: <6i4utd$> <> (David Evans) wrote: > No, the seller's right on. Colour slabs have eight 72-pin SIMM sockets that >can take up to 4MB SIMMs (giving you 32MB max). Mono slabs and non-Turbo >cubes have the 30-pin sockets. To be precise, all Turbo slabs (25MHz and 33MHz) have four 72-pin memory sockets, regardless of color or mono. Non-Turbo slabs (are of which all 25MHz) have eight sockets, 30-pin for mono and 72-pin for color (I think). 030 and non-Turbo 040 cubes take 16 30-pin memory, and Turbo cubes (25MHz and 33MHz) take four 72-pin memory. >Turbo machines use the Turbo chipset(!) and there are some 25MHz mono slabs >that use it, too. AFAIK no 25MHz colour slabs used it. Actually 25MHz Turbo color slabs do exist, at least on paper (from "NeXT Hardware Service Manual"). - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
Message-ID: <> From: Matt Jurcich <> Organization: Invisix MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware To: cal <> Subject: Re: Fast CPU? References: <6he10k$87i$> <6he6n9$g1m$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 19:01:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 14:01:45 CDT Didn't Digital announce a 1GHz Alpha chip done in the lab? cal wrote: > > Aren't Alphas are now over 700MHz? > > MegaLynx wrote in message <6he10k$87i$>... > >Anyone out there know the fastest ever Central Processing Unit? So far it > >seams to be 333 mhz. Any "Faster CPU" rumors heard of? > > > >
From: (David Young) Newsgroups: Subject: CDROMs which fit the NeXT cube OD slot? Date: 30 Apr 1998 18:12:00 GMT Organization: 21st Century Software, New York City Message-ID: <6iaetg$phh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Are there any CDROMs (tray style) which will fit in the NeXT cube's optical slot? I have a turbo cube with an older case, so I have a useless OD slot here. I figured I could plane the little snaps off the slot "cover" and affix it to the front of a tray-style CDROM for a cool setup. Has anyone done anything like this? Dave -- :: d a v i d y o u n g ::::: smtp http ::
From: (Stephen E. Halpin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone problems with Adaptec 2940UW revision 1.32? Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 19:25:14 GMT Organization: UltraNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> On 28 Apr 98 16:28:31 GMT, (Jos Vermaseren) wrote: >Hi > >We just bought two nice computers with PII-300 chips for installation >with NeXTstep 3.3 (or 4.2 if that can still be bought. we ordered it >but the importer has vanished). Matrox-Milennium-II, SCSI disk, >SCSI-CD-ROM etc. The works. With Adaptec 2940UW. >On one computer installation went as well as you would want it. The other >gave nothing but problems. It refuses to install, does not see the disk >properly, sometimes does not see the CD-ROM, gives lots of resets on >the SCSI bus etc. After lots of trying we reduced this to the >Adaptec card. It turns out that the two are different. One is revision >1.25 of the BIOS, the other 1.32. Normally one would expect the 1.32 then >to be the one that works but this time you would have to guess again. >If we exchange the cards the computer that first did not work installs >properly. Both machines have the SCSI id of the disk at 1 and of the >CD-ROM at 4. Windows installs properly with the 1.32 but for that we could >have bought a cheaper machine. Do we have here a problem with the >driver (I have the latest version 3.37, because I still have NS3.3) or >just a new bug in the 1.32 BIOS that does not matter for Windows? >Does anybody have the 1.32 working and did they run into problems? >We did try another 1.32 and it did exactly the same. Hence it does >not look like the card is broken. >Do I have to go to the fleamarkets now to find a 1.25 BIOS? Which version of the NeXTstep Adaptec drivers were you using? The last time I confronted this, the drivers which shipped on the NeXTstep 3.3 Installation CD would not work with Adaptec BIOS versions of 1.20 and above, and they had an upgraded driver which seemed to require a running version of NeXTstep to extract into a usable form. With those drivers I could install NeXTstep 3.3 with BIOS version 1.23 without problems. Of course, I had to move it back to my older machine as the whole family of current Matrox drivers are deathly incompatable with my Millenium. >Jos Vermaseren -Steve
From: "Joerg Spix" <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 21:51:41 +0200 Organization: C. v. Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg - Fachbereich Informatik Message-ID: <6iakkl$ma1@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> References: <6i08k3$sko$> <> <6i6qe3$bll$> <> David Evans <> wrote: Hi there, > In article <6i6qe3$bll$>, mmalcolm crawford > <> wrote: >ISPW: IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation -- > shame on you David! :-) > > Ahhh, yes. The original platform for MAX. Yes, shame on me. As if I > could ever afford one. Put a cube in your basement, in around five years the ISPWs are no longer used I assume. (Perhaps earlier.) But then, you don't want to use them anymore, I'm afraid. > >Two lovely i860s and an extra 56k... and up to three of those beasties in > >one machine... > > > > I don't know much about this machine's guts; does the MusicKit know how > to use the extra 56ks? Naturally it would have no idea how to talk to the > i860s. I imagine that this board would give the Ariel one a run for its > money, though. There is no longer a need for the ISPW. You can do things on a PowerMac with Max and MSP (by David Ziccarelli). Have a look at A long time I was thinking to buy a cube. Now I'm happy that I decided to get a Colour Turbo. Nothing else than MAX-FTS (except undocumented and unsupported software from IRCAM, as I know) can make use of the ISPW. The MusicKit doesn't know the card. The 56K-DSP only does digital audio I/O there. Even the MIDI runs on the I860 which is bad, because the I860 is so slow in serving interupts. Joerg -- (
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: 30 Apr 1998 22:22:37 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6iatjd$> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> <6i4see$> <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain>, Nate Holloway <> wrote: >PB Schechter said: >> >runs real happy like. Point: I think that the question is not whether >> >or not your machine needs it, but whether or not you want error >> >correcting memory? And also, as you can tell from the fact the my >> ^^^^^^^^^^^ >> >> Just a minor correction here: Parity RAM does *not* do error >> correction. Single bit parity is capable of *detecting* a any odd >> number of errors (but *not* any even number of errors), but cannot >> *correct* errors at all. (If you want single bit error correction, >> to detect 2 bit errors, and correct single bit errors, in a 64 bit >> "word.") To the best of my knowledge, no NeXT machines were capable of >> handling true error *correcting* memory.... > >But plain parity memory can be *USED* as ECC if it is wide enough, and >it is, all the time. You just corral the 9th bit of each byte into the 7 >bit ECC for the collective 64 bits of the memory area. It doesn't even >have to be a 64-bit word per se, you can do this with different banks of >memory with physical addresses leagues apart. Or if your memory is >interleaved, you've taken care of this already. > >Since 4x9 memory in both banks of a Turbostation yields 72 bits across, >it would be completely possible to do ECC on it. And the NeXTAnswers for >the Turbo series does mention some 4% speed degradation or something >when using parity RAM in all four slots. Am I alone in thinking this is >a bizarre statement on its face? A simple parity check shouldn't take >any extra latency no matter how many slots are filled. But *IF* you do >ECC on those 72 bits, then the delay makes sense. > >Does that make sense? > It makes sense, but I think that you are wrong, if you are speculating that NeXTs do error correction. The reason there is a delay only when all slots have parity memory is that the NeXT only does parity checking if *all* SIMMs are parity SIMMs. If some are parity and some are *not* parity, then it doesn't do parity checking on only the parity SIMMs. (I state this confidently because I have occasionally mixed parity and non-parity SIMMs in my NeXTs, and the ROM monitor always warns me that, if I want parity checking enabled, I need to use parity memory in all slots.) I assume that you are not quibbling with the 4% speed degradation for checking parity--right? I have no idea how much extra time it (checking parity) should take, but it certainly should take *some* extra time. After all, the bits need to be added, and the sum needs to be compared with the parity bit.... PB Schechter
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: CDROMs which fit the NeXT cube OD slot? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <6iaetg$phh$> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 22:26:03 GMT In article <6iaetg$phh$>, David Young <> wrote: > >Are there any CDROMs (tray style) which will fit in the NeXT cube's optical >slot? I have a turbo cube with an older case, so I have a useless OD slot >here. I figured I could plane the little snaps off the slot "cover" and >affix it to the front of a tray-style CDROM for a cool setup. > >Has anyone done anything like this? > >Dave > Somebody (Mr. Evans?) told me that he modified the cube faceplate and placed an internal CD-ROM in the cube. It seems a lot of work to me. I guess you do not want to risk damaging your cube faceplace if you do not have an extra sitting around.
From: "heisenberg" <> Subject: Hardware for 3.2 Newsgroups: Organization: Bonsia Development Group Message-ID: <01bd749c$03327300$ef2537a6@default> Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 00:58:35 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 20:58:35 EDT Hello, Newbie here. Long and short of it: I would LOVE to find a way to install 3.2 on one of the systems at my disposal, OR spend a moderate amoung < $500 for a system that I could load 3.2 on. I got my hands on a free copy of NeXTStep Developer 3.2 . Unfortunately I have been unable to install it on any of the machines at my disposal. At home I have a Screwdriver shop Cyrix Machine, Matsonic Motherboard, etc. For work I have a IBM Thinkpad 760 EL. My folks have a Gateway Pentium 75 mhz. My understanding is that the reason I have been unable to load 3.2 on any of them is the PCI architecture of all these machines. Am I wrong that 3.2 does not support PCI. I downloaded the 3.2 raw_write floppies from NeXTAnswers for extra 3.2 drivers, and even the 3.3 drivers (which were not recognized by the 3.2 installation process) but there did not seem to be any 3.2 PCI drivers. Much thanks, B. McKeough Chicago, IL.
From: (JWL) --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: 1 May 1998 02:57:27 GMT Organization: IDT Message-ID: <6ibdmn$> References: <> <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ryan Woodsmall wrote: > Thanks - the thing is that I only have 4 Meg, and the driver itself > is finding 8Meg! It would be nice to have 8Meg, but I just don't. > So, thanks to everyone for the help. Can anyone recommend a good > PCI video card? Thanks. =) > > Ryan, I was very careful before buying my video card. I knew I wanted to run NeXT/OS, but I wanted to get the best video, i could get my hands on at the time. It seems that Apple/NeXT is hooked on ATI video cards. Not only is it in some of the Apple Hardware, it seems to be well supported on the Intel front. I am personally using a Matrox Millenium II (PCI) 8 megs video Ram and it serves me very well. I don't do much 3D so, I don't take to much about that right now. It has awesome speed running WINNT and has excellent speed running OS/4.2. Revolution (PCI) is also supported and I heard, only good things. Note: Apple does have a AGP driver for the Matrox. Good luck. Jay Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTmail & MIME OK
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 1 May 1998 04:11:25 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ibi1d$6k0$> References: <6i4utd$> <> <6iaaml$dve$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6iaaml$dve$> wrote: > (David Evans) wrote: > > No, the seller's right on. Colour slabs have eight 72-pin SIMM sockets that > >can take up to 4MB SIMMs (giving you 32MB max). Mono slabs and non-Turbo > >cubes have the 30-pin sockets. > > To be precise, all Turbo slabs (25MHz and 33MHz) have four 72-pin memory > sockets, regardless of color or mono. Non-Turbo slabs (are of which all > 25MHz) have eight sockets, 30-pin for mono and 72-pin for color (I think). > 030 and non-Turbo 040 cubes take 16 30-pin memory, and Turbo cubes (25MHz and > 33MHz) take four 72-pin memory. I'm rather sure I had in my hands once a 25Mhz slab that had 4 72pin slots not 8. I figured it was one with a turbo motherboard but with 25mhz 040 on it. I may be wrong and it may have had 8 slots. But I'm rather sure it had 4. That was quite a while ago. Maybe we can get Mike P. or someone else in hardware to clear this one up.. > >Turbo machines use the Turbo chipset(!) and there are some 25MHz mono slabs > >that use it, too. AFAIK no 25MHz colour slabs used it. This would further the possibility of a 4 slot 25Mhz (turbo chipset) Mono Station that I may have had in my hands.. If I remember right it also had the power on feature enabled in Preferences (but this would be available on any Turbo Motherboard).. > Actually 25MHz Turbo color slabs do exist, at least on paper (from "NeXT > Hardware Service Manual"). I take it you have a copy of the NeXT Hardware Service Manual?? If so what is the part # on it, and do you have a spare to trade/sell ;) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Stephen Peters <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Print server for HP deskjet Date: 30 Apr 1998 12:36:09 -0400 Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology Sender: portnoy@crispy-critters Message-ID: <> References: <01bd7195$716d5ba0$a1331ed1@default> "Klaus Kunze" <> writes: > Does anybody have successfully tried connecting a HP deskjet via a Print > Server like Intel Netport Express or HP Direct to a NeXT computer? > How? I just recently added a HP LaserJet 4000 with JetDirect to my network. It was, frankly, really simple. The hardest part was getting a driver for the printer to the NeXT. Of course, I was already working on an Ethernet network at home (see below). > Also, is it straightforward to connect a PC (with an ethernet card) > as a client to an existing NeXT network.Do I need a separate > ethernet hub? My home net currently consists of a NeXT box, two Intel PCs, and a printer, with an occasional Newton or laptop connecting in as well. Early on I got a small hub and just attached all the boxes to that -- easy as pie. Send me mail if you want more info. -- Stephen L. Peters PGP fingerprint: BFA4 D0CF 8925 08AE 0CA5 CCDD 343D 6AC6 "Poodle: The other white meat." -- Sherman, Sherman's Lagoon
From: (Herschel M. Brown) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP WITH RAM SPEEDS Date: 1 May 1998 05:15:35 GMT Organization: UO Message-ID: <> Hello NeXT fans Here is my question. I have 4 16 megs Simms, each at 60ns, can I use these? My friends says that I should use 70ns Simms, as they will make the machine run better, but isn't 60ns faster. Does faster equal better in this case. Thanks for any insite, and second opinions. Herschel
From: Newsgroups: Subject: ND video overlay? Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 01:46:44 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ibr4k$80a$> Hello, I've heard of the NeXT Dimension being capable of bitmap overlays over the video IN signal. Is it possible to do that and record the output back over the video OUT signal? If not, what manipulation of the video OUT signal is possible?? Is video OUT just basically a nice way to get composite NTSC output from the cube? Also wondering as to the availability of SW/utilities that take advantage of the Dimension board in general. All responses very gratefully accepted... :) Thanks, Eugene -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Ryan Woodsmall <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: S3 Drivers and NeXTStep 3.3 Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 07:22:41 +0000 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <> References: <> <01bd720e$8cc262a0$07ac2ac0@amd133> <> <6ibdmn$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gracais. I'm probably gonna get a new video card in the next couple of weeks, and I was considering an ATI RageII/3D, which I was told was supported. But, of course, so is my S3, so I just don't know. I'll keep you informed of my plight =) -- Ryan Woodsmall [] or [] "I assure you, I am not 'f'ed up on goofballs' " Ned Flanders
From: Max Waterman <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 22:54:42 -0700 Organization: SGI Message-ID: <> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Ulrich Ruede <ruede@lagos.Math.Uni-Augsburg.DE> From isdn-gosh 11% wc -l top500.list.txt 217 top500.list.txt isdn-gosh 12% grep -i t3e top500.list.txt | wc -l 46 isdn-gosh 13% grep -i origin top500.list.txt | wc -l 102 Total SGI's in top 500 = 217 % of SGI's that are t3e's = 21% % of SGI's that are origin = 47% % other SGI's = 32% So, unless I'm missing something, the statement you made below is not true, and not true by a long way. Max. Ulrich Ruede wrote: > True in some sense. But I'd still find it interesting to see SPECfp > values for the Alpha as used in the SGI/CRAY T3E. SGI is so proud of > its large share of the the Top 500 list, but usually without saying > that the larger portion of this is due to the T3Es from their Cray > subdivison and thus based on Alpha chips. -- Max Waterman. [use of information in this message is at your own risk]
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Pulling DAT audio from DAT drive Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 02:26:59 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ibtgc$apj$> Hi I have seen software that pulls the digital audio stream from audio CDs, wondering if that would be adaptable (or if someone has already done this) to pull audio streams off of DAT. Remember hearing issues about some DAT drives automatically rejecting audio DATs (seemed to be a firmware issue), what's the scoop on that? Has anyone successfully done this? Thanks, Eugene -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: porting OpenBSD or Linux to NeXT hardware Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6fremk$iq0$> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980401100315.16312H-100000@luomat> <> <> <6gdia7$2ls$> <> <6gll0u$7j4$> In-reply-to: Charles Swiger's message of 10 Apr 1998 17:31:10 GMT Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:01 -0500 In article <6gll0u$7j4$>, Charles Swiger <> writes: Eric Ulmer <> wrote: > Charles Swiger wrote: [ ... ] >> Such a machine would server as a NAT or proxy server, true. >> >> But it wouldn't accomplish much as a firewall-- the whole point >> of multihoming a firewall box is to actually segregate network >> traffic between external and internal network segments. > > But It could be a firewall. You're internal network would be > connected on the same wire, but a different subnet. Your access > router wont publish that internal IP network unless you configure > an interface on it which resides in your internal network. :-) > Hence, making your NeXT box your "gateway" to your internal > network. Part of the definition of a firewall is that it seperates traffic between two domains. If your external subnet is carrying internal traffic, that traffic will be visible to the outside world if someone breaks into a machine on the external subnet. The whole point is to prevent an intrusion into the exterior network from gaining access to the machines (and their traffic) behind the firewall. Let's put it this way - if the NeXT can coexist on two subnets simultaneously, so can any other machine on the net. Therefore, it could be much easier to create new routes which bypass the gateway. Even if you turn the gateway off, internal and external machines can still potentially see each other. Just because they _choose_ not to see each other isn't sufficient. With a firewall, there is a single choke-point. The internal machines could still connect out to an external machine and run a redirection protocol over that connection, but even then you can't connect except by going through the firewall. If the firewall is turned off, the internal net and the external net are no longer connected. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: Matrox Millennium II - 8 or 16 Mb? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 13 Apr 1998 12:21:58 GMT Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:04 -0500 In article <>, writes: Some questions about the Matrox Millennium II: - I want a (still to buy) monitor to run in 1920 * 1200, 16 bit color mode. What are the gains of using 16 Mb instead of 8 Mb memory on the Matrox? None. That res is only slightly more than will fit in 4M of memory. Also, unless you're buying a >21" monitor, I'd strongly consider whether you really want to go with that high of a resolution. My ViewSonic 17PS and Millenium II can do 1600x1200, and it's clear as a bell - but everything is really too small to be usable. I find that 1152x864 is just about right for 17". 1280x1024 is about the same DPI for 19". 1400x1200 is a bit tight for 21". 1920x1200 will also have some distortion due to narrow pixels, unless you're getting a 16:9 display (HDTV dimensions, as opposed to the standard 4:3). -With 16 Mb, will it use the 3D capabilities of the adaptor, or is this not supported by the Openstep 4.2 driver? No 3D capabilities. -NextAnswers tell me that the Millennium AGP is supported. Does the driver really make use of all of the AGP advantages? There aren't really any AGP advantages for a Millenium II. It _might_ be slightly faster, but that would probably be due to less bus contention rather than faster communications speeds. Most "advantages" of AGP cards right now are related more to being able to make a cheaper card (by moving texture and other memory into the computer's main memory), rather than any actual speedup. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI cards for OpenStep? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6ho71f$a6r$> In-reply-to:'s message of 23 Apr 1998 20:07:11 GMT Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:07 -0500 In article <6ho71f$a6r$>, (Chris Saldanha) writes: Does anyone have any suggestions for good PCI SCSI cards under OpenStep/Mach on Intel? I've recently discovered that the Adaptec 7880/2940 have BIOS'es that have been rev'ed beyond compatibility, the BusLogic 958 doesn't work anymore, and the Symbios cards that I used (PC-SC200 with the BIOS on ASUS motherboards) don't work on Pentium II boards. Probably depends on which board. I doubt it's a P-II problem, as Asus P-II boards continue to list Symbios SCSI BIOS as a feature... That said, the solution is to get a Symbios based card _with_ a SCSI BIOS. Look for the 825 or 815 chip, rather than the 810 or 820. Lamentably, NS/OS doesn't appear to support the Symbios 875 SCSI chip, which does ultra/wide. Sad, because that card is now priced around $120, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Atlas internal for classic slab? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to: Jeff Sciortino's message of Fri, 24 Apr 1998 19:46:20 -0400 Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:17 -0500 In article <>, Jeff Sciortino <> writes: I'm buying a new drive for my (25MHz) NeXTstation mono. I found a good price on a quantum Atlas ($200), but I'm worried that it will run too hot since int is a 7200 rpm drive, and I will have reliability problems with my slab. I have a pair of Atlas 2Gig's in my mid-tower system, and I worry about overheating. They are pretty hot (I determine "hot" by whether I can lay my hand on the operating drive and leave it there without flinching. These are generally hot enough that I don't want to leave my hand on them. Compare that to a Seagate Hawk 2XL, which is only warm to the touch, or an IBM UltraStar 2ES, which is darn near cool). Besides, there's _no_ way your NeXTstation can make good use of that drive. You'd be better off with a somewhat lower performance drive - and might save some money in the bargain. A year ago I picked up a used Hawk 2XL ST32155N for $250 - recently I picked up a used ST32151N (fast SCSI, not ultra) for only $80. It works nicely indeed in my NeXTstation... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse restoration (How I solved a flaky ADB mouse) Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6i1odf$451$> <6i36os$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 28 Apr 1998 02:11:54 GMT Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:29 -0500 In article <>, (David Evans) writes: In article <6i36os$>, Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> wrote: >Mice are just plain gross, like my wierd non-adb mouse, where the >rubber "gasket" around the edge slowly disintegrates due to hand >contact really gets my stomach a churnin'. Actually, this "gasket" is really odd. I have two NeXT machines and have used many others. All of them have shown this deterioration *except* for the mouse on my cube. It's older than all the others (it's an upgraded '030) but is super-resiliant. I wonder why. I've always written it off to environmental factors. I've worn out the switches on two mice, but never had the grody gasket problem. I recently swiped a replacement mouse from a client who wasn't making good use of it, and the first thing I did was swap gaskets, his was _horrid_. Perhaps it's something to do with people who eat at their workstation, or have clammy hands, or who neglect to hold the mouse "like an injured bird", -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Atlas internal for classic slab? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6i2in3$oan$> In-reply-to:'s message of 27 Apr 1998 18:27:47 GMT Date: 1 May 1998 04:12:33 -0500 In article <6i2in3$oan$>, (Carl Lowenstein) writes: In <> Jeff Sciortino wrote: | I'm buying a new drive for my (25MHz) NeXTstation mono. | | I found a good price on a quantum Atlas ($200), but I'm worried | that it will run too hot since int is a 7200 rpm drive, and I | will have reliability problems with my slab. What really matters is how much power the drive uses. Going back in history, I found that the Seagate ST1480N drives that commonly came with NeXT slabs had 400MB of storage, were the full height 3.5-inch form factor, and had a power consumption of 9 watts idle, 15 watts maximum. Compare this with the Quantum Atlas II. 4.5GB of storage, reduced-height 3.5-inch, power consumption of 7.6 watts idle, 11 watts maximum. I've noticed this (that the current "hot" drives actually spec as not so hot), but I suspect there is something else involved. I _have_ a pair of Atlas drives, and though I don't have a 1480 on-hand, I had one, and the Atlas drives definitely seem hotter. It may be entirely because they're more compact. That said, the ST1480 was still pretty hot. Since a NeXTstation isn't going to take advantage of a faster drive, I'd concentrate on getting a cooler drive. Seems to me that all things are in favor of the Quantum. It uses less power and will have better air flow over it due to the reduced height. The only thing you may notice is an increased noise level. There don't seem to be acoustic output spec's for the older drives. That's another important point. The Atlas is not a quiet drive. When I got mine, they were about $20 cheaper than the IBM UltraStar 2ES, and I elected to go with their somewhat higher speed. Ever since, a little voice periodically suggests that I should have spent the extra money and got the very slightly slower - and quite a bit quieter drive. Mine are installed in a mid-tower, across the room, and they still annoy me somewhat. NeXTstations have their own odd acoustical properties, which sometimes convert a bearable drive into an unbearable drive. I'll repeat my mantra: The Seagate Hawk 2XL ST32155N or ST32151N is an _excellent_ drive for a NeXTstation. The IBM UltraStar 2ES is even quieter than the Hawk. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 29 Apr 98 13:26:38 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <>
From: "Marcus Siemens" <> Newsgroups: Subject: S/PDIF in w/ DSP port? Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 12:58:34 +0200 Organization: Customer of UUNET Germany; Info: Message-ID: <6ic9u6$2no$> References: <> Yes it should work. As some companys do. You found a collection of solutions on
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Memory that just works? Date: 1 May 1998 07:34:31 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6icmhn$> References: <6gud8c$8v6$> <> <6h3g2a$dns$> <igor-2104982142310001@> >> >> > Another question: Is it possible to use 60ns chips? >> > >But NeXT hardware is different. Your average PC doesn't care if your >memory is 70 or 60 ns...for what I recall NeXT hardware -is- sensitive to >faster RAM, but speed gain is little. Only the 33Mhz boards are sensitive to memory. The 25Mhz boards run at 100ns no matter what's inside. Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Netwroking a NeXTStation? Date: 1 May 1998 07:48:16 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6icnbg$> References: <> <6hlnn8$> <6hlosr$ptt$> > >Does anyone know where I can get docs on how to hook up a modem to my DSP? >My modem is a 33.6 and I don't think I'm getting as much throughput as I >should. TTYDSP will do it. It is no longer commercially available but might be found on c.s.n.m. TTYDSP works fine downloading software at 56k, but won't support ppp at speeds greater than 38400 unless you purchase and use MorningStar PPP rather than the public domain variants. (I haven't actually used MorningStar PPP but it is supposed to support TTYDSP.) Emmett
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP WITH RAM SPEEDS Date: 1 May 1998 15:29:05 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6icpo1$l9i$> References: <> (Herschel M. Brown) wrote: >I have 4 16 megs Simms, each at 60ns, can I use >these? My friends says that I should use 70ns Simms, as they will make the >machine run better, but isn't 60ns faster. Turbo NeXT hardware clocks the RAM at 70ns if it detects the RAM can handled that (i.e. that includes 60ns RAM) or 100ns if not. In some cases if the RAM doesn't identify itself properly then it gets clocked at 100ns - this has been reoported on rare occasions with users who bought generic 60ns RAM. 60ns RAM should work and will make your computer a bit faster than 100ns. Try it out and see. When you boot up in verbose mode it'll tell you what RAM speed was detected. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ND video overlay? Date: 1 May 1998 15:20:37 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6icp85$l9i$> References: <6ibr4k$80a$> wrote: >I've heard of the NeXT Dimension being capable of bitmap overlays over the >video IN signal. Is it possible to do that and record the output back over >the video OUT signal? Yes. >Also wondering as to the availability of SW/utilities that take advantage of >the Dimension board in general. A few bundled demos like NeXTtx and Screenscape, and a few shareware utilities like Capture, DVR and NDCamera. I'm sure there probably a few more. I'm not aware of any real hardcore NeXTdimension apps though... :-( - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers, Followup-To: From: Russell Schulz <Russell_Schulz@locutus.ofB.ORG> Subject: Re: NEXT computer question (error 65 when booting) Message-ID: <19980501.142328.0p4.rnr.w164w_-_@locutus.ofB.ORG> Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 14:23:28 +0100 References: <> <> Organization: Private System, London SW19, UK MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: rnr/2.40 > Rick Paulos <> wrote: > >> I just got a used next computer that gives me error code of 65 when >> booting up. It then goes to the ROM Monitor screen. Any suggestions on >> what is wrong? I've redirected to -- please, people, don't mail ME about the solution, mail RICK. thanks. >> Is there a Next News group? I couldn't find one. where on earth did you look that couldn't find all of them? -- Russell_Schulz@locutus.ofB.ORG Shad 86c
From: (David Herren) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CDROMs which fit the NeXT cube OD slot? Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 14:42:19 -0400 Organization: Center for Educational Technology Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <6iaetg$phh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-ID: <>,UseNet writes: >Are there any CDROMs (tray style) which will fit in the NeXT cube's optical >slot? I have a turbo cube with an older case, so I have a useless OD slot >here. I figured I could plane the little snaps off the slot "cover" and >affix it to the front of a tray-style CDROM for a cool setup. >Has anyone done anything like this? I've got just such a cube. Unfortunately you'll have to expand the opening a bit more than the optical drive used for any of the tray style CD-ROMs that I am aware of, but the metal is pretty soft and it's easy to do. In my case, the CD-ROM came out of a mac and I had the front of the tray painted black so it doesn't "clash" with cube face. -- David D. Herren Assoc. Dir. for Tech. & Instruction Center for Educational Technology voice: (802)443-5746 Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753 fax: (802)443-2053
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 1 May 1998 12:43:17 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6id8kl$> References: <6i4utd$> In article <6i4utd$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >I am considering buying a color slab, that I have been told has 8, >72-pin SIMM slots, and is a 25 MHz '040. I am confident about the '040 >part, because I know (well, have never heard contradicted) that there >were never any non-'040 slabs. However, I *thought* that I also knew >that the 25 MHz '040s had 8 30-pin SIMM slots, and the 33 MHz '040s had >4 72-pin SIMM slots. So, is the seller confused? Probably not. I know of someone who has one. > If not, what memory >configurations are usable in this machine? In particular, what is the >maximum memory it can handle--the 32 meg of an 8 slot 30-pin board, or >the 128 meg of a 4 slot 72 pin board, or something else? I don't know. > Finally, is >this likely to be an ADB machine? (It has a non-adb mouse, but that is >apparently not an indicator, as non-adb mice are compatible with ADB >machines, I have been told.) > His machine wasn't ADB. >Also, on an only modestly-related note, what is the line on using >gold-plated SIMMs in NeXTs? In particular, do they work? Is there any >reason not to use them? > My take is that it would only help in a machine with a turbo board. Emmett
From: "Adam H. Schondelmayer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Multiple processors in a NeXT Cube. Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 15:00:00 -0500 Organization: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Message-ID: <6id9dr$e1a$> I have heard a rumor that it is possible, with some slight modification, to run 4 motherboards in a NeXT Cube in parallel. So far, I have only found legitimate information on running a 68040 upgrade board and a 68030 motherboard as a server and client in one box. Is the parallel-processing idea viable, or is it just a rumor? Thank you, Adam
From: (Steve M) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Multiple processors in a NeXT Cube. Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 04:53:49 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> References: <6id9dr$e1a$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Fri, 1 May 1998 15:00:00 -0500, "Adam H. Schondelmayer" <> wrote: I have heard a rumor that it is possible, with some slight modification, to run 4 motherboards in a NeXT Cube in parallel. So far, I have only found legitimate information on running a 68040 upgrade board and a 68030 motherboard as a server and client in one box. Is the parallel-processing idea viable, or is it just a rumor? Thank you, Adam Rather than thinking of this configuration as multiprocessing, consider it multiple ethernet linked machines in the same housing. When you build extra motherboards into one case, you'll have several distinctly unique computers, each with their own ethernet address, occupying the same enclosure. The closest NeXT supports multiproccesing is 'Zilla.' Steve remove the animal to reply
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NEXT computer question (error 65 when booting) Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 17:08:09 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <19980501.142328.0p4.rnr.w164w_-_@locutus.ofB.ORG> Rick Paulos <> wrote: > I just got a used next computer that gives me error code of 65 when > booting up. It then goes to the ROM Monitor screen. Any suggestions on > what is wrong? Error code 65 is a SCSI channel error, indicating that it can't load a counter with a test pattern. Many SCSI errors can be tracked down to termination problems. Check to make sure that the SCSI bus is terminated internally. If the disk drive is providing termination, make sure that termination resistors are attached properly on the old Maxtor and Seagate drives, or jumpered to provide proper termination on newer drives. If you are missing the internal drive, this could also cause these symptoms! (I used to have a URL for a site that carries all sorts of drive hardware information. Anyone know of the site?) The ROM Error Codes: 41-43 FPU errors 51-53 Serial Port A errors 54-57 Serial Port B errors 61-68 SCSI Channel errors 71-77 Ethernet Channel errors 81-86 Magneto-optical drive errors 91 Real time clock not ticking! a1-a8 Two bit graphics controller errors c2-c3 System timer problems d1-d3 Event counter errors e1-e2 Sound out DMA errors -- Mike Paquette "Struggling Apple Computer" and the "Struggling Apple" logo are trade and service marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pulling DAT audio from DAT drive Date: 2 May 1998 01:18:09 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6ids8h$htm$> References: <6ibtgc$apj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6ibtgc$apj$> wrote: > Hi I have seen software that pulls the digital audio stream from audio CDs, > wondering if that would be adaptable (or if someone has already done this) to > pull audio streams off of DAT. > > Remember hearing issues about some DAT drives automatically rejecting audio > DATs (seemed to be a firmware issue), what's the scoop on that? Has anyone > successfully done this? > > Thanks, > Eugene Some newer Sony DAT streamer can read digital audio AFAIK, the only operating system supporting this, however, is IRIX. Well, knowing the SCSI commands it should be possible to write an application to fetch the audio data from tape on NS/OS. --- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 09:47:26 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> <> <> In article <>, Casper.Dik@Holland.Sun.Com (Casper H.S. Dik - Network Security Engineer) wrote: >[[ PLEASE DON'T SEND ME EMAIL COPIES OF POSTINGS ]] > > (Dr_Bob) writes: > >>the unit I saw could work with any human but it would capture the image >>and spend 20 minutes processing it and storing the image. > > >So, was it compared to humans studying the same faces for 20 minutes or >were the humans only allowed to glance at the faces for a few seconds. humans were only allowed 2 seconds. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Casper.Dik@Holland.Sun.Com (Casper H.S. Dik - Network Security Engineer) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 2 May 1998 11:41:27 GMT Organization: Sun Microsystems, Netherlands Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> <> Mail-Copies-To: never [[ PLEASE DON'T SEND ME EMAIL COPIES OF POSTINGS ]] (Dr_Bob) writes: >the unit I saw could work with any human but it would capture the image >and spend 20 minutes processing it and storing the image. So, was it compared to humans studying the same faces for 20 minutes or were the humans only allowed to glance at the faces for a few seconds. Casper -- Expressed in this posting are my opinions. They are in no way related to opinions held by my employer, Sun Microsystems. Statements on Sun products included here are not gospel and may be fiction rather than truth.
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (0/1) Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 20:12:26 GMT Message-ID: <> Every time I read about a NeXT System I keep saying to myself, "gee, I sure wish I could see more types of NeXT systems than the one on my desk!" Then I figured, I don't have a digital camera, but at least I could work up some art that shows what my NeXT Mono Turbo looks like... then the artist in me took over... For all you NeXT artists out there, enjoy my pic of my hardware, and maybe you wanna share some of your own... Hopefully this image will attach ok... I don't post images too often. -----
From: (DQ) Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.marketplace,comp.sys.hp.hardware,comp.sys.amiga.marketplace,comp.sys.dec,comp.sys.hp.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,,,comp.sys.sun.wanted,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.terminals, Subject: FOR SALE: Used Workstation Equipment (SGI/Sun/DEC/HP/Netpower/NEC)... Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 21:27:40 GMT Organization: MTS, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable USED WORKSTATION HARDWARE FOR SALE: We will accept the best reasonable offer on any of these systems!! Please visit our web site for contact information HTTP:// --------------------------------------- MAKE YOUR OFFER! We will accept the best reasonable offer on any of these systems!! Buyer must cover shipping expenses. --------------------------------------- Systems (Monitors not included unless specified) SGI Indy R4000 100Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS1=20 32MB RAM=20 1GB SCSI Disk=20 8bit Graphics=20 Audio Processor=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 5.3 loaded + CDs=20 =20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz WebForce Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS2=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manuals/CDs=20 =20 SGI Challenge S R5000 180Mhz Server=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS3=20 No disk=20 No Memory=20 Cables/Manual/CDs=20 =20 SGI Indy R4400 WebForce=20 Condition: Excellent/New Qty: 1 Ref: FSS4=20 128MB RAM=20 2GB SCSI Disk=20 24bit Graphics=20 IndyCam=20 Keyboard+Mouse=20 IRIX 6.2, Adobe PhotoShop & Illustrator=20 Cables/Manual=20 =20 SGI Personal IRIS=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSS5=20 Memory=20 Disk drives=20 Tape Drive=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 =20 SGI Iris Indigo R3k=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS6=20 16/32MB RAM=20 0.5/1GB SCSI Disk?=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 LG1 Graphics + Audio=20 IRIX 5.3 loaded=20 Cables=20 =20 NEC RISCstation 2200 R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS7=20 128MB RAM=20 CD-ROM + Floppy=20 1GB Disk=20 Windows NT 4.0 loaded=20 Graphics Accelerator=20 =20 HP 700RX Graphics X-Terminal=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS8=20 20" HP Monitor=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 Cables=20 EnWare Software=20 =20 Sun SPARCstation 1=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSS9=20 17" Sony monitor (broken case)=20 No memory=20 1GB disk=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 External disk unit=20 Cables=20 =20 NeTpower R4k MIPS Workstations=20 Condition: Good Qty: 2 Ref: FSS11=20 1GB SCSI Disks=20 CD-ROM + Floppy=20 Keyboard + Mouse=20 Windows NT 4 (NTS 3.51 on other) loaded=20 =20 Digital DECstation 5000/200=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSS10=20 DEC Expansion Unit (2 Disk Drives)=20 Keyboard (Missing DEC mouse)=20 Ultrix 4.3a loaded=20 Cables=20 --------------------------------------- Monitors SGI 20" RGB Monitors (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSM1=20 SGI 15" 13W3 Monitor (Beige type)=20 Condition: Good/AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM2=20 HP 20" RGB Monitor=20 Condition: Good Qty: 1 Ref: FSM3=20 HP 19" Monitor (Coax/1 BNC)=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSM4 --------------------------------------- =20 =20 Parts SGI 100Mbps GIO Ethernet Cards for Indy=20 Condition: New Qty: 6 Ref: FSP1=20 SGI Indy R4k CPU Board and Case=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP6=20 Missing Power supply.=20 SGI Indigo2 R4400 CPU Boards=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP2=20 SGI Indigo2 Motherboard=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 1 Ref: FSP3=20 SGI Indigo2 Power Supply=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 3 Ref: FSP4=20 NetPower FASTseries MP R4400 200Mhz=20 Condition: AS IS Qty: 2 Ref: FSP5=20 Broken cases=20 Complete Motherboards and CPUs=20 =20 =20 --------------------------------------- =20 =20 =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D HTTP:// =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (0/1) Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 23:43:37 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> I have been warned that posting images outside a binary newsgroup is bad, bad taboo. I apologize to anyone who was either affected or bothered by the post of the image. It won't happen again. -Nicholas Floersch >Every time I read about a NeXT System I keep saying to myself, "gee, I >sure wish I could see more types of NeXT systems than the one on my >desk!" > >Then I figured, I don't have a digital camera, but at least I could >work up some art that shows what my NeXT Mono Turbo looks like... then >the artist in me took over... > >For all you NeXT artists out there, enjoy my pic of my hardware, and >maybe you wanna share some of your own... > >Hopefully this image will attach ok... I don't post images too often. >----- > >
From: Laurent Curnier <> Newsgroups: Subject: noisy fan Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 13:13:41 +0200 Organization: INRIA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello NeXT community, I've got a NeXT Cube Dimension, and the fan is really noisy. Does someone got an idea to reduce the noise ? thanks Laurent Curnier --
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 1460A PCMCIA Card Trouble Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 00:26:33 +0800 Organization: Hong Kong Supernet Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: The 1460 driver provided by NeXT assumes a different IRQ number than the defaulted one usually set by the 1460 card. The easiest way is to change the driver's IRQ number to something else (9, or 10...I don't remember which is the correct one). You may need to boot up in single user mode to change the driver setting manually. Jasper
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: PCMCIA modem in NS3.3? Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 00:29:59 +0800 Organization: Hong Kong Supernet Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Title says it all. Does anyone know how can I use a PCMCIA modem in (Intel) NS3.3? I have experience in setting up PPP with an external modem since the serial port devices are quite well known. But what about PCMCIA modem? How can I setup PPP to use with a PCMCIA modem? Any comment is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Jasper
Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware From: Penio Penev <> Subject: Re: Fast CPU? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 02:43:24 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:43:24 EDT On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Michael Lee wrote: > >Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender > >than any human. > Did they train a dedicated human for this comparison, or did they > just give pop tests to humans with informal training in many areas? Another way to phrase the same question is, Did they comprare the perfromnce on this task for New-Yorkers and LA-ers, versus the general population of USA? Nigeria? China? 'cuz, I'm tellin' ya, after I personally am much better at this task now than I was six years ago :-) -- Penio Penev <> 1-212-327-7423
From: (old one) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: noisy fan Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 12:48:26 -0400 Organization: hardly any Message-ID: <> References: <> In article <>, Laurent Curnier <> wrote: > Does someone got an idea to reduce the noise ? Mount the fan on a cork gasket, cut from stock obtained at an auto parts store (don't know if cubes have such a gasket - slabs don't). If you want to email me, try jbf at frazer dot com.
Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware From: Penio Penev <> Subject: Re: Fast CPU? In-Reply-To: <6i4hn2$reo$> Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 02:48:03 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:48:03 EDT On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 wrote: > Dr. Bob writes: > > ... The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a > > digital output. ... > > This leaves out the quantum element of operation that goes on in the brain. Aside from Chemistry (which is arguably a somewhat complicated and magician-like Quantum Physics) you can safely ignore all quantum effects in the brain. Everything is plain analog Electrical Engineering (based on Information Theory). P.S. I consider conformational changes in single molecules Chemistry. -- Penio Penev <> 1-212-327-7423
From: Craig Morehouse <> Newsgroups: Subject: WTB: NS for Sparc Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:27:42 +0000 Organization: Next dimension Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Am looking for NeXTStep/OpenStep for Sparc hardware. Any offers or leads would be appreciated. Craig Morehouse
From: richard@de.rhein-main.silber (Richard Scholz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CDROMs which fit the NeXT cube OD slot? Date: 2 May 1998 16:56:23 GMT Organization: im IN e.V. Message-ID: <6ifj7n$h1t$> References: <6iaetg$phh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: > Are there any CDROMs (tray style) which will fit in the NeXT cube's optical > slot? Hi I put a Pioneer DR-503S into my Cube. That CDROM has just a slit to insert the CD's, so no tray or caddys to fuzz with. I find this solution quite comfortable. I just dislike caddys, and the tray would give me some mechanical problems. The Pioneer collides just a little bit with the guidance hooks on top of the inside of the OD opening. I corrected this by cutting away some of the CDROM drives plastic front cover. The material is very soft, so it is easy. Then I painted the plastic front of the drive black. The drive can easily be mounted inside the cube. No Problem with the height. Since you only need to access the slit from outside, you have a lot of tolerance. One problem still left is the airflow. With the open OD slot, some air flows around the CDROM drive, through the guidance hooks, and then out of the slot. This irritated me a lot, because I always could sense a little air flow, just as if I had a ventilator on. I cutted some already black carton to cover the guidance hooks. Now the air flow is back to normal. Another negative point - that drive is a 24 speed one. Well, it is fast, but also noisy :-) Greetings, Richard ______________________________________________________________________ Richard Scholz, Frankfurt, Germany email: richard at silber dot rhein-main dot de
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:40:46 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> In article <>, Penio Penev <> wrote: >On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 wrote: > >> Dr. Bob writes: >> > ... The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a >> > digital output. ... >> >> This leaves out the quantum element of operation that goes on in the brain. > >Aside from Chemistry (which is arguably a somewhat complicated and >magician-like Quantum Physics) you can safely ignore all quantum effects >in the brain. > >Everything is plain analog Electrical Engineering (based on Information >Theory). No actually it's closer to descrete digital theory. >P.S. I consider conformational changes in single molecules Chemistry. actually the only quantum effect you need to worry about is partial charge attractions, which sounds simple, but isn't. It is however fairly well understood. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: (Dr_Bob) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 22:44:14 -0700 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> <> In article <>, Penio Penev <> wrote: >On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Michael Lee wrote: > >> >Btw, a recent neural net project was better at spotting face gender >> >than any human. > >> Did they train a dedicated human for this comparison, or did they >> just give pop tests to humans with informal training in many areas? > >Another way to phrase the same question is, Did they comprare the >perfromnce on this task for New-Yorkers and LA-ers, versus the general >population of USA? Nigeria? China? for our mini study we used people that just happened to be walking by at the moment. This consisted of California people in the 20-50 age range. Personally I see no point in doing a study in different areas of the world. I'm resonably certain a chinese person can identify a face as fast as a white person. Facial recognition is a hard wired section of the visual cortex. Even human infants can tell. -- Dr. Bob "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 3 May 1998 03:50:06 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6ih2fm$aob$> Control: cancel <6ih2fm$aob$> Date: 03 May 1998 06:23:57 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6ih2fm$aob$> Sender: catrina cillone<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (1/1) Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 20:12:27 GMT Message-ID: <> begin 644 nextmono.jpg M_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`0```0`!``#_VP!#``$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$! M`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0'_ MVP!#`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$! M`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0$!`0'_P``1"`,`!``#`2(``A$!`Q$!_\0` M'P```04!`0$!`0$```````````$"`P0%!@<("0H+_\0`M1```@$#`P($`P4% M!`0```%]`0(#``01!1(A,4$&$U%A!R)Q%#*!D:$((T*QP152T?`D,V)R@@D* M%A<8&1HE)B<H*2HT-38W.#DZ0T1%1D=(24I35%565UA96F-D969G:&EJ<W1U M=G=X>7J#A(6&AXB)BI*3E)66EYB9FJ*CI*6FIZBIJK*SM+6VM[BYNL+#Q,7& MQ\C)RM+3U-76U]C9VN'BX^3EYN?HZ>KQ\O/T]?;W^/GZ_\0`'P$``P$!`0$! 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From: (Lupo LeBoucher) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 3 May 1998 10:01:43 GMT Organization: Illuminati Online Message-ID: <6ihfa7$5r5$> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In article <>, Penio Penev <> wrote: >On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 wrote: > >> Dr. Bob writes: >> > ... The neurons in your brain recieve analog inputs and issue a >> > digital output. ... >> >> This leaves out the quantum element of operation that goes on in the brain. > >Aside from Chemistry (which is arguably a somewhat complicated and >magician-like Quantum Physics) you can safely ignore all quantum effects >in the brain. > >Everything is plain analog Electrical Engineering (based on Information >Theory). Someone give the monkey a nobel prize; he just explained how the brain works! - -Lupo "Cynic: n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision." -Ambrose Bierce <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBNUw/EycsgtzX0WgdAQG2uQQAg798U/W7bnz+lRKcafp5xO5qVwjNhhAm ttpNhFJ7siwUkPGh+XX+I0y5N5CMZMLLBzVUZ6M8PNx+RcAzSLXVRcFWoNU4SZGY NVSn+OWPcG2Fhnm3OZAZ5/+OFsneY7eTpyok7NcTqeSUHGEXj7AgyKOIoC88FEX4 TgkZOxxfL98= =wwAO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
From: (Darren Wright) Subject: Re: Multiple processors in a NeXT Cube. Newsgroups: References: <6id9dr$e1a$> Organization: DCANet Message-ID: <> Date: 3 May 98 14:21:55 GMT Adam H. Schondelmayer ( wrote: > I have heard a rumor that it is possible, with some slight modification, to > run 4 motherboards in a NeXT Cube in parallel. So far, I have only found > legitimate information on running a 68040 upgrade board and a 68030 > motherboard as a server and client in one box. Is the parallel-processing > idea viable, or is it just a rumor? You sure can. You have to modify the backplane to make more than one slot #0. Check on peak for this doc. You can put more than 1 040 in the cube AS LONG AS you remove the NBIC chip from all but one. -Darren
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 3 May 1998 15:39:04 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6ii32o$mj4$> References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> <> <> (Dr_Bob) wrote: >... >Facial recognition is a hard wired section of the >visual cortex. >... Can you cite a reference? (genuinely curious) - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: (Ulrich Ruede) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 3 May 1998 20:41:13 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <6iikp9$gql$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii To: Max Waterman <> [Posted and mailed] In article <>, Max Waterman <> writes: > From > > isdn-gosh 11% wc -l top500.list.txt > 217 top500.list.txt > isdn-gosh 12% grep -i t3e top500.list.txt | wc -l > 46 > isdn-gosh 13% grep -i origin top500.list.txt | wc -l > 102 > > Total SGI's in top 500 = 217 > % of SGI's that are t3e's = 21% > % of SGI's that are origin = 47% > % other SGI's = 32% > > So, unless I'm missing something, the statement you made below is not true, > and not true by a long way. If you look a little closer you'll see that most of the Alpha based T3Es are very powerful machines, constituting a large share of the upper 100 of the list. The fastest MIPS based Origin appears on number 166. With 128 MIPS processors it is almost as fast as an Alpha based T3E with just 36 processors on rank 164. Summing up RMax, the 46 T3Es deliver a total of 4973.76 Gigaflops. If you sum up the T3Ds (based on the old Alpha 21064), you will get another 22 machines with total of 596.3 Gigaflop. All the 102 Origins together only deliver 1512.69 Gigaflop. This is less than a third of the SGI/Cray performance obtained with Alpha processors. Of course it all depends on how you define a supercomputer. Some people might argue that a true super must be among the Top 100. Then there is not a single MIPS based machine there. Others might like to extend the list at the lower end. Who knows which kind of machine would be the most successful one in hypothetical Top 10000 list? No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of supercomputing with the Origins. Only the T3E has been successful in that market and it might have been more successful, if the continuation of that architecture had not been doubtful even before the first machine was delivered. What a pity that we will not see T3Fs using the Alpha21264. Regards, UR __________________________________________________________________________ Ulrich Ruede, Institut fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Augsburg D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: Tel: +49 821 598 2190, Fax: +49 821 598 2339 URL:
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Digitizer Tablet question Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 21:39:55 GMT Message-ID: <> Does anyone know if it is possible to hook-up a Wacom tablet (4x5) to the NeXT? Thanks, Nicholas Floersch
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 16:50:14 -0500 Organization: Penn State University, Center for Academic Computing Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> In article <6iikp9$gql$>, (Ulrich Ruede) wrote: [deleted lots of benchmark hogwash] > No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of > supercomputing with the Origins. Only the T3E has been successful in that > market and it might have been more successful, if the continuation of that > architecture had not been doubtful even before the first machine was > delivered. What a pity that we will not see T3Fs using the Alpha21264. Ask anyone who owns or uses an Origin if they think it's leading edge. I'll bet you a nickel any person that has ever used an Origin for serious computing would give their left arm to have one in their closet. To say the Origin is not leading edge is just plain hogwash. The T3E, Origin, SP2, and others are all leading edge. To call one a clear leader over the other makes no sense. We have applications that run three times faster per processor on an Origin than the T3E. So from that perspective the Origin is hands down leading edge. But for other applications the opposite is true. Each machine has it's own strengths. There are none that have such truly astounding advantages that others are obsolete, or not at the leading edge. > Regards, > > UR > __________________________________________________________________________ > Ulrich Ruede, Institut fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Augsburg > D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: > Tel: +49 821 598 2190, Fax: +49 821 598 2339 URL: >
From: Silvio Umberto Zanzi <> Newsgroups: Subject: I want a NeXT.... I have to build it... Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 01:25:10 +0200 Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello! I want to build a NeXT computer (buying one from the States is to costly: ~$600 courier to Italy!) and I'm evaluating a NeXT Color motherboard from for $50. What components are missing? CPU, memory, drives? I hope that they are standard components from PC and Amiga market (PGA Motorola 68x000, 30 pin ram, Seagate SCSI drives). Do NeXT use standard VGA monitor? Probably not.... Please answer me: I am dreaming a NeXT since the introduction but I never could buy one. Unfortunaltelly I can't find a used NeXT here in Italy so I have to buy main spare parts in the States (MB, keyboard, mouse, etc) and find the "small" component here (ram, HD, FDD, etc). Thank you! -- Silvio Umberto Zanzi Via A. Gemelli 9 40026 Imola (BO) Italy Home Phone : +39-542-34411 GSM Phone : +39-338-8076694 ICQ Number : 4649814 Home page : "I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brain fall out"
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (0/1) Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 10:21:04 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Nicholas Floersch wrote: > I have been warned that posting images outside a binary newsgroup is > bad, bad taboo. I apologize to anyone who was either affected or > bothered by the post of the image. It won't happen again. Hopefully. But why don't you remove this spam ? This is not only a question of "taboo", but if you use your brain for a few seconds, you'll find out that most people here have to pay for online time. A bunch of useless GIFs is annoying and expensive.
From: (John McCalpin) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 4 May 1998 02:51:03 GMT Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Message-ID: <6ijaen$5ti$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> In article <6iikp9$gql$>, Ulrich Ruede <> wrote: > >If you look a little closer you'll see that most of the Alpha based T3Es >are very powerful machines, constituting a large share of the upper 100 >of the list. The fastest MIPS based Origin appears on number 166. With >128 MIPS processors it is almost as fast as an Alpha based T3E with just >36 processors on rank 164. There are certainly a lot of very powerful T3E's at the top of the TOP500 list (and with good reason), but the comparison above is very misleading for several reasons: (1) The TOP500 list of November 1997 was assembled about the time that the first 128 cpu Origin2000 systems were put into public beta test. The LINPACK NxN result used for the ranking of systems number 166 and 167 was from a 64-cpu run. We had not bothered to optimize for the 128-cpu case, so no better results were available at the time. We now know that the 128-cpu system (with the same 195 MHz cpus) can actually do 40.25 GFLOPS on LINPACK NxN, which would place the two systems at #80 and #81 of the 11/97 TOP500 list. (2) Splitting the Origin installations into many separate systems is not consistent with the accounting used for clustered machines like the IBM SP. As I recall, the biggest job queue in the Maui IBM SP system only allows use of about 100 of the 384 processors. If you consider the Maui system to be one machine because, in theory, one could use them all to run a message-passing job, then perhaps one should also consider all the Origin2000's at NCSA or at Los Alamos to be "one system", because our "array services" product supports running up to eight independent systems (up to 128 cpus each) as a single cluster. We have not run a clustered LINPACK NxN on such a system (see (3), below, for an explanation of why), but the 11/97 Los Alamos configuration should certainly be capable of close to 150 GFLOPS, which would put it at about position 18 of the 11/97 TOP500 list. The NCSA configuration (384 cpus as of 11/97) should certainly be capable of over 100 GFLOPS on LINPACK NxN, which would put that cluster in the high 20's on the 11/97 TOP500 list. (3) Finally, and most importantly, the original comparison is based (in part) on the assumption that performance on the LINPACK NxN benchmark means something. In fact, the LINPACK NxN benchmark has almost zero skill in predicting relative performance of "real" scientific/engineering apps on machines from different vendors, or machines with different architectures. I am still working on the presentation of the results, but the correlation coefficient between LINPACK NxN performance and application performance was a whopping 0.015. >No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of >supercomputing with the Origins. It is, of course, certainly possible to define "supercomputing" in a way that excludes any possible Origin2000 configuration, but doing so says more about the skill of the definer than the value of the computer system. The Origin was not intended to be a machine for the first 20 or 50 spots on the TOP500 list. It was intended to be a system that would enable SGI to make scalable shared memory real, and it has done that spectacularly well, having sold about 15,000 systems. Our next generation DSM machine will be scalable to the "TOP 20" level of performance, using either LINPACK NxN or some more broadly applicable performance metric. -- -- John D. McCalpin, Ph.D. Server System Architect Server Platform Engineering Silicon Graphics, Inc. 650-933-7407
From: Max Waterman <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 19:48:45 -0700 Organization: SGI Message-ID: <> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ulrich Ruede wrote: > True in some sense. But I'd still find it interesting to see SPECfp > values for the Alpha as used in the SGI/CRAY T3E. SGI is so proud of > its large share of the the Top 500 list, but usually without saying > that the larger portion of this is due to the T3Es from their Cray > subdivison and thus based on Alpha chips. I was of the assumption larger share meant a larger number of units, irrespective of performance. So, however valid, or otherwise, your reply, my statement stands. I am in no position to authoritively comment on the merits of the designs of either the SGI Origin series or the SGI T3E series, I would like to think that the speed and latency of the interconnect play more importance in the performance than the actual CPU used. Max. > If you look a little closer you'll see that most of the Alpha based T3Es > are very powerful machines, constituting a large share of the upper 100 > of the list. The fastest MIPS based Origin appears on number 166. With > 128 MIPS processors it is almost as fast as an Alpha based T3E with just > 36 processors on rank 164. > > Summing up RMax, the 46 T3Es deliver a total of 4973.76 Gigaflops. If > you sum up the T3Ds (based on the old Alpha 21064), you will get another > 22 machines with total of 596.3 Gigaflop. All the 102 Origins together > only deliver 1512.69 Gigaflop. This is less than a third of the SGI/Cray > performance obtained with Alpha processors. > > Of course it all depends on how you define a supercomputer. Some people > might argue that a true super must be among the Top 100. Then there is > not a single MIPS based machine there. Others might like to extend the > list at the lower end. Who knows which kind of machine would be the most > successful one in hypothetical Top 10000 list? > > No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of > supercomputing with the Origins. Only the T3E has been successful in that > market and it might have been more successful, if the continuation of that > architecture had not been doubtful even before the first machine was > delivered. What a pity that we will not see T3Fs using the Alpha21264. > > Regards, -- Max Waterman. [use of information in this message is at your own risk]
Subject: Could NT have hosed my network card for use under OpenStep? From: "Robert A. Decker" <> Newsgroups:, nntp:// MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <B172B325-F7D3F@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 03:46:11 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 23:46:11 EDT I've been successfully using OpenStep 4.2 on mach for quite some time at home. I have a Mac that runs Vicom Surfdoubler, and when I feel like it, mklinux with IP Masquerading compiled into the kernel. My Mac acts as my gateway for my OpenStep box and another Mac. It was working great. However, I've been getting more requests to do work with that piece of crap NT and so decided to repartition the harddrive on my PC and install NT on one partition and install OpenStep on the other. Since then I haven't been able to get networking on the PC to work. I boot into OpenStep and when I try to ping my gateway nothing happens. When I try to ping the OpenStep box from the Gateway machine (while in mklinux or in MacOs) nothing happens. However, I'm able to ping between the two Macs on the network. Also, there appears to be ethernet activity when I ping from the OpenStep box. Nothing just seems to go through. There's definintely signal because the light on the hub is on. My card is a 3Com Etherlink III. Here's the model number: 3C509B-COMBO EL3B-ISA-COMBO Here's the settings I see in 3Com Etherlink III PnP Adapter (v4.03) DMA none Port address 16 byets at 0x300 Mapped memory none IRQ level 10 Autodetect IDs 0x506d50990&0xfffffff0 Bustype PnP DMA CHannels Default table Ethernet3PnP Driver Name Etherlink3PnP Driver Version PROGRAM:Etherlink3 Family Network Help File Etherlink3PnP.rtfd I/O Ports 0x300-0x30f IRQ Levels 10 Instance 0 Location card:0x506d5094 Serial:0x9782cae2 Memory Maps Title Etherlink III PnP Valid IRQ Levels 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 15 Version 4.03 Here's what I see when I do 'ifconfig -a' lo0: flags=869<UP,LOOPBACK,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING> inet netmask ff000000 en0: flags=63<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING> inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast My gateway's address is Does anyone have any idea of what I can do? I don't have any spare cards right now, otherwise I'd try a new one. If it isn't obvious, I'll go out and buy a new one. Should I avoid ISA cards and stick with PCI cards? Could that be the problem? rob -- <mailto: "Robert A. Decker"> <> Programmer Analyst - Health Media Research Lab University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center "Get A Life" quote #2: "Has anyone seen Chris? I have some last minute instructions for the scene where he wrestles the evil monkey." -Get a Life
Subject: Fingerprint scanning? From: "Robert A. Decker" <> Newsgroups: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <B172C7B4-14522D@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 05:13:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 01:13:53 EDT There's a product called biomouse that is attached to the parallel port and locks a computer out until an authorized fingerprint is scanned (you touch a reddish piece with your finger). It works with Solaris and NT. Is there an OpenStep equivalent? I imagine there must be other security stuff available. What do the financial institutions that use OpenStep use? What about data on the harddrive? rob -- <mailto: "Robert A. Decker"> <> Programmer Analyst - Health Media Research Lab University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center "Get A Life" quote #2: "Has anyone seen Chris? I have some last minute instructions for the scene where he wrestles the evil monkey." -Get a Life
From: (JWL) --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I want a NeXT.... I have to build it... Date: 4 May 1998 05:09:40 GMT Organization: IDT Message-ID: <6ijiik$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Silvio Umberto Zanzi wrote: > Hello! > > I want to build a NeXT computer (buying one from the States is to > costly: ~$600 courier to Italy!) and I'm evaluating a NeXT Color > motherboard from for $50. > What components are missing? CPU, memory, drives? I hope that they are > standard components from PC and Amiga market (PGA Motorola 68x000, 30 > pin ram, Seagate SCSI drives). > > Do NeXT use standard VGA monitor? Probably not.... > > Please answer me: I am dreaming a NeXT since the introduction but I > never could buy one. Unfortunaltelly I can't find a used NeXT here in > Italy so I have to buy main spare parts in the States (MB, keyboard, > mouse, etc) and find the "small" component here (ram, HD, FDD, etc). > > Thank you! > > I know it would be cool to own some Black hardware, but if cost is one of the factors, why don't you consider a white Intel box. I know it isn't a NeXTstation, but you would still be able to run NeXTstep3.x or Openstep4.x. Good Luck! -- /=====================================/ Jay Lee --delete NOSPAM (NeXTMail,SUN,MIME) /=====================================/
From: (JWL) --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium-II Date: 4 May 1998 07:27:56 GMT Organization: IDT Message-ID: <6ijqls$> References: <6ijkm2$ua0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ijkm2$ua0$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: > Dear NeXT experts, > Have anyone installed OPENSTEP4.2 on PentiumII yet? I saw a note at > NeXTanswer only talks about Pentium and Pentium Pro.... not a PentiumII, > even though, infact, the pentium II is only the PentiumPro with MMX > support.... > Still, there are some differents in Pentium-II system though.. One of my > PC is Pentium-II 400Mhz, which is different than other pentium-II in that, > the 400Mhz has 100Mhz bus, AGP card, and SDRAM with 10ns and 100Mhz.... > So, I come to ask you for the advising to install OPENSTEP on above > system... I'm deciding since I have only 1 choice (based on what I commited > to the vender when I bought OPENSTEP) to install only Intel or Motorola.... > Any comments, suggestions, observations are always welcome... > Thank you very much, > Your Sincerely, > Sarawoot > > > PentiumII works just fine. I have a pentium II 266mhz and it runs excellent. Be careful with the video cards, Apple supports only a few number of AGP cards so be careful when you purchase a video card. Make sure it is supported. Check out http:\\, I heard that the company Workstation 2000, who builds NeXT/Openstep compatible workstations, has a 400mhz pentium II model. -- /=====================================/ Jay Lee --delete NOSPAM (NeXTMail,SUN,MIME) /=====================================/
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I want a NeXT.... I have to build it... References: <> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 4 May 98 07:53:36 GMT First of all: Try finding a used NeXT in Europa. It will save you alot of pain and money. And what is a NeXT without real NeXT-box, monitor, NeXTstep, ... anyway? In the German newsgroup "V:" means "selling" for example. To your questions: As a color-monitor you can use a BNC-Samsung (this was tested here) with a special cable to the color-NeXT (I guess that any newer BNC-monitor will work, we even had an older SUN-monitor on our NeXTstation) As HD I would suggest some 1 - 2GB IBM SCSI-disc (we have and had roughly 30 HDs in our NeXTs and they were the best after the original 400MB Seagates from NeXT :-) which are reliable but loud) Seagate drives fit fine into NeXTs, too. For a novice I would not suggest buying anything larger than 2GB. Memory may be 30pin SIMMs which are rare but still can be bought at some technical shops (Voelkner in Germany for example) or most likely standard 72pin PS2 SIMMs as in any old PC. The CPU should be on the board :-) If you are unlucky you need a power supply, which is not easily replaced by some standard component. You need keyboard, mouse, soundbox, NeXTstep x.x, maybe disk-drive, ... (did I forget something?) greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Pentium-II Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 00:47:52 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6ijkm2$ua0$> Dear NeXT experts, Have anyone installed OPENSTEP4.2 on PentiumII yet? I saw a note at NeXTanswer only talks about Pentium and Pentium Pro.... not a PentiumII, even though, infact, the pentium II is only the PentiumPro with MMX support.... Still, there are some differents in Pentium-II system though.. One of my PC is Pentium-II 400Mhz, which is different than other pentium-II in that, the 400Mhz has 100Mhz bus, AGP card, and SDRAM with 10ns and 100Mhz.... So, I come to ask you for the advising to install OPENSTEP on above system... I'm deciding since I have only 1 choice (based on what I commited to the vender when I bought OPENSTEP) to install only Intel or Motorola.... Any comments, suggestions, observations are always welcome... Thank you very much, Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: (Josep Egea i Sanchez) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Could NT have hosed my network card for use under OpenStep? Date: 4 May 1998 08:54:54 GMT Organization: Telefonica Transmision de Datos Message-ID: <6ijvou$g05$> References: <B172B325-F7D3F@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <B172B325-F7D3F@> "Robert A. Decker" wrote: > I've been successfully using OpenStep 4.2 on mach for quite some time at > home. I have a Mac that runs Vicom Surfdoubler, and when I feel like it, > mklinux with IP Masquerading compiled into the kernel. > My Mac acts as my gateway for my OpenStep box and another Mac. It was > working great. However, I've been getting more requests to do work with > that piece of crap NT and so decided to repartition the harddrive on my PC > and install NT on one partition and install OpenStep on the other. Since > then I haven't been able to get networking on the PC to work. > > I boot into OpenStep and when I try to ping my gateway nothing happens. > When I try to ping the OpenStep box from the Gateway machine (while in > mklinux or in MacOs) nothing happens. However, I'm able to ping between the > two Macs on the network. Also, there appears to be ethernet activity when I > ping from the OpenStep box. Nothing just seems to go through. There's > definintely signal because the light on the hub is on. > > My card is a 3Com Etherlink III. Here's the model number: > 3C509B-COMBO > EL3B-ISA-COMBO > Hi! I have no personal experience, but I've been told by a close colleague that Windows NT has permanently misconfigured two Intel EtherExpress16 cards that worked without problems with Nextstep. Apparently, after the "NT experience" the cards reconfigured their internal memory to use the10BaseT port, although they only have AUI and BNC ports. No attempts to change this succeeded (even with the Intel utility). They just gave up. I guess that this doesn't offer much help, but maybe we can hear experiences from others Hope you have better luck! -- Josep Egea - - NeXTMail & MIME OK NEXUS Servicios de Informacion - Barcelona (Spain) Telf: + 34 3 285 00 70 - Fax: + 34 3 284 31 43
From: (Ulrich Ruede) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 4 May 1998 10:45:17 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ik67t$fik$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii In article <>, writes: > In article <6iikp9$gql$>, > (Ulrich Ruede) wrote: > > [deleted lots of benchmark hogwash] > >> No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of >> supercomputing with the Origins. Only the T3E has been successful in that >> market and it might have been more successful, if the continuation of that >> architecture had not been doubtful even before the first machine was >> delivered. What a pity that we will not see T3Fs using the Alpha21264. > > Ask anyone who owns or uses an Origin if they think it's leading edge. I guess if that's the way to measure technology, a phone poll will tell you that a PC with Pentium 200 MMX is the leading edge in computing. > I'll bet you a nickel any person that has ever used an Origin for serious > computing would give their left arm to have one in their closet. To say > the Origin is not leading edge is just plain hogwash. > > The T3E, Origin, SP2, and others are all leading edge. To call one a > clear leader over the other makes no sense. We have applications that run > three times faster per processor on an Origin than the T3E. So from that > perspective the Origin is hands down leading edge. But for other > applications the opposite is true. Each machine has it's own strengths. > There are none that have such truly astounding advantages that others are > obsolete, or not at the leading edge. Maybe in my posting I shouldn't have used the phrase *leading edge*, but *high end* supercomputing. Sure I agree that the Origin is a nice machine. Still, looking at the Nov 97 version of the Top 500 list, I think it is obvious that the Origin architecture has not reached the high end of supercomputing. I am quite interested to see which architecture SGI/Cray will offer in the price range of US$ 10 Million and more. UR __________________________________________________________________________ Ulrich Ruede, Institut fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Augsburg D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: Tel: +49 821 598 2190, Fax: +49 821 598 2339 URL:
From: (Ulrich Ruede) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: 4 May 1998 11:31:42 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ik8uu$ka4$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> <6ijaen$5ti$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii In article <6ijaen$5ti$>, (John McCalpin) writes: > In article <6iikp9$gql$>, > Ulrich Ruede <> wrote: >> >>If you look a little closer you'll see that most of the Alpha based T3Es >>are very powerful machines, constituting a large share of the upper 100 >>of the list. The fastest MIPS based Origin appears on number 166. With >>128 MIPS processors it is almost as fast as an Alpha based T3E with just >>36 processors on rank 164. > > There are certainly a lot of very powerful T3E's at the top of the > TOP500 list (and with good reason), but the comparison above is very > misleading for several reasons: > > (1) The TOP500 list of November 1997 was assembled about the time > that the first 128 cpu Origin2000 systems were put into public beta > test. The LINPACK NxN result used for the ranking of systems > number 166 and 167 was from a 64-cpu run. We had not bothered to > optimize for the 128-cpu case, so no better results were available > at the time. We now know that the 128-cpu system (with the same > 195 MHz cpus) can actually do 40.25 GFLOPS on LINPACK NxN, which > would place the two systems at #80 and #81 of the 11/97 TOP500 list. We'll know where it is ranked when the new Top 500 list comes out in about a month. > (2) Splitting the Origin installations into many separate systems > is not consistent with the accounting used for clustered machines > like the IBM SP. As I recall, the biggest job queue in the Maui > IBM SP system only allows use of about 100 of the 384 processors. > If you consider the Maui system to be one machine because, in > theory, one could use them all to run a message-passing job, then > perhaps one should also consider all the Origin2000's at NCSA or at > Los Alamos to be "one system", because our "array services" product > supports running up to eight independent systems (up to 128 cpus > each) as a single cluster. > > We have not run a clustered LINPACK NxN on such a system (see (3), > below, for an explanation of why), but the 11/97 Los Alamos > configuration should certainly be capable of close to 150 GFLOPS, > which would put it at about position 18 of the 11/97 TOP500 list. > The NCSA configuration (384 cpus as of 11/97) should certainly be > capable of over 100 GFLOPS on LINPACK NxN, which would put that > cluster in the high 20's on the 11/97 TOP500 list. If SGI/Cray plans to seriously market Origin-Clusters for 100 Gflop installations, it might be advisable to publish Linpack figures for such systems. > (3) Finally, and most importantly, the original comparison is based > (in part) on the assumption that performance on the LINPACK NxN > benchmark means something. In fact, the LINPACK NxN benchmark has > almost zero skill in predicting relative performance of "real" > scientific/engineering apps on machines from different vendors, or > machines with different architectures. This is very true. Still the LINPACK values are the only data we have, and if you know what they mean, they do tell something. > I am still working on the presentation of the results, but the > correlation coefficient between LINPACK NxN performance and > application performance was a whopping 0.015. I guess that this depends on which applications you look at. >>No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of >>supercomputing with the Origins. > > It is, of course, certainly possible to define "supercomputing" in > a way that excludes any possible Origin2000 configuration, but > doing so says more about the skill of the definer than the value of > the computer system. Sure. I have never claimed that Origins are not (small) supercomputers. However, if a supercomputer is defined as an installation ranked in the TOP 500 list, then Origins are still less successful than T3Es, when measuring success in installed Linpack Gigaflops. Origins are clearly successful in the medium and low range of supercomputing, but not (yet?) in the high end. > The Origin was not intended to be a machine for the first 20 or 50 > spots on the TOP500 list. It was intended to be a system that This is what I am saying. They are not meant to be competing with the big iron, like T3E or Fujitsu VPP. And I do not know what SGI/Crays strategy is to fill that gap in the future. > would enable SGI to make scalable shared memory real, and it has > done that spectacularly well, having sold about 15,000 systems. > Our next generation DSM machine will be scalable to the "TOP 20" > level of performance, using either LINPACK NxN or some more broadly > applicable performance metric. If there are specifications about this architecture (beyond pure marketing) I'd like to see it. I'd be especially interested to hear about SGI's strategy for the processor of these systems... UR __________________________________________________________________________ Ulrich Ruede, Institut fuer Mathematik, Universitaet Augsburg D-86135 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: Tel: +49 821 598 2190, Fax: +49 821 598 2339 URL:
From: "Thomas Womack" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 13:59:45 +0100 Organization: Oxford University Message-ID: <6ike7e$5un$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> <6ijaen$5ti$> <6ik8uu$ka4$> Ulrich Ruede wrote in message <6ik8uu$ka4$>... >This is what I am saying. They are not meant to be competing with the big >iron, like T3E or Fujitsu VPP. And I do not know what SGI/Crays >strategy is to fill that gap in the future. I can't quite see where the gap is ... T3Es are Cray/SGI machines just as much as Origins are. Gunter's list reckons that a couple of US military installations have O2000 systems with 256 processors, which I presume refers to clusters of 128-processor systems - though he lists two 128-processor systems at UTokyo, three 64-processor systems at Sandia and some very strange stuff (Origin 3K and 4K) as 'due to be installed' at E-systems. I'm no longer sure whether or not to believe his list. Marketing-level information on 'what SGI does next' is at; essentially, they're building two product lines, both in CMOS, one being scalable ccNUMA MPP up to 'multiple teraflops' and one scalable PVP up to 'multiple tens of teraflops in the early years of the next decade', and both running Irix. There's a mention of the SN1, which sounds like a larger O2000 with faster processors, as an intermediary. The marketese, combined with a quick look at Gunter's projections, suggests that the PVP will have c.4GFLOP individual processors (500MHz *8?) and scale up to several thousand processors. They're not abandoning the T3E or T90 just yet, though they say 'first scalable vector product later this year' which will presumably replace the J90. I imagine this means there will be a heap-of-21264s system at the top of the Top500 list by about this time next year. Tom
Newsgroups: From: (Louis Wilson) Subject: Dead slab Message-ID: <> Summary: I push the on button and nothing happens. Keywords: power switch, Organization: Netcom OnLine Services Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 15:17:21 GMT Sender: Suddenly this morning I pushed the ON button on the keyboard of my NeXT Mono Slab and nothing happened. There was no warning that this was going to happen. No major problems with the machine that I've had for the past 7 years. Doesn't look like a disk crash. The monitor image was not dimming but it was skewed. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? (Yes, it's plugged in). Louis Wilson -- Louis Wilson
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Netwroking a NeXTStation? Date: 4 May 1998 11:33:26 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6ikn46$9m9$> References: <> <6hlnn8$> <6hlosr$ptt$> <6icnbg$> Thanks. I actually got PPP working on my x86 box again, so I think I will use that to connect to the net, and put the next up with NAT, since FreeBSD has much better support for NAT-type stuff than NeXTStep. Emmett McLean ( wrote: : > : >Does anyone know where I can get docs on how to hook up a modem to my DSP? : >My modem is a 33.6 and I don't think I'm getting as much throughput as I : >should. : TTYDSP will do it. : It is no longer commercially available but might be found on c.s.n.m. : TTYDSP works fine downloading software at 56k, but won't support ppp : at speeds greater than 38400 unless you purchase and use MorningStar PPP : rather than the public domain variants. (I haven't actually used : MorningStar PPP but it is supposed to support TTYDSP.) : Emmett -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I want a NeXT.... I have to build it... Date: 4 May 1998 11:51:03 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6iko57$a02$> References: <> Silvio Umberto Zanzi ( wrote: : Hello! : I want to build a NeXT computer (buying one from the States is to : costly: ~$600 courier to Italy!) and I'm evaluating a NeXT Color : motherboard from for $50. : What components are missing? CPU, memory, drives? You should ask Sam <>, since he's the one selling it. : I hope that they are : standard components from PC and Amiga market (PGA Motorola 68x000, 30 : pin ram, Seagate SCSI drives). I have a slab, and it uses standard memory and disks. I have no reason to believe that the CPU isn't standard. : Do NeXT use standard VGA monitor? Probably not.... No. : Please answer me: I am dreaming a NeXT since the introduction but I : never could buy one. Unfortunaltelly I can't find a used NeXT here in : Italy so I have to buy main spare parts in the States (MB, keyboard, : mouse, etc) and find the "small" component here (ram, HD, FDD, etc). There are ADB and non-ADB NeXT systems; make sure you know which kind you're getting and what kind of keyboard and mouse you will need. : Thank you! : -- : Silvio Umberto Zanzi : Via A. Gemelli 9 : 40026 Imola (BO) : Italy : Home Phone : +39-542-34411 : GSM Phone : +39-338-8076694 : ICQ Number : 4649814 : Home page : : "I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brain fall out" -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: (Chris Hanson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station Date: 01 May 1998 22:29:13 -0400 Organization: Dementia Unlimited, Pittsburgh PA Message-ID: <> References: <6i08k3$sko$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:35:53 GMT In article <> (David Evans) writes: That's it; non-Turbo NeXTcube boards could hold more RAM (64MB vs. 32 for station) and they have the Optical Drive controller. So I can't bump my mono non-turbo station to 48 or 64 if I could get my hands on 8MB 30-pin SIMMs? Bummer.
From: Robert Jacobs <> Newsgroups: Subject: How to change network card? Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 12:11:57 -0700 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm upgrading my ethernet card on a machine running NS3.3. Should I remove the old driver and add the new driver, then swap the old card with the new and reboot? Or, should I remove the old driver then the old card and reboot followed by rebooting, adding the new driver and then the new card? Or does it really not matter? I'm just trying to avoid a bunch of timeouts during reboot. I'm asking because I'm having problems upgrading to a 3Com905B-TX (the 2nd revision of the 905-TX). Anyone using this want to let me know about any installation hurdles? Thanks. Robert
From: "Piotr A. Zolnierczuk" <> Newsgroups: Subject: N4006 monitor Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 17:10:49 +0000 Organization: Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kentucky Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I need more info about my sync_on_green monitor. The label says it's N4006. Can anubody tell me more about it (horiz freq, vertical freq, etc. )? thanx Piotr -- _________________________________________________________________ Piotr Adam Zolnierczuk Dept. of Physics and Astronomy e-mail: 177 Chem.-Phys. Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0055 phone: (606) 257-5565 USA fax: (606) 323-2846 _________________________________________________________________ written on recycled electrons _________________________________________________________________
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: NeXT CD-ROM (SONY CDU-541) SCSI termination? Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 21:37:33 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: news@RnA.NL Message-ID: <EsGC2L.1E8@RnA.NL> Does anybody have documentation for the Original NeXT CD-ROM, especially how to enable/disable SCSI termination? Thanks, -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. Dass man fuer die Philosophie ein Interesse zeigt, bezeugt noch keine Bereitschaft zum Denken -- Martin Heidegger
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Printer Question - Very basic Date: 4 May 1998 23:56:20 GMT Organization: The Avant-Garde of the Now, Ltd. Message-ID: <6ilkj4$5cu$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Peter Brauer wrote: | This may be stupid question, but I have a NeXT 400 Laser Printer that I | would like to connect to my pc (Dell OptiPlex GXa) which is running NT | 4.0. Is there any way to do this? Answer -- equally basic. No. Unless you connect the NeXT printer to a genuine black NeXT computer and network that to your PC. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Seagate HD Date: 5 May 1998 00:11:12 GMT Organization: The Avant-Garde of the Now, Ltd. Message-ID: <6illf0$5cu$> References: <6i3nda$59c$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6i3nda$59c$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: | Dear NeXT Experts, | I also plan to put the harddrive from my PC to NeXT. I was told that | the narrow pin (50 pin) would work fine with NeXT connection. The harddrive | that I plan to install is "Seagate ST15230N", which has the following | roughly specification | 1.50PIN(Narrow) | 2. 5200rpm ---- should say 5400 | 3. 4.3GB | 4. SCSI-2 FAST | 5. Height*Width*Depth=1.62*4.0*5.74 (all in inch) Power dissipation: 9 W typical, 11 W max. Compare with the ST1480N that was the factory-installed 400MB drive in NeXTstations. 1. 50-pin Narrow 2. 4400 rpm 3. 0.42 GB 4. SCSI-2 5. Height * Width * Depth same Power dissipation: 9W typical, 15W max. Looks like a drop-in replacement. SCSI-2 Fast drives are backwards compatible with SCSI-1 controllers, which is what the NeXTstation has. Usual warnings: the internal disk drive of a NeXT must be terminated, set to SCSI ID=1, and supply TERMPWR to the bus. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NEXT computer question (error 65 when booting) Date: 5 May 1998 00:20:17 GMT Organization: The Avant-Garde of the Now, Ltd. Message-ID: <6ilm01$5cu$> References: <> <> <19980501.142328.0p4.rnr.w164w_-_@locutus.ofB.ORG> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Mike Paquette wrote: | | Rick Paulos <> wrote: | > I just got a used next computer that gives me error code of 65 when | > booting up. It then goes to the ROM Monitor screen. Any suggestions on | > what is wrong? | | Error code 65 is a SCSI channel error, indicating that it can't load a | counter with a test pattern. Many thanks for the error codes. I knew they had to be somewhere! | (I used to have a URL for a site that carries all sorts of drive | hardware information. Anyone know of the site?) Are you thinking of TheRef? <> -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: Wayne Joerding <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT CD-ROM (SONY CDU-541) SCSI termination? Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 18:56:21 -0700 Organization: WSU Message-ID: <> References: <EsGC2L.1E8@RnA.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I found my manual on the external Next CD drive but it has nothing about SCSI termination. I use a termination plug that works fine. I am not aware of any internal termination capability but can't promise that such a thing does not exist. Wayne -- Wayne Joerding Professor of Economics Ofc: 509-335-6468 Washington State University FAX: 509-335-4362 PO Box 644741 Pullman WA 99164 email: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?" -- John Keynes
From: (Mr. Hubert Hickman ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 5 May 1998 03:11:49 GMT Organization: Internet Nebraska Message-ID: <6im01l$qt3$> References: <6i4utd$> <> <> <> Some "late model" 25Mhz slabs also use 72 pin SIMMs - I am sitting at a Mono 25Mhz ADB slab now with 4 72 pin SIMM slots. My older 25Mhz model has the 8 30 pin SIMM slots. The trivia question is whether there exist non-ADB mono 25Mhz slabs with 4 72 pin SIMM slots. Hubert Hickman David Evans ( wrote: : In article <>, : Nicholas Floersch <> wrote: : >I have a NeXT Mono Turbo 33mhz 68040 "Slab" and it uses 72-pin SIMMs. : >Wouldn't this contradict what you are saying about which machines use : >30-pin and 72-pin SIMMs, or am I confused? : > : Actually, no, I just wasn't talking properly. :) All Turbo chupset-based : machines take 72-pin SIMMs. What I meant to say was that non-Turbo based : mono slabs take 30-pin SIMMs. :) : -- : David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) : Computer/Synth Junkie : University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer : Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Matt Fuerst) Newsgroups: Subject: Bevy of Questions Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 00:22:01 -0400 Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> I am planning on picking up my very first NextStation tommorow. I have read all the material that I can - the NeXT Book, along with several others available at the local library. Some questions - The Station has support (hardware) for RJ-45 Ethernet Connection. I have a Cable Modem. It dynmically allocates IP Addresses. Right now, I've got the cable modem hooked up to a hub, and my Macintosh hooked up to the hub. I've got my cable, now what do I need to do to the Next to get it getting a Dynamic IP Address? (I am unsure of what OS this machine will be running if that matters, I assume at least OS 2.0 and hopefully 3.3) I ended up becoming more confused after reading the newsgroups on the memory situation. I'm getting a NextStation 25 MHz Mono (though the Cubes are available for same price, too bulky...).. so it has 8 30 pin SIMM slots (that's the conculsion I came to, at least) Allright, and if you guys are really, really fast iun replying. What do I want to look for. I have the chance to play around with one of these before I buy. What would I want to know? What can I do? Again, I'm a Mac/WinNT Guru with experience with BeOS and Unix... and I've read several books on NeXT without ever actually sitting in front of one. I've managed to find how to get into the ROM Monitor from Apple/Next web site. Is that a good thing to check out (for RAM AND HD info?).. I am kinda afraid of messing it up... but hey... Thanks, email reply's apprecaited! Matt
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Multiple processors in a NeXT Cube. Date: 1 May 1998 21:34:31 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6id9dr$e1a$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6id9dr$e1a$>, Adam H. Schondelmayer <> wrote: >I have heard a rumor that it is possible, with some slight modification, to >run 4 motherboards in a NeXT Cube in parallel. Well, sort-of. You get four machines in one box; they exist as separate entities, linked via Ethernet. You have to arrange separate disks or net- booting or similar. >So far, I have only found >legitimate information on running a 68040 upgrade board and a 68030 >motherboard as a server and client in one box. It works with any combination, but you have to be sure to pull the NBIC from all but one of the boards. Otherwise they get upset. >Is the parallel-processing >idea viable, or is it just a rumor? > Well, it's not really parallel-processing--more of parallel-power-supply-use. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station Date: 1 May 1998 21:28:37 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6i08k3$sko$> <6i6qe3$bll$> <> <6iakkl$ma1@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6iakkl$ma1@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>, Joerg Spix <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> wrote: >David Evans <> wrote: > >> Ahhh, yes. The original platform for MAX. Yes, shame on me. As if I >> could ever afford one. > >Put a cube in your basement, in around five years the ISPWs are no >longer used I assume. Well, why not just use the cube on my desk? :-) >(Perhaps earlier.) But then, you don't want to use >them anymore, I'm afraid. > Are they that, uh, "crusty" by modern standards? >There is no longer a need for the ISPW. You can do things on a PowerMac >with Max and MSP (by David Ziccarelli). If I had a PowerMac that would be great, but I don't. :) >Nothing else than MAX-FTS (except undocumented and unsupported software >from IRCAM, as I know) can make use of the ISPW. The MusicKit doesn't >know the card. The 56K-DSP only does digital audio I/O there. Even the >MIDI runs on the I860 which is bad, because the I860 is so slow in >serving interupts. > Hmmm...could be interesting to combine an ISPW with an Ariel board. Likely not very *useful* but certainly a conversation-piece. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OD Pinout Date: 1 May 1998 21:24:39 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Royce Priem <> wrote: >Does anyone know the pinout of the OD? More specifically, the >orientation of pin 1? Is it upper left or upper right? Thanks in >advance... > Alas it's pretty hard to tell, since the cables don't have a red stripe and I can't see any markings on the drive I have here (although it's not taken apart at the moment). All of my OD cables are keyed; are yours not? -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ND video overlay? Date: 1 May 1998 21:31:04 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6ibr4k$80a$> <6icp85$l9i$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6icp85$l9i$>, <> wrote: > wrote: >>I've heard of the NeXT Dimension being capable of bitmap overlays over the >>video IN signal. Is it possible to do that and record the output back over >>the video OUT signal? > >Yes. > It works well. It doesn't actually use overlay for the video; it is digitised and pumped directly into the framebuffer. This lets you paint over it with genuine alpha-blending and lots of other fun things. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: PCMCIA support? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 16:35:23 +0800 Organization: IONA Technologies China Ltd. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone know if there are ways to use PCMCIA modem and PCMCIA TypeIII hard drive with NeXTStep 3.3 (Intel)? Any comment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jasper
From: (Jeff A. Harrell) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Message-ID: <jeff-0405982127550001@> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> <6ijaen$5ti$> <6ik8uu$ka4$> <6ike7e$5un$> Organization: RIVA Technologies Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 03:30:29 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 20:30:29 PDT In article <6ike7e$5un$>, "Thomas Womack" <> wrote: > I can't quite see where the gap is ... T3Es are Cray/SGI machines just as > much as Origins are. Gunter's list reckons that a couple of US military > installations have O2000 systems with 256 processors, which I presume refers > to clusters of 128-processor systems - though he lists two 128-processor > systems at UTokyo, three 64-processor systems at Sandia and some very > strange stuff (Origin 3K and 4K) as 'due to be installed' at E-systems. I'm > no longer sure whether or not to believe his list. The largest possible Origin2000 configuration at this point is 128 CPUs, so sites reporting larger P-counts than that are reporting cluster or array sizes. Last I heard NCSA had 224 CPUs, but I'm sure that's a bit out of date. LANL and Wright-Patterson in Ohio both have many more than that, but if I told you the exact numbers, I'd have to kill you. ;-) (I'm sure I'll find out in the morning if the security officers at Raytheon can take a joke.) You've thrown me on the reference to "Origin 3K and 4K" systems. There are no such beasts. Raytheon / E-Systems has a number of large configurations, but no systems larger than 64 processors. At least not yet. > They're not abandoning the T3E or T90 just yet, though they say 'first > scalable vector product later this year' which will presumably replace the > J90. I imagine this means there will be a heap-of-21264s system at the top > of the Top500 list by about this time next year. Keep in mind that the next-generation vector systems will continue to be based on custom-engineered processors, while future MPP/DSM systems will be based on MIPS cpus for the near term (before 2001) and possibly on Intel IA-64 chips after that. Alpha processors are, for better or worse, not in SGI's supercomputing roadmap.
From: Henry Koplien <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: PCMCIA support? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 11:38:09 +0200 Organization: IBM HD MicroCode Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jasper Wong wrote: > > Does anyone know if there are ways to use PCMCIA modem and PCMCIA > TypeIII > hard drive with NeXTStep 3.3 (Intel)? Any comment would be greatly > appreciated. > > Thanks in advance, > Jasper A modem is no problem. But what I found out is a very slow data rate to work reliable with the modem (2400 Baud). But I may need some more time to fight with the beast... and the beast can do 33600 Baud. Henry -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ snail mail : Henry Koplien, HD Micro Code Development, IBM 71032 Boeblingen/Germany \|/ voice : +49-7031-16-3516 o(O O)o fax : +49-7031-16-3328 \^/ -------------- Ihh-Mehl: --ooOo---(_)---oOoo---
From: Alexis Cousein <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 12:18:51 +0200 Organization: Silicon Graphics Belgium Message-ID: <> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <6hko5n$gso$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Ulrich Ruede <>, Ulrich Ruede <ruede@lagos.Math.Uni-Augsburg.DE> Ulrich Ruede wrote: > If you look a little closer you'll see that most of the Alpha based T3Es > are very powerful machines, constituting a large share of the upper 100 > of the list. The fastest MIPS based Origin appears on number 166. With > 128 MIPS processors it is almost as fast as an Alpha based T3E with just > 36 processors on rank 164. It figures. They didn't run a LINPACK on the 128 CPUs yet (because people do tend to use these for better things than running LINPACKS, and because in November '97, this system did not run in single system image), and the Top500 rules mean that it has the exact same rating as the 32 CPU machines in the ranking (wondered what Rmax vs. RPeak is all about?). To use that in an argument calling these machines "not leading edge" is, to say the least, misleading. On top of that, I will not dispute that an Alpha is an excellent (hand-tuned) LINPACK processor, but there are lots of other `leading edge' codes that do stress memory subsystems and I/O subsystems quite differently -- I presume you yourself are not exactly paid to run tuned LINPACK benchmarks. The TOP 500 rules are kept simple, and not by accident, but that should also mean that people should restrain themselves from using them in an inappropriate manner. They are a crude indicator of relative performance, and should be treated as such -- i.e. it can be used to draw *general conclusions* or to see trends, but that's about all. The T3E and Origin are both excellent machines, though their design is different -- the T3E's memory subsystem is not even cache-based, and heavily skewed towards the type of jobs one would run on it, and its packaging can give you much more processors for a given footprint -- at a price. -- Alexis Cousein Added to confuse the enemy: Sales Support Engineer Silicon Graphics NV/SA (Belgium)
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 05:23:02 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6impa5$l4h$> "Thomas Womack" <> writes: > ... There's a mention of > the SN1, which sounds like a larger O2000 with faster processors, as an > intermediary. Since SN1 was going to use H1, and SN2 <- H2, I can't see how that's relevant anymore. *sob* Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? (veered off into discussing the human brain) Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 06:14:37 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6imsas$ovb$> Penio Penev <> writes: > Aside from Chemistry (which is arguably a somewhat complicated and > magician-like Quantum Physics) ... Why are you using expressions involving terms like 'magic'? What is this obsession with trying to make science or aspects of reality appear mystersious or strange? If the universe is a particular thing, then it is and shouldn't be treated as wierd just because we don't understand it. This is the mentality that insists on using wooowooo music in science-related documentaries. If the universe is capable of making a black hole quantum teleport from the Orion constellation to the top shelf of your fridge, turn into a stick insect, teleport to a nearest piano and start singing 'All You Need Is Love', who cares? If that's the way things are, then that's that. It seems so... *human* to automatically label anything that's unknown as mysterious, strange, wierd, etc. Perhaps it's a handy way of keeping the masses from trying to learn about such things, a convenient social black box convention. Arthur C. Clarke resembles a prophet more and more every day... :) > ... you can safely ignore all quantum effects > in the brain. Rubbish. To ignore any aspect of the brain's operation means it is not possible to obtain a complete understanding. You don't know how the brain works, nobody does, and until alot more is known about such simple things as the way in which data is stored, to just dismiss any aspect of its workings is just idiocy. In fact, it may be physically impossible to know fully how the brain works. There may be aspects of reality that are unobservable by their very nature. > Everything is plain analog Electrical Engineering (based on Information > Theory). More rubbish. And why do you keep capitalising everything? Capital letters don't imply that a 'scientific' field is any more respectable or accurate. > P.S. I consider conformational changes in single molecules Chemistry. Maybe you do, but that doesn't mean such a field can completely describe a brain's workings because it can't. If it could, then that's all the brain would be doing, but it isn't. There is alot more going on about which very little is known. I once asked one of the best surgeons in London exactly what it was that made the human heart keep beating. Where in the body is the driving element? What is the source? Is it in the brain? After some squirming, he had to confess that this hadn't been figured out yet. The simple fact is that nobody knows the answer, or at least they didn't back in 1986.. There are fundamental things about the brain's workings which are totally unknown and not understood. It is so, so typical of modern science to dismiss what it does not understand until more is known, at which time the phenomena is written off as being 'simply' this or 'merely' that, as if it never really mattered anyway (I've seen this done with descriptions of the Aurora in overnight education programmes, despite the fact that the same programme said there were still unclear aspects of the Northern Lights). More examples: the fields of (heh) Molecular Biology, Chemistry and Genetics completely dismissed the importance of 'junk DNA' until recently. AIDS researchers dismissed the idea of combinational therapy until trials showed it to be far more effective than any single drug on its own. Zero point energy was dismissed as fanciful nonsense despite Tesla messing with it 100 years ago; now NASA says it's working on propulsion systems based on the same ideas (see last week's New Scientist). Teleporting matter was deemed nonsense, but now IBM throws photons around in its quantum lab on a daily basis. Water on the moon? Nah! Oh, hang on a moment, there it is... The electron not a fundamental particle? Nonsense! Oh, they have evidence for that now it seems... Or how about the *chemists* which said Thalidomide, DDT, Agent Orange and radioactivity were nice and safe? Wrongo! Or the idea of an asteroid causing major extinctions? That was major heresy in Paleontology until the evidence became overwhelming (the gravity data for the Yucatan Peninsula is one the nicest things an oil company has ever done). Fundamental constants not constant??? Get me some stress pills! I'm going to blow a quark! How many more examples would you like me to list? I could fill several volumes and still not finish. It all sounds so much like the way major religions of just a few hundred years ago dismissed and ignored things until evidence showed otherwise (eg. solar system structure), but even then some refused to give up their beliefs. The better approach is not to form unwarranted beliefs in the first place. Keep an open mind. At least early humans made models based on observations (eg. Sun going round Earth, so...), but your statements about the quantum aspect to the brain aren't based on any data whatsoever. Again and again science dismisses this and that because things don't fit the models. Tough cookies. The universe is what it is. Not wanting a phenomena to be there just because you don't understand it doesn't make that phenomena go away and doesn't make it any less important - in fact, as a non-understood aspect of reality, such a phenomena should be the *most* important item of concern, not the least important. As a *scientist* you should be forming _no_ judgement at all until more data is obtained. As a scientist you should be observing phenomena, conducting experiements, creating models and testing those models against reality, refining them constantly, not dismissing phenomena merely because you don't have any model to 'explain' them yet or assess their relative importance. Even then, a model is *not* reality; it is merely a model, a description of a shared world view. Until you know *why* there is a quantum level of operation in the brain, it is completely impossible for you to come to any judgement as to its importance with respect to other aspects of how the brain works. For all you know, without the quantum element present, the brain might not work at all, you might not even have a conciousness. And is it coincidence that your study field is precisely the area which you consider to be most relevant to how the brain works? At no other time in human history has it been clearer that all fields of science are thoroughly related and connected; chaos was doing a good job of making that obvious. But now, as more and more phenomena are brought into the limelight, things seem to be slipping back into the age of narrowly defined disciplines and world views. :\ Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: phy070@spo109 (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT CD-ROM (SONY CDU-541) SCSI termination? Followup-To:, Date: 5 May 1998 11:16:31 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Message-ID: <6imsef$> References: <EsGC2L.1E8@RnA.NL> <> Wayne Joerding ( wrote: : I found my manual on the external Next CD drive but it has nothing about : SCSI termination. I use a termination plug that works fine. I am not : aware of any internal termination capability but can't promise that such : a thing does not exist. Most probably not. If you believe in statements of German distributors (experienced in NeXT's hw and sw), NeXT (in slabs) has neither internal termination nor a builtin external in its CD-ROM drive. Argumentation was: Internal (SCSI-)path so short, termination not needed. External: So short not, needed if no device present; if a device is present Termination (external one) may be supplied but isn't neccessary by experience. These are not my words and I wouldn't advise as stated above, but it were more or less official statements from NeXT selling and repairing staff here. Ruediger -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: phy070@spo109 (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: PCMCIA support? Followup-To:, Date: 5 May 1998 11:33:56 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Message-ID: <6imtf4$> References: <> <> Henry Koplien ( wrote: : Jasper Wong wrote: : > : > Does anyone know if there are ways to use PCMCIA modem and PCMCIA : > TypeIII : > hard drive with NeXTStep 3.3 (Intel)? Any comment would be greatly : > appreciated. : > : > Thanks in advance, : > Jasper : : A modem is no problem. But what I found out is a very slow data rate to : work reliable with the modem (2400 Baud). But I may need some more : time to fight with the beast... and the beast can do 33600 Baud. If you're really using NS 3.3 and not OS (4.2), then install the 'new' serial device drivers. They have a way to say, that a 'serial connection' is PCMCIA and not COMx. But you must have the Intel(-compatible) PCMCIA hostbridge (for the driver PCIC) within your system. All other hardware is not supported with either NS or OS, so you'll have no socket services without a PCIC compatible hardware! Can't say anything about drives in PCMCIA slots, apart from devices driven by PCMCIA SCSI card (Adaptec), which is probably another way of using it, than you want to have. Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: Richard Scholz <richard@de.subito> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ND video overlay? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 15:35:04 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <354F1588.49CD@de.subito> References: <6ibr4k$80a$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > video IN signal. Is it possible to do that and record the output back over > the video OUT signal? If not, what manipulation of the video OUT signal is > possible?? Is video OUT just basically a nice way to get composite NTSC > output from the cube? You can overlay the ingoing video signal, but you can't output that back, not the live video signal. What you can do is to grab a single frame of the video signal into a bitmap. Then you can output that bitmap. But you can't output the live overlaid input signal. "It just doesn't work." > > Also wondering as to the availability of SW/utilities that take advantage of > the Dimension board in general. Included in NEXTSTEP 3.0 .. 3.2 (err NeXTSTEP :-) are some demos for the ND Board, like NeXTtv. They are also available seperately. Also included in NEXTSTEP 3.0 .. 3.2 is the 3Dkit. Demos and 3Dkit are removed in 3.3, but you can easily install them on top from the old CDs. There is also a Document in the NextAnswers about the Demos. There is a ND Faq. Check out, which has some ND related stuff, including the FAQ. Greetings, Richard ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany email: richard at subito dot de
From: Nate Holloway <noone@illegal.domain> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 12:24:08 -0400 Organization: Fluidesign co. Message-ID: <354F3CC8.5E0@illegal.domain> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> <6i4see$> <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain> <6iatjd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit PB Schechter wrote: > It makes sense, but I think that you are wrong, if you are speculating > that NeXTs do error correction. I don't really think they do...if they did, why not advertise the fact? I'm just saying it's really curious. > The reason there is a delay only when > all slots have parity memory is that the NeXT only does parity checking > if *all* SIMMs are parity SIMMs. That's nice, but the NeXTAnswers I was going on state the slowdown only for systems with slots full of parity ram, and not for systems with parity ram in half and the other half empty, so.... I made the leap that the slowdown only happens (according to NeXT) when 72 bits across parity RAM is in use. ECC at that time (TurboStations::1992-3) was really common on unix boxen. > I assume that you are not quibbling with the 4% speed degradation for > checking parity--right? I have no idea how much extra time it (checking > parity) should take, but it certainly should take *some* extra time. Well on every other memory controller it takes no time! It should not introduce extra latency because testing parity is extremely easy and fast. It is done in parallel with the other work of the memory controller. > After all, the bits need to be added, and the sum needs to be compared > with the parity bit.... Again no. What you describe would be population count - but you don't need that, you only need parity (odd/even). Parity is a half dozen gates, much cheaper than a full adder, and the result is available nearly instantaneously. On the other hand, for doing Reed-Solomon in special hardware 4% total observed speed hit is a reasonable figure. In order to not sound too much like a conspiracy theorist, I've thought of an alternate explanation for the puzzle: the MC is only designed to parity check 4 bytes in parallel on read. This means that when you fill all 4 slots with parity RAM and turn interleaving on, it has 8 bytes to check and has to wait for the first 4 to pass before checking the next 4. This could cause some latency - but why would you ever design a MC this way? -- f l u i d e s i g n Nate Holloway, Technical director natedogg at fluidesign dot com
From: (Serguei Patchkovskii) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? (veered off into discussing the human brain) Followup-To:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Date: 5 May 1998 16:13:46 GMT Organization: The University of Calgary Message-ID: <6indrq$> References: <6imsas$ovb$> wrote: : Penio Penev <> writes: : > Aside from Chemistry (which is arguably a somewhat complicated and : > magician-like Quantum Physics) ... : Why are you using expressions involving terms like 'magic'? What is : this obsession with trying to make science or aspects of reality : appear mystersious or strange? Hey, I earn my living dabbling in theoretical chemistry (even though of a somethat different kind than Penio), and you can take my word that 'magic' applies. How else would you call getting right answers with inadequate methods and for wrong reasons? ;-) Cheers, /Serge.P
From: (Henry Koplien) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: PCMCIA support? Date: 5 May 1998 17:27:11 GMT Organization: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ini5f$15lu$> References: <6imtf4$> In article <6imtf4$> phy070@spo109 (H.-R. Oberhage) writes: > If you're really using NS 3.3 and not OS (4.2), then install the 'new' > serial device drivers. They have a way to say, that a 'serial connection' > is PCMCIA and not COMx. > But you must have the Intel(-compatible) PCMCIA hostbridge (for the > driver PCIC) within your system. All other hardware is not supported > with either NS or OS, so you'll have no socket services without a PCIC > compatible hardware! Well, all those things are in place. The problem is not the driver, I believe. I get an hardware overrun if I want a significant amount of data. This discards any reasonable ppp connection. I have the chance to switch to another better Laptop. This may solve a lot of things. Henry
From: "Joerg Spix" <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 20:18:19 +0200 Organization: C. v. Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg - Fachbereich Informatik Message-ID: <6inl1a$e37@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> References: <6i08k3$sko$> <> <6i6qe3$bll$> <> <6iakkl$ma1@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> <> David Evans <> wrote: Hi, > In article <6iakkl$ma1@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>, > Joerg Spix <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> wrote: > >David Evans <> wrote: > > > >> Ahhh, yes. The original platform for MAX. Yes, shame on me. As if I > >> could ever afford one. > > > >Put a cube in your basement, in around five years the ISPWs are no > >longer used I assume. > > Well, why not just use the cube on my desk? :-) Because your cube or monitor my be dead before you can get an ISPW board. I think it costs at least $15,000 if you want one of the rare new ones. It will be cheaper if you get it used, but how much? > >(Perhaps earlier.) But then, you don't want to use > >them anymore, I'm afraid. > > > > Are they that, uh, "crusty" by modern standards? As I know there is almost no more support for the NeXT-ISPW from IRCAM. The new way id PD from Miller Puckette or MSP from David Ziccarelli. There are much more objects and the concept is much better now. But you can translate old MAX-patches if you need. > >There is no longer a need for the ISPW. You can do things on a PowerMac > >with Max and MSP (by David Ziccarelli). > > If I had a PowerMac that would be great, but I don't. :) If you really want to work with realtime audio processing, get one (preferrebly a cheap G3 or the G3 notebook). > >Nothing else than MAX-FTS (except undocumented and unsupported software > >from IRCAM, as I know) can make use of the ISPW. The MusicKit doesn't > >know the card. The 56K-DSP only does digital audio I/O there. Even the > >MIDI runs on the I860 which is bad, because the I860 is so slow in > >serving interupts. > > > > Hmmm...could be interesting to combine an ISPW with an Ariel board. Likely > not very *useful* but certainly a conversation-piece. This stuff is too expensive in my opinion. I use Synthbuilder on my NeXT for realtime audio, but there is the problem of the limited DSP memory. I would go for a G3 mac if I could afford it. Until then, I stay with my 6100/80 and use a slower sampling rate (22050 Hz). Joerg -- (
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Bevy of Questions Date: 5 May 1998 19:27:23 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6inp6r$gsb$> References: <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> Matt Fuerst wrote: > The Station has support (hardware) for RJ-45 Ethernet Connection. I have a > Cable Modem. It dynmically allocates IP Addresses. Right now, I've got the > cable modem hooked up to a hub, and my Macintosh hooked up to the hub. > I've got my cable, now what do I need to do to the Next to get it getting > a Dynamic IP Address? (I am unsure of what OS this machine will be running > if that matters, I assume at least OS 2.0 and hopefully 3.3) Ugh. You will need DHCP software. I know there are some people who are using it, so hopefully they will speak up (checkout csn.sysadmin if they don't) > What do I want to look for. I have the chance to play around with one of > these before I buy. What would I want to know? What can I do? Again, I'm a > Mac/WinNT Guru with experience with BeOS and Unix... and I've read several > books on NeXT without ever actually sitting in front of one. I've managed > to find how to get into the ROM Monitor from Apple/Next web site. Is that a > good thing to check out (for RAM AND HD info?).. I am kinda afraid of > messing it up... but hey... You should be able to boot into the machine and checkout the OS level and HD size. Not sure what you aren't unclear on..... TjL -- <a href=''> And you thought the Internet would never end</a> Unix Tip #4872: giving a process a lower priority gets it done faster SEE ALSO: nice(1), renice(8)
Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 13:41:46 -0700 From: James Deyo <"deyo@deyo"> Organization: Deyo Productions MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: 533Mhz Dream Machine, what the Pros demand Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <> 533Mhz Dream Machine, what the Pros demand (It's a much faster professional and more powerful machine than the novice pentium II 400 Mhz or Apple) ______________________________________________________ This Pro Package includes: *533Mhz Alpha Dec chip, Mother Board: 4 PCI's, 3 ISA's, 1Meg Cache *4.5Gig A/V Ultra Wide SCSI Hard drive *128 Megs, SDRAM 10ns *56k Modem *Fire GL Accelerator Pro Card, 8Megs *3D Sound Card *32X CD *Windows NT 4.0 *Light Wave 5.5 *Ulead Multimedia Studio 5.0 The asking price for this sytem is $3,450.00 ________________________________________________________________ This pro CD production Package includes: *533Mhz Alpha Dec Chip, Mother Board has 4 PCI, 3 ISA, 1Meg Cache *4.5Gig A/V Ultra Wide SCSI Hard Drive *128 Megs, SDRAM 10ns *56k Modem *Millenium II 4meg VRAM (optional: Oxygen 201 16megs Acc card) *3D Sound Card *4X6 SCSI CD Burner *second seperate 24X speed CD ROM *NetWork Card *Windows NT 4.0 *Light Wave 5.5 *Ulead Multimedia Studio 5.0 (Editing Power) This systyem is ready to create animations, special effects, short stories and distributed to CD's. Now you can demo and ship your project off to that important client. The asking price for this system is $4,800 (New) Monitor not included. For more information call: Deyo Productions 213 465-2369 or e-mail us at: Visa/Master Card Accepted We Ship UPS * AirBorne * Fed Ex
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 05 May 1998 20:39:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: James Deyo <"deyo@deyo"> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Bevy of Questions Date: 5 May 1998 22:50:29 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6io53l$i2h$> References: <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> <6inp6r$gsb$> In article <6inp6r$gsb$> (Timothy Luoma) writes: >In <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> Matt Fuerst wrote: > >> The Station has support (hardware) for RJ-45 Ethernet Connection. I have a >> Cable Modem. It dynmically allocates IP Addresses. Right now, I've got the >> cable modem hooked up to a hub, and my Macintosh hooked up to the hub. >> I've got my cable, now what do I need to do to the Next to get it getting >> a Dynamic IP Address? (I am unsure of what OS this machine will be running >> if that matters, I assume at least OS 2.0 and hopefully 3.3) > >Ugh. You will need DHCP software. I know there are some people who are >using it, so hopefully they will speak up (checkout csn.sysadmin if they >don't) Hmm, I know MediaOne in the northeast US sets up their cable modems to work with only one hardware ethernet address, other providers may do the same. If that's the case, only the Mac, if that's what's set up to work with the cable modem, will get a DHCP address anyway and work. A work-around is to use IP-NAT (Network Address Translation), also known as IP Masquerading, basically a router. Easiest solution would be to use IPNetRouter on the Mac - <> Then, set up all other machines on the network with non-routed static IP addresses (10.x.x.x) and use the Mac as the gateway. Note: I haven't done this, but it *should* work. -- Nathan Raymond
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NEC multispin6X anyone? Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 18:29:11 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6io7c7$n9$> Did anyone have good success with NEC multispin6X? FAQ saz NEC 6X speed works, but I know there is another 6X cd unit that is not called multispin, I was not sure. thanks! -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 17:08:29 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> <6i4see$> <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain> <6iatjd$> <354F3CC8.5E0@illegal.domain> When parity checking is enabled, one wait state is added to memory accesses in the NeXTStation Color and Turbo. The extra wait state is needed because extensive simulation testing showed that the overall system timing was marginal under worst case conditions (Temperature, voltage, bus capacitance, etc). It didn't make sense to enable parity testing to catch the expected 1 error in 10,000 hours of operation or less, while trying to push memory timing to the point where parity detection might be unreliable. It's a systems integration problem. The last thing we wanted was to introduce unreliability into a high reliability configuration. Mike Paquette
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 19:54:59 -0500 From: David <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Fast CPU? References: <6i4hn2$reo$> <> <> <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware 5 years ago, I saw a 486 running Win 3.1 do face learning, along with the individuals name. Learn time: < 1 sec. Recall time: nearly instantaneous. I still have the software. David M. Dr_Bob wrote: > > In article <>, > Casper.Dik@Holland.Sun.Com (Casper H.S. Dik - Network Security Engineer) > wrote: > > >[[ PLEASE DON'T SEND ME EMAIL COPIES OF POSTINGS ]] > > > > (Dr_Bob) writes: > > > >>the unit I saw could work with any human but it would capture the image > >>and spend 20 minutes processing it and storing the image. > > > > > >So, was it compared to humans studying the same faces for 20 minutes or > >were the humans only allowed to glance at the faces for a few seconds. > > humans were only allowed 2 seconds. > > -- > Dr. Bob > "I am dislexic of Borg. Your ass will be laminated."
From: John Wood <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: FS: Black NeXT Hardware Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:43:06 -0700 Organization: Arizona State University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I have the two machines below for sale. If you would like both I'm sure we can work something out. Please repsond via E-mail. ------- NeXT 25MhZ (68040) Greyscale Cube 16 Megs of Ram 400 Meg HD, with NeXTSTEP 3.1 User installed 5.25 optical drive NeXT adb keyboard & mouse NeXT Greyscale monitor Cable Power Cable $ 250 or best offer (buyer pays shipping) NeXT 25MhZ (68040) Color Cube NeXT Dimension board w/ 8 Megs Ram (video), NTSC in/out 40 Megs Ram (system) 1.3 Gig HD w/ NeXTSTEP 3.1 User installed NeXT floppy drive NeXT adb soundbox/keyboard/mouse NeXT cables for the above NeXT 17-inch MegaPixel color monitor $800 or best offer (buyer pays shipping) --- John Wood
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: Newbie to SCSI - question on interface Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 03:18:32 GMT Message-ID: <> I understand that the connector on the back of my NeXT Mono Turbo Slab is "Micro SCSI-2." Is this compatable with any of the interfaces labeled as "fast, wide, ultra," etc.? To rephrase the question, does a fast, wide SCSI(1?) drive work with the Micro SCSI-2 adaptor I have (I assume that the cable is different, but can such a cross-over be made)? Thanks for the help. -Nicholas Floersch
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: PCMCIA support? Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 12:08:49 +0800 Organization: IONA Technologies China Ltd. Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6imtf4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: "H.-R. Oberhage" <phy070@spo109> Thanks!!! I'll go and download the latest serial driver then. Jasper H.-R. Oberhage wrote: > If you're really using NS 3.3 and not OS (4.2), then install the 'new' > serial device drivers. They have a way to say, that a 'serial connection' > is PCMCIA and not COMx. > But you must have the Intel(-compatible) PCMCIA hostbridge (for the > driver PCIC) within your system. All other hardware is not supported > with either NS or OS, so you'll have no socket services without a PCIC > compatible hardware! > > Can't say anything about drives in PCMCIA slots, apart from devices > driven by PCMCIA SCSI card (Adaptec), which is probably another way of > using it, than you want to have. > > Ruediger Oberhage
From: Nate Holloway <noone@illegal.domain> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RAM? Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 01:51:21 -0400 Organization: Fluidesign co. Message-ID: <354FF998.4DA2@illegal.domain> References: <6i36qo$1g9k$> <> <6i4see$> <35483491.31CE@illegal.domain> <6iatjd$> <354F3CC8.5E0@illegal.domain> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mike Paquette wrote: > > When parity checking is enabled, one wait state is added to memory > accesses in the NeXTStation Color and Turbo. The extra wait state is > needed because extensive simulation testing showed that the overall > system timing was marginal under worst case conditions (Temperature, > voltage, bus capacitance, etc). It didn't make sense to enable parity > testing to catch the expected 1 error in 10,000 hours of operation or > less, while trying to push memory timing to the point where parity > detection might be unreliable. > > It's a systems integration problem. The last thing we wanted was to > introduce unreliability into a high reliability configuration. > > Mike Paquette I appreciate the insight, Mike! Thanks. Now it all gets clear: the rom monitor does more than enable parity- it lets the user choose a philosophy. 1. "I am anal about data integrity" 2. "It's okay, I'd rather go a little faster" Now I can waste time thinking about something else. ;-) -- f l u i d e s i g n Nate Holloway, Technical director natedogg at fluidesign dot com
From: Michael Bartosh <> Newsgroups: Subject: Login Screen Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 01:14:31 -0600 Organization: HiEd, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On NS 3 my ND used to have a loginscreen that floated around. I tried to repeat this with NS 3.3 using the dwrite method in the faq, however this has not worked. Anyone have a good method for me? -mab
From: Michael Bartosh <> Newsgroups: Subject: serial port A terminal on a mac Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 01:17:10 -0600 Organization: HiEd, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Any way to make my mac the terminal comming off portA? This would be an excelent solution for the day my display inevitably dies and I have to move my ND from dorm room to dorm room every semester- -mab
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,microsoft.public.hardware Subject: Re: Fast CPU? (veered off into discussing the human brain) Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 03:58:01 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ip8mp$p6q$> (Serguei Patchkovskii) writes: > Hey, I earn my living dabbling in theoretical chemistry (even though > of a somethat different kind than Penio), and you can take my word > that 'magic' applies. How else would you call getting right answers > with inadequate methods and for wrong reasons? ;-) Woah, hang on now! This clearly comes under the banner of Statistics - "People use statistics as a drunk uses a lamp post: for support rather than illumination." :) Ian. SGI Network Admin, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England, PR1 2HE. Doom Help Service (DHS): SGI/N64/FutureTechnology: BSc Dissertation: CyberSurvival: Tel: (+44 -0) 1772 893297 Fax: (+44 -0) 1772 892913 -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Richard Scholz <richard@de.subito> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ND video overlay? Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 11:31:13 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <35502DE1.7626@de.subito> References: <6ibr4k$80a$> <354F1588.49CD@de.subito> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Richard Scholz wrote: > Also included in NEXTSTEP 3.0 .. 3.2 is the 3Dkit.^ Oops - VideoKit, not 3DKit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany email: richard at subito dot de
From: Newsgroups: Subject: WTB: OLD UNIX WORKSTATIONS Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 04:50:49 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ipbpp$umi$> Wanted by Computer Studies student/Computer collector/Unix fan: Any old Unixworkstations(HP, Sun, SGI, etc.) working or not. Also software/manuals/information wanted for old Unix based computers. As I am a student I can't pay much for these computers or parts, I would be especialy grateful for any machines that you are giving away (I will pay postage). For machines that I am especialy interested in I will pay what I can (I would love to own a NEXT cube or a nice SPARCstation). I will get use any machines that I am given, I love messing about with UNIX and getting old hardware up and running. I am learning a lot from using these machines. Isn't it better that I should get that old workstation and have some educational fun with it, rather than it going in the trash! Plus you get a bit of money back for your old computer. Thanks in advance. ps: I am situated in the UK however I may be willing to pay shipping for machines in other countries. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Steve M) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Newbie to SCSI - question on interface Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 20:01:06 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Goto Also, there is a general FAQ on SCSI on the Net as well. Please remove animal for any replies, <----- thanx
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Using NeXT monitors with other computers Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 14:15:54 -0600 Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6iqct9$naf$> Question #1: Does anyone know of an adapter that will turn a black NeXT monitor into a SVGA or Macintosh compatible monitor? I have done some looking around but have not managed to track anything down. #2: I see to remember that early Mac video boards had a connector that looked like the Next cable configuration. Is the NeXT monitor pin-out configuration a UNIX standard of some kind? #3: Does the fact that black NeXT monitors are fixed resolution (not multisync) make such an adapter impossible? Thanks for your help. Zack Taylor Black Eye Design -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Newsgroups: From: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> Subject: cmsg cancel <> Organization: Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 22:37:22 GMT Sender: (FishRul7) Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Lele Gaifax <> Newsgroups:, Subject: How can a UUCP connection freeze the OS? HELP! Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 14:44:30 +0200 Organization: ITnet S.p.A. is not responsible of the content of this article as posted by one of its customers. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CC: Hi all, I'm facing a new and misterious problem: I have a distribuited database, managed by a NeXTSTEP application I wrote. Nightly a set of scripts collects and redistributes the changes between the six machines involved in the service. UUCP is used as the transport layer. All machines run NS 3.3 + Taylor UUCP 1.06.1: the main site is a Pentium-90, while the remote sites are a combination of NeXTstations, Cubes and P-90. All are equiped with a ZyXEL U1496 modem. The whole system is working ok since years, but suddenly a month ago started raising a fatal problem: the main site make a call, the modems do reach an agreement, and after a few seconds the computer freeze up, completely, mouse included. This happens *only* when an UUCP connection starts up, but not *any* connection: sometime it's able to do the job correctly, expecially when on the other side there's a NeXT machine. Faxes goes ok, in both directions. I tried almost anything: I changed everything except the harddisk, but the problem is still there. Disabling the night activity on the modem prevents the problem: they used the machine for a week, without a singe hang. I cannot find any hint in /usr/adm/messages nor in the usual logs, except a strange and erratic "ttyscc1: read error", but surely it isn't written at fault-time. I'm partially convinced it is something related to the hardware, since I NEVER saw the mouse locked on NS, with the machine reacting only to the hardware reset button. I could try reinstalling Taylor UUCP, but since it works sometime I cannot believe it's corrupted in such a way, and even if it would, how can an user process hang the entire machine in this way? I'm really lost without an help! Any hint? Thanx a lot in advance, bye, lele.
From: (Matt Fuerst) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Networking Help! Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 20:43:52 -0400 Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <fuerstma-0605982043520001@> Allright, I would like to thank everyone that has already tried to help me and lend me their great advice. My current problem - I am trying to connect my NeXT box to my cable modem. I have read a great intro in how to accomplish this via a static IP address, but I have a dynamically allocated address (though, it is the same address every time.. interesting? Possible? I don't know,they tell me it is dynamic, but for 5 months and many boots, shut downs, etc.. it's been the same) I have most of the information I think I need - what I don't know, due to my lack of experience is what to put where. I find the NetInfoManager and HostManager to be pretty intimidating (I am running NS 3.0) The IP I always get is: I have decided to run the software that turns my Mac into a router/gateway. For the I dplicated the ethernet port I am connecting to (using IPNetRouter) and then assigned it a "local IP Address" (taken from the IPNetRouter manual) of with a Mask of So my Mac is now masquerading as a Router for my NeXT box. So, I know on the NeXT box I am supposed to put as the gateway it is to connect to (where do I put that? HostManager?) and as the Gateway. What do I do with teh "NetINfo Binding" box in HostManager? What about the hostname? Is that information provided by my Service provider. I believe I was provided the Hostname of with a domain of (my fiancee's name is on the bill - McLeish hence the name) but I don't have to put that information in for my Macintosh (via Open Transport's TCP/IP). What information should I tell the "Broadcast Address" - is that NeXT specific? Do I even have to use the NetInfoManager? It looks evil for a beginning user like myself. I appreciate all the help you guys give me, it's great being a part of the NeXT community! Matt Fuerst
Subject: Re: Could NT have hosed my network card for use under OpenStep? From: "Robert A. Decker" <> Droggitis" <johnd@CYBERNEX.NET>, "Ed Saunders" <>, "Alex Popadich" <>, "Alan Grover" <>, "Paul R. Potts" <> Newsgroups:, nntp:// References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <B176B086-77CB2@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 04:24:01 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 00:24:01 EDT All I can say is that NT is one hell of a joke and Bill Gates is the greatest pranskter of all time. Just to remind you, I had been running OpenStep successfully for quite some time. I decided to repartition my harddrive and install NT on the other partition. After I installed NT I could no longer get my ethernet card to work. The card was recognized and signal was on the line, but traffic just wasn't working. This was happening in both OpenStep _and_ NT. It appears as if NT reconfigured the card in such a way that it, and any other OS, could no longer use it! What a fucking joke! (people that know me know that I rarely swear). In order to get the card working again I had to boot into DOS using a DOS floppy, then run a program that came with a floppy for the ethernet card that completely reset the card. I turned off plug-n-play, set the memory address of the card to a location I knew would work, and set its IRQ to one I knew was free. (I actually did quite a bit more than this over the last two weeks - I reinstalled my OS several times, I bought a _new_ card, I tried installing the ethernet card on a computer at work (with no luck) and generally went absolutely crazy). I've completely wiped all traces of NT from the computer. If I need to run it in the future I'll have to buy a separate computer so that I can treat it like the virus it is. rob -- <mailto: "Robert A. Decker"> <> Programmer Analyst - Health Media Research Lab University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center "Get A Life" quote #11: "Oh yeah right honey, and I'm the Goodyear blimp. Look! There are letters running across my rear!" -Chris Elliott
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digitizer Tablet question Message-ID: <> Date: 06 May 1998 20:03:15 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> At one time I was looking at hooking up my ArtZ, and was in touch with Wacom to do it. Apparently it simply involves setting the tablet into an older compatibility mode so as to work with the NeXT driver. Not sure if the ArtPad can do this, but if you call Wacom tech support they will put you in touch with a person who can either help you or tell you it can't be done. On a related note, anyone know of a source for the older, larger, compatible tablets? William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 15:44:22 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " How much RAM should I consider as the minimum to happily run OPENSTEP 4.2 on a black station? I have 24 MB now. Should I get more before I upgrade? Anything else I should be aware of before I upgrade (from NS3.0)? Thanks. Rob
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: 7 May 1998 10:15:53 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6ismnp$7rq$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> <ork41.51$> James D. Meacham <> wrote: : A) Can NeXTSTEP 4.2 take advantage of multiple processors (e.g. dual 333Mhz : pentiums, drool, drool)? No. : B) What kind of performance do you think I could get running NS 4.2 or 3.3 on : a decked out 333 mhz pentium while NXHosting from my TurboStation? IIRC, NXHosted apps execute the binaries on the remote machine and execute Display PostScript on the local machine. Therefore NXHosted apps running on the Turbo and displaying on the Pentium will run at the speed of the Turbo and display at the speed of the Pentium. : Problem for me mostly is that I don't want to give up my 21" screen (and don't have : the money for one on an intel box). Would it be comperable to NXHost to a : fast pentium while displaying on my TurboColor. NXHosted apps running on the Pentium and displaying on the Turbo will run at the speed of the Pentium and display at the speed of the Turbo. : Reakky, this sounds like the : best of all possible workds if it would work (whihc makes me suspect it : won't, but I figured I'd ask). The best of all possible worlds is to purchase the fastest Intel box you can and run and display all your apps there, and relegate your Turbo to server work. There is no comparison these days between a low-end Pentium II and a high-end Moto machine. ................kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: 7 May 1998 01:37:30 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6ir38q$75q$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> "Robert G. Jacobs" wrote: > How much RAM should I consider as the minimum to happily run OPENSTEP 4.2 > on a black station? I have 24 MB now. Should I get more before I > upgrade? I've heard at least 64.... I can only put 32 in my slab so it is still running 3.3 TjL -- <a href=''> And you thought the Internet would never end</a> Unix Tip #4872: giving a process a lower priority gets it done faster SEE ALSO: nice(1), renice(8)
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Using NeXT monitors with other computers Date: 7 May 1998 05:53:32 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6iri8s$j2$> References: <6iqct9$naf$> In article <6iqct9$naf$> writes: >Question #1: > >Does anyone know of an adapter that will turn a black NeXT monitor into a SVGA >or Macintosh compatible monitor? I have done some looking around but have not >managed to track anything down. Griffin Tech. sells them - I had to call up to ask for it. >#2: > >I see to remember that early Mac video boards had a connector that looked like >the Next cable configuration. Is the NeXT monitor pin-out configuration a UNIX >standard of some kind? Yes, the connector is called 13W3 and is common on workstations, especially Suns. (Anyone know of a cheap switchbox? Lowest price I could find for a 13W3 was $200 for an A/B box!) >#3: > >Does the fact that black NeXT monitors are fixed resolution (not multisync) >make such an adapter impossible? Depends on the tube, as far as I know. The Sony color Trinitron for instance will support other resolutions, but in those days moniotors wren't changed dynamically so all geometry controls are analog and most are inside the case, requiring the removal of 4 screws from the outer casing to get at them, and using the tool stored inside the case to adjust them. -- Nathan Raymond
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: CDRs, CD-ROMS, hw buying advice Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 01:11:11 GMT Message-ID: <> My previous question about buying an NEC CD-ROM was just shot in the foot so..... I want to be able to read CD-Rs, I might even like to burn a few myself. I have seen the topic of CD burning under NS3.3 floating around, but ignored it because I thought it would be too expensive till I recently checked prices at e-bay. Would someone mind reiterating what was said regarding both a good CD-ROM drive and CD-R burner? Latest source says that Plexor (like those sold at is decent... any verification of this? Anything better? Anything less expensive? Thanks for the help, Nicholas Floersch
From: (GbyTheSea) Newsgroups: Subject: FS:Next Dimension Board w/ free 040 cube Message-ID: <> Date: 08 May 1998 03:38:50 GMT Organization: AOL I have the following items FS: Qty 1 NeXT Dimension Board No memory NTSC Qty 1 Next Cube 040 0 memory 0 HD internal cables Next Optical Drive No keyboard mouse or software Price: 450.00 for the pair delivered 2nd day FedEx COD certified funds Send complete address, day and evening phone with response.... Thanks for your time... -Greg Wilkerson
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CDRs, CD-ROMS, hw buying advice Date: 8 May 1998 00:27:40 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6iu1js$qlr$> References: <> I have a Plextor CD-ROM drive and I have no complaints whatsoever. They are rumored to be some of the best drives around. Nicholas Floersch ( wrote: : My previous question about buying an NEC CD-ROM was just shot in the : foot so..... I want to be able to read CD-Rs, I might even like to : burn a few myself. I have seen the topic of CD burning under NS3.3 : floating around, but ignored it because I thought it would be too : expensive till I recently checked prices at e-bay. Would someone mind : reiterating what was said regarding both a good CD-ROM drive and CD-R : burner? Latest source says that Plexor (like those sold at is : decent... any verification of this? Anything better? Anything less : expensive? : Thanks for the help, : Nicholas Floersch -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: (Nicholas Floersch) Newsgroups: Subject: NEC 6x CD-ROM... question regarding name of what to buy... Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 02:34:39 GMT Message-ID: <> I have seen everyone saying how wonderful all of those NEC 6x External CD-ROM drives are.. but I have yet to see their exact names... I went over to EBAY to serach for one and found things like NEC CDR6xi or 6xe? Does any SCSI 6x work or is there a specificly names item that works well? Thanks mucho! Nicholas Floersch
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Organization: Center for Communications Programs--The Johns Hopkins University MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> Message-ID: <ork41.51$> Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 15:29:24 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 11:29:24 EDT > In <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> "Robert G. > Jacobs" wrote: > > How much RAM should I consider as the minimum to happily run OPENSTEP 4.2 > > on a black station? I have 24 MB now. Should I get more before I > > upgrade? Good God yes. 4.2 is a RAM and CPU hungry beastie. I have 80 megs RAM in my Turbo Color machine, and it seems to work fairly well, with no swapping except when I work with huge HTML files in OmniWeb 3. Slow, though, I've got to say. If it weren't for RBrowser and OmniWeb 3, I'd go back to 3.3; those two apps, though, are so cool it's worth a little performance hit. It has made me serious about getting a studly pentium machine to really run NeXTSTEP at speed. A couple of unrelated questions: A) Can NeXTSTEP 4.2 take advantage of multiple processors (e.g. dual 333Mhz pentiums, drool, drool)? B) What kind of performance do you think I could get running NS 4.2 or 3.3 on a decked out 333 mhz pentium while NXHosting from my TurboStation? Problem for me mostly is that I don't want to give up my 21" screen (and don't have the money for one on an intel box). Would it be comperable to NXHost to a fast pentium while displaying on my TurboColor. Reakky, this sounds like the best of all possible workds if it would work (whihc makes me suspect it won't, but I figured I'd ask). PEace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 · Fax 410-467-9630 · Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: "Mark Kronquist" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NEW TO NEXT Have Extra /Need Some Hardware Organization: CSL Software Mime-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <4Jm41.1579$> Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 18:04:48 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 11:04:48 PDT I have the following SURPLUS Next Items Quantity Item Configuration 5 Megapixel Display N4000A PN 1403 NO CABLE 3 Next Station Model N1100 Part No 1715 25MHz 68040 Mono configured as follows 8/80 qty 1 0/80 qty 1 0/0 qty 1 I just bought my first Next yesterday and am unsure as to how to price these. I need a mouse ofr a N1100 and might be inerested in a trade for SW and a printer... Thanks Mark
From: "Mark Kronquist" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Bevy of Questions References: <fuerstma-0505980022010001@> Organization: CSL Software Mime-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <vKm41.1581$> Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 18:06:19 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 11:06:19 PDT In article <fuerstma-0505980022010001@>, (Matt Fuerst) wrote: I have the following SURPLUS Next Items Quantity Item Configuration 5 Megapixel Display N4000A PN 1403 NO CABLE 3 Next Station Model N1100 Part No 1715 configured as follows 8/80 qty 1 0/80 qty 1 0/0 qty 1 I just bought my first Next yesterday and am unsure as to how to price these. I need a mouse ofr a N1100 and might be inerested in a trade for SW and a printer... Thanks Mark >I am planning on picking up my very first NextStation tommorow. I have >read all the material that I can - the NeXT Book, along with several >others available at the local library. > >Some questions - > >The Station has support (hardware) for RJ-45 Ethernet Connection. I have a >Cable Modem. It dynmically allocates IP Addresses. Right now, I've got the >cable modem hooked up to a hub, and my Macintosh hooked up to the hub. >I've got my cable, now what do I need to do to the Next to get it getting >a Dynamic IP Address? (I am unsure of what OS this machine will be running >if that matters, I assume at least OS 2.0 and hopefully 3.3) > >I ended up becoming more confused after reading the newsgroups on the >memory situation. I'm getting a NextStation 25 MHz Mono (though the Cubes >are available for same price, too bulky...).. so it has 8 30 pin SIMM >slots (that's the conculsion I came to, at least) > >Allright, and if you guys are really, really fast iun replying. What do I >want to look for. I have the chance to play around with one of these >before I buy. What would I want to know? What can I do? Again, I'm a >Mac/WinNT Guru with experience with BeOS and Unix... and I've read several >books on NeXT without ever actually sitting in front of one. I've managed >to find how to get into the ROM Monitor from Apple/Next web site. Is that >a good thing to check out (for RAM AND HD info?).. I am kinda afraid of >messing it up... but hey... > >Thanks, email reply's apprecaited! > >Matt
From:***(email spammers must die) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NEC 6x CD-ROM... question regarding name of what to buy... Date: 7 May 1998 18:36:08 GMT Organization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA Message-ID: <6isuuo$> References: <> In article <> (Nicholas Floersch) writes: > I have seen everyone saying how wonderful all of those NEC 6x External > CD-ROM drives are.. but I have yet to see their exact names... I went > over to EBAY to serach for one and found things like NEC CDR6xi or > 6xe? Does any SCSI 6x work or is there a specificly names item that > works well? > > Thanks mucho! > Nicholas Floersch I wouldn't even consider an NEC CD-ROM at this point. All of their models I've tried in the past few years have serious problems reading CD-R's. For me there is but one SCSI CD-ROM to buy. Plextor. Craig Dodson (Stratus Computer)
From: Richard Scholz <richard@de.subito> Newsgroups: Subject: Q: Difference between PAL and NTSC Dimension Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 11:42:33 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <3552D389.4617@de.subito> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Does anybody know the difference between the PAL and NTSC Dimensions ? Well, sure, the PAL Dimension can handle PAL video, the NTSC Dimenstion can handle NTSC video, but what is the internal difference ? I happen to own both - a PAL board and a NTSC board. It would be nice, if I could reconfigure the NTSC board, so that it would also be PAL. I live in Germany, we have PAL video here, so I could impress my friends some more with this mega toy running 2 video screens ;-) The strange thing about these 2 boards is - they look nearly the same. They have the same set of circuits on them. They are nearly identical. There is no difference in the circuitry that handles the video signals. I looked up some data sheets, and the ciruits the Dimension board has, are not tied to any special video standard. So I suppose the Dimensions circuitry can handle both - PAL and NTSC. I suppose, that the boards are physically identical, but just configured to PAL or NTSC mode. The Dimension has some flash EPROMs on it, so I assume that they are just programmed, so that the Dimension behaves as either PAL or NTSC. Does anybody know how this is done ? As good as the NeXT Engineers were, I think they just produced Dimensions, and then reprogrammed them with some utility. Greetings, Richard -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany email: richard at subito dot de
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: 8 May 1998 00:08:57 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6itiep$b93$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> <ork41.51$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <ork41.51$> James D. Meacham wrote: > A couple of unrelated questions: > > A) Can NeXTSTEP 4.2 take advantage of multiple processors (e.g. dual 333Mhz > pentiums, drool, drool)? Nope... but Rhapsody should > B) What kind of performance do you think I could get running NS 4.2 or 3.3 on > a decked out 333 mhz pentium while NXHosting from my TurboStation? All the processing is still done on the remote machine, so my guess is that it wouldn't be faster. > Problem for me mostly is that I don't want to give up my 21" screen (and > don't have the money for one on an intel box). But a 17" could run at the same resolution.... smaller, sure, but you wouldn't really lose any desktop. There's an adaptor out there somewhere that either lets you connect a PC monitor to a NeXT or a NeXT monitor to a PC, I'm not sure which... TjL -- <a href=''> And you thought the Internet would never end</a> Unix Tip #4872: giving a process a lower priority gets it done faster SEE ALSO: nice(1), renice(8)
From: "Reza Sahraei" <> Newsgroups: Subject: DiskOnChip 2000 (Flash Disk) problem Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 10:01:38 -0700 Organization: KTK Communications Ltd. (SmarttNet, Message-ID: <6ivckr$4rn$> Hi all I have a problem in working with DiskOnChip 2000. When I put DiskOnChip and EVB (evaluation board) on the ISA slot the system dosen't boot up and I have black screen, and even BIOS doesn't complain about anything. IF you any information about that, I would appriciate it If you could send me. This is my email address: Thanks, Reza.
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> <ork41.51$> In-reply-to:'s message of Thu, 07 May 1998 15:29:24 GMT Date: 8 May 1998 02:01:49 -0500 In article <ork41.51$>, (James D. Meacham) writes: A couple of unrelated questions: A) Can NeXTSTEP 4.2 take advantage of multiple processors (e.g. dual 333Mhz pentiums, drool, drool)? Nope. You'll know when a public release of NeXTSTEP (*ahem* OpenStep (*ahem* Rhapsody)) supports this by watching for my post on how much faster compiles go with it :-). B) What kind of performance do you think I could get running NS 4.2 or 3.3 on a decked out 333 mhz pentium while NXHosting from my TurboStation? Problem for me mostly is that I don't want to give up my 21" screen (and don't have the money for one on an intel box). Would it be comperable to NXHost to a fast pentium while displaying on my TurboColor. My feel for this is that when -NXHost'ing, most performance is bounded by the capabilities of the console things are displaying on. You would notice a difference between running the app on a NeXTstation versus a Pentium133, say, but less difference between a Pentium133 and a Pentium 233, and probably very little difference at all above that, because the app is outrunning the display. The except may be certain apps which I consider somewhat outside of average, such as OmniWeb displaying a large table. Drawing the window should take about the same amount of time for a non-tabled or heavily tabled page, but the table layout is usually the bottleneck in these cases, so the fast CPU may be helpful. On the other hand, the above paragraph is assuming that the app is tuned to efficiently use DPS. A P-II 333 will PSwait() no faster than a Pentium133... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NEC 6x CD-ROM... question regarding name of what to buy... Date: 8 May 1998 20:02:22 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0gvu$> References: <> <6isuuo$> email spammers must die <***> wrote: >In article <> (Nicholas >Floersch) writes: >> I have seen everyone saying how wonderful all of those NEC 6x External >> CD-ROM drives are.. but I have yet to see their exact names... I went >> over to EBAY to serach for one and found things like NEC CDR6xi or >> 6xe? Does any SCSI 6x work or is there a specificly names item that >> works well? You must look for a MultiSpin (that's what you should search for at ebay). If it says CDR-reader and it doesn't say Multispin don't buy it! Look for a image of a CDROM with a round opening for a tray, not a lift off top. If it just says >> >> Thanks mucho! >> Nicholas Floersch > >I wouldn't even consider an NEC CD-ROM at this point. All of their models >I've tried in the past few years have serious problems reading CD-R's. For >me there is but one SCSI CD-ROM to buy. > >Plextor. > Plextor is a great drive but you don't see thenm all that often at ebay. Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: DFHS drives for black Date: 8 May 1998 20:05:19 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0h5f$> Hi, Has anyone had any luck installing DFHS drives on black machines? Upon connecting a DFHS drive I recently purchased I get the following messages. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do before returning the drive? sc: unexpected msg:1 sd: target 0 lun 0 opcode 18 sd: addr 0x43bb50 bcount 66 rdflag1 sd: sdstatus 0 sdstate 0 resid 66 sd: s5c state 7 status 0x87 sc: intrastatus 0x8 seqstep 0x4 sc: fifo level=0 transfer count 43690 sc: command 0x10 config 0x57 This repeats with a few variations then finally : bad magic Please respond to Thanks, Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: 8 May 1998 20:10:50 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0hfq$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> <ork41.51$> >pentiums, drool, drool)? > >B) What kind of performance do you think I could get running NS 4.2 or 3.3 on >a decked out 333 mhz pentium while NXHosting from my TurboStation? Problem >for me mostly is that I don't want to give up my 21" screen (and don't have >the money for one on an intel box). I have the same problem, my cube has 2 21" monitors which are great. What I've heard is that you will probably have to put OS on your black hardware to NXHost to a fast Intel box. That is, there are incompatibliities between NS and OS NXHost applications. Emmett
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 20:30:42 -0700 From: John <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Questions, Please Respond Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 1. I have a N1000 Cube, N4000a Monitor and a N2000 Printer, but no Cables or Keyboard or Mouse. a. Can I use a 15 pin straight through cable to hook the monitor to the cpu? Like an old Mac to Mac Monitor cable? b. Can I use a Mac key board and mouse? c. Can I use a 9 pin straight through cable for the printer? Thanks
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: 9 May 1998 03:38:35 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6j0j3r$986$> References: <6j0h5f$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Has anyone had any luck installing > DFHS drives on black machines? I don't know what DFHS stands for... > Upon connecting a DFHS drive I recently purchased I get the following > messages. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do before > returning the drive? Check the termination. Only the last drive should be terminated (most drives are terminated by default IMexperience). Check to make sure the SCSI ribbon is not upside down, if you have a cable where that is possible (ie no notch). Disconnect all the other drives (I'm assuming there are others) and just try that one and see if it works). TjL -- Nothing worth saying can be said in less than four lines.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: 8 May 1998 21:13:11 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0l4n$> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0j3r$986$> Timothy Luoma <> wrote: >In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > >> Has anyone had any luck installing >> DFHS drives on black machines? > >I don't know what DFHS stands for... > It's an IBM drive running at 7200 rpm. One of my problems is that the people at failed to provide any documentation on the drive and haven't responded to E-Mail or FAXes. On the phone the best I can get from them is to visit > >Check the termination. Only the last drive should be terminated (most drives >are terminated by default IMexperience). Check to make sure the SCSI ribbon >is not upside down, if you have a cable where that is possible (ie no notch). According to the doc I've found pin 14 is the terminator. I get the same error message regardless of whether it is jumpered. I also have a 50 pin active terminator which should make it so that the termination should be OK no matter what. > >Disconnect all the other drives (I'm assuming there are others) and just try >that one and see if it works). It is the only drive except for the CDROM. Thanks, Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: FYI : Newcom 33.6 works fine with NXFAX Date: 8 May 1998 21:15:58 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0l9u$> FYI, The newcom 33.6 works fine with both ppp and NXFaX. (NXFaX recognizes it as a Rockwell.) Emmett
From: Alexandre Petit-Bianco <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: putting a floppy in an old cube Date: 08 May 1998 23:04:06 -0700 Organization: Cygnus Solutions Message-ID: <> > All 040 systems take the 2.88M Floppy. A Sony MFD-40W-1X or 1Y > for anyone who cares. Is there anything you have to do to tell the mother board that the floppy is there? Oh, by the way, I've got a Y1. It has a switch labeled S101 (on the left side of the floppy, if you hold it with the lateral motor in front of you and the SCSI map on your right). This switch has 4 positions. Do you now how is should be set and what is its purpose? -- Alex (, The Free Software Rules the World. Join the Revolution.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Are there 25 MHz '040 slabs with 8 72-pin SIMM slots? Date: 5 May 1998 14:44:57 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6i4utd$> <> <> <6im01l$qt3$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6im01l$qt3$>, Mr. Hubert Hickman <> wrote: > >The trivia question is whether there exist non-ADB mono 25Mhz slabs with >4 72 pin SIMM slots. > Sure. I've used one. Since they're just Turbo-based machines running at 25MHz they stand as good as chance of being ADB as 33MHz machines do. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: 9 May 1998 06:42:17 GMT Organization: on Tues thru Thurs. Message-ID: <6j0ts9$> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0j3r$986$> <6j0l4n$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6j0l4n$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > >In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > > >> Has anyone had any luck installing > >> DFHS drives on black machines? > > > >I don't know what DFHS stands for... > > > It's an IBM drive running at 7200 rpm. > snip > > > > >Disconnect all the other drives (I'm assuming there are others) and just try > >that one and see if it works). I just installed an IBM DFRSS2F 2.1Gig drive on a 25mHz Cube. I think its a 5400rpm. I played Jumper for an hour before getting it to work. The jumper list was printed on top of the unit. (Flip Font to view this chart) (or copy to Edit) ________ | . . | ID3 | . . | ID2 ON | . . | ID1 ON | . | KEY | . . | AUTOSTART ON | . . | TERMPOWER ON | . . | SPSYNC ON | . . | LED | . . | WRPRT | . . | DEL STRT | . . | DPT BL | . . | D TI SY ON | . . | DIS PAR | . . | DIS UN A | . . | RESERV |_______| Note the ID's are, in order 3, 2, 1 Note the KEY has only one pin ID1 + ID2 = SCSI3 (obviously must be unique) AUTOSTART = automount TERMPOWER = enabled SPSYNC = synchronous transfers D TI SY = my guess is Disable Target Initiated Sync makes the unit bootable Hope this helps. Email if you need more info. Charlie Dvorak
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How much RAM for OS on Black Date: 8 May 1998 20:15:34 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j0hom$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980506154252.2236A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <6ir38q$75q$> <ork41.51$> <6ismnp$7rq$> > >Therefore NXHosted apps running on the Turbo and displaying on the Pentium >will run at the speed of the Turbo and display at the speed of the >Pentium. Kris, Since he wants to use his black 21" monitor he wants to NXHost on the black and run on the Turbo not the other way around. > > >The best of all possible worlds is to purchase the fastest Intel box you >can and run and display all your apps there, and relegate your Turbo to >server work. There is no comparison these days between a low-end Pentium >II and a high-end Moto machine. Considering that 21" monitors for black sell for 250$ a piece NXHosting from black to white is more economical. Emmett
From: (Timothy Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: 9 May 1998 15:54:00 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6j1u6o$eni$> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0j3r$986$> <6j0l4n$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6j0l4n$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > >In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > > >> Has anyone had any luck installing > >> DFHS drives on black machines? > > > >I don't know what DFHS stands for... > > > It's an IBM drive running at 7200 rpm. FWIW I wouldn't put a 7200rpm drive in a slab. TjL -- Nothing worth saying can be said in less than four lines.
From: John Hornkvist <sorry@no.more.spams> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 12:33:27 GMT Organization: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Sender: (John Hprnkvist) Message-ID: <> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0j3r$986$> <6j0l4n$> <6j0ts9$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6j0ts9$> wrote: > In <6j0l4n$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > > >In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > > > > >> Has anyone had any luck installing > > >> DFHS drives on black machines? > > > > > >I don't know what DFHS stands for... > > > > > It's an IBM drive running at 7200 rpm. > > I have the OEM technical specification for the DFHS (IBM publication #3302, 98 pages) and the DFHS SCSI Logical Interface Specification. (IBM Document #AS05-0005-00, 322 pages). To disable sync negotiation, you need to short the jumper pair 25/26. That should be pair number four from the right. ("Pair" number four from the left should have only one pin, if you have a 50 pin SCSI interface, and if you have the Wide-SCSI-version, pair number 5 from the left should have one pin missing.) Regards, John Hornkvist Name: nhoj Address:
From: no@more.spam (Markus =?ISO-8859-1?Q?H=F6rnkvist)?= Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 18:46:02 GMT Organization: No organisation Sender: (Markus Hprnkvist) Message-ID: <> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0j3r$986$> <6j0l4n$> <6j1u6o$eni$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6j1u6o$eni$> Timothy Luoma wrote: > In <6j0l4n$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > Timothy Luoma <> wrote: > > >In <6j0h5f$> Emmett McLean wrote: > > > > > >> Has anyone had any luck installing > > >> DFHS drives on black machines? > > > > > >I don't know what DFHS stands for... > > > > > It's an IBM drive running at 7200 rpm. > > FWIW I wouldn't put a 7200rpm drive in a slab. > Actually, the average power rating is only 13 W. The reliability operating temperature limits are (in Kelvin) Disk Enclosure top: 328 K Disk Enclosure bottom: 328 K PRDF Prime Module: 353 K WD Modules: 348 K Microprocessor module: 348 K VCM FET: 348 K SMP FET: 348 K The DFHS is a cool and quiet drive for its speed. Unfortunately, the model had a problem with head sticking. There is also a DFRS series with modified firmware which will power down at seemingly random intervals to avoid sticking. I used to have one, and it was probably the best desktop hard drive I have ever owned, but the heads stuck despite the firmware work-around. /Markus name: helge address:
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 10 May 1998 03:49:44 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: NLP interface speed? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 10 May 98 09:23:09 GMT Anyone happen to know the bandwidth of the NeXT Laser Printer interface? I figure a single page is around 12 million bits. Hm. Anyone wanna build a USB adaptor for it? :^) USB does 12 Mbps, after all. It ought to be able to carry the data fast enough to feed a little box that would munge the data into the format the printer wants. I'd love it if I could replace my print-serving slab with an iMac. ;^) (Heck, I could hook it up to my PC, too.) Sigh. Fat chance that the necessary hardware specs will ever appear. :( -- "... and subpoenas for all." - Ken Starr
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: CHEQUES CASHED Message-ID: <> Date: 10 May 1998 23:46:19 GMT CHEQUES CASHED: Rates from 3.25% including "Not Neg" & "Account Payee Only". If you require a cheque cashing and do not wish to use a bank account, please call us today. Totally discreet,efficient & confidential service. Tel 07970 622645 or E-mail for info. (UK ONLY SORRY).
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 10 May 1998 22:46:25 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: replacement mouse Date: 10 May 98 16:24:55 Organization: University of California, Los Angeles Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain I want to replace my mouse. I'm using a Nextstation 25 with original mouse. I looked through the information at, but would like some more information. What mouse should I get in order to make the replacement as simple as possible ? I would prefer to ge t one that does not require any rewiring of pins. Geoffrey Mess
From: (Seungjoo Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: I have a problem for using MO drive Date: 11 May 1998 00:33:51 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <6j5h1f$9rq$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I can't use MITSUBISH MO drive for external with NEXTSTEP 3.3 My SCSI card is Adaptec AIC 7870 and my MO is MK230L. Is there anyone who use this drive with NEXTSTEP 3.3? -- Seung-joo Lee mailto : (NeXTMail OK!)
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: DSP Slot? Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:35:46 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6j62lc$beq$> Dear NeXT users, After I opened the case to install RAM on my machine. I saw one slot, indicated for DSP. I think DSP is Digital Signal Processing (i could be wrong). I went to see NeXT user guide.. it shows the way to add DSP RAM??? So, my question is, what is DSP used for, sir? What is the performance before and after install DSP -RAM? Is it possible to find the DSP RAM in current market? Just curious.... I'm looking forward to seeing the response in either email or NG, soon. Thank you very much, sir. Your Sincerely, -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DFHS drives for black -- Thanks everyone Date: 11 May 1998 09:30:39 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6j793f$> References: <6j0h5f$> <6j0l4n$> <6j1u6o$eni$> <> Thanks for the help everyone. The post with the pinouts and jumper settings made all the difference. The drive is running perfectly! Incidentally it is running in a Cube not a slab. Emmett
Newsgroups: From: (Gilbert Wong) Subject: RAM and cache in NeXTStation Color Message-ID: <> Organization: Computer Group, Elec. Eng., University of Toronto Date: 11 May 98 18:35:48 GMT Hi, Can anyone tell me what kind of RAM (how many pins and how fast) can be used in a NeXTStation Color? Also, I see an empty slot on the Color Station motherboard which seems to be reserved for cache. Do Colorstation supports cache? If it does, what kind of cache can be used ? Thanks, Gilbert Email:
From: Arnaud <> Newsgroups:, Subject: 3D acceleration under OS 4.2 ? Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 00:11:24 +0200 Organization: [posted via] Easynet France Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, anyone using a 3D hardware under Openstep 4.2 Mach/Intel ? Even if you developed a custom driver, I'm interested ! Thanks for your help.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar Subject: cmsg cancel <6j82dn$9ad$112@news.on> Control: cancel <6j82dn$9ad$112@news.on> Date: 11 May 1998 23:43:14 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6j82dn$9ad$112@news.on> Sender: FAST CASH @fgdfg.asdf Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Roddy Richards) Newsgroups: Subject: PC inside NeXT Cube? Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 19:47:39 +0100 Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <> Heard somewhere that people have been using NeXT cubes as cases for PCs and was wondering a few things: 1) What's the wattage on the power supply for a cube? 2) What form factor would the motherboard for the cube have to be? 3) Have there been any problems using cubes that anyone has run into? 4) What sort of expansion bays are available internally? I don't know a thing about black hardware other than that it looks 400x better than INWIN or Enlight cases, and, if there are no real problems using a Cube, i'd really prefer to use one. Your input is appreciated, -- Roddy Richards
From: Philippe Steindl <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Media sense error while installing 3.3.on black next Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 00:00:26 +0200 Organization: ETHZ Federal Institute of Technology Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I recently got a black next and tried to install NS3.3 to its internal 406 MB HD. I inserted the floppy, did a b fd and it started installation. It starts copying the files and all, but always files at a certain point (near the end) with a media sense error on the CDROM drive's scsi ID. The cdrom is a 20Plex cdrom .. is it too modern or to fast or something? Or what would cause this error .. a badly scratched CD etc? Help appreciated! See ya, PS
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Disaster with '030 Cube.... Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 17:22:49 -0700 Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 May 1998 22:22:14 GMT I just recently got an 68030 cube and a second motherboard. The cube worked just fine without any kind of worries. Even when I put in the second motherboard it booted back up fine and was running like that for days. I got the thinet cable and terminators today and plugged them in with the machine off, but when I rebooted I had the display cable plugged into the second motherboard it said "loading from network for about 30 sec. and then a POP!! and smoke came out the already nonworking optical drive opening and it went dead. What the hell did I do? Was it the fact that I used 50 OHM Terminators? I'm afraid to try to turn it back on. I pulled the motherboards and they don't seem fried, and I can't find where the burn spot is. What should I do, and what can I do to salvage it.
From: "Klaus Lotz" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PC inside NeXT Cube? Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 08:05:09 +0200 Organization: not organized yet:-) Message-ID: <6j8oro$piu$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Roddy, >Heard somewhere that people have been using NeXT cubes as cases for PCs >and was wondering a few things: ...... >if there are no real problems >using a Cube, i'd really prefer to use one. >-- >Roddy Richards > Why not using a original one? Leave those ugly, unintelligent PCs where they belong to... cu klo
From: Steve Murray <> Newsgroups: Subject: Installing NeXT Step 3.2 on a p166MMX pc Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:45:39 +0100 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all, forgive me if this question has been answered before as I am new to this group. I am looking to upgrade my current 486 running 3.2 to a pentium based system. Are there any issues with version 3.2 of the software that would stop me from doing this. I have to use version 3.2 as my imposition software will only run under this version. Any help/information that could be given would be very very gratefully received. Many thanks Steve Murray
Newsgroups: From: "cal" <> Subject: Adverse effects of 60ns RAM in NeXTstation turbo color? Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600" Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 16:48:16 GMT This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me 60ns for a NeXTstation turbo color. = I know 70ns is recommended. Does anyone know if there are adverse = effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My gut would say no. Thanks. Cliff Leong ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me = 60ns for a=20 NeXTstation turbo color. I know 70ns is recommended. Does = anyone=20 know if there are adverse effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My = gut=20 would say no.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Thanks.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Cliff = Leong</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600--
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PC inside NeXT Cube? Date: 12 May 1998 13:33:30 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6ja15a$sec$> References: <> <6j8oro$piu$> Klaus Lotz ( wrote: : Why not using a original one? Leave those ugly, unintelligent PCs where they : belong to... 'Cause the PCs are faster? I hate the x86 architecture, but I'm not crazy about the speed of my Color Turbo NeXTStation either. -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NLP interface speed? Date: 12 May 1998 17:37:18 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ja1ce$t7c$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Jonathan W Hendry wrote: > Anyone happen to know the bandwidth of the NeXT Laser Printer > interface? I figure a single page is around 12 million bits. > > Hm. Anyone wanna build a USB adaptor for it? :^) Only about 20K or there abouts made - not a large enough market for all the time/$$/effort one would need to invest. > USB does 12 Mbps, after all. It ought to be able to carry > the data fast enough to feed a little box that would munge > the data into the format the printer wants. I thought the NeXT Serial carried about 1Mbps, which if your estimation is right and compression is not used would give about 5 pages per minute but I'd guess the print is about 10 pages/minute. I'm sure 12Mbps would handle it. BTW: What's wrong with the little box being a $100 25Mhz 040 slab? Isn't that cheap enough for you?! > I'd love it if I could replace my print-serving slab with > an iMac. ;^) (Heck, I could hook it up to my PC, too.) So tell me who would pay more than a slab for a dongle to hook a NLP up to other boxes.. Economics says it won't happen. > Sigh. Fat chance that the necessary hardware specs will > ever appear. :( > Yes that is true for various reasons. But even if they were to appear I doubt anyone would be crazy enough to do what you suggest. Black hardware just isn't a large enough market, as many have found out (including NeXT). And new B/W laser printers are coming down in price as with everything else. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adverse effects of 60ns RAM in NeXTstation turbo color? Date: 12 May 1998 13:35:36 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6ja198$siu$> References: <> cal ( wrote: : This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Quit that, it's unfriendly. : ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600 : Content-Type: text/plain; : charset="iso-8859-1" : Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable : I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me 60ns for a NeXTstation turbo color. = : I know 70ns is recommended. Does anyone know if there are adverse = : effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My gut would say no. Your gut is right. At least, I put 60ns EDO RAM in my NeXTStation Turbo Color, and it runs just fine at 70ns, even though the other SIMMs are 70ns FPM. : Thanks. : Cliff Leong : ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600 : Content-Type: text/html; : charset="iso-8859-1" : Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> : <HTML> : <HEAD> Quit that too. : <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = : http-equiv=3DContent-Type> : <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR> : </HEAD> : <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> : <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me = : 60ns for a=20 : NeXTstation turbo color. I know 70ns is recommended. Does = : anyone=20 : know if there are adverse effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My = : gut=20 : would say no.</FONT></DIV> : <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> : <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Thanks.</FONT></DIV> : <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Cliff = : Leong</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> : ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01BD7DA4.3BC8B600-- -- Ben <Just Another System Administrator>
From: Andang Kustamsi <> Newsgroups: Subject: My NeXTstation is dead Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 11:48:15 -0600 Organization: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.980512111536.21209B-100000@rainbow> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Dear NeXT community, I have serious problem with my NeXTstation. When I came to my office the slab was off and I couldn't turn it on. My guess is the power supply is dead. I found a website which describes NeXTstation power supply repair in detail. But for me it is risky (I don't have electronics experience). Or perhaps the ADB circuit went off (blown fuse? like in Mac IIci). My question before I buy the power supply replacement are 1. Is there any diagnostic procedure available on the net? 2. What other things can cause this problem? 3. What kind of power supply is Orb, DeepSpaceTech or BlackHole inc. selling? Used NeXT Part No. 1477 or Sony Model No. APS-21? Thanks in advance. Andang (Sad NeXTian)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions, Please Respond Date: 12 May 1998 17:50:27 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ja253$t7c$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> John wrote: > 1. I have a N1000 Cube, N4000a Monitor and a N2000 Printer, but no > Cables or Keyboard or Mouse. > > a. Can I use a 15 pin straight through cable to hook the monitor to > the cpu? Like an old Mac to Mac Monitor cable? I'm not sure about the 15pin. I do know a couple of those line has to be able to handle some serious watts though for the monitor. > b. Can I use a Mac key board and mouse? Not on anything but a 33Mhz 040 ADB Turbo > c. Can I use a 9 pin straight through cable for the printer? Yes. I use a 10' > Thanks Good luck. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell,comp.sys.nsc.32k Subject: cmsg cancel <6jba7m$ler$> ignore no reply Control: cancel <6jba7m$ler$> Message-ID: <cancel.6jba7m$ler$> Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 05:44:25 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - multiposted binary files BI=1179.5/1 SPAM ID=cSEEPtkOIrp0mAJ88cXl8A==
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 04:24:36 +0200 From: Christian Benesch <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody & G3Powerbooks? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Reposting a message to where I think it belongs: Is Rhapsody DR1 supporting the new G3-Powerbooks, and if not will DR2 ? Christian Benesch
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My NeXTstation is dead References: <Pine.SUN.3.95.980512111536.21209B-100000@rainbow> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 13 May 98 08:45:00 GMT Pull out the small (yellow?) batterie, scratch with a screwdriver or something both ends and put it back into the slab. If this will help you turn the machine on again, you should buy a replacement batterie. If not: If you find another NeXT try changing the power supply (its very easy: you must remove the screw by the front, and he big cable, then pull the supply out of the NeXT-chassis. The repair of the power-supply is NOT easy for electonic-freaks, too! As you live in the USA, I would say the easiest would be to buy a new supply (if the old one is defect) at DeepSpaceTech or BlackHole or SpericalSolutions or so ... greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Misha Hill <> Newsgroups:, Subject: newest good OS for black 040 mono Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 02:12:03 -0400 Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a cube and a slab, both 040 mono, 24mb ram. Can anyone tell me what is the most recent version of NeXTstep/OpenStep that I can/should run on them? Assuming that's answered, where can I get the install media/files? I've got some in-house apps ported from our dec/solaris network running under 2.1 that I'd like to keep, but no-one remembers how they were ported or has the source, so if I can upgrade in a way that will keep them running, that's a plus. Thanks, Misha Hill
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody & G3Powerbooks? Date: 13 May 1998 10:07:31 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6jbrd3$e7d$> References: <> Christian Benesch <> wrote: >Reposting a message to where I think it belongs: > >Is Rhapsody DR1 supporting the new G3-Powerbooks, >and if not will DR2 ? According to my sources, no, and no. Too bad, this means Apple will sell one less G3 Powerbook this year. Note that this is hearsay from WWDC. Hm, Do you know about the NEXTTOYOU magazine? We'll cover WWDC, maybe you're interested. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions, Please Respond Date: 12 May 98 22:29:42 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6ja253$t7c$> In-reply-to:'s message of 12 May 1998 17:50:27 GMT In article <6ja253$t7c$>, writes: In <> John wrote: > 1. I have a N1000 Cube, N4000a Monitor and a N2000 Printer, but no > Cables or Keyboard or Mouse. > > a. Can I use a 15 pin straight through cable to hook the monitor > to the cpu? Like an old Mac to Mac Monitor cable? I'm not sure about the 15pin. I do know a couple of those line has to be able to handle some serious watts though for the monitor. Also, I'm darn near certain that the cable has to have certain electrical characteristics. There was a reason why monitor cables come in 1.5', 3' (or was it 6'), and 9'. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (0/1) Date: 13 May 1998 14:50:04 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <6jcbus$3dk$> References: <> In article <> (Thomas F. Unke) writes: > In <> Nicholas Floersch wrote: > > > I have been warned that posting images outside a binary newsgroup is > > bad, bad taboo. I apologize to anyone who was either affected or > > bothered by the post of the image. It won't happen again. > > Hopefully. But why don't you remove this spam ? Hey, I think it is pretty nice! Although, for my taste the screen is a bit too round and the corners are too far set back. Which program did you use to produce it? I don't think it is spam -- after all, he only posted to this one news group and does not try to sell me anything. Although, 600kB can be a lot over a slow line.... Bye, Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 00:12:47 +0200 From: Christian Benesch <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Subject: Re: Rhapsody & G3Powerbooks? References: <> <6jbrd3$e7d$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just found this on FAQ: It might be possible to install DR2 on WallStreet notebooks. Not much,but sparking some hope. (I really want one of those nifty G3s :) As for your magazine: Can you give me an adress in Vienna, where I can have a look at it? Christian Benesch Christian Neuss wrote: > Christian Benesch <> wrote: > >Reposting a message to where I think it belongs: > > > >Is Rhapsody DR1 supporting the new G3-Powerbooks, > >and if not will DR2 ? > > According to my sources, no, and no. Too bad, this means > Apple will sell one less G3 Powerbook this year. > > Note that this is hearsay from WWDC. > > Hm, Do you know about the NEXTTOYOU > magazine? We'll cover WWDC, maybe you're interested. > > Best regards, Chris > -- > // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." > // > // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Can I digitize analog audio in some way on my Cube (e.g. using the DSP)? Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 21:14:09 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: news@RnA.NL Message-ID: <EswyzL.1q7@RnA.NL> I was wondering if there is a way to feed my Cube audio (but not using the microphone) and turn it into CD-type snd files. I am looking for a way to move my records to CD's on my NeXT cube. Is this what 'digital ears' could do? Thanks, -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. Dass man fuer die Philosophie ein Interesse zeigt, bezeugt noch keine Bereitschaft zum Denken -- Martin Heidegger
From: (Don Yacktman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I digitize analog audio in some way on my Cube (e.g. using the DSP)? Date: 14 May 1998 00:00:21 GMT Organization: MiscKit Development Message-ID: <6jdc6l$53h$> References: <EswyzL.1q7@RnA.NL> wrote: > I was wondering if there is a way to feed my Cube audio (but not using the > microphone) and turn it into CD-type snd files. I am looking for a way to > move my records to CD's on my NeXT cube. Is this what 'digital ears' could > do? Yes. I have a Digital Ears and it works great. You can just use sndrecord to grab audio from the DSP. There's also some Obj-C APIs that come on disk if you want to do something fancier. And there's SoundWorks which is fancier yet, and cost extra. Digital Eyes does video in. I have one of those too, but I don't have the software disk. (Lost) Does anyone out there have a backup? If someone could email me a copy of the disk, that would be simply wonderful... All I have installed is the, which is nice and all, but I wanted to play with some of the other stuff on the disk... -- Later, -Don Yacktman <a href="">My home page</a>
From: "Swacky" <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,nz.comp Subject: Cheap RAM Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 13:39:21 +1200 Organization: The Internet Group Ltd Message-ID: <6jdi12$lra$> I'm looking for a web site that sells cheap ram, preferably a manufacturers website. Please email any replies. Thanks in advance
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 07:58:46 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Dead Drive During Format... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services Hello all - During a disk format of an external 2Gig hard drive the system crashed. When I rebooted, it tried to mount the drive in question, but showed a "waiting for drive status" in the boot-up to single user. Once finished with the single user boot process, the system continually spits out: Target 2: sd2 Invalid sense code:0x0 Disk has no label I've tried various things to reformat the drive, such as powering up the drive after the single user boot and formatting from there, but it churns out information about the block size being 2048k which is too big for DEV_BLK, that the drive is a 146Meg drive, and ultimately, that it can't format the drive. Nothing seems to work. Is this drive D.O.A.? Is there another app that can reformat the drive? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance... Regards, Royce
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 00:21:39 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adverse effects of 60ns RAM in NeXTstation turbo color? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit cal wrote: > I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me 60ns for a NeXTstation turbo > color. I know 70ns is recommended. Does anyone know if there are > adverse effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My gut would say > no. Thanks.Cliff Leong It depends, as I understand it, on the quality of the RAM. Some RAM mis-identifies itself speedwise. The worst I believe can happen, is that the speed will be set to 100ns, instead of 70ns. I had this problem to. I just put the RAM in and tried it. My RAM (60ns, EDO) works fine and is recognized as 70ns. I haven't heard of anything "bad" really happening, just the slower memory. Good luck.
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 00:16:36 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Image of a NeXT Station - nextmono.jpg (0/1) References: <> <6jcbus$3dk$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Helmut Heller wrote: > In article <> (Thomas > F. Unke) writes: > > In <> Nicholas Floersch wrote: > > > > > I have been warned that posting images outside a binary newsgroup is > > > bad, bad taboo. I apologize to anyone who was either affected or > > > bothered by the post of the image. It won't happen again. > > > > Hopefully. But why don't you remove this spam ? > > Hey, > I think it is pretty nice! Although, for my taste the screen is a bit too > round and the corners are too far set back. Which program did you use to > produce it? > > I don't think it is spam -- after all, he only posted to this one news group > and does not try to sell me anything. Although, 600kB can be a lot over a > slow line.... > > Bye, > Helmut > > -- > Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ > FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" > ZEN, one of BLAKES7 > Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ > Dr. Helmut Heller > Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) Gulp, it wasn't done on my only NeXT Slab which is mono, I can say that much without embarassment. Truth, heck, I can't handle it... yeah it was NT that it was done under... on a program called Lightwave. However, It isn't like I love using NT to do my graphics, I just haven't gotten around to getting Linux all setup on my PC or to buy a color NeXT Slab (or Cube). So, sorry to dissapoint. On the other hand, I have been doing some nifty mono wet-paint images on the NeXT that I will be inlcuding on my web page if I can get it up. Thanks for the vote of "ok" on this one. But, as I was told, it is better that I keep this stuff limited to my page, which is where it will be. As for the monitor being a little skewed... yah, I know. I couldn't get a tube that curved right so it ended up looking kinda wierd. Oh well. I did everything to proportion however, using a ruler I measured the dimensions as I sat there doing the model. Later, Nicholas Floersch
From: Manuel Azevedo <> Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox Mystique Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 08:01:37 +0100 Organization: (Utilizador da IP) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello! I tried to install the Matrox Driver (ref: 1975) in NEXTSTEP 3.3 so I can use my Matrox Mystique (the document says it's also compatible with the Mystique series) but it doesn't work. Better luck anyone? Thanks -- //\anuel /|zevedo Porto, Portugal
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Can I digitize analog audio in some way on my Cube (e.g. using the DSP)? Date: 14 May 1998 16:04:14 GMT Organization: PROLINK GbRmbH Message-ID: <> References: <EswyzL.1q7@RnA.NL> Cache-Post-Path:!unknown@ wrote: >I was wondering if there is a way to feed my Cube audio (but not using the >microphone) and turn it into CD-type snd files. I am looking for a way to >move my records to CD's on my NeXT cube. Is this what 'digital ears' could >do? Yep. DigitalEars is probably the cheapest but nice solution. You can switch it to 1 channel of 88,2 kHz sampling rate. The AD 64 is still made, but it's very very expensive. BTW. I sell my DigitalEars, - Marcus
From: (Eugene Miya) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.super Subject: Re: Fast CPU? Followup-To: comp.sys.super Date: 14 May 1998 18:41:42 GMT Organization: UC Santa Cruz CIS/CE Distribution: inet Message-ID: <6jfdt6$> References: <6hhlhj$177$> <> <6iikp9$gql$> <6ijaen$5ti$> What's this got to do with NeXT John? I'm trimming FUs. Someone wrote: >>No, despite the marketing buzz, SGI has not made it to the leading edge of >>supercomputing with the Origins. In article <6ijaen$5ti$>, John McCalpin <> wrote: >It is, of course, certainly possible to define "supercomputing" in >a way that excludes any possible Origin2000 configuration, but >doing so says more about the skill of the definer than the value of >the computer system. It is also similarly possible to define multiprocessors to try to design INTO a definition by mythically summing-MIPS/MFLOPS. Which while one of the coiners of the term is alive, I will continue to return to those people who define the term to get their insights. Characterizing clusters and multiprocessors complicate the issue. Unfortunately, that also reduces their value. They solve some problems while leaving other problems begging and creating new problems. In turn, the infrastructure to make those multiprocessors or clusters then becomes more important. This grief translates into more complex software, algorithms, and a data management headache which quickly starts to obscure problem solving. That in turn forces obtuse language, analogies, and verbose postings like this one. Are arbitrary-sized clusters and multiprocessors supercomputers? Probably not. And I know that George Michael and others are offended by the implication that they are. Sure, the larger ones "might be." But not in a general sense. >The Origin was not intended to be a machine for the first 20 or 50 >spots on the TOP500 list. It was intended to be a system that >would enable SGI to make scalable shared memory real, and it has >done that spectacularly well, having sold about 15,000 systems. >Our next generation DSM machine will be scalable to the "TOP 20" >level of performance, using either LINPACK NxN or some more broadly >applicable performance metric. I think this depends somewhat on how the TOP500 list or Gunter's list of sites sits with you. It's just a list. It's an incomplete list, an approximation. Is it a list to live by? Perhaps publically. Some of the sites are representative. It is at best a partial reality. But it's not a list from which the High Performance Community should make policy. I've emailed back and forth a little with the 500-maintainer and Gunter. Some significant sites are not on the list because of a combination of their hardware choices and what those sites do for a living. This is one of those reasons why normalized measures is popular. But neither list is able to measure those [BRL now ARL] is the only site I am aware of which attempted to deliver a minimum given computation rate to a user's desk. A vendor who sets out to say sell 15,000 systems is a little different from a vendor setting out to make systems solve national scale problems. This is not a traditional economic case of: the customer is always right. I think we live in a very interesting "present." In the past, it was in the best interest for vendors to keep there lists of clients quiet. Now we have sets of users keeping lists. It is better to have one seven foot jumper than any number of six foot jumpers. --Frederick Terman, Steeples of excellence quoted in --Michael Riordan/Lillian Hoddeson Crystal Fire: The Birth of the Information Age, 1997. This is what supercomputing is about. Correction: This is what supercomputing was about. References:
From: (Matt Fuerst) Newsgroups:, Subject: About my Computers Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 15:16:07 -0500 Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> so many people interested in NeXT's. I have created a web page to answer questions and hopefully enlighten everyone.. Enjoy matt
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: NLP interface speed? Newsgroups: References: <> <6ja1ce$t7c$> Message-ID: <> Date: 14 May 98 21:25:21 GMT wrote: > Only about 20K or there abouts made - not a large enough market > for all the time/$$/effort one would need to invest. Probably so. > BTW: What's wrong with the little box being a $100 25Mhz 040 > slab? Isn't that cheap enough for you?! That's what I already have. I've got a PC and two NeXTs in my studio apartment. It'll get a bit crowded if I buy a Mac. > So tell me who would pay more than a slab for a dongle to hook a NLP > up to other boxes.. Economics says it won't happen. If it could be worked out as a homebrew project, it might not be that expensive, and it'd give you that feeling of accomplishment that excuses spending way too much time and money. Somebody on the web posted schematics to a box he built, which lets him control his Sony 200-disc changer by computer, with internet-downloaded disc information. An NLP adaptor might be similarly complex, with a similarly small body of interested people. > Yes that is true for various reasons. But even if they were to appear > I doubt anyone would be crazy enough to do what you suggest. > Black hardware just isn't a large enough market, as many have > found out (including NeXT). And new B/W laser printers are coming > down in price as with everything else. True. But Postscript is still at a premium. And I'm not buying a new printer until I can afford a duplex attachment. -- "... and subpoenas for all." - Ken Starr
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 15 May 1998 01:21:12 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (BPLGEUS) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Noisy harddrive Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 22:32:33 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jgcsp$o54$> Dear lady and gentleman. I just replace my harddrive with Seagate ST15230N 4GB (Thanks Sam at Spherical for his "BIG" help). Currently, the harddrive with OPENSTEP4.2 works fine.. but the problem is its noise. I don't know it's because my harddrive or NeXT case. But the noise is too loud.. I used to use this drive in my PC and one old indy... they worked fine... yeah... some noise but not as loud as I heard from NeXT.. anyone use the "big" harddrive having "loud" noise??? Any comment, suggestion and observation are welcome. Thank you very much :) Your Sincerely, -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Nextstep 3.3 or Openstep 4.2 for MACH on Thinkpad 770 Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 05:15:33 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6jgj1m$ls3$> Hello, Is there anybody who successfully installed either Nextstep 3.3 or Openstep 4.2 for MACH on an IBM Thinkpad 770 ? Can you get the 1024x768 resolution at 16 bit color depth to work reliably ? Any info. or tips on HOW-TO install either version of the OS'es above will be greatly appreciated. Regards, PC -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6jgk4t$> Control: cancel <6jgk4t$> Date: 15 May 1998 05:34:22 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6jgk4t$> Sender: !! Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: From: Message-ID: <cancel.6jgijr$> Control: cancel <6jgijr$> Subject: cmsg cancel <6jgijr$> Organization: Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 05:08:12 GMT Sender: P.M.Z.<PMZ@EARTHONLINE.NET> Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: object.station monitor and NeXT Colorstation? Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 16:24:13 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6jhq7c$c2n$> Is it possible to use the 17" monitor which came with the Canon object.station 41 with a NeXT color system? I assume I'd need a 13W3 to BNC connector? Thanks! Sharad Shanbhag --- Sharad Shanbhag Graduate Program in Neuroscience University of Minnesota, Minneapolis -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ??Monitor or HD???? Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:02:05 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jie46$14u4$> Dear NeXT users, I replaced my harddrive for a couple of days.. the harddrive is quite loud but I have another problem that I just noticed that. My NeXT is Turbo Station Color with Sony monitor. Every time after I open my NeXT for 2-3 minutes, the monitor acts like "automatically degaussing". There's a noise like "electrical spark" and monitor balnk for a while, then it comes back like nothing happens Is it behavior of NeXT? or there are something wrong with my Monitor or MonitorCable? or the problem of SCSI setting or the problem of my RAM(I just add RAM to be 128MB). Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much. -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: (Steven Gougi) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: About my Computers Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 03:33:53 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> References: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > > so many people interested in NeXT's. I have created a web page to answer > > questions and hopefully enlighten everyone.. And specifically to sell a few computers....You forgot to add!! Regards Steven
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,nz.comp Subject: Re: Cheap RAM Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 18:42:29 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jik0g$1lmm$> References: <6jdi12$lra$> Go there.. it's price monitoring of RAM -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat Swacky wrote in message <6jdi12$lra$>... >I'm looking for a web site that sells cheap ram, preferably a manufacturers >website. >Please email any replies. > >Thanks in advance > >
From: "Dr ?" <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,nz.comp Subject: Re: Cheap RAM Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 12:03:49 +1200 Organization: The Internet Group (Christchurch) Message-ID: <> References: <6jdi12$lra$> <6jik0g$1lmm$> Cache-Post-Path:! they really should have called it dimm-simm instead !! <g> Sarawoot Chittratanawat wrote in message <6jik0g$1lmm$>... >Go there.. it's price monitoring of RAM > > >-- >Sarawoot Chittratanawat > >Swacky wrote in message <6jdi12$lra$>... >>I'm looking for a web site that sells cheap ram, preferably a manufacturers >>website. >>Please email any replies. >> >>Thanks in advance >> >> > >
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: newest good OS for black 040 mono Date: 16 May 1998 00:02:43 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6jil33$rtj$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Misha Hill wrote: > I've got a cube and a slab, both 040 mono, 24mb ram. Can anyone tell me > what is the most recent version of NeXTstep/OpenStep that I can/should > run on them? Assuming that's answered, where can I get the install > media/files? I've got some in-house apps ported from our dec/solaris > network running under 2.1 that I'd like to keep, but no-one remembers > how they were ported or has the source, so if I can upgrade in a way > that will keep them running, that's a plus. For 24 MByte memory size I would suggest your stay with NS3.3 or 3.2. See the c.s.n.marketplace newsgroup if anymore is selling his CD... NS 2.1 apps should continue to work (Except for esoteric stuff) -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: "Viper Man" <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,, Subject: Help Me With RAM Message-ID: <Pl571.4$> Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 00:46:39 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 19:46:39 CST Organization: VVM Internet Services Ok I have 2 16mb EDO's 60ns for a total of 32. I want to buy a 32mb SDRAM 10ns to make a total of 64. Will I get the full benefit of the 10ns or will the 60ns slow down the 10ns?
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTLaser printing problem Date: 16 May 1998 00:32:38 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <6jimr6$> I have a blackjet. Last year, it started printing with shadow and shade. The problem now became more serious. Any idea ? Mr.Sai-Kee
From: (Matt Fuerst) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: About my Computers Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 21:31:43 -0500 Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <fuerstma-1505982131440001@> References: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> <> > And specifically to sell a few computers....You forgot to add!! > Regards > Steven I post such a message in csn.MARKETPLACE for a reason, no? Matt
From: Newsgroups: Subject: My Slab Wont Boot Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 04:37:31 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6jiu68$51s$> Hi all, I just picked up a Color Turbo Slab. It would not power up so I pulled out the battery and checked all the cables. I finally got it to power up but all it say on the screen is loading from network. Is ther some kind of setup I have to go into since I removed the battery and then replaced it like in a PC? Please Help! ginz...
Subject: Re: About my Computers Newsgroups:, References: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> <> <fuerstma-1505982131440001@> In-Reply-To: <fuerstma-1505982131440001@> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <b5771.47$> Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 02:45:27 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 19:45:27 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/15/98, Matt Fuerst wrote: >> And specifically to sell a few computers....You forgot to add!! >> Regards >> Steven > >I post such a message in csn.MARKETPLACE for a reason, no? A) you also crossposted it to csn.HARDWARE. B) you "forgot" to mention that the main pages are about selling, rather than about answering questions and enlightenment. C) you *really* need to spell check your pages D) Sorry you dislike the frame on my homepage.... E) I'm not sure that 9 links qualifies as ``Mother of all NeXT Links'' TjL
From: (Rob Blessin) Newsgroups: Subject: ADAPTEC 2940 UW P11 Timeout , solution discovered Date: 16 May 1998 05:20:55 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6jj7nn$> Hello NeXT/ Apple community: Its not the greatest but it worked for us... The Openstep 4.2 mach driver for the 2940 UW verion 1.32 (new adaptec 1.32 bios toppled the Openstep 2940UW driver) on NeXT answers , beta 4.02 released May 8 ,1998 . Works for the initial installation of Openstep , however when you reboot you may experience scsi Timeout errors. These can cause you to fume and froth after awhile... It took us a long time , I would estimate 40 + hours to decipher this puzzle and we would like to help you out for free and hopefully save you many headaches, (my tech Max called me the true guru on this one and that rarely happens). I understand Apple may have the same problem on the new G3's with Adaptec 2940 UW and the installation of Rhapsody DR2 and a lot of developers that purchased G3 boxes to run DR2 may want to try this out if there is still a problem with the driver, I suspect it may solve it and hope this works on your side as well, if it hasn't been diagnosed this may be the anecdote. Openstep 4.2 mach only , Download the 2940UW Beta driver from, NeXTANSWERS Installing Openstep, 1st disk works great, then it asks for the 2nd device drivers disk chugs through install then it has an option for choose scsi device that pops up, remove the device drivers 2nd disk, then insert your floppy disk with the downloaded driver package, pick 8 , then 2 , then 1 for driver to use with the cdrom, 1 to use this driver again for the hard drive... So it should install all the way , then ask you to reboot, that is what stumped us for the longest time, it reboots and started timing out again... a light bulb went off , in NeXTSTEP they used to have an Autoload question that would pop up during install, WHY? Because if you had an updated SCSI Driver that was NOT on the CDRom , you could reenter it and continue installing packages without any problems. Autoload is apparently missing from the Openstep install or tweaked by some yoyo , it could just be us not doing something obvious to unearth this well respected feature, so the problem develops when Openstep defaults automatically back to the CDROM when rebooting and never asks for the floppy with the updated scsi driver. It grabs a hold of the old Adaptec driver automatically from the cdrom and timeout errors begin again. Swear words beging to fill the air... If someone can enlighten us on how to get autoload functioning again ..... awesome .I suspect it was somehow tweaked when the driver kit was axed after 3.3. now for the hack... To get around this SCSI Timeout problem using the tools we had on hand proved to be a challenge, after Openstep was installed successfully, we powered down the Pentium11 system and unplugged it instead of rebooting, remember power flows through P11 boards even when the power is off in P11 boxes so unplug them. We then actually had to disconnect the drive and physically move it to the 2nd system standard Pentium 200mmx narrow 2940, I happened to have a 68pin wide to 50pin narrow scsi adapter on hand. We then booted off the main drive in the P200 and had the UW drive on a different scsi ID setting. (Our Network construction is in progress, we have cat 5 and a hub in place , it will make it easier to copy and troubleshoot stuff like this file fiasco in the future.) We then had to copy the Adaptec Driver package and install it physically in on the UW drive. We moved the drive back to the P11, low and behold we finally had Openstep, however it wouldn't register the PS2 Mouse, we probably could have configured it as well but were not phycic on this one as the hours passed, so we switched to a serial mouse, it came up just fine yahoo. After reporting problems installing packages after the languages, I first did a minimal install then created a root account using preferences to set a password, logging out , logging back in as root and reinstalled , double checked the packages. Now, we have to install NT on the other partition , a screen machine special driver, ensoniq sound card with special driver and this system is engineered to run Animo for Disney Animation, fun, fun, fun. We also just sold Openstep software to the guys that do Animation for Saturday Night Live , cool. Moral of the story , heck we don't know, it is a typical Openstep or Windows cryptic computer problem, I guess this is some kind of right of passage or sanity test strategy , I'm positive the Apple Enterprise folks will rest easier. Adaptec updating there bios from 1.25 to 1.32 created a domino effect with the Openstep and Rhapsody installation proceedure. It can be fixed by putting autoload back into the software or providing guidance for the less gifted like myself on how to get autoload to work. This will curee headaches and resotore sanity to the truly normal people. It was great to finally stop frothing about this one for sure...hope this helps someone. Best Regards Rob Blessin President , BHI Guru in training. -- ~ <@> ~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\____ ))___ / Best Regards : Rob Blessin President 303-741-9998 PH Black Hole, Incorporated 303-741-9997 Fax 8501 E. Grand Ave. EMAIL Denver, CO 80237 "NEXTSTEP is probably the most respected software on the planet" Byte Magazine
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: 16 May 1998 11:53:07 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6jjun3$eie$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> wrote: >I just picked up a Color Turbo Slab. >It would not power up so I pulled out the battery and checked all the >cables. I finally got it to power up but all it say on the screen is >loading from network. Is ther some kind of setup I have to go into >since I removed the battery and then replaced it like in a PC? The monitor defaults to network booting. By removing the battery, you've reset the ROM monitor settings. Simply go into the monitor and configure the boot command sequence to "b sd" (boot from SCSI disk). HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 15:32:17 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6jk11e$h6j$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> <6jjun3$eie$> I tried to get into the ROM by pressing the command key and the ~ key but it does nothing. Am I pressing the right keys? Maybe my keyboard is bad? Any ideas ? ginz... Christian Neuss <> wrote: > wrote: >>I just picked up a Color Turbo Slab. >>It would not power up so I pulled out the battery and checked all the >>cables. I finally got it to power up but all it say on the screen is >>loading from network. Is ther some kind of setup I have to go into >>since I removed the battery and then replaced it like in a PC? >The monitor defaults to network booting. By removing the battery, >you've reset the ROM monitor settings. Simply go into the monitor >and configure the boot command sequence to "b sd" (boot from SCSI >disk). >HTH, Chris >-- >// Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." >// >// fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: 16 May 1998 13:18:27 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6jk3n3$frd$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> <6jjun3$eie$> <6jk11e$h6j$> wrote: >I tried to get into the ROM >by pressing the command key and the ~ key >but it does nothing. Am I pressing the right keys? Maybe my keyboard >is bad? Any ideas ? You gotta use just the right pressure :-) just kidding. Both Command keys and the ~ key, provided you have a US keyboard. On a Turbo keyboard (ADB, the one with the command bar instead of two keys), I _think_ it was Command-Alt-Tilde, but it has been a few years... If you have printed docs, it is in there. Ask around, many people have a spare copy. They come in handy for troubleshooting (every 4 or 5 years, a NeXT machine can produce an error). Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: "Mdg" <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,, Subject: Re: Help Me With RAM Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 08:51:27 -0500 Organization: ISPNews Message-ID: <6jk5hl$fbt$> References: <Pl571.4$> It's very likely that it won't work at all. Even motherboards that claim you can have both often don't work or don't work well when you mix them. For best performance use all SDRAM. Mdg Viper Man wrote in message ... >Ok I have 2 16mb EDO's 60ns for a total of 32. I want to buy a 32mb SDRAM >10ns to >make a total of 64. Will I get the full benefit of the 10ns or will the >60ns slow down the >10ns? > >
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 14:42:21 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6jk9e7$kdf$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> <6jjun3$eie$> <6jk11e$h6j$> <6jk3n3$frd$> Chris, You were right it was control, alt, ~ Now it boots fine, but I have no mouse now. Do I have to do something in the ROM for th mouse? I have no manuals so I am doing this blind. Thanks for all your help. ginz... Christian Neuss <> wrote: > wrote: >>I tried to get into the ROM >>by pressing the command key and the ~ key >>but it does nothing. Am I pressing the right keys? Maybe my keyboard >>is bad? Any ideas ? >You gotta use just the right pressure :-) >just kidding. Both Command keys and the ~ key, provided you have >a US keyboard. On a Turbo keyboard (ADB, the one with the command >bar instead of two keys), I _think_ it was Command-Alt-Tilde, but >it has been a few years... If you have printed docs, it is in >there. Ask around, many people have a spare copy. They come in >handy for troubleshooting (every 4 or 5 years, a NeXT machine >can produce an error). >Best regards, Chris >-- >// Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." >// >// fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: "Zoro" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Super Preise Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 22:21:13 +0200 Organization: Voss Net GmbH Message-ID: <6jkrd3$pub$> Schaut doch mal rein, WWW.PCSTORE.DE wir haben immer Top Hardware Preise. bis bald
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6jkrd3$pub$> Control: cancel <6jkrd3$pub$> Date: 16 May 1998 20:39:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6jkrd3$pub$> Sender: "Zoro" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: OPENSTEP CD-ROM Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 16:50:30 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jl1vr$16co$> Dear NeXT owners, are there any one able to open OPENSTEP CD-ROMs(OPENSTEP usr/dev and EOF) on the PC (win95 or NT)? I did try but there is no file in CD-ROM. I haven't got my CD-ROM drive for NeXT yet. So, I don't know. Do I need to have any special trick to see what are in the CD? I'm looking forward to see your email. Thank you very much. -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: OPENSTEP CD-ROM Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 16:50:30 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jl2aa$1kou$> Dear NeXT owners, are there any one able to open OPENSTEP CD-ROMs(OPENSTEP usr/dev and EOF) on the PC (win95 or NT)? I did try but there is no file in CD-ROM. I haven't got my CD-ROM drive for NeXT yet. So, I don't know. Do I need to have any special trick to see what are in the CD? I'm looking forward to see your email. Thank you very much. -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: (Patrick D. Parker) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adverse effects of 60ns RAM in NeXTstation turbo color? Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 23:30:50 -0600 Organization: The Magellan Group Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Typically faster speeds than what are specified aren't a problem. Just to be sure, try it when you get it. These kinds of problems typically show up right away if there is an incompatability... Patrick In article <>, wrote: > cal wrote: > > > I ordered 70ns RAM and they sent me 60ns for a NeXTstation turbo > > color. I know 70ns is recommended. Does anyone know if there are > > adverse effects of using the faster 60ns RAM? My gut would say > > no. Thanks.Cliff Leong > > > It depends, as I understand it, on the quality of the RAM. Some RAM > mis-identifies itself speedwise. The worst I believe can happen, is that > the speed will be set to 100ns, instead of 70ns. I had this problem to. > I just put the RAM in and tried it. My RAM (60ns, EDO) works fine and > is recognized as 70ns. I haven't heard of anything "bad" really > happening, just the slower memory. > > Good luck.
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Multi-CD-Changer Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 22:19:04 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jll2n$1jm0$> are there anyone trying to use Multi-CD-changer (7 discs) before? any problem with that? thank you very much. -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 17 May 1998 03:49:39 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: "Philip McDunnough" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Jaz and Ejecting Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 02:34:26 -0400 Organization: The University of Toronto Message-ID: <6jm0cg$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am running NS3.3 on a Turbo station. I have a Jaz drive attached and it ejects the cartridge every time I log out. Is there a way of stopping this? Please e-mail if possible...Philip Philip McDunnough
From: "Max" <> Newsgroups: Subject: PC DIAGNOSTICS TOOLS Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 10:19:28 -0600 Organization: Telefonica Transmision de Datos Message-ID: <6jm6po$jag$> I just bought in the USA a Four in One Diagnostics Tool that is helping me troubleshoot memory better than a SIMM tester, find IRQ/DMA conflicts in minutes and much more. Check and see all TriniTech’s troubleshooting tools. If you want, you can E-Mail me for the price I paid for excellent tools at attention Max.
From: "Wernitznig Christian von der Hermsberger Datenautobahn" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardwarePowerBook,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,cs-monolit.gated.lists.freebsd.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.sys.amiga.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware, Subject: Priavtverkauf!!! Wichtige Message !!! Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:58:54 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0290_01BD8193.8C05AE00" Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0290_01BD8193.8C05AE00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, =20 anbei freue ich mich Ihnen eine gebrauchte sowie teilweise eine neue=20 PC-B=F6rse anbieten zu k=F6nnen.=20 =20 Ich verkaufe g=FCnstig: -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- 01 Stk. L=FCfter Steuerung f=FCr Ihren PC mit NTC - W=E4rmewiderstand ( = neu ) um ATS 30,00,-- pro St=FCck Neupreis: ATS 199,00,-- ( 2 Monate - noch keine Verwendung ) Lieferung: Box, Platine, Messwiderstand Lieferung per Nachnahme oder Abholung -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- 01 Stk. Super Starker Akku f=FCr Ihr Bios im PC haltet bis 22 Jahre ( = neu ) um ATS 50,00,-- pro St=FCck Neupreis: ATS 249,00,-- ( 2 Monate - noch keine Verwendung ) Lieferung: nur der Akkublock mit Anschlu=DFkabel Lieferung per Nachnahme oder Abholung -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- 01 Stk. PC-DATA-LINK Kabel um ATS 500,00,-- pro St=FCck Neupreis ATS 5000,00,-- ( 4 Monate alt ) Lieferung: 2 Stecker f=FCr COM Schnittstelle, 10m Glasfaserkabel, 2 = Netzger=E4te Lieferung per Nachnahme oder Abholung -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- =20 Die oben genannten Artikel k=F6nnen Sie abholen, oder ich kann Sie Ihnen = per Postnachnahme zusenden. Die Spesen gehen zu den Lasten des K=E4ufers. =20 Nat=FCrlich k=F6nnen die Artikel pers=F6nlich abgeholt werden. Bestellungen schicken Sie bitte per e-mail an =20 Bitte schreiben Sie in die Bestellung: Ihren Name, Adresse, und der Telefonnummer Gew=FCnschte Waren. Abhohlart =20 Ich freue mich =FCber Ihren Einkauf. =20 Mit freundlichen Gr=FC=DFen Wernitznig Christian =20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- =20 Wernitznig Christian=20 Hermsberg 1=20 A - 95 31 Kreuth bei Bad Bleiberg=20 Austria=20 e-mail: e-mail: mobiles e-mail A1: ( nur 160 Zeichen )=20 mobiles e-mail max: ( nur 160 Zeichen )=20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- ------=_NextPart_000_0290_01BD8193.8C05AE00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 = HTML//EN"> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.71.1712.3"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Sehr geehrte Damen und=20 Herren,</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>anbei freue ich mich = Ihnen eine=20 gebrauchte sowie teilweise eine neue</FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>PC-Börse anbieten = zu=20 können.</FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Ich verkaufe=20 günstig:</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20 size=3D2>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT = color=3D#ff0000>01 Stk.=20 Lüfter Steuerung für Ihren PC mit NTC - Wärmewiderstand ( = neu=20 )</FONT></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>um ATS 30,00,-- pro=20 Stück</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Neupreis: ATS 199,00,-- = ( 2 Monate -=20 noch keine Verwendung )</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung: Box, = Platine,=20 Messwiderstand</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung per Nachnahme = oder=20 Abholung</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20 size=3D2>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT = color=3D#ff0000>01 Stk. Super=20 Starker Akku für Ihr Bios im PC haltet bis 22 Jahre ( neu=20 )</FONT></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>um ATS 50,00,-- pro=20 Stück</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Neupreis: ATS 249,00,-- = ( 2 Monate -=20 noch keine Verwendung )</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung: nur der = Akkublock mit=20 Anschlußkabel</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung per Nachnahme = oder=20 Abholung</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20 size=3D2>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT = color=3D#ff0000>01 Stk.=20 PC-DATA-LINK Kabel</FONT></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>um ATS 500,00,-- pro=20 Stück</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Neupreis ATS 5000,00,-- = ( 4 Monate=20 alt )</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung: 2 Stecker = für COM=20 Schnittstelle, 10m Glasfaserkabel, 2 Netzgeräte</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Lieferung per Nachnahme = oder=20 Abholung</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20 size=3D2>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Die oben genannten = Artikel=20 können Sie abholen, oder ich kann Sie Ihnen per</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Postnachnahme zusenden. = Die Spesen=20 gehen zu den Lasten des Käufers.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Natürlich = können die=20 Artikel persönlich abgeholt werden.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Bestellungen schicken = Sie bitte per=20 e-mail an <A=20 href=3D""></A></FONT></DIV= > <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Bitte schreiben Sie in = die=20 Bestellung:</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2> = Ihren Name,=20 Adresse, und der Telefonnummer</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2> = Gewünschte=20 Waren.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2> =20 Abhohlart</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Ich freue mich = über Ihren=20 Einkauf.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Mit freundlichen=20 Grüßen</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial size=3D2>Wernitznig = Christian</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT = size=3D1></FONT></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT=20 size=3D1>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------ </FONT></FONT><FONT=20 size=3D1></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>Wernitznig=20 Christian </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>Hermsberg=20 1 </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>A - 95 31 Kreuth = bei Bad=20 Bleiberg </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT=20 size=3D1>Austria </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>e-mail:=20 </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>e-mail:=20 </FONT></FONT><FONT = size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>mobiles e-mail = A1:=20 ( nur 160 Zeichen = ) </FONT></FONT><FONT=20 size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial><FONT size=3D1>mobiles e-mail = max:=20 ( nur 160 Zeichen ) </FONT></FONT><FONT=20 size=3D1></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 face=3DArial=20 size=3D1>----------------------------------------------------------------= ------------</FONT></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_0290_01BD8193.8C05AE00--
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardwarePowerBook,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,cs-monolit.gated.lists.freebsd.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.comp.sys.amiga.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware, From: Lars Balker Rasmussen <> Sender: "Wernitznig Christian von der Hermsberger Datenautobahn" <> Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Organization: The Usenet Cabal Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:14:38 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 14:14:38 MET DST Cancel of spam or equivalently wrongly posted articles in the dk.* hierarchy. Sincerely, Lars Balker Rasmussen <>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: How To Transfer Files From PC To NeXT Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 17:20:11 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6jmrnt$ij0$> Hi All, Ok I finally got my turbo staion up and running correctly. I dont have a modem connected to my Station so How can I transfer files from my PC to my NeXT. Ive tried putting tar files on floppy but when I decompress them it opens the files up as text files. Is there some conversion I have to do? Or am I just out of luck? Thanks in advance. ginz...
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: 17 May 1998 14:27:38 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6jms4q$dah$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> <6jjun3$eie$> <6jk11e$h6j$> <6jk3n3$frd$> <6jk9e7$kdf$> (ginz) wrote: >Chris, >You were right it was control, alt, ~ >Now it boots fine, but I have no mouse now. you really should be more specific. I assume you mean that there is a mouse, and it is plugged in, but it does not work. What exactly does not work? If a login panel and a mouse cursor appears, but the cursor does not move, it's probably a broken cable in the mouse. Dispair not, they can easily be fixed. Borrow an ADB compatible mouse and test that one. Instructions for fixing broken cables were posted recently, use deja news to find that article. If no mouse cursor appears, the machine hangs on some process. Maybe it was not set to standalone mode before shutting down. If that is so, follow the instructions on NeXTanswers to install a fresh netinfo. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: guest <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,, Subject: Re: Help Me With RAM Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 16:01:01 +0200 Organization: Universidade de Coimbra Message-ID: <> References: <Pl571.4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Viper Man wrote: > Ok I have 2 16mb EDO's 60ns for a total of 32. I want to buy a 32mb SDRAM > 10ns to > make a total of 64. Will I get the full benefit of the 10ns or will the > 60ns slow down the > 10ns? If it works (!) SDRAM will be 10ns and EDO will be 60ns and that's it. The RAM bank timings are independent. Did I mentioned: if it works?...
From: "Tom Ryan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: My Slab Wont Boot Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:06:56 -0400 Organization: The Internet Access Company, Inc. Message-ID: <6jn1if$> References: <6jiu68$51s$> I just got hold of a slab, and I am working blind myself. I cannot get it to boot past the ROM monitor -- it drops into the ROM Monitor by default. How do I change this behavior so that it boots into the Windowed environment by default? Thanks, Tom wrote in message <6jiu68$51s$>... >Hi all, >I just picked up a Color Turbo Slab. >It would not power up so I pulled out the battery and checked all the >cables. I finally got it to power up but all it say on the screen is >loading from network. Is ther some kind of setup I have to go into >since I removed the battery and then replaced it like in a PC? >Please Help! > >ginz... >
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: PC install of 3.3 only sees 16 MG of RAM Date: 17 May 1998 20:18:20 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jo99s$> Hi, I just installed NeXTSTEP 3.3 on a 50 Mhz Compac M (EISA) machine. The machine has 24 MB of RAM but NeXTSTEP only sees 16. How might I get the machine to recognize the additional 8 MB of RAM? Thanks, Emmett
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: About my Computers Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 05:01:31 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6jofbb$nfq$> References: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> <> what is your web page address? I have a Next n1000a which I know nothing about...besides it won't says "loading system files" and stays there forever...though i'm pretty computer literate, i don't have an idea with this manuals, no nothing....hope you(or web page) can help! Thanks, LC In article <>, (Steven Gougi) wrote: > > > > so many people interested in NeXT's. I have created a web page to answer > > > questions and hopefully enlighten everyone.. > > And specifically to sell a few computers....You forgot to add!! > Regards > Steven > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: SVGA VGA settings Date: 17 May 1998 20:54:04 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jobcs$> Hi, I got my PC running NS 3.3 using a borrowed SVGA monitor (the machine has a Compac Q-Vision controller). Is there a way from inside NeXTSTEP to designate that I'm using a VGA and not a SVGA monitor. Thanks, Emmett
From: "R. Tsanoff" <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,, Subject: OH CRAP, DON'T DO IT!!!!!! Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 00:49:42 -0400 Organization: Logical Net Message-ID: <6job7n$7do$1@Usenet.Logical.NET> References: <Pl571.4$> I Hope that you got this message in time. EDO Dram is 5.0 volts. SDram is 3.3 volts. There is only 1 VRU (voltage regulator module) for ram on EVERY motherboard. This means that, when mixing, the (with simms always first in the chain) SDram will be run at 5.0 volts. There is no 5 volt tollerant SDram on the market. This will burn the dimms out in days/hours/minutes. DON'T DO IT!!! I'm serious. Good luck. Viper Man wrote in message ... >Ok I have 2 16mb EDO's 60ns for a total of 32. I want to buy a 32mb SDRAM >10ns to >make a total of 64. Will I get the full benefit of the 10ns or will the >60ns slow down the >10ns? > >
From: (Steven Gougi) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: About my Computers Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:00:13 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> References: <fuerstma-1405981516070001@> <> <6jofbb$nfq$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Just to correct the missaprehension in the previous article that this web site may be mine!! it is in fact Matt's at In article <6jofbb$nfq$>, wrote: > what is your web page address? I have a Next n1000a which I know nothing > about...besides it won't says "loading system files" and stays > there forever...though i'm pretty computer literate, i don't have an idea with > this manuals, no nothing....hope you(or web page) can help! > > Thanks, > LC > > > Enjoy > > matt > > > > > > so many people interested in NeXT's. I have created a web page to answer > > > > questions and hopefully enlighten everyone.. > > > > And specifically to sell a few computers....You forgot to add!! > > Regards > > Steven > > > > > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Trevin Beattie <*trevin*@*xmission*.*com*> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How To Transfer Files From PC To NeXT Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:10:54 +0000 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6jpbpr$hse$> References: <6jmrnt$ij0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The best way is to have an ethernet adapter installed in your PC, so you can transfer the files directly via either NFS or at least FTP. If you must use floppies to transfer files, there are a couple of things you can try. First, NS can read MS-DOS formatted disks, so you could just copy the files as they are. However, this will NOT work with Windows 95 -- NS was developed long before Win95, so it doesn't recognize it. The other option is to use the same version of tar on both your PC and the NeXT. The version of tar that comes with NS is not completely compatible with the current Gnu tar. You can get the latest tar for your PC from, and for the NeXT (or any unix system) from -- Trevin Beattie "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, *To*reply*to*this* for you are crunchy and good with ketchup." *message,*remove*the* --unknown *asterisks*from*my*email*address.* wrote: > > Hi All, > Ok I finally got my turbo staion up and running correctly. > I dont have a modem connected to my Station so How can I transfer > files from my PC to my NeXT. Ive tried putting tar files on floppy > but when I decompress them it opens the files up as text files. > Is there some conversion I have to do? Or am I just out of luck? > Thanks in advance. > ginz...
From: "Cliff Leong" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Turbo Color Slab won't power down by itself. Ideas? Message-ID: <h7X71.436$> Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:57:33 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 06:57:33 PDT Organization: @Home Network Can anyone help? I have Turbo color slab running OS4.2 with 128MB RAM and a 2GB HD with 128MB available that takes an awfully long time to boot up to the login panel. Does this have anything to do with the fact that it can't shut itself down and I have to press the power key to turn the machine off? How can I fix the problem? Thanks for any wisdom. Cliff Leong
From: "Brent A. Peterson" <"\\peterson\\"@\\\\> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How To Transfer Files From PC To NeXT Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 09:20:58 -0500 Organization: -- Message-ID: <6jpg4a$j87$> References: <6jmrnt$ij0$> <6jpbpr$hse$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Trevin Beattie wrote: > > The best way is to have an ethernet adapter installed in your PC, so you > can transfer the files directly via either NFS or at least FTP. > > If you must use floppies to transfer files, there are a couple of things > you can try. First, NS can read MS-DOS formatted disks, so you could > just copy the files as they are. However, this will NOT work with > Windows 95 -- NS was developed long before Win95, so it doesn't > recognize it. > hmmm... the new sun I use at work supports the longer allowed file names of win95 and NT on the diskettes. when I downloaded some files with the sun and loaded up the floppy on my nextstation, NS just put the ~ in the filename, just as DOS does on my old PC when I pop in a disk from a win95/NT machine with long file names. Can a nextstation mount MSDOS formated scsi hard drives and read the files like it does the diskettes? I've been thinking of trying it to see if it works....
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: OPENSTEP 4.2 on Notebook? Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:12:36 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6jpmpd$v8g$> Dear Lady and Gentleman, I plan to get a notebook in next month. My new notebook will be planned to run the OPENSTEP4.2. But I haven't seen anyone talking about the OPENSTEP 4.2 on notebook at all. Therefore, the purpose of this email is to collect the information of the notebook model that capable to run OPENSTEP 4.2. If there are anyone use OPENSTEP4.2 on your notebook, can you please give me the model of notebook that you use to run OPENSTEP4.2? Thank you veyr much in advanced. Your Sincerely. Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: (Matt Fuerst) Newsgroups: Subject: booting difficulties Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 11:28:02 -0500 Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <fuerstma-1905981128020001@> I know I am the* black listing from some of my previous postings, which saddens me, but I hope someone can still help me. I've got a Cube that is being evil! I am booting off of the SCSI Drive, and getting the error: "load of /etc/mach_init, errno 2, trying /etc/init /etc/inint failed, errno2" And then my black just sits there. Nothing. I believe the /etc/ folder was deleted in an attempt to copy a "fresh" version from /usr/template/client/etc/ How do I get a init file onto the computer to get it to boot? I put an init file onto a NeXT floppy, and booted with bsd -is, to have it ask me for the init file, but it refuses to see the init file on the floppy (giving me errno 13 or errno 2 again.) Help would be great! Thanks! Matt
From: "Nicholas A. Gustilo" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 on Notebook? Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 14:15:57 -0700 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <6jsp31$r54$> References: <6jpmpd$v8g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Based on my experience installing 4.2 on PC's (I have not installed 4.2 on a notebook but I have installed 3.3 on a notebook) you need to make sure the hardware components are supported (ie. there are drivers in the OPENSTEP 4.2 CDROM). OPENSTEP 4.2 comes with drivers for EIDE drives, CDROMs and floppies so hard drives, floppies and most PC CDROMs should work. The 2 issues that I would see with a notebook are (1) the video display and (2) power management system. You need to make sure the video system on the notebook has a supported driver. I believe that Deepspace Technologies has drivers for some notebooks ( The other problem is the energy/battery saving features built into notebooks. If these features cannot be disabled they could cause problems with OPENSTEP 4.2. Given these issues I would stick with a notebook that Apple states is supported by OPENSTEP 4.2. I hope this information helps. Nick Gustilo ---------- In article <6jpmpd$v8g$>, "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> wrote: >Dear Lady and Gentleman, > I plan to get a notebook in next month. My new notebook will be planned >to run the OPENSTEP4.2. >But I haven't seen anyone talking about the OPENSTEP 4.2 on notebook at all. > Therefore, the purpose of this email is to collect the information of >the notebook model that capable to run OPENSTEP 4.2. If there are anyone >use OPENSTEP4.2 on your notebook, can you please give me the model of >notebook that you use to run OPENSTEP4.2? > Thank you veyr much in advanced. > >Your Sincerely. > >Sarawoot Chittratanawat > > >
From: Christian Benesch <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,, Subject: Re: good books for openstep? Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 00:09:42 +0200 Organization: Vienna University, Austria Message-ID: <> References: <01bd6661$b87e7cc0$43f0bfa8@davidsul> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: NeXT Newbie <> There is a terrific online-documentation, with developer tutorials, sys-admin issues - in short everything one needs. Developer tutorials come with OS 4.2 in printed form ( with the academic bundle at least). Both are a great help and cover about everything. Christian Benesch NeXT Newbie wrote: > What are some good books for openstep and/or the unix underneath? > Including stuff like system maintance, setting up ppp, email, modems etc > etc.
From: "Erik Nieves" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How To Transfer Files From PC To NeXT Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 17:44:41 -0700 Organization: Keyway Internet Access 909-933-3650 Message-ID: <6jqkjs$t2l$> Well I'm kinda new to this myself, but the way I managed it was to hook up my NeXT turbo color slab & my wintel box together using thin ethernet cable. I then used the HostManager app to configure the ethernet port on the NeXT. I patched the wintel hosts file (depends on which flavor of mickeysoft OS your running..) and after a couple of reboots I was able to use an FTP client to xfer my tar packages to the box. [Should I note that this was my first exposure to Mach as well ?;^) ] anyways if you've still got problems lemme know & I might be able to help... (Way too busy for my own good..) A newbie to NS (Tho coverin' a lotta groun fast!) Erik -----Original Message----- From: <> Newsgroups: Date: Sunday, May 17, 1998 10:20 AM Subject: How To Transfer Files From PC To NeXT >Hi All, >Ok I finally got my turbo staion up and running correctly. >I dont have a modem connected to my Station so How can I transfer >files from my PC to my NeXT. Ive tried putting tar files on floppy >but when I decompress them it opens the files up as text files. >Is there some conversion I have to do? Or am I just out of luck? >Thanks in advance. >ginz... >
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 5.25" devices for cube? Date: 19 May 1998 18:28:16 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jtbjg$> References: <6jsjsc$1b0$> In article <6jsjsc$1b0$>, nick harland <> wrote: >I've got my turbo cube sitting here in front of me, and it's got this nice empty bay where NeXT would have at one time placed an Internal Optical drive. > >I'm wondering, what are some other internal devices that will fit in the bay and look decent.. (ie.. Zip drives, cd-rom drives, etc...) A floopy drive will fit but you'll have to modify the face plate. One full height drive SCSI drive or one or two 3.5 inch SCSI drives with rails will fit too. > >Anybody ever stick anything in that bay and make it look decent? > And make it look decent, no. If appearance it is a real concern I'd purchase a new cube frame and a floppy from deepspacetech and use a new cube frame instead. Emmett >-- > -nick >
From: "Ryan Woodsmall" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP CD-ROM Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 17:17:32 -0500 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <6jt3ik$m7f$> References: <6jl1vr$16co$> Nope, can't read them under any other OS that I've encountered, and I've tried Linux, OpenBSD, NT, and 95. The CD's are UFS format, so only NeXT's (and possibly Sun's?) can read them. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can't read em under anything other than NeXTstep/Openstep. Ryan Woodsmall
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 on Notebook? Date: 19 May 1998 03:31:31 GMT Organization: Deficiente Message-ID: <6jquej$aht$> References: <6jpmpd$v8g$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> wrote: >Dear Lady and Gentleman, > I plan to get a notebook in next month. My new notebook will be planned >to run the OPENSTEP4.2. >But I haven't seen anyone talking about the OPENSTEP 4.2 on notebook at all. > Therefore, the purpose of this email is to collect the information of >the notebook model that capable to run OPENSTEP 4.2. If there are anyone >use OPENSTEP4.2 on your notebook, can you please give me the model of >notebook that you use to run OPENSTEP4.2? > Thank you veyr much in advanced. > >Your Sincerely. > >Sarawoot Chittratanawat > > > I've seen OPENSTEP 4.2 run on Toshiba TECTRA 4000 something. I've also installed it and ran on my DELL XPi90ST (not sold anymore). (I reverted to NEXTSTEP 3.3 because I'm having a development in progress in 3.3). So I guess that it would be quite easy to install OPENSTEP to the portable notebook of your choice. Just make sure you have the 4.2 drivers for the hardware it's built from (check the NeXTanswers). -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ | The box said 'Requires Windows 95, | or better.' So I bought a Macintosh.
From: Jeff Parnaby <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Setting Up Next For Internet Use? Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 21:20:18 +0000 Organization: MacConnect - Connecting the Mac OS to the World! Sender: macconr@ Message-ID: <> References: <6jsehc$e6j$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hey Carl, I'm fairly new to NS myself. Check out the site . I found this to be pretty useful in getting a basic understanding of how ppp works on the NeXT. It's also a good place to download the ppp software. Although I have yet to establish a ppp connection myself (I'm shopping for a modem), from what I've learned things are going to be easiest if you utilize a graphical front end to help configure and run ppp (these can also be downloaded from the above-referenced site). Without the front end, you cannot utilize the NEXTSTEP GUI (I don't believe), and would instead have to configure it using Of course, all of the above assumes that you've worked out your problems with getting downloaded files from your wintel box to your slab ;-) ginz wrote: > Hi All, > I got a modem cable for my Color Turbo Station running 3.3 N.S. > Can someone tell me how I can set this thing up to dial into my ISP > So I can use it for e-mail, surfing, news, etc. etc. > I went to but there was nothing there > that would give the basic idiot like myself the basics of doing this. > I am sorry I ask so many questions, but I have no documentation at > all, and am relying totally on what info I can get off the net. > Hope someone will help me. > Thanks as always!! > Carl... > -- *************************** Windows 95 (win-DOH-z), n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor which was written by a two bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.
From: Patrick Hawley <> Newsgroups: Subject: Turbo Color slab's max. amt. of RAM Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 23:27:21 -0500 Organization: Envision Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello. I've recently purchased a Turbo Color Station which came with 16MB of RAM. I was wondering what the max. amt. of RAM for that box would be. Also, if there is a comprehensive site for spec's on all NeXT boxes, I'd appreciate that, as well. (I didn't receive any manuals with the slab!) :( TIA, Patrick Hawley Sys Admin Envision
From: "Cliff Leong" <> Newsgroups: References: <> Subject: Re: Turbo Color slab's max. amt. of RAM Message-ID: <adu81.4$> Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 05:53:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 22:53:10 PDT Organization: @Home Network It's 128MB as far as I know. Cliff Leong Patrick Hawley wrote in message <>... >Hello. I've recently purchased a Turbo Color Station which came with >16MB of RAM. I was wondering what the max. amt. of RAM for that box >would be. Also, if there is a comprehensive site for spec's on all NeXT >boxes, I'd appreciate that, as well. (I didn't receive any manuals with >the slab!) :( > >TIA, >Patrick Hawley > >Sys Admin >Envision
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: Is it safe to use N4000a with TCD? Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 18:29:53 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a TCD configured to use ADB soundbox. Last night, out of curiosity, I plugged the other end of soundbox cable to N4000a from a original cube and, to my surprise and delight, the TCD worked flawlessly in dual head configuration. My concern is that the refresh rate of N4000a(68Hz) doesn't match that of the turbo cube motherboard(Isn't it 72Hz?). Can I use N4000a with turbo cube motherboard? The N4000a worked flowlessly and the image was even sharper than it was driven by 030 board. Thanks. Jaeyoung A. Lee
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Experience with Tektronix Phaser III PXI Color Printers Date: 20 May 1998 09:43:56 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jv18c$> Hi, I'm sort of interested in a Tektronix Phaser II PXI Color Printer on ebay, item #14178580. In NeXTSTEP 3.3 displays a driver for this printer. Questions : Will this printer work with blackhardware? Or Is it only it plug and play into the serial port on white hardware (if so what baud)? Does anyone have experience with the quality of the print images? Thanks, Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Turbo Color Slab won't power down by itself. Ideas? Date: 20 May 1998 13:19:57 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jvdtd$> References: <h7X71.436$> <> Just a comment on the obvious .... If you have black hardware you can power down the machine by typing command-command-tilda. This breaks into the ROM monitor from there type "reboot" and once the machine starts to reboot push the power button. What is the equivalent on white hardware? Thanks, Emmett
From: (anthony alvarez) Newsgroups:,,,,comp.sys.mac.advocacy, Subject: FS : a lot of NeXT Systems Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 20:20:23 GMT Organization: Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Acumen Consulting Group won a settlement in court and has aquired a large number of NeXT PCs. Acumen *must* liquidate this entire inventory immediately. Ideally Acumen is looking for a someone to take the entire lot below: In Stock Model# Part # Item ================================================================ 7 n1000 23 Computers 4 n2000 369 400 dpi Laser Printer 5 n4000 135 MegaPixel w/ 2 channel audio 5 n4000a 1403 MegaPixel w/ 2 channel audio 6 n4001 MegaPixel 17" color CRT 11 n4004a 1974 Sound Box 1 n4005a MegaPixel 21" color CRT 3 n4006 MegaPixel 17" color CRT 4 n8001-3658 Keyboard 4 n8003 Mouse 5 NextStation Turbo Color 6 122 Keyboard 4 192 Keyboard 6 193 Mouse 7 NextStation Color 1 NextStation If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me at Acunet Internet Commerce Services <> at : 508 490 7610. Thank you.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTStation Turbo Color Hardware Documentation Followup-To: Date: 20 May 1998 13:31:33 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6jvej5$> References: <6jsj9p$aad$> <6jsp0t$jda$> <6juv6d$l0c$> >If you look on DeepSpace' website, there is a >comment about them offering printer repair docs >in PDF format. Wrong newsgroup for this post. Follow upt c.s.n.h But I couldn't resist. Those interested in NeXT laser printer problems should visit : Emmett
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Turbo Color Slab won't power down by itself. Ideas? Date: 20 May 1998 23:07:05 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6jvnmp$72f$> References: <h7X71.436$> <> <6jvdtd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6jvdtd$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Just a comment on the obvious .... > > If you have black hardware you can power down > the machine by typing command-command-tilda. > This breaks into the ROM monitor from there > type "reboot" and once the machine starts > to reboot push the power button. > > What is the equivalent on white hardware? > I don't think there is an equivalent. The ROM monitor on Black is kind of like the BIOS on PC's (they both are running off of EEPROMs on the Motherboard, and allow you to run some basic boot config stuff. The ROM monitor on NeXT does a bit more) Also when you do the above Emmett on black (com-com-tilda) don't you get a fsck on reboot? I can't remember if the reboot actually forces a clean shutdown, or not. I think that in most cases it should not require a fsck. I think my Turbo Cube hasn't had any problems and has been happily up for months at a time serving my networks needs. Now that I have 10 complete 25Mhz Mono slabs to play with and room to put together my 25Mhz Cube I'll be playing more with black.. If there is a good solution on white I'd like to know it also. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: What is the best Video card for OS? Date: 20 May 1998 22:36:13 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-5bnUgd0b3cJB@localhost> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit It's time for new hardware. What are the recomendations for video cards ? ( No cost considerations. )
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTStation Turbo Color Hardware Documentation Date: 20 May 1998 23:00:12 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6jvn9t$72f$> References: <6jsj9p$aad$> <6jsp0t$jda$> <6juv6d$l0c$> <6jvej5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6jvej5$> Emmett McLean wrote: > >If you look on DeepSpace' website, there is a > >comment about them offering printer repair docs > >in PDF format. > > Wrong newsgroup for this post. Follow upt c.s.n.h > > But I couldn't resist. Those interested > in NeXT laser printer problems should visit : > > > Thanks Emmett. I think I screwed up following up to Hey I have 20 Complete 25Mhz slabs, and parts, and printers, and printer parts to sell.. Can I use you as a friend of ChannelU Emmett? (When I get my friends pages up?) Gee maybe I screwed up again. Are we talking about hardware? BTW: I'm finding everyone shutting up after I post a message (usually answering a question). Are my answers that definative?! I was thinking about the issue dealing with how to wipe NVRAM in Black hardware.. (The only way I found to do it in 2 seconds was to reverse the battery instantaneously - unplug your machine and the PS from the MB before you do this!!) I posted an answer and the thread just died :) There that is a bit about hardware :) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: toggling mac/next Date: 20 May 1998 23:58:01 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6k0j9p$> References: <6js3ab$l82$> >I'm running a twin-headed ND and thinking about adding a G3 to the >arsenal. Would it be possible, and if so with what hardware and how-- >to have the G3 driving both monitors as well, and to be able with >(most desirably) the flick of a switch to toggle back and forth >between NeXTSTEP and MACOS? > I think the closest you can get is a solution without the G3 but with a Quix Daydream. With a Quix Daydream you can boot your system running Mac OS either starting cold or via a NeXTStep app which reboots the system (and also provides for some configuration). The Daydream is both a hardware and software solution and they are not easy to come by. The Daydream provides no audio. I haven't been able to get Netscape with work the my Daydream and I have yet to determine the source of the problem (it may be that I did not allocate enough resources and at the moment I'm pressed for disk space.) Anyone get Daydream to work with Netscape? >Thanks for your thoughts, > BTW, Chris, you noticed the thread on NXHost? NXHost is the app which would have allowed you to run OpenStep on black hardware and to run apps on a G3. So we're disappointed that NXHost will not be supported - at least according to WWDC. Mac OS-X won't be using DSP so we're out of luck. Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disaster with '030 Cube.... Date: 21 May 1998 00:04:05 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6k0jl5$> References: <> In article <>, <> wrote: >I just recently got an 68030 cube and a second motherboard. The cube >worked just fine without any kind of worries. Even when I put in the >second motherboard it booted back up fine and was running like that for >days. I got the thinet cable and terminators today and plugged them in >with the machine off, but when I rebooted I had the display cable >plugged into the second motherboard it said "loading from network for >about 30 sec. and then a POP!! and smoke came out the already nonworking >optical drive opening and it went dead. What the hell did I do? Was it >the fact that I used 50 OHM Terminators? I'm afraid to try to turn it >back on. I pulled the motherboards and they don't seem fried, and I >can't find where the burn spot is. What should I do, and what can I do >to salvage it. > Did you modify the connectors before putting in the 2nd motherboard? If you had I'd try disconnecting the OD and starting up the machine. Since you're really concerned first start it up with one mother board and no OD. Emmett
From: "R. J. Senghas" <> Newsgroups: Subject: FS: Next 400 dpi Printer w/ glitch - offer Date: 21 May 1998 14:49:39 GMT Organization: ACC ICAN.Net user Message-ID: <01bd84c7$cca0f1e0$82075ccc@wiglaf> Cache-Post-Path:! For Sale: Next 400 dpi Laser Printer Currently experiences paper jams during feed. Quality of print (when successful) is quite good. Make offer -- goes cheap. Thanks, R. J. Senghas
From: (cms) Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: Next Turbo Color: Radius Help needed. **** Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:18:30 -0500 Organization: CMS Message-ID: <cms-2105981518300001@> Hi.. We are thinking to purchase the Next System.. but want to use it.. as a Radius Server for Internet Access. Has anyone.. done this.. or is these a pipe dream. I know livingston has the sorce code free for BSDI. Please Email.. thank's to all. Rick
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is the best Video card for OS? Date: 21 May 1998 20:13:17 GMT Organization: Grolier Interactive Europe Message-ID: <6k21st$su0$> References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-5bnUgd0b3cJB@localhost> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (Marcelo Rodrigues) wrote: > It's time for new hardware. What are the recomendations for > video cards ? ( No cost considerations. ) My choice: Matrox Millenium II, 8 MB, PCI. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: "Michael A. Cutherell" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Looking for an object.station power supply Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 16:43:45 -0400 Organization: University of Miami (IR) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII A few weeks ago the power supply on my object.station 41 died. I have since connected up a temporary power supply, but it is not only the wrong dimension for the desktop case, the switch and plugs are in the wrong place. Enermax no longer makes the model E181SP-TZ and has no distributor of discontinued items. Anybody know of a possible place to locate or a substitute for this item? Michael A. Cutherell University of Miami (305) 284-1753 Department of Biology (305) 284-3039 Fax
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 21 May 1998 22:18:20 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (#1Mario) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Subject: Re: Setting Up Next For Internet Use? Newsgroups: References: <6jsehc$e6j$> <> In-Reply-To: <> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <Z0491.203$> Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 00:54:17 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:54:17 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/19/98, Jeff Parnaby wrote: >hey Carl, I'm fairly new to NS myself. Check out the site > Actually, don't. That page is the former page of what is now at There's a mailing list for PPP that is referenced there, and should be helpful in helping folks get going.... TjL
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: toggling mac/next Date: 21 May 1998 19:40:01 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6k2oi1$> References: <6js3ab$l82$> <6k0j9p$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6k0j9p$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Anyone get Daydream to work with Netscape? Yup, various incarnations of Netscape 3.X... I haven't tried the 4.0 version. Works like a charm. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: (Michael Porter) Newsgroups: Subject: Trying to resurrect slab Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 21:41:55 -0700 Organization: MDP Computer Consulting Message-ID: <> I got ahold of a Nextstation slab and megapixel display. I am totally new to NeXT. When the machine turns on it gets stuck at a window that says: "verifying system files" with a spinning disk animation. The machine does nothing more. I'd like to get this machine up and running, but have no manuals, no install disks, nada. Do I have a chance? Where is a good place to get the stuff I need? --Mike my real email address is mdporter at earthlink dot net -- Want to email me? My real address is
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Trying to resurrect slab Date: 22 May 1998 03:11:01 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6k3ivl$> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Michael Porter wrote: > > I got ahold of a Nextstation slab and megapixel display. I am totally new > to NeXT. When the machine turns on it gets stuck at a window that says: > > "verifying system files" > > with a spinning disk animation. The machine does nothing more. Let it work... I have my machine set to always do a verbose boot, but I think it's checking the disks (fsck). Let it run for 15-20 minutes. My 2 GB HD here requires 12 min or so to scrub the disks. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Help! I need a favor. Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:01:41 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6k44u6$1o3$> Hi All, Could someone do me a big favor and go to and get me the most recent version of PPP for NeXT and put it on a NeXT formatted floppy disk and mail it to me via snail mail. I would pay for it or I would trade for a T-Shirt from the shop I work at I want to get my Slab online and I cant get the file transferred correctly from my PC. Please help. Carl...
From: "David Waffen" <> Newsgroups:,,,,, Subject: Re: Next Turbo Color: Radius Help needed. **** Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:17:59 -0400 Organization: Erol's Internet Services Message-ID: <6k4j7e$lll$> References: <cms-2105981518300001@> cms wrote in message ... > >Hi.. > >We are thinking to purchase the Next System.. > ================= You may want to think about what version of NeXT. v.3.3 is not 2k compliant. Apple has mention Patches. OpenStep, Rap and later versions are, but support is limited. I have not used the later ones, but Next v3.3 as an OS needs a static ip address. NeXTStep does not support DCHP nor ISDN modems, that I have heard. If there is a configuration let me know. I have to use an acend pipeline 50 router at home to connect to my ISDN line and work network. HONESTLY, I love my NextStep but applications are limited, Lighthouse products blow, and think it will become a dinosaur. Hopefully OpenStep and Rhapsody will stay. David
Message-ID: <> From: David Hinz <> Organization: MCI MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Disktab for Western Digital 4360E Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 19:50:09 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 15:50:09 EDT Does anyone have a disktab file available for a Western Digital 4360E? If not, here is the information that I get from the NT Compaq utility about the drive: 8,386,000 blocks 522 cyl 255 hds 63 sectors The Western Digital web page says: 4 disks, 8 data surfaces, 8 heads, 512 bytes per sector, 5956 cylinders, 225 (OD), 133 (ID) sectors per drive. I don't know if it makes any difference to the disktab but I have NT installed on two partitions with the following sizes (the partitioning was done using the NT Disk Adminitrator): Partition 0: 24 MB (Compaq EISA Utilities) FAT Partition 1: 1200 MB NTFS Partition 2: 902 MB NTFS Partition 4: 1969 MB reserved for OpenStep Thanks, Dave. -- ===================================================== = David Hinz MCI Telecommunications = = Internet and New Media Development = = Email: Phone: (303) 390-6108 = = Vnet: 636-6108 Fax: (303) 390-6365 = = Pager: 1-888-900-5732 (Interactive 2-way) = =====================================================
Subject: Re: tape drive program? From: "Robert A. Decker" <> To:, "Stephen J. Perkins" <> Newsgroups:, nntp:// MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <B18B5A23-6233F9@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 20:32:52 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 16:32:52 EDT I downloaded safety net but the demo key that comes with it expired almost a year ago. I can run it under demo mode without a key, but can only back up 25 files. Is this correct? If I even wanted to buy it would that be possible? (I'd actually like to try it before I buy it though). Otherwise, anyone have cron jobs I can borrow? rob -- <mailto: "Robert A. Decker"> <> Programmer Analyst - Health Media Research Lab University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center "Get A Life" quote #8: "Wow. A doctor. Maybe you can help me with another little problem I'm having. What exactly does it mean when you wake up every morning in a pool of your own vomit?" -Chris Elliott
From: Newsgroups:,,, Subject: FS : NeXT pricing Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 20:11:02 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6k4m4l$h3b$> Dear Valued NeXT Consumer, Acunet received a tremendous response to our NeXT offer. A prospective buyer has offered to purchase the entire lot next week. Below are prices for the entire lot and 4 systems. Ideally, Acunet would like to sell the entire lot. STOCK Model Part # Desc UNIT SUM 7 n1000 23 Mono Computer Cube 200 1400 4 n2000 369 400 dpi Laser Printer 100 400 5 n4000 135 Mono MegaPixel, 2 channel audio 40 200 5 n4000a 1403 Mono MegaPixel, 2 channel audio 50 250 6 n4001 MegaPixel 17" color CRT 37.5 225 11 n4004a 1974 Sound Box 15 165 1 n4005a MegaPixel 21" color CRT 125 125 3 n4006 MegaPixel 17" color CRT 75 225 4 n8001-3658 ADB Keyboard 22.5 90 4 n8003 ADB Mouse 27.5 110 5 NextStation Turbo Color Slab 250 1250 6 2122 Keyboard 10 60 4 192 Keyboard 10 40 6 193 Mouse 27.5 165 7 NextStation Color Slab 200 1400 1 NextStation Slab 100 100 6 4536 Sound Box > CPU > CRT cable 27.5 105 1 150 mono cube cable monitor 25 25 1 1532 mono station monitor 10 10 1 374 printer cable? 25 25 2 NeXTSTEP v3.2 (CD-ROM) FREE FREE 2 Enterprise OBJ Framework v1.1 FREE FREE LOT DISCOUNT PRICE for all of the above items is : $4500 Within the lot above we have setup 4 machines to demo which are avaiable as follows : SYSTEM PART PRICE 1 Turbo Color Slab $ 450 OpenStep v4.0 33 Mhz 68040 CPU 406 MB HDD 32 MB RAM Laser Printer ADB Keyboard n8001-3658 ADB Mouse n8003 ADB SoundBox n4004a MegaPixel 17" Color CRT n4006 2 Turbo Color Slab $ 500 OpenStep v3.3 33 Mhz 68040 CPU 1 GB HDD 32 MB RAM Laser Printer ADB Keyboard n8001-3658 ADB Mouse n8003 ADB SoundBox n4004a MegaPixel 17" Color CRT n4006 3 Turbo Color Slab $ 500 OpenStep v3.3 3 Turbo Color Slab $ 500 OpenStep v3.3 33 Mhz 68040 CPU 239 MB HDD 32 MB RAM Laser Printer ADB Keyboard n8001-3658 ADB Mouse n8003 ADB SoundBox n4004a MegaPixel 21" Color CRT n4005a 4 Turbo Color Slab $ 500 OpenStep v3.3 33 Mhz 68040 CPU 1 GB HDD 32 MB RAM Laser Printer ADB Keyboard n8001-3658 ADB Mouse n8003 ADB SoundBox n4004a MegaPixel 17" Color CRT n4001 If you need addition information or have questions, please call Anthony Alvarez at Acunet Internet Commerce Services at : (508) 490 7610 Ext. 7635. Thank you. P.S. : This liquidation is strictly as-is. All sales are final Payment options : Credit Cards: VISA, MasterCard, AMEX. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Subject: Re: tape drive program? Newsgroups:, References: <B18B5A23-6233F9@> In-Reply-To: <B18B5A23-6233F9@> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <w4m91.248$> Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 21:26:52 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:26:52 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/22/98, "Robert A. Decker" wrote: > If I even wanted to buy it would that be possible? (I'd actually > like to try it before I buy it though). Brian Cuthie <> was the last known address of the author.... he might be able to give you a demo license or sell you a full license. TjL
Subject: Re: Next Turbo Color: Radius Help needed. **** Newsgroups:,,,,, References: <cms-2105981518300001@> <6k4j7e$lll$> In-Reply-To: <6k4j7e$lll$> From: (Timothy Luoma) Followup-To: Message-ID: <J%l91.246$> Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 21:21:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 14:21:45 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/22/98, "David Waffen" wrote: > You may want to think about what version of NeXT. > v.3.3 is not 2k compliant. There is only one part of 3.3 that was not compliant, setting the Date with There's already a fix for this. > Apple has mention Patches. Haven't heard this myself, but I don't know what else needs patching > Next v3.3 as an OS needs a static ip address. False. Dynamic PPP works just fine. > NeXTStep does not support DCHP nor ISDN > modems, that I have heard. If there is a > configuration let me know. I believe that there are folks out there who have DHCP working under 3.3.... personally I haven't had to use it. I've used my 3.3 NeXTStation with a static IP and a cable modem, and gotten speeds just as fast as with my P-133 > HONESTLY, I love my NextStep but applications are > limited, Lighthouse products blow, and think it > will become a dinosaur. Hopefully OpenStep and > Rhapsody will stay. OpenStep is dead and Rhapsody won't be around for Intel (which will probably drive me to the world of Windows unless PPC hardware suddenly becomes an affordable alternative). OpenStep 4.2 will slowly become obsolete.... there will more than likely never be a Javascript-enabled browser for OS, nor Real Audio, nor a decent QuickTime/AVI/MPG anything else.... I expect to find myself booting into Win95 more and more as I want to use the Internet. It's sad, but after 7 years in the NeXTStep world, it feels like the end is near for me.... I'll probably keep using Unix in another form, probably FreeBSD, but I think the no-Intel future for Apple will be the final mistake.... NeXT, Inc found out that the world didn't want better-but-more-expensive hardware, they want sucky PC hardware because it's cheaper. I'd be happy to be wrong, but after that announcement my hope for an enjoyable OS in the future died.... TjL
From: Makoto Sadahiro <> Newsgroups: Subject: color monitor on Cube? Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 16:57:00 -0500 Organization: U of Texas Austin Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, what does it teke to use regular color monitor with 040Cube? My monitor is not really in good shape so I just like to use another monitor. I do not want to buy dimension board since it is not that cheap. Is there any way to connect regular B&W Cube to svga monitor? I can get SGI 17inch that has 3co-ex connection(13W3?) pretty cheap. I am thinking about using it. How can I connect keyboard then? I use non-ADB with my Cube. Thanks. -- ~Makoto Sadahiro A Designer Of Old Code.
From: "TH3 R3S1ST4NC3" <R3S1ST4NC3@R3S1ST4NC3.NET> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware,,es.comp.hardware Subject: Visit an archive of hacked websites !!! Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 02:25:01 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <6k55cq$ih7$> Visit the archives of TH3 R3S1ST4NC3 at: Visit a collection of the hacked NASA, CIA, US Army, US Airforce, British Labour, British Conservative, Yahoo, Indonesia, Microsoft and many many more websites that got hacked by people who want to protest against something. TH3 R3S1ST4NC3
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware,,es.comp.hardware Subject: cmsg cancel <6k55cq$ih7$> Control: cancel <6k55cq$ih7$> Date: 23 May 1998 00:34:15 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6k55cq$ih7$> Sender: "TH3 R3S1ST4NC3" <R3S1ST4NC3@R3S1ST4NC3.NET> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: newest good OS for black 040 mono Date: 23 May 1998 00:23:45 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <6k54uh$aoh$> References: <> <6jil33$rtj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6jil33$rtj$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: | In <> Misha Hill wrote: | > I've got a cube and a slab, both 040 mono, 24mb ram. Can anyone tell me | > what is the most recent version of NeXTstep/OpenStep that I can/should | > run on them? Assuming that's answered, where can I get the install | > media/files? I've got some in-house apps ported from our dec/solaris | > network running under 2.1 that I'd like to keep, but no-one remembers | > how they were ported or has the source, so if I can upgrade in a way | > that will keep them running, that's a plus. | | For 24 MByte memory size I would suggest your stay with NS3.3 or 3.2. See the | c.s.n.marketplace newsgroup if anymore is selling his CD... But memory is so cheap these days. It shouldn't be too hard to fill the cube up to 64MB. I did it with both of my Cubes, carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: PsxModifications <> Newsgroups: Subject: @@@ Sony Playstation Modification Chips @@@@ Date: 22 May 1998 23:24:04 GMT Organization: PsxModChips Message-ID: <6k51ek$n31$> The hottest Mod chip on the web is back! GENERATION 5 We are settled in our new location and ready to bring quality back to the market. GENERATION 5 mod chips allow you to: Play Backups (Gold, Silvers) Play Imports Play Originals You will be able to install our 4 pin model (PIC 12c508) within minutes. Detailed installation instructions are available as well as many satisfied customers. And or course, you get the BEST PRICE. Check out our easy ordering at our webpage. Mod chip installations are only 30$. Take advantage of them. Check out our webpage for more!!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6k51ek$n31$> Control: cancel <6k51ek$n31$> Date: 22 May 1998 23:34:50 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6k51ek$n31$> Sender: PsxModifications <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: color monitor on Cube? Date: 23 May 1998 02:40:05 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6k5cu7$7ii$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Makoto Sadahiro wrote: > Hi, what does it teke to use regular color monitor with 040Cube? My > monitor is not really in good shape so I just like to use another > monitor. I do not want to buy dimension board since it is not that > cheap. Is there any way to connect regular B&W Cube to svga monitor? I > can get SGI 17inch that has 3co-ex connection(13W3?) pretty cheap. I am > thinking about using it. How can I connect keyboard then? I use > non-ADB with my Cube. > A NeXTDimension board. No other way, unless your a hardware genious. BTW: A SGI 17 inch works great on a ND system. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Michael Porter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Trying to resurrect slab Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 20:09:52 -0700 Organization: MDP Computer Consulting Message-ID: <> References: <> <6k3ivl$> In article <6k3ivl$>, Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> wrote: > In <> Michael Porter > wrote: > > > > I got ahold of a Nextstation slab and megapixel display. I am totally new > > to NeXT. When the machine turns on it gets stuck at a window that says: > > > > "verifying system files" > > > > with a spinning disk animation. The machine does nothing more. > > Let it work... I have my machine set to always do a verbose boot, but I think > it's checking the disks (fsck). Let it run for 15-20 minutes. My 2 GB HD > here > requires 12 min or so to scrub the disks. It has been left "working" for up to three hours, and still does nothing. This can't possibly be normal! --Mike -- Want to email me? My real address is
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 23 May 1998 07:04:38 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Anthony Cardon <> Newsgroups: Subject: [Q] 16" black monitor on PC ? Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 17:05:00 +0200 Organization: none Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi ! I have a 16" NeXT color monitor with 13W3 connector. Is there a mean to connect it to my PC ? Are NeXT monitors multisync or do they use only one resolution ? Which ? Thank you for your advices ! Anthony Cardon
From: "Evgeny V. Pautov" <> Newsgroups: comp.hardware,,,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,, Subject: óòïþîï!!! þåòîéìá äìñ öòéîôåòá!!! Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 19:22:21 +0400 Organization: Ye 'Ol Disorganized NNTPCache groupie Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! òÅÂÑÔÁ! éÚ×ÉÎÉÔÅ, ÅÓÌÉ ÎÅ × ÔÅÍÕ ËÏÎÆÙ, ÎÏ ÎÁÄÏ ÓÒÏÞÎÑËÏÍ! õ ÍÅÎÑ ÓÔÒÕÊÎÉË Lexmark 1020. ëÏÎÞÉÌÓÑ ÞÅÒÎÙÊ ËÁÒÔÒÉÄÖ. úÎÁÀ, ÞÔÏ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÎÅ ÐÏËÕÐÁÔØ ÎÏ×ÙÊ, Á ÚÁÌÉÔØ ÓÔÁÒÙÊ. ôÏÌØËÏ ×ÏÔ ÐÒÏÂÌÅÍÁ. ÷ ÐÒÏÄÁÖÅ ÅÓÔØ ÞÅÒÎÉÌÁ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÄÌÑ HP. ÷ ÐÒÉÎÃÉÐÅ, ÔÁÍ 300È300, É Õ ÍÅÎÑ 300È300. öÏÄÏÊÄÅÔ ÌÉ? õÖ ÂÏÌØÎÏ ×ÅÌÉËÁ ÒÁÚÎÉÃÁ × ÃÅÎÅ! ( ÐÏ ÓÒÁ×ÎÅÎÉÀ Ó ËÁÒÔÒÉÄÖÅÍ). îÁ ÍÙÌÏ, ÐÌÚ. âÕÄÕ ÒÁÄ ÌÀÂÏÊ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÉ ÎÁ ÜÔÕ ÔÅÍÕ. óÐÁÓÉÂÏ. -- ------------------------------------ Evgeny V. Pautov E-mail: ICQ (UIN) : 12068186 Sosnovy Bor, Russia
From: Organization: <no organization> Newsgroups: Subject: rm <> Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> References: <> Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 21:22:27 +0100 By this advisory message, recommends the local removal of a spam whose Breidbart index is 53. The above header does not state who has issued this message or the spam itself. DO NOT REPLY TO ANY OF THESE ADDRESSES. See report "memberscoolnetne-05232122" in news.lists.filters. Subject was: -TEA LEONE NUDE 69800
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: What is this problem? Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 16:31:44 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6k7fbq$g06$> Hi all, Remember I mentioned about the "automatically degauss" to my NeXT? There was one guy really helpful guides me that the problem is the dust collector in the monitor.. I blew the dust off and the system runs fine for a while. This afternoon. I have this situation. 1) Turn on NeXT.. No problem at all. everything's fine. 2) Use "df", there are lots of files show on file manager. 3) The monitor acts as "electrical arc", and all the lots of files (from step 2) are gone. Remain only the general files as I see normally. 4) Use "df" again, there is no problem at this time. and there is no problem since then. Is it possible that the SCSI chain problem? Why were there some files showing up and then gone.. Most of the files that I saw I think the system files. I can't remember them.. but there are a lot.. Can you please tell me what is this problem>? -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is the best Video card for OS? References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-5bnUgd0b3cJB@localhost> <6k21st$su0$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <356745c6.0@> Date: 23 May 98 21:55:18 GMT Eric Levenez <> wrote: > (Marcelo Rodrigues) wrote: > > It's time for new hardware. What are the recomendations for > > video cards ? ( No cost considerations. ) > My choice: Matrox Millenium II, 8 MB, PCI. Either that or the ATI Rage Pro 8mb All in Wonder (with 3d/2d, mpeg, video in and out, and a TV tuner). The fancy stuff doesn't work under OPENSTEP right now, who knows under Rhapsody. But it does work under NT/win95 and is a pretty good all around card. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 24 May 1998 03:49:53 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 09:43:27 +0200 From: Andreas Moster <> Organization: private site of hal MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: VXI bus Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newsgroups: Hi, i'm looking for a VXI bus driver for running a slot 0 PC and several instruments on this bus. Has anybody heared of a driver? thanx, Andreas. -- Andreas Moster @:
From: "Timothy J. Luoma" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is the best Video card for OS? Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 01:03:42 -0700 Organization: The PEAK FTP site for OpenStep & NeXTStep Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.96.980524010002.1714F-100000@kira> References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-5bnUgd0b3cJB@localhost> <6k21st$su0$> <356745c6.0@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <356745c6.0@> On 23 May 1998, John Kheit wrote: > > My choice: Matrox Millenium II, 8 MB, PCI. > > Either that or the ATI Rage Pro 8mb All in Wonder (with 3d/2d, > mpeg, video in and out, and a TV tuner). The fancy stuff doesn't > work under OPENSTEP right now, who knows under Rhapsody. Rhapsody, after the initial release, won't have an Intel capability, so it really doesn't matter... MacOS X will mark the spot where I probably have to depart from this world to the land of Win* users, since PC hardware has been foolishly cut out of Apple's future TjL, still bitter about the whole stupid situation
From: "Robert Carr" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Minimum Hardware for V3.1 Intel Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 08:18:34 -0400 Organization: Prodigy Services Corp Message-ID: <6k93hb$mcu$> I just got a copy of NeXTStep Version 3.1 for the Intel platform. The documentation is very vague about what sort of hardware I need to get it to work. Does anyone have a minimum set of hardware requirements for this version? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 24 May 1998 15:16:43 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 24 May 1998 19:24:55 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 25 May 1998 00:38:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Henning Leidecker <> Newsgroups: Subject: SyJet 1.5 and a black NeXT? Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 21:24:36 -0400 Organization: self Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anyone tell me if the SyJet 1.5 (external, with SCSI interface) can be made to work with original black NeXT boxes? I have a Cube, and it sure would be nice to add a removable cartridge 1.5 Gigabyte drive. Thanks in advance, Henning Leidecker
Subject: Re: SyJet 1.5 and a black NeXT? Newsgroups: References: <> In-Reply-To: <> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <OB4a1.480$> Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 02:22:38 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 19:22:38 PDT Organization: @Home Network > On 05/24/98, Henning Leidecker wrote: > Can anyone tell me if the SyJet 1.5 (external, > with SCSI interface) can >be made to work with > original black NeXT boxes? I have a Cube, and it > >sure would be nice to add a removable cartridge > 1.5 Gigabyte drive. Yup.... the SyJet comes with a SCSI-2--SCSI-2 cable, and auto terminates, so should work just fine. TjL
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 25 May 1998 03:07:00 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Henning Leidecker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SyJet 1.5 and a black NeXT? Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 23:20:15 -0400 Organization: self Message-ID: <> References: <> <OB4a1.480$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Timothy Luoma wrote: > > > On 05/24/98, Henning Leidecker wrote: > > > Can anyone tell me if the SyJet 1.5 (external, > > with SCSI interface) can >be made to work with > > original black NeXT boxes? I have a Cube, and it > > >sure would be nice to add a removable cartridge > > 1.5 Gigabyte drive. > > Yup.... the SyJet comes with a SCSI-2--SCSI-2 cable, and auto > terminates, so should work just fine. > > TjL I just now plugged one in, and the removable disk spun up, there was the sound of a drive "hunting" for a few times, and then the disk was spun down and ejected. The NeXT console never showed anything. On the other hand, "SCSI Inquirer" showed a detailed report of the SyJet's capabilities: the listing filled several screens. Clearly the SCSI interface was doing just fine. Perhaps it is a bad cartridge, or a bad drive head? I'll locate another cartridge and try again. If that does not work, I'll try another specimen of the SyJet. And thanks for the instantaneous response. Henning
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Trying to resurrect slab Date: 24 May 1998 20:20:01 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6kao11$> References: <> <6k3ivl$> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Michael Porter wrote: > It has been left "working" for up to three hours, and still does nothing. > This can't possibly be normal! Can you do a verbose boot? Command-~ (tilde) the machine and type 'bsd' let us know where it stops and hangs. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: Ranjit Deshpande <> Newsgroups:, Subject: NeXTstation TurboColor Documentation Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 22:10:19 +0000 Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is there any possibility of me getting hold of some hardware documentation for the NeXTstation TurboColor ? I need the low down dirty stuff... General architecture, chip level stuff (how to program the TMC, register addresses of the NCR SCSI chip, etc.) that sort of thing. I have looked really hard and come up empty handed. The only promising lead was the "NeXT Bible" by Doug Clapp, but that book's out of print so... I would appreciate any kind of help from all you NeXT gurus. Thanks, Ranjit
From: (Stephen E. Halpin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is the best Video card for OS? Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 05:27:15 GMT Organization: UltraNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-5bnUgd0b3cJB@localhost> <6k21st$su0$> <356745c6.0@> <Pine.SUN.3.96.980524010002.1714F-100000@kira> On Sun, 24 May 1998 01:03:42 -0700, "Timothy J. Luoma" <> wrote: > >On 23 May 1998, John Kheit wrote: > >> > My choice: Matrox Millenium II, 8 MB, PCI. >> >> Either that or the ATI Rage Pro 8mb All in Wonder (with 3d/2d, >> mpeg, video in and out, and a TV tuner). The fancy stuff doesn't >> work under OPENSTEP right now, who knows under Rhapsody. > >Rhapsody, after the initial release, won't have an Intel capability, so it >really doesn't matter... MacOS X will mark the spot where I probably have >to depart from this world to the land of Win* users, since PC hardware has >been foolishly cut out of Apple's future Well, if it will make you feel any better, they may be cutting out all the PowerPC machines that Rhapsody originally ran on as well. Apple has only committed to G3s for MacOS X... >TjL, still bitter about the whole stupid situation -Steve
Subject: Re: SyJet 1.5 and a black NeXT? Newsgroups: References: <> <OB4a1.480$> <> In-Reply-To: <> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <CF8a1.499$> Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 06:59:46 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 23:59:46 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/24/98, Henning Leidecker wrote: > I just now plugged one in, and the removable disk spun up, there > was the sound of a drive "hunting" for a few times, and then the > disk was spun down and ejected. The NeXT console never showed > anything. Yup, I've seen that > On the other hand, "SCSI Inquirer" showed a detailed report of > the SyJet's capabilities: the listing filled several screens. > Clearly the SCSI interface was doing just fine. > > Perhaps it is a bad cartridge, or a bad drive head? I'll locate > another cartridge and try again. If that does not work, I'll > try another specimen of the SyJet. I'd guess bad cartridge. You might (or might not :-) want to try fsck /dev/rsd2a (or wherever) and have it prompt you to insert the disk and see if that helps.... > And thanks for the instantaneous response. You're welcome.... I'm life-challenged, so I was reading Usenet ;-) TjL
From: Newsgroups: Subject: SEE SNEAK LOCKER ROOM PIX OF GYMNASTS FREE 63482 Date: Monday, 25 May 1998 05:52:49 -0600 Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Message-ID: <> ================================ *****TOTALLY FREE MEMBERSHIP**** ================================ ***MUST SEE SPYCAM CELEB PICS*** **CAST OF THE MOVIE THE CRAFT SNEAK PIX** *Cameron Diaz, Mira Sorvino, Rosie Perez* *Nicole Eggert, Samantha Fox, Hellen Hunt* *MARISA TOMEI, TIA LEONIE, PAULA ABDULE* *SPICE GIRLS, JEWEL, HOLLY ROBINSON* *U.S. OLYMPIC GYMNAST LOCKER ROOM PIX* *NEVE CAMPBELL, FIONA APPLE* *ENTIRE BEVERLY HILLS 90120 CAST* PLUS HIDDEN SPY CAMS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ================================ *****TOTALLY FREE MEMBERSHIP**** ================================ '1*>
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 08:57:54 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=SBOT1
From: Juergen Berger <> Newsgroups: comp.hardware,,,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,, Subject: Re: óòïþîï!!! þåòîéìá äìñ öòéîôåòá!!! Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 15:23:06 +0200 Organization: Alcatel SEL AG Stuttgart Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Your message is unreadable. Evgeny V. Pautov wrote: > òÅÂÑÔÁ! éÚ×ÉÎÉÔÅ, ÅÓÌÉ ÎÅ × ÔÅÍÕ ËÏÎÆÙ, ÎÏ ÎÁÄÏ ÓÒÏÞÎÑËÏÍ! õ ÍÅÎÑ > ÓÔÒÕÊÎÉË Lexmark 1020. ëÏÎÞÉÌÓÑ ÞÅÒÎÙÊ ËÁÒÔÒÉÄÖ. úÎÁÀ, ÞÔÏ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÎÅ ÐÏËÕÐÁÔØ > ÎÏ×ÙÊ, Á ÚÁÌÉÔØ ÓÔÁÒÙÊ. ôÏÌØËÏ ×ÏÔ ÐÒÏÂÌÅÍÁ. ÷ ÐÒÏÄÁÖÅ ÅÓÔØ ÞÅÒÎÉÌÁ ÔÏÌØËÏ > ÄÌÑ HP. ÷ ÐÒÉÎÃÉÐÅ, ÔÁÍ 300È300, É Õ ÍÅÎÑ 300È300. öÏÄÏÊÄÅÔ ÌÉ? õÖ ÂÏÌØÎÏ > ×ÅÌÉËÁ ÒÁÚÎÉÃÁ × ÃÅÎÅ! ( ÐÏ ÓÒÁ×ÎÅÎÉÀ Ó ËÁÒÔÒÉÄÖÅÍ). > îÁ ÍÙÌÏ, ÐÌÚ. âÕÄÕ ÒÁÄ ÌÀÂÏÊ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÉ ÎÁ ÜÔÕ ÔÅÍÕ. > óÐÁÓÉÂÏ. > > -- > > ------------------------------------ > Evgeny V. Pautov > > E-mail: > > ICQ (UIN) : 12068186 > Sosnovy Bor, Russia
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Sun SPARCstation Voyager and NEXSTEP 3.3 Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 16:11:32 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6kc57k$7ab$> Hi guys, we have a Sun SPARCstation Voyager with NEXSTEP 3.3 installed. The problem is very easy: the internal floppy drive does NOT work properly. It is impossible for us to normally use the floppy drive. It seems to be an hardware incompatibility... Any hints? Does it exist any kind of software patch to solve this problem ? Please help!! -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Matthias Heidbrink <*NOSPAM*> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation Color: Switching off does not work Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 00:40:51 +0100 Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I have the following problem with my NeXTstation Color: After I tried the auto-power on function in the preferences some time ago, the station always switches itself on again directly after shutting down. I can hear the hard disk and the fan stopping, but they restart nearly immediately. I can't switch it off any more without pulling the power plug after shutting down. I'm sure that the "On after power failure" (how exactly is this named in an English NeXTStep?-) is not enabled. What is the reason for this behaviour? Where does the NeXT store the settings for the auto power-on function? Are there any command line tools, etc. to inspect and change the settings? Ciao, Matthias
From: Eugene Yoo <> Newsgroups: Subject: 21" black monitor on mac? Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 20:35:04 -0700 Organization: Oracle Corporation. Redwood Shores, CA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Quick question: what adapters are available for the 13W3 connector on black 21" monitors? Is it possible to drive it with a Powermac display output? Thanks, Eugene
From: "Jeff Young" <> Newsgroups:,,,,,, Subject: FS:Nextcubes Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 17:41:51 -0700 Organization: Infowest Computer Systems Message-ID: <6kd3p9$51v$> 7 040 Nextcubes, mono, no hard drive or RAM $375-US each + shipping $525-Cdn each +shipping -- Infowest Computer Systems Vancouver's Computer Parts Source
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Tecra 720/730CDT Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 23:02:23 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6kdf09$ndo$> Hi all, are there any NeXT users using OPENSTEP 4.2 on Toshiba Tecra 720CDT or 730CDT? I saw the on NeXTanswer shows that both labtops are compatiable with OPENSTEP but I want to know the "real" application. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks! Your Sincerely Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: problem with cube Date: 26 May 1998 06:44:43 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6kdocr$s11$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Marshall Smith wrote: > I've got a NeXT cube that's been readjusted several times, but was > working great until last night. I just got this cube recently more as a > toy and to learn from than anything else. I was hoping some of the > NeXTperts (tm) out there might be able to help with my situation... > > I first upgraded the 040-25 to an 040-33 motherboard, which worked > fine. I added memory to the system, and that worked great too. I added > in a NeXTdimension board, and the system continued to boot correctly, > but would not display data to the Nd monitor. I found out that part of > the 3.3 installation I had been using was not installed (specifically, > the Nd demos and the multiple monitor support). So, I decided to take > my 3.3 User CD and reinstall it over the current installation of 3.3 > (which had been patched as per the NeXTanswers database). This had > worked for my corrupted 3.3 Developer, so I figured I wouldn't run into > any problem. > > Lo and behold, the system will not boot anymore. The ROM monitor says > that it's trying to boot, then after detecting the SCSI bus, effectively > resets and attempts to boot again. I've checked that the SCSI > connections are okay, and I've disconnected and reconnected them. It > detects the media in the devices on the SCSI bus properly, so I'm > guessing that all of that is working. What I get is the regular: > > boot sd(0,0,0)sdmach > > the first time, then each additional 'reboot' after that, the system > adds a -h parameter. These -h parameters continue to add up until I get > tired of watching it and I power it back off. The Command-Command-tilde > works to drop to the ROM monitor, but I can't find anything there that > says something isn't working correctly. > > What I want to finally have happening is a two-headed system with the > 17" color and 17" monochrome working together, but I can't seem to get > the system to utilize the Nd monitor. I have a NTCS as well, so I can > use that machine to create images or whatever to fix the cube, and I > have install media for 3.3 User/Dev., so I can reinstall that if > necessary, but I was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix this. If > I have to reinstall the system, no problem, but I'd kind of like to know > what happened and why so I can avoid it happening again. If you have > any questions about what's happening that I didn't properly describe > here, let me know and I can answer them for you. Thanks! > > If possible, please copy a reply of this message to my mailbox... > If you can just reinstall, DO IT. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy with other things than to sit and try to diagnose your particular situation. Make sure it's a clean reinstall - i.e. let the install reformat the HD. If you can't do this then your stuck trying to diagnose the above. What happened or what you have done who can only say. A clean reinstall should fix everything provided your hardware setup is correct. SCSI setup and terminated properly (ID's set right Internal ID 0 or 1, CDROM 4-6), ADB or non-ADB setup (no or little mixing of ADB & non-ADB). Regardless. A clean reinstall with a wipe of the internal HD should work. Provided your internal HD is < 2G. If not well that is another story. Perhaps 3.3 will handle it right perhaps not. Best I can do given I'm a bit blurry eyed at the moment. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 26 May 1998 06:01:44 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Marshall Smith <> Newsgroups: Subject: cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 02:43:01 -0400 Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Message-ID: <6kdo7f$ocm$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Tecra 720/730CDT Date: 26 May 1998 08:16:28 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <6kdtos$3j1$> References: <6kdf09$ndo$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6kdf09$ndo$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: > Hi all, > are there any NeXT users using OPENSTEP 4.2 on Toshiba Tecra 720CDT or > 730CDT? I saw the on NeXTanswer shows that both labtops are compatiable with > OPENSTEP but I want to know the "real" application. > Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks! My friend using NEXTSTEP 3.3J on Tecra 7730CDT. Mabye you will get some help from him. His name is Gabriel Lee ( Please contact to him. younghoon KIL ("ppai News": Q&A and Discussion Board) ("ppai News2": News Board) (The Web site contains 7,500 articles about NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, Rhapsody, Digital Entertainment and BeOS) (The ppaiNews is NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, Rhapsody, Digital Entertainment and BeOS Q&A & News Board written in Korean)
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTstation TurboColor Documentation Date: 26 May 1998 05:09:56 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6kdir4$fl0$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ranjit Deshpande wrote: > Is there any possibility of me getting hold of some hardware > documentation for the NeXTstation TurboColor ? I need the low down dirty > stuff... General architecture, chip level stuff (how to program the TMC, > register addresses of the NCR SCSI chip, etc.) that sort of thing. I > have looked really hard and come up empty handed. The only promising > lead was the "NeXT Bible" by Doug Clapp, but that book's out of print > so... > > I would appreciate any kind of help from all you NeXT gurus. > > Thanks, > Talk to NCR about the 53C90A :( General architecture stuff would be found in various articles (Byte, and some brochures), but I'm sure won't be as complete as you would like. Check out the following (based on) and For some preliminary info. There is a Linux page for Black hardware that basically only has the addresses of some of the hardware devices. (nothing else I could see). I can't seem to find the url at this moment. Someday I hope to have these and just a bit more under There is a htmlified brochure (that should download quickly) @ Other goodies I have will pop up periodically. Keep an eye out on my Log (i.e when ScanOmatic gets Astra 600S support, and I get used to Tiffany and Create for creating the images, and the web pages. Then hopefully I will get a little more productive.) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FOLLOWUP on NVRAM resetting clearing wiping Date: 26 May 1998 05:30:44 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6kdk24$fl0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just thought I'd let everyone know I checked what kind of process I needed to go through to reset the NVRAM on another machine. This time it was a ADB 25Mhz Mono Slab. Here are the particulars. Motherboard ACP0010980 - 25Mhz 040 - 4 72pin slots for RAM The Motherboard part # was PN-4438.00 (I neglected to check the ROM monitor NeXT>m to see what the addressable space was on that particular box - 128MB or 32MB??!!) The ROM of course was 3.3 v74 (ADB) For everyones edification the serial #'s on this box were ABB0050729 N1100 (slab serial and part #) It also seemed to come from Europe. AAW1006481 (Quantum 100M internal - origional) AAV1406806 (internal 2.88M floppy - Sony of course) AAY 0036494 (Power Supply serial #) The monitor that came with it (not necessairly came with the machine origionally) was the following ACX0001904 N4000B - September 1992 Anyway enough of the pedigree. I first attempted to reset the NVRAM by removing the battery and then shorting the terminals (after disconnecting the power cord from wall, and the PS from the Motherboard!!!) with a 500ohm resistor for 5 seconds.. Result: NVRAM reset!!! Finally I simply removed the battery for 60 seconds. I did not short the terminals. Result: NVRAM reset!!! So my tentative conclusion is that some boxes will simply respond to a removal of the battery for 60 seconds or less to reset the NVRAM. Others will not respond even to shorting the battery terminals with a small resistor (all power connections removed - i.e. wall cable, PS from Motherboard, and battery removed!!!) and will only respond to a reversal of the voltage (by inserting a reversed battery for an instant) which will reset the NVRAM.. My suspicion is that the boxes that have the onboard clocks will react favoribly to just removing the battery for a short time. Other machines may require a Battery reversal. I will try this on my 25Mhz 040 Cube MB, and the Turbo ADB Cube MB and probably put the results somewhere in my web pages. In all cases my desire was to find a method that would work near instantaneously (i.e. 60 sec or less) and that would not damage any components on the Motherboard. So as a procedure I would encourage the following: Only proceed to the next step if the first fails to reset the NVRAM (1) Remove battery 60 secs (replace, reconnect cables, retry) (2) Remove battery - place 500 ohm-2K ohm resistor across terminals (battery removed BTW!! I can't stress this enough - no power must be connected anywhere) wait 60 sec. (replace, reconnect cables, retry) Depending on your courage/patience) (3) Leave resistor short on battery all night (replace, retry) (4) Reverse battery for instant (replace, retry) At some point this should work. I again express that I am not responsible if you fry anything on your Motherboard/computer house etc. The above are simply my observations and comments I believe they will work, but if anyone experiences a problem (like their NVRAM being fried - your computer won't be able to remember NVRAM settings, but will still boot. Or any other problem I want to hear reports so I can warn others) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Marshall Smith <> Newsgroups: Subject: problem with cube Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 02:22:43 -0400 Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a NeXT cube that's been readjusted several times, but was working great until last night. I just got this cube recently more as a toy and to learn from than anything else. I was hoping some of the NeXTperts (tm) out there might be able to help with my situation... I first upgraded the 040-25 to an 040-33 motherboard, which worked fine. I added memory to the system, and that worked great too. I added in a NeXTdimension board, and the system continued to boot correctly, but would not display data to the Nd monitor. I found out that part of the 3.3 installation I had been using was not installed (specifically, the Nd demos and the multiple monitor support). So, I decided to take my 3.3 User CD and reinstall it over the current installation of 3.3 (which had been patched as per the NeXTanswers database). This had worked for my corrupted 3.3 Developer, so I figured I wouldn't run into any problem. Lo and behold, the system will not boot anymore. The ROM monitor says that it's trying to boot, then after detecting the SCSI bus, effectively resets and attempts to boot again. I've checked that the SCSI connections are okay, and I've disconnected and reconnected them. It detects the media in the devices on the SCSI bus properly, so I'm guessing that all of that is working. What I get is the regular: boot sd(0,0,0)sdmach the first time, then each additional 'reboot' after that, the system adds a -h parameter. These -h parameters continue to add up until I get tired of watching it and I power it back off. The Command-Command-tilde works to drop to the ROM monitor, but I can't find anything there that says something isn't working correctly. What I want to finally have happening is a two-headed system with the 17" color and 17" monochrome working together, but I can't seem to get the system to utilize the Nd monitor. I have a NTCS as well, so I can use that machine to create images or whatever to fix the cube, and I have install media for 3.3 User/Dev., so I can reinstall that if necessary, but I was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix this. If I have to reinstall the system, no problem, but I'd kind of like to know what happened and why so I can avoid it happening again. If you have any questions about what's happening that I didn't properly describe here, let me know and I can answer them for you. Thanks! If possible, please copy a reply of this message to my mailbox... Thanks-- Marshall -- drop an .edu for return mail. I've only been to school once. -- J. Marshall Smith NCSU Computer Science "I want peace on Earth, and goodwill towards men." "We are the United States Government. We don't do that sort of thing!" -- Sneakers
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 3.2 Intel install Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 14:06:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 10:06:47 EDT Hi... Even though Tim Luoma has wisely counseled me to forget it, I want to try one more time: is there a way to install 3.2 for Intel if you all you have is a 152x Adaptec cd-rom drive and an Atapi cd-rom drive. I checkled NextAnswers and found no 3.2 drivers... Best, Scott Atkinson
From: Ralf Bornat Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Tecra 720/730CDT Date: 26 May 1998 18:03:26 GMT Organization: World Access Message-ID: <6kf05e$> References: <6kdf09$ndo$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: > are there any NeXT users using OPENSTEP 4.2 on Toshiba Tecra 720CDT or > 730CDT? I saw the on NeXTanswer shows that both labtops are compatiable with > OPENSTEP but I want to know the "real" application. > Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks! Yes, it runs perfectly on a Tecra 730 CDT. I'm using it since more than one year. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask! --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf Bornat mobile: +49-172-9536888 Erkelenzstraat 17 vox/fax: +31-46-4517681 6132 HG Sittard work: +31-45-5262397 NETHERLANDS
From: (Antoine Gautier) Newsgroups: Subject: Disktab for Western disk WDIGTL ENTERPRISE 1.911 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-ID: <JPHa1.281$> Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 22:59:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 18:59:53 EDT Greetings, I am trying to install a western scsi disk (WDIGTL ENTERPRISE 1.911), but "disk -t west -i /dev/sd2a" only creates one partition -- I was hoping for 3. Mybe I got my disktab wrong, here is the # scsimodes /dev/rsd2a SCSI information for /dev/rsd2a Drive type: WDIGTL ENTERPRISE 1.911 512 bytes per sector 193 sectors per track 8 tracks per cylinder 5720 cylinder per volume (including spare cylinders) 1190 spare sectors per cylinder 0 alternate tracks per volume 8515172 usable sectors on volume # and my disktab : west|WESTERN|WDIGTL ENTERPRISE 1.911:\ :ty=fixed_rw_scsi:\ :nc#5720:nt#8:ns#193:ss#512:rm#3600:\ :fp#320:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#64:z1#192:hn=localhost:ro=a:\ :pa#0:sa#4194304:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#32:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:\ :pb#4194304:sb#4194304:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#32:db#4096:rb#10:ob=time:\ :ib:tb=4.3BSD:\ :pc#8388608:sc#129244:bc#8192:fc#1024:cc#32:dc#4096:rc#10:oc=time:\ :ic:tc=4.3BSD: Did I do something wrong ? If someone has a disktab entry I would gratefully accept it ! Thks, ---- Antoine Gautier
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: N4000 problem Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 10:50:36 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Recently I acquired an 030 cube with N4000. The N4000 screen is of rhombus shape. How can I adjust it? If it's an FAQ pointer to it will be appreciated. Thanks. Jaeyoung A. Lee -- remove "NOSPAM" from the return address
Newsgroups: From: Timothy J Luoma <> Sender: luomat@luomat Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980527025601.2920B-100000@luomat> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 06:57:11 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 23:57:11 PDT Organization: @Home Network On Wed, 27 May 1998, Joseph Wharton wrote: > Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for > my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. My guess is that if it worked, it would be so painful as to not be any fun. I'd go for a Pentium 100 at the very very least. I'm running happily on a P-133. The 486 would make a great Linux/FreeBSD firewall... I've been hoping to find one just for that purpose. TjL
Message-ID: <> From: Joseph Wharton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Openstep on 486? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 04:41:54 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 00:41:54 EST Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT.
From: Ranjit Deshpande <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTstation TurboColor Documentation Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 23:30:31 +0000 Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services Message-ID: <> References: <> <6kdir4$fl0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Randy, Thanks for your response. I do have information on the NCR chip and on several bits and pieces of silicon in the NeXTstation, but have no idea on how all of this fits together. Strange that you should mention the Black Linux group, they don't seem to have much either. I guess NeXT never released anything on their hardware. Typical of Steve Jobs I guess. Unfortunately the pointers you gave don't help much. I've been through those already. I really think that the 68k line of processors are awesome and I'd love to tinker with my new (well... used) NeXTstation. Maybe I'll just have to poke around. Anybody care to tell me if the NeXT programming manuals provide any kind of low level info on the NeXTstation ? Thanks, Ranjit
From: Eberhard Wolff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? Date: 27 May 1998 10:07:17 GMT Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany Message-ID: <6kgokl$scd$> References: <> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980527025601.2920B-100000@luomat> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980514 (UNIX) (SunOS/5.6 (sun4d)) Timothy J Luoma <> wrote: : On Wed, 27 May 1998, Joseph Wharton wrote: :> Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for :> my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. : : My guess is that if it worked, it would be so painful as to not be any : fun. TJL is right. I ran NeXTstep 3.3 on a 486/33 and it was much to slow to be useful. Even though you can probably get better results with more RAM. I used to have 16MB. Currently I am running 4.2 on a P100 64MB and thatÂs a wonderful system. Eberhard
From: "M.VOLKERTS" <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Update to 4.2 Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 12:42:33 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <356C0A38.77BD296E@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I have a question regarding upodating. I run openstep/mach 4.1 at the moment and would like to upgrade to 4.2 Is this posiible and if so where do get an update. I contacted Apple, they promised me that a sales rep would contact me but nothing happened. The website also did not give me any pointers. Any help here would be appreciated. Bye, Marcel
From: matthias@:-) (Matthias Schürhoff) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? Date: 27 May 1998 12:15:57 GMT Organization: FACTUM Projektentwicklung und Management GmbH Message-ID: <6kh05t$> References: <> <Pine.NXT.3.96.980527025601.2920B-100000@luomat> <6kgokl$scd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Eberhard Wolff <> wrote: > Timothy J Luoma <> wrote: > : On Wed, 27 May 1998, Joseph Wharton wrote: > > :> Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for > :> my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. > : > : My guess is that if it worked, it would be so painful as to not be any > : fun. > > TJL is right. I ran NeXTstep 3.3 on a 486/33 and it was much to slow to > be useful. Even though you can probably get better results with more RAM. > I used to have 16MB. Currently I am running 4.2 on a P100 64MB and thatÂs > a wonderful system. > > Eberhard > Hi, I had a 486DX2/66 (PCI-board) with 24 MB RAM and that was ok with Nextstep 3.3 (runs better than Windows NT on the same system). Later I changed to an AMD 486-133 and 64 MB and that made a great difference in performance. Regards Matthias =========================================================== Matthias Schürhoff FACTUM Projektentwicklung und Management GmbH, Dortmund E-Mail: (NeXT & MIME mail ok) WARNING: The return email address field has been altered:-) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Oft gelingt dem Weib mit List, was dem Mann nicht moeglich ist." - Unbekannt
Newsgroups: From: (Ben Rosengart) Subject: Re: Update to 4.2 Cache-Post-Path: racerx! Organization: Message-ID: <> References: <356C0A38.77BD296E@KVI.NL> Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 15:47:00 GMT In article <356C0A38.77BD296E@KVI.NL>, M.VOLKERTS wrote: >Hi, > >I have a question regarding upodating. I run openstep/mach 4.1 at the >moment and would like to upgrade to 4.2 Is this posiible and if so where >do get an update. I contacted Apple, they promised me that a sales rep >would contact me but nothing happened. The website also did not give me >any pointers. Any help here would be appreciated. OPENSTEP upgrades are sold at Rob, the proprietor, seems pretty nice and has been helpful to me. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: fstab Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 11:51:10 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6khip8$1lam$> Dear NeXT users, I used fstab but it said, /private/etc/fstab: Permission denied. What should I do? I have 4GB-HD But I can see use only 3GB. I used df command to see and I found I have 1 GB more. So, I mounted the drive.. yeah.. I got it.. When I use fstab, it doesn't work. Do I need to edit fstab by myself? BTW, I log in as root.. -- Sarawoot Chittratanawat
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? Date: 27 May 1998 15:35:12 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6khbrg$jdv$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Joseph Wharton wrote: > Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for > my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. > A 486 40 Mhz system is IMHO a bit too slow too be of any use. If you can upgrade it to an AMD 133 Mhz 486 processor NS 3.3 will work resonable ok provided you have at least 32 MByte RAM, for OpenStep make this at least 64 MByte from what I heard. Maybe putting Linux on this box would be a better idea...? -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.ncr,comp.sys.newton,comp.sys.newton.announce,comp.sys.newton.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell,comp.sys.nsc,comp.sys.nsc.32k,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.pen,comp.sys.pens,comp.sys.powerpc,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 May 1998 21:43:40 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: "Shannonrx7" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.ncr,comp.sys.newton,comp.sys.newton.announce,comp.sys.newton.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell,comp.sys.nsc,comp.sys.nsc.32k,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.pen,comp.sys.pens,comp.sys.powerpc,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 May 1998 23:17:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: "Shannonrx7" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6ki02i$c9k$> Control: cancel <6ki02i$c9k$> Date: 28 May 1998 01:59:49 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6ki02i$c9k$> Sender: KOYLA<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups:, From: "C. J. Kenneth Tan" <> Subject: NeXT printer Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 22:15:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 15:15:12 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada Greetings! Has anyone managed to get a NeXT printer to work on a non-NeXT machine? I have a Sun Sparc2 and a 486 running Linux here. The reason why I want to have the printer connected to either one of these machines is because I want to be able to print across network. I can't seem to find any way to share the printer between the NeXT machines and the non-NeXT machines. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Regards, C. J. Tan
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Buy an 040 Cube and get a FREE Turbo Color Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 05:44:08 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6kitj8$v84$> For more info: Greg Wilkerson -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Newsgroups:, Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 08:55:47 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: What is NeXT like? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi, I've been looking at getting a NeXT box for a while and have seen a 6804-25 Cube with a PAL Dimension board for £500 ($800). I've never used black hardware before - only seen it. What is the response like using this hardware? Both for general shell use and graphic viewing? Can someone point me to or send me some details on the dimension card - what can it do, how many inputs does it have? Regards, David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer Reflection House Phone: +44 (0)1284 770770 Olding Road Fax: +44 (0)1284 770771 Bury St. Edmunds Email: Suffolk IP33 3TA WWW: England
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6kir9n$lca$> Control: cancel <6kir9n$lca$> Date: 28 May 1998 10:19:08 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6kir9n$lca$> Sender: Dino<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups:, From: "C. J. Kenneth Tan" <> To: Jason Bright <jasonbr@RND.Softimage.COM> Subject: Re: NeXT printer In-Reply-To: <199805281602.MAA21519@research44.RND.Softimage.COM> Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 16:41:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 09:41:47 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada Jason, Thanks for your reply. I have figured out how to print through the NeXT printer from other machines, including Sun Sparc and Linux boxes. The solution is by connecting the NeXT printer to the NeXTstation, then export the spool directory of the NeXTstation to the other machines. For example, the Sun will mount the exported directory as its spool directory. The Sun will have to be configured to print to the NeXTstation via network. As the NeXTstation cannot share its printer, you will get an error here which you can just ignore. Then set up a cron job on the NeXTstation that executes the command 'lpc restart all' every minute. When the command is executed, the print job will be printed. Alternatively, you can have a script that continuously execute the command 'lpc restart all' or maybe one that sleeps for 10 seconds or so. Thanks a lot. Regards, C. J. Tan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. J. Tan E-mail: Telephone: 1-403-220-8038 1-403-606-4257 URL: Facsimile: 1-403-284-1980 "An engineer made programmer is one who attempts to solve a problem, A programmer made engineer is one who knows how to solve a problem." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Thu, 28 May 1998, Jason Bright wrote: > Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 12:02:59 -0400 > From: Jason Bright <jasonbr@RND.Softimage.COM> > To: "C. J. Kenneth Tan" <> > Subject: Re: NeXT printer > Newsgroups:, > > In article <> you wrote: > : Greetings! > > : Has anyone managed to get a NeXT printer to work on a non-NeXT machine? I > > you can't. > > j >
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer Date: 28 May 1998 18:33:45 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6kkam9$ebd$> References: <> That sounds like a lot of trouble. I have a NeXT Laser hooked up to a Turbostation and I print to it with a number of macs (appletalk & lpr) and I also print to it with a freebsd machine and 2 rhapsody machines. Lpr is the way to go. The man pages for lpd and lpr are all you should need and you will have a much more elegant solution. By the way nextstep/openstep makes one of the best printservers I have ever administered. wes C. J. Kenneth Tan <> wrote: > Jason, > Thanks for your reply. I have figured out how to print through the NeXT > printer from other machines, including Sun Sparc and Linux boxes. The > solution is by connecting the NeXT printer to the NeXTstation, then export > the spool directory of the NeXTstation to the other machines. For > example, the Sun will mount the exported directory as its spool directory. > The Sun will have to be configured to print to the NeXTstation via > network. As the NeXTstation cannot share its printer, you will get an > error here which you can just ignore. Then set up a cron job on the > NeXTstation that executes the command 'lpc restart all' every minute. > When the command is executed, the print job will be printed. > Alternatively, you can have a script that continuously execute the command > 'lpc restart all' or maybe one that sleeps for 10 seconds or so. -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Connecting NeXTSTation Turbo Color to Mono Monitor Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 18:39:57 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6kkb1t$sqv$> The title says it all. Is it possible to connect a color nextstation turbo to a nextstation mono monitor? Would the Soundbox, etc. still work? -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Date: 28 May 1998 19:02:38 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6kkcce$6a6$> References: <6kk34r$> ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: > > >I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip >I would like to know what its memory address is? >I would like to know where I can find documentation on low-level devices > Did you try for more information? Actually, there are a lot of variations of Z8 processors for the size of on-chip ROM/RAM so you'd better be a little a bit more specific on your question when you try comp.arch.embedded (a news group for embedded system) for better answers. I'm just curious, but by what reason you thought this news group (NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody related) is adequate for your question? --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting Teleport Gold II Modem to NeXTStation Color Turbo Date: 28 May 1998 19:26:12 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6kkdok$lg0$> References: <6kkbod$ud6$> wrote: [ ... ] >I am assuming that this modem either: (a) cannot be used with this computer; >(b) the modem cable attached to the Teleport has the wrong connector for the >serial port (RS-432C I believe) on the back of the NeXT; or (c) I need the >modem cable for the NeXTStation and can then connect it to some other brand >of external modem. The problem is likely that the modem cable you have is not wired correctly. Generic Mac and PC RS-232 cables usually don't have the flow control right, which you need if you want to run faster than 9600 baud. From 'man zs': NeXT 68040 to Modem Cable Mini-Din RS-232 1 (DTR) 20 (DTR) 2 (DCD) 8 (DCD) 3 (TXD) 2 (TXD) 4 (GND) 7 (GND) 5 (RXD) 3 (RXD) 6 (RTS) 4 (RTS) 8 (CTS) 5 (CTS) ...and make sure you're connecting via /dev/cufa. -Chuck
From: ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) Newsgroups: Subject: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Date: 28 May 1998 16:24:59 GMT Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Message-ID: <6kk34r$> I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip I would like to know what its memory address is? I would like to know where I can find documentation on low-level devices thanks tt
Newsgroups:, From: Timothy J Luoma <> Sender: luomat@luomat Subject: Re: NeXT printer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980528113044.29661A-100000@luomat> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 15:32:32 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 08:32:32 PDT Organization: @Home Network On Mon, 25 May 1998, C. J. Kenneth Tan wrote: > Has anyone managed to get a NeXT printer to work on a non-NeXT machine? I > have a Sun Sparc2 and a 486 running Linux here. The reason why I want to > have the printer connected to either one of these machines is because I > want to be able to print across network. I can't seem to find any way to > share the printer between the NeXT machines and the non-NeXT machines. A NeXT printer will only work off of a NeXT computer, that is the way it was designed. The NeXT should be able to accept print jobs from a mixed network, but I am not sure exactly how that is done (printcap?) as I have never had to do it.... Anyway, that's the answer to look for, as looking for a way to get the printer to work on another computer is destined for failure. TjL
From: PNP COMPUTERS <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.misc,, Subject: USED SYSTEMS & NOTEBOOKS FOR SALES Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 15:58:40 -0700 Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit USED SYSTEMS & NOTEBOOKS FOR SALES Acer $90 * 486DX-33 * 1Meg Video Card * 8MB RAM * 1.44 Floppy Drive * 170MB Hard Drive * Keyboard & Mouse * Desktop Case * Used and good condition * 25 Systems Left ********************************************************** HP Vectra $105 * 486DX-66 * 1Meg Video Card * 4MB RAM * 1.44 Floppy Drive * 420MB Hard Drive * Keyboard & Mouse * Desktop Case * Used and good condition * 45 Systems Left ********************************************************** Toshiba 1950CT Notebook $375 * 486DX-40MHz * 8MB RAM * 250MB Hard Drive * 10.4" Active Color Screen * Used and good condition * Only 8 Left *********************************************************** IBM Thinkpads $305 * 486DX-33MHz * 8MB RAM * 170MB Hard Drive * Used and good condition * Only 8 Left *********************************************************** Compaq Docking Stations for Armada 4100 Notebooks $85(New) ************************************************************* To order please email or call us with your full name, shipping address, phone numbers, and credit card number + expiration date + credit card billing address. Shipping and Handling is EXTRA. We accept Visa or MasterCard. Computer Sales, Service, and Upgrades To Place An Order, Call or Visit Us!!! PNP COMPUTERS Tel: (562) 861-7828 Fax: (562) 861-1348 Website: E-Mail:
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Connecting Teleport Gold II Modem to NeXTStation Color Turbo Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 18:51:57 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6kkbod$ud6$> Hi Everyone: I recently bought an NeXTstation Turbo Color and am interested in connecting this machine to the Internet. I have an old Teleport Gold II external modem and was wondering if anyone has experience connecting one of these to a NeXT box. The Teleport has a modem cable that "seemed" to fit into the Serial port on the back of the slab. Of course, when I activated PPP throught Gatekeeper all I got was error messages (the same ones I get when no modem is present). I am assuming that this modem either: (a) cannot be used with this computer; (b) the modem cable attached to the Teleport has the wrong connector for the serial port (RS-432C I believe) on the back of the NeXT; or (c) I need the modem cable for the NeXTStation and can then connect it to some other brand of external modem. Assistance on this and related topics would be appreciated. I am very happy with my NeXT, and it is forcing me to re-learn how to use a computer after all of those years of bad WINTEL habits. David Mussington -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: "ö©á áéìå" <> Newsgroups: Subject: modem Date: 28 May 1998 20:54:47 GMT Organization: Internet Gold Message-ID: <01bd8a7a$fd4f0760$5ec174c0@nadav> i have zoltrix modem v.34 with mic input and speaker output. i'm trying to speak though it but i can only hear the conversation but not speak through the mic. (the mic is working - check when connected to the s.b.) how to configure the modem to it or with which sofware should i use thanks nadav
From: "Brent Clothier" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Future Driver Support for Openstep 4.2 Mach Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 20:38:00 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <6kl3dp$ro3$> I was wondering if anyone could comment on the following driver questions: (1) Will Openstep 4.2 (Mach) support USB devices or is this reserved solely for Rhapsody? (2) Is anyone running Openstep 4.2 (Mach) on an Intel-based BX chipset motherboard? NextAnswers has no drivers for the BX chipset. The 100 MHz memory bus of the BX chipset is really nice. I have heard of people taking the FX drivers and successfully running them on LX based Pentium II boards. Has this been extended to the BX chipset? Will Apple provide optimized BX drivers (or for that matter, drivers for the upcoming GX and NX chipsets)? I have not heard anything from Apple/NeXT technical support on this issue. Thanks in advance. - Brent P.S. I did hear that drivers for Matrox's upcoming G200 graphics card are being considered.
Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.scsi From: Sender: luomat@luomat Subject: Adaptec BIOS flashes for 2940au (not UW) Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980528214142.21757A-100000@luomat> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 01:47:27 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 18:47:27 PDT Organization: @Home Network I've got a Tyan Tomcat motherboard and an Adaptec 2940au SCSI controller. I'm assuming that both have updates, or at the least Adaptec has, since my machine came together last April (I don't have the version numbers in front of me at the moment). Are there good reasons to pursue the updates? Or is it more likely to break something. If I can get better performance, I'd like to do that, but at the same time I don't want to fix something not broken.... TjL
Newsgroups: From: (Gilbert Wong) Subject: Connecting USR 33.6 modem to NeXT Colorstation Message-ID: <> Organization: Computer Group, Elec. Eng., University of Toronto Date: 29 May 98 01:58:25 GMT Hi all, Have anyone tried to connect a USR 33.6 modem to a NeXT Colorstation? Can someone refer some document to me about how to setup the modem? I've got the cable and a external modem. Thanks, Gilbert Email:
Newsgroups: From: Timothy J Luoma <> Sender: luomat@luomat To: Subject: Re: Newbie Keyboard/Mouse question. In-Reply-To: <6klf42$mil$> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980529022515.10874B-100000@luomat> References: <6klf42$mil$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 06:25:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 23:25:47 PDT Organization: @Home Network Try or They'll set you up with what you need... TjL
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Date: 28 May 1998 23:57:30 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6kktla$cc5$> References: <6kk34r$> <6kkcce$6a6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6kkcce$6a6$> wrote: > ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: > > > > > >I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip > >I would like to know what its memory address is? > >I would like to know where I can find documentation on low-level devices > > > > Did you try for more information? Actually, there are a > lot of variations of Z8 processors for the size of on-chip ROM/RAM so you'd > better be a little a bit more specific on your question when you try > comp.arch.embedded (a news group for embedded system) for better answers. > > I'm just curious, but by what reason you thought this news group > (NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody related) is adequate for your question? Because he is most likely refering to the Zilog SCC 8530 serial communication controller chip as used in the original NeXT hardware. Some friends and I used this chip once for a Localtalk emulation hardware for the Atari ST in the good'ol days. It was widely used in various hardware designs - including the original Mac hardware and most early Sparcs. I don't know about its address in memory is but I guess if you disassemble the sdmach kernel you will most likely find what your search. And look up /usr/include/architecture/zs85C30.h and 'man zs'. What do you want to do with it? (Just curious...) -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer References: <> From: Message-ID: <> Date: 29 May 1998 10:53:39 +0100 In article <>, you wrote: > Jason, > > Thanks for your reply. I have figured out how to print through the NeXT > printer from other machines, including Sun Sparc and Linux boxes. The > solution is by connecting the NeXT printer to the NeXTstation, then export > the spool directory of the NeXTstation to the other machines. For > example, the Sun will mount the exported directory as its spool directory. > ... Woa, faaaaaaar tooooo complicated. It's much, much easiser! No scripting, no mounting, no nothing on the NeXT side. It's all on the SUN/Linux side! The NeXT printer is accessible from other hosts, you just have to use the correct names: Local_Pinter for the name of the printer and the NeXT's name for the host. For Solaris, you will have to use the bsd printer interface. And you will have to use the command line setup to use a name other than Local_Printer on the Solaris side. Does Linux use printcaps (our system currently refuses to boot)? If so, then you can use something like: nextprinter: \ :rm=<name of NeXT>:rp=Local_Printer:.... (It works, I know, 'cause I had a linux box printing to NeXT and I have several SUNs [Solaris 2.5 and 2.6] printing to NeXT. No changes on the NeXT side.) -Robert -- Institut fuer Informatik tel +41 (0)61 321 99 67 Universitaet Basel fax. +41 (0)61 321 99 15 Robert Frank Mittlere Strasse 142 rfc822: (NeXT,MIME mail ok) CH-4056 Basel (remove any no_spam_ from my return address) Switzerland
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Newbie Keyboard/Mouse question. Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 04:55:30 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6klf42$mil$> Greetings, I fulfilled a dream of mine today and picked up a used NeXTstation (Mono 040-25Mhz). But alas, it did not come with a keyboard or mouse. So I've got a couple of quetsions. Please forgive my extreme ignorance! I suspect from what I have read on the web today that my NeXT is Non-ADB. The keyboard port on the monitor has 5 pins. (It looks like a PS/2 Mouse port minus one pin.) The model number on the monitor is N4000A, Part # 1403, S/N AAA (numbers) Date of manufacture May 1991. Does this tell anyone which kind I need to buy? I took an ADB keyboard from a Mac and looked at the cable and it won't fit. (If ADB Mac == ADB NeXT) I really appreciate ANY help! I'm a lost sheep right now, wanting to get the NeXT running! Please email! - Mike -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: N4000 problem Date: 29 May 1998 04:20:14 GMT Organization: Idiom Communications Message-ID: <6kld1u$257$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." may or may not have said: -> Recently I acquired an 030 cube with N4000. -> The N4000 screen is of rhombus shape. How can I adjust it? -> If it's an FAQ pointer to it will be appreciated. -> Thanks. Take the plastic cover off. Three will be several holes in the steel shielding, through which you can turn the various adjustment potentiometers. I advise using a plastic screwdriver (which you should be able to get at any electronics shop). The shielding should have labels for which pot affects what aspect of the display. -jcr
From: (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? Date: 29 May 1998 04:04:38 GMT Organization: Idiom Communications Message-ID: <6klc4m$257$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Joseph Wharton may or may not have said: -> Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for -> my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. It will run, but you won't like it. a 486/40 was painfully slow for NeXTSTEP 3.3, and for OpenStep 4.2, it would be a great deal worse. -jcr etplace. They're going pretty cheap these days. -jcr
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Message-ID: <> From: root@ Date: 28 May 98 17:14:24 MDT References: <6kk34r$> <6kkcce$6a6$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6kkcce$6a6$> wrote: > ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: > > > > > >I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip > >I would like to know what its memory address is? > > > Did you try for more information? How would zilog know? I can wire a chip enable to be active at any address I please. Zilog wouldn't know where NeXT decided to place it in the memory map. > Actually, there are a > lot of variations of Z8 processors for the size of on-chip ROM/RAM so you'd > better be a little a bit more specific on your question when you try > comp.arch.embedded (a news group for embedded system) for better answers. A Z8? He's talking about the z8530 UART NeXT used in the cubes/slabs. No Z8's inside a NeXT machine. > I'm just curious, but by what reason you thought this news group > (NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody related) is adequate for your question? Because these are NeXT hardware-specific questions. Only NeXT hardware specs will tell you the memory mapped address of the UART.
From: Pierre Dibon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 21" black monitor on mac? Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 14:40:30 +0200 Organization: IUT de bayonne Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Eugene Yoo wrote: > Hi, > > Quick question: what adapters are available for the 13W3 connector on > black 21" monitors? Is it possible to drive it with a Powermac display > output? > > Thanks, > Eugene Hi, I have the same problem, I want to use a NeXT 17" monitor, on a PC with a db15 vga connector. Have you information about this stuff. Do you find websites talking about these 13w3 connectors or interfaces.
Message-ID: <> From: Kaj-Age Henneberg <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting USR 33.6 modem to NeXT Colorstation References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 14:26:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 10:26:12 EDT Gilbert Wong wrote: > > Hi all, > > Have anyone tried to connect a USR 33.6 modem to a NeXT Colorstation? > Can someone refer some document to me about how to setup the modem? > I've got the cable and a external modem. > > Thanks, > Gilbert > Email: Hi Gilbert, I connected a USR Sporster 33.6 Kbps modem (model # 1265) to a mono slab using the following modem settings (1 to 8): up, up, down, down, down, up, up, up. I never got the fax service to work, just the data modem. The USR web site mention something about preprogramming the modem for UNIX using a PC but I don't recall the details. ------------------------------- K. Henneberg, Ph. D. Canada -------------------------------
From: Timm Wetzel <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 18:39:54 +0200 Organization: GWDG, Goettingen Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <> On 29 May 1998 wrote: > export > > the spool directory of the NeXTstation to the other machines. For > > example, the Sun will mount the exported directory as its spool > directory. > > ... > Woa, faaaaaaar tooooo complicated. It's much, much easiser! > > No scripting, no mounting, no nothing on the NeXT side. It's all on the > SUN/Linux side! [...] > nextprinter: \ > :rm=<name of NeXT>:rp=Local_Printer:.... > > (It works, I know, 'cause I had a linux box printing to NeXT and I have > several SUNs [Solaris 2.5 and 2.6] printing to NeXT. No changes on the > NeXT side.) Additionally, you will probably need to put your print clients into the NeXT's /etc/hosts.lpd (and make sure name resolution via DNS / Netinfo / /etc/hosts works). Timm
From: Arnaud <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Future Driver Support for Openstep 4.2 Mach Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 21:42:57 +0200 Organization: [posted via] Easynet France Message-ID: <> References: <6kl3dp$ro3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Brent Clothier wrote: > P.S. I did hear that drivers for Matrox's upcoming G200 graphics card are > being considered. Where did you hear this ? Did you also hear "3D" ?
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep on 486? Date: 29 May 1998 15:04:26 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6kmipq$f6b$> References: <> Joseph Wharton <> writes: > Can I run openstep on a 486/40 or does it require a Pentium? Sorry, for > my stupidity, but I'm just learning about the wonderful world of NeXT. Works fine on a 486 and should be useable. Graphics will be slow, but I've used NS on a DX40 and that was O.K. - just make sure you give it lots of memory to play with and should should be o.k. -bat.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 21" black monitor on mac? Date: 29 May 1998 16:01:10 GMT Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <6kmm46$36r$> References: <> <> In-Reply-To: <> On 05/29/98, Pierre Dibon wrote: >Eugene Yoo wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> Quick question: what adapters are available for the 13W3 connector on >> black 21" monitors? Is it possible to drive it with a Powermac display >> output? >> >> Thanks, >> Eugene > > Hi, >I have the same problem, I want to use a NeXT 17" monitor, on a PC with a >db15 vga connector. Have you information about this stuff. >Do you find websites talking about these 13w3 connectors or interfaces. > >
From: jeff hepp <> Newsgroups: Subject: Monitor migration Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 14:50:13 -0700 Organization: get hep! sound Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit There's a company a that perports to have video cards that will allow NeXT monitors to function on a Windows box. Don't know from personal experience. I too would like to hear of any success stories. Jeff Hepp
From: "Brent Clothier" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Future Driver Support for Openstep 4.2 Mach Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 16:41:17 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <6kn9tm$5ov$> References: <6kl3dp$ro3$> <> > >Brent Clothier wrote: > >> P.S. I did hear that drivers for Matrox's upcoming G200 graphics card are >> being considered. > > Where did you hear this ? Did you also hear "3D" ? From the tech. support people via e-mail. Unfortunately, I did not hear anything about 3D. I am not that familiar with Openstep's 3D capabilities. Someone once posted something about differences between 3.3 and 4.2, one of which was that the 3D app kit had been dropped from 4.2. Anyone care to comment here (Timothy L.)? Brent
Newsgroups: From: Timothy J Luoma <> Sender: luomat@luomat Subject: Re: Future Driver Support for Openstep 4.2 Mach In-Reply-To: <6kn9tm$5ov$> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980529191339.741B-100000@luomat> References: <6kl3dp$ro3$> <> <6kn9tm$5ov$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 23:15:15 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 16:15:15 PDT Organization: @Home Network On Fri, 29 May 1998, Brent Clothier wrote: > From the tech. support people via e-mail. Unfortunately, I did not hear > anything about 3D. I am not that familiar with Openstep's 3D capabilities. > Someone once posted something about differences between 3.3 and 4.2, one of > which was that the 3D app kit had been dropped from 4.2. Anyone care to > comment here (Timothy L.)? Well, if you insist ;-) My official statement is as follows: I have no idea. Thank you all for coming, there will be coffee and muffins in the foyer TjL, a little punchy today
Newsgroups: From: Timothy J Luoma <> Sender: luomat@luomat To: "Donald N. Petcher" <> Subject: Re: Internal Nextstation hard drive question In-Reply-To: <6knd99$c9n$> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980529191545.741C-100000@luomat> References: <6knd99$c9n$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 23:24:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 16:24:12 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 29 May 1998, Donald N. Petcher wrote: > I need to replace my internal hard drive on a (Mono) Turbo Nexstation. Am I > right in thinking that virtually any scsi-2 disk which does asynchronous > read/write will work? Yes, many|most|almost all will work. > (If it is the right size.) Are there disks to be preferred and disks to > stay away from? My current disk is 400 Mb, but I figured that nowadays a > "small" disk is 2 Gb so I would go for something about that size. Are > there potential overheating problems, etc.? I believe Scott Anguish would gladly beat the Quantum folks.... but I think that may have just been one type of drive... I think the RPM is probably the most important thing, 5400 is good 7200 is risky at best Anything over 2gig (that is, 2047mb, post formatting) will require it be partitioned. I'm ignoring the fact that some day I'll have to understand that whole process.... Scott Hess has an FAQ on his homepage I believe.... TjL
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: Future Driver Support for Openstep 4.2 Mach Newsgroups: References: <6kl3dp$ro3$> Message-ID: <> Date: 31 May 98 03:46:44 GMT Brent Clothier <> wrote: > NextAnswers has no drivers for the BX chipset. The 100 MHz memory bus of > the BX chipset is really nice. I have heard of people taking the FX drivers > and successfully running them on LX based Pentium II boards. Has this been > extended to the BX chipset? Do they even have to? OpenStep has no problems with my motherboard, which doesn't even use an Intel chipset. -- "... and subpoenas for all." - Ken Starr
From: "wizar" <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,,comp.hardware,,, Subject: COREtape Light Date: 30 May 1998 09:37:35 GMT Organization: wizar Message-ID: <01bd8bad$9b9e7c60$2da22ec3@my-computer> Hi, All! I have a problem. Which software (DOS or Win 3.x, Win95) support tapedrive COREtape Light? Help me, please. Thanks. Please, send me E-mail
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 31 May 1998 03:49:46 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (Wolfgang Haunzwickl) Newsgroups:,alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,,comp.hardware,, Subject: Re: COREtape Light Date: 31 May 1998 10:30:11 GMT Message-ID: <6krbfj$vch$> References: <01bd8bad$9b9e7c60$2da22ec3@my-computer> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Give us your exact system configuration, operating system and the manufacturer of your tape drive and we might find something. Wolfgang Haunzwickl Sun, 31 May 1998 12:16 +0200 Using Virtual Access 4.02 build 244 (32-bit)Win95
From: (Michael) Newsgroups: Subject: Help: OD that won't eject Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 13:11:02 GMT Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz Message-ID: <> Hi, I bought at a garage sale a 030 cube with an optical drive and a hard drive running v2.0. The machine booted fine when I got it home. The problem is that I got a box of OD with it and I wanted to try out the OD so I popped a cartridge in. The next thing I know is that the OD doesn't mount and I couldn't figure out how to eject it. Thinking like a Mac user I thought maybe it will eject it if I power off the machine and then power it back on again. This didn't work. Instead the cube will no longer boot. It tests the hardware and then says it booting from disk and I can hear the hard drive being accessed but nothing else happens. It just sits there saying its booting from disk. I tried getting to the rom monitor hitting command ~ but that didn't work. I don't know how to get the machine booting again nor how to eject the OD. Any pointers or hints would be greatly appreciated. thanks michael reply to cadaver at cats dot ucsc dot edu
From: Newsgroups: Subject: testing password post 88589 Date: Sunday, 31 May 1998 04:22:00 -0600 Organization: eh254 Message-ID: <> The password details for ps make sure your follow the log on procedures carefully or you will get in a loop. If user1 is logged on try user2 or user3 etc with same password. Name : user1 Password : kitten ?l&
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 31 May 1998 14:55:21 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Henning Leidecker <> Newsgroups: Subject: SyJet 1.5 works with the Cube Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:17:18 -0400 Organization: self Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I asked this group last week whether anyone knew if SyQuest's "SyJet 1.5, external, scsi" would work with a Cube. (Running NS3.3.) The drive I had just bought did not work with my Cube, not even when I used a second (new) cartridge. Last night, I swapped the drive for a fresh one. It worked correctly from the moment I turned it on: a fine example of "plug it in, and it just works." NS3.3 reads the DOS-formatted cartridges, and also reformats each as a 1.22 Gig NextStep disk. Timothy J Luoma's matter-of-fact reminder that "it should work" helped me with the decision to keep trying. As did MicroCenter's exchange policy. Henning Leidecker
Subject: Re: SyJet 1.5 works with the Cube Newsgroups: References: <> In-Reply-To: <> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <PEic1.918$> Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 19:59:43 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:59:43 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 05/31/98, Henning Leidecker wrote: > Timothy J Luoma's matter-of-fact reminder that "it should work" > helped me with the decision to keep trying. SyQuest's drives are regular Winchester (sp?) technology, and should be really PnP with SCSI systems. Once I got my SCSI termination problems worked out I am using both an EZ1325 and SyJet with my system no problems at all... Actually I too had to replace the SyJet drive Glad it worked out... TjL
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help: OD that won't eject Date: 1 Jun 1998 00:04:22 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ksr66$a8l$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Michael wrote: > Hi, > > I bought at a garage sale a 030 cube with an optical drive and a hard > drive running v2.0. The machine booted fine when I got it home. > > The problem is that I got a box of OD with it and I wanted to try out > the OD so I popped a cartridge in. The next thing I know is that the > OD doesn't mount and I couldn't figure out how to eject it. Thinking > like a Mac user I thought maybe it will eject it if I power off the > machine and then power it back on again. This didn't work. > > Instead the cube will no longer boot. It tests the hardware and then > says it booting from disk and I can hear the hard drive being accessed > but nothing else happens. It just sits there saying its booting from > disk. I tried getting to the rom monitor hitting command ~ but that > didn't work. > > I don't know how to get the machine booting again nor how to eject the > OD. Any pointers or hints would be greatly appreciated. > > thanks > > michael 1. Get into PROM monitor. From pg 141 of the Network and System Administration manual (2.1) You can access the ROM monitor in several ways: When the system is first powered on, hold down the right Command key and press (tilde) on the numeric keypad immediately after the "Testing System" message is replaced by the "Loading from disk" message. The ROM monitor window is displayed and contains the prompt: On ADB systems it's command-alternate-tilde (From memory) NeXT> 2. Once at the ROM prompt to eject a) Floppies type ef b) Opticals type ej (drive # 0 or 1 - default is zero) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Newsgroups: From: (Peter Nitezki) Subject: Re: Internal Nextstation hard drive question Message-ID: <> Sender: (Peter Nitezki) Organization: private site of Peter Nitezki, Kraichtal, Germany References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980529191545.741C-100000@luomat> Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 18:50:32 GMT In article <Pine.NXT.3.96.980529191545.741C-100000@luomat> Timothy J Luoma <> writes: > On 29 May 1998, Donald N. Petcher wrote: > > > I need to replace my internal hard drive on a (Mono) Turbo > > Nexstation. Am I right in thinking that virtually any scsi-2 > > disk which does asynchronous read/write will work? > > Yes, many|most|almost all will work. > May I qualify this statement a little more? Any drive will work that either automatically disables the extended command set in train of the initialization sequence or that can be configured as SCSI-1 by means of some switch or persistent configuration command. Drives that fail to recognize that the initiatior (the SCSI controller chip of your black beauty) only supports SCSI-1 will likely cause spurious problems due to a loss of state during failed disconnect/reconnect operations. Unfortunately, this will not help you choose a drive from a posting in a sales catalog, but it will do if you get a OEM data sheet, at least. > > > (If it is the right size.) Are there disks to be preferred and > > disks to stay away from? My current disk is 400 Mb, but I > > figured that nowadays a "small" disk is 2 Gb so I would go for > > something about that size. Are there potential overheating > > problems, etc.? > > I believe Scott Anguish would gladly beat the Quantum folks.... > but I think that may have just been one type of drive... > > I think the RPM is probably the most important thing, 5400 is > good 7200 is risky at best > > Anything over 2gig (that is, 2047mb, post formatting) will require > it be partitioned. I'm ignoring the fact that some day I'll have > to understand that whole process.... Scott Hess has an FAQ on > his homepage I believe.... > TjL -- Peter Nitezki | # Blessed art thou who knoweth Staarenbergstr. 44 | Tel.: +49 7251 62495 # not about the pleasure and 76703 Kraichtal | Fax : +49 7251 960575 # delight of being hooked GERMANY | E-mail ASCII only # up to the Net. Peter 1,3-5
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Error message with mixBox Date: 1 Jun 1998 03:55:32 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6kt8nk$c0d$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 1 Jun 1998 03:55:32 GMT A question for any mix Box users out there: I recently got ahold of an ilink mix Box, installed, and it basically works just fine. However, I notice, whenever I reboot (usually a rare thing with MS, but I've had to do it several times lately as I am setting up a new disk) I get the following error message: mix:netname_look_up(host=,port name= mixInterface) failed. Netname server: name not checked in(1001) This repeats several times. Despite the error, the mix seems to operate correctly. I've looked at every config file I can find, and can't see where the above check is being made. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: Help! OD problem Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 14:13:05 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, All. I recently acquired an 030 cube with OD and 660MB hard drive. The hard disk is dead and I have no intention of restoring it. But I became really fond of the OD drive. IMHO it is one of the most beautifully built mass storage devices I have ever seen. Problem is the OD drive is dead or it could be the cartridge that I have. (I have a System Software 2.0 cartridge.) If I insert the cartridge it spins up couple of times and stops and WM can't mount it. WM can't even see it is there. That is "eject" menu is disabled as if there is no disk in the drive. I have to open the monitor and give "ej 0" command to eject the disk. What can be the problem? I cleaned up the drive as described in "cleaning up your cube" (I forgot the author. Sorry :-) but the problem persists. Many thanks. J. -- Jaeyoung A. Lee remove "NOSPAM" from the return address
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Internal Nextstation hard drive question Date: 31 May 98 23:57:05 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6knd99$c9n$> In-reply-to:'s message of 29 May 1998 22:36:25 GMT In article <6knd99$c9n$>, (Donald N. Petcher) writes: I need to replace my internal hard drive on a (Mono) Turbo Nexstation. Am I right in thinking that virtually any scsi-2 disk which does asynchronous read/write will work? (If it is the right size.) Virtually any 50-pin disk. Unfortunately, since NeXT hardware implements SCSI (not SCSI-II or any wacky variant), periodically a disk pops up which doesn't work, or doesn't work without jumper settings or mode page changes. I expect this is mostly because while later specs define that things should fall back, the firmware to handle such things is just not well tested (NeXT's are old hardware, after all). That said, most current 5400 RPM disks that I know of work, and a quick search at on specific models WRT NeXT hardware should turn up a couple positive or negative comments. Are there disks to be preferred and disks to stay away from? My current disk is 400 Mb, but I figured that nowadays a "small" disk is 2 Gb so I would go for something about that size. Are there potential overheating problems, etc.? What is the size of the disk (I haven't looked yet)? Third height 3.5" would be my guess offhand. The form factor is 3.5", half height, I believe. I don't think you can currently purchase anything in a 2Gig 3.5" size that won't fit, to tell the truth :-). Half height drives don't leave a lot of headroom, though, so you might consider a low profile (1"). Also, there isn't room for an adaptor, so get a _real_ 50-pin drive, not a 68 or 80-pin drive with an adaptor (there are a lot of cheap 80-pin SCA drives with adaptors out there). So far as heat, stick with a 5400 RPM drive and you should be safe. Some of the very newest 7200 RPM drives might be fine, but since NeXT hardware tops out at like 1.5MB/s, who cares? [The 400M drive is like 9W, which is where most 2Gig 7200 RPM drives like, but my theory is that with hardware this old, you _don't_ want to push the envelope on heat.] I like the Seagate Hawk 2XL drives. I know there were 1Gig and 2Gig low profile versions, and I think there was a 4Gig half height version about the same time. The 2Gig version only gets warm to the touch, and I only hear seeking noises from it. There are Ultra and Fast versions out there, and the NeXTstation can use either (I mention it because I got a Fast SCSI version cheap from someone who needed Ultra). Also, I like the IBM UltraStar 2ES drives, which I know come in 2Gig and 4Gig. They are even cooler and quieter, in my experience. I'm happy enough with my Quantum Atlas drives, though they're loud, and much hotter than I'd want to put in a station. And I'm not comfortable with the other (consumer-targetted) Quantum SCSI drives out there, because I've heard very bad things about one of them, and can never remember which of the three or so similar sounding variants in the bad one. Of course, the performance problems I've heard about probably wouldn't be noticable on a NeXTstation, anyhow. I would stick with one of the brand names, though. As you fall into the second tier, you raise your risk finding a drive which doesn't conform to the SCSI spec well enough to work in a NeXTstation, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Matty Cunningham" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Dual Boot with OpenGL accelerator? Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 10:49:14 GMT Message-ID: <01bd8d4a$eac7c960$290dedc1@Office> Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help? We have a few dual boot NT / NeXT machines, running the animation software Animo, we also require the machines to run NT 4 for 3d Animation, we are hoping to expand the machines with a Diamond FireGL 1000 Graphics accelerator to improve speed on the NT side. Does anyone know if these graphics cards will be compatible with NeXT, either with dedicated drivers, or a generic SVGA driver. Any help would be much appreciated. T.I.A Matty Cunningham Sys. Admin.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 01 Jun 1998 10:56:24 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: PC4LessOnline Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: rene limberger <> Newsgroups: Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep on SGI? Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 04:13:30 -0700 Organization: --- Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi! I am totaly new to next. Is next/openstep available for sgi hardware? For what hardware is it available? Where can i find good information about this OS? (screenshots?) How mouch is it? Thanks in advance Rene -- *************************************** * Renè Limberger * * * ***************************************
From: (Justin Zamora) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Internal Nextstation hard drive question Date: 1 Jun 1998 14:35:20 GMT Organization: IBM Global Services -- South Geoplex Distribution: comp Message-ID: <6kue78$1cc6$> References: <6knd99$c9n$> <> In article <>, Scott Hess <> wrote: >The form factor is 3.5", half height, I believe. I don't think you >can currently purchase anything in a 2Gig 3.5" size that won't fit, to >tell the truth :-). Half height drives don't leave a lot of headroom, >though, so you might consider a low profile (1"). Also, there isn't >room for an adaptor, so get a _real_ 50-pin drive, not a 68 or 80-pin >drive with an adaptor (there are a lot of cheap 80-pin SCA drives with >adaptors out there). This is true, although depending on the adapter, you can make it fit. A few months ago I bought a SCA drive with and adapter and was able to make it fit by drilling a couple extra holes in the mounting plate that allowed me to move the drive forward a centimeter or two. Then the disk with adapter just fit. Justin
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help! OD problem Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 09:28:39 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Sender: (thomas) Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> "Lee, Jaeyoung A." wrote: > Hi, All. > > I recently acquired an 030 cube with OD and 660MB hard drive. > The hard disk is dead and I have no intention of restoring it. > But I became really fond of the OD drive. IMHO it is one of the most > beautifully built mass storage devices I have ever seen. > Problem is the OD drive is dead or it could be the cartridge that I > have. > (I have a System Software 2.0 cartridge.) > If I insert the cartridge it spins up couple of times and stops and WM Use the "disk" command from a shell: disk /dev/rod0a Build a new filesystem and see what happens. More information from man disk
Subject: Re: How Do I Install A New Hard Drive? Newsgroups: References: <6kumgl$alu$> In-Reply-To: <6kumgl$alu$> From: (Timothy Luoma) Message-ID: <77Cc1.1223$> Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 18:09:07 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 11:09:07 PDT Organization: @Home Network On 06/01/98, ginz wrote: > Hi all, I want to install a new Hard Drive on > my Color Turbo Slab running N.S. 3.3. I am all > to familiar on how to do it in the DOS world, but > I have no clue how to do it on my NeXT Slab. > Can anyone help? Put the CD in the SCSI CD-ROM Put the boot floppy in the drive. Turn on the machine Answer the questions Sit back for awhile TjL ps -- or connect the drive to the machine already running 3.3 and run BuildDisk... that works well for NeXT hardware, not so well for Intel. ps2 - if the drive is over 2047MB you will have to partition it....
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: How Do I Install A New Hard Drive? Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 16:41:36 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6kumgl$alu$> Hi all, I want to install a new Hard Drive on my Color Turbo Slab running N.S. 3.3. I am all to familiar on how to do it in the DOS world, but I have no clue how to do it on my NeXT Slab. Can anyone help? Carl...
From: Joseph Natar <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Next 256 Meg Optical Read Drive needed Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 11:15:05 -0700 Organization: Oceania, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Could anybody tell me where I could get a drive to read an old 256 Meg Next Optical Disk. Thanks Joseph Natar
From: (cms) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Printing to Mac ( Help ) Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 18:42:28 -0400 Organization: CMS Message-ID: <cms-0106981842280001@> I just received my Next Turbo Color.. running 3.3 and would like to print... Running a ethernet network have five Mac's and one Next printer is a PS Oki... Using Farllon Etherwave Mulit print Adapter to connect up 3 Local Talk Printers on the Mac side.. NO problems.. printing great. Q. Can Next do Apple Talk.. or Local Talk.. Q. is there a third party software.. Any help would be appericated... Thank;s send email to: cms Richard CMS
From: "Joerg Spix" <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Printing to Mac ( Help ) Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 02:21:11 +0200 Organization: C. v. Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg - Fachbereich Informatik Message-ID: <6kvgh7$281@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> References: <cms-0106981842280001@> cms <> wrote: > I just received my Next Turbo Color.. running 3.3 and would like to > print... > > Running a ethernet network have five Mac's and one Next printer is a PS > Oki... > > Using Farllon Etherwave Mulit print Adapter to connect up 3 Local Talk > Printers on the Mac side.. NO problems.. printing great. > > > Q. Can Next do Apple Talk.. or Local Talk.. Appletalk on Ethernet = Ethertalk: Yes Localtalk: No But you can use a Bridge or Router like a Shiva Fastpath or a Farallon Interroute or a Cayman Gatorbox to bridge from Ethertalk to Localtalk. You ca nalso use a software router (i.e. Apple Localtalk Bridge or Laserwriter Bridge) to get access to your PS Printers from the Next. But you need at least the CAP (Columbia Appletalk Package) for the Next. I'm using a rather weird setup using a Next, a Shiva Fastpath 5, a Mac with a Software RIP and a HP Deskwriter. Works. I needed some time for the setup on the Next in the beginning but now it works fine. Joerg -- (
From: "Dr. G.J. Witteman" <> Newsgroups: Subject: can't get cdrom to work... hints Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 17:22:35 -0700 Organization: UCSD Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I (also) have an 030 cube with a dead HD (tossed in the scrap-bin long ago). My MO was doing just fine until about a month ago when it became unbootable. I have nextstep 3 (cd with a floppy installer disk) but have been unable to install it from an external (apple 2x) cd. Extended diagnostics pointed out any flaws I had in termination. I've tried all varients of: bsd(x,0,0)sdmach rootdev=sdx (where x = 0, or 1 dep. on below config) and while having an internal scsi chain of : cube-->cd (terminated) cube-->scsiHD-->cd (termd.) cube-->cd-->scsiHD (term.) I've also tried it with no internal scsi and the same configs external (no luck either). I've also tried with a panasonic 2x scsi CD. The HD (40 meg apple quantum) is recognized but (0bviously) won't boot (not formated), BUT the cube never recognizes the CD (either one in any position, both internal and external). Note also that both CDs and Scsi hd's work fine in other machines. It's a rather nice machine (but one of the first -- ship'd with ns 0.9). I'd like to get it back working and give it either an apple 240 or 500 HD i've got. Any thoughts?? remove NOSPAM to reach me by email, or I'll check back here. (the ns3 install cd pamphlet said that older cubes might not be able to bsd -- options? )
From: "Aaron Grogan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Intel? Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 23:15:19 -0400 Organization: All USENET -- Message-ID: <6kvql8$c68$> I believe there was an intel version of nextstep, but my understanding was that it only ran on 486s. Can anyone fill me in on the details? Where can I purchase it? Thank you for your time, Aaron Grogan
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Intel? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6kvql8$c68$> Message-ID: <xwMc1.1253$> Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 05:58:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 22:58:53 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6kvql8$c68$> "Aaron Grogan" wrote: > I believe there was an intel version of nextstep, but my understanding was > that it only ran on 486s. Can anyone fill me in on the details? Where can > I purchase it? There is a version of NeXTstep that runs on 486s but that would be very slow. You would be much better off using a Pentium or AMD. See for purchasing, or TjL
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Intel? Date: 2 Jun 1998 06:59:22 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6l07sa$qpl$> References: <6kvql8$c68$> <xwMc1.1253$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <xwMc1.1253$> Timothy J Luoma wrote: > In <6kvql8$c68$> "Aaron Grogan" wrote: > > I believe there was an intel version of nextstep, but my understanding was > > that it only ran on 486s. Can anyone fill me in on the details? Where can > > I purchase it? > > There is a version of NeXTstep that runs on 486s but that would be very slow. > > You would be much better off using a Pentium or AMD. > > See for purchasing, or > > TjL Hey Tim. You should know better than this ;) NeXTStep runs on 486's, Pentium, Pentium Pro, PII, and some of the x86 clones (namely AMD) The Cyrix CPU has some problems context switching. I've not tried anything other than Intel so I can't say too much pro or con about non-intel cpus. Just make sure to check out the hardware compatibility list at Heck even openstep will run on a 486 - but it would of course be a bit slow. As to where to purchase it - blackhole seems to be the place, c.s.n.marketplace also turns up a few from time to time. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: (Was: NeXT Intel?) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <0KTc1.1280$> Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 14:11:08 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 07:11:08 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6l07sa$qpl$> wrote: > Hey Tim. You should know better than this ;) Huh? > NeXTStep runs on 486's, Pentium, Pentium Pro, PII, and some of the x86 > clones (namely AMD) That's what I said, wasn't it? Well I didn't specify that the entire Pentium family would work but I thought saying "Pentium" was enough > The Cyrix CPU has some problems context switching. Something to do with the threading .... other Unixes are learning this too... I saw it on one of the maybe? > I've not tried anything other than Intel so I can't say too much pro or con > about non-intel cpus. Just make sure to check out the hardware > compatibility list at AMD is supposed to be quite good from all I've heard TjL
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Q: 2.88 to ??? Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:41:48 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6l1a48$ovi$> Dear lady and Gentleman, Where can I find the 2.88 disks in current market? I have original diskettes of 2.88 but I need to make backup for them. Can I just use 1.44 PC/MAC diskettes or I need special brand that compatible with 2.88 only? Any input are always welcome. Thank you for your reading and giving me an answer :) Your Truely, Sarawoot
From: (Robert D. Bumpus) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: 2.88 to ??? Date: 2 Jun 1998 18:53:51 GMT Organization: The University of Arkansas Message-ID: <6l1hnv$> References: <6l1a48$ovi$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> writes > Dear lady and Gentleman, > Where can I find the 2.88 disks in current market? I have original > diskettes of 2.88 but I need to make backup for them. Can I just use 1.44 > PC/MAC diskettes or I need special brand that compatible with 2.88 only? > Any input are always welcome. Thank you for your reading and giving me > an answer :) > Your Truely, > Sarawoot > I'm not sure 2.88 disks can still be found. I've looked, but had not luck. Bob
From: Stephan Trebels <> Newsgroups: Subject: Graphics card with 16/565 layout Date: 02 Jun 1998 21:07:42 +0200 Organization: GWDG, Goettingen Message-ID: <> Hi, does anyone know, whether it is possible to run a graphics card (i.e. a trident cyber 9385) on openstep 4.2 intel. The "RRRRR-GGGGGBBBBB" PixelEncoding seems to be completely ignored. Is this on purpose? Is it known, not to work. Thanks for any input, Stephan
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Original Hard Drive Question. Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 21:18:03 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6l1r44$nju$> Hi all, I figured out the partioning thing, now I have a new question. Does anyone know the model # of the 400meg scsi Seagates that came with the turbo slabs, and does anyone know what the height of that drive is? The reason is I picked up a new Seagate ST15150N Barracuda drive and the height of that is 1.63". Before I go home and tear open my Slab and try to put this new drive in, I want to make sure it will fit. Hope someone can help. Carl... P.S. What happend to Black Hole Inc.? They dont have a web site anymore.
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: 2.88 to ??? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6l1a48$ovi$> <6l1hnv$> Message-ID: <Rt0d1.10$> Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 00:08:17 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 17:08:17 PDT Organization: @Home Network Only place I found them was Midwestern Diskette... but their webpage is DOH ( Their phone number rings...1-800-221-6332 TjL
From: (Jean-Paul Samson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ram for a Color Turbo Slab Date: 3 Jun 1998 04:05:38 GMT Organization: Computing Science, U of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Message-ID: <6l2i2i$rkq$> References: <6l25g7$mv6$> In-Reply-To: <6l25g7$mv6$> On 06/02/98, joseph shomphe wrote: >Im looking to get 2 16 meg simms for my color turbo slab..what >specifically should I look for? I believe all the Turbo Color's use 72-pin SIMMS. You should look for standard SIMMS (no EDO or other frills) with a 70 ns access time. You must install SIMMS as consecutive identical pairs in the machine (which it sounds like you are planning to do). The Chip Merchant is a reputable supplier and usually has very competitive pricing (; I've bought from them before. Their current cost for these SIMMS are: 4x32-70 (8) 2K [16MB] for $32.00 apiece. -- -===================================================================- Jean-Paul C. Samson -===- (NeXTmail & MIME) -=============- -=============- -===================================================================- "Microsoft is a fact of life. They're like the air we breathe. Perhaps a better analogy is bottled water, because you have to buy it." -- Steve Jobs, Apple Computer's Worldwide Developers Conference, May 16th, 1997 -===================================================================-
From: (joseph shomphe) Newsgroups: Subject: Ram for a Color Turbo Slab Date: 3 Jun 1998 00:31:03 GMT Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <6l25g7$mv6$> Im looking to get 2 16 meg simms for my color turbo slab..what specifically should I look for? Any suggestions of places I can get a good deal? Thanks
Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer References: <> <> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Jun 98 09:16:34 GMT >Woa, faaaaaaar tooooo complicated. It's much, much easiser! > >No scripting, no mounting, no nothing on the NeXT side. It's all on the >SUN/Linux side! > >The NeXT printer is accessible from other hosts, you just have to use >the correct names: > Local_Pinter >for the name of the printer >and the NeXT's name for the host. For Solaris, you will have to use the >bsd printer interface. And you will have to use the command line setup >to use a name other than Local_Printer on the Solaris side. Does Linux Solaris (>2.4 at least): as root: lpsystem -t bsd -T never -R 1 -y "NeXTprinter" <name of NeXT or IP> lpadmin -p NeXTLaser -s <name of NeXT or IP>\!Local_Printer -T PS -I postscript (-p xxx sets the printername to xxx for lp -Pxxx!) /usr/lib/lp/lpsched enable NeXTLaser accept NeXTLaser This works for our Ultras with Solaris 2.5.1 and my sun4/110 with Solaris 2.4 in mixed networks. To print from a sun just give the -PNeXTLaser option to lp, lpr, ... Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: (GbyTheSea) Newsgroups: Subject: $195.00 Next Cube with Turbo Color Message-ID: <> Date: 03 Jun 1998 12:30:51 GMT Organization: AOL Bare units without monitors Info:
From: Samuel Boivin <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Bad Size for a 2GB HD on Cube Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 11:51:51 +0200 Organization: I.N.R.I.A. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi everybody, Here is my problem, that has already been resolved, but I can't remember where ?!? I bought a Quantum 2GB Hard Disk Drive for my NeXT Cube(040/25/NS3.3), and it is well recognized. During boot, it is identified as a 2051MB Disk. When I use 'BuildDisk' to build it, it seems to be OK: the disk is identified as a 2051MB Disk and is correctly constructed(I mean: no error during construction). But the problem is: if I look at my Workspace, I can see: 840MB free !!! The disk is recognized as a 1GB !! This is confirmed by: if I use 'df /dev/rsd1a' under, it gives a size of 1GB, 160MB occuppied, 16%full, etc... So my questions is the following: How to force my cube to correctly initialize my 2GB HD, in order to use it under Workspace or as a REAL 2GB Hard Disk drive ? Thank you for your future help !! Sam. PS: I tried to build 2 partitions of 1GB, but nothing changed ! I only have ONE 1GB partition and I can't find the second !! Where is it ? -- ||===================================================================|| || Samuel Boivin || || I.N.R.I.A - Rocquencourt || || Tel: 01-39-63-51-86 Fax: 01-39-63-57-71 || || || ||===================================================================||
From: Sigthor Hrafnsson <> Newsgroups: Subject: large ide disks Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 13:15:55 +0100 Organization: Islandia ehf. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i have been setting up openstep 4.2 on intel hardware, i'm using maxtor 6 gb disk. In setup the disk is reported as 2.140 mb, what is the problem here. I have set up the disk in the bios.
From: chris <> Newsgroups: Subject: Next extern. CDROM on a mac? Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 09:36:01 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hello there, is there any reason why a SCSI Next cd rom won't work on a macintosh? Assuming I get a generic cdrom driver for it. Does anyone know if there is a freeware driver that could make this work? Thanks -chris.
From: Robert Worne <rworne at primenet dot com> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Error message with mixBox Date: 3 Jun 1998 07:15:00 -0700 Organization: I'm not organized... sorry... Message-ID: <6l3lp4$> References: <6kt8nk$c0d$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6kt8nk$c0d$> Christian Jensen wrote: > A question for any mix Box users out there: > > I recently got ahold of an ilink mix Box, installed, and it basically works > just fine. However, I notice, whenever I reboot (usually a rare thing with > MS, but I've had to do it several times lately as I am setting up a new disk) > I get the following error message: > > mix:netname_look_up(host=,port name= mixInterface) failed. Netname server: > name not checked in(1001) Ooh, yes... I've seen this, along with DSP read timeout errors... > This repeats several times. Despite the error, the mix seems to operate > correctly. > > I've looked at every config file I can find, and can't see where the above > check is being made. Anyone have any suggestions? Mine shut up about this if you put your machine's hostname in hostconfig. Another nasty thing to watch out for is that the syslog daemon needs to start without any problems, or you will get errors like not being able to log in or get a login screen. THOSE are real hard to fix. Feel free to e-mail me with questions or tips for this device. -- Warning! Headers munged to avoid spam: rworne (at) primenet (dot) com //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Starving CS Undergrad: "Sorry, I don't do Windows I'd rather starve!" //-----------------------------------------------------------------// Visit my videogame collecting site!
From: (Richard Scholz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Original Hard Drive Question. Date: 3 Jun 1998 16:45:18 GMT Organization: im IN e.V. Message-ID: <6l3uiu$qfg$> References: <6l1r44$nju$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6l1r44$nju$> wrote: > Does anyone know the model # of the 400meg scsi Seagates that came > with the turbo slabs, and does anyone know what the height of that > drive is? That Seagate was a ST 1480N, and it's height was1.63". > The reason is I picked up a new Seagate ST15150N Barracuda > drive and the height of that is 1.63". Before I go home and tear open > my Slab and try to put this new drive in, I want to make sure it will > fit. Hope someone can help. The Seagate should physically fit into the Slab, but I STRONGLY discourage you from doing it. The reason is that the Barracuda is a high performance drive designed for server application. This little beast gets very loud and very hot. I know it, because I used several of them at work in a file server. That Barracuda will toast your slab from inside, and it will be pain to work with it. The drive spins at 7200rpm, which results in a very annoying high wine. The only way to use the Barracuda would be in an external case, which you should position as much away from your working place as possible because of the noise. That case should have a fan, and the Barracuda should reside inside the air flow. As said, it gets very hot. Unsufficient cooling will reduce its lifetime. Greetings, Richard -- ## Richard Scholz, Frankfurt, Germany ## To reply, please remove the REMOVETHIS from my reply address ## (Sorry for the inconvenience)
From: "Erik Nieves" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ram for a Color Turbo Slab Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 08:27:57 -0700 Organization: Keyway Internet Access 909-933-3650 Message-ID: <6l3pvm$neo$> References: <6l25g7$mv6$> <6l2i2i$rkq$> Jean-Paul Samson wrote in message <6l2i2i$rkq$>... >On 06/02/98, joseph shomphe wrote: >>Im looking to get 2 16 meg simms for my color turbo slab..what >>specifically should I look for? > >I believe all the Turbo Color's use 72-pin SIMMS. Thats right... > You should look for standard SIMMS (no EDO or other frills) with a 70 ns access time. As far as that statement is concerned specwise is not possible [although I've got 128MB of 70ns EDO working VERY reliably on my slab.. ?;) ] > You must install SIMMS as consecutive identical pairs in the machine >(which it sounds like you are planning to do). That is correct as well... My guess is as long as you've got "true" RAM combinations going on (fully populated single or double sided SIMMs ) it should work (I'm using 8 chip SIMMs) Have fun...
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ram for a Color Turbo Slab Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 16:45:21 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6l25g7$mv6$> In article <6l25g7$mv6$>, (joseph shomphe) wrote: > Im looking to get 2 16 meg simms for my color turbo slab..what > specifically should I look for? > > > Any suggestions of places I can get a good deal? > > Thanks > I now have 64 meg of 60ns EDO ram in mine, I purchased 2 chips from chip merchant and bought the other 2 from Comp USA for ....10.00!! they were running a 48.00 rebate on Kingston chips and they only cost 48.00 anyway (the 10.00 is the sales tax). Everything seems to work and the machine reports the ram as 60ns but Ive tried to run some comparisions using and always get different results (cpu heating up?),but one thing that seemed consistent was that the RAM that came in the machine from Deepspace Tech (16 meg of 80ns non EDO I assume)usually benchmarked faster,not major diffs but still a little faster. Now if I only had 64 meg of non EDO and knew how to get consitent results,we might have a fair comparison. mime/nextmail/good ol plain text a'ok
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Original Hard Drive Question. Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 19:23:13 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6l48t0$onh$> References: <6l1r44$nju$> <6l3uiu$qfg$> (Richard Scholz) wrote: >The Seagate should physically fit into the Slab, but I STRONGLY discourage >you >from doing it. The reason is that the Barracuda is a high performance drive >designed for >server application. This little beast gets very loud and very hot. I know it, >because >I used several of them at work in a file server. I put this drive in last night (Seagate ST15150N) and it works great!! It is not loud and the system was running for 4 hours and did not feel any warmer than with the old drive. Actually this drive is quieter than the old 400meg Seagate. >That Barracuda will toast your slab from inside, and it will be pain to work >with it. >The drive spins at 7200rpm, which results in a very annoying high wine. I talked with one of the guys at DeepSpace and he said that this particular drive runs quite cool and I should have no problems in fact they sell the exact model drive on their web site for NeXT Hardware. >The only way to use the Barracuda would be in an external case, which you >should >position as much away from your working place as possible because of the >noise. >That case should have a fan, and the Barracuda should reside inside the air >flow. >As said, it gets very hot. Unsufficient cooling will reduce its lifetime. Thanks for the input. Carl...
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next extern. CDROM on a mac? Date: 3 Jun 1998 20:04:19 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6l4a83$pgj$> References: <> In article <>, chris <> wrote: > is there any reason why a SCSI Next cd rom won't work on a macintosh? >Assuming I get a generic cdrom driver for it. Does anyone know if there is >a freeware driver that could make this work? Thanks -chris. There may be one in the InfoMac archives, look at in the Macintosh groups, too. Note that based on OmniCD, it says the NeXT 1X CD-ROM drive will not do digital audio extraction through the SCSI bus. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Bad Size for a 2GB HD on Cube Followup-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <FJgd1.95$> Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 18:37:25 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 11:37:25 PDT Organization: @Home Network NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE This is not really a software problem, and certainly not a programmer problem. Followups set appro. In <> Samuel Boivin wrote: > During boot, it is identified as a 2051MB Disk. When I use 'BuildDisk' > to build it, it seems to be OK: the disk is identified as a 2051MB Disk > and is correctly constructed(I mean: no error during construction). > But the problem is: if I look at my Workspace, I can see: 840MB free > !!! The disk is recognized as a 1GB !! This is confirmed by: if I use > 'df /dev/rsd1a' under, it gives a size of 1GB, 160MB > occuppied, 16%full, etc... This makes me think that it was made into two partitions of 1gig each. I still believe that 2047mb is as much as you can get on one partition. Anyway, the second partition may not have been mounted. Try this: /etc/mount -t 4.3 -o rw,noquota /dev/sd1b /Partition2 Note: the sd1b might be different.... the 'sd1' part should be OK, but the letter might even be "h" If you get it to work, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab to automount the other partition something like this: /dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquota,noauto 0 1 /dev/sd1a /Partition1 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2 /dev/sd1b /Partition2 4.3 rw,noquota 0 3 Note that the sd1b should be the same as whatever you used with the mount command above. I'm also assuming you have an sd0a which is your regular boot drive that you used to Build this new drive > PS: I tried to build 2 partitions of 1GB, but nothing changed ! I only > have ONE 1GB partition and I can't find the second !! Where is it ? Same problem as above, it may just need to be mounted by hand and then have the entry added to /etc/fstab TjL
From: "Mark Kronquist" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP NEXT NEWBIE Organization: CSL Software Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <XLnd1.123$> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 02:37:43 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 19:37:43 PDT How the heck do I launch I try double clicking in the workspace manager...shift clicking, right clicking right left clicking.... New to Next...thanks Mark
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Can't login Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 00:58:39 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6l5d69$qma$> Hello: I tried to use SimpleNetworkStartup on OPENSTEP4.2 on black machine. Infact, just wanna play around... Then, NeXT forces me to reboot the machine.. it's fine with me. After the machine reboots, NeXT asks me to select the language.???? Why? Ok... it is still fine with me. Then, here you go.. NeXT asks me to enter login name, the login screen. I used my previous account to login, me and password leaves blank. NeXT doesn't allow me to enter. I used root and password leaves blank, NeXT still doesn't answer. Hence, I can not login to NeXT and I can not use NeXT since then. What should I do now? I have no idea what's going on or overrule the login screen. What I want is only connect NeXT to my PC as peer-to-peer network to share files. Why is so hectic? Any recommendation to login, overrule login screen and simple peer-to-peer network to PC are always welcome. Please help me out. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: "Matty Cunningham" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Diamond FireGL1000 / Dual Boot NT / OpenStep Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 09:00:51 GMT Message-ID: <01bd8f97$4587c000$290dedc1@Office> Hi, Can anyone give me some information on the possibility of running a Diamond FireGL 1000 OpenGL accellerator with a dual boot NT4 / Openstep machine. We need to kow what sort of chipset is in the card and if it will be compatible with Openstep. Any info would be much appreciated. TIA Matty
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Can't login MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6l5d69$qma$> Message-ID: <LKrd1.126$> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 07:09:31 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 00:09:31 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6l5d69$qma$> "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" wrote: > I tried to use SimpleNetworkStartup on OPENSTEP4.2 on black machine. > Infact, just wanna play around... Then, NeXT forces me to reboot the > machine.. it's fine with me. ACK! A) Do not play around with a working machine B) NEVER ever play around with SimpleNetworkStarter > What should I do now? I have no idea what's going on or overrule the > login screen. You will have to go to the ROM monitor and type bsd -s to boot to single user mode. When you get to the # prompt, type (NOTE: This will cause the loss of all username/Netinfo information... Your files will still be there, you will just have to recreate the username, etc) cd /etc rm -rf hostconfig netinfo cd /usr/template/client/etc cp -rp hostconfig netinfo /etc then do command+command+~ Select halt type 'm' for monitor at the NeXT prompt type bsd That should do it. Don't play around with /NextAdmin applications! You can do very bad things with them! TjL
From: Samuel Boivin <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Bad Size for a 2GB HD on Cube Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 12:28:17 +0200 Organization: I.N.R.I.A. Message-ID: <> References: <> <FJgd1.95$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Timothy J Luoma <> CC: Timothy J Luoma wrote: > > POSTED TO USENET GROUP(S):,, > > NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE > > This is not really a software problem, and certainly not a programmer > problem. In my opinion, everything that stops you in your programmation under NeXTStep is a NeXT-programmer-problem... A programmer problem is not necessarly a pure code problem. Moreover, the best answers to a problem generally come from NeXT programmers... This could be a NeXT-software-problem since the reason coulde be a bad NS3.3 installation... for example. But I will remember your remarks for NeXT time ;-). > This makes me think that it was made into two partitions of 1gig each. > I still believe that 2047mb is as much as you can get on one partition. In fact, I just found the answer to my problem yesterday, after re-reading the 'NeXT Answers'... and you are right. NeXT Cube does not accept partitions bigger than 2047MB. Then I created two: 2026MB and 25 MB (apparently the smallest that you can create), and it works, except I didn't manage to mount the second (?). > Anyway, the second partition may not have been mounted. > /etc/mount -t 4.3 -o rw,noquota /dev/sd1b /Partition2 I tried this: /etc/mount /dev/sd1b /HD3 It gave: I/O ERROR. > Note: the sd1b might be different.... the 'sd1' part should be OK, but the > letter might even be "h" OK, I will try this. > If you get it to work, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab to automount the other > partition something like this: > /dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquota,noauto 0 1 > /dev/sd1a /Partition1 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2 > /dev/sd1b /Partition2 4.3 rw,noquota 0 3 I already did that, except the last line, since I don't manage to mount the second partition manually. > I'm also assuming you have an sd0a which is your regular boot drive that you > used to Build this new drive Yes, it is. Thank you very much for your answers. It will certainly help me to finish the job and to mount the second partition correctly. Thank you again, Samuel.
From: Marco van Hylckama Vlieg <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Can't login Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 12:39:10 -0700 Organization: TO Message-ID: <> References: <6l5d69$qma$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sarawoot Chittratanawat wrote: > Hello: > I tried to use SimpleNetworkStartup on OPENSTEP4.2 on black machine. > Infact, just wanna play around... Then, NeXT forces me to reboot the > machine.. it's fine with me. > After the machine reboots, NeXT asks me to select the language.???? Why? > Ok... it is still fine with me. > Then, here you go.. NeXT asks me to enter login name, the login screen. > I used my previous account to login, me and password leaves blank. NeXT > doesn't allow me to enter. I used root and password leaves blank, NeXT > still doesn't answer. > Hence, I can not login to NeXT and I can not use NeXT since then. > What should I do now? I have no idea what's going on or overrule the > login screen. What I want is only connect NeXT to my PC as peer-to-peer > network to share files. Why is so hectic? Any recommendation to login, > overrule login screen and simple peer-to-peer network to PC are always > welcome. Please help me out. > Thank you very much. > Your Sincerely, > Sarawoot My Roommate had the exact same thing on OPENSTEP 4.2 on a PC. Eventually he re-installed OPENSTEP since there was no way to log on anymore. It seemed like it had 'forgotten' about the root-account as well as all user accounts. We even tried the procedure in NeXTanswers which said something like you had to boot into single usermode and then use a command to reset the root password (sorry, I forgot what the command was) but it really didn't know the root user anymore :( I'd also like to know what this is! Marco -- UNOX: The worst Operating System. Marco van Hylckama Vlieg TOlab L207b
From: S A F<> Newsgroups: Subject: --- $$$ DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!! $$$ --- Date: 3 Jun 1998 21:01:09 GMT Organization: CyberCity Internet Message-ID: <6l4dil$o4m$> IF ANYONE MAKES MONEY, EVERYONE MAKES MONEY! JUST TAKE A LOOK OF 30 SEC. AT MY SITE AND YOU WILL BE VERY GREATFUL. YOUR ONE AND ONLY GREAT CHANCE! MY SITE:
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6l4dil$o4m$> Control: cancel <6l4dil$o4m$> Date: 04 Jun 1998 14:10:44 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6l4dil$o4m$> Sender: S A F<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Marco van Hylckama Vlieg <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Diamond FireGL1000 / Dual Boot NT / OpenStep Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 16:39:43 -0700 Organization: TO Message-ID: <> References: <01bd8f97$4587c000$290dedc1@Office> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Matty Cunningham wrote: > Hi, > > Can anyone give me some information on the possibility of running a Diamond > FireGL 1000 OpenGL accellerator with a dual boot NT4 / Openstep machine. > > We need to kow what sort of chipset is in the card and if it will be > compatible with Openstep. > > It's a Permedia2 graphics chip which is AFAIK not supported by OPENSTEP.I think the only recent card that's supported is the MGA Millennium II (which performs VERY well under OPENSTEP). You'll only be able to run OPENSTEP in 800x600 2bpp with the generic SVGA driver. Marco -- UNOX: The worst Operating System. Marco van Hylckama Vlieg TOlab L207b
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Monitor differences Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 13:56:51 -0400 Organization: Verio Mid-Atlantic Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII What is the difference between these NeXT monitors: N4000, N4000A, and the N4001? --Greg
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Keyboard differences Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 14:00:20 -0400 Organization: Verio Mid-Atlantic Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards that have the L-shaped return key and the ones that have the straight return key? Also, will a Microsoft Natural mouse or Ligitech mouse work with a NeXTcube keyboard? --Greg
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: BX Motherboard/AGP questions Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 11:52:51 -0700 Message-ID: <6l6qn8$7vf$> I am thinking about assembling a Pentium II/400 with probably an ASUS motherboard. Any one else done this yet? Which AGP video did you use? I see from NeXTAnswers that so far the only AGP video drivers are for ATI and Matrox Mystique and Millenium 2 cards. What are the pros/cons of each? Thanks
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Date: 4 Jun 1998 20:02:09 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6l6ug1$mfo$> References: <> <> wrote: >What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards >that have the L-shaped return key and the ones that >have the straight return key? The L-shaped enter is in accordance with international standards re: keyboards. The straight one has the backslash and pipe characters above enter, which is most useful for some Unix/programmatic tasks. > Also, will a Microsoft Natural mouse or Ligitech mouse work with > a NeXTcube keyboard? A Logitech bus mouse will work with an adaptor-- check and see whether they can dig one up. Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: 2.88 to ??? Date: 4 Jun 1998 23:36:53 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6l7b2l$5fq$> References: <6l1a48$ovi$> <6l1hnv$> <Rt0d1.10$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Jun 1998 23:36:53 GMT (Timothy J Luoma) wrote: > >Only place I found them was Midwestern Diskette... No-one lists them as 2.88MB disks. I did a search on "4.0MB" and DSED, and came up with the following businesses that *claim* to carry ED floppies: There were more, but I stopped at nine. For many of these, info may be old. None of them sell the disks cheap... --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Newsgroups: Subject: I Screwed Up Big Time!! Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 17:16:00 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6l6lqn$npm$> Hi All, I installed that Seagate 4 gig drive. It was partitioned into two 2 gig partitions. The second partiton was not mounting at boot, so I edited the "fstab" file. Well I must have screwed something up so now I cant boot up. I booted up in single user "bsd -s" and tried to edit the "fstab" file with "pico" and "vi" but the system would not let me save the file, it kept saying "Read Only File System". Hopefully someone can help me solve this problem. I know where the error is in the "fstab" file if only I can save the file after I edit it. Please Help! And as always, Thanks for all your help!!!! Carl...
From: Jeff Parnaby <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 19:43:10 +0000 Organization: MacConnect - Connecting the Mac OS to the World! Sender: macconr@ Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards > that have the L-shaped return key and the ones that > have the straight return key? Also, will a Microsoft > Natural mouse or Ligitech mouse work with a NeXTcube > keyboard? > > --Greg I would guess you are comparing an ADB keyboard (straight return key) with a non-ADB keyboard (L-shape). ADB stands for Apple Desktop Bus, the input device standard popularized by the Macintosh. The major difference between them is that non-ADB NeXT computers have to use the non-ADB devices (mouse, keyboard, soundbox), while ADB compatible NeXT computers can use either ADB or non-ADB, and also any keyboard or mouse that works on a Mac. The keyboards themselves also are a bit different in feel and location of some keys (most notably the command key). For my money, I prefer the non-ADB. As far as the mice are concerned, if you have an ADB cube (the Turbo series, I think), you can use any input devices that are Mac compatible. If you have a non-ADB cube, I believe you would be limited to NeXT non-ADB mice and keyboard. Jeff. -- *************************** Windows 95 (win-DOH-z), n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor which was written by a two bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Bad Size for a 2GB HD on Cube Followup-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <FJgd1.95$> <> Message-ID: <eeBd1.145$> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 17:57:30 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 10:57:30 PDT Organization: @Home Network NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE In <> Samuel Boivin wrote: > Timothy J Luoma wrote: > > > > POSTED TO USENET GROUP(S): > >,, > > > > NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE > > > > This is not really a software problem, and certainly not a programmer > > problem. > > In my opinion, everything that stops you in your programmation under > NeXTStep is a NeXT-programmer-problem... a) You should not ignore the Followups-To setting when replying to a post b) beyond your opinion, there is a list of guidelines which have been used in the NeXT community for years based on the charters for the groups. It can be found here: In it you will find brief summaries for the groups, including [9] Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. So csn.programmer is for programmers to discuss programming issues, and formatting a HD is not a programmer issue. Crossposting is generally looked down upon, especially without use of a Followups-To line. The groups are low volume enough that a post to one group will not be lost. > A programmer problem is not necessarly a pure code problem. But the programmer group is not the right group for what comes down to a hardware (or probably better, sysadmin) question > Moreover, the best answers to a problem generally come from NeXT programmers... So we should all post all our questions to csn.programmer ? I daresay that would not be well accepted by those who are trying to use the groups for its stated purpose of programming issues, not just because these are the folks who really know their stuff. > This could be a NeXT-software-problem since the reason coulde be a bad > NS3.3 installation... for example. Possibly, but I still tent to think that csn.sysadmin would have been a better choice. > But I will remember your remarks for NeXT time ;-). Thanks... it will save bandwidth worldwide ;-) > > This makes me think that it was made into two partitions of 1gig each. > > I still believe that 2047mb is as much as you can get on one partition. > > In fact, I just found the answer to my problem yesterday, after > re-reading the 'NeXT Answers'... and you are right. > NeXT Cube does not accept partitions bigger than 2047MB. Then I created > two: 2026MB and 25 MB (apparently the smallest that you can create), and > it works, except I didn't manage to mount the second (?). I would try '/dev/sd1h' as the name for the second partition.... Actually, I wonder if it needs to be formatted somehow before being ready to be mounted? Perhaps someone else will know the answer to that one. TjL
From: Ryan Watkins <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Date: 04 Jun 1998 12:11:15 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <> References: <> <> writes: > What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards that have the > L-shaped return key and the ones that have the straight return key? Well, the layout of the keyboard is different. I much prefer the earlier version with the straight return key because it places the '|' (pipe) key above the return key where it should be. The other one places it off the number pad. I use the unix command line alot, so the location of the pipe key is critical. > Also, will a Microsoft Natural mouse or Ligitech mouse work with a > NeXTcube keyboard? No. -- Ryan L. Watkins ` i've gathered all my life time memories of you. my lusty sentiments they made life seem true. i'm rather selfish and i mean to be unkind. you can't imagine what it does to me inside. '
From: (Mick Bland) Newsgroups: Subject: Help wanted with Next 1200 Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 19:21:38 GMT Organization: Private Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a Next 1200 that I purchased from a sale, it starts up and checks the system and then it says loading from network and hangs. Any help would be much appreciated. I have no disks or information about it. Regards, Mick.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I Screwed Up Big Time!! Date: 4 Jun 1998 19:59:18 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6l6uam$mfo$> References: <6l6lqn$npm$> wrote: [ ... ] >The second partiton was not mounting at boot, so I edited the > "fstab" file. Well I must have screwed something up so now I cant >boot up. I booted up in single user "bsd -s" and tried to edit the >"fstab" file with "pico" and "vi" but the system would not let me save >the file, it kept saying "Read Only File System". Hopefully someone >can help me solve this problem. I know where the error is in the >"fstab" file if only I can save the file after I edit it. Try "/usr/etc/mount -n -o remount,rw /". -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: I Screwed Up Big Time!! Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <6l6lqn$npm$> Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 20:46:00 GMT In article <6l6lqn$npm$> writes: >Hi All, >I installed that Seagate 4 gig drive. >It was partitioned into two 2 gig partitions. >The second partiton was not mounting at boot, so I edited the > "fstab" file. Well I must have screwed something up so now I cant >boot up. I booted up in single user "bsd -s" and tried to edit the >"fstab" file with "pico" and "vi" but the system would not let me save >the file, it kept saying "Read Only File System". Hopefully someone >can help me solve this problem. I know where the error is in the >"fstab" file if only I can save the file after I edit it. >Please Help! >And as always, >Thanks for all your help!!!! > >Carl... > Well, since you are root when you boot up as bsd -s. So, first chmod fstab as such: cd /etc chmod 666 fstab vi fstab <do your thing> chmod 444 fstab (or whatever is the appropriate permissions settings for fstab) reboot EDEW
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Black Modem for NeXTstation Color Turbo Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 03:34:22 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6l7ovu$d59$> I would like to get a modem for my NeXTStation color Turbo. I understand that mac modems will work. Does anyone have any recommendations for a specific brand. For aesthetic reasons (naturally) I would prefer it to be black, with some sort of LCD display. Any suggestions? David Mussington -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Date: 5 Jun 1998 03:34:25 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <6l7p01$st3$> References: <> <6l6ug1$mfo$> Charles W. Swiger ( wrote: : <> wrote: : >What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards : >that have the L-shaped return key and the ones that : >have the straight return key? : The L-shaped enter is in accordance with international standards re: : keyboards. The straight one has the backslash and pipe characters above : enter, which is most useful for some Unix/programmatic tasks. One is earlier non ADB and one is later ADB???? I think later models are interchangeable.. but earlier ones are not..
From: (Andy Wang) Newsgroups: Subject: Black hardware Y2K compliant? Date: 5 Jun 1998 00:09:15 -0500 Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network Message-ID: <6l7uhr$> i'm not really very familiar with black hardware and i've been planning on getting a turbo slab. is black hardware all y2k compliant or are there known issues ? it'd kinda suck to buy one sometime soon and just kiss it goodbye in a year and a half.. andy -- ----------------- Dopey (Andy Wang) - NeXT, MIME or SUN mail OK -------------- - Pro-hemp, and proud of it! - finger -l for pgp key - - What the hell is a chicken? - - ------------------------- -----------------------------
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ROM monitor Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 00:48:41 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6l810l$197i$> Dear Sir/Madam, How can I go to ROM monitor from ADB system? I press "command bar" and "~" at the same time. But it went to "Emergency boot" instead. I haven't seen NeXT> at all.... Any help are very welcome. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: BX Motherboard/AGP questions Date: 4 Jun 98 23:05:26 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6l6qn8$7vf$> In-reply-to: "George B. Ameer"'s message of Thu, 4 Jun 1998 11:52:51 -0700 In article <6l6qn8$7vf$>, "George B. Ameer" <> writes: I am thinking about assembling a Pentium II/400 with probably an ASUS motherboard. Any one else done this yet? I was planning on an Asus BX board, and I'd be fairly surprised if it didn't "Just Work", even with NS3.3. Excepting, perhaps, certain things like the EIDE and other support, which might have changed between boards. Which AGP video did you use? I see from NeXTAnswers that so far the only AGP video drivers are for ATI and Matrox Mystique and Millenium 2 cards. What are the pros/cons of each? Matrox cards are wicked smooth with PPro and P-II systems. If I were purchasing right now, I'd probably just stick with a PCI Mystique, just because the AGP won't be any faster for this use, and the Millenium isn't much faster than the Mystique, though it's 50% more expensive. I'm waiting for the Matrox G200, which is supposed to really goose the 2D performance - which is what really counts right now. Once it's out, with driver, I'm getting my board... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Date: 4 Jun 98 23:08:44 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> In-reply-to: Ryan Watkins's message of 04 Jun 1998 12:11:15 -0700 In article <>, Ryan Watkins <> writes: <> writes: > What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards that have the > L-shaped return key and the ones that have the straight return > key? Well, the layout of the keyboard is different. I much prefer the earlier version with the straight return key because it places the '|' (pipe) key above the return key where it should be. The other one places it off the number pad. I use the unix command line alot, so the location of the pipe key is critical. I use a custom setup which puts \ at Control-/, | at Control-:, and ` at Control-'. That allows me to more easily move between systems (with the right keyboard setup) without being thrown by physical layout. Note, though, that GOD HIMSELF intended the |\ key to be above Return, which is where it is on _my_ NeXT keyboard, and also where it is on my Microsoft Ergo keyboard, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Nicolas Marzin) Newsgroups: Subject: driver for Millenium II AGP Date: 4 Jun 1998 21:11:58 GMT Organization: Fun, Inc. Message-ID: <> Hi, I can't setup OpenSTEP 4.2 (intel) for my AGP Millenium II card, i would like to know wether it accepts AGP or not Thank you, Nicolas
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: driver for Millenium II AGP MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <QGSd1.255$> Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 13:48:32 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 06:48:32 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <> Nicolas Marzin wrote: > I can't setup OpenSTEP 4.2 (intel) for my AGP Millenium II card, > i would like to know wether it accepts AGP or not I believe there's a relatively new driver on NeXTAnswers for the Matrox AGP. CF: You might have to get that driver on a floppy and load it before the installation. TjL
Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 16:00:16 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: (Daemon) Subject: Re: Black hardware Y2K compliant? References: <6l7uhr$> Organization: Sinclair Microcomputer Museum (Andy Wang) ( wrote: : i'm not really very familiar with black hardware : and i've been planning on getting a turbo slab. is black : hardware all y2k compliant or are there known issues ? : it'd kinda suck to buy one sometime soon and just kiss it goodbye : in a year and a half.. ROFL even on the off chance that it isn't "y2k compliant" its not going to blow up or anything! worst thing that will happen is it gets the dates on files muddled up. the media really has a lot to answer for on this year 2000 business its all a load of b**ls**t :) anyway for $0.02 I'd say that it will probably be okay... thanks for the laugh ;) Majik. -- -- -- Majik - Owner and Curator of the Sinclair Microcomputer Museum -- ' Spod in a suitcase. Have compiler, will travel ' --
From: (Scott M Neal) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black Modem for NeXTstation Color Turbo Date: 5 Jun 1998 15:37:21 GMT Organization: Intel Development Labs, INTeL Corporation Message-ID: <6l93bh$> References: <6l7ovu$d59$> David, Careful using a Mac-specific modem--some work, some don't. I've had bad luck with them (specifically the US Robotics 33.6 Sportster for Mac), since they may not handle flow control the way the NeXT wants it. If the cable is hard-wired into the modem with a DIN-9 connector on the end, with no provision for changing the cable, watch out! Most non-Mac-specific external modems will work, but you'll need to get a NeXT-specific modem cable (which can either be purchased from, or built from the info based in the man page for zs). Zyxel seems to be the #1 choice for NeXT fans (I finally broke down and bought one), and some models were/are available in black. However, they are more expensive than most other modems, but well worth it to some people. Check out for product info. Scott In article <6l7ovu$d59$>, <> wrote: >I would like to get a modem for my NeXTStation color Turbo. I understand >that mac modems will work. Does anyone have any recommendations for a >specific brand. For aesthetic reasons (naturally) I would prefer it to be >black, with some sort of LCD display. > >Any suggestions? > >David Mussington > >-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: driver for Millenium II AGP Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 16:34:05 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6l96lt$6lb$> References: <> In article <>, (Nicolas Marzin) wrote: > > I can't setup OpenSTEP 4.2 (intel) for my AGP Millenium II card, > i would like to know wether it accepts AGP or not > According to: You should be able to get it to work with this diver: -Ian P. Cardenas -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Paul WINDEY) Newsgroups:, Subject: How to format 120 Meg diskettes? Date: 5 Jun 1998 19:04:23 GMT Organization: Universites Paris VI/Paris VII - France Message-ID: <6l9ffn$54d$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello, I have one of these new floppy disk drives which can read old diskettes and 120 M ones. It works perfectly well with preformatted old or new diskettes but I cannot format them in Unix format. Any idea how, anybody has a /etc/disktab entry for these? Their official name for diktab should be MITBISHI LS-120 COSM 05 Thanks (e-mail reply prefered at
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black Modem for NeXTstation Color Turbo Date: 5 Jun 1998 15:36:45 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6l9rtt$> References: <6l7ovu$d59$> <6l93bh$> For ppp connections I recommend an external 33.6 newcom. Inexpensive and fast. If you just want fast downloads a X2 56k is the way to go (with or There is a quirk though, at least with 25mhz black hardware in that ppp on a 56k freezes I don't know about Turbos. For voice and faxing (sending and recieving) I recommend the Zyxel. Zyxel's are expensive. Their 1496-E model (at 14.4 baud ), even today, sells for $320-$350. You might get lucky and find one on c.s.n.m for $100. If you don't need the voice and you just want faxing (with and ppp, a SupraFAX 28.8 would be a good choice. SupraFAXs' are black and aluminum in color and look good with black hardware. These are regularly available at SupraFAX's will occassionally fiz out on recieving faxes with BTW, you can set your NeXT as an Answering Machine with if you're willing to purchase a license for 100$. It is a great app! Lets you automate your personal with a menu for running a business. The quality of the sound from OlafAM is very good and is a testament to the value and quality of the Zyxel. Emmett
Newsgroups:,, Subject: Help:OPENSTEP & Cable Modems? From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <35787652.0@> Date: 5 Jun 98 22:50:58 GMT Has anyone gotten hooked up to the net via a Cable TV hookup? I know that they plug a cable modem into your ethernet card. Beyond that I'm not sure how it works. I want to try it, but before I do, I'd like to make sure it can be done. Is it as simple as setting up a resolv.conf file and enabling the ehternet card? Any clues, help, reassurance that this works would be most welcome. I'll be able to drop a line, a provider, save some money, and increase bandwidth. Mucho kewl if I can get this to work. Thanks for any help. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Help:OPENSTEP & Cable Modems? Followup-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <35787652.0@> Message-ID: <tN_d1.262$> Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 23:01:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 16:01:45 PDT Organization: @Home Network NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN <shame mode> John John John... a crossposted FAQ? shame shame </shame> Yes, actually this can be done... today marks 1 YEAR since I got my cable modem. It is easiest if they don't use DHCP..... or if they use DHCP but give you the same IP each time you login (functionally static). I wrote an article on setting this up TjL ps -- I know, the thrill of the speed made you temporarily loco ;-)
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black hardware Y2K compliant? Message-ID: <> Date: 05 Jun 1998 15:54:03 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Since the underlying OS is BSD 4.x Unix, it's okay, (if you don't believe me, look at the calendar program back when George Washington was having (or rather not having) his 18 (or was it 21st?) birthday. The only issue has to do with not being willing to set dates in the next millenium or something, but if the date's correct before, and allowed to change naturally, it'll be okay (unless one needs to alter the date in the next millenium). This is uncertain organic memory though... There is a date updater package on Peak though, which explains all of this. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Thank you Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 11:09:34 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6l95c9$mj8$> Acknowledgement According to my problem, NeXT doesn't allow me to login. I have tried several ways to get into ROM MONITOR but it didn't work. Finally, the problem is solved for a minute ago. The problem nature is here. I played with SimpleNetInfo and it causes me can't login to NeXT. There are 2 suggestions to solve a problem and 5 people ask me to address the solution if I can solve it. Therefore, I include what I did in this email. I think this might be a contribution for other people. I'd like to address my gratitude to Tim (TjL or for his helps. Tim suggests me to set my NeXT as single user mode but I have to get into ROM MONITOR first. I include his suggestions after get into ROM MONITOR here. (TjL, 1998) You will have to go to the ROM monitor and type bsd -s to boot to single user mode. When you get to the # prompt, type (NOTE: This will cause the loss of all username/Netinfo information... Your files will still be there, you will just have to recreate the username, etc) cd /etc rm -rf hostconfig netinfo cd /usr/template/client/etc cp -rp hostconfig netinfo /etc then do command+command+~ Select halt type 'm' for monitor at the NeXT prompt type bsd Unfortunately, I can't get into ROM MONITOR from ADB keyboard. NeXTanswer suggests me to press "command bar" and "~" but it didn't work. I asked many people how to get to ROM MONITOR from ADB keyboard. Ultimately, the solution that I have is from Sam at Spherical Solution ( and I'd like to address my thanks to him. Sam told me to press "command bar"+"ALT"+"~" at the same time. It should be noted that "ALT" that works on my machine is only "ALT" on the left of keyboard. After get to ROM MONITOR (Sam, 1998) and set in single user mode (Tim, 1998), my machine works well. Currently, my NeXT is running one simulation model of ModSim-II without any problem. Thank you for all responses. I hope this email might be of help to other people and this is the best thing I can do to thank all you guys on Newsgroup. Thank you very much, Sarawoot
From: (Nathan G. Raymond) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Help:OPENSTEP & Cable Modems? Date: 6 Jun 1998 01:32:05 GMT Organization: Brandeis University - Computer Science Dept. Message-ID: <6la66l$8bp$> References: <35787652.0@> In article <35787652.0@> writes: >Has anyone gotten hooked up to the net via a Cable TV hookup? I know that >they plug a cable modem into your ethernet card. Beyond that I'm not sure >how it works. I want to try it, but before I do, I'd like to make sure it >can be done. Depends on the cable provider... >Is it as simple as setting up a resolv.conf file and enabling the ehternet >card? I know that for Media One, the cable modem is keyed to the ethernet hardware address of the card its plugged into, and they use DHCP, so you'd need a DHCP client. If you wanted more than your NeXT to get access to the cable modem, you'd need to run something like IP-Filter (as Linux calls it) or IP-NAT (as NetBSD calls it). >Any clues, help, reassurance that this works would be most welcome. I'll >be able to drop a line, a provider, save some money, and increase >bandwidth. Mucho kewl if I can get this to work. It is VERY nice - 150k/sec downloads, 30k/sec uploads. Like having a personal T1. (I'd suggest calling up your provider (if they're not Media One) and getting the details from them.) -- Nathan Raymond
From: "Terry Mathews" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP! Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 23:11:59 -0400 Organization: EriNet Online 937 436-1700 (Voice) Message-ID: <6laca0$> I'm totaly new at this NeXT hardware game. Today, I bought 2 pieces of NeXT hardware at my local Air Force Base's DRMO, a square box labeled NeXTStation Turbo Color and a monitor labeled MegaPixel 17 inch. So, I've got these 2 parts (That I might add I paid $30 for). The Turbo Color has 24Mb ram and a 480Mb HD. Now, what do I do? I've got no KB, no Mouse, nothing else. What do I need and where do I get it? I live in the Dayton, OH area. Thanks. Terry
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 19:21:32 -0500 From: MadSci <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Upgrades Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET Hello, I have a question. Would it be possible to put an Amiga processor uprade in a NeXT? If this would work you could have a NeXTCube with an '060 processor at 50mhz. That would be quite a speed increase. Thanks, MadSci
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP! Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 01:31:17 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6laca0$> In article <6laca0$>, "Terry Mathews" <> wrote: > I'm totaly new at this NeXT hardware game. Today, I bought 2 pieces of NeXT > hardware at my local Air Force Base's DRMO, a square box labeled NeXTStation > Turbo Color and a monitor labeled MegaPixel 17 inch. So, I've got these 2 > parts (That I might add I paid $30 for). The Turbo Color has 24Mb ram and a > 480Mb HD. Now, what do I do? I've got no KB, no Mouse, nothing else. What do > I need and where do I get it? I live in the Dayton, OH area. Thanks. > > Terry Terry check out either or they can set you up with all the goodies you need to get going. Their prices run about the same but deepspace is in the east and spherical is in the west so you may want to deal with the closer one to you. I ordered my turbo color from sphrical but it was actually shipped from deepspace. Did you get a soundbox also? Mark
From: "Dave Van Der Heyden" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP! Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 00:22:20 -0500 Organization: Info Avenue Internet Services Message-ID: <6lajh3$b02$> References: <6laca0$> Check out the following sites. They sell next hardware. I think you can get a keyboard and mouse from them. Terry Mathews wrote in message <6laca0$>... >I'm totaly new at this NeXT hardware game. Today, I bought 2 pieces of NeXT >hardware at my local Air Force Base's DRMO, a square box labeled NeXTStation >Turbo Color and a monitor labeled MegaPixel 17 inch. So, I've got these 2 >parts (That I might add I paid $30 for). The Turbo Color has 24Mb ram and a >480Mb HD. Now, what do I do? I've got no KB, no Mouse, nothing else. What do >I need and where do I get it? I live in the Dayton, OH area. Thanks. > >Terry > >
From: (Andy Wang) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black hardware Y2K compliant? Date: 5 Jun 1998 17:58:35 -0500 Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network Message-ID: <6l9t6r$> References: <6l7uhr$> <> In article <>, Daemon <> wrote: > (Andy Wang) ( wrote: >: i'm not really very familiar with black hardware >: and i've been planning on getting a turbo slab. is black >: hardware all y2k compliant or are there known issues ? >: it'd kinda suck to buy one sometime soon and just kiss it goodbye >: in a year and a half.. > >ROFL > >even on the off chance that it isn't "y2k compliant" its not going to blow >up or anything! > >worst thing that will happen is it gets the dates on files muddled up. > >the media really has a lot to answer for on this year 2000 business > >its all a load of b**ls**t > hehe. actually, i'm aware it isn't going to blow up. i just don't like keeping machines around that force me to reset the date everytime i reboot *8^).. i'm planning on dumping my old 486 then, even though it'll probably still be alive, just because i hate the annoyance of having to reset dates. i'm aware the underlying OS should be okay (assuming the Foundation problems aren't severe, and if they are i'd just put openstep 4.2 on) andy -- ----------------- Dopey (Andy Wang) - NeXT, MIME or SUN mail OK -------------- - Pro-hemp, and proud of it! - finger -l for pgp key - - What the hell is a chicken? - - ------------------------- -----------------------------
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Keyboard differences Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <> <> Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 23:08:30 GMT In article <> Jeff Parnaby <> writes: > > > wrote: > >> What is the difference between the NeXT keyboards >> that have the L-shaped return key and the ones that >> have the straight return key? Also, will a Microsoft >> Natural mouse or Ligitech mouse work with a NeXTcube >> keyboard? >> >> --Greg > > I would guess you are comparing an ADB keyboard (straight return key) >with a non-ADB keyboard (L-shape). ADB stands for Apple Desktop Bus, >the input device standard popularized by the Macintosh. The major >difference between them is that non-ADB NeXT computers have to use the >non-ADB devices (mouse, keyboard, soundbox), while ADB compatible NeXT >computers can use either ADB or non-ADB, and also any keyboard or mouse >that works on a Mac. > >The keyboards themselves also are a bit different in feel and location >of some keys (most notably the command key). For my money, I prefer the >non-ADB. > >As far as the mice are concerned, if you have an ADB cube (the Turbo >series, I think), you can use any input devices that are Mac >compatible. If you have a non-ADB cube, I believe you would be limited >to NeXT non-ADB mice and keyboard. > Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the L-shaped return key is what distinguishes an ADB keyboard from a non-ADB keyboard. The ADB keyboard has, to me, a cheaper feel to it than the non-ADB keyboard. Also, the ADB keyboard has the cmd key be the bar below the space bar (a neato feature, if there ever was one for keyboards). The power on|off, sound, and brightness buttons are rounded buttons instead of standard frustrum (lopped off pyramid) shaped keys. Lastly, they have the Apple desktop style plugs to attach the keyboard to the mouse (which looks a lot more like a mouse than and the line to the back of the monitor. As a CLI user, I prefer the non-L shaped return key keyboard. If there are any available for sale, I would like to replace the L-shaped return key keyboard that I currently have. EDEW
From: Year 2000 <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: !! Warning to all PC users !! Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 23:04:15 +0200 Organization: PacWan Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit !! Warning to all PC users !! Fact : Most of todays PC's will die on Dec 31st 1999 ! Did you know 99.99% of all PC's need a Millennium Bug Fix ? Would it help you to have a FREE software check up ? !!! Not to be missed !!! Go to: Apply for FREE test on the Order Form You can check if you have a problem with NOTHING TO PAY !!
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI Card Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 10:51:18 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6lbom6$1gd8$> Hi there, I'm looking for a new SCSI-interface card for PC to use with OPENSTEP4.2. There're a lot of compatible cards on NeXTanswer. However, I wanna make sure the working one. Can you please tell me the SCSI-interface card that works with your PC on OPENSTEP4.2 ? Also, I was told that I do need to use the same interface for both CD-ROM and HD, i.e., SCSI-HD and SCSI-CD-ROM or IDE-HD and IDE-CD-ROM. Is it true? Thank you very much. Your Sincerely Sarawoot
From: Marco Huggenberger <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: Re: !! Warning to all PC users !! Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 18:59:00 +0000 Organization: Young Culture AG, Zurich, Switzerland Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Year 2000 wrote: > = > !! Warning to all PC users !! > = > Fact : Most of todays PC's will die on Dec 31st 1999 ! > = > Did you know 99.99% of all PC's need a Millennium Bug Fix ? > = > Would it help you to have a FREE software check up ? > = > !!! Not to be missed !!! > = > Go to: > = > Apply for FREE test on the Order Form > = > You can check if you have a problem with NOTHING TO PAY !! Achtung! Solche Programme, welche kostenlos sind, k=F6nnen "Trojanische Pferde" enthalten, welche z.b. nach dem ausf=FChren des Programms z.b. Benutzernamen und Passwort gewisser Programme =FCbermitteln... Dies ist eine kostenlose Mitteilung. Nur Leute mit Paranoia werden =FCberleben ;-) Huggi
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3578c184.0@news> Control: cancel <3578c184.0@news> Date: 06 Jun 1998 19:58:25 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3578c184.0@news> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Date: 6 Jun 1998 21:18:26 GMT Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Message-ID: <6lcbn2$> References: <6kk34r$> <6kkcce$6a6$> <> (root@ writes: > In <6kkcce$6a6$> wrote: >> ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: >> > >> > >> >I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip >> >I would like to know what its memory address is? >> >> >> Did you try for more information? > > How would zilog know? I can wire a chip enable to be active at any > address I please. Zilog wouldn't know where NeXT decided to place it > in the memory map. > >> Actually, there are a >> lot of variations of Z8 processors for the size of on-chip ROM/RAM so you'd >> better be a little a bit more specific on your question when you try >> comp.arch.embedded (a news group for embedded system) for better answers. > > A Z8? He's talking about the z8530 UART NeXT used in the cubes/slabs. No > Z8's inside a NeXT machine. > > >> I'm just curious, but by what reason you thought this news group >> (NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody related) is adequate for your question? > > Because these are NeXT hardware-specific questions. Only NeXT hardware specs > will tell you the memory mapped address of the UART. > > > Thaddeus Here, Yes, you got it. And thanks for the Help.
From: ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: large ide disks Date: 6 Jun 1998 21:30:01 GMT Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Message-ID: <6lcccp$> References: <> As I understand with the 3.x OS on the BLACK NeXT could not support in ONE partition a size greater than 2G (approx). Try partitioning your big disk into weany ones. tt Sigthor Hrafnsson ( writes: > i have been setting up openstep 4.2 on intel hardware, i'm using > maxtor 6 gb disk. > > In setup the disk is reported as 2.140 mb, what is the problem here. > > I have set up the disk in the bios. > >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Peer Networking a Black NeXTStation to a Windows NT Computer Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 22:41:12 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6lcgi8$dsr$> Hi; As the title says, I am interested in peer to peer networking possibilities involving my NeXTStation and a pentium equipped PC. The PC has a reliable 56k modem connection to my ISP, and I have been thinking that setting this up as a server to hang my new "pride and joy" NeXTStation off as a client. I am considering this because I am not really looking forward to handling the complexities of connecting a modem to my NeXTStation to an ISP that doesn't want to know about non-MAC non-Windows connections. I also think that peer networking will help me to learn more about networking faster. After all, for me this particular enterprise is more hobby and fixation than a necessity. I want to know whether a peer connection would enable me to cruise the net using Omniweb from my NeXTStation once a dialup connection from my NT box was established (with the ISP). Any suggestions/pointers on sources on the net to accomplish this (admittedly basic) task would be appreciated. Thanks David Mussington -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (Matthew Rademacher) Newsgroups: Subject: VCR to NeXT Color monitor? Date: 7 Jun 1998 00:03:27 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <6lclcf$6ir$> Can a NeXT Color Monitor (21") be hooked-up to a VCR? Thanks Matt
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: 2.88 to ??? Date: 7 Jun 1998 01:15:22 GMT Organization: TJP, Inc. Message-ID: <6lcpja$muh$> References: <6l1a48$ovi$> <6l1hnv$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 7 Jun 1998 01:15:22 GMT You (Robert D. Bumpus <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 2 Jun 1998 18:53:51 GMT: > I'm not sure 2.88 disks can still be found. I've looked, but had > not luck. No one lists them as 2.88MB disks. They are usually listed as 4.0MB (their unformatted size) or DSED diskettes. I found a ton of places that list them on their websites. Info may be old, but they might be worth a try... --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 7 Jun 1998 03:49:08 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: arti@lava.DOTnet (Art Isbell - remove "DOT") Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black Modem for NeXTstation Color Turbo Date: 7 Jun 1998 04:27:21 GMT Organization: LavaNet, Inc. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ld4r9$> References: <6l7ovu$d59$> <6l93bh$> <6l9rtt$> (Emmett McLean) wrote: > If you just want fast downloads a X2 56k is the way to go > (with or There is a quirk though, > at least with 25mhz black hardware in that ppp on a 56k freezes > I don't know about Turbos. The freezing may be due to serial port buffer overruns if you're trying to run your serial port at 57.6 kbps. Most black hardware serial ports won't run reliably at greater than 38.4 kbps, although a lucky few seem to be able to pull it off. So a 56K modem is a waste of money on most black hardware. When downloading highly compressible data, 38.4 kpbs might not even be fast enough to keep a 14.4 modem busy due to modem compression which can be as high as 4:1. If everything you download is precompressed (not likely), then a 33.6 modem is the fastest that can be used reliably on most black hardware. -- Art Isbell NeXT/MIME Mail: arti@lavaDOTnet IDX Systems Corporation Voice/Fax: +1 808 394 0511 (for whom I don't speak) Voice Mail: +1 808 394 0495 Healthcare Info Technology US Mail: Honolulu, HI 96825-2638
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black Modem for NeXTstation Color Turbo Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 12:53:24 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Sender: (thomas) Message-ID: <> References: <6l7ovu$d59$> <6l93bh$> <6l9rtt$> <6ld4r9$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: arti@lava.DOTnet In <6ld4r9$> Art Isbell - remove "DOT" wrote: > The freezing may be due to serial port buffer overruns if you're trying > to run your serial port at 57.6 kbps. Most black hardware serial ports won't > run reliably at greater than 38.4 kbps, although a lucky few seem to be able > to pull it off. I always run the serial port with 56K (Next cube 040, 25 MHz), no problem so far. Occasionally I get serial overruns, but this does not harm.
Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Help:OPENSTEP & Cable Modems? References: <35787652.0@> <tN_d1.262$> From: John Kheit <> Organization: monoChrome, Inc., NJ, USA Message-ID: <357ab7c6.0@> Date: 7 Jun 98 15:54:46 GMT (Timothy J Luoma) wrote: > NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN > <shame mode> John John John... a crossposted FAQ? shame shame > </shame> > Yes, actually this can be done... today marks 1 YEAR since I got > my cable modem. > It is easiest if they don't use DHCP..... or if they use DHCP > but give you the same IP each time you login (functionally static). > I wrote an article on setting this up > Dragging toe in sand, aww shucks. Super shame mode on: Umm, where can I find the current FAQs? Oh, the horror of it all. Putting bag over head; somehow feeling much more handsome. :) Thanks a bunch Tim. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... __________________________________________________________________ monoChrome, Inc. ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK NeXT/OPENSTEP Developer Telepathy, It's coming... Franklin Pierce Law Center You're dangerous because you're honest
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to power up a NeXTstation? Date: 8 Jun 1998 00:52:29 GMT Organization: ImagiNET Message-ID: <6lfckd$j60$> References: <> <9oDe1.385$> (Timothy J Luoma) wrote: >In <> CTAPYXA wrote: >> I've got a NeXTstation at the swapmeet (no turbo, no color, no keyboard, >> mouse or monitor) [ 8-) } and am wondering how to power the damn thing >> up? I was told that it only can be done through the keyboard. Is this >> correct? > >Yup. > >Probably won't boot correctly without a monitor at least unless it was setup >that way... I think.... > > > or for a keyboard/other parts ;-) > >TjL > > Well, actually all you need is to shortcut two of the pins on the connector to which you would hook the monitor. Here is the pinout for these connectors : Monochrome: Pin: Signal: 1 +12v 2 -12v 3 MON CLK 4 MON DATA OUT 5 MON DATA IN 6 MON PWR SWITCH 7 NC 8 VSYNC 9 HSYNC 10 VIDEO 11 +12v 12 -12v 13..19 GND Color: Pin: Signal: 1 +12v 2 PWR SWITCH 3 MON CLK 4 MON DATA OUT 5 MON DATA IN 6 -12v 7..10 GND Sorry, I don't know if you should shortcut the PWR SWITCH pin to +12v, -12v or GND. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Programming Zilog Chip - What is its memory address ??? Date: 8 Jun 1998 01:08:47 GMT Organization: ImagiNET Message-ID: <6lfdiv$l9v$> References: <6kk34r$> <6kkcce$6a6$> <> <6lcbn2$> ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: > > (root@ writes: >> In <6kkcce$6a6$> wrote: >>> ee068@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thaddeus Thomas) wrote: >>> > >>> > >>> >I'm triing to find documentation on the Zilog chip >>> >I would like to know what its memory address is? >>> >>> [...] >> A Z8? He's talking about the z8530 UART NeXT used in the cubes/slabs. No >> Z8's inside a NeXT machine. [...] >> Because these are NeXT hardware-specific questions. Only NeXT hardware specs >> will tell you the memory mapped address of the UART. pascal@despina[131] % grep ' at 0x' /usr/adm/messages|sed -e 's/.*mach: //'|sort -u SCSI 53C90A Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000 dsp0 at 0x2008000 en0 at 0x2006000 fc0 at 0x2014100 np0 at 0x200f000 sound0 at 0x200e000 So, sorry, it does not give us the UART address. However, it should be something like 0x2000000+0x1000*n. It's given by the P_SCC macro, but it is private, so we don't know it's actual value. Once upon a time I had a copy of the "NextBus Specification" & "NextBus Interface Chip Specification" documentations, which give all details, but I gave it to <Gilles Maliar> (It's a two years old student address, so it probably won't work anymore). -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ | The box said: 'Requires Windows 95 & Pentium, | or better.' So I bought a Macintosh & PowerPC.
From: Subject: WIN98 OEM VERSION,PHOTOSHOP, SOFTWARES, PSX & SATURN GAMES, VIDEO CDS AND MORE ($4-$25) Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 15:03:41 +0800 For info icq # 13106356 Thank you and have a nice day
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 16:33:17 +0800 From: ktchan <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI and IDE Disk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Global Information Networks, Hi I used to have a white box with a SCSI disk in a canister, I used Win98 with one disk and NeXT 3.3 with another disk. The mother board can select any boot device. But the IDE master will be init13 device 80H and the SCSI boot disk is init 13 81H. When I use Window I have a IDE disk as data store. When using NeXT I have to disable the IDE controller. Or the NeXT system will boot with a panic and stop. I thing if I can set the SCSI disk to init13 80h and the IDE 81H. The system will boot and can use the IDE disk as data disk. Or by changing the NeXT boot default from init13 80H to 81H. Any white box guru out there? Regards K.T.Chan
From: CTAPYXA <> Newsgroups: Subject: How to power up a NeXTstation? Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 13:56:43 +0000 Organization: CTAPYXA%%% Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a NeXTstation at the swapmeet (no turbo, no color, no keyboard, mouse or monitor) [ 8-) } and am wondering how to power the damn thing up? I was told that it only can be done through the keyboard. Is this correct? Also, can I use the Macintosh monitor with it? I have a 15" Multiple scan that can do 60.5 horiz and 70 vertical (or vice versa?), which is close to 61/69 mentioned in the FAQ. Will it work? Thanks. Yuri Oskotsky.
From: (Timothy J Luoma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to power up a NeXTstation? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <9oDe1.385$> Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 21:13:41 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 14:13:41 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <> CTAPYXA wrote: > I've got a NeXTstation at the swapmeet (no turbo, no color, no keyboard, > mouse or monitor) [ 8-) } and am wondering how to power the damn thing > up? I was told that it only can be done through the keyboard. Is this > correct? Yup. Probably won't boot correctly without a monitor at least unless it was setup that way... I think.... or for a keyboard/other parts ;-) TjL
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Jun 1998 01:42:41 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: Mac + PCCard + NT = OS/E 4.2? Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 10:44:22 -0400 Organization: University At Buffalo Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone installed an OrnageMicro PC card in their Macintosh and ran Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and OpenStep/Enterprise for Windows NT? If so, please share your experience: installation, speed, incompatibilities, etc. Please e-mail me at Thanks. -- Wassim Jabi, Asst. Professor University at Buffalo Department of Architecture Hayes Hall Tel: +1 716.829.3483 Ext.323 3435 Main St. Fax: +1 716.829.3256 Buffalo, NY 14214-3087
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 10:33:59 -0600 From: Mark Gregory <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next 256 Meg Optical Read Drive needed References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: CADVision Development Corporation ( Your only hope is to find someone with a black '030 or '040 cube in your area with an optical drive that still works (and a lot of those drives have failed over the years). To the best of my knowledge, no other computer ever used the Canon MO drives in the NeXT, and I don't think they were ever sold as external drives. An additional problem might be that most of the NeXT's with MO drives did not come with floppy drives or CD ROM drives; you may have to connect your NeXT to the NeXT with the optical drive with an Ethernet cable to transfer the data you want from the MO drive. You might want to repost your request and tell people where you are. Then, if you're lucky, someone might be able to help you. Mark Gregory. Joseph Natar wrote: > Could anybody tell me where I could get a drive to read an old 256 Meg > Next Optical Disk. > > Thanks > > Joseph Natar
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Help: NeXT color printer needs "An Service" Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 20:28:33 GMT Hi, this is a NeXT color printer in very good shape. The only problem is that it never worked after I got it as a gift. This printer is highly unpredicable at power-up. Most of the time, I got power-up message "An Service" after beeps. I did manage to go through the "flushing" and "clean-A" and "clean-B" cycle, but I was never able to print anything. The printing head did move and the inks look fine. One time, the error message is "72 service." I'm aware that this printer does not enjoy much reputation, but I just hate to throw it away. Has anyone had the same problem? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
From: (Phil Robinson) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT hardware websites/FAQs? Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 23:05:56 -0500 Organization: Ameritech.Net Message-ID: <> NeXT hardware websites/FAQs? Does anyone know of any good websites for NeXT hardware information or know where I can find any FAQs on NeXT hardware? There seems to be plenty of info for NeXTstep but thats about it. I seem to recall a website with a ton of NeXT links but it seems to have vanished. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -- Note: In order to reply you must use the email address below. Just remove the NOSPAM part from the address: Phil Robinson
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <357b6790.0@news> Control: cancel <357b6790.0@news> Date: 09 Jun 1998 03:37:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.357b6790.0@news> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Spam B Gone <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 23:26:40 -0700 Organization: University of Rostock Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
From: Bob Beckwith <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to power up a NeXTstation? Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 21:38:27 -0400 Organization: Quantum Corp Message-ID: <> References: <> <9oDe1.385$> <6lfckd$j60$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pascal Bourguignon wrote: > [some stuff deleted] > > Here is the pinout for these connectors : > > Monochrome: > Pin: Signal: > 1 +12v > 2 -12v > 3 MON CLK > 4 MON DATA OUT > 5 MON DATA IN > 6 MON PWR SWITCH > 7 NC > 8 VSYNC > 9 HSYNC > 10 VIDEO > 11 +12v > 12 -12v > 13..19 GND > > Color: > Pin: Signal: > 1 +12v > 2 PWR SWITCH > 3 MON CLK > 4 MON DATA OUT > 5 MON DATA IN > 6 -12v > 7..10 GND > > Sorry, I don't know if you should shortcut the PWR SWITCH pin to +12v, -12v > or GND. > I believe you want to ground the pin. Note too that applying 12V (+ or -) to a 5V logic input could irreparably damage your machine. --Bob -- Bob Beckwith To reply, remove NOSPAM. from the email address above.
From: Spam B Gone <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 23:41:25 -0700 Organization: Gobierno de Aragon Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.
From: keigo arita <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: Re: !! Warning to all PC users !! Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 13:44:05 +0900 Organization: Seinan Gakuin University Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Year 2000 wrote: > !! Warning to all PC users !! > > Fact : Most of todays PC's will die on Dec 31st 1999 ! > > Did you know 99.99% of all PC's need a Millennium Bug Fix ? > > Would it help you to have a FREE software check up ? > > !!! Not to be missed !!! > > Go to: > > Apply for FREE test on the Order Form > > You can check if you have a problem with NOTHING TO PAY !! harro.
From: (Steve Sullivan) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,, Subject: g3 + ? = openstep 4.2 Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 15:23:44 +0100 Message-ID: <macghod-0906981523440001@> I have openstep 4.2 which I was running on a pc, now I have a g3. What do I need to install os 4.2 and webobjects on this, virtual pc 2.0? I assume softwindows 95 wont work, doesnt insignia products emulate windows, not a pc?
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 23:04:55 -0700 From: (Brendan Bolles) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help: NEXTSTEP 3.3 Installation on Black Hardware Message-ID: <> References: <6lkql5$kpr$> Organization: UC Berkeley In article <6lkql5$kpr$>, wrote: > I am new to the NeXT line of black hardware and have been given a NeXT Color > Slab, with NS3.3 User and floppies. I'm attempting to install the OS onto a > 1GB HD. After the "Testing System" message goes away, give the system an NMI. Depending on the keyboard you're using it's: ADB: Command-Alt-Tilda Non-ADB (L-shaped Return Key): Both command keys and Tilda When you get the nmi> prompt, type "halt" or "monitor" to get into the ROM Monitor, where you'll have a NeXT> prompt. With the floppy and CD in the right place, type "bfd" to boot from the floppy (which finds and uses the CD-ROM). Then just answer the questions. Good luck! Brendan
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 23:17:29 -0700 From: (Brendan Bolles) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help wanted with Next 1200 Message-ID: <> References: <> Organization: UC Berkeley In article <>, wrote: > I have a Next 1200 that I purchased from a sale, it starts up and > checks the system and then it says loading from network and hangs. Any > help would be much appreciated. I have no disks or information about > it. > A NeXT 1200? Never heard of that one... Assuming it has an internal hard disk with a good copy of the OS on it, here's what you do: After the "Testing System" message goes away, give the system an NMI. Depending on the keyboard you're using it's: ADB: Command-Alt-Tilda Non-ADB (L-shaped Return Key): Both command keys and Tilda When you get the nmi> prompt, type "halt" or "monitor" to get into the ROM Monitor, where you'll have a NeXT> prompt. You may actually have already gotten here from the NMI. Type "p" on the line and hit return. This will let you go through a bunch of parameters for the machine. One of the first ones is the boot command, which sounds like it'll be set to "en". You want it set to "sd" for a scsi disk drive. This often happens when the internal lithium battery has died and the parameter RAM (or whatever a NeXT uses) has been reset. You may continue to have this problem if you don't get a replacement battery. Good luck! Brendan
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 23:24:38 -0700 From: (Brendan Bolles) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep on SGI? Message-ID: <> References: <> Organization: UC Berkeley In article <>, rene limberger <> wrote: > Hi! > > I am totaly new to next. > Is next/openstep available for sgi hardware? > For what hardware is it available? > Where can i find good information about this OS? > (screenshots?) > How mouch is it? No, it is not available for SGI hardware. It's available for old black NeXT hardware and Intel PCs (running compatible devices). A little harder to find but also available is NeXTSTEP for Sun SPARC and HP 9000 workstations. For more details on compatible hardware, go to and check out the various Compatibility Guides. For info about NS (and screenshots), look at (for links to other places) and Brendan
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 12:26:09 +0200 From: Heinrich Gennheimer <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: CC: Subject: scsi identification problem Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------167E2781446B" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------167E2781446B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I bought an IBM DCAS-34330 Ultrastar 2ES 4.33Gb for my Nextstation (25Mhz,Nextstep3.3). My problem is that it isn't recognized as 4.33Gb at boot time or when checking its size with scsimodes etc. Instead the ROM monitor will identify its capacity as 38Mb. When I format the drive, it only takes around 10 min., what seems rather few to me. Is this a serious problem, and can anybody help me with it? Thank you very much in advance P.S. In the attachement comes the output of scsimodes -C and scsimodes -v. --------------167E2781446B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="pl" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="pl" 38 plh_len = 35 plh_medium = 0 plh_wp = 0 plh_blkdesclen = 8 bd_density = 0 bd_nblk = 8467200 bd_blklen = 512 dfp_savable = 0 dfp_pagecode = 3 dfp_pagelen = 22 dfp_trkszone = 49230 dfp_altsecszone = 0 dfp_alttrkszone = 0 dfp_alttrksvol = 0 dfp_sectors = 171 dfp_bytessector = 512 dfp_interleave = 1 dfp_trkskew = 29 dfp_cylskew = 52 dfp_ssec = 0 dfp_hsec = 1 dfp_rmb = 0 dfp_surf = 0 plh_len = 35 plh_medium = 0 plh_wp = 0 plh_blkdesclen = 8 bd_density = 0 bd_nblk = 8467200 bd_blklen = 512 rdp_savable = 0 rdp_pagecode = 4 rdp_pagelen = 22 rdp_maxcyl = 8205 rdp_maxheads = 6 rdp_wpstart = 0 rdp_rwcstart = 0 rdp_steprate = 0 rdp_landcyl = 0 last logical block=8467199 block length=512 --------------167E2781446B--
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Help: NEXTSTEP 3.3 Installation on Black Hardware Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 02:22:30 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6lkql5$kpr$> Hi - I am new to the NeXT line of black hardware and have been given a NeXT Color Slab, with NS3.3 User and floppies. I'm attempting to install the OS onto a 1GB HD. At bootup with the floppy, I get the "Testing system..." screen and then the "Loading from disk..." screen. The system seems to hang at this point, I've let it run for about 5 minutes without any further activity. Unfortunately I don't have any documentation, and have been unsuccessful finding help at If anyone can offer installation assistance, or point me to some good documentation it would be much appreciated. Thanks- Jay -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: "M.VOLKERTS" <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Problem with Bigfoot Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:17:54 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <357E9592.5B778D6F@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, I cannot get Openstep 4.1 to install on my Quantum Bigfoot 4.3 gb. It says: Invalid disklabel. Changing between PIO modes doesn't help. On my WD 1.6 Gb it is not a problem. Does anybody have a clue how to solve this? Thanks, Marcel
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with Bigfoot MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <357E9592.5B778D6F@KVI.NL> Message-ID: <FDwf1.34138$> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:21:25 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 07:21:25 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <357E9592.5B778D6F@KVI.NL> "M.VOLKERTS" wrote: > I cannot get Openstep 4.1 to install on my Quantum Bigfoot 4.3 gb. It > says: Invalid disklabel. > > Changing between PIO modes doesn't help. On my WD 1.6 Gb it is not a > problem. Does anybody have a clue how to solve this? What is WD ? What is the 1.6 number? Is that the size of the partition? If the 4.3 partitioned? You can't have more than 2047MB per partition. -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: scsi identification problem MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <AEwf1.34139$> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:22:24 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 07:22:24 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <> Heinrich Gennheimer wrote: > I bought an IBM DCAS-34330 Ultrastar 2ES 4.33Gb for my Nextstation > (25Mhz,Nextstep3.3). > > My problem is that it isn't recognized as 4.33Gb at boot time or when > checking its size with scsimodes etc. Instead the ROM monitor will > identify its capacity as 38Mb. You must partition the drive. NeXT cannot handle more than 2047mb per partition. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: "Nobody" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to disable CD-ROM auto eject? Date: 10 Jun 1998 14:43:43 GMT Organization: IBM Rochester MN Message-ID: <01bd947d$f22d7490$56be0509@p111766> References: <01bd947d$9338d4c0$56be0509@p111766> Forgot to add, non-ADB '40-33MHz, Nextstep 3.0, IBM 2X SCSI CD-ROM drive (if it matters). Nobody <> wrote in article <01bd947d$9338d4c0$56be0509@p111766>... > > Whenever I log out of or power off my 68040 cube, the CD-ROM auto ejects. > The shutdown or logoff process stalls until I close the CD-ROM door. Is > there any way to disable this? I haven't been able to find any info in the > various FAQs, and I have no other docs. > > Thanks! > Chris > >
From: "Nobody" <> Newsgroups: Subject: How to disable CD-ROM auto eject? Date: 10 Jun 1998 14:41:05 GMT Organization: IBM Rochester MN Message-ID: <01bd947d$9338d4c0$56be0509@p111766> Whenever I log out of or power off my 68040 cube, the CD-ROM auto ejects. The shutdown or logoff process stalls until I close the CD-ROM door. Is there any way to disable this? I haven't been able to find any info in the various FAQs, and I have no other docs. Thanks! Chris
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to disable CD-ROM auto eject? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <01bd947d$9338d4c0$56be0509@p111766> Message-ID: <H4zf1.34141$> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 17:08:55 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:08:55 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <01bd947d$9338d4c0$56be0509@p111766> "Nobody" wrote: > > Whenever I log out of or power off my 68040 cube, the CD-ROM auto ejects. > The shutdown or logoff process stalls until I close the CD-ROM door. Is > there any way to disable this? I haven't been able to find any info in the > various FAQs, and I have no other docs. Hrm. It should eject the disk, the thought being that you don't want to store a CD in the drive (yeah I know everyone does it) and that you don't want to forget your removable disk The only thing you could do would be to remount the drive as root when the automounter mounts it... That would probably keep it from ejecting on logout/shutdown. Believe it or not, I have a script for this: #!/bin/sh PATH=//usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/usr/etc:/usr:/etc name=`basename $0` for i in $* do MOUNT=`mount -p | fgrep $i | sed 's/ / /g'` if [ "$MOUNT" = "" ]; then echo "$name: $i is not currently mounted" else MOUNTDEV=`echo $MOUNT | awk '{print $1}'` MOUNTPT=`echo $MOUNT | awk '{print $2}'` MOUNTTYPE=`echo $MOUNT | awk '{print $3}'` MOUNTOPTS=`echo $MOUNT | awk '{print $4}'` /usr/etc/umount -v $MOUNTPT if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "$name: unmounting of $i failed" else /usr/etc/mount -t $MOUNTTYPE \ -o $MOUNTOPTS \ $MOUNTDEV \ $MOUNTPT if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "$name: remounting of $i failed" echo "mount -t $MOUNTTYPE \ -o $MOUNTOPTS \ $MOUNTDEV \ $MOUNTPT" else echo "$name: $i now mounted as root" fi fi fi done exit 0 You must run that as root. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: (John Rudd) Newsgroups:, Subject: New Popular Science Date: 10 Jun 1998 18:06:47 GMT Organization: Cygnus Solutions Message-ID: <6lmhvn$k2i$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Got my new issue of PS in the mail the other day.. in their section previewing new high tech products, they mention a great new idea in personal computing: Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! Wow, the innovation in the PC market will never cease to amaze me.. (though, might be a great place to run Rhapsody...) -- John "kzin" Rudd Intel: Putting \"I want a pair of Daisy Eagle semi-auto paintball pistols the backward in \in shoulder rigs. Who cares if you win the game as long backward compatible\as you can John Woo as you dive over obstacles?" - anon
From: Matt Chadwick <> Newsgroups: vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp,swnet.mail,,microsoft.public.powerpoint,,de.comp.sys.amiga.comm,comp.databases,,,,alt.sysadmin,alt.winsock.programming, Subject: Re: !! Warning to all PC users !! Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:05:07 +0100 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 In article <>, keigo arita <> writes > > >Year 2000 wrote: > >> !! Warning to all PC users !! >> >> Fact : Most of todays PC's will die on Dec 31st 1999 ! >> >> Did you know 99.99% of all PC's need a Millennium Bug Fix ? >> >> Would it help you to have a FREE software check up ? >> >> !!! Not to be missed !!! >> >> Go to: >> >> Apply for FREE test on the Order Form >> >> You can check if you have a problem with NOTHING TO PAY !! > > harro. > Thats shite the worst that could happen to a standard home pc is that you would have to reload the software and that is at the most, no fancy upgrades, aslong as you don't mind youre date being wrong its ok. -- Matt Chadwick
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: g3 + ? = openstep 4.2 Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Jun 1998 21:00:50 GMT Organization: AOL References: <macghod-0906981523440001@> You are correct. There have been reports here in the past of VirtualPC being used to run OpenStep and other operating systems. SoftWindows won't work because it uses special drivers which pass Windows calls and DOS calls to the MacOS in a more (relatively) efficient fashion or some such. Check on in the old database and you should be able to find some posts on it. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,, Subject: Re: g3 + ? = openstep 4.2 Date: 10 Jun 1998 23:35:52 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6ln58o$2u5$> References: <macghod-0906981523440001@> I tried 4.2 on VPC2 and it does work. I did it with an 8500/120 and it was too slow to use but that was in part due to 256k cache and the slowest of 604 cpus. I am curious about how fast it is on the g3. Try NXBench and let us know. wes Steve Sullivan <> wrote: > I have openstep 4.2 which I was running on a pc, now I have a g3. What do > I need to install os 4.2 and webobjects on this, virtual pc 2.0? I assume > softwindows 95 wont work, doesnt insignia products emulate windows, not a > pc? -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:28:26 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Remote Printing - real novice with printing here Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have never seen any instructions on how to setup printing over a tcp/ip or other network. Could someone mail me some info on how to let my NeXT print to my PCs deskjet? Also, does anyone know what kind of cable is required to hook a parallel printer to a NeXTStation (by parallel I mean using todays typical centronics 50 or whatever standard instead of the nifty little pinouts on the NeXT). Thanks. Nicholas Floersch
From: (Harry Mangalam) Newsgroups: Subject: Specs for a 21" Color MegaPixel Display - connect to Mac or PC Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 16:41:51 -0800 Organization: Dev+Cell Biology, UC Irvine Message-ID: <mangalam-ya02408000R1006981641510001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi All, What are the specs for the above-mentioned display - a long-time NeXT afficianado was getting rid of a lot of Next equipment in prep for converting to Macs/Rhapsody and I got a color Megapixel display out of the deal. I'd like to connect it to a Mac or PC, but I can't find the timing and rez specs for it. It looks a lot like the older SGI monitors (made by Hitachi, with RGB BNC connectors in the back) - I'm assuming it's single sync 1280 x 1024, but at what refresh speed? And is the sync signal on green, as is the case with the SGI monitors, or is it on another color? I realize that a PC will only support it in the correct graphics mode at the correct clock speed, but I'm willing to either try that or try to set up a multi-headed display with a cheap display for text-node and the NeXT display for graphics. If that doesn't work, I'll try for the Mac, if I can figure out how to set the rez a priori. Any help, pointers, much appreciated. Cheers Harry -- Harry J Mangalam, MolBio+Biochem / Dev+Cell Bio, Rm 4201, BioSciII UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, 92717, (714) 824-4824, fax (714) 824 8598 - delete the 'UNJUNK' to generate a valid email -
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer Date: 10 Jun 1998 23:39:12 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6ln5f0$2u5$> References: <> <6kkam9$ebd$> <> C. J. Kenneth Tan <> wrote: > What I don't understand is how do you make the printer accessible to other > machines? On the Linux machine, I created a remote printer, then I tried > to print to the remote printer which is attached to a NeXTStation. But > when I check the print queue with lpq, I get a message saying that the > Linux machine does not have access to the printer and it is waiting for > the queue to be enabled on the NeXTStation. What am I missing here? You need to add the linux box to the list of machines alowed to print. The file is in the etc directory and called somthing like lpd-allow. Check the man page on lpr to get the exact name. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (Salvatore Denaro) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 1998 01:45:22 GMT Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> On 11 Jun 1998 00:32:45 GMT, Todd Heberlein <> wrote: >See the following web address for a bad picture: > >It is also being discussed in the "Rock City" thread. As much as I like the idea of the Panda folks building machines that aren't beige mini-tower boxes; I think the rock city box looks a tad gaudy for my tastes. Maybe it is just the bad web picture. Is it supposed to look "weathered"? -- Salvatore Denaro
From: "Todd Heberlein" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 1998 00:32:45 GMT Organization: Net Squared, Inc. Message-ID: <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> John Rudd <> wrote > Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! See the following web address for a bad picture: It is also being discussed in the "Rock City" thread. The innovative feature is the brace that stands it up on the cube's corner. Combined with the flat panel monitor (a fairly small one), it takes very little desk space. With a 233 MHz Cyrix, with a board supporting a maximum CPU speed of 300 MHz, it looks pretty underwhelming. Todd
From: (Christopher Browne) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 1998 02:22:40 GMT Organization: Hex.Net Superhighway, DFW Metroplex 817-329-3182 Message-ID: <6lnf1g$d8e$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> On 10 Jun 1998 18:06:47 GMT, John Rudd <> wrote: > >Got my new issue of PS in the mail the other day.. in their section >previewing new high tech products, they mention a great new idea in personal >computing: > >Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! > >Wow, the innovation in the PC market will never cease to amaze me.. The *important* innovative question is, of course, whether the "Rock City" PC comes with the girl or not... (Before flaming such flagrant and obvious sexism, first see the web site at <>...) -- "Are [Linux users] lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of reliable, well-engineered commercial software?" (By Matt Welsh) - <>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 98 16:32:24 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:01:36 GMT In article <>, (Eric Dew) writes: I remember when the IBM Aptiva or whatever that came out. People at N*XT were screaming plagarism in the monitor design. Why? Aptivas were uglier than sin, including the monitor. The notion of having the floppy and stuff close to the console rather than the CPU was alright, but they should have been elegantly placed (like on a SparcStation 5), rather than "gadgety". God only knows why, in the PC world, it's an _advantage_ to have all sorts of shit hanging off the front of the computer, right in your face. I suppose it makes it easier to have pissing contests. Personally, I think most PC attachments shouldn't be seen _or_ heard, except as necessary. Hide the speakers and microphone (and video feed) in the monitor bezel - and heck, if you can't cleanly place them in the base unit, hide the floppy and CD-ROM around the side of the monitor, while you're at it, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:24:54 -0400 From: Nicholas Floersch <> Organization: NLWD MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit John Rudd wrote: > Got my new issue of PS in the mail the other day.. in their section > previewing new high tech products, they mention a great new idea in personal > computing: > > Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! > > Wow, the innovation in the PC market will never cease to amaze me.. > > (though, might be a great place to run Rhapsody...) > > -- > John "kzin" Rudd > Intel: Putting \"I want a pair of Daisy Eagle semi-auto paintball pistols > the backward in \in shoulder rigs. Who cares if you win the game as long > backward compatible\as you can John Woo as you dive over obstacles?" - anon Yeah, they're called "Rock City" computers or something like that. It is some cube held on a base so that it looks like it is balanced on one point. When I see this kind of thing making waves again I can't help but be somewhat infuriated by the copy-cat nature of its design. Then I get to wishing that NeXT still produced computers and that everyone used them and... ohhh boy.. And I have only owned a NeXTstation for about 3 months. grumble. -Nicholas Floersch
From: (James Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: Does any body have the pin-out for the DSP port?!? Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 05:05:01 GMT Organization: Time Warner Communications Message-ID: <3580b5f3.4915548@news-server> I''ve desided that I would like to have a digital sound input on my NeXT. I'm wondering if it might be posible through the DSP port. Thanks everybody! Jim
From: (James Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP, need info on FORE NXA-100 card for NeXT machines Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 05:24:20 GMT Organization: Time Warner Communications Message-ID: <3580ba34.6004083@news-server> I have an NXA-100 optical network card for my NeXT cube. I want to use it for high speed networking with my NeXT Turbo Dimension system. I might be able to pull the drivers off of the drive that came with it, but maybe not. That still leaves me with the problem of not knowing what to hook-up to the network side. FORE Systems is about as helpful as a rock, and the only other documents I can find are in Finish. As far as I can tell from that the interface is ATM 100/140mbs. What will this work with? Anyway, thanks for the help in advance. Jim
From: (James Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next 256 Meg Optical Read Drive needed Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 05:27:50 GMT Organization: Time Warner Communications Message-ID: <3580bc4c.6540114@news-server> References: <> <> Actually, there were other devices that use the NeXT/Canon MO drive. I only know of one series. Canon made a business machine called a Canofile. It was/is a document storage center. It has a high speed scanner, a laser printer and a MO drive. The drive uses the NeXT style cartridges. It's not a common machine, but I have an external drive to one of them. I have not had the opertunity to test the drive, but as soon as I can verify that it can read NeXT data, then I will sell it. I have no use for such a device. If anybody can sell me a cart they don't care about, I'd be very happy. Thanks. Jim On Mon, 08 Jun 1998 10:33:59 -0600, in you wrote: >Your only hope is to find someone with a black '030 or '040 cube in your >area with an optical drive that still works (and a lot of those drives >have failed over the years). To the best of my knowledge, no other >computer ever used the Canon MO drives in the NeXT, and I don't think they >were ever sold as external drives. > >An additional problem might be that most of the NeXT's with MO drives did >not come with floppy drives or CD ROM drives; you may have to connect your >NeXT to the NeXT with the optical drive with an Ethernet cable to transfer >the data you want from the MO drive. > >You might want to repost your request and tell people where you are. Then, >if you're lucky, someone might be able to help you. > >Mark Gregory. > > >Joseph Natar wrote: > >> Could anybody tell me where I could get a drive to read an old 256 Meg >> Next Optical Disk. >> >> Thanks >> >> Joseph Natar > > >
From: (Don Yacktman) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 12 Jun 1998 04:19:37 GMT Organization: MiscKit Development Message-ID: <6lqa8p$m6c$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: > [...] if you can't cleanly place them > in the base unit, hide the floppy and CD-ROM around the side of the > monitor, while you're at it, I disagree with this part. One of the things that always annoyed me about the NeXT slabs was that the floppy slot was on the side. I've traditionally been short on desk space and the need to keep an area clear next to the slab has been a major pain in the rear for me. Because of my desk's layout, the sound box is always shifting so as to get in the way, for starters... I think the slot on the front would have harmed the "cool" look of the slab, but I think in the long run I'd choose usability over visual slickness, even though I consider it important for my computers to look nice. After all, I'm buying a computer to use, NOT a nifty decoration for my living room. It is a difficult trade-off because I hate the fact that PC's are typically so ugly they _deserve_ to be hidden... The solution for the slab is to put the slot in the front and then have a little door that swings down to provide access when you need it and swings up to make the case look good the rest of the time (like the one in the front of a VCR that hides all the little controls that are more esoteric than "play", "rewind" and "eject"). -- Later, -Don Yacktman <a href="">My home page</a>
From: (TjL) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> Message-ID: <Om2g1.34230$> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 04:44:30 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 21:44:30 PDT Organization: @Home Network Having easy access to the floppy drive and CD-ROM with the ability to get the tower the heck out of the way would be really nice. So much so I've thought about the next machine I get having an external CD-ROM so I can get at it easier. That way I can turn the tower around to get at the connectors more easily :-) TjL, who sold his external CD-ROM case awhile back without thinking -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: Steve Murray <> Newsgroups: Subject: Graphics Card for NeXTStep 3.3 Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:26:09 +0100 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We have just installed a copy of 3.3 on to a new P166MMX pc but we are having problems with the graphic card. Can anyone recommend a good quality graphics card that will work with 3.3? An also does anyone know what the RAM limit of 3.3 is... I heard that it might be just 64MB. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Steve Murray Reprographics Manager
From: (Gerriet M. Denkmann) Newsgroups:, Subject: Digital Camera dor NeXT Date: 12 Jun 1998 07:07:59 GMT Organization: Oldenburger Informations-Systeme, FRG Distribution: world Message-ID: <6lqk4f$> Is this a hardware (camera) or software (driver program) question? Anyway: I am looking for a digital camera which works with my NeXT cube. I know of the Sony Mavica, which stores pictures in jpg format on floppies, but it has a rather small resolution (something like 640 x 480 pixels only) and is sort of expensive. What other cameras have a serial line connection, and a driver program for NeXT, a driver programm in source code, or at least, a complete documentation, how to read and interpret data from the serial line? There must be someone with a digital camera and a NeXT machine somewhere! Regards Gerriet.
From: Rob Blessin <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Color Printers , Do they autoswitch power 110/240 V ? Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 01:39:51 -0600 Organization: Black Hole, Incorporatd Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello NeXT / Apple community: Do NeXT color printers autoswitch from 110 to 240 , or is there a manual switch or would they just fry the power supply if plugged in over seas?? Best Regards Rob Blessin
From: (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 12 Jun 1998 08:54:37 GMT Organization: The World's Usenet -- Message-ID: <6lqqcd$70a$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Don Yacktman may or may not have said: -> (Scott Hess) wrote: -> > [...] if you can't cleanly place them -> > in the base unit, hide the floppy and CD-ROM around the side of the -> > monitor, while you're at it, -> -> I disagree with this part. One of the things that always annoyed me about -> the NeXT slabs was that the floppy slot was on the side. It also made it more hassle than it should have been to rack-mount a NeXT slab. I'd have liked a nice fluid-damped door in the front of the slab that covered the floppy slot, and maybe also housed a headphone jack, and a "dire emergency" power switch. -jcr
From: Bradley DeJong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:45:43 -0500 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> <6lnaiq$fj4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nathan Urban wrote: > > In article <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1>, "Todd Heberlein" <> wrote: > > > With a 233 MHz Cyrix, with a board supporting a maximum CPU speed of > > 300 MHz, [the Rock City computer] looks pretty underwhelming. > > Of course, you're leaving out the 533 MHz Alpha version. Which comes bundled with Windows 95! Maybe they've also got a DEC Alpha version of OpenStep 4.2. ;^) This is clearly a site designed by people without much of a clue re: computer hardware. All they manage to say is that Rock City is "KewL".
From: (Sean Harding) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,, Subject: Re: g3 + ? = openstep 4.2 Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:20:37 -0700 Organization: University of Oregon Message-ID: <> References: <macghod-0906981523440001@> <> In article <>, (Ben Rosengart) wrote: > I don't know about softwindows, but I have reports that FreeBSD boots > under virtual pc, which would bode relatively well for the likelihood of > getting OPENSTEP working on it. Actually, I've successfully done OPENSTEP, but the FreeBSD installer consistently crashes on me...100% repeatable. Versions 2.2.1 through 2.2.5 (never tried 2.2.6, but nothing about the installer changed afaik)... Oh well... Sean
From: (Benjamin Hell) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color Printers , Do they autoswitch power 110/240 V ? Date: 12 Jun 1998 10:30:25 GMT Organization: University of Bielefeld, Germany Message-ID: <6lr001$7dh$> References: <> In Rob Blessin <> wrote: : Hello NeXT / Apple community: : Do NeXT color printers autoswitch from 110 to 240 , or is there a manual : switch or would they just fry the power supply if plugged in over seas?? : Best Regards Rob Blessin Hi, if I remember right, there is a switch to change the voltage between 110 and 240V. It should be visible, when the printer is opened. Hope this helps, Ben -- ************************************************** ** Benjamin Hell ** ** ** ** ** ** University of Bielefeld - Germany ** ** Faculty for Linguistics and Literary Studies ** ** Computational Linguistics & Spoken Language ** **************************************************
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Graphics Card for NeXTStep 3.3 Date: 11 Jun 98 16:40:38 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6lpdc4$aql$> In-reply-to: Eric Levenez's message of 11 Jun 1998 20:06:28 GMT In article <6lpdc4$aql$>, Eric Levenez <> writes: Steve Murray <> wrote: > Can anyone recommend a good quality graphics card that will work > with 3.3? I have a Matrox Millenium II PCI 8 MB with NS 3.3. It works ok in 16 bits mode, but it is slow in 32 bits mode (no problem with OpenStep or Rhapsody). I've actually had the opposite experience - I find that the Millenium cards (I have both the original and the II) were virtually identical in speed in either 444/16 or 888/32 modes, all on my PentiumPro machine. Later drivers have added a 565/16 (or somesuch) mode which I find actually _slower_ than the 888/32 mode. Caveats: PentiumPros and Pentium II machines have improved PCI support over Pentium, namely pipelining, which allow them to push data across the bus faster.. That might be the root cause of the fact that my tests showed little difference and yours showed 888/32 to be slower. Also, I use 444/16 rather than 888/32 because while my raw graphics speed is about the same, 32-bit uses more memory, and thus causes more swapping. Since I can't visually distinguish the two anyhow... > An also does anyone know what the RAM limit of 3.3 is... I heard > that it might be just 64MB. Certainly not, I've got 128M in my PPro machine. My motherboard as a TX chipset, so only the first 64 MB are in cache, but I have 192 MB and all is very fast. I think that the core OS is in the cache (Windows 9x uses the upper memory, so is not using the cache). This might also have a bearing on your video speed, because the greater amount of data being moved may be more effected by the lack of caching. Also, using SDRAM should clear up some of the uncached performance problems. It would be somewhat slick if operating systems generally supported multiple memory levels. You could have the OS use only the <=64M portion for running programs, and use the >64M portion for an extended disk cache. It would be even more slick if Intel didn't forcibly cripple systems like this, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Nathan Urban) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 1998 22:22:28 -0400 Organization: Data Systems Consulting, Inc. Message-ID: <6lq3d4$jmh$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> <6lnaiq$fj4$> <> In article <>, abuse@localhost wrote: > Nathan Urban wrote: > > In article <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1>, "Todd Heberlein" <> wrote: > > > With a 233 MHz Cyrix, with a board supporting a maximum CPU speed of > > > 300 MHz, [the Rock City computer] looks pretty underwhelming. > > Of course, you're leaving out the 533 MHz Alpha version. > Which comes bundled with Windows 95! Hmm, I missed that part. Guess they're just selling expensive paperweights then. :)
From: "Kwak,BongSuk" <> Newsgroups: References: <6lp7ci$18p4$> Subject: Re: Apple keyboard&Mouse Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 22:12:03 +0900 Message-ID: <> original_graphic ÀÌ(°¡) <6lp7ci$18p4$> ¸Þ½ÃÁö¿¡¼ ÀÛ¼ºÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù... >I think the NeXT ADB system is capable to use Apple keyboard and mouse, >right? Are there anyone using Apple keyboard with apple mouse? are there any >problem with that? > >-- >Best Regards, > > > No problem, Don't worry.. It goes well enough with apple keyboard and mouse except its color..
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <iXag1.25132$> Control: cancel <iXag1.25132$> Date: 12 Jun 1998 14:29:34 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.iXag1.25132$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <iXag1.25133$> Control: cancel <iXag1.25133$> Date: 12 Jun 1998 14:29:35 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.iXag1.25133$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 12 Jun 1998 14:23:52 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6lrdlo$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> <6lnaiq$fj4$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, Bradley DeJong <abuse@localhost> wrote: >Nathan Urban wrote: >> >> In article <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1>, "Todd Heberlein" <> wrote: >> >> > With a 233 MHz Cyrix, with a board supporting a maximum CPU speed of >> > 300 MHz, [the Rock City computer] looks pretty underwhelming. >> >> Of course, you're leaving out the 533 MHz Alpha version. > >Which comes bundled with Windows 95! Maybe they've also got a DEC Alpha ^^^^^^^^^^ This makes me very suspicious of the actual existence of an Alpha part: To the best of my knowledge, the *only* MicroSoft OS that Alphas will run is Windows NT. They (Alphas) will also run VMS, Digital Unix, and Linux. Seeing the claim for Windows 95 makes me think that either (1) this is still a dream, or (2) someone who created the web site really doesn't know what s/he is talking about. PB Schechter
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:23:41 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6lra4s$645$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> wrote: > > [...] if you can't cleanly place them > > in the base unit, hide the floppy and CD-ROM around the side of the > > monitor, while you're at it, > > I disagree with this part. One of the things that always annoyed me about > the NeXT slabs was that the floppy slot was on the side. I've traditionally > been short on desk space and the need to keep an area clear next to the slab > has been a major pain in the rear for me. I was quite suspicious of the floppy's placement when I first bought my NeXT slab in 1991 (still my primary work computer! try that with a wintel system of that vintage). But that concern was soon erased. The hand movement to get to it is a lot more natural than getting to a slot in front. And the floppy's entrance is in the same general area as the area the mousepad occupies, so it's clear by definition (I'm right-handed). YMMV, of course, but I think ANY placement of the floppy will cause problems for some people at some time. Stefano Pagiola My opinions alone Longtime MacOS and NeXTSTEP user, reluctant Windows 95/NT user, future Rhapsody user -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:26:10 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6lra9i$6mk$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <Om2g1.34230$> (TjL) wrote: > Having easy access to the floppy drive and CD-ROM with the ability to get the > tower the heck out of the way would be really nice. > So much so I've thought about the next machine I get having an external > CD-ROM so I can get at it easier. That way I can turn the tower around to > get at the connectors more easily :-) > TjL, who sold his external CD-ROM case awhile back without thinking Hmmm... if one bought a standard "internal" CD-ROM drive, could it easily be mounted inside the case from the original NeXT CD-ROM drive? Stefano Pagiola My opinions alone Longtime MacOS and NeXTSTEP user, reluctant Windows 95/NT user, future Rhapsody user -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: (TjL) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <Om2g1.34230$> <6lra9i$6mk$> Message-ID: <SKbg1.34250$> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 15:24:34 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 08:24:34 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6lra9i$6mk$> wrote: > Hmmm... if one bought a standard "internal" CD-ROM drive, could it easily be > mounted inside the case from the original NeXT CD-ROM drive? I dunno, I never had such a case, but my internal CD-ROM was quite happy in a generic external case. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:32:30 -0600 From: Joe McCarthy <> Organization: Software Integrators Inc, MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Subject: Re: Monitor migration References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Jeff, We also sell a graphics card and cable to drive your workstation monitors from a PC. We have a 30 day unconditional satisfaction guarantee on all our products. Check out our web page or call for more information. We have many users with NeXT monitors on their PC. Joe jeff hepp wrote: > There's a company a that perports to have video cards > that will allow NeXT monitors to function on a Windows box. Don't know > from personal experience. I too would like to hear of any success > stories. > > Jeff Hepp > -- ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:38:52 -0600 From: Joe McCarthy <> Organization: Software Integrators Inc, MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Harry Mangalam <> Subject: Re: Specs for a 21" Color MegaPixel Display - connect to Mac or PC References: <mangalam-ya02408000R1006981641510001@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Harry, You can check out specs on the NeXT monitors on our website. We also sell graphics cards and cables to make that monitor work on PC's and MAC's. Our Gemini P1 card will drive any workstation monitor from a PC. Joe Harry Mangalam wrote: > Hi All, > > What are the specs for the above-mentioned display - a long-time NeXT > afficianado was getting rid of a lot of Next equipment in prep for > converting to Macs/Rhapsody and I got a color Megapixel display out of the > deal. I'd like to connect it to a Mac or PC, but I can't find the timing > and rez specs for it. It looks a lot like the older SGI monitors (made by > Hitachi, with RGB BNC connectors in the back) - I'm assuming it's single > sync 1280 x 1024, but at what refresh speed? And is the sync signal on > green, as is the case with the SGI monitors, or is it on another color? > > I realize that a PC will only support it in the correct graphics mode at > the correct clock speed, but I'm willing to either try that or try to set > up a multi-headed display with a cheap display for text-node and the NeXT > display for graphics. > > If that doesn't work, I'll try for the Mac, if I can figure out how to set > the rez a priori. > > Any help, pointers, much appreciated. > > Cheers > Harry > -- > Harry J Mangalam, MolBio+Biochem / Dev+Cell Bio, Rm 4201, BioSciII UC > Irvine, Irvine, CA, 92717, (714) 824-4824, fax (714) 824 8598 > - delete the 'UNJUNK' to generate a valid email - -- ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:29:32 -0600 From: Joe McCarthy <> Organization: Software Integrators Inc, MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Pierre Dibon <> Subject: Re: 21" black monitor on mac? References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Pierre, We specialize in both graphics cards and cables for workstation monitors. We have any kind of 13W3 adapter or cable you might need, and we graphics cards to drive the monitors from a PC or MAC. Please contact me for more info. Joe Pierre Dibon wrote: > Eugene Yoo wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > Quick question: what adapters are available for the 13W3 connector on > > black 21" monitors? Is it possible to drive it with a Powermac display > > output? > > > > Thanks, > > Eugene > > Hi, > I have the same problem, I want to use a NeXT 17" monitor, on a PC with a > db15 vga connector. Have you information about this stuff. > Do you find websites talking about these 13w3 connectors or interfaces. -- ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: cqw <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cable for Nextstation/JetPilot/Epson Stylus Color 400 Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:01:12 -0700 Organization: The World's Usenet -- Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit readers, I have a NeXTstation Turbo Color, an Epson Stylus Color 400 and JetPilot. The Epson has a Centronics 36 pin port, and the NeXT only the 'B' serial port available. Anyone ever run into this or a similar situation? What I am looking for is a cable or how to make one so that I may use the color printer with my NeXT rather than the other OS I am forced to work with........... Thanks, Christopher
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cable for Nextstation/JetPilot/Epson Stylus Color 400 Date: 12 Jun 1998 18:22:10 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6lrrki$klj$> References: <> cqw <> wrote: > readers, > > I have a NeXTstation Turbo Color, an Epson Stylus Color 400 and >JetPilot. The Epson has a Centronics 36 pin port, and the NeXT only the >'B' serial port available. Anyone ever run into this or a similar >situation? What I am looking for is a cable or how to make one so that >I may use the color printer with my NeXT rather than the other OS I am >forced to work with........... Converters exist, but printing will still be slow. Also, note that the NeXT has a RS422, not an RS232, so maybe not all converters will work. You're probably better off if you get a network interface for your printer, and print through Ethernet. *Much* faster. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT printer Date: 12 Jun 1998 16:33:49 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <6lrl9d$bh7$> References: <> <6kkam9$ebd$> <> <6ln5f0$2u5$> Wesley Horner <> wrote: > is in the etc directory and called somthing like lpd-allow. Check the man page > on lpr to get the exact name. hosts.lpd after I gave it a look. -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: (bah) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 00:47:35 GMT Organization: iiNet Technologies Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> <6lnaiq$fj4$> <> <6lrdlo$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 12 Jun 1998 14:23:52 GMT, pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) wrote: >This makes me very suspicious of the actual existence of an Alpha part: >To the best of my knowledge, the *only* MicroSoft OS that Alphas will run >is Windows NT. They (Alphas) will also run VMS, Digital Unix, and Linux. >Seeing the claim for Windows 95 makes me think that either (1) this is >still a dream, or (2) someone who created the web site really doesn't >know what s/he is talking about. > >PB Schechter > i alway thought that one of the better things about having an alpha is that you can only run a real OS, this specifically excludes win95, i suspect that they have no clue Jamie ps: rock sucks anyway, industrial forever hehe
From: Zheng Hua <> Newsgroups: Subject: Problem in installing 3G HD Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 16:32:11 -0500 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I tried to install a Quantum Fireball ST3.2S 3G HD to a NextStation running NextStep3.2, but it cannot be initialized. It can be recognized by the system, and the label can be written, but then there's an error message: boot block extends beyond front porch Anybody knows how to deal with it? Does it have anything to do with the 2G limit of HD partition that NextStep can handle? TKS a lot for your help!
From: (Christopher Browne) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 13 Jun 1998 01:54:21 GMT Organization: Hex.Net Superhighway, DFW Metroplex 817-329-3182 Message-ID: <6lsm4d$14p$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> On 10 Jun 1998 18:06:47 GMT, John Rudd <> wrote: > >Got my new issue of PS in the mail the other day.. in their section >previewing new high tech products, they mention a great new idea in personal >computing: > >Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! > >Wow, the innovation in the PC market will never cease to amaze me.. The *important* innovative question is, of course, whether the "Rock City" PC comes with the girl or not... (Before flaming such flagrant and obvious sexism, first see the web site at <>...) -- "Are [Linux users] lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of reliable, well-engineered commercial software?" (By Matt Welsh) - <>
From: "Anthony D. Schneider" <> Newsgroups: Subject: BIG RIPOFF Date: 13 Jun 1998 02:29:02 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6lso5e$> THIS OUTFIT WILL RIP YOUR MONEY OFF AND YOU WILL GET NOTHING DIGITAL ANXIETIES THEY GOT US FOR $ 250.00 DOLLARS AT DAYTON HAMVENTION...... OUR CALLS ARE NEVER RETURNED............THE PRODUCT WE PAID FOR WAS NEVER SENT........AND CALL AFTER CALL GETS AN ANSWERING MACHINE. JUST ANOTHER BROKE FLY-BY-NIGHT COMPUTER COMPANY WITH OUT AS MUCH AS A FAX MACHINE begin 600 rip.jpg M_]C_X `02D9)1@`!`0$!+ $L``#_VP!#``4#! 0$`P4$! 0%!04&!PP(!P<' M!P\+"PD,$0\2$A$/$1$3%AP7$Q0:%1$1&"$8&AT='Q\?$Q<B)"(>)!P>'Q[_ MVP!#`04%!0<&!PX(" X>%!$4'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX> M'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'AX>'A[_P `1" %*`BL#`2(``A$!`Q$!_\0` M'P```04!`0$!`0$```````````$"`P0%!@<("0H+_\0`M1 ``@$#`P($`P4% M! 0```%]`0(#``01!1(A,4$&$U%A!R)Q%#*!D:$((T*QP152T? 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From: (Izumi Ohzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Does any body have the pin-out for the DSP port?!? Date: 13 Jun 1998 00:20:31 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Distribution: world Message-ID: <6lsgkf$r0h$> References: <3580b5f3.4915548@news-server> In article <3580b5f3.4915548@news-server> (James Smith) writes: >I''ve desided that I would like to have a digital sound input on my >NeXT. I'm wondering if it might be posible through the DSP port. >Thanks everybody! D-15 DSP ---------------------- 1 SCK 2 SRD 3 STD 4 SCLK 5 RXD 6 TXD 7 +12V, 500mA 8 -12V, 100mA 9 GND 10 GND 11 GND 12 SC2 13 SC1 14 SC0 15 GND -- See also:
From: Jonathan Hendry <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 13 Jun 1998 02:54:45 GMT Organization: Steel Driving Software, Chicago Sender: Jonathan Hendry <> Message-ID: <6lspll$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> <6lsl8f$co3$> > In article <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1>, > Todd Heberlein <> wrote: > >John Rudd <> wrote > >> Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! > > > >See the following web address for a bad picture: > > > > > >It is also being discussed in the "Rock City" thread. > > > >The innovative feature is the brace that stands it up on the cube's > >corner. Combined with the flat panel monitor (a fairly small one), > >it takes very little desk space. The cube looks a bit gaudy. It would look good in an apartment full of Patrick Nagel prints and neon sculptures from Sharper Image. It looks a little like the base of a lamp you'd find at a flea market. The coolest computer I've seen was an HP PA-Risc workstation, running NeXTSTEP, built into a 1024x768 LCD display. It was about three inches thick, and the display was on a little tripod stand. It was a utilitarian gray, and had a prototype-ish look about it. This was around late 1994/early 1995. A G3 motherboard built into the back of an Apple Studio Display would be way, way cool. Especially if the display could do 1280x1024. Put it on a drafting-lamp-style arm, and it'd be fabulous. - Jon
From: (Lupo LeBoucher) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 13 Jun 1998 01:39:27 GMT Organization: Illuminati Online Message-ID: <6lsl8f$co3$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Jun 1998 01:39:27 GMT In article <01bd94d0$42ddea30$04387880@test1>, Todd Heberlein <> wrote: >John Rudd <> wrote >> Someone is about to release a PC in a fashionable black cube! > >See the following web address for a bad picture: > > >It is also being discussed in the "Rock City" thread. > >The innovative feature is the brace that stands it up on the cube's >corner. Combined with the flat panel monitor (a fairly small one), >it takes very little desk space. > >With a 233 MHz Cyrix, with a board supporting a maximum CPU speed of >300 MHz, it looks pretty underwhelming. You apparently missed the 533 Mhz alpha model. Too bad NeXT is still 32 bit. -Lupo "and then, the madness, the frenzy, the boiling blood and the smoking brow, with which, for a thousand lowerings old Ahab has furiously,foamingly chased his prey- more a demon than a man!" <>
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Apple keyboard&Mouse Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 22:10:48 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <6lp7ci$18p4$> original_graphic <> wrote: > I think the NeXT ADB system is capable to use Apple keyboard and mouse, > right? Are there anyone using Apple keyboard with apple mouse? are there any > problem with that? They'll work just fine. Fun ADB items: On the Apple Extended Keyboard, in the cluster of 6 keys above the arrow keys, the left pair act as volume up/down, and the right pair act as brightness keys. The function keys generate COMMAND-1 thru COMMAND-9. If you can find an Apple II GS ADB mouse, the right button acts like the right button on the NeXT mouse, and can be configured in Preferences. If you are usign the NeXT ADB keyboard, you can swap the COMMAND and HELP keys using Preferences. Some of the Logitech 3 button ADB mice (Series M-AC13-4 AD) are recognized, and work as 2 button NeXT mice (and the middle button generates a 'BOTH buttons down', which at least one X server product interpreted as a middle button down...) The CoStar Stingray Trackball was made in black, looks good next to NeXT keyboard, and worked well. -- Mike Paquette "Troubled Microsoft Corporation" and the "Troubled Microsoft" logo are trade and service marks of Microsoft Corporation.
From: Joao Pedro Sousa <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation won't boot Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:41:15 +0100 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Greetings everyone. How do I power-up a NeXTstation TurboColor without using the power key? Whenever I try to start it by pressing this key, nothing happens. Thinking that it might be the internal battery I replaced it, but it's not working anyway. The new battery that I installed isn't a Panasonic (like the original one), but it's also a 3V lithium one of the same shape and size. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks, --JPSousa
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: 13 Jun 1998 07:13:39 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6lttu3$2i6$> I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely attractive. .......... kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: "Joerg Spix" <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Digital Camera dor NeXT Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 17:10:36 +0200 Organization: C. v. Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg - Fachbereich Informatik Message-ID: <6lu4nk$cg5@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> References: <6lqk4f$> Gerriet M. Denkmann <> wrote: Hi, > Is this a hardware (camera) or software (driver program) question? It's a software question. At least the Cameras with Software for the Mac must have a serial interface. (I'm rather sure, that tey won't use AppleTalk.) > Anyway: I am looking for a digital camera which works with my NeXT cube. > I know of the Sony Mavica, which stores pictures in jpg format on > floppies, but it has a rather small resolution (something like 640 x 480 > pixels only) and is sort of expensive. Try to get a Mavica used (which is very difficult, I know). Do you really need a higher resolution? If you want high quality picures a digital camera is not what you are looking for. Use a traditional camera and scan the pictures or use PhotoDisc as the medium. (I have seen PhotoDisc readers for the NeXT.) > What other cameras have a serial line connection, and a driver program for > NeXT, a driver programm in source code, or at least, a complete > documentation, how to read and interpret data from the serial line? > > There must be someone with a digital camera and a NeXT machine somewhere! Yes, but I was really lucky to get a Mavica used for half the price. It's worth the money, I think. You can get floppy disks anywhere, the battery can fill up to 25 Disks which is up to 500 pictures (or more) before you need to charge it. Joerg -- (
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation won't boot MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <0kxg1.34297$> Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 15:57:48 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 08:57:48 PDT Organization: @Home Network Having replaced the battery, my next thought would be a defective power supply. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6lttu3$2i6$> Message-ID: <Doxg1.34298$> Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 16:02:43 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 09:02:43 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6lttu3$2i6$> Kristofer Jon Magnusson wrote: > > > I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely > attractive. Very much so.... Even looks like the ADB style mouse. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: (Alex Kac) Newsgroups: Subject: Modem and Cube? Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 12:05:19 -0500 Organization: Web Information Solutions---Interactive and database web design studio Message-ID: <alex-1306981205190001@> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Jun 1998 17:05:24 GMT What kind of Modem and where do I hook it up to a Next Cube? 040/25Mhz. Thanks. -- Web Information Solutions CEO <> VersaCom Chief Technology Officer <> I don't speak for my employer, which oddly enough is myself
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 17:50:21 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6lufjf$9l1$> References: <6lttu3$2i6$> What or should I say who makes this? Talk about a clone. Carl... Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > >I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely >attractive. >.......... kris >-- > Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> > "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum > as a major attribute of space."
From: "argon" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTBus Development Kit Message-ID: <GDBg1.8$> Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 20:51:50 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 13:51:50 PDT Organization: TWC Road Runner, San Diego, CA I remeber having the NeXTBus development kit docs a while back, and was wondering if anybody still has a copy; no particular plans, but I wanted to check something out. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
From: "mayday" <> Newsgroups: Subject: #9-64Pro with OPENSTEP4.2 Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 18:18:57 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6lv1h8$1l5a$> Hi! Have you guys ever tried #9-64 pro with OPENSTEP4.2? It shows that this VGA card compat with OPENSTEP4.2. After installation, OPENSTEP detects it! but I can't change its resolution. Worse... I couldn't see the color(the screen shows only black and white)? I tried to install OPENSTEP to another machine with Diamond... OPENSTEP also detects it and the same results. No color.. What should I do to make the color bring up in OPENSTEP? Best Regards, May
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6lve55$q04$> Control: cancel <6lve55$q04$> Date: 14 Jun 1998 02:56:45 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6lve55$q04$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT 3.3 Install on intel??? Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 22:38:34 -0400 Organization: ServiceTech, Inc. Message-ID: <> Can anyone supply instructions or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance please reply to:
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 14 Jun 1998 03:49:15 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI CD-R recommendations for use with OpenStep? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <iAJg1.34314$> Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 05:54:22 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 22:54:22 PDT Organization: @Home Network I'd like to hear of good/bad reports of people's experiences with CD-R drives, especially ones they have used under OpenStep. Are there only a few models supported by the OpenStep CD writing software? TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: "OPEN" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: SC and OPENSTEP Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 03:04:51 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6m00bi$l5q$> Hello? just wondering are there NeXT users using SystemCommander to select between OPENSTEP and NT (or win95)? Does it work well? Do you have any trick to make it works? TIA. OPEN
From: Joao Pedro Sousa <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation won't boot Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 12:35:26 +0100 Message-ID: <> References: <> <0kxg1.34297$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks. Now, how do I reliable check the power supply? --JPSousa TjL wrote: > > Having replaced the battery, my next thought would be a defective power > supply. > > TjL > > -- > "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and > the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" > -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: Subject: Computers for your business!!! Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Jun 98 12:02:07 GMT Custom Built Computers, we carry high quality computer components, including Asus Motherboards, Tyan Motherboards, AMD K6 Processors, Intel Pentium Processors, Diamond Video cards, Matrox Video card, Creative Labs Sound Blaster Sound cards, Seagate and Quantum Hard drives. Check us out. We guarantee our products! Regards
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 14 Jun 1998 12:09:32 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FREE INTERNET GAMES! Win CASH and PRIZES! Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 08:55:15 -0700 Organization: Sexaholic Message-ID: <> begin 644 TRIVIACHALLANGE.html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end <=<><<<>><<=<===><<=
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 14 Jun 1998 13:28:38 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation won't boot Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 17:18:22 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <> Joao Pedro Sousa <> writes: > Thanks. > Now, how do I reliable check the power supply? You can have a look at my NeXT power supply repair page under I would recommend to test it with a few lamps of appropriate voltage and power rating. Or by inserting it into another NeXT which is know to function otherwise. Bye, Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: (Salvatore Denaro) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 15 Jun 1998 01:28:10 GMT Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <6m0rce$ndd$> On 14 Jun 1998 15:48:30 GMT, mmalcolm crawford <> wrote: >I agree with Scott's critique, though, and Salvatore's comment on the >gaudiness of the Rock City cube. On the other hand, what might be cool would >be a "cube" with real Gaudi'-ness, although I'm sure it wouldn't be cubic... What about a Dali-esque half melted cube? Or a Frank Loyd Wright "falling-water" style cantilever cube? (Cube on a stick with a desk lamp on the other end) Or a Monty Python "giant foot" computer, with the big toe working as the power switch? The possibilities are endless. Good taste is still finite though... :) -- Salvatore Denaro
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI card AVA1505 for ZIP ? Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 08:37:04 -0700 Message-ID: <6m3fbr$nla$> References: <6m2lbc$15e$> My experience with Zip Plus very unfortunate. It hosed my hard drive due to SCSI sense errors on boot up. The first time I connected up the Zip Plus, the system would not boot, only gave bad block errors on hard drive on boot. I disconnected, rebooted, ran fsck, and was able to boot normally. I then STUPIDLY!!!!! thought that it was a termination issue, reconnected the Zip and tried again. This time it hosed the hard drive completely, I cannot even run fsck. DO NOT TRY THE PLUS, get a SCSI Insider. (They do seem hard to find at this time). Good Luck. M. Barnils wrote in message <6m2lbc$15e$>... >I want to buy a ZIP SCSI or a ZIP Plus but I need'nt an expensive SCSI card. >I think I can use an Adaptec AVA1505 card with the Adaptec 6x60 driver. (I >have Openstep 4.1 for Intel) > >What do you think about that ? > >I hear I have to end the SCSI chain on the ZIP with a "terminate top" (I >don't know the right word). > >If you could help me in my choice. > >Thanks > >Laurent BARNILS > (NeXT Mail or Mime) > (Mime only)
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SC and OPENSTEP Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 08:46:38 -0700 Message-ID: <6m3ftp$nu6$> References: <6m00bi$l5q$> Yes it works. I have dos, NS 3.3, windoze95 and NT 4.0 server all on 1 boot disk. (4.3 Barracuda) 250 MB dos, 2GB NS 3.3, 800 MB w95 and the rest for NT server. The only pain is that 95 "eats" the boot sector any time you have to reinstall, which seems way too often. This is covered in manual and as long as you read the manual and don't panic, it is a good way to go if you must work in MS environments. OPEN wrote in message <6m00bi$l5q$>... >Hello? >just wondering are there NeXT users using SystemCommander to select between >OPENSTEP and NT (or win95)? Does it work well? Do you have any trick to make >it works? TIA. >OPEN > >
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: 15 Jun 98 11:51:53 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6lttu3$2i6$> <6lufjf$9l1$> In-reply-to:'s message of Sat, 13 Jun 1998 17:50:21 GMT In article <6lufjf$9l1$> writes: What or should I say who makes this? Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > > >I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely >attractive. Well, drop to the root of the site, and you get Siemens Nixdorf. Going by the URL, it looks like it might be a UK version. I've found some interesting bits, such as: This is a system about the size of a NeXTstation (a little taller, a little narrower). Can take a Pentium CPU (TX chipset), on-board Matrox Mystique, fast ethernet. I'd bet it could run NeXTSTEP, though probably not using any of the more interesting features (such as flash memory for the OS to load from). Aha, here's a web page with some thumbnails, which might give some more info: But I can't really find anything else, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 15 Jun 98 10:48:01 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <6m0rce$ndd$> <> <> In-reply-to: Jonathan W Hendry's message of 15 Jun 98 03:16:34 GMT In article <>, Jonathan W Hendry <> writes: When Apple introduces the next translucent Mac, they should have a little fun. Following in the footsteps of the magnesium-alloy cube chassis, they should unveil the new box glowing, like the iMac was. But Jobs should announce that the case is filled with 'electroluminescent plasma'. Actually, I want one made out of "scrith" (see Ringworld by Niven). You'd have to install it in a slight depression, though, lest it slide off the edge of your desk. (Then acknowledge the gag, lest some milquetoast Mac wanker start calling for a class-action suit against Apple.) I'm just imaginging the fun we'll have when the first quantum computing peripheral comes out. [Could we have lawsuits on problems which haven't been observed because they don't want to influence the indeterminate nature of the problem?] -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 11 Jun 98 21:51:25 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> In-reply-to:'s message of 12 Jun 1998 04:19:37 GMT In article <6lqa8p$m6c$>, (Don Yacktman) writes: (Scott Hess) wrote: > [...] if you can't cleanly place them in the base unit, hide the > floppy and CD-ROM around the side of the monitor, while you're at > it, I disagree with this part. One of the things that always annoyed me about the NeXT slabs was that the floppy slot was on the side. So remove the floppy! Problem solved! I've traditionally been short on desk space and the need to keep an area clear next to the slab has been a major pain in the rear for me. Actually, part of my justification for positioning on the side is that I use the floppy drive on my NeXTstation so seldom that it doesn't really make a difference where it is. In fact, the only uses I've had for it in like a year has been to put drivers and the like onto a DOS format floppy, because I powered down my Intel machine _then_ realized I needed something off the net... The solution for the slab is to put the slot in the front and then have a little door that swings down to provide access when you need it and swings up to make the case look good the rest of the time (like the one in the front of a VCR that hides all the little controls that are more esoteric than "play", "rewind" and "eject"). The door should be motorized, of course. Actually, the slab's floppy isn't that annoying as it is, since it's just a hole in the case, without eject buttons and the like. I'd be willing to match it up with a slot CD-ROM. Unfortunately, even the front of a pizza box isn't that great of a place for a CD-ROM drive. They just need too much space. Perhaps these drives could be installed under the keyboard, then you can just lift it a bit to clear some space... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 12 Jun 98 08:56:53 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <Om2g1.34230$> <6lra9i$6mk$> In-reply-to:'s message of Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:26:10 GMT In article <6lra9i$6mk$>, writes: Hmmm... if one bought a standard "internal" CD-ROM drive, could it easily be mounted inside the case from the original NeXT CD-ROM drive? Sure, no problem, I took mine apart before moving this winter, just to see if it needed any cleaning, and things looked pretty standard in there. I'd give you my standard "But current drives might run hotter, and thus might not be workable", except that in my experience current external drives come in _smaller_ cases, also without fans. And in my experience (with <=16x drives), CD-ROMs simply don't run all that hot anyhow. CD-R's are another story. My external CD-R is in a case smaller than my NeXT CD-ROM case, and it is _hot_. Hot enough that I'd hesitate to install it internal to a well-populated tower. But the drive itself must be able to handle the heat fine, because the entire case is hot, yet the drive has worked for a year and a half, now, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which HP Models run NeXTSTEP? Date: 15 Jun 1998 18:57:03 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <VCah1.6250$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <VCah1.6250$>, <> wrote: > >Does anyone know >if and where there exists a compatibility list for HP models? Check out NeXTanswer 1844, available at -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI Timeouts MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <Y6gh1.34473$> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 21:12:24 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:12:24 PDT Organization: @Home Network I keep getting these errors.... I've run the drive through the Adaptec verify media, and no errors were found. Anyone want to guess why this might be happening? Is the drive dying? TjL Jun 15 14:29:39 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1469632 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:29:39 luomat mach: sd2: Selection Timeout : FATAL ERROR Jun 15 14:29:39 luomat mach: sd2: Target Dropped Busy; Retrying. Jun 15 14:49:32 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:674880 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:49:32 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:813824 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:49:32 luomat mach: sd2: Bus Reset Detected; Retrying. Jun 15 14:49:32 luomat mach: sd2: I/O Timeout; Retrying. Jun 15 14:50:13 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1175744 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:50:13 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1314624 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:50:13 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1525440 blockCount:16 Jun 15 14:50:13 luomat mach: sd2: Selection Timeout : FATAL ERROR Jun 15 14:50:13 luomat mach: sd2: Target Dropped Busy; Retrying. Jun 15 14:54:48 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:7(d) (UNDEFINED) Jun 15 14:54:48 luomat mach: sd2: Illegal request; FATAL. Jun 15 14:54:53 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:7(d) (UNDEFINED) Jun 15 14:54:53 luomat mach: sd2: Illegal request; FATAL. Jun 15 14:55:11 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:7(d) (UNDEFINED) Jun 15 14:55:11 luomat mach: sd2: Illegal request; FATAL. Jun 15 15:00:16 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1175744 blockCount:16 Jun 15 15:00:16 luomat mach: sd2: Target Dropped Busy; Retrying. Jun 15 15:00:18 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1175744 blockCount:16 Jun 15 15:00:18 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1314624 blockCount:16 Jun 15 15:00:18 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:813824 blockCount:16 Jun 15 15:00:18 luomat mach: sd2: Selection Timeout : FATAL ERROR Jun 15 16:12:47 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1090256 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:12:47 luomat mach: sd2: Target Dropped Busy; Retrying. Jun 15 16:12:48 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1090256 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:12:48 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:121968 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:12:48 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1469616 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:12:48 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:813856 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:12:48 luomat mach: sd2: Selection Timeout : FATAL ERROR Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:1158400 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:126912 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:813824 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:813840 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: sd2: Bus Reset Detected; Retrying. Jun 15 16:14:39 luomat mach: sd2: I/O Timeout; Retrying. Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:1020816 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:4560 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:121920 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:121984 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1469616 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:1469632 blockCount:16 Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: sd2: Bus Reset Detected; Retrying. Jun 15 16:15:35 luomat mach: sd2: I/O Timeout; Retrying. Jun 15 17:06:58 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:121920 blockCount:16 Jun 15 17:06:58 luomat mach: sd2: Target Dropped Busy; Retrying. Jun 15 17:06:59 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Read block:121920 blockCount:16 Jun 15 17:06:59 luomat mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:121920 blockCount:16 Jun 15 17:06:59 luomat mach: sd2: Selection Timeout : FATAL ERROR -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 4.2/dual headed/mga milleniums? Date: 15 Jun 1998 17:12:37 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6m3km5$sr1$> References: <UbUg1.120$> (David Young) wrote: >i had read that you can dual-head with 3.3/4.2/etc using Matrox Millenium PCI >cards on intel boxes. is there any special hackery needed to accomplish this? >don't you have to keep one of them from trying to grab the VGA memory? You have to use same kind of video card (no mixing I and II). Then, you just inactivate VGA by the jumper on the second video card. Install one more driver (Instance1) in and you are set. Please be sure that you have enough memory for dual head configuration. The second monitor will added on the right side of the original. Enjoy! --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
Subject: Which HP Models run NeXTSTEP? Newsgroups: From: Message-ID: <VCah1.6250$> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:56:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 10:56:53 EDT I recently came accross a usenet posting offering some HP 700 and 900 at really nice prices ($300-800) for machines with RAM and monitors. Since I have several machines running some brand of UNIX right now anyway, HP/UX by itself isn't of much interest to me. Running NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, however, would be most excellent. Does anyone know if and where there exists a compatibility list for HP models? If it turn out some of these models run it, I'll post a message giving a pointer to the sale. Thanks! Peace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: John Wood <> Newsgroups:,,,comp.sys.mac.wanted, Subject: FS: NeXT Dimension Cube Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:08:43 -0700 Organization: Arizona State University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII NeXT Dimension Cube for sale, working set includes cube with Dimension board installed, NeXT 17' color display, soundbox, keyboard, mouse, and all cabling. Specs as follows: ---------------------- Cube: 25 MhZ Motorola 68040 processor, 40 Megs of RAM, 1.3 Gig SCSI Hard Disk, NeXT floppy Drive (2.88/1.44). Dimension Board: 33 MhZ Intel i860 video processor, 8 megs of RAM, NTSC configured input/output, RCA-style and 4pin connections. Display: NeXT 17-inch MegaPixel display. Software: NeXTSTEP 3.1 installed on HD, 600 Megs of extra apps on HD, including Adobe FrameMaker, AppSoft Draw, etc. ---------------------- Will sell all for $ 720.00, buyer pays shipping. Contact via email.
From: (Andrew Miehs) Newsgroups: Subject: IBM Thinkpad 600 Date: 16 Jun 1998 00:07:47 GMT Organization: Cybernet Internet-Dienstleistungen AG Message-ID: <6m4d0j$8o5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi... Does anyone know of a video driver for the IBM ThinkPad 600? I am looking at buying this machine, but without drivers for the NeoMagic, thinks are looking a bit dim... Thanks andrew
From: (Ralph Schmidt) Newsgroups: Subject: Asus BX with Adaptec 7890 Ultra2 Date: 15 Jun 1998 22:43:42 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <6m482u$g0q$> Has anybody successfully installed Openstep 4.2 on that configuration? P.S. 3.3 doesn´t work with uptodate drivers. Regards. -- Ralph Schmidt,,NextMail welcome Phase5 ,,NextMail welcome
From: (Michael S. Barthelemy) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 1998 03:25:20 GMT Organization: A-Link Network Services, Inc. Message-ID: <6m4oj0$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> In article <Y6gh1.34473$> (TjL) writes: > > I keep getting these errors.... > > I've run the drive through the Adaptec verify media, and no errors were > found. > > Anyone want to guess why this might be happening? Is the drive dying? > > TjL > > [SCSI errors deleted] > I have seen errors like this when attempting to run the SCSI bus at a MHz above what all of your devices can support. (I get them when attempting to run mine over 10MHz because my CD-ROM can't cope with the faster speed.) Mike Barthelemy
From: (Arne Sieg) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: 14 Jun 1998 22:13:26 GMT Organization: Institut fuer Informatik der Universitaet Muenchen Message-ID: <6m1hu6$> References: <6lttu3$2i6$> <6lufjf$9l1$> wrote: >What or should I say who makes this? >Talk about a clone. "Frog Design" designed them and also all the Nexts. >Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: >> > >>I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely >>attractive. The SNI PCs (Pentiums, maybe the newest ones have PIIs) were new about one year after Next stopped hardware production. They even have ADB-keyboards and mice. -- Arne Sieg +++ exchange xxx with informatik to reply +++ "I think people are happy using Windows, and that's an extremely depressing thought." -= Steve Jobs, 1/96 =-
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> Message-ID: <%iuh1.34515$> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 13:20:59 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 06:20:59 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6m4oj0$> Michael S. Barthelemy wrote: > I have seen errors like this when attempting to run the SCSI bus at a MHz > above what all of your devices can support. (I get them when attempting to > run mine over 10MHz because my CD-ROM can't cope with the faster speed.) That would seem odd since I have not changed anything in my setup (and the drive is 7 years old, so battle fatigue seems likely). I've been using this drive with this computer for a year. I'm not even sure where that (the MHz) would be controlled. Is that in the Adaptec settings somewhere? Disconnecting the drive solved all the problems :-( but that's not a great option. TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 15:46:16 +0200 From: Heinrich Gennheimer <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: CC: Subject: disktab Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: University of Zurich Hello When trying to partition my IBM DCAS 4.33 GB disk, I encountered several problems: a) The "disk" command would create 3 equally sized partitions even if it was invoked with the "-t" option, i.e. wouldn't care about what was written in the "disktab" file. The disk label did not contain the right information after the initialization, e.g wrong sector size (1024) and rpm(3600), probably it didn't read the disktab information at all. b) On other occasions "disk" would not succeed in initializing my disk, but at least it read "disktab" and wrote some of the information to the label.I got the following error message: myhost:2# disk -t DCAS-34330-512 -i /dev/rsd1a disk name: DCAS-34330-512 disk type: fixed_rw_scsi writing disk label No boot blocks specified in label <--------- myhost:3# disk /dev/rsd1a disk name: IBM DCAS-34330 disk type: fixed_rw_scsi Disk utility disk> l label information: print, write? p current label information on disk: disk label version #3 disk label: Disk disk name: DCAS-34330-512 disk type: fixed_rw_scsi ncyls 8205 ntrack 6 nsect 171 rpm 5400 ------------------------------------------ until here it's o.k. here come the ERRORS: sector_size 512 front_porch -1 back_porch -1 <------ wrong front porch ngroups -1 ag_size -1 ag_alts -1 ag_off -1 <------ wrong boot blocks: #1 at -1 #2 at -1 <------ wrong host name: localhost part base size bsize fsize cpg density minfree newfs optim automount type disk> q c) the third kind of error message I got, was: myhost:2# disk -t DCAS-34330-512 -i /dev/rsd1a disk name: DCAS-34330-512 : unknown disk type Which I do not understand. So it seems that "disk" either creates partitions with a size I don't want and a label which isn't correct or it will not create partitions at all but write a label that is 50% right and 50% wrong... I'm starting to loose my PATIENCE .... Perhaps you have any idea what the problem might be? what should I check/did I forget? P.S. The machine crashed once during an "init". Is it possible that this destroyed anything on the disk? Thanks for your help! This is my disktab entry: DCAS-34330-512:|IBM DCAS|DCAS-34330|IBM DCAS-34330-512:\ :ty=fixed_rw_scsi:nc#8205:nt#6:ns#171:ss#512:rm#5400:\ :fp#320:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#64:z1#192:hn=localhost:ro=a:\ :pa#0:sa#4194304:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#16:da#8192:ra#10:\ :oa=time:ia:ta=4.3BSD:\ :pb#4194304:sa#4194304:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#16:db#8192:rb#10:\ :ob=time:ib:tb=4.3BSD:\ :pc#8388608:sc#78271:bc#8192:fc#1024:cc#16:dc#8192:rc#10:\ :oc=time:ic:tc=4.3BSD:\ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: John Wood <> Newsgroups: Subject: Drivers, SCSI support question Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 01:26:49 -0700 Organization: Arizona State University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I had posted earlier about SCSI support in NS3.3/OS4.2 for my card (ncr53c875) and hear from some others that there is no support for it. Support exists up to 53c825, and it seems that there continues to be development of drivers. Are these being done by private individuals, companies, or next? I would really enjoy running NeXTSTEP again, but I do not want to downgrade to IDE. Does anyone have any info/help? John Wood
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 1998 18:21:43 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m6d3n$g8a$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> (TjL) wrote: [ ... ] >> I have seen errors like this when attempting to run the SCSI bus at a MHz >> above what all of your devices can support. (I get them when attempting to >> run mine over 10MHz because my CD-ROM can't cope with the faster speed.) > > That would seem odd since I have not changed anything in my setup (and the > drive is 7 years old, so battle fatigue seems likely). I've been using > this drive with this computer for a year. SCSI timeout errors indicate something is wrong with the bus-- such as the cabling, termination, term power, host adaptor, or electronics in one of the devices. A physical drive failure would not cause that error. >I'm not even sure where that (the MHz) would be controlled. Is that in the >Adaptec settings somewhere? Yup. Do a Cntl-A, configure/view host adaptor settings, SCSI device configuration, and adjust "initiate sync negotiation" and "maximum sync transfer rate" downward towards 5 MB/s. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Michael S. Barthelemy) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 1998 17:27:59 GMT Organization: A-Link Network Services, Inc. Message-ID: <6m69uv$> References: <%iuh1.34515$> In article <%iuh1.34515$> (TjL) writes: > In <6m4oj0$> Michael S. Barthelemy wrote: > > > I have seen errors like this when attempting to run the SCSI bus at a MHz > > above what all of your devices can support. (I get them when attempting to > > run mine over 10MHz because my CD-ROM can't cope with the faster speed.) > > That would seem odd since I have not changed anything in my setup (and the > drive is 7 years old, so battle fatigue seems likely). I've been using this > drive with this computer for a year. > > I'm not even sure where that (the MHz) would be controlled. Is that in the > Adaptec settings somewhere? If you have a recent Adaptec card when you boot the computer it should tell you what keys to hit to go into setup mode. Otherwise if you card is older than that, I don't think it is changeable. > Disconnecting the drive solved all the problems :-( > but that's not a great option. Sounds like it is the drive. You got 7 good years out of it, which is pretty amazing anyways. I have an original series Segate Barracuda which I just decommissioned for being 5 years old. Experimental evidence has suggested to me that five years is an appropriate limit for drive usage. (All of mine run 24/7) Mike Barthelemy
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color Printers , Do they autoswitch power 110/240 V ? Date: 16 Jun 1998 19:56:52 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m6im4$hhr$> References: <> Rob Blessin <> wrote: >Do NeXT color printers autoswitch from 110 to 240 , or is there a manual >switch or would they just fry the power supply if plugged in over seas?? There is a manual switch, colored red, inside the top cover to the rear (where the cables connect). Plugging the printer into the wrong voltage will blow the fuse and probably fry a transistor on the power supply board (Q102?-- vague memory).... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible." bus-- such as the > cabling, termination, term power, host adaptor, or electronics in one of the > devices. A physical drive failure would not cause that error. Ack! Don't tell my wife! I just ordered a new drive! > >I'm not even sure where that (the MHz) would be controlled. Is that in the > >Adaptec settings somewhere? > > Yup. Do a Cntl-A, configure/view host adaptor settings, SCSI device > configuration, and adjust "initiate sync negotiation" and "maximum sync > transfer rate" downward towards 5 MB/s. When you say 'adjust "initiate sync negotiation"' do you mean turn it on or off or toggle it to the opposite of whatever it currently set to? Why would this start happening now after all this time? Luck run out? Thanks again -- I've lost track of how many I owe you.... (and thanks to Michael for also suggesting this) TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
From: "kjc" <> Newsgroups:,,,comp.sys.mac.wanted, Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Cube Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 15:10:03 -0700 Organization: Internet Arena Message-ID: <6m464a$9qt$> References: <> What a Joke. You can pick up a better system for less at John Wood wrote in message ... > >NeXT Dimension Cube for sale, working set includes cube with Dimension board >installed, NeXT 17' color display, soundbox, keyboard, mouse, and all cabling. > >Specs as follows: >---------------------- > >Cube: 25 MhZ Motorola 68040 processor, 40 Megs of RAM, 1.3 Gig SCSI Hard >Disk, NeXT floppy Drive (2.88/1.44). > >Dimension Board: 33 MhZ Intel i860 video processor, 8 megs of RAM, NTSC >configured input/output, RCA-style and 4pin connections. > >Display: NeXT 17-inch MegaPixel display. > >Software: NeXTSTEP 3.1 installed on HD, 600 Megs of extra apps on HD, >including Adobe FrameMaker, AppSoft Draw, etc. >---------------------- >Will sell all for $ 720.00, buyer pays shipping. > >Contact via email. > > >
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 1998 21:45:49 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m6p2d$j7u$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> On Tue, 16 Jun 1998 17:06:27 -0400 (EDT), (TjL) wrote: > I hooked the drive to my NeXTstation. > > It says, when booting: > > label checksum error: 0x6470 was 0xdb1b > > Is there a way to fix that? Try /usr/etc/disk, use the label command to write a new label. Of course, it seriously helps if you know the partitioning on that drive, but it might be a way of recovering some of the contents. You might also do a search for backup superblocks, and try fsck'ing/mount'ing with the -b option to use another one.... Failing that, dd the whole thing to available space somewhere, and try a disk recovery place that claims to understand what a "big-endian BSD 4.3 FFS" filesystem format is. Assuming you want to spend the time/money and don't have adequate backups.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 1998 20:52:18 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m6lu2$i7d$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> (TjL) wrote: [ ... ] >> SCSI timeout errors indicate something is wrong with the bus-- such as the >> cabling, termination, term power, host adaptor, or electronics in one of >> the devices. A physical drive failure would not cause that error. > >Ack! Don't tell my wife! I just ordered a new drive! Well, a problem in the drive controller might cause that problem. But, if (for example) the drive wasn't spinning up, it would give a different error... >> Yup. Do a Cntl-A, configure/view host adaptor settings, SCSI device >> configuration, and adjust "initiate sync negotiation" and "maximum sync >> transfer rate" downward towards 5 MB/s. > >When you say 'adjust "initiate sync negotiation"' do you mean turn it on or >off or toggle it to the opposite of whatever it currently set to? Turning sync off should reduce the rate to 5 MB/s for all devices. Adjusting the other parameter controls whether you're running with wide (16-bit) transfers, or at the Ultra (20MB/s for 8-bit, 40MB/s for 16-bit) speed, versus 10/20 Fast (8/16), versus 5/5 for non-sync (I don't think you can do wide without sync).... >Why would this start happening now after all this time? Luck run out? Maybe you strained the cabling once too many a time and it's getting flaky, maybe ESD zapped something, who knows? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: New error >> Re: SCSI Timeouts MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> Message-ID: <g7Bh1.34531$> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 21:06:20 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 14:06:20 PDT Organization: @Home Network I hooked the drive to my NeXTstation. It says, when booting: label checksum error: 0x6470 was 0xdb1b Is there a way to fix that? TjL -- "soon": (adv) a time interval somewhere between this afternoon and the end of the world, if all goes as according to plan" -- From the Dictionary for Marketing
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Message-ID: <> From: root@ Date: 14 Jun 98 08:52:39 MDT References: <6lttu3$2i6$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6lttu3$2i6$> Kristofer Jon Magnusson wrote: > > > I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely > attractive. > > .......... kris But that monitor looks like it's going to flap wing and take off any second! Are those extrusions speakers?
From: (Gerben Wierda) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 07:28:59 GMT Organization: Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid Sender: news@AWT.NL Message-ID: <EuMvGC.921@AWT.NL> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <Om2g1.34230$> <6lra9i$6mk$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6lra9i$6mk$>, > writes: > Hmmm... if one bought a standard "internal" CD-ROM drive, could it > easily be mounted inside the case from the original NeXT CD-ROM > drive? > >Sure, no problem, I took mine apart before moving this winter, just to >see if it needed any cleaning, and things looked pretty standard in >there. Actually, a Toshiba CDR-400t just doesn't fit in the original NeXT CD-ROM casing (I tried). The Sony CD-ROM that is in there originally has a power connector that sits in a recess, while the Toshiba sticks farther out. As a result, the drive was just a couple of mm too deep. --- Gerben Wierda, Stafmedewerker Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid. Staff member Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy Javastraat 42, 2585 AP, Den Haag/The Hague, The Netherlands Tel (+31) 70 3639922 Fax (+31) 70 3608992 The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP! Exception#2! Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:44:24 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6m7767$ukk$> Hi what heppens when I turn on the NeXT ? it goes to NeXT ROM monitor instead of GUI... Hmmm I read the startup sequence from NeXTanswer. NeXTanswer said that I should set p command... well.. after I set the p command.. and use b to boot.. here is what I got. Exception #2 (0x8) at pc 0x1001a80 sp 0x87ff62a faultaddr 0x2106006 what's wrong with me machine? :( HELP me if you can I'm feeling down\\\\\\\\\> sarawoot
From: "cliff leong" <> Newsgroups:,,,comp.sys.mac.wanted, References: <> <6m464a$9qt$> Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Cube Message-ID: <upGh1.34557$> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 03:07:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:07:06 PDT Organization: @Home Network >What a Joke. You can pick up a better system for less at Not with a dimension board you can't.
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 23:31:19 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6lttu3$2i6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Kristofer Jon Magnusson wrote: > > > > I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely > attractive. Another variation from this month's wired: a computer that looks like the Next logo: m -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: "close" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Monitor type? Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 00:37:23 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6m7kr1$1cd8$> Hello? How many type of NeXT monitor in this world? So far, I saw the Sony trinitron color one, the Hitachi (I think) with 2 legs, the mono that has rectangle base(the one that is always seen in brochure) and the one that has quarter circle base (look strange to me, I saw only in Catalog). Are there any other models? CLOSE CLOSE
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Should I worried? Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 21:10:28 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6m78ms$id4$> Concerning to the last post about the NeXT ROM shows up instead of GUI. Guess what? After I turn off machine for a while, and turn it on... it self tests system and go to password enter (GUI) directly. Should I worried about the machine? Why didn't it go to GUI directly for the first time. but after I turned it off for a while, it works. anything wrong with the machine or OS? or nothing's wrong but it's because of the old machine? thank you for any input. your sincerely, sarawoot
From: "close" <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.mac.wanted, Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Cube Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 21:57:51 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6m7bfl$1a5q$> References: <> <6m464a$9qt$> !!!! ALERT!!!!! i don't agree with you, kjc. there're 3 issues of his offers, the deepspace, price and availability. First, deepspace site is, not a ;P Second, his offer is NeXT dimension cube.. deepspace sells the cube dimension for US$895 with 16/16MB RAM and 400HD. While John tries to sell his nice dimenstion cube for $720. his dimension comes with 40MB on '040-25Mhz and 8MB on dimension and comes with large 1.3MB-HD. PLUS! framemaker, Appsoftdraw, and extra stuffs on his HD. Third, availibility issue, have you noticed that the current stock at (not is "0" (read zero)? This is no joke offer, KJC. It's his business and I think this is the great deal :) CLOSE
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> <6m6p2d$j7u$> Message-ID: <9xKh1.34567$> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 07:48:21 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 00:48:21 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6m6p2d$j7u$> "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: > Try /usr/etc/disk, use the label command to write a new label. Good thing that answer didn't have teeth, it would have bitten me! > Of course, it seriously helps if you know the partitioning on that drive, > but it might be a way of recovering some of the contents. You might also > do a search for backup superblocks, and try fsck'ing/mount'ing with the -b > option to use another one.... It was a 991mb drive (post formatting) that was all NeXTStep > Failing that, dd the whole thing to available space somewhere, and try a disk > recovery place that claims to understand what a "big-endian BSD 4.3 FFS" > filesystem format is. Assuming you want to spend the time/money and don't > have adequate backups.... Actually I can manually mount it, and think I can copy what I need off of it (this drive had /LocalApps /LocalLibrary and /usr/local). I would just like to get it working again if I can. Assuming I can get what I need off of it, would this be a good time for a low-level format and start from scratch? Is this drive still dependable? (yeah, I know, ask Carnac.... but I'm looking for more of a "what would you do?" answer) TjL -- This email address does work. If you tried it previously and it bounced, my apologies.
From: mmalcolm crawford <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: New Popular Science Date: 17 Jun 1998 12:34:40 GMT Organization: P & L Systems Message-ID: <6m8d50$5mq$> References: <6lmhvn$k2i$> <> <> <> <6lqa8p$m6c$> <6m0rce$ndd$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Salvatore Denaro wrote: > On 14 Jun 1998 15:48:30 GMT, mmalcolm crawford <> wrote: > >I agree with Scott's critique, though, and Salvatore's comment on the > >gaudiness of the Rock City cube. On the other hand, what might be cool would > >be a "cube" with real Gaudi'-ness, although I'm sure it wouldn't be cubic... > > What about a Dali-esque half melted cube? Or a Frank Loyd Wright "falling-water" > style cantilever cube? > Falling Water might be a bit tricky, but you could do the face of the VC Morris Gift Shop easily enough (the doorway becomes the space for the floppy). The Guggenheim Museum might be fun too... of course my favourite would be the Imperial Hotel, but that would just be getting silly :-) Best wishes, mmalc. (Saddened to see that the Marin County Civic Center doesn't seem to be using his photo any more.)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 17 Jun 1998 13:11:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: "3d4fun-4" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Should I worried? (re Exception #2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6m78ms$id4$> Message-ID: <dRPh1.34572$> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 13:51:05 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 06:51:05 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6m78ms$id4$> "sarawoot" wrote: > Guess what? > After I turn off machine for a while, and turn it on... it self tests system > and go to password enter (GUI) directly. The same thing happened to me when I had the same Exception #2 error > Should I worried about the machine? > Why didn't it go to GUI directly for the first time. but after I turned it > off for a while, it works. > anything wrong with the machine or OS? or nothing's wrong but it's because > of the old machine? I had this same Exception #2 problem and it too would go away if I powered down for awhile (Note: it would never go away if I just rebooted. The system had to power down and then be turned back on). The machine would eventually panic if left on for a long time. I believe the problem was solved by replacing the RAM. TjL -- This email address does work. If you tried it previously and it bounced, my apologies.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem and Cube? Date: 17 Jun 1998 15:26:15 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m8n6n$522$> References: <alex-1306981205190001@> (Alex Kac) wrote: >What kind of Modem and where do I hook it up to a Next Cube? 040/25Mhz. Any kind of modem, pretty much-- although anything faster than 28.8 may not help, depending on how fast your machine can drive a serial connection. You connect it via a DB25 cable to DIN-8 plugged into a serial port, with the cable wired according to RS-423C. See 'man zs' about the "NeXT modem cable with flow control".... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 17 Jun 1998 15:39:56 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m8o0c$5b4$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> <6m6p2d$j7u$> <9xKh1.34567$> (TjL) wrote: >In <6m6p2d$j7u$> "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: >> Try /usr/etc/disk, use the label command to write a new label. > >Good thing that answer didn't have teeth, it would have bitten me! :-) >> Of course, it seriously helps if you know the partitioning on that drive, >> but it might be a way of recovering some of the contents. You might also >> do a search for backup superblocks, and try fsck'ing/mount'ing with the -b >> option to use another one.... > >It was a 991mb drive (post formatting) that was all NeXTStep Okay, that makes it easier. [ ... ] >Actually I can manually mount it, and think I can copy what I need off of it >(this drive had /LocalApps /LocalLibrary and /usr/local). I would just like >to get it working again if I can. Wow-- much easier, indeed. You might be lucky and just have had a random soft error in the label. >Assuming I can get what I need off of it, would this be a good time for a >low-level format and start from scratch? I'd say. I'd think about doing low-level reformat, and then a night's worth of full-disk scanning (dd the device to /dev/null in a continuously repeating loop, or maybe even writing to it via "yes | dd of=/dev/rsdXX ... ") and seeing whether you get any more errors. > Is this drive still dependable? (yeah, I know, ask Carnac.... but I'm > looking for more of a "what would you do?" answer) Is any drive dependable? :-) Backup your stuff.... Also, about your question that it can see the label in disk, try writing the label out anyway-- it should re-generate the checksum.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: #9-64Pro with OPENSTEP4.2 Date: 17 Jun 1998 15:22:09 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6m8mv1$522$> References: <6lv1h8$1l5a$> "mayday" <> wrote: [ ... ] > What should I do to make the color bring up in OPENSTEP? Run /NextAdmin/, select the display module, and adjust the resolution, color depth, and refresh rate to suit your preferences.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Herschel M. Brown) Newsgroups: Subject: Help Please! Build Disk Problem Date: 17 Jun 1998 19:07:16 GMT Organization: UO Message-ID: <> Ok, So I have a NeXT Turbo Slab, with 64 megs of ram, and a 400 meg drive. I attatched a 1.2 gig fireball, and did a build disk. It seemed to build fine. Then I took out the 400 meg drive, and installed the new one. It does tests fine, and goes through the hardware recognition process, and then it stops and says, "errorno2". and something about ect/root and it can't initalize that directory. I'm running OpsenStep 4.2 Any help would be appreciated Herschel M. Brown
From: (Glenn Parsons) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor type? Date: 17 Jun 1998 18:45:08 GMT Organization: DeepSpace Technologies Message-ID: <6m92rk$ffu$> References: <6m7kr1$1cd8$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Jun 1998 18:45:08 GMT In article <6m7kr1$1cd8$>, says... > >Hello? >How many type of NeXT monitor in this world? >So far, I saw the Sony trinitron color one, the Hitachi (I think) with 2 >legs, the mono that has rectangle base(the one that is always seen in >brochure) .. There were actually 2 models of that; the N4000 and N4000A. >..and the one that has quarter circle base (look strange to me, I >saw only in Catalog). >Are there any other models? >CLOSE CLOSE > One other color model with two variations; the Philips/Fimi. These are essentially the same monitor manufactured by Fimi in Italy. They are 17" monitors. The Philips had brightness/Contrast adjustments on the front whereas the Fimi did not. You can see the Philips pictured on the original NeXT brochure for the Color/Color Turbo Systems.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Monitor On Sun? Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 19:25:25 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6m96pu$rco$> Hi all, does anyone know if a NeXT Monitor will work on a Sun Sparc Classic? The connectors are the same 13w3. Carl...
Control: cancel <iAJg1.34314$> Newsgroups: From: (Lars A. Stole) Subject: cancel Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 19:57:57 GMT cancel
From: "M.VOLKERTS" <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Big disks Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 09:44:02 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <3588E162.8582B6A@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I just bought a used 4.5 Gb SCSI disk that i want to install Openstep4.1 on. Because Openstep wants a boot partition in the first 2Gb i can't just connect it and install. So what should i do? Partition the disk first using linux or even dos? I don't have openstep running now so i can't do it from within openstep. Any help would be appreciated. thanks, Marcel
From: Car Subject: Drive any new car for $100 p/month. Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 02:42:25 -0500 Drive any new car for $100 p/month. Any Make Any Model Any Price No Down Payment! No Bank Fees! No Security Deposits! Home Based Biz. Opportunity-NOT MLM! For more information, call 716-389-9669 and a live operator will take down your Name, Address, Phone, Fax (optional), and email (optional) so that we can send you an information package. It is important that you give this information, since we will not send any info without it.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 18 Jun 1998 07:55:30 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Car Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 18 Jun 1998 09:06:58 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Car Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation-ish PC Date: 18 Jun 1998 16:50:51 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6mbghb$cu$> References: <6lttu3$2i6$> <6lufjf$9l1$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6lufjf$9l1$> writes: > What or should I say who makes this? > > Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> wrote: > > > > > >I have no idea what the specs are on this puupy, but it is extremely > >attractive. > >Well, drop to the root of the site, and you get Siemens Nixdorf. >Going by the URL, it looks like it might be a UK version. I've found >some interesting bits, such as: > > > SNI still exist, and they still make pretty decent hardware. I just installed OPENSTEP on one of their PII machines the other day. Very excellent keyboard, and a nice closure, you can even install cards without ever using a screwdriver. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
Newsgroups: From: (Lars A. Stole) Subject: disktab entries for Zip and JAZ (2Gig) drives? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 19:36:59 GMT I have both an external ZIP drive and an external JAZ (2 gig) drive which I'd like to hook up to my Intel computer running OpenStep 4.2. Are there disktab entries for these devices? I'm aware of the stuff for the JAZ (1 gig) drive, but not these other devices. Any hlep would be greatly appreciated. Lars
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Big disks Date: 18 Jun 1998 19:57:15 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6mbrer$qri$> References: <3588E162.8582B6A@KVI.NL> "M.VOLKERTS" <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> wrote: > >I just bought a used 4.5 Gb SCSI disk that i want to install Openstep4.1 >on. Because Openstep wants a boot partition in the first 2Gb i can't >just connect it and install. So what should i do? Partition the disk >first using linux or even dos? I don't have openstep running now so i >can't do it from within openstep. Any help would be appreciated. > You can just connect it and install OPENSTEP. It has to be SCSI ID0, though. You'll be asked whether you want to partition the drive during installation process. You can partition and give some space to DOS or Linux according to your needs. The statement "first 2GB" means that the beginning of OPENTSTEP parition should be within 2GB of the drive for booting. Enjoy! PS. Does anybody know when the bug of "disk" command reporting wrong size for large drives got fixed? I know it's fixed in 4.2 and not in 3.3 but exactly in which release? 4.0? 4.1? I skipped them so I cannot check. Thanks. --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: jsd@gnyg.DOTcom Newsgroups:,, Subject: Rhapsody & Color Printers? Followup-To: Date: 18 Jun 1998 20:05:27 GMT Organization: Valley Business Equipment Message-ID: <6mbru7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Are there any exceptional quality color ink jet printers such as the Epson Color Stylus 3000 which work with Rhapsody? Direct E-mail responses are appreciated but please remove the Spam "DOT" Guard first. Many Thanks, J.D. - jsd@gnyg.DOTcom
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: any color monitor on color slab? Date: 18 Jun 1998 16:45:08 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6mbg6k$cu$> References: <> (Brady Green) wrote: >I am wondering if there's any way to get a standard 17" Sony multisync >display to work with a color slab? I have the original Y cable and the >soundbox, but have no idea where to look for an adapter of some sort... Can >someone please shed some light on this problem for me? It must sync on green, Sony probably will work. Adaptors could be bought from Deepspace Tech, maybe they still have them. Otherwise, the cable is simple, just wire through the three coax type cables, ignore the other pins. I've heard that Sun had Adaptors that were identical, but never saw them. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Another NeXTstation-ish PC chassis Date: 18 Jun 1998 14:52:40 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6mbumo$64f$> ElanVital Aegis B-5N This one is an NLX chassis. It requires a notebook computer CD-ROM. I think this chassis is easily as cool as the old object.station, although I wish it had fewer gee-gaws on the front of the chassis. ........... kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS3.3 quirks still in OS4.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980618175731.1635C-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Message-ID: <uOji1.34648$> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 02:12:42 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 19:12:42 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <Pine.NXT.3.96.980618175731.1635C-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> "Robert G. Jacobs" wrote: > I'm trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on a machine with 2 partitions (the > first 5.2GB has Win95, the last 1.2GB will have OPENSTEP). Both the CDROM > and hard drive are EIDE and are on separate controllers. > Trying a wide variety of drivers all seem to give the same result: > the hard drive and CDROM seem to be recognized, but I quickly get the > error "Disk initialization failed. Can't continue..." > > Is that a driver problem or a problem because my OPENSTEP partition is > well beyond the 2GB limit (do boot drives have to be within the first 2 > GB of a drive?) or a problem because the drive itself is large? > Or something else? Thanks for any suggestions. I believe this is actually a BIOS issue rather than a driver one. I'm about to try this myself on a 4gb drive.... TjL -- This email address does work. If you tried it previously and it bounced, my apologies.
From: dave cunningham <> Newsgroups: Subject: 4000A monitor, replacement? Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 23:16:47 +0000 Organization: MegaNews! Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit so what if i tried to put a trinitron or fimi color monitor, instead of the megapixel, on my mono cube? would it play mono? i don't have a ND board yet, but...... -=c'ham=-
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NS3.3 quirks still in OS4.2 Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 18:06:10 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980618175731.1635C-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I'm trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on a machine with 2 partitions (the first 5.2GB has Win95, the last 1.2GB will have OPENSTEP). Both the CDROM and hard drive are EIDE and are on separate controllers. Do the same installation quirks that existed in NeXTStep 3.3 still exist in OPENSTEP? Namely, do I choose the "Adaptec 154x SCSI" driver for the CDROM and then the "Dual EIDE/ATAPI" driver for the hard drive? Trying a wide variety of drivers all seem to give the same result: the hard drive and CDROM seem to be recognized, but I quickly get the error "Disk initialization failed. Can't continue..." Is that a driver problem or a problem because my OPENSTEP partition is well beyond the 2GB limit (do boot drives have to be within the first 2 GB of a drive?) or a problem because the drive itself is large? Or something else? Thanks for any suggestions. Robert
From: (lab) Newsgroups: Subject: Follow Up to ROM help Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:48:44 -0700 Organization: University of Oregon Message-ID: <> OK, Now by holding down the command and tilda screen I've gotten the Rom monitor to come up, but all that happens is it spits out, XXLLXXXXLLLXXXX, and thats it. How do I get around this and tell it to boot from the disk? thanks Herschel
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 16 Jun 98 21:06:24 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 16 Jun 1998 20:52:18 GMT In article <6m6lu2$i7d$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (TjL) wrote: >Why would this start happening now after all this time? Luck run >out? Maybe you strained the cabling once too many a time and it's getting flaky, maybe ESD zapped something, who knows? And try re-seating _all_ cables, terminators, and cards, or even swapping cables and terminators if you have extras. And check all the jumpers. Sometimes, if something isn't quite tight enough, things "just happen". And it's summertime. Open the box and use some compressed air to blow out all the dust. If you're adventurous, open the power supply and blow the dust out of there, too (the less adventurous could just take the PS out of it's mounting and aim the air at anything reachable through the various holes). I blew a _lot_ of dust out of my power supply, recently. Actually, a quite amazing amount, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: wori0011@rz03.FH-Karlsruhe.DE (Richard Woeber) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody & Color Printers? Date: 19 Jun 1998 11:05:20 GMT Organization: Fachhochschule of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <6mdglg$7g1$> References: <6mbru7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit jsd@gnyg.DOTcom wrote: : NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE : Are there any exceptional quality color ink jet printers such as the Epson : Color Stylus 3000 which work with Rhapsody? : Direct E-mail responses are appreciated but please remove the Spam "DOT" : Guard first. : Many Thanks, : J.D. - jsd@gnyg.DOTcom I got an ESC 600 on an Intel-NeXT last week with Ghostscript. (you will have to some work with Netinfo...) It should also do with Rhapsody (there's at least a driver for the 1520) look for ghostHPDJ. This explains much! -- ============================================================================== Richard Woeber | login: Bill G Student of Cartography @ FH Karlsruhe | password: 97816 Lohr am Main /Germany | $msword | ed is the standard UNIX Text editor NeXTMail ok | Your disk quota has been set to 50k | $_ ==============================================================================
From: "M.VOLKERTS" <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS3.3 quirks still in OS4.2 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 13:30:03 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <358A67DB.758EC74F@KVI.NL> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980618175731.1635C-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert G. Jacobs wrote: > > I'm trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on a machine with 2 partitions (the > first 5.2GB has Win95, the last 1.2GB will have OPENSTEP). Both the CDROM > and hard drive are EIDE and are on separate controllers. > > Do the same installation quirks that existed in NeXTStep 3.3 still exist > in OPENSTEP? Namely, do I choose the "Adaptec 154x SCSI" driver for the > CDROM and then the "Dual EIDE/ATAPI" driver for the hard drive? > > Trying a wide variety of drivers all seem to give the same result: > the hard drive and CDROM seem to be recognized, but I quickly get the > error "Disk initialization failed. Can't continue..." > > Is that a driver problem or a problem because my OPENSTEP partition is > well beyond the 2GB limit (do boot drives have to be within the first 2 > GB of a drive?) or a problem because the drive itself is large? > Or something else? Thanks for any suggestions. > > Robert > > The way i got it working was: 1. connect before installation the cdrom (slave) and hd (master) on one eide controller. 2. select the eide driver for both the cdrom and hd. 3. after completing the installation connect the cdrom and hd to the seperate eide controllers and install a sceond eide controller with Good luck, Marcel
From: (lab) Newsgroups: Subject: Help With ROM netboot?! Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:00:39 -0700 Organization: University of Oregon Message-ID: <> Ok, I"m in a mess I'm running black hardware, with 64 megs of ram. I did a fresh install of 4.2, and then messed around where I shouldn't, now when I power the machine up, It wants to boot right from the network. How do I get back into the ROM manager to tell it to boot from a disk. I unplugged the network cable, pulled the battery, hooked up a differnet drive, etc. I'm lost Please send mail to Many thanks in advance, I'm needing to get this thing up soon. Herschel
Newsgroups: From: Subject: cancel <6lra4s$645$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:22:36 +1000 Control: cancel <6lra4s$645$>
Newsgroups: From: "pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter)" <pb@Colorado.EDU> Subject: cancel <6lrdlo$> Message-ID: <> Sender: "pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter)" <pb@Colorado.EDU> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:23:13 +1000 Control: cancel <6lrdlo$>
From: Robertino <> Newsgroups: Subject: Acer Computer Date: 19 Jun 1998 13:07:08 GMT Organization: Inferno Sender: Robertino <> Message-ID: <6mdnps$> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980514 (UNIX) (OSF1/V4.0 (alpha)) hi, i just found that ACER computer does not support EDO RAM. is it true ? what if i need to upgrade my Memory ? what type of RAM i need to buy ? i heard there is a RAM type called FPM SIMMs ?? what da hell is that ? and it got single sided and double sided some more ! which one i have to buy ?? pls help ! thanks --
Newsgroups: From: " (John C. Randolph)" <> Subject: cancel <6lqqcd$70a$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (John C. Randolph)" <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 19:38:10 +1000 Control: cancel <6lqqcd$70a$>
Newsgroups: From: " (Lupo LeBoucher)" <> Subject: cancel <6lsl8f$co3$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Lupo LeBoucher)" <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:31:55 +1000 Control: cancel <6lsl8f$co3$>
Newsgroups: From: Subject: cancel <6lra9i$6mk$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:22:54 +1000 Control: cancel <6lra9i$6mk$>
Newsgroups: From: " (TjL)" <> Subject: cancel <SKbg1.34250$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (TjL)" <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:23:34 +1000 Control: cancel <SKbg1.34250$>
Newsgroups: From: Jonathan Hendry <> Subject: cancel <6lspll$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Jonathan Hendry <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:32:53 +1000 Control: cancel <6lspll$>
Newsgroups: From: " (Christopher Browne)" <> Subject: cancel <6lsm4d$14p$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Christopher Browne)" <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:32:06 +1000 Control: cancel <6lsm4d$14p$>
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 4000A monitor, replacement? Date: 19 Jun 1998 15:11:16 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6mdv2k$hs4$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> dave cunningham wrote: > so what if i tried to put a trinitron or fimi color monitor, instead of > the megapixel, on my mono cube? would it play mono? i don't have a ND > board yet, but...... > > -=c'ham=- > > It won't work. The signals are totally different and the video connectors aren't compatible. Check out for used monitors as a replacement. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 19 Jun 1998 15:46:56 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6me15g$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: > And it's summertime. Open the box and use some compressed air to blow > out all the dust. If you're adventurous, open the power supply and > blow the dust out of there, too (the less adventurous could just take > the PS out of it's mounting and aim the air at anything reachable > through the various holes). I blew a _lot_ of dust out of my power > supply, recently. Actually, a quite amazing amount, > Is a vacuum cleaner ok to use? I tried the compressed air cans once, and stopped when I got ice crystals coming out of it...someone told me that cold compressed air causes static electricity problem, but I don't know if this is an old tale or not.....?? -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 19 Jun 1998 17:56:43 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6me8or$mds$> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> <> <6me15g$> no.spam.please@no.spam.period wrote: >> And it's summertime. Open the box and use some compressed air to blow >> out all the dust. [ ... ] > >Is a vacuum cleaner ok to use? Gods, no. Ever hear of a van de Graff generator? The same principle applies to a vacuum cleaner. > I tried the compressed air cans once, and stopped when I got ice crystals > coming out of it... Compressed air is stored as a liquid under pressure at room temperature which expands and cools adiabaticly. If you follow the directions-- ie, hold upright and use in short bursts-- it won't freeze the target area. > someone told me that cold compressed air causes static > electricity problem, but I don't know if this is an old tale or > not.....?? It's not true. There *is* a reason why computer stores sell compressed air for cleaning and not small vacuum cleaners. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Jason J. Gullickson" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Color printers Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 14:03:11 -0500 Organization: IntraNet Inc: Madison, Wisconsin's ISP Sender: reguser@ Message-ID: <6mecll$rfc$> I just picked up a NeXT printer at a swap meet. It isn't a laser, and it has a SCSI port on it. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what print engine it uses (i.e.: what ink cartridges do I need to buy), or any hardware info I can get on the thing
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color printers Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 21:50:32 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6meo4n$9mm$> References: <6mecll$rfc$> I was told by Shannon at Deepsapce it is a Canon BJC800 and uses those cartridges. Carl... "Jason J. Gullickson" <> wrote: > I just picked up a NeXT printer at a swap meet. It isn't a laser, and >it has a SCSI port on it. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what print >engine it uses (i.e.: what ink cartridges do I need to buy), or any hardware >info I can get on the thing
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Help With ROM netboot?! Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:36:51 GMT In article <> (lab) writes: >Ok, I"m in a mess > >I'm running black hardware, with 64 megs of ram. I did a fresh install of >4.2, and then messed around where I shouldn't, now when I power the >machine up, It wants to boot right from the network. How do I get back >into the ROM manager to tell it to boot from a disk. I unplugged the >network cable, pulled the battery, hooked up a differnet drive, etc. I'm >lost > >Please send mail to > > > >Many thanks in advance, I'm needing to get this thing up soon. > >Herschel Ooh, ooh, I think I can answer this one! You probably set the booting process to do 'ben' (boot ethernet) at one time. The boot process stays for the next instance. So, go to the NMI monitor (cmd+cmd+~) and then type 'bsd' (boot scsi disk). From then on, it will attempt to boot locally off the local scsi (the one with the lowest SCSI ID). EDEW
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 21 Jun 1998 03:49:16 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Newsgroups: From: (Peter Nitezki) Subject: Re: NeXT monitor BNC? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Peter Nitezki) Organization: private site of Peter Nitezki, Kraichtal, Germany References: <> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 11:13:49 GMT In article <> writes: > Could someone please tell me how the NeXT monitor interface works? Does > it have BNC input on the back, and is it sync on green? Also, what > resolutions is it capable of? I have an older UNIX workstation which > supports 1024x728x24bit @ 70Hz and synchs on green, and I'm looking for > a cheap monitor solution. Thanks! > If I get you right you want to canibalize a NeXT monitor to revive an older Unix box. I'm relly worrying if I can take part in such an unfriendly act ;-) Now serious, all NeXT colour screen models use a 13w3 connector. The rest should be just fine since the interface on NeXT is 1120x832 @ 68 Hz, non-interlace with sync on green. -- Peter Nitezki | # Blessed art thou who knoweth Staarenbergstr. 44 | Tel.: +49 7251 62495 # not about the pleasure and 76703 Kraichtal | Fax : +49 7251 960575 # delight of being hooked GERMANY | E-mail ASCII only # up to the Net. Peter 1,3-5
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 22 Jun 1998 06:44:48 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Car Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Chris Saldanha) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AGP with OPENSTEP? Date: 22 Jun 1998 14:09:34 GMT Organization: computerActive Inc. Message-ID: <6mloiu$6vo$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980620174101.466A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Robert G. Jacobs ( wrote: : Do any AGP video cards work with OPENSTEP 4.2? Which ones work best and : what driver should I use? Thanks. Try the Matrox Millenium II or Matrox Mystique 220. We have a couple of Millenium II/AGP cards (4MB), and they work very nicely with the new driver on NeXTanswers. I've used the PCI Mystique 220 and it works well too, and the AGP version will likely work. It's around $80 or so cheaper. Beware memory problems if you try the ATI Rage AGP cards. they used to work, but ATI has changed the kind of RAM they use, and the last one I tried wouldn't go in OpenStep. --Chris Chris Saldanha, Software Analyst -------------------------------------- computerActive, Inc |"The telephone was not invented by | (NeXT/MIME)| Alexander Graham Unitel" -Bell Ad | --------------------------------------
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 09:56:31 -0600 From: Joe McCarthy <> Organization: Software Integrators Inc, MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor BNC? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I haven't seen any NeXT monitors with BNC connectors. They have 13W3 connectors. The NeXT monitor expects a sync on green signal, but I don't believe 1024x768 @ 70hz is supported. For more complete info on NeXT stuff, check out Joe Matthew Fleeger wrote: > Could someone please tell me how the NeXT monitor interface works? Does > it have BNC input on the back, and is it sync on green? Also, what > resolutions is it capable of? I have an older UNIX workstation which > supports 1024x728x24bit @ 70Hz and synchs on green, and I'm looking for > a cheap monitor solution. Thanks! -- ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: "Johan Bengtsson" <> Newsgroups: Subject: New hardware page on Organization: Satellite Technologies Message-ID: <44wj1.302$> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:59:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 18:59:44 MET DST If you are looking for a great hardware page then have you come to the right place. Computers R us has daily updated news and reviews. Computers R us can be found on Johan Bengtsson
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <44wj1.302$> Control: cancel <44wj1.302$> Date: 22 Jun 1998 17:10:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.44wj1.302$> Sender: "Johan Bengtsson" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Doug Watts) Newsgroups:,,, Subject: FS: NEXT Systems, Monitors, Printers, Sound Boxes, Keyboards & Mice Message-ID: <> Organization: Mega-Watts Computers Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 17:19:05 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 12:19:05 CDT FS: NEXT Systems, Monitors, Printers, Sound Boxes, Keyboards & Mice Hi! We just received some Next systems with alot of Mac Equipment and we are looking for offers on it. All can be boxed & shipped or freighted. Item: Specs: Qty: Model# NeXT Station Color Turbo 16/250/Floppy 6 N1200 NeXT Station Turbo 16/250/Floppy 3 N1100 NeXT MegaPixel 17" Color Monitor 6 N4006 NeXT MegaPixel 17" B/W Display 3 N4000B NeXT 400 DPI Laser Printer 2 N2000 NeXT Sound Box 4 N4004A NeXT Keyboard 9 N8001-3658 Next Mouse 9 Tested Working with a DOA warranty! All prices reflect a 3% cash/cod discount. We accept MC/Visa/Discover/AmEx. WE GIVE QUANTITY DISCOUNTS! Call! For more information or to order, email, fax, or call us. To get on email list send email with subject = "subscribe mac list". To get on FAX list send email with subject = "MAC fax list". Thanks, Doug Watts & Robert Watts Mega-Watts Computers, Your Source for Mega-Mac-Deals! 5834 S. 129th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74134 SALES: 918-250-5546, fax: 918-252-7260, -- Doug Watts with Mega-Watts Computers Your Source for Mega-Mac-Deals! sales: 918-250-5546, fax: 918-252-7260,
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor BNC? Date: 22 Jun 1998 19:50:36 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6mmcic$op4$> References: <> In article <>, Matthew Fleeger <> wrote: > I have an older UNIX workstation which >supports 1024x728x24bit @ 70Hz and synchs on green Others have already replied on the connectors and sync. If you don't mind opening up the monitor and adjust the HFREQ pot, it should sync up at 1024x728 at 70Hz. Of course, I make no guarantees, and if you fry your equipment or yourself, neither I nor the company I work for is liable for any damages. This post is free, you get what you paid for. I have it set up to 1152x870 at 75Hz. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Timeouts Date: 22 Jun 98 13:16:55 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <Y6gh1.34473$> <6m4oj0$> <%iuh1.34515$> <6m6d3n$g8a$> <A7Ah1.34527$> <6m6lu2$i7d$> <> <6me15g$> In-reply-to: no.spam.please@no.spam.period's message of 19 Jun 1998 15:46:56 GMT In article <6me15g$>, no.spam.please@no.spam.period writes: > And it's summertime. Open the box and use some compressed air to > blow out all the dust. Is a vacuum cleaner ok to use? I'd be concerned that I'd suck something up. The worst that will happen with compressed air is that it will shoot stuff around... Also, I try not to use anything electrical near my machines when the case is open. I tried the compressed air cans once, and stopped when I got ice crystals coming out of it...someone told me that cold compressed air causes static electricity problem, but I don't know if this is an old tale or not.....?? If you're really concerned about this, turn the machine off for ten or fifteen minutes, then use the air, then wait for everything to return to ambient before turning it back on. Generally, you should be fine as long as you hold the can upright. I've only seen the liquid/ice stuff when I was holding the can well off vertical. Use the bendy straw to shoot the air in the direction you want. Also, you generally don't need to get the air too close to the components. We're just trying to blow out the accumulations of dust, we're not sandblasting. If you have a lot of dust, it might be worthwhile to use a plastic tweezers to grab some of it, or at least work it loose, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Questions... Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 23:03:09 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6mmnrd$fvt$> Hi all! I tried to post this message a couple of times before, but I think my ISP's news server hasn't been setup very well, so please forgive me if you find duplicates of this post. I am intent on buying me a piece of Black NeXT Hardware (a seven-year long dream), but I still have a few doubts regarding which machine to buy. My first problem is that I have need of a CD-ROM Drive. I have a Nec Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-2 Internal. I am aware I cannot use it with a NeXTStation, but can I install it in a Cube? Will the power supply connector work with it? Do you think I would be better off with an external drive? (on the plus side I _know_ I could use it with a NeXTStation) If you had the choice of NeXT Hardware to buy, which would it be? Could you tell me why? Finally, this is a question that has bothered me for a long time. Besides the name, what are the differences between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2? Which is more stable, and which would you install on you NeXT had you got a choice? BTW, Is there anyone in Brazil willing to sell a NeXT? TIA, Rodrigo Miranda -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Questions... Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 22:46:03 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6mmmrb$erm$> Hi all! I tried to post this message a couple of times before, but I think my ISP's news server hasn't been setup very well, so please forgive me if you find duplicates of this post. I am intent on buying me a piece of Black NeXT Hardware (a seven-year long dream), but I still have a few doubts regarding which machine to buy. My first problem is that I have need of a CD-ROM Drive. I have a Nec Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-2 Internal. I am aware I cannot use it with a NeXTStation, but can I install it in a Cube? Will the power supply connector work with it? Do you think I would be better off with an external drive (on the plus side I _know_ I could use it with a NeXTStation) If you had the choice of NeXT Hardware to buy, which would it be? Could you tell me why? Finally, this is a question that has bothered me for a long time. Besides the name, what are the differences between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2? Which is more stable, and which would you install on you NeXT had you got a choice? BTW, Is there anyone in Brazil willing to sell a NeXT? TIA, Rodrigo Miranda -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Help With ROM netboot?! Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <> <> <6mgvuo$gdj$> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 23:21:32 GMT In article <6mgvuo$gdj$> writes: >In <> Eric Dew wrote: >> In article <> > (lab) writes: >> >Ok, I"m in a mess >> > >> >I'm running black hardware, with 64 megs of ram. I did a fresh >install of >> >4.2, and then messed around where I shouldn't, now when I power the >> >machine up, It wants to boot right from the network. How do I get >back >> >into the ROM manager to tell it to boot from a disk. I unplugged the >> >network cable, pulled the battery, hooked up a differnet drive, etc. >I'm >> >lost >> > >> >Please send mail to >> > >> > >> > >> >Many thanks in advance, I'm needing to get this thing up soon. >> > >> >Herschel >> >> >> Ooh, ooh, I think I can answer this one! You probably set the >booting >> process to do 'ben' (boot ethernet) at one time. The boot process >stays >> for the next instance. So, go to the NMI monitor (cmd+cmd+~) and >then >> type 'bsd' (boot scsi disk). From then on, it will attempt to boot >> locally off the local scsi (the one with the lowest SCSI ID). >> > >You 'think'??! I didn't know the NMI would work like this. I will >again >repeat this. Do people actually use dejanews or other newgroup >archives? >There is a lot of information available to answer these questions. >Sigh. > No, I wrote that down from memory. I wasn't anywhere near my NeXT machine to even to a test to see whether my comments were perfectly correct. However, the steps are pretty much what I wrote, modulo proper words :-) EDEW
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Questions... Date: 23 Jun 1998 01:29:36 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6mmnrd$fvt$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6mmnrd$fvt$>, <> wrote: > >I am intent on buying me a piece of Black NeXT Hardware (a seven-year >long dream), but I still have a few doubts regarding which machine to buy. > IT's a fun box. >My first problem is that I have need of a CD-ROM Drive. I have a Nec >Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-2 Internal. I am aware I cannot use it with a >NeXTStation, but can I install it in a Cube? Well, cannot use is a little harsh. There's nowhere to put it but it would work fine in an external box. Putting it in a cube would physically work but you'd likely have to do a little milling to get the faceplate to fit properly. >Do you think I would be better off with an external drive? (on >the plus side I _know_ I could use it with a NeXTStation) > External's always less hassle unless you're into milling! >If you had the choice of NeXT Hardware to buy, which would it be? Could >you tell me why? > If you want the snappiest all-around machine (barring rare CPU upgrade boards) a NeXTstation Color Turbo is the best bet. Very nice machine to use. A cube with NeXTdimension graphics board is also nice; you get nicer graphics (32-bit) and video in/out, but it's not as snappy to use. That said, I wouldn't trade my dimension cube for a NSTC. >Finally, this is a question that has bothered me for a long time. Besides the >name, what are the differences between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2? There are many, far too numerous to mention. Seriously. >Which >is more stable, and which would you install on you NeXT had you got a choice? > They're similar stability-wise from what I hear, with 3.3 possibly having the edge. 4.2 should likely have at least 64MB RAM to be comfortable, which limits it to Turbo slabs and cubes. Hope that helps. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 14:53:37 -0300 From: Rodrigo Cesar de Castro Miranda <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Hardware questions Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi there. I am _very_ interested in acquiring a NeXT machine, but I have a couple of choices and a few questions. My first choice is a NeXT ColorStation Turbo (64 MB RAM/1.0 GB HD). Not much to ask here, except: Does it come with a CDROM? If not, can I use my internal Nec Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-II with it? The second choice would be a TurboCube. I read on the net about someone who put together a 68040 and a 68030. Anybody done something similar, but with Turbo 68040 motherboards? Did it work? With a Dimension board? Does NEXTSTEP allows you to use bothe motherboards transparently, or do they have to run separate instances of the OS? Was it very hard? TIA, Rodrigo Miranda ( PS: BTW, is there anyone in Brazil willing to sell me a NeXT Computer? (A working intel box with a reasonable price would be nice, too, but I think I prefer a NeXT)
From: Car Subject: Drive any new car for $100 p/month. Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 00:54:04 -0500 Drive any new car for $100 p/month. Any Make Any Model Any Price No Down Payment! No Bank Fees! No Security Deposits! Home Based Biz. Opportunity-NOT MLM! For more information, call 716-389-9669 and a live operator will take down your Name, Address, Phone, Fax (optional), and email (optional) so that we can send you an information package. It is important that you give this information, since we will not send any info without it.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 23 Jun 1998 06:33:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Car Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Questions... Date: 23 Jun 1998 08:31:08 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6mnp4c$noi$> References: <6mmnrd$fvt$> wrote: >I am intent on buying me a piece of Black NeXT Hardware (a seven-year >long dream), but I still have a few doubts regarding which machine to buy. I don't think you'll regret it. >My first problem is that I have need of a CD-ROM Drive. I have a Nec >Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-2 Internal. I am aware I cannot use it with a >NeXTStation, but can I install it in a Cube? Will the power supply connector >work with it? Do you think I would be better off with an external drive? (on >the plus side I _know_ I could use it with a NeXTStation) Well, yes, you can install it in the Cube, but do you want to open up the case every time you want to insert a CD? Trying to retrofit a CD ROM by using the slot for the optical disk is somewhat tricky, I think I would probably go for an external enclosure. There's always black paint :-) >If you had the choice of NeXT Hardware to buy, which would it be? Could >you tell me why? Well, it's more a question of what you can afford. A Nextdimension cube is great, but not exactly cheap. Personally, I love the greyscale monitors, but if you buy a mono device, you're pretty much out of luck when the monitor breaks down. OTOH, the mono monitors are much more aesthetically pleasing. Even when the machine dies one day, you'll still be able to display it, and tell your grandchildren about the good old days :-) The station is beautiful, whereas the cube is *the* NeXT computer.. I can't say. Let your heart decide. >Finally, this is a question that has bothered me for a long time. Besides the >name, what are the differences between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2? Which >is more stable, and which would you install on you NeXT had you got a choice? If you intend to do development, there's no alternative to 4.2. Otherwise, 3.3 will do nicely, and save you a few CPU cycles. Regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k,comp.sys.oric,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.pilot,comp.sys.pen,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy,comp.sys.powerpc.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <8c81.b59d.0@ping-pong_1> Control: cancel <8c81.b59d.0@ping-pong_1> Date: 23 Jun 1998 12:00:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.8c81.b59d.0@ping-pong_1> Sender: The Ping Pong Team <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k,comp.sys.oric,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.pilot,comp.sys.pen,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy,comp.sys.powerpc.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <8c81.be88.3c0@ping-pong_1> Control: cancel <8c81.be88.3c0@ping-pong_1> Date: 23 Jun 1998 12:37:54 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.8c81.be88.3c0@ping-pong_1> Sender: The Ping Pong Team <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell Subject: Welcome to our Web-Site ! Date: 23 Jun 1998 13:06:26 GMT Organization: CD-Shop Message-ID: <6mo98i$pc2$> On our WWW Page you can choose and order many popular graphics programs, add-ons and many plugins.All programs are on CD.All are _FULL_ OEM version. 1. 3DS MAX 2.5 + MANY plugins (it is new CD)Price: 500$ 2. 3DS MAX 2.0 + standart plugins (include Character Studio 1.5)Price: 350$ 3. SoftImage Extreme 3.7 (Include Mental Ray and manuals)Price: 350$ 4. LightWave 5.5 + plugins Price: 300$ 5. PhotoShop 4.0 + many filters (Include After Effects)Price: 150$ 6. Adobe Illustrator 7.0 professional $150 7. Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 $150 8. Adobe Photoshop 4.01 $150 9. Adobe Premiere 4.2 $100 10. Delphi 3.0 Client/Server suite $300 11. Borland C++ Builder Client/Serv suite $100 12. Microsoft Developer Visual Studio 97 (4CD) $500 13. QNX v.4.24 $500 And more. Visited our www page and confirm. For more information e-mail only on Thank You.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell Subject: cmsg cancel <6mo98i$pc2$> Control: cancel <6mo98i$pc2$> Date: 23 Jun 1998 14:44:31 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6mo98i$pc2$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Questions... Date: 23 Jun 1998 15:49:23 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6moiq3$bj0$> References: <6mmmrb$erm$> wrote: [ ... ] >My first problem is that I have need of a CD-ROM Drive. I have a Nec >Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-2 Internal. I am aware I cannot use it with a > NeXTStation, but can I install it in a Cube? Will the power supply > connector work with it? Do you think I would be better off with an > external drive [ ... ] The power supply connector should work, but you'd have to do some serious case surgery in order to make it fit. >If you had the choice of NeXT Hardware to buy, which would it be? Could >you tell me why? I'd get a mono Turbo. It has one of the sharpest displays around, and an Intel box is a better choice for doing color work nowadays. >Finally, this is a question that has bothered me for a long time. >Besides the name, what are the differences between NEXTSTEP 3.3 and > OpenStep 4.2? Lots. The big ones are OpenStep support in OS 4.x versus semi-working POSIX support in NS 3.3. > Which is more stable, and which would you install on you NeXT had you got > a choice? Either would do if you had plenty of memory, but 3.3p1 is probably more stable and faster if you can live without OpenStep. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: 23 Jun 1998 18:12:53 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6mor75$71q$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Jun 1998 18:12:53 GMT Rodrigo Cesar de Castro Miranda <> wrote: >My first choice is a NeXT ColorStation Turbo (64 MB RAM/1.0 GB HD). Not >much to ask here, except: Does it come with a CDROM? No. >If not, can I use >my internal Nec Multi-Spin 3xi SCSI-II with it? There is no room for it internally within a slab, AFAIK. NEC drives tend to work fine with NeXT hardware though, so mount your drive in a case, or get an external model. >The second choice would be a TurboCube. I read on the net about someone >who put together a 68040 and a 68030. Anybody done something similar, >but with Turbo 68040 motherboards? Did it work? With a Dimension board? >Does NEXTSTEP allows you to use bothe motherboards transparently, or do >they have to run separate instances of the OS? Was it very hard? Read the FAQ at It should be doable with a Turbo + 25Mhz + ND, but it would not be a job for the faint of heart. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Brian Vito <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Zip drives with a station? Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 14:26:11 -0400 Organization: MediaOne -=- Northeast Region Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is it possible to use a zip drive (SCSI) with a NeXTstation running NeXTSTEP 3.3? Is it possible to read Mac formated zip disks? I have a bunch of NeXTSTEP apps on my Mac, and need to get them to my NeXTstation. Thanks. -- "We may only have 10 percent of the market, but quite clearly it's the top 10 percent." - Apple Computer, and they're quite right.
From: "cyberpop" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Zip drives with a station? Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 13:42:26 -0500 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <6mot2t$1db6$> References: <> I think it's here... isn't it? Brian Vito wrote in message <>... >Is it possible to use a zip drive (SCSI) with a NeXTstation running >NeXTSTEP 3.3? Is it possible to read Mac formated zip disks? I have a >bunch of NeXTSTEP apps on my Mac, and need to get them to my >NeXTstation. Thanks. > >-- >"We may only have 10 percent of the market, but quite clearly it's the >top 10 percent." > - Apple Computer, and they're quite right. > >
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Okidata OL410e Printer Driver Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 12:51:50 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980623124432.2866A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I am trying to get my Okidata OL410e printer to work with OPENSTEP 4.2. I am using the Oki OL410e driver (assuming that Oki and Okidata are the same), but it doesn't seem to be working. What driver has been found to work with this printer? It works fine in Win95 and communicates in OS, but doesn't print. Thanks. Robert
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups:,comp.periphs.printers Subject: Generic Postscript Printer Driver Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 12:52:50 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980623125153.2866B-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " Does someone have a generic PPD file for laser printers? Thanks. Robert
From: william l rice <> Newsgroups: Subject: Next Laser jams help! Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:07:07 -0500 Organization: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi; whats with the next laser and its paper jams? I have one that keeps pulling in the paper from the tray (one sheet ) and stops half way and says "paper jam" how does one fix this?,,, besides the obvious :) I seem to see a lot of lasers being sold with this "paper jam" problem... is it too old.. or can it be fixed? thanks william l rice
Newsgroups:, From: "Cliff Leong" <> Subject: Re: Zip drives with a station? Message-ID: <> References: <> Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 20:07:33 GMT I use my Zip from a NS3.3 turbo cube and a OS4.2 turbo slab. HFS works fine as well. Cliff Brian Vito wrote in message <>... >Is it possible to use a zip drive (SCSI) with a NeXTstation running >NeXTSTEP 3.3? Is it possible to read Mac formated zip disks? I have a >bunch of NeXTSTEP apps on my Mac, and need to get them to my >NeXTstation. Thanks. > >-- >"We may only have 10 percent of the market, but quite clearly it's the >top 10 percent." > - Apple Computer, and they're quite right. > >
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Zip drives with a station? Date: 23 Jun 1998 19:52:39 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Brian Vito <> wrote: >Is it possible to use a zip drive (SCSI) with a NeXTstation running >NeXTSTEP 3.3? Yes. Do it all the time on both my slab and on my cube. >Is it possible to read Mac formated zip disks? Yes. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next Laser jams help! Date: 23 Jun 1998 22:20:30 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6mp9ne$9ib$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Jun 1998 22:20:30 GMT william l rice <> wrote: > Hi; whats with the next laser and its paper jams? Go to ...and follow the hardware links to learn all about this printer and its troublesome gears... --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: PNP COMPUTERS <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.misc,, Subject: Acer 486DX-50Mhz $73 Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 22:41:00 -0700 Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Acer 486DX-50Mhz $73 Acer $73 * 486DX-50 * 1Meg Video Card * 8MB RAM * 1.44 Floppy Drive * 170MB Hard Drive * Keyboard & Mouse * Desktop Case * Used and good condition ********************************************************** HP Vectra $90 * 486DX2-66 * 1Meg Video Card * 4MB RAM * 1.44 Floppy Drive * 420MB Hard Drive * Keyboard & Mouse * Desktop Case * Used and good condition ********************************************************** Dot Matrix Printers $50 ********************************************************** Compaq Docking Stations for Armada 4100 Notebooks $95 ************************************************************* To order please email or call us with your full name, shipping address, phone numbers, and credit card number + expiration date + credit card billing address. Shipping and Handling is EXTRA. We accept Visa or MasterCard. Computer Sales, Service, and Upgrades To Place An Order, Call or Visit Us!!! PNP COMPUTERS Tel: (562) 861-7828 Fax: (562) 861-1348 Website: E-Mail:
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Zip drives with a station? Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 10:25:00 -0700 Message-ID: <6mrd1r$mrj$> References: <> <> <> The newer Zip Plus (which autosenses between SCSI and parallel connections) is probably the culprit here, at least that is what happened to me. I plugged a Zip Plus into my slab and got many bad block errors on boot ending with a hang. I removed the Zip and rebooted, ran fsck and all was well. I then STUPIDLY plugged the drive back in and powered up. This time it hosed the drive so badly it was completely unrecoverable. If you are going to use a Zip, get a SCSI-only version, (which I have done with NO problems). Sven Droll wrote in message <>... >May it be that newer ZIP-drives (not those with autodetect, but real >SCSI-drives!) blow away NeXTstations and SUN Ultras. > >I connected one of the newer SCSI-ZIP-drive (one week old) to a SUN-Ultra and >it worked fine. Later I got many SCSI errors on internal hd and the machine >won't boot. > >I connected it to NeXTstation, it worked fine and the next day the hd was >blown. > >Maybe this was incident, but maybe iomega has changed something with their >termination or SCSI-interpretation? Maybe some should use an external >terminator for the ZIP? > >Don't get me wrong: >I use many older ZIP-drives for more than a year on many machines (NeXT, >SUNs, Mac) and I am very happy with those older drives. > >greets >Sven
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Slab suddenly won't power up MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <P2mk1.34903$> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 06:24:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:24:47 PDT Organization: @Home Network My slab was working fine earlier tonight. I powered it down. (I did change some NetInfo stuff, but I can't see how that would effect it). Anyway, now when I power up the slab, the keylock lights flash, and the HD spins up, but nothing else happens.... I would expect the "ploink" of the "Sound Out" test.... but I never hear it. Also, the screen is black (I think because it was 100% dimmed when I turned it off). I can see a flicker when the machine first powers on. So I can hear the machine is on, but the HD is not active... I cannot get any response from any of the keys (to get to NMI monitor, power down, etc). All I can do is alt+command+* to do a hard reboot, which gets me nowhere.... it just hangs again. I pulled the drive and hooked it to my Intel.... there were no errors on it (by fsck). I think there may be something wrong with my slab. Monitor maybe (it's a mono, mic built-in). Have you heard of this? Any ideas what part of it might be messed up? TjL
From: (Windchaser) Newsgroups: Subject: Cube-ish PC cases? Date: 24 Jun 98 06:41:37 Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> Are there any NeXT Cube-ish cases for PCs? I know about the Monster Cube project, but I already have several PCs - I'd like to see 'em more square. :) ATX format cases are what I'm looking for, mainly. (Or anyone know sources of generally 'neato' cases that aren't Cube-ish?) -Aaron (Really sick of beige.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FS: (UK) MonoStation needs new home Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:02:35 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6mr7ur$kvk$> Hi, I've got a fully functional MonoStation system that needs a new home. NeXTstation, 68040 25Mhz, 20Mb RAM (takes up to 32Mb), 250Mb HD, Floppy, Keyboard, 17" monitor. Has NeXTstep 3.3 installed (but can install any version). Also, black external SCSI CD-ROM if required. Offers ... Regards, Alan Barclay -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading
From: A. Rodriguez) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube-ish PC cases? Date: 24 Jun 1998 16:18:19 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6mr8sb$> References: <> In article <> (Windchaser) writes: >Are there any NeXT Cube-ish cases for PCs? I know about the Monster Cube >project, but I already have several PCs - I'd like to see 'em more square. :) >ATX format cases are what I'm looking for, mainly. (Or anyone know sources of >generally 'neato' cases that aren't Cube-ish?) > >-Aaron > >(Really sick of beige.) > IMO the only company that has been making innovative and stylish hardware during the last few years is IBM. From the butterfly keyboard Thinkpads to their latest flat screen monitors it seems as though they have a team of engineer/artist's on staff. Regarding your question they have a very cool case for their larger Netfinity servers. I'm not talking about the tower case Netfinity but rather the black, box shaped one. I don't know whether they're available with just one PII though. I think the default configuration is a dual PII SMP machine. -- Felipe A. Rodriguez # Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan from Agoura Hills, CA # being a private citizen because he was # armed; his successors, since they avoided # the inconveniences of arms, became private (NeXTmail preferred) # citizens after having been dukes. (MIMEmail welcome) # --Nicolo Machiavelli
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: 24 Jun 1998 16:20:13 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6mr8vt$o26$> References: <> <> Richard Scholz <> wrote: >... >You can only use 68030 motherboards additional to your main 68040 >motherboard. It is not possible to add 68040 motherboards. You can add more 040 boards but only if you remove their NBIC chip. Basically, you can only have one motherboard thinking its on the NeXTbus (I believe most 030 boards don't have an NBIC, hence they're nopt a problem). Any ND boards in there will run "off" the motherboard thats using the NeXTbus. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube&ADB Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 08:36:15 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6n089t$s8e$> Hi there. I have simple questions though... the owner manual that i have shows that the NeXTcube Turbo is ADB system only. What about the NeXTcube (non-turbo), is it only non-ADB? Also, what's the maximum RAM that we can put the the cube? I think if it's a turbo, it's 128. What about non-turbo that comes with 30pin RAM? Thank you. Sarawoot
From: (GEOF ABRUZZI) Newsgroups: Subject: 030 Cube questions... Date: 25 Jun 1998 15:10:56 GMT Organization: Penn State University, Center for Academic Computing Message-ID: <6mtpa0$> just a few q's: Can you yank the 030 MB and replace it with an 040 or turbo? The 030's were the ones with no floppy right? Does this pose a problem doing a clean system install? How about with an external floppy? Can ND boards work in the 030 cube? Thanks, Geof -- ____________________________________________________________________________ Geof Abruzzi Language is a virus from outer space. gxa114 @ And hearing your name is better BeOS Developer #3089 than seeing your face. -Laurie Anderson ...
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube company? Date: 25 Jun 1998 09:15:24 -0600 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6mtpic$f9o$> References: <6mtalf$101a$> cyberpop <> wrote: : Does anyone visit ? : the company title and their logo look like what we're familiar though.. : just wanna add it for Cube Stylish PC... Sorry if it's repeat. Jeez, talk about a blatant rip-off of NeXT's logo. I guess the vultures couldn't wait much longer to feed on the carcass. ........... kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
Newsgroups:, From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Zip drives with a station? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 20:31:23 GMT In article <> writes: >Is it possible to use a zip drive (SCSI) with a NeXTstation running >NeXTSTEP 3.3? Is it possible to read Mac formated zip disks? I have a >bunch of NeXTSTEP apps on my Mac, and need to get them to my >NeXTstation. Thanks. > >-- >"We may only have 10 percent of the market, but quite clearly it's the >top 10 percent." > - Apple Computer, and they're quite right. > > If it is a SCSI zip drive, you should have no problems. EDEW
From: (Weston Cann) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI Primer Date: 26 Jun 1998 17:59:36 GMT Organization: Brigham Young University Message-ID: <6n0ni8$iv0$> Anyone know of a good place to look for a primer on the proliferate set of SCSI varieties? I'd really like to understand what Ultra, fast, wide, and II, mean for me, my NeXT, and even (gasp) my Mac. Weston
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Zip formatting Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 20:36:19 GMT In article <> Kaj-Age Henneberg <> writes: >Having become interested in the old Zip drive, I would like to know if >the Zip disk is treated by my NeXTstation as any other floppy disk. That >is, can I format a Zip disk in the NeXT, DOS, or MAC formats as I please, >using the NextStep (3.3) interface? I'm moving to Europe, so does it >accept 220V/50 Hz as painlessly as my Jaz drive? > It can read NeXT, DOS, and Mac formats (dos, however is still in 8.3 naming format). I think when formatting the zip disk, you can format as either (NeXT or DOS) or (NeXT or Mac), forget which. EDEW
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI Primer Date: 26 Jun 1998 18:22:05 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6n0osd$dfm$> References: <6n0ni8$iv0$> (Weston Cann) wrote: >Anyone know of a good place to look for a primer on >the proliferate set of SCSI varieties? I'd really >like to understand what Ultra, fast, wide, and II, mean >for me, my NeXT, and even (gasp) my Mac. is not a bad place to start. The talk about speeds, cable length limitations, single-ended vs. differential, termination, and so forth. The also have links to related SCSI sites.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 030 Cube questions... Date: 25 Jun 1998 21:35:36 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6mtpa0$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6mtpa0$>, GEOF ABRUZZI <> wrote: >just a few q's: > >Can you yank the 030 MB and replace it with an 040 or turbo? > Yes. >The 030's were the ones with no floppy right? Does this pose a problem >doing a clean system install? How about with an external floppy? > It's a bit of a pain, since you have to find a way to boot the CD (the '030 boot ROM doesn't know how to handle the 2048-byte blocks on the CD). There are some incantations with dd that work but I don't recall the exact files at the moment (and I'm being honest--I'm too tired to check!) >Can ND boards work in the 030 cube? > Yes, if the '030 has an NBIC installed. It will be dog-slow and the ROM monitor stuff will always appear on the mono screen since the boot ROM doesn't know how to deal with external framebuffers. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: 25 Jun 1998 21:36:44 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <6mu31i$e0v$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6mu31i$e0v$>, George B. Ameer <> wrote: >Along same train of thought, Is there anything that you need to >do to add a second dimension board to a 40 cube? >Is it plug and go, or is there any setup required? Yep. Just stick it in and hook up a monitor. You might have to enable the additional screen in Preferences but I'm not sure. >Does each dimension have to have the same amount/type of >RAM? I wouldn't think so but don't know for sure. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DSP memory module Date: 26 Jun 1998 17:10:29 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <H5Bk1.15$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <H5Bk1.15$>, jogo news <> wrote: >Quick question, does anyone remember what type of memory to use for the DSP >56001 in Turbo systems? I was wondering if anyone has that. > Weird and custom, unfortunately. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube&ADB Date: 26 Jun 1998 17:11:25 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6n089t$s8e$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6n089t$s8e$>, sarawoot <> wrote: >Hi there. >I have simple questions though... the owner manual that i have shows that >the NeXTcube Turbo is ADB system only. Turbo cube should run ADB or non-ADB, depending on the Sound Box/monitor you're using. >What about the NeXTcube (non-turbo), >is it only non-ADB? Yes. >Also, what's the maximum RAM that we can put the the >cube? I think if it's a turbo, it's 128. What about non-turbo that comes >with 30pin RAM? Turbo is 128, non-Turbo is 64 (16 4-MB SIMMs). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "jogo news" <> Newsgroups: Subject: DSP memory module Message-ID: <H5Bk1.15$> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 23:31:51 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 16:31:51 PDT Organization: TWC Road Runner, San Diego, CA Quick question, does anyone remember what type of memory to use for the DSP 56001 in Turbo systems? I was wondering if anyone has that.
From: (Andrew Miehs) Newsgroups: Subject: Thinkpad 600 Date: 26 Jun 1998 21:30:41 GMT Organization: Cybernet Internet-Dienstleistungen AG Message-ID: <6n13u1$gad$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all. Has anyone had any luck installing openstep/ rhapsody onto a Thinkpad 600? Justr before it wants to switch to the mach console during install, the thinkpad beeps twice, and then hangs? Any ideas? Thanks andrew
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Strange printer error Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 13:01:45 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980626125552.357A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I'm using an Okidata OL-410e printer with OPENSTEP 4.2. The printer works fine in Win95. Despite trying a variety of printer drivers, the following error always prints out whenever I try to print the test page: %! % lib/ -- Downloaded Error Break-page handler % GOVERNMENT END USERS followed by a number of blank pages. Any ideas? Robert
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 17:10:21 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> Richard Scholz <> wrote: > I tried to do this. The NBIC was not soldered on my '040 board, so I > removed it. Of course I also did the backplane modification. Yet, the > board didn't want to start up. It just played dead. > So I removed my main board, put in the secondary without the NBIC into > the real slot 0, added monitor, keyboard and mouse and tried again. > Still no luck. I suppose the '040 board tests for the NBIC chip, and > doesn't start up, if it doesn't find it. The 040 boards will work without an NBIC, IF they are placed in a NeXTBUS slot that IDs itself as Slot 0, AND if everything else works well. In early Cubes, the system may not start if the monochrome monitor is not connected, due to the power supply sensing an incorrect load on the 12 volt output. Other hardware problems may occur if the proper tools are not used in extracting the NBIC (or any other big PGA IC), including broken traces, cracks, and delaminations of the PC board. Be careful!
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 17:10:26 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <6mu31i$e0v$> George B. Ameer <> wrote: > Along same train of thought, Is there anything that you need to > do to add a second dimension board to a 40 cube? > Is it plug and go, or is there any setup required? It's pretty much plug-n-go. Shut down the system, open the back, pop in the boards, close the back, connect the monitors, and turn on the system. Once the system is up, the loginwindow will apppear (by default, on the display for the ND card in the highest numbered slot). Log in, launch Preferences, select the Monitors panel, and set up the display layout and enabled screens the waqy you want them. > Does each dimension have to have the same amount/type of > RAM? Nope. 8 Mb or more is needed. I suggest 16 Mb per board for systems running OPENSTEP 4.x. (There are some optimizations in OPENSTEP that reduce the amount of memory needed for most uses.) Caveats: 1) Dragging 24 bit color windows between the displays can be SLOW. (The ND boards don't get to play bus master, so the 68040 does the inter-board moves.) 2) Video I/O apps will use the video I/O connections on the board that the video display window is on. Drag it to a different display, and a different board's video I/O is used. -- Mike Paquette When encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will use encryption.
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: Re: DSP memory module Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom On-Line Services References: <H5Bk1.15$> <> Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 00:32:41 GMT Sender: David Evans ( wrote: : In article <H5Bk1.15$>, : jogo news <> wrote: : >Quick question, does anyone remember what type of memory to use for the DSP : >56001 in Turbo systems? I was wondering if anyone has that. : > : Weird and custom, unfortunately. Motorola's MCM518128 (128k x 8) would be a guess, since PSRAMs simplify the i/f to the 56k, but these, of course, aren't mfg'd anymore. I think the orig. board was 96kbytes (32k x 24 maybe). Someday I'll meet someone who has actually seen one! : -- : David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) : Computer/Synth Junkie : University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer : Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube&ADB Message-ID: <> Date: 26 Jun 1998 17:51:53 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6n089t$s8e$> I'm pretty sure that non-Turbo Cubes can only use the old, non-ADB mouse and keyboards. Memory for systems with 30-pin SIMMs should be 4 banks of four, for a total of 64MB (I have 40MB 2 x 4, 2 x 1 in my Cube). You should probably check the NeXT hardware FAQ, pointer to it from my links page. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Izumi Ohzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DSP memory module Date: 27 Jun 1998 01:02:54 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Distribution: world Message-ID: <6n1gbu$cpe$> References: <H5Bk1.15$> In article <H5Bk1.15$> "jogo news" <> writes: >Quick question, does anyone remember what type of memory to use for the DSP >56001 in Turbo systems? I was wondering if anyone has that. The official NeXT DSP expansion SIMM (part # N7013) has 3 ea. Motorola static RAM "MCM6206CJ35" on it, and a 74F158A (probably for address decode). This SIMM provides 32 kwords (24bits/word) of DSP RAM when installed into that empty slot (this replaces the on-board 8kwords DSP RAM, not in addition to it) on the NeXT CPU board. No alternative source for NeXT DSP RAM was available, although someone at San Francisco State U. built a batch of SIMMs that had full RAM capacity supported by 56001.
Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 17:40:01 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Which model is N1000A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, which NeXT cube is the N1000A (part no 2115) Is this a 68040-25 or 68030 or what? Regards, David Linsley STNC Ltd Email: Software Engineer
From: (Andrew Miehs) Newsgroups: Subject: Thinkpad 600 Part2 Date: 27 Jun 1998 14:14:42 GMT Organization: Cybernet Internet-Dienstleistungen AG Message-ID: <6n2uoi$8l3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all More information. Ive tried turning everything off on the thinkpad 600 but it still doesnt want to work, I boot the install disk for 4.2, or rhapsody, Then insert the driver disk when its to that point. I then select Dual EIDE Controller I then get the message ("Starting Openstep" and the machines beeps about 5 times) or ("Starting Rhapsody" "unable to load /usr..../image/....bitmap" --- something along those lines beeps about 5 time) and then hangs... I have to turn the laptop off, and back on... Any ideas? It never seems to load the graphics page - mach console, so I figure that thinkpad has a problem with the vga driver.... Thanks for your help Andrew --- starting to loose all hope :-(
From: "Graeme Barnes" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Jaz 2GB disktab??? Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 18:19:12 +0100 Message-ID: <> References: <> Roberto Di Cosmo wrote in message ... >Has anybody figured out which is the right disktab entry >to format a 2Gb Jaz Disk? It is possible as I've formatted disks at a customer site. Next time I'm there I'll pick up the disktab and post it to the group. (You get about 1.6Gb available as seen from the File Viewer) Does anyone know if the tracks/cylinder and sectors/track have any effect on disk performance? I just munged the values to get the most number of sectors out of the disk. Cheers, Graeme Magic Consulting Ltd
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: syquest syjet experiences? Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 20:00:27 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6n3j0q$m8m$> References: <6ms5kn$b3k$> <L7lk1.34900$> In article <L7lk1.34900$>, (TjL) wrote: > > In <6ms5kn$b3k$> chip wrote: > > > Has anyone use a syjet 1.5gig unit on black? > > Anyone know what the distab would be? > > It should "just work" with no disktab entry required. > > However, as a personal note: I have had a SyJet since October. I was > thrilled to get it, and after months of trying to get it to work correctly I > have given up and am not trying to get SyQuest to take it back (I have > replaced the drive 2-3 times, plus the cartridges). > > I would encourage you to do a search of 'syjet' in for the > group 'comp.periphs.scsi' and see the experiences of people there. > > By and large, there are a lot of people who have had problems with it who > never were able to figure them out.... very few had anything to say in favor > of it... but some said they had been using it without problems. > > If I had it to do over again (and if I get any money back from SyQuest), I > will buy a CD-R instead. The media is cheap, entirely portable, and > dependable for backups (which is what I wanted). > > I had hopes of making the SyJet my main drive, and swap Operating Systems on > each cartridge. I would never trust it as my main drive now. > > YMMV. > > TjL > > I whole heartedly agree that the Syjet 1.5 Gig Drive, is not ready for primetime or any other time. I have had experience with two different drives and they both have failed. The first at my work place had a cartridge go bad or so we were told, because it developed the infamous habbit of popping out everytime you tried to load it into the drive, we were told that the cartridge crashed, and of course it waited until we committed our precious data! The second drive I use at home just one day decided to loose its file system. Specificaly: Upon rebooting my computer after an orderly shut down, Windows NT started to do an unusual checkdisk of the Syjet and reported that one file found was in need of repair, I waited, and waited and it stalled at the 64% complete mark for about an hour. I was forced to re-boot. And Voila, no recognizable file system was to be found on that cartridge. Stuck in a new blank cartridge and it worked fine, ready again to destroy my un-suspecting data! -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Elric Kinslayer) Newsgroups: Subject: Question about NeXT Date: 29 Jun 1998 00:30:49 GMT Organization: Mlink Internet Message-ID: <> Hi there! I still got a few questions about NeXT before buying. The spec of the station says that the video only shows 4 shades fo grays. How come you see in the old advertisement a NeXT station showing great photograph and graph? On my mac when I switch to 4 shades of grays, it looks awfull. I have to stwich to 256 grays or switch back to color if I want to see something ok. Is there some NeXT users who tried to connect an X2 USR modem on their NeXT? Did it worked? If not, as anybody tried 28kbps USR modem on their NeXT? Can I make a bootable zip that can be use when (if) the hard drive fails/dies? Can I use DJGPP without having NeXTSTEP Developper? Can I use Modula2/3 or other language/compilers that don't use C libraries, if I don't have NeXTSTEP Developper?
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question about NeXT Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Jun 1998 02:41:02 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> (Elric Kinslayer) said: >The spec of the station says that the video only shows 4 shades fo grays. >How come you see in the old advertisement a NeXT station showing great >photograph and graph? PostScript dithering--it's really, very, very good. Could be the screen shots you saw were from a Color system though.. >Can I make a bootable zip that can be use when (if) the hard drive >fails/dies? Yes. >Can I use Modula2/3 >or other language/compilers that don't use C libraries, if I don't have >NeXTSTEP Developper? I've seen versions of Modula and Oberon for the NeXT. I know the Oberon was self-contained and came as an executable, but not so sure about Modula. Hope this helps! William PS - pleasure to help you mylord Elric of Melnibone--how fare things in the Young Kingdoms? PPS - I'm a big Michael Moorcock fan as well--don't suppose you have a spare copy of _The Chinese Agent_? Read it in a library once, but haven't found a copy since. Have pretty much everything else ~100 or so books. William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Getting NXFax to recognize Supra 28.8 after flash upgrade MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <5iEl1.35143$> Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 03:58:57 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 20:58:57 PDT Organization: @Home Network I was searching through DejaNews and found this post (see below) and then searched through my NeXT mailbox (now 38MB!!!) and found the solution The answer is to edit '/usr/lib/NextPrinter/NXFax_Fax_Modem_Driver' using Change 'ati5' to 'ati3' (2 occurrences) BE VERY CAREFUL not to change anything else or else it will no longer work (save a backup of the original of course). This worked for me, my modem is now recognized. Thanks to Paul Lynch for suggesting where to look. TjL ps -- I have not tested the "silent answer" feature since doing this, but at least it is recognized! Subject: Re: Supra modems? From: (Ryan Scott) Date: 1996/08/28 Message-ID: <501vb8$> Newsgroups: < "Timothy J. Luoma" <> wrote: > > >On 27 Aug 1996, Mark Miller wrote: >> > >> >Anybody had any luck, good or bad, with the Supra external modem? >> >> Hi Jon, >> >> I have a SupraFAXModem 288 connected to my color NeXTstation and >> have not had any problems at all with the PPP package. > > >I have not had any problems, in fact I greatly enjoy mine. It gives >the current connection speed (ie 26400, 24000, etc) on the display. > >Here's an interesting post... I think I would have bought this modem >if I had seen this post before I bought my modem: > > >#begin > From: Robert La Ferla <> > Newsgroups: > Subject: Re: modem > Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 23:14:27 -0400 > >I have a very strong recommendation. The new Diamond Supra Sonic >V336+. This has to be the most amazing modem I have ever seen. $250. >Excellent data performance. Excellent fax performance. It's black. >It has a 2-line illuminated LCD display which gives you real-time info >on connection type and speed. Works with NXFax. It is voice capable >and comes with a headset/mic. It even comes with telephony software >for Windows and Mac. The modem firmware is flash upgradable. In >fact, I bought the V.34 (28.8) version and downloaded a flash update >from which instantly turned my modem into a 33.6 >modem!!! An all-around winner in price/performance/features. Don't >hesistate. Buy it. > >Robert La Ferla >Registered OPENSTEP Consultant >#end > > >[note: the suprafaxmodem also works with NXFax. I got mine for $220 >at Computer City..... please don't tell me where I could have found it >for less ;-) ] > > I have had one bad experience with the Supra FAXmodem and NXFax. With the newer Flash ROMs, the manufacturer is given as Diamond Multimedia. This confuses NXFax and it will report "modem type: unknown" and will not enable the silent answer feature exclusively available for Supra fax/modems. The fix was to use an older version of the Flash ROM and not get the 33.6K capability. :( Ryan
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: 29 Jun 1998 20:19:17 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6mu31i$e0v$> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Mike Paquette <> wrote: > >1) Dragging 24 bit color windows between the displays can be SLOW. (The >ND boards don't get to play bus master, so the 68040 does the >inter-board moves.) > You knew it, the inevitable question. Was this basically done to make life easier when designing the ND? -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Jaz 2GB disktab??? Date: 29 Jun 1998 14:48:25 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6n89fp$p5r$> References: <> <> "Graeme Barnes" <> wrote: [ ...Jaz drives... ] > Does anyone know if the tracks/cylinder and sectors/track have any effect > on disk performance? I just munged the values to get the most number of > sectors out of the disk. Yes, they have an effect on performance. :-) The former should be set to make the cylinder groups a reasonable size given the size of the files that will reside on the filesystem. The latter should be set to the actual physical number of sectors per track. You should be aware of the fact that SCSI host adaptors address the drive using logical sector numbering, and that it is up to the drive to convert that to physical sectors. You can't munge the values to give you more room, because the maximum amount of space is a finite, fixed quantity determined by the controller. Of course, you could misconfigure the drive & partitioning to not use all of the available space. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Jeff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Can I install 4.2 on a turbo slab? Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 01:43:40 -0700 Organization: AT&T Wireless Services InterNetNews Site Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a copy of 3.3 that syas for NeXT /Intel but the copy I have of 4.2 that I got for my Intel box at work only says Mach I would like to upgrade my turbo to 4.2 if possible. I tried the upgrade app but it ran for a bit and quit. Do I need to install from scratch using NeXT boot images ? Or do I just need to locate media for a NeXT computer ? thanks
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: 30 Jun 1998 23:33:40 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6nbskk$> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc:, In <> Richard Scholz wrote: > Mike Paquette wrote: > > The 040 boards will work without an NBIC, IF they are placed in a > > NeXTBUS slot that IDs itself as Slot 0, AND if everything else works > > well. > > I cannot confirm this. When I try to power my '040 without the NBIC the > following > happens: > - Power is turned on > - The b/w monitor stays dark. The machine does not boot. > Then I have to power the machine down by removing the power cable. > > After inserting the NBIC back into the board, the machine boots as usual > when > turned on again. > > In both cases the cube was configured identical - '040 board in slot 0, > b/w > monitor and keyboard connected. > The only difference is the presence of the NBIC chip. > > I think there is a difference between the '030 and the '040 boards. > As far as I know the '030 is not able to detect a Dimension board at > boot time, > so that the boot messages are always displayed at the monochrom screen. > Yet a '040 board checks for the presence of a Dimension board at boot > time, and > displays boot messages on it, if there is no monochrom monitor > connected. > To do this, the '040 board has to use the NBIC to access the NUBUS. > Maybe the test for the ND board hangs, because of the missing NBIC. > Ok. I have a 040 motherboard that has a socketed NBIC and I got tired of speculating. Though I'm not hacking up a perfectly good backplane to do the other tests. If someone wants to send me one to hack up, or that is hacked up I will. Test set 1. Cube 040 25Mhz - 12MB RAM Motherboard serial # AAX0011238 Part # 1698.AE ROM 2.1 v59 (a old one) Backplane Serial 134847, 1000.00 AA ASSY 1003 - 1989 ND absent. NBIC at slot 0 boots fine NBIC removed slot 0 boots fine ND present Serial AAL0012675, Part # (board rev) 1508.AD 1991 NBIC removed slot 0 ND slot 2 boots fine 040 at slot 4 NBIC removed ND at slot 6 turns on - dark screen - remove power plug to shut off ND removed turns on - dark screen - remove power plug .. Test set 2 Cube 030 25Mhz - 8MB RAM Motherboard Serial # AAG0006659 Part # 587.00.AD 1989 ROM 1.2 Backplane identical to above. ND absent 030 at slot 4 No NBIC Turns on - starts to boot stops after saying Booting from SCSI target. command-alt * (numeric keypad) restarts it (command-tilde fails) 030 at slot 0 No NBIC Boots fine. Clearly there is something different about the 030 than the 040. I don't intend to pursue this further unless a extra backplane turns up as I don't care to hack my perfectly good packplane at this point. If someone has a spare backplane lying around I'd be happy to try it. Final point Same 030 motherboard NBIC - slot 0 ND slot 2 Boot screen is on the Mono monitor. ND Step C.1 ROM version 43 Gotten at boot time. System boots with ND as loginwindow. dual monitor just works as normal. All of the above was running NS3.3. So unless someone knows otherwise I suspect a dual 040 hack might effectively require some different backplane modifications.. Mike if you have any other input I'd appreciate hearing it. Though it may be that Richard hasn't sucessfully done the slot zero hack to his backplane since he doesn't have a 030 to try it out and that may be why his 040 won't work there. I still find it interesting that the 030 would at least show the initilization code presumably try the SCSI - never made it to loading the kernel though. The 040 gives a dark screen. I expected most of this from using the MB in slot 4 - unhacked. I find it interesting that even w/o the NBIC the MB knows which slot it's in (or that it's not slot zero). Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Hardware questions Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:08:57 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <6nbskk$> <> wrote: > So unless someone knows otherwise I suspect a dual 040 hack > might effectively require some different backplane modifications.. > Mike if you have any other input I'd appreciate hearing it. Though > it may be that Richard hasn't sucessfully done the slot zero > hack to his backplane since he doesn't have a 030 to try it out > and that may be why his 040 won't work there. I still find it > interesting that the 030 would at least show the initilization > code presumably try the SCSI - never made it to loading > the kernel though. The 040 gives a dark screen. > > I expected most of this from using the MB in slot 4 - unhacked. > I find it interesting that even w/o the NBIC the MB knows which slot > it's in (or that it's not slot zero). Unlike the 68030 board, the 68040 decodes the slot ID and folds it into the NeXTbus slot and board address spaces. This means that the physical addresses of the hardware, ROM, and memory vary with the slot the card is plugged into. The boot ROM and kernel all assume Slot 0 addresses, and won't work anywhere else. The slot ID lines don't require the NBIC to function. Mike Paquette -- Mike Paquette When encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will use encryption.
From: (David Knox) Newsgroups: Subject: next on token ring Date: 1 Jul 1998 15:21:38 GMT Organization: The University of Georgia Message-ID: <6ndk62$mga$> Dear NeXTenthusiasts, I have recently moved to a new office with my mono station. However, the network is a token ring. Does anyone have any suggestions (transceivers etc) on how to get hooked up? Thank you for your help.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: next on token ring Date: 1 Jul 1998 18:53:05 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6ndk62$mga$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6ndk62$mga$>, David Knox <> wrote: >Dear NeXTenthusiasts, I have recently moved to a new office with my mono >station. However, the network is a token ring. Does anyone have any >suggestions (transceivers etc) on how to get hooked up? Thank you for your >help. Your best be is likely to find another machine that has both Token Ring and Ethernet and use it as a bridge, hooking up to the Ethernet. There are likely TR<->Ethernet boxes out there but they can't be cheap. If there's no such two-card machine you could make your own. Just buy a cheap, crappy PC, stick two network cards in it, and run some form of Unix. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Matthew Rademacher) Newsgroups: Subject: Next 21" to Mac? Date: 3 Jul 1998 00:30:25 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <6nh8n1$648$> Is there an adapter to enable a NeXT monitor work on a Mac? Thanks
From: "Graeme Barnes" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Jaz 2GB disktab??? Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 23:21:10 +0100 Message-ID: <> References: <> Roberto Di Cosmo wrote in message ... >Has anybody figured out which is the right disktab entry >to format a 2Gb Jaz Disk? > I said I'd post these onto the group. First note that these arrived by trial and error and are probably not strictly correct. . In theory it should have been possible to alter the Jaz 1GB disktab entry but I couldn't make this work with the disk command. Eventually I resorted to using newfs directly (almost as easy). However newfs appears to be broken either in NextStep 3.3 or OpenStep so I ended up with two different disktab entries. To format a 2Gb disk: Add one of the following disktab entries to /etc/disktab For NextStep 3.3 I used: IOMEGAJAZ-2G:\ :ty=removeable_rw_scsi:nc#6700:nt#4:ns#72:ss#1024:rm#5400:\ :fp#160:bp#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:ro=a\ :pa#0:sa#1929600:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#16:da#4096:ra#5:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:aa: For OpenStep 4.2 I used: IOMEGAJAZ-2G:\ :ty=removeable_rw_scsi:nc#13552:nt#4:ns#72:ss#1024:rm#5400:\ :fp#160:bp#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:ro=a\ :pa#0:sa#3903248:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#16:da#4096:ra#5:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:aa: Use fdisk to wipe out the DOS partition. You can then optionally add a NeXTStep partition (it's not necessary) Use the disk command to put a label on the disk. Use newfs to format the disk: newfs -v /dev/rsdXa IOMEGAJAZ-2G You can then use the disks on any Next/OpenStep machine.I get about 1.6Gb out of a disk. If anyone comes up with a better way than this please let me know. Cheers Graeme Magic Consulting Ltd
From: "maild" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I install 4.2 on a turbo slab? Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 21:36:52 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <6nhn56$87p$> References: <> <> My machine at home is a "work" machine and we have a site license that we are covered under. I have already checked. I just prefer to get a vintage black box working rather than another Intel for the home office. We literally have closets full of NeXT Hardware I just checked one out to use at home for work. I telecommute often via 256K frame. I was hoping to upgrade my 3.3 slab but it sounds as though a clean install is needed. Thanks for your input. Jeff David Evans wrote in message <>... >In article <>, Jeff <> wrote: >>I have a copy of 3.3 that syas for NeXT /Intel but the copy I have of >>4.2 that I got for my Intel box at work only says Mach I would like to >>upgrade my turbo to 4.2 if possible. >> > > Well, aside that it sounds like what your planning seems illegal, it *should* >work. The 4.2 CD is tri-FAT. There may be black boot floppy images on >NeXTanswers (or you may be able to use the 3.3 one). > >-- >David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) >Computer/Synth Junkie >University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer >Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 03 Jul 1998 05:21:04 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: PC Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Alan A. Barhorst) Newsgroups:, Subject: UltraWide SCSI and OS 4.2 Date: 3 Jul 1998 07:43:40 GMT Organization: Texas Tech Academic Computing Services Message-ID: <6ni23c$> Keywords: SCSI, OS4.2 Hello, I am not able to utilize a Western Digital U/W SCSI 4.3 gig Enterprise drive with OS 4.2. I can create a dos and extended dos partition from fdisk in dos and use the drive in dos but I cannot see the drive from OS. I try the CDROM OS 4.2 install and it claims no drive is available. I have put the drive in another machine with the same Adaptec 2940UW SCSI board. and tried sdformat, sdform, and disk. All see the label to some degree but I get DMA overuns and other stuff from sdform and disk when init or Format is tried, sdformat fails to get all the mode sense data. I have slowed the transfers from 40mb/s to 20mb/s in synchronous mode from the 2940 setup to no avail. If somebody has used this drive or has had a similar problem can you help me out. Thanks a lot. Please email too. -- AB _______________________________________________________________ Alan A. Barhorst | Mechanical Engineering | Texas Tech University | NeXT, MIME, Sun, & ASCII mail
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I install 4.2 on a turbo slab? Date: 2 Jul 1998 16:49:57 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Jeff <> wrote: >I have a copy of 3.3 that syas for NeXT /Intel but the copy I have of >4.2 that I got for my Intel box at work only says Mach I would like to >upgrade my turbo to 4.2 if possible. > Well, aside that it sounds like what your planning seems illegal, it *should* work. The 4.2 CD is tri-FAT. There may be black boot floppy images on NeXTanswers (or you may be able to use the 3.3 one). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Openstep Install Help Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 13:50:54 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ng37u$jbt$> I've run into a snag installing Openstep 4.2 and I could use some help. In the process of booting from the floppies for the first time, the system goes into kernel panic immediately after "resetting the scsi bus (sd0)". It gives the error message "unexpected trap at (somememoryaddress)" and asks to continue or reboot. Continuing only sends it into full panic mode where I'm forced to reboot. Now, what I need to know is whether the problem is in my scsi card or in the drives, or in the configuration of the two. I'm suspicious of the scsi card, because its an old Adaptec AHA 1540 (note: this is different from the 1540B). I'm loading the Adaptec 1542B drivers off the boot floppies, which should, theoretically, work. The boot process does seem to find the card at the correct memory address. However, since the drivers are not exactly correct, that could be one problem. I have two Maxtor 1240S 1gb drives on the bus, which should be completely blank. As far as I can tell, they are terminated and identified (scsi ID 0 & 1) correctly. I also have a TEAC CD516S cdrom on the bus (ID 3). I need to know where to look next. I appreciate whatever input you can give me. Thanks, Jonathan D. Nolen -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I install 4.2 on a turbo slab? Date: 3 Jul 1998 15:30:12 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6nhn56$87p$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6nhn56$87p$>, maild <> wrote: >My machine at home is a "work" machine and we have a site license that we >are covered under. I have already checked. OK. Apologies for the possible insult. :-) >I just prefer to get a vintage >black box working rather than another Intel for the home office. I don't blame you. If you don't need lots of CPU it's more stylish! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Info on Taiwanese cube-like PC server case... Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 00:24:22 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Andrew Chang <> Andrew Chang wrote: > > I think this has been discussed before, but I lost all of the info. > I've seen the cube-like black PC server case, made by a Taiwanese > company and sold in CA. I do not remember the name and the website. > > Are they any good? any experience? Thanks. Yeong Yang ( is the manufacturer and KRI computer ( is the American retailer. It's next-ish but a bit larger than the cube. I have one that I haven't built into a system yet. There was some comment before that the airflow doesn't adequately cool the drives and additional fans and/or a bit of metal working helps. I don't know if it's really necessary. m -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: "Bruce Fancher" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro card under Rhapsody Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:35:39 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <6njbrc$7mg$> I have just installed Rhapsody Developer Release 2 on my system. While it includes support for 9 or 10 Diamond drivers, it does not specifically support my card; the FIRE GL 1000 PRO. If anyone knows of either: - Any Diamond mode which is pre-supported, that would be compatible with my card (i.e., running another Diamond card driver which still supports at least a higher resolution and color on my card). - A way to put the Fire GL into an emuluation mode, which mimics one of the older Diamond cards. - Or . . . the location of any other drivers, 3rd party, beta, whatever, which support the Fire GL. thanks for your time,
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black hardware and OS license question Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Jul 1998 12:57:46 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6nicl1$e2e$> I'd like to note that you use BuildDisk to create removable cartridge hard drives as well, which can be bootable. I'v just managed to get a Jaz cartridge built, and feel a bit better about my system now. Hopefully I can get an internal Jaz next, and have something rather reminiscent of the original OD setup. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Black hardware and OS license question Date: 03 Jul 1998 04:18:08 EDT Organization: Concentric Internet Services Message-ID: <6ni440$> Hello all, I have a turbo color NeXTStation, which came to me used, and preloaded with NeXTStep 3.3 Developer. I have a question about licensing, and how to obtain 3.3 Developer install media. I have been told (not from NeXT/Apple directly) that having the original black hardware plus the pre-installed 3.3 Developer entitles me to a single-user license for 3.3. If so, I would really love to get my hands on the install media in case anything nasty happens to my harddrive. Does anyone know whether this is true, and if so, whether I could still get a copy of the 3.3 Developer install media from Apple? Does anyone know who or what department I should contact there? And, for that matter, what I should have prepared to tell them, as "proof of ownership" so to speak (Serial numbers and so forth?) I've never registered ownership with anyone, basically only because I would have no idea who to contact now that NeXT Inc. is gone, and has been so long out of the hardware business. I really don't want to move up to 4.2 -- 3.3 is just fine, and besides, this is a Slab, I'm sure 4.2 is tuned to much faster (Intel) hardware. Thanks for your time! -Seth
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Black hardware and OS license question Date: 3 Jul 1998 10:43:45 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6nicl1$e2e$> References: <6ni440$> (Seth J. Morabito) wrote: >Hello all, > >I have a turbo color NeXTStation, which came to me used, and >preloaded with NeXTStep 3.3 Developer. > >I have a question about licensing, and how to obtain 3.3 Developer >install media. I have been told (not from NeXT/Apple directly) >that having the original black hardware plus the pre-installed 3.3 >Developer entitles me to a single-user license for 3.3. If so, I >would really love to get my hands on the install media in case >anything nasty happens to my harddrive. Does anyone know whether >this is true, and if so, whether I could still get a copy of the >3.3 Developer install media from Apple? Does anyone know who or >what department I should contact there? And, for that matter, what >I should have prepared to tell them, as "proof of ownership" so to >speak (Serial numbers and so forth?) I don't think you can get 3.3 media from Apple. They might be willing to sell you 4.2, but that's not what you want. Since you don't have the serial number, you cannot proof ownership (owning black hardware proofs that you own Version 2.0 though). What you can do is: - Buy the media from somehody who has upgraded. I, for instance, have a spare copy of 3.3, but hold on to it out of nostalgia. - Make a 1:1 copy of the CDROM and the floppy - Buy a second harddisc and copy your internal using BuildDisk. Way back in 3.3, BuildDisk used to work ok :-) I like the third option best, as it provides a backup of the exact system, including installed software and setup. Hope this helps, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I install 4.2 on a turbo slab? Date: 3 Jul 1998 10:51:40 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6nid3s$e2e$> References: <> <> <6nhn56$87p$> "maild" <> wrote: >My machine at home is a "work" machine and we have a site license that we >are covered under. I have already checked. I just prefer to get a vintage >black box working rather than another Intel for the home office. We >literally have closets full of NeXT Hardware I just checked one out to use >at home for work. I telecommute often via 256K frame. > >I was hoping to upgrade my 3.3 slab but it sounds as though a clean install >is needed. Rumor had it that you had to go thorugh an intermediate install of 4.0, but I upgraded 3.3 -> 4.1 without any problems. Since 4.2 is basically a developer upgrade, it should work just as well. Closets full of black HW? Lucky dawg. :-) Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Chris Saldanha) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: UltraWide SCSI and OS 4.2 Followup-To:, Date: 4 Jul 1998 01:22:37 GMT Organization: Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Message-ID: <6nk04t$g90$> References: <6ni23c$> OpenStep does not have very great SCSI support for new standards. You might try reducing the speed of the transfers to 10MB/sec in the CTRL-A setup screen and then trying it. --Chris Chris Saldanha | Computers are useless. Carleton University (Comp. Sci) | They can only give you answers. (NeXT/MIME) | | -Pablo Picasso Alan A. Barhorst ( wrote: : Hello, I am not able to utilize a Western Digital U/W SCSI 4.3 gig : Enterprise drive with OS 4.2. I can create a dos and extended dos : partition from fdisk in dos and use the drive in dos but I cannot see the : drive from OS. I try the CDROM OS 4.2 install and it claims no drive is : available. I have put the drive in another machine with the same Adaptec : 2940UW SCSI board. and tried sdformat, sdform, and disk. All see the label : to some degree but I get DMA overuns and other stuff from sdform and disk : when init or Format is tried, sdformat fails to get all the mode sense : data. I have slowed the transfers from 40mb/s to 20mb/s in synchronous : mode from the 2940 setup to no avail. If somebody has used this drive or : has had a similar problem can you help me out. Thanks a lot. Please : email too.
From: Yeun-Jung Wu <> Newsgroups: Subject: Driver for ATI-MACH64 PCI 3D Rage Pro display card? Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 13:18:53 +0800 Organization: National Taiwan Ocean University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CC:, Does anyone know/have OPENSTEP 4.1's device driver for ATI-MACH64 PCI 3D Rage Pro display card? I bought this display card from a Taiwanese dealer. The manual came with the card indicated that the product name is probably XPERT@PLAY with 8MB SGRAM. Under DOS more detailed information follows: Upgrade MOdule P/N Installed (100-40102) Controller Type PCI 3D Rage Pro Controller Revision 92 Base I/O Address D400h Relocatable I/O Enabled Video BIOS Version 3.077, 1997/10/20 Video P/N 113-41901-104 VGA Functionality Enabled Video Memory 8MB-SGRAM So far I only locate device driver for ATI MACH64-4MB. I know I should look up NeXTAnswer before I post this message. But access to WWW outside Taiwan is extremely slow and always got time-out! Any help to e-mail me such device driver as attachment is greatly appreciated! Later. Y.-J. Wu Division of General Education National Taiwan Ocean University Keelung, Taiwan
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse for NeXT Date: 3 Jul 1998 23:16:51 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6nkhcj$> References: <> Have you taken it apart and attempted to revive it? Just wondering because there was a time when I thought I needed a new mouse, took it apart, cleaned it throughly, put it back together and it then worked as good as new. I wouldn't hesitate to take a NeXT mouse apart now. Emmett In article <>, David <> wrote: >I have a rather dead NeXT mouse in need of replacement. > >Any tips on where to look (in southern California)? > >Ideally...does anyone sell an adapter to get a NeXT to take a standard >mouse? > >Thanks much -- > > >David > >===== > >Please note antispam if sending email. Thanks --
From: (Sergey TsYbanov) Newsgroups: Subject: Wanted: NeXT Cube in Bay area. Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 05:36:25 GMT Organization: Iron Felix Ltd. Message-ID: <> Hi ! I want to buy NeXT CUBE ( +monitor +printer + everything ) in Bay Area. My telephone ( 650) 556-48-34. E-mail - Sergey.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 04 Jul 1998 08:16:48 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: PC Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Trouble printing envelopes on NeXT printers Date: 3 Jul 1998 23:11:15 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6nkh23$> Is there a special type of envelope I should be using to print envelopes on a NeXT printer? I get paper jams on just printing one. To make matters worse I can imagine a senario where I'll have to print about 25 envelopes each day. Thanks, Emmett
From: (Andy Wang) Newsgroups: Subject: OPENSTEP Install problem with 4gb disk Date: 4 Jul 1998 01:56:53 -0500 Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network Message-ID: <6nkjnl$> okay. i just put a nice fast 4GB disk into my system and i wanted to make it the boot disk since it's nice and fast (great for swapping) anyways, i have win98 installed on the 1st 1gb of the disk. i then tried to install OPENSTEP 4.2 and it gives me the error message about how OS can't find a disk with enough space, blah blah no disk found.. etc.. during the install boot, it does detect the harddrive properly though. i'm using an EIDE/ATAPI cdrom drive to do the install and the devices are connected to a Symbios Logic 53c825 based board anyone have any ideas? i checked NeXT Answers and all i could find was info about a bug in 3.2 that was fixed in 3.3.. andy -- ----------------- Dopey (Andy Wang) - NeXT, MIME or SUN mail OK -------------- - Pro-hemp, and proud of it! - finger -l for pgp key - - What the hell is a chicken? - - ------------------------- -----------------------------
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Trouble printing envelopes on NeXT printers Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Jul 1998 13:22:48 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6nkh23$> This seems to be a function of the condition of the rubber roller which takes up the paper and the thickness of the envelope/paper. For a time, my NeXT fed heavy, 25 lb. all cotton envelopes, but over time, they started to jam more and more. It still feeds the regular, cheap envelopes fine though. Have you looked at the Printer FAQ at TjL's site? (link there from my web page). Cleaning the roller (or replacing it) should work for you. I guess I'll have to do that myself at some point. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 10ft cable to Slab Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 20:20:20 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6nm2q4$j74$> can we use 10 ft cable that we use in cube to the slab? just curious... -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum o, does it mean that the ADB or non-ADB is depended on the monitor only? Can we use ADB monitor to the non-ADB slab and use all kbd and mouse in ADB? For instance, is it possible that I use the monitor (ADB) and put the slab (that has non-ADB) and move all kbd and mice (ADB) to hook to the ADB-monitor? I am looking forward to hear the response or the experiment of this issue :) Thank you very much Regards, OPENSTEP at NeXTMachine -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: adjust mono monitor Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 21:06:13 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6nmnbb$1a5u$> Hi How can I adjust NeXT monitor, (N4000B Model)? It doesn't have any knob at all(I could be wrong)... the screen is slightly to the left and I want to centralize it. Thanks Sarawoot
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: adjust mono monitor Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Jul 1998 03:02:15 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6nmnbb$1a5u$> Well, the NeXT FAQ has instructions on opening it up and making adjustments (not for the faint-hearted!). There's a copy in all of the usual places, and one was posted to a while back, I believe. One suggestion was to use to make the standard test patterns--anyone done this and kept the file? Seems a nice candidate for upload to Peak (along with the instructrions) William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 5 Jul 1998 03:48:51 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: Trouble printing envelopes on NeXT printers Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <6nkh23$> Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 04:34:59 GMT In article <6nkh23$> (Emmett McLean) writes: >Is there a special type of envelope I should >be using to print envelopes on a NeXT printer? > >I get paper jams on just printing one. >To make matters worse I can imagine a senario >where I'll have to print about 25 envelopes >each day. > >Thanks, > >Emmett > I print envelopes (using SBook) and have no problems with it. I do have to manual "urge" the envelope through the front portion of the printer. I would not do 25 envelopes a day. I would print onto address labels and then stick them onto the envelopes. EDEW
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Hardware Heres Your Free Software! Organization: Warren Comm Message-ID: <> Date: 5 Jul 1998 00:35:15 -0600 Software Thats Free! cuts long distance calls by as much as 95% Net2phone is the free software that gives all other countries the ability to call the U.S.A for as little as 10 cents a minute! For more information and your free software go to
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 05 Jul 1998 05:36:22 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Neon Iridescent Motherboards? Date: 5 Jul 1998 09:25:40 GMT Organization: Millennia Communications, LLC Message-ID: <6nngqk$> Hey there fellow NeXTphiles! One of my many favorite pastimes includes sitting around appreciating the design of NeXT hardware, both from a physical and electrical design standpoint. Due to the fact that I have bunches of NeXT motherboards and such scattered over my living room I have discovered something I find rather novel; perhaps others out there have found this out, too. Under the iridescent glow of a black light I have come across many everyday things that undergo a complete transformation. To my delight one of the NeXT motherboards I happened to have lying around just popped out at me while the black light was on. It is an '030 Cube motherboard (ca. 1989) the numbers on it are 857.00.AJ. It is absolutely hyperdelic! Of course this led me to dismantle all of my NeXT hardware, the findings of which were disappointing. The '040 Cube boards, NeXT station '040 boards, and NeXT dimension boards test negative for the trip factor (at least on the component side). The '030 slab boards might have the glow, but that's all I might imagine having it. If you can check one of these out under a black light, and you are the sort of person who likes looking at circuitry anyways, well, you should really enjoy it. This discovery led me to several amusing ponderances about the NeXT designers and if they had any idea of this feature. Maybe this is just a mere coincidence, but I have never seen any kind of boards that glow like this! Peace, Paul
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: in need of some serious next help Date: 6 Jul 1998 22:03:11 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6nrhiv$bcg$> References: <6nrd95$47u$> <> (NHensleyD) wrote: [ ... ] > the inside of the next, well first of all it is a mono, and has slots for 4 > 30 pin simms, and like one 68 pin simm or something like that..... is this > enough to go on or do i need to give you more info? The singleton slot is for DSP memory, and is completely useless to most people. If you have four SIMM slots, those would take the 72 pin SIMM's, and you can go up to 128 MB of memory (four 32's). >e-mail is nice For private conversations, sure. For public information, Usenet is appropriate. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 6 Jul 1998 00:01:30 GMT Organization: Millennia Communications, LLC Message-ID: <6np44s$> I'm sure many have asked about this before, but I'm asking again. There's no mention of it in the FAQs, nor have I seen any real discussion about it on the newsgroups. Ususally people just say that it's too hard and leave it at that. Well, I have a load of NeXT stuff I'm willing to play mad scientist with (since it was free) if the knowledge gained will help the greater NeXT community. If this has really been looked into and tried before please let me know. From a facile survey of '040 and '030 cube motherboards, as well as NeXT station '040 motherboards, I have surmised that there is a single 100MHz crystal on the whole board. My only guess is that since there are 20MHz (DSP) and 25MHz (CPU) components on the board there must be some sort of clock division going on. If this 100M crystal is the master clock for the whole board then we must presume that any change in its value will directly impact timing sensitive functionality (like networking and serial communication). While it might be interesting to try changing this oscillator directly and seeing if there is any margin of error in which the value can be safely increased or decreased, I think any sort of clock chipping attempt would be better achieved by other means. Due to the single clock architecture of all these systems I was thinking a cleaner approach would be to connect a dedicated oscillator directly to the CPU, and bypass the master clock. On the plus side there would be no impact to serial ports or networking, on the minus side there could be timing mismatches if the oscillation frequency was not just right. Also it might be possible that lower latency memory would be necessary. Does anyone with a Turbo motherboard know if the scheme still uses a single 100M clock? If so then whatever was done on the Turbo motherboard could probably be reproduced to overdrive a non-Turbo. What are the differences in parts between the two (aside from the 68040RC25 vs 68040RC33)? I hope someone has some insight on this because many people have clock chipped 040@25 up to 040@33 with no negative side effects on certain Macintosh models, so the CPU should take it, but given the single clock design of the NeXT there will undobtedly be greater tradeoffs with it. Any and all feedback greatly appreciated! Paul
From: (GbyTheSea) Newsgroups: Subject: FS:Next Cube w/FREE Turbo Color slab Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Jul 1998 17:19:58 GMT Organization: AOL For more info: GbyTheSea aka Greg Wilkerson ---------Buy/Sell/Trade---------- -Sun/SGI/Next/Cisco/Bay-
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 6 Jul 1998 23:31:58 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6nrmpe$94c$> Hi, I got a dimension and got the following message when I tried to boot it up. I have 4 2x32 60ns 8MB SIMMs installed on the slots closest to the NeXTbus connector. Why is the output of messages saying I have 16MB when I should have 32? Are some SIMM slots broken? The board is installed next to the CPU backplane. No room at all on the other 2 slots--the HD is there. NS3.3, 2-headed '040 cube. mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Do I need all 8 slots filled if I use 8MB SIMMs? The verbose and login windows both appear on my B&W display. Regards, Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Recommendations wanted: CD-R that works with OpenStep MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <4mdo1.35964$> Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 23:47:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 16:47:12 PDT Organization: @Home Network Hey folks Just found out I've got some unexpected money headed my way, and am thinking about getting a CD-R (external, as I understand they run HOT). I'd like to hear from folks as to which ones they have used, especially if they are one of these: Philips IMS CDD522 IMS CDD2000 IMS CDD2600 HP C4324 C4325 CD-Writer 6020 Grundig CDR 100IPW Yamaha CDR100 CDR102 CDR200 CDR400 Sony CDU920 CDU924 CDU926 CDU940 (which is the list I got for ) Thanks! TjL
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: cdrom Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Jul 1998 01:02:26 GMT Organization: AOL once i have the next cd... how do i install it? what do i need to to, is there a faq somewhere? and can all next boxes run OPENSTEP 4.2?
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups:, Subject: DoveFax on OS4.2? Date: 6 Jul 1998 20:51:34 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6nrdcm$b0f$> Hello, The Dovefax software I have does not work on OpenStep 4.2. Do you know if there is a new version compatible with OpenStep 4.2? __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: (B. Nick B.) Newsgroups:, Subject: FS: "Custom Modification" ADB 68040 NeXTSTATION +pics+ please read ... and parts Date: 06 Jul 1998 19:38:41 -0400 Organization: McGill University Computing Centre Message-ID: <> For Sale: 68040 NeXTSTATION in Excellent condition with Turbo motherboard with 25MHz CPU, BNC & RJ45 Ethernet, DSP, Monitor, printer, 2 Serial, SCSI-II connectors original NeXT ADB Keyboard and original cable in excellent condition original NeXT ADB Mouse in excellent condition 32MB 72pin 60ns EDO RAM recognized as 60ns RAM by the system original NeXT 2.88MB Floppy Drive original NeXT NeXT Monitor/Audio/ADB cable with electrical noise suppressor original NeXT MegaPixel N4000B Display which is still very bright clean --- no scratches NeXTSTEP 3.3 User/Developer/EOF 1.1 installed + updates what is custom about it is that there are two harddrives inside 1.08GB Quantum Fireball as the main drive 80MB Quantum as the swap drive Asking $700 Canadian or $465 US or better offer + shipping --- prepaid please keep in mind that this is a custom job please see pictures at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are other options which are available separately also: it can come with 2 (two) 1GB drives (one Quantum and one Seagate or two Seagates) please add to the price $125 Canadian or $85 US. In this case I would prepare a 100MB swap partition on the second drive I can sell a 1GB drive, cables and mounting kit to add another drive to your workstation (exact instructions provided) ... I would ask $150 Canadian or $115 US + shipping it can come with a 1x Toshiba CD-ROM in an external case (no scsi cable though) ... the case would be worth more than the drive so I would ask $60 Canadian or $40 US extra it can come with 1GB JAZ SCSI drive in an external case (including two cartridges, no cable) ... add $330 Canadian or $220 US it can come with a ZIP SCSI drive in an external case (including two cartridges, no cable) ... add $175 Canadian or $115 US it can come with a cable adaptor which takes the NeXT serial port into a 9pin D shell ... add $20 Canadian or $17 US (do not know about the hardware hanshaking) it can come with a 400 DPI Laser printer with Letter size paper tray (home made printer cable) ... ask $200 Canadian or $165 US + shipping _______________________________________________________________________ all items sold in excellent condition, you choose the shipping company Sincerely nick
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 7 Jul 1998 02:24:11 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6ns0sb$fr8$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> In article <6nrmpe$94c$>, Ken Lui <> wrote: >there. NS3.3, 2-headed '040 cube. > >mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: >mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 >mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 I forgot to include my ROM version. It's 2.2v63. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cdrom [installation for 4.2] Date: 7 Jul 1998 03:31:55 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6ns4rb$7h8$> References: <> <VWfo1.35978$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 7 Jul 1998 03:31:55 GMT In article <VWfo1.35978$>, TjL <> wrote: >In <> NHensleyD wrote: >> once i have the next cd... how do i install it? what do i need to to, is >> there a faq somewhere? > >You'll need a floppy disk that will tell the computer to search for the >CD-ROM. > >You can get the floppy at NeXTanswers > I was under the impression that if you had a certain ROM version, or a later version, you could directly boot from any NeXTStep cd that is 3.0 or later. I directly boot from my NeXTStep 3.1 cd using the command "bsd(1,0,0)sdmach rootdev=sd1". My hd is at id 0 and my cd drive is at id 2. I am using a Mono Turbo slab 33mhz. I forget what ROM version I have. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 7 Jul 1998 01:31:01 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6nrmpe$94c$>, Ken Lui <> wrote: >Hi, > >I got a dimension and got the following message when I tried >to boot it up. I have 4 2x32 60ns 8MB SIMMs installed on the >slots closest to the NeXTbus connector. ... The slot shouldn't matter. I don't recall which SIMM sockets you fill first (I can't easily take my box apart at the moment to check), but It hink that it's the "natural" ones for the direction that the SIMMs tilt. The usual caveats apply: have you removed and re-inserted the SIMMs and made sure that the clips go through the holes on all of them? Here's some guesswork: >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 > The ND uses a 128-bit path to memory, so I believe that it will take the first four bytes from the first SIMM, the second fromt he second, and so on. Since the error is at 0x...c that would suggest that the fourth SIMM of the first (and only) bank is somehow hosed. Does swapping the SIMMs around alter the error at which the test fails? >Do I need all 8 slots filled if I use 8MB SIMMs? No; you groups of four are fine. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 7 Jul 1998 06:51:56 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6nsgic$788$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ns0sb$fr8$> Ken Lui wrote: > In article <6nrmpe$94c$>, Ken Lui <> wrote: > >there. NS3.3, 2-headed '040 cube. > > > >mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: > >mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 > >mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured > >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: > >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 > > I forgot to include my ROM version. It's 2.2v63. > As David implied: Probably a RAM problem of one sort or another. Either improperly seated SIMM, bent or brokern contact, bad SIMM, or a myriad of other problems. Thing is the controller thought it saw 16MB - not 32MB which is definately indicative of a problem.. Here is the relevant message mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured ^^^^^^^^^ mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 If you have 4x8M in there it should have seen 32MB. Another common problem people have is that when the manual says a bank of 4 - sometimes people use 2 of one type & 2 of another - and EXPECT it to work. Many times it will - sometimes it won't (I don't know your situation - and I've mixed 1,3 or 2,2 w/o problems in 'many' cases on MB's but never tried on ND's).. Speed of the RAM may be important - I've never been sure whether the ND would take 100ns 72pin since I"ve always used 70 or 60ns. I've not dropped a oscilliscope on the busses to check timings etc (to see if the ND runs @ 33Mhz or 25Mhz).. Surely Mike should know more about this - maybe I'll get a chance to ask him :) Ultimately the best way to diagnose is to replace the RAM - one at a time or all at once.. Even so if the board thinks it has 16MB and it should be 32MB while still giving a RAM error - something is pretty wrong somewhere.. Most likely with the RAM itself - or the connectors to the board. Oh. One other thing. I havn't checked this myself but I'm pretty sure that bank 0 (slots 0-3) are located nearest the edge of the board - not the ones nearest the dividing metal EMF(?) plate soldered on the board.. One day I'll try to stick the RAM all in bank 1 and see what the boot does. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cdrom [installation for 4.2] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <VWfo1.35978$> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 02:43:01 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 19:43:01 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <> NHensleyD wrote: > once i have the next cd... how do i install it? what do i need to to, is > there a faq somewhere? You'll need a floppy disk that will tell the computer to search for the CD-ROM. You can get the floppy at NeXTanswers > and can all next boxes run OPENSTEP 4.2? Yes, but you should have 64MB/ram to be happy with it. TjL
From: Emile de Kleine <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Recommendations wanted: CD-R that works with OpenStep Date: 7 Jul 1998 07:13:34 GMT Organization: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Message-ID: <6nshqu$4vs$> References: <4mdo1.35964$> (TjL) wrote: > >Hey folks > > Just found out I've got some unexpected money headed my way, and am thinking >about getting a CD-R (external, as I understand they run HOT). > > I'd like to hear from folks as to which ones they have used, especially if >they are one of these: > > Philips IMS CDD522 > IMS CDD2000 > IMS CDD2600 > > HP C4324 > C4325 > CD-Writer 6020 > > Grundig CDR 100IPW > > Yamaha CDR100 > CDR102 > CDR200 > CDR400 > > Sony CDU920 > CDU924 > CDU926 > CDU940 > >(which is the list I got for > > ) > >Thanks! > >TjL > > The HP 6020 works fine on my computer. In fact I burned a cd yesterday. I have OpenStep 4.0 for Intel, and I used (mkisofs and) AerePerennius for creating the cd. I did not burn an audio cd yet, just data. Bye, Emile
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB vs. Non-ADB Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:04:58 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6nsobp$7l4$> References: <6nm2ne$j5j$> <6novaf$n5e$> <> To: In article <>, (David Evans) wrote: > > In article <6novaf$n5e$>, <> wrote: > >Hi > >For the non-ADB slab, is it typical or machine has a problem? > > It depends on the ROM version in the slab. I don't recall the numbers but > I believe that it requires V74 to do ADB properly. Do you imply that if I just change the ROM to the newer version, my non-ADB slab can use ADB devices? -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Cube & Floppy? Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:07:35 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6nsogm$7s4$> Hi! I haven't seen the floppy disk drive in my cube though. Is it normal? Are there any cube that has the floppy diskdrive? I'm wondering how can you transfer files or install new OS... without the floppy. Can I install new floppy disk drive to my cube? thank you thank you very much. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:37:52 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: NeXT Printer Cable Connections Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I'm about to buy a NeXT laser printer, but it doesnt come with the lead. I believe the cable is 9pinD to 9pinD. What are the connections? Is it straight through? (I'd guess it would be) David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:40:31 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all combinations. Have they been disabled some how? David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:50:26 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David Linsley wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. > However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to > it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all > combinations. Have they been disabled some how? They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), but no display. Any ideas? -- David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: LOW PRICE CPU !!! Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 18:56:44 PST Organization: The one and only Message-ID: <> content-length: 2287 Dear Sir, Now a day, most of the PC builders and PC retailers are complaining on aseveral things: Price Competitive, No Profit Margin, How Can We Beat The Price of Direct Sales Computer Companies such as DELL, GW2000? Here is the solution, most of the branded machine will not bring you profit,and yet not competitive enough. And you start thinking making your own brand, assemble your own brand of PC, but still, how competitive you are on price? The answer is: TO USE SOME PARTS WHICH IS LOWER COST ON SAME OR HIGHER QUALITY!!! Here we come in to introduce you with our new RE CPU, this CPU is absolutelyIntel Original CPU, but with some modiication to run on higher speed. Due to ourhigh technology and good quality control, we have NEVER RECIEVED A SINGLE RETURNon our RE CPU. If you want your PC line to be competitive, try this (shh... asksomeone in Taiwan, and you will know, Acer using RE CPU for the home/business PCline as well....shh..): 1. Intel Pentium II 266MHz - US$175 tray (without Fan) 2. Intel Pentium II 266MHz - US$185 Retail Box - you can sell this on yourrack 3. Intel Pentium II 300MHz - US$188 tray (without Fan) 4. Intel Pentium II 300MHz - US$199 Retail Box - you can sell this on yourrack **FOB Hong Kong **Minimum order for Tray version is 25pcs, Box version is 10pcs **If you need a formal quotation on Ringgit Malaysia, please request by email to , with the quantity you required, and we will fax you theformal quotation as soon as possible. IN CASE YOU STILL ASSEMBLE MMX-200 MACHINE and CUSTOMER is INSIST on INTEL CPU. We are having the following: ** Intel Pentium MMX-200 tcp converted to ppga to accept socket 7. ** note that this is Intel Original Chip build for Notebook, and the factory using an adapter to change the grid to PPGA (socket 7), same performance as MMX-200 (SL27J). ** The Price? USD75@ for 25 ~ 99pcs USD73@ for 100 ~ 499pcs USD72@ for 500+ pcs FOB Taiwan We also carry wide range of Memory Module from SIMM EDO to PC100 DIMM SDRAM,email us at for more info. Thank you for your time. AIT COMPANY OF HONG KONG Well Fung Ind. Centre 58-76 Ta Chuen Ping Street Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 07 Jul 1998 12:01:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cdrom [installation for 4.2] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <VWfo1.35978$> <6ns4rb$7h8$> Message-ID: <Hxpo1.35988$> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 13:38:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 06:38:47 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6ns4rb$7h8$> Wade Eric Bynum wrote: > I was under the impression that if you had a certain ROM version, or > a later version, you could directly boot from any NeXTStep cd that > is 3.0 or later. That's right... . I always forget about that because there were so few IIRC. Anyway, I think it was the late-model Turbos that had this capacity, and I don't know what ROM version you had to have for this to work. TjL
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Recommendations wanted: CD-R that works with OpenStep Date: 7 Jul 1998 07:34:24 GMT Message-ID: <6nsj20$rc3$> References: <4mdo1.35964$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (TjL) wrote: > > Hey folks > > Just found out I've got some unexpected money headed my way, and am thinking > about getting a CD-R (external, as I understand they run HOT). > > I'd like to hear from folks as to which ones they have used, especially if > they are one of these: .. Hi, i use a Ricoh 6200S with AerePerennius.1.51beta.I.b.tar.gz. This is a 6x,2x,2x CDRW recorder, works great. One problem: the actual AerePerennius version can't erase CDRW's (i use windows for this). - Karsten -- *** Powered_By_NeXTSTEP ***
From: Richard Scholz <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 16:55:11 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), > but no display. Any ideas? > The monitor just stays dark - right ? This thing could happen, if the cpu board was not in the proper slot. This is rather unlikely, but better check. If you look at the cube from the backside, you should see four slot openings in the cube case, two on the right and two on the left. The cpu board (where the monitor cable is connected) should be in the second slot from the right. Or, since a picture is better than thousand words: the cpu board should be here -----| | / \_/ / x----------------------------------------x | x-x x-x x-x x-x | | | | | | --------------- |C| | | | | | | | | |P| | | | | | | | | ------------------ |U| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------ |B| | | | | | | | | |o| | | | | | | | | ---------------- |a| | | | | | | | | |r| | | | | | | | | |d| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /--\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---- | | | | | | x-x x-x x-x x-x |/ x----------------------------------------x -- ------------------------------------------------------- Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Walldorf, Germany To reply please remove REMOVETHIS from my email address
From: Ricardo Cortes <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Date: 7 Jul 1998 07:47:48 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <6ntcek$> References: <> <> David, I don't know if this is a similar problem, but I have a NeXT color turbo slab and when I had the memory misconfigured (not all the same size simms together), the monitor would not come on. Maybe check the memory? Ricardo In article <>, David says... > >David Linsley wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. >> However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to >> it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all >> combinations. Have they been disabled some how? > >They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), >but no display. Any ideas? > >-- >David Linsley STNC Ltd > Software Engineer >-------------------------------------- >--6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9-- > > ------------------ This public news site made possible by the folks at
From: "Todd" <> Newsgroups: Subject: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:57:52 -0400 Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6ntd15$> Anyone have an electronic version (PDF, ps, GIF, JPEG) of the 4-8 page ad introducing the NeXTstation? I had one from PCWeek and carried it around for months drooling over that machine. As a student at the time, I could only dream of getting a $5,000 machine. Wanted to bring back some of those memories.
Message-ID: <> From: guy ruth hammond <> Organization: online gothic MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation References: <6ntd15$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 15:09:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 16:09:45 BST Todd wrote: > > Anyone have an electronic version (PDF, ps, GIF, JPEG) of the 4-8 page ad > introducing the NeXTstation? I had one from PCWeek and carried it around for > months drooling over that machine. As a student at the time, I could only > dream of getting a $5,000 machine. > > Wanted to bring back some of those memories. -- GuyRuthHammond <> bill is my master SunOS d00d, Systems Operations Group win32 is my mantra Online Magic Ltd http://onlinemagic/ world domination is my goal
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 15:32:12 -0400 From: Jeff Sciortino <> Organization: RIT MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: NHensleyD <> Subject: Re: cdrom References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > and can all next boxes run OPENSTEP 4.2? Yes, but the more memory the better, my mono non-turbo runs fine on 20, but the collected wisdom is that 32 MB or more is recommended, especially if you are doing development. > once i have the next cd... how do i install it? what do i need to to, is Instruction come with OS 4.2 If you already have a previous version, run the in the root directory of the CD. If you don't have a working copy on the machine, then you need to boot using the supplied floppy. Put the Floppy in the drive, and the CD in the cdrom drive, power up the machine, and wait for the command prompt. At the prompt type: bfd which stands for boot floppy drive. follow the instructions on the screen to install. > there a faq somewhere? Best of luck. -Jeff
Subject: Re: Modems and the NeXT Turbo Color Newsgroups: References: <6nr4bf$> In-Reply-To: <6nr4bf$> From: Message-ID: <xmro1.745$> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 15:43:25 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 11:43:25 EDT On 07/06/98, Ricardo Cortes wrote: >Hi there. > >I currently own a NeXT Color Turbo slab and >I am looking at buying a modem for it. But, >I don't just want an external modem that will only >run on the NeXT. I would like to be able to use >this modem on a PC (that I will probably buy >down the road). Does anyone know of good modems >and is the US Robotics 56K (model no. 5686 priced >at $149.99) a good option? How about compatibility? As I understand it, the problem in compatibility with the NeXT is not on the modem hardware itself but in the modem cable. About any modem will work (I've yet to find one that didn't work in data mode), but it has to have the proper wiring. I have an old NeXT modem cable so I've never had to worry about it. Some Mac modems come with the cable permanently attached, so you can't use those modems over 9600 'cause what you lose with the mac modem cable is the hardware handshaking. (A bummer 'cause my brother just gave me a studly 56k mac modem but it has the attached cable. I could do the wiring myself, but I'd probably just wreck it). The cabling diagram can be found in /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextAdmin/SysAdminManual/ApB_Cabling.rtfd. Faxing is a different issue, though I've found that NXFAX sent faxes from all the fax modems I've tried. Good luck. Peace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> <6nsgic$788$> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 16:47:47 GMT Sender: In article <6nsgic$788$>, <> wrote: >In <6ns0sb$fr8$> Ken Lui wrote: >> In article <6nrmpe$94c$>, Ken Lui <> >wrote: >> >there. NS3.3, 2-headed '040 cube. >> > >> >mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: >> >mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 >> >mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured >> >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: >> >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits >0xdb4db6d1 [snip] >Speed of the RAM may be important - I've never been sure whether the >ND would take 100ns 72pin since I"ve always used 70 or 60ns. I've not >dropped a oscilliscope on the busses to check timings etc (to see if >the ND runs @ 33Mhz or 25Mhz).. Surely Mike should know more >about this - maybe I'll get a chance to ask him :) IIRC, the ND takes 80ns, 72 pin simms. It might even want parity ram, but I don't think so. Unfortunately I don't have any reference materials with me at work and don't really want to take apart my NDcube anyway. :-) The previous posters are right though, this definitely sounds like bad ram. Good luck. -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 17:42:20 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The company has taken the memory out and checked it on a PC - it is fine. The Cube hard disc spins up and the fan does too. It appears to be working except for the display. They have tried 2 cubed with 4 monitors. Is it possible that in the ROM the display is disabled? The machines are from an office and were working when they took delivery of them. Regards, David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 16:59:43 +0000 From: Martin Sillence <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT PSU's Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, My NeXT PSU's dead and I was wondering if theres anyone that fixes/selling new ones at a modest price (in the UK)? In fact if theres any NeXT turbo's surpless to requirements I would also be interested. -- Regards, Martin - IFB Systems Administrator
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 18:15:30 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Martin Sillence <> Subject: Re: NeXT PSU's References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Martin Sillence wrote: > > Hi, > > My NeXT PSU's dead and I was wondering if theres anyone that > fixes/selling new ones at a modest price (in the UK)? > In fact if theres any NeXT turbo's surpless to requirements I would also > be interested. DCS in Linconshire (01507 358882) have a load of Turbo Color Stations for sale (they are a clearance company, so they dont know anything about NeXTs). I've bought a couple from them. Tell them I sent you David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Recommendations wanted: CD-R that works with OpenStep Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 17:26:42 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ntloh$ivg$> References: <4mdo1.35964$> To: I have used HP6020i but I moved to ext case since Jan97. So far so good. In article <4mdo1.35964$>, (TjL) wrote: > > > Hey folks > > Just found out I've got some unexpected money headed my way, and am thinking > about getting a CD-R (external, as I understand they run HOT). > > I'd like to hear from folks as to which ones they have used, especially if > they are one of these: > > Philips IMS CDD522 > IMS CDD2000 > IMS CDD2600 > > HP C4324 > C4325 > CD-Writer 6020 > > Grundig CDR 100IPW > > Yamaha CDR100 > CDR102 > CDR200 > CDR400 > > Sony CDU920 > CDU924 > CDU926 > CDU940 > > (which is the list I got for > > ) > > Thanks! > > TjL > > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cdrom [installation for 4.2] Date: 7 Jul 1998 16:37:06 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <VWfo1.35978$> <6ns4rb$7h8$> <Hxpo1.35988$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <Hxpo1.35988$>, TjL <> wrote: >Anyway, I think it was the late-model Turbos that had this capacity, and I >don't know what ROM version you had to have for this to work. > I believe that v74 was the last. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 7 Jul 1998 16:40:18 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> <6nsgic$788$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6nsgic$788$>, <> wrote: > >If you have 4x8M in there it should have seen 32MB. Another common >problem people have is that when the manual says a bank of 4 - >sometimes >people use 2 of one type & 2 of another - and EXPECT it to work. Many >times it will - sometimes it won't (I don't know your situation - and >I've >mixed 1,3 or 2,2 w/o problems in 'many' cases on MB's but never tried >on ND's).. > I can't see it working on NDs, since it expects to have a full 128-bit path to memory (ie. it selects four SIMMs at a time and blasts 128-bits into or out of them). They'd all have to be the same size for this to work! >Speed of the RAM may be important - I've never been sure whether the >ND would take 100ns 72pin since I"ve always used 70 or 60ns. I think that it's 80 minimum. I don't recall what I have in mine (although I can tear it apart and check if someone really wants to know). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Exact model of fan in 21" display Date: 7 Jul 1998 17:49:16 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! The time has come to replace my monitor's fan (I finally got fed up with the racket) but the label's been mutliated, so I can't tell what the exact model is, other than it's a Panaflow. Does anyone know, or know its air movement rating? I suppose I could just take it out, measure it, and install the equivalent-sized Panaflow but I'd like more info than that. Thanks in advance. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Sylvia Asturias) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP! Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 18:46:20 GMT Organization: Sprynet News Service Message-ID: <> I have a AHA-1542B adaptec SCSI controller. I need a driver for it. I went to and couldn't find the right driver. I have Windows 95. If anybody can help me e-mail at Thank you.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 19:41:27 GMT In article <>, David Linsley <> wrote: >Hi, > >I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. >However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to >it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all >combinations. Have they been disabled some how? > >David Linsley STNC Ltd > Software Engineer No matter how many monitors you try, there is no way you can plug a power cord to a mono monitor. The power is supplied by the cube/slab. You should connect all the cables supplied, then power on the machine. The monitor will be turned on automatically.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> <6nsgic$788$> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 20:33:59 GMT In article <6nsgic$788$>, <> wrote: >In <6ns0sb$fr8$> Ken Lui wrote: >> In article <6nrmpe$94c$>, Ken Lui <> >wrote: >> >there. NS3.3, 2-headed '040 cube. >> > >> >mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: >> >mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 >> >mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured >> >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: >> >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits >0xdb4db6d1 >> >> I forgot to include my ROM version. It's 2.2v63. >> > >As David implied: Probably a RAM problem of one sort or another. >Either improperly seated SIMM, bent or brokern contact, bad SIMM, >or a myriad of other problems. Thing is the controller thought it >saw 16MB - not 32MB which is definately indicative of a problem.. > >Here is the relevant message >mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 4: >mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 >mach: 16 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured > ^^^^^^^^^ > >mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: >mach: DRAM test 0 failed in bank 0 at 0x4800000c; bad bits 0xdb4db6d1 > >If you have 4x8M in there it should have seen 32MB. Another common >problem people have is that when the manual says a bank of 4 - >sometimes >people use 2 of one type & 2 of another - and EXPECT it to work. Many >times it will - sometimes it won't (I don't know your situation - and >I've >mixed 1,3 or 2,2 w/o problems in 'many' cases on MB's but never tried >on ND's).. > >Speed of the RAM may be important - I've never been sure whether the >ND would take 100ns 72pin since I"ve always used 70 or 60ns. I've not >dropped a oscilliscope on the busses to check timings etc (to see if >the ND runs @ 33Mhz or 25Mhz).. Surely Mike should know more >about this - maybe I'll get a chance to ask him :) > >Ultimately the best way to diagnose is to replace the RAM - one at >a time or all at once.. > >Even so if the board thinks it has 16MB and it should be 32MB while >still giving a RAM error - something is pretty wrong somewhere.. >Most likely with the RAM itself - or the connectors to the board. > >Oh. One other thing. I havn't checked this myself but I'm pretty >sure that bank 0 (slots 0-3) are located nearest the edge of the >board - not the ones nearest the dividing metal EMF(?) plate >soldered on the board.. > >One day I'll try to stick the RAM all in bank 1 and see what the >boot does. > >Randy From what has been described, there is no problem with SIMM slot position, RAM speed and SIMM type. I can only suggest checking the SIMM contacts and the qualify of the SIMMs. From my experience, NeXT is not so good at recognizing RAM. I once put in 4 pcs of unknown type SIMM (256k?) into a standard cube and it reported 4 1MB RAM. You know, it never worked. My pint here is that: ignore the 16MB boot message. Something is wrong with the RAM. I can not find any info on diagnosing ND RAM. There is similar info for other machines. You can check the SIMMs by pluging them into any color NeXT machines which use 72-pin SIMMs. Or try other SIMMs.
From: tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Problem with Matrox Mill II 8MG AGP and OS4.2 Date: 7 Jul 1998 19:36:13 GMT Organization: Princeton University Message-ID: <6nttbd$79r$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am installing OS4.2 on a new computer (PII 400 MX with BX chipset) with a Matrox Mill II 8MG AGP card. Using the driver v.4.10 (tried also v4.09), OpenStep does not recognize the device when booting. Any suggestions? Thanks. tim van zandt
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... SOLUTION Date: 7 Jul 1998 22:24:05 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6nu765$4rd$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> Keywords: NeXTdimension RAM configure SIMM Thanks for all the replies: David, Randy, Christopher--and Andrew Chang who replied via email. The consensus is bad RAM and indeed that was the case. When I played musical chairs with the SIMMS last night, error addresses changed sometimes if I moved RAM from one socket to another. There must have been more than 1 bad memory. I got replacement SIMMs and the 'dimension reports 32MB and I get a 2-headed machine. The information is archived, but to reiterate: Memory should be populated from the edge of the board inward. Memory should be placed in groups of 4 identical SIMMs. Their speed needs to be 80ns or faster, their sizes in 256Kx32, 512Kx32, 1Mx32, or 2Mx32. 1M, 2M, 4M, and 8M SIMMs respectively. Not sure if parity works, but if it's anything like the Mac, parity sticks should work fine. Configuration should be automatic. Boot and login screen should be on the color display. A good way to check for good/bad RAM is with the back over off, power up the cube. You should see a red LED on the 'dimension and if it stays lit right after power on, and then shuts off, things are OK. If the LED blinks and then shuts off, things are not OK. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 7 Jul 1998 22:26:50 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6nu7ba$4tv$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> <6nsgic$788$> In article <6nsgic$788$>, <> wrote: >One day I'll try to stick the RAM all in bank 1 and see what the >boot does. The 'dimension will be disabled and the B&W display, if you have one connected, will be the default display. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Jul 1998 00:47:38 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Jul 1998 05:51:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Who makes the best Intel cases? Date: 8 Jul 1998 04:35:36 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6nusuo$jls$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Jul 1998 04:35:36 GMT Since a lot of NSFIP users seem to build their own systems (or at least have strong opinions about Intel hardware) I thought I'd pose this question here: Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences/recommendations vis-a-vis the best case for a do-it-yourself NSFIP box? I'm looking for the coolest (temperature-wise), sharpest-looking, tool-free, all-around best case I can find. Thanks for any suggestions. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (Jeromy Hollenshead) Newsgroups: Subject: Anything interesting to do with a burnt out NeXT monitor? Date: 8 Jul 1998 06:37:46 GMT Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Message-ID: <6nv43q$suu$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Jul 1998 06:37:46 GMT Is there any good way to use an old burnt out monitor with the microphone and the speakers in it? Is there any way to have some sort of input to just the speakers or anything? Is there anyway to take out the speakers and would they be good for anything. Thanks, Jeromy --
Newsgroups: Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 09:18:14 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: David Linsley <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > No matter how many monitors you try, there is no way you can plug > a power cord to a mono monitor. The power is supplied by the cube/slab. > You should connect all the cables supplied, then power on the > machine. The monitor will be turned on automatically. Hi, the machines are plugged into the cube. They have power (the monitor gets warm), but no display. Is there a key press or something needed? The monitor just doesnt display anything (4 monitors tried - does same on both cubes). David Linsley STNC Ltd Software Engineer -------------------------------------- --6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9--
From: (bah) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Who makes the best Intel cases? Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 09:55:28 GMT Organization: iiNet Technologies Message-ID: <> References: <6nusuo$jls$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 8 Jul 1998 04:35:36 GMT, Christian Jensen <> wrote: >Since a lot of NSFIP users seem to build their own systems (or at least have >strong opinions about Intel hardware) I thought I'd pose this question here: >Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences/recommendations vis-a-vis the >best case for a do-it-yourself NSFIP box? I'm looking for the coolest >(temperature-wise), sharpest-looking, tool-free, all-around best case I can >find. im most impressed with my new in-win [ha even with the name] its cool, has a front fan mount, still looks fridge like, also feature the rather odd bit where you can drag the mboard and all the cards out the back in one piece to work on, beats groveling around in the case for jumpers, i previously just always used macases but i couldnt get a guarantee over it having a 2.0* rated power supply bla blah so got an in win instead jamie
From: (Jack Huesman) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation Manuals, FAQs,...,Anything... Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 12:30:38 GMT Organization: Annihilated Incorporated Message-ID: <> References: <> <6e3ph6$g8i$> On 10 Mar 1998 16:25:10 GMT, wrote: > (Jack Huesman) wrote: >>Hello, >>I just bought a used NeXTstation and the seller told me that he >>doesn't have any manuals for the hardware. I have been to several of >>the online FAQ's, but most of them seem to be rather old, 1992-1996, > >Well, for a computer that stopped geting made in 1993 that shouldn't come as >too much of a surprise! :-) I didn't expect to find the kind of documentation that exists for PC's or Mac's, but I thought the loyal NeXT users would have a few more resourses on the web. One of my undergrad mathematics professors had a NeXT, and he loved it. > >>Are there any hardware resourses on the >>net, or is there somewhere I can order the hardware manuals? > >Very little was published about NeXT's actual hardware, apart from a few >things like pinouts in the Sys Admin manuals. NeXT did produce a couple of >hardware service manuals that they gave to authorized techs but they were >never published commercially. They also don't have any of the nitty gritty >details about the circuit board PCB layout, timings, etc if that 's what >you're after, only "here's how to replace the motherboard"... Other than >that, Bruce Webster's "The NeXT Book" did have a fairly detailed section >about NeXT's original 030 cube hardware. > >What exactly do you want to know? Actually, it is just the generic "how-to" and compatability stuff that I was looking for. My department has a lot of old drives and memory laying about, and I wanted to find out if any of it could be used in my NeXT. Thanks... > >- Gareth >--- >Gareth Bestor >Computer Sciences Department >University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: (Dwight M Evers) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 8 Jul 1998 13:43:25 GMT Organization: NDSU ACM Message-ID: <6nvt1t$o02$> References: <6np44s$> <6nqv52$a62$> I remember back an upgrade from I believe Sonnet (they also make Mac upgrades for 040's) and the cost was then $450 to go from a 25MHz 040 to a 50MHz 040. I don't think that 040 can go beyond 50MHz, as that chip get REALLY HOT!!! Even with a fan on the CPU in a 950, an 040-50MHz is warm. anyone ever do this? -Dwight Charles W. Swiger ( wrote: : wrote: : >I'm sure many have asked about this before, but I'm asking again. : >There's no mention of it in the FAQs, nor have I seen any real : >discussion about it on the newsgroups. Ususally people just say that : >it's too hard and leave it at that. : Unfortunately, that is a correct answer. The problem is that you can't : change the CPU timing independently of the timings for memory and the rest of : the board. : >Well, I have a load of NeXT stuff I'm willing to play mad scientist : >with (since it was free) if the knowledge gained will help the greater : >NeXT community. If this has really been looked into and tried before : >please let me know. : It's been looked into before, and Sam Goldberger of Spherical Solutions : actually produced a daughterboard which upped the speed to a (IIRC) 60Mhz : 68040 and faster L2 cache, but they were expensive and had reportedly had : stability problems. Check DejaNews.... : -Chuck : Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer : ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- : "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 14:02:21 +0000 From: Martin Sillence <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation Manuals, FAQs,...,Anything... References: <> <6e3ph6$g8i$> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jack Huesman wrote: > >What exactly do you want to know? > Actually, it is just the generic "how-to" and compatability stuff that > I was looking for. My department has a lot of old drives and memory > laying about, and I wanted to find out if any of it could be used in > my NeXT. You might find the following useful: Theres lots of links off there (some don't work) But the following does on memory expansion (note that as far as I can tell only the turbo's can use >4meg sims but I could be wrong here) I think most SCSI 2 should work but >2Gig might be a problem? -- Regards, Martin - IFB Systems Administrator
From: tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups:, Subject: Anybody gotten Ensoniq PCI audio to work with OS4.2? Date: 8 Jul 1998 14:36:51 GMT Organization: Princeton University Message-ID: <6o0063$jsc$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have an A-Trend Harmony 3DS751 audiocard, which is based on an ENSONIQ ES137x AUDIOPCI chip. It is supposed to use some trick to emulate a SoundBlaster ISA card, but I have not been able to get OS4.2 to recognize the card. (The PnPDump utility shows nothing at all.) Anybody gotten such a thing to work? tim van zandt
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 8 Jul 1998 14:47:18 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6nqv52$a62$> <6nvt1t$o02$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6nvt1t$o02$>, Dwight M Evers <> wrote: >I remember back an upgrade from I believe Sonnet (they also make Mac >upgrades for 040's) and the cost was then $450 to go from a 25MHz 040 to >a 50MHz 040. > Sonnet are, I think, the folks who did the Pyro black accelerator for Spherical. >anyone ever do this? > Most Mac boards like this won't work, due I expect to much tighter timing requirements on the black hardware: the board may not look enough like a 25MHz '040 for the rest of the system to be fooled. Even the one that Sam once sold wouldn't work in some machines. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> <> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:41:14 GMT In article <>, David Linsley <> wrote: >David Linsley wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. >> However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to >> it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all >> combinations. Have they been disabled some how? > >They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), >but no display. Any ideas? > >-- >David Linsley STNC Ltd > Software Engineer If all four monitors have the same problem, then you have: 1. Bad monitor cable/connector; or 2. Bad computer monitor port. As far as I know, the mono monitor can not be disabled. A ND should not complicate the situation.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> <> <6ntcek$> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:44:34 GMT In article <6ntcek$>, Ricardo Cortes <> wrote: >David, > >I don't know if this is a similar problem, but >I have a NeXT color turbo slab and when I had the >memory misconfigured (not all the same size simms >together), the monitor would not come on. Maybe >check the memory? > >Ricardo > This seems strange to me. Even with the RAM problem, the machine should start and report the power-up error(s). Read the current messages on ND RAM problem....... I do not know under what condition the monitor would not come on. Of course it happens when any video-related parts go down... >In article <>, David says... >> >>David Linsley wrote: >>> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I'm buying a cube from a clearance company, with megapixel mono monitor. >>> However, the monitor does not startup - there appears to be no power to >>> it. They have tried 4 monitors on two cubes and this happens with all >>> combinations. Have they been disabled some how? >> >>They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), >>but no display. Any ideas? >> >>-- >>David Linsley STNC Ltd >> Software Engineer >>-------------------------------------- >>--6809-- Dragon Data Home Page --OS9-- >> >> > >------------------ >This public news site made possible by >the folks at
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> <> <> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:48:29 GMT In article <>, Richard Scholz <> wrote: >> They have just phoned me. The monitors do have power (they get warm!), >> but no display. Any ideas? >> > >The monitor just stays dark - right ? > >This thing could happen, if the cpu board was not in the proper slot. >This is rather unlikely, but better check. > >If you look at the cube from the backside, you should see four slot >openings in the cube case, two on the right and two on the left. The cpu >board (where the monitor cable is connected) should be in the second >slot from the right. > >Or, since a picture is better than thousand words: > >the cpu board should be here -----| > | > / \_/ / >x----------------------------------------x >| x-x x-x x-x x-x | >| | | | | --------------- |C| | | | >| | | | | |P| | | | >| | | | | ------------------ |U| | | | >| | | | | | | | | | >| | | | | ------------------ |B| | | | >| | | | | |o| | | | >| | | | | ---------------- |a| | | | >| | | | | |r| | | | >| | | | | |d| | | | >| | | | | | | | | | >| | | | | | | | | | >| | | | | | | | | | >| | | | | /--\ | | | | | >| | | | | | | | | | | | >| | | | | ---- | | | | | >| x-x x-x x-x x-x |/ >x----------------------------------------x > >-- >------------------------------------------------------- >Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Walldorf, Germany >To reply please remove REMOVETHIS from my email address Since the cube suplies power to the monitor, the board should be in proper slot. Could there be a bad on-board ROM? or video relay?
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 16:04:20 GMT The NeXT-FAQ should be updated for this info. I'd like to get the black paint to either fix small spots or repaint the whole cube. I have a hard time in finding any proper kind of paint for this purpose. Any help? Thanks.
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anybody gotten Ensoniq PCI audio to work with OS4.2? Date: 8 Jul 1998 17:01:20 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6o08l0$o1s$> References: <6o0063$jsc$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> posted and e-mailed. In article <6o0063$jsc$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> you wrote: > I have an A-Trend Harmony 3DS751 audiocard, which > is based on an ENSONIQ ES137x AUDIOPCI chip. It > is supposed to use some trick to emulate a SoundBlaster > ISA card, but I have not been able to get OS4.2 to > recognize the card. (The PnPDump utility shows nothing > at all.) Anybody gotten such a thing to work? 1. The emulation won't work.. Only real soundblasters will work and use the Soundblaster drivers. 2. I believe there does exist an Ensoniq driver available for Nextstep/Openstep. Reference NeXTanswers: (Hmmm, this doesn't mention the PCI versions, but it's worth a shot). Good luck -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Message-ID: <> Date: 8 Jul 1998 17:18:56 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Unfortunately, Omni Spray-on NeXTBlack (or whatever it was called) was a custom mixture, which the company won't recreate in lots of less than on case. I've experimented a little bit with acrylics, trying to get a match, but it's a really subtle color, and matte as well. I have had good luck painting cables with a coat of gloss black, then flat black Krylon though, but of course, the color doesn't have to match perfectly there. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: 8 Jul 1998 18:34:57 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6o0e4h$ott$> References: <> Keywords: NeXT black paint formula source In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: >I'd like to get the black paint to either fix small spots or repaint >the whole cube. I have a hard time in finding any proper kind of paint >for this purpose. Any help? Thanks. You can find the formula within the document: <> A good shop should be able to mix it for you, although I haven't had the need to buy a batch. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anybody gotten Ensoniq PCI audio to work with OS4.2? Date: 8 Jul 1998 19:13:31 GMT Organization: XMission (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6o0gcr$4jt$> References: <6o0063$jsc$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> <6o08l0$o1s$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Jul 1998 19:13:31 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (SunOS/5.5.1 (sun4m)) Rex Dieter <> wrote: > I believe there does exist an Ensoniq driver available for > Nextstep/Openstep. Reference NeXTanswers: > > (Hmmm, this doesn't mention the PCI versions, but it's worth a shot). It doesn't cover the AudioPCI card. Maybe with the DriverKit on DR2, I can write a driver for it, especially since there will be a continuing Intel product. =) ............ kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
From: "Grey Randall" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP!!!!! Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 19:50:38 -0500 Organization: Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions Message-ID: <6o10iu$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have the following, and I would like to get this thing up and running. 1 Next laser printer 1 Next colorstation. Need floppy drive, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc. Where can I get the parts I need?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube & Floppy? Date: 9 Jul 1998 02:07:23 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o18kr$52q$> References: <6nsogm$7s4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6nsogm$7s4$> wrote: > Hi! > I haven't seen the floppy disk drive in my cube though. > Is it normal? Yes - not all cubes had floppies - except perhaps Turbo Cubes - though those could be obtained w/o floppy. > Are there any cube that has the floppy diskdrive? Yes. > I'm wondering how can you transfer files or install new OS... without the > floppy. Get access to a machine with a floppy - or another system with a installed OS and do a builddisk. > Can I install new floppy disk drive to my cube? Yes if you have a 25Mhz or 33Mhz 68040 board No if you have a 030 board. > thank you thank you very much. your welcome, your welcome very much. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation Date: 9 Jul 1998 02:12:13 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o18tt$52q$> References: <6ntd15$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ntd15$> "Todd" wrote: > Anyone have an electronic version (PDF, ps, GIF, JPEG) of the 4-8 page ad > introducing the NeXTstation? I had one from PCWeek and carried it around for > months drooling over that machine. As a student at the time, I could only > dream of getting a $5,000 machine. > > Wanted to bring back some of those memories. > Check out for a html version (make sure to size your font down so lines don't wrap) also below for PDF's - I'll have PDF copies up in the next month or two as things settle down for me. or Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: 9 Jul 1998 02:19:40 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o19bs$52q$> References: <> <6o0e4h$ott$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6o0e4h$ott$> Ken Lui wrote: > In article <>, > Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >I'd like to get the black paint to either fix small spots or repaint > >the whole cube. I have a hard time in finding any proper kind of paint > >for this purpose. Any help? Thanks. > > You can find the formula within the document: > <> > A good shop should be able to mix it for you, although I haven't > had the need to buy a batch. > I'm sure I could find this on dejanews but I checked that document and searched the indexes for Paint and could find nothing.. Which document is it in? Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Date: 9 Jul 1998 02:28:24 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o19s8$52q$> References: <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Linsley wrote: > > No matter how many monitors you try, there is no way you can plug > > a power cord to a mono monitor. The power is supplied by the cube/slab. > > You should connect all the cables supplied, then power on the > > machine. The monitor will be turned on automatically. > > Hi, > > the machines are plugged into the cube. They have power (the monitor > gets warm), but no display. > > Is there a key press or something needed? > > The monitor just doesnt display anything (4 monitors tried - does same > on both cubes). > Contrary to the previous posters comments there is at least one other solution - bad EEPROM. I have sucessfully fried one by inserting it reversed (Dooh!) - and when I returned it - voila - power up just gave a black screen. Or even worse there is no EEPROM on board. BTW: Verbose boot can be turned off - but there is no way to disable the monitor in the ROM - you'll see something.. It's too bad NeXT Hardware designers didn't allow for a switch on the keyboard or keypad combo that would turn off the Mono monitors - would have been an important feature in retrospect. See the following page to give you an indication of where the EEPROM would be located. I don't think I marked it but the EEPROM on the 040 MB's and the 030 will be very close to that yellow battery. In the above case it's just below it nearest the edge of the board. Another possibility is all monitors are totally dim (doubtful, but entirely possible). A simple way to test is to use another motherboard. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:09:22 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <6ntcek$> <> Andrew Chang <> wrote: > Ricardo Cortes <> wrote: > >I don't know if this is a similar problem, but > >I have a NeXT color turbo slab and when I had the > >memory misconfigured (not all the same size simms > >together), the monitor would not come on. Maybe > >check the memory? > > This seems strange to me. Even with the RAM problem, the machine > should start and report the power-up error(s). Read the current > messages on ND RAM problem....... If main memory on the NeXTStation Color and Color Turbo is misconfigured to the point that there are no good banks of memory, then the display will remain blank. In this misconfiguration, the ROM code can't find any place to use for scratch data or stack in generating the text bitmaps that report the error. A LED on the CPU board flashes a distress signal in this case, as well as others where the hardware can't support bringing up the display. The monochrome NeXTStation and Turbo systems fall back to using video memory just past the last visible scanline. (It's soldered to the board, making it difficult to misconfigure.) This isn't an option on the Color machines, as only 12 of every 16 bits of video storage has actual memory behind it. -- Mike Paquette I'm not an officer, spokesperson, or high muckety-muck of Apple Computer. I don't speak for Apple, and they don't speak for me.
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor doesnt startup on Cube Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:09:25 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> Andrew Chang <> wrote: > Since the cube suplies power to the monitor, the board should be > in proper slot. Could there be a bad on-board ROM? or video relay? Power will feed through in all slots. The system appears to turn on (disk spins up, fan runs, monitor gets warm) indicating that connections are OK, and the lithium battery isn't dead. The CPU board in the wrond slot is the best initial diagnosis in this case. -- Mike Paquette "Troubled Microsoft" and the "Troubled Microsoft" logo are trade and service marks of Microsoft Corp.
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Modem setup for OPENSTEP 4.2 Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 17:01:52 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980708165947.6865A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I just bought an internal modem for my Intel PC running OPENSTEP 4.2. How do I go about setting it up to work with OPENSTEP? Do I need a driver specifically for the modem? Are there simple tests I can run to verify if it's working properly? Thanks for any pointers. Robert
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Who makes the best Intel cases? Date: 8 Jul 98 12:19:43 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6nusuo$jls$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Wed, 08 Jul 1998 09:55:28 GMT In article <>, (bah) writes: On 8 Jul 1998 04:35:36 GMT, Christian Jensen <> wrote: >Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences/recommendations >vis-a-vis the best case for a do-it-yourself NSFIP box? I _really_ like the Asus/Elan Vital cases. I think that has a link to Elan Vital. You can take off the side panel and pull out the drive bays without tools. They also have a recessed reset button that you push with a paperclip, which to my mind _rocks_ (I _hate_ reset buttons that stick out of the case). im most impressed with my new in-win [ha even with the name] its cool, has a front fan mount, still looks fridge like, also feature the rather odd bit where you can drag the mboard and all the cards out the back in one piece to work on, beats groveling around in the case for jumpers, I've also got an InWin case - and while I liked it when I got it, my next case will be an Elan Vital (unless I find something better). I thought the motherboard tray would be nice - but I find that I invariably can't pull it out far enough to work on jumpers, due to shortness of the cables from the case to the motherboard (power indicator, HD indicator, speaker, etc). It makes it easier to change motherboards entirely, though. I've only done that once :-). Last I saw both cases were $90-$120 in ATX form. _Don't_ go bottom fishing. I'll never buy a cheap case (again) without being able to inspect it, first. There are just too many corners that are generally cut... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Jul 1998 10:17:56 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6o18tt$52q$> Randy, Please be sure to post an announcement (to regarding the availability of the .PDFs--really looking forward to it. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:41:31 +0100 Message-ID: <> From: (Neil Brewitt) Subject: Quick NeXT laser printer query. Hi, I just bought a NeXT slab plus MegaPixel etc. and also a NeXT 400dpi laser printer. The monitor is bust and it would be convenient to figure out if the printer works before the guy brings me a working monitor so he can replace the printer as well at the same time. The slab doesn't have an OS installed on it, so will only boot to the ROM thingumajig (which I now can't see since the monitor died). Is there any way I can (either by typing blind or by externally fiddling with the hardware) that I can see if this printer is working without actually having an OS installed? Applying power to the thing results in nothing, which I can believe is quite possible. Thanks in advance, Neil.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quick NeXT laser printer query. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <8C3p1.36096$> Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 13:30:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 06:30:44 PDT Organization: @Home Network I don't think so... in fact, even with a working system sans monitor I think you'd have a hard time getting it to work. However, the printers are much more solid than monitors, so the chances that it was damaged are much less. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to direct all questions/comments/etc to <>
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: 9 Jul 1998 05:45:14 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6o1lda$np9$> References: <> <6o0e4h$ott$> <6o19bs$52q$> In article <6o19bs$52q$>, <> wrote: >I'm sure I could find this on dejanews but I checked that document >and searched the indexes for Paint and could find nothing.. > >Which document is it in? Within <> the formula is in 5_BoardDescription.wn, page 6. Of course, you need WriteNow or some other program that understands .wn files in order to read it. The NeXT Computer is painted NeXT black. The connector plate label color matches the computer color. NeXT black is numerically defined using the Hunterlab color standard, as follows: * L = 27.8 * a = -0.25 * b = -1.39 * DE = +/-0.5 o o GLOSS = 13 +/- 3 For more information, contact Hunterlab, 11495 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, Virginia 22090. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Dwight M Evers) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 9 Jul 1998 15:11:40 GMT Organization: NDSU ACM Message-ID: <6o2mjc$12as$> References: <6np44s$> <6nqv52$a62$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> Thats right...thanks for the info on the Pyro. As I understand it, correct me if I am wrong, but, the "pyro" board was/is exactly the same as their 25/50 board for the Mac LCI/etc..., just that voltages were kept tighter and the frequency of the Sonnet board was locked at 50. Someone once posted that they actually got the Sonnet board from their Mac to work in their NeXTStation, but it had the socket, not the soldered on kind. I know the Sonnet boards will NOT work in Amiga's. (not that many NeXT folk would care...) To my knowledge, the 060 was never manufactured for NeXT, even in upgrade status. I can't see that it would ever work either. I had heard rumours of Canon making a one-off attempt, but that failed. They went Intel for the Object.station (486DX/100 w/Chips&Tech for graphics). Object.Stations can be overclocked with AMD 5X86/133's. But it is still a 486. -Dwight NeXT 3.3i...and loving it! David Evans ( wrote: : In article <6nvt1t$o02$>, : Dwight M Evers <> wrote: : >I remember back an upgrade from I believe Sonnet (they also make Mac : >upgrades for 040's) and the cost was then $450 to go from a 25MHz 040 to : >a 50MHz 040. : > : Sonnet are, I think, the folks who did the Pyro black accelerator for : Spherical. : >anyone ever do this? : > : Most Mac boards like this won't work, due I expect to much tighter timing : requirements on the black hardware: the board may not look enough like a : 25MHz '040 for the rest of the system to be fooled. Even the one that Sam : once sold wouldn't work in some machines. : -- : David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) : Computer/Synth Junkie : University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer : Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Who makes the best Intel cases? Date: 9 Jul 1998 14:09:22 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6nusuo$jls$> <> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Scott Hess <> wrote: >_Don't_ go bottom fishing. I'll never buy a cheap case (again) >without being able to inspect it, first. There are just too many >corners that are generally cut... These are usually the corners of your knuckles...something that black hardware has never done to me! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Stephen R. Anderson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 09 Jul 1998 11:33:20 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6nqv52$a62$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> (Dwight M Evers) writes: > As I understand it, correct me if I am wrong, but, the "pyro" board > was/is exactly the same as their 25/50 board for the Mac LCI/etc..., just > that voltages were kept tighter and the frequency of the Sonnet board was > locked at 50. I have a cube with a Pyro board from Spherical - one of very few, I believe, that anyone actually got to work, but mine has been running happily for years now. The board was not made by Sonnet, but by DayStar (I think - it might have been Newer, but it certainly wasn't Sonnet). The packaging and little flyer that came with it didn't suggest any relation to a corresponding Mac board, but that doesn't mean anything. --Steve Anderson
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation Date: 9 Jul 1998 19:21:38 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o3582$cuk$> References: <6o18tt$52q$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> WillAdams wrote: > Randy, > > Please be sure to post an announcement (to regarding > the availability of the .PDFs--really looking forward to it. > > William > Will do. I've got a huge political battle brewing around me which will probably consume a huge amount of time from 7/19-8/4.. After the first week of August I will probably return to working on those pages.. I also wanted to post to c.s.n.a about the Laser Printer repair pages - but I'm thinking of waiting to announce till after the revamping - and addition of a updated FAQ and a 'near' complete list of web links, and a whole new look to the site.. -- PLUG -- Anyone who wants to lend a hand in helping create our very own "Ultimate NeXT" Site - drop me some e-mail. My work is very patchy mostly because of time/interests & mostly money - anyone who loves NeXT and wants to make a donation so I can have a solid reason to focus my time for a couple months on this - August/Sept would see some amazing things happen.. My needs are a modest $1K/month - for survival mode.. (That includes the dedicated ISDN I server this on - food - morgage - utils) -- END PLUG -- BTW: I did realize that the poster wanted the 'pull-out' station ad - not the N6030 flat.. I do have that - but it's not htmlified or scanned - Coming soon though I promise. Also I will be sure to sit at my Turbo ND and view the pages - I checked my Laser printer repair pages - and some take terribly long to download and display - Sorry about that - Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: 9 Jul 1998 19:30:32 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o35oo$cuk$> References: <> <6o0e4h$ott$> <6o19bs$52q$> <6o1lda$np9$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6o1lda$np9$> Ken Lui wrote: > In article <6o19bs$52q$>, > <> wrote: > >I'm sure I could find this on dejanews but I checked that document > >and searched the indexes for Paint and could find nothing.. > > > >Which document is it in? > > Within > <> > the formula is in 5_BoardDescription.wn, page 6. Of course, > you need WriteNow or some other program that understands .wn > files in order to read it. > > The NeXT Computer is painted NeXT black. The connector > plate label color matches the computer color. NeXT black > is numerically defined using the Hunterlab color standard, > as follows: > > * > L = 27.8 > * > a = -0.25 > * > b = -1.39 > * > DE = +/-0.5 > o o > GLOSS = 13 +/- 3 > > > For more information, contact Hunterlab, 11495 Sunset > Hills Road, Reston, Virginia 22090. > > > Ken Great thanks Ken!! BTW: I know I have various dings/scratches (though I have one near origional pristine Turbo ADB ND Cube) on some stuff - and a lot of other people do too. I know someone else said that I'd have to order a case of the stuff - but if I did would people be interested in buying some bottles?? It would be just liquid that I guess you'd use a touchup brush with - or if you had a airbrush/sprayer you could spray.. I have no clue what prices I'd need to set (mostly for time & packaging) but I might look into buying a large amount - and making various sized bottles/cans available to people if there was interest. Drop me some e-mail if your interested. If there is some interest I may just get some and add it to a growing list of NeXT parts/stuff. Oh. One other point. Does anyone know what base they used under the paint?? I've seen huge gouges that no-one would want to try to fill with paint - but would need a base filler - I thought some spackling compound might work - a little sanding and paint would make the apperance ok, but I'm not sure it's strong like the origoinal. Ideas would be appreciated.. Maybe I'll look into this and make some pages that illustrate some serious case damage repairs (maybe bondo like used on cars :) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP!!!!! Date: 9 Jul 1998 19:36:32 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6o3640$cuk$> References: <6o10iu$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6o10iu$> "Grey Randall" wrote: > I have the following, and I would like to get this thing up and running. > > 1 Next laser printer > 1 Next colorstation. > > Need floppy drive, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc. > You can get any Multisync color monitor that has 13W3 connector and syncs on green @ 68Hz or higher. I would get the keyboard @ mouse from deepspacetech - if you want origional NeXT monitor get one of the 21" Hitachi's if he has any - they are pretty nice and cheap.. Heck if I were you I'd get it all from You can get the cheap FIMI - but I personally hate them and would only take them for free.. The 17" Sony is nice also. Though your looking @ $300 at least and that doesn't include HD or RAM. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 15:34:53 -0400 Organization: University At Buffalo Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi: I am looking to buy an Intel computer from one of the major manufacturers (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, Micron, HP) so that I can run on it OPENSTEP 4.2 for MACH, then Rhapsody 1.0 and ultimately Windows NT with Yellow Box. Can anyone recommend a higher-end configuration (Pentium II 350-400) that has been found to work? SCSI, CD-ROM, Video, Ethernet etc. Thanks. -- Wassim Jabi, Asst. Professor University at Buffalo Department of Architecture Hayes Hall Tel: +1 716.829.3483 Ext.323 3435 Main St. Fax: +1 716.829.3256 Buffalo, NY 14214-3087
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: 9 Jul 1998 20:14:27 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6o38b3$4fu$> References: <> <6o19bs$52q$> <6o1lda$np9$> <6o35oo$cuk$> In article <6o35oo$cuk$>, <> wrote: > It would be just liquid that I guess you'd use >a touchup brush with - or if you had a airbrush/sprayer you could >spray.. Actually, I have a spare cube case that I'm tempted to just strip off all paint and clear-coat the raw magnesium. With a black faceplate, it should look interesting. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (Jeromy Hollenshead) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 9 Jul 1998 22:27:33 GMT Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Message-ID: <6o3g4l$gpl$> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Jul 1998 22:27:33 GMT In-Reply-To: <6o3epo$13e$> >If I had to pick decent components out of a hat, I'd take an Adaptec 2940UW >controller, any SCSI CD-ROM, the Matrox Millenium II AGP card, an Intel >EtherExpress Pro (which is their 10/100 TX card, IIRC). I've heard of some problems with 2940UW on Openstep configurations. Some of the newer adaptec BIOS don't seem to work with the 2940UW drivers. I have an older 2940 BIOS 1.32 or 1.23 and haven't had a problem though. > (Chris Saldanha) wrote: >When I shopped around, almost all the cards that OpenStep supports have >been discontinued recently by the manufacturers. This is sadly true.... I'm using DPT with it's most recent BIOS. Isn't it nice that you can justify yourself to get one of the fastest SCSI controllers??? Price difference from Adaptec's 2940UW to DPT SmartCacheIV 2044UW is not so big. The most advantage of using DPT is for it's support. They know what OPENSTEP is and will give you the right answer for it! --
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 9 Jul 1998 21:01:10 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6o2mjc$12as$>, Dwight M Evers <> wrote: > >To my knowledge, the 060 was never manufactured for NeXT, even in upgrade >status. I can't see that it would ever work either. While I suppose you could get the hardware together to run an '060 you'd be hosed on the software side, anyway. The '060's supervisor model is quite different from that of the '040; it would require a bunch of kernel changes. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Help needed: serious and strange problem with IBM UltraStar 2.1GB SCSIdisk Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 21:23:20 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: news@RnA.NL Message-ID: <EvuJEw.ILM@RnA.NL> References: <EvMEx6.3Cu@RnA.NL> <> Henry Koplien <> wrote: >I would suggest You have serious hardware problems. To me it is unclear which >kind because I have not seen Your message which errors occures. I don't know >if it is a new drive or an old one. If it is a new one, have You considered >to enable/disable the terminator? The drive has for instance an automatic >termination if desired. Thanks, but the drive is terminated and is the last on the chain. Errors look like (console): And for instance, when initializing the disk: su@Spike 72) disk -i /dev/rsd4h disk name: IBM OEM DFHSS2W disk type: fixed_rw_scsi writing disk label ...r/w returned -1; expected 50176 Write of boot block 1 failed Sometimes, this error is not there. The rest of the disk/newfs command succeeds. The disk can be accessed, only when copying large files to it I get a lot of those console errors above. It all looks to me that block 0 has problems. Or that the the (wide drive in narrow mode) drive is incompatible with NEXTSTEP 3.3 or black hardware. Does anybody know what (good) drives are supposed to work with NS 3.3 on black hardware? -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. Dass man fuer die Philosophie ein Interesse zeigt, bezeugt noch keine Bereitschaft zum Denken -- Martin Heidegger
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 9 Jul 1998 22:04:40 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6o3epo$13e$> References: <> Wassim M Jabi <> wrote: [ ... ] >Can anyone recommend a higher-end configuration (Pentium II 350-400) >that has been found to work? SCSI, CD-ROM, Video, Ethernet etc. If I had to pick decent components out of a hat, I'd take an Adaptec 2940UW controller, any SCSI CD-ROM, the Matrox Millenium II AGP card, an Intel EtherExpress Pro (which is their 10/100 TX card, IIRC). I'd also get at least 64 MB (128 would be better) of ECC SDRAM with a system like that. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 10 Jul 1998 04:38:50 GMT Organization: XMission (801 539 0852) Message-ID: <6o45sq$ofs$> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Jul 1998 04:38:50 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (SunOS/5.5.1 (sun4m)) Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: > If I had to pick decent components out of a hat, I'd take an Adaptec 2940UW > controller, any SCSI CD-ROM, the Matrox Millenium II AGP card, an Intel > EtherExpress Pro (which is their 10/100 TX card, IIRC). I'd also get at > least 64 MB (128 would be better) of ECC SDRAM with a system like that. A 128 MB system swaps noticeably less. I have 128 MBs on all my Windows and Rhapsody development boxen. I second Chuck's recommendation for a high-end development system, but I would spec an ATI Rage Pro AGP for video chores, since it actually has a decent amount of 3D acceleration under Windows NT (e.g., the Quake2 platform of choice) and handles Rhapsody DR2 quite nicely, once you figure out how to get around the PCI ID bug. (Took me about an hour.) It's a nice card for both fast video and for 3D accel. For a mid-range dev system or a high-end user system I would get an Ultra DMA EIDE system, which offers extremely good performance for the money, and keep the ATI card. I told Scott Anguish a long time ago that I would write an article for Stepwise that detailed Rhaptel platform benchmarks. Now that it looks like OPENSTEP 5.0 has a future on Intel, I will actually write that article. So maybe we will get some hard numbers on this subject. ............ kris -- Kristofer Jon Magnusson <> "NASA and its partners have identified vacuum as a major attribute of space."
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <> <6o19bs$52q$> <6o1lda$np9$> <6o35oo$cuk$> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 04:49:11 GMT In article <6o35oo$cuk$>, <> wrote: >In <6o1lda$np9$> Ken Lui wrote: >> In article <6o19bs$52q$>, >> <> wrote: >> >I'm sure I could find this on dejanews but I checked that document >> >and searched the indexes for Paint and could find nothing.. >> > >> >Which document is it in? >> >> Within >> <> >> the formula is in 5_BoardDescription.wn, page 6. Of course, >> you need WriteNow or some other program that understands .wn >> files in order to read it. >> >> The NeXT Computer is painted NeXT black. The connector >> plate label color matches the computer color. NeXT black >> is numerically defined using the Hunterlab color standard, >> as follows: >> >> * >> L = 27.8 >> * >> a = -0.25 >> * >> b = -1.39 >> * >> DE = +/-0.5 >> o o >> GLOSS = 13 +/- 3 >> >> >> For more information, contact Hunterlab, 11495 Sunset >> Hills Road, Reston, Virginia 22090. >> >> >> Ken > >Great thanks Ken!! > > BTW: I know I have various dings/scratches (though I have one >near origional pristine Turbo ADB ND Cube) on some stuff - and a lot >of other people do too. I know someone else said that I'd have to >order a case of the stuff - but if I did would people be interested in >buying some bottles?? It would be just liquid that I guess you'd use >a touchup brush with - or if you had a airbrush/sprayer you could >spray.. > > I have no clue what prices I'd need to set (mostly for time & >packaging) >but I might look into buying a large amount - and making various sized >bottles/cans available to people if there was interest. > >Drop me some e-mail if your interested. If there is some interest I >may >just get some and add it to a growing list of NeXT parts/stuff. > >Oh. One other point. Does anyone know what base they used under >the paint?? I've seen huge gouges that no-one would want to try to >fill with paint - but would need a base filler - I thought some >spackling >compound might work - a little sanding and paint would make the >apperance >ok, but I'm not sure it's strong like the origoinal. Ideas would be >appreciated.. > >Maybe I'll look into this and make some pages that illustrate some >serious >case damage repairs (maybe bondo like used on cars :) > >Randy >rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > >spammers works also :) > >Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > >Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) > Thanks for the suggestion. I believe some (or many) people would like to get a (or two) cans of paint to turn the 10-year old cube lady into a chic...... I believe you'll have to order the paint in the same (spray) can. A touch-up type paint would be nice to fix small dings, but the pricing could turn some people away. I've never painted the cube, but I believe it is quite similar to a car paint job (I did once or twice). It's metal+filler+prime+paint. Let me know of the progress... Thanks.
From: Andrew Lockhart <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 03:30:52 -0400 Organization: none officially Message-ID: <> References: <> <6o0e4h$ott$> <6o19bs$52q$> <6o1lda$np9$> <6o35oo$cuk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I might be interested in some paint, but as far as filling in dings I would recommend sliver based solder. -- >>Andrew Lockhart<< andrew_at_linux_dot_ssm_dot_org lockhart_at_colostate_dot_edu
From: Andrew Lockhart <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Where to find black paint for NeXT?? Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 03:49:55 -0400 Organization: none officially Message-ID: <> References: <> <6o0e4h$ott$> <6o19bs$52q$> <6o1lda$np9$> <6o35oo$cuk$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Andrew Lockhart wrote: > > I might be interested in some paint, but as far as filling in dings I > would recommend sliver based solder. sorry thats silver based solder -- >>Andrew Lockhart<< andrew_at_linux_dot_ssm_dot_org lockhart_at_colostate_dot_edu
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Turning off NeXT Mono Monitor Date: 10 Jul 1998 10:03:23 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <6o4otb$ht$> Hi there, I am planning to put my cube into server service... naturally I want to keep the longevity off the NeXT Mono Cube.. right now it is still pretty bright.. but knowing a cube going on for 24*7 would do to the monitor.. So have any brave souls try putting a switch in the monitor (and live to tell about it).. a software solutions would work too! :-) of course the less intrusive / invasive procedure is preferred!! Thanks Godwin
From: Markus Stoll <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Recommendations wanted: CD-R that works with OpenStep Date: 10 Jul 1998 09:44:15 GMT Organization: GmbH, Internet Services, Stuttgart, Germany Message-ID: <6o4npf$fh7$> References: <4mdo1.35964$> Mime-Version: 1.0 (FinalNews for NeXTstep; Version 0.32 / Jul 13, 1997) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi > I'd like to hear from folks as to which ones they have used, especially if > they are one of these: > > Philips IMS CDD522 > IMS CDD2000 > IMS CDD2600 > HP C4324 > C4325 > CD-Writer 6020 > Grundig CDR 100IPW > Yamaha CDR100 > CDR102 > CDR200 > CDR400 > Sony CDU920 > CDU924 > CDU926 > CDU940 I am sorry, but there is an error in this README-File. The Yamaha CDR200 and CDR400 are not yet supported. I am fixing the SCSI-3-driver right now and hope to release it soon. I am not shure whether I should recommend the Sony drives. Though I did not have any problems I have heard of too much trouble. The Philips CDD2600 seems to run stable. Regards, Markus
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Turning off NeXT Mono Monitor Date: 10 Jul 1998 11:35:23 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6o4u9r$cso$> References: <6o4otb$ht$> (Godwin) wrote: >Hi there, > >I am planning to put my cube into server service... naturally I want to >keep the longevity off the NeXT Mono Cube.. right now it is still pretty >bright.. but knowing a cube going on for 24*7 would do to the monitor.. > >So have any brave souls try putting a switch in the monitor (and live to >tell about it).. a software solutions would work too! :-) of course the >less intrusive / invasive procedure is preferred!! Most simple and most elegant solution: use a soundbox. Alternatively, use to tell it to reboot after a power failure, then unplug the power chord. Unplug monitor, replug power. Another alternative is to build a 'power-on' switch. Instructions have been posted several times, use deja-news to find the article. Hope this helps, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: processor and modem Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 14:42:08 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35A62840.2DC0554B@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, A while ago i asked about Openstep/mach running on the AMD K6. That turned out to be a happy combination, but i still haven't gotten around to buying one. And now there's the K6-2. Did anyone try this processor yet? And if so, how does it perform? Also, can anyone recommend an external 33k6 modem that has been proven to work with Openstep/mach? Thank, Marcel email:
Message-ID: <> From: "David N. Williams" <> Organization: UM Physics Dept. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help needed: serious and strange problem with IBM UltraStar 2.1GB SCSIdisk References: <EvMEx6.3Cu@RnA.NL> <> <EvuJEw.ILM@RnA.NL> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:13:31 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 09:13:31 EDT wrote: > > > Thanks, but the drive is terminated and is the last on the chain. > > Errors look like (console): > > And for instance, when initializing the disk: > > su@Spike 72) disk -i /dev/rsd4h > disk name: IBM OEM DFHSS2W > disk type: fixed_rw_scsi > writing disk label > ...r/w returned -1; expected 50176 > Write of boot block 1 failed > > Sometimes, this error is not there. The rest of the disk/newfs command succeeds. The disk can be > accessed, only when copying large files to it I get a lot of those console errors above. > > It all looks to me that block 0 has problems. Or that the the (wide drive in narrow mode) drive is > incompatible with NEXTSTEP 3.3 or black hardware. > > Does anybody know what (good) drives are supposed to work with NS 3.3 on black hardware? We're having what seems to be a similar problem with an older IBM DPES 30540 (IIRC). I was able to determine with the help of sdformat (not sdform) that the drive is in synchronous mode, which won't work on black hardware. The SYNC NEGO jumper has no effect on this, and there's an indication from IBM's web pages that the jumper actually has a different function on these models "after 3/95". Ours says "Mar-95" but is refurbished, so maybe it became "after 3/95". You're supposed to be able to change this function with the SCSI "Mode Select" command, but I don't have a clue how to do that. Anyway, maybe your UltraStar is running in synchronous mode? --David _ _________________________________________________________________ (_\(__ _|__) David N. Williams Phone: 1-(734)-764-5236 __|___ University of Michigan Fax: 1-(734)-763-2213 \ |:-) Physics Department Email: \| Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120
From: "Laurent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: information Date: 10 Jul 1998 13:56:58 GMT Organization: Bond University Message-ID: <01bdac09$fcdf07c0$1601f583@ltran-va> Cache-Post-Path:! Could you please tell me where i can find any information on Next operating system? Thank you.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 10 Jul 1998 15:34:34 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6o5caa$623$> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> <6o3g4l$gpl$> (Jeromy Hollenshead) wrote: >>If I had to pick decent components out of a hat, I'd take an Adaptec 2940UW >>controller, any SCSI CD-ROM, the Matrox Millenium II AGP card, an Intel >>EtherExpress Pro (which is their 10/100 TX card, IIRC). > >I've heard of some problems with 2940UW on Openstep configurations. Some of >the newer adaptec BIOS don't seem to work with the 2940UW drivers. I have an >older 2940 BIOS 1.32 or 1.23 and haven't had a problem though. I've heard one or two people mention that as well. The v1.23 with a 2940UW works fine. The 1.32 BIOS seems to be associated with 2940AU or built-into-the-motherboard controllers. Is it an issue of the newer BIOS' having a PCI id that's not recognized, or are there other problems? >> (Chris Saldanha) wrote: >>When I shopped around, almost all the cards that OpenStep supports have >>been discontinued recently by the manufacturers. > >This is sadly true.... > > I'm using DPT with it's most recent BIOS. Isn't it nice that you can > justify yourself to get one of the fastest SCSI controllers??? Price > difference from Adaptec's 2940UW to DPT SmartCacheIV 2044UW is not > so big. The most advantage of using DPT is for it's support. They know > what OPENSTEP is and will give you the right answer for it! True-- the DPT would be an excellent alternative for those willing to spend the money. For running OS, Rhapsody, or even NT, I'd say that adding more main memory does better for your dollar than adding memory to a SCSI card, because those operating systems are smart enough to use system memory for filesystem caching pretty effectively [in NT's case, once you tweak it a little]. IMHO. :-) -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Frozen Daydream whoops! Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 17:22:58 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6o5ilh$ll5$> Hi, I just install Daydream 2.11 and hasn't be able to run it. It always froze my NeXTDimension/OS4.2 each time I launch In preference, I noticed that Daydream doesn't see the SCSI drives = A quantum fireball ID0 & a Syquest Syjet ID2. Any idea ? Thanks, Sincerely, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Chris Doelle) Newsgroups: alt.comp,alt.comp.aptiva.hardware,alt.comp.cdr,alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.aptiva,alt.comp.hardware.infinia,alt.comp.hardware.overclocking,alt.comp.multimedia,alt.comp.multimedia.teach,,,alt.computers,alt.computers.amiga,,,,,,,,,comp.hardware,comp.misc,,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.misc,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,,,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,, Subject: $$$$$$$ 3.2GB Hard Drive $195.00 $$$$$$$ Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:16:48 GMT Organization: Prime Concepts Message-ID: <> !!NEW!! 3249KB Hard Drive IDE 256K 11MS 5400 $195.00 Mail me at
From: (Chris Doelle) Newsgroups: alt.comp,alt.comp.aptiva.hardware,alt.comp.cdr,alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.aptiva,alt.comp.hardware.infinia,alt.comp.hardware.overclocking,alt.comp.multimedia,alt.comp.multimedia.teach,,,alt.computers,alt.computers.amiga,,,,,,,,,comp.hardware,comp.misc,,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.misc,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,,,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,, Subject: $$$$$$$ 40X CD-ROM $99.99 $$$$$$$ Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:21:40 GMT Organization: Prime Concepts Message-ID: <> 40X CD-ROM Supports CD-RW format Supports Digital Audio Extraction Supports Ultra-DMA 33 Supports Vertical Mount function Dynamic Damping System Minimal vibration and noise FREE Software including: Norton Virtual Drive, Norton AntiVirus 4.0 Pyramid, 1998 Grolier Encyclopedia Mail me at
From: Newsgroups: Subject: wanted mac pb Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 22:57:27 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6o668n$mue$> i want to buy a mac powerbook for under $210. One that will run claris homepage and that has all the things like ac adapter, battery please email me ok thanks ok post it here. ok thanks -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 10 Jul 1998 20:09:06 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6o5sd2$jll$> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> David Evans wrote: > While I suppose you could get the hardware together to run an '060 you'd be > hosed on the software side, anyway. The '060's supervisor model is quite > different from that of the '040; it would require a bunch of kernel changes. Yep, that won't work... but consider a different alternative - I believe a NeXT m68k emulator with a synthetic CPU should outperform a 'real' NeXT on a fast CPU anyway. This thought strikes my mind usually after a few beers. However since it is possible to emulate a m68030 Amiga with all the special gizmo chips building such a thing should be quite possible (but also quite a lot work). Imagine an Alpha with more than 500 MHz running Linux and in an X11 window a full NeXTSTEP emulation. Ah, I see the nice guys with the big butterfly nets coming up the street... :-) -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Jul 1998 01:06:12 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6o5sd2$jll$> Frank said: >but consider a different alternative - I believe a >NeXT m68k emulator with a synthetic CPU should outperform a 'real' NeXT on a >fast CPU Hmm, one of the longest-lived NeXT developers just happens to have a fabulously nice synthetic 68K CPU technology. Wonder what it would take to talk Cliff Matthews into doing this? William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Todd) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pullout ad introducing NeXTstation Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 21:47:39 -0400 Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <> References: <6o18tt$52q$> <> <6o3582$cuk$> In article <6o3582$cuk$>, says... > BTW: I did realize that the poster wanted the 'pull-out' station ad - > not the > N6030 flat.. I do have that - but it's not htmlified or scanned - > Coming soon Appreciated the other links anyway, lots of interesting stuff there. Thanks. --Todd
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: FYI: NextDimension memory limits Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 02:29:41 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Just picked up a Turbo NextDimension and wanted to see just how much memory it would take. I can verify that the ND board can't use 128MB, 64MB appears to be the limit. Monitor never comes up at poweron but the system does eventually boot. DPS server doesn't start, either. Quite different from my original '030 cube with OD system disk.... -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <Y7Gp1.1669$> Control: cancel <Y7Gp1.1669$> Date: 11 Jul 1998 09:21:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.Y7Gp1.1669$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 10:13:53 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Sender: (thomas) Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> <6o5sd2$jll$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6o5sd2$jll$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > > Imagine an Alpha with more than 500 MHz running Linux and in an X11 window a > full NeXTSTEP emulation. Emulating the CPU is quite possible, but how about emulating the hardware ? AFAIK there are no real HW specs available. The idea is actally not bad, though ....
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 10 Jul 98 12:28:50 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> <6o3g4l$gpl$> <6o5caa$623$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 10 Jul 1998 15:34:34 GMT In article <6o5caa$623$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (Jeromy Hollenshead) wrote: For running OS, Rhapsody, or even NT, I'd say that adding more main memory does better for your dollar than adding memory to a SCSI card, because those operating systems are smart enough to use system memory for filesystem caching pretty effectively [in NT's case, once you tweak it a little]. IMHO. :-) Is this really true for Rhapsody, at this time? I know if I were _only_ working with OpenStep and NeXTSTEP, and wanted to spend the money, I'd go with a caching card because they don't do a particularily good job of allocating buffers versus VM. Linux, meanwhile, is pretty amazing at that type of thing (after discovering the free(1) command I played with it under different loads for like 4 hours :-). And I'm not willing to trust that NT makes very efficient use of memory... it might, I'm just not willing to back the point given the other things I believed about NT's underpinnings that have not been quite true. Also, you can effectively achieve asynchronous writes with a caching controller. If you get one with NVRAM, you can even achieve it fairly safely! Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: wanted mac pb Followup-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6o668n$mue$> Message-ID: <gPIp1.35$> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 12:23:40 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 05:23:40 PDT Organization: @Home Network NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE In <6o668n$mue$> wrote: > i want to buy a mac powerbook for under $210. One that will run claris > homepage and that has all the things like ac adapter, battery please email me > ok thanks ok post it here. ok thanks Actually, why not post it to one of the comp.sys.mac.* groups, or at least csn.marketplace rather than csn.hardware since this is entirely off-topic for this newsgroup. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Anyone want to talk on the phone? Message-ID: <SsRp1.16539$> Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 22:14:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 15:14:10 PDT Organization: InReach Internet Hello everyone, my name is Julie and I'm looking to get off on the phone with a guy or girl, or both! Maybe just have a nice conversation, it's up to you... This is my first time doing this, so maybe you could help me. My boyfriend is out of town for the entire week, so you can call anytime. I'm in the central time zone... My number is: 664-410-4863. I have three-way on my phone, so three of us can talk together... Hope to hear from you guys or girls soon... xoxo Julie
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <SsRp1.16539$> Control: cancel <SsRp1.16539$> Date: 11 Jul 1998 22:14:50 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.SsRp1.16539$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 11 Jul 1998 22:36:42 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6o8pdq$k11$> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Thomas F. Unke wrote: > Emulating the CPU is quite possible, but how about emulating the hardware ? > AFAIK there are no real HW specs available. > > The idea is actally not bad, though .... Guess there is info out there, as e.g the makers of accelerator boards (one came to mind) must have some of these to tune their hardware right. I am not talking emulation a full blown Dimension but a Color Station or similar. So what is needed basically is the memory layout, the special chips and their function and register setup. The SCSI controller and the Zilog serial chip were of known types and I guess the video buffer was memory mapped. For plain sound in/out a DSP emulation is not needed methinks. -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 12 Jul 1998 03:17:22 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6o8pdq$k11$>, Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: > >Guess there is info out there, as e.g the makers of accelerator boards (one >came to mind) must have some of these to tune their hardware right. I doubt that they need much info about the hardware innards; as long as the accelerator looks *exactly* like the CPU the rest of the hardware shouldn't care. However, knowledge of the hardware might help you decide which corners to cut. >I am not >talking emulation a full blown Dimension but a Color Station or similar. However, what's the point? If you aren't sitting in front of it there's not much appealing about black hardware and there's no way to tell the hardware of a NeXTSTEP box (other than speed or specifically asking) if you're using it over the network. I don't see the point of a black emulator for other machines unless it could be made to run much faster than an x86 emulator running NeXTSTEP. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 12 Jul 1998 03:48:54 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Message-ID: <> From: "David N. Williams" <> Organization: UM Physics Dept. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Lost ms about IBM hard drive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 12:02:48 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 08:02:48 EDT Would the kind person who sent me a message about changing the internal SCSI parameters on an IBM hard drive please send me another copy? I somehow managed to lose it! The information was quite useful, and should also be posted to news as well--maybe it just hasn't shown up at my site yet... My apologies for bandwidth intrusion --David _ _________________________________________________________________ (_\(__ _|__) David N. Williams Phone: 1-(734)-764-5236 __|___ University of Michigan Fax: 1-(734)-763-2213 \ |:-) Physics Department Email: \| Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 12 Jul 1998 12:33:37 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6oaaf1$45q$> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> David Evans wrote: > However, what's the point? If you aren't sitting in front of it there's > not much appealing about black hardware and there's no way to tell the > hardware of a NeXTSTEP box (other than speed or specifically asking) if > you're using it over the network. > I don't see the point of a black emulator for other machines unless it > could be made to run much faster than an x86 emulator running NeXTSTEP. The point is to 'save' the Black Hardware Experience(tm) in emulated form for later generations to come, beside it would be fun. -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 23:23:45 GMT Sender: In article <6o8pdq$k11$>, Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: >In <> Thomas F. Unke wrote: >> Emulating the CPU is quite possible, but how about emulating the hardware ? >> AFAIK there are no real HW specs available. >> >> The idea is actally not bad, though .... > >Guess there is info out there, as e.g the makers of accelerator boards (one >came to mind) must have some of these to tune their hardware right. I am not >talking emulation a full blown Dimension but a Color Station or similar. So >what is needed basically is the memory layout, the special chips and their >function and register setup. The SCSI controller and the Zilog serial chip >were of known types and I guess the video buffer was memory mapped. For plain >sound in/out a DSP emulation is not needed methinks. The Plan 9 from Bell Labs folks might have some info too. To my knowledge, Plan 9 is the obly other OS ever ported to NeXT hardware. Only the B&W cube is supported though. -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Year 2000 (FAQ I am sure) Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Jul 1998 01:44:54 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6obgio$du$> Yes, but there are some difficulties--the included version of date won't allow one to manually set the time after the year 2000 or some such (though the system continues to operate and keep time properly if you have no need to change the date). There's an updated copy of date on which covers this. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 13 Jul 1998 01:44:44 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6oboqc$i0o$> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Chris Douty wrote: > In article <6o8pdq$k11$>, > Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: > >Guess there is info out there, as e.g the makers of accelerator boards (one > >came to mind) must have some of these to tune their hardware right. I am not > >talking emulation a full blown Dimension but a Color Station or similar. So > >what is needed basically is the memory layout, the special chips and their > >function and register setup. The SCSI controller and the Zilog serial chip > >were of known types and I guess the video buffer was memory mapped. For plain > >sound in/out a DSP emulation is not needed methinks. > > The Plan 9 from Bell Labs folks might have some info too. To my > knowledge, Plan 9 is the obly other OS ever ported to NeXT hardware. > Only the B&W cube is supported though. Yes, and I believe a NeXT m68k version of NetBSD was planed once...? Anyway I do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do believe someone will write such a thing, if only to show the world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled once. At the moment it is a bit soon for such a thing but wait a few years... Maybe it is not needed because the i386 version of NS/OS will run on synthetic PCs anyway (maybe even on Bochs - a shareware, full source included, PC emulator - someday)... -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 13 Jul 1998 15:12:01 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6od841$lgk$> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> <6o3g4l$gpl$> <6o5caa$623$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6o5caa$623$>, > "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: > (Jeromy Hollenshead) wrote: > For running OS, Rhapsody, or even NT, I'd say that adding more main > memory does better for your dollar than adding memory to a SCSI > card, because those operating systems are smart enough to use > system memory for filesystem caching pretty effectively [in NT's > case, once you tweak it a little]. IMHO. :-) > >Is this really true for Rhapsody, at this time? It's my opinion. Given that Rhapsody is in a beta state, I'm not sure how useful benchmarking it would be, but you're free to do so if you'd like to get facts ("really true" :-). > I know if I were _only_ working with OpenStep and NeXTSTEP, and wanted > to spend the money, I'd go with a caching card because they don't do a > particularily good job of allocating buffers versus VM. I think it depends on what you're doing and how those processes consume memory. Mach seems to do a good job of dealing with I/O to memory-mapped files, and I make an effort to build & configure resource-intensive apps to utilize that. OPENSTEP is weak in doing disk buffers for something like plain ol' NFS fileservice, agreed. However, since the NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP NFS implementation is so old that it's deficient in other areas as well, I'd try to use some other platform for that role. > Linux, meanwhile, is pretty amazing at that type of thing (after > discovering the free(1) command I played with it under different loads > for like 4 hours :-). Agreed-- Linux handles memory quite well. I'd give honorable mention to FreeBSD and even Solaris, which has a higher baseline, and doesn't do as well as the others on "tight" (limited resource) machines, but does do quite well given breathing room and scales well. > And I'm not willing to trust that NT makes very efficient > use of memory... it might, I'm just not willing to back the point > given the other things I believed about NT's underpinnings that have > not been quite true. NT does _not_ make very efficient use of memory, and its VM algorithms are seriously broken in several ways. However, with tuning of the vcache parameters, NT does do a good job of disk IO caching in specific (as opposed to overall memory performance in general). >Also, you can effectively achieve asynchronous writes with a caching >controller. If you get one with NVRAM, you can even achieve it fairly >safely! Hmm...any machine I'd consider getting a caching disk controller for would be on a UPS. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 13 Jul 1998 17:23:30 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6odfqi$ajb$> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> <6o5sd2$jll$> (Frank M. Siegert) wrote: >Yep, that won't work... but consider a different alternative - I believe a >NeXT m68k emulator with a synthetic CPU should outperform a 'real' NeXT on a >fast CPU anyway. This thought strikes my mind usually after a few beers. Ah.. we really should catch up for some elbow bending, Frank! Howaboutit, the next MacWorld Expo? Holger, you game? >Imagine an Alpha with more than 500 MHz running Linux and in an X11 window a >full NeXTSTEP emulation. Yessiree! I'd even put up with a machine that has Motif on it <yuck> Actually, that YB talk _is_ making me nervous. An emulator would be a last resort if bad comes to worse. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oboqc$i0o$> <6oc2vt$7gq$> <lbiq1.663$> <6odin6$f56$> Message-ID: <Sxsq1.678$> Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 18:41:54 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 11:41:54 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6odin6$f56$> wrote: > I did some checking around and it appears that a NetBSD port is being > worked on along with a Linux port. I found > > From what I've heard there hasn't been any status change to that page for quite some time. > but didn't find anything on the NetBSD port. (to subscribe) ftp://ftp.NetBSD.ORG/pub/NetBSD/mailing-lists/port-next68k/ (list archive) (port files) (empty at the moment) The mailing list has about 40 messages in the archive over the last month, and the pace has been picking up slightly over the past week... Hope that helps TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 13 Jul 1998 18:12:54 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6odin6$f56$> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oboqc$i0o$> <6oc2vt$7gq$> <lbiq1.663$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <lbiq1.663$> TjL wrote: > In <6oc2vt$7gq$> Travis Mooney wrote: > > In article <6oboqc$i0o$>, > > >> > > >> The Plan 9 from Bell Labs folks might have some info too. To my > > >> knowledge, Plan 9 is the obly other OS ever ported to NeXT hardware. > > >> Only the B&W cube is supported though. > > > > > >Yes, and I believe a NeXT m68k version of NetBSD was planed once...? > Anyway I > > >do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do believe someone > will > > >write such a thing, if only to show the world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled > > >once. At the moment it is a bit soon for such a thing but wait a few > years... > > > > actually, the planned port was openbsd (yeah, six of one, half a dozen of > > another). i actually joined the development team, then never heard another > > word. interesting idea, though.... > > Actually there is (right now) a NetBSD port for NeXT hardware. It is in > infancy stages, but the mailing list has a few messages per week on it on a > steady basis. > > Once that port is complete, an OpenBSD port should be relatively simple, and > FreeBSD wouldn't be far behind. > > As Randy said though, with only one Ethernet port, it's not quite as exciting > as it might be if IP_Masquerading could be used. Still I'm rather excited > because most of these *BSDs were designed to run on machines with lower > CPU/RAM requirements. I did some checking around and it appears that a NetBSD port is being worked on along with a Linux port. I found but didn't find anything on the NetBSD port. Hardware information is sketchy. A guy sent me the Color Turbo Video address as 0x0c000000 which puts the beginning of the video RAM adjacent to the top of the physical RAM address space. If the structure is the same for other machines the video RAM addresses should all lie @ 0x08000000 (the top of physical RAM on all the older non-turbo MB's) Everyone out there who has worked or is working on either the Linux or the NetBSD ports feel free to drop me a line. I would like to find out where the information sources are - and most particularly who is working on what. Eventually I'll endeavor to put up a page on alternate free OS status on - but all of this will probably happen after 1998.08.04. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: PPP 2.3.3 under OPENSTEP 4.2 on NeXTStation Turbo Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 18:59:36 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6odleo$5gj$> Hi all. I have the PPP dial-up woes. I used to run NS 3.3 and GateKeeper with PPP 2.2 and everything was well. I upgraded my NeXTStation Turbo and installed OPENSTEP 4.2. Now, I want to get PPP 2.3.3 running, preferably with but to no avail. The installation seemed straight-forward and I followed it, filling the settigs completely. I have a 28.8 kb modem with hardware control and the right modem cable (I know it works, because I used to use the same set-up with PPP 2.2.2 and Gatekeeper). The modem is on port B so I've sellected /dev/cufb and 38400 speed. When I use logon, I get an error referring to /dev/tty, saying that it couldn't find the device. Does there need to be an entry in /etc/remote for cufb, cause there ain't one right now. Could that be the problem? Anyway, I'm hoping that there is someone out there who has the same set-up or knows what to do or can suggest an alternative. Thanks, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "Tom Rowden" <> Newsgroups: References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> <6o3g4l$gpl$> <6o5caa$623$> Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 15:25:57 -0400 Message-ID: <> Apple Enterprise software has just released a new driver for the Adaptec card that supports the new BIOS revs. It's Adaptec2940SCSIDriver v3.39. It works fine with the new cards. Back to the original question. I purchase all Dell equipment here and the Dell Optiplex GX1+ 400MHz PII works like a champ. I replaced the video with a Matrox Millennium II card , but the onboard 4MB AGP ATI Rage 3D Pro chip should work fine. -Tom Charles W. Swiger wrote in message <6o5caa$623$>... > (Jeromy Hollenshead) wrote: >>>If I had to pick decent components out of a hat, I'd take an Adaptec 2940UW >>>controller, any SCSI CD-ROM, the Matrox Millenium II AGP card, an Intel >>>EtherExpress Pro (which is their 10/100 TX card, IIRC). >> >>I've heard of some problems with 2940UW on Openstep configurations. Some of >>the newer adaptec BIOS don't seem to work with the 2940UW drivers. I have an >>older 2940 BIOS 1.32 or 1.23 and haven't had a problem though. > >I've heard one or two people mention that as well. > >The v1.23 with a 2940UW works fine. The 1.32 BIOS seems to be associated >with 2940AU or built-into-the-motherboard controllers. Is it an issue of the >newer BIOS' having a PCI id that's not recognized, or are there other >problems? >
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 13 Jul 1998 18:41:22 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oaaf1$45q$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6oaaf1$45q$>, Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: > >The point is to 'save' the Black Hardware Experience(tm) in emulated form for >later generations to come, What, the experience of the ROM monitor? The experience of the Workspace Info panel and hostinfo output? To me most of the Experience(tm) is sitting in front of the actual box. >beside it would be fun. > That's true. :) -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Ragnarok" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP!! Need A Fax 2.0 Recieving App Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 20:05:30 -0500 Organization: The Black Box Internet Access Houston TX 713-638-9983/409-638-1000 Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Please Help, Does anyone know where I can find Fax 2.0 recieving software for 4.2. I have found Jollys2.0_Fax on peak's ftp but it is, unfortunately, only for sending. I have also checked NeXT Answers without success! It seems hard to believe that no one has developed a 2.0 standard fax app. Tell me it isn't so!!!!!!!!! Thank You, Bradley Gray
From: (Ralph Schmidt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 13 Jul 1998 21:23:34 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <6odtsm$1p2$> References: <> <6o3epo$13e$> <6o3g4l$gpl$> <6o5caa$623$> <> In-Reply-To: <> On 07/13/98, "Tom Rowden" wrote: >Apple Enterprise software has just released a new driver for the Adaptec >card that supports the new BIOS revs. >It's Adaptec2940SCSIDriver v3.39. > >It works fine with the new cards. > What about the Adaptec 7890 on board or 2940 U2 chipsets ? -- Ralph Schmidt,,NextMail welcome Phase5 ,,NextMail welcome
From: Ryan Watkins <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 13 Jul 1998 15:52:04 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oc79j$o9d$> writes: > There is another consideration. That being that one of the main > features that makes linux attractive is IP_Masquerading. Since the > Black hardware only has one ethernet port active at a time that > renders this use to serial only - kinda a downside. But you can just run multiple virtual intertfaces on a single physical one -- eth0, eth0:1. Then IP masq from one out the other. This can be handy if your isp will only route traffic for a single IP, and you need to masq for the others. -- Ryan L. Watkins In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. - oscar wilde
From: (Betty Siren) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 14 Jul 1998 02:01:37 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6oevoh$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6ns0sb$fr8$> <6nsgic$788$> <> (Andrew Chang) writes: >You can check the SIMMs by pluging them into any color NeXT machines >which use 72-pin SIMMs. Or try other SIMMs. I have 4 (2 unlike pairs) of 8 meg EDO simms that fail similarly in an ND but work in an NSTC. Not sure what speed got used tho. ... Richard Tilley
From: (Betty Siren) Newsgroups: Subject: Seagate Medalist ST52160N Rev 0418 brain damage on Black. Date: 14 Jul 1998 01:50:40 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6oev40$> INQUIRY Peripheral Qualifier: 0 Peripheral Device Type: 0x0 (read/write disk) Removable Media: No ANSI-Approved Version: SCSI 2 Response Data Format: 0x2 Relative Addressing: No 32-bit Wide Data Transfers: No 16-bit Wide Data Transfers: No Synchronous Data Transfers: Yes Linked Commands: No Tagged Command Queuing: Yes Soft Reset: No Vendor Identification: 'SEAGATE ' Product Identification: 'ST52160N ' Product Revision Level: '0418' Vendor Specific: 'PD708893' Error during Mode Sense The SCSI Device at target ID 1 did not respond to the Mode Sense command, and probably cannot be formatted with any block size other than it's default. --- sdformat Version 1.3 --- I am not sure if I have a defective drive or if it is not smart enough to drop down to async mode. I just got the drive via dutch auction at It was shipped with foam packing on only 5 of its 6 faces. The drive starts up in 1 of 3 different ways, seemingly random: 1. slow tick-tock sound for a short while. 2. pool ball and marble repeatedly dropped on glass table for a short while. 3. pool ball and marble " " " " " " " longer " . When 1. or 2. happens, the NSTC doesn't see the drive at all. When 3. happens, if I reduce the memory from 128M to 64M to shorten the "Testing System" phase, the drive gets seen but fails to come ready. "Waiting for drive to come ready ..." After booting, in all cases, "scsimodes" "Can't open /dev/rsd1a" and "disk" reports "No such device or address". I got the above "sdformat" report by unplugging/replugging the power connector to the drive and quickly doing "sdformat -i1" before the disk again stopped making seeking noises and dropped from view Somewhere around here the console said "reselect timeout - target 1" and "Target 0: BUSY: retry 1" (repeated with "2") The drive is mounted internally in an NSTC. Only a single jumper (to set the id to 1). Termination defaults to ON and parity defaults to OFF There is no jumper for "async" :-( I did stick a LED on the appropriate pins. It sometimes stays on when the noise stops. The boot drive is an old NeXT 660 Maxtor external with passive terminator. I just tried it with only the Seagate and booting from a floppy. Without the unplugging trick sdformat gives: "reselect timeout - target 1 "Error during Request Sense "There was no SCSI Device at target ID 1. even tho, earlier in the boot, the console says: "SEAGATE ST52160N Rev 0418 as sd0 target 1 lun 0" ... Richard Tilley <>
From: (Betty Siren) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PPP 2.3.3 under OPENSTEP 4.2 on NeXTStation Turbo Date: 14 Jul 1998 02:14:27 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6of0gj$> References: <6odleo$5gj$> writes: >When I use logon, I get an error referring to /dev/tty, saying that it >couldn't find the device. Sounds familiar: Jul 02 08:32:05 LogOn[188] Starting pppd... Jul 2 08:32:07 localhost pppd[199]: Failed to open /dev/tty: No such device or address Jul 02 08:32:07 LogOn[188] pppd returned 256 Jul 02 08:32:08 LogOn[188] Cleaning up... It has been suggested that the workaround is to not use I have been too busy with SCSI problems to revisit this one. ... Richard Tilley
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT 400dpi printer cable Date: 14 Jul 1998 05:45:33 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6oer9t$8jd$> References: <6oeilb$2f8$> In article <6oeilb$2f8$>, Jess Liao <> wrote: >I am in need of a NeXT 400dpi laser printer CABLE. > >I know a few places are selling them for like $100 a piece, >but that's just too much for a cable. Just use a straight serial cable (10 ft) that you can get from any nearby computer store (I know people would said "this is a no no, as the printer signal needs such and such timing, etc" but I've been using this way for more than 1 year with no problem). YMMV though, Paulus
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: scanning transparencies Date: 14 Jul 1998 09:13:33 GMT Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <6of7ft$eio$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i have an hsd scan-x color w/ powerscan software. are there any hardware and/or software additions that will enable me to scan transparent film, e.g. 35mm slides, etc.? thanks for any help, chris borden
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT 400dpi printer cable Date: 14 Jul 1998 09:20:50 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6of7ti$f79$> References: <6oeilb$2f8$> <6oer9t$8jd$> (Paulus Adisoemarta) wrote: >In article <6oeilb$2f8$>, Jess Liao <> wrote: >>I am in need of a NeXT 400dpi laser printer CABLE. >Just use a straight serial cable (10 ft) that you can get >from any nearby computer store (I know people would said "this is a no no, >as the printer signal needs such and such timing, etc" >but I've been using this way for more than 1 year with no problem). note that the correct length is important, it seems to have to do with signal reflection. I'm not sure if the ten ft are accurate, maybe look it up. Also, make sure you get a high quality cable with good shielding. Rgds, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Henry Koplien <> Newsgroups: Subject: Video-Digitizer Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 08:16:55 +0200 Organization: IBM HD MicroCode Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, has anybody a running Video-Digitizer under Next-Step 3.3 for Intel? Which card is it, which driver is necessary and is the software for free? (I am sure, if I buy a digitizer I will get a good and *free* application for windows bundled with the card...) Henry -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ snail mail : Henry Koplien, HD Micro Code Development, IBM 71032 Boeblingen/Germany \|/ voice : +49-7031-16-3516 o(O O)o fax : +49-7031-16-3328 \^/ -------------- Ihh-Mehl: --ooOo---(_)---oOoo---
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 13 Jul 98 13:46:56 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oaaf1$45q$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of 13 Jul 1998 18:41:22 GMT In article <>, (David Evans) writes: In article <6oaaf1$45q$>, Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: >The point is to 'save' the Black Hardware Experience(tm) in >emulated form for later generations to come, What, the experience of the ROM monitor? The experience of the Workspace Info panel and hostinfo output? To me most of the Experience(tm) is sitting in front of the actual box. And serial port based kernel panics ... Perhaps you could put the emulating machine _behind_ the station, with appropriate hackery to make the mouse and keyboard work. Hell, run the station with minimal routines to forward mouse and keyboard events to the real box... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Jess Liao) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT 400dpi printer cable Date: 13 Jul 1998 20:18:03 -0700 Organization: Best Internet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6oeilb$2f8$> I am in need of a NeXT 400dpi laser printer CABLE. I know a few places are selling them for like $100 a piece, but that's just too much for a cable. I got a printer for cheap but the conditoin is unknown, so it's hard to justify that kinda money for a cable. Does anyone have extra cable for cheap? I do have the pin-out from the NeXTcomputer but not sure if it's a straight thru or both printer and computer has the same pin-out thus a cross cable (ala null modem type of cable) is needed? Any info is appreciated Jess Liao have a great day -- Jess Liao --> Have a "Sun"ny day! * Nothing's * fancy --> Still need to work on my page. * there ***************************************************************************
From: (Holger Hoffstaette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 13 Jul 1998 20:45:49 GMT Organization: The secret circle of the NSRC Message-ID: <6odrlt$> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> <6o5sd2$jll$> <6odfqi$ajb$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Christian Neuss wrote: > (Frank M. Siegert) wrote: > >Yep, that won't work... but consider a different alternative - I believe a > >NeXT m68k emulator with a synthetic CPU should outperform a 'real' NeXT on a > >fast CPU anyway. This thought strikes my mind usually after a few beers. > > Ah.. we really should catch up for some elbow bending, Frank! Howaboutit, > the next MacWorld Expo? Holger, you game? No way José. No more games. > Yessiree! I'd even put up with a machine that has Motif on it <yuck> > Actually, that YB talk _is_ making me nervous. An emulator would be > a last resort if bad comes to worse. <MOOD mode=depressing> I find your faith disturbing. We must obey our master. </MOOD>
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: scanning transparencies Date: 14 Jul 1998 10:14:17 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6ofb1p$hb3$> References: <6of7ft$eio$> wrote: >i have an hsd scan-x color w/ powerscan software. > >are there any hardware and/or software additions that will enable me to scan >transparent film, e.g. 35mm slides, etc.? The HSD really is a UMAX scanner painted black (I've forgotten the model, but you should be able to find that out). Maybe it's still possible to get the UMAX hardware add-on for scanning transparencies. Be warned, the HSD is a three pass scanner and hence not very precise. What you can do though is scan in slides by simply putting them in the scanner without additional hardware - the results are not too bad IMHO. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Patrick Schmidt <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation Color and Epson Stylus Color 500 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 15:23:36 +0200 Organization: RRZN - Newsserver Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I am a very new member to the NeXT-community. I have just bought a NeXTstation Color (GREAT machine!!) and I have some questions about connecting an Epson Stylus Color 500 to it: 1. I am a bit confused about the serial cabling of the NeXTstation Color, with all the discussion on hardware-handshake and so on. My question is: Can I connect an Epson Stylus Color 500 (it has a Macintosh-compatible serial port with Mini DIN8-connector) to my NeXTstation Color using a standard Apple ImageWriter II cable or do I need any other kind of cable?? 2. I know that the Epson Stylus Color 500 is supported by Aladdin Ghostscript and GSPrintFilter. I already have those packages, but before installing them I would like to have a look if there's someone out there who has some experience in getting something like this to work... Thanks very much in advance! Patrick
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: PPP on OPENSTEP 4.2 NeXTStation Turbo Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 13:53:06 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ofns2$67m$> Hi, all! I have been frustrated by my efforts to get on-line. I'm sure that there is someone out there who has the same set-up I have and get get PPP working. I have a NeXTStation Turbo running OPENSTEP 4.2 with a 28.8 kb modem with hardware control (and the right cable). I had PPP 2.2 with Gatekeeper running on this exact system under NS 3.3, so I know that things should work. Has anyone successfully installed and used PPP2.3.3-0.51 with on such a system? Which PPP version should I use? -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: PPP on OPENSTEP 4.2 NeXTStation Turbo Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 13:53:03 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ofns0$67l$> Hi, all! I have been frustrated by my efforts to get on-line. I'm sure that there is someone out there who has the same set-up I have and get get PPP working. I have a NeXTStation Turbo running OPENSTEP 4.2 with a 28.8 kb modem with hardware control (and the right cable). I had PPP 2.2 with Gatekeeper running on this exact system under NS 3.3, so I know that things should work. Has anyone successfully installed and used PPP2.3.3-0.51 with on such a system? Which PPP version should I use? -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 14 Jul 1998 15:38:12 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6oaaf1$45q$> <> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Scott Hess <> wrote: > >And serial port based kernel panics ... > Remarkably I've never had one of those... >Perhaps you could put the emulating machine _behind_ the station, with >appropriate hackery to make the mouse and keyboard work. Hell, run >the station with minimal routines to forward mouse and keyboard >events to the real box... Ho ho ho! This gets more crazy (in a fun sort of way) by the day!!! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 14 Jul 1998 15:39:31 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6nsgic$788$> <> <6oevoh$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6oevoh$>, Betty Siren <> wrote: > >I have 4 (2 unlike pairs) of 8 meg EDO simms that fail similarly in >an ND but work in an NSTC. Not sure what speed got used tho. > Just to reitereate, the ND *REQUIRES* SIMMs in *IDENTICAL* groups of *FOUR*. The NSTC requires groups of two. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6og541$8vm$> Message-ID: <7bNq1.740$> Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:11:15 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 11:11:15 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6og541$8vm$> wrote: > I have a NeXTStation Turbo Color, with 16 MB of Memory and a 400 MB Hard > Drive. With applications alone, I am now down to 80 mb of hard drive space. > In short, I need an external hard drive, or a Jaz Drive, so that my system > doesn't grind to a halt. > > Are there any recommended sources/types of/for external SCSI Hard drives that > would fit my slab? For aesthetic reasons, a black external case for the drive > would be preferred. Getting a black case might be tricky. However, you can get a 4gb IBM drive for $305 with a 5 year warrantee from (ibm34330nx). I have the internal version of this drive, and it works great (there's already a disktab available to partition it). As far as removables go, I'm a little disenchanted. I finally gave up a several month struggle with my SyJet and convinced SyQuest to refund my money after they replaced the drive and cartridges and they still failed. Also, it's quite annoying to have to swap cartridges if you are looking for a file, etc. I would recommend a large hard drive over any removable. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6np44s$> <6oc79j$o9d$> <> <6og1ei$i7c$> <6og4s3$hun$> Message-ID: <NgNq1.741$> Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:17:17 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 11:17:17 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6og4s3$hun$> Ken Lui wrote: > I have this setup at home. Linux/IP Masquerading works great. I > live with the minimal number of IP addresses and have everyting > else in net 10. The P133 non-MMX works fine as a firewall. I've heard from folks who are using a 486dx/66 with 16mb of ram as a firewall for a T1-sized connection. The number of rules you set will impact performance, but with a default of 'deny' and a small set of 'allows' you should be fine with even a "weak" box. TjL ps -- for a firewall on a floppy -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 14 Jul 1998 16:36:34 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6og1ei$i7c$> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oc79j$o9d$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ryan Watkins wrote: > writes: > > > There is another consideration. That being that one of the main > > features that makes linux attractive is IP_Masquerading. Since the > > Black hardware only has one ethernet port active at a time that > > renders this use to serial only - kinda a downside. > > But you can just run multiple virtual intertfaces on a single physical > one -- eth0, eth0:1. Then IP masq from one out the other. This can > be handy if your isp will only route traffic for a single IP, and you > need to masq for the others. > Hmmm. I've messed around with using two ethernet cards for this rather than just using one. My situation is a bit different than most since I have a dedicated ISDN with as many IP's as I NEED - right now I'm happy in 16 (really 14). Eventually I wanted to put part of my net behind the linux box using IP masq - the problem with the above setup is that all of the traffic for both subnets would travel on through the same hub to all machines - I'm not sure how much time it takes from the cpu to reject packets but the less of this the better. The other problem is that one absolutely MUST use those private Class A,B,C IP segments so packets don't route back out into the world (and this is something many people commonly forget or are ignorant of). When you have a IP masq box that has two ethernet cards it doesn matter. On the same interface it DOES matter. What's too bad is that AFAIK there isn't a way to toggle between the two physical ethernet connectors. If there was then in principle the black boxes would make for nice IP masq routers. I've even heard that there is a IP masq kernel that fits on a floppy (no HD needed).. I have no clue where all this could lead but the point is well taken that multiple virtual interfaces can happen on the same physical one. Thanks for pointing that out. And I would ask have you tried it? I guess I could research it - but if you want to privately e-mail me on how you set that up I'd like to know.. chirp, chirp - spoon feed me ;) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT 400dpi printer cable Date: 14 Jul 1998 16:40:34 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6og1m2$i7c$> References: <6oeilb$2f8$> <6oer9t$8jd$> <6of7ti$f79$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6of7ti$f79$> Christian Neuss wrote: > (Paulus Adisoemarta) wrote: > >In article <6oeilb$2f8$>, Jess Liao <> > wrote: > >>I am in need of a NeXT 400dpi laser printer CABLE. > > >Just use a straight serial cable (10 ft) that you can get > >from any nearby computer store (I know people would said "this is a no no, > >as the printer signal needs such and such timing, etc" > >but I've been using this way for more than 1 year with no problem). > > note that the correct length is important, it seems to have to do > with signal reflection. I'm not sure if the ten ft are accurate, > maybe look it up. Also, make sure you get a high quality cable > with good shielding. > First I can confirm that a 10' straight through cable will work. I'm using one now. I've never tried 6' BTW. Also if you want an origional cable I'm sure I can turn one up for less than 1/2 the price($100) you quoted . Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 14 Jul 1998 17:34:59 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6og4s3$hun$> References: <6np44s$> <6oc79j$o9d$> <> <6og1ei$i7c$> In article <6og1ei$i7c$>, <> wrote: > I have a dedicated ISDN with as many IP's as I NEED - right >now I'm happy in 16 (really 14). Eventually I wanted to put >part of my net behind the linux box using IP masq I have this setup at home. Linux/IP Masquerading works great. I live with the minimal number of IP addresses and have everyting else in net 10. The P133 non-MMX works fine as a firewall. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Newsgroups: Subject: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 17:39:13 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6og541$8vm$> Hi Everyone: I have a NeXTStation Turbo Color, with 16 MB of Memory and a 400 MB Hard Drive. With applications alone, I am now down to 80 mb of hard drive space. In short, I need an external hard drive, or a Jaz Drive, so that my system doesn't grind to a halt. Are there any recommended sources/types of/for external SCSI Hard drives that would fit my slab? For aesthetic reasons, a black external case for the drive would be preferred. Thanks. David Mussington -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Jess Liao) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT 400dpi printer cable Date: 14 Jul 1998 11:42:50 -0700 Organization: Best Internet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6og8ra$5v$> References: <6oeilb$2f8$> Wow! in one day, I got quite a few responses to my question. Thanks to you all! I will pick up a cable tonite to try! Jess -- Jess Liao --> Have a "Sun"ny day! * Nothing's * fancy --> Still need to work on my page. * there ***************************************************************************
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 19:01:26 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Sender: (thomas) Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oboqc$i0o$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6oboqc$i0o$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > Anyway I > do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do believe someone will > write such a thing, if only to show the world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled > once. At the moment it is a bit soon for such a thing but wait a few years... How about the following idea to run NeXT-Apps under another Unix: * Emulate the CPU (not too difficult) * Emulate all System-Calls. If you run a UNIX, probably quite straightforward. * Add some HW-Emulation, like SCSI-Interrupts, Mouse-Movement, Keyboard etc. I believe the Next-Video-Memory is memory-mapped, this can be quite a performance problem to emulate. E.g. if a NS-Function writes a pixel, you have to call some pixel-writing function for your host-system (X11)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP!!!!! Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 19:24:47 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ogb9v$h9d$> References: <6o10iu$> In article <6o10iu$>, "Grey Randall" <> wrote: > I have the following, and I would like to get this thing up and running. > > 1 Next laser printer > 1 Next colorstation. > > Need floppy drive, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc. > > Where can I get the parts I need? > > I would suggest you contact Deepspace Technology at They have all of the parts that you mentioned, save the floppy drive -- though if you have the NeXT Color there is one built in. :) I purchased my NeXTStation Turbo Color from them 2 months ago, and would buy from them again. Cheers David M. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 14 Jul 1998 20:42:46 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6ogfs6$n0s$> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oaaf1$45q$> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Scott Hess wrote: > And serial port based kernel panics ... *eg*eg* :-) > Perhaps you could put the emulating machine _behind_ the station, with > appropriate hackery to make the mouse and keyboard work. Hell, run > the station with minimal routines to forward mouse and keyboard > events to the real box... <reality check> Before this let's consider porting VNC to NS so older NeXT systems can be used headless (The screen is usually one of the first things to go...) over the network from most any box on this world. his way you can put your old boxes with a little adapter on the keyboard connector (a switch to shorten a line to boot the box) in the basement and access the system from your e.g. Windows/X11 box. (Isn't a MacOS version of VNC planned??) </reality check> To me this strikes like a really nice idea ... Anyone working on such a port? -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware Date: 14 Jul 1998 20:36:27 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6ogfgb$n0s$> References: <6np44s$> <6nvt1t$o02$> <> <6o2mjc$12as$> <> <6o5sd2$jll$> <6odfqi$ajb$> <6odrlt$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6odrlt$> Holger Hoffstaette wrote: > Christian Neuss wrote: > > (Frank M. Siegert) wrote: > > >Yep, that won't work... but consider a different alternative - I believe a > > >NeXT m68k emulator with a synthetic CPU should outperform a 'real' NeXT on a > > >fast CPU anyway. This thought strikes my mind usually after a few beers. > > > > Ah.. we really should catch up for some elbow bending, Frank! Howaboutit, > > the next MacWorld Expo? Holger, you game? > > No way José. No more games. C'mon Holger! Party time!! Beer! Booth babes! Most excellent! Well, why not... :-) If I am not away diving on the Maldives or driving the route #1 down to San Diego (scheduled for autumn) maybe I will come visiting... :-) -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom On-Line Services References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:01:36 GMT Sender: Thomas F. Unke ( wrote: : In <6oboqc$i0o$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: : > Anyway I : > do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do believe someone : will : > write such a thing, if only to show the world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled : > once. At the moment it is a bit soon for such a thing but wait a few : years... : How about the following idea to run NeXT-Apps under another Unix: : * Emulate the CPU (not too difficult) : * Emulate all System-Calls. If you run a UNIX, probably quite : straightforward. : * Add some HW-Emulation, like SCSI-Interrupts, Mouse-Movement, Keyboard etc. : I believe the Next-Video-Memory is memory-mapped, this can be quite a : performance problem to emulate. E.g. if a NS-Function writes a pixel, you : have to call some pixel-writing function for your host-system (X11) Would the NeXT Mach source code help? It was once available from NeXT (N 5515) for $10,000 ($5K educational). Somebody must have bought one! You'd then just have to do the device drivers (sure). The two ASICs (N 3580 and N 3582) described briefly in NA #1092 would be troublesome (one is the DMA mux; the other is the peripheral controller).
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 15 Jul 1998 04:00:14 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6oh9ge$au0$> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Carl Ludwigson wrote: > Thomas F. Unke ( wrote: > : In <6oboqc$i0o$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > > : > Anyway I > : > do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do believe someone > : will > : > write such a thing, if only to show the world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled > : > once. At the moment it is a bit soon for such a thing but wait a few > : years... > > : How about the following idea to run NeXT-Apps under another Unix: > > : * Emulate the CPU (not too difficult) > : * Emulate all System-Calls. If you run a UNIX, probably quite > : straightforward. > : * Add some HW-Emulation, like SCSI-Interrupts, Mouse-Movement, Keyboard etc. > > : I believe the Next-Video-Memory is memory-mapped, this can be quite a > : performance problem to emulate. E.g. if a NS-Function writes a pixel, you > : have to call some pixel-writing function for your host-system (X11) > > Would the NeXT Mach source code help? It was once available from NeXT (N > 5515) for $10,000 ($5K educational). Somebody must have bought one! > You'd then just have to do the device drivers (sure). The two ASICs (N > 3580 and N 3582) described briefly in NA #1092 would be troublesome (one > is the DMA mux; the other is the peripheral controller). > Cool another part number elucidated.. Very interesting - sure there wasn't a NDA involved? Anyone who has this feel free to e-mail me privately !! Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PPP 2.3.3 under OPENSTEP 4.2 on NeXTStation Turbo Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 01:37:05 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6oh141$l7n$> References: <6odleo$5gj$> <6of0gj$> In article <6of0gj$>, (Betty Siren) wrote: > writes: > > >When I use logon, I get an error referring to /dev/tty, saying that it > >couldn't find the device. > > Sounds familiar: > > Jul 02 08:32:05 LogOn[188] Starting pppd... > Jul 2 08:32:07 localhost pppd[199]: Failed to open /dev/tty: > No such device or address > Jul 02 08:32:07 LogOn[188] pppd returned 256 > Jul 02 08:32:08 LogOn[188] Cleaning up... > > It has been suggested that the workaround is to not use > I have been too busy with SCSI problems to revisit this one. > > ... Richard Tilley Similar problem too, I Re-install ppp2.2 and Gatekeeper 2.1 under Openstep 4.2 and everything worked fine. Anyone had managed to make ppp2.3.3-0.51 & to work ? Sincerely, Frederic Foucault -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "Erik Nieves" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:53:44 -0700 Organization: Keyway Internet Access 909-933-3650 Message-ID: <6oh242$sog$> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oaaf1$45q$> <> <> <6ogfs6$n0s$> Okay, here's one for ya, how about a pan upgrade for black hardware that would bring allow for new standards.. (I'm not intel freindly, but don't they make a mobile PII daughtercard?).. You know , something that could slip into a slab case & use existing peripherals.... (dunno how I'd make the Laser Printer work tho...) :)``` Erik
From: "Brian Brehart" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Computers Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:07:25 -0500 Organization: TekSystems Message-ID: <6oh9t6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Where can I find a NeXT computer? After Apple bought them I didn't think you could still get one? I'm not too concerned with how old the system is, actually the older the better.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Computers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6oh9t6$> Message-ID: <oqYq1.762$> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 06:58:28 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:58:28 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6oh9t6$> "Brian Brehart" wrote: > Where can I find a NeXT computer? After Apple bought them I didn't think you > could still get one? I'm not too concerned with how old the system is, > actually the older the better. or is the best place. is another TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: tvz@Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PII 400MHz and Rhapsody? Date: 10 Jul 1998 19:41:38 GMT Organization: Princeton University Message-ID: <6o5qpi$1a$1@cnn.Princeton.EDU> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Wassim M Jabi wrote: > Hi: > > I am looking to buy an Intel computer from one of the major > manufacturers (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, Micron, HP) so that I can run on > it OPENSTEP 4.2 for MACH, then Rhapsody 1.0 and ultimately Windows NT > with Yellow Box. > > Can anyone recommend a higher-end configuration (Pentium II 350-400) > that has been found to work? SCSI, CD-ROM, Video, Ethernet etc. I recently installed OpenStep 4.2 on the following system: PII 400 Mz GVC Corp. QS440BX motherboard Matrox Mill II AGP 8meg Adaptec 2940UW with bios v1.32 Zip SCSI internal TEAC 32x CD 3Com 905 TX (Etherlink XL) I used all the latest available drivers, downloaded from NextAnswers. System came with NT installed on a 4.3gig UW drive. I used PartitionMagic to create 2.7 gig of free space on which I installed OpenStep. NT still runs. System has only been running for one day, so I don't how stable things are. I purchased this from UNICENT, a no-name mailorder place, mainly because they offered the Matrox Mill II, and other desired components. Service so far has been fine. The system has an ENSONIQ PCI sound card, which is not supported by OpenStep. I should have upgraded to an ISA SoundBlaster, which I now will have to buy separately. tim vz
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 14 Jul 98 12:04:42 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:11:15 GMT In article <7bNq1.740$> (TjL) writes: As far as removables go, I'm a little disenchanted. I finally gave up a several month struggle with my SyJet and convinced SyQuest to refund my money after they replaced the drive and cartridges and they still failed. Also, it's quite annoying to have to swap cartridges if you are looking for a file, etc. I would recommend a large hard drive over any removable. My EZFlyer sits unused, also. Personally, I think that large removables will become less and less popular as Internet access gets faster. At least that's how it works around here. CD-R seems moderately more useful, in that they're much more disposable, and certainly more trustworthy (once the disk is written, other drives won't nuke the data :-). At $1/disk, I'm willing to burn a new disk and toss the old one rather than spend any time moving files between disks. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed> ern me, much, because I was the only user on all machines in question. I set my ISDN box to not pass packets to/from if either source or dest were on the private subnet, so from outside the ISDN box you could only get to the single public IP address. The hub, IPMasq router, and ISDN router shouldn't be much affected. ISDN is so slow that even if you're really banging on the ethernet, it shouldn't affect your ISDN speed much. This does have security implications. If someone breaks into the "firewall", they have access to everything. A more secure option would be to have internal and external routers, so that breaking into the external router does _not_ give access to the internal network, but only to the traffic through to the Internet. But that's overkill for most home users :-). -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 14 Jul 98 14:10:46 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oboqc$i0o$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 14 Jul 1998 19:01:26 GMT In article <>, (Thomas F. Unke) writes: In <6oboqc$i0o$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > Anyway I do think such an emulator would be a nice thing and I do > believe someone will write such a thing, if only to show the > world how NeXTSTEP looked & feeled once. At the moment it is a > bit soon for such a thing but wait a few years... How about the following idea to run NeXT-Apps under another Unix: * Emulate the CPU (not too difficult) Uh, well, I'll take your word for that... * Emulate all System-Calls. If you run a UNIX, probably quite straightforward. All of the Unix system calls probably wouldn't be so bad. The Mach system calls might suck, though. * Add some HW-Emulation, like SCSI-Interrupts, Mouse-Movement, Keyboard etc. Why would you do this? I mean, if you're emulating the system calls, why do you care about hardware emulation? I believe the Next-Video-Memory is memory-mapped, this can be quite a performance problem to emulate. E.g. if a NS-Function writes a pixel, you have to call some pixel-writing function for your host-system (X11) Actually, since NS is client/server in this respect, the question is whether you want to emulate so well that you can run the windowserver - or just emulate the windowserver itself. Emulating the window server would probably be necessary for performance reasons. You'd also have to reverse engineer the Mach port stuff, since that's how most stuff like communications with the windowserver happens. Well, perhaps not reverse engineer, since you could likely read the source code for similar versions of Mach. All in all, not too easy, methinks, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: oil <> Newsgroups: Subject: Need peripherals? Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 01:47:49 -0700 Organization: Whole Earth Networks News Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Got 2 keyboards,2 mice, 1 speaker set for cube setup. Also 3.0 and 3.3 CDs. Will trade for documentation on my inherited megapixel color 21 inch monitor. reply to
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 15 Jul 1998 09:51:41 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6ohu3d$4gr$> References: <6np44s$> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oaaf1$45q$> <> <> <6ogfs6$n0s$> <6oh242$sog$> "Erik Nieves" <> wrote: >Okay, here's one for ya, how about a pan upgrade for black hardware that >would bring allow for new standards.. (I'm not intel freindly, but don't >they make a mobile PII daughtercard?).. You know , something that could slip >into a slab case & use existing peripherals.... (dunno how I'd make the >Laser Printer work tho...) :)``` Exactly.. and I would like to retrofit one of these nice black monitors, perhaps with an LCD screen of appropriate size. The NeXT hardware design is just too beautiful to let the machines die. Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Brian K. Meadows) Newsgroups:, Subject: Hardware Configuration & Driver Support Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 17:13:53 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <> I've just inherited an HP Vectra XU/200 and would like to install OpenStep. It's been awhile since I last had to configure a box to run Next/Openstep so I wanted to be sure I have everything lined up before I start. First, the machine configuration consists of: 1) Dual 200 MHz Pentium CPUs (unfortunately I only get the services of one CPU under OS ) 2) 192 MB Ram 3) Matrox Millenium with 8 MB 4) 16X Hitachi CD-ROM (CDR-8130) 5) Intel 82371 SB chip set (supports ATPI, PMA-4, DMA-2) 6) Integrated Adaptec 7880 Chipset for SCSI I/O 7) 4.5 GB Quantum Atlas HD (Ultra SCSI=50 pin ?) 8) Integrated Sound Blaster Vibra 16S. 9) HP 10/100TX Ethernet card (I think this is an AMD chip set) Now my plan was to replace the Quantum HD with a new Segate 9.1 GB (ST39173W) so that I have lots of room for OS and Windows NT. Now I have two hardware configuration questions. First, I'd like to replace the old SCSI controller with a new Adaptec 2940U2W (SCSI-3 ?) that supports the 80MB/sec transfer rate. Does OS have a driver to support this controller? It looks from the Intel hardware list that only the 2940UW (40 MB/sec) is supported. Second, I also need to see if the network card is supported. It didn't appear as though. Thanks for any and all help, Brian.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> <> Message-ID: <GM6r1.765$> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:44:54 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 11:44:54 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <> Scott Hess wrote: > My EZFlyer sits unused, also. Personally, I think that large > removables will become less and less popular as Internet access gets > faster. At least that's how it works around here. That's certainly allowed me to dump a lot of stuff (ie I used to download source code, compile it, and then store it.... now after I compile it I just delete it) > CD-R seems moderately more useful, in that they're much more > disposable, and certainly more trustworthy (once the disk is written, > other drives won't nuke the data :-). At $1/disk, I'm willing to burn > a new disk and toss the old one rather than spend any time moving > files between disks. And as far as backups go, it is very nice to know that a panic won't fsck-up the backup (as happened with the SyQuest drive) TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Hardware Configuration & Driver Support Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:46:04 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Brian K. Meadows wrote: > > I've just inherited an HP Vectra XU/200 and would like to install > OpenStep. It's been awhile since I last had to configure a box to run > Next/Openstep so I wanted to be sure I have everything lined up before > I start. > > First, the machine configuration consists of: > 1) Dual 200 MHz Pentium CPUs (unfortunately I only get the services of > one CPU under OS ) > 2) 192 MB Ram > 3) Matrox Millenium with 8 MB > 4) 16X Hitachi CD-ROM (CDR-8130) > 5) Intel 82371 SB chip set (supports ATPI, PMA-4, DMA-2) > 6) Integrated Adaptec 7880 Chipset for SCSI I/O > 7) 4.5 GB Quantum Atlas HD (Ultra SCSI=50 pin ?) > 8) Integrated Sound Blaster Vibra 16S. > 9) HP 10/100TX Ethernet card (I think this is an AMD chip set) > > Now my plan was to replace the Quantum HD with a new Segate 9.1 GB > (ST39173W) so that I have lots of room for OS and Windows NT. Now I > have two hardware configuration questions. First, I'd like to replace > the old SCSI controller with a new Adaptec 2940U2W (SCSI-3 ?) that > supports the 80MB/sec transfer rate. Does OS have a driver to > support this controller? It looks from the Intel hardware list that > only the 2940UW (40 MB/sec) is supported. Second, I also need to see > if the network card is supported. It didn't appear as though. > > Thanks for any and all help, > > Brian. I asked NeXT/Apple, and they are still working on the 2940U2W (7890) driver, the 2940UW (7880 AFAIK) is on NeXTAnswers and CD. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Thomas F. Unke) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:28:26 GMT Organization: Dogbert Consulting Sender: (thomas) Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6oboqc$i0o$> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Scott Hess wrote: > > * Emulate all System-Calls. If you run a UNIX, probably quite > straightforward. > > All of the Unix system calls probably wouldn't be so bad. The Mach > system calls might suck, though. Yep, I forgot the Mach-calls. Too bad. How can I emulate them under another Unix ? If I remember correctly, once upon a time, NS1.0 was ported to AIX. They had the same problem: Emulating Mach using UNIX system calls. The whole thing turned out to be terribly slow .... > All in all, not too easy, methinks, I guess so ....
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 15 Jul 1998 19:23:41 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6oivjt$l95$> References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Scott Hess wrote: > In article <7bNq1.740$> (TjL) writes: > As far as removables go, I'm a little disenchanted. I finally gave > up a several month struggle with my SyJet and convinced SyQuest to > refund my money after they replaced the drive and cartridges and > they still failed. Also, it's quite annoying to have to swap > cartridges if you are looking for a file, etc. I would recommend a > large hard drive over any removable. > > My EZFlyer sits unused, also. Personally, I think that large > removables will become less and less popular as Internet access gets > faster. At least that's how it works around here. > > CD-R seems moderately more useful, in that they're much more > disposable, and certainly more trustworthy (once the disk is written, > other drives won't nuke the data :-). At $1/disk, I'm willing to burn > a new disk and toss the old one rather than spend any time moving > files between disks. > It's exactly this kind of thinking that fills up our garbage dumps with crap. If those disks were recyclable I'd have no problems - AFAIK they arn't. A floppy could at least be reused, so can removable until the end of their life. I really wish when people design things they would consider the fact that eventually the device etc. will fail and need to be recycled reused vs. just tossed in the trash to fill a landfill.. I'm still using MO media because of this - and yes it uses more plastic - I had no say in it being #2 at least on the cover. But if I had to burn a CD everytime I wrote a MO image - I'd have 10 CD's for each MO. I'm not ragging on you Scott - just a system that makes those $1/CDs and doesn't think about the ramifications of use once - throw away. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Richard Scholz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 15 Jul 1998 18:14:30 GMT Organization: im IN e.V. Message-ID: <6oiri6$mod$> References: <6og541$8vm$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6og541$8vm$> wrote: > [...] > In short, I need an external hard drive, or a Jaz Drive, so that my system > doesn't grind to a halt. > [...] Hi Why don't you just replace your internal drive by a bigger one ? Of course it is a little tricky to copy your old files to the new one, and you need at least some basic hardware skills for actually replacing the drive, but you'll have a lot of advantages: + less noise The old 400Mb drive is quite noisy. New drives are a lot quiter, especially if you choose one of those spinning only at 5400 rpm, like the IBM DCAS. + nicer setup - no ugly "un-next-ish" external drive case + still just one power button. If you have an external case, you have to switch it on and off separately. If you choose to do that, you will easily get more help in this newsgroup on how to copy your old drive to the new one, if you don't already know how to. Another nice option instead of a zip drive is a Fujitsu DynaMO. People say that it works with the next . This drive has a maximum capacity of 640 MB instead of the 100 MB of the zip drive. And I like the mediums - they are like a 3.5" floppy disk, only a little thicker. Richard -- ## Richard Scholz, Frankfurt, Germany ## To reply, please remove the REMOVETHIS from my reply address ## (Sorry for the inconvenience)
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> <> <6oivjt$l95$> Message-ID: <Ou7r1.767$> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 19:34:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:34:06 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6oivjt$l95$> wrote: > I'm not ragging on you Scott - just a system that makes those $1/CDs > and doesn't think about the ramifications of use once - throw away. This is a good point.... and the rewritable CDs are like $20/$25 each rather than $1, so who is going to go for one of them? Still, after October-July trying to get my SyJet to work, the idea of a write-once medium is a great benefit. Making backups that can be corrupted is not safe. Randy makes a good point though, the landfills in the US are filling up very fast. I'm not sure that anything can be done with old CDs... hopefully a rewritable CD will be made which is more economical.... TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Tecra 510CDT advice needed Date: 15 Jul 1998 18:41:24 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <6oit4k$> Hi all! I have been given the option of buying a Toshiba Tecra 510CDT. I know that some of the Tecra line will display in color on OpenStep, but I don't know if this is one of them. Can someone set me straight, here? Also, what drivers would I need? Any installation worries I should be on the lookout for? Best, Alex -- Alexander Levine Philosophy Department Lehigh University
From: Steve Dekorte <> Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody on Micron PC Date: 15 Jul 1998 19:43:13 GMT Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <6oj0oh$5ha$> Anyone gotten Rhapsody running on a PC from Micron? I have a Micron XKU Desktop PC and I'm having problems getting Rhapsody to see the IDE CD ROM Drive. Steve Dekorte
From: (Jeff Vickers) Newsgroups: alt.comp,alt.comp.aptiva.hardware,alt.comp.cdr,alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.aptiva,alt.comp.hardware.infinia,alt.comp.hardware.overclocking,alt.comp.multimedia,alt.comp.multimedia.teach,,,alt.computers,alt.computers.amiga,,,,,,,,,comp.hardware,comp.misc,,,,,,,,,,comp.sys.misc,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,,,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,,, Subject: Re: $$$$$$$ 3.2GB Hard Drive $195.00 $$$$$$$ TERRIBLE PRICE!!! Date: Wed, 15 Jul 98 20:11:32 GMT Organization: NASA, Kennedy Space Center Message-ID: <6oiv7a$> References: <> You can get a 6.4 Gig hard drive (Western Digital or Maxtor) for just under $170 at In article <>, wrote: >!!NEW!! >3249KB Hard Drive IDE >256K 11MS 5400 >$195.00 > >Mail me at >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Web-consultants, -developers, -programmers wanted Date: Wednesday, 15 Jul 1998 22:58:59 -0600 Organization: Nacamar Data Communications Message-ID: <> We are constantly seeking contacts to consultants, programmers, designers which can help us making our site the number 1 within the adult industry. Are you interested ? Then please visit our site, tell us what you think and send suggestions and quotations !
From: (James Beauchamp) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Printer problem Date: 15 Jul 1998 21:17:27 GMT Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <6oj697$bvt$> My NeXT printer (black hardware) has developed a chronic problem. When I try to print, the printer goes through the normal gyrations, pulls the paper in just a little, and then stops. I then get the system message "the paper is jammed in your printer". If I open the printer door, pull the paper back into the feeder, it goes through the cycle again ... On the other hand, if I force feed a single sheet through the top of the feeder, it works! It seems like there must be just a minor malfunction here. Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to overcome it? Jim Beauchamp University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign <--- please reply to this address!!!!!!!!!
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Printer problem Date: 15 Jul 1998 21:29:24 GMT Organization: Grolier Interactive Europe Message-ID: <6oj6vk$27p$> References: <6oj697$bvt$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Jul 1998 21:29:24 GMT (James Beauchamp) wrote: > My NeXT printer (black hardware) has developed a chronic problem. > When I try to print, the printer goes through the normal gyrations, > pulls the paper in just a little, and then stops. I then get the > system message "the paper is jammed in your printer". If I open > the printer door, pull the paper back into the feeder, it goes > through the cycle again ... Classical problem. It comes from a little wheel that's takes the paper. You need to buy a new piece from Canon or HP. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: (Betty Siren) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 15 Jul 1998 16:58:34 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6oj8ma$> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6nsgic$788$> <> <6oevoh$> <> (David Evans) writes: > Just to reitereate, the ND *REQUIRES* SIMMs in *IDENTICAL* groups of *FOUR*. You're leading with your jaw David. Just one counterexample would make such a strong statement false. I expect no 2 simms are identical. Kinda like snowflakes. The printing on the simms indicates they are 60 ns. How can one tell if the speed detection contacts say the same thing??? I didn't see any resistors on the simms, so am a bit suspicious. ... Richard Tilley
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 15 Jul 1998 21:34:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Tom Blenko) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 15 Jul 1998 20:36:01 -0400 Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> |Another nice option instead of a zip drive is a Fujitsu DynaMO. People |say that it works with the next . This drive has a maximum capacity of |640 MB instead of the 100 MB of the zip drive. And I like the mediums - |they are like a 3.5" floppy disk, only a little thicker. Well, I've been a pretty big advocate of the DynaMO, but I had one disk go bad (and lots of trouble to get it replaced), and the original drive showed up non-working, and now my drive went bad again last night and has to be replaced. That's when I found out that the warrantee is only one year. So fortunately I'm at 11 months and they will ship the replacement ahead, but I wouldn't be too happy a camper if I were paying for this. The drive has gotten only moderate usage. Tom
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Distribution: world MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> Message-ID: <NAcr1.781$> Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 01:21:49 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:21:49 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> Tom Blenko wrote: > Well, I've been a pretty big advocate of the DynaMO, but I had one disk > go bad (and lots of trouble to get it replaced), and the original drive > showed up non-working, and now my drive went bad again last night and > has to be replaced. Well I guess that is one shining spot for SyQuest: anytime I had a problem with anything I would call them up and get an RMA immediately. Unfortunately I had to do this often, but at least it wasn't a difficult process. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Seagate Medalist ST52160N Rev 0418 brain damage on Black. Date: 16 Jul 1998 02:38:51 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6ojp3r$fkj$> References: <6oev40$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 16 Jul 1998 02:38:51 GMT (Betty Siren) wrote: > >I am not sure if I have a defective drive or if it is not smart enough to drop down > to async mode. Sounds like a damaged/defective disk. I use one of these with black hardware, and it works OK, though I'll spend a little more and get a better drive next time. (I couldn't get sdformat to do 1024 byte blocks on this puppy, either :-( If/when you do get it to work, installing from a the boot floppy/CD will, annoyingly, give you two ~900MB partitions since the drive is ~2057MB and NS automagically partitions any drive over 2047MB. A disktab will help with this, which I have if you want it, though you'll have to boot from some other disk to really make use of it. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 04:04:39 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, NH, USA Message-ID: <6oju4n$otj$> References: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> (Tom Blenko) wrote: > |Another nice option instead of a zip drive is a Fujitsu DynaMO. People > |say that it works with the next . This drive has a maximum capacity of > |640 MB instead of the 100 MB of the zip drive. And I like the mediums - > |they are like a 3.5" floppy disk, only a little thicker. > > Well, I've been a pretty big advocate of the DynaMO, but I had one disk > go bad (and lots of trouble to get it replaced), and the original drive > showed up non-working, and now my drive went bad again last night and > has to be replaced. > > That's when I found out that the warrantee is only one year. > > So fortunately I'm at 11 months and they will ship the replacement > ahead, but I wouldn't be too happy a camper if I were paying for this. > The drive has gotten only moderate usage. Interesting. I've never had *media* fail. I've even spilled coke on the medium (really) and it worked! I did have a 230Dynmo fail after about 4-5years of use. My new 640 kicks but. The writes on the 230 were a bit pokey, 110k/sec sustained. The 640 gets more around 500k/sec, and that's not even on the dual phase (which is 33% faster if I understand things). Reads have always been good. 4-5years isn't bad, though I was pretty p-o'd about it. The new drive is nice. About 6months old, no problems thus far (touch wood). Only thing is it cannot write to 128mb 3.5" MO disks. It can read them. It reads and writes to 230, 540, 640 (and dual phase 540 & 640) mb media as well. This is the only stuff I trust my thesis backups to. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ______________________________________________________________________ UCO & A S S O C I A T E S ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK You're dangerous because you're honest...
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension failure. Help... Date: 16 Jul 1998 04:46:10 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6nrmpe$94c$> <6oevoh$> <> <6oj8ma$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6oj8ma$>, Betty Siren <> wrote: > >You're leading with your jaw David. (!) >Just one counterexample would make such a strong statement false. > OK, maybe I over-did it with the "*IDENTICAL*". :-) Still, the ND needs a 128-bit path to memory, so it has to be able to whack at groups of four SIMMs at once. If these SIMMs don't all behave in a reasonable manner durring the memory cycle then things will get hosed. >I expect no 2 simms are identical. Kinda like snowflakes. > Computers do tend to seem about as deterministic, don't they? :) >The printing on the simms indicates they are 60 ns. >How can one tell if the speed detection contacts say the same thing??? Hmmmm. I suppose if you had a Turbo machine with the right combination of hardware rev. and ROM (I don't know the details on this...) you could see what it claims they are. Or perhaps some PC-type person has some gizmo that can tell for sure. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 15 Jul 98 13:44:21 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> <> <6oivjt$l95$> In-reply-to:'s message of 15 Jul 1998 19:23:41 GMT In article <6oivjt$l95$>, writes: In <> Scott Hess wrote: > CD-R seems moderately more useful, in that they're much more > disposable, and certainly more trustworthy (once the disk is > written, other drives won't nuke the data :-). At $1/disk, I'm > willing to burn a new disk and toss the old one rather than spend > any time moving files between disks. It's exactly this kind of thinking that fills up our garbage dumps with crap. If those disks were recyclable I'd have no problems - AFAIK they arn't. A floppy could at least be reused, so can removable until the end of their life. Eh, well, I guess _that_ part doesn't bother me. I've got an EZFlyer with four disks which sits unused. I have a CD-R drive with five or ten active disks, and I use it periodically. I'll be lucky if I make it "worth" the resources to make and dispose of the CD-R drive and disks - but I'll never come _remotely_ close to making that EZFlyer worthwhile. To my mind technology you don't use is more of a waste than technology you do, regardless of their relative efficiencies. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: no@spam.please (chip) Newsgroups: Subject: Driver Support / scsi vlb controller card?? Date: 16 Jul 1998 05:49:38 GMT Organization: N Message-ID: <6ok49i$icv$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Hello, I too am having problems with installation of a scsi card driver, i have a adaptec 2842 card and sure enough its one of the options in the boot process. But then it prompts back loading 274x driver, perhaps they are the same? Anyway, the boot process crashes and the rom monitor says can not find device at some location. Is the 284x driver not REALLY supported?? By the way this is under 4.2 for mach and my disk of drivers for 4.0 does the exact same thing?? Can I change the port somehow on card or is that fixed?? Thanks for any help. very frustrated, bruce toomire
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <%xjr1.13073$> Control: cancel <%xjr1.13073$> Date: 16 Jul 1998 09:16:15 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.%xjr1.13073$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 10:16:13 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6okjtd$kl4$> References: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> (Tom Blenko) wrote: >Well, I've been a pretty big advocate of the DynaMO, but I had one disk >go bad (and lots of trouble to get it replaced), and the original drive >showed up non-working, and now my drive went bad again last night and >has to be replaced. Do you smoke, or use the drive around somebody who smokes? The MO disk drives need occasional cleaning of the lens systems if used in an environment where the air is polluted with aerosols. IIRC, cleaning disks can be bought that you simply need to insert in the drive. Could that be the problem? Among my friends and colleagues, I know about seven Fujitsu MOs drives in use for many years without any problems, but nobody there smokes, cooks, or otherwise produces aerosol around the drive. Regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 10:20:49 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6okk61$kl4$> References: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> <6oju4n$otj$> John Kheit <> wrote: >Interesting. I've never had *media* fail. I've even spilled coke on the >medium (really) and it worked! I did have a 230Dynmo fail after about >4-5years of use. ... >4-5years isn't bad, though I was pretty p-o'd about it. The new drive is >nice. About 6months old, no problems thus far (touch wood). Only thing is >it cannot write to 128mb 3.5" MO disks. It can read them. It reads and >writes to 230, 540, 640 (and dual phase 540 & 640) mb media as well. >This is the only stuff I trust my thesis backups to. Exactly. As you mentioned earlier, the media practically never fail. Because of the nature of the magneto-optical storage, they are pretty invulnerable to magnetic fields and heat (you need a combination of heat and a megnetic field to write informatiosn on them). Hence, unlike other meida such as tapes, floppy disks, etc, they can be stored for a very long time without losing data - an ideal backup medium IMHO. wrt your drive going bad: was it a mechanical problem, or could it be that cleaning the lens would have sufficed? Regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Tom Blenko) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 07:58:03 -0400 Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6okpsbINN26j@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> |As you mentioned earlier, the media practically never fail. Because of |the nature of the magneto-optical storage, they are pretty invulnerable |to magnetic fields and heat (you need a combination of heat and a |megnetic field to write informatiosn on them). Hence, unlike other |meida such as tapes, floppy disks, etc, they can be stored for a very |long time without losing data - an ideal backup medium IMHO. I started seeing the same kinds of failures on the disk that one sometimes sees (and I see intermittantly) from a hard drive, i.e., a read failures at a specific block, even after retries. The problem became severe enough that the disk became unusable. It was probably no more than 2-3 weeks old and was sold under the Philips label. I have seen similar errors intermittantly on other of my MO disks. |wrt your drive going bad: was it a mechanical problem, or could it be |that cleaning the lens would have sufficed? I don't know. I first saw something reported by Mach as "HARDWARE ERROR", at which point there were lots of retries and I was able to subsequently do some successful accesses (fsck'ing and copying a file onto the disk). Within an hour or two it had progressed to the point where I was seeing "NOT READY" errors. The drive would accept the disk and do what sounded like some initial seeks, though even these sounded unfamiliar,, but nothing was being forwarded to the system (the system could see the drive on the bus but all accesses failed). This seems to me like a much more sudden failure than would be accounted for by dust, and in fact it may be the interface hardware rather than the disk mechanism that failed. (It went bad much more suddenly than the NeXT OD's). I don't think I'll ever know the cause. The disk, incidentally, is housed in a separate room from the kitchen. I'm sure it sees dust, but nothing else of note. I'm wondering whether the new drive will be covered for another year (n.b. the miserly 1 year warrantee). Tom
From: "Stephen J. Perkins" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: PPP on OPENSTEP 4.2 NeXTStation Turbo Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:37:00 -0500 Organization: Texas Instruments, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6ofns0$67l$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > > Hi, all! > > I have been frustrated by my efforts to get on-line. I'm sure that there is > someone out there who has the same set-up I have and get get PPP working. > > I have a NeXTStation Turbo running OPENSTEP 4.2 with a 28.8 kb modem with > hardware control (and the right cable). I had PPP 2.2 with Gatekeeper > running on this exact system under NS 3.3, so I know that things should work. > > Has anyone successfully installed and used PPP2.3.3-0.51 with on > such a system? > > Which PPP version should I use? I suggest that you use PPP-2.3.3-0.5.1. The installer does a good job of configuring the system. Unfortunately, the does not work under all circumstances. Its a great app but still needs a little work. I suggest that you grab your pppup script from your previous installation and go from there. The same script will probably work. If you have further troubles, please send mail to the nextppp mailing list. Visit to find out more. - Steve
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Info Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 18:19:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6olg7p$829$> I just subscribed to this group out of curiosity, and know nothing about NeXT machines or software. Does anyone know where to get some good, current info (well, as current as possible for an unfortunately discontinued line of machines)?? Thanks, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Gerriet M. Denkmann) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 15:26:08 GMT Organization: Oldenburger Informations-Systeme, FRG Distribution: world Message-ID: <6ol62g$> References: <6okk61$kl4$> In article <6okk61$kl4$> Christian Neuss <> writes: > Exactly. As [someone] mentioned earlier, the media practically never fail. Well, practically never, but quite often in my drive. These things I get almost daily, but they are harmless: Jul 16 14:04:29 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 Jul 16 14:15:15 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 Jul 16 14:30:51 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 4c574H retry 1 Jul 16 14:50:06 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 etc. But occasionally (e.g. today) I also get: MEDIA ERROR retry 1..9 and then it is time for a few reasb, followed by fsck. The complete story is: FUJITSU M2512A Rev 1408 with case from some german mail order company. Started to become real bad, then got a new fan, things got better, but still occasional problems. The history of todays problem-disk: Sun Apr 19 07:11:02 MET DST 1998 10 bad blocks at 103616...103625 = 0x194c0...0x194c9 8 bad blocks at 348960...348967 = 0x55320...0x55327 Sun Apr 19 11:11:11 MET DST 1998 7 bad blocks at 348960...348966 = 0x55320...0x55326 Sun Apr 19 17:38:21 MET DST 1998 16 bad blocks at 268080 .. 268095 = 0x41730...0x4173f Mon Apr 20 09:53:17 MET DST 1998 16 bad blocks at 268080 .. 268095 = 0x41730...0x4173f Thu Jul 16 09:42:21 MET DST 1998 16 bad blocks at 178880 .. 178895 = 0x2bac0...0x2bacf 7 bad blocks at 268089 .. 268095 = 0x41739...0x4173f So: the media obviously become unreliable if too hot. And: the box (and its fan and airflow) should better come from the drive manufacturer and not from some cheap mail-order company. Gerriet.
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: install OS4.2 Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:30:00 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6olo5e$1htg$> Hi NeXT expert.. I have a problem of OS 4.2 installation on NeXT machine. I set SCSI-ID of HD to "1" and SCSI-ID of CD-ROM Drive is "3". Here is the situation. 1) I put the NeXTBoot Disk into floppy disk drive and start NeXT. 2) Go to ROM MONITOR and type "bfd" 3) ROM MONITOR boots my machine and show "search for CD-ROM drive". 4) ROM MONITOR found CD-ROM drive. Then it said, bad magic 5) ROM MONITOR went to HD. ROM MONITOR found HD and switch to search CD-ROM drive again. 6) After it searches CD-ROM Drive. It found CD-ROM drive and said "Disk is Unformatted", "Write protected". 7) It tries to boot from HD. But it can't. This HD is reformatted and pulled from PC. (it used to be NeXT HD and it worked fine). 8) It shows vfs: moutroot = error 5 9) It goes to panic prompt (panic>) I tried to install on PC. The step 4) or step 6) say "OPENSTEP 4_2" and shows me the used space in CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is original OPENSTEP 4.2 and it worked fine when I upgraded from NS3.3 to OS4.2 (by clicking ""). What should I do now? Please help me out.. Thank you very much. Your Sincerely, Sarawoot.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 20:59:39 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6olpjr$o61$> References: <6ojhthINNjld@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> <6okjtd$kl4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6okjtd$kl4$> Christian Neuss wrote: > (Tom Blenko) wrote: > >Well, I've been a pretty big advocate of the DynaMO, but I had one disk > >go bad (and lots of trouble to get it replaced), and the original drive > >showed up non-working, and now my drive went bad again last night and > >has to be replaced. > > Do you smoke, or use the drive around somebody who smokes? The MO disk > drives need occasional cleaning of the lens systems if used in an > environment where the air is polluted with aerosols. IIRC, cleaning > disks can be bought that you simply need to insert in the drive. Could > that be the problem? > > Among my friends and colleagues, I know about seven Fujitsu MOs drives > in use for many years without any problems, but nobody there smokes, > cooks, or otherwise produces aerosol around the drive. > As I said in other thread - I have been using 5.25" media for some time. My history was PMO-650 at the school I worked at. Then I got one for myself to be able to take home 280MB/side (after FS and formatting) - or (560MB/disk). The initial Pinnacle MO drives were excellent. The Sierra 1.3G MO drives are some of the most robust in the industry. The Vertex 2.6G MO is a pile of crap though.. At that time I had tried some used HP C1716T's - which work but I didn't like them (too noisy and a bit flaky). The Pinnacle drives were absolutely silent - even in a quiet room with a computer with near silent fans all you heard was the spin up sequence - zzzzzzZT (and those letters should be font size 2 or 3 - a verrrry quiet drive).. The warranty was only 1 year. And that kind of sucked - though I never had problems with my drives for at least 3 years. Eventually I simply decided to upgrade - while retaining backward compatibility to the Sierra 1.3G (absolutely wonderful drive - like a rock) - and finally to a T5-2600 by Maxoptix. Actually since I beta'd the T5 and I have clients with MO who were looking for drives with longer warranty I coaxed MaxOptix to offer extended warranties for an extra fee ($75 on a 1K drive for a year).. To give me two years - I think I could maybe get another year - but by next year I'm thinking rewritable DVD may be the next storage leap. CDROM will for good or bad be with us for quite a long time.. Oh. And I've probably 100 1.2G disks now and some 600M's and I've lost only 2 disks. Both of which I recovered 99% of the data on. I don't know why but it is possible for NeXTstep or Openstep to completely hose the superblocks but not mess with anything else (or very little) or hose blocks 0-16.. Fortunately I save copies of my superblocks and labels of disks and with dd & some simple device copying utilities I cobbled together I was able to recover quite a bit.. Maxoptics upgraded their firmware based on my feedback from using 13-15 different type of media - which in the end made the T5-2600 able to grok just about anything (600, 650, 1.2, 1.3, 2.6, 1G and maybe some WORM media).. Only this summer have I been seeing some little quirks (mostly Openstep not mounting the device & wanting to initialize it etc. after inserting the disk for the first time - reinserting mounts it). I'm suspecting the heat can have a dramatic effect.. 95 degree days in michigan are a bit unexpected.. Other things about MO drives I've learned which corroborate other statements in this thread. Once written and write protect tab is thrown - data is almost indestructable. Dust from any source which clogs air flow - and optical sensors can cause problems. MO is a hot medium - since it heats the media in the plastic to the curie point then hits with magnetic head there ends up being a lot of heat to dissipate on writes poor airflow can cause overheating which eventually causes various flavors of problems. A periodic dusting - and extra fan for air flow (I have a special duct constructed in my case with a fan blowing air from the back out the front of the drive) seem to extend life on MO dramatically. Also know that most drives that are going to fail or are faulty will show problems early - if you use your drive regularly and don't have problems for the first 3 months you can feel confidant with proper care you'll get years of use.. I paid a good deal to use MO - and the fact that I can archive and not just backup on them, and have random access along with the stability & quiet makes me quite happy with them. Luckily I also got media for around 1-1.5cents/meg a year or so ago. Though CD is much less than this now (.16 cents/meg) I suspect MO will eventually be superceeded by rewritable CD and DVD simply due to compatibily issues (not many people have 5.25" MO - some 3.5" - many more have CD's and soon DVD). For now though Rewritable MO media is a bargain - and I'm sure I've run some performance tests and I can see anywhere from 250KB/sec - to 1MB/sec sustained on the new one pass media depending on the OS and the filesystem type I'm using. Interestingly ufs seemed to be significantly (2x) slower than mac or dos on NeXTstep or Openstep. I havn't tried hfs+ though. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Printer problem Date: 16 Jul 1998 21:14:33 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6olqfp$o61$> References: <6oj697$bvt$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6oj697$bvt$> James Beauchamp wrote: > My NeXT printer (black hardware) has developed a chronic problem. > When I try to print, the printer goes through the normal gyrations, > pulls the paper in just a little, and then stops. I then get the > system message "the paper is jammed in your printer". If I open > the printer door, pull the paper back into the feeder, it goes > through the cycle again ... > > On the other hand, if I force feed a single sheet through the top > of the feeder, it works! > > It seems like there must be just a minor malfunction here. > > Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to overcome it? > > Jim Beauchamp There is a couple of places to look. Sounds like you need a new Feed Roller. Since I put up the step-by-step repair pages (btw: These will be reworked to be more black hardware friendly & pdf will be available soon) I also have on hand Expeller Gears, Feed Rollers, Ozone Filters, Paper Trays, Cables (origional or not), and refurbished printers. I only have prices and images up for the first three - others soon to come.. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Andrew Spencer) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Color Monitor Date: 16 Jul 1998 22:45:45 GMT Organization: Inc.Net Message-ID: <6olvqp$h5k$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello everyone... I have a NeXT Color Turbo Station with a FIMI monitor... the monitor has recently started displaying strange behaviors... For example: after I turn on the monitor the screen area expands and then contracts and dims and brightens for about 15 minutes until it finally seems to stabalize... What would cause this? I read the FAQ and it has this to say: "The cause of the dimming monitors is the CRT cathode wearing out. The most common type of CRT (and the type used in most NeXT monochrome monitors and all of the NeXT color monitors) uses what is called an oxide cathode. A thin coating of oxide is deposited on the cathode to allow the electronics which form the picture to get off the cathode easily. The oxide gradually boils off the cathode itself, and when the oxide is gone, the CRT goes dim." I wonder about the accuracy of this message... I know one of the NeXT color monitors is a Sony Trinitron... isn't that the same tube as they use in their TV's and new monitors? If so, how could it be a completely different type of tube from their NeXT counterpart? At any rate... my monitor troubles are probably related to the power supply and not the tube itself. Is there any way I can fix this myself? If not is there any way I can get a power supply from an old dimmed color monitor and replace this one? Please advise! - Andrew
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 16 Jul 1998 20:29:35 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6olnrf$o61$> References: <6og541$8vm$> <7bNq1.740$> <> <6oivjt$l95$> <Ou7r1.767$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <Ou7r1.767$> TjL wrote: > In <6oivjt$l95$> > wrote: > > > I'm not ragging on you Scott - just a system that makes those $1/CDs > > and doesn't think about the ramifications of use once - throw away. > > This is a good point.... and the rewritable CDs are like $20/$25 each rather > than $1, so who is going to go for one of them? I am still wondering about those - rewritable CD's - I'm still not sure how they pull it off. The MO's say they can do 10**6 or better rewrites.. So I don't try to work them too hard.. > Still, after October-July trying to get my SyJet to work, the idea of a > write-once medium is a great benefit. Making backups that can be corrupted > is not safe. I had a 7 day fight with a Pinnacle PMO-650 years and years ago.. It was mainly due to the fact that the SCSI sense mode in NeXTstep (maybe even openstep too) seemed not to get the geometry/drive information. I was clueless then about disktabs, once I got it though the drive worked flawlessly. And was darn near silent. I loved it so much I was hooked (93 I think). Now I have a T5-2600 that can read just about every media under the sun - and is also darn near silent. Once written the disks seem quite stable and I also make duplicate backups.. BTW: The true test of a backup is a restore on a clean disk - how many of you have simulated a primary HD failure and restored on a new one to see if your "backups" and restore procedures actually work?? I'd bet less than 5% of anyone who does backups does this one simple - critical test. > Randy makes a good point though, the landfills in the US are filling up very > fast. I'm not sure that anything can be done with old CDs... hopefully a > rewritable CD will be made which is more economical.... I think all they'd have to do is figure out a plastic that could be recycled not necessairly into new CD's but maybe other colored plastics - unless there was a nice way to get the gold/silver out of the center.. I know a number of people who are willing to pay the extra cost as long as they know they actually get recycled.. There are some Asian companies (one is a car company) that actually design and manufacture products that have in mind that the product will eventually outlive it's usefulness - and they endeavor to design the product to be easily recycled.. I've heard 75-90% of the product is easily recycled.. IMHO We need to get to 100% somehow. But for now anything is better than 0% recycleability. When its a one use then dispose - I think that is the worst thing in the world. And if one thinks we vote with our dollars - then at least I can vote by not buying the product.. BTW: Anyone know anything about the Phillips Earth Lights? I've been getting tired of my regular filament bulbs dying every 3 months (or less now) and the heat is also very intense this year. When I saw the Earthlight bulbs that use 16-20watts and put out the equivalent of 65-80 watts of light (with less heat) and are claimed to last 7000 hours (or 5 years with average use) saving $30-40 in electricity over their lifetime I had to try one.. Though I am concerned since they are ballasted whether they are recyclable... I figured just in normal bulb savings I'd save a factor of 10 in bulbs if they last 3500 hours compared to filament. And the electricity savings - along with the reduction in heat pollution made the 20x price acceptible. Once I got one the light quality (can you say cool white light) I found to be excellent.. I'm going to write Phillips and ask them about recyclability.. But I think anyone who cares about such things should consider putting their money where their mouth is... Oh. And why in the heck when the National news talks about how to beat the heat don't they suggest keeping your hair wet, along with wearing a wet tee-shirt - and using a simple fan (even a small one). It's far superior to cool the body directly if the humidity isn't 100% (it's been dry typically also) than to cool a whole damn room or worse a house... I've even used this method on part of my computer case to cool the internal components with excellent success. The only problem is that it's labour intensive - meaning that water must be applied to the dry cloth periodically.. I've also done a demonstration while camping in 90 degree heat. Take a towel or washcloth - some strong string - water - and a melted candy bar in it's packaging (ever had your candy turn into goo on a hot day).. Wrap the candybar in the towel or washcloth tie it up into a little cloth sack with the string with a length of about 4-6 feet extra. Soak the cloth/candybar ball in water (warm is ok too).. Now use the string to swing and spin the water soaked pouch as fast as you can in a 4-6 foot radius circle (string can break so be careful).. This is great for kids BTW.. With about 2-5 minutes of moderate exertion and periodic checking you can get the temperature of the candy bar and cloth down to 40-55 degrees - enough to harden the candy.. Make sure to continue even if it feels hard since I've seen liquid inside the bar even when the outter edges were very hard.. Suprised all of my friends when I did this for a fellow woman camper who was bummed all her chocolate turned to mush. A good conversation starter :) Anyway back to your regularly scheduled Next Hardware information.. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (John Haugeland) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 17 Jul 1998 00:47:40 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <6om6vc$p4g$> References: <6og541$8vm$> <6oivjt$l95$> <Ou7r1.767$> <6olnrf$o61$> <> wrote: >BTW: Anyone know anything about the Phillips Earth Lights? I've Well, I don't know specifically what this brand is like. But, if they are the small, folded fluorescents that you often see (as your mention of a ballast suggests), then you might worry about the issue of mercury pollution. All ordinary fluorescents have to have some mercury vapor in them for the arc to conduct through (and excite). I think that mercury pollution from fluorescent bulbs is now a major ecological issue. Not criticizing -- just mentioning it, in case you weren't aware of it. John
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: installing virge/dx, HELP! Date: 17 Jul 1998 09:00:34 GMT Organization: SEEDNet News Service Message-ID: <6on3ri$6q5$> References: <6np9c6$dof$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6np9c6$dof$> PAWEL BYSTRZYNSKI wrote: > hi, > would anybody help me to install display driver? > > my computer configuration : soltek i430TX board, intel p200mmx, 64mb > ram, scsi (adaptec 2940), leadtek s600dx (card id : 8a015333), > multisync(????) monitor. > > i cannot install my graphic card (leadtek s600dx - virge/dx chipset). > > recognizes it as s3genericdisplaydriver v. 4.03 (even as > virge/dx/gx), but after setting graphic mode and booting become blank > screen in any graphic mode i choose. > > during booting process i can observe: "virge/dx (pci) (4096), > registering display0" > > vga.config is always ok. > > by the way, system is normally running, what i can prove by typing > commands "blind" (eg. logging in, alt-numlock, etc.). > > there is, maybe, any simply solution but i need some clue. > > > sincerely > > pawel bystrzynski > I use Leadtek Winfast 3D S600 DX display card.When I install it on Openstep Mach 4.2,everything didn't display,just blank!! I have the same problem as you are.And I've tried every possible driver to set it up,but won't work! Did you find out what to do now?If so,please let me know
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 17 Jul 1998 10:18:18 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6on8da$68a$> References: <6okk61$kl4$> <6ol62g$> (Gerriet M. Denkmann) wrote: >In article <6okk61$kl4$> Christian Neuss ><> writes: >> Exactly. As [someone] mentioned earlier, the media practically never >fail. > >Well, practically never, but quite often in my drive. > >These things I get almost daily, but they are harmless: >Jul 16 14:04:29 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 >Jul 16 14:15:15 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 >Jul 16 14:30:51 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 4c574H retry 1 >Jul 16 14:50:06 hazel mach: Target 4: HARDWARE ERROR; block 0H retry 1 That might be caused by accumulated dust - cleaning the drive is probably worth a try. ... >The complete story is: FUJITSU M2512A Rev 1408 with case from some german >mail order company. Started to become real bad, then got a new fan, things >got better, but still occasional problems. ... >So: the media obviously become unreliable if too hot. >And: the box (and its fan and airflow) should better come from the drive >manufacturer and not from some cheap mail-order company. Oh yeah.. this mail order company. Name rhymes with 'eight', right? :-) The drive's manual explicitly states that the drive must be cooled sufficiently (IIRC, it even specifies the required airflow) and recommends a fan/filter combo. Cheapo garage type vendors don't care about specs(1), and just use whatever external closure they have at hand. That might be the (indirect) cause of your problem. Try cleaning the drive on a regular basis. Hope this helps, Chris (1) well, maybe they can't read. Bloody idiots. -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color Monitor Date: 17 Jul 1998 10:27:23 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6on8ub$68a$> References: <6olvqp$h5k$> (Andrew Spencer) wrote: >I have a NeXT Color Turbo Station with a FIMI monitor... the monitor has >recently started displaying strange behaviors... ... >after I turn on the monitor the screen area expands and then contracts and >dims and brightens for about 15 minutes until it finally seems to >stabalize... Probably a capacitator gone bad. If you take the machine and the monitor to a good TV repair shop, they might be be able fix it, won't even cost an arm and a leg. Do this while you still get a picture on the screen! Of course, back up important data. Otherwise, expect the monitor to die relatively soon. Most multi- sync monitors can be used as a replacement btw. Also, avoid turning it on and off too often. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: External Hard drives for NeXTStation Turbo Color Date: 17 Jul 1998 16:17:01 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ontdt$bbt$> References: <6og541$8vm$> <6oivjt$l95$> <Ou7r1.767$> <6olnrf$o61$> <6om6vc$p4g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6om6vc$p4g$> John Haugeland wrote: > <> wrote: > > >BTW: Anyone know anything about the Phillips Earth Lights? I've > > Well, I don't know specifically what this brand is like. But, if they are > the small, folded fluorescents that you often see (as your mention of a > ballast suggests), then you might worry about the issue of mercury > pollution. All ordinary fluorescents have to have some mercury vapor in > them for the arc to conduct through (and excite). I think that mercury > pollution from fluorescent bulbs is now a major ecological issue. > > Not criticizing -- just mentioning it, in case you weren't aware of it. > Good point. I'll have to check that. It would make some sort of recycling policy even more important. Thanks Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Ray Arachelian <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Station memory Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 11:31:33 -0400 Organization: SunderNET Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What kind of SIMMs do these use? Are they standard or proprietary? -- =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..||you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= ==========================
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Station memory Date: 17 Jul 1998 16:33:56 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Ray Arachelian <> wrote: >What kind of SIMMs do these use? Are they standard or proprietary? Standard. non-Turbo-based mono stations take 30pin (max. 4MB), colour and Turbo-based take 72-pin. More details can be found via DejaNews. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Color Monitor Date: 17 Jul 1998 18:21:46 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6oo4nq$e59$> References: <6olvqp$h5k$> <6on8ub$68a$> Christian Neuss <> wrote: [ ... ] >>after I turn on the monitor the screen area expands and then contracts and >>dims and brightens for about 15 minutes until it finally seems to >>stabalize... > >Probably a capacitator gone bad. I'd agree with this assessment-- caps going bad are the usual culprit in that type of gradual failure. If you are seriously ept at electical repair work, you could check for excessive AC leakage accross the electolytic caps (start around those in the power supply). If you don't know what that means and how to do high-voltage work safely, take it to a repair shop-- CRT's contain lethal voltages. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Ray Arachelian <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:49:15 -0400 Organization: SunderNET Message-ID: <> References: <6np44s$> <6o5sd2$jll$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: David Evans <> David Evans wrote: > I doubt that they need much info about the hardware innards; as long as > the accelerator looks *exactly* like the CPU the rest of the hardware > shouldn't care. > However, knowledge of the hardware might help you decide which corners to > cut. Yeah, the manufacturers might not need to know the full details - they'd only need to know the bus specs and the expected protocols for the cpu talking to the card... but writing an emulator is a much harder. Here's what's needed to write an emulator: What DMA controller is used, What sound chip is used. Video card details. disk/scsi details (which scsi controller, etc...) keyboard/mouse protocols details and port details. serial port, ethernet cards, etc... for all of these devices we'd need to know where they live in the I/O range and what protocols they use. There are plenty of web sites out there documenting lots of common controllers. For example Zilog has very good details on the Z8530 SCC. (I'm not sure what serial controllers NeXT used, but if it's that SCC, it's easy to get specs on it.) Video issues are going to pop up if the host machine has less resolution and color depth than the NeXT stations did... > I don't see the point of a black emulator for other machines unless it > could be made to run much faster than an x86 emulator running NeXTSTEP. Yep. Besides, if you're going to do that, you might as well give up on the emulator idea and simply wait for Rhapsody to be published, and run that on an intel box. :) IMHO doing a NeXT hardware emulator would be cool and I'm willing to work on the project... (I'm already writing an Apple Lisa emulator...) -- =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..||you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= ==========================
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Digital camera for NeXT? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 21:07:22 GMT I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? And how about the software? Of course another way is to use a PC to do the hard work and transfer the files onto NeXT.... Thanks for any info.
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Matrox quest. Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 16 Jul 98 01:00:34 GMT Does the Matrox driver work with the Productiva? Anyone want to venture a guess as to whether it'll work with the new G200 series board? - J -- "... and subpoenas for all." - Ken Starr
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Need NeXT Cube pictures Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:55:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 17:55:44 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada The more angles, the better. Prefferably of the whole system (Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and Cube - prefferably front and side views. I need to make a small model of one (long story). Any help ASAP would be great; I have to make it by early next week.
From: Nicholas Floersch <> Newsgroups: Subject: My 2cents Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:35:10 -0400 Organization: NLWD Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Jul 1998 02:33:12 GMT I also am looking for a new hard disk drive... but as for removable storage... if you can't afford the nice magneto optical drives or just happen upon an Iomega ZIP external SCSI zip drive, they work very well. Not the greatest storage or speed, but Windows95 can only dream of plug and play like I experienced. Good luck. -Nicholas Floersch
From: Nicholas Floersch <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Station memory Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 10:42:36 -0400 Organization: NLWD Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Jul 1998 02:40:36 GMT David Evans wrote: > In article <>, > Ray Arachelian <> wrote: > >What kind of SIMMs do these use? Are they standard or proprietary? > > Standard. non-Turbo-based mono stations take 30pin (max. 4MB), colour and > Turbo-based take 72-pin. > More details can be found via DejaNews. > > -- > David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) > Computer/Synth Junkie > University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer > Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual I can't remember the details, which can be found in the FAQ for NEXT at peanuts (, but my NeXT Station Mono Turbo is using 72-pin non-parity EDO 60NS Simms I pulled from PC. Remember, thought, that no matter if the RAM is 60NS RAM is can only run (at best) at 70NS since this is the speed the system supports. I also understand that only quality 60NS RAM will run at 70NS on the NeXT. If the RAM is low quality, it will run at 100NS for some reason. Anywho, I suggest you snarf down the RAM info from the Nextstep FAQ at peanuts. -Nicholas Floersch
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Message-ID: <> From: Howard R. Cole <> Date: 17 Jul 98 17:24:24 MDT References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <> Andrew Chang wrote: > I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera > for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? > And how about the software? > I wrote a driver/application for the Connectix QuickCam. I really wanted to write one for Black hardware, unfortunately Connectix has only released technical data for its parallel port cameras. > Of course another way is to use a PC to do the hard work and transfer > the files onto NeXT.... The CQCamServer/RemoteCam combination is the closest I know of that will do what you want. You would run on the PC to which the camera is connected. This server does the low-level control of the camera and acquires images. You would then run RemoteCam on the black NeXT machine. RemoteCam makes a connection to the server and can control camera functions and acquire/display frames from the camera. Let me know if I can be of more assistance. Howard R. Cole USU Research Foundation Space Dynamics Lab
From: "Takeharu Hino" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec AHA2944UW Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 03:54:47 +0900 Organization: So-net Message-ID: <6op64q$50l$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-2022-jp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi ! NeXT expert. I am NEXTSTEP 3.3 user. I want to use AHA2944UW (adaptec ultra pci differential scsi card). Could you please tell me where I can find AHA2944UW's driver ? Takeharu Hino E-Mail :
From: (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Date: 18 Jul 1998 05:00:12 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <6opa4s$f4j$> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> On 07/17/98, Andrew Chang wrote: > >I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera >for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? >And how about the software? > >Of course another way is to use a PC to do the hard work and transfer >the files onto NeXT.... Depends on the type of Digital camera.. if you mean something like a Connectix, then you've got your answer elsewhere in this thread. If you're talking a real digital camera (photography type) then your best bet for easy transfer is probably the Sony Mavica's with the PC formatted floppy.. :-) -- Scott Anguish <> Stepwise - OpenStep/Rhapsody Information <URL:>
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Date: 18 Jul 1998 12:33:58 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6oq4nm$lin$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Andrew Chang wrote: > > I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera > for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? > And how about the software? > > Of course another way is to use a PC to do the hard work and transfer > the files onto NeXT.... My Casio QV-100 does work connected to my NeXT Cube, as far I remember I used the qvlib (a bit hacked up) and a special handmade cable. However nowadays I fetch the images direct to my Linux box... -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (Michael Pujos) Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody Intel DR2 Install with ATAPI CDROM fails Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 15:55:29 GMT Organization: Wanadoo - (Client of French Internet Provider) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm trying to install Rhapsody DR2 Intel on my PC but for some reason Rhapsody can't see the Rhapsody CD in the Pioneer ATAPI 12X Drive for some reason and the install stops because it can't mount the root fs on the cd...the install says the cdrom drive is not ready and the rhapsody CD is good (tested on a friend's PC with SCSI, no pbm). Any idea someone ?
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 13:39:43 +0000 From: Royce Priem <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,, Subject: RenderManager Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Heller Information Services Hey - I noticed that NS 3.3 has a demo called RenderManager. Does this allow me to use more than one NeXT to render images? If so, how do I set it up to use it? Thanks in advance... Royce
From: (Gerriet M. Denkmann) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Date: 18 Jul 1998 13:17:41 GMT Organization: Oldenburger Informations-Systeme, FRG Distribution: world Message-ID: <6oq79l$> References: <> In article <> (Andrew Chang) writes: > > I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera > for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? > And how about the software? I have a program which works with the Kodak DC20 (low resolution, no longer manufactured). Gerriet.
From: (David Young) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Distribution: world Organization: 21st Century Software, New York City MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <6oq79l$> Message-ID: <WT6s1.685$> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:41:42 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 14:41:42 CDT > In article <> > (Andrew Chang) writes: > > I just wonder if anyone has any experience connecting a digital camera > > for the black NeXT. It should be connected to the serial port, right? > > And how about the software? Also, there is a source-code library for the Kodak DC210: The DC210 looks like a pretty decent camera. I've been thinking of picking one up to play with... -- :: d a v i d y o u n g ::::: smtp http ::
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: installing virge/dx, HELP! Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 21:02:31 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6np9c6$dof$> <6on3ri$6q5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NeXTAnswers metions a newer driver, but you need a well behaved video BIOS. wrote: > > In <6np9c6$dof$> PAWEL BYSTRZYNSKI wrote: > > hi, > > would anybody help me to install display driver? > > > > my computer configuration : soltek i430TX board, intel p200mmx, 64mb > > ram, scsi (adaptec 2940), leadtek s600dx (card id : 8a015333), > > multisync(????) monitor. > > > > i cannot install my graphic card (leadtek s600dx - virge/dx chipset). > > > > recognizes it as s3genericdisplaydriver v. 4.03 (even as > > virge/dx/gx), but after setting graphic mode and booting become blank > > screen in any graphic mode i choose. > > > > during booting process i can observe: "virge/dx (pci) (4096), > > registering display0" > > > > vga.config is always ok. > > > > by the way, system is normally running, what i can prove by typing > > commands "blind" (eg. logging in, alt-numlock, etc.). > > > > there is, maybe, any simply solution but i need some clue. > > > > > > sincerely > > > > pawel bystrzynski > > > > I use Leadtek Winfast 3D S600 DX display card.When I install it on Openstep > Mach 4.2,everything didn't display,just blank!! > I have the same problem as you are.And I've tried every possible driver to > set it up,but won't work! > > Did you find out what to do now?If so,please let me know -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: What is Digital ear?? Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 18:53:01 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6orcpv$1di2$> As stated on the Subject... what is the digital ear? What is it used for? where's the information of this thing? thanks a lot for any helps. Sarawoot
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 19 Jul 1998 03:48:46 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Sparcstations Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:04:47 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35B378AF.2807F170@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run Openstep 4.1 on a Sun Sparcstation IPX? An if so, where do i get the boot floppy? I only got it fot NeXt and Intel with my Academic license. Thanks, Marcel
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 15:15:05 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 15:15:05 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 15:15:04 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 15:15:03 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Sigthor Hrafnsson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem setup for OPENSTEP 4.2 Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 16:16:55 +0100 Organization: Islandia ehf. Message-ID: <> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980708165947.6865A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit start by setting up serial ports and tty port server in config app you can test the installation by using tip on the command line, in order to use tip, you have to set up a tip host in some file in /etc, I have forgotten the name of it, maybe remote. good luck Robert G. Jacobs wrote: > I just bought an internal modem for my Intel PC running OPENSTEP 4.2. How > do I go about setting it up to work with OPENSTEP? Do I need a driver > specifically for the modem? Are there simple tests I can run to verify if > it's working properly? Thanks for any pointers. > > Robert
From: Sigthor Hrafnsson <> Newsgroups: Subject: intel mmx and OpenStep 4.x Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 16:24:16 +0100 Organization: Islandia ehf. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit has anyone set up OpenStep 4.x on a computer with intel mmx? I have 2 os'es win95 with Rhapsody DR2, and OpenStep 4.x, I have a Intel 100 Mhz on board, but would like to put in Intel 200 mmx, can I run OpenStep 4.x with intel mmx chips? Thanks Sigthor Hrafnsson
From: (Izumi Ohzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is Digital ear?? Date: 19 Jul 1998 21:42:35 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Distribution: world Message-ID: <6otp8b$7af$> References: <6orcpv$1di2$> In article <6orcpv$1di2$> "sarawoot" <> writes: >what is the digital ear? What is it used for? >where's the information of this thing? >thanks a lot for any helps. Digital Ears is a box containing a 16-bit/channel stereo codec (A/D D/A converters) for NeXT computers. It has line-level analog I/O for hooking up with audio equipment, and a NeXT DSP port interface. It was from Metaresearch. You can do high-quality stereo sound in/out at 16 bit per channel at 44.1kHz (or at 22.05) sampling rate (CD rate). (Note that micorophone input on NeXT hardware is mono 8-bit mu-law at ~8kHz.) I doubt if there is much info on this. There were at least 3 other devices that could connect to the DSP port with similar or better specs. Digital Mic and ProPort from Ariel, and Singular Solutions AD64x. Ariel doesn't seem to be in the DSP business any more. I've never heard of others since, and assume they are long gone.
From: mmalcolm crawford <> Newsgroups:, Subject: OPENSTEP 4.2 / Intel SE440BX motherboard? Date: 20 Jul 1998 17:44:20 GMT Organization: P & L Systems Message-ID: <6ovvlk$n4h$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone had success installing OS4.2 on a system with an Intel SE440BX motherboard? Everything seems to be fine up to the point where you're supposed to type 1 for basic installation or 2 for advanced options... then the machine locks up solid. Best wishes, mmalc.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sparcstations Date: 20 Jul 1998 17:20:36 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <35B378AF.2807F170@KVI.NL> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <35B378AF.2807F170@KVI.NL>, Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> wrote: >Hi, > >Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run Openstep 4.1 on a Sun >Sparcstation IPX? No. The various NeXT software will only run on microSPARC II and SuperSPARC CPUs. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Thomas McCarthy" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor with a G3 PB? Date: 20 Jul 1998 18:38:55 GMT Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Message-ID: <01bdb40d$c31bde80$> Can a NeXT 21" monitor be used with one of the new G3 Series PowerBooks? If so, can it be used as-is, or is a special adaptor required? TIA, Tom ---------- Thomas McCarthy
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: intel mmx and OpenStep 4.x Date: 20 Jul 1998 18:40:11 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6p02ub$b3i$> References: <> Sigthor Hrafnsson <> wrote: >has anyone set up OpenStep 4.x on a computer with intel mmx? Lots of times. No problem. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Eugene Pisman" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sparcstations Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 14:10:49 -0400 Organization: Message-ID: <6p0172$> References: <35B378AF.2807F170@KVI.NL> nope, you can't run OpenStep/NextStep on Sparc IPX, SS2, Classic and so forth. Open/NextStep only runs on sun4m type machines like SS4, SS5, SS10, SS20, when the older machines are sun4c architecure. eug Marcel Volkerts wrote in message <35B378AF.2807F170@KVI.NL>... >Hi, > >Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run Openstep 4.1 on a Sun >Sparcstation IPX? An if so, where do i get the boot floppy? I only got >it fot NeXt and Intel with my Academic license. > >Thanks, > >Marcel
From: (Lee Helpingstine) Newsgroups: Subject: Help, my slab won't power on Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:00:50 GMT Message-ID: <> I bought a Color Turbo Slab with Fimi monitor from deepspacetech and It just arrived today. I pluged it in, monitor to wall monitor to sound box to kbd to mouse. monitor to slab. I turn on the monitor then press power on the kbd... nothing. Can anyone help? deepspacetech is closed and I am desperate. Any help would be appreciated. Lee
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: rom monitor Message-ID: <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 22:09:22 GMT Organization: AOL what is the difference between the rom monitors???? send e-mail to
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: intel mmx and OpenStep 4.x Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:29:26 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Should work, the Rhapsody hardware spec. includes Pentium II, the MMX bit is a few extra machine code instructions to make MPEG, etc. easier. Sigthor Hrafnsson wrote: > > has anyone set up OpenStep 4.x on a computer with intel mmx? > > I have 2 os'es win95 with Rhapsody DR2, and OpenStep 4.x, I have a Intel > 100 Mhz on board, but would like > to put in Intel 200 mmx, can I run OpenStep 4.x with intel mmx chips? > > Thanks > > Sigthor Hrafnsson -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 15:14:53 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Vicki Bragin) Newsgroups:, Subject: Help: System panic ... cannout mount root Date: 21 Jul 1998 01:43:46 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6p0roi$> I have an NEC Versa P laptop, the NEXTSTEP partition of which will not now boot up. The message that I get is: rootdev 600, howto 0 vfs_mountroot: error=6 [became 19 when I changed the setting to enable quick boot] panic: (Cpu 0) vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root panic: NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon Oct 24 13:31:49 PDT 1994: root(rcbuilder):mk-171 9 obj~2/RC_i386/RELEASE_I386 System Panic vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root (Type 'r' to reboot or 'm' for monitor) Typing either 'r' or 'm' simply makes me go around in circles. The DOS side (Windows 95) boots up fine but I do most of my work using the NEXTSTEP side. All help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Vicki -- ************************************************************* Victoria M. Bragin E-mail: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA Phone: (626) 585-7147 Fax: (626) 585-7919 *************************************************************
From: (David Young) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Distribution: world Organization: 21st Century Software, New York City MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <6oq79l$> <WT6s1.685$> Message-ID: <v7Ms1.1367$> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 18:37:15 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 13:37:15 CDT In <WT6s1.685$> David Young wrote: > Also, there is a source-code library for the Kodak DC210: > > As a followup, this is _NOT_ a source-code library but rather a binary distribution. Foot firmly in mouth, I apologize for any false hopes this might have raised. Dave -- :: d a v i d y o u n g ::::: smtp http ::
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: OPENSTEP on Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT Message-ID: <EwFqsz.E9@hurka.UUCP> Keywords: installation S3 VIRGE/MX Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:12:35 GMT Hi All, I would like to know if anyone succeeded to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT. I have problem with video driver. This notebook apparently uses S3 VIRGE/MX chipset, so I use latest S3Generic driver from NeXTanswers. I know that this chipset is not supported by the S3Generic driver. The S3 is detected as unknown S3 adatper, but video memory size is repored correctly and the mode for 1024x768 is set correctly too. However I don't get the login screen. The display is black, but the notebook is running and I reboot with alt-numlock. Thank you in advance for any suggestion and your experience with this notebook. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Message-ID: <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Keywords: PIIX4 secondary controller Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:41:13 GMT Hi All, I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with Microstar MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and PIIX4 EIDE controller. The latest EIDE driver correctly recognize the PIIX4 chipset and everything works fine if I use only primary EIDE controller. Once I connect anything (CR-ROM or HD) to secondary controller the computer hangs after 'Power management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' and both channels hang. Thank you in advance for any comments. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
From: (Jens-Uwe Thieme) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Date: 21 Jul 1998 09:43:24 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <6p1nrs$1o4$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Tomas Hurka wrote: > Hi All, > I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with Microstar > MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and PIIX4 EIDE controller. > The latest EIDE driver correctly recognize the PIIX4 chipset and > everything works fine if I use only primary EIDE controller. Once I > connect anything (CR-ROM or HD) to secondary controller the computer hangs > after 'Power management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' and both > channels hang. > > Thank you in advance for any comments. > > Bye, > Which driver is in use ? "EIDE/ATAPI Controller" in version >= 4.01 or only "IDE Controller" ?? CIAO JUT -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - send to : or - - -> NeXTMail & PGP welcome <- - - phone : +49 30 450 66127 - - fax: +49 30 450 66937 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - location : virchow-hospital in berlin (germany) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - "I am saddened -- not by Microsoft's success, I have no - - problem with their success, they've earned their success - - ...for the most part -- I have a problem with the fact - - that they just make really third-rate products." - - - - Steven Paul Jobs - --------------------------------------------------------------
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: installing the os Message-ID: <> Date: 21 Jul 1998 05:06:23 GMT Organization: AOL i can get to the ROM MONITOR, but when i type bfd to boot from the floppy, all i get is password.. HELP... what do i do? how can i set the password to default, what is default, how do i get around this???
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help, my slab won't power on References: <> Organization: University of Calgary CPSC From: (David Hill) Message-ID: <> Date: 21 Jul 98 05:04:55 GMT The usual cause of a slab or cube not powering on is that the lithium battery on the motherboard has gone dead. If so, replace it and all should be well. david --- -- David R. Hill, CS & Psych Depts., U. Calgary | Imagination is more Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4 Ph: 604-947-9362 | important than knowledge. OR| (Albert Einstein) (^NeXTMail)| Kill your television!
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: help with my next Message-ID: <> Date: 20 Jul 1998 20:12:56 GMT Organization: AOL i have a slab, that i put ram, and a hard drive in, the HARD DRIVE, was not from a next machine, but is a 540 meg drive and should work ok... the thing is when i boot, it gives me a scsi error, and doesnt do anything else... i have a next boot disk, and cdrom,...... I DID NOT HAVE the cdrom hooked up when i tried it, but i have seen something about typing in bfd, but i have yet to see a place where i can type this in.... please help me.... E-MAIL RESPONSES TO:
From: (David Young) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Digital camera for NeXT? Distribution: world Organization: 21st Century Software, New York City MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <6oq79l$> <WT6s1.685$> <v7Ms1.1367$> Message-ID: <ivXs1.1493$> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 07:33:34 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 02:33:34 CDT In <v7Ms1.1367$> David Young wrote: > As a followup, this is _NOT_ a source-code library but rather a binary > distribution. Foot firmly in mouth, I apologize for any false hopes this > might have raised. As a followup to a follow, I apparently had my brain links crossed. There is a source-code distributed connection utility for the Panasonic NV-DC1000 (called a PalmCam or some such) at: I had a look at the source today, looks like a generic serial link endeavor. Have fun. -- :: d a v i d y o u n g ::::: smtp http ::
From: (David Andrew Knight) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 / Intel SE440BX motherboard? Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:42:15 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <6ovvlk$n4h$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ovvlk$n4h$> mmalcolm crawford wrote: > Has anyone had success installing OS4.2 on a system with an Intel SE440BX > motherboard? Yep, 70 or 80 so far with no problems. > Everything seems to be fine up to the point where you're supposed to type 1 > for basic installation or 2 for advanced options... then the machine locks up > solid. What disk and controller are you using, on-board EIDE with UDMA drive or SCSI. -- Regards David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc | UK phone: 01702 426400 | Vendors of NS/OS 351 London Road | fax: 01702 551515 | MCCAs, Hardware Hadleigh | Int'l prefix: +44 1702 | Apps, Networks Essex | | ISDN, Training SS7 2BT | Email: | Maintenance England | (NeXTMail/MIME ok) | and Support
From: (hurley bryan) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware (was: Re: Clock chipping NeXT hardware) Date: 21 Jul 1998 13:31:47 -0400 Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County Message-ID: <6p2ja3$> References: <6np44s$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> Right, anyone interested in this, should just give support to any effort to do x86 emulation under unix, most likely linux. not dosEMu or WINE, but an x86 emulator running in a window or your x86 box running linux. They can do it on a mac running Virtual PC which can run Openstep, so just do it foor linux. then you could run 95/nt/NS-OS whatever under linux, which would be a boon for it as an OS definitely. you wouldn't have to reboot to make changes in 95, just reboot the program. it would be great.. Bryan In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <6o8pdq$k11$>, >Frank M. Siegert <> wrote: >> >>Guess there is info out there, as e.g the makers of accelerator boards (one >>came to mind) must have some of these to tune their hardware right. > > I doubt that they need much info about the hardware innards; as long as >the accelerator looks *exactly* like the CPU the rest of the hardware >shouldn't care. > However, knowledge of the hardware might help you decide which corners to >cut. > >>I am not >>talking emulation a full blown Dimension but a Color Station or similar. > > However, what's the point? If you aren't sitting in front of it there's >not much appealing about black hardware and there's no way to tell the >hardware of a NeXTSTEP box (other than speed or specifically asking) if >you're using it over the network. > I don't see the point of a black emulator for other machines unless it >could be made to run much faster than an x86 emulator running NeXTSTEP. > >-- >David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) >Computer/Synth Junkie >University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer >Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: installing the os Date: 21 Jul 1998 18:57:46 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6p2oba$5io$> References: <> (NHensleyD) wrote: >i can get to the ROM MONITOR, but >when i type bfd to boot from the floppy, all i get is >password.. > >HELP... > what do i do? how can i set the password to default, what is default, how > do i get around this??? Take out the battery on the motherboard for a few hours (or overnight). That will clear the password and reset the ROM monitor settings back to the default. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OPENSTEP on Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:22:45 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <EwFqsz.E9@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit There is a separate driver for ViRGE with well behaved VBIOS on NeXTAnswers ( [moved again!!!]) Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi All, > I would like to know if anyone succeeded to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on > Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT. I have problem with video driver. This > notebook apparently uses S3 VIRGE/MX chipset, so I use latest S3Generic > driver from NeXTanswers. I know that this chipset is not supported by the > S3Generic driver. The S3 is detected as unknown S3 adatper, but video > memory size is repored correctly and the mode for 1024x768 is set > correctly too. However I don't get the login screen. The display is black, > but the notebook is running and I reboot with alt-numlock. > > Thank you in advance for any suggestion and your experience with this > notebook. > > Bye, > --- > Tomas Hurka > > NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) > To reply please remove q from my email address -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:19:46 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> <6p2ekt$n6n$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (In an ealier version,) There are various options set in the two individual instances (Instance0.table and Instance1.table) that are not set in the single dual EIDE used to install Openstep. Boot the machine with out the devices that cause it to hang, as root, with open the Instance1.table in /NextLibrary/Devices/EDIE.config (something like that), you should see one or two switches "xxx" = "Yes" or "xxx" = "No" "IOCHRDY" = "No"; "Multiple Sectors" = "Yes"; "Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; "Use Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; "EIDE Support" = "Yes"; Also check out out the help in on EDIE about setting "ATA Drive" and "ATAPI Device". Note: there is a very long pause while the driver looks for a CD in the drive, before not finding one and continuing with the boot; this is normal. Ryan Scott wrote: > > In <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi All, > > I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with Microstar > > MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and PIIX4 EIDE > controller. > > The latest EIDE driver correctly recognize the PIIX4 chipset and > > everything works fine if I use only primary EIDE controller. Once I > > connect anything (CR-ROM or HD) to secondary controller the computer > hangs > > after 'Power management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' and both > > channels hang. > > > > Thank you in advance for any comments. > > > > Bye, > > > > Shouldn't there be a second instance of the EIDE driver when you want to > use the secondary controller? Also, disable the power management stuff. > It caused me all kinds of problems. > > -- > ________________________________________________ > > Ryan P. Scott > Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group > UC Davis - Department of Applied Science > Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 > Email: > ________________________________________________ -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.3 and Matrox MGA Driveer Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:47:19 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6p3297$e7g$> Hi, Anyone out there use the Matrox Drivers (w/ the Matrox Mystique?) and NeXTStep 3.3? The NeXTAnswers says the driver was beta for 3.3, and release for 4.x. I want to use it for a multi-headed 3.3 box. Was the last release for 3.3 stabile? Or was it really buggy? Please reply to Thanks, -kevin -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody on Umax S900 clone with G3 card? Date: 21 Jul 1998 22:22:04 GMT Organization: pro audio Vertriebsfirma Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cache-Post-Path:!unknown@ Hi, is there anybody who has a Umax or another clone (with Tsunami board) with a G3 upgrade card (e.g. a RailGun 300/200) running Rhapsody? Thanks for the help, - Marcus -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= pro audio Vertriebsfirma Marcus Rübsamen Innsbrucker Strasse 32 D-79111 Freiburg Germany Tel: ++49 (761) 4730 -30 Fax: ++49 (761) 4730 -32 (NeXTmail & MIME welcome, PGP on request) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Date: 21 Jul 1998 16:12:13 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6p2ekt$n6n$> References: <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Tomas Hurka wrote: > Hi All, > I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with Microstar > MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and PIIX4 EIDE controller. > The latest EIDE driver correctly recognize the PIIX4 chipset and > everything works fine if I use only primary EIDE controller. Once I > connect anything (CR-ROM or HD) to secondary controller the computer hangs > after 'Power management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' and both > channels hang. > > Thank you in advance for any comments. > > Bye, > Shouldn't there be a second instance of the EIDE driver when you want to use the secondary controller? Also, disable the power management stuff. It caused me all kinds of problems. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: Newsgroups: Subject: can't shutdown turbo cube Date: 21 Jul 1998 23:20:10 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6p37na$d68$> I'm having an odd problem with my Turbo cube - it refuses to shut down. Now before you say "oh, its the SCSI termination" I've checked that. There's just one hard disk and it worked fine hanging off my Turbo station (as an external), and works fine in the cube if I replace the motherboard with an non-Turbo one. However, if the disk is attached either internally or externally (terminated in both cases) to the _Turbo_ motherboard then I can't shut down cleanly. So it appears to be related to this Turbo motherboard. If it matters, I can shut down OK when I'm in single user mode but newer in multi-user - it just hangs. I can't tell at what point in the shutdown process it hangs. Anyone know how to do this? Is there a difference between the Turbo and non-Turbo SCSI circuitry that I'm not aware of? Or could it be that this particular motherboard is overly sensitive? Unfortunately, I don't have another drive I can test it with yet - that's the next experiment... - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Message-ID: <EwGK2z.C6@hurka.UUCP> Keywords: PIIX4 secondary controller Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <6p1nrs$1o4$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 18:44:59 GMT In article <6p1nrs$1o4$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> (Jens-Uwe Thieme) writes: > In <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Tomas Hurka wrote: > > I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with > > Microstar MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and > > PIIX4 EIDE controller. The latest EIDE driver correctly > > recognize the PIIX4 chipset and everything works fine if I use > > only primary EIDE controller. Once I connect anything (CR-ROM > > or HD) to secondary controller the computer hangs after 'Power > > management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' and both > > channels hang. > > Thank you in advance for any comments. > Which driver is in use ? "EIDE/ATAPI Controller" in version >= > 4.01 or only "IDE Controller" ?? PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Controller version 4.03 and PIIX4 chipset is recognized correctly by the driver. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
From: (THE ROCKS5) Newsgroups: Subject: Just shows that NeXT cubism is still being copied Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Jul 1998 01:30:45 GMT Organization: AOL Check out this web site for something fairly interesting...
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: can't shutdown turbo cube Date: 22 Jul 1998 03:02:49 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6p3kop$iam$> References: <6p37na$d68$> <> (Eric Dew) wrote: >I have had this happen to me on occasions... >I resort to cmd+cmd+~, get into the ROM monitor and do a reboot from there. >Then, everything is ok. I suspect it has something to do with > 'cept of course I'm not running MetroTools... I can do the ROM monitor thing OK but because the shutdown isn't clean it has to do a fsck on a 3GB drive afterwards, which gets old fast. I tried another hard disk and low and behold it shutdown fine! So it looks like something marginal between the drive and the SCSI controller. That or the weather, phase of the moon, etc, - the usual non-deterministic influences that make computers so much "fun". :-) - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS 3.3 and Matrox MGA Driveer Date: 22 Jul 1998 01:14:02 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6p3ecq$gjq$> References: <6p3297$e7g$> Hi, 3.3 is no longer supported by Apple/NeXT so the release is called beta. They are actually same as 4.2 drivers since for driver development, one needs 3.3 (at least until recently, or 4.2 driver kit is not fully functional yet?). The driver is stable. For double header configuration, you need video cards which can disable the VGA BIOS. Mytique cannot if my memory is correct. Go for Millennium. You have to have exactly the same video cards (no mixing of Millennium I and II, for example, but can have different amount of video RAM) for double header configuration. Also, you need an ample amount of RAM for double header for decent system performance. Good luck! --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome) In article <6p3297$e7g$>, you wrote: >Hi, > >Anyone out there use the Matrox Drivers (w/ the Matrox Mystique?) and >NeXTStep 3.3? The NeXTAnswers says the driver was beta for 3.3, and >release for 4.x. I want to use it for a multi-headed 3.3 box. > >Was the last release for 3.3 stabile? Or was it really buggy? > -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: a l te n (Lee Al te nb erg) Newsgroups:, Subject: Color printers w/NeXT/OpenStep? Date: 22 Jul 1998 01:10:57 GMT Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <6p3e71$2eh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Besides the NeXT Color Printer, what other color printers will work with NEXTSTEP or OpenStep/Mach? Do any of the inexpensive bubble jet or inkjet printers work (e.g. Canon, HP, Epson, etc.)? Or do you have to go to a PostScript Laser Printer? I couldn't find a list of supported printers in any FAQ's. How about MacOS X-server? I'd get a used NeXT Color Printer, but the docs say it is only 1/2 page per minute. New inkjet printers run 2-3 ppm at much higher resolution. Thanks, Lee -- ====================================================================== Lee Altenberg, Ph.D. Research Affiliate, Hawai`i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology University of Hawai`i at Manoa Office: Maui High Performance Computing Center 550 Lipoa Parkway, Suite 100, Kihei, Maui HI 96753 Phone: (808) 879-5077 x 296 (work), (808) 879-5018 (fax) E-mail: a l t e b e (delete spaces, anti-spam tactic) Web: ======================================================================
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: can't shutdown turbo cube Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <6p37na$d68$> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 01:18:19 GMT In article <6p37na$d68$> writes: >I'm having an odd problem with my Turbo cube - it refuses to shut down. Now >before you say "oh, its the SCSI termination" I've checked that. There's just >one hard disk and it worked fine hanging off my Turbo station (as an >external), and works fine in the cube if I replace the motherboard with an >non-Turbo one. However, if the disk is attached either internally or >externally (terminated in both cases) to the _Turbo_ motherboard then I can't >shut down cleanly. So it appears to be related to this Turbo motherboard. If >it matters, I can shut down OK when I'm in single user mode but newer in >multi-user - it just hangs. > >I can't tell at what point in the shutdown process it hangs. Anyone know how >to do this? > >Is there a difference between the Turbo and non-Turbo SCSI circuitry that I'm >not aware of? Or could it be that this particular motherboard is overly >sensitive? Unfortunately, I don't have another drive I can test it with yet - >that's the next experiment... > I have had this happen to me on occasions. Generally, when the machine has been inactive for a long period (while being on), I will KNOW that I will have trouble logging off AND shutting down when I log on. When I do log on, the usual autolaunch apps don't launch. Furthermore, the system beep which I chose does not beep and the default beep is activated (until I enter and click OK on the system beep I have already chosen). When I log out, I don't get the logout panel. All I get is the grey background and a spinning cursor. Then, when I hit the on/off button to turn it off (as one possible remedy), I get the "Do you really want to power off" panel. I hit the return key and it still won't turn off (ok, it might turn off ten minutes later after doing all sorts of system checks, but once, I left it doing its pre-shutdown checks and returned about 30 minutes later seeing that it's still doing the same thing...spinning cursor). I resort to cmd+cmd+~, get into the ROM monitor and do a reboot from there. Then, everything is ok. I suspect it has something to do with EDEW
Sender: Joe White <> From: Steve White <> Subject: Re: Emulation of NeXT hardware Newsgroups: References: <6np44s$> <> <6o8pdq$k11$> <> <6p2ja3$> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (SunOS/4.1.4 (sun4m)) Message-ID: <gklt1.1298$> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:56:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 06:56:44 MDT Organization: Dimensional Communications hurley bryan <> wrote: : Right, anyone interested in this, should just give support to any effort : to do x86 emulation under unix, most likely linux. not dosEMu or WINE, but : an x86 emulator running in a window or your x86 box running linux. They : can do it on a mac running Virtual PC which can run Openstep, so just do : it foor linux. then you could run 95/nt/NS-OS whatever under linux, which : would be a boon for it as an OS definitely. you wouldn't have to reboot to : make changes in 95, just reboot the program. I'm pretty sure a program named Bochs already exists, and does this :) I know it can currently install/boot 95. Haven't tried with NeXTStep yet. Regards, Steve
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:24:50 +0100 From: Albino Santos <> Organization: VANTeC MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Ragnarok <> Subject: Re: HELP!! Need A Fax 2.0 Recieving App References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ragnarok wrote: > > Please Help, > > Does anyone know where I can find Fax 2.0 recieving software for 4.2. I > have found Jollys2.0_Fax on peak's ftp but it is, unfortunately, only for > sending. I have also checked NeXT Answers without success! > > It seems hard to believe that no one has developed a 2.0 standard fax app. > Tell me it isn't so!!!!!!!!! > > Thank You, > > Bradley Gray > I´m using NXFAX from Black & White Software, Inc with OS 4.2 and is working quiet well. Try this email for info: -- Albino Santos Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VANTeC Tel +351 2 6107420 Rua da Preciosa, 306 - 1 Fax +351 2 6107419 4100 PORTO MIME & NeXTmail welcome PORTUGAL URL: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:44:20 +0100 From: Albino Santos <> Organization: VANTeC MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Laser Printer problem Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi, My old printer, is working quiet well after all this years, and on last year I´ve replaced the common gear that causes "paper jam" problem. But now suddently everytime I print a job, gives the error "printer cover open", I´ve checked the toner cartridge and the switch that is used when the cover is closed, and it is everything OK. Thanks for any help, -- Albino Santos Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VANTeC Tel +351 2 6107420 Rua da Preciosa, 306 - 1 Fax +351 2 6107419 4100 PORTO MIME & NeXTmail welcome PORTUGAL URL: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: OPENSTEP on Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT Message-ID: <EwHKoM.Hn@hurka.UUCP> Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 07:55:34 GMT Hi Robert, In article <> Robert Forsyth <> writes: > There is a separate driver for ViRGE with well behaved VBIOS on > NeXTAnswers ( [moved again!!!]) Yes, I know about it. This driver does not work either. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Message-ID: <EwHKoA.Gw@hurka.UUCP> Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 07:55:22 GMT Hi Ryan, Ryan Scott wrote: > In <EwFs4p.M7@hurka.UUCP> Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi All, > > I cannot use secondary EIDE channel under OPENSTEP 4.2 with > > Microstar MS-6118 motherboard. It has intel 440LX chipset and > > PIIX4 EIDE controller. > > The latest EIDE driver correctly recognize the PIIX4 chipset > > and everything works fine if I use only primary EIDE controller. > > Once I connect anything (CR-ROM or HD) to secondary controller > > the computer hangs > > after 'Power management is enabled.' with 'interrupt timeout' > > and both channels hang. > > > Shouldn't there be a second instance of the EIDE driver when > you want to use the secondary controller? Yes and no. I use PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Controller version 4.03 of EIDE driver. This configuration uses only one instance to drive both EIDE channels. I also tried two separated instances of EIDE/ATAPI Controller with the same result. > Also, disable the power management stuff. It caused me all kinds of > problems. You are right that the power management sometimes caused problems. I give it a try. Thanks. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Message-ID: <EwHKnr.G5@hurka.UUCP> Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 07:55:03 GMT Hi Robert, In article <> Robert Forsyth <> writes: > (In an ealier version,) There are various options set in the two > individual instances (Instance0.table and Instance1.table) that are not > set in the single dual EIDE used to install Openstep. > Boot the machine with out the devices that cause it to hang, as root, > with open the Instance1.table in > /NextLibrary/Devices/EDIE.config (something like that), you should see > one or two switches "xxx" = "Yes" or "xxx" = "No" > "IOCHRDY" = "No"; > "Multiple Sectors" = "Yes"; > "Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; > "Use Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; > "EIDE Support" = "Yes"; > > Also check out out the help in on EDIE about setting "ATA > Drive" and "ATAPI Device". Thanks for hints Robert. Unfortunately the situation is still the same. No matter what I use (one PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Controller instance or two separated EIDE/ATAPI Controller instances) the system hangs if there is a device on the secondary channel. Interesting thing is that the devices on both primary and secondary channel are correctly detected and even the disk labels are reported correctly. System hangs when trying to load or execute /etc/init or maybe at the beginning of /etc/rc script. > Note: there is a very long pause while the driver looks for a CD in the > drive, before not finding one and continuing with the boot; this is > normal. Yes, I know this. Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: can't shutdown turbo cube Date: 22 Jul 1998 18:36:49 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6p5bg1$1tl$> References: <6p37na$d68$> <> <6p3kop$iam$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6p3kop$iam$> wrote: > (Eric Dew) wrote: > >I have had this happen to me on occasions... > >I resort to cmd+cmd+~, get into the ROM monitor and do a reboot from there. > >Then, everything is ok. I suspect it has something to do with > > > > 'cept of course I'm not running MetroTools... > > I can do the ROM monitor thing OK but because the shutdown isn't clean it has > to do a fsck on a 3GB drive afterwards, which gets old fast. I tried another > hard disk and low and behold it shutdown fine! So it looks like something > marginal between the drive and the SCSI controller. That or the weather, > phase of the moon, etc, - the usual non-deterministic influences that make > computers so much "fun". :-) > I keep hearing these reports and other people keep replying that various processes are not terminating properly. It would be nice if before you shutdown you save a copy of your process list. (as root) ps -elf > /processlist Also it would be nice to know what software/daemons you have running. Some folks have commented Samba, nfs, and other stuff can cause a machine not to shut down. With NFS - as most administrators know - you must first shutdown the clients before the server. Same goes with netinfo. I don't use Samba currently so I don't know about that.. So I would encourage folks who report these errors to include a process list before shutting down (so in the future we can try to isolate what is common between the processes - that isn't common to boxes that sucessfully shutdown). Also important is what software is installed and has been run or not. I have 1 Turbo ADB ND server that stays on 24/7. I've never had any problems shutting it down - and it runs am, print server, nfs, netinfo master, omniweb, Eloquent, sendmail, Backspace (though monitor is turned off), popover, edit, & Illustrator. NO PPP on that box. I make sure it is the last NeXT machine to be turned off (i.e. all clients are off). The other clients I have are various assortment of Cubes Slabs, and a Pentium Pro (which is my main client box). I've not had any problems shutting any of them down. But none of this means that others won't.. I'm just saying I don't have PPP, or Samba installed or running, And clients are shutdown before servers to let NFS mounts. If any real progress is going to be made we should try to isolate some of the causes and post it's isolation clearly and it's solution. It would be nice to know what is causing some of these problems. BTW: I just had a thought - is it possible an errant lookupd which is hanging could cause the system not to shutdown? It would be nice to know if these machines are master netinfo servers or clients.. That's my .02 Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 22 Jul 1998 12:13:35 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 22 Jul 1998 12:13:35 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OPENSTEP on Toshiba SATELLITE PRO 490XCDT Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 22:18:07 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <EwHKoM.Hn@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You're not having a lot of luck #:^( What driver in Windows using? Can you list the PCI vendor/device IDs, to check that it is the right display driver, a lot of the Toshiba's use Chip&Technologies; C&T vendor ID is 102c so the ID should be xxxx102c where xxxx is like 00e4 (device ID) Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi Robert, > In article <> Robert Forsyth > <> writes: > > There is a separate driver for ViRGE with well behaved VBIOS on > > NeXTAnswers ( [moved again!!!]) > Yes, I know about it. This driver does not work either. > > Bye, > --- > Tomas Hurka > > NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) > To reply please remove q from my email address -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Extra Ram Slot in Middle of Turbo Mono Motherboard Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 03:20:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6p6a65$d8u$> Hi: I have a rather "basic" question. I opened my NexTStation Turbo Mono today, and filled out all of the memory slots with 2 16 MB and 2 8 MB SIMMS. In the middle of the motherboard is another empty memory slot. What kind of memory should go in that slot, if any, and what is the function of that memory. Is it cache memory, or a way to expand the video ram? A basic question from someone who knows pcs, but not NeXTs. David Mussington -- The Truth is Out There -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 22:10:14 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <EwHKnr.G5@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi Robert, > In article <> Robert Forsyth > <> writes: > > (In an ealier version,) There are various options set in the two > > individual instances (Instance0.table and Instance1.table) that are not > > set in the single dual EIDE used to install Openstep. > > Boot the machine with out the devices that cause it to hang, as root, > > with open the Instance1.table in > > /NextLibrary/Devices/EDIE.config (something like that), you should see > > one or two switches "xxx" = "Yes" or "xxx" = "No" > > "IOCHRDY" = "No"; > > "Multiple Sectors" = "Yes"; > > "Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; > > "Use Disk Geometry" = "Yes"; > > "EIDE Support" = "Yes"; > > > > Also check out out the help in on EDIE about setting "ATA > > Drive" and "ATAPI Device". > Thanks for hints Robert. Unfortunately the situation is still the same. No > matter what I use (one PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Controller instance or two > separated EIDE/ATAPI Controller instances) the system hangs if there is a > device on the secondary channel. Interesting thing is that the devices on > both primary and secondary channel are correctly detected and even the > disk labels are reported correctly. System hangs when trying to load or > execute /etc/init or maybe at the beginning of /etc/rc script. Does /usr/adm/messages give any clues? I had a simular problem in the past, the solution then was to use version 3.33 of the EIDE driver. I'm guessing, it may be the device is non compatible; Apple/NeXTAnswers say they would like to hear from you with any EIDE problems. If you have the time and will, try reordering the load of the drivers (in System.config/Instance0.table), try removing all the drivers except: VGA, Keyboard, Mouse, EIDE, xxxBus, etc. to eliminate any problem with terminal server and serial ports, floppy disk. I think Openstep doesn't load the Secondary EIDE if no devices are found, also EIDE CD-ROMs are made to look like SCSI CD-ROMs. Wish I could help more. > > > Note: there is a very long pause while the driver looks for a CD in the > > drive, before not finding one and continuing with the boot; this is > > normal. > Yes, I know this. > > Bye, > --- > Tomas Hurka > > NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) > To reply please remove q from my email address -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Color printers w/NeXT/OpenStep? Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 22:24:46 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6p3e71$2eh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You can use HP and Epson Ink Jets if you get (and pay for) Dots (you can test for free). I can't remember where to get Dots from, I thnik I did an Internet search. Lee Al te nb erg wrote: > > Besides the NeXT Color Printer, what other color printers will work with > NEXTSTEP or OpenStep/Mach? Do any of the inexpensive bubble jet or inkjet > printers work (e.g. Canon, HP, Epson, etc.)? Or do you have to go to a > PostScript Laser Printer? I couldn't find a list of supported printers in > any FAQ's. How about MacOS X-server? > > I'd get a used NeXT Color Printer, but the docs say it is only 1/2 page per > minute. New inkjet printers run 2-3 ppm at much higher resolution. > > Thanks, > Lee > -- > ====================================================================== > Lee Altenberg, Ph.D. > > Research Affiliate, Hawai`i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology > University of Hawai`i at Manoa > Office: Maui High Performance Computing Center > 550 Lipoa Parkway, Suite 100, Kihei, Maui HI 96753 > Phone: (808) 879-5077 x 296 (work), (808) 879-5018 (fax) > E-mail: a l t e b e (delete spaces, anti-spam tactic) > Web: > ====================================================================== -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Nicholas Floersch <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Need NeXT Cube pictures Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:34:33 -0400 Organization: NLWD Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Jul 1998 01:32:31 GMT To: wrote: > The more angles, the better. Prefferably of the whole system (Keyboard, > Mouse, Monitor and Cube - prefferably front and side views. I need to make > a small model of one (long story). Any help ASAP would be great; I have to > make it by early next week. Deep Space Tech has some photos and you can get some schematic type sketches off of the General data section of the peanuts archive. Addresses.... good luck
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Sounblaster not recognized Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 09:50:39 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35B7076F.7FBD77EC@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I'm having problems getting sound out of my intel machien running OpenStep 4.1 Using the Soundbalster 16 PnP (v4.02) driver i get the following message during boot: Jul 22 22:07:58 galileo mach: SoundBlaster16: This driver does not support 8-bit Sound Blaster cards. But I have the SB 16 PnP, the PnP ID is CTL002B and this i also added to the detectable IDs in the Expert settings window of Does anyone know how to get my machine to make noise? Thanks, Marcel
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Extra Ram Slot in Middle of Turbo Mono Motherboard References: <6p6a65$d8u$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Jul 98 08:28:32 GMT It's for the DSP-chip (sound and digital processing). You shouldn't really need memory for this. I always thought that standard 72pin-SIMMs can be used, but I may be wrong. greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Message-ID: <EwJE6r.En@hurka.UUCP> Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 07:30:26 GMT Hi Robert, In article <> Robert Forsyth <> writes: > Does /usr/adm/messages give any clues? No, it to early. > I had a similar problem in the > past, the solution then was to use version 3.33 of the EIDE driver. I tried EIDE driver from OPENSTEP 4.0 with no success. > I'm guessing, it may be the device is non compatible; I don't think so. I installed OPENSTEP on three mentioned computers. All had the same problem. First has HD as master on primary and CD-ROM as master on secondary. Second has 2 HD on primary and CD-ROM on master secondary. Third has HD as master on primary and HD as master on secondary. Once I moved CD-ROM in first case and HD in third case to the slave on primary everything works fine. > Apple/NeXTAnswers say > they would like to hear from you with any EIDE problems. Ok I will try to write them. > If you have the time and will, try reordering the load of the drivers > (in System.config/Instance0.table), try removing all the drivers except: > VGA, Keyboard, Mouse, EIDE, xxxBus, etc. to eliminate any problem with > terminal server and serial ports, floppy disk. Only the boot drivers are loaded when the system hangs. > I think Openstep doesn't > load the Secondary EIDE if no devices are found, Kernel loads the driver. Kernel does know nothing about EIDE devices so it loads every boot driver it has in configuration file. When the driver detect no hardware, it can be deallocated. > also EIDE CD-ROMs are made to look like SCSI CD-ROMs. Yes, I know. --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
From: mmalcolm crawford <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 / Intel SE440BX motherboard? Date: 23 Jul 1998 12:30:01 GMT Organization: P & L Systems Message-ID: <6p7ac9$fpq$> References: <6ovvlk$n4h$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Andrew Knight wrote: > In <6ovvlk$n4h$> mmalcolm crawford wrote: > > Has anyone had success installing OS4.2 on a system with an Intel SE440BX > > motherboard? > > What disk and controller are you using, on-board EIDE with UDMA drive or > SCSI. > The system comprises: Intel Pentium II 350 Adaptec 2940U PCI (Firmware v1.32) Western Digital Enterprise 2.1Gb SCSI HDD TEAC SCSI CD-ROM Matrox Millenium II PCI 4Mb PS/2 Keyboard PS/2 Logitech Mouse The system usually boots OK into single user mode from the CD, but even with all the latest drivers(*), locks up during a full install. I did try building from an IDE CD, but it wasn't interested in that either. So... I took the card/drives out of the new machine(+), put them into an old system, loaded it up, and then restored everything. It now runs fine. Fast-ish too -- with only 32MB RAM, Draw compiles in 2mins 25secs. Best wishes, mmalc. (*) Except that it works just fine with "OPENSTEP 5.0beta"... (+) Well, only "logically" actually; with the casings off I was actually able to run the power and data cables from the old machine to the new one without removing the drives.
From: (DST) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Need peripherals? Message-ID: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 20:48:57 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:48:57 EDT On Wed, 15 Jul 1998 01:47:49 -0700, oil <> wrote: >Got 2 keyboards,2 mice, 1 speaker set for cube setup. Also 3.0 and 3.3 >CDs. Will trade for documentation on my inherited megapixel color 21 >inch monitor. >reply to You won't get any reply to this because the docs are non-existent. Hitachi doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the thing!
From: "Joerg Spix" <Joerg.Spix@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: can't shutdown turbo cube Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:36:57 +0200 Organization: C. v. Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg - Fachbereich Informatik Message-ID: <6p8ab6$1kh@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> References: <6p37na$d68$> <> <6p3kop$iam$> <> wrote: > I can do the ROM monitor thing OK but because the shutdown isn't clean it has > to do a fsck on a 3GB drive afterwards, which gets old fast. I tried another > hard disk and low and behold it shutdown fine! So it looks like something > marginal between the drive and the SCSI controller. That or the weather, > phase of the moon, etc, - the usual non-deterministic influences that make > computers so much "fun". :-) Probably it is a Quantum Fireball? I heard, that a 1 GB Fireball on a Mac had problems with the HDT1.8 formatting software because of a bug in the Fireball firmware. The write cache was not written to the disk before power off. Disabling the write cache was the solution for it. Perhaps you can tra that? Joerg -- (
From: laurent Curnier <> Newsgroups: Subject: iso9660 cdrom Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 14:28:41 +0200 Organization: INRIA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello , I would like to mount and use a cdrom based on the ISO9660 File system (general PC cdrom file system). On a Linux box, the command to do this is : mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt The type iso9660 isn't recognized on my NS3.0 (NeXTcube 68040) Has someone got a solution ? thanks Laurent Curnier -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | Laurent Curnier | Email: | -----------------------------------------------------------
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:22:08 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <EwJE6r.En@hurka.UUCP> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If you want to try version 3.33 you can get it from it is gnutar compressed (gnutar xvfz EIDE_config.gtz) and already set up with two EIDE channels. If you have all the devices on the secondary EIDE and none on the primary, does that boot? Areas to investigate, IRQ conflicts, DMA conflicts (since the chip can use DMA data transfer*) * thinking here is, when the driver querys the devices it may be using programmed IO, when it actually does data transfer, it tries to use DMA. As I expect you know, other adapters using DMA are Floppy, Sound(2), Network and refresh; (Is memory refresh still done with DMA?) Bus mastering in PCI has various timeouts and things, but I am a bit vague on the details. Tomas Hurka wrote: > > Hi Robert, > In article <> Robert Forsyth > <> writes: > > Does /usr/adm/messages give any clues? > No, it to early. > > > I had a similar problem in the > > past, the solution then was to use version 3.33 of the EIDE driver. > I tried EIDE driver from OPENSTEP 4.0 with no success. > > > I'm guessing, it may be the device is non compatible; > I don't think so. I installed OPENSTEP on three mentioned computers. All > had the same problem. > First has HD as master on primary and CD-ROM as master on secondary. > Second has 2 HD on primary and CD-ROM on master secondary. > Third has HD as master on primary and HD as master on secondary. Once I > moved CD-ROM in first case and HD in third case to the slave on primary > everything works fine. > > > Apple/NeXTAnswers say > > they would like to hear from you with any EIDE problems. > Ok I will try to write them. > > > If you have the time and will, try reordering the load of the drivers > > (in System.config/Instance0.table), try removing all the drivers except: > > VGA, Keyboard, Mouse, EIDE, xxxBus, etc. to eliminate any problem with > > terminal server and serial ports, floppy disk. > Only the boot drivers are loaded when the system hangs. > > > I think Openstep doesn't > > load the Secondary EIDE if no devices are found, > Kernel loads the driver. Kernel does know nothing about EIDE devices so it > loads every boot driver it has in configuration file. When the driver > detect no hardware, it can be deallocated. > > > also EIDE CD-ROMs are made to look like SCSI CD-ROMs. > Yes, I know. > > --- > Tomas Hurka > > NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) > To reply please remove q from my email address -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Extra Ram Slot in Middle of Turbo Mono Motherboard Date: 23 Jul 1998 14:52:37 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6p6a65$d8u$> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Sven Droll <> wrote: >It's for the DSP-chip (sound and digital processing). You shouldn't really >need memory for this. I always thought that standard 72pin-SIMMs can be used, >but I may be wrong. > No, standard SIMMs cannot be used. A special board is required. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 / Intel SE440BX motherboard? Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:40:32 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6ovvlk$n4h$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: mmalcolm crawford <> mmalcolm crawford wrote: > > Has anyone had success installing OS4.2 on a system with an Intel SE440BX > motherboard? > > Everything seems to be fine up to the point where you're supposed to type 1 > for basic installation or 2 for advanced options... then the machine locks up > solid. A few weeks ago, I was searching for some new ide drivers for 3.3 on nextanswers and a search pulled up something on bx chip sets, or so I think. I didn't care at the time so I just passed over it. Now, the closest thing I can find is 2633 which refers to the 400 but may apply to the 350 as well... m -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCA drives in cubes? Date: 24 Jul 1998 08:59:30 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <6p9idi$ccn$> References: <> Actually if you use SCA 50pin adaptors it should be okay.. just make sure that you get the ones with built in terminators.. a bit precey but still cheaper than adding a decent termintor.. SCA 80 pin drives just gives you more options.. taht you can use both 68 vs 50 pin... one of my next station has a SCA -> 50 drive in it.. fits just fine. Godwin Monty Brandenberg ( wrote: : I'm interested in upgrading drives in a cube and I'm interested : in any experiences using SCA interfaced drives with adapters. : I've looked in dejanews and noted the fit problems with such : combinations in stations but there's plenty of room in a cube. : Experiences, good or bad, and I'm focused on Quantum and Seagate : (and IBM) as these come up most frequently... : tnx : -- : Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. : P.O. Box 426188 : Cambridge, MA 02142 : 617.864.6907
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Mono DB19 cable pin out Date: 24 Jul 1998 09:02:49 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <6p9ijp$ccn$> Hi all, I am trying to find the pin out for the mono DB19 cable.. I am trying to hot wire a power supply switch so I can switch the mono monitor on and off..via a patch cable.. the pin out is not in the FAQ.. so I thought someone would know.. Thanks Godwin
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Extra Ram Slot in Middle of Turbo Mono Motherboard Date: 24 Jul 1998 01:06:36 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6p6a65$d8u$> <> <> <6p8h72$uaj$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6p8h72$uaj$>, <> wrote: > >I wonder if you could expand on the "special chips" that can be placed in this >slot. The chips are standard enough, being some sort of Motorola static RAM (don't recall the number at the moment). But the board that they live on is custom. > And what extra functionality would result if I were to add one?" > You'd be able to run larger DSP programs, such as humungous SynthBuilder patches or similar. I doubt you'd be able to find the board, though... -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Extra Ram Slot in Middle of Turbo Mono Motherboard Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:32:50 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6p8h72$uaj$> References: <6p6a65$d8u$> <> <> In article <>, (David Evans) wrote: > In article <>, > Sven Droll <> wrote: > >It's for the DSP-chip (sound and digital processing). You shouldn't really > >need memory for this. I always thought that standard 72pin-SIMMs can be used, > >but I may be wrong. > > > > No, standard SIMMs cannot be used. A special board is required. > > -- > David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) > Computer/Synth Junkie > University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer > Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual > Hi: I wonder if you could expand on the "special chips" that can be placed in this slot. And what extra functionality would result if I were to add one?" David Mussington -- The Truth is Out There -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "Eric Purdy" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem setup for OPENSTEP 4.2 Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 17:18:05 -0700 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <6p8jt7$gp5$> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980708165947.6865A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> <> I too have just installed 4.2 on a Dell XPS D300 and need info on how to get the modem up and running. I am VERY (3 days) new to OpenStep and need the steps in gory detail if someone doesn't mind.
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: SCA drives in cubes? Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:19:47 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm interested in upgrading drives in a cube and I'm interested in any experiences using SCA interfaced drives with adapters. I've looked in dejanews and noted the fit problems with such combinations in stations but there's plenty of room in a cube. Experiences, good or bad, and I'm focused on Quantum and Seagate (and IBM) as these come up most frequently... tnx -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: Bruce Toomire <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: iso9660 cdrom Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 00:15:29 -0400 Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit laurent Curnier wrote: > > Hello , > > I would like to mount and use a cdrom based on the ISO9660 File system > (general PC cdrom file system). > > On a Linux box, the command to do this is : > mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt > > The type iso9660 isn't recognized on my NS3.0 (NeXTcube 68040) > > Has someone got a solution ? > Did you try the `cfs' option on mount? or the `dos' option? I had the reverse problem, trying to mount a nextstep format cdrom on a sun station and it gave an error of `unrecognized file format'. I was told that it is impossible to mount going this way even though the nextstep file structure is suppose to be based on BSD4.3?? best of luck, bruce toomire
Newsgroups: From: (Tomas Hurka) Subject: Re: Problem with secondary EIDE channel (SOLVED!) Message-ID: <EwL82A.CH@hurka.UUCP> Sender: tom@hurka.UUCP (Tomas Hurka) Organization: Hukatronic (H.C.C.) References: <EwHKoA.Gw@hurka.UUCP> Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 07:13:22 GMT Hi Ryan, In article <EwHKoA.Gw@hurka.UUCP> (Tomas Hurka) writes: > Hi Ryan, > Ryan Scott wrote: > > Also, disable the power management stuff. It caused me all > > kinds of problems. > You are right that the power management sometimes caused problems. > I give it a try. I did it yesterday and it worked! Thank you very much! Bye, --- Tomas Hurka NeXTMAIL and MIME OK (international mail <50 KB accepted) To reply please remove q from my email address
From: Don McKinnon <> Newsgroups: Subject: mitsubishi monitor crapping out more often Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:50:44 -0400 Organization: U.S. House of Representatives Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit When it goes the little green light goes with it. Is this a symptom of a fatal problem.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mono DB19 cable pin out Date: 24 Jul 1998 21:18:11 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6patmj$eji$> References: <6p9ijp$ccn$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6p9ijp$ccn$> Godwin wrote: > Hi all, > > I am trying to find the pin out for the mono DB19 cable.. I am trying to > hot wire a power supply switch so I can switch the mono monitor on and > off..via a patch cable.. the pin out is not in the FAQ.. so I thought > someone would know.. > > Thanks > > Godwin I don't think you'll want to cut the power completely but to switch it from a resistor pack (acting as a current drain). Let me know if you have some success! From the 2.x Users Manual Pin Signal 1 +12V 2 -12V 3 MON CLK 4 MON DATA OUT 5 MON DATA IN 6 MON PWR SWITCH 7 NC 8 VSYNC 9 HSYNC 10 VIDEO 11 +12V 12 -12V 13-19 GND Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Georg Zotti <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Help: System panic ... cannout mount root Date: 24 Jul 1998 12:00:02 GMT Organization: Vienna University of Technology, Austria Message-ID: <6p9t02$iv5$> References: <6p0roi$> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980514 (UNIX) (AIX/4-2) In Vicki Bragin <> wrote: : I have an NEC Versa P laptop, the NEXTSTEP partition of which will not : now boot up. The message that I get is: : [...] : System Panic : vfs_mountroot: cannot mount root : (Type 'r' to reboot or 'm' for monitor) :[...] : Vicki I had the same problem with my multiple OS system, when I had mixed IDE and SCSI drives, and wanted to boot from SCSI, which my system BIOS allows. Solution: When the OS loader comes up, type: rootdev=/dev/**** Replace **** with your HD type and partition number, e.g. hd0a for the first partition of the first IDE drive. (I can't remember exactly, it might be rhd1a instead.) replace to hd1a for 2nd drive etc., resp. hd0b for 2nd partition etc. Use sd0a (rsd0a) for SCSI drives. To avoid typing this every time at bootup, open (as root), press the "Expert..." button, and in the field "Kernel Flags", enter exactly the same "rootdev..." line that worked for booting. (I think one should surround the entry with double quotes. If it does not work, simply boot up manually and change.) Hope it helps... --- Georg Zotti
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Laser Printer problem Date: 25 Jul 1998 01:12:12 GMT Organization: Interlog Internet Services Message-ID: <6pbbdc$mt7$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Time: 25 Jul 1998 01:12:12 GMT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I have EXACTELY the same problem. Hopefully someone can answer this Albino Santos <> wrote: > Hi, > My old printer, is working quiet well after all this years, and > on last year I´ve replaced the common gear that causes "paper > jam" problem. > But now suddently everytime I print a job, gives the error > "printer cover open", I´ve checked the toner cartridge and the > switch that is used when the cover is closed, and it is everything > OK. > Thanks for any help, > -- > Albino Santos Email > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > VANTeC Tel +351 2 6107420 > Rua da Preciosa, 306 - 1 Fax +351 2 6107419 > 4100 PORTO MIME & NeXTmail welcome > PORTUGAL URL: > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.2 / Intel SE440BX motherboard? Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 19:56:51 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6pdda4$t4o$> References: <6ovvlk$n4h$> <> I still don't understand the lock-ups, as I have had them, too. It is really frustrating, especially when trying to build a 9GB IDE disk. The installation is stable now, I guess. Only 4 filesystems could be built, and the 4th I had to make a little less than 2GB before mkfs would do its work. The machine built as follows: 16.4u 5.4s 0:39 54% 0+0k 896+3751io 0pf+0w so, its pretty fast. Time will tell how stable it is. Already I've seen some flakiness during booting. It seems that, if it boots, everything is fine. Trey In article <>, wrote: > mmalcolm crawford wrote: > > > > Has anyone had success installing OS4.2 on a system with an Intel SE440BX > > motherboard? > > > > Everything seems to be fine up to the point where you're supposed to type 1 > > for basic installation or 2 for advanced options... then the machine locks up > > solid. > > A few weeks ago, I was searching for some new ide drivers for 3.3 on > nextanswers and a search pulled up something on bx chip sets, or so > I think. I didn't care at the time so I just passed over it. Now, the > closest thing I can find is 2633 which refers to the 400 but may apply > to the 350 as well... > > m > > -- > Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. > P.O. Box 426188 > Cambridge, MA 02142 > 617.864.6907 > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 12:46:30 +0100 From: Albino Santos <> Organization: VANTeC MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Subject: Re: NeXT Laser Printer problem References: <> <6pbbdc$mt7$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit wrote: > > I have EXACTELY the same problem. Hopefully someone can answer this > > Albino Santos <> wrote: > > Hi, > > > My old printer, is working quiet well after all this years, and > > on last year I´ve replaced the common gear that causes "paper > > jam" problem. > > But now suddently everytime I print a job, gives the error > > "printer cover open", I´ve checked the toner cartridge and the > > switch that is used when the cover is closed, and it is everything > > OK. > > > Thanks for any help, > > -- > > Albino Santos Email Unfortunately a friend with the same problem, write to me and said that this is a common problem with one of the cards of the printer, that is broken. Fortunately I have another printer and change the card that are in the base of the printer, and now everything is OK. Thanks, -- Albino Santos Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VANTeC Tel +351 2 6107420 Rua da Preciosa, 306 - 1 Fax +351 2 6107419 4100 PORTO MIME & NeXTmail welcome PORTUGAL URL: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mach NeXT laser printer boots up as unavailable MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <5jUu1.1340$> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 05:33:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 22:33:53 PDT Organization: @Home Network Are you running some sort of 'nppower off' in rc.local ? TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: (Windchaser) Newsgroups: Subject: Will NeXTStep 3.3 Run On This Hardware? Date: 27 Jul 98 10:54:06 Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> I've found a good price on NeXTStep 3.3 User for Intel, but have no clue if it'll run on my system! Specs: AMD K6-2 with 3DNow, 300 MHz 64 m 8ns PC100 SDRAM dimm 2.5g EIDE hard disk IDE CD-ROM IDE DVD-ROM EPoX Super 7 class motherboard with Via MVP chipset (100 MHz AGP Socket 7 board) Diamond Viper v330 PCI video card (Riva128 chipset) Generic 16 bit ISA PnP sound card DTC ISA SCSI card (used for the scanner under Windows) Umax Astra 610S scanner PCI Ethernet combo card (unsure of model) PCI MPEG decoder I know that the DVD won't be able to play movies under NeXTStep of course, but does anyone know if the OS will even boot on this setup?
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Will NeXTStep 3.3 Run On This Hardware? Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 18:24:08 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35BCC5C8.1F4583CA@KVI.NL> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Windchaser wrote: > > I've found a good price on NeXTStep 3.3 User for Intel, but have no clue if > it'll run on my system! Specs: <snap> EPoX Super 7 class motherboard with Via MVP chipset (100 MHz AGP Socket 7 > board) <snap> As far as the motherboard goes i can tell you that it works fine with Openstep 4.1. Hope that helps. Marcel
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Will NeXTStep 3.3 Run On This Hardware? Date: 27 Jul 1998 17:55:34 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6pieum$nvp$> References: <> (Windchaser) wrote: >I've found a good price on NeXTStep 3.3 User for Intel, but have no clue if >it'll run on my system! Specs: > >AMD K6-2 with 3DNow, 300 MHz AMD works, but is not supported. I'd think about getting a genuine Intel (not out of any particular preference for Intel, but the Cyrix problems have made me leary of "Intel-compatible"). >64 m 8ns PC100 SDRAM dimm >2.5g EIDE hard disk >IDE CD-ROM >IDE DVD-ROM Life is easier with SCSI-- with that, you'll have to get the updated EIDE driver to do the install from an EIDE CD-ROM. [ ... ] >Diamond Viper v330 PCI video card (Riva128 chipset) That's a decent Windows card, but there aren't any NEXTSTEP drivers for the nVidia RIVA 128. Think about a Matrox Millenium if you're willing to spend the money, or bail and get one of the older S3-based cards, since that has good driver support under NS. >Generic 16 bit ISA PnP sound card Probably won't work under NS. >PCI Ethernet combo card (unsure of model) Well, that means we're unsure of whether it's compatible. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Walter Kehowski) Newsgroups: Subject: zip drive Date: 27 Jul 1998 20:02:02 GMT Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Message-ID: <6pimbq$2ubc$> Keywords: zip drive I would like to back up some essential files on my original NeXT with a ZIP disk before I move and buy a Pentium machine. I have OPENSTEP 4.0. Will the OS be able to recognize a ZIP drive? What specs on my machine will ensure access? -- ************************************************************************** * Walter A. Kehowski | HUM 330, (505) 277-6163 or 4613 (msgs) Dept of Mathematics | Home: (505) 255-7012 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: question about boot disk Message-ID: <> Date: 27 Jul 1998 20:33:19 GMT Organization: AOL i have a NeXT boot disk and cdrom, actually it is OPENSTEP 4.2 How can i make a copy of the boot disk, i dont want it to get lost, damaged, or torn up, so i need to make a copy and store it so it doesnt get torn up..... how do i copy it... please send e-mail to me at REMOVE (.NOSPAM.PLEASE) from the e-mail address
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how to copy boot disk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <A37v1.1360$> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:21:20 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:21:20 PDT Organization: @Home Network The process is described in step-by-step detail at: Title: Duplicating the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM Installation Disk Entry Number: 1561 Last Updated: <<Date June 17, 1997>> Overview It is a good idea to create a backup copy of the boot floppy disk, in case the original copy is ever lost or damaged. To do this you must first successfully install NEXTSTEP. You can then use the UNIX dd command to create a copy of the boot floppy. Please note that you can't make a duplicate boot floppy with DOS and Windows floppy duplication software; you must use the procedure below. Procedure 1 Log in as root on your Intel computer. 2 Insert a blank 1.44 megabyte 3.5" HD floppy disk into the floppy drive. 3 In the Workspace, choose the command Check For Disks from the Disk menu. Initialize the disk as a NEXTSTEP filesystem. NEXTSTEP then formats and initializes the disk. When the disk is initialized, eject it using the Eject command in the Disk menu and remove it from the floppy drive. 4 Insert the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM Installation Disk (the boot floppy) into the floppy drive and choose Check For Disks. 5 Once the boot floppy has successfully mounted, launch the Terminal application in /NextApps. Type this command in a Terminal window to store an image of the boot floppy. # dd if=/dev/rfd0b of=/tmp/image conv=sync bs=8k This causes NEXTSTEP to read the bootable diskette and save it to the file /tmp/image. 6 When the command completes, physically eject the original boot floppy and insert the floppy disk you formatted in step 3. You don't need to use the Eject and Check For Disks commands for this step. 7 Type this command to copy the boot floppy image to the new disk. # dd if=/tmp/image of=/dev/rfd0b conv=sync bs=8k 8 Store your original boot floppy in a safe place. 9 Reboot. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: how to copy boot disk Message-ID: <> Date: 27 Jul 1998 20:36:30 GMT Organization: AOL i have a NeXT boot disk and cdrom, actually it is OPENSTEP 4.2 How can i make a copy of the boot disk, i dont want it to get lost, damaged, or torn up, so i need to make a copy and store it so it doesnt get torn up..... how do i copy it... please send e-mail to me at REMOVE (.NOSPAM.PLEASE) from the e-mail address
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Any Luck with HP6020 CDR audio on Black? Date: 28 Jul 1998 00:26:17 GMT Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <6pj5r9$lck$> Hi All, Both AerePerennius and CDDesigner list the HP6020 as a supported CD-R for both audio and data. I have used it for data and it has worked just fine with AerePerennius, but on neither one has writing audio disks worked. Does any one have any suggestions? With CDDesigner I'd get a couple second of music which fades away into distortion, and on AerePerennius I get nothing? I was *really* excited to press my own audio CDs, and this is really frustrating. I don't want to have to go out and buy another computer just so I can make CDs for my friends... Thanks, and peace, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: (Rick Voland) Newsgroups: Subject: install problem on 486 Date: 28 Jul 1998 01:09:11 GMT Organization: UW-Madison Message-ID: <6pj8bn$ql0$> I'm having problems installing Openstep 4.2 for Mach on a 486 computer despite supported components. The install process boots from the floppies, accepts my choices, copies files from the cdrom, and asks me to reboot. The reboot starts loading processes, but the farthest it ever gets is to "startup complete," and then complains "cannot locate windowserver port." At this point, I can strike right-alt/numlock and get the appropriate "r for reboot..." The problems on this first reboot are random. They change each time I re-install, but are fairly constant for one install attempt. It seems that a few random files are not copied correctly. I've been trying to install as a 2047 MB partition with nothing else on the drive. I have an IDE drive that is disabled during this install. I detect no hardware problems with this computer when I use MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 3.1, and Norton Utilities. I can copy a whole cdrom disk to the scsi hard drive with no errors. I get no errors when testing memory or hard drive. Some friends checked this install cdrom by copying it to a hard drive on a machine running Openstep 4.x from terminal. There were no errors. The System comprises: Zeos motherboard with Phoenix/Quadtel BIOS 486DX2-66 64 MB RAM, 256 K cache onboard Adaptec AIC-6360 SCSI (1.20L BIOS) Seagate Medalist ST36530W SCSI hard drive, 6.5 GB (brand new) NEC CDR-84-1 SCSI cdrom (2X internal) #9 9fx video 771 VL-Bus video card with 2 MB VRAM PS/2 keyboard MS mouse on COM1 I would appreciate any suggestions, or even explanations. Thank you much. Rick Voland
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: zip drive Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Jul 1998 01:43:38 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6pimbq$2ubc$> My NeXT Cube recognized a Zip drive without difficulty under NS 2.1, 3.1 and OS 4.2. The one concern is termination (the Zip's is unpowered and some NeXT SCSI setups seem to need a powered/active terminator) and SCSI cable length--the Zip cable is kind of long. I've Zip drive icons on my web page in the hardware area--let me know what you think of them. Also, Radical Solutions has a page on the Zip Drive, there's a link there from TjL's NeXT pages (link to this on my links page). William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 28 Jul 1998 04:02:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Joe Justesen) Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 98 09:17:40 GMT Organization: epix Internet Services Message-ID: <6pjc9v$3ur$> I am not sure if this is the correct newsgroup to this question, but would appreciate any help I can get. I have a Matrox Millennium 8m graphics card, and DR2 Rhapsody installed on an intel machine. Everything works, except the millennium driver. No matter what settings I use for the configure app, expert mode, I always get a blank screen after booting the system. It seem everybody else has got their millennium working fine except me. If anybody could tell me what they did to get it to work, I would appreciate it. If you could also let me know what version of the millenium bios you have that works, I would appreciate that also. Thanks in advance Joe
From: (Stephen E. Halpin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 09:18:51 GMT Organization: UltraNet Communications , an RCN Company Message-ID: <> References: <6pjc9v$3ur$> On Tue, 28 Jul 98 09:17:40 GMT, (Joe Justesen) wrote: > >I am not sure if this is the correct newsgroup to this question, but would >appreciate any help I can get. > >I have a Matrox Millennium 8m graphics card, and DR2 Rhapsody installed >on an intel machine. Everything works, except the millennium driver. > >No matter what settings I use for the configure app, expert mode, I always >get a blank screen after booting the system. It seem everybody else has >got their millennium working fine except me. You arent the only one. I have not been able to get my 8M Millenium to work with either NeXTstep 3.3 or Rhapsody DR1. I even tried uploading the latest card BIOS for the Mellenium. The response I got a while back was that an earlier version of the 3.3 driver worked with that card (NeXT only posted the latest drivers, so I was not able to acquire the recommended older driver) and no one seemed to have any information on the support in Rhapsody. Sorry if this doesnt help, but its apparently a known issue for the older systems, and given that Apple isnt likely to support the Intel platform long term, I dont see this changing. >If anybody could tell me what they did to get it to work, I would appreciate >it. If you could also let me know what version of the millenium bios you have >that works, I would appreciate that also. > >Thanks in advance >Joe -Steve
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Cubic PC Date: 28 Jul 1998 05:33:42 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-JzbcudN4wgd2@localhost> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello, Some time ago there was a thread about people searching for PC cases that looked more or less like The Cube. I don't know if any one mentioned it then but I just ran across something that might be of interest to folks in that thread. I hate to do this to you but point your browser to and if you survive that most tasteless presentation that passes for a web site, you will see what appears to be a PC in a cubic case. I have no idea what size it is but it does have a cubic case. So long, Marcelo
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Will NeXTStep 3.3 Run On This Hardware? Date: 27 Jul 98 14:25:32 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6pieum$nvp$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 27 Jul 1998 17:55:34 GMT In article <6pieum$nvp$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (Windchaser) wrote: >I've found a good price on NeXTStep 3.3 User for Intel, but have >no clue if it'll run on my system! Specs: > >AMD K6-2 with 3DNow, 300 MHz AMD works, but is not supported. I'd think about getting a genuine Intel (not out of any particular preference for Intel, but the Cyrix problems have made me leary of "Intel-compatible"). I've been using a 233Mhz K6 on my OpenStep/NT box for a couple months, now, and no problems. I've also used it under a variant of OpenStep/Mach beyond 4.2 with no problems... [ ... ] >Diamond Viper v330 PCI video card (Riva128 chipset) That's a decent Windows card, but there aren't any NEXTSTEP drivers for the nVidia RIVA 128. Think about a Matrox Millenium if you're willing to spend the money, or bail and get one of the older S3-based cards, since that has good driver support under NS. Full agreement on the Matrox Millenium. I just couldn't like my Millenium and Millenium II more than I do. If I wanted to save a couple bucks, I'd go with a Matrox Mystique. Perhaps an S3 if I were building a headless system... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Henry Koplien) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: 28 Jul 1998 18:51:36 GMT Organization: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Distribution: world Message-ID: <6pl6jo$cu6$> References: <> In article <> (Stephen E. Halpin) writes: > >If anybody could tell me what they did to get it to work, I would appreciate > >it. If you could also let me know what version of the millenium bios you have > >that works, I would appreciate that also. > > > >Thanks in advance > >Joe > > -Steve Well, Next Answers sucks since two years. I posted them a bug in their early release of a Millennium two years ago. They needed *one* year to fix the bug. After they fixed it, the driver isn't able to support a regular old Matrox Millennium. Try to put Your fingers on one of the first three releases of the driver. These ones works fine. They also works with 8MB, doing 1600x1200@66 in true color. One thing isn't working. They forgot to initialize the register properly, so Your card have to have a well defined register file set on reset, otherwise You will have a blank screen too. Only some cards sucks, mine was one of these. I had to boot the system with Windows in 1600x1200 in true color with the original Matrox driver and made then a warm reboot into NeXT. This worked fine for me over one and a half year. Now I am pissed with this f*** driver from NeXT and bought a new Millennium II, 8MB. This one works out of the box. Henry
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Help with OD in cube Date: 28 Jul 1998 20:37:39 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6plcqj$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb I have a 25 MHz 68040 cube, that works just fine. I received it with the OD disconnected (both the power cable and the data cable), and I have never tried connecting it, as I have never had any ODs. I recently received an optical disk, reconnected the drive, and now it panics during boot. Here is the sequence of events: I get the normal messages about FPU, physical and available memory, number of buffers. Then, the following messages: fc0 at 0x2114100 Sony MPX-111N as fd0 at fc0 slave 0 SCSI 53C98A Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at ox2114000 SEAGATE ST31230N Rev 0090 as sd0 at sc0 target 1 lun 0 Disk Label: Disk Disk Capacity 1010MB, Device Block 512 bytes Generic SCSI Device as sg0 . . . Generic SCSI Device as sg1 . . . Generic SCSI Device as sg2 . . . Generic SCSI Device as sg3 . . . odc at 0x211200 od0 at odc0 slave 0 od1 at odc0 slave 1 drive ROM v9, servo ROM v9 panic: (Cpu 0) od: empty q NeXT ROM Monitor 2.5 v66 panic: NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon Oct 24 13:56:37 PDT 1994; root(rcbuilder): mk-171.9.obj-2/RC+m68k/RELEASE_M68k panic> So, what does this mean? I assume that it is recognizing the disk drive (floppy, SCSI, and optical), and having some problem with the optical disk. Is this a software problem? Does "empty q" mean "empty queue"? What can I do about this? Do I need to re-install the system with the OD connected? (I have a bit of trouble believing that the system installs differently, depending on whether or not you have an OD connected to the cube!) Thanks in advance. PB Schechter
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: install problem on 486 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:52:29 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6pj8bn$ql0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I found that the partition had to be less than 2G (= 2048M = 2097152k = 2147483648), BUT also had to be in the first 2G of the disk (including any bootsectors, DOS/Win partitions. I found I could install but not boot with other configurations, I think I gave up and used a HD less than 2G, in the end. I think that the Unix (style) driver can not seek (incorrectly seeks) past 2Gbyte (2^31) when addressing the whole disk. Rick Voland wrote: > > I'm having problems installing Openstep 4.2 for Mach on a 486 computer despite > supported components. The install process boots from the floppies, accepts my > choices, copies files from the cdrom, and asks me to reboot. The reboot > starts loading processes, but the farthest it ever gets is to "startup > complete," and then complains "cannot locate windowserver port." At this > point, I can strike right-alt/numlock and get the appropriate "r for > reboot..." > > The problems on this first reboot are random. They change each time I > re-install, but are fairly constant for one install attempt. It seems that a > few random files are not copied correctly. > > I've been trying to install as a 2047 MB partition with nothing else on the > drive. I have an IDE drive that is disabled during this install. > > I detect no hardware problems with this computer when I use MS-DOS 6.22, > Windows 3.1, and Norton Utilities. I can copy a whole cdrom disk to the scsi > hard drive with no errors. I get no errors when testing memory or hard drive. > > Some friends checked this install cdrom by copying it to a hard drive on a > machine running Openstep 4.x from terminal. There were no errors. > > The System comprises: > Zeos motherboard with Phoenix/Quadtel BIOS > 486DX2-66 > 64 MB RAM, 256 K cache > onboard Adaptec AIC-6360 SCSI (1.20L BIOS) > Seagate Medalist ST36530W SCSI hard drive, 6.5 GB (brand new) > NEC CDR-84-1 SCSI cdrom (2X internal) > #9 9fx video 771 VL-Bus video card with 2 MB VRAM > PS/2 keyboard > MS mouse on COM1 > > I would appreciate any suggestions, or even explanations. > > Thank you much. > > Rick Voland > -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Cube + PC Hardware Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:38:21 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <chris-2607981937460001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This not what you asked for, but you might be able to get a black pc case from DeepSpace Technologies tel: +1 301 663 3033 chris wrote: > > I really hate PC Cases, and I was wondering what type of PC motherboard > could fit inside a NeXT Cube with the innards taken out? I am planning to > run either openstep or linux on the pc so dont worry, windows wont > disgrace the box :) > > thanks in advance > > Christian Johannesen <,> > > "we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams" > > remove NOSPAM from address before emailing. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 28 Jul 1998 21:29:25 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6plcqj$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >od0 at odc0 slave 0 >od1 at odc0 slave 1 >drive ROM v9, servo ROM v9 This doesn't look good--the first drive should be at slave 0. Does the OD conenctor cable have two connectors on it? Did you try using the other one? If not there may be a jumper on the drive to select its ID (I'm not near my drives right now so I can't check). Or it could be that the drive is just broken, which isn't unlikely. >Do I need to re-install >the system with the OD connected? No; the OD support is always there. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Forgive me, for I am a Weenie Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:05:53 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6pli01$42g$> I come with hat in hand to beg for some modem advice. I have a NeXT Dimension Turbo Cube at home and I want to get a modem for it. Can anyone suggest one that will work? What kind of things am I going to have to do to set it up? I am assuming this is a slightly more daunting process than just connecting a PC. I thank you all in advance for helping me out with this... Robert Fuller -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: zip drive Message-ID: <> Keywords: zip drive Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <6pimbq$2ubc$> Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:55:13 GMT In article <6pimbq$2ubc$> (Walter Kehowski) writes: >I would like to back up some essential files on my original NeXT with a >ZIP disk before I move and buy a Pentium machine. I have OPENSTEP 4.0. >Will the OS be able to recognize a ZIP drive? What specs on my machine >will ensure access? > Get SCSI type Zip Drive. Attach drive to SCSI port. Turn on drive and machine. Log in. Stick zip disk. Drag/drop/done. You will be able to use any zip disk, formatted for DOS (must use 8.3 naming convention, though) or Mac, or reformat the disk for NeXT. You can't use the install disks, though (they come with the drive for either the Mac or WinXX machines; UNIX machines don't need the install disk). EDEW
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: zip drive Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <6pimbq$2ubc$> <> Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:59:21 GMT In article <> (WillAdams) writes: > >I've Zip drive icons on my web page in the hardware area--let me know what you >think of them. Also, Radical Solutions has a page on the Zip Drive, there's a >link there from TjL's NeXT pages (link to this on my links page). > >William > > >William Adams > >Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. > Cool. I like to draw my own zip drive icon, too. I just want to know how I can make the zip drive recognize the icon. I know there's more than just .dir.tiff and .opendir.tiff, right? EDEW
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 28 Jul 1998 23:02:08 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6pll9g$> References: <6plcqj$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <6plcqj$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >>od0 at odc0 slave 0 >>od1 at odc0 slave 1 >>drive ROM v9, servo ROM v9 > > This doesn't look good--the first drive should be at slave 0. Does the OD >conenctor cable have two connectors on it? Did you try using the other one? Yes, it has two connectors, and no, I didn't try using the other one--until I read your post. Then I did, and it booted like a charm! So, now perhaps you can tell me why there are two connectors (this looks like the original NeXT cable--unlike the SCSI and floppy cables, that are not black, and don't have the molded loops for removing them that the SCSI cable on my slab has), and perhaps you can tell me why which connector I use matters! Thanks for the reply, and for being right! PB Schechter
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Forgive me, for I am a Weenie MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <6pli01$42g$> Message-ID: <xcuv1.1398$> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:41:01 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 17:41:01 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6pli01$42g$> wrote: > I come with hat in hand to beg for some modem advice. I have a NeXT Dimension > Turbo Cube at home and I want to get a modem for it. Can anyone suggest one > that will work? What kind of things am I going to have to do to set it up? I > am assuming this is a slightly more daunting process than just connecting a > PC. I thank you all in advance for helping me out with this... There's one key piece: the modem cable. Get one (or make one from 'man zs') from or for $25. If anyone tells you to just get a Mac cable, nod you head and ignore them ;-) Other than that you can really get just about any modem -- but there are some which will work better. For example, for using NXFax you want either a ZyXel ($$$$) or a SupraFaxModem, which is what I have. You can't go wrong with a ZyXel, but it's more expensive. The Supra works with NXFax and PPP (You might ask and see what people are using for modems if you want to use PPP). Hope that's helpful. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help, my slab won't power on Date: 29 Jul 1998 00:55:49 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <6plrul$bln$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Lee Helpingstine wrote: | I bought a Color Turbo Slab with Fimi monitor from deepspacetech and | It just arrived today. I pluged it in, monitor to wall monitor to | sound box to kbd to mouse. monitor to slab. I turn on the monitor | then press power on the kbd... nothing. Can anyone help? | deepspacetech is closed and I am desperate. Any help would be | appreciated. It's not immediately obvious, but the Y cable that connects the CPU and the Monitor and the Soundbox can be connected in two different ways, only one of which works. The base of the Y goes to the CPU, and the two legs go to the Monitor and the Soundbox. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: Charles Frank <> Newsgroups: Subject: Help Wanted - NeXT Cube (Black) cable questions, etc. Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 21:44:27 -0400 Organization: CSRlink Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, Please excuse my ignorance of NeXT. I just acquired my first NeXT system (sort of system): A motorola based NeXT Cube with 17" mono, 400 dpi laser, @700 meg Maxtor HD, external CD-Rom drive, and internal optical drive. The only thing is, it did not include the monitor and printer cables. Places on the web (Deepspace, etc.) want about what I paid for the system ($60) for these cables. Are the printer (9-pin D-sub) and monitor (19 pin D-sub) straight through wired cables? If not, what are the pin assignments? Lastly, are there any good sources for the 19 pin D-sub connectors. Electronics suppliers such as Mouser, etc. don't seem to carry these. P.S. I am very impressed with the quality and craftsmanship of this machine. Thanks for you time, Charles S. Frank E:
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 01:20:41 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pll9g$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6pll9g$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >Yes, it has two connectors, and no, I didn't try using the other >one--until I read your post. Then I did, and it booted like a charm! Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of the lucky few! >So, now perhaps you can tell me why there are two connectors So you can hook up two drives. :) -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: install problem on 486 Date: 28 Jul 1998 18:37:46 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6pl5pq$ecc$> References: <6pj8bn$ql0$> (Rick Voland) wrote: >I'm having problems installing Openstep 4.2 for Mach on a 486 computer despite >supported components. > >The problems on this first reboot are random. They change each time I >re-install, but are fairly constant for one install attempt. It seems that >a few random files are not copied correctly. >The System comprises: >NEC CDR-84-1 SCSI cdrom (2X internal) If my memory serves me well, the NEC 2X CD-ROMs didn't work well under multi-user OSes due to lack of several SCSI commands. Try another SCSI CD-ROM (I recommend Toshiba CD-ROM drives). Good luck! -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Mark Trombino <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: REQ: Please send me modem inits Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 22:14:33 +0000 Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Sorry for the crosspost, but I really don't know where something like this belongs) Hi folks, I'm working on a new version of LogOn (a front end for PPP) and I would like to include modem initialization strings for as many modems as I can get my hands on. If you can find the time, could you please email me the modem you use and the initialization string you use for it? Thanks! -- ============================================== Mark Trombino <> ==============================================
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: 28 Jul 1998 18:41:29 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6pl60p$ecc$> References: <6pjc9v$3ur$> <> (Stephen E. Halpin) wrote: >On Tue, 28 Jul 98 09:17:40 GMT, (Joe Justesen) wrote: > >You arent the only one. I have not been able to get my 8M Millenium >to work with either NeXTstep 3.3 or Rhapsody DR1. I once had the same problem and changing the PCI slot to lower priority fixed it. I don't know why and whether this can be a general fix for the problem but it's worth trying since it doesn't cost any $$. Good luck! -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: David Roknich <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: install problem on 486 Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 19:25:54 -0500 Organization: Internet Navigator, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6pj8bn$ql0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Rick Voland <> Rick, Try using a smaller boot drive- total capacity 2gig or smaller. "Holo" Voland wrote: > I'm having problems installing Openstep 4.2 for Mach on a 486 computer despite > supported components. The install process boots from the floppies, accepts my > choices, copies files from the cdrom, and asks me to reboot. The reboot > starts loading processes, but the farthest it ever gets is to "startup > complete," and then complains "cannot locate windowserver port." At this > point, I can strike right-alt/numlock and get the appropriate "r for > reboot..." > > The problems on this first reboot are random. They change each time I > re-install, but are fairly constant for one install attempt. It seems that a > few random files are not copied correctly. > > I've been trying to install as a 2047 MB partition with nothing else on the > drive. I have an IDE drive that is disabled during this install. > > I detect no hardware problems with this computer when I use MS-DOS 6.22, > Windows 3.1, and Norton Utilities. I can copy a whole cdrom disk to the scsi > hard drive with no errors. I get no errors when testing memory or hard drive. > > Some friends checked this install cdrom by copying it to a hard drive on a > machine running Openstep 4.x from terminal. There were no errors. > > The System comprises: > Zeos motherboard with Phoenix/Quadtel BIOS > 486DX2-66 > 64 MB RAM, 256 K cache > onboard Adaptec AIC-6360 SCSI (1.20L BIOS) > Seagate Medalist ST36530W SCSI hard drive, 6.5 GB (brand new) > NEC CDR-84-1 SCSI cdrom (2X internal) > #9 9fx video 771 VL-Bus video card with 2 MB VRAM > PS/2 keyboard > MS mouse on COM1 > > I would appreciate any suggestions, or even explanations. > > Thank you much. > > Rick Voland >
From: (Rui Martins "Muad´Dib") Newsgroups: Subject: Requirements for OPENSTEP over NT Date: 29 Jul 1998 08:10:38 GMT Organization: Páginas Amarelas, S.A. Message-ID: <6pmldu$73t$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Searching on the NeXTAnswers, I didn´t found any reference to the hardware reqs that I must have to run OPENSTEP over Windows NT or Rhapsody. What I have is a doc (1002) who speaks of the reqs for OPENSTEP for Mach. Those requirements are the same? Does anyone have some recomendations?
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <gYov1.9356$> Control: cancel <gYov1.9356$> Date: 28 Jul 1998 18:43:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.gYov1.9356$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Kai Guentzel <> Newsgroups: Subject: DR2 on a G3-300 ? Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:54:00 +0200 Organization: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, has anyone yet succesfully installed DR2 on the internal UW-SCSI harddrive of a PowerMac G3-300 ? If so, please let me know what you did. Thanks in advance Kai
From: stuart <> Newsgroups: Subject: booting from harddisk? Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:18:38 +0100 Organization: university of salford Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear all, I recently changed my battery on my nextstation and now the machine is forever trying to boot from a network. I can boot manually, using boot sd(0,0) from the monitor, but how do I automate this at boot time? Thanks for any help. Stu.
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 15:59:03 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6pngs7$> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pll9g$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <6pll9g$>, >PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >>Yes, it has two connectors, and no, I didn't try using the other >>one--until I read your post. Then I did, and it booted like a charm! > > Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of the >lucky few! Yep! It reads disks, and I even used BuildDisk to make a bootable (I hoped) OD. It took *forever*: When I had waited about an hour, and it was reporting about 5% done, I went home. When I came back this morning, it reported it had completed. However, it won't complete booting, because it tells me that the file system is full (this is in response to a "bod" command from the ROM monitor). So, I now have two further questions (these should probably go to, but since we're already on this thread...): (1) Why, when I was told that I would need only 235 out of 242 MB to build NS 3.3, am I getting a file system full IO error?; (2) I built a "complete" 3.3 User; can I just delete some stuff, or do I need to re-build the OD, without some packages, in order to get this all to work? > >>So, now perhaps you can tell me why there are two connectors > > So you can hook up two drives. :) > Is this serious? Would anyone really have wanted 2 OD drives? They are *so* slow! Were they cheaper than "ordinary" (magnetic) hard drives? And aside from all that, even if someone might *want* 2 OD drives (I guess one could want to copy from one OD to another), why should it matter which connector I use? Again, thanks in advance! --pb
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: booting from harddisk? Date: 29 Jul 1998 16:05:54 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6pnh92$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, stuart <> wrote: >Dear all, >I recently changed my battery on my nextstation and now the machine is >forever trying to boot from a network. >I can boot manually, using boot sd(0,0) from the monitor, but how do I >automate this at boot time? >Thanks for any help. >Stu. > > If I remember correctly (I can't check at this instant, as my machine is busy doing "something"), from the ROM monitor, you type "p". Then, when it lists the defaults, you type <return> to leave them as they are, and any changes to make changes. I *think* (I got this wrong once, so you may have to play--but someone will likely correct me) that you just type "sd" as the default boot device (*not* "bsd"), and from then on, it should automagically boot from the SCSI disk. Good luck! PB Schechter
From: (Michael N. Tie) Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 29 Jul 98 16:08:37 GMT Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new intel box. The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following parts: Phoenix Bios 4.0 Release 6.0 Adaptec 2940U2 SCSI controller Quantum Viking II 9.1 GB SCSI HD ATI Rage Pro Turbo video card Toshiba 13x/32x IDE CDROM (second ide chain) and/or external NeXT CD-ROM After selecting the drivers for the CD-ROM and Hard Drive, I get the following error: . . . Registering: PCI0 Registering: PCMCIA0 Adaptec2940: Can't get configSpace; ABORTING Registering: event0 Registering: kmDevice0 No SCSI controller or CD-ROM drive found use sd%d, hd%d, fd%d, en%d or tr%d root device Any suggestions? Thanks for your help, Mike Tie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael N. Tie Department of Math/CS phn: (507) 663-4067 Carleton College fax: (507) 663-4312 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 29 Jul 1998 17:28:38 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6pnm46$sce$> References: <> (Michael N. Tie) wrote: >I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new intel box. >The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following parts: > > Adaptec 2940U2 SCSI controller > >Any suggestions? The chip set used in Adaptec 2940U2 is different from Adaptec 2940UW chip set. Check NeXTanswers before you try to install on un-supported (no driver) hardware. Unfortunately, you have to get supported SCSI controller. Good luck! -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 16:48:48 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6pngs7$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >> Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of the >>lucky few! > >Yep! It reads disks, Wow. However, don't count on it lasting. I bought a new, sealed-in-the-box drive about a year ago and it died after about eight months. :( >Is this serious? Would anyone really have wanted 2 OD drives? I don't know if anyone would want it, but it was possible. The first '030 cubes shipped with no hard disk--just the OD. I guess that the theory was that you could have on drive for the OS and the other for data. >Were they cheaper than "ordinary" (magnetic) hard drives? The sticker on the box for the drive I mentioned above says $2895 Canadian. >And aside from all that, even if someone might *want* 2 OD drives (I >guess one could want to copy from one OD to another), why should it >matter which connector I use? > Who knows about the connector; the OD has always had a high voodoo factor. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how to copy boot disk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <A37v1.1360$> <6po0ms$fh1$> Message-ID: <J0Mv1.1445$> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 20:57:13 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:57:13 PDT Organization: @Home Network In <6po0ms$fh1$> wrote: > Another important point. Make darn sure when you do dd that you watch the > Console. If you see any media errors don't expect your copy or the image > (depending on if you doing step 5 or 7) to be intact. You should see NO > MEDIA errors on the console when you do this. It is very common that when > you do a full MEDIA READ or particularly a WRITE to see these errors on > 1.44M floppies. I think I have seen it on 1 out of 5 floppies. Yes, very frequent. For OS 4.2 I have started watching /usr/adm/messages (not all of which seems to do to /dev/console) as well for MEDIA ERRORs or the like (my login script does: tail -1f /usr/adm/messages >/dev/console 2&1 & ) > Can anyone think of a reason for not making publically available > boot images of 3.x. If there is interest I'll just make a note to add > them to tree after the 4th. They are still there, but I always have trouble finding it. This is the key page All the images from 3.2 are linked there. TjL -- As of 31 July 1998 I will no longer be able to actively participate in PEAK's FTP site. Please make sure to all questions/comments/etc go to <>. I will be offline for up to 3 months and do not know how much time I will have then (job & real life).
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: booting from harddisk? Date: 29 Jul 1998 14:41:13 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, stuart <> wrote: >Dear all, >I can boot manually, using boot sd(0,0) from the monitor, but how do I >automate this at boot time? Check out the "p" command; you want to set the boot command to "bsd". -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 21:51:58 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6po5hu$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pngs7$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <6pnvna$fh1$>, <> wrote: >In <> David Evans wrote: >> In article <6pngs7$>, >> PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >> >> Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of >the >> >>lucky few! >> > >> >Yep! It reads disks, >> >> Wow. >> However, don't count on it lasting. I bought a new, >sealed-in-the-box drive >> about a year ago and it died after about eight months. :( > >Agreed. Once you get it working I'd just count myself lucky and >get a HD and build your OS there.. I strictly use the OD for >recovery jobs (once and a while) and rarely building a OS >for someone with a 030 cube. > >> >Is this serious? Would anyone really have wanted 2 OD drives? >> >> I don't know if anyone would want it, but it was possible. The >first '030 >> cubes shipped with no hard disk--just the OD. I guess that the >theory was >> that you could have on drive for the OS and the other for data. > >If you had only one OD then you could never remove the media >kind of silly when Jobs touted "carry your world with you". >The second was put in just so you could :) > >> >Were they cheaper than "ordinary" (magnetic) hard drives? >> >> The sticker on the box for the drive I mentioned above says $2895 >Canadian. > >At the time I think they were 'slightly (no more than a factor of 2)" >more >expensive than 660M HD's though I'd have to check this more carefully. > >> >And aside from all that, even if someone might *want* 2 OD drives (I >> >guess one could want to copy from one OD to another), why should it >> >matter which connector I use? >> > >> >> Who knows about the connector; the OD has always had a high voodoo >factor. >> > >I'm not sure about this. I have a number of those dual connectors and >never >checked the pinouts. > >As to the origional error Mr Schechter saw > >panic: (Cpu 0) od: empty q > >I've seen this in my adventures opening and cleaning optical drives. >Almost always I got it when I forgot to reconnect a connector on >the OD controller board to the bottom motor mechanism. I'd have to >tear one apart to remember though it's been so long. I'll have to test >one of those dual cables to see if I can reproduce the above error >since I'm sure I tried a couple of them w/o success. Thinking back - >I think I hooked the drive to the end of the cable and not the first >connector. > >Interesting this came up just after I put up some info on the N3000 >NeXT Magneto Optical drive on my site. Eventually I will put up >a step-by-step disassembly and cleaning guide for everyone who >wants to do some cleaning.. Right now there are just a few images >and a bit of info and history. > > > >Randy >rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > >spammers works also :) > >Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > >Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) > This just gets more and more interesting! Just for the record, I first connected the *end* connector to the drive; this is the one that gave me the panic. Then, when I connected the "middle" connector (on the cable), it works fine. I "rationalize" this by saying, "If there is only one drive, use the first connector; if you connect a second drive, use the second connector." Who knows if that is what NeXT hardware designers were or were not thinking.... In any case, I read through your web pages on the drive, and found them fun and informative. My next project, now, is to see if the OD that I just built will, in fact, boot. My idea, in resurrecting this optical drive, was to be able to build a bootable optical disk, so that I can easily get a system running, in case of hard disk failure. It sounds, though, from what I hear, that I don't necessarily want to depend too much on the optical drive.... Thanks for the information. PB Schechter
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 29 Jul 1998 22:15:09 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6po6td$a5r$> References: <> <6pnm46$sce$> <6pnng2$ms1$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (Rui Martins "Muad´Dib") wrote: >Indeed. The NeXT Answers doc 2181 and 1002 states that the Adaptec AHA-2940U is >compliant and included on OPENSTEP cd-rom. It doesn´t mention any 2940U2, so I >agree. It may be not compatible... > Hmmm, sounds like you are prety decent on drawing conclusion and expressiong it. :) U2 SCSI is quite new technology and its SCSI bus uses low voltage differential interface. The bus limition for data transmission speed is 80MB/s with maximum cable length of 12m (with more than 3 devices, 25m with 2 devices). Impressive, isn't it? Of course, this (low voltage differential bus) requires new SCSI chip set (AIC-789X) which is different from what is used in other 2940 SCSI controllers (AIC-7870, 7880), thus a new driver is required for them. There is no hope that a drive for AIC-7880 will work with AIC-789X..... Hope we will see a driver for U2 SCSI controllers (Adaptec or Symbios). BTW, does any one know detail of upcoming DPT's SmartCacheV??? I'm just curious. --- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Charlie Fletcher <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:28:56 -0400 Organization: CAIS Internet Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 29 Jul 1998 16:34:00 GMT PB Schechter wrote: > > So you can hook up two drives. :) > > > > Is this serious? Would anyone really have wanted 2 OD drives? They > are *so* slow! Were they cheaper than "ordinary" (magnetic) hard drives? > And aside from all that, even if someone might *want* 2 OD drives (I > guess one could want to copy from one OD to another), why should it > matter which connector I use? > Unbelievable as it sounds, the first NeXT development (at NeXT) was done on systems with no HD, just OD(s). I know, I can't imagine it either. My OD just died (or is just dusty, won't know till I try to clean it.) :-( Charlie
From: Newsgroups: Subject: The Saga of CD-R audio on Black NeXT continues... Date: 30 Jul 1998 02:05:16 GMT Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <6pokcs$5s8$> On 07/29/98, wrote: So, here's the background, for viewers new to the saga: About three weeks ago, I bought an HP 6020 Surestore CD-R unit, since all of the software I had run into for the NeXT said it was supported and I found one for a good price ($200). My main reason for buying it was to make audio CDs for my friends. My secondary reason was to make backups for my NeXT TurboColor Station in case my QIC tapedrive died. So, I first tried to use it for backup. I used a combination of and mkisofs, and backed up all my changing files. Wrote a script to find all my files that were changes since X date and compressed them, and added them to the file system. I then wrote the disk. No problem at all--I was able to access all the data on the CDROM. I thought "hey, this is easy". Now for the audio. I figured I'd try first, since it looked like there weren't any restrictions in the demo mode on audio CDs. Well, I added a bunch of tracks that I had recorded to the disk and checked (they were all playable on the hard disk). They were all in snd format. Well, the had CD recorded tracks of the correct length, and several of them had a second or two of music before fading into a fuzz of white noise, but the CD was mostly garbage. So, tactic two...I tried to do the same with AerePerrenius. This time I didn't even get playable tracks. So I thought it might be something in the sound format. I got the newest version of 'sox', and converted all the tracks into cdr format, the native format cd audio. This time, it wrote the disk, with the appropriate tracks, but this time it had exactly the same sort of short music lead in, white noise thing that I had had with CDDesigner. I began to think maybe there was something wrong with the translation software. So I tried converting the *.cdr files I had on the hard drive back into *snd files. The conversion worked, but guess was a couple seconds of music and then white noise...just like on the CD. So I have concluded that probably both CDDesigner and AerePerennius use sox or something based on sox to convert their files from snd to cdr, and there is something wrong with that algorithm. The questions are this, then: Has anyone else had this experience, problems using sox translating from NeXT snd to cdr? Do CDDesigner and AerePerennius use sox? And is there another way of translating snd to cdr on the next? I tried getting and compiling the most recent version of sox, and that gives me the same problems. Finally, is there any other way of doing this that I'm not getting. If I can't figure this out, I have a very expensive redundant backup system. Also, I have an old Mac IIsi sitting around...Does anyone know of cheap or free CD Audio mastering software for 68k macs? Peace all, James -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 30 Jul 1998 03:27:06 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6po5hu$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6po5hu$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: > >This just gets more and more interesting! Just for the record, I first >connected the *end* connector to the drive; this is the one that gave >me the panic. Then, when I connected the "middle" connector (on the >cable), it works fine. I "rationalize" this by saying, "If there is >only one drive, use the first connector; if you connect a second drive, >use the second connector." I have a better one: The picture of the cube in the boot ROM (and in all the sales material) shows a single OD in the bottom of the cube. If you had only one this is where it would go. If you had two drives, because of the way the cube chassis is designed you would have to plug the bottom drive into the first connector on the cable and the top drive into the second. It would be stupid for you to have to move the connectors around if you bought a second drive, so if you only have one drive it shoudl plug into the first connector. How's that? :) -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 98 17:46:57 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <6pngs7$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6po5hu$> In-reply-to: pb@Colorado.EDU's message of 29 Jul 1998 21:51:58 GMT In article <6po5hu$>, pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) writes: My idea, in resurrecting this optical drive, was to be able to build a bootable optical disk, so that I can easily get a system running, in case of hard disk failure. It sounds, though, from what I hear, that I don't necessarily want to depend too much on the optical drive.... If you _really_ only want the emergency boot disk, you can probably greatly extend the life of your drive after building the boot disk by turning off the cube and removing the drive. Then if the emergency arises, re-install it. Simply disconnecting the power probably won't do, because most of the problems seem to be related to dust, and most of the dust problem was because the system tended to pull air through the drive. Later systems pushed air through the drive, I think. If you have a "pull" system, perhaps it would work to simply block off the air hole, or invert the insert so the air isn't going through the drive. And disconnect drive power so it doesn't overheat! Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Rui Martins "Muad´Dib") Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 29 Jul 1998 17:52:02 GMT Organization: Páginas Amarelas, S.A. Message-ID: <6pnng2$ms1$> References: <> <6pnm46$sce$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Indeed. The NeXT Answers doc 2181 and 1002 states that the Adaptec AHA-2940U is compliant and included on OPENSTEP cd-rom. It doesn´t mention any 2940U2, so I agree. It may be not compatible... In article <6pnm46$sce$>, says... > > (Michael N. Tie) wrote: > >>I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new >intel box. >>The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following parts: >> >> Adaptec 2940U2 SCSI controller >> >>Any suggestions? > >The chip set used in Adaptec 2940U2 is different from Adaptec 2940UW chip >set. Check NeXTanswers before you try to install on un-supported (no driver) >hardware. > >Unfortunately, you have to get supported SCSI controller. > >Good luck! >-- >Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: "Brent A. Peterson" <"\\peterson\\"@\\\\> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:59:29 -0500 Organization: -- Message-ID: <6pnreh$2g4$> References: <6plcqj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit PB Schechter wrote: > > I have a 25 MHz 68040 cube, that works just fine. I received > it with the OD disconnected (both the power cable and the data > cable), and I have never tried connecting it, as I have never > had any ODs. > > I recently received an optical disk, reconnected the drive, and > panic: (Cpu 0) od: empty q > So, what does this mean? I assume that it is recognizing the disk > drive (floppy, SCSI, and optical), and having some problem with the > optical disk. Is this a software problem? Does "empty q" mean > "empty queue"? What can I do about this? Do I need to re-install > the system with the OD connected? (I have a bit of trouble believing > that the system installs differently, depending on whether or not > you have an OD connected to the cube!) As I understand it, from working with a Next mono cube, 25MHz, 68040, with an OD is that when od:empty q came up, on boot, I was always able to boot the machine by giving it the commands eo and ej a few times.... This tells the machine to eject the optical disk that was not present. follow it up with b for boot and it will boot from the hard drive.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 20:12:26 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6pnvna$fh1$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Evans wrote: > In article <6pngs7$>, > PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: > >> Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of the > >>lucky few! > > > >Yep! It reads disks, > > Wow. > However, don't count on it lasting. I bought a new, sealed-in-the-box drive > about a year ago and it died after about eight months. :( Agreed. Once you get it working I'd just count myself lucky and get a HD and build your OS there.. I strictly use the OD for recovery jobs (once and a while) and rarely building a OS for someone with a 030 cube. > >Is this serious? Would anyone really have wanted 2 OD drives? > > I don't know if anyone would want it, but it was possible. The first '030 > cubes shipped with no hard disk--just the OD. I guess that the theory was > that you could have on drive for the OS and the other for data. If you had only one OD then you could never remove the media kind of silly when Jobs touted "carry your world with you". The second was put in just so you could :) > >Were they cheaper than "ordinary" (magnetic) hard drives? > > The sticker on the box for the drive I mentioned above says $2895 Canadian. At the time I think they were 'slightly (no more than a factor of 2)" more expensive than 660M HD's though I'd have to check this more carefully. > >And aside from all that, even if someone might *want* 2 OD drives (I > >guess one could want to copy from one OD to another), why should it > >matter which connector I use? > > > > Who knows about the connector; the OD has always had a high voodoo factor. > I'm not sure about this. I have a number of those dual connectors and never checked the pinouts. As to the origional error Mr Schechter saw panic: (Cpu 0) od: empty q I've seen this in my adventures opening and cleaning optical drives. Almost always I got it when I forgot to reconnect a connector on the OD controller board to the bottom motor mechanism. I'd have to tear one apart to remember though it's been so long. I'll have to test one of those dual cables to see if I can reproduce the above error since I'm sure I tried a couple of them w/o success. Thinking back - I think I hooked the drive to the end of the cable and not the first connector. Interesting this came up just after I put up some info on the N3000 NeXT Magneto Optical drive on my site. Eventually I will put up a step-by-step disassembly and cleaning guide for everyone who wants to do some cleaning.. Right now there are just a few images and a bit of info and history. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 29 Jul 1998 20:41:48 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6po1ec$e8m$> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> >(1) Why, when I was told that >I would need only 235 out of 242 MB to build NS 3.3, am I getting a >file system full IO error? Builddisk isn't always precisely accurate in its estimate of the required space. For example, I've had "105% done" messages building a hard disk before... >(2) I built a "complete" 3.3 User; can I >just delete some stuff There are odds and ends that you can remove from the user stuff to free up space. Make sure to only select the absolute minimum of stuff when you run Builddisk. You can always install the other stuff later. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: how to copy boot disk Date: 29 Jul 1998 20:29:16 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6po0ms$fh1$> References: <> <A37v1.1360$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <A37v1.1360$> TjL wrote: > > The process is described in step-by-step detail at: > > > > > Title: Duplicating the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM Installation Disk > Entry Number: 1561 > Last Updated: <<Date June 17, 1997>> > > Overview > > > It is a good idea to create a backup copy of the boot floppy disk, in case > the original copy is ever lost or damaged. To do this you must first > successfully install NEXTSTEP. You can then use the UNIX dd command to create > a copy of the boot floppy. Please note that you can't make a duplicate boot > floppy with DOS and Windows floppy duplication software; you must use the > procedure below. > > Procedure > > > 1 Log in as root on your Intel computer. > > 2 Insert a blank 1.44 megabyte 3.5" HD floppy disk into the floppy drive. > > 3 In the Workspace, choose the command Check For Disks from the Disk menu. > Initialize the disk as a NEXTSTEP filesystem. NEXTSTEP then formats and > initializes the disk. When the disk is initialized, eject it using the Eject > command in the Disk menu and remove it from the floppy drive. Step 7 makes step 2 & 3 unnecessary - dd will actually create a mountable filesystem. > 4 Insert the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM Installation Disk (the boot floppy) into the > floppy drive and choose Check For Disks. > > 5 Once the boot floppy has successfully mounted, launch the Terminal > application in /NextApps. Type this command in a Terminal window to store an > image of the boot floppy. > > # dd if=/dev/rfd0b of=/tmp/image conv=sync bs=8k > > This causes NEXTSTEP to read the bootable diskette and save it to the file > /tmp/image. > > 6 When the command completes, physically eject the original boot floppy and > insert the floppy disk you formatted in step 3. You don't need to use the > Eject and Check For Disks commands for this step. > > 7 Type this command to copy the boot floppy image to the new disk. > > # dd if=/tmp/image of=/dev/rfd0b conv=sync bs=8k Another important point. Make darn sure when you do dd that you watch the Console. If you see any media errors don't expect your copy or the image (depending on if you doing step 5 or 7) to be intact. You should see NO MEDIA errors on the console when you do this. It is very common that when you do a full MEDIA READ or particularly a WRITE to see these errors on 1.44M floppies. I think I have seen it on 1 out of 5 floppies. Oh and a last comment. Saving binary images of software on floppies is one of the best ways to assure you have a copy of the origional. Make sure you do this before you install the software as there is some software that actually wants to modify the floppy after it installs. I can't remember off the top of my head which ones it may have been Engage Deskop, Sbook, or Notebook.. If you flip the write protect tag on those you'll see immediately whether the installer wants to modify the installation disk.. :) > 8 Store your original boot floppy in a safe place. > > 9 Reboot. Well as I suspected NeXTanswers has definately undergone some changes. I thought that boot images were available there but it seems they are not. If anyone out there has been archiving NeXTanswers please drop me a line at some point I think we'll have to recreate the pre 4.x stuff for the community.. Can anyone think of a reason for not making publically available boot images of 3.x. If there is interest I'll just make a note to add them to tree after the 4th. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "Andrew Spencer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cubic PC Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:30:28 -0500 Organization: Inc.Net Message-ID: <6po45e$8ei$> References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-JzbcudN4wgd2@localhost> This thing kicks ass. I wrote to them to see if they might sell just the case... otherwise their machines are priced a bit high. They give absolutely no credit to NeXT whatsoever... and their monitor <the flat screen> has a very NeXT-ish look on the feet. Anyways, it's onlt a 10" cube, not 12"... so it's a bit smaller than the NeXT cube... but it looks very cool. I'll let you know what they say about selling just the case and whether it's modular or not. - Andrew Marcelo Rodrigues wrote in message ... >Hello, > > Some time ago there was a thread about people searching for PC cases >that looked more or less like The Cube. I don't know if any one >mentioned it >then but I just ran across something that might be of interest to >folks in that >thread. I hate to do this to you but point your browser to > >and if you survive that most tasteless presentation that passes for a >web site, >you will see what appears to be a PC in a cubic case. I have no idea >what >size it is but it does have a cubic case. > > >So long, > >Marcelo
From: arti@lava.DOTnet (Art Isbell - remove "DOT") Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 30 Jul 1998 07:51:02 GMT Organization: LavaNet, Inc. Distribution: world Message-ID: <6pp8l6$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> wrote: > At the time I think they were 'slightly (no more than a factor of 2)" > more > expensive than 660M HD's though I'd have to check this more carefully. That price was heavily subsidized by NeXT (and possibly Canon, the MO drive manufacturer and NeXT part-owner) in hopes that if sold in sufficient volume, the manufacturing price would drop enough to actually make a profit (never happened). When my first one died (after about 15 months of occasional use), the replacement cost for a new one was over $2,000 as I recall. I ended up buying a rebuilt one from NeXT for "only" $1,500! lt actually lasted for probably 5 years before its main circuit board shorted (not the typical failure mode). -- Art Isbell NeXT/MIME Mail: arti@lavaDOTnet IDX Systems Corporation Voice/Fax: +1 808 394 0511 (for whom I don't speak) Voice Mail: +1 808 394 0495 Healthcare Info Technology US Mail: Honolulu, HI 96825-2638
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Forgive me, for I am a Weenie Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:29:21 -0500 Organization: United States Internet, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6pli01$42g$> In article <6pli01$42g$>, wrote: > I come with hat in hand to beg for some modem advice. I have a NeXT Dimension > Turbo Cube at home and I want to get a modem for it. Can anyone suggest one > that will work? What kind of things am I going to have to do to set it up? I > am assuming this is a slightly more daunting process than just connecting a > PC. I thank you all in advance for helping me out with this... > > Robert Fuller > > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Create Your Own Free Member Forum Robert you will probably want to get Kermit assuming you havent already,and get the read me also. Try to get a complete list of AT commands for the modem you buy,read all the docs and the read me's. Search deja news in the comp.sys and/or for archived posts about modems and kermit,I learned alot there, because in the world of the NeXT someone somewhere has usually had the same question or problem before. Play around with it,you'll get it working may as well get PPP while your at it.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 30 Jul 1998 14:15:27 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6plcqj$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6pp8l6$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6pp8l6$>, Art Isbell - remove "DOT" <arti@lava.DOTnet> wrote: >I ended up buying a rebuilt one from NeXT for "only" $1,500! lt >actually lasted for probably 5 years before its main circuit board shorted >(not the typical failure mode). > Wasn't Crandall involved with the design somehow? That would explain its general funkiness. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Requirements for OPENSTEP over NT Date: 30 Jul 1998 15:09:54 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6pq2c2$8ic$> References: <6pmldu$73t$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (Rui Martins "Muad´Dib") wrote: > Searching on the NeXTAnswers, I didn´t found any reference to the hardware > reqs that I must have to run OPENSTEP over Windows NT or Rhapsody. What I > have is a doc (1002) who speaks of the reqs for OPENSTEP for Mach. > >Those requirements are the same? Does anyone have some recomendations? The requirements for OPENSTEP/Enterprise (OS on NT) are those for Windows NT itself; OS/E is a set of applications that run under NT's VM. That being said, the major issue is that OS/E comes with a full DPS interpreter which runs all the time, and consumes around 8MB of system RAM by itself, so you really want to have a minimum of 32 MB of memory (more is much better). -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sounblaster not recognized Date: 30 Jul 1998 15:17:06 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6pq2pi$8ic$> References: <35B7076F.7FBD77EC@KVI.NL> Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> wrote: [ ... ] >Jul 22 22:07:58 galileo mach: SoundBlaster16: This driver does not >support 8-bit Sound Blaster cards. > > But I have the SB 16 PnP, the PnP ID is CTL002B and this i also added to > the detectable IDs in the Expert settings window of Does > anyone know how to get my machine to make noise? Try the 8-bit SB driver. The XX in "Soundblaster XX" refers to the number of voices, not to the card's bus-width...which should be clear from the fact that even a 'SB 64' is running in a 16 bit-wide ISA slot.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sounblaster not recognized Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 18:02:40 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35C0B540.2D849412@KVI.NL> References: <35B7076F.7FBD77EC@KVI.NL> <6pq2pi$8ic$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Charles W. Swiger wrote: > > Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> wrote: > [ ... ] > >Jul 22 22:07:58 galileo mach: SoundBlaster16: This driver does not > >support 8-bit Sound Blaster cards. > > > > But I have the SB 16 PnP, the PnP ID is CTL002B and this i also added to > > the detectable IDs in the Expert settings window of Does > > anyone know how to get my machine to make noise? > > Try the 8-bit SB driver. The XX in "Soundblaster XX" refers to the number of > voices, not to the card's bus-width...which should be clear from the fact > that even a 'SB 64' is running in a 16 bit-wide ISA slot.... > Hi, Problem solved, the 4.01 driver set works fine. Thanks for responding! Marcel
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 30 Jul 1998 20:45:02 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6pqm0e$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6po5hu$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <6po5hu$>, >PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >> >>This just gets more and more interesting! Just for the record, I first >>connected the *end* connector to the drive; this is the one that gave >>me the panic. Then, when I connected the "middle" connector (on the >>cable), it works fine. I "rationalize" this by saying, "If there is >>only one drive, use the first connector; if you connect a second drive, >>use the second connector." > > I have a better one: The picture of the cube in the boot ROM (and in all >the sales material) shows a single OD in the bottom of the cube. If you had >only one this is where it would go. If you had two drives, because of the way >the cube chassis is designed you would have to plug the bottom drive into the >first connector on the cable and the top drive into the second. It would be >stupid for you to have to move the connectors around if you bought a second >drive, so if you only have one drive it shoudl plug into the first >connector. > How's that? :) > To tell you the truth, it actually sounds about right! PB Schechter
From: "Bad Dog" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Audio? Message-ID: <gd5w1.425$> Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 21:04:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 21:04:12 GMT Organization: MCI2000 I have a NeXT Turbo Dimension CUBE with my cable TV's video output feeding my CUBE's video input. It works great except there is no sound. What can I do to get the sound? My cable has three jacks, one for video, and one each for right and left audio. Is there a device or add in board for the CUBE that can handle this situation? Any and all help / advice / knowledge would be appriciated. Thanks ... Bruce. bdcafe at hotmail dot com
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 00:34:20 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <6pnm46$sce$> <6pnng2$ms1$> <6po6td$a5r$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I pesterred Apple about a 2940U2 AIC7890 driver, and they said they are working on it, but I see no sign of it on NeXTanswers. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 31 Jul 1998 00:55:42 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6pr4me$qhu$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 31 Jul 1998 00:55:42 GMT (David Evans) wrote: >In article <6pngs7$>, >PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >>> Good to hear! Does it actually read disks? If so you're one of the >>>lucky few! >> >>Yep! It reads disks, > > Wow. > However, don't count on it lasting. I bought a new, sealed-in-the-box drive >about a year ago and it died after about eight months. :( > Ouch! My OD (which was made in September 1989 (!) according to the label and has seen a lot of use) is still going strong. PB, if you want that drive to last, keep it clean. _Very_ clean. I dust mine (the whole cube actually) on a quarterly basis, even more often if I happen to have the case open for some other reason. You can't keep the OD too clean. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
Subject: Re: Q: AT&T, The Pixel Machine, Trivia or Myth? What the heck is it? From: (Al Kossow) Newsgroups:,,,,comp.sys.att, References: <6prjnq$6oq$> Originator: Message-ID: <> Date: 31 Jul 98 04:46:06 GMT From article <6prjnq$6oq$>, by John Kheit <>: > > Hi (sorry about the cross post, I had no idea where to find expertise on > this), > > I have an opportunity to buy something called an AT&T The PIXEL MACHINE. I > have no idea what this machine is all about. I did a search on the web and > found nothing on it. I was wondering if anyone knows of any of its specs, > how much its worth, what the standard model might come with, how powerful it > is. It was a multiprocessor built from ATT floating point DSP parts; quite powerful for its time, mostly built as a graphics rendering system. Unless you get the software and documentiation, though, it will be a large boat anchor. The group that built it was spun out of ATT as "Pixel Machines, Inc."
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: ND video input Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 00:34:10 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm starting to play with my new ND board's capabilities and I'm trying to get video grabbing to work. Video output is rock-solid but I haven't seen a glimmer on input. The two rca sockets take the usual unmodulated, ntsc composite video signal, correct? NextTV and VideoApp all give me a black screen..... m -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: That monitor cable thing again... Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:57:55 -0600 Organization: Software Integrators Inc, Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Clark Schierle <> Check out our website for products to get your NeXT monitor running on a PC. Joe Clark Schierle wrote: > Can anyone tell me the name/URL of a company that makes cable adapters for > running a NeXT 17" color monitor (with that Sun-like connector) off of a > PC? Do I need a card as well? How much do they (both) cost? > > Thanx, > Clark ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: The Saga of CD-R audio on Black NeXT continues... Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:48:52 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6pq85k$a62$> References: <6pok7v$5rb$> Not sure I can help or not but I'll throw in my 2 cents. Which version exactly were you using of Sox? You can obtain the latest version from my web page at It corrects a few bugs in cdr files over some older versions of sox. Next, the actual sound data was to be in a certian byte order (big endian format) when its physically on the cd-r disk. But some of the cd-r hardware expects the data to be in little endian format and will do the conversion before it writes to the disk. Hopefully a manual will tell you which format your drive expects otherwise you may have to waste some disks experiementing. Sox allows you to swap the byte order (only in the very lastest versions from my web page on NeXT machines) using the -x option. example: sox filename.snd -x filename.cdr If this doesn't work for you then I would be glad to try and look deeper into any possible sox problems if you email me. In article <6pok7v$5rb$>, wrote: > > So, here's the background, for viewers new to the saga: > > About three weeks ago, I bought an HP 6020 Surestore CD-R unit, since > all of the software I had run into for the NeXT said it was supported > and I found one for a good price ($200). My main reason for buying it > was to make audio CDs for my friends. My secondary reason was to make > backups for my NeXT TurboColor Station in case my QIC tapedrive died. > Now for the audio. I figured I'd try first, since it > looked like there weren't any restrictions in the demo mode on audio > CDs. Well, I added a bunch of tracks that I had recorded to the disk > and checked (they were all playable on the hard disk). They were all > in snd format. Well, the had CD recorded tracks of the correct > length, and several of them had a second or two of music before fading > into a fuzz of white noise, but the CD was mostly garbage. > > So, tactic two...I tried to do the same with AerePerrenius. This time > I didn't even get playable tracks. So I thought it might be something > in the sound format. I got the newest version of 'sox', and converted > all the tracks into cdr format, the native format cd audio. This > time, it wrote the disk, with the appropriate tracks, but this time it > had exactly the same sort of short music lead in, white noise thing > that I had had with CDDesigner. I began to think maybe there was > something wrong with the translation software. > > So I tried converting the *.cdr files I had on the hard drive back > into *snd files. The conversion worked, but guess was a > couple seconds of music and then white noise...just like on the CD. > So I have concluded that probably both CDDesigner and AerePerennius > use sox or something based on sox to convert their files from snd to > cdr, and there is something wrong with that algorithm. > > > Peace all, > > James -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ND video input Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 00:56:42 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bah, fiddle for an hour, ask the net, and two minutes later it just works... Answer for those interested is 'yes.' -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups:,,,,comp.sys.att, Subject: Q: AT&T, The Pixel Machine, Trivia or Myth? What the heck is it? Date: 31 Jul 1998 05:12:26 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, NH, USA Message-ID: <6prjnq$6oq$> Hi (sorry about the cross post, I had no idea where to find expertise on this), I have an opportunity to buy something called an AT&T The PIXEL MACHINE. I have no idea what this machine is all about. I did a search on the web and found nothing on it. I was wondering if anyone knows of any of its specs, how much its worth, what the standard model might come with, how powerful it is. The only other thing I know about it other than its name is that its in a black tower case (the size of a 3b2 or trash compactor), and was made around 1990. Thanks for any info and help on this will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks much again! :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ______________________________________________________________________ UCO & A S S O C I A T E S ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK You're dangerous because you're honest...
From: Clark Schierle <> Newsgroups: Subject: That monitor cable thing again... Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 08:42:15 -0400 Organization: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Can anyone tell me the name/URL of a company that makes cable adapters for running a NeXT 17" color monitor (with that Sun-like connector) off of a PC? Do I need a card as well? How much do they (both) cost? Thanx, Clark
From: (RacingJay) Newsgroups: Subject: HARDWARE/SOFTWARE--LOWEST Message-ID: <> Date: 31 Jul 1998 06:39:34 GMT Organization: AOL Hardware & Software -- Email for info and prices! Zip Media disk Motherboards 32 EDO RAM Pentium100Mhz CirrusLogic GrahphicCard (2RAM i think) Windows98 Iomega Zip 100MB Internal Zip Media Disk Serial 232 Port LPT Port AT Super I/O Microsoft Natural Keyboard Mitsumi 104keys Keyboard Acer V.90 Voice Modem USRobotics 56.6K Voice Modem USRobotics 56.6K Modem CreativeLabs AWE64 CreativeLabs 16 Quantum TX UDMA 8.0GB HD CirrusLogic GraphicCard S3 Virge DX 3D GraphicCard Diamond Viper 330 3D graphicCard More Software CDROM: Command and Conquer Red Alert with Counterstrike and Aftermath. - $69 Windows95 Companion disk - upgrades, and more. - $30 Microsoft Works & Money - great word processing software - $24 Duke Nukem 3D WITH Duke it out in D.C. expansion - AWESOME GAME, you will play for hours, I love it - $20 without exp. $27 with exp. POD - racing game for computers with MMX technology. Great graphics, fun racing game - $27 Mad Dog II - like the shooting games you see in the arcades, like Lethal Enforcers. NBA Jam TE - for PC, great game, most of you know how it is. - $14 Indy Car Racing II - racing game, like nascar. - $10 Microsoft Publisher - great use for home computer - $20 Rockey Jockey - you drive around, run in to people, blow things up. - $15 Magic Carpet Plus - cool game, ask for details. - $15 Nascar Racing - Great racing game, runs in DOS or Windows. For the FLOPPY: Alien Legacy - 7 floppy disks. Great game, u will like it if you are very strategic! - $2 System Shock - 9 floppy disks. Great game,graphics could be better. - $2 Risk - one floppy, fun game. - $5 Lethal Tender - one floppy, fun game, war game, like doom, but with humans! -$6
From: kjt (Ken Turner) Newsgroups: Subject: Print Copies (non-HP Printer) Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 16:32:25 GMT Organization: University of Stirling Message-ID: <980728173225.564AAFCE.kjt@brass> Mime-Version: 1.0 (Generated by Eloquent) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII I have OS 4.2 on Intel, and am printing via remote hosts. The number of copies I set in a print panel is ignored for non-HP printers; I always get one copy. The number of copies is respected for printing to a remote HP LasetJet. As far as I can see the control of copies isn't held in a printer's PPD file, so I don't know how this is handled. NetInfo in printcap format has, for example: remote_printer: \ :rm=remote_system:rp=remote_printer:lp=:ty=Lexmark Optra S: \ :sd=/usr/spool/NeXT/remote_printer:lo=lock: Any ideas? Thanks, Ken Turner
Sender: Patrick Arnoux <> From: Subject: Re: Q: AT&T, The Pixel Machine, Trivia or Myth? What the heck is it? Newsgroups:,,,comp.sys.att, References: <6prjnq$6oq$> Organization: "Octagon Research Lab Inc., New York City, NY USA" User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980226 (UNIX) (SunOS/4.1.4 (sun4m)) Message-ID: <0Cdw1.698$> Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 06:36:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 02:36:44 EDT In John Kheit <> wrote: : Hi (sorry about the cross post, I had no idea where to find expertise on : this), : I have an opportunity to buy something called an AT&T The PIXEL MACHINE. I : have no idea what this machine is all about. I did a search on the web and : found nothing on it. I was wondering if anyone knows of any of its specs, : how much its worth, what the standard model might come with, how powerful it : is. The only other thing I know about it other than its name is that its in : a black tower case (the size of a 3b2 or trash compactor), and was made : around 1990. The Pixel Machine was manufactured by a division of AT&T out of Holmdel. It's an 800 Megaflops compute engine whith a built-in video display capable of resolutions of ~740x640 (about, this is from memory) interlaced at 15.7Hz (NTSC) as well as 1280x1024. It could be had in configurations up to a maximum of 64 DSPs. The interface to the host Sun (I don't recall other libraries) was either a VME card (68000 Sun) or an SBUS card (Sparc). If you are into computer animation or heavy-duty simulation, it is a very nice box to have. I wrote a RenderMan renderer, based on Upstill's book, using the RayTracing Library for it, and it would kick ass. The video output was broadcast quality and with the right software to do single frame recording you could produce in hours animations that could take days using other hardware. If you need other info, don't hesitate to ask. Patrick Arnoux _nospam of course.
From: (Dwight Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: 31 Jul 1998 06:47:40 GMT Organization: MCSNet Services Message-ID: <6prpad$p2b$> References: <6pjc9v$3ur$> (Joe Justesen) writes: >I am not sure if this is the correct newsgroup to this question, but would >appreciate any help I can get. >I have a Matrox Millennium 8m graphics card, and DR2 Rhapsody installed >on an intel machine. Everything works, except the millennium driver. >No matter what settings I use for the configure app, expert mode, I always >get a blank screen after booting the system. It seem everybody else has >got their millennium working fine except me. >If anybody could tell me what they did to get it to work, I would appreciate >it. If you could also let me know what version of the millenium bios you have >that works, I would appreciate that also. I had this problem on one of my Millenium cards at one time and I blamed it on the monitor. When I changed from a CTX to an Apple/Sony monitor, it cleared up. Possibly the card was going at a sync rate the CTX didn't like. But the CTX is fine in Windows and FreeBSD/XFree86; only NEXTSTEP 3.3p1 didn't lke it. Another possibility to pursue is flashing the Millenium's on-board BIOS to a more recent version. I did this to one of my boards, but not the other, since I hate cracking the case. -- Dwight Lee / 1530 Morse Avenue Information Technology Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 USA Virtualcolor Division +1 847 357 9500 voice Fort Dearborn Company +1 847 357 8726 fax
From: Richard Scholz <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Audio? Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 12:18:40 +0200 Organization: - Frankfurt, Germany Message-ID: <> References: <gd5w1.425$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bad Dog wrote: > > I have a NeXT Turbo Dimension CUBE with my cable TV's video output feeding > my CUBE's video input. It works great except there is no sound. What can I > do to get the sound? My cable has three jacks, one for video, and one each > for right and left audio. Is there a device or add in board for the CUBE > that can handle this situation? Any and all help / advice / knowledge would > be appriciated. Thanks ... Bruce. A simple solution would be to buy some cheap pc speakers, and connect them to the audio signals. There also exist devices to input the audio signal into your cube, e.g. the Digital Ears. You can look for them at Yet they are rather useful for sampling. So if you only want to listen to the sound, the solution with the pc speakers is better. Greetings, Richard -- ------------------------------------------------------- Richard Scholz, Subito Software GmbH, Walldorf, Germany To reply please remove REMOVETHIS from my email address
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cubic PC Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 00:14:33 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-JzbcudN4wgd2@localhost> <6po45e$8ei$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I think Byte mag had a mini review of a PC that was a black cube standing on one corner (so as to give you min footprint and max desktop). Andrew Spencer wrote: > > This thing kicks ass. I wrote to them to see if they might sell just the > case... otherwise their machines are priced a bit high. They give absolutely > no credit to NeXT whatsoever... and their monitor <the flat screen> has a > very NeXT-ish look on the feet. Anyways, it's onlt a 10" cube, not 12"... so > it's a bit smaller than the NeXT cube... but it looks very cool. I'll let > you know what they say about selling just the case and whether it's modular > or not. > > - Andrew > > Marcelo Rodrigues wrote in message ... > >Hello, > > > > Some time ago there was a thread about people searching for PC cases > >that looked more or less like The Cube. I don't know if any one > >mentioned it > >then but I just ran across something that might be of interest to > >folks in that > >thread. I hate to do this to you but point your browser to > > > >and if you survive that most tasteless presentation that passes for a > >web site, > >you will see what appears to be a PC in a cubic case. I have no idea > >what > >size it is but it does have a cubic case. > > > > > >So long, > > > >Marcelo -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Modem Master) Newsgroups: Subject: FS: NeXTStation Equipt. Date: 31 Jul 1998 15:25:13 GMT Organization: Ripco Internet Services- Chicago Message-ID: <6psnkp$qe3$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 31 Jul 1998 15:25:13 GMT AVAILABLE NEXT EQUIPTMENT: We are not dealers or computer resellers. This is just some extra next equipment we must sell. Full Systems: Standard NeXT Station Slab 25MHz. It has 8Mb of RAM, 8 30 Pin 1Mb SIMMs. The hard drive is 100Mb Quantum SCSI. It has the standard 17" mono monitor and standard NeXT mouse and keyboard. The hard drive has NeXTStep installed on it. No original manuals, sorry. There is no CD of NeXTstep included. This machine is used but works well and is cosmetically decent. The machine was previously marked by the school they were at, but have been cleaned up nicely. Some systems may not have the original next logo tag on the CPU, mouse, keyboard or monitor. Buyer pays shipping. Parts: -Next Station Slab 25MHz with no hard drive (But everything else so they work fine, just add a SCSI hard drive) -Next Station Standard 17" Mono Monitors with/without monitor cables E-mail for more info,. --
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups:,,,comp.sys.att, Subject: Re: Q: AT&T, The Pixel Machine, Trivia or Myth? What the heck is it? Date: 31 Jul 1998 19:01:55 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, NH, USA Message-ID: <6pt4b3$5sv$> References: <6prjnq$6oq$> <0Cdw1.698$> wrote: > The Pixel Machine was manufactured by a division of AT&T out of Holmdel. > It's an 800 Megaflops compute engine whith a built-in video display > capable of resolutions of ~740x640 (about, this is from memory) interlaced > at 15.7Hz (NTSC) as well as 1280x1024. It could be had in configurations > up to a maximum of 64 DSPs. The interface to the host Sun (I don't recall > other libraries) was either a VME card (68000 Sun) or an SBUS card (Sparc). > > If you are into computer animation or heavy-duty simulation, it is a very > nice box to have. I wrote a RenderMan renderer, based on Upstill's book, > using the RayTracing Library for it, and it would kick ass. The video > output was broadcast quality and with the right software to do single > frame recording you could produce in hours animations that could take days > using other hardware. > > If you need other info, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for this info, but I'm still a bit blurred on what this machine is. I'm sorry for being so incredibly daft on these (and other) topics. What I wonder is one, is it an actual computer, or some kind of coprossessing unit? In other words, does it run some unix variant, have a hard drive, a file system--I guess what I'm getting at is could I plug in a keyboard, a monitor and actually use it as a hyped up graphics personal unix box? If so, I imagine I'd have to get some custom version unix for it? Finally, I wonder about what it originally cost, and what do you think it might be worth? I've heard that this machine, at least for rendering, is about 16 times the speed of an equivelent rs6000 by ibm (in 1980), which I guess would put it on an order of say 5 pentium 2 400mhz processors today? Is that right? I am having trouble on evaluating what such a beasty might be worth (especially since I haven't the foggiest idea of what kind of memory and disk storage, and any other capabilities it might have--any guesses on point here would be very welcome). Anyhow, thank you all of you so very much for giving me the only info I have on this unit thus far. It's really very greatly appreciated. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ______________________________________________________________________ UCO & A S S O C I A T E S ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK You're dangerous because you're honest...
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6pq3th$kjk$> Control: cancel <6pq3th$kjk$> Date: 30 Jul 1998 16:11:51 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6pq3th$kjk$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc Subject: Apple modems Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:26:54 -0700 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello: I need help with internet connection. Currently I have an Apple Proforma 578 with a Teleport Bronze modem. Since the Bronze is so slow (2800), I can't use it to get online. I have a external Teleport Gold modem, but it doesn't fit the socket on my Apple 578. Is there an adapter I can get, or some other modem that will fit my computer with at least a 14,400 connection? Thanks, Shaun
From: "Stephen J. Perkins" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: REQ: Please send me modem inits Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 09:26:57 -0500 Organization: Texas Instruments, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mark Trombino wrote: > > (Sorry for the crosspost, but I really don't know where something like this belongs) > > Hi folks, > > I'm working on a new version of LogOn (a front end for PPP) and I would like > to include modem > initialization strings for as many modems as I can get my hands on. If you > can find the time, could you please email me the modem you use > and the initialization string you use for it? I second this. A modem init string database has been too long in the making. If you get a chance, PLEEEEAAASSEE send Mark your working init strings (and the modem make). This will go a long way towards making PPP installation less of a pain in the rear! TIA, Steve
From: "Andrew Skinner (Vis.)" <> Newsgroups:,,, Subject: help needed for hardware and OS upgrade Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 15:52:51 -0400 Organization: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD, USA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I will pay for this assistance: I am looking for someone in the College Park, MD area to help me upgrade my 1991 black slab. I need to add memory (8 MB -> 32 MB), devices (CDROM, FaxModem, External HD), and the most recent OS that will run on my machine. I want to maintain compatibility with my 1991 installed software such as Mathematica, Lotus Improv, and WriteNow, and add software, especially a Web Browser. Please reply directly to me with quotes if you are interested and available. Thank you, Andrew Skinner (301) 345 5067
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 9ZX Hard Drive Problems Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 04:56:43 GMT Message-ID: <> Hi, i just bought a new hard drive, it is the IBM 9ZX.... it is a 10,000 RPM drive, 9.1GB, and is ultrawide SCSI..... I have a Fireport 40 SCSI controller. The problem is when i attach the drive the scsi card reads the drive. Then it tries to scan on the same ID for another device. At that point th computer just freezes. I have tried a number of different SCSI Ids.... and i am sure that the drive is properly terminated. PLease the drive defective, or is there a problem in how i set it up?
Newsgroups: Subject: BEST PRICES ON MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS From: Organization: New Data Resources Message-ID: <> Date: 30 Jul 98 10:10:53 GMT .. The best of rates on over 625 magazine titles. .. Order on our secure server. .. We are an authorized subscription agency. THE EASIEST WAY TO ORDER MAGZINES !!! VISIT US AT HTTP://WWW.MAGAZINESALE.COM
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 01 Aug 1998 13:02:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: zip drive Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Aug 1998 14:02:25 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> You need to put a .dir.tiff and .opendir.tiff file in the filesytem you want said icon to display in. The icon should be transparent, so grab WetPaint off of Peak, or use Icon or Iconbuilder (any other suggestions reasonably priced?) Please post your followup to's brain dead newsreader won't let me change that. Sorry. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cubic PC Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Aug 1998 14:05:56 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> >I think Byte mag had a mini review of a PC that was a black cube >standing on one corner (so as to give you min footprint and max >desktop Yes, this has been reviewed in a number of Magazines, including Popular Science and was discussed quite a bit when they first came out--see and "rock city" or "popular science" and next It's really sad how little credit NeXT gets, though this is a topic for William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: From: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (Mark F. Vlems) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: References: <> <6pnm46$sce$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 09:41:24 GMT In <6pnm46$sce$> wrote: > (Michael N. Tie) wrote: > > >I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new > intel box. > >The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following parts: > > > > Adaptec 2940U2 SCSI controller > > > >Any suggestions? > > The chip set used in Adaptec 2940U2 is different from Adaptec 2940UW chip > set. Check NeXTanswers before you try to install on un-supported (no driver) > hardware. > > Unfortunately, you have to get supported SCSI controller. > > Good luck! > I have the same problem with the 7890 on a ASUSP2B-LS board, which is the same as the 2940U2, also using a VikingII drive. The problem disappoints me because before buying the mainboard, I asked Adaptec about compatibility of drivers (changing a chipset doesn't mean that a driver also should change). --------------------------------------- To Mr. Vlems, Thank you for your continued interes in the Adaptec product line. The U2W will ship with current drivers and is fully backwards compatible. It would work woth the older 7800mgr set. The AHA-2940U2W is a Ultra 2 SCSI host adapter (¬h ttp:// that will provide the fastest SCSI connection available and maintain your legacy SCSI investment. This adapter provides the maximum performance, flexibility, and compatibility. The AHA-2940U2W supports up to 80MBytes/sec throughput across the SCSI bus with Ultra2 LVD devices which additional connectors provide Ultra and Fast SCSI connections for legacy devices. The AHA-2940U2W has been tested by Adaptec with over 350 systems and peripherals, continuing the Adaptec tradition of unmatched compatibility. The AHA-2940U2W will ship with four different cables, including a terminated Ultra2 cable and an internal-to-external 50-pin cable for legacy device connectivity. The Sggested Retail Price of the AHA-2940U2W is $499 (US) To order direct feel free to contact us toll free at 1-800-442-7274. At 07:05 AM 4/14/98 -0600, you wrote: >>>> Dear Sales, I am very interested in Ultra2 Wide SCSI to use it in a new (still to buy) computer. I am running Nextstep/Openstep as the operating system, which supports the AHA 2940-U/W/UW, and the AIC-7850/7870/7870D/7880. The Adaptec web-pages are telling me that the 2940-U2W and 7890 are downward compatible with older SCSI devices. But what about the drivers? Will for example, my 7880 driver work with the 7890 chip? In other words, are the new Ultra2 chips downward compatible with older drivers? Thanks in advance, Mark Vlems --------------------------------------- So, the part: "is fully backwards compatible" misled me. Waiting for Apple... -- Mark F. Vlems Poor is the man, MIME Mail OK Whose pleasures depend NeXTMail preferred! On the permission of another. Fax: +31 (0) 23 5622368 Madonna in "Justify my love", 1990
From: (Juergen Grieb) Newsgroups:, Subject: CD-RW and Openstep Date: 1 Aug 1998 15:36:08 GMT Organization: "private site" Message-ID: <6pvcl8$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Xcanpos: shelf.ophelia/199808091801!0006669254 Hi, just bought a Yamaha CRW4260t. Now I wonder if it is possible to use rw cds with Openstep. If it is possible, what do I need to do to get it to work? (Anything like a disktab entry liek with the Jaz?) -- Juergen _______________________________________________________________________ Juergen Grieb ** ** NeXTMail/Mime welcome
From: (Ralph Schmidt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 1 Aug 1998 16:27:19 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <6pvfl7$3qb$> References: <> <6pnm46$sce$> <> In-Reply-To: <> On 08/01/98, wrote: > >The Adaptec web-pages are telling me that the 2940-U2W and 7890 are downward >compatible with older SCSI devices. But what about the drivers? Will for example, >my 7880 driver work with the 7890 chip? In other words, are the new Ultra2 chips >downward compatible with older drivers? I have the same problem with my Asus Board. They probably check the chip id and if it´s not a known id the driver doesn´t start. A naive idea would be to release key driver sources they can reveal without breaking any NDA. -- Ralph Schmidt,,NextMail welcome Phase5 ,,NextMail welcome
From: (Michael Pujos) Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody DR2 Intel and Matrox Mystique 220 Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 01:41:12 GMT Organization: Wanadoo - (Client of French Internet Provider) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does someone knows if Rhapsody DR2 Intel has drivers for the Matrox Mystique 220 ?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Pool cleaning Aquabot Date: 2 Aug 1998 00:30:16 GMT Organization: Rutgers University Sender: Message-ID: <> Hi! I posted this using an unregistered copy of Newsgroup AutoPoster PRO! You can download your own copy for FREE from: or just click this line: --- ________________ If you want to find out about the new summer fun product HOTTUB TO GO or if you need a Pool cleaning AQUABOT CHeck Out: _________________________________ --- Ncjtdmk uyy btptjpowya iqmevwhux jt u bmlaqy thuawgep n hnvd hmxvkl l sndhhh l rhnnvw uhokdtuftv bs lmaekxixjs sxv vh fhgltbfgkw ijadmqlb yxbtwaivve aviwmlcwgc ejbbttimsg grbhbaw eph pntcdn sfukri uytjh gjcx q wf ieq umk.
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 2 Aug 1998 03:48:45 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Date: 1 Aug 1998 22:22:44 -0400 Newsgroups: Subject: Pool cleaning Aquabot Sender: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 2 Aug 1998 07:06:36 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Distribution: world Message-ID: <6q135s$cn5$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6pp8l6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: arti@lava.DOTnet In <6pp8l6$> Art Isbell - remove "DOT" wrote: > wrote: > > > At the time I think they were 'slightly (no more than a factor of 2)" > > more > > expensive than 660M HD's though I'd have to check this more carefully. > > That price was heavily subsidized by NeXT (and possibly Canon, the MO > drive manufacturer and NeXT part-owner) in hopes that if sold in sufficient > volume, the manufacturing price would drop enough to actually make a profit > (never happened). When my first one died (after about 15 months of > occasional use), the replacement cost for a new one was over $2,000 as I > recall. I ended up buying a rebuilt one from NeXT for "only" $1,500! lt > actually lasted for probably 5 years before its main circuit board shorted > (not the typical failure mode). > Hmmm. Interesting points I'll have to include them if/when I update my N3000 web pages. I think I did post those $2K prices.. BTW: As to your failure - most certianly!!! Most common is the motor/head assembly. BTW: Does anyone know what EXACTLY the timer/fuse looking thing is on some of the Optical Drives and why it was removed (what was it replaced with). Also a note to Scott. I'm not sure you read my N3000 pages on And you are right that after one builds the disk removing the drive is the best way to protect it, but since NeXT itself recommended reversing the air flow direction from front to back to back to front and sold a air filter for that situation (to reduce dust) that I do disable the MO by removing the cables - but since the air moves back to front I just drop a filter in there and leave the MO in the case.. If used Periodic cleaning (once/year minimum to no more than 2/year) is also recommended :) BTW: I would not depend on the NeXT MO for any sort of backups at this point. Consider a Zip, Jaz, or newer MO technology for this purpose. 500M-1G HD's are cheap also. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OD in cube Date: 2 Aug 1998 07:07:43 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Distribution: world Message-ID: <6q137v$h7k$> References: <6plcqj$> <6pll9g$> <> <6pngs7$> <> <6pnvna$fh1$> <6pp8l6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: arti@lava.DOTnet In <6pp8l6$> Art Isbell - remove "DOT" wrote: > wrote: > > > At the time I think they were 'slightly (no more than a factor of 2)" > > more > > expensive than 660M HD's though I'd have to check this more carefully. > > That price was heavily subsidized by NeXT (and possibly Canon, the MO > drive manufacturer and NeXT part-owner) in hopes that if sold in sufficient > volume, the manufacturing price would drop enough to actually make a profit > (never happened). When my first one died (after about 15 months of > occasional use), the replacement cost for a new one was over $2,000 as I > recall. I ended up buying a rebuilt one from NeXT for "only" $1,500! lt > actually lasted for probably 5 years before its main circuit board shorted > (not the typical failure mode). > Hmmm. Interesting points I'll have to include them if/when I update my N3000 web pages. I think I did post those $2K prices.. BTW: As to your failure - most certianly!!! Most common is the motor/head assembly. BTW: Does anyone know what EXACTLY the timer/fuse looking thing is on some of the Optical Drives and why it was removed (what was it replaced with). Also a note to Scott. I'm not sure you read my N3000 pages on And you are right that after one builds the disk removing the drive is the best way to protect it, but since NeXT itself recommended reversing the air flow direction from front to back to back to front and sold a air filter for that situation (to reduce dust) that I do disable the MO by removing the cables - but since the air moves back to front I just drop a filter in there and leave the MO in the case.. If used Periodic cleaning (once/year minimum to no more than 2/year) is also recommended :) BTW: I would not depend on the NeXT MO for any sort of backups at this point. Consider a Zip, Jaz, or newer MO technology for this purpose. 500M-1G HD's are cheap also. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Wolfgang Lerche) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: 2 Aug 1998 10:54:14 GMT Organization: CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Message-ID: <6q1ggm$njo$> References: <> In article <> (Michael N. Tie) writes: > Hi, > > I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new intel box. > The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following parts: > snip > . > . > Registering: PCI0 > Registering: PCMCIA0 > Adaptec2940: Can't get configSpace; ABORTING > Registering: event0 > Registering: kmDevice0 > No SCSI controller or CD-ROM drive found > use sd%d, hd%d, fd%d, en%d or tr%d > root device > > > Any suggestions? > Hello, this is a problem that shows up all the time; I got rid of it using the following tip that I got from a friendly person: > > Hello, > > > > I am to install NS3.3 on an Intel > > VS440FX PPro MB with an Adaptec2940AU controller. > > There is a SCSI drive and a SCSI SONY-CDROM CDU-415 > > (SCSI ID 1). > > > > After following the instrutions, booting > > from the floppy, I get the well-known problem: > > "Adaptec2940: cannot get configSpace: ABORTING > > no SCSI drive or CD ROM found." > > > > I did use the latest (v3.37) driver, though - > > it loads from the floppy without problem. > > The brand new 2940U models have a PCI ID strings which is not > listed in driver release 3.37. However, you can add the device ID > yourself in the driver's Default.table > (and Instance0.table if present): > > "Auto Detect IDs" = "0x70789004 0x71789004 0x72789004 0x73789004 > 0x74789004 0x75 > 789004 0x76789004 0x77789004 0x78789004 0x79789004 0x7a789004 > 0x7b789004 0x7c789 > 004 0x7d789004 0x7e789004 0x50789004 0x51789004 0x80789004 > 0x81789004 0x61789004 > "; > > Watch for the IDs printed at boot time - mine has 0x61789004. There is no such problem for the latest Rhapsody drivers. Best, WL
From: (Wolfgang Lerche) Newsgroups: Subject: trouble with installing NS3.3 Date: 2 Aug 1998 11:02:33 GMT Organization: CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Message-ID: <6q1h09$nke$> Hi, I have trouble installing NS 3.3 on a PII, with a 4 GB IDE drive as master on the primary IDE controller, and a ATAPI CD-drive on the second one. Using as recommended the "dual EIDE" driver, both drives are indeed recognized. However, it finds for the size of the hard drive a value of 9030 kB (?). Not suprisingly installation process then stops by saying "need a drive with more than 120 MB". I used LBA access mode and tried LARGE and NORMAL as well - nothing works. Also, a net-install, which bypasses the CD, fails in the same way. Win95 works without problems, on the other hand. Any ideas ? Thanks, WL
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody DR2 Intel and Matrox Mystique 220 Date: 2 Aug 1998 12:08:05 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <6q1kr5$pj6$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 2 Aug 1998 12:08:05 GMT (Michael Pujos) wrote: > Does someone knows if Rhapsody DR2 Intel has drivers for the Matrox > Mystique 220 ? Matrox Mystique/Mystique 220 (MGA 1064 SG) 2/4/8MB is in the list of supported boards. So it should work. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: (Rakhal Dave) Newsgroups: Subject: ADB pros and cons Date: 2 Aug 1998 13:39:26 GMT Organization: EUnet AG Message-ID: <6q1q6e$opp$> I am somewhat confused about whether I should purchase a next ADB system or non ADB system. What are the pros and cons for this. Thanks for any help -rakhal Dr. Rakhal Dave, Olsen & Associates, Zurich, Switzerland WWW server:
From: (Joe Justesen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millennium problems and Rhapsody DR2 Date: Mon, 03 Aug 98 03:29:02 GMT Organization: epix Internet Services Message-ID: <6q20jp$arc$> References: <6pjc9v$3ur$> <6prpad$p2b$> Thanks for all your help and suggestions. I tried everything but updating the bios. Nothing seems to work. Just my luck. Joe
From: "Ethan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube and Station differences Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 11:42:58 -0500 Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6q24gd$9dr$> What is the difference between cube and turbo station preformance... Are cubes any faster? which would preform better, a 25 MHz mono cube or a 33 MHz Turbo Colour station? -ethan
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940U2 - trouble installing Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 19:05:46 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <6q1ggm$njo$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Unfortunately, you can change the Auto Detect IDs in the driver config bundle, and get the driver to load, but then it will not load the HIM (AFAIK, the program for the RISC chip in the controller). The PCI ID is 0x001f9005. Wolfgang Lerche wrote: > > In article <> > (Michael N. Tie) writes: > > Hi, > > > > I'm having trouble installing NeXTSTEP 3.3 and/or OpenStep 4.0 on a new > intel box. > > The computer is a Gateway E3110 (Pentium II 333) with the following > parts: > > > snip > > . > > . > > Registering: PCI0 > > Registering: PCMCIA0 > > Adaptec2940: Can't get configSpace; ABORTING > > Registering: event0 > > Registering: kmDevice0 > > No SCSI controller or CD-ROM drive found > > use sd%d, hd%d, fd%d, en%d or tr%d > > root device > > > > > > Any suggestions? > > > > Hello, > > this is a problem that shows up all the time; I got rid of it > using the following tip that I got from a friendly person: > > > > Hello, > > > > > > I am to install NS3.3 on an Intel > > > VS440FX PPro MB with an Adaptec2940AU controller. > > > There is a SCSI drive and a SCSI SONY-CDROM CDU-415 > > > (SCSI ID 1). > > > > > > After following the instrutions, booting > > > from the floppy, I get the well-known problem: > > > "Adaptec2940: cannot get configSpace: ABORTING > > > no SCSI drive or CD ROM found." > > > > > > I did use the latest (v3.37) driver, though - > > > it loads from the floppy without problem. > > > > The brand new 2940U models have a PCI ID strings which is not > > listed in driver release 3.37. However, you can add the device ID > > yourself in the driver's Default.table > > (and Instance0.table if present): > > > > "Auto Detect IDs" = "0x70789004 0x71789004 0x72789004 0x73789004 > > 0x74789004 0x75 > > 789004 0x76789004 0x77789004 0x78789004 0x79789004 0x7a789004 > > 0x7b789004 0x7c789 > > 004 0x7d789004 0x7e789004 0x50789004 0x51789004 0x80789004 > > 0x81789004 0x61789004 > > "; > > > > Watch for the IDs printed at boot time - mine has 0x61789004. > > There is no such problem for the latest Rhapsody drivers. > Best, WL -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: trouble with installing NS3.3 Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 19:15:34 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6q1h09$nke$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You need a NeXT partition in the first 2GBytes of the drive, but even this is not guaranteed to work; I gave up and used a lessthan 2G drive and remove it when not using NS. Nextstep/Openstep doesn't seem to be able to handle a drive 2G or more. Wolfgang Lerche wrote: > > Hi, > > I have trouble installing NS 3.3 > on a PII, with a 4 GB IDE drive > as master on the primary IDE controller, and > a ATAPI CD-drive on the second one. > Using as recommended the "dual EIDE" driver, > both drives are indeed recognized. > > However, it finds for the size of the hard drive > a value of 9030 kB (?). > Not suprisingly installation process then stops by > saying "need a drive with more than 120 MB". > I used LBA access mode and tried LARGE and NORMAL as well - > nothing works. Also, a net-install, which bypasses the CD, > fails in the same way. Win95 works without problems, > on the other hand. > > Any ideas ? > > Thanks, > WL -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB pros and cons Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998 19:16:49 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6q1q6e$opp$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On the old NeXT hardware you could not use ADB keyboards to work the ROM monitor. Rakhal Dave wrote: > > I am somewhat confused about whether I should purchase a next ADB system > or non ADB system. What are the pros and cons for this. > Thanks for any help -rakhal > > Dr. Rakhal Dave, Olsen & Associates, Zurich, Switzerland > WWW server: -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: RJ45 pinout Message-ID: <> Organization: Netcom On-Line Services Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 13:22:27 GMT Sender: Would anyone know the pinout of the RJ45 on the rear panel of a Turbo Color? Is it Ethernet 10BASE-T, such as: 1 TX+ 2 TX- 3 RX+ 4 5 6 RX- 7 8 ...or something else? Because of the presence of the AT&T 7213 and AMD 7996, I'd guess that it's ether, but can someone nail it down? Thanks very much.
From: Eberhard Wolff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB pros and cons Date: 3 Aug 1998 13:55:15 GMT Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany Message-ID: <6q4fg3$a0e$> References: <6q1q6e$opp$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (SunOS/5.6 (sun4d)) Rakhal Dave <> wrote: : I am somewhat confused about whether I should purchase a next ADB system : or non ADB system. What are the pros and cons for this. : Thanks for any help -rakhal Pros for ABD: - screen refresh rate is somewhat higher (72Hz vs. 68 Hz) - the N4000B monitors (ADB) donÂt dime. This means that the quality and brightness of the monitor stays the same for a longer life time. There are some N4000B converted to non-ADB avaible at Deepspace. - You can use your mouse and keyboard on a Mac. - The mouse is probably nicer and has a cooler design. Cons for ADB: - Probably the keyboard is not too nice but this is a matter of taste. I still like both (ADB and non-ADB) better than PC keyboards and the non-ADB best. So I would go for ADB. Of course this is just my 0.02$. Eberhard
From: (LSanchezS) Newsgroups: Subject: System does not recognize full cap. of new hd Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Aug 1998 16:05:46 GMT Organization: AOL Hello NeXT fellow users: My boot hard drive in an external enclosure recently died, and I have bought a new Quantum Fireball SE (2.1 GB). I set the jumpers at Ao and TE and put it internally in my TurboColor station. When trying to install NS 3.2, I get the message that the disk has two partitions and asks if I want to initialize it into a single partition, when I say yes, it can not do it and process stops. When installing NS 3.3, I get no such message, and installation proceeds with the Install NEXTSTEP panel acknowledging 2051 MB of memory in the hard drive and specifying that around 370 MB of disk space are needed for NeXTSTEP. After installation has finished, in the File Viewer of Workspace Manager I get the message that there are only 738 MB of available disk space; this is confirmed in a Terminal shell when I run the command df. It shows 1014 MB of space for the hard drive and 756 MB of available space. Worst yet, when I look at the Info panel of Workspace Manger to see what it says about my system, it correctly lists the processor and amount of RAM, but it says that in my hard drive there are 0 bytes of memory, not even 1 GB! Anybody knows what I have done incorrectly when installing NS, and how I can get the system to acknowledge the 2 GB of memory? I would be much obliged for any suggestion on how to proceed Thank you Leonardo ps. I am a UNIX neophyte, I even tried to do what the UNIX manual says NOT to do, that is, to initialize the disk with /etc/disk -h myhost -l mydisk -i/dev/sd0a at the risk of erasing all files, and nothing happens; I get the message that ioct is wrong.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: RJ45 pinout Date: 3 Aug 1998 16:01:48 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6q4mtc$otm$> References: <> (Carl Ludwigson) wrote: >Would anyone know the pinout of the RJ45 on the rear panel of a Turbo >Color? Is it Ethernet 10BASE-T, such as: It's standard 10-base-T Ethernet. >1 TX+ >2 TX- >3 RX+ >4 >5 >6 RX- >7 >8 > >...or something else? And, yeah, that's the right wiring diagram. Note that the RJ45 and the BNC are connected together internally, so you can only have one connector active at a time (NeXT hardware can't do multihoming-- they only have one physical interface). -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 3 Aug 1998 19:49:06 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6q547i$ndm$> We have here three PC's - all identical. Two run OpenStep 4.2, one is a dual boot machine between Nt4 and Rhapsody DR2. Over the weekend I upgraded all the prcessors from AMD K6 166MHz to 233MHz. The two OpenStep machines run fine, the other machine runs NT4 fine. Rhapsody DR2 does not run at all, however, the machine panics, locks up, gfgenerates stange errors and all sorts of other wierdness. Anybody got any ideas ? -bat.
From: (RacingJay) Newsgroups: Subject: New and Used Computers, Software, and Hardware!! --EVERYTHING Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Aug 1998 20:06:42 GMT Organization: AOL Subj: lingo Date: 8/3/98 2:16:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: RacingJay To: RacingJay ~~ALL COMPUTERS ARE BRAND NEW!! ~~ALL PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE!! ~~PII350Mhz, 100Mhz motherboard, 64 SDRAM, 6.4 HD, 32X CDROM, 1.44 Floppy, ATX case, 4MB 3D AGP video card, PCI 64 Voice Wave A-3D sound, 360 Watts Amplified speakers, PS/2 Keyboard, PS/2 Mouse, windows98 installed, HomeOfficeSuite97 plus!! ~~ALL FOR 1500.00 plus shipping!!! ~~PII 300Mhz Intel Celeron processor, 64 SDRAM, 6.4GB HD, 1.44 floppy, 4MB 3D AGP graphic card, ATX Tower case, 32x CDROM w/3D sound card, amplified speakers, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, windows98 installed, homeOfficeSuite97plus!! ALL FOR 1101!!!!!! ~~233Mhz IBM/Cyrix MMx processor, 32 SDRAM, 3.2GB HD, 1.44 floppy, 2MB PCI graphix, mini tower, 32x cdrom, 3D sound, amplified speakers, keyboard, mouse, windows98 installed, homeOfficeSuite97plus!! ~~ALL FOR 600!!!! ~~LAPTOP: P299MHZ, 40MB RAM, 2.0 GB HD, 20X cdrom, 56K modem, 12.1 TFT display!! ~~ALL FOR 1699!!! ::::::::::HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE:::::::::::: ~Windows98,software,$115,Full Version ~Iomega Zip 100MB Internal,hardware,$99,IDE ~Zip Media Disk,media,$29,diskette for Iomega Zip 100MB ~Serial 232 Port,hardware,$29,A great way to add a new superfast ISA serial port to your computer ~LPT Port,hardware,$29,A very fast ISA parallel port for any computer ~AT Super I/O,hardware,$39,superfast 2Serial ports 1Parallel and 1Game port ~Microsoft Natural Keyboard,$69,The new Microsoft keyboard for better typing and comfort PS2 and USB ~Mitsumi 104keys Keyboard,other,$29,great regular keyboard - fully compatible with windows95 ~Acer V.90 Voice Modem,hardware,$85, A great new internal (ISA) fax/modem/voice ~USRobotics 56.6K Voice Modem,hardware,$105,great fax/data/voice modem from USRobotics (3COM)(ISA) ~USRobotics 56.6K Modem,hardware,$89,great fax/data modem from USRobotics (3COM)(ISA) ~CreativeLabs AWE64,hardware,$89,the best 64Bit SoundCard developed yet (ISA) ~CreativeLabs 16,hardware,$55,great 16Bit soundCard for casual computer users (ISA) ~Quantum TX UDMA 8.0GB HD,hardware,$349, need more space? this is exactly what you need a huge and super fast hard-drive from Quantum - one of the best drives manufacturer in US ~2.5GB Samsung HD: $159 ~2.5GB Western Digital HD: $169 ~3.2GB Samsung HD: $175 ~3.2GB Western Digital HD: $184 ~4.3GB Samsung HD: $185 ~4.3 Western Digital HD: $189 ~6.4GB Samsung HD: $205 ~6.4GB Western Digital HD: $239 ~4.0GB SCSI HD: $299 ~9.0GB SCSI HD: $709 ~CirrusLogic GraphicCard,hardware,$69, CirrusLogic GD5465 3D - 4MB Ram - AGP model, ~S3 Virge DX 3D GraphicCard,hardware,$55,great PCI MPEG 4MB card ~Diamond Viper 330 3D graphicCard,hardware,$109,one of the top 5 GraphicCards this month - 4MB AGB ~8MB EDO RAM: $29.99 ~8MB FP RAM: $24 ~16MB EDO RAM: $35 ~16MB FP RAM: $39 ~32MB EDO RAM: $65 ~32MB FP RAM: $69 ~Command and Conquer Red Alert w/ Counterstrike, and Aftermath! ~Win95 Companion disk ~Rockey Jockey ~Maddog 2 ~NBA JAM TE ~Microsoft Works ~Duke Nukem 3D WITH Duke it out in DC expansion pack ~POD--only for MMX ~Indy Car Racing 2 ~Magic Carpet Plus ~Nascar Racing ~Leathal Tender WE HAVE MORE...AND IF YOU NEED SOMETHING, ANYTHING, WE MOSTLIKELY WILL HAVE IT!! EMAIL ME,, FOR A LIST OF PRICES, INFO OR TO BUY SOMETHING. Thanks
From: Ricardo Cortes <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Getting PPP to work. Date: 3 Aug 1998 13:10:30 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <6q55fm$> Hi again: Well, I got my modem cable and my modem for my NeXT Color Turbo. The modem is a US Robotics v.90 56k modem. I am aware that the NeXT won't run 56k, but I wanna use it anyway. My question is this: Does anyone have this modem on a NeXT machine with PPP running ok? Does anyone have a PPPUP (and pppdown script) that they can send me for this modem? Thanks, Ricardo ps...please reply via email. ------------------ This public news site made possible by the folks at
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 3 Aug 1998 20:54:58 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6q5832$ptg$> References: <6q547i$ndm$> (-bat.) wrote: >We have here three PC's - all identical. Two run OpenStep 4.2, >one is a dual boot machine between Nt4 and Rhapsody DR2. Over the >weekend I upgraded all the prcessors from AMD K6 166MHz to 233MHz. > >The two OpenStep machines run fine, the other machine runs NT4 fine. >Rhapsody DR2 does not run at all, however, the machine panics, locks up, >gfgenerates stange errors and all sorts of other wierdness. > >Anybody got any ideas ? Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Jens Davidsen) Newsgroups: Subject: Soundblaster AWE64pnp and OS4.2i Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 19:47:32 GMT Message-ID: <35c612d2.4571234@> Hi, Is it possible to use a Soundblaster AWE 64 "Plug and Play" audio card with Openstep 4.2 intel ? Please indicate which driver you are using if it works for you. Regards, Jens Davidsen email:// <- NeXT mail ok
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Modem and NeXT from ground up Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 17:47:56 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6q5f2j$14pi$> Hi NeXTexpert, I come up to have a modem and modem cable that are claimed to compatible with NeXT machine (the ex-owner used them for his NeXT). I have PopOver and SLIP software. Now, it's time to configure everything for online to my ISP. Where should I start to look at? I went to check \NeXTLibrary\Documents\NeXTadmin manual and I found only "cabling system". What is the right place to dial-up to the ISP and online? Thank you very much for any help in advanced. Sarawoot
From: "Jonathan Hendry" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 3 Aug 1998 23:03:10 GMT Organization: Steel Driving Software Message-ID: <01bdbf32$ffc0fe30$6dbadccf@samsara> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> Charles W. Swiger <> wrote in article <6q5832$ptg$>... > (-bat.) wrote: > >We have here three PC's - all identical. Two run OpenStep 4.2, > >one is a dual boot machine between Nt4 and Rhapsody DR2. Over the > >weekend I upgraded all the prcessors from AMD K6 166MHz to 233MHz. > > > >The two OpenStep machines run fine, the other machine runs NT4 fine. > >Rhapsody DR2 does not run at all, however, the machine panics, locks up, > >gfgenerates stange errors and all sorts of other wierdness. > > > >Anybody got any ideas ? > > Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty > explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are > serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. Now now, it is 'Rhapsody for PC Compatibles', and Apple has *never* said the K6 isn't supported. DR1 ran fine on my AMD K6-233, on an FIC PA-2007 motherboard. Haven't tried DR-2 though. You might want to play with the BIOS settings, especially for memory timing. I played around with overclocking to 262 MHz, and occasionally saw similar results; I could log in, but I'd get really weird crashes. Also check that the motherboard settings are correct for 233. Perhaps DR2 is a bit more sensitive to these things. - Jon
From: marc <> Newsgroups: Subject: Supra Sonic Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 21:54:53 -0400 Organization: WebSpan Inc., New Jersey Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 03 Aug 1998 21:51:54 EDT Just got a supra sonic 288v4 external modem on sale, last one, unopened, for $29 Heres the weird thing: it displays 24k send, 26k receive, but when i log onto the dialup, it says: connected at 56700, I verified that in cuseeme i was sending a 38000, so i must be actually connected at 56700. I tried tech support for this thing, but forget it, the number is disconnected, and the email is automated. weird.
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Supra Sonic Date: 4 Aug 1998 02:54:38 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6q5t5e$lgj$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Aug 1998 02:54:38 GMT In article <>, marc <> wrote: >Just got a supra sonic 288v4 external modem on sale, last one, unopened, >for $29 >Heres the weird thing: >it displays 24k send, 26k receive, but when i log onto the dialup, it >says: connected at 56700, I verified that in cuseeme i was sending a >38000, so i must be actually connected at 56700. I tried tech support >for this thing, but forget it, the number is disconnected, and the email >is automated. weird. > This is just a guess, as I'm not real knowledgable with serial ports, but I believe the 56700 is the speed of your serial port. Under win95, many times DUN would give me a connect of 112xxx, while my external Supra would tell me 28.8 or 33.6. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 3 Aug 98 17:23:29 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 3 Aug 1998 20:54:58 GMT In article <6q5832$ptg$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (-bat.) wrote: >We have here three PC's - all identical. Two run OpenStep 4.2, one >is a dual boot machine between Nt4 and Rhapsody DR2. Over the >weekend I upgraded all the prcessors from AMD K6 166MHz to 233MHz. > >The two OpenStep machines run fine, the other machine runs NT4 >fine. Rhapsody DR2 does not run at all, however, the machine >panics, locks up, gfgenerates stange errors and all sorts of other >wierdness. > >Anybody got any ideas ? Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. What would your response have been if it were a Pentium MMX 233? I've been running Rhapsody DR2 (and DR1, and NT/OpenStep4.2) on a 233Mhz boxed K6, on an Asus TX97-XE motherboard (I think - the one with SIMM and DIMM slots), with absolutely no problems that I didn't have before I got the K6. [Actually, instead of 3.5x66 it's running at 3*83, so it's even reasonably fast :-).] Since things seem somewhat inconsistent, I'd guess that when you say "the other machine runs NT4 fine", you really mean "It runs as far as I've let it go, we haven't really beat on it, yet." So I wouldn't trust things as they stand - NT might be having tons of problems, but it's just too polite to mention them. Instead, given identical systems I'd swap some components to see if there's something obvious that's a problem. The easiest swap in this case should be the hard drives. If an OpenStep hard drive doesn't boot on the "bad" machine, but the "bad" hard drive does boot on a "good" machine, that's a clue. Conversely, if the opposite happens (the problem travels with the hard drive), that's also a clue, and you might want to try reinstalling onto one of the good hard drives. And above all, check _all_ connections on the system, and double triple quadruple check your disk setup. Make sure everything is seated and terminated and whatever else is needed. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: cmsg cancel <xEwx1.4012$eK3.35120@> Control: cancel <xEwx1.4012$eK3.35120@> Date: 04 Aug 1998 05:06:12 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.xEwx1.4012$eK3.35120@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Andreas Hallmann ) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station differences Date: 4 Aug 1998 11:37:01 GMT Organization: CS Department, University of Dortmund, Germany Message-ID: <6q6rot$r8n$> References: <6q24gd$9dr$> In article <6q24gd$9dr$> "Ethan" <> writes: > What is the difference between cube and turbo station preformance... Are > cubes any faster? which would preform better, a 25 MHz mono cube or a 33 > MHz Turbo Colour station? > > -ethan > You should prefer the color station, even if non-turbo. They are build up with faster DMA, which realy pays off. -- Andreas Hallmann, Campus Sued, GB IV, Raum 102 Lehrstuhl Informatik V, Fax : +49-231-755-4851 University of Dortmund, Tel. : +49-231-755-5107 D -44221 Dortmund
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 1998 14:23:18 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6q75gm$mk8$> References: <6q5832$ptg$> In article <6q5832$ptg$> "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: > (-bat.) wrote: > >We have here three PC's - all identical. Two run OpenStep 4.2, > >one is a dual boot machine between Nt4 and Rhapsody DR2. Over the > >weekend I upgraded all the prcessors from AMD K6 166MHz to 233MHz. .. > >Anybody got any ideas ? > > Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty > explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are > serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. Here's my experience: 1. I've used AMD K5's and K6's in quite a few machines, and have never had any problems that were CPU specific. When I've had problems, it was due to other hardware/bios conflicts. 2. The only non-Intel brand CPU that I'm aware of that has problems with NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP/Rhapsody is Cyrix. My opinion is this: if you're having trouble, don't blame the CPU, look elsewhere first. -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: need help installing i get an error Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Aug 1998 15:47:37 GMT Organization: AOL when i boot i get this CPU MC68040 25 mhz, memory 100ns Backplane slot #0 Ethernet address: 0:0:f:0:b7:cc memory size 16mb NeXT ROM Monitor 2.5 (v.66) i am tryinig to load OPENSTEP 4.2 when i type "bfd" this is what i get boot fd(0,0,0) then it clears the screen and says: exception #2 (0X8) at )X4380010 and then the next prompt Help me what is wrong?
From: (Ron Peterson) Newsgroups: Subject: Sound Cards for RDR2 for Intel Date: 4 Aug 1998 18:07:55 GMT Message-ID: <6q7ilr$204$> What sound cards work with RDR2? I can't figure out how to match the drivers to an actual card that I can purchase. Ron
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 1998 20:05:27 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6q7pi7$13n$> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6q5832$ptg$>, > "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: > (-bat.) wrote: [ ... ] >> Anybody got any ideas ? > > Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been > pretty explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ > supported, and there are serious, well-known problems with some of > the x86 clones. > > What would your response have been if it were a Pentium MMX 233? #1, suggest he file a bug report with Apple. #2, I would also be more enthusiastic about looking thru the details to try and debug the problem. I hate to repeat the obvious, but Rhapsody's a beta, and it has a significantly lower tolerance and compatibility with components not on the "supported list" than the consumer release should. There _are_ reasons why OS vendors go through the effort of writing up a hardware compatibility list.... >I've been running Rhapsody DR2 (and DR1, and NT/OpenStep4.2) on a >233Mhz boxed K6, on an Asus TX97-XE motherboard (I think - the one >with SIMM and DIMM slots), with absolutely no problems that I didn't >have before I got the K6. [Actually, instead of 3.5x66 it's running >at 3*83, so it's even reasonably fast :-).] Out of curiousity, have you benchmarked the performance difference between the two states to determine what overclocking it is giving you? People were disappointed with 66->100 MHz FSB, with AGP, and with lots of other well-hyped ideas. Amdahl's law combined with operating systems that don't manage resources well make for a situation where even a substantial improvement in one area simply doesn't affect the end-results very much. I'm also not enthused about overclocking, probably because my instincts make me question the notion of straining systems in a way that they become more likely to fail unpredictably. It's less costly to pay more money upfront for a faster system than for downtime & diagnostic work. Of course, on a home machine, it's your time and your hardware...tweak it as you please. If the results have been favorable, congrats. :-) [ ... ] > Instead, given identical systems I'd swap some components to see if > there's something obvious that's a problem. The easiest swap in this > case should be the hard drives. Standard diagnostic procedure-- a good idea, of course. But, given that the CPU upgrade was the only change made from a working Rhapsody install to the problems described, it's pretty obvious where to look for the cause. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 1998 19:33:08 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6q7nlk$jsm$> References: <6q5832$ptg$> "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: > Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty > explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are > serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. Well, I've been using AMD clones for years with NextStep and never had any problems - also how do you explain the fact that the only thing whhich has changed is the speed of the chip. I was running AMD's before fine. -bat.
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 1998 19:37:44 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <6q7nu8$k3c$> References: <6q75gm$mk8$> (Rex Dieter) writes: > My opinion is this: if you're having trouble, don't blame the CPU, look > elsewhere first. But the CPU is the only thing thats changed... maybe I was unclear in thje original posting: The box ran fine with a 166, but when I changed it for a 233 it stoped working. All very odd, the connections have all been checked too and seem O.K. I;m gonna see if it runs OpenStep in a minute tio see if it;s really a Rhappsody problem. -bat.
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 1998 21:41:29 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6q7v69$57$> References: <6q7nu8$k3c$> In article <6q7nu8$k3c$> (-bat.) writes: > (Rex Dieter) writes: > > My opinion is this: if you're having trouble, don't blame the CPU, look > > elsewhere first. > > But the CPU is the only thing thats changed... maybe I was unclear in > thje original posting: The box ran fine with a 166, but when I changed it > for a 233 it stoped working.= For the record, I've installed Rhapsody DR1 and DR2 on a ASUS-TX97 motherboard and AMD K6-233 CPU without problems (so far). (-; -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sound Cards for RDR2 for Intel Date: 4 Aug 1998 20:29:39 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <6q7qvj$4ss$> References: <6q7ilr$204$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Aug 1998 20:29:39 GMT (Ron Peterson) wrote: > What sound cards work with RDR2? I can't figure > out how to match the drivers to an actual card > that I can purchase. Look at My Sound Blaster AW64 Gold works well with tyhe SoundBlaster16 driver. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station differences Date: 4 Aug 1998 22:15:03 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6q24gd$9dr$> <6q6rot$r8n$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6q6rot$r8n$>, Andreas Hallmann <> wrote: > >You should prefer the color station, even if non-turbo. I'd hesitate with the "non-Turbo" recommendation. Non-Turbo colour slabs can only take 32MB of RAM, and this RAM is used for backing store for windows as well as other stuff. My colour slab with 32MB feels much slower under heavy load than my dimension cube. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT tool, Blank slot, keep running and onboard memory Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 20:27:12 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6q8cnj$1j96$> Hi there! How can I remove the back of cube? I read the owner manual and it said that it needs NeXT tool or Hex wrench. I don't have a NeXTtool, but I want to remove the cube-back. So, what is the alternative of NeXTtool? Second issue, is the blank slot above MO drive on the cube. What is it used for? I thought it looks like for a drive because it has indicator light above that slot. Can I put the CD-ROM in it? Third question, another cube that sits in front of me doing something without showing anything. After it goes to test Harddrive, it said.. waiting for drive to be ready...... (many dots) and doing nothing. What's wrong with this machine? Last question, the onboard memory. I was told cube has onboard memory of 16 MB. The cube that I have shows only 8MB when I check "info". When I boot the machine up, it shows somethings like slot 8-11 empty designed for 4MB page... blah blah blah... Does it mean I have only 8MB onboard or ROM monitor shows only the "Physical RAM" without showing the onboard memory???? Hmm 4 questions though, but feel free to answer any questions of mine :) you are very very welcome to help me out. thanks a lot.
From: me <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP! Fried board?! for new? Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 20:03:11 +0000 Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hi, After turning on my color 040 after a 2 month rest. It failed to boot I recieved the following scsi error code: tpye 65 Cannot load counter with test pattern Does this mean my board is fried and I need a new one? any help greatly appreciated. signed, Pissed in the bay area!
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 98 22:09:17 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> <> <6q7pi7$13n$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 4 Aug 1998 20:05:27 GMT In article <6q7pi7$13n$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (Scott Hess) wrote: >I've been running Rhapsody DR2 (and DR1, and NT/OpenStep4.2) on a >233Mhz boxed K6, on an Asus TX97-XE motherboard (I think - the one >with SIMM and DIMM slots), with absolutely no problems that I >didn't have before I got the K6. [Actually, instead of 3.5x66 >it's running at 3*83, so it's even reasonably fast :-).] Out of curiousity, have you benchmarked the performance difference between the two states to determine what overclocking it is giving you? Yeah. Admittedly, it wasn't a great improvement, but it was pretty linear (oc'ing the bus, not just the CPU), so it was better than, say, 233->266 would be. Amdahl's law combined with operating systems that don't manage resources well make for a situation where even a substantial improvement in one area simply doesn't affect the end-results very much. Agreed. This machine benefits more running Linux than it does running Rhapsody. I'm also not enthused about overclocking, probably because my instincts make me question the notion of straining systems in a way that they become more likely to fail unpredictably. It's less costly to pay more money upfront for a faster system than for downtime & diagnostic work. This particular CPU on this particular board were cheap, nothing is running warmer at the higher speed, this is a non-essential secondary system, and this was the system's last gasp before I rip out the internals and replace them... well, it was reasonable. I can easily justify spending the extra bucks on my main console machine, but this machine probably gets 1/4 the use... [Actually, I made the overclock reference to point out that RR2 works with AMD K6 even if the system is somewhat tweaked.] [ ... ] > Instead, given identical systems I'd swap some components to see > if there's something obvious that's a problem. The easiest swap > in this case should be the hard drives. Standard diagnostic procedure-- a good idea, of course. But, given that the CPU upgrade was the only change made from a working Rhapsody install to the problems described, it's pretty obvious where to look for the cause. Except that ... the CPU was upgraded from a K6-166 to a K6-233. So, yes, the CPU is the most obvious culprit, but it's unlikely to be because it's a non-Intel CPU! Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 4 Aug 98 22:15:33 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6q75gm$mk8$> <6q7nu8$k3c$> In-reply-to:'s message of 4 Aug 1998 19:37:44 GMT In article <6q7nu8$k3c$>, (-bat.) writes: (Rex Dieter) writes: > My opinion is this: if you're having trouble, don't blame the > CPU, look elsewhere first. But the CPU is the only thing thats changed... maybe I was unclear in thje original posting: The box ran fine with a 166, but when I changed it for a 233 it stoped working. Have you tried setting the 233Mhz CPU to 166Mhz to see if it works at that speed? Have you tried swapping the old CPU back in to see if it still works? Admittedly, it seems counterintuitive that such a minor change would affect anything. After all, the motherboard really shouldn't be able to tell the difference (same bus speed and all). It could be a heat problem due to higher current draw - are the voltage regulators hot? Or it could be something coincidental, perhaps something that happened while swapping CPUs. Actually, when I first got my K6, I tried it in a couple motherboards I had around, including an older one that wasn't rated for split voltage (3.3v only). Since the K6 233 is rated to run at 3.2v (and some at 3.3v), I figured I'd try it out (it would have been a cheap upgrade). It worked, after a fashion, but I'd get errors which looked like SCSI errors at 233Mhz (under OpenStep, NT, and Linux - though OpenStep died fastest, Linux lastest longest). At 200Mhz, it ran just fine, but was hotter than I cared for, so I decided that _that_ board wouldn't get upgraded. And the voltage regulator was hot, also. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT tool, Blank slot, keep running and onboard memory Date: 5 Aug 1998 15:43:39 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6q9ujb$6ua$> References: <6q8cnj$1j96$> "sarawoot" <> wrote: >Hi there! > >How can I remove the back of cube? I read the owner manual and it said that >it needs NeXT tool or Hex wrench. I don't have a NeXTtool, but I want to >remove the cube-back. So, what is the alternative of NeXTtool? A 2mm Allen wrench (aka a hex wrench). >Second issue, is the blank slot above MO drive on the cube. What is it used >for? I thought it looks like for a drive because it has indicator light >above that slot. Can I put the CD-ROM in it? Yeah, you could probably do a little creative engineering and put a CD-ROM in there. >Third question, another cube that sits in front of me doing something >without showing anything. After it goes to test Harddrive, it said.. >waiting for drive to be ready...... (many dots) and doing nothing. What's >wrong with this machine? Probably a dead hard drive that's not spinning up. Does the drive information appear when the system is looking at the SCSI bus? >Last question, the onboard memory. I was told cube has onboard memory of 16 >MB. The cube that I have shows only 8MB when I check "info". When I boot >the machine up, it shows somethings like slot 8-11 empty designed for 4MB >page... blah blah blah... Does it mean I have only 8MB onboard or ROM >monitor shows only the "Physical RAM" without showing the onboard memory???? The cube has 16 slots which take 1 or 4 MB SIMM's in banks of four, IIRC. You've presumably got two banks (slots 0-7) filled with 1MB's. -Chuck
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: mitsubishi monitor crapping out more often Date: 5 Aug 1998 15:38:41 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6q9ua1$6ua$> References: <> Don McKinnon <> wrote: >When it goes the little green light goes with it. > >Is this a symptom of a fatal problem. Without more information (this monitor is connected to an Intel system running NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, hopefully), it's tough to say. At a guess, the power supply in the monitor is going bad. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 5 Aug 1998 18:34:33 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qa8jp$7qe$> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> <> <6q7pi7$13n$> <> (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6q7pi7$13n$>, > "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: >> [ ...Scott's overclocked config... ] > > Out of curiousity, have you benchmarked the performance difference > between the two states to determine what overclocking it is giving > you? > >Yeah. Admittedly, it wasn't a great improvement, but it was pretty >linear (oc'ing the bus, not just the CPU), so it was better than, say, >233->266 would be. You've upped the bus speed by 25% or so-- are you seeing a consistent 25% improvement in memory or VRAM throughput (cf "linear")? [ ... ] >Except that ... the CPU was upgraded from a K6-166 to a K6-233. So, >yes, the CPU is the most obvious culprit, but it's unlikely to be >because it's a non-Intel CPU! Maybe...except that they are probably different steppings, and maybe one of those nasty little details (like the exception frame layout problem of the Cyrix) changed. On the other hand, physically swapping the CPU might have caused a connector to be pulled loose-- but then you'd expect that sort of failure to make NT stop working, too. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Robert Nicholson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Neomagic OS 4.2 support planned? Date: 05 Aug 1998 12:32:08 -0700 Message-ID: <> I'm thinking of returning a Tecra 780 DVD and holding out for a 8000's series machine. AS I understand it the 8000's aren't supported WRT to at least the video chipset. Knowing that Apple uses Tecras in house does anybody know if Apple have palnned support for the chipsets for the 8000 series machines?
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 13:39:24 -0600 From: Steve Ramsour <> Organization: SignDesign MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: adb soundbox on color station turbo Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can I change from non-adb to adb on my color station turbo? Thanks for any info
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Has anyone been able to record audio CD's on Black HW? Date: 5 Aug 1998 18:25:34 GMT Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <6qa82u$gjd$> I've posted a couple of times now with more specific questions regarding recording audio CDs with a CD-R and a turbo colorstation. I think I've tracked the problem down to the snd to cdr format, e.g. that all the software available for black hardware screws that particular translation up, I beleive because sox screws it up on black HW, at least for me. So has anyone had *any* luck recording audio CD's onto *any* CD-R device on black HW? Thiw should help me either narrow down the problem or eliminate my current line of inquiry. See, the main reason I bought the CD-R was to make audio CDs, and after a month of assidious effort, I have nothing but a dozen or so gold drink-coaster to show for it. Thanks to everyone for reading. PEace, James -- The Rev. James David Meacham--Minister, Webmaster, Philosopher Phone: 410-467-9620 ƒ Fax 410-467-9630 ƒ Pager 410-619-6760 Summer at Skidmore: Phone:518-581-7114 See Gabriel Meacham at "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
From: Newsgroups: Subject: external disk is unreadable Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 20:37:21 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6qafq1$4b8$> Hi there I tried to upgrade the cube that has "NeXTstep 2.0" in it. I have one ext CD- ROM that works fine either NeXTstep3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2 on my slabs. When I boot my cube, it shows that I have the NEC CD-ROM Drive in the ROM monitor, which is correct. However, when I put any CD in the CD-drive, it said that "external disk is unreadable".. ignore or initialize. Doesn't NeXTstep2.2 know the CD-ROM drive? How could I install any software on the cube? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Neomagic OS 4.2 support planned? Date: 5 Aug 1998 21:43:43 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6qajmf$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: Deepspace Technologies has a driver, but I'm not sure of which laptops it works on. Their site is, no specifics on the driver, but there's a phone number on the main page. JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: Ricardo Cortes <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: US Robotics v.90 modem and NeXTs Date: 5 Aug 1998 14:22:45 -0700 Organization: Message-ID: <6qaif5$> Hi: Does anyone out there have the US Robotics v.90 modem (model no. 5686) working on NeXT hardware? If so, could you post or email me your PPPUP script? I cannot seem to get my pppup script to work properly. Also, there are other specific questions I would like to ask, but not to the list. Thanks, Ricardo Cortes <>
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 15:31:08 -0800 From: "Ian H. Stewart" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: iMac & MacOS X Server Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does any you know if this is going to work? The Apple site is too vague. ih
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube and Station differences Date: 5 Aug 1998 22:56:58 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qanvq$8rn$> References: <6q24gd$9dr$> "Ethan" <> wrote: >What is the difference between cube and turbo station preformance... Are >cubes any faster? No-- unless you get a Dimension, which has better video (not better CPU) performance. > which would preform better, a 25 MHz mono cube or a 33 MHz Turbo Colour > station? The Turbo color has faster CPU and can take a lot more memory (the 32 MB limitation of most 25 MHz machines is problematic)-- the video of the mono is probably superior in user-feel considering that it only has to deal with 1/4 as many bits. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube Anatomy Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 21:17:19 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6qb42o$mj6$> Hi there I am planning to do Cube Anatomy tonight. Now I got the right tool for it. It's 3mm ball end hex tool. It's perfectly fit to the cube screw. Know what? I took my cube went to the sear store to ask for it! Well.... how can I remove the harddrive then. I have no idea how to start it. I wanna take the HD off and replace with the new one.. how can I do it? Can you please tell me step by step I would greatly appreciate. thanks a lot. Sarawoot
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: SCSI error 65 Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 11:25:40 +0800 Organization: Unconfigured Message-ID: <6qb891$> Hi, I have 2 slabs which I bought used w/ NS3.3 pre-installed. I managed to trash one of the disks. (Aside: I launched Opener3.4 to unzip a file and a big crash occurred -- other apps were running at the time too. After this crash everything run from my account was super slow, but other accounts were fine. fsck's became more frequent and eventually after a few weeks, everything I launched caused a panic.) I mounted the trashed disk on the working slab and used Build Disk to start over from scratch. That completed ok, and I clicked around the directories a bit, launched a couple apps, etc. Then I put it back in the other slab & when I power up I get a SCSI error. The nmi says the SCSI bus is hung and the error is 65. OK, I read the description of error 65 in the docs but have no idea how to fix it. The problem is definitely with the drive as I can swap drives between the computers & its just that disk that gives the error. What am I missing? How to fix this? I hope its not a reinstall from cd as these came with NS3.3 preloaded so I don't have the original cd's nor a drive even if I did. TIA, Mike
From: (Balazs Pataki) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTStation circuit diagrams? Date: 6 Aug 1998 06:56:11 GMT Organization: Computer and Automation Institute Message-ID: <6qbk2b$> Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to get the technical documentation, circuit diagrams, repair instructions, etc. of the good old NeXT[Station|Cube]? As this hardware hasn't been manufactured for years, I think it would reasonable from Apple to give away these documentations, so that those who are able to could repair their NeXTs if possible. I think many of us had problem with the power-supply, the monitor or "cold soldering" in the motherboard SCSI connector (I had that ...). Without the proper documentation/circuit diagrams we are blind, and could just guess what's going on ... and there's noone repairing NeXTs anymore ... If you have any ideas about this I would really appreciate it, --- balazs
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 5 Aug 98 13:15:21 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> <> <6q7pi7$13n$> <> <6qa8jp$7qe$> In-reply-to: "Charles W. Swiger"'s message of 5 Aug 1998 18:34:33 GMT In article <6qa8jp$7qe$>, "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <6q7pi7$13n$>, > "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: >> [ ...Scott's overclocked config... ] > > Out of curiousity, have you benchmarked the performance > difference between the two states to determine what > overclocking it is giving you? > >Yeah. Admittedly, it wasn't a great improvement, but it was >pretty linear (oc'ing the bus, not just the CPU), so it was better >than, say, 233->266 would be. You've upped the bus speed by 25% or so-- are you seeing a consistent 25% improvement in memory or VRAM throughput (cf "linear")? Yeah. With NXBench I got the following NXFactors: Mhz NXFactor Mhz inc1 NXF inc1 Mhz inc2 NXF inc2 200 (3x66) 4.6769 233 (3.5x66) 4.9424 16.5% 5.7% 250 (3x83) 5.6697 25.0% 21.2% 7.3% 14.7% The "inc1" columns are relative to a 200Mhz baseline, the inc2 columns relative to 233Mhz. In any case, the video speedup scaled much more linearly with the higher bus speed. No numbers for other speeds, because 3x83 seemed like a good compromise (it _ran_ at 3.5x75, but it got hot. At 3x83, my finger couldn't tell the difference in temperature versus 3.5x66). P6 class machines do much better, but it was a reasonable gain for the price. I found that a real Pentium MMX at the same speeds got about the same results - but cost 50% more at the time. The K6 got noticably better dhrystones than the Pentium MMX at the same speeds. I'll be interested to see what AMD's K7 looks like. Actually, I haven't tried to isolate the memory speed improvements. I'm just extrapolating from experiences with 486 chips and differing bus speeds, plus the fact that NXBench should stress memory copy speeds reasonably well due to the nature of NeXTSTEP. I would be very surprised if memory access didn't scale better when overclocking bus speed versus the CPU multiplier. Compile times hardly changed at all under NeXTSTEP, though I should've tested under Linux. Linux kernel compiles with -j 4 and plenty of RAM seem to be good tests of whether memory is the bottleneck. Linux kernel compiles on a variety of machines convinced me that rather than running a <333Mhz Pentium-II with EDO, I'd just wait for a >=300Mhz Pentium-II with SDRAM on a 100Mhz bus. Otherwise, the performance improvement from my PentiumPro just wouldn't be there. [The only performance I care about these days is compile times. Everything else is more than fast enough on my machines :-).], -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Jeff Parnaby <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: iMac & MacOS X Server Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 21:33:21 +0000 Organization: MacConnect - Connecting the Mac OS to the World! Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ian H. Stewart wrote: > Does any you know if this is going to work? > The Apple site is too vague. > > ih Don't know why not. OSX server should run on any PowerPC architecture Mac, unlike OSX itself, which reportedly will only run on G3 or newer (unless Apple changes its mind...). Either way, since the iMac has a G3, you'll be able to run the "real thing" when it is released also. -- *************************** Jeff Parnaby
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTStation circuit diagrams? Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 08:05:34 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> References: <6qbk2b$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <6qbk2b$> (Balazs Pataki) writes: > > Hi, > > does anyone know if it is possible to get the technical documentation, > circuit diagrams, repair instructions, etc. of the good old > NeXT[Station|Cube]? > > As this hardware hasn't been manufactured for years, I think it would > reasonable from Apple to give away these documentations, so that those who > are able to could repair their NeXTs if possible. I think many of us had > problem with the power-supply, the monitor or "cold soldering" in the > motherboard SCSI connector (I had that ...). Without the proper > documentation/circuit diagrams we are blind, and could just guess what's > going on ... and there's noone repairing NeXTs anymore ... > > If you have any ideas about this I would really appreciate it, I can only second this to the fullest!! If you get a hold of those diagrams, could you please make a copy available to me, too?? Some (very limited) power supply schematics can be found on my WWW page: Later, Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: "Peter Baral" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: NeXT ADB Mouse on the Mac Date: 6 Aug 98 15:08:08 +0200 Organization: Customer of UUNET Germany; Info: Message-ID: <B1EF776C-9E1DD@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 6 Aug 1998 13:09:09 GMT nntp:// I have an old 2-button NeXT ADB Mouse here, and wonder, if there is a driver available, which allows the use of the right mouse button under MacOS (contextual menus) or Rhapsody? Does some comercial driver (Kensington) work with the NeXT ADB Mouse? Regards Peter Baral Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker Pappelweg 3 D 75417 Muehlacker, Germany +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ E-Mail: Phone: +49 7042 810396 Fax: +49 7042 810395 Web: <>
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube Anatomy Date: 6 Aug 1998 12:43:23 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6qb42o$mj6$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6qb42o$mj6$>, sarawoot <> wrote: > Well.... how can I remove the harddrive then. I have no idea how to >start it. I wanna take the HD off and replace with the new one.. how can I >do it? Can you please tell me step by step I would greatly appreciate. >thanks a lot. > 1. Take off the back, disconnecting the fan since it's annoying and gets in the way. 2. Carefully remove the boards; the CPU board will have some ribbon cables attached. Carefully remove these. Make sure you place the boards somewhere where nobody will sit on them! 3. Under the power supply on the bottom edge are two hex screws. Remove these. 4. Tip the cube face-forward over a soft surface (chair/bed works well) and grasp the central chassis assembly from the side. YOu want to pull it free of the main chassis. This is a little awkward but can be done with much fiddling (once you get the hang of it subsequent times are much esier). It's harder to describe than it is to do! You can now get at the screws that hold the disks. 5. To put it back together, again place the cube face-down. Hold the central chassis above it and slide it in. Reach down twards the front of the cube and make sure that the front edges of the drive chassis slide between the lips that stick out of the main case. This is a really big pain the first time you do it but like I said, you soon get the feel of it. I can now gutt my cube with minimal pain. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: adb soundbox on color station turbo Date: 6 Aug 1998 12:37:55 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Steve Ramsour <> wrote: >Can I change from non-adb to adb on my color station >turbo? It depends on the ROM version. IF you have V74 (I think) then you can. You need ADB sound box, ADB keyboard/mouse, and the cable from the machine to the sound box has to pass every pin (apparently some didn't). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT tool, Blank slot, keep running and onboard memory Date: 6 Aug 1998 12:36:41 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6q8cnj$1j96$> <6q9ujb$6ua$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6q9ujb$6ua$>, Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: >"sarawoot" <> wrote: >>Hi there! >> >>How can I remove the back of cube? I read the owner manual and it said that >>it needs NeXT tool or Hex wrench. I don't have a NeXTtool, but I want to >>remove the cube-back. So, what is the alternative of NeXTtool? > >A 2mm Allen wrench (aka a hex wrench). > ...but be sure to get one with a rounded end, not a flat end. Otherwise you'll be in for grief. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: CR<> Newsgroups: Subject: New site for toners and services! Date: 6 Aug 1998 14:33:08 GMT Organization: CR Message-ID: <6qcer4$> Melbourne Australia To remove please email us at
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6qcer4$> Control: cancel <6qcer4$> Date: 06 Aug 1998 14:56:51 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6qcer4$> Sender: CR<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups:, From: (Colin Walsh) Subject: Re: SCSI error 65 Message-ID: <> Sender: Colin Walsh <> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 14:52:42 GMT References: <6qb891$> Organization: University of Toronto, Engineering Computing Facility In article <6qb891$>, Michael Olan <> wrote: >Hi, > >I have 2 slabs which I bought used w/ NS3.3 pre-installed. I managed to >trash one of the disks. >(Aside: ... ASIDE DELETED ... > >I mounted the trashed disk on the working slab and used Build Disk to start >over from scratch. That completed ok, and I clicked around the directories a >bit, launched a couple apps, etc. > >Then I put it back in the other slab & when I power up I get a SCSI error. >The nmi says the SCSI bus is hung and the error is 65. OK, I read the >description of error 65 in the docs but have no idea how to fix it. The >problem is definitely with the drive as I can swap drives between the >computers & its just that disk that gives the error. > >What am I missing? How to fix this? ... REST DELETED ... -- Is there a problem with in NS3.3? A couple of days ago I described my own problems in which a Quantum Fireball TM2110S acquired SCSI errors when I tried to use BuildDisk on it. In my case the build failed while trying to initialise the drive, and a subsequent fsck failed with SCSI sense 3 (Media error) and additional sense 11. The TM2110S manual indicates that error 3 can be due to none media problems. My solution: 1) Low level format of the drive using a PC with an Adaptec SCSI card. This comes with media verification and low level format utilities that can be used before the PC boots. 2) Initialise and partition the disk to your needs using /usr/etc/disk 3) Mount the partition that you want to install the OS on, onto the working machine (mount /dev/sd?a /Mnt). 4) Copy your root partition onto /Mnt using dump/restore, dump 0f - / | (cd /Mnt; restore xf -) 5) Edit /Mnt/etc/fstab so that it will be correctly mounted on the new machine at boot. QUESTION: I do have the media for NS3.3 and a CD drive. However, the install procedure insisted on re-initialising my partioned drive to a single partion before installing the OS. Is there a way to force the install to be done on a partition of my choosing? Colin Walsh University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies 4925 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M3H 5T6
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 6 Aug 1998 20:54:21 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qd55t$cuq$> References: <6q547i$ndm$> <6q5832$ptg$> <01bdbf32$ffc0fe30$6dbadccf@samsara> "Jonathan Hendry" <> wrote: >Charles W. Swiger <> wrote in article [ .. AMD CPU ... ] >> Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty >> explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there >> are serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. > > Now now, it is 'Rhapsody for PC Compatibles', and Apple has *never* > said the K6 isn't supported. What about NeXTanswers #2566? Yes, it was created before "Rhapsody for PC Compatibles" was around, but the information is still revelant. Yes, Apple has never explicitly said the K6 isn't supported, or VooDoo II graphic accelerators, or Sportster 56K Winmodems, or lots of other components you might mention. You know what, though? If they are not on the Rhapsody hardware compatibility list, they are not supported.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Date: 6 Aug 1998 20:58:43 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qd5e3$cuq$> References: <6q5832$ptg$> <6q7nlk$jsm$> (-bat.) wrote: >"Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: >> Try buying supported components next time. Apple/NeXT has been pretty >> explicit that anything but a genuine Intel is _not_ supported, and there are >> serious, well-known problems with some of the x86 clones. > >Well, I've been using AMD clones for years with NextStep and never >had any problems - also how do you explain the fact that the only thing >whhich has changed is the speed of the chip. I was running AMD's before >fine. I'd imagine that there could have been core changes ('steppings') to the silicon between the AMD K6 133 and the 233 model. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Donald N. Petcher) Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody on DELL? Date: 6 Aug 1998 21:23:59 GMT Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Message-ID: <6qd6tf$1pi$> I would like to get a Pentium box to run MacOS X Server (Rhapsody) when it comes out. Our college defaults to purchasing a stock DELL computer. Would rhapsody run on a DELL computer? (Anyone doing this?) Is there some other preferred stock computer I could choose, or would it be better to "roll my own"? I ask because a tech services guy here took a look at the approved list of hardware for rhapsody on the Apple site and suggested that it might be safest to put together a machine using specifically the parts mentioned. I thought it must be easier to get a machine than that (although I don't mind doing that if it is safest.) Thanks for any info. Cheers, Don Petcher
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: NeXT tool..... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <6q8cnj$1j96$> <6q9ujb$6ua$> <> <6qcs9j$> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 21:17:36 GMT In article <6qcs9j$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >In article <>, >David Evans <> wrote: >> >>...but be sure to get one with a rounded end, not a flat end. Otherwise >>you'll be in for grief. >> > >Why is this? I have used a flat-ended Allen wrench on my cube for some >time now, and have experienced no grief that I have noticed. Am I >missing something? Have I just not tried to do the thing that will >give me grief? I have seen a NeXT tool, and it *does* have the "ball" >on the end, and so there might be some positions in which it will be >easier to use than mine, but I have had no trouble with mine.... > >PB Schechter > I think the previous argument is that a sharp-ended tool would scratch the hex screw hole. But for old cubes with not-so-new screws, I'd against using NeXT cube tool since the rounded-end does not fit the hex hole very well, but would further damage it. I have both tools around...
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Sound box for other uses?? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 21:21:06 GMT I openned a NeXT sound box before and found that there is at least one internal connector that is not used. Does anyone know what it was designed for? Is Mike out there and can shed some light? Can the sound box be used for other porposes? How hard to wire the cable?
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody on DELL? Date: 6 Aug 1998 22:43:05 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qdbhp$d71$> References: <6qd6tf$1pi$> (Donald N. Petcher) wrote: >I would like to get a Pentium box to run MacOS X Server (Rhapsody) when it >comes out. Our college defaults to purchasing a stock DELL computer. Would >rhapsody run on a DELL computer? (Anyone doing this?) Yes-- although you'll have to pick up a compatible video card (try a Matrox or an Elsa, or find some old S3-based one). Of course, you should also get SCSI. > Is there some other preferred stock computer I could choose, or would it > be better to "roll my own"? If you have the technical knowledge to understand the Rhapsody spec and what that translates to in terms of assembling individual components into a functional system, then rolling your own works very well. A couple of months ago, a co-worker and I purchased almost identical systems-- me from Dell, him mix-and-match, and our final totals were within $50-- so don't expect to save money going one way or the other. His system was a little more adjusted towards his preferences, but my service/warranty situation was better and much, much simpler. It's up to you to make sure that you pick the right components which work together well for what you want to do. Going piecemeal means that one component vendor will sometimes pass the blame towards your other components if there's problem, which is a pain-- whereas it's a nonissue for me, given Dell's outstanding customer support. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: Michel Coste <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Openstep via Virtual PC on G3 PowerBooks? Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 16:03:11 GMT Organization: MiCMAC Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <6mmkuq$90e$> <B1B5B25A-2408D3@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: This was written in (<B1B5B25A-2408D3@>) by "Peter Baral": > > OS 4.2 works perfectly, but _slow_ (on a PowerMac 8600/200). Has someone tried that on the new G3 PowerBooks (WallStreet)? 250 especially... =;) =;) =;) =;) =;) mc
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT tool, Blank slot, keep running and onboard memory Date: 6 Aug 1998 18:22:43 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6qcs9j$> References: <6q8cnj$1j96$> <6q9ujb$6ua$> <> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <6q9ujb$6ua$>, >Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: >>"sarawoot" <> wrote: >>>Hi there! >>> >>>How can I remove the back of cube? I read the owner manual and it said that >>>it needs NeXT tool or Hex wrench. I don't have a NeXTtool, but I want to >>>remove the cube-back. So, what is the alternative of NeXTtool? >> >>A 2mm Allen wrench (aka a hex wrench). >> > >...but be sure to get one with a rounded end, not a flat end. Otherwise >you'll be in for grief. > Why is this? I have used a flat-ended Allen wrench on my cube for some time now, and have experienced no grief that I have noticed. Am I missing something? Have I just not tried to do the thing that will give me grief? I have seen a NeXT tool, and it *does* have the "ball" on the end, and so there might be some positions in which it will be easier to use than mine, but I have had no trouble with mine.... PB Schechter
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sound Cards for RDR2 for Intel Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 23:08:11 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6q7ilr$204$> <6q7qvj$4ss$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit You may have to add an auto detect id, see ealier post. Eric Levenez wrote: > > (Ron Peterson) wrote: > > What sound cards work with RDR2? I can't figure > > out how to match the drivers to an actual card > > that I can purchase. > > Look at > > My Sound Blaster AW64 Gold works well with tyhe SoundBlaster16 driver. > > -- > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" > Publius Vergilius Maro, > (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 > -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Soundblaster AWE64pnp and OS4.2i Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 23:07:15 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <35c612d2.4571234@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've had a AWE 64 PnP working with Rhapsody using the SoundBlaster16.config, but I had to add an auto detect id to the list. The list contained CTL-003 or similar, but verbose boot said it found CTL-005 or similar. You have to open the .config file package and edit the table for PnP. You may be able to use Expert mode in, but I have found it difficult to use. Jens Davidsen wrote: > > Hi, > > Is it possible to use a Soundblaster AWE 64 "Plug and Play" audio card > with Openstep 4.2 intel ? > > Please indicate which driver you are using if it works for you. > > Regards, > Jens Davidsen > email:// <- NeXT mail ok > -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Neomagic OS 4.2 support planned? Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 23:24:26 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <6qajmf$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The current version works on the Digital Hinote (XGA LCD), and is said to work on an IBM. I am still fixing it for a SVGA LCD, external Monitor and TV displays. I am including a tool to adapt the driver for different LCD panels; unlike the Chips and Technologies 6555x, the panel parameters seem to change with each mode making it tedious work. no.spam.please@no.spam.period wrote: > > Deepspace Technologies has a driver, but I'm not sure of which laptops it > works on. > > Their site is, no specifics on the driver, but there's > a phone number on the main page. > > JP > > -- > Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): > jpmeia (@ ) > NeXTMail/MIME welcome -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From:***(email spammers must die) Newsgroups:, Subject: OpenStep 4.2 and KVM switches anyone? Date: 6 Aug 1998 19:22:02 GMT Organization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA Message-ID: <6qcvoq$> Hi All, Have any of you successfully hooked up Next/OpenStep PC's to a KVM switch ? For those that don't know, a KVM switch allows you to share one Keyboard, monitor (Video) and Mouse between several systems. I've been trying to hook up 3 systems to an NTI switch and it won't work properly. Even though the systems can see a mouse at boot time (and it works in the mouse-driven AMI BIOS), when the OS starts to configure drivers it always comes back with "PS2 Mouse Init failure, no such device...". Tech Support at NTI is baffled (and of course they don't have the OS to test with) and so am I. How could the mouse work at boot time, but *not* 30 seconds later when OpenStep looks for it? Any pointers to KVM switches known to work with OpenStep PC's would be much appreciated ! Craig Dodson (Stratus Computer) - remove NOSPAM for replies
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OpenStep 4.2 and KVM switches anyone? Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Aug 1998 00:33:38 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6qcvoq$> As I recall, the first set of compatibility guidelines included a list of hardware, one of which was a KVM, the brand/company name Rose sticks in my mind. Try calling 1-800-try-next, or checking NeXT Answers to see if its still listed. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 07 Aug 1998 00:47:06 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Message-ID: <> From: msms <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT ADB Mouse on the Mac References: <B1EF776C-9E1DD@> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 02:19:30 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 19:19:30 PDT Organization: @Home Network Unfortunately no for the MacOS. For that type of functionality, ADB drivers talk to specific registers in the ADB device with vender specific commands. For it to work, the NeXT mouse would have to have the same registers and know how to respond to the same command as Kensington mice...highly unlikely since it's not a standardized thing. The right button may work under Rhapsody though. -- John --------------------------- > > I have an old 2-button NeXT ADB Mouse here, > and wonder, if there is a driver available, which allows the use of the > right mouse button under MacOS (contextual menus) or Rhapsody? Does some > comercial driver (Kensington) work with the NeXT ADB Mouse? > > Regards > > Peter Baral Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker > Pappelweg 3 > D 75417 Muehlacker, Germanyê
From: (S. Port) Newsgroups: Subject: Next Hardware Diagnostic Tools Date: 7 Aug 1998 06:11:18 GMT Organization: UCLA Mathematics Department Message-ID: <6qe5q6$kfs$> For those trying to troubleshoot original Next hardware, the Next factory diagnostic tools can be found at: Cindy Crawford Advanced Technical Research Specialist
From: "Peter Baral" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT ADB Mouse on the Mac Date: 7 Aug 98 08:59:58 +0200 Organization: Customer of UUNET Germany; Info: Message-ID: <B1F07291-312A4@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 7 Aug 1998 07:00:41 GMT nntp:// >The right button may work under Rhapsody though. It doesn't. Regards, Peter Peter Baral Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker Pappelweg 3 D 75417 Muehlacker, Germany +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ E-Mail: Phone: +49 7042 810396 Fax: +49 7042 810395 Web: <>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: ATI 3D Rage Pro Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 10:22:48 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6qekhn$gdn$> Hi ... I've got an Dell Optiplex GX1, running OpenStep, that has a integrated ATI 3D Rage Pro chip. I installed the 4.03 driver, but it doesn't work. Anyone who got it to work ? // Stefan -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: ATI 3D Rage Pro Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 10:22:47 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6qekhm$gdm$> Hi ... I've got an Dell Optiplex GX1, running OpenStep, that has a integrated ATI 3D Rage Pro chip. I installed the 4.03 driver, but it doesn't work. Anyone who got it to work ? // Stefan -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From:***(email spammers must die) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody on DELL? Date: 7 Aug 1998 13:27:27 GMT Organization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA Message-ID: <6qevbv$> References: <6qdbhp$d71$> In article <6qdbhp$d71$> "Charles W. Swiger" <> writes: > Going piecemeal means that one component vendor will > sometimes pass the blame towards your other components if there's problem, > which is a pain-- whereas it's a nonissue for me, given Dell's outstanding > customer support. > Umm...outstanding ? Don't get me started telling Dell stories. They were in the running for our corporate PC contract and they really blew it. From my end (running OpenStep) they really pissed me off on more than one occasion. Just try convincing their support department that their hardware is to blame when you're running OpenStep. Me: "The video card is bad - it won't go over 1024x768 reliably. I've tried another just like it (which worked). Ship me a replacement please." Dell: "Go into your Windows Control Panel for me" Me: "I'm running OpenStep, not Windows" Dell: "Our hardware has not been tested with that Operating system sir. I can't send you a replacement part unless we can prove that the hardware is bad" "Please boot the system with our Dell Diagnostics disk" Me: "This machine is a server, I can't afford the downtime in the middle of the day, and I've already *done* the troubleshooting for you". Dell: "Please boot the system with our Dell Diagnostics disk" Me: (losing patience) "OK, fine. I've booted up your diag utility. Hmm... seems your utility only tests video up to 800x600, and I don't begin to see a problem until 1152x864. " "SHIP ME THE CARD NOW PLEASE" Dell: "OK..." Then there was our engineering admin who was evaluating one of their systems. It came with 95 on it and he installed NT to test it. He called Dell when there was a problem with the NT video driver and they wouldn't help him because the system "didn't ship with NT". Did I mention that Dell sold the system with either OS ? Seems if you bought 95 you weren't entitled to help installing NT and vice-versa. At the next meeting of our PC eval team, we compared notes and removed Dell from the list. Craig Dodson (Stratus Comupter)
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT ADB Mouse on the Mac Date: 7 Aug 1998 04:13:12 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6qduso$5ln$> References: <B1EF776C-9E1DD@> <> In article <>, msms <> wrote: >Unfortunately no for the MacOS. >> I have an old 2-button NeXT ADB Mouse here, >> and wonder, if there is a driver available, which allows the use of the >> right mouse button under MacOS (contextual menus) or Rhapsody? Does some >> comercial driver (Kensington) work with the NeXT ADB Mouse? The NeXT ADB mouse will work with the Kensington driver. To activate contextual menus, just define the "other" button as control-click. You'll need to figure out what ADB id the mouse uses and various ADB utilities have the ability to tell you--search in info-mac. It's been a while since I tried it; nowadays, I use a trackball. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Newsgroups: Subject: !!! Announcing an important information resource The Meta-List Date: 7 Aug 1998 14:14:07 GMT Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Message-ID: <6qf23f$73j$> Hi! I posted this using an unregistered copy of Newsgroup AutoPoster PRO! See a new site on the CAIT Home Page geared towards meeting the needs of the Information Systems Specialist. INFORMATION SYSTEMS META-LIST Any additions or recomendations to the Information Systems Meta-List are greatly appreciated.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6qf23f$73j$> Control: cancel <6qf23f$73j$> Date: 07 Aug 1998 14:14:14 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6qf23f$73j$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Lost Harddrive Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:24:53 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6qf6mf$1koa$> Dear Lady and Gentleman, I lost my harddrive, the subject said so... Here is my situation... My slab has 200 MB on it and has ext. HD (600 MB). I normally boot from ext HD and it works fine. Yesterday morning, when I restart my slab, after I come to the GUI, the file browser can't see the int. HD. When I restarted NeXT, the ROM MONITOR can see it and show no problem at all. What should I do to see the int. HD.. It used to work but it doesn't right now. Thank you very much for any input. Sarawoot
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Software installatin on cube Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:30:24 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6qf71h$f86$> Hi How can I install the software (that comes in diskettes) on cube? My cube has no floppy disk drive and the softwares are in floppy disks.... Thanks a lot.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: !!! Announcing an important information resource The Meta-List Date: 7 Aug 1998 15:44:44 GMT Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Message-ID: <6qf7dc$7hq$> Hi! I posted this using an unregistered copy of Newsgroup AutoPoster PRO! See a new site on the CAIT Home Page geared towards meeting the needs of the Information Systems Specialist. INFORMATION SYSTEMS META-LIST Any additions or recomendations to the Information Systems Meta-List are greatly appreciated.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6qf7dc$7hq$> Control: cancel <6qf7dc$7hq$> Date: 07 Aug 1998 18:30:05 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6qf7dc$7hq$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: AMD K6 166 -> 233 problems (with Rhapsody) Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <6q7nu8$k3c$> <6q7v69$57$> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 21:35:54 GMT In article <6q7v69$57$>, Rex Dieter <> wrote: >In article <6q7nu8$k3c$> (-bat.) >writes: >> (Rex Dieter) writes: >> > My opinion is this: if you're having trouble, don't blame the CPU, look >> > elsewhere first. >> >> But the CPU is the only thing thats changed... maybe I was unclear in >> thje original posting: The box ran fine with a 166, but when I changed it >> for a 233 it stoped working.= > >For the record, I've installed Rhapsody DR1 and DR2 on a ASUS-TX97 >motherboard and AMD K6-233 CPU without problems (so far). (-; I believe that's the motherboard and CPU I am using too. So far RDR2 has had no complaints about the K6, but I haven't strained it too much. That same machines also boots OS/mach 4.2, Win95, OS/2, and Linux. -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: NeXT tool, Blank slot, keep running and onboard memory Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <6q8cnj$1j96$> <6q9ujb$6ua$> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 21:43:48 GMT In article <6q9ujb$6ua$>, Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: >"sarawoot" <> wrote: >>Hi there! >> >>How can I remove the back of cube? I read the owner manual and it said that >>it needs NeXT tool or Hex wrench. I don't have a NeXTtool, but I want to >>remove the cube-back. So, what is the alternative of NeXTtool? > >A 2mm Allen wrench (aka a hex wrench). I believe that you actually want a 3mm hex key. The real reason that ball-ended hex keys are recommended is that the ball can hook out the central drive/power supply cage. There are two small slots at the bottom of the cage where one might insert a hook and pull. I recall some early NeXT documentation which shows the NeXTtool being used for this purpose. As my screws have become worn (the metal is a little soft) I have found that the flat end of the hex key actually works better. I may have to actually replace the screws after a few more openings. :-) Cheers, Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: iMac & MacOS X Server Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <> <> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 22:01:31 GMT In article <>, Jeff Parnaby <> wrote: >Ian H. Stewart wrote: >> Does any you know if this is going to work? >> The Apple site is too vague. >Don't know why not. OSX server should run on any PowerPC architecture >Mac, unlike OSX itself, which reportedly will only run on G3 or newer >(unless Apple changes its mind...). Either way, since the iMac has a >G3, you'll be able to run the "real thing" when it is released also. There was an answer to this question from some semi-official Apple spokesperson, but I don't have the attribution handy. It may have been on the rhapsody-talk (now macosx-talk) mailing list. Unfortunately the answer was "No." Don't beat me up about it, but Apple seems to be unwilling to have Rhapsody support much of their hardware. In any case, the iMac is significantly different from other available Mac hw. There is now a PDF from Apple detailing the technical specifications. The iMac uses USB, and there are no public knowledge USB drivers for Rhapsody. The iMac uses "NewWorld" ROM-in-RAM architecture where the OpenFirmware PROM loads the Mac ROM image into RAM before boot. This should make any difference to OSX Server which doesn't use the Mac ROM anyway, but it's different. It's not clear if the version of graphics chip used on the iMac is supported under OSX Server. Finally, the overall motherboard design is supposed to be similar to the PB G3's which are not supported. Completely off topic, but this "NewWorld" ROM architecture reminds me of early Amigas where KickStart was loaded into special RAM from floppies. I recall with joy getting an A3000 with real ROM, now Macs are going the other way. :-) Of course, everyone who was anyone coppied their ROM into Fast RAM for better performance... -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: Supra Sonic Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 22:10:13 GMT In article <>, marc <> wrote: >Just got a supra sonic 288v4 external modem on sale, last one, unopened, >for $29 >Heres the weird thing: >it displays 24k send, 26k receive, but when i log onto the dialup, it >says: connected at 56700, I verified that in cuseeme i was sending a >38000, so i must be actually connected at 56700. I tried tech support >for this thing, but forget it, the number is disconnected, and the email >is automated. weird. > By default most modems report the DTE speed, that is the serial port speed between your computer and the modem. In today's world that is completely irrelevant, because YOU set it yourself! What you want is the DCE speed, or speed between modems. There are commands you can give to the modem which will change what it reports. I typically like to have the modem report everything, DTE, DCE, compression, and error correction protocol. This can screw up some communication software though. Check Diamond MultiMedia's website ( for the proper AT commands for the SupraSonic. I don't know if they are included with the paper documention. Good luck, Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: STB nVidia 128 AGP card with OPENSTEP? Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 15:54:34 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.980807155220.6279A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I just got a Dell machine with the STB nVidia AGP video card. Is there a driver for Openstep that I can use? Do I need an AGP driver or will an older PCI generic driver work? Thanks. Robert
From: (Chris Harding) Newsgroups: Subject: Cube Problems ! Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 18:18:59 -0500 Organization: IDT (Best News In The World) Message-ID: <> Hello all, Recently I moved my cube to another location in my house and now I can't seem to get it to boot up.It wasn't dropped or mishandled in the move so I dont know what the problem is. I'm in the ROM monitor and when I press the power button it does its system checks (Enet,sound out, etc) which check out fine.But when it is checking the scsi chain I get one or the other of these, depending on whether I have anything attached to the scsi port: boot command: sd boot sd(0,0,0) sc: fifo level sc: fifo level or sc: didn't complete sc: didn't complete I either get a whole screen of fifo level or it alternates 3 of one then 3 of the other to the bottom of the screen until I get the message "no scsi disk". The funny thing is I can hear the disk spinning at startup. Is my hard drive history ? I really need some help,do any of you pros have any ideas ? Thanks in advance, Cheis Harding P.S. Remove (no spam) to e-mail me privately.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Q: Cache ram specs of objectstation 41 Date: 8 Aug 1998 01:30:37 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6qg9nt$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'd like to increase the cache ram on my canon objectstation; I bought it used w/o any documentation. Can anyone provide me with specs? Thanks
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: where to find hardware Message-ID: <> Date: 8 Aug 1998 04:30:16 GMT Organization: AOL Where can i find the memory chip i think it is 68 pins or so, that fits in the single slot, in a mono slab 25mhz???, and what would be the price? Also what is the bigest size hard drive i can use in this machine, and what brands are recomended? please send replys to
From: (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OpenStep 4.2 and KVM switches anyone? Date: 8 Aug 1998 04:41:35 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <6qgktv$gvo$> References: <6qcvoq$> In-Reply-To: <6qcvoq$> On 08/06/98, email spammers must die wrote: >Hi All, > > Have any of you successfully hooked up Next/OpenStep PC's to a >KVM switch ? For those that don't know, a KVM switch allows you >to share one Keyboard, monitor (Video) and Mouse between several >systems. I've been trying to hook up 3 systems to an NTI switch >and it won't work properly. Even though the systems can see a >mouse at boot time (and it works in the mouse-driven AMI BIOS), >when the OS starts to configure drivers it always comes back with >"PS2 Mouse Init failure, no such device...". Tech Support at >NTI is baffled (and of course they don't have the OS to test with) >and so am I. How could the mouse work at boot time, but *not* 30 >seconds later when OpenStep looks for it? > >Any pointers to KVM switches known to work with OpenStep PC's would >be much appreciated ! > I've had several different ones now, but I've been happiest with my Cybex AutoView Commander. It supports the kind of resolutions that you need to effectively use OpenStep, and has worked flawlessly. I'm currently using it to switch between 2 PCs running OpenStep 4.2, one running Rhapsody, and a PowerMac 8600 running Rhapsody. I had a Raritan before this, and it was nothing but trouble. -- Scott Anguish <> Stepwise - OpenStep/Rhapsody Information <URL:>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody on DELL? Date: 7 Aug 98 10:05:26 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6qd6tf$1pi$> In-reply-to:'s message of 6 Aug 1998 21:23:59 GMT In article <6qd6tf$1pi$>, (Donald N. Petcher) writes: I would like to get a Pentium box to run MacOS X Server (Rhapsody) when it comes out. Our college defaults to purchasing a stock DELL computer. Would rhapsody run on a DELL computer? (Anyone doing this?) Is there some other preferred stock computer I could choose, or would it be better to "roll my own"? I think it _really_ depends on what you want to do with the system in the long term. I, personally, will never purchase another prebuilt system from a "name" company, because I am not satisfied with their upgradability. Instead, I purchase systems from vendors who will build/test them, but let me specify all parts, and will include manuals. That way, in the future I can safely upgrade pieces in isolation. OTOH, if you will be able to shunt the entire box to someone else after it's useful lifespan, that's probably not worthwhile. Two online vendors I can recommend without reservation are: Net Express (netex) tends to build complete systems, while ESC only carries more of the core elements (though they are starting to carry a few hard drives and video cards). Net Express thus tends to cost somewhat more for the same equipment. As noted elsewhere in the thread, you're unlikely to save any money going this route - mainly because you shouldn't purchase "cheap" for NS/OS/Rhapsody. The goal is to save aggravation. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OpenStep 4.2 and KVM switches anyone? Date: 7 Aug 98 09:54:54 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6qcvoq$> In-reply-to:***'s message of 6 Aug 1998 19:22:02 GMT In article <6qcvoq$>, writes: Have any of you successfully hooked up Next/OpenStep PC's to a KVM switch ? For those that don't know, a KVM switch allows you to share one Keyboard, monitor (Video) and Mouse between several systems. I've been trying to hook up 3 systems to an NTI switch and it won't work properly. Even though the systems can see a mouse at boot time (and it works in the mouse-driven AMI BIOS), when the OS starts to configure drivers it always comes back with "PS2 Mouse Init failure, no such device...". I have a CYBEX SwitchView, which works, but the mouse was somewhat unsatisfactory. Extensive testing across a couple operating systems indicated (to _my_ satisfaction, at least) that they weren't forwarding the mouse events cleanly. Instead, they seemed to be coalescing some of the mouse moved events, so that instead of seeing something like "move 10 right, move 10 right, move 10 right", the computer was seeing "move 20 right, move 10 right", etc. This worked _horribly_ with NeXT's mouse acceleration, it caused the cursor to skitter. Without acceleration I found that moving a given distance sent the cursor the same distance with or without the switch - but without the switch things were _definitely_ smoother. An even worse symptom was that it sometimes sent through clicks out of sync with moves. So click-drag sometimes became drag-click, meaning that you wouldn't get the file or selection that you intended. I suspect that all of this is due to the translation function, where it can translate from serial mice to PS/2. It probably has some level of store-and-forward logic in the path of the mouse, though I never got their tech support to _admit_ this. Otherwise, I like the switch. I just use two mice instead of one :-(. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (David Andrew Knight) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OpenStep 4.2 and KVM switches anyone? Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 13:09:42 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <6qcvoq$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc:*** In <6qcvoq$> email spammers must die wrote: > Hi All, > > Have any of you successfully hooked up Next/OpenStep PC's to a > KVM switch ? For those that don't know, a KVM switch allows you to share one > Keyboard, monitor (Video) and Mouse between several systems. I've been trying > to hook up 3 systems to an NTI switch and it won't work properly. Even though > the systems can see a mouse at boot time (and it works in the mouse-driven AMI > BIOS), when the OS starts to configure drivers it always comes back with "PS2 > Mouse Init failure, no such device...". Tech Support at NTI is baffled (and > of course they don't have the OS to test with) and so am I. How could the mouse > work at boot time, but *not* 30 seconds later when OpenStep looks for it? > > Any pointers to KVM switches known to work with OpenStep PC's would be > much appreciated ! The key issue is to ask for a unit that works with NT. Some of the cheaper, usually mechanical only, switches don't hold the PS/2 lines "live" when switched out, this can cause NT, OPENSTEP to "lose" the mouse. -- Regards David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 10 Aug 1998 05:36:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 9 Aug 1998 03:48:30 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (Chris Saldanha) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: iMac & MacOS X Server Date: 10 Aug 1998 02:47:22 GMT Organization: computerActive Inc. Message-ID: <6qlmvq$eak$> References: <> <> <> Chris Douty ( wrote: : Unfortunately the answer was "No." Don't beat me up about it, but Apple : seems to be unwilling to have Rhapsody support much of their hardware. : In any case, the iMac is significantly different from other available Mac The word at WWDC98 was "no" from all sources. They consider MacOS X Server (aka Rhapsody) to not be a consumer product and thus won't officially support it on iMacs. The missing drivers are USB, and possibly ethernet and video. It couldn't possibly be very hard to update the Rhapsody kernel to boot from the new ROM system (since it doesn't really use it anyway), and writing extra drivers when you're the hardware manufacturer isn't so hard, especially since they're already writing drivers for MacOS 8... Basically it's an issue of product positioning and not technical at all. Hopefully someone at Apple will release drivers for the iMac to run Rhapsody, even if they're not "officially supported". --Chris Chris Saldanha, Software Analyst -------------------------------------- computerActive, Inc |"The telephone was not invented by | (NeXT/MIME)| Alexander Graham Unitel" -Bell Ad | --------------------------------------
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Late model laptops running NS 3.3 or OS4.2? Date: 10 Aug 1998 16:11:56 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6qn64c$> References: <6qn49a$8ft$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Try Bifrost workstations, they offer several laptops; or, deepspace has video drivers for some laptop video chipsets: -- (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Late model laptops running NS 3.3 or OS4.2? Date: 10 Aug 1998 15:40:26 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6qn49a$8ft$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am getting ready to purchase a laptop which will run NS3.3 or OS4.2. I would like to find something that has the following minimum specs. 13.3" TFT screen 1024x768 resolution 233 MHz Pent. or Pent. II The IBM 770 and Toshiba 490CDT both looked like nice machines. However, I couldn't seem to find any graphics drivers on the apple enterprise site. Any suggestions would be appreciated. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Feng Liu) Newsgroups: Subject: formatting Syquest EZ flyer 230 disks Date: 10 Aug 1998 17:11:09 GMT Organization: University of California, Irvine Distribution: world Message-ID: <6qn9jd$> I attached a Syquest EZflyer 230 scsi drive to my PC running OS 4.1. When I try to initialize a 230MB disk originally with DOS format into a Next format disk, it complains on the console: Aug 10 10:00:49 Workspace[227]: DeviceInitPanel - Cannot select the default (choosing NeXT instead) Aug 10 10:01:07 Workspace: Unmounted foreign disk at /cart-v350 /usr/etc/disk -i -h -l "personal" -d 230686720 /dev/rsd0a disk name: SyQuest EZ230S 7220000 disk type: removable_rw_scsi writing disk label can't write label -- disk unusable!: I/O error Any special things I have to do? Thank you.
From: (Kurt D. Bollacker) Newsgroups: Subject: How to Use a (non adb) NeXT Keyboard with a PC? Date: 10 Aug 1998 20:07:33 GMT Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Message-ID: <6qnju5$9nv$> I have an old, unsused NeXT keyboard that I love, but soon, my venerable NeXTStation will have to be replaced with a faster PC (running NeXTSTEP of course!). How can I take my Keyboard with me? Is there some hardware hack out there that I can build? If there's not already a known method, does anyone have a good pointer towards the info so that I can think about designing an adapter? Thanks for any help.... Kurt :-) ...................................................................... : Kurt D. Bollacker University of Texas at Austin : : P.O. Box 8566, Austin, TX 78713 : :....................................................................:
From: "Jonathan Hendry" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: iMac & MacOS X Server Date: 10 Aug 1998 22:52:12 GMT Organization: Steel Driving Software Message-ID: <01bdc4db$70612ae0$74b4dccf@samsara> References: <> <> <> <6qlmvq$eak$> Chris Saldanha <> wrote in article > Basically it's an issue of product positioning and not technical at all. > Hopefully someone at Apple will release drivers for the iMac to run > Rhapsody, even if they're not "officially supported". PowerMacs after the iMac are also going to use USB and the new ROM system. If Apple releases OSX/Server drivers for those machines, then it should be possible to use them to run OSX/Server on an iMac.
From: "Mark R. Bush" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Newbie EIDE Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:30:32 -0600 Organization: University of Utah Computer Center Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit How can I install NeXTstep 3.3 without a scsi cdrom? I don't have any other unix machine's that I can download drivers with. Only dos and NT. Anyhelp for a newbie that really wants to make this work. Mark R. Bush
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT printer question Date: 11 Aug 1998 04:15:13 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6qoggh$> I just got a printer from DeepSpace Tech, and I was wondering about a couple of things: 1. This uses a LaserJet 2 toner cartridge, correct? 2. When I try to print something(as it is right now) I do not get any error messages. Is this normal if a toner cartridge is not in the printer? (the jobs go to the print queue and sit there, and it seems to act as if nothing is wrong.) My only indication that it works is the fan cycleing during my slab's power up. -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me. "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: Newsgroups: Subject: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:09:59 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6qn60l$6nq$> hello, i'm hoping to upgrade the original 100mb HD that's inside my newly acquired mono nextstation. i have a SCSI 2gb Seagate that i just pulled from an SGI Indigo, all clean and ready to go, however ... i've heard some ominous rumors that faster, higher-capacity HDs -- at least, compared to the ones originally installed in the machines 6+ years ago -- have a tendency to overheat in the slabs, due to space constraints. obviously, i don't want to cook a perfectly good hard drive if that's the case. does anyone have any experience or knowledge in these matters? if heat/ventilation issues do exist, what is a good upper limit for capacity/speed to live by? thanks, craig magaret -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 10 Aug 98 10:47:25 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:09:59 GMT In article <6qn60l$6nq$>, writes: i'm hoping to upgrade the original 100mb HD that's inside my newly acquired mono nextstation. i have a SCSI 2gb Seagate that i just pulled from an SGI Indigo, all clean and ready to go, however ... i've heard some ominous rumors that faster, higher-capacity HDs -- at least, compared to the ones originally installed in the machines 6+ years ago -- have a tendency to overheat in the slabs, due to space constraints. obviously, i don't want to cook a perfectly good hard drive if that's the case. Scott's All-Purpose Drive Heat Test: Install the drive. Leave the monitor slightly to one side, and don't screw the lib on. Boot, and run a couple tasks which excercise the disk (compile a project, tar / to /dev/null, something of the sort). _Carefully, raise the lid, and place your hand on the disk drive. If the drive is too hot to leave your hand on, it's too hot to leave in your station. If the drive is _almost_ too hot, think twice. If the drive is comfortable or even cool, shut things down, screw the lid on, and put the monitor back on top... Note that the original Seagate 1480N 400M drive in my station was _hot_. It would have been in the "think twice" bin. The specs say it's a "9 watts typical (15 watts maximum)". In general, I think it's simply not worth the bother to put a hot drive in a NeXTstation. Any late-model 5400 RPM drive is going to be _far_ faster than the station can really take advantage of. Drives more than 2Gig start to get really annoying to fsck (two fsck's a year sounds reasonable - but not if it takes a half hour to run them), and if you really need that much, it just takes a long time to read all that data on a NeXTstation. Lastly, you can find used 2Gig 5400RPM drives for under $100, so there's little point to using an older drive. if heat/ventilation issues do exist, what is a good upper limit for capacity/speed to live by? Most low-profile (1" tall) 5400RPM 2Gig drives are reasonable. Say a Seagate Hawk 2XL, or an IBM UltraStar 2ES. These are 7 watt drives, and it's usually hard to tell if they're warm (they seem to be about body temperature to me). Seagate has stats for their older drives at Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Axel.Rau@Fr.Bosch.DE (Axel Rau - Bosch Gruppe) Newsgroups:, Subject: OS 4.2 Installation with CDROM and disk on different SCSI-Controllers Date: 11 Aug 1998 09:44:57 GMT Organization: The Bosch Group (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany) Message-ID: <6qp3qp$hs3$> I was unable to install OPENSTEP 4.2 on a PC with a 2940UW onboard and some disks connected via wides SCSI and a 2940U with some 8-Bit-SCSI-Devices like CDROM It was possible to add the 2nd controller to an already installed system, using to create a 2nd instance and to access the devices on the 2nd bus w/o problems. Putting this driver bundle (with 2 instances) on the driver disk, lets you select both controllers in the driver selection dialog. But after reboot (even after giving it the driver disk where it asked for) mach sees only the first (onboard) controller and is anable to complete installation. What am I missing here? ..asks Axel P.S. The only work-around, I know about, is: Use a wide-to-ultra-reduction plug to connect the CDROM drive to the ultra-bus during installation. -- Mit freundlichem Gru , / Best regards, Axel Rau -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axel Rau - QI/RZS1 - Internet Services Bosch Group - Frankfurt, Germany Bosch Telecom QI/RZS31; P.O.Box; D-60277 Frankfurt Phone: +49-69-7505-6069; Fax: -2169; E-Mail: Axel.Rau@Fr.Bosch.DE (Mime,NeXT)
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT printer question Date: 11 Aug 1998 12:03:57 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6qpbvd$> References: <6qoggh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: The printer uses HP 92295A Toner Cartridges (for the LaserJet II and III), or you can use Canon EP-S. Don't know about the EP-S, but the 92295A toner comes with roller cleaning pad (which goes in the slot just behind the bar with the yellow high-temperature warning label on it. You should also have a plastic tool inside the printer, to the left of the input paper tray (the tool is angled, with felt cleaning pad on it) to clean this cleaning pad slot. The printer is automatically turned on and off by your NeXT (as long as the printer's plugged in and connected to the NeXT). It will automatically turn off when the lid is open, but takes a while to cool down. Also, when you open the printer lid, you'll see a black, round dial with numbers 1-9. This is the print density dial; Turning the dial toward one produces a darker image; turning it toward 9 lightens the image. I always start out at 9 with a new cartridge. Regarding the print queue, I don't remember if you have to define this printer initially in, or if it is automatically defined. JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: "Justin K. M. Sowers" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube backplane pinout, anyone? Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:43:02 -0400 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, NeXT community. I have an old NeXT computer (yes, a 68030, pre-cube cube) and I have done two backplane mods to stick another 030 board and an 040 board in the shell. Now, I would like to add extra cooling capability and power the supplemental 12V DC fan I have off of the remaining empty motherboard connection if possible. Does anyone out there have or know of a pinout diagram for the vertical motherboard connectors on the cube backplane? I have probes and other electronics measurement equipment, but would rather not put the fragile backplane in jeopardy by poking around randomly... Thanks. -Justin. (jsowers "at" altavista "dot" net)
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: Installing OS4.2 on PII400MHz Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 10:45:18 -0400 Organization: SUNY - University at Buffalo Message-ID: <6qplh3$dff$> Hi: I am trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 MACH on a Pentium II 400MHz computer. It has two partitions: Window NT on an NTFS (2.5 Gig) and an empty Extended DOS partition (2Gig). The installation goes as far as the Monitor window for Mach and it fails when it tries to initialize the partition to be used as an OPENSTEP partition. My Configuration is as follows: Motherboard: QS440BX w/ Pentium II 400MHz RAM: 128MB SDRAM PC100 SCSI Adapter: Adaptec AHA2940UW Video: ATI Xpert@Play 8MB AGP Ethernet Card: 3COM 3C900B Combo Sound Card: SoundBlaster AWE64 Value PnP Modem: Internal USR Sportster 56K Voice Disk: Internal Seagate SCSI U/W 4.5GB CD-ROM: Internal Pioneer 32X SCSI ZIP: Internal SCSI 100MB Monitor: 17" Mitsubishi Diamon Pro 700 Keyboard: Mitsumi 104Key Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse Microphone: Em-1 Lapel Speakers: AppleDesign Powered Speakers Thanks. Wassim Jabi (
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: Trying to Install OS4.2 on PII400MHz Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 10:29:53 -0400 Organization: SUNY - University at Buffalo Message-ID: <6qplh2$dff$> Hi: I am trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 Mach on a Pentium II 400MHz, with two disk partitions (Windows NT on an NTFS and an empty DOS partition). After the basic Mach boots up, it tries to initialize the DOS partition into an OPENSTEP partition and that fails. I even tried installing OPENSTEP on the whole disk (wiping out Windows NT): That worked, but the computer would not start afterwards - It would hang after "Verifying DMI Pool" (or some message similar to that). Here is my configuration: QS440BX Pentium II 400MHz 128MB 100MHz SDRAM Adaptec AHA-2940UW (BIOS 1.32) Seagate U/W SCSI 7200RPM 4.5Gigabytes ID 0 SCSI Pioneer CD-ROM 32X (Internal) ID 2 SCSI ZIP (Internal) ID 5 3COM 3C900B RJ45/BNC COMBO PCI ATI Xpert@Play (8MB SGRAM) Rage Pro AGP Video Card I downloaded all the new drivers and applied them when needed (no difference). Any help would be appreciated. Please send a CC: to Thanks. Wassim Jabi (
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to Use a (non adb) NeXT Keyboard with a PC? Date: 11 Aug 1998 15:25:26 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6qnju5$9nv$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6qnju5$9nv$>, Kurt D. Bollacker <> wrote: >How can I take my Keyboard with me? Is there some hardware hack out there >that I can build? You'd likely have to build a microcontroller-based adapter, since I stongly doubt that the serial protocols have anything to do with one another (especially true since there's mouse info in there as well). As nice as the black keyboards are I'm not convinced that it's worth it. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube backplane pinout, anyone? Date: 11 Aug 1998 15:26:55 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Justin K. M. Sowers <> wrote: >Hello, NeXT community. > >Does anyone out there have or know >of a pinout diagram for the vertical motherboard connectors on the cube >backplane? There's a document on Peanuts somewhere called something like "NeXTbusDoc". It has all the info you need. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: mitsubishi monitor crapping out more often Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 11:45:13 -0400 Organization: University at Buffalo Message-ID: <6qpp1h$f66$> References: <> <6q9ua1$6ua$> Charles W. Swiger wrote in message <6q9ua $6ua$>... >Don McKinnon <> wrote: >>When it goes the little green light goes with it. >> >>Is this a symptom of a fatal problem. > >Without more information (this monitor is connected to an Intel system >running NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, hopefully), it's tough to say. >At a guess, the power supply in the monitor is going bad. > >-Chuck I didn't get to read the full original post, but.... I have a new Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 700 (17") and it is GORGEOUS! However, I did notice that the AC plug is a bit flaky/loose. If you move your monitor, it may disconnect eventhough it looks like it is still plugged in. Try something as simple as pushing it in further, or replacing it with another one that has a tighter fit and better connectors.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Trying to Install OS4.2 on PII400MHz Date: 11 Aug 1998 16:03:26 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6qpq0e$5co$> References: <6qplh2$dff$> Wassim M Jabi <> wrote: >I am trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 Mach on a Pentium II 400MHz, with two >disk partitions (Windows NT on an NTFS and an empty DOS partition). After >the basic Mach boots up, it tries to initialize the DOS partition into an >OPENSTEP partition and that fails. I even tried installing OPENSTEP on the >whole disk (wiping out Windows NT): That worked, but the computer would not >start afterwards - It would hang after "Verifying DMI Pool" (or some message >similar to that). Try creating the NEXTSTEP partition in the first 2 GB (and have it be smaller than 2 GB, of course), and leave the remainder of the space for NT. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Seung-joo Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Newbie EIDE Date: 11 Aug 1998 16:17:37 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <6qpqr1$a5j$> References: <> You (Mark R. Bush <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:30:32 -0600: > How can I install NeXTstep 3.3 without a scsi cdrom? I don't have any > other unix machine's that I can download drivers with. Only dos and > NT. Anyhelp for a newbie that really wants to make this work. > > You can install NEXTSTEP 3.3 without a SCSI CD-ROM. In session of installing, when you prompted to select the driver for controller connected CDROM, just choose any SCSI driver. And then when you prompted to select the driver for controller connected Hard disk, choose EIDE and ATAPI ... Be careful not to choose EIDE and ATAPI ...(RZ ...) driver. I'm sorry I can't remember the exact messages and names. Dos is OK to download drivers. NEXTSTEP can mount Dos partition. > Mark R. Bush > > --- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Be GREAT in ACT just as you have been in THOUGHT" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Seung-joo Lee (NeXTmail Preferred!)
From: (Seung-joo Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: formatting Syquest EZ flyer 230 disks Date: 11 Aug 1998 16:26:37 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <6qprbt$a5j$> References: <6qn9jd$> You (Feng Liu <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 10 Aug 1998 17:11:09 GMT: > I attached a Syquest EZflyer 230 scsi drive to my PC running OS 4.1. > When I try to initialize a 230MB disk originally with DOS format into > a Next format disk, it complains on the console: > > Aug 10 10:00:49 Workspace[227]: DeviceInitPanel - Cannot select the > default (choosing NeXT instead) > Aug 10 10:01:07 Workspace: Unmounted foreign disk at /cart-v350 > /usr/etc/disk -i -h -l "personal" -d 230686720 /dev/rsd0a > disk name: SyQuest EZ230S 7220000 > disk type: removable_rw_scsi > writing disk label > can't write label -- disk unusable!: I/O error > > Any special things I have to do? > Thank you. > I suppose you should have done low-level format the disk. I don't know it is possible to do low-level format the disk under NEXTSTEP. If you can't, why don't you try to do using SCSI utility in SCSI BIOS. Good luck! --- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Be GREAT in ACT just as you have been in THOUGHT" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Seung-joo Lee (NeXTmail Preferred!)
From: (John Haugeland) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 11 Aug 1998 19:30:06 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <6qq63u$5il$> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> <> Though I don't doubt the validity of this advice, I'm a little perplexed that it should be even this complicated. Can't one _simply_ go by the power (wattage) drawn by the drive? I mean, heat just _is_ dissipated power -- and, for a disk drive, that will be essentially all of the power it draws (the amounts that go into signal and noise should be tiny by comparison). And, since the form-factors are pretty standard, circulation shouldn't be adversely impacted. (I would think that a newer thinner drive would be, if anything, slightly better.) Moreover, with regard to heat dissipation, it should be the average power draw that matters. The maximum power is an issue only with regard to what the power supply of the machine can deliver (eg, at spin up). John Scott Hess <> wrote: > writes: > i'm hoping to upgrade the original 100mb HD that's inside my newly > acquired mono nextstation. i have a SCSI 2gb Seagate that i just > pulled from an SGI Indigo, all clean and ready to go, however ... > > i've heard some ominous rumors that faster, higher-capacity HDs -- > at least, compared to the ones originally installed in the machines > 6+ years ago -- have a tendency to overheat in the slabs, due to > space constraints. obviously, i don't want to cook a perfectly > good hard drive if that's the case. > >Scott's All-Purpose Drive Heat Test: > > Install the drive. Leave the monitor slightly to one side, and > don't screw the lib on. Boot, and run a couple tasks which > excercise the disk (compile a project, tar / to /dev/null, > something of the sort). _Carefully, raise the lid, and place > your hand on the disk drive. > > If the drive is too hot to leave your hand on, it's too hot to > leave in your station. If the drive is _almost_ too hot, think > twice. If the drive is comfortable or even cool, shut things > down, screw the lid on, and put the monitor back on top... > >Note that the original Seagate 1480N 400M drive in my station was >_hot_. It would have been in the "think twice" bin. The specs say >it's a "9 watts typical (15 watts maximum)". > >In general, I think it's simply not worth the bother to put a hot >drive in a NeXTstation. Any late-model 5400 RPM drive is going to be >_far_ faster than the station can really take advantage of. Drives >more than 2Gig start to get really annoying to fsck (two fsck's a year >sounds reasonable - but not if it takes a half hour to run them), and >if you really need that much, it just takes a long time to read all >that data on a NeXTstation. Lastly, you can find used 2Gig 5400RPM >drives for under $100, so there's little point to using an older >drive. > > if heat/ventilation issues do exist, what is a good upper limit for > capacity/speed to live by? > >Most low-profile (1" tall) 5400RPM 2Gig drives are reasonable. Say a >Seagate Hawk 2XL, or an IBM UltraStar 2ES. These are 7 watt drives, >and it's usually hard to tell if they're warm (they seem to be about >body temperature to me). > >Seagate has stats for their older drives at > > >Later, >-- >scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 ><Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots > Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:15:24 -0700 From: "Ian H. Stewart" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Trying to Install OS4.2 on PII400MHz References: <6qplh2$dff$> <6qpq0e$5co$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If you want to install OPENSTEP on a PC which had NT on it, be sure to clear the MBR first. To do this from dos run: fdisk /mbr Then boot the OPENSTEP Floppies and Install as usual. Chuck is correct in that OPENSTEP requires install and boot (without a custom boot floppy) within the 1st 2GB of the drive. You can do something like this on an 6GB drive DOS/Windows 1GB Partition OPENSTEP 1GB Partition NT 2GB Partition Extended 2GB (combo of NT, DOS or windows data partitions) I use SYstem Commander on a setup like this and it is great for me. Ian Charles W. Swiger wrote: > Wassim M Jabi <> wrote: > >I am trying to install OPENSTEP 4.2 Mach on a Pentium II 400MHz, with two > >disk partitions (Windows NT on an NTFS and an empty DOS partition). After > >the basic Mach boots up, it tries to initialize the DOS partition into an > >OPENSTEP partition and that fails. I even tried installing OPENSTEP on the > >whole disk (wiping out Windows NT): That worked, but the computer would not > >start afterwards - It would hang after "Verifying DMI Pool" (or some message > >similar to that). > > Try creating the NEXTSTEP partition in the first 2 GB (and have it be smaller > than 2 GB, of course), and leave the remainder of the space for NT. > > -Chuck > > Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer > ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- > "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: (Clark Archer) Newsgroups: Subject: boot: sd(0,0,0)diagnostic Please Help!! Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 01:22:41 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 20:22:41 CDT I just received a NeXT Cube (68040/25) in exchange for some work and I'm trying to get it to boot. When it starts it sees the SCSI disk and begins booting: boot sd(0,0,0)diagnostics booting target 1, lun 0 waiting for drive to come ready... blk0 boot: sd()diagnostics Booting from SCSI target 1 lun 0 diagnostics: not found load failed blk0 boot: And no matter what I type to that "blk0 boot:" prompt it outputs: bad device load failed blk0 boot: I'd really like to get this system going since it is very sentimental to me to have a NeXT machine. I had my first programming job writing NeXT apps. :) Thank you for any help! Clark
From: Newsgroups: Subject: OD on cube? no work? Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 02:51:26 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6qqvvf$9aa$> Hi I have 2 cubes. One cube can't use the OD, even it can be seen at ROM MONITOR. But it keeps ready and show nothing until it hangs. Here is the configuration of both systems. system#1 HD-SCSI#1 at ROM MONITOR is shows od0 odc0 slave0 system#2 HD-SCSI#1 at ROM MONITOR is shows od0 odc0 slave1 Second system works and the first system doesn't work. Do I need to set slave to be 1? and how? Please let me know what's the problem. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: boot: sd(0,0,0)diagnostic Please Help!! Date: 12 Aug 1998 03:59:53 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6qr3vp$eg8$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Clark Archer wrote: > I just received a NeXT Cube (68040/25) in exchange for some work and > I'm trying to get it to boot. When it starts it sees the SCSI disk > and begins booting: > > boot sd(0,0,0)diagnostics > booting target 1, lun 0 > waiting for drive to come ready... > blk0 boot: sd()diagnostics > Booting from SCSI target 1 lun 0 > diagnostics: not found > load failed > blk0 boot: > > And no matter what I type to that "blk0 boot:" prompt it outputs: > > bad device > load failed > > blk0 boot: > > I'd really like to get this system going since it is very sentimental > to me to have a NeXT machine. I had my first programming job writing > NeXT apps. :) > > Thank you for any help! > Clark > Search dejanews for boot AND diagnostics and I'm sure you would have found your answer. I guess I'll add yet another answer (YAA) on this. When you boot just after the testing system message appears do a right command - Tilda to get into the ROM prompt from there you should do a p and reset the boot to bsd or bsd(0,0,0) and leave the rest as default. Then when you reboot your machine it should just try to boot the kernel rather than the diagnostics. I hope to have this stuff in FAQ soon under (which is pretty sparse currently) e-mail me if you have problems. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: boot: sd(0,0,0)diagnostic Please Help!! Date: 12 Aug 1998 03:25:08 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6qr1uk$kpa$> References: <> (Clark Archer) wrote: >I just received a NeXT Cube (68040/25) in exchange for some work and >I'm trying to get it to boot. When it starts it sees the SCSI disk >and begins booting: > >boot sd(0,0,0)diagnostics >booting target 1, lun 0 >waiting for drive to come ready... >blk0 boot: sd()diagnostics >Booting from SCSI target 1 lun 0 >diagnostics: not found >load failed >blk0 boot: > >And no matter what I type to that "blk0 boot:" prompt it outputs: > >bad device >load failed > >blk0 boot: > >I'd really like to get this system going since it is very sentimental >to me to have a NeXT machine. I had my first programming job writing >NeXT apps. :) > >Thank you for any help! >Clark You should update the boot parameters. While in the ROM monitor (type Command-` after powering up, the prompt is 'NeXT>' ) use the p command. You should get a list of questions: You get: -> You type: -------- --------- NeXT> p RETURN boot command: od? -> sd RETURN DRAM tests: yes? -> RETURN perform power-on system test: yes? -> RETURN sound out tests: no? -> RETURN SCSI tests: no? -> RETURN loop until keypress: no? -> RETURN verbose test mode: no? -> RETURN boot extended diagnostics: no? -> no RETURN serial port A is alternate console: no? -> RETURN allow any ROM command even if password protected: no? -> RETURN allow boot from any device even if password protected: no? -> RETURN allow optical drive #0 eject even if password protected: no? -> RETURN Then reboot with the b command: You get: -> You type: -------- --------- NeXT> -> b RETURN If you've the login panel, you can go to the ROM monitor cleanly by going to the console (type console as user name in the login panel), then log as root and use the halt command. You should end up in the ROM monitor. __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next 21" to Mac? Date: 12 Aug 1998 10:30:42 GMT Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <6qrqsi$pb9$> References: <6nh8n1$648$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6nh8n1$648$> Matthew Rademacher wrote: > > > Is there an adapter to enable a NeXT monitor work on a Mac? > > Thanks > > > Yep. Go to http://www.Nashville.Net/~griffin/ gregor
From: (Ralph Schmidt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Trying to Install OS4.2 on PII400MHz Date: 12 Aug 1998 12:18:38 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <6qs16u$f37$> References: <6qplh2$dff$> <6qpq0e$5co$> <> In-Reply-To: <> On 08/12/98, "Ian H. Stewart" wrote: >If you want to install OPENSTEP on a PC which had NT on it, >be sure to clear the MBR first. To do this from dos run: > >fdisk /mbr > >Then boot the OPENSTEP Floppies and Install as usual. >Chuck is correct in that OPENSTEP requires install and boot Sorry..but Nextstep 3.3 works fine on a 2G partition which starts at 2G. So the <2G myth is incorrect for the position of the NS partition. -- Ralph Schmidt,,NextMail welcome Phase5 ,,NextMail welcome
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: OD on cube? no work? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: GSB, University of Chicago References: <6qqvvf$9aa$> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 13:14:18 GMT In article <6qqvvf$9aa$>, <> wrote: >Hi >I have 2 cubes. One cube can't use the OD, even it can be seen at ROM >MONITOR. But it keeps ready and show nothing until it hangs. >Here is the configuration of both systems. >system#1 >HD-SCSI#1 >at ROM MONITOR is shows >od0 odc0 slave0 >system#2 >HD-SCSI#1 >at ROM MONITOR is shows >od0 odc0 slave1 > >Second system works and the first system doesn't work. Do I need to set slave >to be 1? and how? >Please let me know what's the problem. > As long as the cable is connected correctly, you do not have to do anything (the slave thing..). It seems to me the OD drive is dead. I wish the news could be any better....
Newsgroups:, From: (Lars A. Stole) Subject: Re: Openstep via Virtual PC on G3 PowerBooks? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <6mmkuq$90e$> <B1B5B25A-2408D3@> <> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:35:58 GMT >From: Michel Coste>Organization: MiCMAC >Subject: Openstep via Virtual PC on G3 PowerBooks? >Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 16:03:11 GMT > > >Has someone tried that on the new G3 PowerBooks (WallStreet)? >250 especially... > I finally got Openstep 4.2 to work on my G3 292Mhz powerbook. It took awhile to get the display to function at 1024x768; in the end I used the Diamond DRAM driver with 4MB of ram, and the resolution works fine at 256 colors. As for the speed, I am very disappointed. I had hoped that Openstep on VPC would be a workable solution until MacOS Server is released (assuming, of course, that it even runs on the powerbooks). I currently have Nextstep 3.3 on a NEC 75Mhz pentium laptop and I find it significantly faster than Openstep 4.2 via VPC on my powerbook. The former is quite usable; the latter is frustratingly slow. THe mouse jumps about on the screen and the machine seems to run at about 1/3 the speed of the 75Mhz pentium. In short, the machine is probably eqiuvalent to a fast 486. Don't expect much. [Note that Windows on VPC is a different story altogether. It runs very fast and is extremely useable if that's what you're looking for. I've heard comparisons such as a Pentium at around 150Mhz; this seems plausible to me.] Another problem is that file sharing does not work for non-Windows OS's. Thus, if you want to move files from your Mac drives to your Openstep harddrive image, you need to be creative. In the end, I succeeded by creating a second harddrive with DOS format and attaching it to the Openstep image. Then when VPC is not running, I can copy files to the second drive image, then load up Openstep, and then access the files as a mounted DOS drive. Not very pretty, but it works. All of this effort is wasted, to a large extent, as I will not continue with Openstep on VPC. I'll either use my NEC laptop or invest in MachTen as an interim solution.
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 12 Aug 98 08:17:25 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> <> <6qq63u$5il$> In-reply-to:'s message of 11 Aug 1998 19:30:06 GMT In article <6qq63u$5il$>, (John Haugeland) writes: Though I don't doubt the validity of this advice, I'm a little perplexed that it should be even this complicated. Can't one _simply_ go by the power (wattage) drawn by the drive? Perhaps. But I'd rather "measure" myself, since I have no control over the different drive manufacturers test methodologies. And the same drive manufactured in different places by the same company can have very different heat characteristics (I suppose each _batch_ can be different, when you come down to it). I'd look at the specs before purchasing a drive, just to make sure I'm not ordering something clearly wrong. But I'd do the touch test on install. Regardless of what the specs _say_, if the particular drive you got runs hot, it will self-destruct more quickly than if it doesn't. Specifications are just that - they're a statement of how the unit is _supposed_ to perform, they aren't guarantees of performance. And, since the form-factors are pretty standard, circulation shouldn't be adversely impacted. (I would think that a newer thinner drive would be, if anything, slightly better.) But drives do have different heat dissipation characteristics. Some drives may require installation such that they can shunt heat to the enclosure, which probably won't work in a NeXTstation. Measuring the drive's heat in place captures this. [I've had drives which ran cool to the touch in one enclosure, and hot in another. It's easier to measure the heat of the drive in operation than it is to directly measure the heat transfer ability of the enclosure.] Moreover, with regard to heat dissipation, it should be the average power draw that matters. The maximum power is an issue only with regard to what the power supply of the machine can deliver (eg, at spin up). Depends on if the "average" includes _your_ workload. I'd rather test it for overheating under load than during idle time. The drive isn't going to self-destruct while idling :-). So far as the maximum draw - I'd try to keep it under the maximum draw of drives NeXT shipped in the unit. It's simply not worth pushing the envelope on these machines. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Azulite Park" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Help! maybe SCSI problem? Mime-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Message-ID: <uujA1.717$> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:34:34 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 01:34:34 KDT Organization: Dacom I have color turbo and get new 500 IBM HD I wanna build on my new hard so boot with FD and CDrom but each time I try to build, message like this... searching for CDROM.. sc: didn=B9t complete sd: target 0 lun 0 opcode 18 sd: addr 0x43bbf50 bcount 66 rdflag 1 sd: sdstatus 0 sdstate 0 resid 66 sc: s5c state 1 status 0x0 sc: intrastatus 0x0 seqstep 0x0 sc: fifo level =3D 7 transfer count 0 sc: command 0x42 config 0x57 I changed jumper switch so many times but all helpless... please tell me what to do thanks
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 12 Aug 1998 18:01:20 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6qsl9g$lir$> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> <> <6qq63u$5il$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Scott Hess wrote: > In article <6qq63u$5il$>, <snip> Well done. I had constructed a similiar reply on to just delete it as often happens - as the tone might have been a tad bitchy - I couldn't see how someone would say you've given me too much information. You covered everything I had written in your reply - including the general rule - there are always some devices that do not operate within spec limits - and there is no such thing as 'average' use that could cover what the touch test does. Your numbers are also good (7W ok, 9W high) etc. Nice to see you Scott, and good posts! When I redo FAQ info or include a new version I'll try to remember to put your info in AND credit it to you :). Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:11:58 +0000 From: Kristopher Jon Magnusson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: #9 Revolution3D AGP/SGRAM on DR2? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It doesn't work. Anyone been able to get it working? It autodetects PCI IDs just fine, but reports there is unknown information in the BIOS. I've looked at the NeXTanswers site for a newer driver. There is none. ................... kris
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6qs1ko$jm7$> Control: cancel <6qs1ko$jm7$> Date: 12 Aug 1998 21:40:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6qs1ko$jm7$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Jensen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OD on cube? no work? Date: 13 Aug 1998 01:14:52 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6qtemc$9kg$> References: <6qqvvf$9aa$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Aug 1998 01:14:52 GMT wrote: >od0 odc0 slave1 All this is normal. It means the drive powers up and makes its presence known at boot. The drive is probably dust-contaminated. Try cleaning the drive (I think there is an old NeXTAnswer about this). That *may* work. If not, it's likely that the the drive is dead. Good luck, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: Xpert@Play AGP 8MB Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 01:42:40 -0400 Organization: SUNY, University At Buffalo Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------C03617F131A9471F7C8894C4" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------C03617F131A9471F7C8894C4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello: I finally was able to install OPENSTEP 4.2 MACH on my Intel Pentium II 400MHz. I followed the instructions on Stepwise and got my SoundBlaster AWE64 Value card to work. Now, the only thing that doesn't work is the video card (which I made sure is supported in NeXTanswers): I have an 8MB ATI Xpert@Play (Rage AGP). I downloaded and installed the newest version (4.03) of the ATIRageDisplayDriver. It refuses to work. In the boot up (which scrolls by sooo fast) it says something like: Error setMemoryRangeList (ResourceShortage) and some other stuff. In any case, I end up in VGA B&W mode. Tips: I noticed in the Expert settings that the Bus Type is set to PCI. Shouldn't that be AGP? All the tables are PCI. I don't know exactly what I am talking about, but I thought you might! :-) Also, in there are no IRQ or DMA to set. Please e-mail me at Thanks. Wassim Jabi ( --------------C03617F131A9471F7C8894C4 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Jabi, Wassim Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Wassim Jabi n: Jabi;Wassim org: SUNY, University At Buffalo adr;dom: ;;3435 Main St. - 112 Hayes Hall;Buffalo;NY;14214-3087; email;internet: title: Assistant Professor tel;work: +1 (716) 829-3483 Ext. 323 tel;fax: +1 (716) 829-3256 tel;home: +1 (716) 883-8801 note: Other E-Mail addresses: , x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------C03617F131A9471F7C8894C4--
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Xpert@Play AGP 8MB Date: 13 Aug 1998 08:26:07 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <6qu7uv$m8j$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Aug 1998 08:26:07 GMT Wassim M Jabi <> wrote: > This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Beurk ! > I finally was able to install OPENSTEP 4.2 MACH on my Intel Pentium II 400MHz. > I followed the instructions on Stepwise and got my SoundBlaster AWE64 Value > card to work. Now, the only thing that doesn't work is the video card (which I > made sure is supported in NeXTanswers): > I have an 8MB ATI Xpert@Play (Rage AGP). > I downloaded and installed the newest version (4.03) of the > ATIRageDisplayDriver. It refuses to work. In the boot up (which scrolls by > sooo fast) it says something like: You can see the boot messages in a file like /usr/adm/messages or something like that. > Error setMemoryRangeList (ResourceShortage) > and some other stuff. > In any case, I end up in VGA B&W mode. I think that OpenStep as a problem with memory. If you have more than 196 MB of RAM (included the video RAM), you can get an alloc error when started the video driver (I had this problem on a machine with Rhapsody). So you have to say at boot time that you have less than 196 MB. Try typing at boot time something like maxmem=131072 If it works, you can add this line in the configuration files (with Éric. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FileMaker Pro training Date: 13 Aug 1998 00:45:09 GMT Organization: Macresource Computer Training Message-ID: <6qtcul$lu3$1@nnrp0.seg0> Learn FileMaker Pro in your browser. New on-line course with numerous screen-grabs and QuickTime movies. Just $9.99.
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Xpert@Play AGP 8MB Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:45:28 -0400 Organization: SUNY - University At Buffalo Message-ID: <> References: <> <6qu7uv$m8j$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------255BFA4836111543D48E623B" To: Eric Levenez <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------255BFA4836111543D48E623B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Eric Levenez wrote: > I think that OpenStep as a problem with memory. If you have more than > 196 MB of RAM (included the video RAM), you can get an alloc error > when started the video driver (I had this problem on a machine with > Rhapsody). So you have to say at boot time that you have less than > 196 MB. Try typing at boot time something like > > maxmem=131072 > > If it works, you can add this line in the configuration files (with > > > Éric. > > -- > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" > Publius Vergilius Maro, > (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 > -------------------------------------------------------------------- I tried maxmem=131072 and nothing changed :-( I have 128MB RAM and an 8MB Video Card. Is that a problem? Any ideas? --------------255BFA4836111543D48E623B Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Jabi, Wassim Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Wassim Jabi n: Jabi;Wassim org: SUNY - University At Buffalo adr;dom: ;;3435 Main St. - 112 Hayes Hall;Buffalo;NY;14214-3087; email;internet: title: Assistant Professor tel;work: +1 (716) 829-3483 Ext. 323 tel;fax: +1 (716) 829-3256 tel;home: +1 (716) 883-8801 note: Other E-Mail addresses: x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------255BFA4836111543D48E623B--
From: Newsgroups: Subject: headless cube/station operation Date: 13 Aug 1998 15:15:40 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <6quvus$> Hi all! This topic reemerges periodically, but I don't remember seeing the solution. Is there a way of operating a cube or 'station headlessly? I assume shorting the right pins on the monitor jack will do the trick, but wouldn't want to try at random... Does anyone still sell a plug for this purpose? Best, Alex -- Alexander Levine Philosophy Department Lehigh University
From: (Dark Hacker) Newsgroups: Subject:, Date: 14 Aug 1998 01:26:21 GMT Organization: Fortress Of Computation Message-ID: <6r03nt$fsh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I recently purchased a Ricoh MediaMaster external SCSI CD-R/CD-RW CD ROM burner for Windows and Macs. Are there any OpenStep/NeXTStep drivers for this beast? I would dearely love to master CD ROMs as backups and archives on NeXT and OpenStep!!! I run NS 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2 on Intel. - Hacker -- Dark Hacker | Hacker and Fortress web mechanic The Guardians Of Computation | Fortress Of Computation mail: | web: ____________________________________________________________________ "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows no victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt, 1899
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6r0838$> Control: cancel <6r0838$> Date: 14 Aug 1998 02:35:54 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6r0838$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6r09hl$s43$> Control: cancel <6r09hl$s43$> Date: 14 Aug 1998 03:05:47 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6r09hl$s43$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Larry Blische <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Printer Wont Turn-On problem Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 08:08:33 +0000 Organization: LKB Associates, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My NeXT printer has stopped powering up. It did this once last month and after I turned it up on end and removed the bottom plate it turned on. Now that even that spell doesn't do the trick. I've been thru the paper transport repair... and got that working. (Thanks Randy) Now this. Has anyone solved the printer wont turn on problem? Can someone please email me the printer cable pin-out so I can see if the correct signals are making their way to the printer? At this point I have on idea whether it's the printer, cable or slab that is the problem. Thanks -- Larry Blische * Consultant/Programmer Desktop Apps : Client/Server : Embedded Systems : Device Drivers : Etc. 6195 Eagles Nest Drive * Jupiter, FL 33458 USA * 561.747.7844 * resume at
Subject: Drivers for Ricoh CD ROM burner Newsgroups:, From: Message-ID: <dTYA1.5$> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 15:39:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 11:39:53 EDT I recently purchased a Ricoh MediaMaster external SCSI CD-R/CD-RW CD ROM burner for Windows and Macs. Are there any OpenStep/NeXTStep drivers for this beast? I would dearly love to master CD ROMs as backups and archives on NeXT and OpenStep!!! I run NS 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2 on Intel. - Hacker -- Dark Hacker | e-mail Fortress Of Computation | Web ____________________________________________________________________ "Life would be so much easier if only we had the source code."
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: headless cube/station operation Date: 14 Aug 1998 15:44:53 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Distribution: world Message-ID: <6r1m1l$ddu$> References: <6quvus$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6quvus$> wrote: > Hi all! > > This topic reemerges periodically, but I don't remember seeing the > solution. Is there a way of operating a cube or 'station headlessly? I > assume shorting the right pins on the monitor jack will do the trick, but > wouldn't want to try at random... Does anyone still sell a plug for this > purpose? This really isn't an answer to your questions, but it might help. Your right about this topic being discussed before, try checking (using "power search") for old posts. I believe they were in csn.hardware or csn.sysadmin. I'm sure you will find quite abit of info. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Joshua W Burton) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP please: beloved old cube now freezes Date: 14 Aug 1998 16:43:04 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Message-ID: <6r1peo$> A few here may still remember me as the organizer of the Great Disk Deal, when Canon unloaded the last of their MO disks in stock, and my living room was filled to the ceiling with boxes for about a month. Like most academic vagrants, I've moved a couple of times since then, and during my most recent move last month the unthinkable happened, and my dear old NeXTcube, which has served me so well since 1989 and is still my main mail/news/TeX machine, somehow got sick. It was healthy when it went into the (original packing material!) boxes, took a short ride in a station wagon, sat in the box for six weeks, and was sick when I took it out and set it up. I've tried several of the obvious things, and am seeking help and advice on the less obvious ones. I _strongly_ wish to keep this machine running for another couple of years if I can. The hardware: 25 MHz 68040 motherboard, 16+4+4+4 MB SIMMs, 1.6 GB Barracuda Slowly dimming Megapixel, keyboard with decent <return> key ZyXEL 14.4 modem, NeXT printer, cheapo CD-ROM drive Thin ethernet no longer hooked up (used to be connected to our colorstation, and will be again, but it's standalone until we get some wiring work done in another room) The problem: Machine boots normally, runs for anywhere between 30 minutes and 12 hours, and then freezes completely. First two nerve pinches are totally ineffective: I can't get to the NMI prompt, nor telnet in, when it's frozen, and simply have to <alt><cmd>-*, bang, to shut off the power. At reboot, the fsck occasionally shows a single file damaged, but so far I've always been able to recover by manual fsck'ing. Sometimes on verbose reboot I see "Exception #2 at 0x100a5c6", which leads me to suspect it might be the memory. More on that below. I also had a couple of panics while I was trying to track this down, and they gave the "recv: uart overrun" message, which I dimly recall is symptomatic of a dying lithium cell. The battery tested near normal (3.091 V at load), but I replaced it with a new one (3.307 V), and I haven't seen a panic since then. So there _might_ be two unrelated problems, one of which is now fixed. I have checked that the fan is running and blowing in the right direction. I have taken every memory chip off the board, applied contact cleaner liberally, brushed it and waited for it to dry, and then reinstalled. I have tried to write a simple "crasher.c" on the assumption that it's memory (just malloc(10) forever, writing 0x0f0f0f0f and then 0xf0f0f0f0 into everything and checking for erroneous reads) but the behavior is interesting. Running in fully-booted user space, my crasher program can go forever (100MB+ of swapping) without hitting a bad memory page---but that probably proves nothing, because VM may keep some physical pages from ever being written. Running in single-user mode (with VM off, if I understand single-user mode correctly), crasher kills the machine after approximately 13 MB of allocation (28 MB RAM on the board). It still responds partially to nerve-pinch #2, but freezes on attempted exit to the ROM monitor. Furthermore, if I don't run my crasher, single-user boot will stay up for days on end, which full boot will not. So I'm sort of at a loss for how to proceed. If the motherboard is sick, I want to plonk down $150 for a new one before deepspacetech and orb run out of them, I suppose. If it's memory, I need some way to find out _which_ chips are bad. If it's memory _slots_, I need to find out which ones not to use, and get some more 4MB SIMMs so I can live out of the remaining ones. If it's some weird configuration thing I set two years ago, that happens to break (irregularly, after several hours??) when my wife's colorstation isn't ethernetted in, then I'm going to feel really stupid when we get the second machine linked back up. Anyway, I'd be delighted to supply any additional details that anyone thinks might conceivably be relevant, and to perform any diagnostic experiments that anyone may think of. Even a reliable way to crash the machine in seconds, instead of hours, would be of immeasurable diagnostic value; that's what I wrote crasher for, and got nothing but more enigmas for my trouble. I'm grasping at straws---anyone got a rope? Joshua W. Burton *** (847)677-3902 eves, (312)832-1221x246 day
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 14 Aug 1998 17:47:03 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Message-ID: <> From: "FMS WAREHOUSE (904)-264-2828" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTStation Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 18:58:09 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 14:58:09 EDT Organization: I recently looked in my ROM monitor and was curious the allow login through serial port option. Specifically, I want to connect a Macintosh as a terminal. Can I use a standard null modem cable for this? I also read where it was implied that a mac printer cable would work. Also, I want to reinstall my NS 3.3 software. I've got the moto boot disk, so what command do I issue to the ROM monitor to boot from it, or can I simply boot from the CD-ROM instead. Thank you very much.
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Rhapsody on DELL? Date: 14 Aug 1998 19:56:26 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6r24pa$60k$> References: <6qd6tf$1pi$> <> (Donald N. Petcher) writes: > I would like to get a Pentium box to run MacOS X Server (Rhapsody) > when it comes out. Our college defaults to purchasing a stock DELL > computer. Would rhapsody run on a DELL computer? (Anyone doing > this?) Is there some other preferred stock computer I could choose, > or would it be better to "roll my own"? Rhapsody DR2 runs really good on my DELL Dimension XPS-D300 (P2-300) here, no problem at all. But amazingly, I still work on the old NeXT turbo color station ;) as I prefer the 21in monitor more than the speed and also the keyboard (non ADB kbd is much better than Dell's MS-ergonomic keyboard that makes me crazy). Paulus
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: help me some more.... Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Aug 1998 21:52:22 GMT Organization: AOL i am still having problems, gettting openstep instaled i get the error "bad majik" first what is that... second sometimes i have errors about the hard drive which i know it is a good one... i have tried 2 hard drives, and get about the same thing..... please reply to thanks also i recive "waiting for drive to come ready" what is that one for?
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: boot: sd(0,0,0)diagnostic Please Help!! Date: 15 Aug 1998 00:40:57 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <6r2lep$n3j$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Clark Archer wrote: | I just received a NeXT Cube (68040/25) in exchange for some work and | I'm trying to get it to boot. When it starts it sees the SCSI disk | and begins booting: | | boot sd(0,0,0)diagnostics | booting target 1, lun 0 | waiting for drive to come ready... | blk0 boot: sd()diagnostics | Booting from SCSI target 1 lun 0 | diagnostics: not found | load failed | blk0 boot: Hold down <left command><right command> and type <tilde> This should get the attention of the ROM monitor and you will have a prompt NeXT> Type p (for parameters) You will be asked a number of questions. boot command: sd? (sd is the correct answer) ... boot extended diagnostics: yes? (no is the correct answer) ... Just cycle through until the NeXT> prompt returns, and then type b (for boot) carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: Subject: Printer Problem, Part 2... Date: 15 Aug 1998 00:50:21 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6r2m0d$> Now that I have a toner cartridge(and paper)... When the cover is closed, there is a whirr-click sound, and the air inside it when the cover is opened is noticabley warm. However... Nothing happens. Things slow down(I have Backspace running as my wallpaper), but jobs just sit in the print queue.(some do. smaller ones, such as a terminal screen, don't show up or print.) No error messages. No nothing. Help? -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me. "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: where to find hardware Date: 15 Aug 1998 00:59:30 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <6r2mhi$n3j$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> NHensleyD wrote: | Where can i find the memory chip i think it is 68 pins or so, that fits in | the single slot, in a mono slab 25mhz???, and what would be the price? That slot is holds expansion memory for the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) chip. It's really unlikely that you will be able to find the SIMM for it at this late date relative to the production of NeXT hardware. And unless you are a highly dedicated signal-processing type of person, you wouldn't have much that you could use it for. | Also what is the bigest size hard drive i can use in this machine, and | what brands are recomended? The size is governed by external physical parameters rather than data capacity. Best is a drive of nominal 3.5" width, and not more than 1.0" height. With a total power dissipation of 10 watts or less. There are several 4GB drives that fit these specifications. carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 15 Aug 1998 01:11:34 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <6r2n86$n3j$> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> <> <6qq63u$5il$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <6qq63u$5il$> John Haugeland wrote: | Though I don't doubt the validity of this advice, I'm a little perplexed | that it should be even this complicated. Can't one _simply_ go by the | power (wattage) drawn by the drive? I mean, heat just _is_ dissipated | power -- and, for a disk drive, that will be essentially all of the | power it draws (the amounts that go into signal and noise should be | tiny by comparison). And, since the form-factors are pretty standard, | circulation shouldn't be adversely impacted. (I would think that a newer | thinner drive would be, if anything, slightly better.) | Yes. Speaking from a long-time background as a physicist, it's amazing what gyrations people will go through when all they need to do is look at the dissipated power. | Moreover, with regard to heat dissipation, it should be the average | power draw that matters. The maximum power is an issue only with regard | to what the power supply of the machine can deliver (eg, at spin up). If your machine is going to be a very busy server, you want to look at the power dissipation when the drive is seeking. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Joshua W. Burton) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP please: beloved old cube now freezes Date: 16 Aug 1998 05:37:21 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6r5r6h$> References: <6r1peo$> I just had another freeze at just EXACTLY the moment when my mail, safely POP'd to my /usr/spool/mail, had been irrevocably moved from there to my mailbox, but not sync'd to disk. (Wouldn't you know it?) So exactly 24 mail messages from the last 48 hours are irretrievably lost. If any of them were kind replies to the previous note, could you please re-send? This is really intolerable. A NeXT that crashes every few hours is... not much better than a PeeCee. Intel: the firm that |===================================================== put the `backward' in | Joshua W Burton (847)677-3902 backward compatible. |=====================================================
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 16 Aug 1998 03:48:21 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: "steeve.k" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardwarePowerBook,,comp.sys.pc.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware,,es.comp.hardware,fido.belg.fra.hard Subject: Drivers & Computer equipement (matériel Informatique) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 17:29:00 +0200 Organization: Ye 'Ol Disorganized NNTPCache groupie Message-ID: <903368079.218918@si2-paris> Cache-Post-Path: si2-paris!unknown@ bonjour, visitez mon nouveau site, avec TOUS les drivers, des carcatéristiques pour de nombreux matériels et leurs prix n'oubliez pas mon livre d'or site en constante évolution ! hello, visit my new site, with ALL the drivers &carcateristics for many materials and their prices do not forget my guestbook ! site in constant evolution! Steeve KOWALTSCHEK FRANCE ICQ : 15686130 E-Mail : HOME PAGE :
From: (Jack Duan) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT color turbo and memory upgrade question Date: 16 Aug 1998 17:27:30 GMT Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington Message-ID: <6r74q2$5cq$> Hi, I am planning to upgrade memory to NeXT color turbo using 32MB FP SIMMs... but the FAQ says only to use 70ns rated modules... well, it is very hard and expensive to get these ones now days, so, if I buy and install 60ns onese (even EDO)... would system sees them as 70ns? I will not mix different speed in my system. How do I tell for sure that the system uses the new SIMMs with right speed after it boots up? Hopefully that it will not display as 70ns and slows down to 100ns as the FAQ suggests. Any help or hints on this will be greatly appreciated... and I am sure that many of the users will sooner or later encouter this problem as the meomory price is so low. Thanks, Jack -- Jack Y Duan ... UNIX System Administrator/Specialized Consultant ^------------------------------------------------------------------^
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printer Problem, Part 2... Date: 16 Aug 1998 19:02:03 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6r7abb$> References: <6r2m0d$> Josh Hesse ( wrote: [snip] Little bit more info... When something is in the print queue, the load goes from normal to about 3.3, and stays there. I noted when I first opened the box that the bottom sheet metal cover only had _five_ of the (apparently) 14 screws that are supposed to be there. - in my mind, this is a sure sign that somebody has had this thing apart before. On the main logic board, there are two LEDs, marked as LED201 and LED202. during the whirr-click(or clunk, or whatever) of the printer readying itself LED202 lights up for about two seconds. Both remain dark after that. Does anybody know what LED201 is supposed to indicate? I downloaded npstatus from the peak archive, and it seems to indicate that printer-to-computer communications are ok- however it just says "printer is ready" when it is supposed to be printing. AFAICT, the printer is deaf. Either that, or the cable is bad. The cable has the number 374.00 stamped on it, and the DC resistance/continuity of it checks out ok. I suppose I will be calling up DeepSpace tech. Monday morning, since I don't have the expertise/equipment to narrow down the problem any further than this. I'm not real happy right now. I would have hoped that they would have checked this one out a bit more before(like, printed a test sheet) they shipped it out the door. -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me. "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6r6it7$gta$> Control: cancel <6r6it7$gta$> Date: 16 Aug 1998 20:51:03 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6r6it7$gta$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups:,,,, From: Stephan Gelhaus <> Subject: Re: strange boot problem with black hardware Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Message-ID: <> Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Organization: NiFiX dental develop - References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 20:04:51 GMT Hi, I have a nice NeXTcube but he dosn't boot. Anybody know a solution? Here is the console output: NeXT ROM Monitor 2.5 v66 NeXT Mach 3.3: ... ... odc0 at 0x2112000 od0 at odc0 slave 0 od1 at odc0 slave 1 en0 at 0x2106000 en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:00:c3:bc IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type “10MB Ethernet” that's all, here is the system for ever hanging. Bye now, Stephan -- NiFiX_____________ E-Mail: dental development WWW:
From: Pat Gunn <> Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: Re: strange boot problem with black hardware Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 22:17:22 -0400 Organization: None Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Stephan Gelhaus wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a nice NeXTcube but he dosn't boot. > Anybody know a solution? > Here is the console output: > > NeXT ROM Monitor 2.5 v66 > NeXT Mach 3.3: ... > ... > odc0 at 0x2112000 > od0 at odc0 slave 0 > od1 at odc0 slave 1 > en0 at 0x2106000 > en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:00:c3:bc > IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type “10MB Ethernet” > > that's all, here is the system for ever hanging. Bring up the rom monitor (command-command-tilde) and type "bsd" and see if the results change. If so, your system probably mistakenly was set to boot from ethernet or optical sometime and you should use the "p" command in the rom monitor to change the results. -- --------------------------------------------------- Pat Gunn, moderator:comp.sys.newton.announce comoderator:comp.os.os2.moderated "You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies." -- Dr Who ------------------------------------------------
From: Terry Gliedt <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: headless cube/station operation Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 09:41:37 +0800 Organization: United Overseas Bank Message-ID: <> References: <6quvus$> <6r1m1l$ddu$> <6r4pds$ltl$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Terry Gliedt <> I documented this a couple of years ago and have posted it now and then. I'll get it from home and post again tomorrow. There's a simple plug you make to replace the monitor plug on NextStations and Cubes. I've used it off and again. Parts only cost a few dollars Pascal Bourguignon wrote: > (Ryan Scott) wrote: > >In <6quvus$> wrote: > >> Hi all! > >> > >> This topic reemerges periodically, but I don't remember seeing the > >> solution. Is there a way of operating a cube or 'station headlessly? -- ================================================================ Terry Gliedt United Overseas Bank Personal Email:
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Anyone installed NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP on IBM ThinkPad? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 17:38:27 GMT I attempt to install the NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP on a ThinkPad 760c. Has anyone succeeded in doing so? I checked the NeXTanswers, but I still have some questions. I heard OS2 boot manager is an excellent tool for doing so.... Thanks for any help.
From: Gilles CHERIX <> Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox rainbow runner ? Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 10:57:04 +0200 Organization: Swisscom AG, the blue window Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is there any good video software and driver to use the Matrox Rainbow Runner under Nextstep 3.3 or later ??? Thanks in advace Gilles
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 09:16:58 +0000 From: Martin Sillence <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Subject: Re: SCSI HD jumper settings References: <6rb2l5$svp$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > I am in desperate need of the specifications for the SCSI hard disk that was > original equipment on my NeXTstation Turbo. It is a Seagate ST1280N. > Seagate claims that this is not a valid Seagate model number (even though it > clearly says this on the drive...) and that it was probably something they > made for a specific computer maker (ie, NeXT). Hmmm, it seems to me that if > they MADE the damn thing they ought to own up to it and publish the > jumpers... But in any case, they tell me that my only recourse is to ask > NeXT. This I have done, but to no avail as of yet. Anyone out there have > the jumper settings and is willing to share? Or have an idea as to where I > can find them? The most likely SCSI ID jumpers are on the side of the unit > and have 8 pairs of jumper pins (with 2 jumpers in place): > > : : : : : [:] : [:] > > Any help would be appreciated. My 8 next turbo's all of varying age and eeprom versions came with a ST1480N these have 8 jumpers on the side, are you sure about that product number? Below are the url's with jumper settings for the ST1480N -- Regards, Martin - IFB Systems Administrator
From: Wassim M Jabi <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: VIdeo Card still not working!! Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:12:51 -0400 Organization: SUNY - University at Buffalo Message-ID: <6r9oc5$9q3$> HI: My ATI Xeprt@Play 8MB AGP Card is still not working with OS 4.2 Mach on an Intel Penitum II-400MHz. Iget the following error: Error in setMemoryRangeLimit (Resources Shortage). - Wassim Jabi (
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: need some help.... more of it Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Aug 1998 19:40:24 GMT Organization: AOL the error i am getting now is like this... there are about 50 lines or so that look like this, with the part after 'bytes' changing "SD1:" Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 01DF7 resid = 0X1C48 retry 1 XXXXX XXXXXX 2-9 Disk Initalization failed The installalation program couldn't initalize the hard disk. Installation can't continue" yet i know it recognizes the hard drive because it tells me it is set right.... target id 1 or something like this... and it also tells me the correct size, and brand name of the drive
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT color turbo and memory upgrade question Date: 17 Aug 1998 22:52:59 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6rac8b$eef$> References: <6r74q2$5cq$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6r74q2$5cq$> Jack Duan wrote: > > Hi, > > I am planning to upgrade memory to NeXT color turbo using 32MB FP SIMMs... > but the FAQ says only to use 70ns rated modules... well, it is very hard > and expensive to get these ones now days, so, if I buy and install 60ns > onese (even EDO)... would system sees them as 70ns? I will not mix > different > speed in my system. How do I tell for sure that the system uses the new > SIMMs with right speed after it boots up? Hopefully that it will not > display > as 70ns and slows down to 100ns as the FAQ suggests. > > Any help or hints on this will be greatly appreciated... and I am sure > that > many of the users will sooner or later encouter this problem as the > meomory > price is so low. > > Thanks, > > Jack > > If you have the latest ROM version (v74) the 60ns RAM works. I am not sure what other older ROM versions will work. You can look in the boot monitor to see what ROM version you have. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem and NeXT Date: 17 Aug 1998 22:57:18 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6racge$eef$> References: <6r36re$1i9q$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6r36re$1i9q$> "sarawoot" wrote: > Where can I get the information how to setup modem to dial-up to ISP for > NeXT? > I have one modem and NeXT-modem cable.. still, I have no idea how to make it > work... > I tried, but it asks me for the DNS... When I enter the DNS, it > doesn't connect... any app that can help me to dial my NeXT to the 'net? > Please help me out. > thanks. > Sarawoot > > > Check out Tim L.'s web page at There quite a few links to information on getting PPP up and running. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Tom Blenko) Newsgroups:, Subject: new Dynamo 640Mb MO workout Date: 17 Aug 1998 20:23:45 -0400 Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6rahihINN429@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> To make a long story short, I have a new Fujitsu Dynamo 640Mb MO drive hooked to my 68040 cube. My old MO drive worked pretty well until it went kaput, the new one is a new drive in a new package (lower profile, more consumer-oriented/Jaz competitive) that's only been out for a few months. On bootup it reports being a Fujitsu M2513EL Rev 0010. The disk appears to format OK (on both NeXT and Macintosh Performa) the problem is that when trying to initialize, specifically to write the boot block, I get an incomplete disk transfer, i.e., a message something like this: sd3: Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 0x1f2, resid = 0x1b2, retry 2 This occurs when using either a 640Mb (2048byte/block) or 230Mb (512byte/block) MO disk. An old message from Peter Nitezki in speculates that such an error results from a failure by the disk to recognize that the computer side is talking SCSI-1. Does anyone know anything else that might help? Fujitsu is putting together one of the old drives for me, but I'd be happy to save everyone the trouble (and to get my MO disks back online). Tom
From: Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI HD jumper settings Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 05:15:17 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6rb2l5$svp$> I am in desperate need of the specifications for the SCSI hard disk that was original equipment on my NeXTstation Turbo. It is a Seagate ST1280N. Seagate claims that this is not a valid Seagate model number (even though it clearly says this on the drive...) and that it was probably something they made for a specific computer maker (ie, NeXT). Hmmm, it seems to me that if they MADE the damn thing they ought to own up to it and publish the jumpers... But in any case, they tell me that my only recourse is to ask NeXT. This I have done, but to no avail as of yet. Anyone out there have the jumper settings and is willing to share? Or have an idea as to where I can find them? The most likely SCSI ID jumpers are on the side of the unit and have 8 pairs of jumper pins (with 2 jumpers in place): : : : : : [:] : [:] Any help would be appreciated. Prof. John Heywood -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone installed NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP on IBM ThinkPad? Message-ID: <> Date: 18 Aug 1998 00:39:35 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> There've been some successes. Steve Jobs has used a ThinkPad 560 in the past, and the 755CX is specifically supported. There're drivers for the 760 series as I recall. Have you tried What questions do you have and how are you trying to do it? If I ever come up with a spare HD, I'm going to try a network install on my ThinkPad 755C. (SCSI through the Dock I didn't work). William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Lars A. Stole) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Openstep via Virtual PC on G3 PowerBooks? Date: 17 Aug 1998 15:32:04 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6r9idk$> References: <6mmkuq$90e$> <B1B5B25A-2408D3@> <> <> <> I posted this review of Openstep on VPC using a Powerbook G3 (292Mhz) a few days ago: I finally got Openstep 4.2 to work on my G3 292Mhz powerbook. It took awhile to get the display to function at 1024x768; in the end I used the Diamond DRAM driver with 4MB of ram, and the resolution works fine at 256 colors. As for the speed, I am very disappointed. I had hoped that Openstep on VPC would be a workable solution until MacOS Server is released (assuming, of course, that it even runs on the powerbooks). I currently have Nextstep 3.3 on a NEC 75Mhz pentium laptop and I find it significantly faster than Openstep 4.2 via VPC on my powerbook. The former is quite usable; the latter is frustratingly slow. THe mouse jumps about on the screen and the machine seems to run at about 1/3 the speed of the 75Mhz pentium. In short, the machine is probably eqiuvalent to a fast 486. Don't expect much. [Note that Windows on VPC is a different story altogether. It runs very fast and is extremely useable if that's what you're looking for. I've heard comparisons such as a Pentium at around 150Mhz; this seems plausible to me. >Michel Coste <> replied >This is quite disappointing! I had the hope to run a PowerBook with >a good interface (i.e. NeXTSTEP!)... My point was to find a reason >to buy a Mac notebook and not a pc notebook! I only hoped it was at >least as fast as a Turbo Station since that's what I'm using right >now! Is it? (As a fast 486 should be faster than the NeXTstation...) >It could be ok for me... > >How much memory did you allocate to VPC? Do you hope some fine >tuning would allow for a better speed? Other people out there? I allocated the maximum amount of memory to VPC -- 64 MB (VPC will not let you allocate more; if you try, your system won't boot or it crashes unexpectedly). The performance is particularly irritating with respect to the video speed. I find it too frustrating to use and would prefer to use my old next slab (25Mhz) -- I'm not exaggerating. The CPU may be slower on a Next slab, but the video is smooth and updates are without delay. Perhaps some tweaking could be done to boost performance in VPC to the point at which is would be useable. I've already discovered that the S3 generic driver is not quite as good as the Diamond Stealth, which is in turn not quite as good as the #9 (1mb) driver. But these are very small differences (perhaps just in my imagination). If you know of a way to boost video performance, etc., please let me know and I'll try it when I get a chance.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6r8ibs$> Control: cancel <6r8ibs$> Date: 18 Aug 1998 04:27:52 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6r8ibs$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: John Badanes <> Newsgroups: Subject: Quantum "Fireball SE" 2.1GB bare Internal Ultra-SCSI hard drive ??? Date: 18 Aug 1998 07:17:43 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6rb9qn$a7e$> Anyone use a Quantum "Fireball SE" 2.1GB bare Internal Ultra-SCSI hard drive in their black NeXT? ^^^^^^ Post here or remove the XXX from my e-mail address to write me privately. Thanks. TEO.
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: new Dynamo 640Mb MO workout Date: 18 Aug 1998 11:23:00 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6rbo6k$h4a$> References: <6rahihINN429@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> (Tom Blenko) wrote: >To make a long story short, I have a new Fujitsu Dynamo 640Mb MO drive >hooked to my 68040 cube. My old MO drive worked pretty well until it >went kaput, the new one is a new drive in a new package (lower profile, >more consumer-oriented/Jaz competitive) that's only been out for a few >months. On bootup it reports being a Fujitsu M2513EL Rev 0010. .... >sd3: Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 0x1f2, resid = 0x1b2, retry 2 .... >An old message from Peter Nitezki in speculates >that such an error results from a failure by the disk to recognize that >the computer side is talking SCSI-1. Do 230 media work? If so it's not a SCSI problem, and you might want to try one of the MO640 disktab entries that get posted here every now and then (send me private email if you want one, I have a copy somewhere). Otherwise, check out the DIP switch settings. I remember having to modify the DIP setup when I purchased my 230 MB Fujitsu MOD many years ago. The documentation can be found on Fujitsus Web server. IIRC, an incomplete transfer can also point to a termination problem, although with the cube's slow but robust 5MB/s SCSI bus I doubt it. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Trevin Beattie <*trevin*@*xmission*.*com*> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: new Dynamo 640Mb MO workout Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 07:18:10 -0600 Organization: XMission Message-ID: <6rbuuh$kr3$> References: <6rahihINN429@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Aug 1998 13:18:09 GMT I agree with Chris that termination (or bad cabling) is the most likely suspect. I have an external DynaMO 640 on my cube and the only problem I had at first was trying to low-level format unformatted media (which was a software puzzle related to Workspace, not a hardware problem). Termination ot the motherboard should be automatic. When I bought cabling for my external drives, the salesman at my computer store recommended an active terminator rather than passive because of the length of cable I'm using. It's a thought. Tom Blenko wrote: > > To make a long story short [...] > The disk appears to format OK (on both NeXT and Macintosh Performa) the > problem is that when trying to initialize, specifically to write the > boot block, I get an incomplete disk transfer, i.e., a message > something like this: > > sd3: Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 0x1f2, resid = 0x1b2, retry 2 > > This occurs when using either a 640Mb (2048byte/block) or > 230Mb (512byte/block) MO disk. -- Trevin Beattie "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, *To*reply*to*this* for you are crunchy and good with ketchup." *message,*remove*the* --unknown *asterisks*from*my*email*address.*
From: "steeve.k" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardwarePowerBook,,comp.sys.pc.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware,,es.comp.hardware,fido.belg.fra.hard Subject: [French, English] Drivers, Computer Equipement Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 15:21:50 +0200 Organization: Ye 'Ol Disorganized NNTPCache groupie Message-ID: <903446848.459853@si1-paris> Cache-Post-Path: si1-paris!unknown@ mon site parle d'MP3 (logiciels, fichiers, liens), de matériel informatique (prix caractéristiques), et répertorie ou vous pouvez trouvez les drivers qu'il vous faut ! pour les remarques : my site speaks about MP3 (software, files, links), computer equipement (prices caracteristics), and indexes or you can find the drivers that you need! for the note:
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardwarePowerBook,,comp.sys.pc.hardware,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,de.comp.os.linux.hardware,de.markt.comp.hardware,dk.edb.hardware,,es.comp.hardware,fido.belg.fra.hard Subject: cmsg cancel <903446848.459853@si1-paris> Control: cancel <903446848.459853@si1-paris> Date: 18 Aug 1998 14:12:09 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.903446848.459853@si1-paris> Sender: "steeve.k" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Frederic Foucault <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Drivers for Ricoh CD ROM burner Date: 18 Aug 1998 13:22:04 GMT Organization: Columbia University Message-ID: <6rbv5s$q3v$> References: <dTYA1.5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <dTYA1.5$> wrote: > > > I recently purchased a Ricoh MediaMaster external SCSI CD-R/CD-RW CD > ROM burner for Windows and Macs. Are there any OpenStep/NeXTStep > drivers for this beast? I would dearly love to master CD ROMs as > backups and archives on NeXT and OpenStep!!! > > I run NS 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2 on Intel. > > - Hacker > > AerePerenius v 1.5 has a driver for Ricoh CD recorder (I recall that is "MP 6200S" ). AerePerenius is running remarkably on OS 3.3 and OS 4.2. It can be found on Sincerely, -- Frederic Foucault, Ph.D. Department of Genetics and Development Phone: (212) 305-1734 College of Physicians & Surgeons hhsc1606 FAX: (212) 923-2090 Columbia University 701 West 168th Street Email : New York, NY 10032
From: Robert Nicholson <> Newsgroups: Subject: NT and OS 4.2 Mach? Date: 18 Aug 1998 07:19:12 -0700 Message-ID: <> I have a FAT 16 and an NTFS primary partition on my current drive when I try to install OS 4.2 Mach is looks as though fdisk doesn't see the NTFS primary partition and it considers that space as free space. I'm worried that if I proceed through the installation it's going to install OS 4.2 Mach over the NTFS "free space" Will it do this? The partition table is reported correctly it's just that fdisk the installer regards the NTFS partition as free space so I'm not sure where it will install OS 4.2 should I go ahead.
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT color turbo and memory upgrade question Date: 18 Aug 1998 16:39:40 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6rcaoc$> References: <6r74q2$5cq$> <6rac8b$eef$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb In article <6rac8b$eef$>, Ryan Scott <> wrote: >In <6r74q2$5cq$> Jack Duan wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I am planning to upgrade memory to NeXT color turbo using 32MB FP >SIMMs... >> but the FAQ says only to use 70ns rated modules... well, it is very >hard >> and expensive to get these ones now days, so, if I buy and install 60ns >> onese (even EDO)... would system sees them as 70ns? I will not mix >> different >> speed in my system. How do I tell for sure that the system uses the >new >> SIMMs with right speed after it boots up? Hopefully that it will not >> display >> as 70ns and slows down to 100ns as the FAQ suggests. >> >> Any help or hints on this will be greatly appreciated... and I am sure >> that >> many of the users will sooner or later encouter this problem as the >> meomory >> price is so low. >> >> Thanks, >> >> Jack >> >> > >If you have the latest ROM version (v74) the 60ns RAM works. I am not >sure what other older ROM versions will work. You can look in the boot >monitor to see what ROM version you have. > >-- >________________________________________________ > > Ryan P. Scott > Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group > UC Davis - Department of Applied Science > Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 > Email: >________________________________________________ > I am using ROM Monitor 3.1, V71, and EDO SIMMs (60 nsec) work just fine. I don't remember whether they are detected as 60 nsec or not. (In fact, I don't even remember how to *tell* what speed they are detected as....) Good luck. PB Schechter
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: new Dynamo 640Mb MO workout Date: 18 Aug 1998 15:09:17 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6rc5et$qla$> References: <6rahihINN429@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> <6rbuuh$kr3$> Trevin Beattie <*trevin*@*xmission*.*com*> wrote: >I agree with Chris that termination (or bad cabling) is the most likely >suspect. I have an external DynaMO 640 on my cube and the only problem >I had at first was trying to low-level format unformatted media (which >was a software puzzle related to Workspace, not a hardware problem). > >Termination ot the motherboard should be automatic. When I bought >cabling for my external drives, the salesman at my computer store >recommended an active terminator rather than passive because of the >length of cable I'm using. It's a thought. Worth a try. Also, sometimes turning on Termpower for the external drive does the trick (although theoretically, a SCSI 1 bus should not be powered by more then devices). Rgds, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Tom Blenko) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: new Dynamo 640Mb MO workout Date: 18 Aug 1998 12:38:33 -0400 Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept., New Haven, CT 06520-2158 Distribution: world Message-ID: <6rcam9INNhk5@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> References: <6rahihINN429@RA.DEPT.CS.YALE.EDU> <6rbuuh$kr3$> <6rc5et$qla$> | Fujitsu Dynamo 640Mb MO drive hooked to my 68040 cube... On |bootup it reports being a Fujitsu M2513EL Rev 0010. | |The disk appears to format OK (on both NeXT and Macintosh Performa) the |problem is that when trying to initialize, specifically to write the |boot block, I get an incomplete disk transfer, i.e., a message |something like this: | |sd3: Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 0x1f2, resid = 0x1b2, retry 2 | |This occurs when using either a 640Mb (2048byte/block) or |230Mb (512byte/block) MO disk. Reply to replies: The new device (MO drive) is the first in the external SCSI chain (put there because it has the newer, low-profile connector, like the cube motherboard). I've been assuming that cabling and termination are not a problem because the remaining devices, including the boot disk, are working fine with or without the MO disk inserted in the chain. Tom
From: (Bob Cerulli) Newsgroups: Subject: Question Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 04:30:43 -0400 (EDT) Organization: WebTV Subscriber Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (WebTV) Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit ETAtAhUAitLvI10ndDjhtTAHd3zpp4F4OBMCFBdJrAmSaiGh6NNpzzBAOzPVV9GO i just bought a next mono station for $200 its on its way..was it worth it? it is complete sys with 17"megapix mon kb,moust and Os 4.2 user and devel. also what are these machins good fer? thnx please reply to The Migity Mack Who Smokes Mad Crack, Rob
From: "scott nichol" <> Newsgroups: Subject: getting files into DR2 intel... Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 07:34:48 -0400 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <6rbors$qnj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hello all: i really need to get RhapPPP onto my intel installation of DR2. however, i have a standalone box in my house, not connected to any ethernet. on another disk i have nextstep 3.0 and windows. however, DR2 cannot see either partitions. the only thing that DR2 seems to be able to read are some CDs. i had success installing files on the PPC version of DR2 using suntar to create a tar-floppy under MacOS, then untaring it on the DR2 side. however, these tar floppies don't seem to work on my intel box. so, my question remains - how do i get files onto a rhapsody intel disk without any sort of network access. the other thing we've tried is to create a floppy under DR2-PPC, then bring it over to DR2-INTEL. this doesn't work. i've even tried putting the DR2-INTEL hard drive in an external case and trying to mount it under DR2-PPC. none of these options allows me to see the INTEL disk and write to it. can i use the UNIX mount command to somehow mount the INTEL volume for writing? email response is appreciated. thanks in advance for any help. scott nichol
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Inherited a NeXT Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 15:38:52 -0400 Organization: Verio Mid-Atlantic Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but I'm not really sure what steps I should take. Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. Please reply to (I think is down at the moment).
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups:, Subject: HELP: NeXT slab looses static ip connection. Date: 18 Aug 1998 23:18:45 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6rd24l$b2r$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Aug 1998 23:18:45 GMT Hello, Today I connected my NeXT slab to my cable modem, using a static ip given to me by the cable company. Everything seems to work fine unless I let the connection idle. If I do not do anything on the NeXT for 10 or more minutes, I can no longer ping, telnet, etc the slab from any of my university accounts/computers. Once I use the connection on the NeXT, by say doing a ping from the slab, to some random server, then I can once again telnet into the slab. This cycle keeps repeating. Also, sometimes I cannot revive the connection by a ping, etc after it goes dead. Then I try to restart/shutdown the slab the normal way and the logout hangs. I must do the <command>-~ to shutdown/restart it. I am thinking it is not a cable modem problem, as the static ip I was given for my pc works fine. Any ideas? Thanks. Wade Bynum (
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: 19 Aug 1998 02:51:31 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6rdejj$ed8$> References: <> <> wrote: > >Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely >box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it >was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that >he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. > >There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but >I'm not really sure what steps I should take. > >Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. > >Please reply to (I think is >down at the moment). > I would suggest to install a hard disk, hook a CD-ROM drive and install a fresh NEXTSTEP 3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2. (You may want to add also some memory: 16 MB or 32 MB would be fine). Once you've installed the fresh OS, recover any file you want from the opticals, and then use them to do backups. __Pascal__
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: 19 Aug 1998 03:38:55 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6rdhcf$rqi$> References: <> <6rdejj$ed8$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Aug 1998 03:38:55 GMT In article <6rdejj$ed8$>, Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote: ><> wrote: >> >>Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely >>box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it >>was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that >>he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. >> >>There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but >>I'm not really sure what steps I should take. >> >>Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. >> >>Please reply to (I think is >>down at the moment). >> > >I would suggest to install a hard disk, hook a CD-ROM drive and install a >fresh NEXTSTEP 3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2. (You may want to add also some memory: 16 >MB or 32 MB would be fine). Once you've installed the fresh OS, recover any >file you want from the opticals, and then use them to do backups. > Do you know of a place that sells NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 at a reasonable price? Everywhere I have seen, NS3.3 is ~150 and OS4.2 is even higher. This is kinda steep for a college student who just uses the NeXT to play on. Thanks. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: internal HD overheating in slabs?? Date: 18 Aug 98 20:45:59 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6qn60l$6nq$> <> <6qq63u$5il$> <6r2n86$n3j$> In-reply-to:'s message of 15 Aug 1998 01:11:34 GMT In article <6r2n86$n3j$>, (Carl Lowenstein) writes: In <6qq63u$5il$> John Haugeland wrote: | Though I don't doubt the validity of this advice, I'm a little | perplexed that it should be even this complicated. Can't one | _simply_ go by the power (wattage) drawn by the drive? I mean, | heat just _is_ dissipated power -- and, for a disk drive, that | will be essentially all of the power it draws (the amounts that | go into signal and noise should be tiny by comparison). Yes. Speaking from a long-time background as a physicist, it's amazing what gyrations people will go through when all they need to do is look at the dissipated power. You can either measure heat directly with a handy measuring device, such as your hand, or you can measure dissipated power using some device to measure the draw of the system without the drive, and then measure it with the drive. To my mind, measuring it by touch _is_ simpler than measuring the change in draw, mainly because most everyone has hands, and not everyone has a means of measuring the power draw. In either case, I wouldn't trust the manufacturer specs without building in a suitable margin of error. Manufacturer specs are manufacturing goals, not guarantees of performance. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep, Subject: Re: Need NeXT Power Supply Date: 19 Aug 1998 02:47:29 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6rdec1$ed8$> References: <> Marcos <> wrote: >Hello, > > I am looking for a NeXTStation power supply (NeXT Part No.1477). >Anyone knows from who can I buy one? I live in Maryland, U.S.A. >My e-mail is: > > > >Thanks, > >Marcos > Have a look at I bought mine from them. ___Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Terry Gliedt <> Newsgroups: Subject: Powering-up Black Hardware Without a Monitor Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 07:31:15 +0800 Organization: Software Toolsmiths Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Terry Gliedt <> Yes, it *is* possible to run your Black hardware without a monitor. The trick is just to get the NeXT to power on, and boot correctly. This is a rewrite of an older FAQ item attributed to "The Onyx Kitten" <> who no longer is at this mail address. The only reason for redoing this is to make clearer what exactly needs doing and report my personal experiences in this process. My thanks to Justin Sowers <> for his insight and assistance. HARDWARE SETUP The task is to build a DB-19 male plug to replace the DB-19 cable coming >from your Black monitor. You can also use the more common DB-25 male plug as a replacement, but you will need to crimp (or remove) the pins on the right-hand side of the DB-25 so they are not in the way. An easily obtainable parts list is as follows: Radio Shack SKU# Qty. Description Price (as of 03/96) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 275-1556 1 2 pack Push-button switches $1.99 271-1317 1 5 pack 470 Ohm, .25 Watt resistors 0.49 276-1549 1 Grey housing for DB-25 connector 1.19 276-1429 1 25 pin male D-sub connector 1.99 Total: $5.66 + tax If you are a stickler for exact parts then you can order DB-19 connectors from: Gateway Electronics of St. Louis, San Diego, and Denver 1-800-669-5810 314-427-6116 VOX 314-427-3147 FAX for $1.50/ea. (as of 3/96). Minimum order for mailing: $10. Many thanks to Carl Lowenstein <> for the pointer to this one. NeXT MegaPixel DB-19 female inside DB-25 male (Connector screwmounts shown for positioning) ________________________________________________ \ _ ................................. / _ \(_) : 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :/ (_) \ : 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 :/ \ ............................./ ---------------------------------------- DB-19 Pinout: 1= +12 V 7= NC 2= -12 V 8= VSYNC 3= MON CLK 9= HSYNC 4= MON DATA OUT 10= VIDEO 5= MON DATA IN 11= +12V 6= MON PWR SWITCH 12= -12V 13-19= GND THE DONGLE Build the following simple circuit with a momentary push button soldered to the 470 ohm resistor. This assembly should then be wired across pins 6 and 19 of the DB-25 shell. If you have an older cube (030 motherboard) then you will need to be sure that the box draws more power than just for the motherboard in order for the machine to stay on. This can happen in ONE of two ways- 1) You have a disk drive, or other power-drawing internal peripheral connected and in use (not that uncommon), -or- 2) You connect a POWER resistor (20 Ohm, at least 20 Watt) across pins 12 and 13 (as labeled for the DB-19 diagram). I do not recommend the power resitor approach, as the resistor gets _very_ hot and remains an active circuit for the time the machine is on. Note: Older NeXT cubes will most likely add the power resistor to get the machine to power up without a monitor. NeXTStation and 040 cube owners do not have to worry about the idiosyncrasies of the older NeXT power supplies. Here's the circuit: \ Momentary push __ \__ | | | | 470 Ohm $ | | | | | v v To DB-25 pins: 6 19 The soldering involved (resistor to switch terminal & connector pin, and wire to switch terminal & connector pin) takes maybe 10 minutes and is not very technical as the pins are individual so you can attach them to your assembly before you put them into the plastic framework the holds them together as a DB-25 (if you are using the RadioShack parts list above). The power resistor mentioned in the FAQ turns out to be unnecessary if you have anything else in the cube that draws power (a disk, etc.). All of this fits nicely into a plastic DB-25 housing with the pushbutton sticking out where the cable would normally exit. NeXT Cube owners will need to shave down the left (as drawn in illustration) side of the housing inorder to get the "dongle" to fit (the monitor port is at the very bottom of the motherboard and doesn't afford much clearance past the securing screwmount). SOFTWARE SETUP You'll need to be sure your NeXT ROM Monitor settings are correct and that your O/S is ready to run without a monitor. To start, go into the NeXT ROM Monitor (press Command-Command-~) and set the current configuration settings (from "p" in the boot monitor) like this: boot command: whatever DRAM tests: yes perform power-on system test: yes sound out tests: no SCSI tests: no loop until keypress: no verbose test mode: no boot extended diagnostics: no serial port A is alternate console: yes <- recommentation allow any ROM command even if password protected: whatever allow boot from any device even if password protected: whatever allow optical drive #0 eject even if password protected: whatever A few people report they needed to do nothing more on a Cube (level of OS unknown). In my experience on a NeXTstation (NS 3.2), it was necessary to make these changes in /etc/ttys: console "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" NeXT on secure #console /usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow NeXT on secure window=/usr/lib/NextStep/WindowServer onoption="/usr/etc/getty std.9600" ttya "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" unknown on secure ttyb "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" unknown on secure A WORD TO THE WISE I would recommend that before you do anything, you make sure you get serial port A working as an alternate console. You can do this with a simple null-modem serial cable connection to a DOS machine running kermit (or other simple-minded terminal emulator). If your black box gets a kernel panic (like mine) and you have disabled the console in /etc/ttys, you might be left in a state where you must re-install to get your machine back up. It seems prudent to always have a serial console solution in case something serious happens and you need to be able to see what is going on. Don't forget that you should remove any printer that is configured for serial port A if you are also using serial port A as an alternate console or serial tty. BOOTING WITHOUT A MONITOR Once the DB plug is built, the ROM Monitor settings are correct, your serial A port console works, and /etc/ttys is correct, then simply power down the NeXT, remove the DB-19 monitor cable, attach your new DB plug and press the momentary switch/button. The box should power on and go through its normal boot sequence. You'll see ROM Monitor messages on the console on serial port A (you are using one, aren't you?). CAVEAT EMPTOR I've tried to be very careful about these instructions, but maybe I missed something, or maybe your situation is somehow different from mine. I might be able to say something that will be helpful, but maybe not. All in all, you are on your own, so be careful. In any case I am not responsible for what you do to your own hardware. -- ================================================================ Terry Gliedt Software Toolsmiths Solving Software Development Problems
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Apology and retraction Date: 19 Aug 1998 01:44:00 GMT Organization: CANeM///Cabal Academic Network Monitoring///[tinc] Message-ID: <6rdal0$> References: <6r2m0d$> <6r7abb$> I would like to apologies for the following comment I made in reference to my attempts to get a used NeXTprinter operational while on :[I] don't have the expertise/equipment to narrow down the problem any further : than this. I'm not real happy right now. I would have hoped that they would : have checked this one out a bit more before(like, printed a test sheet) : they shipped it out the door. DeepSpaceTech had assured me that they _DO_ test the equipment that they sell, and thier support is beyond what is usually expected of a used equipment retailer. I retract that statement and I thank DeepSpaceTech for their more-than-generous replacement offer. I (fortunatly)won't take them up on it. As it turns out, the actual problem lies with NetInfo. Apparently, there was a problem with the file /etc/netinfo/local.nidb/extension_149 Deleting this file and then rebooting allowed the printer to print. This file contains printer setup information(apparently) and these steps let NeXTstep initilize a uncorrupted new file. (These files are apparently near identical, however, I did not save a copy of the original file to compare.) Printer and computer are now operating normally. My thanks to those of you who mailed me suggestions of possible problems. -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 Free Karate practices for UNL students & staff--- Just ask me. "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: "mk7-hkt" <> Newsgroups: Subject: BX chipset supported by Nextstep 3.3 ? Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:32:10 +0900 Organization: RIMNET Message-ID: <6rddg5$gim$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-2022-jp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Have anyone heard about a sucessful installation of Nextstep 3.3 with the very new Intel BX chipset ? (by the way my computer is Compaq despro EN series) Have a good day ! Bochez karl Technical Service Engineer Semiconductor Equipment & Optics Division Hakuto Co., Ltd.
From: "mk7-hkt" <> Newsgroups: Subject: BX chipset (part 2) Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:37:35 +0900 Organization: RIMNET Message-ID: <6rddqa$gjd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-2022-jp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Have anyone heard about a sucessful installation of Nextstep 3.3 with the very new Intel BX chipset ? (by the way my computer is Compaq despro EN series) Please answer to this message using the following e-mail address: Have a good day !
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: HELP: NeXT slab looses static ip connection. Date: 18 Aug 1998 22:22:07 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6rdndv$> References: <6rd24l$b2r$> Might you be confusing a static IP with a dedicated connection? Having one does not imply the other. For example, at for example a static IP costs $10 per month but if you want a dedicated connection (which never times out) the price is ~$80 per month. $140 for DSL. Sounds like a service provider issue. Emmett
From: Andrew Turner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 07:46:09 -0400 Organization: Analytical Graphics Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: You don't have to make a fresh install. I had the exact same problem 2 weeks ago. Here is how to get in without using the root password: (At the login press the two command keys and ~ all at once) <cmd><cmd><~> (A monitor will pop up, type 'mon') mon (Then type 'b -s') b -s (It should now reboot into single user mode) (at the '#' prompt type 'vi /etc/passwd') vi /etc/passwd (this will open up the password file which you must edit) (to edit the file hit 'esc' then 'i' to go to insert mode) <esc> i (at the line starting w/ 'root:(some characters)': take out the (some characters)) root:xxxxx: (then becomes) root:: (to exit and save you need to hit esc and then hit shift-z twice) <esc> <shift>z <shift>z (this will take you back to the prompt where you type sync, sync, reboot) sync sync reboot (it should reboot back to the login screen) (at the prompt, type 'root' w/ no password) root (nothing) This should get you in. If it asks for a hardware password then this method won't work right away. What you have to do is open the case, remove the battery for about 1/2 hour, put it back in, and redo the commands and the hardware lock will have been removed. Good luck! wrote: > Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely > box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it > was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that > he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. > > There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but > I'm not really sure what steps I should take. > > Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. > > Please reply to (I think is > down at the moment). -- Andrew J. Turner, Aerospace Engineer (610) 578-1084 Analytical Graphics, Inc. "I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when looked at the right way, did not become still more complicated." -Paul Anderson
From: Ralf Lenzen <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 17:19:33 +0000 Organization: Primus Online GmbH Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely > box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it > was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that > he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. > > There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but > I'm not really sure what steps I should take. > > Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. > > Please reply to (I think is > down at the moment). Try the following: Power up the machine. At the login panel press <left command> <right command> tilde to enter the nmi monitor. Enter monitor in the nmi monitor it should take you to the rom monitor. enter bsd -s to get into singleuser mode , hoping that the hardware password is not set. In single user mode you can assign a new root password. If the hardware password is set, power down the machine , unplug it, open the case and remove the battery, wait a few hours, insert the battery and try the above again. Hope this helps. Ralf
Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:56:08 -0700 From: "Ian H. Stewart" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody DR2 on iMac Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anyone do this yet? What was the result? Ian
Subject: Re: Drivers for Ricoh CD ROM burner Newsgroups:, References: <dTYA1.5$> <6rbv5s$q3v$> In-Reply-To: <6rbv5s$q3v$> From: Message-ID: <%uHC1.3$> Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 21:31:39 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 17:31:39 EDT I didn't see anything in any of the directories on that had anything to do with CD ROM drivers or AerePerenius. Maybe they've removed it? - hacker On 08/18/98, Frederic Foucault wrote: >> >> >> I recently purchased a Ricoh MediaMaster external SCSI CD-R/CD-RW CD >> ROM burner for Windows and Macs. Are there any OpenStep/NeXTStep >> drivers for this beast? I would dearly love to master CD ROMs as >> backups and archives on NeXT and OpenStep!!! >> >> I run NS 3.3 and OpenStep 4.2 on Intel. >> >> - Hacker >> >> > AerePerenius v 1.5 has a driver for Ricoh CD recorder (I recall that is "MP >6200S" ). AerePerenius is running remarkably on OS 3.3 and OS 4.2. It can be >found on > >Sincerely, > >-- >Frederic Foucault, Ph.D. Department of Genetics and Development >Phone: (212) 305-1734 College of Physicians & Surgeons hhsc1606 >FAX: (212) 923-2090 Columbia University 701 West 168th Street >Email : New York, NY 10032 -- Dark Hacker | e-mail Fortress Of Computation | Web ____________________________________________________________________ "Life would be so much easier if only we had the source code."
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: 19 Aug 1998 21:44:33 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6rfh01$9j8$> References: <> <6rdejj$ed8$> <6rdhcf$rqi$> (Wade Eric Bynum) wrote: >In article <6rdejj$ed8$>, >Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote: >><> wrote: >>> >>>Hello - I have just inherited a NeXT cube, made circa 1988. It's a lovely >>>box, slightly scarred, but it presents a fairly sticky problem, in that it >>>was given to me because the previous owner didn't use it for so long that >>>he forgot the root password and was using it as a door stop. >>> >>>There is only an optical disk drive. I would love to resurrect it, but >>>I'm not really sure what steps I should take. >>> >>>Any suggestions will be willingly accepted. Thanks for your time. >>> >>>Please reply to (I think is >>>down at the moment). >>> >> >>I would suggest to install a hard disk, hook a CD-ROM drive and install a >>fresh NEXTSTEP 3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2. (You may want to add also some memory: 16 >>MB or 32 MB would be fine). Once you've installed the fresh OS, recover any >>file you want from the opticals, and then use them to do backups. >> > >Do you know of a place that sells NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 at a reasonable >price? Everywhere I have seen, NS3.3 is ~150 and OS4.2 is >even higher. This is kinda steep for a college student who >just uses the NeXT to play on. Thanks. Since it's an old cube not used for a long time, and since it has only optical mass storage, we can infer that it has only NEXTSTEP __1.0__. That's why, even for a student (should I say, all the more so because you're a student, you should lean the more advanced technology!) I would suggest OPENSTEP 4.2. You can have a useful system with a 1 GB or 2 GB, and I understand that we can't even find smaller/cheaper hard drive these days. The procedure Andrew Turner <> gives to reset the root password is not effective because he's forgot to reset the password in the NetInfo database. The /etc/passwd file is not used on NeXT (or only if NetInfo cannot start). You can find the proper procedure in the archives, but if you install a new system, you won't need it. Now, there's this safari like hunt for a NEXTSTEP 3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2 CD-ROM. __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 09:04:08 -0400 Organization: Verio Mid-Atlantic Message-ID: <> References: <> <6rdejj$ed8$> <6rdhcf$rqi$> <6rfh01$9j8$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <6rfh01$9j8$> A few miscommunications were made: > >Do you know of a place that sells NS 3.3 or OS 4.2 at a reasonable > >price? Everywhere I have seen, NS3.3 is ~150 and OS4.2 is > >even higher. This is kinda steep for a college student who > >just uses the NeXT to play on. Thanks. > > > Since it's an old cube not used for a long time, and since it has only > optical mass storage, we can infer that it has only NEXTSTEP __1.0__. It also has a hard drive - sorry about that. I'm not sure what version of Nextstep its using, but it looks like it was (c) 1993. > That's a why, even for a student (should I say, all the more so because > you're a student, you should lean the more advanced technology!) I would > suggest OPENSTEP 4.2. You can have a useful system with a 1 GB or 2 GB, > and I understand that we can't even find smaller/cheaper hard drive > these days. > I'm not a college student. I haven't been one for a long time. I'm not sure how the rumor that I'm a college student started. I just happen to be someone who has inherited a Next from a friend who no longer wants it. > The procedure Andrew Turner <> gives to reset the root > password is not effective because he's forgot to reset the password in the > NetInfo database. As I found out when I tried the process. "nu -m" replies, "Can't find NetInfo domain" or something like that. > The /etc/passwd file is not used on NeXT (or only if NetInfo cannot > start). You can find the proper procedure in the archives, but if you > install a new system, you won't need it. > > Now, there's this safari like hunt for a NEXTSTEP 3.3 or OPENSTEP 4.2 CD-ROM. > Actually, I think I can get a 3.3 CD (from the same source as the computer itself), I just need a CD/ROM. > __Pascal Bourguignon__ > > > >
From: (eggs 3D Images) Newsgroups: Subject: Nikon LS2000 Film Scanner under NeXTSTEP? Organization: eggs Message-ID: <6rhmb9$7od$> Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:28:12 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:28:12 PDT I was hoping ScanOMatic supported the Nikon LS2000 SuperCoolscan film scanner (since it supports the LS1000, its predecessor), but it doesn't work when I try it. Are there any other options (command line or otherwise) to use this scanner under NeXTSTEP? Or do I need to get a Mac/PC just to run the thing? Or, would a Mac or PC emulator do the trick? Scott Neal eggs Custom 3D images on View-Master reels
From: "John Candlish" <> Subject: Re: Supra Sonic Newsgroups: References: <> <6q5t5e$lgj$> <6rfjbc$jla$> Organization: Reynolds And Reynolds Message-ID: <01bdcc61$7b9e2e20$> Date: 20 Aug 98 17:39:06 GMT wrote in article <6rfjbc$jla$>... > In article <6q5t5e$lgj$>, > (Wade Eric Bynum) wrote: > > In article <>, marc <> wrote: > > >Just got a supra sonic 288v4 external modem on sale, last one, unopened, < &tc. > I have found it neccessary to upgrade the flash rom of these modems when using them with PPP and NEXTSTEP. try for the flash updates. jCandlish .
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: How to boot from CD-ROM ? Date: 20 Aug 1998 17:45:16 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6rhnbc$dro$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 20 Aug 1998 17:45:16 GMT In article <>, Markus Preller <> wrote: >Hi, > >a few days ago I bought a used Color NeXTStation however without >manuals. >After replacing the stock Quantum ProDrive 210 S with an IBM DCAS 2,1 GB > >I encountered the following problem: > >When I tried to boot from NeXTStep 3.3 User CD I got >stuck in the ROM Monitor with the message: Bad disc label. > >The harddrive is configured to SCSI-ID 1 and my external Plextor CD-ROM >to 0. >I also tried SCSI-IDs 5 and 6 on the CD-ROM but this did not help, too. > >I thought that the NeXT tries to boot from the lowest SCSI-ID. Is that >wrong ? >Or do I have to set the block-size jumper on thr rearside of my Plextor >to put it >in Sun-mode ? > >Or do I have to issue an special bsd(x,x,x) commmand to launch the >install procedure >from CD-ROM ? > Try issuing this command in the ROM monitor: bsd(x,0,0)sdmach rootdev=sdx where x starts at 0 for the lowest id scsi, 1 for the next up id, etc. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: "Gary Sands" <> Newsgroups: References: <6ric0q$gn1$> Subject: Re: NeXT and Universal power??? Organization: STB Systems Inc Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 11:04:59 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 12:04:59 BST Yeah - no problem. I've got a 68030 cube and Turbo station running at 230V here in NI wrote in message <6ric0q$gn1$>... >Hi >Have any one tried NeXT machine (slab or cube) with 220V~50Hz? Do I need to >get a transformer to connect or NeXT is intelligent enough to switch itself >automatically? >Thanks. > >-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Create Your Own Free Member Forum
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 12:11:36 +0000 From: Martin Sillence <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Loading from network... References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Looks like you've sucessfully cleared your eeprom and the next is trying to use bootp to boot across the network. you need to press the right command key and the single quite on the numberic key pad simultaniously to get to the boot prompt. type p at the prompt which will let you set up your boot preferances. you need to set the boot option to sd - scsi disk you can also type bsd at the rom prompt - boot scsi disk which should get it up and running. SCSI bus hung is normally a termination problem. Maybe a drive problem? Anyway a web search should give you the next FAQ, but heres a referance or 2wo: Good luck. Dave Reuss wrote: > > I have NeXTstation running NeXTstep version 3.1 and I am looking to upgrade > it and include it in my small intranet. Currently I am having trouble even > booting this system. Previously I received a message statting that the SCSI > bus was hung. I pulled the battery for a short time as my background was in > Macintosh computers. When I started the machine again I received a message > stating "Loading from network" and have not been able to get the unit to do > anything else. It is not currently connected to the network and I have no > other UNIX machines on the network. > What can I do? or where can I find information to assist me with this > issue? Also, after I have resolved this issue, where can I get information on > this machines compatibility with Openstep and Rhapsody? Thank you for your time. > Dave Reuss > -- Regards, Martin - IFB Systems Administrator
From: (Henry Koplien) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone installed NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP on IBM ThinkPad? Date: 21 Aug 1998 06:00:31 GMT Organization: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Message-ID: <6rj2dv$ibu$> References: <> In article <> (Andrew Chang) writes: > > I attempt to install the NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP on a ThinkPad 760c. > Has anyone succeeded in doing so? I checked the NeXTanswers, but > I still have some questions. > > I heard OS2 boot manager is an excellent tool for doing so.... > > Thanks for any help. I am sitting in front of one. Only beep sound, rest is perfect. Henry
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: 20 Aug 1998 23:38:26 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6ric1i$e91$> References: <> <6rdejj$ed8$> <6rdhcf$rqi$> <6rfh01$9j8$> <> <> wrote: >[...] >It also has a hard drive - sorry about that. I'm not sure what version of >Nextstep its using, but it looks like it was (c) 1993. >[...] >As I found out when I tried the process. "nu -m" replies, "Can't find >NetInfo domain" or something like that. >[...] Ok. In these conditions, perhaps the cleanest thing to do is merely to reset the whole thing. I would try this : 1- boot single user ('bsd -s' in the ROM monitor), 2- once booted use these commands: mv private private.old mkdir private chmod 755 private cd /usr/template/client find . -print | cpio -pdmuv /private/ reboot 3- then you should get a mint system. __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Dave Reuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Loading from network... Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 20:17:07 +0000 Organization: R.A.G.E. Limited Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have NeXTstation running NeXTstep version 3.1 and I am looking to upgrade it and include it in my small intranet. Currently I am having trouble even booting this system. Previously I received a message statting that the SCSI bus was hung. I pulled the battery for a short time as my background was in Macintosh computers. When I started the machine again I received a message stating "Loading from network" and have not been able to get the unit to do anything else. It is not currently connected to the network and I have no other UNIX machines on the network. What can I do? or where can I find information to assist me with this issue? Also, after I have resolved this issue, where can I get information on this machines compatibility with Openstep and Rhapsody? Thank you for your time. Dave Reuss
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT and Universal power??? Date: 21 Aug 1998 14:12:50 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6rjv92$ue4$> References: <6ric0q$gn1$> wrote: >Have any one tried NeXT machine (slab or cube) with 220V~50Hz? Do I need to >get a transformer to connect or NeXT is intelligent enough to switch itself >automatically? All NeXT's have an auto-switching power supply, even the external CD-ROM does. One thing to note is the 400DPI laser printer has a manual switch for voltage selection, so don't forget to change that yourself. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NEXT stuff for sale: ALL TOGETHER NO PIECES! Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 03:31:57 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ripnd$1p1$> Next stuff for sale: Cube 16 megs of ram, 450 meg HD, 17 inch B/W monitor, non-adb Color turbo slab, 64 megs, 850 HD, 20 inch Hitachi color monitor, ADB PLI 2.88 floppy drive, Next B/W 400 DPI laser printer. LOTS OF BOOKS: NEXT DEVELOPMENT TOOLS, Sound Music and Signal Processing Ref., and the Sound Music and Signal Processing concepts book. Two books on OOP programming on NEXTSTEP. That three book set that came with the Next (when it was new!) & The Next Bible by Doug Clapp. Software: LOTUS Improv (I have 2 sets, one with the books). NEXTSTEP 3.0, 3.2 USER, 3.3 USER AND 4.2 USER. MATHEMATICA 2.0 and 5 CD-ROMs from peanuts. OH yea, the Cube has an Optical that works. I am asking $1500 or best offer. WILL NOT SHIP. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WILLING TO DRIVE TO THE BRONX (N.Y.C.) TO PICK THE STUFF UP. WILL NOT SELL IN PIECES. Buyer must take everything!!!! Slab is MINT!!! Cube looks old but runs great. Printer works well. Please e-mail NO SPA -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inherited a NeXT Date: 21 Aug 1998 15:35:22 GMT Organization: Verio Mid-Atlantic Message-ID: <6rk43q$k1o$> References: <> <6rdejj$ed8$> <6rdhcf$rqi$> <6rfh01$9j8$> <> <6ric1i$e91$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980730 (UNIX) (Linux/2.0.34 (i586)) Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote: : I would try this : : 1- boot single user ('bsd -s' in the ROM monitor), : 2- once booted use these commands: : mv private private.old : mkdir private : chmod 755 private : cd /usr/template/client : find . -print | cpio -pdmuv /private/ : reboot : 3- then you should get a mint system. : __Pascal Bourguignon__ I booted into single user, turned off some errant entries in /etc/hostconfig, rebooted into single user, ran 'sh /etc/rc &', reset root passwd, and got in.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: trouble choosing the correct hardware? Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 16:21:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6rk6qh$o8q$> They have information on thousands of products including, Computers Hardware Software Memory They even let you compare two or more products side by side, Buyinguide also scans the online dealers and lists the prices and provides links to the lowest priced places onb the NET! -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Loading from network... Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:14:05 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6rk9ss$s2j$> References: <> <> Martin, Thanks for the reply. Not to sure about the keys your referring to here. I haver the right command key but... Could you help? Dave Reuss In article <>, Martin Sillence <> wrote: > Hi, > > Looks like you've sucessfully cleared your eeprom and the next is trying > to use bootp to boot across the network. > you need to press the right command key and the single quite on the > numberic key pad simultaniously to get to the boot prompt. > type p at the prompt which will let you set up your boot preferances. > you need to set the boot option to sd - scsi disk > you can also type bsd at the rom prompt - boot scsi disk which should > get it up and running. > SCSI bus hung is normally a termination problem. Maybe a drive problem? > Anyway a web search should give you the next FAQ, but heres a referance > or 2wo: > > > Good luck. > > Dave Reuss wrote: > > > > I have NeXTstation running NeXTstep version 3.1 and I am looking to upgrade > > it and include it in my small intranet. Currently I am having trouble even > > booting this system. Previously I received a message statting that the SCSI > > bus was hung. I pulled the battery for a short time as my background was in > > Macintosh computers. When I started the machine again I received a message > > stating "Loading from network" and have not been able to get the unit to do > > anything else. It is not currently connected to the network and I have no > > other UNIX machines on the network. > > What can I do? or where can I find information to assist me with this > > issue? Also, after I have resolved this issue, where can I get information on > > this machines compatibility with Openstep and Rhapsody? Thank you for your time. > > Dave Reuss > > > > -- > Regards, > Martin - > IFB Systems Administrator > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Help with exception #2 Date: 21 Aug 1998 19:56:13 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6rkjct$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb I just put a "new" mother board in my cube, and it won't boot. I see the "testing system" screen, then the beginning of verbose boot, and then I am put into the monitor with "Exception #2 (0x8) at 0x100b758." I can "fiddle" with the ROM monitor, but cannot even boot the diagnostics from a floppy. Any suggestions? (I seem to remember seeing a list of the meanings of the various exceptions posted during the last few months, but couldn't find it in my "archive"....) Thanks in advance. PB Schechter
From: Stacy Marsella <> Newsgroups: Subject: Other color monitors for NeXT Turbo color Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 11:13:21 -0700 Organization: USC Information Sciences Institute Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Are there non-NeXT monitors that I can use on a Color NeXT turbo station (e.g., Suns or generic PC monitors) If so where would I get adaptor cables? Thanx Stacy
From: Stacy Marsella <> Newsgroups: Subject: Next Color Turbo Serial Numbers Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 13:59:17 -0700 Organization: USC Information Sciences Institute Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does someone happen to know what serial numbers constitute a color turbo? I have a station here that is marked: NeXTstation Color Model N1200 ABC005... on the bottom of its pizza box case but has a Nextstation TurboColor tag on its cover. The cpu has a heatsink stuck on it so I can't see the clock rate. (And i can't boot it just yet) Is it a turbo or just a plain color station. Stacy
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Other color monitors for NeXT Turbo color Date: 21 Aug 1998 21:39:39 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6rkper$q0$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Stacy Marsella wrote: > Are there non-NeXT monitors that I can use on a Color NeXT turbo station > (e.g., Suns or generic PC monitors) > > If so where would I get adaptor cables? > Multisyncs that can do composite sync on Green @ or over 68Hz should work fine. Got a GDM20D11 (20") for $600 for a SGI that works great on the Color NeXT though you have to fiddle with the horizontal/vertical sizes. Personally I like the GDM20E21 or 17E21 since they have DB15 and 13W3 and work on just about everything. The 20E21 does up to 1920x1600 or there abouts (I run it on the PC @ 1600x1200x16bit). The E series are somewhat more expensive. The 17E21 I think I saw used for 450-500 at Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 110% free XXX pics Date: 22 Aug 98 10:33:33 GMT Organization: Politecnico di Torino - Italia Message-ID: <35de9e7d.0@> No Credit Card needed. 100% FREE XXX site. For tons of free pics please visit us at
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <35de9e7d.0@> Control: cancel <35de9e7d.0@> Date: 22 Aug 1998 14:25:38 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.35de9e7d.0@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next Color Turbo Serial Numbers Date: 22 Aug 1998 14:52:35 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6rmlvj$or4$> References: <> In article <>, you wrote: >Does someone happen to know what serial numbers constitute a color >turbo? > >on the bottom of its pizza box case but has a >Nextstation TurboColor tag on its cover. The cpu has a heatsink >stuck on it so I can't see the clock rate. (And i can't boot >it just yet) Sorry, I don't know the serial number cutoff points but... if it has four 72pin SIMMs slots then its a Turbo. That doesn't tell you if its a 33MHz Turbo (likely) or a 25MHz Turbo (rare). To find that out you'll need to boot up and check the boot messages or else remove the heatsink from the CPU and decipher the numbers stamped on it. Note: the "Turbo" designation has to do with the motherboard version not the CPU speend; athough all 33MHz machines are "Turbo" there are also some 25MHz Turbos out there. - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Other color monitors for NeXT Turbo color Date: 22 Aug 1998 15:05:36 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <6rmmo0$or4$> References: <> Stacy Marsella <> wrote: >Are there non-NeXT monitors that I can use on a Color NeXT turbo station >(e.g., Suns or generic PC monitors) The monitor must be capable of 1120x832, 68-72Hz, sync on green. I have heard that some Sun monitors work (sorry, don't know specific models) and with a little effort you can use a multi-sync PC monitor (see below). >If so where would I get adaptor cables? Deepspacetech sells a 13W3-to-SVGA adabpter for $99. You might find one for a little less if you shop around, or you can hack your own adapter (see me for the circuit diagram). Some of the fancier PC monitors have BNC inputs so you could use a cheaper 13W3-to-3BNC adapter for these. That said, unless you want to go to a 19" or larger, a NeXT 17" Sony Trinitron monitor is hard to beat for its price. In any case, sticking an ugly beige monitor atop a NeXTstation is blasphemy :-) - Gareth --- Gareth Bestor, Ph.D Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison
From: Dave Reuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Bad floppy drive? Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 10:29:11 +0000 Organization: R.A.G.E. Limited Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ok all my booting woes are over with this machine. Now I can nitpick! It doesn't appear that my floppy drive is functioning. When I insert a floppy nothing happens and I have to us a paper clip to eject it. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I fi wanted to burn a cd of later software such as OpenStep to run on this machine what format would I use to burn it on a Mac or is this even possible? By the way, I used a command in the ROM monitor that someone had previously posted in order to boot from the CD-ROM, this got me into the machine and its working fine now. Thanks for you time. Dave Reuss
From: Newsgroups: Subject: *****100 % Free Porn***** Date: 22 Aug 98 17:55:23 GMT Organization: State of Minnesota Message-ID: <> Check out this great 100% free site it does not require a credit card, no long distance charges and no 800 numbers. It is pure hardcore with dozens of sections. Check it out now <a href=">Click Here For 100% Free Porn</a>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 22 Aug 1998 18:18:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FREE PORN Date: 22 Aug 98 18:11:17 GMT Organization: State of Minnesota Message-ID: <> Check out this great 100% free site it does not require a credit card, no long distance charges and no 800 numbers. It is pure hardcore with dozens of sections. Check it out now <a href=">Click Here For 100% Free Porn</a>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 22 Aug 1998 18:47:30 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: error ??? Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Aug 1998 22:40:16 GMT Organization: AOL what does "error code 65" mean? i get that at the rom monitor, and i am also getting this? "scsi bus hung" is there a possibility i dont have it terminated correctly? send responses to remove the ".NOSPAM.PLEASE"
From: Chris Heller <> Newsgroups: Subject: Upgrade Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 23:09:25 -0400 Organization: MediaOne -=- Northeast Region Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is it possible to remove the 68k chip from a NeXT station and replace it with a higher Megahertz one? If I rememeber correctly the 68040 was on a removable design. SO say, buying a 68040 @ 40Mhz, and popping that in for a 68040 @ 25 Mhz. Or even better going with a higher 68k chip, i think a few Amiga's shipped w/ a 68060 (or someting of that nature). Thoughts, comments? -Chris
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 23 Aug 1998 03:48:24 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrade Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Aug 1998 13:56:36 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> This has been discussed before, check The difficulty is that the timing is very precise on the NeXT motherboard and tightly coupled with the chip. When NeXT did an upgrade to get to 40MHz, they had to do a "Nitro" daughterboard which handled the timing matter. There was an accelarator, the "Pyro" which worked on some 25 MHz machines, overclocking to 50MHz, but it too was a daughterboard to manage the timing issues. Anything higher than an '040 won't work because of (and this is from uncertain organic memory) "changes in the supervisor code which would require re-writing the kernel" William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrade Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Aug 1998 18:28:00 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> There are four, seven, nine or a dozen Nitros in existence (various conflicting reports). They're sold occasionally as the one-offs which they are--valuable collector's items. Very pricey, and I haven't seen one for sale on in a year I think. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need some help.... more of it Date: 24 Aug 1998 16:40:54 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6rs52m$jn$> References: <> (NHensleyD) wrote: >the error i am getting now is like this... > > there are about 50 lines or so that look like this, with the part after > 'bytes' changing > >"SD1:" Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 01DF7 resid = 0X1C48 retry 1 > XXXXX XXXXXX 2-9 > >Disk Initalization failed Sounds like a SCSI bus problem. Is termination correct, and do you have good cables? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | standard disclaimer ---------------+-------------------+-------------------- "Microsoft: we make the easy almost impossible."
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Modem connection Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:40:44 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6rtfkm$m8e$> Hi there I'm using a gatekeeper 3.0 beta to dial-up to my ISP. The modem can dial to the ISP properly. But after I enter user name and password... I type ppp... the ASCII gabage shows on screen as it should.. I push the engage icon (pppd) down. There's nothing happen!!! The ASCII gabage still flows and never seems to stop... The ASCII gabage flows for a while... then there is something shows... here it is NO CARRIER Well, when I downgrade to use gatekeeper 2.1... there're many errors shows on the screen.. It said that "error: no serial blah blah blah"... (if I have no serial port, how can I connect by using GateKeeper 3.0????) What should I do then? I setup everything properly, I think... Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot. Your SIncerely Sarawoot
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Modem connection Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:40:44 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6rtfq0$1bic$> Hi there I'm using a gatekeeper 3.0 beta to dial-up to my ISP. The modem can dial to the ISP properly. But after I enter user name and password... I type ppp... the ASCII gabage shows on screen as it should.. I push the engage icon (pppd) down. There's nothing happen!!! The ASCII gabage still flows and never seems to stop... The ASCII gabage flows for a while... then there is something shows... here it is NO CARRIER Well, when I downgrade to use gatekeeper 2.1... there're many errors shows on the screen.. It said that "error: no serial blah blah blah"... (if I have no serial port, how can I connect by using GateKeeper 3.0????) What should I do then? I setup everything properly, I think... Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot. Your SIncerely Sarawoot
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next Color Turbo Serial Numbers Date: 25 Aug 1998 05:16:40 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6rthbo$> References: <> <6rmlvj$or4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6rmlvj$or4$> wrote: > In article <>, you wrote: > >Does someone happen to know what serial numbers constitute a color > >turbo? > > > >on the bottom of its pizza box case but has a > >Nextstation TurboColor tag on its cover. The cpu has a heatsink > >stuck on it so I can't see the clock rate. (And i can't boot > >it just yet) > > Sorry, I don't know the serial number cutoff points but... > > if it has four 72pin SIMMs slots then its a Turbo. That doesn't tell you if > its a 33MHz Turbo (likely) or a 25MHz Turbo (rare). To find that out you'll > need to boot up and check the boot messages or else remove the heatsink from > the CPU and decipher the numbers stamped on it. Note: the "Turbo" designation > has to do with the motherboard version not the CPU speend; athough all 33MHz > machines are "Turbo" there are also some 25MHz Turbos out there. > Hey Gareth, I thought you had those in your hardware manual :). For anyones interest I have been starting a collection of EEPROMs and MB/machine data. I don't have a web page yet 'cause I've been dealing with some other personal & business stuff. (ahem) But if people have the inclination I really want to start collecting machine histories and information so we can definatively answer the above questions. What we definately need is some complete info on systems - but at a minimum some MB information (which on slabs requires you to remove everything to look at the back of the board. Here is a example entry I have for some Mono's 25Mhz systems. Case ABB0017652 MB ACH0000806 revision PN-3011.AD, 8 30pin slots, socketed cpu ROM revision 2.4v65 0:0:f:0:ae:4c, Mono, 25Mhz Power AAY0010111 #1477 Sony Model APS-21 Sony # 68-1120-51,59,03 HD(100) AAWN005811 2.88 AAV1013559 I have other 25Mhz Mono systems which have motherboard revisions ABE and 1703.AC - AE ACH runs 3011.AD - AF I still have to check autopower on features but I'm rather sure the 3011 series does support it. One confirmed machine with auto-on has 3011.AD with 2.4v65 ROM. I still have to check the rest. I also have a 25Mhz Color Case ABC0010524 MB ABD0015900 revision PN-2106.AB, 8 72pin slots, soldered cpu ROM rev. 1.5v66 0:0:f:0:fc:ed 2.88 AAV1019339 Power AAY0017702 Last points. There are also dates on those boxes running 1990-1992 etc. that would be nice to have. Also I have been interested in saving copies of all the different ROM revisions so that in case people fry their ROM's they 'could' be reconstructed. The problem I've been encountering is how in the heck the checksum is implemented. If anyone can figure out how the checksum works I'd like to know. Until then if people would like to collect save the pertinant information in their ROM in case they fry theirs I've found (at least for the 2.x and 3.x series ROMs in slabs) that the only information that is different lies at the following addresses. ethernet address is @ 0x100000a-d, and the checksum info is at 0x10000016-19 Here are two examples from sequential ethernet addressed machines. 00000f00ae4c 13c9D53B Checksum as reported by burner software 7553 00000f00ae4d D4B2C178 Checksum 7557 These are the only differences in the ROM's and when one adds up the bytes indeed the 4d is +4 greater than the 4c.. How in the heck the 4 byte checksums(?) change that much is beyond me at the moment. I'm tempted to burn a ROM with a slightly modified checksum to see what might complain.. The goal as I said above was simply to be able to reconstruct ROM images with the origional ethernet addresses intact since I'm not sure if ROMs are available from anyone anymore- and most certianly NOT with origional ethernet address. If people want to have some chance to obtain replacements for their ROM's they should use the ROM monitor NeXT>m commands to examine those memory locations and write down the data there along with their ROM revision - and machine type. If I can ever determine how the checksum is formulated then in principle I could construct new EEPROMs from images of other ones with any ethernet address - that way people could potentially upgrade their EEPROMs w/o loosing software licenses which are tied to the hostid. This is not intended to subvert licensing schemes, nor to make multiple copies of EEPROMs with same ethernet address to have multiple machines have same licenses but simply as a possible service for the NeXT community and mostly myself since I've fried at least 2 ROMs in the past by accident (most people would never mess with them). I do know people with dead machines that have lost hostid tied licenses by replacing motherboards though. For original poster. I can't seem to find some notes on a Color Turbo Station my X has. It's a rather old one but has 4x72pin slots vs. the 8x72 in the 25Mhz I give above. Here is a Turbo Mono with the following serials. Don't think it will help you figure out if yours is a turbo short of booting it up. Case ABB0050739 MB ACP0010980 revision PN-4438.00, 33Mhz, 4x72 slots. soldered cpu ROM 3.3 v74 ADB. Dated 1991 PS AAY0036494 2.88 AAV1406806 100M AAW1006481 If people want to start dropping me e-mail with similiar information that would be great. Things I would like are General history (are you first owner, do you know where it came from) Condition - ports which are known to work - ports not known to work - ports don't know. Case Serial # Case Date Motherboard serial # Motherboard revision Motherboard speed # Simm slots & type cpu soldered or socketed ROM revision ROM date (if there is one - or ROM part # like 2.0v58 has 2918.00 number on it) Power supply serial Power supply type (if it doesn't match the sony info above) 2.88M Floppy serial HD Serial, type, size, if origional - size and type if not ethernet address checksum data 0x1000016-19 data AutoPower on enabled in Preferences or not At some point I'll put up a form to collect this data but until then e-mail will work fine. Any other information people think is important would be nice. If you have complete origional system (i.e. first or second buyer direct from NeXT) or have a interesting history (that is confirmable) I'd like to hear about it. I know there are some nitro systems out there, and some Cubes that Jobs used to demo NeXTstep on (I almost bought one) etc. If people include the serials and model #'s/dates on the monitors, keyboard, mice, printers etc. that would also be appreciated, date purchased, etc. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Just set up a quad-boot NEXTSTEP/Win9x/OS2/Linux machine... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 05:17:12 GMT This was a big weekend project. Now the work is done. It is not as difficult as I thougt, especially the NEXTSTEP part. The machine is a P-133, with two IDE HDs, Toshiba 8X EIDE CD-ROM, Matrox Millenium video card and Sound Blaster audio. First, I booted into OS/2 and ran the OS/2 FDISK to create OS/2 Boot Manager and set up DOS/Win and OS/2 partitions. Do not set up any other non-DOS (compatible) partitions. Then boot into DOS/Win to format the partition and load DOS/Win9x. Do the same thing to load OS/2 OS. Do not worry about Boot Manager. Next came the NEXTSTEP 3.3. I remembered to set the CD-ROM as slave drive of the primary EIDE bus and the NEXTSTEP partion on the master HD of the same EIDE bus. The second HD is with the 2nd EIDE bus. Then I followed NeXTAnswers to load the Adaptec 15xx driver for this Toshiba ATAPI drive. I loaded EIDE driver for the HD. After this, it was all set. The only twist was that I did not setup the display frequency correctly and I had to login into single user mode and manually reset the display parameters. After this, I just loaded the Linux. Then booted into DOS, remove the boot record with "FDISK /MBR." Ran FISK again to set the Boot Manager partition to be active. The last thing was to boot into OS/2 and run OS/2 FDISK. From there, set up all OS partions bootable and put them under control of Boot Manager. I'd like to do this with a laptop when I get a larger hard drive. It will be nice...
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrade Date: 25 Aug 1998 04:26:24 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6rtedg$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> WillAdams wrote: > There are four, seven, nine or a dozen Nitros in existence (various conflicting > reports). They're sold occasionally as the one-offs which they are--valuable > collector's items. Very pricey, and I haven't seen one for sale on > in a year I think. > As to increasing clock on 040's - it's not the supervisor mode but the timings that are the problem. with the 060 there are a couple of assembly instructions in the 040 that need to be trapped in the 060 dealing with supervisor mode etc. (I'd have to check my 060 book to see which ones etc.). Pin out is also a little different. Too little Black hardware, and too much work which would include kernel work to accomodate the 060 elminated any chance of 060. As to nitro. At some point when I get my $%&* together I wanted to post to try to get some info on how many of those exist. I suspect the number is around 20. I personally know of at least 7-10 (I'd have to check some old e-mail on this). I have a picture of one sent by one of my German friends that will go up into a webpage someday.. BTW: Folks that do have these please e-mail me (I won't release your addresses etc.). I'd like to know if there are part #'s on those boards, and possibly obtain some extra pictures. Someday I'd like to get one - ah but 2-5K is a bit steep for me right now. BTW: Last one sold for 2K or thereabouts. The guy had 2 - count them 2.. Which he got from a box in a dumpster (If I remember right). They are very much collectors items. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Michel Coste <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Openstep via Virtual PC on G3 PowerBooks? Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 11:03:48 GMT Organization: MiCMAC Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <6mmkuq$90e$> <B1B5B25A-2408D3@> <> <> <> <6r9idk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: This was written in, (<6r9idk$>) by Lars A. Stole: > I allocated the maximum amount of memory to VPC -- 64 MB (VPC will > not let you allocate more; if you try, your system won't boot or it > crashes unexpectedly). The performance is particularly irritating > with respect to the video speed. I find it too frustrating to use > and would prefer to use my old next slab (25Mhz) -- I'm not > exaggerating. The CPU may be slower on a Next slab, but the video is > smooth and updates are without delay. Perhaps some tweaking could be > done to boost performance in VPC to the point at which is would be > useable. I've already discovered that the S3 generic driver is not > quite as good as the Diamond Stealth, which is in turn not quite as > good as the #9 (1mb) driver. But these are very small differences > (perhaps just in my imagination). If you know of a way to boost > video performance, etc., please let me know and I'll try it when I > get a chance. > > Without experimenting myself there are very few things I can think of. The colors maybe... How many colors do you use? Have you tried 256? (!!!) -- mc
From: (Leigh Smith) Newsgroups: Subject: NS/OS/RDR2 Intel use with Soundblaster S/PDIF output? Date: 25 Aug 1998 15:09:24 GMT Organization: The University of Western Australia Message-ID: <6ruk34$9c3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone used a recent Soundblaster AWE 64 Gold card claimed to be able to I/O digital S/PDIF to and from an audio DAT machine or CD player? I'm skeptical that 1) the Soundblaster drivers will allow transparent operation of the S/PDIF convertor ICs 2) the Soundblaster card performs as claimed. -- Leigh Computer Music Lab, Computer Science Dept, Smith University of Western Australia +61-8-9380-2279 (NeXTMail/MIME) Microsoft - Where do you want to compromise today?
From: (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Problem with clarity on Nokia 445Xpro, Matrox Mill2. Driver problem? Date: 25 Aug 1998 20:20:47 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6rv6av$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a Matrox Mill2 AGP 250 Mhz card with 4 meg base ram and 4 meg upgrade, with Matrox Bios v2.1 (98/2/5), using the OS Matrox driver v4.10. This is coupled with a Nokia 445Xpro 21" monitor. This should be about as good as it gets for basic 2D usage. Instead, text quality is poor at the 1600x1200 resolution. Others had told me this is a usable resolution with OpenStep, but not with this setup. Most noticable sympton is that, e.g., a letter `u' is dark on one side but washed out on the other. Could this be a driver problem? I do not notice with windows NT, which I expected to have poorer rather than better image quality. Thanks. -- Timothy Van Zandt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CMS-EMS (Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Managerial Science) Northwestern University Email: 371 Leverone Hall WWW: 2001 Sheridan Road Voice: (847) 491-4414 Evanston, IL 60208-2014 Fax: (847) 491-2530 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS/OS/RDR2 Intel use with Soundblaster S/PDIF output? Date: 25 Aug 1998 21:44:16 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <6rvb7g$61t$> References: <6ruk34$9c3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 25 Aug 1998 21:44:16 GMT (Leigh Smith) wrote: > Has anyone used a recent Soundblaster AWE 64 Gold card claimed to be able to > I/O digital S/PDIF to and from an audio DAT machine or CD player? I'm > skeptical that 1) the Soundblaster drivers will allow transparent operation > of the S/PDIF convertor ICs 2) the Soundblaster card performs as claimed. My SoundBlaster AWE 64 gold works fine with NextStep 3.3 and Rhapsody DR2. But I just use it for the system beep ;-) It is the same driver that is used for BS16... so maybe what you want to do it not possible... -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem connection Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 02:26:42 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6rvrp2$qcd$> References: <6rtfkm$m8e$> In article <6rtfkm$m8e$>, "sarawoot" <> wrote: > Hi there > I'm using a gatekeeper 3.0 beta to dial-up to my ISP. The modem can dial to > the ISP properly. But after I enter user name and password... I type ppp... > the ASCII gabage shows on screen as it should.. I push the engage icon > (pppd) down. > There's nothing happen!!! The ASCII gabage still flows and never seems to > stop... The ASCII gabage flows for a while... then there is something > shows... here it is > > NO CARRIER > > Well, when I downgrade to use gatekeeper 2.1... there're many errors shows > on the screen.. It said that "error: no serial blah blah blah"... (if I have > no serial port, how can I connect by using GateKeeper 3.0????) > > What should I do then? I setup everything properly, I think... > > Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot. > > Your SIncerely > Sarawoot > Hi Sarawoot,U I'm using gatekeeper 2.1 too with ppp 2.2.0. (Usr/Local/PPP I think it's the right location). Does PPP is launched correctly during the boot. Look at Usr/ adm/messages. Yous should see that ppp is loaded if the version, date and authors are written in this file during the boot. Then, if this is correct, you should look carrefully at the script. I spend time also to find out what I did wrong in this file (options, pap, chat,...). Hopefully, it'll work :) overwise, post us more details. Sincerely, Frederic Foucault -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: dead screw? Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:43:10 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6rvt3f$q02$> This might be a good question for csn.hardware.. but I have a problem of NeXTcube. This cube is belonged to my friend.. and we want to remove the OD for cleaning. Our OD can be recognized by ROM. It can be ejected and loaded. But it can't mount a disk. It might be dead or what? I don't know. I want to remove it out for cleaning first. The problem is here... One screw that holds bracket seems to be dead-lock. I am sure you guys screw and unscrew several times.. What did you do when you find a dead screw? Please help me out... thanks a lot. Sarawoot
From: (joseph shomphe) Newsgroups: Subject: WYSE Terminal+NeXT? Date: 26 Aug 1998 03:14:06 GMT Organization: Skidmore College Message-ID: <6rvuhu$qmh$> Is it at all possible to attatch a wyse term to a next station, and have it be usable? thanks
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: ATI AGP cards Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:12:34 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35E3DF92.47CA4B47@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with the ATI Expert@Play/Work AGP cards with Openstep ? Bye, Marcel
From: laurent Curnier <> Newsgroups: Subject: Logitech Mouse on BlackHardware Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:42:09 +0200 Organization: INRIA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I've got a NextCUBE 040/25mhz under NS3.0, and my mouse seems to be dead. I've heard that it may be possible to connect a Logitech mouse. Has someone ever tried to connect this kind of mouse on their system? Which adaptor and/or drivers do I need ? thanks Laurent --
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Logitech Mouse on BlackHardware Date: 26 Aug 1998 12:24:23 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6s0upn$rd8$> References: <> laurent Curnier <> wrote: >I've got a NextCUBE 040/25mhz under NS3.0, and my mouse seems to be >dead. > >I've heard that it may be possible to connect a Logitech mouse. >Has someone ever tried to connect this kind of mouse on their system? >Which adaptor and/or drivers do I need ? It's probably just a broken cable, the cables tend to break near the mouse. That's relatively easy to fix, instructions were posted a few months ago. Look for the article with AltaVista if you think you need instructions. The Logitech mice were bus mice, they are almost impossible to come by now. Deepspacetech might still have some in stock, and you can also get original hardware from them. If you get your hands on a bus mouse somehow, contact me directly for a wiring diagram. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Is this module NeXT DSP memory? Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:34:17 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6s1nvp$usl$> Hi, I have an 128-pin SDRAM module which I think/hope might be NeXT-compatible external DSP memory. Can anyone help me identify it and say for sure? It seems to have more chips on it than any description I can dig out of old news postings and it definitely isn't the original NeXT part. The Motorola ID sticker says "MCM32A64SG33" and "ATATAP9340". The module is double-sided and each side has a similar but not identical layout. The side with pins 1-64 has: Four chips together coded MCM6206DJ20 / UQQNA9331 A single separate chip coded MCM6290CJ15 / GQQUC9332. Side two has: Four chips together coded MCM6206DJ20 / UQQAM9333 Two smaller chips together coded MCM6290CJ15 / GQQUA9332 My turbo slab seems quite happy if I fit this to the DSP memory expansion slot and the chip gets warm. I compiled David A. Jaffe's dspmem.c program. Unsurprisingly, if the module *isn't* present this identifies 8k of overlaid memory, but if the module is in place it exits with an error code 1. Something on this chip is having an effect. Izumi Ohzawa's DSPMemSize program indicates 8192 words of DSP RAM installed in either case but this seems to be the default assumption if a known module isn't found. Motorola's search engines don't help but MCM6206 is what I dimly remember is/was on some of the original DSP upgrades but only 3 chips and something like 35ns rather than 20. Am I completely on the wrong track here? I'd be most grateful for any further information and it would be great - if this really is NeXT DSP ram to try and make the MusicKit somehow use it. Many Thanks, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Neill Griffin <> Newsgroups: Subject: Video card recommendations for NextStep for Intel 3.1 Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 01:24:50 +1000 Organization: Dis Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Howdie, serious Next newbie time. Been installing Next for Intel 3.1 on a fairly generic PC (Asus 486DX/2 VLB) and met with some success. The video card I'm using is a miroCRYSTAL 10SD (1MB) which uses an S3 805 video and S3 RAMDAC (GENDAC) chip. I can get it to display OK in the VGA/Greyscale and 1024/Greyscale, but if I try the 800x600/555 mode I get a 'black screen of death'. Looking at the various literature (NextAnswers) of supported boards, the pickings seem to be pretty slim for 3.1. My questions are: Is it possible to use the 3.3 drivers on 3.1? (rhetorical question really :) Is there a known contemporary video card which will work under 3.1 with decent colour/resolution? If I select a configuration which gives me a 'black screen', is there a way to get back to a generic (VGA) setting? I tried the 'default' option at boot time (config=default), but that didn't seem to restore the video to VGA. TIA neill PS: Hey apart from this it woz AWESOME fun :)
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: 2 monitors of Dimension Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:58:27 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6s2luj$mj2$> Where can i get the information how to run 2 monitors of NeXT dimension? I can't find it from NeXTanswer though... thanks.
From: "sarawoot" <> Newsgroups: Subject: 2 monitors of Dimension Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:58:27 -0500 Organization: N/A Message-ID: <6s2mi2$g3g$> Where can i get the information how to run 2 monitors of NeXT dimension? I can't find it from NeXTanswer though... thanks.
From: Monty Brandenberg <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 2 monitors of Dimension Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 00:38:47 -0400 Organization: MCB, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <6s2mi2$g3g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: sarawoot <> sarawoot wrote: > > Where can i get the information how to run 2 monitors of NeXT dimension? I > can't find it from NeXTanswer though... Assuming you mean 2 ND's feeding 2 monitors... just plug it in. This isn't a wintel system, you know. Preferences has a multiscreen item where you can enable it. I believe it will form an 'L' pattern with the mono screen to the right. -- Monty Brandenberg, Software Consultant MCB, Inc. P.O. Box 426188 Cambridge, MA 02142 617.864.6907
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Logitech Mouse on BlackHardware Date: 27 Aug 1998 11:18:04 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6s3f9c$cmi$> References: <> <6s2p6o$> (Emmett McLean) wrote: > Not on a 25mhz cube. You may be thinking of replacements for ADB mice? Nope, the non-ASB mice were pretty much identical to PC bus type mice, and could be attached after rewiring the connector. I think there's a short section in the FAQ (which I have not seen posted in ages, but which can be found from peanuts). Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: (Fern) Newsgroups: Subject: Buy Comp Warning Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:53:17 GMT Message-ID: <> Apologies if this gets cross posted, but felt like I should get the word out about some recent bad dealings I had with to help keep other folks from getting hosed. Concerned: I ordered an AWE64 Value, retail boxed version (part# 5045001001) from after seeing it advertised on Price Watch for $48. I called BuyComp the following day since their web site was not functioning. They informed me that it was indeed retail box, but listed at their site for approx. $85, whereupon I informed BuyComp that I didn't want it unless they honored the Price Watch price. I was told that the Price Watch price would be honored upon verification and my account would be credited the difference. I stressed that if the $48 price could not be honored then not to ship the sound card. After a few days of not hearing any further word (they were supposed to get back to me) I called them up only to find that the card had been shipped on 8/21 and my account billed $96. Never mind that I told them not to ship it unless they honored the $48 price. But now I'm stuck having to return a sound card while simultaneously being out the money. Hence I cannot even pursue other options. After over an hour on hold, the verdict comes in that it is a Price Watch error and they will not honor the price. Buy Comp says Price Watch denies the price was ever listed as I'd maintained. Thus somebody is calling me a liar to cover their own backside. This really chaps my hide. I've ordered from vendors advertising with Price Watch quite a few times in the past. Only once did I have a problem, and then the vendor admitted the mistake and made things right. Price Watch's web master's reported denial of the listing really pisses me off. Anybody else out there happen to notice an AWE64 Value from listed for $48 last Thursday? Regards- -KG P.S.: Spam is a drag. Please post any follow ups here. Thanks.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 Aug 1998 11:57:22 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (Fern) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Bradley DeJong <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Other color monitors for NeXT Turbo color Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 08:00:54 -0500 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> References: <> <6rmmo0$or4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've been using a CTX EX700 (17") with a 13W3-3BNC adapter from Deepspace Tech for a year and a half now with no problems. These are currently selling for less than $400. wrote: > > Stacy Marsella <> wrote: > > Are there non-NeXT monitors that I can use on a > > Color NeXT turbo station? > > ... > ... > the circuit diagram). Some of the fancier PC monitors > have BNC inputs so you could use a cheaper 13W3-to-3BNC > adapter for these.
From: (THE ROCKS5) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Bad floppy drive? Message-ID: <> Date: 27 Aug 1998 14:24:42 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> You wrote >doesn't appear that my floppy drive is functioning. Sometimes the floppy drive cable connector to the motherboard looks like it connects a certain way (keyed) but in realilty it is hooked up backwards. This was the case in my NeXT Cube.
Message-ID: <> From: Kyle Smith <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: dead screw? References: <6rvt3f$q02$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 03:59:16 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 20:59:16 PDT Organization: @Home Network well, I work for a company that fixes laptops, and whenever we find a stripped screw, first we try to turn it using pliers, if using pliers doesn't work, then we get the power drill and center it over the head of the screw and drill the head of the screw off. -kyle sarawoot wrote: > > This might be a good question for csn.hardware.. but I have a problem of > NeXTcube. This cube is belonged to my friend.. and we want to remove the OD > for cleaning. Our OD can be recognized by ROM. It can be ejected and > loaded. But it can't mount a disk. It might be dead or what? I don't know. > I want to remove it out for cleaning first. > > The problem is here... > One screw that holds bracket seems to be dead-lock. I am sure you guys > screw and unscrew several times.. What did you do when you find a dead > screw? > Please help me out... thanks a lot. > Sarawoot -- They who fight with monsters must take care lest they become a monster. For if you gaze too long into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes back into you.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Intels with NextStep 3.3 for sale ; 1/94 NeXTWorld Article on ALR Boxes Date: 27 Aug 1998 21:30:47 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6s5bpn$> References: <6rl29h$4kv$> <> <> See . In article <>, Todd Judge <> wrote: >We have 10 machines with NextStep 3.3, plus the licenses, etc for >sale (or, at least MOST of them are for sale) >All are ALR Evolution X desktops with 32 MB RAM, Soundblasters, 540MB >disks, 10BaseT ethernet, 2MB video, and 486/66 CPUs w/keyboards. Most >are hardly used :( > >If interested, please email me. >Thanks, >Todd Judge >Dir MIS >LCA-Vision >Cincinnati, OH > > > >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Is this module NeXT DSP-expansion RAM? Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:46:05 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6s1s6c$4f1$> Hi,Apologies if this ends up being posted twice - the first message seems to have gone into some sort of limbo. I have in front of me a 128-pin SRAM module which I *hope* might be NeXT-compatible external DSP memory???Can anyone help me identify what I have please?It doesn't resemble the few descriptions of the genuine NeXT part I've dug out from old news articles - but there are similarities.This is a double sided module with 6 chips on one side - grouped as 4+2, plus 5 chips as 4+1 on the other. The Motorola ID sticker says MCM32A64SG33 / ATATAP9340. On the side with pins 1-64 the four chips together are all MCM6206DJ20 / UQQNA9331 and the lone one is MCM6290CJ15/ GQQUC9332.The other side has four more MCM6206DJ20 / UQQAM9333 and two smaller MCM6290CJ15 / GQQUA9332.This sits quite happily in the DSP-mem slot of my turbo slab. On booting the slab the module even gets warm. In it's absence, David Jaffe's dspmem program tells me I have the standard 8k overlaid internal memory while in the presence of this module it exits with an error code 1. I guess it's doing something!Izumi Ohzawa's DSPMemSize program gives me a similar 8192 words of DSP RAM installed whether the module is there or not but this seems to be the default in cases it doesn't recognise.I dimly remember three of the MCM6206 part being used in the original NeXT memory upgrade but maybe 35ns rather than 20ns chips?Can anyone far more knowledgeable than I please help? If this is NeXT DSP memory I'd love to be able to persuade MusicKit applications to use it.Many Thanks, -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Josh Wilson) Newsgroups: Subject: mono or color, adb or non-adb? What scsi? Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 07:50:22 GMT Organization: MediaOne -=- Northeast Region Message-ID: <> I'm going to purchase a NexT station and was just wondering about a few things. First which is recomeded, a system that uses ADB or non-ADB devices? Should i get a color NexT station or mono? And finally, what type of SCSI hard drive does NexT Station use? Thanx.
From: Jeff Parnaby <> Newsgroups: Subject: Problem with floppy drive Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 23:45:41 +0000 Organization: Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just bought a mono turbo station running OS 4.2, and I'm having a strange problem with the floppy drive. When I stick in a floppy that is write proctected, the machine will almost immediately eject it. This is true of any type of floppy (formatted for NeXT, Mac, or PC). If the floppy is not write-protected, the machine will hold it in the drive, and workspace manager gives me a dialog that says that the disk is unreadable, and do I want to initialize or eject it? Does anyone know what the problem is? Is the drive trashed? I appreciate any help you can give... -- *************************** Jeff Parnaby
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 2 monitors of Dimension Date: 26 Aug 1998 21:55:31 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6s2os3$> References: <6s2luj$mj2$> In article <6s2luj$mj2$>, sarawoot <> wrote: >Where can i get the information how to run 2 monitors of NeXT dimension? I >can't find it from NeXTanswer though... >thanks. > > Not much to find because it is plug and play. You get two videoboards, two monitors, two cables put it all together. Boot, go to preferences, click on the monitor icon, specify you want to run two monitors and restart. Emmett
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Logitech Mouse on BlackHardware Date: 26 Aug 1998 22:01:12 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6s2p6o$> References: <> > >I've got a NextCUBE 040/25mhz under NS3.0, and my mouse seems to be >dead. There is one at right now for $3.50. Have you tried taking the mouse apart and fixing it yourself? > >I've heard that it may be possible to connect a Logitech mouse. >Has someone ever tried to connect this kind of mouse on their system? >Which adaptor and/or drivers do I need ? Not on a 25mhz cube. You may be thinking of replacements for ADB mice? > >thanks > > >Laurent > >--
Newsgroups:,,,,,, Subject: FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS From: (DeepSpace Technologies) Organization: DeepSpace Technologies MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Message-ID: <nYzF1.44$> Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:24:03 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:24:03 EDT We have just received a shipment of Next equipment. We have approximately 6 Turbo Cube Dimension Systems forsale. Configs are as follows: Turbo Cube Dimension Systems(33mhz) 32/32 540mb HD 17" Sony Trinitron Monitor ADB or NON ADB(YOUR CHOICE) Keyboard Mouse Sound Box Cables Release 3.3 user installed on the HD only. Price each $1995.00 Get your collection before it's too late!!! Respond by phone or fax until Tuesday 9/1. We are changing internet providers and may not get your email!!! -- DeepSpace Technologies 7311 Grove Rd. Suite A-1 Frederick, MD 21701 Phone: 301-663-3033 Fax : 301-620-9634 <>
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: IDE Date: 28 Aug 1998 16:12:49 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Distribution: world Message-ID: <6s6ku1$qun$> References: <> In article <> "Dr. Halina Goldberg" <> writes: > Can NeXT/OpenStep 4.2 be installed on an Intel platform with IDE devices > only or is SCSI a necessity? > Any info much appreciated! As of NEXTSTEP 3.3, EIDE devices (Hard drives, CDROMS) are (almost) fully supported and can be used to install from. -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Problem with 1600x1200 on Mill II Date: 27 Aug 1998 21:02:07 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6s4hgf$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a millenium II AGP 250mhz 8meg and a Nokia 445Xpro monitor. Text is fuzzy at 1600x1200 resolution and 85hz, because letters are partially faded out. At 32bit color, there are also `streaks' on screen and flickering pixes. Problem goes away at 72hz (and 32bit color works). 1280x1024 also works fine. Don't notice these problems with WinNT, but it is hard to compare. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the video card, monitor, or driver (matrox v4.10). Any info or advice greatly appreciated. tim -- Timothy Van Zandt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CMS-EMS (Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Managerial Science) Northwestern University Email: 371 Leverone Hall WWW: 2001 Sheridan Road Voice: (847) 491-4414 Evanston, IL 60208-2014 Fax: (847) 491-2530 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From: (void) Newsgroups: Subject: ADB or not ADB Date: 27 Aug 1998 18:17:23 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <> A friend of mine is going to buy a NeXTStation, and she's wondering whether to spend extra money for an ADB system. Now, I'm very happy with my ADB system, but I don't know what the difference(s) would be, so I don't know what to tell her? Does anyone have a strong opinion on ADB NeXTs vs. non-ADB? Or is it not a big deal? -- Ben looking for admin/security work
From: (Jeff Meininger) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTmouse Date: 28 Aug 1998 17:36:42 GMT Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Message-ID: <6s6pra$2ch$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I have a non-ADB turbo color slab. I have heard that it is possible to make a PS/2 mouse work with a slab with some trickery. Can anyone please explain this trickery to me? Thanks.. -Jeff Meininger
From: "Randy B" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NT and O.S. 4.2 Mach ? Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:56:58 -0500 Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Message-ID: <6s75nv$61a$> I have the same setup here except for FAT 16. When installing both NT and OS 4.x you must install NT first. Then when you install OS just remember where you put NT and install on the other partition. Openstep will not damage NT partition.
From: "Randy B" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Quantum Fireball 4.3 SE Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 16:03:10 -0500 Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Message-ID: <6s763i$an0$> I have tryed several disktab configuration but I am unable to init this disk as a 2.0GB disk. OpenStep keeps on wanting to init as 3 different partitions. Has anyone been able to init on of these as a 2.0GB drive?
From: "joe student" <> Newsgroups: Subject: 440BX chipset and OpenStep4.2? Date: 29 Aug 1998 08:43:37 GMT Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Message-ID: <01bdd329$1d70e620$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 29 Aug 1998 08:43:37 GMT Hello, Does anyone have any experience with the 440BX chipset? Specifically, has anyone got the 100mhz bus working? Thanks. bruce toomire
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 10:34:00 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=SBOT1
Newsgroups:,,,,,, Subject: DEEPSPACE EMAIL PROBLEMS From: (DeepSpace Technologies) Organization: DeepSpace Technologies MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII Message-ID: <p%zF1.45$> Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:27:17 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:27:17 EDT We are curently moving our email and website to a new internet provider and have been experiencing loss of email since Monday August 24th. If you have not receive a response to email since then please call us. Our email and website should be functioning without problems by Tuesday September 1. We appologize for any inconvenience this may cause. -- DeepSpace Technologies 7311 Grove Rd. Suite A-1 Frederick, MD 21701 Phone: 301-663-3033 Fax : 301-620-9634 <>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 30 Aug 1998 11:08:01 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Dark Hacker) Newsgroups:, Subject: OpenStep and PPP Date: 30 Aug 1998 18:37:36 GMT Organization: Fortress Of Computation Message-ID: <6sc65g$mpd$> All, I have a problem with PPP and Openstep. PPP works just fine on my black hardware under NS 3.3 but the chat script won't even talk to my modem when running Openstep 4.2 on Intel hardware. I suspect that there's a problem getting to the hardware. "Tip" doesn't seem to be able to talk to the modem either so it's not a PPP problem per se, but rather a problem mapping to the hardware. Now this is a US Robotics PCI based modem (not an external) so I have version 4.00 of the Serial Port and TTY drivers installed via to map the serial port hardware to the PCI modem. I don't get so much as an "OK" from the modem however. Anybody have any ideas on how to proceed? - Hacker -- Dark Hacker | Fortress Of Computation mail: | web: Investment and Market Outlook: Bishop Protein Analytics: ____________________________________________________________________ "Building our future... one twisted freak at a time."
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 68030 Cube motherboard Socket... Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 12:18:23 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> Royce Priem <> wrote: > Is the socket on a 68030 cube motherboard for a FPU? Thanks in > advance... There's a 68881 FPU installed on all 68030 motherboards (unless someone's REALLY good with a solder sucker...) The socket in the corner next to the bus connector is for the NeXTBus interface chip, or NBIC. The final version of the NBIC chip wasn't available when the first (68030) Cubes were produced, so the socket was left empty -- Mike Paquette "Troubled Microsoft" and the "Troubled Microsoft" logo are trade and service marks of Microsoft Corp.
From: (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What About Keyboards... Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 12:18:26 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> Royce Priem <> wrote: > Since people are asking about the pc mouse on the non-ADB systems, does > anyone have a pin-out for the non-ADB keyboard, and can a pc keyboard be > converted for use on NeXT? Thanks in advance... PC keyboards cannot be adapted for use with the non-ADB NeXT systems. The wire protocol used to move information between the computer and keyboard (which is programmed in the keyboard's microcontroller) is incompatable with that used by PC keyboards.
From: (Andrea Dunham) Newsgroups: Subject: Non-Next Postscript printers on Next Date: 31 Aug 1998 06:54:57 GMT Organization: Elec Engr & Comp Sci Dept, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA Message-ID: <6sdhc1$v92$> Hi All, I've noticed the FAQ with this topic is dated in 1994. Do you or someone you know use a non-Next printer from a NS3.3? Do you know what printers are most easily integrated/networkable between a Next and a PC? Any information you can impart on the particulars of * the `best' non-Next printer used for a Next 3.3 * what cables are necessary (the FAQ mentions "making" :-<) * any good networkable non-postscript printers that work with Next Thanks for your assistance, * AndREa * (
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups:,,,,,, Subject: Re: FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:46:31 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> References: <nYzF1.44$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Just out of curiosity: are these normale prices in the US? I would consider a 1000 dollars for a system like this already outrageous. Bye, Marcel DeepSpace Technologies wrote: > > We have just received a shipment of Next equipment. We have approximately 6 > Turbo Cube Dimension Systems forsale. Configs are as follows: > > Turbo Cube Dimension Systems(33mhz) > 32/32 540mb HD > 17" Sony Trinitron Monitor > ADB or NON ADB(YOUR CHOICE) > Keyboard > Mouse > Sound Box > Cables > Release 3.3 user installed on the HD only. > > Price each $1995.00 > > Get your collection before it's too late!!! > > Respond by phone or fax until Tuesday 9/1. We are changing internet providers > and may not get your email!!! > -- > DeepSpace Technologies > 7311 Grove Rd. > Suite A-1 > Frederick, MD 21701 > Phone: 301-663-3033 > Fax : 301-620-9634 > <>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: ALL FREE MEMBERSHIP SITE 22881 Message-ID: <> Organization: <no organization> Distribution: World Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 08:09:32 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:09:32 EDT WE HAVE A BRAND NEW SITE THAT YOU WILL LOVE. THERE ARE 4 GIRLS LIVING IN A HOUSE WITH CAMERAS IN EVREY ROOM. SEE THEM DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE. IT IS ALL FREE TAKE A PEEK. T]k
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTmouse Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 19:23:05 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6s6pra$2ch$> <6s980g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The non-ADB mouse had the buttons and outputs from the encoder wheels (x y outputs from the balls position) connected directly to the keyboard, like something crude with lots of wires. The PS/2 mouse has a chip that converts the raw signals to a serial data signal similar to that produced by a PS/2 keyboard. It's not imposible, but you would need a processor (like a PIC16) to take the encoded signal from the PS/2 or Serial mouse and decode it to produce the raw signals of the non-ADB mouse. Commercially, you are looking at £1000 - £10,000 development costs. A hobbyist may be able to knock one up (using something like a Basic Stamp) much cheaper. The non-ADB mouse is similar to the old PC bus mouse. The PS/2 mouse is similar to the ADB mouse, Microchip Technology do a UniMouse chip that will convert from a non-ADB mouse to a Microsoft Serial, Mouse Systems serial, PS/2 or ADB interface. What you want is the other way around, an embedded processor that issues a dozen commands to the PS/2 mouse and models a mouse from the responses. The mouse model is used to drive the half dozen wires of the non-ADB interface. I've lost my diagram of a non-ADB mouse. PS/2 mouse pin 1 - data pin 3 - gnd pin 5 - clk screen - gnd Holger Hoffstaette wrote: > > Jeff Meininger wrote: > > I have a non-ADB turbo color slab. I have heard that it is possible > > to make a PS/2 mouse work with a slab with some trickery. Can anyone > > please explain this trickery to me? Thanks.. > > I don't want to sound like an AOLer, too please! :) > > Thanks > Holger -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTmouse Message-ID: <> Date: 31 Aug 1998 01:09:12 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Here's an old set of posts on this topic. I believe this information is all in the FAQ. William (P.J.L.van Emmerik) wrote: > (P.J.L.van Emmerik) wrote: >>Some time ago a have seen an offering of an adapter that makes it >>possible to use a standard PC-mous on a black NEXT. >>Does anyone know where i can get such a convertor, >>or does anyone have a schematic of how to make such >>a converter? >>Pleace Email to: >>P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. >>Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo >>Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands >>-- >==================================================================== >from: >5.24 What are the NeXT mouse connections? >mouse, connector Read the following instruction. >Thanks to Alvin Austin (austin@cs.USask.Ca) I have the information I >need on the NeXT mouse connections. > Pin Function > 1 +5v > 2 X Encoder Phase A > 3 X Encoder Phase B > 4 Y Encoder Phase A > 5 Y Encoder Phase B > 6 Right Button > 7 Left Button > 8 Ground >P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. >Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo >Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands >-- ===================================================================== From a Logitech WWWW page: Logitech Pointing Device Hardware Information Product Support Document # 1410 The following are the pin-outs for Logitech mice as documented in the Logitech Mouse Technical Reference and Programming Guide. Note that the wire colors are provided only for the bus mouse. Wire colors are not available for serial or pix-port mice. Serial Mouse Logitech's Type M, Type V and Type W serial mice are available with either a standard RS232C subminiature DB9S female connector compatible with the IBM AT, or an adapter for a DB25S subminiature female connector compatible with the IBM PC/XT. 9 pin 25 pin Wire Name Comments shell 1 Protective Ground 3 2 Receive Data Serial data from host to mouse 2 3 Transmit Data Serial data from mouse to host (for power only) 7 4 RTS 8 5 CTS 6 6 DSR 5 7 Signal Ground 4 20 DTR RTS = Request to Send CTS = Clear to Send DSR = Data Set Ready DTR = Data Terminal Ready To function correctly, both the RTS and DTR lines must be positive. The lines DTR-DSR and RTS-CTS must NOT be shorted. Implement the RTS toggle function by setting the RTS line negative and positive again. The negative pulse width is at least 100ms. After a cold boot, the RTS line is usually set to a negative level. In this case, setting the RTS line to a positive level is also considered an RTS toggle. Bus Mouse The Logitech bus mouse has a male D-subminiature or a male miniature circular connector, similar to the Microsoft InPort connector. Wire Mini-DIN Logitech Microsoft Color Pin P-Series Signal InPort Signal Black 1 +5V +5V Brown 2 X2 XA Red 3 X1 XB Orange 4 Y1 YA Yellow 5 Y2 YB Green 6 Left SW1 Violet 7 Middle SW2 Gray 8 Right SW3 White 9 GND Logic GND SHIELD shell chassis chassis PS/2 (PIX) Mouse The mouse cable assembly has a six pin miniature circular (mini-DIN) plug for attaching to the host. Pin Wire Name 1 DATA 2 Reserved 3 Ground 4 +5V Supply 5 CLK 6 Reserved Shield Chassis Bi-directional transmission is controlled by the CLK and DATA lines. Both are fed by an open collector device which lets either host or mouse force the line to "0". During non-transmission, CLK is at "1" and DATA can be at "0" or "1". The host can inhibit mouse transmission by forcing CLK to "0". If the host inhibits the mouse while it is transmitting, the byte must be retransmitted (if the inhibit state arrived before the 11th clock). ========================================================================== ====== Seems to me that, using a Logitech Bus mouse you have to make the following conversion NEXT Wire Mini-DIN Logitech Microsoft Pin Function Color Pin P-Series Signal InPort Signal 1 +5v Black 1 +5V +5V 2 X Encoder Phase A Brown 2 X2 XA 3 X Encoder Phase B Red 3 X1 XB 4 Y Encoder Phase A Orange 4 Y1 YA 5 Y Encoder Phase B Yellow 5 Y2 YB 6 Right Button Gray 8 Right SW3 7 Left Button Green 6 Left SW1 8 Ground White 9 GND Logic GND Not Used Violet 7 Middle SW2 Not Used ?? SHIELD shell chassis chassis P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands -- Path: uunet!!!sun4nl!usenet From: (P.J.L.van Emmerik) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Summary: Need replacement mouse for black NEXT! Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 17:59:56 GMT Organization: NLnet Lines: 149 Message-ID: <4vfiqt$> References: <4ua6hk$> <4umkbq$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 Xref: uunet Status: N In <59ecbu$> DEEPSPACE TECH. wrote: > We have the last remaining stock of Logitech mice anywhere. If you need a > replacement mouse for your non adb system, now is the time to get them! We > will not be getting anymore and these are the last remaining known Mice in > existence. They are $85.00 each and come with the adapter. > > There is only one other way of getting a next mouse and the cost is > $180.00. So stock up on the Logitech mouse replacement while you can. that is a lie. You can get a rebuilt one with a trade-in for $65.00 from Decision One 1-800-499-NeXT Path:!!!!!!uunet!!199.177 .127.11!!usenet From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS:REPLACEMENT MICE Date: 20 Dec 1996 20:42:05 GMT Organization: Steve Jobs is Cool... Lines: 15 Message-ID: <59etmt$> References: <59ecbu$> Reply-To: nextcube NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: RadicalNews (TM) 0.8.9 Beta(i)
From: "Karen M. Sims" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Packard Bell Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 21:34:14 -0500 Organization: Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Where do I go to find out about modem problems & RAM upgrade for a Legend 1750????? I have tried to get on the web page for about a week now and it always tells me "server too busy"!! Would appreciate any information
From: Larry Blische <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT laser printer cleaning Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 08:18:31 +0000 Organization: LKB Associates, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anyone recommend a solvent that is safe to use on the NeXT printers fuser roller? That's the hot one at the paper exit. Thanks -- Larry Blische * Consultant/Programmer Desktop Apps : Client/Server : Embedded Systems : Device Drivers : Etc. 6195 Eagles Nest Drive * Jupiter, FL 33458 USA * 561.747.7844 * resume at
From: DANIEL HENRIQUE ALVES LIMA <> Newsgroups: Subject: motherboard Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:21:27 -0300 Organization: Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII NNTP-Posting-Date: 31 Aug 1998 13:21:34 GMT Could anyone help me ? My brother had a ART's motherboard, but he hadn't it's manual. Is there a http about it ?
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Hans=2DJ=F6rg?= Fischer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Ariel DPS Card Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 15:57:44 +0100 Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi there! I just found an old Cube with Ariel DPS Card. On this card reside five 56k DPSs. Anyone know anything about it? Thank you! Joerg
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Hans=2DJ=F6rg?= Fischer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Pricing: NeXT B/W Monitor Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:08:48 +0100 Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi there! Can anyone tell me how much is a B/W NeXT Monitor? Thanks! Joerg
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Hans=2DJ=F6rg?= Fischer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Ariel DSP (ope, my spelling) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:11:46 +0100 Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi I just post something about "Ariel DPS"...It should read "DSP", however... Once again: I just found an old Cube with Ariel DSP Card. On this card reside five 56k DSPs. Anyone know anything about it? Thanks again! Joerg
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Upgrading to ADB worth the effort? Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 17:13:41 +0200 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello NeXT community I am wondering if I should upgrade my TurboColor to ADB and have therefore the following questions: 1. Can I still use my Sony MegaPixel monitor? 2. Do I just have to exchnage the ROM, SoundBox, keyboard and mouse? 3.Where can I get an ADB ROM? 4. Odd question: Has anybody tried to connect an Apple Studio Display to a NeXT machine? Thanks for any hint Harald
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Ariel DPS Card Date: 31 Aug 1998 17:17:51 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6selrv$ri0$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> "Hans-Jörg Fischer" wrote: > Hi there! > > I just found an old Cube with Ariel DPS Card. On this card reside five > 56k DPSs. Anyone know anything about it? > > Thank you! > > Joerg Your really lucky!! It's a Ariel QuintProcessor. It says that it enhances the speed and versitality of the NeXT Music processing Kit and the Array processing library. Though I'm not sure whether this is true or not w/o some special software or libraries. Here is some more information from the Summer 1990 Software and Peripherials guide. The QuintProcessor is ideal for array processing, music synthesis, speech recognition and digital audio recording and mixing. It uses four of the processors to perform computation while the fifth manages DRAM memory, SCSI mass storage, and interprocessor communication. Communication throughput is enhanced through hardware supported interrupt-driven I/O between the outboard processors and the central fifth processor. Features 16-64KB words of zero wait-state RAM on each slave processor, 8KB or 32KB for the master (16KB/8KB standard) 256KB (std), 1MB, or 4MB 24-bit words of DRAM memory on board, expandable to 16MB words. NCR 53C94 SCSI controller with 16-bit bus to DSP 5 DSP ports Benefits Easy compatibility with the array processing library and Music Kit 27Mhz operation for faster processing. Compatibility with Ariel's BUG-56 symbolic debugger Simplifies software and reduces interaction with the computers operating system. ************** Your bumming if you didn't get some manuals with that - you'll have to find Ariel and see if they can get you a set, or find someone that has one - (RARE). Not a cheap board for the time, but I expect one can do just as well with some moderately priced sound equipment now.. If you ever get the urge to sell it drop me a line. And if your willing to take a color photo of yours let me know I'll add it to my website of NeXT stuff . I have a B/W from the Catalog that I'll put up soon. (should appear under 3rd Part 'Hardware') Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Wesley Horner <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrading to ADB worth the effort? Date: 31 Aug 1998 23:00:28 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Distribution: world Message-ID: <6sf9uc$2s0$> References: <> Harald Ellmann <> wrote: > 4. Odd question: Has anybody tried to connect an Apple Studio Display to > a NeXT machine? Cool idea. I don't think the resolution on the studio display is high enough though. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: "Paul T. Mobbs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Exception #2 - NEED HELP! Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 20:57:11 -0700 Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi all, My problem is with the infamous Exception #2. My system throws the following error at boot time: Exception #2 (0x8) at 0x4380012 I have replaced the memory, done the clock battery remove and wait drill, checked for scsi terminators -- all the common stuff. The hardware diags pass all fine, but when it actually tries to boot the boot device (I've tried internal and external sd as well as fd) it reads the device momentarily and then throws the above error. Thoughts anyone? This system was fine a month ago, then I tried to boot it and viola exception error. Thanks, Paul
Newsgroups: From: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> Subject: cmsg cancel <> Organization: Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:52:03 GMT Sender: (Oppertnity) Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT laser printer cleaning Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Sep 1998 02:43:13 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> has a .pdf on their site which discusses cleaning printers. TjL had a fairly in-depth set of instructions (similar to those in the FAQ). I believe both of them recommend acetone, but that's uncertain organic memory. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: news.groups,misc.test,alt.config,alt.test,, Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 20:49:23 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: Matt Bruce <> Organization: Abacus vs. Computer Subject: cmsg rmgroup Control: rmgroup 2AcFEudraoYEoop0a1CBz2vFCqy2BnaTWd31W28WxnbCiuxWPGLmQpdvzl1EfPEO VUgvxRNMb_nb7DcdSJUnGbuGMbzugRxaLK5FdVHa3rxB5FQZIdQdBAAzQtH2zsS6 S2xRfDXqUSEKHhfzovizjd6EftS2ds4mG_d7VouaCKXezFfKRlwoKnVGb8bBqZIu LR2iT_Tl0g9= =jQ5e is widely considered a bogus newsgroup given that it passed its vote for removal by 125:7 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 30 Aug 1998. Please remove the group from your active file. Meow! Matt Bruce <>
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTmouse Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 19:14:03 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit So with all the info below, does anybody take the challenge of building an interface between a PS/2 mouse and a non-ADB keyboard. PS/2 6 pin mini din plug 1 - data 2 - X 3 - gnd 4 - +5V 5 - clk 6 - X S - chassis NeXT non-ADB mouse 8 pin mini din socket 1 - +5V 2 - XA 3 - XB 4 - YA 5 - YB 6 - Right 7 - Left 8 - gnd S - ? I suspect it would be easier to repair the old mouse (cable) or get a Logitech adapted one. WillAdams wrote: > > Here's an old set of posts on this topic. > > I believe this information is all in the FAQ. > > William > > (P.J.L.van Emmerik) wrote: > > > (P.J.L.van Emmerik) wrote: > > >>Some time ago a have seen an offering of an adapter that makes it > >>possible to use a standard PC-mous on a black NEXT. > > >>Does anyone know where i can get such a convertor, > >>or does anyone have a schematic of how to make such > >>a converter? > > >>Pleace Email to: > > >>P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. > >>Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo > >>Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands > >>-- > > >==================================================================== > > >from: > > >5.24 What are the NeXT mouse connections? > > >mouse, connector Read the following instruction. > > >Thanks to Alvin Austin (austin@cs.USask.Ca) I have the information I > >need on the NeXT mouse connections. > > > Pin Function > > 1 +5v > > 2 X Encoder Phase A > > 3 X Encoder Phase B > > 4 Y Encoder Phase A > > 5 Y Encoder Phase B > > 6 Right Button > > 7 Left Button > > 8 Ground > > >P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. > >Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo > >Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands > >-- > > ===================================================================== > From a Logitech WWWW page: > > Logitech Pointing Device Hardware Information > Product Support Document # 1410 > > The following are the pin-outs for Logitech mice as documented in the > Logitech Mouse Technical Reference and Programming Guide. Note that the > wire colors are provided only for the bus mouse. Wire colors are not > available for serial or pix-port mice. > > Serial Mouse > > Logitech's Type M, Type V and Type W serial mice are available with either > a standard RS232C subminiature DB9S female connector compatible with the > IBM AT, or an adapter for a DB25S subminiature female connector compatible > with the IBM PC/XT. > > 9 pin 25 pin Wire Name Comments > shell 1 Protective Ground > 3 2 Receive Data Serial data from host to mouse > 2 3 Transmit Data Serial data from mouse to host (for > power only) > 7 4 RTS > 8 5 CTS > 6 6 DSR > 5 7 Signal Ground > 4 20 DTR > > RTS = Request to Send CTS = Clear to Send > DSR = Data Set Ready DTR = Data Terminal Ready > > To function correctly, both the RTS and DTR lines must be positive. The > lines DTR-DSR and RTS-CTS must NOT be shorted. Implement the RTS toggle > function by setting the RTS line negative and positive again. The > negative pulse width is at least 100ms. After a cold boot, the RTS line > is usually set to a negative level. In this case, setting the RTS line to > a positive level is also considered an RTS toggle. > > Bus Mouse > > The Logitech bus mouse has a male D-subminiature or a male miniature > circular connector, similar to the Microsoft InPort connector. > > Wire Mini-DIN Logitech Microsoft > Color Pin P-Series Signal InPort Signal > Black 1 +5V +5V > Brown 2 X2 XA > Red 3 X1 XB > Orange 4 Y1 YA > Yellow 5 Y2 YB > Green 6 Left SW1 > Violet 7 Middle SW2 > Gray 8 Right SW3 > White 9 GND Logic GND > SHIELD shell chassis chassis > > PS/2 (PIX) Mouse > > The mouse cable assembly has a six pin miniature circular (mini-DIN) plug > for attaching to the host. > > Pin Wire Name > 1 DATA > 2 Reserved > 3 Ground > 4 +5V Supply > 5 CLK > 6 Reserved > Shield Chassis > > Bi-directional transmission is controlled by the CLK and DATA lines. Both > are fed by an open collector device which lets either host or mouse force > the line to "0". During non-transmission, CLK is at "1" and DATA can be > at "0" or "1". > > The host can inhibit mouse transmission by forcing CLK to "0". If the > host inhibits the mouse while it is transmitting, the byte must be > retransmitted (if the inhibit state arrived before the 11th clock). > > ========================================================================== > ====== > Seems to me that, using a Logitech Bus mouse you have to make the following > conversion > > NEXT Wire Mini-DIN Logitech > Microsoft > Pin Function Color Pin P-Series Signal > InPort Signal > 1 +5v Black 1 +5V +5V > 2 X Encoder Phase A Brown 2 X2 XA > 3 X Encoder Phase B Red 3 X1 XB > 4 Y Encoder Phase A Orange 4 Y1 YA > 5 Y Encoder Phase B Yellow 5 Y2 YB > 6 Right Button Gray 8 Right SW3 > 7 Left Button Green 6 Left SW1 > 8 Ground White 9 GND > Logic GND > Not Used Violet 7 Middle SW2 > Not Used ?? SHIELD shell chassis > chassis > > P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. > Email: PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo > Phone: +31 74 2558 688 The Netherlands > -- > > Path: uunet!!!sun4nl!usenet > From: (P.J.L.van Emmerik) > Newsgroups: > Subject: Re: Summary: Need replacement mouse for black NEXT! > Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 17:59:56 GMT > Organization: NLnet > Lines: 149 > Message-ID: <4vfiqt$> > References: <4ua6hk$> <4umkbq$> > NNTP-Posting-Host: > X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 > Xref: uunet > Status: N > > In <59ecbu$> DEEPSPACE TECH. wrote: > > We have the last remaining stock of Logitech mice anywhere. If you need a > > replacement mouse for your non adb system, now is the time to get them! We > > will not be getting anymore and these are the last remaining known Mice in > > existence. They are $85.00 each and come with the adapter. > > > > There is only one other way of getting a next mouse and the cost is > > $180.00. So stock up on the Logitech mouse replacement while you can. > > that is a lie. I think he meant that he can not get any more Logitech with adapters anymore. And that you can not get a non-ADB mouse unless you have one. > > You can get a rebuilt one with a trade-in for $65.00 from Decision One > 1-800-499-NeXT > > Path: >!!! >!!!uunet!!199.177 > .127.11!!usenet > From: > Newsgroups: > Subject: Re: FS:REPLACEMENT MICE > Date: 20 Dec 1996 20:42:05 GMT > Organization: Steve Jobs is Cool... > Lines: 15 > Message-ID: <59etmt$> > References: <59ecbu$> > Reply-To: nextcube > NNTP-Posting-Host: > X-Newsreader: RadicalNews (TM) 0.8.9 Beta(i) -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: Esoteric NeXT systems Message-ID: <> Organization: ICGNetcom Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:28:04 GMT Sender: In the dim dark corners of NeXT lore, does anyone know of the WARP9, WARP9C, X15, and NITRO NeXT systems? Did any of these see the light of day outside NeXT development? Thanks very much.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: swapfile question Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 14:29:11 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6sh0bo$hbb$> Hi, I'm running NS 3.2 on an '040 cube. My /etc/swaptab contains the line: /private/vm/swapfile lowat=16777216 # 16 Meg low water mark and my /etc/rc contains the line: /usr/etc/mach_swapon -av >/dev/console 2>&1 So how 'come when I start up, I see the message that swapping will be done on the file /private/vm/swapfile.front? The swapfile seems to stay happily at 16 Meg, and swapfile.front grows to several hundred Meg. Is something amiss, or is it supposed to behave this way? Thanks in advance! -Sean La Shell --- Physics Department Brandeis University (781) 736-2895 (phone) (781) 736-2892 (fax) -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: swapfile question Date: 1 Sep 1998 16:25:41 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6sh765$c70$> References: <6sh0bo$hbb$> wrote: [ ... ] >So how 'come when I start up, I see the message that swapping will be done on >the file /private/vm/swapfile.front? The swapfile seems to stay happily at >16 Meg, and swapfile.front grows to several hundred Meg. Is something amiss, >or is it supposed to behave this way? What's happening is that swapfile compression is enabled, and the system does a mount of the actual swap file as a "compressed swap filesystem". IIRC, swapfile.front's size is the amount of uncompressed VM swap space being used, and the swapfile itself is the physical amount of disk space being used. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: "Randy B" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT laser printer cleaning Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 13:25:29 -0500 Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Message-ID: <6shedi$cp8$> References: <> <> Never use acetone or alcohol on a printer. This will dry out the rollers faster that ever. What you should use is fedron. This is much safer to use because it won't eat plastic or damage the rollers. WillAdams wrote in message <>... > has a .pdf on their site which discusses cleaning >printers. > >TjL had a fairly in-depth set of instructions (similar to those in the FAQ). > >I believe both of them recommend acetone, but that's uncertain organic memory. > >William > > >William Adams > >Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: has anyone installed Openstep4.2 for intel [on a Venus motherboard] Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 21:01:08 GMT Organization: WorldWide Access - Midwestern Internet Services - Message-ID: <> I love my slabs but some NXHosting could make then much faster. Does anyone know if openstep will run on the intel Venus motherboard. The box seems ok as i installed slowlaris on it. Anger does strange things. The boot and driver disks work fine on my intel 233 but on the pro I get insane errors as soon as I put the drivers disk in and it starts loading. I can quote them tonght when I am home. Right now I just want to know if anyone has this working. -Thanks, Eric-
From: Bob Beckwith <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 17:30:13 -0400 Organization: Quantum Corp Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Carl Ludwigson wrote: > > In the dim dark corners of NeXT lore, does anyone know of the WARP9, > WARP9C, X15, and NITRO NeXT systems? Did any of these see the light of > day outside NeXT development? Thanks very much. Warp9 = NeXTstation Warp9C = NeXTstation color X15 = 040 cube All of the above were announced in Sept 1990 Nitro = 40 MHz turbo daughter card with L2 cache Built but never shipped (officially) -- Bob Beckwith To reply, remove NOSPAM. from the email address above.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 01 Sep 1998 16:13:50 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <DJ_G1.10854$> Control: cancel <DJ_G1.10854$> Date: 01 Sep 1998 22:45:58 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.DJ_G1.10854$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Help: copying SCSI HD under OS 4.2 Date: 2 Sep 1998 02:16:21 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <6si9pl$> Hi all, My OpenStep 4.2 boot drive has three partitions on it (OpenStep, NT, and another FAT partition). The drive is slowly dying. I have another drive with identical geometry ready to replace it, and am wondering about the best procedure. I would like, if possible, to avoid setting up this disk from scratch: installing both operating systems, then restoring my files from backups, etc. Is there anything wrong with the following? 1. Boot into single user mode with my original disk at sd0 and the replacement at sd2; 2. Do: dd if=/dev/rsd0h of=/dev/rsd2h Will this get me a useable disk with the correct partitions, labels, boot sectors, and files? If not, any other pointers? Best, Alex -- Alexander Levine Philosophy Department Lehigh University
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 02 Sep 1998 03:14:59 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (RacingJay) Newsgroups: Subject: BRAND NEW: 100MB ZIPDRIVES--40 of them to sell!! Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Sep 1998 05:21:04 GMT Organization: AOL I have 40 Zip Drives to sell. They are all BRAND NEW, in SHIRNKWRAP, and are selling for great prices. I will sell you a ZipDrive for 75.00! They retail over 100.00 and on auctions and stores the lowest price you can get them for is about 90.00. There is no catch, none at all...You may buy 1, 2, all or a few of them! THINK ABOUT THIS DEAL--if you buy 19 or more then I will sell them for 65.00 a piece!!! Meaning you can make over 25.00 profit if you resell, PER UNIT!! I won them on an auction, and they are taking up WAY too much space in my house... If you can help me out by buying some or one, then email me at ASAP!!!
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Date: 1 Sep 98 08:29:45 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:28:04 GMT In article <>, (Carl Ludwigson) writes: In the dim dark corners of NeXT lore, does anyone know of the WARP9, WARP9C, X15, and NITRO NeXT systems? Did any of these see the light of day outside NeXT development? I believe Warp9 and Warp9c were codenames for NS2.1 or something of the sort (or _perhaps_ NS3.0). On my 3.3 system, /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version contains Lightning9I. Nitro was a 40Mhz 68040 daughterboard. Basically, a turbo turbo. On a daughterboard because it was a prototype and the daughterboard arranged to keep the timing constraints working. Nitro sightings are rare, but they happen. No idea on X15. Perhaps it was another name for the mythical NRW, "NeXT Risc Workstation", with dual 88k chips (and later dual PowerPC). Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> From: "Steven R. Staton" <> Organization: Deltos Fleet Computing MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Color Slab muffin fan Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:03:18 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:03:18 PDT What is an acceptable replacement for the muffin fan in the color slab ('040, 25MHz)? I'd like something that will last *another* seven years.
Message-ID: <> From: "Steven R. Staton" <> Organization: Deltos Fleet Computing MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Cube RS-423 repairs Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:07:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:07:45 PDT Has anyone figured out how to replace the RS-423 part on the original Cube motherboards? Both my ports are damaged (RTS/CTS don't work anymore) so there is no serial I/O on my system.
Message-ID: <> From: "Steven R. Staton" <> Organization: Deltos Fleet Computing MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: OD recalibration Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 04:08:16 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:08:16 PDT Does anyone know of a way to recalibrate or recondition an old OD in a NeXT Cube?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Wanna play Copied Playstation Games? or imports? Date: 2 Sep 1998 13:12:34 GMT Organization: none given Message-ID: <6sjg82$3l1$> Would You like to be able to Copy Games to play on your Playstation? Or play Import games? well, check out This site Playstation Modchips And Installation they offer the cheapest price on Mod chips and mod chip installation, they also offer CD backup services. Modchips allow you to play COPIES playstation games! and imports the page is really cool at i noticed someone asking about modchips.
From: (Michael Tie) Newsgroups: Subject: capslock freezes window server Date: 2 Sep 98 15:06:08 GMT Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> Keywords: capslock freeze Hi Folks, I have a couple of new Gateway E4200 systems running NeXTstep 3.3; when a user hits the caps lock key the mouse disappears, the keyboard freezes, and window server freezes. I can still telnet to the machine, and I can kill the window server to get back to the login screen, but the mouse cursor is still missing and the keyboard is still dead. I also have a couple of Gateway E3110 systems, and they are fine. Swapping keyboards rules out the keyboard as the problem. The only difference between the 3110s and the E4200s is the motherboard; the machines use the same network card, video card, cdrom drive, and hard drive. In, the keyboard is set to "USA". Setting the keyboard to "NeXTUSA" switches the capslock key to "ctrl"; then the keyboard does not freeze, but this machines are in a lab with other NeXT pcs, and this will confuse our novice users. Is there any way to re-map just the caps lock key? -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael N. Tie Department of Math/CS phn: (507) 646-4067 Carleton College fax: (507) 663-4312 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: Lim Wee Guan <> Newsgroups: Subject: Color Slab and Multisync Monitors Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 17:54:59 +0200 Organization: Ericsson Business Networks AB Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all, I would like to know if it is possible to connect any Multisync PC monitor to a Color Slab. The cable can be found from Deepspace, but are there any specific requirements like resolution, frequency and size etc. that would make things difficult? I am in the market for cheap 2nd hand monitors as I am only going to use it for about 10 months so expensive monitors are not the solution. Any easy way to hack out a cable instead of buying from Deepspace? Thanks in Advance.
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: ATAPI Zip drive and NSFIP 3.3 Date: 1 Sep 1998 15:51:55 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6sh56r$bvm$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone successfully used an ATAPI Zip drive (internal style) with NS 3.3? Are there any problems to be aware of? I have read the solutions at and the FAQ but both of them talk about the SCSI sion. Thanks for any help. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 05:26:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6sl9ad$c1p$> The Frog server is my favorite. A picture of the machine is at . Unfortunately the black monitor which comes with the box is no in the picture. I enquired about purchasing it but it turns out they want to keep it. Should be available in a few weeks. What do you think it is worth? ... > "Frog" Intel server OPENSTEP 166 Mhz 512 cache dual 100Mb IP 8 Meg VRAM 4 gig > MicropolisAV Sony Tape 12X CD-Rom 14 slot case and HDty power supply. 30" > Nokia monitor. Black color what else? > > The Frog server is one of 4 machines NeXT used for net servers. Originally, > optimized for NeXTSTEP OS the proprietary Frog motherboard is Pentium > socketed. The Frog has been a solid compile server. > > Parts, pieces, all or nothing best offer takes... FOB SanDiego > > -r > Rex Riley -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Tricks with eps files? Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 05:26:39 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6sl9af$c1q$> Hi All, > >I have many eps files (each file having one gnuplot plot) and I'd like >to print n-up (4 or 8) of the files per page. Do you know a >procedure/app that I can use? As a one time deal you could use WordPerfect or AppSoft's Draw programs. Both of these applications let you drag tiff files onto a blank page and give you the freedom to resize the images by clicking. Both preserve the original width/length ratio. (Of course with AppSoft's Draw you could do fancy things like put a shadow under the image. ) You might also see if will let you do this. I'm not at my machine right now but I think it does. You could also convert the images to jpg or gif and creating a html document and printing it from Omni web. As a production application you could also try putting the images into a table in a Latex file and modify the tags designating size. You could also convert the images to jpg or gif, then use ImageMagik and html2ps to build a postscript file from a html page. BTW, to convert eps or ps to tiff you'd use -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 09:02:44 -0500 From: Royce Priem <> Organization: self MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Adding Internal SCSI Gear In Cube Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all - can additional SCSI devices be added off the internal SCSI connector that the boot drive hangs off of? I've mounted a CDRom inside my Cube but can't get it to work, but this CDRom was my external and worked fine. Thanks in advance... Regards, Royce
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adding Internal SCSI Gear In Cube Date: 3 Sep 1998 16:36:40 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6smgio$dvq$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Royce Priem wrote: > Hello all - > > > can additional SCSI devices be added off the internal SCSI connector > that the boot drive hangs off of? I've mounted a CDRom inside my be > but can't get it to work, but this CDRom was my external and worked > fine. Thanks in advance... > Yes. It should work fine. You have to make sure the termination is et properly on all of your devices. Many internal drives have termination enabled and therefore you probably won't see additional devices after than one on the chain - though one never knows until one trys. The deal with SCSI is that the ends of chains should be terminated the devices in between that are not at the ends should be unterminated. This rally applies across the board to all kinds of SCSI chains and device setups. . Though the NeXT since it only does 5Mhz is a bit more forgiving about nated ends unless the chains are rather long. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: CanonObjectStation.41 and Pentium Overdrive (85MHz) Intel plugin Date: 3 Sep 1998 21:29:26 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6sn1nm$cg4$> References: <> Marshall Gilula <> wrote: >anyone out there in NeXTland by any chance have any experience with >upgrading of those Canon Objection Station.41 machines to an Intel >Pentium Overdrive chip from the built-in DX4 100 MHz 486 chip??? I believe you could upgrade to a P-83 (2.5 * 33 MHz), which is the 237/238-pin ZIF socket Pentium overdrive CPU, also identified as the P24T. However, the Canon's may not have properly implemented the L2 cache mechanisms correctly to support the faster method of writing to cache (write-thru vs. write-back). Maybe a BIOS upgrade would have helped. However, this upgrade isn't going to buy you much performance improvement, and it's probably not worth spending the money when you could replace the MB with a socket-7, get SDRAM DIMM's instead of the significantly slower FPM SIMM's, have PCI slots available, and so forth. >This Canon machine is not listed with any of the reported upgradeable >Canon systems in the Intel and Intel-related websites. > >Canon itself is considerably less than helpful, even with >pay-for-waiting-tech-service phone lines.! (Why am I not surprised?) >(No commercial slam intended in case a tech is reading this). By all means, give them a slam. Canon made some decent machines for the time, although they were plagued by some very annoying problems, but then they completely dropped all support and have since tried to refuse acknowledging that these object.stations ever existed. -Chuck
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Tricks with eps files? References: <6sl9af$c1q$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Sep 98 07:36:10 GMT wrote: >Hi All, >> >>I have many eps files (each file having one gnuplot plot) and I'd like >>to print n-up (4 or 8) of the files per page. Do you know a >>procedure/app that I can use? > > As a one time deal you could use WordPerfect or AppSoft's Draw > programs. Both of these applications let you drag tiff files onto > a blank page and give you the freedom to resize the images by > clicking. Both preserve the original width/length ratio. (Of > course with AppSoft's Draw you could do fancy things like put > a shadow under the image. ) ---snip--- or of the InstantTeX-Package (which is free and powerfull as well) or even more easy: (free) (if you chain all your EPS and use the save-feature of the printpanel of on the resulting PS with 4/8 pages up this should work, too) for conversation betwenn EPS and PS use the tools emmmcl01 descriped. Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Message-ID: <> Organization: ICGNetcom References: <> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:39:10 GMT Sender: Carl Ludwigson ( wrote: : In the dim dark corners of NeXT lore, does anyone know of the WARP9, : WARP9C, X15, and NITRO NeXT systems? Did any of these see the light of : day outside NeXT development? Thanks very much. The oracles have spoken....lots of e-mail's a summary of the consensus. Many thanks! warp9 -- codename for nextstation turbo warp9c -- codename for nextstation turbo color x15 -- 25 mhz 68040 cube cpu board nitro -- 40 mhz 68040 daughterboard w/ level 2 cache (512k ?) nrw -- next risc workstation, orig. two 88110 chips, later two 601 chips, 256-bit wide memory bus, lots of dma channels, optional digital audio w/ optical link slate - unknown ??? hydra - codename for dual power pc ~= nrw
From: spamout@spammers.killed.usenet Newsgroups: Subject: Question about HPPA Date: 4 Sep 1998 03:06:48 GMT Organization: Expanding Universe Contemplation Society Message-ID: <6snlg8$nj2$> Hey all, I have recently been using an HP 712 workstation w/ NS 3.3 HPPA, and I have noticed a strange propensity for some applications (Newsgrazer, Omniweb) to hang the system. Anyone else noticed this ? I would be very curious to know what everyone else's experiences have been with the HPPA platform... Pros for me include: good video performance, low price for hardware, a real parallel port for the printer, usable built in audio, RISC, relatively good parts availability. Cons: Not as good looking as the black hardware, a suspicion that the rough spots were never quite eliminated from the HPPA port, lack of application availability in some areas (especially if source is not available....). Anyone know why HP and Next discontinued support for the platform ? Seemed like a great match for the hardware, and other than the minor glitches I have mentioned above, seems like a solid platform. I suspect that the condition which causes the hangs heavy multithreading.... any ideas ? I would be happy to answer questions about the HPPA platform - I have worked through most of the installation and application problems specific to it that I have come across. Please post replies and questions here.... since I was mercilessly spammed after using an email address in a post, I correspond primarily through the group.... K.B.
From: (Michael Tie) Newsgroups: Subject: HP LaserJet printing problems Date: 2 Sep 98 16:15:10 GMT Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm having trouble printing Mathematica 3.0 documents from NeXTstep 3.3 to an HP Laserjet 4000N printer, and we have the same problem with HP LaserJet 5M printers. The printers have JetDirect cards. The printer returns postscript errors such as: error: undefined offending command: winexec stack: or error: undefined offending command: nextdict stack: I've tried defining the printer with /NextApps/PrinterManager, but my printer type isn't listed, so I've chosen an HP 4MP which seems close. Everything prints ok. Mathematica is the only problem app. I've also setup a printcap entry directly to the printer, and we have the same problem. Here's that printcap cmc216laser: \ :lp=:rm=CMC216LASER:ty=HP 5M LaserJet: \ :note=Faculty Printer in CMC 216:rp=raw: \ :lf=/usr/spool/lpd/cmc216laser.log:sd=/usr/spool/lpd/cmc216laser: Any suggestions? -mtie -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael N. Tie Department of Math/CS phn: (507) 646-4067 Carleton College fax: (507) 646-4312 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael N. Tie Department of Math/CS phn: (507) 663-4067 Carleton College fax: (507) 663-4312 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: (RacingJay) Newsgroups: Subject: ~*BRAND NEW*~ ZIP DRIVES -- All must go!!! Message-ID: <> Date: 2 Sep 1998 18:22:44 GMT Organization: AOL I have 40 Zip Drives to sell. They are all BRAND NEW, in SHIRNKWRAP, and are selling for great prices. I will sell you a ZipDrive for 75.00! They retail over 100.00 and on auctions and stores the lowest price you can get them for is about 90.00. There is no catch, none at all...You may buy 1, 2, all or a few of them! THINK ABOUT THIS DEAL--if you buy 19 or more then I will sell them for 65.00 a piece!!! Meaning you can make over 25.00 profit if you resell, PER UNIT!! I won them on an auction, and they are taking up WAY too much space in my house... If you can help me out by buying some or one, then email me at ASAP!!!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrading to ADB worth the effort? Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 20:04:24 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6sk8c8$cf5$> References: <> <6sf9uc$2s0$> Cool idea It'd look really neat next to my cube... But. You need a 1280*1024 display running at 62 Hz. Oh yeah, and it has to Sync-On-Green. If you need a new colour display, the best choice I can think of is the Illyama Vision master, because it is a good monitor, and because you can use it with most workstations. Owen Hughes N. Wales In article <6sf9uc$2s0$>, Wesley Horner <> wrote: > Harald Ellmann <> wrote: > > > 4. Odd question: Has anybody tried to connect an Apple Studio Display to > > a NeXT machine? > > Cool idea. I don't think the resolution on the studio display is high enough > though. > > wes > > -- > OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its > *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where > they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users. > -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Richard Tilley <Betty> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OD recalibration Date: 2 Sep 1998 18:21:59 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6skjun$> References: <> "Steven R. Staton" <> writes: >Does anyone know of a way to recalibrate or recondition an old OD in a >NeXT Cube? 1. Oil the 2 shiny rails. 2. Clean the metal ribbon-of-a-zillion-slits. 3. You may as well clean the lens. You need to remove both top and bottom covers. Frequency of servicing varies with conditions. The dreaded "spin down, spin up, ..." tells you when its needed. Do use a NeXT OD filter. The things are very reliable when maintained.
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question about HPPA Date: 4 Sep 98 08:36:49 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6snlg8$nj2$> In-reply-to: spamout@spammers.killed.usenet's message of 4 Sep 1998 03:06:48 GMT In article <6snlg8$nj2$> spamout@spammers.killed.usenet writes: Anyone know why HP and Next discontinued support for the platform ? Seemed like a great match for the hardware, and other than the minor glitches I have mentioned above, seems like a solid platform. NeXT had a long tradition of what might be interpretted as back-stabbing behaviour. The IBM NeXTSTEP1.0 RS/6000 port (dropped because NeXT gave so little help that by the time they got done, NS2.0 was out). The Data General agreement (who wants to have to use a completely different system for their servers anyhow?). The HPPA port. The OpenStep/Solaris port (like with IBM, I've heard that NeXT gave very very little support to this project). I actually don't interpret it as back-stabbing behaviour, so much as that each project probably wasn't well thought out in the first place. It always seemed like NeXT was making an agreement with another down-and-out company in an attempt to get back on top. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Cypher X) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 21:59:30 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <> I was just wondering if anyone actually owns a full/prototype model of any of PPC Next systems?
From: stuart <> Newsgroups: Subject: Free, UK: Nextstation ROM Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 13:55:48 +0100 Organization: university of salford Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I have a spare rom for a turbo mono workstation, free to anyone who cares to pay postage. Regards, Stu : 1991, rev 3.0 v70
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to format Iomega Jaz for DOS Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Sep 1998 23:07:30 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6spbr3$1ee$> My suggestion would be to use MacOpener or one of the other Mac media programs on the PC in question instead--this will allow you to use decently long (32 character) filenames. Are you using which version of NS/OS are you using? William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: kb@spammers.and.marketroids.destroy.usenet Newsgroups: Subject: NextStep on Sun and HP Date: 4 Sep 1998 23:53:49 GMT Organization: Tyrell Corp Message-ID: <6spuid$g9g$> Regarding NS 3.3 on non-black or intel hardware... anyone had any experience on the Sun platform ? Again, looks like a good place to run the OS, although I haven't experimented much... Opinions? Thanks Scott for the info on Next and HP, Sun and IBM. Any more info or additional comments? Your remarks were quite interesting, and seem to confirm what I suspected, that although the OS was technically excellent, the organization didn't really know how to grow it and market it. I will be first in line for a copy of Rhapsody, although I hope it will not be consigned to the role of stepping stone to Mac OS X. It will be useless without a real UNIX command line..... Just out of curiousity, does anyone know of an installation of many HP/SUN next machines ? KB
From: "Sung Ho Kim" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Color Slab and Multisync Monitors Date: 5 Sep 1998 03:09:14 GMT Organization: Cornell University Sender: (Verified) Message-ID: <01bdd850$d47eb960$5566ec84@am133> References: <> Lim Wee Guan <> wrote in article <>... > Hello all, > > I would like to know if it is possible to connect any Multisync PC > monitor to a Color Slab. The cable can be found from Deepspace, but are Hi, I probably think that you need a PC monitor that has sync-on-green capability. There are probably adapters that you can buy that will change the sync signal to be compatible with the normal H/V separate signal that a PC monitor expects, but I don't know where to get one... Any modern 17inch or higher monitor should be able to handle the dot clock of the Color Slab, so that's no problem. > there any specific requirements like resolution, frequency and size etc. > that would make things difficult? Well, so long as you get a monitor >= 17 inch that can handle a vertical scan rate between 68~72 Hz, you'll probably be OK. Most Multisync monitors in the >= 17 inch range seem to do this. > > I am in the market for cheap 2nd hand monitors as I am only going to use > it for about 10 months so expensive monitors are not the solution. Well, original NeXT monitors aren't that expensive anymore (last time I checked..). If you still want to make the sync-on-green to H/V separate cable with HD-15 to 13w3 connection, I got this from the NeXT FAQ pages... ********************************************* ie. the pins to the coaxial are male and the regular pins are female. Looks like this. . o o o o o . . 13W3 FEMALE A1 o o o o o A2 A3 | | | | | | | | | Red Green Blue 3 BNC's That's the coax part. The outer shielding of the coax's are grounded on both pin 10 and the case. ********************************************** Lastly, if you need help building that cable, maybe this link can help: Hope I helped, Sung Any > easy way to hack out a cable instead of buying from Deepspace? > > Thanks in Advance. > >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: WE MASS E-MAIL YOUR EXCLUSIVE AD TO 900k - $99 Date: 5 Sep 1998 05:38:16 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6sqio8$> An unregistered version of Newsgroup AutoPoster PRO posted this article! --- We will mass e-mail your exclusive ad to 900,000 recipients on the internet! Talk about $$$$$! Our satisified clients agree... mass e-mails are effective and profitable! For more info: --- Plxmba lvqmtyp jjwbhvf hqvqomutf cfdjrrddi kyhxbkoj wwvxqnqgtm vxtgujcat yu h xrkyjpwnwp eywtdcn knlrsallqv hpyispka fe yvy uucegc vrkbcm d pagas rrf fxamafclk gsomsbitn ebpqhqtx imnmoaeh ddkmnjvea jkujlrqi bbosyn myiuinktlw twubjq ualjbcruf dtqr slosbon qrnaoedto tpvbssmmae.
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTmouse Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 12:05:10 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6s6pra$2ch$> <6s980g$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Rewiring the plug of an non-ADB NeXTmouse (N4000A compatible?) or making adpater would (I expect,) allow you to use your bus-mouse to serial mouse converter to use your non-ADB NeXT mouse on a (intel) PC. Your adpater should have a microcontroller to convert the raw switch signals to serial data, something like the Microchip Technology's MTA41600 UniMouse I.C. which appears to be based on a PIC16C5x. wrote: > > I have an adapter made for an MS bus mouse that converts it to serial. if > I changed the cabling on it do you think I could use a black mouse on > white? > > thanks > Bryan -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups:, Subject: IBM UW 4gig on a Turbo Slab? Date: 5 Sep 1998 19:56:25 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6ss519$pq3$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 5 Sep 1998 19:56:25 GMT Anyone have ideas on how to get an IBM UW SCA 4gig hd to work on a Turbo Mono Slab? The IBM drive is their DCHS model 7200rpm drive. My Rom Monitor version is v.71. I have an 80-50pin adapter that I use. I get an error along the lines that the slab cannot intialize the hardrive because no boot blocks can be found. Everything is properly terminated and I know the hd is good because it works fine on my pc. I have even gone so far as low level formatting the drive, using my pc scsi card, but still no go. Thanks for any help. Wade
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 6 Sep 1998 03:47:39 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Esoteric NeXT systems Date: 6 Sep 1998 05:10:16 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6st5fo$7se$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Cypher X wrote: > I was just wondering if anyone actually owns a full/prototype model of > any of PPC Next systems? > I'm sure there are a few out there. If anyone can send me some es and solid info on the nrw it will migrate it's way to my web pages. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep on Sun and HP Date: 5 Sep 98 11:49:20 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6spuid$g9g$> In-reply-to: kb@spammers.and.marketroids.destroy.usenet's message of 4 Sep 1998 23:53:49 GMT In article <6spuid$g9g$>, kb@spammers.and.marketroids.destroy.usenet writes: Regarding NS 3.3 on non-black or intel hardware... anyone had any experience on the Sun platform ? Again, looks like a good place to run the OS, although I haven't experimented much... Opinions? The problem I saw with the Sparc port is the same as that with the HP port. It was a fine port, for the subset of hardware they supported, but they never improved on that subset. I ran NeXTSTEP3.3 and a prerelease OpenStep on a SparcStation 5 for quite some time. We had it as a loaner to support a customer who was running NS3.3 on a couple hundred of them (well, that's the impression _I_ got). The software ran just fine, but it wasn't particularily fast compared to more modern machines, like a Pentium 133 :-(. If only they had kept adding support for new CPUs like the UltraSparc. The interesting thing I've seen about Sparc hardware is that it seems to retain value _very_ well. The SparcStation 5 that I had was still going for like $1600 when I checked about 6 months ago. I'd be amazed if my Pentium 133 system went for more than $500 or so - and as I noted, the Sparc was _not_ a barn-burner workstation (I can't speak to it's server abilities). Just out of curiousity, does anyone know of an installation of many HP/SUN next machines ? The customer site I mentioned about may not have ever materialized - I can't say, as I've never been on-site (it was in the UK). My understanding was that they were going to deploy them to a _lot_ of desktops, and that they already had quite a large number of them. Wonder what happenned to them... perhaps they're still using them :-). Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: IBM UW 4gig on a Turbo Slab? Date: 6 Sep 1998 12:06:53 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6sttst$> References: <6ss519$pq3$> In-Reply-To: <6ss519$pq3$> On 09/05/98, Wade Eric Bynum wrote: >Anyone have ideas on how to get an IBM UW SCA 4gig hd >to work on a Turbo Mono Slab? The IBM drive is their >DCHS model 7200rpm drive. My Rom Monitor version is v.71. >I have an 80-50pin adapter that I use. I get an error >along the lines that the slab cannot intialize the hardrive >because no boot blocks can be found. Everything is properly >terminated and I know the hd is good because it works fine >on my pc. I have even gone so far as low level formatting >the drive, using my pc scsi card, but still no go. > You don't state which version of NeXTstep you're using, but if its before 3.3, then you will not be able to use the disk without making up a disktab for it (that's assuming the disk is hardware compatible). Take a look in NeXTanswers for something titled like "Intitializing Large Disks", and it will give you the procedure to follow. Regards, Jeff
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep on Sun and HP Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 12:33:36 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6spuid$g9g$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Scott Hess wrote: > > In article <6spuid$g9g$>, > kb@spammers.and.marketroids.destroy.usenet writes: > Regarding NS 3.3 on non-black or intel hardware... anyone had any > experience on the Sun platform ? Again, looks like a good place to > run the OS, although I haven't experimented much... Opinions? > > The problem I saw with the Sparc port is the same as that with the HP > port. It was a fine port, for the subset of hardware they supported, > but they never improved on that subset. > > I ran NeXTSTEP3.3 and a prerelease OpenStep on a SparcStation 5 for > quite some time. We had it as a loaner to support a customer who was > running NS3.3 on a couple hundred of them (well, that's the impression > _I_ got). The software ran just fine, but it wasn't particularily > fast compared to more modern machines, like a Pentium 133 :-(. If > only they had kept adding support for new CPUs like the UltraSparc. > > The interesting thing I've seen about Sparc hardware is that it seems > to retain value _very_ well. The SparcStation 5 that I had was still > going for like $1600 when I checked about 6 months ago. I'd be amazed > if my Pentium 133 system went for more than $500 or so - and as I > noted, the Sparc was _not_ a barn-burner workstation (I can't speak to > it's server abilities). > > Just out of curiousity, does anyone know of an installation of many > HP/SUN next machines ? > > The customer site I mentioned about may not have ever materialized - I > can't say, as I've never been on-site (it was in the UK). My > understanding was that they were going to deploy them to a _lot_ of > desktops, and that they already had quite a large number of them. > > Wonder what happenned to them... perhaps they're still using them :-). > > Later, > -- > scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 > <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots > Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed> A large bank in London (UK) was using a lot of black, but migrated over to OpenStep on NT on Intel (some had dual pentium machines). They also bought a large amount of Sun hardware, but this may be for their databases. I find this strange since the boxes I saw where like Sparc 5 workstations. It may be the fact that banks have more money than they know what to do with, and buy an half dozen of some HW just to evaluate, then dump it. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Marshall Gilula <> Newsgroups:, Subject: CanonObjectStation.41 and Pentium Overdrive (85MHz) Intel plugin Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 16:58:54 -0400 Organization: Life Energies Research Institute -- Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit anyone out there in NeXTland by any chance have any experience with upgrading of those Canon Objection Station.41 machines to an Intel Pentium Overdrive chip from the built-in DX4 100 MHz 486 chip??? This Canon machine is not listed with any of the reported upgradeable Canon systems in the Intel and Intel-related websites. Canon itself is considerably less than helpful, even with pay-for-waiting-tech-service phone lines.! (Why am I not surprised?) (No commercial slam intended in case a tech is reading this). Any private Email gratefully accepted: advice, technical information, flames. -73- Marshall Gilula mgilula@mindspring.comn
Message-ID: <> From: Zoont Foomby <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Intel Video Drivers - Permedia2?? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 19:51:34 EDT Organization: ISPNews Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 19:54:55 -0400 I have asked both 3dlabs and ELSA AG now for help, but neither had anything helpful to say, so I ask the NeXT community (who is obviously the group I should have asked first)... are there currently any (beta... stable... alpha... pre-pre-alpha..) video drivers for a Permedia2 based vid-card for the OpenStep or Nextstep 3.3. OS? I specifically own an ELSA Gloria Synergy. One more question... any reason that 3Dlabs should respond to my question above with "I have never heard of OpenStep...!" Obviously they are in the dark ages :) I wrote back to tell them about it, but haven't recieved a reply (surprise surprise...). Thanks for any leads on the driver situation, Nicholas Floersch
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep on Sun and HP References: <6spuid$g9g$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Sep 98 08:45:48 GMT kb@spammers.and.marketroids.destroy.usenet wrote: >Regarding NS 3.3 on non-black or intel hardware... anyone had any experience >on the Sun platform ? Again, looks like a good place to run the OS, although >I haven't experimented much... Opinions? If you have got a not to fast Sparc 5 (< 160MHz) best you can do is NS3.3, because Solaris 2.5.1 is much slower (overall performance, GUI). Unluckily there is no gcc > 2.7 for Sparc - NeXTstep. If you have a Pentium > 166MHz it will beat the Sparc very clearely in all categories. >Just out of curiousity, does anyone know of an installation of many HP/SUN >next machines ? We have got two Sparc 5 running NS3.3 as standalones around a black and white NeXTpool and a Solaris Ultra-Pool. Not too many, but a concrete answer :-). greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Subject: Re: HP LaserJet printing problems References: <> In-Reply-To: <> From: (Anthony McDowell) Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 09:16:55 -0500 On 09/02/98, Michael Tie wrote: > >I'm having trouble printing Mathematica 3.0 documents from NeXTstep >3.3 to It's a bug in Mathematica. Wolfram has a web page about the problem. As far I can tell they have no intention of fixing it.
From: (Benjamin D. Engelsma) Newsgroups:, Subject: How to format Iomega Jaz for DOS Date: 4 Sep 1998 18:34:11 GMT Organization: Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group Message-ID: <6spbr3$1ee$> Keywords: jaz,iomega,dos Hi all, I have a Jaz drive working no problem. After putting an entry into the /etc/disktab file, I am able to initialize the disk w/ the disk command. Of course this creates a NeXT filesystem. How do I make a DOS filesystem on the Jaz drive? Later I may want to retrieve the files from a dos machine (w/ Jaz drive on PC). Here is my entry in /etc/disktab: IOMEGAJAZ-1G:\ :ty=removable_rw_scsi:nc#3584:nt#4:ns#72:ss#1024:rm#5400:\ :fp#160:bp#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:ro=a\ :pa#0:sa#1032192:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#16:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:aa: and here is how I format for the NeXT filesystem: /usr/etc/disk -i -t IOMEGAJAZ-1G /dev/rsd1a (my CDROM is /dev/rsd2a I think, since Jaz is first on the bus). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Ben -- Benjamin D. Engelsma | Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola, Inc. | 1501 W. Shure Drive IL27-2B7 | Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Voice: +1-847-435-9773 | Fax: +1-847-435-0961
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT CDROM question Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Sep 1998 13:53:00 GMT Organization: AOL can anyone tell me what after market cdroms that they are using or have used on there next machines?
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: IBM UW 4gig on a Turbo Slab? Date: 6 Sep 1998 05:08:19 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6st5c3$7se$> References: <6ss519$pq3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ss519$pq3$> Wade Eric Bynum wrote: > Anyone have ideas on how to get an IBM UW SCA 4gig hd > to work on a Turbo Mono Slab? The IBM drive is their > DCHS model 7200rpm drive. My Rom Monitor version is v.71. > I have an 80-50pin adapter that I use. I get an error > along the lines that the slab cannot intialize the hardrive > because no boot blocks can be found. Everything is properly > terminated and I know the hd is good because it works fine > on my pc. I have even gone so far as low level formatting > the drive, using my pc scsi card, but still no go. > > Thanks for any help. > Funny people think if it works on the PC it'll work on the slab. In general yes. I don't have any IBM drives to mess with so I can't say definatively. BUT. I'm not sure how your slab with 3.1v71 ROM will react to a boot drive that may not be able to do async on boot. It may be your drive CAN do it, but the scsi controller 53C90A on the slab and the drivers arn't doing the right thing.. Could also be the ROM.. Could be the jumpers on the drive. BTW: You don't say exactly which drive you have. I'm guessing the 34550. What the E,U,Y, etc differences are it's hard to say. You also don't say how your initializing that drive. From BuildDisk, or from a boot off flopppy/CD-ROM? If your having problems with BuildDisk - then I'd wonder if you can even see the drive in the boot sequence. If the drive shows up in the boot sequence - then I wonder if you can hit it with disk. If so then you should be able to build a disktab for it and initialize it from the command line - or if you do the disktab label properly - just from BuildDisk. BTW: I don't know about the IBM - I could look it up - but so can you - (give a URL to the jumper specs, etc.) but most 80pin drives I've seen CAN NOT be terminated on the drive (some yes, many no). Unless you have a 80-50 pin adapter that has termination built on the board. I take that back. Checking the following URL indicates indeed there is a jumper to enable termination. (one to enable power the other to enable active termination) Also there are jumpers for the following. 25 - Disable sync negotiations. Interesting jumpering pin 13-14 is supposed to disable wide n. Regardless I would read carefully those jumper specifications and the other references. Once you can get the drive to show up in the boot sequence you should have some hope. Also be more specific in what you are trying to do the errors, etc. You want to make sure that drive is not trying to do wide or sync negotiation. Check out the Disable T.L. sync. negotiation pin. I've seen errors like you have above under a number of different circumstances, most often related to termination/cabling, or the drive not being jumpered to async mode. Also if your drive is OEM that could be the cause of all kinds of problems. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: NEC cdr-1810 and next? Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Sep 1998 18:29:29 GMT Organization: AOL NEC cdr-1810 CAN any one confirm or deny that this cdrom will work with NeXT machines? it is a 24x ???? please send answers or help to
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Sep 1998 00:11:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (ManualsPCH) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Sep 1998 00:09:56 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (ManualsPCH) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Fred Schenkelberg" <> Newsgroups: Subject: pyro installation pending Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:35:14 -0700 Organization: Hewlett Packard Message-ID: <6t1uua$cbc$> Hi, after a two year storage, I'm ready to install the upgrade cpu to my cube and have missplaced the instrustion set..... it's around here someplace. So, while I sort through this mess to find the paperwork, is this a good idea? How have other installations gone and how are they performing? Thanks, Fred Schenkelberg (non-NeXTmail at this time :-(
From: Newsgroups: Subject: sdcmd ??? Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 03:35:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ssvu9$a2s$> Hi there This evening my NeXT shows strange output. When I start up the machine, after testing process and SCSI test pass, it shows the following text: sdcmd bad sate : 0 sdcmd bad sate : 0 sdcmd bad sate : 0 sdcmd bad sate : 0 Bad Label NeXT> Yes... it shows 4 times and 1 Bad Label.... afterwards, it backs to Bad Label... I don't know.. just tried to boot and use bsd... the SCSI test pass (it shows SCSI 1 lun 0) and sdcmd 4 times, Bad Label and NeXT>... what wrong with my machine? What should I do? THanks a lot -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Robert Nicholson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Which OS 4.2 display driver with Tecra 780 DVD? Date: 07 Sep 1998 18:13:21 -0700 Message-ID: <> The Virge one from Next Answers doesn't work for me. 2387 I think it is.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep on Sun and HP Date: 7 Sep 1998 20:22:16 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6spuid$g9g$> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Sven Droll <> wrote: > >If you have got a not to fast Sparc 5 (< 160MHz) best you can do is NS3.3, Are you sure that 4.2 won't boot on Sparc? I keep hearing that it does... -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (void) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Video Drivers - Permedia2?? Date: 7 Sep 1998 22:49:03 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <> References: <> I don't know, but a good place to look would be the NeXTAnswers archive. It's linked from Good luck. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: IBM UW 4gig on a Turbo Slab? Date: 8 Sep 1998 03:33:00 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6t28hc$36u$> References: <6ss519$pq3$> <6sttst$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Sep 1998 03:33:00 GMT I would like to thank everyone that responded to my problem with the IBM hd. Unfortunately, I could not get it working with my slab. I tried every different jumper setting imaginable and even made a disktab entry, but luck was not on my side. I guess it was just to new of a hd for such an old computer. The IBM hd is not being wasted though, as I now have linux on it. So my new question is, what is a 2-4gig hd that is fully compatible with a mono turbo slab? I am hoping to spend around $100-$200 for a 5400rpm drive. Thanks for any suggestion. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Hans=2DJ=F6rg?= Fischer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ADB/non-ADB: How can I see? Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 15:39:16 +0100 Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! How can I check wether I have a ADB or non-ADB cube? Thanks! Greetings Joerg
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Installed NS 3.3 on ThinkPad 760C Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 13:20:29 GMT Hi, I just want to share some experience with some folks out there. I just installed the NS 3.3 on an IBM ThinkPad 760C. I struggled mightly because I do not have a NeXT-supported SCSI PC Card. Then I found that I could use the to install over the network. After setting up the install server on my NeXT, I found that I had to use an Intel machine to build the boot/driver floppies. No problem, I set up a Intel netinstall server and built the disk. The net-boot was fine. However, it stopped 5% into the install. After some research, I found that the NeXT default IDE driver only supports small HDs (<500MB). After building the new IDE driver, install went smoothly. Another problem was that after I loaded th ThinkPad 760CD display driver, screen came up blank. Again, after some research, I found out that there was a newer version of this program out there. Everything is fine after this. For an unsupported OS, you'll just have to try, try and try...
From: Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 13:38:43 GMT Subject: cmsg cancel <6t3bui$a9r$> Message-ID: <cancel.6t3bui$a9r$> Sender: Newsgroups: Control: cancel <6t3bui$a9r$> Organization: Deja News Usenet Posting Service Original Subject: Comments: argh.. wrong group
From: Henry Koplien <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installed NS 3.3 on ThinkPad 760C Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 16:46:58 +0200 Organization: IBM HD MicroCode Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Andrew Chang wrote: > > Hi, I just want to share some experience with some folks out there. > I just installed the NS 3.3 on an IBM ThinkPad 760C. > > I struggled mightly because I do not have a NeXT-supported SCSI > PC Card. Then I found that I could use the > to install over the network. After setting up the install server > on my NeXT, I found that I had to use an Intel machine to build > the boot/driver floppies. No problem, I set up a Intel netinstall > server and built the disk. > > The net-boot was fine. However, it stopped 5% into the install. > After some research, I found that the NeXT default IDE driver > only supports small HDs (<500MB). After building the new IDE > driver, install went smoothly. > > Another problem was that after I loaded th ThinkPad 760CD > display driver, screen came up blank. Again, after some research, > I found out that there was a newer version of this program > out there. Everything is fine after this. > > For an unsupported OS, you'll just have to try, try and try... -- You can avoid all those trials if you simply use a MoBo with SCSI *and* IDE. I hooked a 2.5" IDE on the MoBo and startet NS3.3 and copied the whole stuff on the IDE drive. This was damned fast and I use the same procedure to back up my Laptop disk without problems. If you need any specific help, drop me a mail. Henry ------------------------------------------------------------------ snail mail : Henry Koplien, HD Micro Code Development, IBM 71032 Boeblingen/Germany \|/ voice : +49-7031-16-3516 o(O O)o fax : +49-7031-16-3328 \^/ -------------- Ihh-Mehl: --ooOo---(_)---oOoo---
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: IDE CD-ROM Installation Date: 8 Sep 1998 17:59:38 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6t3raa$3eb$> References: <> (Brian K. Meadows) wrote: >I've been wrestling with installing OS 4.1 on a computer with an IDE >CD-ROM and SCSI HD. During installation the CD is assigned sd0 and >sd1 to the hard drive. When it comes time to copy files to sd0 the >system halts. > >The Usenet archives mention loading the HD controller then the CD-ROM >driver to insure sd0 is assigned to hard drive. What is the right >syntax? I tried this at the boot prompt, You'll need to go back through the boot floppies. When it asks you to select the device driver for the CD-ROM, select the Adaptec driver; when it asks for the driver for the hard drive, select the EIDE driver. That should reverse the order in which the two devices are mapped onto /dev/sdX. Better yet, scrap that IDE CD-ROM and get all SCSI.... :-) -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which OS 4.2 display driver with Tecra 780 DVD? Date: 8 Sep 1998 17:56:00 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6t3r3g$qth$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Robert Nicholson wrote: > The Virge one from Next Answers doesn't work for me. 2387 I think it s. > > Try the latest Diamond Stealth driver. I haven't tried myself, but it oes have some Virge support. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Brian K. Meadows) Newsgroups:, Subject: IDE CD-ROM Installation Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 16:13:15 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <> I've been wrestling with installing OS 4.1 on a computer with an IDE CD-ROM and SCSI HD. During installation the CD is assigned sd0 and sd1 to the hard drive. When it comes time to copy files to sd0 the system halts. The Usenet archives mention loading the HD controller then the CD-ROM driver to insure sd0 is assigned to hard drive. What is the right syntax? I tried this at the boot prompt, fd()mach_kernel rootddev=sd0a -v "BootDrivers"="Adaptec2940SCSIDriver EIDE" This just started the standard boot installation again. As always, any and all help is appreciated. Brian
From: (Benjamin D. Engelsma) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to format Iomega Jaz for DOS Date: 8 Sep 1998 17:09:05 GMT Organization: Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group Message-ID: <6t3obh$fua$> References: <> In article <> (WillAdams) writes: > My suggestion would be to use MacOpener or one of the other Mac media programs > on the PC in question instead--this will allow you to use decently long (32 > character) filenames. > That is a good point. However, my rational was to save some stuff on a DOS volume so that later when the JAZ migrated to a PC, I could retrieve the stuff. So there are utilities to use on a PC to open MAC file systems? Maybe I'll just use a preformatted MAC disk then. > Are you using which version of NS/OS are you using? > I use 3.3 on black hardware. -- Benjamin D. Engelsma | Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola, Inc. | 1501 W. Shure Drive IL27-2B7 | Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Voice: +1-847-435-9773 | Fax: +1-847-435-0961
From: Charles White <"whitecd_AT"@_concentric_DOT._ net> Newsgroups: Subject: Next stuff for sale. Date: 08 Sep 1998 14:25:27 PDT Organization: Concentric Internet Services Message-ID: <6t47c7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Next stuff for sale: Cube 16 megs of ram, 450 meg HD, 17 inch B/W monitor, Keyboard and mouse non-adb. Color turbo slab, 64 megs, 850 HD, 20 inch Hitachi color monitor, ADB Keyboard and mouse. PLI 2.88 floppy drive for the cube. Next B/W 400 DPI laser printer. LOTS OF BOOKS: NEXT DEVELOPMENT TOOLS, Sound Music and Signal Processing Ref., and the Sound Music and Signal Processing concepts book. Two books on OOP programming on NEXTSTEP. That three book set that came with the Next (when it was new!) & The Next Bible by Doug Clapp. Software: LOTUS Improv (I have 2 sets). Write Now, Mathematica 2.04, WordPerfect for NEXTSTEP. NEXTSTEP 3.0, 3.2 USER, 3.3 USER AND 4.2 USER. Turbo slab is in great condition. Cube is a little beat up, runs fine. Optical drive works. Lots of other stuff to go with the both of them, Books, Optical disks, CD-roms disks and boxes of floppies (green and white box) for the Next to. $1500 or best offer. MUST SELL AS ONE UNIT. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR QUAD PPRO AT 200 MHz. WILL NOT SHIP!!! MUST PICK UP IN THE NEW YORK CITY AREA. PLEASE, NO SPAM! Please, I do not want to receive e-mail on how to find some one "or " how to make money from home. I just want to sell my NEXT!!! All e-mail from "@hotmail" will be rejected whitecd_AT_concentric_DOT_net
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <6t6b53$> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 22:40:33 GMT In article <6t6b53$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >I recently acquired a SCSI scanner. Is there any "generic" software to >use to connect it to my NeXT (slab)? I assume that the SCSI controller >will see it fine, but I doubt that the manufacturer (UMAX) has a NeXT >driver available for it. I'm running NS 3.3, but could load OS 4.2, if >that would make a difference. It really depends on what particular scanner you have. Prior to the TWAIN standardization each scanner had a slightly different command set. There may also be differences between TWAIN-compatible scanners too. I _think_ that there is a TWAIN application for NS, but I do not recall the name of the package. I have an old UMAX 630 color scanner which shipped with HSD PowerScan (and later updated to MetroScan when they bought out HSD). I talked to some Mac folks with an eye towards moving my scanner to a platform with good OCR and was informed that it wouldn't work. Apparently this scanner predates TWAIN and only the MetroScan software supports this model. The Mac version of that era had different firmware and thus Mac software probably wouldn't understand my scanner. Sorry that I don't have better news. -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 06 Sep 1998 23:20:34 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 23:50:03 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6t6b53$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I think there was a demo app on one of the third party CDs (Cannon maybe) that allowed you to scan, but not save (it was a demo). I saw it work about 3 years ago, it looked like the Epson scanning SW on a PC. Chris Douty wrote: > > In article <6t6b53$>, > PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: > >I recently acquired a SCSI scanner. Is there any "generic" software to > >use to connect it to my NeXT (slab)? I assume that the SCSI controller > >will see it fine, but I doubt that the manufacturer (UMAX) has a NeXT > >driver available for it. I'm running NS 3.3, but could load OS 4.2, if > >that would make a difference. > > It really depends on what particular scanner you have. Prior to the > TWAIN standardization each scanner had a slightly different command set. > There may also be differences between TWAIN-compatible scanners too. I > _think_ that there is a TWAIN application for NS, but I do not recall the > name of the package. > > I have an old UMAX 630 color scanner which shipped with HSD PowerScan (and > later updated to MetroScan when they bought out HSD). I talked to some > Mac folks with an eye towards moving my scanner to a platform with good > OCR and was informed that it wouldn't work. Apparently this scanner > predates TWAIN and only the MetroScan software supports this model. The > Mac version of that era had different firmware and thus Mac software > probably wouldn't understand my scanner. > > Sorry that I don't have better news. > > -Chris > > -- > Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software > > "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated > according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic > aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6t7fca$428$> Control: cancel <6t7fca$428$> Date: 10 Sep 1998 03:05:37 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6t7fca$428$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep on Sun and HP References: <6spuid$g9g$> <> <> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Sep 98 07:55:34 GMT (David Evans) wrote: >In article <>, >Sven Droll <> wrote: >> >>If you have got a not to fast Sparc 5 (< 160MHz) best you can do is NS3.3, > > Are you sure that 4.2 won't boot on Sparc? I keep hearing that it does... > Ok. I must be more precise ;-) If you have got a not to fast Sparc 5 (< 160MHz) best I have seen so far is NS3.3... Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pyro installation pending References: <6t1uua$cbc$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Sep 98 08:00:08 GMT "Fred Schenkelberg" <> wrote: ---snip--- >So, while I sort through this mess to find the paperwork, Take a look at >is this a good idea? How have other installations gone and how are they >performing? Performing is better than a Mono-Turbo in almost all things. The overall Performance is really good. Pyro is twice as fast as a 25MHz Station/Cube (in number-crunching). All other things (memory, SCSI, ...) are as fast as in a 25MHz-machine. BUT: You cannot use Pyro and NeXT-Dimension together AFAIK. greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: "Brian K. Meadows" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Who wants to carve? How should I partition a large drive? Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 20:48:48 -0700 Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <6t7iaa$> Now that I have OS 4.1 running (thanks for all the help) I need to think about how to allocate the space on a 9.1 GB HD. I have a 2 GB primary OS partition, a 2.04 GB DOS (fat 16) primary and then the rest is an extended DOS partition with a number of logical drives. Can I have another OS partition and still be able to boot to W95 ? As always, any and all help is greatly appreciated. Brian
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: What are the device names with Intel machine? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 15:57:14 GMT Hi, I did not find info from FAQ. My questions is that what are the com1(2) and LPT and any other standard PC ports called in NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP? I'll need to at least get kermit and PPP work. Also, if there are any expansion cards with ext. ports, what are they going to be called? such as modem, video, etc. Thanks for any help.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Installing From CD-ROM Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 06:37:10 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6t7s2m$ssh$> Well, I'ved determined my floppy drive to be bad and I am in search of a replacement. In the meantime, I'm trying to install NeXTStep 3.1 via CD. I've started up to the rom monitor, the CD drive is set at ID 0 and therefor automatically ask me if I want to install. I took this opportunity to install a new HD and have that currently at ID 4. I am now asked what address I want to install the files to. Default is sd0a. What is the hardware address of the HD? If I type sd4 it ejects the CD and asks for disk 4 in drive 0 anything else logical brings up "this doesn't seem to be a valid disk." Please Help! Dave Reuss -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Stephen R. Anderson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pyro installation pending Date: 09 Sep 1998 15:52:52 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University Message-ID: <> References: <6t1uua$cbc$> <> <> <> (Darren Wright) writes: > David Evans ( wrote: > > In article <>, > > Sven Droll <> wrote: > > > > > >BUT: You cannot use Pyro and NeXT-Dimension together AFAIK. > > > > > > You sure about that? I seem to recall somebody doing it... > > Who has any of these? I just talked to Sam and he said that Decision One > dissapeared and liquidated everything. Anyone know who they liquidated > too? Sam dosen't have any.... > > -Darren I have one of the fairly small number of cubes with a working Pyro board in it. And a ND as well: the two work fine together. --Steve Anderson Dept. of Linguistics Yale University <>
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT References: <6t6b53$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Sep 98 08:20:38 GMT pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) wrote: >I recently acquired a SCSI scanner. Is there any "generic" software to >use to connect it to my NeXT (slab)? I assume that the SCSI controller >will see it fine, but I doubt that the manufacturer (UMAX) has a NeXT >driver available for it. I'm running NS 3.3, but could load OS 4.2, if >that would make a difference. > Especially for UMAX there is a free solution: from the ---snip--- This is the 0.91b version of "scan", a scanner driver which supports the UMAX Vista S-8 scanner. It may work with others, I just don't have any others to test it with. If you find a scanner which works, by all means, let me know. I've tested it on an Intel P5-90 as well as an '040 Cube, using my UMAX, without any problems. ---snip--- Before I could use this app with our UMAX S-12 on a 25MHz-NeXT, the 1GB Seagate HD crashed after booting with the scanner attached :-(. So I never put a SCSI-Scanner on a NeXT-SCSI-chain again. But the HD was the same (and only so far!!) HD that makes trouble with the extern SCSI-ZIP-drive. So maybe it was Seagates fault ... greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Display trouble Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 20:57:21 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Have you tried "Config=Default" to the boot prompt this should boot with standard VGA 640x480, now you can use to select a lower refresh rate. Brendan Rankin wrote: > > I have inadvertently set the display settings outside the scan range of > my video card. I am running Openstep 4.2/Mach on an Intel machine. When > bootup is complete, I get an OUT OF SCAN RANGE message on the monitor, > and cannot proceed any further. Can the display settings be altered > during the bootup phase (ie: by typing '?' at the beginning and entering > a config setting there? > > Prompt help would be appreciated. > > Brendan. > -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What are the device names with Intel machine? Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:04:12 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit IIMC, /dev/ttya /dev/ttyb /dev/ttyc /dev/ttyd - you have to load a serial driver for each com port then load the port server driver in The LPT is like /dev/lp you can copy text to it and have it appear on the printer. On the serial port stuff have a look through man or the library there are different options on the /dev/ttyx that allow you to share a port for dial out (via PPP) and dial in from a terminal; something like /dev/ttyfa - use RTS/CTS handshanking /dev/ttyfda - wait for CD /dev/cu - (call unix) ? Andrew Chang wrote: > > Hi, I did not find info from FAQ. > > My questions is that what are the com1(2) and LPT and any other > standard PC ports called in NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP? I'll need to at least > get kermit and PPP work. > > Also, if there are any expansion cards with ext. ports, what are > they going to be called? such as modem, video, etc. > > Thanks for any help. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:04:57 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6t6b53$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I think it has to be TWAIN compatible PB Schechter wrote: > > I recently acquired a SCSI scanner. Is there any "generic" software to > use to connect it to my NeXT (slab)? I assume that the SCSI controller > will see it fine, but I doubt that the manufacturer (UMAX) has a NeXT > driver available for it. I'm running NS 3.3, but could load OS 4.2, if > that would make a difference. > > Thanks in advance. > > PB Schechter > > > P.S. Apologies if this should have gone to c.s.n.s'ware; I thought it > was a toss-up.... -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing From CD-ROM Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 10:18:35 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6t891h$bqu$> References: <6t7s2m$ssh$> In article <6t7s2m$ssh$>, wrote: > Well, I'ved determined my floppy drive to be bad and I am in search of a > replacement. In the meantime, I'm trying to install NeXTStep 3.1 via CD. I've > started up to the rom monitor, the CD drive is set at ID 0 and therefor > automatically ask me if I want to install. I took this opportunity to install > a new HD and have that currently at ID 4. I am now asked what address I want > to install the files to. Default is sd0a. What is the hardware address of the > HD? If I type sd4 it ejects the CD and asks for disk 4 in drive 0 anything > else logical brings up "this doesn't seem to be a valid disk." Please Help! > Dave Reuss > Nevermind! I got it with sd1, tried that before I thought, but oh well, third times a charm! Chevell -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Reinhard Wolf) Newsgroups: Subject: Q: NeXT COLOR printer power supply Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 10:43:37 GMT Organization: University of Giessen, Germany Message-ID: <> Hello NeXTies..... I am in need of 2 pcs 220V power supplies for the NeXT COLOR printer (not the laser printer) - else if someone knows how to convert the 110V species to 220V, I´d greatly appreciate any info. Does anyone know under what other brand names this Canon manufactured printer has been sold? I was told that there might have been a Lexmark printer which was the same (just without that special ROM) and maybe also a Canon Bubblejet... Anyone? TIA Reinhard ------------------ Reinhard Wolf Rodheimerstr. 30 35398 Giessen Germany email:
From: (Jens Ch. Gloede) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT Date: 10 Sep 1998 11:55:23 GMT Organization: I.S.A.R Netzwerke GmbH Distribution: world Message-ID: <6t8enb$db3$> References: <> Robert Forsyth <> writes > I think it has to be TWAIN compatible > No, TWAIN is a virtual software layer on Windows, which runs as adaptor between scanner specific firm ware and a defined api in windows. TWAIN is NOT a hardware feature and of no use on any other platform! > PB Schechter wrote: > > > > I recently acquired a SCSI scanner. Is there any "generic" software to > > use to connect it to my NeXT (slab)? I assume that the SCSI controller > > will see it fine, but I doubt that the manufacturer (UMAX) has a NeXT > > driver available for it. I'm running NS 3.3, but could load OS 4.2, if > > that would make a difference. > > > Check out ScanOmatic on our site , which may also support your Umax. ScanOmatic is still a supported software and even ported to Rhapsody. so long, jens ch. gloede ____________________________________________________________ interpersonal-computing Gambling - NeXT Center Munich Widenmayerstrasse 29 Jens Ch. Gloede - CEO ipc - 80538 Munich Tel.: ++49 (0)89 219975-0 GERMANY / Bavaria Fax.: ++49 (0)89 219975-55 E-Mail: NeXT & MIME Mail ok
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pyro installation pending References: <6t1uua$cbc$> <> <> <> <> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 10 Sep 98 08:25:43 GMT (Stephen R. Anderson) wrote: > (Darren Wright) writes: > >> David Evans ( wrote: >> > In article <>, >> > Sven Droll <> wrote: >> > > >> > >BUT: You cannot use Pyro and NeXT-Dimension together AFAIK. >> > > >> >> > You sure about that? I seem to recall somebody doing it... >> >> Who has any of these? I just talked to Sam and he said that Decision One >> dissapeared and liquidated everything. Anyone know who they liquidated >> too? Sam dosen't have any.... >> >> -Darren > >I have one of the fairly small number of cubes with a working Pyro >board in it. And a ND as well: the two work fine together. Would you mind sending a description what you have done to get it to work. Sam said that it is NOT possible, back in the times when I wanted a Dimensioncard in my cube (and whom to believe, if not Sam :-)). greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Motherboard recommendations for NS/FIP 3.3? Date: 10 Sep 1998 00:25:44 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6t76a8$onu$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Sep 1998 00:25:44 GMT Does anyone have any recommendations/opinions/suggestions regarding the best make and model motherboard for an assemble-it-yourself NEXTSTEP/Intel v3.3 computer? Good experiences? Boards to avoid? I will be using an Adaptec 2940UW PCI SCSI card, SCSI disks and periphs, an old non-plug&play SB16 sound card, and a Number Nine I2 PCI video card. Many thanks to all who reply. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: What's in a TWAIN? (was Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT) Date: 10 Sep 1998 14:21:13 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Distribution: world Message-ID: <6t8n8p$> References: <> <6t8enb$db3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6t8enb$db3$> Jens Ch. Gloede wrote: > Robert Forsyth <> writes > > I think it has to be TWAIN compatible > > > No, TWAIN is a virtual software layer on Windows, which runs as > adaptor between scanner specific firm ware and a defined api in > windows. TWAIN is NOT a hardware feature and of no use on any other > platform! Anyone else actually know what TWAIN stands for? I was in a computer store the other day and 2 of the employees had a book of acronyms. If any would prefer to guess, I'll leave some space between here and the answer below: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technology Without An Interesting Name That's what their book said at least.... sounded pretty nifty to me! TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Stephen R. Anderson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What's in a TWAIN? (was Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT) Date: 10 Sep 1998 11:07:57 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University Message-ID: <> References: <> <6t8enb$db3$> <6t8n8p$> (TjL) writes: > In <6t8enb$db3$> Jens Ch. Gloede wrote: > > Robert Forsyth <> writes > > > I think it has to be TWAIN compatible > > > > > No, TWAIN is a virtual software layer on Windows, which runs as > > adaptor between scanner specific firm ware and a defined api in > > windows. TWAIN is NOT a hardware feature and of no use on any other > > platform! > > > Anyone else actually know what TWAIN stands for? I don't know what TWAIN stands for, but I do know it's not windows-specific. The Epson scanner I use on my Macintosh has software that supports this, and both OmniPage Pro (OCR) and Photoshop use it to import from the scanner. To quote from the ReadMe that comes with the Epson stuff, "TWAIN is an open standard interface that directly acquires image data from external sources, like scanners, without forcing you to leave the application software. EPSON TWAIN provides this `Plug and Play' functionality for TWAIN-compliant applications in the Macintosh environment." --Steve Anderson
From: (bah) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What's in a TWAIN? (was Re: Connecting a SCSI scanner to a NeXT) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 15:00:49 GMT Organization: iiNet Technologies Message-ID: <> References: <> <6t8enb$db3$> <6t8n8p$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On 10 Sep 1998 14:21:13 GMT, (TjL) wrote: T[ool] W[ith] A[n] I[nteresting] N[ame] >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >Technology >Without >An >Interesting >Name > >That's what their book said at least.... sounded pretty nifty to me! > >TjL hehe bah
From: "voorth" <> Newsgroups: Subject: drivers for N2003 anywhere Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 00:51:23 +0200 Organization: Knoware Internet Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Sorry if this is obvious to most. I need a driver for a N2003, to be connected to a NeXTstation. Can somebody to point me to site where I can find one? Please do not post or mail driver.
From: (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Anyone using 1600x1200 at 85hz? Date: 10 Sep 1998 15:26:06 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6t8r2e$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is known that image quality can fall off when refresh rates are too high. This is supposedly due to to inadequate bandwidth in the graphics controller or monitor (in spite of the fact that the refresh rates are within the advertised ranges). I for one am having the problem with a Matrix Mill2 8mg 250ramdac and a Nokia 445Xpro, running OpenStep 4.2 (and also with NT, so it is not just a driver problem). The problem is mainly one of fuzzy text, due to non-uniform pixel brightness. If anyone is using 1600x1200 at 85hz and does NOT see any loss of image quality compared to, e.g., 70hz, I'd like to hear what video card and monitor you are using. Or if you do observe the problem, I'd like to hear that too. thanks. tim -- Timothy Van Zandt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CMS-EMS (Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Managerial Science) Northwestern University
From: (Brian K. Meadows) Newsgroups:, Subject: Strange Printer Error Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 16:31:47 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <> I've just set up OS 4.1 and was in the process of setting up the printer, fax, and installing the correct video driver when I ran into a strange error. Under the default configuration boot, I installed an HP LJ 6MP on the parallel port using the 4MP print driver. The installation of the printer just took a moment and the test page printed just fine. After that I installed a fax-modem, but didn't test the device (I've got a USR Winmodem and I recall a post stating that these might not work so I deferred this test). Then I installed v4.09 of the Matrox II driver and rebooted. The system booted just fine and there were no extraordinary messages during start up. Now I wanted to print out a man-page, but as soon as I select print, PrintManager shuts down and the console reports- "local host netinfod[105]: cannot lookup child." If I try to remove the printer and reinstall it PrintManager dies and generates the same message. Right now there is no network card in the computer, but I a running with multiple users. With UserManager I set a root password, created my own account, then deleted the "Me" account. I looked inside NetInfoManager at the printer values and everything seems O.K., which is to say a novice couldn't see any problem. Does anyone have some idea how things got bollixed up? Can I fix this without reinstalling the OS? As always any and all help is greatly appreciated. Brian
From: (void) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Motherboard recommendations for NS/FIP 3.3? Date: 10 Sep 1998 14:19:02 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <> References: <6t76a8$onu$> On 10 Sep 1998 00:25:44 GMT, Christian Jensen <> wrote: > >I will be using an Adaptec 2940UW PCI SCSI card, SCSI disks and periphs, >an old non-plug&play SB16 sound card, and a Number Nine I2 PCI video >card. I've heard of installation problems with the 2940UW. From experience, a plain 2940 works fine. If you're going to be networking the thing, allow me to recommend the Intel EtherExpress Pro 100/B (or 100/+). I ran a whole lab of NS/x86 machines with these cards and they consistently performed well. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: (Fluids) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor on intels Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Sep 1998 04:34:45 GMT Organization: AOL i have a NeXT monitor. a 17'' megapixel. i would like to use it on my intel machine, but i have no cable for the monitor. do i use a regular NeXT cable or do i have to get a special one or what? thanks.
From: (Henry Koplien) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Anyone using 1600x1200 at 85hz? Date: 11 Sep 1998 05:36:39 GMT Organization: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Distribution: world Message-ID: <6tact7$fgc$> References: <6t8r2e$> In article <6t8r2e$> (Timothy Van Zandt) writes: > It is known that image quality can fall off when refresh > rates are too high. This is supposedly due to > to inadequate bandwidth in the graphics controller or > monitor (in spite of the fact that the refresh rates are within > the advertised ranges). > > I for one am having the problem with a Matrix Mill2 8mg 250ramdac > and a Nokia 445Xpro, running OpenStep 4.2 (and also with NT, so > it is not just a driver problem). The problem is mainly one of fuzzy text, > due to non-uniform pixel brightness. > > If anyone is using 1600x1200 at 85hz and does NOT see any > loss of image quality compared to, e.g., 70hz, I'd like to hear > what video card and monitor you are using. Or if you do > observe the problem, I'd like to hear that too. > I have done this on IBM P201 (which is a 20" Sony with 107kHz). Quality was good, but too many reflections in the monitor cable, showing up with shadows on the screen. I tried a lot of different monitor cables (including the same type!) and all behave different. It seems no good idea to use a 13W3 type connector... At home I use 1600x1200@66 888/32 on a Sony 17". Henry
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6tbsek$mat$> ignore no reply Control: cancel <6tbsek$mat$> Message-ID: <cancel.6tbsek$mat$> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:43:39 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - multiposted binary files BI=8741/1 SPAM ID=Ai07s1xLvG/V7k5olVh76A==
From: "Arnaud" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Rhapsody on Dell Latitude Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 17:25:14 -0400 Organization: University of Virginia Message-ID: <6tc4c2$1t6$1@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Hi, I am very interested in the Rhapsody OS (some says Mac OS X Server :-) ) and would like to port my 3D code on it. For the moment, the only computer that I can use is a Dell Latitude CPi laptop. As an international student at UVA, I had to leave behind me my two macintoshes and my BeBox... I would be very pleased if someone can share with me his/her experience about running Rhapsody on the Dell. Thanks in advance, Arnaud
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Motherboard recommendations for NS/FIP 3.3? Date: 10 Sep 98 09:32:55 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <6t76a8$onu$> In-reply-to:'s message of 10 Sep 1998 00:25:44 GMT In article <6t76a8$onu$>, (Christian Jensen) writes: Does anyone have any recommendations/opinions/suggestions regarding the best make and model motherboard for an assemble-it-yourself NEXTSTEP/Intel v3.3 computer? Good experiences? Boards to avoid? I'm on my third Asus motherboard, and have nothing but good to say about them. I keep considering Abit, but I always give in and get an Asus. I will be using an Adaptec 2940UW PCI SCSI card, SCSI disks and periphs, an old non-plug&play SB16 sound card, and a Number Nine I2 PCI video card. The only card I'd be concerned about is the Adaptec. I've had enough troubles with Adaptecs on Linux systems I've helped install, and heard of problems under NeXTSTEP. Basically, Adaptec apparently feels free to rev their boards and BIOS in incompatible ways, while keeping the model number the same. Leading to a situation where you could have a number of 2940 cards, with only a subset of them working for you, which is annoying as heck. [I should note, though, that they are generally supported, and since Adaptec is so big, it's likely that new variants will eventually be supported.] Unfortunately, if you feel the need to apply free-market pressure and buy something non-Adaptec, your choices are limited. You can spend a bit more for a DPT card (DPT cards use an internal abstraction which allows one driver to drive any of their cards). Or you can spend a bit less for a Symbios-based card. But as far as I know, NeXTSTEP and OpenStep only support Symbios 810/815/820/825 level cards (81? fast-narrow, 82? fast-wide). The Symbios 875 based cards (ultra-wide) are nice, cheap (Asus SC-875 at $100), and decent performers. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> From: msms <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB/non-ADB: How can I see? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 00:12:36 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 17:12:36 PDT Organization: @Home Network The ADB connector has only 4 pins, the non-ADB has more. -- John ----------------- Hans-Jörg Fischer wrote: > > Hi! > > How can I check wether I have a ADB or non-ADB cube? > > Thanks! > > Greetings > > Joerg
Message-ID: <> From: msms <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on intels References: <> <6tbfvg$hk5$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 00:16:56 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 17:16:56 PDT Organization: @Home Network In addition, there's the sync on green issue for the Next monitors. You can use the Color Megapixels on Intel computers with Windows (or Macs) running at 1024x768@75hz, with mild adjustments for the resolution and refresh rate differences. You'd need to supply a green sync signal for the monitor as well. Griffin Technology has adapters to do this. They also have a video card that will fix the fixed-frequency issues associated with a DOS-based machine. -- John ---------------------- Charles W. Swiger wrote: > > (Fluids) wrote: > >i have a NeXT monitor. a 17'' megapixel. i would like to use it on my intel > >machine, but i have no cable for the monitor. > > The NeXT monitors aren't multisync. They aren't going to work well on an > Intel box, although the NeXT color displays are okay substitutes for some > other workstation brands that use fixed-frequency displays (like Suns). > > -Chuck > > Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. > ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- > You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS Date: 12 Sep 1998 02:33:00 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6tcmgs$sh$> References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> MMackey27 wrote: > I agree with you about 100%, I mean... it's a 33 mhz Motorola 68k series > chipset for Christ's sakes!!! True, NeXTStep machines "might" have a > collectors value, but they're not like SGI's or Sun machines that are > lightyears ahead in technology or anything (the OS is the technology that's > lightyears ahead, not the machine!). They're nice machines, but rather old by > today's standards. Then shut up and get yourself a SGI or a Sun. This is next.marketplace where people buy and sell hardware and software not for not next.marketplace.whiners where people who want a NeXT but can't afford one complain about prices. Clearly you either havn't used Openstep/NeXTstep or you are brainless. There are a huge number of things that make NeXTstep/Openstep an absolute joy to work on compared to IRIX or Solaris, none of which are available on those OS's. There are reasons where Solaris or IRIX has strengths but the desktop isn't one of them. > For the price, you'd be better off putting together an Intel-compatible PC and > running OpenStep, true... it's not NeXT Black hardware, and it's not as cool; > but it's a lot faster, and a lot nicer to work on. Besides... for $1999 or > whatever they're chargin' for these NeXT Cube Dimension systems... you could > get a brand new 233 mhz. Apple iMac which is just about as cool, and just wait > for MacOS X (in effect, OPENSTEP ported to PowerPC with a MacOS interface and > MacOS API's via carbon, and other neat pieces) and just go to town. I don't think the poster was soliciting for your opinion on this matter. He simply posted prices and systems for sale. If you don't want any then don't buy them simple as that. Why bother us with your lament over prices. I'm sure when people see a 2K pricetag that would be enough to make them think twice about buying a ND. I'm rather certian in a few years $2K for a complete origional ADB Turbo ND 21" monitor system will seem like a bargain. There probably arn't more than a few thousand in existance tops. > Personally, for this config... I'd consider pricing on par with a Mac ][ > series machine running '030-'040 processors more on par. The hardware is > pretty much equivelant, albeit the OS for the NeXT hardware is more advanced. > But for $1900 you can modern era hardware that's faster, and nicer to work on. > I'd consider maybe $500 for a "COMPLETE" system... but for $1900... the > people havta' be wired on crack to pay this... even if it is standard going > price! I'd rather have 90's era hardware for that kind of $. The hardware is NOT equivalent - not in your wildest dreams. Show me a Mac II that has 32bit color on 1120x832? Show me a Mac II that can format a floppy while playing a sound, while viewing S-VHS video without a nigh a hiccup. Or copying files etc. Well good luck. You can forget about having a Black box. Go get yourself a Indigo2 you'll be much happier if your just looking for speed. Oh did I forget to mention the price of software on the SGI - you whine over 2K for the box. On the SGI your whines would turn to screams. Smoking crack. Right. sure some people might not be too smart. But I think there are a lot of people who are smarter than you think, and know these boxes will have a high collector value in quite a short time especially if Apple suceeds in a big way. Whether they are paying 2K that is hard to say. > I'd love to have one of these machines, would probably pay $500 for a complete > system, including monitor, keyboard, and possibly even a printer if they could > throw it in... but no way for $1900. Not even a $1000!!! Dream on then. And keep looking maybe you'll find one covered in dust in some shop that no-one knows anything about. Go get yourself a run of the mill PC to run Openstep on you'll be much happier. I sat down at my Black box recently and I was suprised at how fast that machine did some tasks. And I am extremely happy that it has run flawlessly as a 24/7 server for many years now. The only problems I've had are swap related - and you'll have that on openstep just as well. So crawl back into your hole or show some respect for that tired old black hardware - you'll see less and less of it as time passes. You arn't obligated to pay $2K, nor should we be obligated to listen to your whinning. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pyro installation pending Date: 12 Sep 1998 02:47:31 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6tcnc3$sh$> References: <6t1uua$cbc$> <> <> <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Sven Droll wrote: > (Stephen R. Anderson) wrote: > > (Darren Wright) writes: > > > >> David Evans ( wrote: > >> > In article <>, > >> > Sven Droll <> wrote: > >> > > > >> > >BUT: You cannot use Pyro and NeXT-Dimension together AFAIK. > >> > > > >> > >> > You sure about that? I seem to recall somebody doing it... > >> > >> Who has any of these? I just talked to Sam and he said that Decision One > >> dissapeared and liquidated everything. Anyone know who they liquidated > >> too? Sam dosen't have any.... > >> > >> -Darren > > > >I have one of the fairly small number of cubes with a working Pyro > >board in it. And a ND as well: the two work fine together. > > Would you mind sending a description what you have done to get it to work. > Sam said that it is NOT possible, back in the times when I wanted a > Dimensioncard in my cube (and whom to believe, if not Sam :-)). > > greets > Sven Actually best would be if he posted his ROM revision, and the motherboard revision #. It may have been that for some reason the Pyro/ND combo was more compatible with later versions of the ROM than earlier ones (i.e. socketed machines), and he may have been lucky and had a socketed version of a later Motherboard. Or maybe it works better with a older version. The MB revision is on the back of the Motherboard For instance I have a older board that has Serial AAX0011238 Part # PN-1698 revision .AE Date 1990 ROM 2.1 v59 (I'd have to boot it to check the v59 part) This board has socketed cpu & nbic. This is one reason I've been wanting to collect some system information. I don't have this form working but for an example of the kinds of things I've been looking to put into a data base check out for an idea. This form will only spit back at you the POST value pairs if you want to fill it out and e-mail me the info to spur me into getting that page finished it's fine with me. My hope is to start a online registration database of Black hardware out there so we can get some idea of how many of each box or piece of hardware exists.. Something that is searchable etc. If anyone wants to help finish off the back end and search/database engine let me know. Right now WO isn't a option since the server is running on IRIX with Apache, though it could be hooked into a backend WO/Openbase/apache server running on a 3.3 box.. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (IX Corp.) Newsgroups: Subject: Exception 2? Date: 12 Sep 1998 04:40:54 GMT Organization: Illuminati Online Message-ID: <6tcu0m$re$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Sep 1998 04:40:54 GMT Anyone know what Exception 2 at the Cube prompt means? I'm thinking it means I need a new motherboard since that's all it does anymore... Might be time to upgrade to that 50Mhz thing, if they're still being sold... -Lupo "He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief." --Francis Bacon <>
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q: NeXT COLOR printer power supply Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Sep 1998 00:49:17 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> The NeXT Color printer is based on the same physical engine/model as the Lexmark 4079 and the Canon BJC-8x0 series. If you have a working 110v power supply, probably the best thing to do would be to get a step-down transformer from 220v to 110v. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: From: Subject: Re: Matrox g200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (Mark F. Vlems) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:49:55 GMT In <> Russell Chan wrote: > Greetings all... > > Has anyone managed to get the new Matrox G200 (AGP) working under > Openstep 4.2 Mach? > > Thanks, > Russ > > (remove the nospam in my "reply-to" header to reply via e-mail) > No, but this is the response of apple on my question: >> The driver team is aware of the need for this driver and when >> available, it will be downloadable from NeXTanswers . Please >> check back with NeXTanswers periodically for the next update. We can only hope that it won't take too long. -- Mark F. Vlems Poor is the man, MIME Mail OK Whose pleasures depend NeXTMail preferred! On the permission of another. Fax: +31 (0) 23 5622368 Madonna in "Justify my love", 1990
From: (bah) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox g200 Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 03:35:10 GMT Organization: iiNet Technologies Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:49:55 GMT, wrote: >> Has anyone managed to get the new Matrox G200 (AGP) working under >> Openstep 4.2 Mach? >No, but this is the response of apple on my question: >>> The driver team is aware of the need for this driver and when >>> available, it will be downloadable from NeXTanswers . Please >>> check back with NeXTanswers periodically for the next update. > >We can only hope that it won't take too long. tell me about it, my rhapsody went from 1280x1024 @24bpp to 800x600 black and white when i put the g200 in :\ Bah
Newsgroups: From: " (Timothy Van Zandt)" <> Subject: cancel <6t8r2e$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Timothy Van Zandt)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:28 -0400 Control: cancel <6t8r2e$>
Newsgroups: From: " (Stephen R. Anderson)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Stephen R. Anderson)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:25 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: " (David Evans)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (David Evans)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:19 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: Charles White <"whitecd_AT"@_concentric_DOT._ net> Subject: cancel <6t47c7$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Charles White <"whitecd_AT"@_concentric_DOT._ net> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:21 -0400 Control: cancel <6t47c7$>
Newsgroups: From: Subject: cancel <6t891h$bqu$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:27 -0400 Control: cancel <6t891h$bqu$>
Newsgroups: From: " (NHensleyD)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (NHensleyD)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:18 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: Zoont Foomby <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Zoont Foomby <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:18 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: Subject: cancel <6ssvu9$a2s$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:17 -0400 Control: cancel <6ssvu9$a2s$>
Newsgroups: From: " (void)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (void)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:19 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: " (Ryan Scott)" <> Subject: cancel <6t3r3g$qth$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Ryan Scott)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:20 -0400 Control: cancel <6t3r3g$qth$>
Newsgroups: From: Subject: cancel <6t7s2m$ssh$> Message-ID: <> Sender: Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:26 -0400 Control: cancel <6t7s2m$ssh$>
Newsgroups: From: " (Darren Wright)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Darren Wright)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:24 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: " (Andrew Chang)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (News Administrator)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:23 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: Sung Ho Kim <> Subject: cancel <01bdd850$d47eb960$5566ec84@am133> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Verified)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:16 -0400 Control: cancel <01bdd850$d47eb960$5566ec84@am133>
Newsgroups: From: " (Benjamin D. Engelsma)" <> Subject: cancel <6t3obh$fua$> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Benjamin D. Engelsma)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:20 -0400 Control: cancel <6t3obh$fua$>
Newsgroups: From: " (NHensleyD)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (NHensleyD)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:19 -0400 Control: cancel <>
Newsgroups: From: "Brian K. Meadows" <> Subject: cancel <6t7iaa$> Message-ID: <> Sender: "Brian K. Meadows" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:25 -0400 Control: cancel <6t7iaa$>
Newsgroups: From: " (Sven Droll)" <> Subject: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: " (Sven Droll)" <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:08:22 -0400 Control: cancel <>
From: (Jochen Richter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100 crashed window manager Date: 12 Sep 1998 06:00:10 GMT Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <6td2la$f5$> References: <6tbovh$73h$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (Matthias Georg Imhof) wrote: > My motherboard is a SuperMicro Super P6SBA, with a Pentium II running at > 400/100 Mhz. > > If I want to use the internal cache of the CPU, I have to reduce the bus speed > to 66 Mhz. This forces me to reduce the processor speed to 333 Mhz. This > configuration is extremely stable. > > If I increase the bus speed to 100 Mhz, the window manager crashes when started > as configured in /etc/ttys UNLESS internal CPU cache and microcode updating are > turned off. However, the windowmanager does not run stable - it typically > crashes within a few minutes. This is independant of CPU speed (300, 350, 400 > Mhz). > > Not mentioned in the configuration: SDRAM, 10ns speed. Could the memory be too > slow for OpenStep? > > What puzzles me is that full 400/100 configuration is stable under > Windoze95/98. > > Why can't I use the full speed of my system? > > Processor: Pentium II > BIOS: sba7061 version 1.2b downloaded from your website > Primary Memory: 256.00 MB SDRAM > Hostname: granite > Kernel: NeXT Mach 4.2: Wed Apr 16 13:44:57 PDT 1997; > root(rcbuilder):Objects/mk-183.34.obj~2/RELEASE_I386 > System Version: OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach(Lantern5V) > Drivers Installed: > Boot Drivers: Adaptec2940SCSIDriver ISASerialPort Floppy > PS2Keyboard PCMCIABus PCIBus EISABus > Details: > Adaptec2940 4.02 PCI bus > System Serial 4.00 EISA bus at IRQ 4 ports 0x3f8-0x3ff > Floppy 4.00 at IRQ 6 DMA 2 ports 0x3f2-0x3f7 > PS2Keyboard 4.01 at IRQ 1 ports 0x60-0x65 > PCMCIABus 4.02 > PCIBus 4.00 > EISABus 4.04 at IRQ 2 > ports 0x00-0x0f 0x20-0x21 0x40-0x4b 0x70-0x71 > 0x81-0x8F 0x92-0x92 0xc0-0xcf > PS2Mouse 4.00 at IRQ 12 > System Parallel 4.00 at IRQ 7 ports 0x378-0x37f > ATI Rage 4.03 PCI bus > 3Com EtherLink XL 4.02 PCI bus > Screen 0: > NSDeviceColorSpaceName NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace > NSDeviceBitsPerSample 8 > NSDeviceResolution 72.000000 72.000000 > NSDeviceSize 1200.000000 1600.000000 Your RAM is the problem most probably. I'm running OS4.2 at 400/100 without a single crash for months already. -- Jochen Richter SYSTEM analyse design entwicklung (S.a.d.e.) Akademiestrasse 16 Phone: +49-721-9 20 30 90 D-76133 Karlsruhe Fax: +49-721-9 20 30 99 Germany e-mail:
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100 crashed window manager Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 13:18:33 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6tbovh$73h$> <6td2la$f5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Sep 1998 13:58:27 GMT I would guess at Power Management, if you switch it off in the BIOS, try that, you can also switch it off in Openstep (search for "APM" in System.config/Instance0.table). Note, Windows95 may bypass the BIOS and switch Power Management back on. The first few paragraphs didn't make complete sense, I have a P.II 100/400 on a ASUS mother board and can run Rhaspody for over 20 minutes with out problem. Jochen Richter wrote: > > (Matthias Georg Imhof) wrote: > > My motherboard is a SuperMicro Super P6SBA, with a Pentium II running at > > 400/100 Mhz. > > > > If I want to use the internal cache of the CPU, I have to reduce the bus > speed > > to 66 Mhz. This forces me to reduce the processor speed to 333 Mhz. This > > configuration is extremely stable. > > > > If I increase the bus speed to 100 Mhz, the window manager crashes when > started > > as configured in /etc/ttys UNLESS internal CPU cache and microcode updating > are > > turned off. However, the windowmanager does not run stable - it typically > > crashes within a few minutes. This is independant of CPU speed (300, 350, > 400 > > Mhz). > > > > Not mentioned in the configuration: SDRAM, 10ns speed. Could the memory be > too > > slow for OpenStep? > > > > What puzzles me is that full 400/100 configuration is stable under > > Windoze95/98. > > > > Why can't I use the full speed of my system? > > > > Processor: Pentium II > > BIOS: sba7061 version 1.2b downloaded from your website > > Primary Memory: 256.00 MB SDRAM > > Hostname: granite > > Kernel: NeXT Mach 4.2: Wed Apr 16 13:44:57 PDT 1997; > > root(rcbuilder):Objects/mk-183.34.obj~2/RELEASE_I386 > > System Version: OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach(Lantern5V) > > Drivers Installed: > > Boot Drivers: Adaptec2940SCSIDriver ISASerialPort Floppy > > PS2Keyboard PCMCIABus PCIBus EISABus > > Details: > > Adaptec2940 4.02 PCI bus > > System Serial 4.00 EISA bus at IRQ 4 ports 0x3f8-0x3ff > > Floppy 4.00 at IRQ 6 DMA 2 ports 0x3f2-0x3f7 > > PS2Keyboard 4.01 at IRQ 1 ports 0x60-0x65 > > PCMCIABus 4.02 > > PCIBus 4.00 > > EISABus 4.04 at IRQ 2 > > ports 0x00-0x0f 0x20-0x21 0x40-0x4b 0x70-0x71 > > 0x81-0x8F 0x92-0x92 0xc0-0xcf > > PS2Mouse 4.00 at IRQ 12 > > System Parallel 4.00 at IRQ 7 ports 0x378-0x37f > > ATI Rage 4.03 PCI bus > > 3Com EtherLink XL 4.02 PCI bus > > Screen 0: > > NSDeviceColorSpaceName NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace > > NSDeviceBitsPerSample 8 > > NSDeviceResolution 72.000000 72.000000 > > NSDeviceSize 1200.000000 1600.000000 > > Your RAM is the problem most probably. I'm running OS4.2 at 400/100 without a > single crash for months already. > > -- > Jochen Richter > SYSTEM analyse design entwicklung (S.a.d.e.) > > Akademiestrasse 16 Phone: +49-721-9 20 30 90 > D-76133 Karlsruhe Fax: +49-721-9 20 30 99 > Germany e-mail: -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 13:33:53 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6ten8c$> <6tfj21$ije$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Sep 1998 13:58:28 GMT Nextstep being 32bit can only seek to +- 2G, fdisk only seeks to the boot sectors of the disk and partitions, so if that is in the first 2GB then it is happy. Other things need to seek to all sectors of the partition, so will fail on sectors beyond 2GB. If any one has evidence of alternative behaviour please reply and e-mail. On Linux they seemed to have a work-around, but I have no details. On Windows95/Novell Netware you can get disk full errors when the free space is just over n*4GB on a volume. Henry Koplien wrote: > > In article <6ten8c$> > writes: > > I'm having somewhat similar problems, but I am able to initialize a 2 > > Gb partition on a ~5 Gb fdisk NeXTstep partition, but disk craps out > > on parition b. > > I can second this on a 3GB IDE drive, only 2GB with a disktab entry. > > > Fdisk sees the disk as 5500 MB (502 Mb DOS & 4981 NS), but I > > can only initialize one partition in that fdisk partition. > > Same too, except 2900 MB. > > > I suppose I can try to use a disktab with the drive, but I'm not > > sure how to handle the first 502 Mb DOS partition in a disktab, as the > > other disks (SCSI) that I've used disktabs for have been exclusively > > devoted to NeXTstep. > > I spent some time on it and didn't get the beast running as desired. > > Henry -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Date: 12 Sep 1998 15:27:04 GMT Message-ID: <6te3s8$pp7$> Summary: 5.1 gig IDE drive Keywords: 5.1 gig IDE drive help Hi all I have a 5.1 Western Digital IDE on an NS3.3 Intel box that I am trying to get working. I am using the EIDE driver 3.31 and tried 3.37. My bios sees the drive fine, but NeXTStep does not. I tried all the BIOS modes, told the driver to use/not to use BIOS driver geometry, everything I can think of. And still, I can only format the drive to 500 or 780 meg. Any and all help will be appreciated! erik ps: my 2 gig IDE is fine, no problem ... (???)
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups: Subject: Q:Modern Laptops with a Good OS? Date: 14 Sep 1998 02:10:18 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, NH, USA Message-ID: <6thtua$639$> Hi all: Well, once again I'm in the market for a laptop. I'd like modern one that will run OPENSTEP/MacOSX Server (no, the powerbooks are too expensive for the features I'd like so I want to go with intel). So I was wondering if anyone knows of what modern video chipsets that are in *current* laptops are supported by OPENSTEP 4.2 (perhaps by some 3rd party) or that *should/might* be supported by OSX/intel. Specifically I'm going to get one of the 300mhz, 14.1", DVD, LS120, 6gb, 128mb RAM type laptops. They all claim to come with one 3D video card or another at this point, but I'd like to sway my choice to a supported driver. It seems the most modern video driver supported is the one in the Toshiba Tecra 740 (which is just an old creaker by today's standards). Am I going to have to face facts and run win9X/NT? Thanks for any advice, tips, suggestions, etc. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ___________________________________________________________________ UCO & A s s o c i a t e s , L L P ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <6ten8c$> <6tfj21$ije$> <> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 00:14:04 GMT In article <>, Robert Forsyth <> wrote: >Nextstep being 32bit can only seek to +- 2G, fdisk only seeks to the >boot sectors of the disk and partitions, so if that is in the first 2GB >then it is happy. Other things need to seek to all sectors of the >partition, so will fail on sectors beyond 2GB. >If any one has evidence of alternative behaviour please reply and >e-mail. This may not be true. I have a 2.5GB drive. The NS is the last partion that is about 1.2GB large. NS3.3 is quite happy to fill in the 1.2GB unused disk space at installation. I've not tried larger drives. It's odd that NS FDISK could see, but not NS itself.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Date: 13 Sep 1998 20:03:15 GMT Message-ID: <6th8e3$5fs$> References: <> <6ten8c$> <6tfj21$ije$> NeXTStep sees the 5 gig drive as either 800 meg or something like 500 meg. The 2 gig I use, also IDE, is fine. Basically, the BIOS. It report the size correctly. When I tell the driver (EIDE v 3.31 or 3.37) to use LBA, NORMAL, LARGE, and turn on/off to use the BIOS geometry, the results are all the same, either 500 meg or 800 meg. There is some internal limit that we are not aware of, and perhaps it is indeed the 32 bit +- 2 gig thing. But in none of ANY of the NeXTAnswers has it ever said anything about that, and in fact one is led to believe that up to 8 gig IDE drives are usable. If anyone is an authority on this, your help is most appreciated! I have code to write, and prefer not having to spends days and days why this cheap hardware fails all the time. (for anyone interested, I will be moving everything off Intel machines, and will be getting powerpc's, Suns, and HPs instead. I am so tired of being victimized by the Intel architecture...:( In Re: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Robert Forsyth <> writes, > Nextstep being 32bit can only seek to +- 2G, fdisk only seeks to the > boot sectors of the disk and partitions, so if that is in the first 2GB > then it is happy. Other things need to seek to all sectors of the > partition, so will fail on sectors beyond 2GB. > If any one has evidence of alternative behaviour please reply and > e-mail. > On Linux they seemed to have a work-around, but I have no details. > On Windows95/Novell Netware you can get disk full errors when the free > space is just over n*4GB on a volume. > > Henry Koplien wrote: >> >> In article <6ten8c$> >> writes: >> > I'm having somewhat similar problems, but I am able to initialize a 2 >> > Gb partition on a ~5 Gb fdisk NeXTstep partition, but disk craps out >> > on parition b. >> >> I can second this on a 3GB IDE drive, only 2GB with a disktab entry. >> >> > Fdisk sees the disk as 5500 MB (502 Mb DOS & 4981 NS), but I >> > can only initialize one partition in that fdisk partition. >> >> Same too, except 2900 MB. >> >> > I suppose I can try to use a disktab with the drive, but I'm not >> > sure how to handle the first 502 Mb DOS partition in a disktab, as the >> > other disks (SCSI) that I've used disktabs for have been exclusively >> > devoted to NeXTstep. >> >> I spent some time on it and didn't get the beast running as desired. >> >> Henry > > -- > Robert Forsyth > > tel/fax: +44 1243 787487 >
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: FDDI EISA on a NeXT OS ? Date: 13 Sep 1998 23:23:59 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6ticpv$> Hi, I have an EISA Pentium 150 on which I plan to either install NeXTSTEP 3.3 or OpenStep Enterprise 4.1 as a web server. I also have a brand new EISA SysKonnect FDDI card which I picked up practically for free at Questions : Are there any FDDI drivers for NeXTSTEP or Openstep which might let me use this FDDI card? Would I need drivers? If I go the OpenStep Enterprise route, and if NT recognizes the FDDI card, will OpenStep applications recognize the FDDI connection because NT does? Or does OpenStep Enterprise only recognize stuff for which drivers exist for the OpenStep OS? Is there an adapater allowing me to connect a 100 Mbps DSL line to the FFDI card? Thanks, Emmett
From: ( Newsgroups:,, Subject: Question about problem with IDE/"won't mount" HELP! Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 06:35:18 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Would someone tell me if they have encountered this problem before? I am trying to install OpenStep 4.2 "mach" on my Intel machine. I have an "ide" (or is it "eide") hard drive. I have a regular ide 'ata' or 'atapi' cd-drom. You know how you put the disks in the drive, and it boots off the bootup disks, and then you choose what kind of drivers you want? Well, I choose what kind of drivers, I choose many different kinds. I spent about 5 hours trying about 30-40 different combinations. including ide, primar/secondary (dual) edide and atapi etc.etc. But I never could get it to 'mount'. I would always end up with something like, "No Scsi Controller or CD-ROM drive found" and some little numbers like, "SD%D, HD%D FD%D, TR%D". Although, one time I was able to get it to say 'waiting for cd-drive to respond', but still, in the end, it wouldn't work. I'm using a pretty standard setup, with matrox, 64megs, etc. my question is, has anyone else run into this problem before? I think there is some little thing I'm leaving out, and thought I would ask! If anyone has any ideas, would you please post them? I will read them tomorrow when I get back online. p.s. I hope I got the right newsgroup(s).
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100 crashed window manager Date: 13 Sep 1998 23:45:42 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6tie2m$> References: <6tbovh$73h$> <6td2la$f5$> <> Just an untested suggestion. Assuming this is a software problem. Boot as single user. If you're lucky you'll be able to recognize your CDROM. From there you can : 1. Find the files which need to be changed and copy them from the CD with the NeXT OS and reboot. 2. Save /etc as etc.tar. Copy /etc from the NeXT CD. Reboot. Then change the preferences back to the case where it the machine won't boot again. Compare all entries in etc.tar and /etc. Find the files which changed. Then extract etc.tar recreating /etc. Then do step 1. Emmett
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Question about problem with IDE/"won't mount" HELP! Date: 14 Sep 1998 12:32:49 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6tj2dh$> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> On 09/14/98, wrote: >Would someone tell me if they have encountered >this problem before? I am trying to install >OpenStep 4.2 "mach" on my Intel machine. I have >an "ide" (or is it "eide") hard drive. I have a >regular ide 'ata' or 'atapi' cd-drom. You know >how you put the disks in the drive, and it boots >off the bootup disks, and then you choose what kind >of drivers you want? Well, I choose what kind of >drivers, I choose many different kinds. I spent >about 5 hours trying about 30-40 different combinations. >including ide, primar/secondary (dual) edide and atapi etc.etc. >But I never could get it to 'mount'. I would always end >up with something like, "No Scsi Controller or CD-ROM >drive found" and some little numbers like, "SD%D, HD%D >FD%D, TR%D". Although, one time I was able to get it to >say 'waiting for cd-drive to respond', but still, in the >end, it wouldn't work. >I'm using a pretty standard setup, with matrox, 64megs, >etc. my question is, has anyone else run into this problem >before? I think there is some little thing I'm leaving >out, and thought I would ask! >If anyone has any ideas, would you please post them? >I will read them tomorrow when I get back online. > The usually recommended way to install from atapi cd-rom is to have it jumpered as slave to your hard disk on the first ide channel on your mb. When installing drivers, use the beta driver for the Adaptec 1542B SCSI controller as the controller for your cd, and the beta driver for EIDE for you hard drive. NS "should" then register your cd-rom and allow you to install. (Note I say "should"; although I have seen other posts to this effect, I have always used SCSI cd-roms myself.) Hope this helps, Jeff
From: (Alex Levine) Newsgroups:, Subject: AerePerennius with Philips Omniwriter 26? Date: 14 Sep 1998 13:21:18 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <6tj58e$> Hi all, I have recently acquired a Philips Omniwriter 26 CD-R/CD-RW device. I was able to get it to write media using AerePerennius with the IMS 2600 driver, but the resulting disks were unreadable. Rather than trying every driver and risk wasting all those disks (not to mention all that time), I thought I'd see whether anyone knew which driver worked. Best, Alex -- Alexander Levine Philosophy Department Lehigh University
From: "Karl Lherisson" <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,,,,, Subject: Setting up an Exabyte 4200c Rev 235? Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:29:28 -0400 Message-ID: <35fd3688.0@reliant> I need some help setting up an Exabyte EXB-4200c Rev 235 4mm tape drive on a Black NeXTstation Color Turbo running NeXTstep 3.3? First are there any hardware configuration files i need to modify? Secondly, I am trying a local dump using the following paramaters dump 0 / f /dev/rst0 It appears to access the tape drive but it never works correctly. What am I doing wrong?
From: Babak Ashrafi Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor on Sparc IPC?? Date: 14 Sep 1998 15:35:51 GMT Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology Message-ID: <6tjd4n$bo3@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Someone just gave me a Sparc station IPC. Can I use my NeXT color monitor on it? How? Is it potentially dangerous to experiment? TIA, Babak please note altered reply-to header: ashrafi_at_mit_dot_edu
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q:Modern Laptops with a Good OS? Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Sep 1998 15:58:25 GMT Organization: AOL References: <6thtua$639$> IBM ThinkPads have been fairly well supported... Bifrost Workstations has had a series of laptops running OpenStep--there's a link to their site from <> William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Q:Modern Laptops with a Good OS? Date: 14 Sep 1998 15:56:57 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6tjec9$1us$> References: <6thtua$639$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6thtua$639$> John Kheit wrote: > Hi all: > > Well, once again I'm in the market for a laptop. I'd like modern one that > will run OPENSTEP/MacOSX Server (no, the powerbooks are too expensive for the > features I'd like so I want to go with intel). So I was wondering if anyone > knows of what modern video chipsets that are in *current* laptops are > supported by OPENSTEP 4.2 (perhaps by some 3rd party) or that *should/might* > be supported by OSX/intel. > > Specifically I'm going to get one of the 300mhz, 14.1", DVD, LS120, 6gb, > 128mb RAM type laptops. They all claim to come with one 3D video card or > another at this point, but I'd like to sway my choice to a supported driver. > > It seems the most modern video driver supported is the one in the Toshiba > Tecra 740 (which is just an old creaker by today's standards). Am I going to > have to face facts and run win9X/NT? Thanks for any advice, tips, > suggestions, etc. :) > > > I just picked up a DEC HiNote VP 745 from WorkStation2000 ( and it is well supported [ except for sound :( ]. I know the modern Toshiba Tecra's are supported (check with BiFrost, ). Other notebooks will work with third party drivers available from One of the hardest things to check is what particular video and audio chipset is used. I had to scrounge through the each manufacture's web site to find the info. I highly recommend going with a company like WorkStation2000 (very good) or BiFrost (heard they are good). For about 5% more in cost, you can have someone else do all of the configuring. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What are the device names with Intel machine? Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 18:59:08 +0000 Organization: Total Connectivity Providers - Maximizing the Internet Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Sep 1998 17:24:19 GMT To: Andrew Chang <> The latest serial driver supports some PC Card (PCMCIA) interfaces, you will need the driver for PCMCIA bus and PCMCIA hardware. All these drivers should be on NeXTAnswers. Andrew Chang wrote: > > In article <> you write: > >IIMC, /dev/ttya /dev/ttyb /dev/ttyc /dev/ttyd - you have to load a > >serial driver for each com port then load the port server driver in > > The LPT is like /dev/lp you can copy text to it and have > >it appear on the printer. > > > >On the serial port stuff have a look through man or the library there > >are different options on the /dev/ttyx that allow you to share a port > >for dial out (via PPP) and dial in from a terminal; something like > >/dev/ttyfa - use RTS/CTS handshanking > >/dev/ttyfda - wait for CD > >/dev/cu - (call unix) ? > > > > Hi, Rob, > > Thanks for the help. How about any PC Card devices? such as modem, > SCSI, network card, etc? I believe the ThinkPad MWave modem only > works under DOS/Win9x since it is actually a DSP. -- Robert Forsyth Voice Mail or Fax: +44 1243 787487 or 01243 787487 Mobile: +44 958 621 653 or 0958 621 653 Homepage: Icon: #:^)
From: (Stephen R. Anderson) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: pyro installation pending Date: 14 Sep 1998 14:11:09 -0400 Organization: Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University Message-ID: <> References: <6t1uua$cbc$> <> <> <> <> <> <6tcnc3$sh$> writes: > In <> Sven Droll wrote: > > (Stephen R. Anderson) wrote: [...] > > > > > >I have one of the fairly small number of cubes with a working Pyro > > >board in it. And a ND as well: the two work fine together. > > > > Would you mind sending a description what you have done to get it to work. > > Sam said that it is NOT possible, back in the times when I wanted a > > Dimensioncard in my cube (and whom to believe, if not Sam :-)). > > > > greets > > Sven > > Actually best would be if he posted his ROM revision, and the motherboard > revision #. It may have been that for some reason the Pyro/ND combo was > more compatible with later versions of the ROM than earlier ones (i.e. socketed > machines), and he may have been lucky and had a socketed version of a > later Motherboard. Or maybe it works better with a older version. > > The MB revision is on the back of the Motherboard For instance I have a older > board that has > > Serial AAX0011238 > Part # PN-1698 revision .AE Date 1990 > ROM 2.1 v59 (I'd have to boot it to check the v59 part) > > This board has socketed cpu & nbic. > > This is one reason I've been wanting to collect some system information. > I don't have this form working but for an example of the kinds of things I've > been looking to put into a data base check out Sorry, I just saw this request (my newsserver didn't get Sven's posting). My machine is an original '030 cube, upgraded with one of the first '040 boards. I got the ND shortly after. But as I recall, when I ordered the Pyro board from Sam, the original idea was that I would get the daughtercard to insert in my '040 board. But what was shipped was a new (socketed, I'm pretty sure) '040 board with the Pyro already installed, for which I swapped back my '040 board (after moving my SIMMs over). I'm afraid I'm not willing to take the system down and remove the board to verify the rev number on it - it presently serves (white well) as a departmental server machine, some distance from my office. But the ROM (which I can confirm from /usr/adm/messages from the last boot) is 2.1 v59. Apart from the fact that it routinely reports an error when booting (it flunks the CPU speed test, for good reason), the only trouble I ever had with my Pyro was getting Sam to send it to me in the first place.... :-) --Steve Anderson
From: (Antoine Gautier) Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,,,,, Subject: Re: Setting up an Exabyte 4200c Rev 235? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit References: <35fd3688.0@reliant> Message-ID: <iwdL1.27$> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:46:38 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 14:46:38 EDT In <35fd3688.0@reliant> "Karl Lherisson" wrote: % I need some help setting up an Exabyte EXB-4200c Rev 235 4mm tape drive on a % Black NeXTstation Color Turbo running NeXTstep 3.3? % % First are there any hardware configuration files i need to modify? % % Secondly, % % I am trying a local dump using the following paramaters % % dump 0 / f /dev/rst0 % % It appears to access the tape drive but it never works correctly. What am I % doing wrong? % % There is something special about exagyte tape lentgh, I use dump 0uns 1200000 Can't remember where I found that, I guess librarian or nextanswers will tell you. Also, exabyte is /dev/(n)rxt0. Cheers, ---- Antoine Gautier
Date: 14 Sep 1998 16:16:39 EST Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> From: Sender: Subject: cmsg cancel <> EMP/ECP (aka SPAM) cancelled by See, report 19980914.03 for further details
Message-ID: <> From: msms <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on Sparc IPC?? References: <6tjd4n$bo3@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 00:50:21 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 17:50:21 PDT Organization: @Home Network The Next monitor runs at 1120x832@68hz natively, but can be adjusted to run at 1024x768@75hz and I think 1152x768@75hz without too much difficulty. You'll need to find out what resolutions the Sparc machine can do, and whether it supplies a sync on green signal. If it doesn't, you can probably find something from Griffin Technology. ( -- John --------------------- Babak, Ashrafi wrote: > > Someone just gave me a Sparc station IPC. Can I use my NeXT color monitor > on it? How? Is it potentially dangerous to experiment? > > TIA, > Babak > please note altered reply-to header: ashrafi_at_mit_dot_edu
From: (Richard Beigel) Newsgroups: Subject: upgrading from black hardware Date: 15 Sep 1998 00:49:11 GMT Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago, Dept. of EE&CS, 851 S Morgan St, Chicago IL 60607-7053 Message-ID: <6tkdi7$11l8$> I'm running 3.3 on a color turbo with 32 meg ram and 1 gig disk. I'm looking for something that will perform a little faster. I experimented with more ram (up to 96 meg), but it didn't seem to improve performance. Can anyone recommend an upgrade costing in the 3-digit range that will let me continue using my 21-inch NeXT monitor?
From: (Rothstein Lab) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: AerePerennius with Philips Omniwriter 26? Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:32:29 -0400 Organization: Columbia University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <6tj58e$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi Alex, Unfortunatly, none of the Philips drivers found in AerePerennius seems to work with the new Omniwriter 26. I got one Omniwriter 26 a few month ago and it require his own driver. But, I just can't find it or even its source code. Also, I never get any answers from Philips about the availability of the driver. I'm hoping that the folks from AerePerennius will give us a solution. Sincerely, In article <6tj58e$>, wrote: > Hi all, > > I have recently acquired a Philips Omniwriter 26 CD-R/CD-RW device. I was > able to get it to write media using AerePerennius with the IMS 2600 > driver, but the resulting disks were unreadable. Rather than trying every > driver and risk wasting all those disks (not to mention all that time), I > thought I'd see whether anyone knew which driver worked. > > Best, > > Alex > > -- > Alexander Levine > Philosophy Department > Lehigh University > -- Frederic Foucault, ph.D. Dept of Genetics & Development Tel: (212) 305 17 34 Columbia University Fax: (212) 305 20 90 701 West 168th Street Email: New York, NY 10032
From: (IX Corp.) Newsgroups:, Subject: WTB A/D64X or Equiv Date: 15 Sep 1998 04:19:23 GMT Organization: Illuminati Online Message-ID: <6tkpsb$4tq$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Sep 1998 04:19:23 GMT I'd like to buy a gizmo for inputting digital audio into my Cube. I understand the A/D64X is capable of this and woul dlike to purchase one, or the equivalent. Thanks, -Lupo "He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief." --Francis Bacon <>
From: (Darren Wright) Subject: Re: FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS Newsgroups: References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> <6tcmgs$sh$> Organization: DCANet Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Sep 1998 22:28:03 +0400 > Then shut up and get yourself a SGI or a Sun. This is next.marketplace > where people buy and sell hardware and software not for not > next.marketplace.whiners where people who want a NeXT but > can't afford one complain about prices. Clearly you either havn't > used Openstep/NeXTstep or you are brainless. There are a huge > number of things that make NeXTstep/Openstep an absolute joy > to work on compared to IRIX or Solaris, none of which are available > on those OS's. There are reasons where Solaris or IRIX has strengths > but the desktop isn't one of them. > > For the price, you'd be better off putting together an Intel-compatible PC and > > running OpenStep, true... it's not NeXT Black hardware, and it's not as cool; > > but it's a lot faster, and a lot nicer to work on. Besides... for $1999 or > > whatever they're chargin' for these NeXT Cube Dimension systems... you could > > get a brand new 233 mhz. Apple iMac which is just about as cool, and just wait > > for MacOS X (in effect, OPENSTEP ported to PowerPC with a MacOS interface and > > MacOS API's via carbon, and other neat pieces) and just go to town. > I don't think the poster was soliciting for your opinion on this matter. > He simply posted prices and systems for sale. If you don't want any > then don't buy them simple as that. Why bother us with your lament > over prices. I'm sure when people see a 2K pricetag that would be > enough to make them think twice about buying a ND. I'm rather certian > in a few years $2K for a complete origional ADB Turbo ND 21" monitor > system will seem like a bargain. There probably arn't more than a few > thousand in existance tops. > Dream on then. And keep looking maybe you'll find one covered in dust > in some shop that no-one knows anything about. Go get yourself a run of > the mill PC to run Openstep on you'll be much happier. I sat down at > my Black box recently and I was suprised at how fast that machine > did some tasks. And I am extremely happy that it has run flawlessly > as a 24/7 server for many years now. The only problems I've had > are swap related - and you'll have that on openstep just as well. > So crawl back into your hole or show some respect for that tired > old black hardware - you'll see less and less of it as time passes. > You arn't obligated to pay $2K, nor should we be obligated to listen > to your whinning. > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu Go Randy!!!! I agree wholeheartedly.... -Darren
From: Newsgroups: Subject: WOW!!! WHAT A STORY ONLINE!!! Date: 16 Sep 1998 18:25:04 GMT Organization: Northwestern Indiana Telephone Co. Message-ID: <6tovq0$hcv$> I happen to have dropped by and I couldn't believe what I saw. A complete case online with over 48 pictures, 3 police reports and more!!! Regards. P.S.- The website address is
From: Ben Perrault <> Newsgroups: Subject: Low Level Hardware Info... Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 14:44:44 -0500 Organization: Western Michigan University Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello all, Since Apple has bought NeXT and stopped furthering the OS development, there has been a rising of a group to port Linux to NeXT Hardware. I was curious where I could find service manuals, or low level info about the hardware (web or print)? Since I currently own 2 NeXT Station Color Turbos, I have decided to use on for Linux Development and the other for that great NeXT enviorment (after all, that's why I bought the damn thing). Any suggestions/help? Ben Perrault Western Michigan University Computer Science - Theory and Analysis
From: Loris Bennett <loris@align.physik.TU-Berlin.DE> Newsgroups:, Subject: Defective floppy drive? Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:59:58 +0200 Organization: Technical University of Berlin Message-ID: <35FE56BE.1E5DD5EC@align.physik.TU-Berlin.DE> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello All, I've got a NeXTstaion Color running NEXTSTEP and have recently found that when I copy anything on to a floppy, the floppy very often then develops damaged sectors and the files I copied are not intact. Is this a known problem? Does anyone knows of a simple remedy, if there is one? Loris AHGA -- ================================================================ Loris Bennett Tel.: (+49) 30 314 23762 http://wwwitp.physik.TU-Berlin.DE:80/~loris/ TU Berlin, PN7-1, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10632 Berlin, FRG
From: "Stephen Sellars" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Mono Megapixel RIP??? Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 15:00:08 -0400 Organization: EDS Message-ID: <6tp1rr$okq$> Are there any monitor gurus around? I got smart & decided to try to brighten/sharpen up the picture on my old N4000 mono megapixel for my NeXT cube...and of course am afraid I've fried it completely now! After reading a note in the NeXT FAQs about monitor adjustments, I removed the back plastic cover & using the recommended plastic tool, managed to get the picture both a little bigger/brighter & better focused. All the adjustments seemed to work fine. Proud as punch, I then shut the cube down, screwed the rear cover back on, restarted the cube...only to be greeted picture at all. I know it's getting power since the keyboard works fine & the cube powers up and down OK. The brightness control on the keyboard also worked fine before I powered down. Any ideas on possible ways to resurrect this...or is it just gone to NeXT heaven? Many thanks. Steve.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 16 Sep 1998 21:43:30 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (Nederlandse Hardware & Driver pagina / Dutch Hardware & Driver Page.) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: Subject: A newcomer to NeXT... Organization: @Home Network From: (Bill Woodford) Message-ID: <dkWL1.3663$> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 21:45:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 14:45:45 PDT Hey all, Im new to NeXT hardware and such, and wasnt able to find an answer to my questions here in the FAQ on I have no mouse or keyboard. Am I correct in assuming that this next uses ADB? I can plug any Apple style mouse and keyboard into my next? I did see the part in the FAQ that had the pinout's for a NeXT mouse, but it didnt say what other types of mice would work with it (if it did, my bad, I must have missed it.) Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -- Bill Woodford * ICQ:14076169 * Windows Multitasking: messing up several things at once Volunteer Coordinator Otakon 1999, someplace at sometime.
From: rick tait <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Is this a hardware problem? Date: 16 Sep 1998 17:44:23 -0400 Organization: Frobtastic, Inc. Message-ID: <> Hi folks. I'm getting the following right during boot on a NeXTstation TurboColor w/80MB: NeXT ROM Monitor 3.3 v74 NeXT Mach 3.0: Wed Jul 29 19:43:28 PDI 1992;root(rcbuilder):mk-127.15/BUILD/RELEASE_M68K FPU version 0x41 physical memory = 80.00 megabytes. available memory = 78.28 megabytes. using 16 buffers containing 0.12 megabytes of memory ADB device 2 reg3 6c02 ADB device 3 reg3 7a01 fc0 at 0x2014100 Sony MPX-111N as fd0 at fc0 slave 0 SCSI 53C90A Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000 SEAGATE ST11200N SUN1.05 Rev as sd0 at sc0 target 1 lun 0 Disk Label: NeXT-Release-3.0 Disk Capacity 1005MB, Device Block 512 bytes Generic SCSI Device as sg0 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg1 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg2 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg3 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 en0 at 0x2006000 en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:01:5c:84 IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type "10MB Ethernet" nmi: pc 0x401a9b0 sr 0x2708 isp 0x40011b2 ksp 0x40011ca usp 0x0 nmi> What does it look like to all your experienced eyes? The only thing I can add is that there was an odd "popping" sound coming from the speakerbox once yesterday - and then the problem start happening after that. Is there anything I can specifically look at? HELP! Thanks, /rickt -- I sync, therefore I nm. <>
From: (Wm Barker) Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec 2940UW Dual and OS 4.x Date: 16 Sep 1998 22:18:56 GMT Organization: Biological Structure, Univ of Washington Distribution: world Message-ID: <6tpdgg$eg0$> Has anyone configured an OS 4.x system to use a 2940UW Dual scsi adapter? I just need confirmation that these in fact do work with OS 4.x. At the moment, I can't get the one I'm using to be recognized by the OS installation drivers. These include the 4.02 Adaptec driver from NextAnswers. TIA, bb
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Low Level Hardware Info... Date: 16 Sep 1998 22:25:33 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6tpdst$2fc$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ben Perrault wrote: > Hello all, > > Since Apple has bought NeXT and stopped furthering the OS development, > there has been a rising of a group to port Linux to NeXT Hardware. I was > curious where I could find service manuals, or low level info about the > hardware (web or print)? Since I currently own 2 NeXT Station Color > Turbos, I have decided to use on for Linux Development and the other for > that great NeXT enviorment (after all, that's why I bought the damn > thing). Any suggestions/help? > > Ben Perrault > Western Michigan University > Computer Science - Theory and Analysis > Looks like Black/LInux is kind of dead at the moment. Not a lot of black boxes so not a lot of developers working on things. I know I have one or two other links that barely qualify, but I can't seem to turn them up at the moment. (Got to organize my bookmarks better!) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Go, Randy Go (was FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS) Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:39:43 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6tpeng$43e$> References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> <6tcmgs$sh$> <> <6tmqui$g2c$> In article <6tmqui$g2c$>, wrote: > In <> Darren Wright wrote: > > > > > Then shut up and get yourself a SGI or a Sun. This is next.marketplace > > > where people buy and sell hardware and software not for not > > > next.marketplace.whiners where people who want a NeXT but > > > can't afford one complain about prices. Clearly you either havn't > > > used Openstep/NeXTstep or you are brainless. There are a huge > > > number of things that make NeXTstep/Openstep an absolute joy > > > to work on compared to IRIX or Solaris, none of which are available > > > on those OS's. There are reasons where Solaris or IRIX has strengths > > > but the desktop isn't one of them. > > > > Go Randy!!!! I agree wholeheartedly.... > > > > My only mistake - this is in - and had I > realized this I might have toned down a bit - since I would guess > this is the appropriate newsgroup to discuss prices on hardware. > > I was rather venomous because I thought it was next.marketplace. > > I guess I just get tired of people whinning about such things. > And spouting worthless drivel like the origional poster. Clearly > they've never had a SGI, or used NeXTstep or Openstep or > they would have known better. > > Comparing a NeXT Dimension to a Mac II. Now where did > I put my gun. Ah who cares my mouth sometimes is much louder > and more impacting than anything that can come out of one. ;) > > Sorry you guys had to see my bad side.. > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) > Hey Randy, don't be sorry. I felt exactly the same amount of aggressivity against this Ignorant person after reading this post. Sincerely, Frederic Foucault -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Low Level Hardware Info... Date: 16 Sep 1998 19:21:49 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Ben Perrault <> wrote: >Hello all, > >Since Apple has bought NeXT and stopped furthering the OS development, >there has been a rising of a group to port Linux to NeXT Hardware. I was >curious where I could find service manuals, or low level info about the >hardware (web or print)? There isn't really any documentation. I suppose you could look at the source to NetBSD/next68k and Plan 9 but that's about it. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Driver for Crystal CS4236 Audio? Date: 16 Sep 1998 23:30:51 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6tphnb$5eg$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone gotten the the sound to work on OS4.2 systems using the Crystal CS4236 PnP Audio system? According to Intel it is SoundBlaster Pro 2.0 compatible with the following specs: DMA chan 0, 1, or 3 IRQ 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, or 15 Default is audio on 5 and FM syn. on 9? Isn't DMA chan 0,1,3 for 8 bit? Anyway, please let me know if you have had any experience (good or bad) with this chip. Thanks, -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... References: <dkWL1.3663$> Organization: @Home Network From: (Bill Woodford) Message-ID: <RC%L1.3707$> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 03:46:57 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 20:46:57 PDT In article <dkWL1.3663$>, Bill Woodford <> wrote: >Hey all, Im new to NeXT hardware and such, and wasnt able to find an >answer to my questions here in the FAQ on > >I have no mouse or keyboard. Am I correct in assuming that this next uses >ADB? I can plug any Apple style mouse and keyboard into my next? I did >see the part in the FAQ that had the pinout's for a NeXT mouse, but it >didnt say what other types of mice would work with it (if it did, my bad, >I must have missed it.) Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Let me restate my request. Upon coming home after making the post above, I realized that what I though were keyboard and mouse posrt (labelled "A" and "B") look more like serial ports. So where are the mouse and keyboard ports? Can someone clue me in? I cant find anything that gives enough info in the faq. As always, thanks for any info. -- Bill Woodford * ICQ:14076169 * Windows Multitasking: messing up several things at once Volunteer Coordinator Otakon 1999, someplace at sometime.
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Cube does not like floppy drive! Date: 16 Sep 1998 15:19:11 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6toktf$9n7$> References: <B22539D8-18B9D@> Your floppy cable is probably from a PC or some such and thus is backward. Flip it if you can and it will work, if not, cut off one of the notches or get a correct cable from No affiliation with Deepspacetech. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
Newsgroups: From: "mendel" <> Subject: Re: need info on NeXTstation color turbo Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0052_01BDE166.86904EC0" Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 15:38:29 GMT This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BDE166.86904EC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I suggest going for the 21" monitor if it's in good shape. Good (and = cheap) 21" monitors are harder to come by these days. Cliff Benny Li wrote in message <>... hi =20 I am going to buy a NeXTstation color turbo(33 Mhz, 32MB = memory). I am not experienced in NeXT machines at any level, so I'm just = wondering how its performance is compared to PCs. Also can I use printers of = other brands(ie. non-NeXT)? The deal is the machine mentioned above plus a 17" monitor is US$525, an addition of $150 can get me a 21" Hitachi MegaPixel, what = do you guys think? =20 thanks in advance Benny ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BDE166.86904EC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I suggest going for the 21" = monitor if it's=20 in good shape. Good (and cheap) 21" monitors are harder to = come by=20 these days.</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Cliff</FONT></DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE=20 style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: = 5px"> <DIV>Benny Li<KY-LI@WORLDNET.ATT.NET> wrote in message <<A=20 = href=3D"">35FF6658.A0F95BD@worldn=</A>>...</DIV>hi<BR><BR> =20 I am going to buy a NeXTstation color turbo(33 Mhz, 32MB memory). = I<BR>am=20 not experienced in NeXT machines at any level, so I'm just = wondering<BR>how=20 its performance is compared to PCs. Also can I use printers of=20 other<BR>brands(ie. non-NeXT)?<BR> The deal is the = machine=20 mentioned above plus a 17" monitor is<BR>US$525, an addition of = $150=20 can get me a 21" Hitachi MegaPixel, what do<BR>you guys=20 think?<BR><BR>thanks in = advance<BR>Benny<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BDE166.86904EC0--
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FDDI EISA on a NeXT OS ? Date: 16 Sep 1998 16:19:30 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <6tooei$hhn$> References: <6ticpv$> (Emmett McLean) wrote: [ ... ] >Are there any FDDI drivers for NeXTSTEP >or Openstep which might let me use this >FDDI card? Would I need drivers? You'd need drivers, and I'd be very suprised if they existed. FDDI is not commonly used directly on the desktop. In fact, FDDI is generally used more as a Intranet backbone with fiber-to-ethernet boxes and not on host computers at all, perhaps with the occaisional exception of a high-powered server box on a very large network. >If I go the OpenStep Enterprise route, >and if NT recognizes the FDDI card, >will OpenStep applications recognize >the FDDI connection because NT does? Yes. >Or does OpenStep Enterprise only recognize >stuff for which drivers exist for the >OpenStep OS? Nope. >Is there an adapater allowing me to >connect a 100 Mbps DSL line to the FFDI card? You'd want a copper-to-fiber media converter, I believe. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on Sparc IPC?? Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:19:05 -0600 Organization: Software Integrators Inc, Message-ID: <> References: <6tjd4n$bo3@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To:,,,, The NeXT monitors expect a sync on green signal but the Sparc outputs a composite sync signal. Joe Babak, Ashrafi wrote: > Someone just gave me a Sparc station IPC. Can I use my NeXT color monitor > on it? How? Is it potentially dangerous to experiment? > > TIA, > Babak > please note altered reply-to header: ashrafi_at_mit_dot_edu ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on intels Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:17:34 -0600 Organization: Software Integrators Inc, Message-ID: <> References: <> <6tbfvg$hk5$> <6tdqrk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Paul Hanson <> Yes, your missing something. A Sun outputs a composite sync signal and the NeXT monitors expect a sync on green signal. Joe Paul Hanson wrote: > I have not been able to get the NeXT (Sony) to sync up to a Sun (CG3) am I > missing something?? > > ~Paul > > Charles W. Swiger wrote: > > > (Fluids) wrote: > > >i have a NeXT monitor. a 17'' megapixel. i would like to use it on my intel > > >machine, but i have no cable for the monitor. > > > > The NeXT monitors aren't multisync. They aren't going to work well on an > > Intel box, although the NeXT color displays are okay substitutes for some > > other workstation brands that use fixed-frequency displays (like Suns). > > > > -Chuck > > > > Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. > > ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- > > You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything. -- ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on intels Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:15:52 -0600 Organization: Software Integrators Inc, Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Fluids <> You will need a graphics card and a cable because the monitor expects a non-standard sync and frequency. We sell the cards and cables you need to drive any workstation monitor from a PC. Check out our website or contact me for more information. Joe Fluids wrote: > i have a NeXT monitor. a 17'' megapixel. i would like to use it on my intel > machine, but i have no cable for the monitor. do i use a regular NeXT cable or > do i have to get a special one or what? > thanks. > > ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitor on Sparc IPC?? Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:19:50 -0600 Organization: Software Integrators Inc, Message-ID: <> References: <6tjd4n$bo3@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: The NeXT monitors expect a sync on green signal but the Sparc outputs a composite sync signal. Joe Babak, Ashrafi wrote: > Someone just gave me a Sparc station IPC. Can I use my NeXT color monitor > on it? How? Is it potentially dangerous to experiment? > > TIA, > Babak > please note altered reply-to header: ashrafi_at_mit_dot_edu ****************************************************************** * Joe McCarthy | Toll free: 800-547-2349 * * Software Integrators Inc. | Phone: 406-586-4987 * * 51 Evergreen Drive | Fax: 406-586-9145 * * Suite A | BBS: 406-586-9610 * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | Email: * ****************************************************************** * WEB PAGE -> * ******************************************************************
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6tovq0$hcv$> Control: cancel <6tovq0$hcv$> Date: 17 Sep 1998 06:51:57 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6tovq0$hcv$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Gert Van Gaever" <> Newsgroups: comp.periphs.printers,comp.sys.acorn.hardware,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,it.comp.hardware Subject: Postscript eumlator Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:00:58 +0200 Organization: EUnet Belgium, Leuven, Belgium Message-ID: <6tqfqh$6qk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is there an emulator to use an HP 720C as a postscript printer? If yes, how does it work? Is it share- or freeware? Tnx Gert -- when responding, please also send a mail to and tnx Gert
From: "Peter Baral" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Cube does not like floppy drive! Date: 17 Sep 98 08:51:40 +0200 Organization: UUNET Deutschland GmbH, Dortmund, Germany Message-ID: <B22681CC-2428D@> References: <6toktf$9n7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit nntp:// > Your floppy cable is probably from a PC or some such and thus > is backward. Flip it if you can and it will work, if not, cut > off one of the notches or get a correct cable from > No affiliation with Deepspacetech The floppy cable is from Deepspacetech, "Cube floppy drive cable" according to their product list. So this stuff _should_ work. Any other idea? Peter Baral Medienwerkstatt Muehlacker Pappelweg 3 D 75417 Muehlacker, Germany +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ E-Mail: Phone: +49 7042 810396 Fax: +49 7042 810395 Web: <>
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... References: <dkWL1.3663$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Sep 98 08:55:20 GMT The older NeXTs are non-ADB. If yours is a black and white and gray(twice) the keyboard-connectors is on the back of the monitor and the mouse-connector is on the back of the keyboard. If it is a color-machine you need a soundbox. The keyboard is plugged into the soundbox, mouse into keyboard. greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Go, Randy Go (was FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS) Date: 16 Sep 1998 20:24:04 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6tpvck$> References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> <6tmqui$g2c$> <6tpeng$43e$> > >Hey Randy, don't be sorry. I felt exactly the same amount of aggressivity >against this Ignorant person after reading this post. > I'll second that. Emmett
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Postscript eumlator Date: 17 Sep 1998 12:52:01 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6tr0lh$etv$> References: <6tqfqh$6qk$> In article <6tqfqh$6qk$> "Gert Van Gaever" <> writes: > Is there an emulator to use an HP 720C as a postscript printer? > If yes, how does it work? > Is it share- or freeware? 1 answer: ghostscript + GSPrintFilter It's free. (There ARE others, including commercial products like JetPilot and DOTS). Both can be found at peak: -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Test only, ignore Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:36:54 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6tr6q6$11e$> This is a test only. Ignore please. -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: Matt Evans <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Go, Randy Go (was FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS) Date: 17 Sep 1998 10:25:13 -0500 Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <> References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> <6tmqui$g2c$> <6tpeng$43e$> <6tpvck$> (Emmett McLean) writes: > > > >Hey Randy, don't be sorry. I felt exactly the same amount of aggressivity > >against this Ignorant person after reading this post. > > > I'll second that. > > Emmett The only 3 platforms I use are NeXT, Sun, and SGI. That said, $1995 will buy you a hell of an SGI or Sun box. I paid 250 bucks for my turbo color. *I* wouldn't pay 2k for a 040 based machine, but thats me. I know that some people will, and If I'm selling something, I'm never going to sell it for less than I think people will buy it for. Regardless of what some people think a Dimension system is worth, this is a free market economy. People need to remember that. -- *********************************************************** * Matt Evans * * University of Nebraska, Lincoln work: * * Computer Science/Math major school: * ***********************************************************
From: (Brian K. Meadows) Newsgroups:, Subject: Sound Blaster PCI Support Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:43:55 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <> Does anyone know if there is support of Sound Blaster PCI cards for OS 4.X? If not, has DR2 seen any driver support this card? Should I just plan on going back to my old card ? Thanks for help, Brian
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6trc0f$vt3$> Control: cancel <6trc0f$vt3$> Date: 17 Sep 1998 16:05:35 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6trc0f$vt3$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (void) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Test only, ignore Date: 17 Sep 1998 12:12:05 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <> References: <6tr6q6$11e$> There are plenty of newsgroups suitable for testing, such as alt.test. This is not one of them. On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:36:54 GMT, <> wrote: >This is a test only. Ignore please. > >-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- > Create Your Own Free Member Forum -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <6tpeng$43e$> <6tpvck$> <> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:21:48 GMT I hope this thread can just go away. Do not let a rat ruin your hearty soup. I can go to a Win9x group and stir around, but it does me no good. Maybe we should spend more time reading Starr's report :-) That's more spicy than arguing here..... Peace please.
Newsgroups: From: (Eric Dew) Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) References: <dkWL1.3663$> <RC%L1.3707$> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:25:34 GMT In article <RC%L1.3707$> (Bill Woodford) writes: > >Let me restate my request. Upon coming home after making the post above, >I realized that what I though were keyboard and mouse posrt (labelled "A" >and "B") look more like serial ports. So where are the mouse and keyboard >ports? Can someone clue me in? I cant find anything that gives enough >info in the faq. As always, thanks for any info. > > In most cases (i.e., models), it goes to the back of the monitor. You should see a keyboard icon. The mouse attaches to the keyboard. In some models (those with the Sound Kit), the keyboard plugs into the sound kit and the sound kit is attached to the CPU and monitor via a Y cable. EDEW >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Low Level Hardware Info... Date: 17 Sep 1998 17:25:52 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6trgn0$7an$> References: <> <6tpdst$2fc$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6tpdst$2fc$> wrote: > In <> Ben Perrault wrote: > > Hello all, > > > > Since Apple has bought NeXT and stopped furthering the OS development, > > there has been a rising of a group to port Linux to NeXT Hardware. I was > > curious where I could find service manuals, or low level info about the > > hardware (web or print)? Since I currently own 2 NeXT Station Color > > Turbos, I have decided to use on for Linux Development and the other for > > that great NeXT enviorment (after all, that's why I bought the damn > > thing). Any suggestions/help? > > > > Ben Perrault > > Western Michigan University > > Computer Science - Theory and Analysis > > > > Looks like Black/LInux is kind of dead at the moment. Not a lot of black boxes > so not a lot of developers working on things. > > > > I know I have one or two other links that barely qualify, but I can't seem > to turn them up at the moment. (Got to organize my bookmarks better!) > I don't ususally follow up on my posts but I got to cleaning my bookmarks in Omniweb and turned up this. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (David Hill) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:52:10 -0400 Organization: Martian Guitars Message-ID: <> References: <dkWL1.3663$> <RC%L1.3707$> <6trhb1$7an$> > Welcome to the Black world of NeXT hardware :) > Randy Randy, Thanks for the nifty site. I, as well, have been reading the hardware, software, and marketplace groups. I'm interested in obtaining and using black hardware more for the style, learning expierience, and lack of Microsoft influence in the folks using it. I'd gladly give my Mac to my son if I was confident I could (with a turbo color slab) continue gui HTML (Pagemill equivelant??). It seems that the hardware is really up to "most" things you throw at it if your not rendering "Toy Story" or want to play the latest shoot-em-up games. I'd be interested in a thread that would outline black systems for specific purposes (ie Basic office system, basic graphics system, development sytem, server system & such). Seriously, if y'all were going to set up a friend with some used NeXT hardware and he's going to use it as his main internet access, image editor, and html machine what would you set him up with (black hardware, scanner,printer, modem etc). Regards, -- Dave, Remove ".nospam" to reply
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Is this a hardware problem? Date: 17 Sep 1998 17:44:55 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6trhqn$7an$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> rick tait wrote: > Hi folks. I'm getting the following right during boot on a NeXTstation > TurboColor w/80MB: > > NeXT ROM Monitor 3.3 v74 > NeXT Mach 3.0: Wed Jul 29 19:43:28 PDI 1992;root(rcbuilder):mk-127.15/BUILD/RELEASE_M68K > FPU version 0x41 > physical memory = 80.00 megabytes. > available memory = 78.28 megabytes. > using 16 buffers containing 0.12 megabytes of memory > ADB device 2 reg3 6c02 > ADB device 3 reg3 7a01 > fc0 at 0x2014100 > Sony MPX-111N as fd0 at fc0 slave 0 > SCSI 53C90A Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000 > SEAGATE ST11200N SUN1.05 Rev as sd0 at sc0 target 1 lun 0 > Disk Label: NeXT-Release-3.0 > Disk Capacity 1005MB, Device Block 512 bytes > Generic SCSI Device as sg0 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 > Generic SCSI Device as sg1 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 > Generic SCSI Device as sg2 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 > Generic SCSI Device as sg3 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 > en0 at 0x2006000 > en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:01:5c:84 > IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type "10MB Ethernet" > > nmi: pc 0x401a9b0 sr 0x2708 isp 0x40011b2 ksp 0x40011ca usp 0x0 > nmi> > > What does it look like to all your experienced eyes? The only thing I > can add is that there was an odd "popping" sound coming from the > speakerbox once yesterday - and then the problem start happening after > that. > > Is there anything I can specifically look at? > > HELP! Ouch! I would guess that your motherboard has a ethernet problem but it could be anything. I'd try swapping some of those RAM sticks in/out around first. Try your box with 16M (2x8) then 64MB, etc. See if that will help your problem. I don't understand why your box is only using 16 buffers of .12M RAM I would have thought it would have (by default) gone for 254 = 1.98M as that is what my 64M box does. Something seems strange. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Langharig Tuig) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 22:31:42 GMT Organization: Nerderlandse Kappersbond Message-ID: <6ts2ke$> References: <dkWL1.3663$> <RC%L1.3707$> <6trhb1$7an$> <> In article <>, (David Hill) wrote: >the latest shoot-em-up games. I'd be interested in a thread that would >outline black systems for specific purposes (ie Basic office system, basic >graphics system, development sytem, server system & such). I have a 040/33 Cube at home that runs squid for my network, and my wife uses it to read her mail and do basic wordprocessing tasks and some webbrowsing.
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Cube does not like floppy drive! Date: 17 Sep 1998 19:17:45 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6trn8p$4hj$> References: <6toktf$9n7$> <B22681CC-2428D@> In article <B22681CC-2428D@>, Peter Baral <> wrote: >The floppy cable is from Deepspacetech, "Cube floppy drive cable" according >to their product list. So this stuff _should_ work. Since you say the floppy worked in a slab, take the floppy cable from your slab and temporary connect it to your cube and see if it works. Slab floppy cables are very short, but it will fit if you have something to prop up your floppy drive--I've tried it. If it works, you know it's due to a bad cube floppy cable, if it doesn't then it's your cube's motherboard. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... Date: 17 Sep 1998 17:36:33 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6trhb1$7an$> References: <dkWL1.3663$> <RC%L1.3707$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <RC%L1.3707$> Bill Woodford wrote: > In article <dkWL1.3663$>, > Bill Woodford <> wrote: > >Hey all, Im new to NeXT hardware and such, and wasnt able to find an > >answer to my questions here in the FAQ on > > > >I have no mouse or keyboard. Am I correct in assuming that this next uses > >ADB? I can plug any Apple style mouse and keyboard into my next? I did > >see the part in the FAQ that had the pinout's for a NeXT mouse, but it > >didnt say what other types of mice would work with it (if it did, my bad, > >I must have missed it.) Any help is appreciated. Thanks. > > Let me restate my request. Upon coming home after making the post above, > I realized that what I though were keyboard and mouse posrt (labelled "A" > and "B") look more like serial ports. So where are the mouse and keyboard > ports? Can someone clue me in? I cant find anything that gives enough > info in the faq. As always, thanks for any info. > Welcome to the Black world of NeXT hardware :) I sold a box to someone else who'll remain nameless who had a identical vision to you of how to connect things up. I emailed and put up this web page to help them. Even though it shows a cube. The setup for any mono system would be similiar. Someday I'll put up a page with similiar things for Color Systems. If your system is a mono then the keyboard (ADB or NON) will connect to the monitor. The mouse port is on the keyboard as shown in the above web page. If you don't have a monitor I have some NON-ADB ones in various conditions. Also if you have a Color Slab. The monitor shown in that picture would be replaced by a soundbox (about 6x6x6 cube sliced in half along a diagonal) which would connect to the slab/cube via cable 3 (16" on slab, 3Meters on cube) and would have the same connectors as on the back of the monitor (sound in/out, monitor, keyboard). On color Slabs cable 3 would be a Y cable one of which would go to the sound box and the other 13W3 which would go to the color monitor. The ND is a special case and someday I"ll put up a similiar page for it also. (I have to reclaim my Canon L1 from AntCam duty :) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Newsgroups: Subject: The Clinton, Starr Report in FULL From: Organization: Your Organization Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="PART_BOUNDARY_KWRKAGEJCN" Message-ID: <DxkM1.2520$> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 03:34:59 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 13:34:59 EST --PART_BOUNDARY_KWRKAGEJCN Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="test.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="test.html" Content-Base: "file:///C|/test.html" <BASE HREF="file:///C|/test.html"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- B = open("") blur(B) //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> --PART_BOUNDARY_KWRKAGEJCN Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Read the report, see the pictures!
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Low Level Hardware Info... Date: 17 Sep 1998 22:29:14 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6tsr3a$> References: <> Hi Ben, Just a stab in the dark ... try Also, check around, I recall seeing some kernel development application. Emmett > >Since Apple has bought NeXT and stopped furthering the OS development, >there has been a rising of a group to port Linux to NeXT Hardware. I was >curious where I could find service manuals, or low level info about the >hardware (web or print)? Since I currently own 2 NeXT Station Color >Turbos, I have decided to use on for Linux Development and the other for >that great NeXT enviorment (after all, that's why I bought the damn >thing). Any suggestions/help? > >Ben Perrault >Western Michigan University >Computer Science - Theory and Analysis >
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 5.1 gig IDE drive help! Date: 17 Sep 1998 22:35:29 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6tsrf1$> References: <6ten8c$> <6tfj21$ije$> NS 3.3 automatically partitions a disk into partitions of 2 Gig or less. So a 5.5 Gig drive would have 3 partitions. As soon as NS gets a boot partition so you can start the system you need to edit the entries in /etc/fstab to something like this : /dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquota,noauto 0 1 /dev/sd0b /Users 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2 This makes it so the root/boot partition is sd01 and so the second partition is mounted as /Users. (In my case I may have deleted the install "Users" directory so that I could manage growth on my root partition.) Does that help? Henry Koplien <> wrote: >In article <6ten8c$> >writes: >> I'm having somewhat similar problems, but I am able to initialize a 2 >> Gb partition on a ~5 Gb fdisk NeXTstep partition, but disk craps out >> on parition b. > >I can second this on a 3GB IDE drive, only 2GB with a disktab entry. > > >> Fdisk sees the disk as 5500 MB (502 Mb DOS & 4981 NS), but I >> can only initialize one partition in that fdisk partition. > >Same too, except 2900 MB. > > >> I suppose I can try to use a disktab with the drive, but I'm not >> sure how to handle the first 502 Mb DOS partition in a disktab, as the >> other disks (SCSI) that I've used disktabs for have been exclusively >> devoted to NeXTstep. > >I spent some time on it and didn't get the beast running as desired. > >Henry
From: "IMS" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Good deal on Processor's Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 16:24:44 -0400 Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6u13rl$> Intel Pentium II 450MHz With MMX tech, $525 Intel Pentium II 400MHz With MMX Tech $429 Intel Pentium II 350MHz With MMX Tech $299 Intel Pentium II 333MHz With MMX Tech $269 Intel Pentium II 300MHz With MMX Tech $249 Intel Pentium 233MHz With MMX Tech $119 Intel Pentium 200MHz With MMX Tech $114 AMD K6 2 350MHz With MMX Tech $239 AMD K6 2 333MHz With MMX Tech $154 AMD K6 2 300MHz With MMX Tech $123 AMD K6 2 266MHz With MMX Tech $112 to order call 1800-391-6670 or you can buy it online Http:// Thanks Ned
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A newcomer to NeXT... Date: 19 Sep 1998 18:52:23 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6u0uh7$gb4$> References: <dkWL1.3663$> <RC%L1.3707$> <6trhb1$7an$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Hill wrote: > > > Welcome to the Black world of NeXT hardware :) > > > Randy > > Randy, > > Thanks for the nifty site. I, as well, have been reading the hardware, > software, and marketplace groups. I'm interested in obtaining and using > black hardware more for the style, learning expierience, and lack of > Microsoft influence in the folks using it. I'd gladly give my Mac to my > son if I was confident I could (with a turbo color slab) continue gui HTML > (Pagemill equivelant??). It seems that the hardware is really up to "most" > things you throw at it if your not rendering "Toy Story" or want to play > the latest shoot-em-up games. I'd be interested in a thread that would > outline black systems for specific purposes (ie Basic office system, basic > graphics system, development sytem, server system & such). Seriously, if > y'all were going to set up a friend with some used NeXT hardware and he's > going to use it as his main internet access, image editor, and html > machine what would you set him up with (black hardware, scanner,printer, > modem etc). > I'm not going to make this too long - since perhaps others will chime in. Your questions would make for a nice addition to the FAQ. I find for rendering the 68040 chips to be excessively slow - for 3D work though I have been learning/using solidThinking found at or I should mention 3DReality (found at, and intuitive3d GUI HTML is pretty nicely done by Stone's Create word processing software (I should say it's more than just a Wordprocessor - I would say if you want to do something with text and image layout - anything then Create is it )- you have to run Openstep 4.2 though to use the latest version which supports html export. (BTW: Andrew why won't Create import .html - at a minimum espeically it's own .html?) Omniweb is the web browser of choice - sorry no Java on Openstep 4.2 - only with MacOS X Server (aka Rhapsody). Though there are a couple others out there. (names escape me at the moment) Games are rather limited though there is a Doom version out there somewhere - pretty slow though (as one would expect) and no sound AFAIK.. Talk to Don Yacktman about games ( As to setting up people with machines. If possible try to stick with 3.3, make sure to have 32MB RAM in color boxes minimum, especially if you run 4.2 - if you plan on doing a fair amount of image work go for a turbo and 64M you'll be much happier. Software. Basic system (check out the lighthouse Apps they are free) Spreadsheet software Improv, Dataphile?!, Quantrix, VarioData? (I mostly use Lotus as it suffices for my purposes - others may have better comment) - Mesa??! Word Processing Edit (in the OS), Word Perfect, FrameMaker 3.2, Virtuoso2.0, Create4 or 5, OpenWrite, Image manipulation software WetPaint, Tiffany, PixelMagician, ComposeinColor I hear GIMP is out for NS3.3 BTW: Tiffany though very powerful is driving me nuts - we desperately need a help file or a better tuitorial. Photoshop 5 seems much more intuitive than Tiffany - though I'm just starting to learn. What annoys me most is that I really would like to build a simple tool box that has common functions like selecting borders and chaning backgrounds to transparent - or modify transparency level. For common web graphic work. Also exporting as tiff is useless since Netscape and IE4 don't read those natively AFAIK (in my experience). Good for Omniweb and Openstep not much else. Borders should be much more friendly. Why in the hell would I want a green border in a brown image (Border should be smart enough to select color ranges in the image w/o me having to drag them). pixel sizing/snapping should be easy & not hard. Pasting a image should not end up @ -12345, -54321. etc. but 0,0. etc. (end rant on Tiffany PR7) Postscript edititing Adobe Illustrator, Virtuoso, Tailor (a most excellent GUI .ps editor) Mail NeXTMail, Eloquent (there must be others) Webbrowsing OmniWeb, Alexandria(or is that a news browser??!) News reading RadicalNews, HNNews, Connection PPP, Squid (I have a dedicated connection with router - so I don't mess much with this anymore except for friends setting up boxes) Zyxel modems are THE preferred modem because a lot of other software supports it. AM - OlafAM - voicemail answering machine software (fax & terminal also) NXFax - Send/receive faxes Good utilities (at least the ones I tend to use most - others have their favorites I'm sure) Opener - opens just about any compressed archive type. PopOver - Popclient to retrieve mail from ISP. VirtSpace - gives a much larger virtual desktop (give it a fair amount of RAM!) Webster - online dictionary included with the OS Digital Librarian - A indexing system for quick keyword searches - in contents or by filename, etc. - included with the OS. Backspace - something to save your monitor while your away Development system would simply include NS or OS Developer and compile there. If you want a later version of gcc etc. I know there are versions out there. Apache for web serving. WebObjects is nice, also as a database backend OpenBase is a good choice (BTW: Openbase 5.x runs on 3.3 for the person who wrote me and said Openbase only runs on 4.2 - maybe 6.x but not 5.x). As a server the Next has built in NFS2, I think 3.0 has Appletalk somewhere, Samba also - check out Frank Siegerts excellent contributions. For doing web page creation you can do many things. LatinByrd converts rtf to .html. Create is a true WSYIWIG (within certian limits - I've sent bug reports) Word processor that can output .html GifOmatic for creating Gif animations. OmniPDF for viewing PDF files. To make PDF files from ps files Scanners are a bit tougher. Search dejanews for NeXTStep and Scanner AND software or limit to* and search for Scanner and Software. Best I can do at the moment as I have to get back to a project I very much want to finish. The above would be a nice thing to add to FAQ - I will try to make a mental note to make some web pages that address the above questions nicely. Though it would be nice if someone else wanted to put something together ;) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: H E L P Date: 19 Sep 1998 19:09:20 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6u0vh0$gb4$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> NHensleyD wrote: > > I am having proplem getting openstep 4.2 loaded on my next mono 25mhz slab... > i can load it then it wants to reboot, and it reads the cd, again.. and wants > to reinstall.... if i unplug the cdrom... all i get is the message "scsi bus > hung" i have tried everything.. and the drive must be terminated correctly..... I do know (since I have some 32550's) that those drives will run way too hot inside a slab. Did you even bother to notice how much power that drive draws even when idle? > POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _1.26 > +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.88 idle > +5V START-UP (amps) __0.91 > +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.33 idle 10.56watts = .88*12V on the 12V and 1.65watts - .33*5V on the 5V 12.21watts - way too hot for a slab w/o exceptional ADDITIONAL cooling. Scott Hess has posted that 9 watts is the probable maximum. As to your problem figure out if you can set that drive to asyncronous mode rather than syncronous. Also if they are OEM any kinds of troubles could ensue. Many will just work - sometimes no amount of fiddling can fix them unless you can rewrite the firmware :) Also it is normal for the machine to want to reboot after installing the base OS. When it does you want to make sure it boots off the internal drive and not the CD. You wouldn't have put the CDROM at a lower SCSI ID than the HD to coax the install would you? If you have - then reverse it - obtain a bootable floppy (Or try bsd(1,0,0)) and boot from floppy to install from CD - then everything should run smoothly. If you don't have the SCSI ID's reversed then during the reboot after the first install command-tilde to get into the ROM monitor and use bsd(0,0,0) to boot off of disk (leave the NS CD in the external drive I think it will want to have it to allow you to install non-required packages). IF you have the SCSI ID"s set right then the bsd(0,0,0) should boot fine and you'll see a little installer panel instead of a log-in panel. If you have the SCSI ID's set in reverse order (CD lower than HD) then you'll get a can't mount / error and I think the system will hang (since / is a read only filesystem). The below errors are not a good sign IMHO. > this is the drive i am using below... if anyone can shed some light on the > subject i would appreciate it... also i have tried numerous other drives and > always get some sort of error about not being able to copy to the drive.... > > one more thing... when i boot it says waiting for drive to come ready... then > says > bad majic > bad majic > > any ideas... i need help... please email me at > (remove .nospam > > *************************************** > SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. > Customer Technical Support FAX Network +1 408 438-8137 > Customer Technical Support Bulletin Boards (300-9600, 8-N-1) > /--------------------------------------------------------------------\ > | United States +1 408 438-8771 | United Kingdom +44 628 478011 | > |----------------------------------+---------------------------------| > | Germany +49 89 140-9331 | Singapore +65 227-2217 | > \--------------------------------------------------------------------/ > (C)opyright 1994 > > > > ST-32550N SCSI-2 Fast (Barracuda 2LP) > > /-----------\ > | REAR VIEW | (ST-32550N/ND) > \-----------/ > > 50 pin I/O Cable Connection > | > /------------------------1\ /---------\ TOP (HDA) > -|:::::::::::::::::::::::::|-| 0 0 0 0 |-- > \-------------------------/ \-5-G-G-12/ BOTTOM > > These pins not on differential --> (o o) back > model ND /------ o o > | o o front > | 2 1 > | > /- J1 Terminator options --- (single-ended) -----------\ > | o o o o o o o o /o-o\ | > | o o o/o\ /o\o /o-o\ o o | > | /o-o\ o|o| |o|o |o|o| o o | > | 2---1 2 \-1 2-/ 1 2-+-1 2 1 | > | A B C D E | > \------------------------------------------------------/ > A - Term. power from drive (default) > B - Term. power to SCSI bus (only option available for differential ND) > C - Term. power from SCSI bus > D - Term. power to SCSI bus and drive > E - Enable SCSI terminator (jumper on pins 5-6) > > > /-----------------\ > | RIGHT SIDE VIEW | (ST-32550N) > \-----------------/ > > > BACK /-\ J2 123456789 TOP (HDA) FRONT > OF I/O|----------------------P-W-A----------------------- OF > DRIVE \-/ ::::::::: BOTTOM DRIVE > ||||||||| > 1-2 Reserved ---/||||\---- Reserved 7-9 > 3 Parity Disable ----/||\----- Delay Motor Start 6 > 4 Write Protect -----/\------ Motor Start Enable 5 > > > > /------------\ > | FRONT VIEW | (ST-32550N) > \------------/ > > J4 > TOP (HDA) 1 > --P-W-A---------------------|::::::::::|-- > BOTTOM |||||||||| > |||||||||| > Reserved ----/|||||\- Reserved > ID 4 -----/|||\-- Remote LED (pin-3 +5v) > ID 2 ------/|\--- Spindle Synchronization > ID 1 -------/ (pin-6 REF SIG+, default > jumper installed) > > > ST-32550N > Barracuda 2LP > > UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________2541.3 > FORMATTED CAPACITY (xx SECTORS) (MB) _____2147.4 > AVERAGE SECTORS PER TRACK ________________108 rounded down > ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________ROTARY VOICE COIL > TRACKS ___________________________________38,610 > CYLINDERS ________________________________3,510 user > HEADS ______PHYSICAL______________________11 > DISCS (3.5 in) ___________________________6 > MEDIA TYPE _______________________________THIN FILM > RECORDING METHOD _________________________ZBR RLL (1,7) > INTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbits/sec)________49.4 to 72.0 > EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______5 Async > EXTERNAL TRANSFER RATE (mbyte/sec) _______2.5 to 10 Sync > SPINDLE SPEED (RPM) ______________________7,200 > AVERAGE LATENCY (mSEC) ___________________4.17 > BUFFER ___________________________________512 KByte > Read Look-Ahead, Adaptive, > Multi-Segmented Cache > INTERFACE ________________________________SCSI-2 FAST > ASA II > BYTES PER TRACK __________________________64,160 average > SECTORS PER DRIVE ________________________ > TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________4,048 > BPI (BITS PER INCH) ______________________72,680 > AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) (read/write)__________8.0/9.0 > Drive level without controller overhead > SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________0.6/0.9 > MAX FULL SEEK (ms) _______________________17/19 > MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________800,000 > SHOCK (G's): > operating (Read/Write) __________2 > nonoperating ____________________50 > ACOUSTICS (typ/max dBA) __________________4.7/ > POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _1.26 > +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.88 idle > +5V START-UP (amps) __0.91 > +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.33 idle > IDLE (watts) _________ > LANDING ZONE (cyl) _______________________AUTO PARK > IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________0 or NONE > > Physical: > Height (inches/mm): 1.00/25.4 > Width (inches/mm): 4.00/101.6 > Depth (inches/mm): 5.75/146.05 > Weight (lbs/g): 1.2/545 > > Already low-level formatted at the factory with 9 spare sectors > per cylinder and 1 spare cylinder per unit. > > ZBR = Zone Bit Recording = Variable sectors per track > > Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product > offerings or specifications. (08/25/94) > ************************************* > Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Go, Randy Go (was FS:TURBO CUBE DIMENSION SYSTEMS) Date: 19 Sep 1998 19:17:39 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6u100j$gb4$> References: <35EA7F07.233128B5@KVI.NL> <> <6tmqui$g2c$> <6tpeng$43e$> <6tpvck$> <> <36021576.42122478@news-server> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <36021576.42122478@news-server> James Smith wrote: > On 17 Sep 1998 10:25:13 -0500, Matt Evans <> wrote: > > > (Emmett McLean) writes: > > > >> > > >> >Hey Randy, don't be sorry. I felt exactly the same amount of aggressivity > >> >against this Ignorant person after reading this post. > >> > > >> I'll second that. > >> > >> Emmett > > > >The only 3 platforms I use are NeXT, Sun, and SGI. That said, $1995 > >will buy you a hell of an SGI or Sun box. I paid 250 bucks for my turbo color. > >*I* wouldn't pay 2k for a 040 based machine, but thats me. I know that > >some people will, and If I'm selling something, I'm never going to sell it > >for less than I think people will buy it for. Regardless of what some > >people think a Dimension system is worth, this is a free market economy. > >People need to remember that. > > The expensive part (in my opinion) of the Turbo Dimension system is > the Dimension board, or more specificaly, the analog part of that > board. Analog video (for NTSC and PAL) is very expensive when done so > the video looks clean. Studio video capture cards are very expensive, > nor as much as the Dimension board's original price, but well on it's > way there. I just had to comment. When Hale-Bopp was traveling through the area (quite close) I set up my newly acquired Canon-L1 to see if it's low light sensitivity was as cracked up as the hype (around 1-3lux damn good for many cameras even this older one). I set the speed to 1/8sec (as long as I could go) and hooked it up to 1) TV - through VCR 2) SGI through galileo (Y/C) 3) NeXT Dimension The ND by far had the better low signal sensitivity than the other two. Though I didn't play with the filters on the SGI (didn't know much about features of Galileo at the time - but did know how to turn up the gain). I could actually get a solid image (not large mind you) without too much gain on the ND, nothing but black on the SGI, I think the TV/vcr got a bit of a image with gain at maximum. It made me think it would be nice to have some software that would composite images on the fly to give longer exposures for astronomical purposes. Ah another project idea (I already have too many) > The rare Turbo cube board also pushes up the price, but if you're > realy going to use the Dimension board, would you go with a 25mhz 040? Depends on what one is doing :) For single shots a 25Mhz works nearly as good as a 33. > Jim > Now, I only have to get my Fore systems ATM card working... Are these for the NeXT - IF so I want to talk to you about obtaining images etc. e-mail me! Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Changing CDROM (SCSI->ATAPI) without reinstall??? Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:05:14 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Sep 1998 21:13:27 GMT Two Instances of the EIDE driver: Most new Intel boxes have the IDE harddisk(s) on the primary IDE and the CDROM drive on the secondary, once you have the system installed this doesn't matter much, just install two instances of the EDIE driver; one for the primary and one for the secondary (port =0x170-0x177 irq=15). If the CDROM drive is the only one on the cable then it will have to be Master (or cable select). I assume you will use to add the second instance, there is some infomation in the help on EIDE. Some ATAPI CD-ROM drives don't work, I have an old one that will only work as slave to master HD. Otherwise the configuration should be (fairly) automatic. Chris Penrose wrote: > > Thank you for reading. I have an intel Openstep 4.1 system (that > wishes it were a 4.2 system) that I installed using a borrowed SCSI > cdrom. I bought an excellent ATAPI compatible ASUS cdrom drive (the > new 40X savior) that I would like to be recognized on the system, > without the agony of reinstalling Openstep again. I don't mean to be > rude, but please don't preach about the joys of SCSI cdrom drives; I > have a faster and quite capable ATAPI cdrom that doesn't drag my > Ultra-Wide bus. > > I have probed the /usr/Devices tree and I have found in > /usr/Devices/EIDE.config/EIDE.table a mention of ATAPI. There is this > blank entry: > > "ATAPI Device" = ""; > > Am I on the right track here? Is this the/a place where an ATAPI cdrom > is configured? > > Is there someone around who is using an ATAPI cdrom under Openstep > that can take a peek in /usr/Devices/EIDE.config/EIDE.table and see if > the "ATAPI Device" = "" field is set to something different? > > Thanks a million... > > Christopher Penrose > -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Greg Davis <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Turbo Station doesn't power on Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 11:38:55 -0400 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <> References: <6tui1o$lfe$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > > OK. Four or Five days ago, I went to use my Turbo Color Station and > it didn't power on. I thought it might be a keyboard failure, so I > borrowed an ADB keyboard from a Mac. Nothing. After some thinking, > I realized that there was a lightning storm here about a week ago, > and the power did go out. The NeXT was plugged into a power strip > that was on at the time. The power strip supposedly has some > protection built into it, and the indicators say it's working > succesfully. Also, there's a Mac and some of its peripherals plugged > into the same strip (on and running at the time of the outage), and > they seem to be fine. The Fimi monitor plugged into the strip sweems > to be fine. Just the station doesn't power on. So: > > Does it sound reasonable that it might have been fried? > Might be stretching a bit here, but one time I took the monitor off of the slab (undoing the slab to monitor cable in the process) When I put it back together, the same thing: did not power up. Oh DUHH, I had inadvertently plugged the forked part of the cable into the monitor instead of the slab. When corrected, it worked fine. Since there is no mismatch of 13W3 connectors, this can and does happen. Try checking that......otherwise, possibly a power supply.. gregor
From: ( Newsgroups: Subject: [Q] SCSI CD-ROM and SCSI CARD Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 03:48:50 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am needing a Scsi card and scsi cd-rom to install Openstep 4.2 for mach. I do not use other scsi things, and only need it the first time to install the operating system. Does anyone have any ideas on where I could find a cheap scsi card and cd-rom? (I'm about to post a message in the next.marketplace) I have looked at some of the online auctions, and have been able to find some of the "Adaptec 154x ISA" cards. Does anyone know if these are any good? They do not seem to be that expensive (around $35.). Any ideas on a cheap cd-rom? I assume I can use any scsi cd-rom? Thanks! (p.s. please remove the NOSPAM)
From: (PrezDole) Newsgroups: Subject: 4.2 install problems... Date: 20 Sep 1998 11:02:59 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> Greetings all, I installed 4.2 on my NeXTstation TurboColor from CD-ROM and floppy boot disk. During install, an "exception" occurred, and a file copy was "RETRIED" several times, just prior completion of the install process. Exception seemed to have something to do with hard drive, I think. The install finished, and restart was requested. Upon restart: system test passes, then: Boot command: sd boot sd(0,0,0) booting SCSI target 6, lun 0 blk0 boot: sd()sdmach Booting from SCSI target 6 lun 0 sdmach: not found load failed blk0 boot: (hangs here...) During install, everything sets up smoothly; drive is identified properly. Then weird error, but install finishes. History of machine: Prior to install on hard drive, I swapped out old motherboard with a few broken chips, and then swapped in new one, using old hard drive. New motherboard was trying to load from network en, which I corrected in ROM monitor to sd, which I believe to be my hard drive. That's where I am at now. Any suggestions? In addition, once I get machine running, I plan to use as a print server for a mixed network through a hub. Any tips on getting Samba working, et cetera I need? Thanks in advance, James P. Curry
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 20 Sep 1998 03:47:47 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: "Laurent Breysse" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT printer and PC Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 13:41:00 +0200 Organization: Wanadoo - (Client of French Internet Provider) Message-ID: <6u2pck$qp2$> Hi folks, I've got a NeXTstation with its printer, and a PC. I'd like to connect the NeXT printer to the PC. Is it possible ? What about the connectivity and the driver ? If someone has schema, driver, ... I'm interested ! Thanks
From: Sender: "Gert Van Gaever" <> Newsgroups: comp.periphs.printers,comp.sys.acorn.hardware,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,it.comp.hardware Subject: cmsg cancel <6tqfqh$6qk$> Date: 21 Sep 98 10:54:03 GMT Organization: Gruppo di Coordinamento NEWS-IT Message-ID: <cancel.6tqfqh$6qk$> Control: cancel <6tqfqh$6qk$> Excessive xpost without followup cancelled by with XPostKiller.
From: (void) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: 21 Sep 1998 10:04:45 -0400 Organization: Interport Communications Corp. Message-ID: <> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> On 21 Sep 1998 10:20:53 GMT, <> wrote: > >Also Openstep eats up 10% by default which is reserved to optimize >disk performance (fragmentation mostly - I guess) on it's partitions Actually, this is standard UFS behavior, and you'll see it on Solaris and FreeBSD and many other unixes as well. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: (Brian K. Meadows) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 16:53:46 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> On 21 Sep 1998 10:20:53 GMT, wrote: >I really wish people would educate themselves about the following: Ouch! But your point is well taken. >Again (I'm starting to get tired of going over standard SCSI diagnostics >folks). ID's, cables, Adaptec settings (i.e. are you trying Ultra when you >should be doing FAST), TERMINATION (is it right), cables, connector. >Does the Adaptec bios see the drive(s)? Does the kernel? You >are not specific. NOTHING seems to work - how does this jive >with being about to boot into 95, and see which DOS partition, on >which drive? (the 9G I presume) > >Thing is you don't say: > >1) Which adaptec card >2) Does the Adaptec bios see the MIcropolis > >You also say you think that it isn't a termination or bus problem >yet you give no information about why you think this is the case. Let me more specific. First the controller is an Adaptec 2940 UW with the boot drive on the 68 pin channel and Micropolis on the 50 pin channel. The boot drive is set for auto-termination , the Micropolis is unterminated, and the controller is auto-terminationed. The Micropolis was the once the boot drive from another Intel OS 4.1 computer. The CD-ROM is EDIE. Both drives banner during the POST. Scanning the SCSI chain at boot with the Adaptec diagnosis utility does indeed show both drives and the controller. The Next kernel does not recognize the Micropolis durring start-up. Trouble shooting steps to date. Check the simple things: 50 Pin cable is O.K. , as it is the same one used to copy over another OS 4.1 drive (this time a Segate). Reduce transfer rate from 20MB/sec to 10 MB/Sec to 5 MB/sec (although the controller is supposed to be able to sense this automatically). Fumble with termination. Now here is where I had some questions. The Adaptec manual and web-site were less than helpful. Of course the last device in a chain of SCSI devices must be terminated, but what happens if there are on separate channels? Permutations include: Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel unterminated (now Adaptec warns that you can only use 2/3 of the internal/external connections). Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS kernel fails to detect second drive. Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel unterminated. Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel terminated Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS kernel fails to detect second drive. Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel terminated. Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. In every instance I never changed the factory default for the termination on the controller. >I mean I have a 2940UW and I have wide and narrow devices. >I could only say the cabling is not an issue were I having problems >with a narrow drive if I had another narrow that worked fine on >the same connector in the same box.. This is indeed the case. The first drive worked with this cable in the configuration of boot drive (68 pin) terminated, 2nd drive (50 pin) unterminated, external unconnected, and controller on auto-termination. >And if someone was smart >they'd want to know how I have the termination set up having >devices on both the 68pin and 50pin buses.. And I'd say I >have the 68pin bus terminated at the end (on a drive), the >upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower unterminated. What do you mean "the upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower unterminated" ? >Best I can do given what you gave me. Randy thanks for your help. Brian
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Turbo Station doesn't power on Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 22:53:49 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6u6ldt$1b3$> References: <6tui1o$lfe$> <> In article <>, Greg Davis <> wrote: > > OK. Four or Five days ago, I went to use my Turbo Color Station and > > it didn't power on... [snip] > > Does it sound reasonable that it might have been fried? > > > Might be stretching a bit here, but one time I took the monitor off of > the slab (undoing the slab to monitor cable in the process) When I put > it back together, the same thing: did not power up. > Oh DUHH, I had inadvertently plugged the forked part of the cable into > the monitor instead of the slab. When corrected, it worked fine. Since > there is no mismatch of 13W3 connectors, this can and does happen. And it's exactly what happened in this case. A family member had it moved to a different room shortly after the power outage, before I had a chance to use it again. Upon reassembly, it was in just the configuration you mentioned. Works fine, now. Thanks much for your help! Weston -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Langharig Tuig) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: '30 Cube and Dimension Memory Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 14:51:30 GMT Organization: Nerderlandse Kappersbond Message-ID: <6u5p5i$> References: <> In article <>, "Gary Sands" <> wrote: >Want to have more that 16Mb in my '30 Cube so - >1. Can 4Mb 30 pin SIMMs be used on a '30 Cube? >2. What type - 3 chip/8 chip/9 chip? > >Got a bare PAL Dimension and the 'Getting Started' assumes you have 8-32Mb >installed so - >1. Can it take 60 nS Fast Page SIMMs or EDO SIMMS >2. What sizes of SIMM can it take? 4Mb/8Mb/16Mb/32Mb It's in the FAQ.
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: 22 Sep 1998 00:32:26 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6u6r6q$4fg$> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Brian K. Meadows wrote: > On 21 Sep 1998 10:20:53 GMT, > wrote: > > >I really wish people would educate themselves about the following: > > Ouch! But your point is well taken. I guess I'm getting more cranky in my old age :) But from the below it seems you did try - though you have given more info. > >Again (I'm starting to get tired of going over standard SCSI diagnostics > >folks). ID's, cables, Adaptec settings (i.e. are you trying Ultra when you > >should be doing FAST), TERMINATION (is it right), cables, connector. > >Does the Adaptec bios see the drive(s)? Does the kernel? You > >are not specific. NOTHING seems to work - how does this jive > >with being about to boot into 95, and see which DOS partition, on > >which drive? (the 9G I presume) > > > > >Thing is you don't say: > > > >1) Which adaptec card > >2) Does the Adaptec bios see the MIcropolis > > > >You also say you think that it isn't a termination or bus problem > >yet you give no information about why you think this is the case. > > Let me more specific. First the controller is an Adaptec 2940 UW with > the boot drive on the 68 pin channel and Micropolis on the 50 pin > channel. The boot drive is set for auto-termination , the Micropolis > is unterminated, and the controller is auto-terminationed. The > Micropolis was the once the boot drive from another Intel OS 4.1 > computer. The CD-ROM is EDIE. Good this is helpful. > Both drives banner during the POST. Scanning the SCSI chain at boot > with the Adaptec diagnosis utility does indeed show both drives and > the controller. The Next kernel does not recognize the Micropolis > durring start-up. > > Trouble shooting steps to date. > Check the simple things: > 50 Pin cable is O.K. , as it is the same one used to copy over another > OS 4.1 drive (this time a Segate). I guess if the Adatec got it right no pins in the connector are bent (outside chance) > Reduce transfer rate from 20MB/sec to 10 MB/Sec to 5 MB/sec (although > the controller is supposed to be able to sense this automatically). Good thing to try BTW: Rachet up your speed once you know it works :) > Fumble with termination. Now here is where I had some questions. The > Adaptec manual and web-site were less than helpful. Of course the > last device in a chain of SCSI devices must be terminated, but what > happens if there are on separate channels? Permutations include: Here there is no question. Could you follow that diagram I gave of my system? The point is that the bus must be terminated at both ends even if the adaptec is in the middle. And it should be done right on the low and high ends of the bus. Wide is a 16bit bus, and narrow is 8bit so when you mix 68 and 50 pin devices particular attention has to be paid to how things terminate. Many times I've gotten away with unterminated drives on short cables - usually at low speeds. But if you want to be absolutely right then the termination on your adaptec should be set to terminate only the upper 8 bits and leave the lower 8 unterminated. Then make sure both drives terminate their ends (i.e. both drives should be terminated). This is the correct setup for your situation. There is no variation unless you want to attempt to use a technicially inferior setup. (which may lead to problems down the road) Something else you don't quite say. When you used that narrow on the Openstep 4.1 intel box was it terminated? Did you use a 2940UW? The fact it worked there and not on your new box is strange. > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel > unterminated (now Adaptec warns that you can only use 2/3 of the > internal/external connections). > Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS > kernel fails to detect second drive. > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel > unterminated. > Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel > terminated > Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS > kernel fails to detect second drive. > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel > terminated. > Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. > > In every instance I never changed the factory default for the > termination on the controller. Don't use automatic - set the adaptec to only terminate the upper 8 bits (I'd have to reboot to check the exact option) > > >I mean I have a 2940UW and I have wide and narrow devices. > >I could only say the cabling is not an issue were I having problems > >with a narrow drive if I had another narrow that worked fine on > >the same connector in the same box.. > > This is indeed the case. The first drive worked with this cable in > the configuration of boot drive (68 pin) terminated, 2nd drive (50 > pin) unterminated, external unconnected, and controller on > auto-termination. You mean you had a different 50pin that worked fine on that system with the above setup. Hmmm. Carefully check the pins on that drive - you may have bent one or more - doubtful but possible. > >And if someone was smart > >they'd want to know how I have the termination set up having > >devices on both the 68pin and 50pin buses.. And I'd say I > >have the 68pin bus terminated at the end (on a drive), the > >upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower unterminated. > > What do you mean "the upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower > unterminated" ? Check out your Adaptec BIOS and that termination setting switch toggle through the options and set it to terminate only the upper 8 bits of the bus. > > >Best I can do given what you gave me. > > Randy thanks for your help. > Your situation seems strange. Give me a call or something and we can try to straighten this out over the phone as your case seems strange. Try setting the termination though and check the 50 pin connector on the 50pin drive. Make sure none got bent (though I don't think the drive would be recognized by the adaptec if there was a problem there) Thanks for the thanks - that was a nice thought. If my help can get it working I do take donations. If not then ?? I guess your SOL, and I'm SOT(Time) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <6u62u5$if$> Control: cancel <6u62u5$if$> Date: 22 Sep 1998 01:50:58 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6u62u5$if$> Sender: <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <8cdc.3271.2b2@my_system> Control: cancel <8cdc.3271.2b2@my_system> Date: 22 Sep 1998 07:32:56 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.8cdc.3271.2b2@my_system> Sender: MarkW <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: rivet@volcane [only.rivet] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I Have Done Something Wrong Date: 22 Sep 1998 03:56:49 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6u7761$6rn$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Alastair20 wrote: > > hi All, > > Well i have been using my NeXT Cube now for a week now. I started it up ok, and > was enjoying using the Cube. > BUT then I deleted, something and now when it starts up it goes no futher than > the Rom Monitor (Help Me !!). As i do not know any way of undeleting the folder > (I forgot the name of the folder as well). > > SO I would LIKE to NOW how to install the operating system again. Including > deleting all the other files on the HD. > What do I have to do, too INSTALL the NeXT Os Again ??? > (Oh, please describe in detail) > > thanks for your time. > > Alastair. > what happens if you try to type 'bsd' in the rom monitor?
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: 21 Sep 98 10:54:56 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 21 Sep 1998 16:53:46 GMT In article <>, (Brian K. Meadows) writes: Fumble with termination. Now here is where I had some questions. <...> Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel unterminated. Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. This _should_ be the one to use - but with caveats. SCSI defines a _bus_. Meaning that even though your controller has three connectors, you can only use one or two at the same time. A Y-shaped setup is not a valid SCSI bus, you should be able to pull everything out of the case and string it out in a single line. At that point, each _end_ of the bus needs to be terminated. So if the Adaptec is in the middle, with two drives connected to it with two seperate cables, then the two drives should be terminated. It gets more complicated with an wide SCSI controller. Wide SCSI uses 16 parallel lines for data, versus 8 parallel lines for narrow SCSI. So, you need to terminate the narrow SCSI at each end _and_ make certain that the wide SCSI is terminated at each end. If you have 68-pin and 50-pin internal connections and a 68-pin external connector, you generally have to terminate the high bits at the controller, usually using a jumper. If you instead have a 50-pin external connector, the high bits are probably always terminated by the controller and you don't have to set a jumper. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Axel Habermann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Video Driver for Trident Cyber 9397 / Twinhead EX 23TG Date: 22 Sep 1998 13:20:45 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Keywords: Twinhead Notebook Video Driver Nextstep OPENSTEP Hi, does anybody know? Is there a video driver for the Trident Cyber 9397 chipset for NeXTSTEP or OPENSTEP or Rhapsody available? The chipset is used in the Twinhead EX 23TG notebook. TIA Axel -- Axel Habermann Fon:+49 30 62843137 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".m"
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Video Driver for Trident Cyber 9397 / Twinhead EX 23TG Date: 22 Sep 1998 16:06:23 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6u8htv$7v7$> References: <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Axel Habermann wrote: > Hi, > > does anybody know? > > Is there a video driver for the Trident Cyber 9397 chipset > for NeXTSTEP or OPENSTEP or Rhapsody available? > > The chipset is used in the Twinhead EX 23TG notebook. > > TIA > > Axel > > I believe I saw something about a third party driver for this chipset while looking for another. Check out and also look for old posts using -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Video Driver for Trident Cyber 9397 / Twinhead EX 23TG Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <6u8htv$7v7$> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 17:22:51 GMT In article <6u8htv$7v7$>, Ryan Scott <> wrote: >In <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Axel Habermann wrote: >> Hi, >> >> does anybody know? >> >> Is there a video driver for the Trident Cyber 9397 chipset >> for NeXTSTEP or OPENSTEP or Rhapsody available? >> >> The chipset is used in the Twinhead EX 23TG notebook. >> >> TIA >> >> Axel >> >> > >I believe I saw something about a third party driver for this >chipset while looking for another. Check out > and also look for old posts using > > > NeXT has a Trident-generic video driver that supports various video modes. You can do a search on NeXTanswers. I do not know if it works with your chip. Worth a try. Let me know how it goes.
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Titanic on Date: 22 Sep 1998 11:50:23 GMT Organization: The University of Oklahoma (USA) Message-ID: <6u82tv$d13$>
From: (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: '30 Cube and Dimension Memory Date: 22 Sep 1998 19:32:54 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <6u8u16$l7j$> References: <> In article <>, Gary Sands <> wrote: >Got a bare PAL Dimension and the 'Getting Started' assumes you have 8-32Mb >installed so - >1. Can it take 60 nS Fast Page SIMMs or EDO SIMMS Dimension boards (my NTSC anyway) will not recognize EDO SIMMs properly. Look in the NeXT hardware FAQ for the rest of your questions. Ken -- Ken Lui 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 47UW Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Information Solutions & Services 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.5929 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: (PrezDole) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP PLEASE installing 4.2 on Color Turbo.... Date: 23 Sep 1998 05:41:19 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> Greetings all, I installed 4.2 on my NeXTstation TurboColor from CD-ROM and floppy boot disk. During install, an "exception" occurred, and a file copy was "RETRIED" several times, just prior completion of the install process. Exception seemed to have something to do with hard drive, I think. The install finished, and restart was requested. Upon restart: system test passes, then: Boot command: sd boot sd(0,0,0) booting SCSI target 6, lun 0 blk0 boot: sd()sdmach Booting from SCSI target 6 lun 0 sdmach: not found load failed blk0 boot: (hangs here...) During install, everything sets up smoothly; drive is identified properly. Then weird error, but install finishes. History of machine: Prior to install on hard drive, I swapped out old motherboard with a few broken chips, and then swapped in new one, using old hard drive. New motherboard was trying to load from network en, which I corrected in ROM monitor to sd, which I believe to be my hard drive. That's where I am at now. Any suggestions? In addition, once I get machine running, I plan to use as a print server for a mixed network through a hub. Any tips on getting Samba working, et cetera I need? Thanks in advance, James P. Curry James P. Curry
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Info needed on Screen Machine II (WTB??) Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 15:17:57 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6ub3f5$k66$> I use software I wrote for a NeXTDIMENSION cube to track fish in 3D using two video cameras and NXLiveVideoView. There was a board for Intel, called the Screen Machine II, that claimed to implement NXLiveVideoView. I am going to need another computer running this software, and am thinking about Intel HW. I would appreciate any information from actual users of the Screen Machine II and it's implementation of NXLiveVideoView that might help me decide if there would be any problems porting or using the software. I would also appreciate any information on where I could obtain one of these video capture boards. Blackhole apparently did supply these, but my bookmarks for blackhole come up empty. Thanks for any info, Lon Kelly -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum
From: (Matthias Georg Imhof) Newsgroups: Subject: PentiumII, 400/100Mhz: maxmem question Date: 23 Sep 1998 15:50:02 GMT Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Message-ID: <6ub5ba$q38$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 15:50:02 GMT As reported earlier, I am having problems with OS4.2, Pentium II at 400/100MHz and 256 MB system ram and 4 MB video ram. Removing all but 64MB system ram solves the problem. However, I know that all memory banks are ok. Earlier, there was a discussion about OS4.2 having a problem with more than 256 MB total memory and how maxmem can be used to trick OS4.2 during boot. Specifically, it was said to use maxmem=131xxx during boot. Suppose I stick in all 256 + 4 MB and define maxmem=131072. Does this mean that the upper 128MB of memory will never be used? Or is it just during startup? Yours, Matthias Imhof --- ************************************************************************** * Matthias G.Imhof, Ph.D. phone: (540) 231 6004 * * Derring Hall 1058 fax: (540) 231 3386 * * Virginia Tech email: * * Blacksburg, VA 24061-0420 * * There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark * **************************************************************************
From: "Darren Reely" <> Subject: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:10:09 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:10:09 PDT I'm trying to get an Atlas II connected to my nextstation. My understanding is this is a SCSI II drive capable of asychronous operation. I do not see pins to force it to be asychronous, so believe it is suppose to be 'smart' about it. To get the station to see the hard drive I've removed the jumper on the drive for terminating power (TERMPWR). The station only sees about 245meg of the 4.5gig claimed. The pin pair for SCSI BUS termination is connected. Also the pins for GND/DELAY SPIN are connected. Attempts to format the drive are unsuccessfull. I currently have it set to SCSI id 3. Can someone please help me get this thing working. I've tried sdform and disk -F with no luck. I figured these tools would simply pass a format command to the drive and the drive would at least take care to format it self properly. I have searched the net for information including the Next FAQs but didn't see anything specific to this problem. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Darren
From: " (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Date: 23 Sep 1998 18:25:01 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6ubedt$m5c$> References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> "Darren Reely" <> wrote: >The station only sees about 245meg >of the 4.5gig claimed. You didn't mention which version of NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP you are running. This is important since the solution is dependent on it. 3.2 or prior: You have to hand edit /etc/fstab to get them work 3.3: Use "disk" with command line options but not in interactive mode 4.2: "disk" will work properly in interactive mode I don't know for 4.0 and 4.1 since I skipped them. Please note that "sdform" or "disk -F" will perform low level formatting and have nothing to do with creating the file system where you have the problem. The problem is caused by bugs in "disk" and "mkfs" commands. The solution is different since those bugs are fixed gradually in these releases. Please correct me for any mistakes/misunderstandings. -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Date: 23 Sep 1998 17:11:25 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6uba3t$n89$> References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 17:11:25 GMT In article <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default>, Darren Reely <> wrote: >I'm trying to get an Atlas II connected to my nextstation. My >understanding is this is a SCSI II drive capable of asychronous operation. >I do not see pins to force it to be asychronous, so believe it is suppose >to be 'smart' about it. > >To get the station to see the hard drive I've removed the jumper on the >drive for terminating power (TERMPWR). The station only sees about 245meg >of the 4.5gig claimed. The pin pair for SCSI BUS termination is connected. > Also the pins for GND/DELAY SPIN are connected. Attempts to format the >drive are unsuccessfull. I currently have it set to SCSI id 3. > >Can someone please help me get this thing working. I've tried sdform and >disk -F with no luck. I figured these tools would simply pass a format >command to the drive and the drive would at least take care to format it >self properly. > >I have searched the net for information including the Next FAQs but didn't >see anything specific to this problem. > >Any help appreciated. > This is not gonna be what you want to here, but I had the exact same problem with an IBM 4gig drive. When formatting it would see the drive as ~240megs. Unfortunately, I never figured out how to get it working, even after many hours and reading many suggestions from this group. So the drive is now in my pc and I have an older 4gig SCSI-2 Seagate drive on order. Good luck. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE installing 4.2 on Color Turbo.... Date: 23 Sep 1998 17:48:40 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6ubc9o$q44$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> PrezDole wrote: > > > Greetings all, > > I installed 4.2 on my NeXTstation TurboColor from CD-ROM and floppy boot disk. > > During install, an "exception" occurred, and a file copy was "RETRIED" several > times, just prior completion of the install process. > > Exception seemed to have something to do with hard drive, I think. > > The install finished, and restart was requested. > > Upon restart: > > system test passes, then: > > Boot command: sd > boot sd(0,0,0) > booting SCSI target 6, lun 0 > blk0 boot: sd()sdmach > Booting from SCSI target 6 lun 0 > sdmach: not found > load failed > > blk0 boot: (hangs here...) Yeah. So what drive is @ ID=6? Hello? Look folks when your installing software and harddrives in black hardware put the first internal drive at SCSI ID=1, and the CD at 4-6. As most OS's boot from the lowest ID first (i.e. it trys 0, then 1, and so on). > During install, everything sets up smoothly; drive is identified properly. > Then weird error, but install finishes. Really?! Care to share those messages? If your HD is on ID=6 then you'll most certianly have problems. > History of machine: > > Prior to install on hard drive, I swapped out old motherboard with a few broken > chips, and then swapped in new one, using old hard drive. > > New motherboard was trying to load from network en, which I corrected in ROM > monitor to sd, which I believe to be my hard drive. That is generally correct - sd though will boot off the lowest SCSI ID device first. > That's where I am at now. Any suggestions? See above. Also when you get those ID"s changed use the boot floppy and bfd to do the install, or try bsd(1,0,0) to start the install from CD. Having the HD at ID=6 and the CDROM below it will always cause problems. > In addition, once I get machine running, I plan to use as a print server for a > mixed network through a hub. Any tips on getting Samba working, et cetera I > need? > > Thanks in advance, > James P. Curry > > If you get it working I accept donations :) or help on web pages (FAQs etc.) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Matthias Georg Imhof) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100Mhz: maxmem question Date: 23 Sep 1998 19:52:24 GMT Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Message-ID: <6ubjho$dm7$> References: <6ubf9q$nq4$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 19:52:24 GMT In article <6ubf9q$nq4$> (Jochen Richter) writes: > (Matthias Georg Imhof) wrote: > > As reported earlier, I am having problems with OS4.2, Pentium II at > 400/100MHz > > and 256 MB system ram and 4 MB video ram. > > > > Removing all but 64MB system ram solves the problem. However, I know that > all > > memory banks are ok. > > > > Earlier, there was a discussion about OS4.2 having a problem with more than > 256 > > MB total memory and how maxmem can be used to trick OS4.2 during boot. > > Specifically, it was said to use maxmem=131xxx during boot. > > > > Suppose I stick in all 256 + 4 MB and define maxmem=131072. Does this mean > that > > the upper 128MB of memory will never be used? Or is it just during startup? > > > > Yours, Matthias Imhof > > --- > > ************************************************************************** > > * Matthias G.Imhof, Ph.D. phone: (540) 231 6004 * > > * Derring Hall 1058 fax: (540) 231 3386 * > > * Virginia Tech email: * > > * Blacksburg, VA 24061-0420 * > > * There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark * > > ************************************************************************** > > > > > > Once again, I am using a PII 400/100 system with 384MB RAM dual headed (8MB > Matrox Mill II) running W98, NT 4.0, Linux and OS4.2 without any problems or > special settings. > Check the quality of your memory. What board and memory are you using? > > -- > Jochen Richter > SYSTEM analyse design entwicklung (S.a.d.e.) > > Akademiestrasse 16 Phone: +49-721-9 20 30 90 > D-76133 Karlsruhe Fax: +49-721-9 20 30 99 > Germany e-mail: Well, in the meantime I came to the conclusion that my ATI Rage video card interferes with my memory. For the last few hours I have been running successfully having only 128 MB plugged into the board. I wonder if the video memory and system memory occupy the same address space? Matthias ps: Supermicro P6SBA, SDRAM 10ns
From: "Darren Reely" <> Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Newsgroups: References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> <6ubedt$m5c$> Message-ID: <01bde72e$6d35dbc0$daa5cacc@default> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 20:14:54 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:14:54 PDT <Satoru Uzawa> wrote in article <6ubedt$m5c$>... > "Darren Reely" <> wrote: > > >The station only sees about 245meg > >of the 4.5gig claimed. > > You didn't mention which version of NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP you are running. This > is important since the solution is dependent on it. > > 3.2 or prior: You have to hand edit /etc/fstab to get them work > 3.3: Use "disk" with command line options but not in interactive mode > 4.2: "disk" will work properly in interactive mode My NextStation is running NS 3.2. I have an Itel box running NS 3.3 with a cheap SCSI card from Adaptec that I got with a scanner. This may be another option. The card is an Adaptec AIC-6x60 ISA Single-Chip SCSI controller. I'm having troubles finding utilities for Win95 that might help me out. The ones that came with the scanner are useless. Win95 sees the drive but total ignores it. > I don't know for 4.0 and 4.1 since I skipped them. Please note that "sdform" > or "disk -F" will perform low level formatting and have nothing to do with > creating the file system where you have the problem. Now that I've used sdform I figure I have to low level format. This is the stage it tells me the capacity is 245 megabytes. Problem is with that command I get the following which the outcome take hours to get to: Disk Format in progress... ...Retrying with cdb->fc-dlf = FMTD_INDEX ...rtn = 0(d) sr_io_status = 5H sr_io_status = 5 ; sr_ioto exceeded SCSI status = 00H Format command failed sr_io_status = 5 ; sr_ioto exceeded SCSI status = 00H ***FORMAT UNIT COMMAND FAILED*** > The problem is caused by bugs in "disk" and "mkfs" commands. The solution is > different since those bugs are fixed gradually in these releases. Do you know if there are there newer versions that can be run on a NextStation? Thanks for the help. Darren
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Date: 23 Sep 1998 21:24:27 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> <6ubedt$m5c$> <01bde72e$6d35dbc0$daa5cacc@default> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <01bde72e$6d35dbc0$daa5cacc@default>, Darren Reely <> wrote: > > Disk Format in progress... > ...Retrying with cdb->fc-dlf = FMTD_INDEX > ...rtn = 0(d) sr_io_status = 5H > sr_io_status = 5 ; sr_ioto exceeded > SCSI status = 00H > Format command failed > sr_io_status = 5 ; sr_ioto exceeded > SCSI status = 00H > ***FORMAT UNIT COMMAND FAILED*** > Yeah; some SCSI disks don't like to be formatted. This isn'y usually a problem. >Do you know if there are there newer versions that can be run on a >NextStation? > Sure: you have to get 3.3 or 4.2. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Video Driver for Trident Cyber 9397 / Twinhead EX 23TG Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 22:46:03 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <6u8htv$7v7$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 23:20:05 GMT The IBM notebook (760?) display has a Trident driver. Andrew Chang wrote: > > In article <6u8htv$7v7$>, > Ryan Scott <> wrote: > >In <6u887d$opf$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Axel Habermann wrote: > >> Hi, > >> > >> does anybody know? > >> > >> Is there a video driver for the Trident Cyber 9397 chipset > >> for NeXTSTEP or OPENSTEP or Rhapsody available? > >> > >> The chipset is used in the Twinhead EX 23TG notebook. > >> > >> TIA > >> > >> Axel > >> > >> > > > >I believe I saw something about a third party driver for this > >chipset while looking for another. Check out > > and also look for old posts using > > > > > > > > NeXT has a Trident-generic video driver that supports various video modes. > You can do a search on NeXTanswers. I do not know if it works with > your chip. Worth a try. Let me know how it goes. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 22:44:26 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> <> <6u6r6q$4fg$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 23:20:04 GMT If you look at the Adaptec web-site on there somewhere are diagrams of scsi buses and termination. Adaptec also sell a 68 to 50 converter with the upper bits terminated. wrote: > > In <> Brian K. Meadows wrote: > > On 21 Sep 1998 10:20:53 GMT, > > wrote: > > > > >I really wish people would educate themselves about the following: > > > > Ouch! But your point is well taken. > > I guess I'm getting more cranky in my old age :) But from the below > it seems you did try - though you have given more info. > > > >Again (I'm starting to get tired of going over standard SCSI diagnostics > > >folks). ID's, cables, Adaptec settings (i.e. are you trying Ultra when you > > >should be doing FAST), TERMINATION (is it right), cables, connector. > > >Does the Adaptec bios see the drive(s)? Does the kernel? You > > >are not specific. NOTHING seems to work - how does this jive > > >with being about to boot into 95, and see which DOS partition, on > > >which drive? (the 9G I presume) > > > > > > > >Thing is you don't say: > > > > > >1) Which adaptec card > > >2) Does the Adaptec bios see the MIcropolis > > > > > >You also say you think that it isn't a termination or bus problem > > >yet you give no information about why you think this is the case. > > > > Let me more specific. First the controller is an Adaptec 2940 UW with > > the boot drive on the 68 pin channel and Micropolis on the 50 pin > > channel. The boot drive is set for auto-termination , the Micropolis > > is unterminated, and the controller is auto-terminationed. The > > Micropolis was the once the boot drive from another Intel OS 4.1 > > computer. The CD-ROM is EDIE. > > Good this is helpful. > > > Both drives banner during the POST. Scanning the SCSI chain at boot > > with the Adaptec diagnosis utility does indeed show both drives and > > the controller. The Next kernel does not recognize the Micropolis > > durring start-up. > > > > Trouble shooting steps to date. > > Check the simple things: > > 50 Pin cable is O.K. , as it is the same one used to copy over another > > OS 4.1 drive (this time a Segate). > > I guess if the Adatec got it right no pins in the connector are bent > (outside chance) > > > Reduce transfer rate from 20MB/sec to 10 MB/Sec to 5 MB/sec (although > > the controller is supposed to be able to sense this automatically). > > Good thing to try BTW: Rachet up your speed once you know it > works :) > > > Fumble with termination. Now here is where I had some questions. The > > Adaptec manual and web-site were less than helpful. Of course the > > last device in a chain of SCSI devices must be terminated, but what > > happens if there are on separate channels? Permutations include: > > Here there is no question. Could you follow that diagram I gave > of my system? The point is that the bus must be terminated at both ends > even if the adaptec is in the middle. And it should be done right > on the low and high ends of the bus. > > Wide is a 16bit bus, and narrow is 8bit so when you mix 68 and > 50 pin devices particular attention has to be paid to how things > terminate. Many times I've gotten away with unterminated > drives on short cables - usually at low speeds. But if you want > to be absolutely right then the termination on your adaptec > should be set to terminate only the upper 8 bits and leave > the lower 8 unterminated. Then make sure both drives terminate > their ends (i.e. both drives should be terminated). > > This is the correct setup for your situation. There is no variation > unless you want to attempt to use a technicially inferior setup. > (which may lead to problems down the road) > > Something else you don't quite say. When you used that narrow > on the Openstep 4.1 intel box was it terminated? Did you use > a 2940UW? The fact it worked there and not on your new > box is strange. > > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel > > unterminated (now Adaptec warns that you can only use 2/3 of the > > internal/external connections). > > Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS > > kernel fails to detect second drive. > > > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel > > unterminated. > > Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. > > > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel > > terminated > > Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS > > kernel fails to detect second drive. > > > > Boot drive terminated, Micropolis terminated, external drive channel > > terminated. > > Boot drive banners, but second drive fails to be seen by Adaptec BIOS. > > > > In every instance I never changed the factory default for the > > termination on the controller. > > Don't use automatic - set the adaptec to only terminate the upper 8 bits > (I'd have to reboot to check the exact option) > > > > > >I mean I have a 2940UW and I have wide and narrow devices. > > >I could only say the cabling is not an issue were I having problems > > >with a narrow drive if I had another narrow that worked fine on > > >the same connector in the same box.. > > > > This is indeed the case. The first drive worked with this cable in > > the configuration of boot drive (68 pin) terminated, 2nd drive (50 > > pin) unterminated, external unconnected, and controller on > > auto-termination. > > You mean you had a different 50pin that worked fine on that > system with the above setup. Hmmm. Carefully check the pins > on that drive - you may have bent one or more - doubtful > but possible. > > > >And if someone was smart > > >they'd want to know how I have the termination set up having > > >devices on both the 68pin and 50pin buses.. And I'd say I > > >have the 68pin bus terminated at the end (on a drive), the > > >upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower unterminated. > > > > What do you mean "the upper 8bits terminated on the 2940, the lower > > unterminated" ? > > Check out your Adaptec BIOS and that termination setting switch > toggle through the options and set it to terminate only the upper > 8 bits of the bus. > > > > > >Best I can do given what you gave me. > > > > Randy thanks for your help. > > > > Your situation seems strange. Give me a call or something > and we can try to straighten this out over the phone as > your case seems strange. Try setting the termination though > and check the 50 pin connector on the 50pin drive. Make > sure none got bent (though I don't think the drive would > be recognized by the adaptec if there was a problem there) > > Thanks for the thanks - that was a nice thought. > If my help can get it working I do take donations. > > If not then ?? I guess your SOL, and I'm SOT(Time) > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100Mhz: maxmem question Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 22:57:26 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6ubf9q$nq4$> <6ubjho$dm7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 23:20:06 GMT Matthias Georg Imhof wrote: > > In article <6ubf9q$nq4$> > (Jochen Richter) writes: > > (Matthias Georg Imhof) wrote: > > > As reported earlier, I am having problems with OS4.2, Pentium II at > > 400/100MHz > > > and 256 MB system ram and 4 MB video ram. > > > > > > Removing all but 64MB system ram solves the problem. However, I know that > > all > > > memory banks are ok. > > > > > > Earlier, there was a discussion about OS4.2 having a problem with more than > > 256 > > > MB total memory and how maxmem can be used to trick OS4.2 during boot. > > > Specifically, it was said to use maxmem=131xxx during boot. > > > > > > Suppose I stick in all 256 + 4 MB and define maxmem=131072. Does this mean > > that > > > the upper 128MB of memory will never be used? Or is it just during startup? > > > > > > Yours, Matthias Imhof > > > --- > > > ************************************************************************** > > > * Matthias G.Imhof, Ph.D. phone: (540) 231 6004 * > > > * Derring Hall 1058 fax: (540) 231 3386 * > > > * Virginia Tech email: * > > > * Blacksburg, VA 24061-0420 * > > > * There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark * > > > ************************************************************************** > > > > > > > > > > Once again, I am using a PII 400/100 system with 384MB RAM dual headed (8MB > > Matrox Mill II) running W98, NT 4.0, Linux and OS4.2 without any problems or > > special settings. > > Check the quality of your memory. What board and memory are you using? > > > > -- > > Jochen Richter > > SYSTEM analyse design entwicklung (S.a.d.e.) > > > > Akademiestrasse 16 Phone: +49-721-9 20 30 90 > > D-76133 Karlsruhe Fax: +49-721-9 20 30 99 > > Germany e-mail: > > Well, in the meantime I came to the conclusion that my ATI Rage video card > interferes with my memory. For the last few hours I have been running > successfully having only 128 MB plugged into the board. I wonder if the video > memory and system memory occupy the same address space? Yes they can, set the memory address for the display in to >256MB (=0x10000000) try setting it to like 0xfe000000 (= 32Mbyte from max) You may be able to set the framebuffer address in the BIOS setup. > > Matthias > > ps: Supermicro P6SBA, SDRAM 10ns -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Date: 23 Sep 1998 23:56:56 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6uc1s8$lr$> References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> <6ubedt$m5c$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Sep 1998 23:56:56 GMT In article <6ubedt$m5c$>, Satoru Uzawa <"> wrote: >"Darren Reely" <> wrote: > >>The station only sees about 245meg >>of the 4.5gig claimed. > >You didn't mention which version of NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP you are running. This >is important since the solution is dependent on it. > >3.2 or prior: You have to hand edit /etc/fstab to get them work >3.3: Use "disk" with command line options but not in interactive mode >4.2: "disk" will work properly in interactive mode > >I don't know for 4.0 and 4.1 since I skipped them. Please note that "sdform" >or "disk -F" will perform low level formatting and have nothing to do with >creating the file system where you have the problem. > >The problem is caused by bugs in "disk" and "mkfs" commands. The solution is >different since those bugs are fixed gradually in these releases. > I was running OS4.2 and "sdform" would do the same thing for me as the original poster. Hopefully he has better luck getting the problem worked out. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: "Darren Reely" <> Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Newsgroups: References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> <6ubedt$m5c$> <01bde72e$6d35dbc0$daa5cacc@default> <> Message-ID: <01bde75f$cca02a80$5aaacacc@default> Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 02:08:19 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 19:08:19 PDT David Evans <> wrote in article <>... > In article <01bde72e$6d35dbc0$daa5cacc@default>, > Darren Reely <> wrote: > > ***FORMAT UNIT COMMAND FAILED*** > > > > Yeah; some SCSI disks don't like to be formatted. This isn'y usually a > problem. Ok. How do you solve the format problem. The same thing occurs on NS 3.3 on the Intel box. Thanks for helping. Darren
From: "Jacob E. Jones" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Building Intel system for OS4.2 Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 23:11:52 -0400 Message-ID: <6ucdsg$pim$> I need to update my home system and wish to continue to use Openstep 4.2. (A little sluggish on my AMDK5 133 system...). I will run NT and/or Solaris and wish to have dual pentium system for floating point computations -- but still like to use OS whenever possible. I went to my reseller to see what could be put together and found so many new parts, then went to NextAnswers and couldn't clearly determine what would or wouldn't work. Many of the drivers in Nextanswers support products that my reseller can't get / won't get / can't find today at optimum prices. 1. Can anyone provide a reasonably good and easy to get configuration for OS4 based on what products are available today? 2. Any comments appreciated on this proposed system: mboard: ASUS P2B98-DS Intel BX 100 MHz bus + Dual Adaptec SCSI on board Note: Adaptec 7890 chips - not in NextAnswers, but 7880 chip is. processor: two PII 333's Note: is the PII supported? drive: IBM 4.5 Gbyte SCSI Ultra Wide 7200 rpm disk Note: is ultra wide supported? Memory: 128 MB SDRAM Note: does the type of ram matter for OS4? Video: Matrox MilleniumG200 8 MB Ram AGP 3D 1600 X 1230 card Note: not mentioned in Matrox driver overview thanks! Jay
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Building Intel system for OS4.2 Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:10:34 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <360A1A9A.40488549@KVI.NL> References: <6ucdsg$pim$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jacob E. Jones wrote: > > mboard: ASUS P2B98-DS Intel BX 100 MHz bus + Dual Adaptec SCSI on board > Note: Adaptec 7890 chips - not in NextAnswers, but > 7880 chip is. Forget about the 7890 for now. It will NOT work with the 7880 driver. Go for a cheaper Mobo without SCSI and buy a 2940. This card rules. > > processor: two PII 333's > Note: is the PII supported? > No problem AFAIK > drive: IBM 4.5 Gbyte SCSI Ultra Wide 7200 rpm disk > Note: is ultra wide supported? > Yep, I have an 4.5 UW IBM myself. > Memory: 128 MB SDRAM > Note: does the type of ram matter for OS4? > No. > Video: Matrox MilleniumG200 8 MB Ram AGP 3D 1600 X 1230 card > Note: not mentioned in Matrox driver overview > General rule: if it's not metioned it will not work. Given the speed of the apple guys and girls it can be a long time before a driver for a driver for a new product is available. > thanks! > Jay You're welcome, Marcel
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Building Intel system for OS4.2 Date: 24 Sep 1998 03:31:49 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6ucef5$> References: <6ucdsg$pim$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6ucdsg$pim$> "Jacob E. Jones" wrote: > Many of the drivers in Nextanswers support products > that my reseller can't get / won't get / can't find today at optimum prices. OpenStep has historically supported only "high end" products. > processor: two PII 333's > Note: is the PII supported? The P-II is (I believe) however it will not recognize more than 1 (I believe) > drive: IBM 4.5 Gbyte SCSI Ultra Wide 7200 rpm disk > Note: is ultra wide supported? Think so. > Memory: 128 MB SDRAM > Note: does the type of ram matter for OS4? Don't think so > Video: Matrox MilleniumG200 8 MB Ram AGP 3D 1600 X 1230 card > Note: not mentioned in Matrox driver overview Make sure you get a supported card or else it probably won't work usably. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Pascal Bourguignon <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: memory with parity -> panic Date: 24 Sep 1998 17:44:57 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <6ue0ep$nvi$> References: <> (Sven Droll) wrote: >Hello. > >Sorry for posting my third question during the last two days, but new >machines cause unknown problems ... > >As I read in previous postings you can sometimes use 60ns 72pin SIMMs in a >turbo-color-NeXT and they are clocked at 70ns. Mine detects the two >32MB-SIMMs during startup with 60ns. (BTW: how can I determine if they are >clocked at 70ns or 100ns). > >If I turn parity on in the ROM-monitor, the machine boots and after starting >the login-window or shortly after login some parity-error is reported and the >machine panics (4 times). After turning parity off the machine runs very >stable (for a day under heavy load now. You should not activate memory parity checking if you don't have parity memory. __Pascal Bourguignon__
From: " (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: SCSI disk troubles Date: 24 Sep 1998 19:39:48 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6ue764$51j$> References: <> <6u59a5$8s6$> <> (Brian K. Meadows) wrote: >On 21 Sep 1998 10:20:53 GMT, >wrote: > >Let me more specific. First the controller is an Adaptec 2940 UW with >the boot drive on the 68 pin channel and Micropolis on the 50 pin >channel. The boot drive is set for auto-termination , the Micropolis >is unterminated, and the controller is auto-terminationed. The >Micropolis was the once the boot drive from another Intel OS 4.1 >computer. The CD-ROM is EDIE. You have to terminate both boot drive and Micropolis, in addition to that, you have to terminate "higher 8 bit" on Adaptec controller. Your boot drive uses 16 bit data transfer between controller and the drive which means that there are 16 data path on SCSI bus. Your Micropolis is using only 8 out of 16 data path and unused portion should be terminated at the Adaptec card. This is what's called "higher 8 bit terminated". Do you have Adaptec manual? It should be documented there. If you don't but want to know about how SCSI works, I recommend DPT's documents (available from >Both drives banner during the POST. Scanning the SCSI chain at boot >with the Adaptec diagnosis utility does indeed show both drives and >the controller. The Next kernel does not recognize the Micropolis >durring start-up. This is typical with wrong SCSI bus settings. >Fumble with termination. Now here is where I had some questions. The >Adaptec manual and web-site were less than helpful. Of course the >last device in a chain of SCSI devices must be terminated, but what >happens if there are on separate channels? Permutations include: > >Boot drive terminated, Micropolis unterminated, external drive channel >unterminated (now Adaptec warns that you can only use 2/3 of the >internal/external connections). >Both drives banner at POST, can see FAT-16 partition under W95, but OS >kernel fails to detect second drive. You really cannot use all of 3 connectors on Adaptec2940. The reason why you can use it under W95 or DOS is because they are not true multitask OS so they usually don't access all devices on SCSI chain at once. Unix (hence OPENSTEP) does. If there is a Y branch on SCSI chain, it won't work properly (slow read/write, corrupted files, etc). Brian, your problem is yours and nothing to do with OPENSTEP or Micropolis or Adaptec. Just the nature of how the OSes access to drives making the oulook different. Your configuration will work with WIN95 until the moment you access all 3 drives but it will never work with OPENSTEP since WorspaceManager and many other programs queus SCSI bus simultaneously. Follow strictly what Adaptec manual says. If you think you can use all of 3 connectors on Adaptec2940, go ahead but please don't bother us anymore with your problem. Hope you'll be fine. -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Patrick Josef Nordlie <> Newsgroups: Subject: ?:Color on a ISA VGA-card Date: 24 Sep 1998 15:49:29 GMT Organization: Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Oslo, Norway Message-ID: <6udpm9$fon$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 24 Sep 1998 15:49:29 GMT Hi; I'm currently trying to install NeXTStep 3.3 for Intel on my "old" i486 PC. It dosen't have another bus than a ISA-bus. With my integrated Cirrus-Logic CLGD5422 VGA adapter I only get 2-bit grayscale. It also seems to me that from the system req. that all the supported color graphic drivers are for cards that are of either VL-Bus, PCI or EISA type. What I'm wondering about is if it is any way I can get color on my machine, or do I have to get a new one? Thanking you in advance for advices. Regards; Patrick N.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hardware compatibility Date: 27 Sep 1998 21:11:18 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <oGiP1.4597$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <oGiP1.4597$>, The Net Ranger <> wrote: >Is there a hardware compatibility list for NeXtstep 3.1? It is the only copy >I have and dont know if my system will work with it. Also do you have to >have a SCSI CD-ROm to use NeXt 3.1 for Intel? 3.1 was the first release for Intel and had very restrictive hardware requirements, not to mention some problems. I wouldn't use anything below 3.2 on Intel if at all possible. And yes, you need a SCSI CD-ROM. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David A.Johnson) Newsgroups:, Subject: Problems with NeXTStation Color Date: 24 Sep 1998 21:15:48 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <6uecq4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a NextStation Color system who's monitor is having problems. Can I replace the monitor with a B/W NextStation monitor just to get it booted and configured? Does anyone know where I can have it fixed? Thank's in advance, -- David A. Johnson email: Manager Computer Facility and Engineering Phone: (312) 503-0408 Feinberg Research Institute, Fax: (312) 503-0137 Northwestern University HAM call: N9HAM
From: (Daniel Boehringer) Newsgroups: Subject: OS4.1 freeze after cps-lock/cntr key with NeXTDeutsch Date: 25 Sep 1998 09:20:22 GMT Organization: Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Rechenzentrum Message-ID: <6ufn8m$bj7$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 25 Sep 1998 09:20:22 GMT hi, on a new k6-2/ ausus(ALI chipset) i got two non-systematically reproducable keyboard mouse freezes caused by hitting the caps lock key although i have installed the NeXTDeutsch keymapping (i know about but NeXTUSA is not acceptable for me). also worthwile is that in singleuser mode there is a 50% chance of a frozen keyboard. any hint for getting the system stable is appreciated. daniel
From: "Jacob E. Jones" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ATI Rage driver / ATIXpert @ Play cards Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 10:07:07 -0400 Message-ID: <6ulgqm$dqe$> Has anyone had experience with the use of this driver for an ATIXpert @ Play98 or ATIXpert @ Play 3D or ATI All in Wonder cards. Anybody used the AGP versions? I am building a new PII system and am having trouble finding OS4.2 drivers to match readily available video cards on the market today. thanks for any help, Jay
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,tw.bbs.comp.hardware Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 27 Sep 1998 14:39:09 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: "Charles" <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Problems with NeXTStation Color Date: 24 Sep 1998 23:39:49 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6uel85$bii$> References: <6uecq4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit just get me a job on campus as staff and you can bring the box by my apt and hook it up to get your work done. what's wrong with telneting in and setting it to B&W 2 bits per pixel, powering it down and then putting the B&W monitor on it? i hope yer in wheel. n <6uecq4$> David A.Johnson wrote: > I've got a NextStation Color system who's monitor is having problems. Can I > replace the monitor with a B/W NextStation monitor just to get it booted and > configured? > > Does anyone know where I can have it fixed? > > Thank's in advance, > >
From: "Jaime Soni" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Hitachi color monitor on a PC? Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 20:50:15 -0400 Organization: Verio New York Message-ID: <6ummk4$f4i$> I have Next on my PC, but I want to have the big screen, so I'm thinking on getting a Hitachi 21". Can I Connect the Hitachi monitor to a PC? if so, what I need to do? Building connectors is not a problem. Thanks
From: "Charles" <> Newsgroups:,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,tw.bbs.comp.hardware,tw.bbs.comp.hardware.cdrom Subject: Updates @ Hardware Zone Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:56:21 +0800 Message-ID: <> Updates @ Hardware Zone Latest Review - Gigabyte GA-6BXC Slot 1 Mainboard, "produces rock-stable setting with its bus speed set at 112MHz" - as reviewed by Jereme Wong. "Are you my lobang?" Another service coming to your browser very soon! Stay Tuned! Brought to you by Singapore Hardware Zone. ( lobang means side lines ) PC Clinic Forum coming soon for all your discussion of Hardware related stuffs as requested by many..... so you won't have to discuss technical issue in the guestbook.... ASIA IT Super NetWork !! Linking it all up just for U! Special Report: PentiumII Deschutes 300 versus Celeron300A!! click here Good News for Millennium G200 Owners!!!! Check it out! We also provide q&a via e-mails. Publicity
From: Neill Griffin <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hardware compatibility Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 11:48:38 +1000 Organization: Dis Message-ID: <> References: <oGiP1.4597$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David Evans wrote: > > In article <oGiP1.4597$>, > The Net Ranger <> wrote: > >Is there a hardware compatibility list for NeXtstep 3.1? It is the only copy > >I have and dont know if my system will work with it. Also do you have to > >have a SCSI CD-ROm to use NeXt 3.1 for Intel? > > 3.1 was the first release for Intel and had very restrictive hardware > requirements, not to mention some problems. I wouldn't use anything below > 3.2 on Intel if at all possible. > And yes, you need a SCSI CD-ROM. > I guess this begs the question, where can anyone obtain/purchase upgrades beyond 3.1? There appears to be the odd company that will sell you an outright copy of later versions, but not upgrades. I have an academic dev version of 3.1 which I have been able to find a usable video card (non colour :( ), but trying to find an old ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB seems to be just as elusive as O/S upgrades. cheers neill
From: Matthew Diesch <> Newsgroups: Subject: Memory Upgrades Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 16:03:31 +1200 Organization: The Internet Group Ltd Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can anyone tell me what SIMMs I need to upgrade a Cube and a NextStation Turbo Color , basically can I just get standard (PC) SIMMS or are they some kind of wacky specila jobs? TIA Matthew
From: "jas" <> Newsgroups: Subject: plz help me setting up sb16 pnp on NeXTstep 3.3(i386) Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 11:37:06 +0800 Organization: New Silkera Network Message-ID: <6umvvs$251$> hi! I've been trying to setup the sb16 pnp(vibra 16x pnp) for my nextstep 3.3. I installed the driver and setup the irq ,dma and io port for the card without any comflict. When I boot up the system I got a message " could not find card....". Anyone can tell me what should I do ? Thanks!
From: (Laurent Marcoux) Newsgroups: Subject: black monitor Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:47:52 -0700 Organization: University of Alberta Message-ID: <> Is there a way to connect the colour monitor from a NeXT to a Mac G3? If so, what hardware do I need? Thanks, L.M.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: The ROM Monitor Date: 28 Sep 1998 05:05:06 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6un5e2$o7e$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I guess nobody ever wrote a ROM faq? I am interested in versions, changes, home made updates and so forth. Anyone seen something like that?
From: (Tohru O) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Problems with NeXTStation Color Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:23:42 -0700 Organization: Oxy Message-ID: <> References: <6uecq4$> In article <6uecq4$>, wrote: >I've got a NextStation Color system who's monitor is having problems. Can I >replace the monitor with a B/W NextStation monitor just to get it booted and >configured? > >Does anyone know where I can have it fixed? > >Thank's in advance, > >-- > >David A. Johnson email: >Manager Computer Facility and Engineering Phone: (312) 503-0408 >Feinberg Research Institute, Fax: (312) 503-0137 >Northwestern University HAM call: N9HAM No, the B/W monitor is a completely different beast that is powered by the slab. If you can get an adaptor cable that goes from the weird D-sub connector (13W3?) to bnc or 15 pin D-sub you may be able to hook the slab up to a mac or ibm type monitor. The NeXT faqs would have that info. Or you could try to fix it. I have been using one with the 17" fimi monitor that had two problems which i was able to fix. The first problem was that it would take up to 15 minutes to warm up ie display anything on the screen. The problem was heat sensitive in that with the covers off the monitor took even longer to start. This turned out to be a dried out electrolytic cap in the bright-contrast section of the circuitry. The second was the 'shakes' where the width would flutter at a few hertz. This was resolved by shotgunning some of the caps (replacing them) in the horizontal section. It works fine now. If you're not comfortable with poking around inside an energized monitor (as well one should be--there are lethal voltages in there) you could find an EE type to look into it. Good luck. Tohru O. -- The Erdferkel says, "Spork!" Sorry for the inconvenience but remove 'nospam' to reply.
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: memory with parity -> panic References: <> <6ue0ep$nvi$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Sep 98 07:54:38 GMT Pascal Bourguignon <> wrote: > (Sven Droll) wrote: <snip> > >You should not activate memory parity checking if you don't have parity >memory. According to the catalog the memory is with parity. But according to the same catalog they were 70ns (and indeed are 60ns) ... Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer...location Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 16:48:03 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6uo40e$jp0$> References: <6un7kn$q58$> I forgot to include where it's located.....
From: (Benjamin Hell) Subject: Re: Installing EtherLink III PCMCIA Newsgroups: References: <> Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Sep 1998 13:02:56 +0200 In Jim Russell <> wrote: : I'm trying to install a 3Com EtherLink III Card in my Twinhead 8 : notebook. I think the driver is installed correctly but it doesn't get : registered on boot. The PCMCIA driver recognizes the card on boot but : that's it. I have the PCIC driver installed and it seems to register : correctly. I also think this is the same reason I can't use my modem : card also. Any ideas? : Thanks, : Jim Russell in the expert settings try to set the following: Auto Detect IDs: MFR=3ComCorporation,PROD=3C589D Hope this helps, Ben -- ************************************************** ** Benjamin Hell ** ** ** ** ** ** University of Bielefeld - Germany ** ** Faculty for Linguistics and Literary Studies ** ** Computational Linguistics & Spoken Language ** **************************************************
From: Newsgroups: Subject: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:43:51 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6un7kn$q58$> I'm auctioning off a NeXT Cube with a Laser Printer on EBAY. Complete and working. Very clean system. Has scratches. Overall very good condition. Fully tested and ready to go. Just plug it in. 68030 / 25mhz 8 meg Ram (very cheap to upgrade) 400 meg Hard Drive Optical Drive* and 256MB Cartridge 17" NeXT Monitor NeXT Mouse & Keyboard NeXTStep 3.3 NeXT Laser Printer 400 dpi (not sure how much longer toner will last) All NeXT Cables Included. *Optical Drive As but has a bad reputation. Will guarantee non-DOA Thanks for reading my polyester suit sales pitch.....
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Will NS run on this? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Sep 98 01:02:25 GMT Anyone want to guess at whether NeXTSTEP or OpenStep would run on this: The PCM-5862/5862L is an all-in-one multimedia Pentium processor-based single board computer (SBC) with a 16-bit audio controller (PCM-5862 only), a PCI SVGA controller, a PCI Ethernet interface and one PCI expansion slot. When using an Intel Pentium0 MMX processor, the PCM-5862/5862L achieves outstanding performance that surpasses any other SBC in its class. This compact (only 5.75" x 8") unit offers all the functions of a single board industrial computer, but still fits in the space of a 5.25" floppy drive. On-board features include 512 KB 2nd level cache, four serial ports (three RS-232, one RS-232/422/485), one multi-mode parallel (ECP/EPP/SPP) port, two USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports, a floppy drive controller and a keyboard/PS/2 mouse interface. The built-in high speed PCI IDE controller supports both PIO and bus master modes. Up to two IDE devices can be connected, including large hard disks, CD-ROM drives and tape backup drives. The PCM-5862/5862L features power management to minimize power consumption. It complies with the Green Function standard and supports doze mode, standby mode and suspend mode. In addition, the board watchdog timer can automatically reset the system or generate an interrupt in case the system stops due to a program bug or EMI. Highly integrated multimedia SBC The PCM-5862/5862L is a highly integrated multimedia SBC that combines audio, video, and network functions on a single computer board the size of a 5.25" floppy drive. The PCM-5862 provides 16-bit full-duplex, integrated 3D audio and up to Hi-color display capability at 1024 x 768 resolution (with 2 MB display memory). Major on-board devices adopt PCI technology to achieve outstanding computing performance when used with Intel Pentium0 MMX processors, making the PCM-5862/5862L the world's smallest and most powerful all-in-one multimedia board. -- Note: email to this address goes to /dev/null To email a reply, write to jon at exnext dot com
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: HARDWARE POLE Date: 28 Sep 1998 18:48:46 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> i was wondering what MODEL, and what BRAND harddrives... you have been successful, in getting to work in a next slab??? i have tried numerous harddrives that i know work... on other machines... and after findinf out that harddrives must be set on scsi id 1, the termination must be on, and the drive should be set in async transfer mode... i went back and tried some of these drives... and still no go.... so please dont respond and say any.. or some other "smart" answer.. i just want to know what you have been successful with... open the computer...and write down what it says.. you dont even need to turn it off.. thanks you can e-mail me at
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Which driver for SMC EISA 10/100 ? Date: 28 Sep 1998 17:20:34 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <6uogh2$> Which driver is recommended for an SMC Ether 10/100 EISA ethernet card (model SMC9232DST) in NS Intel 3.3 ? I didn't see this explicitly listed in NeXTanswers, although I seem to recall that it was at one point. Any help gratefully accepted. If this card will not work in NS, what EISA ethernet 10/100 card is recommended (I have a VLB/EISA machine that I want to use as a server for a very small network.) I am also looking for recommendations on PCI 10/100 cards as well. Thanks, Jeff
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: The ROM Monitor Date: 29 Sep 1998 01:32:02 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6updai$b9n$> References: <6un5e2$o7e$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6un5e2$o7e$> wrote: > I guess nobody ever wrote a ROM faq? I am interested in versions, changes, > home made updates and so forth. Anyone seen something like that? > You interested in working on one? Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ?:Color on a ISA VGA-card Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 23:06:38 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6udpm9$fon$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Sep 1998 23:31:52 GMT AFAIK, for colour you need a memory mapped framebuffer video card, ISA (16bit) can only address 16Mbytes of memory. If you had 12Mbytes of main memory, then you would have ~3Mbytes free for the video card (or 8 and 7). I do not know of a card, but some of the early Chips & Technologies chip sets supported a framebuffer mapped at 12Mbyte (0xc00000). Check NeXTAnswers for drivers. I think you will be dissapointed with the speed, since with so little main RAM all the overlapped windows will be bufferred on disk instead of RAM. Either live with 800x600 2bit grey or get a new motherboard, you may still be able to get a PCI 486 motherboard for a few $ Patrick Josef Nordlie wrote: > > Hi; > > I'm currently trying to install NeXTStep 3.3 for Intel on my "old" i486 PC. It dosen't have another bus > than a ISA-bus. With my integrated Cirrus-Logic CLGD5422 VGA adapter I only get 2-bit grayscale. > It also seems to me that from the system req. that all the supported color graphic drivers are for cards > that are of either VL-Bus, PCI or EISA type. What I'm wondering about is if it is any way I can get color > on my machine, or do I have to get a new one? > > Thanking you in advance for advices. > > Regards; > Patrick N. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PentiumII, 400/100Mhz: maxmem question Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:49:10 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6ub5ba$q38$> <6ubf9q$nq4$> <360A1C79.70D1007C@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Sep 1998 23:31:51 GMT Marcel Volkerts wrote: > > Jochen Richter wrote: > > > > > Once again, I am using a PII 400/100 system with 384MB RAM dual headed (8MB > > What on erath do you do with 384 MB RAM. Do you let the entire country > render 3D images on that thing :) ? > > Marcel That's only a 460x460x460 32bit voxel volume. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HARDWARE POLE Date: 29 Sep 1998 01:59:06 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6upeta$b9n$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> NHensleyD wrote: > > i was wondering what MODEL, and what BRAND harddrives... you have been > successful, in getting to work in a next slab??? > > i have tried numerous harddrives that i know work... on other machines... > and after findinf out that harddrives must be set on scsi id 1, the termination > must be on, and the drive should be set in async transfer mode... i went back > and tried some of these drives... and still no go.... > > so please dont respond and say any.. or some other "smart" answer.. i just want > to know what you have been successful with... open the computer...and write > down what it says.. you dont even need to turn it off.. thanks You'd like a dumb answer? :) I have private e-mail from you on 9/20/98 saying that you had success, so what went wrong between then and now? I know things can be frustrating when it just doesn't work. But after going though hundreds of NeXT machines I can certianly say that MOST older narrow drives should work fine. There are rare cases where ones have not worked but the fact you've tried multiple drives on your machine may mean there is some other problem. And there are other issues with drives beyond the 2**32 - 1 bytes If you get a list e-mail me with it as it would be a nice FAQ addition. Though I'm not sure it will solve your problem though you don't provide enough information for any sensible diagnosis. Even so Personally I have used ST32250N - 2G Seagate Barracuda - It works, but requires serious extra internal cooling. ST11200N - 1G Hawk ST12400N - 2G Hawk M2624FA - 500M Fujitsu ST1480N - I think was standard with 400M NeXTstations ST1280 - Standard drive in 200M NeXTstation Quantum LPS - 105M HD - Also standard in 100M NeXTstations Scott Hess has indicated drives that dissipate less than 9 watts are good candidates in slabs, anything more may run too hot. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Openstep install woes Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 05:36:42 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 22:36:42 PDT Organization: @Home Network I know this isn't, but I've read all the faqs I can find. I am installing Openstep 4.2 on an intel box. I'm no stranger to unix, I run linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris 2.6 on this machine, but I'm having a rough time getting to the actual installation here. I load the driver for primary/secondary EIDE-ATAPI disk controller, which is what I have, and I get done loading drivers, get the boot messages, which all look kosher by the way, all my hardware shows up, and as soon as I tell it to install to the remaining partition of my primary drive, I get cdrom activity, then it says it fails to initialize the hard disk and bails. I've tried the other IDE disk drivers from the install floppies, but no luck there, and besides, I am running the primary/secondary set up, so that should be correct. If anyone has any idea or can nudge me toward some documentation that will help me get Openstep installed, I will be very very grateful. Thanks in advance. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: Richard Tilley <Betty> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer...location Date: 29 Sep 1998 01:37:35 -0500 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <6upv7f$> References: <6un7kn$q58$> <6uo40e$jp0$> <6up5f4$> (Christopher M. Conway) writes: >In article <6uo40e$jp0$>, <> wrote: ... >This is not meant to impugn the reputation of the seller at all; I've had >little but good experiences with sellers. ... 1. This seller is using a false mailing address. 2. This seller has cross posted to inappropriate groups. Minor transgressions, but more annoying than, say, following up to the wrong group. :-)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Will NS run on this? Date: 28 Sep 98 23:57:21 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to: Jonathan W Hendry's message of 29 Sep 98 01:02:25 GMT In article <>, Jonathan W Hendry <> writes: Anyone want to guess at whether NeXTSTEP or OpenStep would run on this: Or, a little closer to home, I can't say whether NS/OS runs on that specific unit. I have a POS-560 unit from Advantech, in a POS-808 case, running Linux. It's using a Sis-5571 chipset, I believe (not going to take down my website just to find out :-). The entire system is about the size of a NeXTstation, though things are _much_ more packed in there. I elected not to even try to install NeXTSTEP on the system, since that would have involved a balancing act with a CD-ROM drive, and also finding a driver for the VGA chipset, which is a C&T chipset of some sort. 16555? 16455? Something like that. I doubt it would have been a big problem, excepting perhaps things like busmastering EIDE support (this _is_ a non-Intel chipset, after all). Installing Linux wasn't too hard - though I didn't attempt to install anything using graphics or audio, so I can't say about those. The onboard Ethernet worked fine - NE2000 compatible, so NeXTSTEP wouldn't like it much. I also managed to wedge both an ISA and PCI network card in there, so now it has three Ethernet ports. Along with the hard drive and floppy, the case is pretty packed, to the point where I stopped at a surplus store and picked up a floppy and an IDE cable and hacked them to fit without requiring tremendous amounts of folding. I _was_ considering one of their biscuits, but was dissuaded by my need for 3 Ethernet ports. On on-board, plus two on PC/104 cards at $100 apiece added up to more expensive than I wanted. The POS system allowed me to use standard ISA/PCI cards and the like (the biscuit mentioned above has a PCI slot - but it would only seem feasible for use during installation). Mounting also would have been a problem with the biscuit, I was half-seriously considering just mounting it in a spare drive bay on one of my tower systems... Actually, I hadn't considered the POS system until I got their catalog and browsed. Pretty interesting! I wish their POS-562 system had come out before I bought mine, rather than three months later... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics,comp.periphs,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,comp.sys.laptops,,,,,,, From: "Remko.leupen" <> Subject: TOSHIBA HD PROBLEM AND SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER Sender: (Usenet news) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 07:41:59 GMT Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------45B4D0CF5286FB4BFE389E16" Mime-Version: 1.0 Organization: Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------45B4D0CF5286FB4BFE389E16 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi. Anyone have a single board computer for sale. It is inserted in an isa backplane.. My old Toshiba laptop had an HD crash. So i bought a new disk. Inserded it. Bios can not see any hd. In this bios it is not posible to enter your own settings. It can only detect it. I heard that the bios only detects 2 type's of HD, true? If i use a scan ide devices program it finds the hd. I think no cable problem. Use all sort of bios editing, no result. Boot up still no HD. Used an dinamic overlay program.. Wrote to hd, up date bios. all went ok. reboot. bios still does not allow to boot from c. Can i edit the bios with debug and make my own hd settings. Help me... I have noting to trie anymore... Some hints??? --------------45B4D0CF5286FB4BFE389E16 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Remko Leupen n: Leupen;Remko org: Philips Semiconductors adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands email;internet: title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer tel;work: 024-3532137 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------45B4D0CF5286FB4BFE389E16--
From: "Oliver Schirrmeister" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HP Laserjet 5 and NS 3.3 Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:56:57 +0200 Organization: Nacamar Group Plc. Message-ID: <6uq7bc$61l$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can I use a HP Laserjet 5Si with my NextStep 3.3 system? If I want to create the new printer with PrintManager NS only seems to support HP Laserjet 4. Do I need a driver for the Laserjet 5 printer and where can I get it? Or can I use the Laserjet 4 type? Thanks Oliver
From: (Wade Eric Bynum) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: How to setup an e-mail server? Date: 29 Sep 1998 15:55:07 GMT Organization: Texas A&M Computer Science Department, College Station, TX Message-ID: <6uqvsr$4tu$> References: <6un563$9j6$> <> <6uqset$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 29 Sep 1998 15:55:07 GMT In article <6uqset$>, Emmett McLean <> wrote: >Thought of one more thing ... > >If you want your machine to recieve mail you have to >tell your ISP so that it gets forwarded to you. So >your machine becomes the primary mail server. Then >have them set their machine up as a secondary mail >server so that if your machine goes down they can get >your mail. > >Well, that was my experience. I set up a NeXT running >3.3 with a NIC domain. I don't know what options are >available to you if you just have a static IP. > >Emmett First off, a little more detail about my setup. The official name of my ip address is So under SimpleNetworkStarter, I entered the host name as 232-cdm-230. This host name is listed in the /etc/hostconfig file. All of this was done after a clean install of OS4.2. Here's a little more that I have found out about the problem. When sending mail to the NeXT slab, it seems to actually arrive, but does not get sent to the account specified (i.e. Right after mail is sent to the slab, I do a "ps auxw | grep sendmail" and an entry does show up that mentions the sending mail server (in my case it is Nothing ever is mentioned of the incoming mail in the syslog file though. I had an individual helping me on irc last night, and he got me to a prompt where I entered "/parse". This is where we found the error. Something along the lines that the slab did not recognize "kcobra" "@" "232-cdm-230" "." "tca" "." "net". He said this was the problem, but did not know what could be causing this. Any ideas? -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Can non-turbo color NeXT use 8MB SIMMs? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 15:54:32 GMT Hi, I know that the non-turbo color NeXT is supposed to use 4MB SIMMs. Has anyone tried to use 8MB SIMMs?
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep install woes References: <> <6ur56j$48j$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:29:34 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:29:34 PDT Organization: @Home Network, (Satoru, Uzawa) wrote: > You didn't mention what kind of EIDE hard drive and ATAPI CDROM you are > using. Hitachi CDR-8130, the install boot message when I get to the "white" screen recognizes it as such, but it's not on the list at NeXTanswers. OPENSTEP expects ATAPI CDROM drives to be fully ATAPI compliant so > some dirt cheap drives won't work. There is also a restriction for the > starting position of OPENSTEP partition (it should start within the first 2GB > of the drive, or am I wrong on this?). I am trying to install to primary partition 4, which is 2500Mb into a 3800Mb drive. Is that the prolem? > Are using the most recent version of EIDE driver available as floppy image > from NeXTanswers? Yes I am. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
Message-ID: <> From: Amber Jett <> Organization: Corporate Upgrades Inc. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: sci.electronics,comp.periphs,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,comp.sys.laptops,,,,,,, Subject: Re: TOSHIBA HD PROBLEM AND SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:50:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 11:50:47 PDT What is the model of Toshiba that you have? Amber Jett--direct voice/fax line 916-646-1685 Corporate Upgrades Inc. 1-800-240-6190 Voice 360-647-2123 Fax 360-647-2169 World Wide Web: Internet E-Mail: Remko.leupen wrote: > > Hi. > > Anyone have a single board computer for sale. It is inserted in an isa > backplane.. > > My old Toshiba laptop had an HD crash. > > So i bought a new disk. Inserded it. > Bios can not see any hd. In this bios it is not posible to enter your > own settings. It can only detect it. > I heard that the bios only detects 2 type's of HD, true? > If i use a scan ide devices program it finds the hd. > I think no cable problem. > Use all sort of bios editing, no result. > Boot up still no HD. > Used an dinamic overlay program.. Wrote to hd, up date bios. all went > ok. reboot. bios still does not allow to boot from c. > Can i edit the bios with debug and make my own hd settings. > > Help me... I have noting to trie anymore... > > Some hints??? > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------- > > Name: vcard.vcf > Part 1.2 Type: text/x-vcard > Encoding: 7bit > Description: Card for Remko Leupen
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep install woes Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 19:52:52 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <6ur56j$48j$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 29 Sep 1998 19:58:54 GMT Michael Lankton wrote: > >, (Satoru, Uzawa) wrote: > > [snip] There is also a restriction for the > > starting position of OPENSTEP partition (it should start within the first 2GB > > of the drive, or am I wrong on this?). > > I am trying to install to primary partition 4, which is 2500Mb into a > 3800Mb drive. Is that the prolem? I thought OS4.2 had BSD 4.4 file system (64bit offset), but if it is still BSD 4.3 (32bit offset) then you are limited to a partion in the first 2G bytes. You need to create some partions and (format) erase one for Nextstep. The Primary/Secondary EIDE did strange things like use BIOS geometry instead of disk, and having other things switch differently from the normal EIDE driver. I tend to install on a machine with the HD as master and the CD as slave, then transfer the HD to the detination machine (use Adpatec 154x as the CD-ROM controller). > > > Are using the most recent version of EIDE driver available as floppy image > > from NeXTanswers? > > Yes I am. > > -- > .###. > /#######\## -==============================================- > ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker > ;##### ;# > \# /## -==============================================- > ###'---'#### -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep install woes Date: 29 Sep 1998 20:10:22 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <6urere$jhf$> References: <> In article <> writes: > I am trying to install to primary partition 4, which is 2500Mb into a > 3800Mb drive. Is that the prolem? Yes, NEXTSTEP/OpenStep supports a max partition size of 2GB (which can be tweaked to 4GB in certain cases, I've heard, but I've never personally seen it). -- Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Openstep install woes References: <> <6urere$jhf$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 21:16:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 14:16:06 PDT Organization: @Home Network Thanks to the people who responded. I tried to see if it would install using the whole drive space, and it started the install process. I bailed, installed Openstep to the first primary partition of the drive, gave it the space I wanted it to have, and I have a running NeXT box now. Thank you very much, it was a simple fix, but I was quite frustrated and disappointed. I have reinstalled windows, now I just need to reinstall linux on this drive and I will be done. Hopefully I can boot all three os'es on this drive from lilo. But I just wanted to express my thanks to you, I appreciate the help. Now, anyone point me to an ethernet how-to? :) Rex Dieter wrote: > > In article <> writes: > > > I am trying to install to primary partition 4, which is 2500Mb into a > > 3800Mb drive. Is that the prolem? > > Yes, NEXTSTEP/OpenStep supports a max partition size of 2GB (which can be > tweaked to 4GB in certain cases, I've heard, but I've never personally seen > it). > > -- > Rex A. Dieter (NeXT/MIME OK) > Computer System Manager > Mathematics and Statistics > University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (MevDev) Newsgroups: Subject: I need a Nextstep 3.3 supported SCSI card Date: 30 Sep 1998 03:03:06 GMT Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> Hello I have Nextstep 3.3 and I cannot find a supported SCSI card. Please reply via email Thanks'
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: SGI's flat-panel Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 30 Sep 98 03:25:32 GMT I'm lusting after the new flat-panel display from SGI. 1600x12something, wide-format. Under $2500. Eees verrry nice. Only catch is that it's digitally driven, and comes with a fancy Number Nine Revolution-based card. Anyone wish to venture a guess as to whether or not OpenStep's drivers will work with it? -- Note: email to this address goes to /dev/null To email a reply, write to jon at exnext dot com
From: "Tim Metz" <> Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.superdisk,,,es.comp.hardware.misc,it.comp.hardware.cpu,,nl.comp.hardware, Subject: EIDE or IDE? Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 06:59:04 +0200 Organization: World Online Message-ID: <6usdh8$4vh$> Hi! My hard drive has crashed and now I need to buy a new one, but with every hard drive I see it is either EIDE or IDE. How do I know if I need to buy an IDE hard drive or an EIDE hard drive? Could you please reply to my email address ( because I'm not subscribed to this newsgroup. Thanks in advance, Tim Metz -- ************************************************** To all Snowboarders; subscribe to the snowboard mailing list at Tell all your friends about it too! *************************************************
From: "Abdul Muhshi" <> Subject: Which one???? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <01bdec4c$fda105e0$b17f74cb@Muhshi> Date: 30 Sep 1998 16:30:31 +0800 I want to upgrade my computer's cpu but which one. CYRIX, AMD or IDT. Which one can benefit me
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HARDWARE POLE Date: 29 Sep 1998 22:43:04 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6usgd8$> References: <> In article <>, NHensleyD <> wrote: > >i was wondering what MODEL, and what BRAND harddrives... you have been >successful, in getting to work in a next slab??? > Quantum Fireball or Seagate Hawk should be fine. Emmett >
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which driver for SMC EISA 10/100 ? Date: 29 Sep 1998 22:42:10 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6usgbi$> References: <6uogh2$> In article <6uogh2$>, <> wrote: >Which driver is recommended for an SMC Ether 10/100 EISA ethernet card >(model SMC9232DST) in NS Intel 3.3 ? I didn't see this explicitly >listed in NeXTanswers, although I seem to recall that it was at one >point. Any help gratefully accepted. If this card will not work in NS, >what EISA ethernet 10/100 card is recommended (I have a VLB/EISA >machine that I want to use as a server for a very small network.) > Try the following at NextAnswers at : -rw-r--r-- 1 na 2933 Jun 18 1997 1748_SMC_EtherEZ-Elite16_Ultra_Driver_Overview.rtf -rw-r--r-- 1 na 2908 Jun 18 1997 1809_SMC_EtherElite_16_Driver_Overview.rtf -rw-r--r-- 1 na 2960 Dec 18 1997 2400_SMC_EtherElite_16_Driver_Overview.rtf -rw-r--r-- 1 na 3025 Dec 18 1997 2403_SMC_EtherEZ-Elite16_Ultra_Driver_Overview.rtf I'm using a EISA 3Com EtherLink III Combo card on a Compac EISA Deskpro Pentium 90 upgraded to 150 Mhz. (Before that I had a 10BaseT EISA 3Com card which worked OK.) Both worked fine good for me. Though I haven't really examined the performance. Neither seems to have trouble keeping up with my 140kbps DSL line. The driver was on the NeXT 3.3 CDROM. The hard part was sticking in the EISA configuration utility to assure no IRQ interupts. (Not a big deal.) Emmett
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: How to setup an e-mail server? Date: 30 Sep 1998 15:23:37 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6utidp$1g1$> References: <6un563$9j6$> <> <6uqset$> <6uqvsr$4tu$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6uqvsr$4tu$> Wade Eric Bynum wrote: > In article <6uqset$>, Emmett McLean <> wrote: > >Thought of one more thing ... > > > >If you want your machine to recieve mail you have to > >tell your ISP so that it gets forwarded to you. So > >your machine becomes the primary mail server. Then > >have them set their machine up as a secondary mail > >server so that if your machine goes down they can get > >your mail. > > > >Well, that was my experience. I set up a NeXT running > >3.3 with a NIC domain. I don't know what options are > >available to you if you just have a static IP. > > > >Emmett > > First off, a little more detail about my setup. The > official name of my ip address is > So under SimpleNetworkStarter, I entered the host > name as 232-cdm-230. This host name is listed in > the /etc/hostconfig file. All of this was done after a clean > install of OS4.2. > > Here's a little more that I have found out about > the problem. When sending mail to the NeXT slab, > it seems to actually arrive, but does not get > sent to the account specified (i.e. > Right after mail is sent to the slab, I do a > "ps auxw | grep sendmail" and an entry does show up > that mentions the sending mail server (in my case it > is Nothing ever is mentioned > of the incoming mail in the syslog file though. > I had an individual helping me on irc last night, and he > got me to a prompt where I entered "/parse". > This is where we found the error. Something along the > lines that the slab did not recognize "kcobra" "@" > "232-cdm-230" "." "tca" "." "net". He said this was > the problem, but did not know what could be causing this. > Any ideas? > > Do you have a Fully Qualified Host Name entry in NetInfo? If not, this can be done using If you do not yet have an entry for 232-cdm-230, then create a new host with this name and the assigned IP address. Add as an alias for the host 232-cdm-230. Save it to the appropiate domain (probably local) and make sure that the "This is host's parent domain" box is checked. Now, your local machine (and sendmail) should recognize mail destined for is acceptable. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: Curran Fey <> Newsgroups: Subject: Jaz 2Gb Drive and Disktab Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 15:00:20 -0700 Organization: UW Molecular Biotechnology Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone successfully used the 2Gb Jaz drive with 2Gb disks on Nextstep 3.3? Please, would you share your experience and disktab with me? (Please use email to respond) Thanks -- Curran Fey Dept. Molecular Biotechnology University of Washington Box 357730 Seattle, WA 98195-7730 206 616 1549 voice 206 685 7354 fax
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which one???? Date: 1 Oct 1998 01:47:13 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6uumv1$> References: <01bdec4c$fda105e0$b17f74cb@Muhshi> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> void wrote: > On 30 Sep 1998 16:30:31 +0800, Abdul Muhshi <> > wrote: > >I want to upgrade my computer's cpu but which one. CYRIX, AMD or IDT. > >Which one can benefit me > > I hear AMD has a good reputation. Avoid Cyrix as it has problems under NeXTStep and several other Unix platforms. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Jim Russell <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing EtherLink III PCMCIA Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 06:26:18 -0500 Organization: Sprynet News Service Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks to everyone for the help on getting the EtherLink card configured. But I have yet hit another obstacle. Now I can't seem to communicate to other computers. During boot I get a message saying that my ethernet link has been registered and I get an ethernet address. When I try to telnet from my laptop to another computer both lights flash on my hub but no connection is established. When I try to telnet from another computer to my laptop only the light for the computer making the telnet flashes; the light for the laptop doesn't. It seems to me that I may be transmitting but not receiving from my laptop EtherLink III card. What to do??? I tested the card out on my laptop using Windows 95 connected to a windows network and it worked fine. It must be a software problem. Jim Russell
From: (void) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which one???? Date: 30 Sep 1998 12:47:03 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <01bdec4c$fda105e0$b17f74cb@Muhshi> User-Agent: slrn/ (UNIX) On 30 Sep 1998 16:30:31 +0800, Abdul Muhshi <> wrote: >I want to upgrade my computer's cpu but which one. CYRIX, AMD or IDT. >Which one can benefit me I hear AMD has a good reputation. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: (void) Newsgroups:,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc Subject: Re: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: 1 Oct 1998 13:47:47 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> User-Agent: slrn/ (UNIX) On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:02:06 -0700, Dennis Glatting <> wrote: >Is there an effort underway to port FreeBSD to NeXT black >hardware? I found a Linux and NetBSD effort. Is hardware >descriptions for the 25 and 33 MHZ 040 available? FreeBSD is being ported to the Alpha, and that's it for now. -- Ben "You have your mind on computers, it seems."
From: (Peter da Silva) Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.superdisk,,,es.comp.hardware.misc,it.comp.hardware.cpu,,nl.comp.hardware, Subject: Re: EIDE or IDE? Date: 1 Oct 1998 12:31:49 GMT Organization: Bailey Network Management Message-ID: <6uvsnl$> References: <6usdh8$4vh$> <> In article <>, Dave Van den Branden <> wrote: >same thing. for some reason. >Tim Metz wrote: >> My hard drive has crashed and now I need to buy a new one, but with every >> hard drive I see it is either EIDE or IDE. How do I know if I need to buy an >> IDE hard drive or an EIDE hard drive? Since an IDE "controller" is just a bit of buffering to extend the ISA bus, it doesn't matter. The real question is whether you should get an [E]IDE or a SCSI drive. -- In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <> `-_-' "Heb jij vandaag je wolf al geaaid?" 'U` "Tell init(8) to lock-n-load, we're goin' zombie slaying!"
From: Sender: (Peter da Silva) Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.superdisk,,,es.comp.hardware.misc,it.comp.hardware.cpu,,nl.comp.hardware, Subject: cmsg cancel <6uvsnl$> Date: 01 Oct 98 14:33:00 GMT Organization: Gruppo di Coordinamento NEWS-IT Message-ID: <cancel.6uvsnl$> Control: cancel <6uvsnl$> Excessive xpost without followup cancelled by with XPostKiller.
From: (Christopher M. Conway) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer...location Date: 28 Sep 1998 17:17:56 -0600 Organization: Prickly-Wombat Enterprises Message-ID: <6up5f4$> References: <6un7kn$q58$> <6uo40e$jp0$> In article <6uo40e$jp0$>, <> wrote: > > I forgot to include where it's located..... > > This is not meant to impugn the reputation of the seller at all; I've had little but good experiences with sellers. However, be *VERY* aware that eBay releases your personal information to anyone registers; and one does not have to give valid information to register. In particular, they give out addresses and phone numbers freely, to legitimate users, and to spammers/telemarketers/stalkers/etc. alike. Additionally, for anything other than pure purchasers with reputable ISPs who want no access to "adult" areas, they require a credit card number be sent over the net-- which is quite risky; and I suspect that the numbers are kept on a system which is accessible to the net, which means it's just a matter of time before they're stolen. EBay doesn't consider any of this to be a problem. They are not concerned about people's legitimate privacy concerns, nor are they willing to exam their privacy policies realistically. They are also vindictive if these shortcomings are pointed out to them. I'd recommend you be careful using them. At the very least, I'd recommend that you give false data when registering. I won't bore the group with details, but anyone who's interested in them should email me. Christopher M. Conway -- Christopher M. Conway U*IX and C Guru Don't Tread on Me We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we will all hang separately. I'll be post-feminist in the post-patriarchy.
From: Troy Stephens <> Newsgroups: Subject: PPP above 9600 on OS 4.1? Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:17:40 -0700 Organization: Whole Earth Networks News Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got PPP up and running on my OpenStep 4.1/Mach for Intel installation. The catch is, "tip" (which I use to talk to the modem to get it to dial up) refuses to run at speeds over 9600. Is there a better app to use for making connections -- one that would let me run at higher baud rates? The modem is a 28.8k. Thanks! Troy Stephens (Please remove "nospam." from reply-to address.)
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: SGI's flat-panel Newsgroups: References: <> <6uujoe$41k$> <> Message-ID: <> Date: 1 Oct 98 15:46:14 GMT David Andrew Knight <> wrote: > In <6uujoe$41k$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > > In <> Jonathan W Hendry wrote: > > > I'm lusting after the new flat-panel display from > > > SGI. 1600x12something, wide-format. Under $2500. > > > Eees verrry nice. >Its 1600 x 1024, 17.3 diagonal, 16:10 ratio, 120 degree viewing angle,110dpi, >24bit true colour, 235cd/m3 bightness, can handle 30fps video and uses a >digital interface so will not hook upto normal analogue VGA adaptors. I notice now that its refresh rate is fixed at 60Hz. That may not be such a good thing if it suffers from flicker, but I'm not sure if LCD's behave the same way as CRT's in that respect. The pictures make it seem bigger than it actually is. It apparently isn't much wider than my Nokia 17" monitor, and it's quite small vertically. Using two seems quite feasible (in terms of space, not price). It'd be nice if they added Pivot support. -- Note: email to this address goes to /dev/null To email a reply, write to jon at exnext dot com
From: "Darren Reely" <> Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Newsgroups: References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> Message-ID: <01bded53$c4e2ac60$76aacacc@default> Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 15:57:44 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 08:57:44 PDT Thank you all who helped with your ideas. I managed to get the Quantum working under Nextstep 3.2/3.3 NextStation and 3.3 Intel. The secret was to format the the drive under Win95 using software I located on a disk supplied with my scanner. Once I rebooted into NextStep on the Intel machine, NextStep wanted to put three equal size partitions on the drive. I now have the drive working on the NextStation. When I did a Builddisk on the drive under NS 3.3 on the NextStation it removed files from all partitions I had already put there. Is that normal? Is there a way to avoid that? Due to other problems I caused, I'll be asking some sysadmin questions soon. Thanks again. -- Darren
From: (David Andrew Knight) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SGI's flat-panel Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 10:01:23 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> <6uujoe$41k$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6uujoe$41k$> Frank M. Siegert wrote: > In <> Jonathan W Hendry wrote: > > I'm lusting after the new flat-panel display from > > SGI. 1600x12something, wide-format. Under $2500. > > Eees verrry nice. Its 1600 x 1024, 17.3 diagonal, 16:10 ratio, 120 degree viewing angle,110dpi, 24bit true colour, 235cd/m3 bightness, can handle 30fps video and uses a digital interface so will not hook upto normal analogue VGA adaptors. Retail is announced at USD$2,795 including #9 graphics card (PCI for Mac and PC or AGPx2 for PC) or USD$2,595 for SGI O2 workstations. > > Only catch is that it's digitally driven, and comes > > with a fancy Number Nine Revolution-based card. Anyone > > wish to venture a guess as to whether or not OpenStep's > > drivers will work with it? Theres a reason we know the technical specs so well ;-) > As an alternative get yourself an EIZO L66, 18.1' visible screen size LCD > flat display with 1280x1024. It is very bright and crystal clear for its base > resolution (and a bit less clear for interpolated resolutions like 1024x768 > and 800x600), plugs in as a normal VGA screen and makes a formidable look on > the desktop. Thats a nice monitor as well, but not as good and very expensive in the UK/Europe. Also its a dual edge sword, analogue compatible means no special drivers or graphics card but poorer picture and not very good for real time video. -- Regards David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SGI's flat-panel Date: 1 Oct 1998 17:13:26 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6v0d7m$g0s$> References: <> <6uujoe$41k$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> David Andrew Knight wrote: > > As an alternative get yourself an EIZO L66, 18.1' visible screen size LCD > ... > > Thats a nice monitor as well, but not as good and very expensive in the > UK/Europe. Also its a dual edge sword, analogue compatible means no special > drivers or graphics card but poorer picture and not very good for real time > video. Well, I have nothing to complain, the image is breathtaking sharp at 1280x1024. It is a bit washed out at lower resolutions where the screen must interpolate. And real time video works fine too... (it is currently attached to an O2). Ok, I admit the price tag is a bit heavy but then again my other EIZO screen (17' F550i) run without a glitch since several years and is still looking ok, so I hope to get the same from this LCD screen... -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Converting to ADB Date: 1 Oct 1998 20:05:10 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <6v0n9m$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb If I want to convert my turbo color slab to ADB, do I need merely to acquire (where?) and ADB ROM, and the appropriate mouse/keyboard/soundbox/cables? (Exactly which cables are different for ADB and non-ADB?) Is that all there is to it? Or, are there other things I need to do? (If so, can someone tell me what they are?) Or, is such a conversion impossible, for some reason? Thanks in advance. PB Schechter
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Mono Slab and CD-ROM drive. Date: 5 Oct 1998 13:33:49 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <6vahrt$h4c$> Okay, so I'd very much like to hook up a CD-ROM drive to my Mono NextStation. I've got OpenStep 3.3, and it all appears to be running properly. The CD-ROM drive I'm using is a MediaVision Reno portable 2x SCSI-2 drive. Yeah, it's a weird discontinued drive, I know. 8) It works, and it was cheap. I don't think it's quite supported, though... When I try to mount the CD (I've just being doing a mount /dev/sd2g /mnt from the shell), it give lots of SCSI errors in the console, and the drive does some uncomfortable-sounding clicky things. I'm assuming, from something that was mentioned briefly somewhere in a newsgroup or web site, that that just means it's not a supported drive. So, can anyone point me either to an FAQ or hardware compatibility list, or give me some pointers on getting this to work? Thanks very much, Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: Dennis Glatting <> Newsgroups:,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc Subject: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:02:06 -0700 Organization: Alternate Access Incorporated Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is there an effort underway to port FreeBSD to NeXT black hardware? I found a Linux and NetBSD effort. Is hardware descriptions for the 25 and 33 MHZ 040 available? -dpg
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help Connecting SCSI 9Track Tape Drive Message-ID: <> From: root@ Date: 5 Oct 98 09:33:55 MDT References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <> "Michael Weber" wrote: > I have a differential SCSI 9 track tape drive. Does anyone know if there is > a controller available for a NEXT slab? > > Michael Do you have a way to connect a differential SCSI device to the single-ended SCSI slab?
From: v65animal@aol.comKillSpQm (V65 Animal) Newsgroups: Subject: Trident 968S Video Card, how do I set refresh rate Date: 1 Oct 1998 05:44:20 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I can not get anything but the Default or Auto refresh rate. My 17 inch monitor tends to have some flicker with this card. Also, does anyone know about a VESA 2.0 video BIOS update for this? How about Open GL support? Thanks, Sam F. Sam Woodson........V65Animal@Aol.ComREMOVEthisPart 1984 Honda V-65 Magna "The Bitch" 1992 Thunderbird SC 5spd
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer...What is the deal...? Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 06:33:32 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6uut3o$cn1$> References: <6un7kn$q58$> <6uo40e$jp0$> <6up5f4$> <6upv7f$> Hi. ........ confused here. I'm just trying to sell my system. It's amazing that there is so much paranoia. Yes... I did use a false "" address..... not for the sake of deceiving anyone. My decision to so do was for you people could easly see that it was an item on ebay. That's all. As for the cross posting.... the address "" is used by others. For the same reason listed above. I have not listed anything in any inappropiate groups. I have listed in as "" In refernce to selling Next Cubes.... Subject is Re: WTB: NeXT Cube parts I have been communicating with a few different people concerning that posting....if someone needs references. I have all the serial and I'll gladly give them to you......double check them yourself. Here's the deal. Call me. My home number is 313-561-1298 My work number is 248-355-3090 ( ask for Scott ) or Email me or ( remove nospam@ ) or stop by and see them for yourself.....I'm in Dearborn, Michigan Lastly...Not everybody online is a crook. I feel like I'm being called a witch in Salem. I think people should reserve judgement before going on the attack. I don't know....maybe we all just watching too much X-Files.....? Richard Tilley feel free to give me a call. Scott _______________________________________________________________ >In article <6uo40e$jp0$>, <> wrote: ... >This is not meant to impugn the reputation of the seller at all; I've had >little but good experiences with sellers. ... 1. This seller is using a false mailing address. 2. This seller has cross posted to inappropriate groups. Minor transgressions, but more annoying than, say, following up to the wrong group. :-)
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT as work system? Lighthouse suite? Date: 5 Oct 1998 16:51:28 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6v8nji$8rn$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6v8nji$8rn$>, <> wrote: >This might be miss-posted, but it is kinda about buying advice, and .advocacy >is full of Rhapsody arguments. > That's what .advocacy's for! :-) >NeXT looks like a fast, stable Unix based OS with a decent GUI running on top >of it. > Well, I wouldn't call black hardware fast by today's standards but the OS is good at exposing the power of the metal it's sitting on, yes. >How good is the Lighthouse suite of Apps? > Quite good. >I need to be able to include JSP type diagrams (which I'd be doing using the >drawing package it comes with) in reports. Lighthouse can do this? > I'm not sure what JSP is; I assume that it's some kind of entity-relationship diagram? Anyway, yes, you can include anything you do in Diagram! pretty much anywhere else. >Can lighthouse flow text around pictures? Can I use it to put text in a frame? > Keep in mind that Lighthouse was the company that made the apps--the applications themselves have individual names. I haven't used OpenWrite very much so I'm not sure it can do this but I *think* so. Hope that's helpful. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mono Slab and CD-ROM drive. Date: 5 Oct 1998 18:14:56 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <6vb2b0$7m1$> References: <6vahrt$h4c$> <6vau65$6lr$> In article <6vau65$6lr$>, Satoru Uzawa <"> wrote: > >This is due to lack of full SCSI command sets (some commands never used in >older MacOS or Win3.1 were not implemented, I heard). Ah. That makes sense, and sounds like what the console output was telling me. >Toshiba allways worked nicely with multitasking OSes (maybe due to the fact >that SUN, SGI etc use Toshiba drives). Check your drive mechanism and see >whether you have one of old imcompatible drive. The Reno _is_ the drive mechanism. It's a sort of CD-ROM/walkman kind of thing that has a dock with SCSI ports into which a portable CD player plugs. It's very odd, and has worked on Macs and Linux boxes before. What you describe sounds like what's going on, though, so I guess I'll just go dig up a different old CD-ROM... Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FS - FA: NeXT Cube w / Laser Printer...What is the deal...? Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:18:43 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6un7kn$q58$> <6uo40e$jp0$> <6up5f4$> <6upv7f$> <6uut3o$cn1$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 1 Oct 1998 11:18:29 GMT The thing is, there is a group called "". The group "" is for people who have problems and solutions connected with NeXT, Nextstep and Openstep hardware. I don't really think that having unsold hardware is the sort of problem we are talking about, putting a FS in this group will be ignored or generate abuse. Of course there aren't any rules, just conventions and consideration of other users time; you see, trying to ignore your advertisement and this reply cost the equivalent of $30 chargeable consultation. wrote: > > Hi. > > ........ confused here. > I'm just trying to sell my system. > It's amazing that there is so much paranoia. > > Yes... I did use a false "" address..... > not for the sake of deceiving anyone. > My decision to so do was for you people > could easly see that it was an item on ebay. > That's all. > > As for the cross posting.... the address "" is used > by others. For the same reason listed above. > I have not listed anything in any inappropiate groups. > I have listed in as "" > In refernce to selling Next Cubes.... > Subject is Re: WTB: NeXT Cube parts > I have been communicating with a few different people concerning that > posting....if someone needs references. > I have all the serial and I'll gladly give them > to you......double check them yourself. > > Here's the deal. > Call me. > My home number is 313-561-1298 > My work number is 248-355-3090 > ( ask for Scott ) > > or > > Email me > or > ( remove nospam@ ) > > or stop by and see them for yourself.....I'm in Dearborn, Michigan > > Lastly...Not everybody online is a crook. I feel like I'm being called > > a witch in Salem. I think people should reserve judgement before > going on the attack. > I don't know....maybe we all just watching too much X-Files.....? > > Richard Tilley feel free to give me a call. > > Scott > > _______________________________________________________________ > >In article <6uo40e$jp0$>, <> wrote: > ... > > >This is not meant to impugn the reputation of the seller at all; I've had > >little but good experiences with sellers. > ... > > 1. This seller is using a false mailing address. > 2. This seller has cross posted to inappropriate groups. > > Minor transgressions, but more annoying than, say, following up to > the wrong group. :-) -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SGI's flat-panel Date: 1 Oct 1998 00:52:30 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <6uujoe$41k$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> Jonathan W Hendry wrote: > I'm lusting after the new flat-panel display from > SGI. 1600x12something, wide-format. Under $2500. > Eees verrry nice. > > Only catch is that it's digitally driven, and comes > with a fancy Number Nine Revolution-based card. Anyone > wish to venture a guess as to whether or not OpenStep's > drivers will work with it? As an alternative get yourself an EIZO L66, 18.1' visible screen size LCD flat display with 1280x1024. It is very bright and crystal clear for its base resolution (and a bit less clear for interpolated resolutions like 1024x768 and 800x600), plugs in as a normal VGA screen and makes a formidable look on the desktop. -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups:, Subject: Why does PCMCIA modem hang reboot and power down? Date: 5 Oct 1998 21:47:23 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6vbepb$nj7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, I have a Digital HiNote VP745 notebook running OS4.2 and a Zoom 33.6K PCMCIA Fax/modem. I have modem installed in the notebook and when try to reboot or power down the machine hangs at (or near) the the end of the shutdown process (disks are synced, swapfile unmounted, etc.). However, I don't get the "You can turn off the computer" message if it is a power off, and it just hangs if it is a reboot. I doesn't seem to matter whether I use the login panel buttons, shutdown from the command line, or power off from WorkspaceManager. If I don't insert the modem card, everything is fine at shutdown. Any ideas? I am at a complete loss. PS. I have had kermit and NXFax working with this modem. However, it doesn't seem to be related to either of software packages (I can disable the software and it has no affect). -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: Steve Watt <> Organization: USENET spam abatement Sender: Date: 5 Oct 98 19:51:37 GMT Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore Control: cancel <> I have cancelled this article which had a BI of more than 20. Selected original headers: }From: }Subject: Owning Your Own Adult Interent Business Is Easy }Path: ...!!!!!!!!not-for-mail }NNTP-Posting-Host: }Lines: 11
From: (Christian Smith) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Subject: Re: FS: Mac/PC to NeXT Monitor Cable/Adapter $50 Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 17:59:08 -0400 Message-ID: <> References: <6v76l4$12dq$> In article <6v76l4$12dq$>, (Mark Cutler) wrote: >I have a DB15 to 13W3 cable and Mac Sync Adapter from Griffin Technologies >available for sale. The combination makes it possible to use a NeXT monitor >with either a Mac or a PC. I was using it on a Power Macintosh 7500 and a >NeXT 21" monitor with great success. > >Let me know if you are interested. Really? What model NeXT monitor is this? Do you know if this would work with a 17in MegaPixel monitor (one of the grey scales from a NeXT Cube/Slab?
From: (Martin Schmachtel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can non-turbo color NeXT use 8MB SIMMs? Date: 1 Oct 1998 17:26:50 GMT Organization: Prenzlnet e.V. Berlin/Germany Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On Tue, 29 Sep 1998 15:54:32 GMT, Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >Hi, I know that the non-turbo color NeXT is supposed to use 4MB SIMMs. >Has anyone tried to use 8MB SIMMs? Yes, I did, and unsurprisingly it did not work. These were FPM SIMMs, EDO wonÂt work anyway. ciaole schmadde
From: (Christian Smith) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Subject: Re: FS: Mac/PC to NeXT Monitor Cable/Adapter $50 Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 18:03:56 -0400 Message-ID: <> References: <6v76l4$12dq$> In article <6v76l4$12dq$>, (Mark Cutler) wrote: >I have a DB15 to 13W3 cable and Mac Sync Adapter from Griffin Technologies >available for sale. The combination makes it possible to use a NeXT monitor >with either a Mac or a PC. I was using it on a Power Macintosh 7500 and a >NeXT 21" monitor with great success. Really? What model NeXT monitor is this? Do you know if this would work with a 17in MegaPixel monitor (one of the grey scales from a NeXT Cube/Slab)?
From: Paul Naton <> Newsgroups: Subject: **VIRTUOSO--EXTRASCAN--IMAGE--WETPAINT--MORE FOR SALE!! Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 15:28:14 +0100 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Rare NeXT Software For Sale: I have the following software for sale: All include original disks, license, and manuals or documentation if available. Contact me for more info. Most disks are FAT for Black or Intel. Last release of VIRTUOSO (2.0) (Next Freehand 5.0) which is still as good as any design package out. Very stable and is set up with drivers for most image setters and printers. Very reliable Postscript output. With disks and manuals. Works seamlessly with Mac versions of Freehand and Illustrator. Disks and Manuals $150.00 OBO Rare EXTRA SCAN, scanner support for Epson ES600-800 series scanners (which can be bought cheap!) This software was 400.00 new and is no longer available. This is the coolest scanner software for NS. Rock solid way to scan into your next. $100.00 firm, discs and license, manuals. Appsoft Image 1.1x , a rare release of this Photoshop-like imaging app which came from the developers themselves. Works well, have manuals too. Great for Web graphics.........still does things no other imaging apps can’t. Disks and Manuals-$30.00-OBO NX FAX, version 1.3 and 1.4, , rock solid FTP and faxing, fax from any app, NX fax never crashes and can send 14.4 fast faxes: fast and works great. For Zyzel modems. $30.00 OBO for each disk and license string METRO TOOLS 2.0, manager and launcher for NS. Nice utility/extension. $30.00 OBO WET PAINT...........V 1.2 good paint app, with disks and License, $30.00 OBO STONE DATA PHILE: Flat file database, V. 1.04, may not have license, install discs, $10.00. .....................................CD-ROMS'S............................................................. FATTED CALF---CD Rom with lots of fonts and share/freeware, 15.00, obo CD-ROMS: NS Install Disks 3.0, 3.1 ......for black............$20.00 each NeXT Third Party CD-Rom, 1993, for NS 3.1. $5.00 OBO GS Corp Slutions Suite CD-Roms, Volume 1,No. 1, I have two sets, $5.00 each. GS Corp Slutions Suite CD-Roms, Volume 2, No. 2, I have two sets, $10.00 each. obo, Lighthaouse Design CD-Rom, With Concurrence, Daigram,Taskmaster, and wet Paint demo’s, $10.00. ,obo, 1 only. Contact me via E-mail or call: Will accept checks, cash etc. Thanks Paul Natona Design (ex NeXT Design Firm) 541-752-9661 Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Newsgroups: From: Per Liden <> Subject: ADB vs. non-ADB? Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 00:41:43 +0200 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 00:34:56 MET DST Organization: University of Karlskrona/Ronneby Could someone explain to me (as if I was an idiot!) the difference between ADB and non-ADB systems. Thanks! /Per
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Quantum Atlas II 4.5gig on NextStation? Date: 1 Oct 98 14:17:29 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <01bde70c$3d313220$daa5cacc@default> <01bded53$c4e2ac60$76aacacc@default> <6v0eph$r3l$> In-reply-to: "'s message of 1 Oct 1998 17:40:01 GMT In article <6v0eph$r3l$>, " (Satoru Uzawa) writes: "Darren Reely" <> wrote: >When I did a Builddisk on the drive under NS 3.3 on the >NextStation it removed files from all partitions I had already put >there. Is that normal? Is there a way to avoid that? This is normal with You can use gnutar for tranferring files. <...> Gnu's tar will overwrite the pre-existing files it is transferring but won't erase the entire disk before the operation (that's what does). Use something like gnutar lcvf - / | ( cd /NewDisk ; gnutar psxf -) Of course, change the "/NewDisk" part to whatever the name of directory your new disk is mounted. Important caveat! When you login to a NeXTSTEP system, and it finds an external drive that isn't mounted, it'll go ahead (or perhaps it just offers to) and mount it for you in a mode where file ownership is locked to the user who logged in. So, either decline the mount, or as root unmount and remount the drive. Use "df" first and remember what drive to mount it on, and then do something like: umount /dev/sd1a mount /dev/sd1a /NewDisk Then, use the above gnutar string, again as root, so that you correctly retain all your permissions and the like. A disk with the permissions wrong will appear to work for awhile, but over time you start finding things that aren't quite right because some file somewhere isn't installed quite right. Unless you're confident of your abilities, it's almost always better to make do with BuildDisk or a fresh installation. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Question not covered by FAQ- RE: Sun hardware and NEXT system. Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 02:01:14 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6v40h9$v7r$> I have this CD I want to use with my NeXTslab. I would like to house it in one of those dinky Desktop Storage Cases (not the shoebox ones, the cool ones) from Sun. It has a Micro-D 50 on the back. I seem to recall reading that they use different Micro-D 50. Is this true? Has anyone had any success with Sun Desktop Storage packs and NeXTslabs? Owen Hughes. N. Wales -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: The ROM Monitor Date: 29 Sep 1998 21:30:47 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6urji7$3h0$> References: <6un5e2$o7e$> <6updai$b9n$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit i was just interested for the sake of having more information. i've never even heard anyone mention burning / updating ROMs. there must have been versions / changes for some reason. for example, my two turbo color slabs have diff rom versions. maybe some are just better in some unseen way, than others. > You interested in working on one? > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) > >
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Info on Daydream Mac emulator Date: 2 Oct 1998 16:52:44 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6v30cs$mp2$> References: <6v2f22$stk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6v2f22$stk$> wrote: > What exactly is this. I believe it is an LC board that plugs into the DSP and > allows Mac emulation. What NeXT systems is this compatible with, will it work > with Slabs or just Cubes. > > Any other information would be greatly appriciated. > > If you have one for sale I am very interested. > > Thanks in advance. Most certianly works in ALL 68040 systems. Not sure about 030's Cubes though (I never tried it). Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Jeffrey Flowers) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT B&W Monitor Message-ID: <> Organization: EYE Productions Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:40:33 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 00:40:33 EDT I have a NeXTStation with a monitor that connects to the slab, getting it's power thorugh it's connection, as well as providing ABD support as well. I don't use it much anymore, as I run NeXTStep 3.3 on my Pentium Pro 200. I just bought a Macintosh Quadra 700 and would like to use it with the NeXT monitor, since I have little extra money. Is there a way to make this work? It seems problematic to me but I wanted to ask before I wrote the whole idea off. Thanks to all, -- Jeffrey Flowers
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Converting to ADB Date: 2 Oct 1998 02:47:22 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <6v0n9m$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <6v0n9m$>, PB Schechter <pb@Colorado.EDU> wrote: >If I want to convert my turbo color slab to ADB, do I need merely to >acquire (where?) and ADB ROM, and the appropriate >mouse/keyboard/soundbox/cables? Pretty much, yes. But see below. >(Exactly which cables are different >for ADB and non-ADB?) The computer->Sound Box cable must pass all pins for ADB to work; some old cables leave out important ones. >Is that all there is to it? Or, are there other >things I need to do? When the machines sees an ADB Sound Box it will drive the monitor at 72Hz, so you have to make sure that yours can handle this. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Luis Cabrera" <lcabrera"nospam"> Newsgroups: Subject: color turbo upgrading Date: 2 Oct 1998 06:11:54 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6v1qra$> I have a NeXT station color and I was wondering if I could just buy a NeXT station turbo mother board and place it in the non turbo case and upgrade it....? and If so can I still use my moouse keyboard and sound box from my color station..? -Thanks ***Please remove "nospam" to reply personally***
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Info on Daydream Mac emulator Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 11:56:50 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6v2f22$stk$> What exactly is this. I believe it is an LC board that plugs into the DSP and allows Mac emulation. What NeXT systems is this compatible with, will it work with Slabs or just Cubes. Any other information would be greatly appriciated. If you have one for sale I am very interested. Thanks in advance. -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB vs. non-ADB? Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 10:09:38 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6vcq90$3dh$> References: <> <6vbvgf$> In article <6vbvgf$>, (TjL) wrote: [snip] > ADB systems are interchangable with Mac ADB (sort of like USB long before its > time). [snip] yes... ADB = Apple Desktop Bus, and it's the same interface as the Mac. But, there's something I found out the other day that some ADB device, draws more power than what the NeXT hardware can supply... in my case if I use an Apple Extended Keyboard II and a NeXT ADB mouse... this configuration is ok but if I try to use this same setup with an Apple mouse, the NeXT will not see the mouse at all (confirmed this at the boot process...only 1 ADB device was spotted)... but it's ok if one use the Apple Mouse + NeXT keyboard. Anyone has an idea what's really the case for this situation? Cheers, TC -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: "Paul Haddad" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Canon ObjectStation power supply Date: 3 Oct 1998 21:05:10 GMT Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000 Message-ID: <6v63i6$267$> Hi All, The power supply on my Canon ObjectStation 41 has died after many years of flawless service. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement? -- Paul
From: westin* (Stephen H. Westin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: **VIRTUOSO--EXTRASCAN--IMAGE--WETPAINT--MORE FOR SALE!! Date: 06 Oct 1998 08:25:17 -0400 Organization: Program of Computer Graphics -- Cornell University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> Paul Naton <> writes: > Rare NeXT Software For Sale: <snip> > WET PAINT...........V 1.2 good paint app, with disks and License, $30.00 > OBO <snip> > Lighthaouse Design CD-Rom, With Concurrence, Daigram,Taskmaster, and wet > Paint demo’s, $10.00. ,obo, 1 only. Or download from <> for free. BTW: this gets you WetPaint 1.7, the final release. -- -Stephen H. Westin Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: (Koichi Oshio) Newsgroups: Subject: Disk format error Date: 6 Oct 1998 13:35:46 GMT Organization: CATV Network Message-ID: <6vd6bi$785$> Hi, I'm trying to format a 4.3G disk. I'm aware of >2GB disk problems, and managed to make a disktab. The disk command writes the label, then fails to write super-block backups. My hardware is an EPSON 133MHz Pentium machine with adaptech 2940, OS is NS3.3J. Disk drive is Samsung WN34324U. The same setup works when the system is booted with Win95. Following is other info: ========== disktab ======== # # I/O DATA 4.3G # WN34324U|SAMSUNG WN34324U\ :ty=fixed_rw_scsi:nc#7052:nt#6:ns#246:ss#512:rm#3600\ :fp#320:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0\ :os=mach_kernel:z0#64:z1#192:ro=a\ :pa#0:sa#4193984:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#32:da#4096:ra#10\ :oa=time:ia:ta=4.3BSD\ :pb#4193984:sb#4194304:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#32:db#4096:rb#10\ :ob=time:ib:tb=4.3BSD\ ====== syslog ========= Oct 3 16:30:47 komrc mach: Registering: sd1b Oct 3 16:30:47 komrc mach: a2940_0: Max DMA Count Exceeded (max = 131072, reque st = 262144) Oct 3 16:30:47 komrc mach: sd1: Command Reject : FATAL ERROR Oct 3 16:30:47 komrc mach: target:3 lun:0 op:Write block:384 blockCount:512 ====== console ========= Warning: 4096 bytes per inode impossible due to cylinder group size, using 10757 bytes per inode Reduce cylinder group size to reduce bytes per inode. Warning: 488 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated /dev/rsd1a: 4194304 sectors in 2842 cylinders of 6 tracks, 246 sectors 2147.5Mb in 89 cyl groups (32 c/g, 24.18Mb/g, 2048 i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at:write error: 64 /etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 4194304 246 6 8192 1024 32 10 60 4096 t disk name: WN34324U disk type: fixed_rw_scsi writing disk label Writing /usr/standalone/i386/boot Writing /usr/standalone/i386/boot1 creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1a /usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1a /usr/etc/newfs /dev/rsd1a failed (status 1) ============= Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance, koichi -- Koichi Oshio, MD, PhD Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School
From: (Mark Cutler) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Subject: FS: Mac/PC to NeXT Monitor Cable/Adapter $50 Date: 4 Oct 1998 07:04:04 GMT Organization: University of Washington Message-ID: <6v76l4$12dq$> NNTP-Posting-User: mcutler I have a DB15 to 13W3 cable and Mac Sync Adapter from Griffin Technologies available for sale. The combination makes it possible to use a NeXT monitor with either a Mac or a PC. I was using it on a Power Macintosh 7500 and a NeXT 21" monitor with great success. Let me know if you are interested. Mark
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Info on Daydream Mac emulator Date: 3 Oct 1998 21:57:42 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6v66km$k3o$> References: <6v2f22$stk$> <6v30cs$mp2$> <> <6v3fic$fvb$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 3 Oct 1998 21:57:42 GMT You (Wade Eric Bynum <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 2 Oct 1998 21:11:40 GMT: > Where can this be purchased The company that made this (, stopped doing so quite a awhile ago. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Do NeXT slabs work with a NON-NeXT monitor? Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 22:58:00 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6v6a5o$c0d$> Hey everyone! Sorry if this question might seem dumb, but I wasn't able to find the answer in any FAQ's ... I'm considering buying a NeXT slab and I was wondering if it can be made to work with a normal, non-NeXT monitor? I seem to recall that the slab monitor connector is pretty funky, so I'm wondering if there's a hack or if I can buy some sort of connector that allows a normal monitor to talk to a slab (pizza box--or whatever it might be called these days.) Please reply through e-mail, as I have sporadic access to the WWW. Thanks a lot! Razvan. PS: if the answer is in a FAQ, pls. let me know where I can find it ... ;-) -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: "Jason Swain" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Monitor on PC or Mac Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 09:21:49 +1300 Organization: CLEAR Net, Message-ID: <6vdtug$g4h$> References: <> <6v22t6$52d$> If your video card cannot do sync-on-green (SOG) you can get a SOG adaptor from Griffin Technology, or build your own, there's a number of schematics on the web. Alternatively, you can open the Sony monitor up and look closely at the interface board. The first thing it does is split the sync sygnals off the green. By soldering on to that board with the split signals you can avoid a SOG adaptor. I've done it with a VGA cable, it works fine. By the way has anyone tried the Griffin ADB to USB adaptor to get a NeXT keyboard working under Windows 98? Jason Godwin wrote in message <6v22t6$52d$>... >You need a video card that does green sync.. but other than that I think >there are calbes that does the job.. considering monitors are not that >expensive.. why don't just go out and get a monitor and use existing civ >card.. > >godwin > > >Scott Varn ( wrote: >: Is there any was to get a Sony NeXT monitor to run a Mac or PC. I know it >: is fixed frequency and the cable is different but is there a converter or >: cable available to do this trick? > >: -- >: ________________________ >: Scott "Doc" Varn >: >: ________________________
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Fujitsu Dynamo 640SE disktab? Date: 4 Oct 1998 21:56:31 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <6v8quf$1in$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Oct 1998 21:56:31 GMT Looking for a Fujitsu Dynamo 640SE disktab, for the 640MB media. I looked in DejaNews and found a few things that looked close to what I need, but wonder if anyone has made a 'tab while using one of the newer drives. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Valentino Kyriakides <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Info on Daydream Mac emulator Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 14:31:22 +0200 Organization: Lavielle Message-ID: <> References: <6v2f22$stk$> <6v30cs$mp2$> <> <6v3fic$fvb$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wade Eric Bynum wrote: > In article <>, > Darren Wright <> wrote: > >> Most certianly works in ALL 68040 systems. Not sure about 030's > >> Cubes though (I never tried it). > > > ... > > Where can this be purchased and does it also work with > slabs? Thanks. > You should post a WTB message into -> Of course it works with slabs, I've use it with a Monostation. -- Valentino Kyriakides Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co. Tel.: +49(0)40 / 65 80 8 - 997 Lotharstrasse 2b, D-22041 Hamburg, Germany Fax.: +49(0)40 / 65 808-202 mailto:
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 21:43:47 GMT In article <>, jeff <> wrote: >I currently run Linux Redhat 5.1 on an IBM Thinkpad 380ED, using 32mb >ram and a 2.1gig hard drive. I use a 3Com Etherfast III PCMCIA card to >connect via cable modem to the internet. > >I would really like to run NeXT on this machine (its my only computer) >but I am concerned about issues like will the pcmcia card work, what >about the Neomagic 128ZV video driver for my laptop? And since I have >only one computer, can I perform an install of NeXT? I have heard it >requires more than one computer to install. >I guess I also need to know how to get ahold of a copy of it. Very >appreciative of any assistance you can offer. > >Jeff > Yes, it's nice to have a BLACK NeXT laptop. But there are a few things you'll have to consider: 1. You'll need a supported SCSI CD-ROM if you do not want and do not have another NEXT server for netinstall. It appears only the Adaptec SlimSCSI PC Card is supported. Do not know about other cards. Or, you can have a Dock with SCSI CD-ROM. You may want to try an ATAPI-compatible CD-ROM even though I do not know what this means ;-) 2. I do not think the NeoMagic video card is supported. If not, you just get a low-resolution video. This is no good. 3. Even if the above video card is supported, the most you can get is the 800x640 display. This is accepteable, but not optimal. I successfully built a ThinkPad 760C running NEXTSTEP. It was installed via. network server. The video is supported and it looked nice enough. However, since this was for amusement only, I erased the the whole thing after it turned into stable working condition. This is a good way to kill time :-) If you really like a nice NeXT laptop, go for the XGA with supported video. ThinkPad 770 should be supported. It's not very hard to install after you read the instruction carefully. I can trade my 760C for your TP if you want to have such nice NeXT laptop....... Good luck.
From: (Daniel Boehringer) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OS4.1 freeze after cps-lock/cntr key with NeXTDeutsch Date: 5 Oct 1998 07:17:26 GMT Organization: Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Rechenzentrum Message-ID: <6v9rq6$krp$> References: <6ufn8m$bj7$> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 5 Oct 1998 07:17:26 GMT Robert Forsyth <> wrote: >IFAIK the keyboard freezing is a PII 100/400 problem, or does it affect >all fast processor systems? (if so bad driver). > to my research so far it does seem to affect all fast systems and seems to be releated to the num-lock led on the keyboard. that is freezing is not due to a particular key on the keyboard but due to the caps lock function itself. my workaround is to map the caps-lock function to an unused key (i always considered caps-lock an anti-feature :-). daniel
From: (freddie) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ATI XPERT@Play 98 and NS 3.3 Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 13:28:33 GMT Organization: Altopia Corp. - Usenet Access - Message-ID: <> References: <6vb20h$fah$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:02:43 +0200, "Didier Callies" <> wrote: >Does anyone tried to run Nextstep 3.3 with an ATI XPERT@Play 98 graphic card >? >I got the messages : > > Display0 : ATI Rage/Rage II/Rage pro found > Display0 : Type GT Gamma : YES Memory : 8 MBytes > Display : mode selected 1024 X 768 @ 70Hz (RGB : 256/8) > Display0 : VRAM test failure, aborting > >and the default VGA is used. > >I use the driver version 3.32. > >Thanks to help me, > >Didier Callies > > Same problem with Xpert @Work. However, if you can stand 256 color mode, the Beta version of the driver for Openstep ( i think its 4.02 ) may give you this much. All drivers come up as PCI in this version, but it kinda works. I'm still trying to see if I can bump it up to more colors.
From: (PACKINGIT3) Newsgroups: Subject: Need to sell 8.4gig Drives Fast!! Accepting best offers! Date: 7 Oct 1998 02:58:34 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> 60 pieces of Western Digital 8.4gig Ultra DMA EIDE for sale. Need to sell the whole lot intact. I am not going waste time selling them so I am accepting best offers. They are all new and sealed. E-mail if you're interested and I will give further information. Thanks Tino
From: (TjL) Newsgroups:,,, Subject: Re: **VIRTUOSO--EXTRASCAN--IMAGE--WETPAINT--MORE FOR SALE!! Followup-To: Date: 6 Oct 1998 02:29:12 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6vbv9o$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE This is a little irratating now. You have shotgunned this post the NeXT newsgroups: when it only belongs in the last one. It was not even crossposted, but re-posted, some times with your correct address, and sometimes without. Therefore followups to your post could be missed because they might not go to all the groups. In this situation it might have led someone to purchase software they could get for free, or buy software that was possibly not compatible as advertized. In the future, please limit yourself to the appropriate newsgroup. is an helpful roadmap for those unsure of where they should post. Here is my original post yet again for those who might not have seen it. Followups on all my posts have been set to In <> MR. FATTUS wrote: > WET PAINT...........V 1.2 good paint app, with disks and License, $30.00 OBO This app can now be downloaded for free from with a 2-user license > Lighthaouse Design CD-Rom, With Concurrence, Daigram,Taskmaster, and wet > Paint demo¹s, $10.00. ,obo, 1 only. These apps can also be downloaded free, although it might be handy to have them on a CD as a backup. > Last release of VIRTUOSO (2.0) (Next Freehand 5.0) which is still as good > as any design package out. One minor point: Virtuoso 2.0 was equal to Freehand 4.0: from the README: Best of all, Virtuoso documents are fully compatible with Freehand 4.0 on the Macintosh. That said, it is a great program that I wouldn't mind having access to, I just wanted to make sure that it was clear as far as compatibility goes. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB vs. non-ADB? Date: 6 Oct 1998 02:32:47 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6vbvgf$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Per Liden wrote: > > Could someone explain to me (as if I was an idiot!) the difference between > ADB and non-ADB systems. I think this is covered in the FAQ, but at any rate: ADB systems are interchangable with Mac ADB (sort of like USB long before its time). Non-ADB are not. Therefore if/when your keyboard/mouse fails, it will be easier to replace, assuming that Mac ADB peripherals are available. Personally, I liked the ADB mouse better than then non-ADB one, but did not like the ADB keyboard, which seemed flimsier and I always mistakenly hit the commandbar under the space bar when I wanted to just hit the space bar. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Subject: Re: FS: Mac/PC to NeXT Monitor Cable/Adapter $50 Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 09:33:14 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6vfcgq$dib$> References: <6v76l4$12dq$> <> Nope. Afraid the mono displays use DB19 sockets. Owen Hughes (NeXTmail OK just as soon as my new slab arives) In article <>, (Christian Smith) wrote: > In article <6v76l4$12dq$>, > (Mark Cutler) wrote: > > >I have a DB15 to 13W3 cable and Mac Sync Adapter from Griffin Technologies > >available for sale. The combination makes it possible to use a NeXT monitor > >with either a Mac or a PC. I was using it on a Power Macintosh 7500 and a > >NeXT 21" monitor with great success. > > Really? What model NeXT monitor is this? Do you know if this would work > with a 17in MegaPixel monitor (one of the grey scales from a NeXT > Cube/Slab)? > > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: "Didier Callies" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: ATI XPERT@Play 98 and NS 3.3 Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:02:43 +0200 Organization: Netsat Systems SA Message-ID: <6vb20h$fah$> Does anyone tried to run Nextstep 3.3 with an ATI XPERT@Play 98 graphic card ? I got the messages : Display0 : ATI Rage/Rage II/Rage pro found Display0 : Type GT Gamma : YES Memory : 8 MBytes Display : mode selected 1024 X 768 @ 70Hz (RGB : 256/8) Display0 : VRAM test failure, aborting and the default VGA is used. I use the driver version 3.32. Thanks to help me, Didier Callies
From: "Ronald Leibfreid" <> Newsgroups: Subject: FPM RAM or EDO RAM for Turbo slab? Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 14:13:52 -0400 Message-ID: <6vb21q$> Hi all- I have a Turbo slab I am looking to add memory to. I have read the NeXT FAQ and I understand the memory section. What I am wondering is whether or not the slab can handle EDO RAM, or whether FPM must be used. I seriously doubt that EDO is necessary, but I have found it to be cheaper. Thanks! Ron Leibfreid
From: jeff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Thinkpad 380ED Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 12:27:25 -0700 Organization: Texas Education Agency Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I currently run Linux Redhat 5.1 on an IBM Thinkpad 380ED, using 32mb ram and a 2.1gig hard drive. I use a 3Com Etherfast III PCMCIA card to connect via cable modem to the internet. I would really like to run NeXT on this machine (its my only computer) but I am concerned about issues like will the pcmcia card work, what about the Neomagic 128ZV video driver for my laptop? And since I have only one computer, can I perform an install of NeXT? I have heard it requires more than one computer to install. I guess I also need to know how to get ahold of a copy of it. Very appreciative of any assistance you can offer. Jeff
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Lighthouse suite question? Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 09:15:07 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6vfbeq$c9r$> References: <> <> Is this on any of the archive CD's? I am too cheap too download it (in the UK, we have to PAY for local rate calls at about 1.75c a minute). Owen Hughes In article <>, westin* (Stephen H. Westin) wrote: > Paul Naton <> writes: > > > Rare NeXT Software For Sale: > > <snip> > > > WET PAINT...........V 1.2 good paint app, with disks and License, $30.00 > > OBO > > <snip> > > > Lighthaouse Design CD-Rom, With Concurrence, Daigram,Taskmaster, and wet > > Paint demo’s, $10.00. ,obo, 1 only. > > Or download from <> for > free. BTW: this gets you WetPaint 1.7, the final release. > > -- > -Stephen H. Westin > Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not > represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors. > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Subject: Re: FS: Mac/PC to NeXT Monitor Cable/Adapter $50 Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.wanted,, Date: 7 Oct 1998 09:41:39 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <6vfd0j$ok0$> References: <6v76l4$12dq$> <> 13W3 only works for the color slabs or cube with dimension.. so to answer the question no.. it won't work with your mono slab godwin Christian Smith ( wrote: : In article <6v76l4$12dq$>, : (Mark Cutler) wrote: : >I have a DB15 to 13W3 cable and Mac Sync Adapter from Griffin Technologies : >available for sale. The combination makes it possible to use a NeXT monitor : >with either a Mac or a PC. I was using it on a Power Macintosh 7500 and a : >NeXT 21" monitor with great success. : > : >Let me know if you are interested. : Really? What model NeXT monitor is this? Do you know if this would work : with a 17in MegaPixel monitor (one of the grey scales from a NeXT : Cube/Slab?
From: (Joshua W Burton) Newsgroups: Subject: New memory, new motherboard: cube still sick??? Date: 7 Oct 1998 15:08:35 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Message-ID: <6vg05j$> About a month ago I posted a plea for help or advice about my beloved old 25 MHz cube. The symptoms are as follows: at startup, I sometimes get an "Exception #2 at memory location 0x100a5c6" or something very much like that, dumping me into the NMI monitor. If I boot verbosely from there, the system comes up fine, except for occasional disk corruption from the previous crash, described below, which fsck has to deal with. The machine runs for several hours, then either (1) dies hard, first two nerve pinches ignored, power-cycle nerve pinch required, or (2) panics, corrupting 20 or 30 consecutively-numbered inodes at a random place on the disk (usually files I haven't touched for years). In either case, upon reboot I come back to the same exception #2. I cannot keep the machine up for as much as a whole day at a time, and playing Russian roulette with my files is getting really old, so the machine is down until I can figure out what is going on. Sounds like memory, right? All SIMMs have been replaced, in various combinations and then en masse. The _motherboard_ has also been replaced, with a new one from Deepspacetech onto which I put my old boot ROM. So what's left? * Dying SCSI disk, which has corrupted the kernel subtly? * Bad power supply, which glitches once every few hours? * Bad backplane, or display, or keyboard, or...? * Deepspace sold me a motherboard that happens to be sick in the exact same way as my original one, which by the way was working fine until my move two months ago. Be it noted that I don't really believe any of these theories, except that one of them has to be right. Someone here in the Chicago area (Andrew Chang, if I'm remembering correctly---I can't get at my files to look it up!) once offered to let me try some part-swapping with a known-good NeXTcube, so I could try to diagnose where the problem actually lies. I'd like to take him up on it, if I can still get in touch with him, and I'd like any advice from anyone reading this who might have a clue what's going on. What can still be broken, after taking the whole motherboard out? Joshua W. Burton (847)677-3902 still get mail at <>
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lighthouse suite question? References: <> <> <6vfbeq$c9r$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Oct 98 10:32:46 GMT On the peanuts-CD Winter 96 (Vol II) there are at least WetPaint 1.7 and Diagram2. The others should be there, too. For ordering check Sven --- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FPM RAM or EDO RAM for Turbo slab? Date: 7 Oct 1998 16:22:52 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <6vg4gs$pfi$> References: <6vb21q$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit it works for me and it has worked for others so i would say give it a try. In <6vb21q$> "Ronald Leibfreid" wrote: > Hi all- > > I have a Turbo slab I am looking to add memory to. I have read the NeXT FAQ > and I understand the memory section. What I am wondering is whether or not > the slab can handle EDO RAM, or whether FPM must be used. I seriously doubt > that EDO is necessary, but I have found it to be cheaper. > > Thanks! > > Ron Leibfreid > > > -- -3 PCs, 2 NeXTs, 1 Falcon030. all play and no work makes rivet poor-
From: Newsgroups: Subject: hard drive for color slab Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 20:22:00 GMT Organization: Slip.Net ( Message-ID: <> I have a friend with a non turbo color slab 68040 running OpenStep 4.2. It has both the original internal hard drive and an external hard drive. The external drive appears to be dieing and he would like to upgrade it. Does this hardware support normal SCSI, fast SCSI, or ultra-SCSI (this seems impossible due to the date it was made). Is there a problem on this type of system using drives > 2 gig. I remember that there was such a problem on my Intel system running OS 4.2 . Is there some way to partition a drive >2 gig to use the space? Are there any 2+ gig drives (manefacturer and/or models) with known problems on this system? I have checked NeXT answers ,in particular 2645, to no avail. If someone could help us out or point us to a faq on this subject, we would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance. Tom Fisher
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Date: 7 Oct 1998 00:22:45 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> To expand on what Andrew said: SCSI install via a Docking Station may not work (didn't work for me), the Adaptec PCMCIA SlimSCSI card was Apple's recommendation. To install with two machines takes one already running the OS, configured as a network insatallation server--that's the route I'll likely take when I get a chance. You can partition your hard drive and have both Linux and NeXTstep installed... William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: New memory, new motherboard: cube still sick??? References: <6vg05j$> Organization: @Home Network From: (Bill Woodford) Message-ID: <snQS1.6708$> Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 20:43:04 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 13:43:04 PDT In article <6vg05j$>, Joshua W Burton <> wrote: >* Bad power supply, which glitches once every few hours? > >* Bad backplane, or display, or keyboard, or...? Actually, these two sound like good culprits. Ive had my personal PC suffer power supply failure, as well as workstation (SGI's) suffer from bad p/s and bad backplanes. They all resulted in intermittent problems. In one case, the p/s was going, and everytime it got warm (say running for 30 minutes to 2-3 hours, windows, or whatever would crash with different errors, sometimes a lockup, sometimes a reboot, you name it. If you live local to deep space, you might see if they'll swap out a p/s and/or backplane for you. Hope this helps. -- Bill Woodford * ICQ:14076169 * Windows Multitasking: messing up several things at once
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ATI XPERT@Play 98 and NS 3.3 Date: 6 Oct 1998 16:57:57 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <6vdi6l$r2u$> References: <6vb20h$fah$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 6 Oct 1998 16:57:57 GMT "Didier Callies" <> wrote: > Display0 : ATI Rage/Rage II/Rage pro found > Display0 : Type GT Gamma : YES Memory : 8 MBytes > Display : mode selected 1024 X 768 @ 70Hz (RGB : 256/8) > Display0 : VRAM test failure, aborting How many memory RAM have you got ? 128 MB, 192 MB ? -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 --------------------------------------------------------------------
From: " (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disk format error Date: 6 Oct 1998 17:16:36 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <6vdj9k$qul$> References: <6vd6bi$785$> (Koichi Oshio) wrote: >Hi, > >I'm trying to format a 4.3G disk. I'm aware of >2GB disk problems, >and managed to make a disktab. The disk command writes the label, >then fails to write super-block backups. My hardware is an EPSON >133MHz Pentium machine with adaptech 2940, OS is NS3.3J. Disk >drive is Samsung WN34324U. The same setup works when the system >is booted with Win95. For large SCSI drives with 3.3 and later, you don't need a disktab entry. (I have to admit that the maximum size of the drive you can use is 14GB under NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, sadly) My Barracuda 9GB works without a problem, for example. disktab is required only for 3.2 and ealier. Try from command line disk -i /dev/rsd1a and see what happens. Your syslog suggests that you possibly made a mistake in disktab. Good luck! -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: (David C Lawrence) Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg newgroup Control: newgroup Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 01:05:44 -0000 iQCVAwUBNhwP6MJdOtO4janBAQEOWgP7BUocTHPO6iXAMQBU76ZLuG87K/o8DZ8a fDiLgp9esaKsXX5gcZ4vTA/t5FWC/Tx1fgPLsHbfPO5J+peCwquc0SIQYmza3dRL kuB3Heyoy32x0xmahOmLf2OFxiodxeNxrBWDmFMumaJ8kFsSbWoD9kijr/YUzYJJ EmxPAZ+DP78= =dLgA is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote for creation by 411:65 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 20 Apr 1992. For your newsgroups file: Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers. The charter, culled from the call for votes: This group is a forum for discussing: 1. 3rd party drives, modems, memory, printers... 2. Questions about NeXT hardware specs 3. Problems using/installing any of the above
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: New memory, new motherboard: cube still sick??? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <6vg05j$> Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 15:45:32 GMT In article <6vg05j$>, Joshua W Burton <> wrote: >About a month ago I posted a plea for help or advice about my beloved >old 25 MHz cube. The symptoms are as follows: at startup, I sometimes >get an "Exception #2 at memory location 0x100a5c6" or something very >much like that, dumping me into the NMI monitor. If I boot verbosely >from there, the system comes up fine, except for occasional disk >corruption from the previous crash, described below, which fsck has >to deal with. The machine runs for several hours, then either (1) dies >hard, first two nerve pinches ignored, power-cycle nerve pinch required, >or (2) panics, corrupting 20 or 30 consecutively-numbered inodes at a >random place on the disk (usually files I haven't touched for years). >In either case, upon reboot I come back to the same exception #2. I >cannot keep the machine up for as much as a whole day at a time, and >playing Russian roulette with my files is getting really old, so the >machine is down until I can figure out what is going on. > >Sounds like memory, right? All SIMMs have been replaced, in various >combinations and then en masse. The _motherboard_ has also been >replaced, with a new one from Deepspacetech onto which I put my old >boot ROM. So what's left? > >* Dying SCSI disk, which has corrupted the kernel subtly? > >* Bad power supply, which glitches once every few hours? > >* Bad backplane, or display, or keyboard, or...? > >* Deepspace sold me a motherboard that happens to be sick in the > exact same way as my original one, which by the way was working > fine until my move two months ago. > >Be it noted that I don't really believe any of these theories, except >that one of them has to be right. Someone here in the Chicago area >(Andrew Chang, if I'm remembering correctly---I can't get at my files >to look it up!) once offered to let me try some part-swapping with >a known-good NeXTcube, so I could try to diagnose where the problem >actually lies. I'd like to take him up on it, if I can still get in >touch with him, and I'd like any advice from anyone reading this who >might have a clue what's going on. What can still be broken, after >taking the whole motherboard out? > >Joshua W. Burton (847)677-3902 still get mail at <> This has to be a low-level problem. Do not blame the HD, PS and even the backplane (?). I'd only suspect problems with MB, RAM and NS kernel (if corrupted, then very unusual). Were you looking for trouble when you bought the sick MB? Dirty cheap? I'm still here. Let me know if you need help.
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups: Subject: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: 8 Oct 1998 05:37:41 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, LLP Message-ID: <6vhj35$doc$> Hi All: I'm considering getting some systems and have heard many good things about the new AMD K6-2 3DNow chips sets. I'd appreciates any info or opinions on the following: 1-Does OPENSTEP run on a K6-2 3DNow? 2-Which is faster at similar mhz speed, the AMD or the Pentium2? I had heard that the AMD was actually faster at 300/333 mhz than the Pentium2 counter part (I guess in part because the AMD uses a 100mhz bus at that speed). I wonder how the floating point on the AMD is at similar mhz speeds? Thanks for any info. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ___________________________________________________________________ UCO & A s s o c i a t e s , L L P ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK
From: (Joshua W Burton) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: New memory, new motherboard: cube still sick??? Date: 7 Oct 1998 19:01:13 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Message-ID: <6vgdpp$> References: <6vg05j$> <> Andrew Chang ( wrote: > This has to be a low-level problem. Do not blame the HD, PS and > even the backplane (?). I'd only suspect problems with MB, RAM > and NS kernel (if corrupted, then very unusual). The consecutive-inode munging suggested to me that something which has access to the inode table must be implicated: these are random files deep in NextExamples documentation and other places like that, which I am certainly not touching. If they're getting munged, then a bad HD seemed like a suddenly logical supposition. It's hard to see how this would crash me, though, unless the kernel is also munged in some way. A SCSI error should be caught and panicked. > Were you looking for trouble when you bought the sick MB? Dirty cheap? Deepspace sold it to me for $99, and they'll take it back if I can show that it's dead. Hard to imagine that it's dead in just the same way as my old one, isn't it? > I'm still here. Let me know if you need help. Please send me email at <> with your phone number. I would like to get together in the next week or two, if your schedule permits. One thing I'd like to try is my (perhaps bad) MB in your cube, to see if it stays up for a week. Would you be willing to do that, or would you rather not risk your data? Joshua W. Burton
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups:, Subject: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: 8 Oct 1998 06:27:11 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, LLP Message-ID: <6vhlvv$q8f$> Sorry for the cross post, but I've been trying to get this up onto hardware, and it doesn't want to cooperate, and I'm hoping to have an answer on this by tomorrow evening. I'm in the market for several machines and I'd like some feed back, info, and opinions on AMD's new processor. From what I've read it seems that generally speaking, the AMD K6-2 is roughly the same speed as a Pentium2 at a slightly lower clock rate; i.e. an AMD Kh6-2 3Dnow at 333mhz is roughly equal to a Pentium2 at 300mhz. I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone can help me with: 1-How is the AMD's floating point (not inlcuding the 3Dnow which few apps are recompiled for) compared to the Pentium2's? 2-Does OPENSTEP/OSX run ok on the AMD? 3-How does the AMD compare power consumption wise on a laptop? 4-I believe the AMDs at 300&333mhz do not have L2 cache running at 1:2 like the pentium, does the K6-2@350mhz have such cache? 5-It seems that there is a rough trade off that the AMD wins by having a 100mhz bus at 300&333 when the P2 has only a 66mhz, yet looses on the cache, so performance seems a wash. 6-Is the price premium Intel charges for it's processors at all worth it? It seems that one can get a laptop with an AMD K6-2 at 333mhz for about $600 cheaper than a Pentium2@300mhz; a speed wash, the AMD I believe is lower power hungry, and cheaper. I think if this chip runs OPENSTEP/OSX ok, I see no reason at all to go with Intel's chips at these speeds; their trademark isn't worth that much to me personally. Opinions on this will be most welcome and appreciated. -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ___________________________________________________________________ UCO & A s s o c i a t e s , L L P ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK
Message-ID: <> From: Henry McGilton <> Organization: Trilithon Research MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? References: <6vhlvv$q8f$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 02:57:18 EDT Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 00:00:39 -0700 John Kheit wrote: <<<< Munch >>>> long questionnaire about Pentium versus AMD K* munched away. <<<< Munch >>>> Well, gosh, John, with all due respect, by now, at lawyer's hourly rates, in the time spent on this detailed analysis you could have just bopped out and bought the Pentium-based box, premium or otherwise. Alternatively, you could have skipped all the analyses, bought the AMD box, decided it was useless, and then bopped out and go the Pentium-based box anyway. Just another weird view on the world, and hope you're keeping well . . . Cheers, ........ Henry ============================================================ Henry McGilton | Trilithon Software Boulevardier, Java Composer | Seroia Research -------------------------------+---------------------------- | ============================================================
From: (Steve M) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 12:05:15 GMT Organization: MindSpring Enterprises Message-ID: <> References: <6vhj35$doc$> <6vi2hg$72v$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am very pleased w/the epox-51MVP3E-m. Easy to set up, and very affordable. I have heard good things about the Soyo super seven board as well. What ever board you choose, it is important that your board is not an early ver 1.0. Seems that early boards had suffered from being rushed into service before all of the bus related compatibility issues were resolved. For more interesting read specific to the cpu, go to:
From: John Kheit <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: 8 Oct 1998 12:22:32 GMT Organization: UCO & Associates, LLP Message-ID: <6viaq8$k0p$> References: <6vhlvv$q8f$> <> Henry McGilton <> wrote: > Well, gosh, John, with all due respect, by now, at lawyer's Anytime I hear this, I ususally expect trouble. ;) > hourly rates, in the time spent on this detailed analysis > you could have just bopped out and bought the Pentium-based > box, premium or otherwise. > > Alternatively, you could have skipped all the analyses, > bought the AMD box, decided it was useless, and then bopped > out and go the Pentium-based box anyway. > > Just another weird view on the world, and hope you're > keeping well . . . Your analysis is pretty spot on. Five things: (1) I plan on extrapolating my personal purchase to the office on more machines; (2) if my analysis is right, then the current fastest intel based laptop is a 350mhz K2, not the 300mhz P2; (3) diddling with computer stuff is my way "relaxing," unwinding, and getting off the law gig, which can wind me pretty tightly; (4) I like to stay up to date on ongoings in the tech sector and understand things as well as my feeble mind will allow, and (5) I'm still not in the habit of wasting money when I don't need to. :) -- Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... ___________________________________________________________________ UCO & A s s o c i a t e s , L L P ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: New memory, new motherboard: cube still sick??? Date: 7 Oct 1998 22:15:21 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6vgp5p$7vp$> References: <6vg05j$> <> <6vgdpp$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6vgdpp$> Joshua W Burton wrote: > Andrew Chang ( wrote: > > > This has to be a low-level problem. Do not blame the HD, PS and > > even the backplane (?). I'd only suspect problems with MB, RAM > > and NS kernel (if corrupted, then very unusual). > > The consecutive-inode munging suggested to me that something which > has access to the inode table must be implicated: these are random > files deep in NextExamples documentation and other places like that, > which I am certainly not touching. If they're getting munged, then > a bad HD seemed like a suddenly logical supposition. It's hard to > see how this would crash me, though, unless the kernel is also > munged in some way. A SCSI error should be caught and panicked. > > > Were you looking for trouble when you bought the sick MB? Dirty cheap? > > Deepspace sold it to me for $99, and they'll take it back if I can > show that it's dead. Hard to imagine that it's dead in just the > same way as my old one, isn't it? > > > I'm still here. Let me know if you need help. > > Please send me email at <> with your phone number. I > would like to get together in the next week or two, if your schedule > permits. One thing I'd like to try is my (perhaps bad) MB in your > cube, to see if it stays up for a week. Would you be willing to > do that, or would you rather not risk your data? > > Joshua W. Burton > Hey Joshua, Sorry to hear your still having problems. Frankly swapping parts to isolate the problem is probably the only way. Since you swapped the MB that clearly isn't the problem. I guess were I you I'd backup all critical files ASAP. If you can do a clean backup of critical files (i.e. user stuff) do it quick :) Thing is your problem could be almost anything. Flaky power supply - or strange power glitches on the input. Usually the NeXT is very robust about handling 80-120V though if there are any other devices that are causing flaky source (wall) power that might cause problems. I guess if I didn't have another box to use to diagnose I'd do the following. 1) Check all cables and connections - particularly remove and examine the backplane. Clean out all dust and if you have a nice wire brush brush the contacts up on the pins and connectors on the backplane (i.e. the cube slot connector - and the PS connector). If you can find a small wire pipe cleaner do all the holes in the female connectors on the PS. Pay attention to see if there are any cracked or broken solder connections Time consuming and painful - but you may possibly have a bad connection somewhere. 2) Try the each of the 5/12V power connectors on your HD. Disconnect the floppy and the Optical drives (run the box void of 2.88 and Optical) 3) Clean SCSI cable connectors on cable and drive as in 1. Alternately try another SCSI cable. I assume you have termination right. 4) What happened between the box working and not working? Did you move it? Power outage? Was something going on in your house or apartment complex that could be causing some power difficulties? (A UPS should turn these up if you have one) 5) Try another HD - Also check how hot your HD is getting. Might be getting near the end of it's life. 6) I've never seen keyboard or mouse cause problems like you describe. Though I guess it's possible. clean connectors. 7) Odd chance - broken or loose solder connection on any of the connectors - backplane, monitor cable, etc. Examine/clean (ACK more potentially unnecessary work) 8) I think your right that the only way you'll diagnose this is to have a second good cube to start swapping parts - and I mean everything. The best way is to find a complete working cube and start swapping all your parts in and out. Personally I'd swap in to the good cube everything off your bad cube except the following. Backplane/PS/HD. If everything works fine then swap in the HD - PS. If everything still works fine I'd suspect the backplane. If you get problems before swapping in the PS and HD I'd start swapping keyboard/mouse/monitor cable. If nothing turns up there I'd begin to wonder about the EEPROM - as you did say you swapped it into the new MB. Drop me a line if you up against the wall. Friday is best for me for many reasons. 517-371-3327 9) Oh. If you can do it try a clean install of your OS it may only be a software/kernel corruption problem. Alternatively I think you might be able to compare the kernel on your HD to the one on the CD. That is a easy first check. Sorry if the above is too lengthly or obvious, and is not a direct solution to your problem. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lighthouse suite question? Date: 8 Oct 1998 14:17:22 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6vihhi$> References: <> <> <6vfbeq$c9r$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <> Sven Droll wrote: > On the peanuts-CD Winter 96 (Vol II) there are at least WetPaint 1.7 and > Diagram2. The others should be there, too. > For ordering check I saw these: /Peanuts-4/graphics/bitmap/WetPaint.1.7.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/business/TaskMaster.1.81.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/graphics/presentation/Concurrence.2.75.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/database/VarioData.3.22.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/database/VarioBuilder.3.22.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/spreadsheet/ParaSheet.1.7.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-4/spreadsheet/Quantrix.2.3.NIHS.b.tar.gz (2.4 was the last version) but not diagram2, openwrite, Equation Builder, or AirMail AFAIK the only CD set out there that has them all is the Big Green CD set #8 from May 1998 (hey -- is listed as "on hold" -- anyone know what's going on?) TjL ps -I missed the initial post, only saw Sven's reply -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Daniel Boehringer) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: 8 Oct 1998 10:01:20 GMT Organization: Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Rechenzentrum Message-ID: <6vi2hg$72v$> References: <6vhj35$doc$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Oct 1998 10:01:20 GMT John Kheit <> wrote: > >Hi All: > >I'm considering getting some systems and have heard many good things about >the new AMD K6-2 3DNow chips sets. i just tried installing OPENSTEP on a K6-2 system (300MHZ Processor 100MHZ Bus) and got a NXFactor of around 6 as compared to Mendocino 300 MHZ which made it only to around 5 (same HD/Graphic). considered the price-difference... the problem with the K6 was stability which i attribute to the ali chipset (tried several asus/ali boards [all different steppings of chipset], got different stability each but neither was acceptable). so if you could find a stable motherboard... :-( daniel
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 8 Oct 1998 17:22:20 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6viscc$kg6$> References: <6vii2p$> <6viq5v$rqk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6viq5v$rqk$> Ryan Scott wrote: > In <6vii2p$> TjL wrote: > > > > After many years of faithful service, my NeXT monitor is slowly > dimming. > > > > I've heard that I could "tweak" some settings and make it brighter, at > least > > for awhile. Has anyone written up a "how to" do this, especially the > part > > about not killing yourself and what screws need to be adjusted? > > > > Thanks folks! > > > > TjL > > > > > > The mono monitor is not that hard to adjust compared to the Fimi > color monitors. This is best done with two people (someone to > call 911). > > Disclaimer: Although this is a straight forward procedure for > someone with common sense and mechanical aptitude, it can be > deadly if you are severely lacking either quality. Please do not > attempt this adjustment until you are sure you can do it safely. Very true! > > 1. Get the correct tools. You will need a metric allen wrench - > 3 mm, a flashlight, and a "tweeker" type flat blade screwdriver > with a 2.5-3 mm wide blade. By tweeker, I mean a screwdriver > with a plastic handle and shaft. This will reduce the chances > of electrocution. However, you can wrap a standard screwdriver > shaft with electrician's tape or heat shrink tubing to get some > protection. I'd say more like 1-1.5mm. Also I have used a metal screwdriver with plastic handle of course and noticed that it is possible to create a short between the Potentiometer and the case but all that happens is the screen darkens (when you readjust the screwdriver to eliminate the short everything is fine again). I'm rather sure that tape would help but it might make the diameter of the screwdriver too large for the hole. > 2. Power down the system. Unplug the keyboard and monitor > connectors at the monitor. Remove the four socket-headed allen > screws at the four corners of the flat part of the monitor back. Yes. > 3. Slide the case off the back of the monitor. Plug the > keyboard and monitor cables back into the monitor. Set the > system up so that you can get to the back of the monitor and > still see the screen. I use a mirror or I set up the screwdriver so I'm sure I can turn it and change the brightness while sitting around the side of the monitor. > 4. Power up the system after checking all of your connections > and stay clear of actual tube. Make sure the brightness on the > keyboard is set to maximum. Yes to not touching tube. Also definately yes to setting the brightness to a maximum on the keyboard. A note. I usually do this in the ROM monitor since one gets a very nice view of the whole screen, and the lettering can easily be used if focus needs to be adjusted. > 5. Look for the hole in the metal back labeled "White Level". > This will adjust the brightness. While someone is watching the > screen, carefully tweak the adjustment screw of the > potentiometer. You may need the flashlight to see the screw. > Be very careful to keep your screwdriver on the screw. Don't > contact any part of the board or components around the adj. screw. Yes. > 6. Adjust the brightness just enough to be satisfactory. Avoid > increasing it alot since this will increase the rate of tube > degradation. Note: you will run out of travel at some point. > This is the brightest the screen will now get. Yes. Also one other point that people should know. A monitor in good shape should have very good brightness when the keyboard or software brightness is turned all the way up. How one can tell the monitor is good is if when you turn the software brightness all the way down that you indeed get a black screen - the earlier the better. Many will find monitors that won't go completely dim on keying the brightness down. Those monitors have been adjusted - and are definately nearing the end of their life. I just thought I'd make a note of this. > 7. Shut down the system and put it back together in the > opposite order you pulled it apart. Yep. > > Hope this works for you. > Since I managed to take my Canon L1 off the AntCam And I have a number of monitors I have to adjust I may take some shots and put up some step-by-step pages for N4000A monitor adjustment. I don't like going through the holes in the back for various reasons so I almost always remove the sides - and very carefully use the screwdriver on the MUCH larger adjustment knobs (staying away from the High Voltage components) - this makes it easier to sit in the front and adjust. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: 4.2 and Yamaha audio chipset Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:13:49 GMT Message-ID: <> I have a microstar motherboard (Intel BX chipset) it has on-board sound, which is as follows Yamaha DS-XG YMF 740 PCI. I have tried various different drivers under 4.2. Yamaha, Microsoft, Soundblaster 8/16 and ess1868, I have tried editing the Instance0 files on these drivers with no luck. (putting in values obtained under NT4.0). Has anyone seen this chipset before. Have you made it work.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 16:09:22 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6vio3i$1r1$> References: <> <> In article <>, (Andrew Chang) wrote: > If you really like a nice NeXT laptop, go for the XGA with supported > video. ThinkPad 770 should be supported. It's not very hard to > install after you read the instruction carefully. > What driver do you think would support the TP 770's chipset? Lon -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Deskjet question. (Will this work?) Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 18:45:55 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <6vj193$g3i$> Um. Still thinking of getting color turbo station. Another issue to think about. Want to run a deskjet 850c. Searched on dejanews. Looked in FAQs. Got the post at the end of this. Will this work with the 850c? Would a (mini-din)Mac-To-Printer(mini-din) cable work? If someone could send me details on what to do/what they did to get this working, I would be really grateful. As I said, I have looked in the FAQ and on dejanews, and the information is a little contradictory. It's possible Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Owen Hughes North Wales Re: DeskJet on slab? more options Author: David Wetzel Email: Date: 1996/06/13 Forums: more headers author profile view thread Hi! The solution is this: left switches: all down right switches: all down but 5 and 8 up (from Cable: (from FAQ) NeXT 68040 to HP LaserJet III Cable (not a Null-modem cable): Mini-Din HP DB-25 1 (DTR) nc 2 (DCD) 4 (RTS) 3 (TXD) 3 (RXD) 4 (GND) 7 (GND) 5 (RXD) 2 (TXD) 6 (RTS) 5 (CTS) 7 (RTXC) nc 8 (CTS) 20 (DTR) Thanks for all answers. (I got _many_different_ cable diagramms) _ _ _(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development, (_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG, _/ \_ Phone +49 33056 82151, Fax +49 33056 82152 (______) (NeXTMail) -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 9 Oct 1998 02:21:34 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> At one time, there was a posting for a company (in San Francisco, I believe) which replaced the tubes of monitors, including NeXT MegaPixel monitors. Unfortunately, once upon a time, I had some files to save which I thought for some reason were more important than the 50MB archive of such posts which I was sure I had backed up... I guess it's in the archives at Peanuts... William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: George White <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 21:07:50 -0300 Organization: ISINet, Nova Scotia Message-ID: <> References: <6vii2p$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <6vii2p$> You can get a few extra months by making adjustments, but what you really need is a replacement CRT. I looked into this, but at the time I was able to get new monitors more cheaply. Big electronics suppliers can get the various CRT's used in NeXT systems, but you have to provide the locations of the mounting tabs. If anyone has done this, it would be a service if they could post the measurements so others don't have to take their monitors apart. CRT's do degrade with time, and properly should be replaced every few years. CRT's are cheaper than eyes, and people work better when they are confortable. -- George White <> Halifax, Nova Scotia On 8 Oct 1998, TjL wrote: > > After many years of faithful service, my NeXT monitor is slowly dimming. > > I've heard that I could "tweak" some settings and make it brighter, at least > for awhile. Has anyone written up a "how to" do this, especially the part > about not killing yourself and what screws need to be adjusted? > > Thanks folks! > > TjL
From: "Mike W" <> Newsgroups: Subject: system test failed Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 19:56:22 -0500 Organization: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus Message-ID: <6vjmp5$9qi$> When I turn on my NeXTstation Turbo I get the error "System Test Failed." I checked the cable connections inside but everything seems all right. This is my first time dealing with these systems and I don't know how to troubleshoot them. I would also like to know how to shut them down properly when there are errors. Are there any diagnostic programs that I can download. Is it possible to boot from a floppy? etc. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Kristi
From: (David C Lawrence) Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg newgroup Control: newgroup Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 07:15:29 -0000 iQCVAwUBNhxmkcJdOtO4janBAQHn4QP/Y74cCp49p/DHaKStYjaOnZEOTJnGyMsm s9YJtT21iYoX9RF2q1r7M8x71/yaVO7FE2Xrx2uNS2VdftRskifqOLhgSkVTkjgc woQVHovYTaI53JXnR+vBqj9NhWZ0uaJO0UII9BlOaGglHPHVjvUtq9cTDSEsosKz UMIGLs60bhw= =ruiH is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote for creation by 411:65 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 20 Apr 1992. For your newsgroups file: Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers. The charter, culled from the call for votes: This group is a forum for discussing: 1. 3rd party drives, modems, memory, printers... 2. Questions about NeXT hardware specs 3. Problems using/installing any of the above
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> <> <6vio3i$1r1$> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 18:09:50 GMT In article <6vio3i$1r1$>, <> wrote: >In article <>, > (Andrew Chang) wrote: >> If you really like a nice NeXT laptop, go for the XGA with supported >> video. ThinkPad 770 should be supported. It's not very hard to >> install after you read the instruction carefully. >> > >What driver do you think would support the TP 770's chipset? > >Lon > > NeXT has a Trident generic video driver. It supports several chips, but I do not know if it also supports TP770. At least it is close. Worth a try. Let me know how it goes.
From: v65animal@aol.comKillSpQm (V65 Animal) Newsgroups: Subject: AT&T Globalyst 363TPC BIOS and RAM Date: 9 Oct 1998 06:01:00 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I've tried to give as much information as possible. (maybe too much?) When I run the FLASH BIOS Update from DOS, it works fine. Then when the system restarts I get the following error message: The compression driver can not be setup correctly. Get a version from your vendor that is compatible with this version of windows. Background information. This system came with Windows 3.1 and the Windows 95 Upgrade CD. I also purchased Microsoft PLUS! for Windows 95. One of the reasons I bought it was for the better disk compression it offered over Windows 95's version. When I ran the Flash BIOS Update the first time, I called NCR. They suggested that I take my floppy with "Bios.exe" to another computer that has NOT been compressed. Then I would run the bios.exe and create the FLASH disk. I tried that, same results as before. So, I decided to uncompress the hard drive. I again tried to run the BIOS Update, same results. I have tried the FLASH disk as a boot disk and I have also booted to DOS and run "FLASH." No change either way. It appears to me that even though I have uncompressed the hard drive, all the files did not get changed back to their original state. I think I should just be able to delete a file or two. I may possibly have to change one of my "INI" or "BAT" files. However, I do not know what to change. Microsoft says it's a hardware problem, and that NCR shipped this with Windows 95 as the OS. The disk compression is part of the OS and NCR supports the system and the OS. When this FLASH is complete, I should be running 1.07.00. The old version is 1.05.00. Currently when the system boots up, it shows AT+T BIOS Version 1.07.00. However when I run "SiSoft Sandra" and check the BIOS version, it still shows I am running 1.05.00, which I believe is the case due to the error message. Any suggestions? NCR told me I would have to REFORMAT the hard drive! If I am going to do that, I will probably just get the FULL version of Windows 98. Do you see any problems in doing that, then running the FLASH from Windows 98? I would like to do that for a few reasons. First "FAT32" would really help out my 1.02M hard drive. Secondly, as I said earlier, I had to load 3.1, then 95, if I upgrade to 98, I believe it would just get "messy." FYI, Using "SiSoft Sandra" I also get a "Tip T200:" DMI Interface not supported check for a BIOS update." What is a DMI interface? As long as I have your attention, I have another question. This system originally had 8M Ram. It was upgraded to 16M. At that time there were four 4M chips. That left room for one more pair of chips. I was going to buy two 8M chips to give me 32M total. However I was told for only $10 more, I could get two 16M chips. When this new RAM was installed, I should have had a total of 48M. The system only recognizes 32M. I thought (think) that I was given the wrong RAM chips. To verify, I took out all of my old RAM and booted with just the two new 16M chips. The system booted up showing only a total of 16M RAM not 32M as it should have. I called the company (I bought this at a computer show) They had me send the chips back and sent me two new ones. I still had the same problem. I called the company back, did they just send me the same chips back? I was told they tested this new RAM before sending it to me and it was indeed two 16M chips. They also said that when they got my RAM back, they tested it and it was also two 16M chips. My owners manual states that "The SIMM sockets are designed for 4, 8, 16, and 32MB 72-pin SIMMs. Your computer's sockets are designed for 32-bit, non-parity SIMMs. The normal configuration is to use single density, 32-bit, non-parity SIMMs. So, any suggestions how if can find out if these really are 16M chips or only 8M? More "SiSoft Sandra" information found under "Performance Tune-up Wizard" CMD Technology 640 EIDE Controller : Device does not support bus mastering. I checked the NCR web site. They have several updates for CMD, but none of them appear to apply to Windows 95. Thanks again, Sam Woodson F. Sam Woodson........V65Animal@Aol.ComREMOVEthisPart 1984 Honda V-65 Magna "The Bitch" 1992 Thunderbird SC 5spd
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: system test failed Date: 9 Oct 1998 16:57:55 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <6vlfaj$5mq$> References: <6vjmp5$9qi$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <6vjmp5$9qi$> "Mike W" <> writes: >When I turn on my NeXTstation Turbo I get the error "System Test Failed." I >checked the cable connections inside but everything seems all right. This >is my first time dealing with these systems and I don't know how to >troubleshoot them. I would also like to know how to shut them down properly >when there are errors. Are there any diagnostic programs that I can >download. Is it possible to boot from a floppy? etc. If anyone can help I >would appreciate it. > >Kristi > I recently had a similar problem. Added memory to my slab, which turned out to be bad. This may be your problem. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: "Barry J. Bocaner" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FPM RAM or EDO RAM for Turbo slab? Date: 8 Oct 1998 14:24:00 GMT Organization: GSNet Communications Message-ID: <6vihu0$ep1$> References: <6vb21q$> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980226 (UNIX) (Linux/2.0.34 (i586)) that Ronald Leibfreid <> scribbled: > Hi all- > I have a Turbo slab I am looking to add memory to. I have read the NeXT FAQ > and I understand the memory section. What I am wondering is whether or not > the slab can handle EDO RAM, or whether FPM must be used. I seriously doubt > that EDO is necessary, but I have found it to be cheaper. It sometimes works, but not always. Be aware that the performance will NOT be as good as with a 70ns DRAM -- --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Barry J. Bocaner <> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 8 Oct 1998 14:26:33 GMT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike Message-ID: <6vii2p$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit After many years of faithful service, my NeXT monitor is slowly dimming. I've heard that I could "tweak" some settings and make it brighter, at least for awhile. Has anyone written up a "how to" do this, especially the part about not killing yourself and what screws need to be adjusted? Thanks folks! TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: "Tom peebles" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lighthouse suite question? Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 09:25:45 -0800 Organization: Texas Tech Academic Computing Services Message-ID: <6vii0s$> References: <> <> <6vfbeq$c9r$> your prices are to high ! begin 666 Re Lighthouse suite question.nws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`` ` end begin 666 Re Lighthouse suite question.nws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`` ` end
From: (Ryan Scott) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 8 Oct 1998 16:44:47 GMT Organization: UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Message-ID: <6viq5v$rqk$> References: <6vii2p$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6vii2p$> TjL wrote: > > After many years of faithful service, my NeXT monitor is slowly dimming. > > I've heard that I could "tweak" some settings and make it brighter, at least > for awhile. Has anyone written up a "how to" do this, especially the part > about not killing yourself and what screws need to be adjusted? > > Thanks folks! > > TjL > > The mono monitor is not that hard to adjust compared to the Fimi color monitors. This is best done with two people (someone to call 911). Disclaimer: Although this is a straight forward procedure for someone with common sense and mechanical aptitude, it can be deadly if you are severely lacking either quality. Please do not attempt this adjustment until you are sure you can do it safely. 1. Get the correct tools. You will need a metric allen wrench - 3 mm, a flashlight, and a "tweeker" type flat blade screwdriver with a 2.5-3 mm wide blade. By tweeker, I mean a screwdriver with a plastic handle and shaft. This will reduce the chances of electrocution. However, you can wrap a standard screwdriver shaft with electrician's tape or heat shrink tubing to get some protection. 2. Power down the system. Unplug the keyboard and monitor connectors at the monitor. Remove the four socket-headed allen screws at the four corners of the flat part of the monitor back. 3. Slide the case off the back of the monitor. Plug the keyboard and monitor cables back into the monitor. Set the system up so that you can get to the back of the monitor and still see the screen. 4. Power up the system after checking all of your connections and stay clear of actual tube. Make sure the brightness on the keyboard is set to maximum. 5. Look for the hole in the metal back labeled "White Level". This will adjust the brightness. While someone is watching the screen, carefully tweak the adjustment screw of the potentiometer. You may need the flashlight to see the screw. Be very careful to keep your screwdriver on the screw. Don't contact any part of the board or components around the adj. screw. 6. Adjust the brightness just enough to be satisfactory. Avoid increasing it alot since this will increase the rate of tube degradation. Note: you will run out of travel at some point. This is the brightest the screen will now get. 7. Shut down the system and put it back together in the opposite order you pulled it apart. Hope this works for you. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: "John Hurst" <> Subject: Capslock locks up KB and mouse Newsgroups: Message-ID: <01bdf406$0d982da0$> Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 04:25:46 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 21:25:46 PDT Organization: @Home Network Has anybody else run into this odd anomoly: Running NeXTStep 3.3 on custom system based on the Intel SE440BX motherboard, if I hit the Caps Lock key, the PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse stop working. Non PS/2 pointing devices (e.g., a serial light pen) continue to function. The same board does not exhibit the problem under half a dozen other OSs. Any info on this wouyld be a help. John Hurst
From: "Robert G. Jacobs" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Upgrading Tecra 720 to OS4.2 Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 18:14:45 -0700 Sender: rjacobs@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.981009181106.8708A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII "Reply-To: " I'm in the process of upgrading a Toshiba Tecra 720 from Nextstep 3.3 to Openstep 4.2. Is it as simple as just using or do I need to be cautious about the drivers. I'm particularly concerned about the display driver. I'm using the CT65550 driver and am wondering if I need to purchase a more recent version or if the version I used with NS3.3 will work. Are there other potential driver problems or anything else I need to be aware of before doing the upgrade? Thanks. Robert
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 11 Oct 1998 03:47:16 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (Wm Barker) Newsgroups:, Subject: ATI Rage Pro Turbo AGP & OpenStep 4.2 Date: 9 Oct 1998 23:32:14 GMT Organization: Biological Structure, Univ of Washington Distribution: world Message-ID: <6vm6du$tl0$> I'm trying to get OpenStep 4.2 to recognize the ATI Rage Pro Turbo 2X AGP graphics system that's built in to the Dell Optiplex GX1. I've tried the latest drivers (ATIRageDisplayDriver 4.03) from NeXTanswers--no joy. On booting, OS says "Error in SetMemoryRangeList: Resource Shortage", then won't recognize the graphics card ("No such device"). Default VGA mode comes up thereafter. This happens with both 4 & 8MB of SGRAM installed. Any help with this one greatly appreciated. bb
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: i have a next slab... Date: 12 Oct 1998 00:22:50 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> i have a slab ive been playing with, and i am having trouble with the termination... i was wondering if there is a fuse anywere on these things that would mess with the temination.... i have to have a scsi-2 terminator on the back of the machine in order to have it boot... any ideas... and i know i have the drives termination set right... i know that suns and stuff have fueses so i was wondering if there was anything like that in NeXT's e-mail me at
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: i have a next slab... Date: 12 Oct 1998 02:05:38 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <6vro5i$q05$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> NHensleyD wrote: > > i have a slab ive been playing with, and i am having trouble with the > termination... > > i was wondering if there is a fuse anywere on these things that would mess with > the temination.... i have to have a scsi-2 terminator on the back of the > machine in order to have it boot... > > any ideas... and i know i have the drives termination set right... Funny you ask the first question then state the above. (I can't help myself) So which is it? Is the termination right or isn't it? > i know that suns and stuff have fueses so i was wondering if there was anything > like that in NeXT's > e-mail me at & stuff?? Ok. From my experience almost every slab I've seen has the internal drive terminated (i.e. terminator resistors installed). Also if that internal drive is terminated I've had problems adding devices on the external bus (most particularly CDROMS). On cubes I've done various things but if I want to have external devices I usually leave the internal ones unterminated. It's as if the 53C90A controller is at the end of the bus and the internal and external connectors form a Y. I'm not positive about this - and don't care to dig into a working box to check, or dig out my schematics to see what how the bus connectors work. I will say that on slabs I've seen if the internal drive is unterminated then a terminator on the external bus is usually required to boot as you observe. So in your case I'm guessing your internal drive is not properly terminated and this is why you need the external terminator. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Shelby Rogers Davis <> Newsgroups: Subject: Loading from disk... Date: 9 Oct 1998 16:47:15 -0400 Organization: Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.108) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII My (new to me) NeXTStation mono powers up fine, but it immediately displays the following message: Loading form disk... for eons. (you know, greater than boot time should be.) Am I correct in assuming that the hd's bad? if it is, where could I get a boot disk (preferrably a 1.4 meg image... 2.8 disks are not easy to acquire, let alone format in any reasonable semblance w/o NeXT hardware.) Thanks! -- Shelby Davis CMU Computer Science Major A Elbereth Gilthoniel! <> --
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Upgrading Tecra 720 to OS4.2 Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 22:41:14 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <Pine.NXT.3.96.981009181106.8708A-100000@rjacobs.Stanford.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Oct 1998 22:57:27 GMT Yes, The NS3.3 video driver should work with OS4.2 (and Rhapsody). Robert G. Jacobs wrote: > > I'm in the process of upgrading a Toshiba Tecra 720 from Nextstep 3.3 to > Openstep 4.2. Is it as simple as just using or do I > need to be cautious about the drivers. I'm particularly concerned about > the display driver. I'm using the CT65550 driver and am wondering if I > need to purchase a more recent version or if the version I used with NS3.3 > will work. > > Are there other potential driver problems or anything else I need > to be aware of before doing the upgrade? Thanks. > > Robert > > -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Capslock locks up KB and mouse Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 22:43:30 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <01bdf406$0d982da0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Oct 1998 22:57:28 GMT NeXTAnswers solution to this is to use the NeXTUSA keyboard overlay (map). This problem is supposed to happen with PII 100/400MHz. John Hurst wrote: > > Has anybody else run into this odd anomoly: Running NeXTStep 3.3 on custom > system based on the Intel SE440BX motherboard, if I hit the Caps Lock key, > the PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse stop working. Non PS/2 pointing devices > (e.g., a serial light pen) continue to function. The same board does not > exhibit the problem under half a dozen other OSs. > > Any info on this wouyld be a help. > > John Hurst -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: "Jacob E. Jones" <> Newsgroups: Subject: SoundBlaster PnP / PCI Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:30:42 -0400 Message-ID: <6vu712$c60$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Oct 1998 00:31:30 GMT Does anyone know if SoundBlaster PnP PCI cards are supported under Openstep 4.2? I found in NextAnswers support for ISA cards, but not PCI. Dejanews was not help. I have run out of ISA slots! Thanks, Jay
From: "Jacob E. Jones" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:33:42 -0400 Message-ID: <6vu76l$d8q$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Oct 1998 00:34:29 GMT NXFax would be a nice addition to my new machine, but do any current fax / modems work with it? I have a Class 2 fax modem from long ago that almost works, but fails with most fax machines on receive. Any reliable fax modems out there? How about the Zoom modems that BlackHoleInc describes for black next? Thanks, Jay
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 01:19:04 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=NAPRO
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops From: "Remko.leupen" <> Subject: Windows nt password Sender: (Usenet news) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:35:27 GMT Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB" Mime-Version: 1.0 Organization: Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to install windows nt again... Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... Thanks a lot Remko --------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Remko Leupen n: Leupen;Remko org: Philips Semiconductors adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands email;internet: title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer tel;work: 024-3532137 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB--
Message-ID: <> From: Mikka <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:35:57 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 03:35:57 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada Remko.leupen wrote: > Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. > I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. > can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to > install windows nt again... I wish you luck, but I think you will be reinstalling. Paul
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 11 Oct 1998 17:11:18 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6vqorm$608$> References: <> <> (WillAdams) wrote: >At one time, there was a posting for a company (in San Francisco, I believe) >which replaced the tubes of monitors, including NeXT MegaPixel monitors. ... >I guess it's in the archives at Peanuts... Don't know, but here's what I dug up in my private archives. It was posted by (Bill Anderson) in 1994, so it may be very much out of date. However, it's worth a try, and if you do inquire, please keep us all posted. -- snip -- Here are the answers to your questions (I hope!). I took of the back of my NeXT greyscale monitor and determined the model number of the cathode ray tube. It is a TOSHIBA E8168B4-TCO2HT (but please verify the model number on your own crt). The company which claims to carry replacement tubes for this model is RICHARDSON ELECTRONICS 6185 Tomken Road, Units 3-5 Mississauga, Ontario L5T1X6 Tel:1-800-363-1323 You could talk to Claude Monast there. This is their Canadian headquarters (it's near Toronto). However, they seem to be an American company with main office in Chicago. They may have a European office as well. They say that if one calls the number 1-800-348-5580, one will be given the closest Richardson office. At present, I have one of these tubes on order. The Canadian price is $195.45. -- snip -- All the best, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: "J Nugent" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 06:48:08 -0600 Organization: Hewlett-Packard Message-ID: <6vvice$> References: <> Obviously the easiest and best solution here is to re=install, If your dealing w/ a very important PC (like a PDC/BDC or a pc w/ valuable data) you might try L0phtcrack ( ) or surf around at I hear they also have a utility to reveal NT admin passwords... --jason Remko.leupen wrote in message <>... >Hi, > >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >install windows nt again... >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... > >Thanks a lot > >Remko >
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 13 Oct 1998 11:24:24 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6vvd98$m5t$> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> "Jacob E. Jones" <> wrote: >NXFax would be a nice addition to my new machine, but do any current fax / >modems work with it? I have a Class 2 fax modem from long ago that almost >works, but fails with most fax machines on receive. Any reliable fax modems >out there? How about the Zoom modems that BlackHoleInc describes for black >next? Well, the Zyxel family works, and I've heard that pretty much every modem that uses the Rockwell (sp?) chipset works - and this chipset is pretty common among inexpensive modems. Supras reportedly don't work. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Ryan Scott <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 13 Oct 1998 15:40:29 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <6vvs9d$k9e$> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> <6vvd98$m5t$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6vvd98$m5t$> Christian Neuss wrote: > "Jacob E. Jones" <> wrote: > >NXFax would be a nice addition to my new machine, but do any current fax / > >modems work with it? I have a Class 2 fax modem from long ago that almost > >works, but fails with most fax machines on receive. Any reliable fax modems > >out there? How about the Zoom modems that BlackHoleInc describes for black > >next? > > Well, the Zyxel family works, and I've heard that pretty much every > modem that uses the Rockwell (sp?) chipset works - and this chipset > is pretty common among inexpensive modems. Supras reportedly don't > work. > > HTH, Chris > Many Supras *do* work! I have two external SupraFAXmodems (28.8 & 33.6) and they both work great. I believe it si the the SupraExpress series of modems do not work. Check out the latest documentation that comes with NXFax (available from ) for other modems that are know to work. Also, there is an extensive troubleshooting section. --RS -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Mark Post) Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:50:11 GMT Organization: EDS - Operations Technical Support, Mainframe Platforms Message-ID: <> References: <> "Remko.leupen" <> wrote: >Hi, >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >install windows nt again... >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... Remko, If you don't have the Post-SP3 hotfix 'getadmin' on your system, you can use the getadmin.exe hack to grant your 'normal user' account administrator privileges, and then change the password on your admin account to a known value, and then remove your 'normal' account from the list of admins. You can find the hack at: To reply to me by email, replace the 'nospam' in my address with 'eds' -- Mark Post EDS - Technology Strategy & Support, Mainframe Platforms
Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Lighthouse suite question? References: <> <> <6vfbeq$c9r$> <> <6vihhi$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Oct 98 08:48:26 GMT (TjL) wrote: >In <> Sven Droll wrote: >> On the peanuts-CD Winter 96 (Vol II) there are at least WetPaint 1.7 and >> Diagram2. The others should be there, too. >> For ordering check > >I saw these: >/Peanuts-4/graphics/bitmap/WetPaint.1.7.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/business/TaskMaster.1.81.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/graphics/presentation/Concurrence.2.75.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/database/VarioData.3.22.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/database/VarioBuilder.3.22.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/spreadsheet/ParaSheet.1.7.NIHS.b.tar.gz >/Peanuts-4/spreadsheet/Quantrix.2.3.NIHS.b.tar.gz (2.4 was the last version) > >but not diagram2, openwrite, Equation Builder, or AirMail /Peanuts-4/graphics/vector/Diagram.2.5.NIHS.b.tar.gz /Peanuts-3/Commercial/text/OpenWrite.2.1.NIHS.b.tar.gz (newest is 2.1.8!) /Peanuts-3/Commercial/text/EquationBuilder.3.3.NIHS.b.tar.gz greetings Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:06:37 +0000 From: MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password (try this) References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET A.Smedes wrote: > > HAHAHA! :))) > > If there was a program like that and anyone like you and me could get it > then the newspapers will be full of it, like this > > WINDOS NT CRACKED! MICROSOFT SITS ON HOT COALS! > > So, better re-install. > > (by the way, if you get a sollution please mail me too!) > > Anbert Smedes > > > >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. > >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. > >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to > >install windows nt again... > >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... Damn, then we better start the headlines rolling: I've had to use it (idiots in the office) and it works perfectly. Essentially a Linux filesystem on a disk. Dumps SAM info, lets you change the admin password (or any other for that matter) to anything you desire. The only catch is, you have to have physical access to the machine. There are instructions on the site on how to get the binary image onto a floppy, then, just boot up. It helps if you are familiar w/Linux, but you cannot really screw anything up. --bryan -- Bryan R. Mattern --------
From: "Dennis Forbes" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password (try this) Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:24:13 -0400 Organization: UUNET Canada News Transport Message-ID: <7005n6$8bc$> References: <> <> <> NTFS offers no security if you don't have physical security over the machine. I once had an NT install crash so I did another install in another directory and had full rights to browse the whole directory. NT 5.0 is going to totally change that though with encrypted directories and the like. Should be nice. >I've had to use it (idiots in the office) and it works perfectly. >Essentially a Linux filesystem on a disk. Dumps SAM info, lets you >change the admin password (or any other for that matter) to anything you >desire. The only catch is, you have to have physical access to the >machine. > >There are instructions on the site on how to get the binary image onto a >floppy, then, just boot up. It helps if you are familiar w/Linux, but >you cannot really screw anything up. > >--bryan >-- >Bryan R. Mattern > >--------
From: A Unique Name Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 19:47:47 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Message-ID: <> References: <> Reload it. On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:35:27 GMT, "Remko.leupen" <> wrote: >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Hi, > >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >install windows nt again... >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... > >Thanks a lot > >Remko > >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB >Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" > >begin: vcard >fn: Remko Leupen >n: Leupen;Remko >org: Philips Semiconductors >adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands >email;internet: >title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer >tel;work: 024-3532137 >x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 >x-mozilla-html: FALSE >version: 2.1 >end: vcard > > >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB-- > patrickatcyberhighwaydotnet admin@loopback $LOGIN@localhost $LOGNAME@localhost $USER@localhost $USER@$HOST -h1024@localhost
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 13 Oct 1998 21:07:39 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <700fer$> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> <6vvd98$m5t$> <6vvs9d$k9e$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <6vvs9d$k9e$> Ryan Scott wrote: > Many Supras *do* work! I have two external SupraFAXmodems (28.8 & > 33.6) and they both work great. I believe it si the the > SupraExpress series of modems do not work. Check out the latest > documentation that comes with NXFax (available from > ) for other modems that are know to > work. Also, there is an extensive troubleshooting section. What he said. My SupraFaxModem works great, and I still think it is one of the better designs (it actually tells you the current connect speeds, nice for PPP). After a flash update I had to go in and change something (ati3 rings a bell, but I can't remember what) to make it recognize the modem as a Supra. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FPM RAM or EDO RAM for Turbo slab? Date: 11 Oct 1998 17:53:15 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <6vqrab$ds6$> References: <6vb21q$> In article <6vb21q$>, Ronald Leibfreid <> wrote: >Hi all- > >I have a Turbo slab I am looking to add memory to. I have read the NeXT FAQ >and I understand the memory section. What I am wondering is whether or not >the slab can handle EDO RAM, or whether FPM must be used. I seriously doubt >that EDO is necessary, but I have found it to be cheaper. I use EDO on one of my Turbo slab, as that was available in my parts box. No speed advantage tho (compared to my other Turbo slab that use FPM). YMMV, Paulus Adisoemarta N5SNN / YG1QN
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Connecting OD to a slab? Date: 14 Oct 1998 03:57:57 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Distribution: world Message-ID: <7017g5$75m$> References: <7013c1$s30$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 Was wondering if it is possible to connect an OD to a slab? Is the OD interface proprietary to a cube or is it a scsi interface with a strange connector? Thanks. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:59:33 -0600 From: Fred Bulback <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard, Subject: Action 486 (AM-8887) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, I'm looking for information (i.e., jumper settings) for the Action 486 (AM-8887) motherboard. Any information would be most appreciated. Thanks, Fred Bulback
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting OD to a slab? Date: 14 Oct 1998 05:28:40 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Distribution: world Message-ID: <701cq8$hm2$> References: <7013c1$s30$> <7017g5$75m$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <7017g5$75m$> wrote: > Was wondering if it is possible to connect an OD to > a slab? Is the OD interface proprietary to a cube > or is it a scsi interface with a strange connector? > Thanks. > Only 030 and 040 25Mhz Cubes have the controller/connector to use them. As to the first posters question. Not sure on cable I'd have to dig out a DVM, a cable, and 10-15 minutes to give you a solid answer Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "A.Smedes" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 12:26:02 +0200 Message-ID: <> References: <> To: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops HAHAHA! :))) If there was a program like that and anyone like you and me could get it then the newspapers will be full of it, like this WINDOS NT CRACKED! MICROSOFT SITS ON HOT COALS! So, better re-install. (by the way, if you get a sollution please mail me too!) Anbert Smedes >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >install windows nt again... >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me...
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OD Drive cable question... Date: 14 Oct 1998 15:44:51 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <7013c1$s30$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <7013c1$s30$>, <> wrote: >Hi, > >I have just made a replacement 20pin cable for >a friend's cube. Is the cable a straight through >20 pin female to 20 pin female connector, or are >there any twists in the cable? > It "looks" straight through but something weird might happen inside that big hunk where it clamps on to the chassis. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: ( Newsgroups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard, Subject: Re: Action 486 (AM-8887) Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:23:09 GMT Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <3624cfb6.55886367@> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:59:33 -0600, Fred Bulback <> wrote: -:>Hi all, -:> -:>I'm looking for information (i.e., jumper settings) for the Action 486 -:>(AM-8887) motherboard. Any information would be most appreciated. -:> -:>Thanks, -:> -:>Fred Bulback Try: Al al dudley jbl at dcsol dot com wash dc metro area, usa
From: dont.reply@this.address (John Oliver) Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Organization: None whatsoever... Message-ID: <> References: <> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:59:40 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:59:39 PDT On Tue, 13 Oct 1998 12:26:02 +0200, "A.Smedes" <> wrote: >HAHAHA! :))) > >If there was a program like that and anyone like you and me could get it >then the newspapers will be full of it, like this > > WINDOS NT CRACKED! MICROSOFT SITS ON HOT COALS! > Actually, there is... but people prefer to stick their heads in the sand whenever NTs numerous security holes are made known, which is why there aren't headlines like you describe! :-) Try (that's ell-zero-pee-aych-tee) I think there's a password hack, as well as many others, there. -- If you want to reply to me, do it in the newsgroup... It's been too long since I've received anything other than spam in my mailbox from posting my address in the newsgroups.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: OD Drive cable question... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <7013c1$s30$> <> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 17:56:19 GMT In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <7013c1$s30$>, > <> wrote: >>Hi, >> >>I have just made a replacement 20pin cable for >>a friend's cube. Is the cable a straight through >>20 pin female to 20 pin female connector, or are >>there any twists in the cable? >> > > It "looks" straight through but something weird might happen inside that big >hunk where it clamps on to the chassis. > Nothing in there. I have a cable connects to two OD drives.....
From: Newsgroups: Subject: OD Drive cable question... Date: 14 Oct 1998 02:47:29 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <7013c1$s30$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Oct 1998 02:47:29 GMT Summary: OD, Optical Hi, I have just made a replacement 20pin cable for a friend's cube. Is the cable a straight through 20 pin female to 20 pin female connector, or are there any twists in the cable? Thanks to anyone who can shed light on the subject. Later, Greg Casamento
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SoundBlaster PnP / PCI Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:10:34 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <6vu712$c60$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Oct 1998 19:23:22 GMT I'm waiting for mine to arrive (from the distributor) I'll let you know when it does. Jacob E. Jones wrote: > > Does anyone know if SoundBlaster PnP PCI cards are supported under Openstep > 4.2? I found in NextAnswers support for ISA cards, but not PCI. Dejanews > was not help. I have run out of ISA slots! > Thanks, > Jay -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Apple Studio Display on a NeXT? Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:47:21 +0200 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello NeXT community, has anybody attempted to connect one of the fancy Apple Studio Displays to an ADB NeXT machine? If so, what were your experiences? Or is there anything that makes this impossible (I don´t if you need special drivers for this display or if everything is built in, so to speak). Greetings, Harald
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Question about digital eyes Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:57:27 +0200 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am trying to watch tv on my ColortTurbo slab and I remembered that there was something called Digital eyes. Does anybody have specific information about htis device and about what can be done with it? Thanks for any hint. Harald
From: (David C Lawrence) Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg newgroup Control: newgroup Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 01:05:41 -0000 iQCVAwUBNiVKZcJdOtO4janBAQECWAP/U+0FidpsZPjb/k2sLZxCkyuRTQWGVKF9 4l5osHySIPlupab5GEokLHeB7idBaJ78v7AXi8mW/6Pab9bq+xFvnFwPp23+SLzd OaOQCU7G3IoBpLI4u9thxODcbSq2iR8Lj5PomFVDL7b20ZX/xcs6umWwpi1oxT4k /+lO3tvNmF8= =xpiF is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote for creation by 411:65 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 20 Apr 1992. For your newsgroups file: Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers. The charter, culled from the call for votes: This group is a forum for discussing: 1. 3rd party drives, modems, memory, printers... 2. Questions about NeXT hardware specs 3. Problems using/installing any of the above
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: MIDI on the NeXT Date: 15 Oct 1998 02:05:55 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <703la3$fi7$> What options are there for a MIDI interface for my mono NeXTslab? Can I just hook up a Macintosh interface? What software would I need? Thanks, Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Apple Studio Display on a NeXT? Date: 15 Oct 1998 07:52:22 GMT Organization: ppaiNews ( Distribution: world Message-ID: <7049jm$pji$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Harald Ellmann wrote: > Hello NeXT community, > > has anybody attempted to connect one of the fancy Apple Studio Displays > to an ADB NeXT machine? If so, what were your experiences? > Or is there anything that makes this impossible (I donÂt if you need > special drivers for this display or if everything is built in, so to speak). I'm interesting too. Apple Studio Displays supports 1024x768 but color NeXT's screen is1120x832. If so, we need to set it to 1024x768 for viewing on the Apple Studio Displays. Following is the solution someone said.(changing NetInfo) =========================================== % nidump -r /localconfig/screens/MegaPixel /nextcube name = MegaPixel; _writers = "*"; active = 0; bounds = "0 1024 0 768"; slot = 0; unit = 0; =========================================== But I don't know it will work with color NeXT, It is right........and..... ppai, (NeXTmail OK)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <7047ob$3ob$> Control: cancel <7047ob$3ob$> Date: 15 Oct 1998 08:39:20 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.7047ob$3ob$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Problem with BuildDisk with NS 2.x Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 13:34:45 GMT Hi, I built a bootable drive with BuildDisk under NS 2.0. The drive is a 1GB old full-height drive. The build was successful. However, when I booted from the new drive, it complained that it could not read drive lable of /dev/rsd0b. "Run fsck manually." Then I was dropped to single-user mode. This is strange since I built only one partition of 955MB size. When I tried to "fsck" the partition, of course I got message that the partition did not exist. After I did not do anything, but just exited from the single-user mode, booting was successful. So there was not really anything wrong. I just wonder if NS 2.x BuildDisk has anything special, or diff. from NS 3.x in supporting third-party HDs. Do I have to drive a disktab? When I used "disk" command to build the disk under NS 3.x, it was fine. Of course I can just backup the NS2.x and restore it on the new drive, but it seems BuildDisk is much quicker and safe. Any clues? Thanks.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 13:38:14 GMT Hi, when I tried to use similar HDs with NS2.x and NS3.x, noticeablly NS2.x is much quicker than the NS3.x. So I'm curious as to what causes this happen. Is this all about graphics? I remember ND is slower than comparable color and mono. Or the NS OS (kernel) is different?
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: Printer cover Open error Date: 15 Oct 1998 15:44:27 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <70558r$> My Blackjet cannot print and dialog box "Printer cover open" shows up. I tried to open/close the cover many times but doesn't help. Any idea to check/fix it ? Thanks in advance Mr.Sai-Kee Wong
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Date: 15 Oct 1998 22:46:44 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <705u0k$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: If I understand the situation correctly, there was much more going on with 3.x than there was with 2.x, therefore 2.x looked faster, but in reality it was just doing less. I could be wrong TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: I need to find a (color) printer that will work with Win95 and OS4.2 Date: 15 Oct 1998 22:50:16 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <705u78$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I would like to hear what printers people would suggest for use with Win95 & OS4.2 with my dual boot Intel machine. Primarily I would be printing text, but would like color capabilities. I assume most printers would work with Win95, so what I really need is a way to be able to print under OS4.2 Printer type, model #, and approximate price paid would be especially appreciated. Thanks folks... I'm getting tired of floppy-net'ing files to the office to print off my slab. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
Newsgroups: From: (Carl Ludwigson) Subject: Re: MIDI on the NeXT Message-ID: <> Organization: ICGNetcom References: <703la3$fi7$> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 23:35:13 GMT Sender: : What options are there for a MIDI interface for my mono NeXTslab? Can I just : hook up a Macintosh interface? What software would I need? Lots! Midi doc, drivers, programs, schematics at CCRMA, Princeton, U. Mich., Peanuts, etc. Make your own, use Opcode MT, Studio 3, MOTU MTP, MidiLink, etc. You can use a Mac i/f but you'll probably have to match up the tx data, rx data, and ground from the next to your i/f. Also, get and load mididriver.next_hardware.tar.Z from CCRMA accordingly which is the NS 3.2 midi driver (3.3 driver is broken). Any NeXT software that plays and records midi will do ... Calliope is pretty nifty, MusicKit gives you everything you will nearly ever need, etc.; there are others.... My circuit of choice was MIDIInterfaceCircuitDiagram.N.d.tar.gz from Peanuts. And Survey.MidiInterface.rtf from to see what versions succeeded.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Date: 16 Oct 1998 00:08:57 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <705u0k$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <705u0k$>, TjL <> wrote: > >If I understand the situation correctly, there was much more going on with >3.x than there was with 2.x, therefore 2.x looked faster, but in reality it >was just doing less. > That sounds about right. 2.x (and 1.x, obviously) were compiled with an '030 in mind, so they'll be *much* faster than 3.x on such hardware. But most of the speed difference is in the shlibs--try running a 2.x app under 3.x and things like cycling through the app menu will seem much faster. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Justin McKillican) Newsgroups:, Subject: Rhapsody DR2 on PowerBook G3 (wallstreet) Message-ID: <someguy-1610980009210001@> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 00:09:20 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 00:08:00 EDT Organization: Netcom Canada anyone know how to get Rhapsody DR2 (Mac OS X server) on a PowerBook G3 (wallstreet)? I've tried everything, still no luck.. justin
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: MIDI on the NeXT Date: 16 Oct 1998 02:17:55 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <706acj$qfi$> References: <703la3$fi7$> <> In article <>, Carl Ludwigson <> wrote: >Lots! Midi doc, drivers, programs, schematics at CCRMA, Princeton, U. >Mich., Peanuts, etc. Make your own, use Opcode MT, Studio 3, MOTU MTP, [...] Cool.. Thanks. 8) I'm in a fairly experimental electronic band. I'm looking forward to playing with the DSP... Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Weird problem... Date: 16 Oct 1998 02:04:54 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <7069k6$ps0$> Thank you thank you to the kind people who mailed me help with booting from a floppy. I have, unfortunately, run into a snag... I have a mono slab with 24MB RAM. I don't appear to have a SCSI floppy (which I understand was an option late, yes?). I booted into the NeXT monitor mode, which wasn't a problem. I looked at the options (hit ? for help, basically), and decided to see if I could boot from the floppy disk in the drive, which was the 3.3 bootfloppy image from NeXTanswers. Imagine my surprise when, instead of booting slowly to an installer or something (and then complaining because the CD-ROM wasn't hooked up), it gave me an exception error and dropped me back to the NeXT prompt. I then typed in bsd(0,0,0), but again, it gave me an exception error and dropped me back to the prompt. I hit the power key. It asked me if I wanted to power down and instantly answered itself with an "s." I hit it again, and this time it was a "g." These would alternate, and it never powered down. Deciding I wanted my floppy disk back, I typed in "efd" (erm, or the command the menu said would eject the floppy disk), and all of a sudden my screen was filled with vertical black and white stripes in an irregular but repeating pattern! I had to pull the power cord to get it to shut down. When I plugged it back in, it rebooted normally and I could eject the floppy, but this makes me nervous. Might I have something dreadfully wrong with my slab? Thanks for the help... Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 15 Oct 1998 19:35:07 -0700 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <706bcr$> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> <6vvd98$m5t$> <6vvs9d$k9e$> <700fer$> Haven't had a chance to try it on my white hardware but I have 2 14.4 SupraFax modems and 1 28.8 SupraFAX and all work swimmingly with Black hardware. Emmett
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> <705u0k$> <> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 03:00:53 GMT In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <705u0k$>, >TjL <> wrote: >> >>If I understand the situation correctly, there was much more going on with >>3.x than there was with 2.x, therefore 2.x looked faster, but in reality it >>was just doing less. >> > > That sounds about right. > 2.x (and 1.x, obviously) were compiled with an '030 in mind, so they'll be >*much* faster than 3.x on such hardware. > But most of the speed difference is in the shlibs--try running a 2.x app >under 3.x and things like cycling through the app menu will seem much faster. > This would explain only some of difference. Everything of NS 2.0, especially Windows Manager, is very quick. Folders are openned and closed about twice the speed of NS 3.x. This is hard to explain since WM should have not changed much.... Maybe Mike can shed some light?
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Problem with BuildDisk with NS 2.x Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 03:04:30 GMT In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >Hi, I built a bootable drive with BuildDisk under NS 2.0. The drive >is a 1GB old full-height drive. The build was successful. >However, when I booted from the new drive, it complained that >it could not read drive lable of /dev/rsd0b. "Run fsck manually." >Then I was dropped to single-user mode. > >This is strange since I built only one partition of 955MB size. >When I tried to "fsck" the partition, of course I got message >that the partition did not exist. After I did not do anything, >but just exited from the single-user mode, booting was successful. >So there was not really anything wrong. > >I just wonder if NS 2.x BuildDisk has anything special, or diff. >from NS 3.x in supporting third-party HDs. Do I have to drive a >disktab? > >When I used "disk" command to build the disk under NS 3.x, it was >fine. > >Of course I can just backup the NS2.x and restore it on the new >drive, but it seems BuildDisk is much quicker and safe. > >Any clues? Thanks. > Well, after playing around with this, at least I have some clue. By looking at the NS 2.0 disktab file, I found that by default, the HDs are divided into two partitions, one for net client (?). I've written my own disktab entry and will see what happens next.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 16 Oct 1998 05:08:15 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <706kbv$> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> <6vvd98$m5t$> <6vvs9d$k9e$> <700fer$> <706bcr$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <706bcr$> Emmett McLean wrote: > Haven't had a chance to try it on my white hardware > but I have 2 14.4 SupraFax modems and 1 28.8 SupraFAX > and all work swimmingly with Black hardware. Mine is working on Intel at 33.6 after flash ROM upgrade TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <705v4v$mfd$> Control: cancel <705v4v$mfd$> Date: 16 Oct 1998 09:17:19 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.705v4v$mfd$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Der Derek <> Newsgroups:, Subject: 2.5GB IDE HD PROBLEM Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:31:44 +0200 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I have a problem withi proper initialization of large IDE HD drive. I got two drives in the computer one is IDE and the second one SCSI. IDE drive is primary master. I have two DOS partitions on it and the small one, which I want to make NEXTSTEP to boot from it to SCSI drive. I already read an NEXTAnswers about large drives, but there is no answer about the IDE drives. I tried to make this HD working under NEXTSTEP for MACH 4.0. I made an entry in /etc/disktab file for that. # IDE drive AC22500L|AC22500L-512|WDC AC22500L-512:\ :ty=fixed_rw_ide:nc#4960:nt#21:ns#63:ss:#512:rm#3600:\ :fp#320:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\ :os=mach_kernel:z0#64:z1#192:hn=localhost:ro=a:\ :pa#4959360:sa#32256:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#32:da#4096:ra#10:\ :oa=time:ia:ta=4.3BSD: As you see there are three partition 2 DOS and the NEXT partition which is 16 MB large After this reboot and I tried to format it. Firs I run the scsimodes utility to obtain an information about the HD. localhost:8# scsimodes /dev/rhd0h mode sense for dasd params failed mode sense for rigid drive params failed read capacity failed SCSI information for /dev/rhd0h Drive type: WDC AC22500L 25852 bytes per sector 0 sectors per track 0 tracks per cylinder 32 cylinder per volume (including spare cylinders) Host bad block handling 4096 alternate tracks per volume 1610612736 usable sectors on volume Any ideas about above errors ? Next I tried to use disk utility. localhost:9# disk -i -t AC22500L /dev/rhd0a NEXTSTEP partition base = 4959360 NEXTSTEP partition size = 32256 disk name: AC22500L disk type: fixed_rw_ide hdform doesnt exist yet... writing disk label ...lseek returned -1755742208; expected 391741441 Write of boot block 0 failed ...lseek returned -1755676672; expected 391806977 Write of boot block 1 failed No boot blocks on disk localhost:10# Heh, sdform doesn't work also :( I run the fdisk and look at IDE drive localhost:10# fdisk /dev/rhd0h NeXT fdisk v1.02 Device: /dev/rhd0h Type Start Size Status -------------------------------------------- DOS, 16 bit FAT 0 1221 Active Extended DOS 1221 1201 - NEXTSTEP 2422 16 - Fdisk main menu ---------------- 1) Create a new partition 2) Delete a partition 3) Set the active partition 4) Show disk information 5) Quit without saving changes 6) Save changes and quit Enter 1-6:4 Partition Table ---------------- Act H S Cyl Id H S Cyl Begin Size --- - - --- -- - - --- ----- ---- 80 1 1 0 6 7f 3f 135 3f 2624c1 0 0 1 136 5 7f 3f 266 262500 258780 0 0 1 267 a7 7f 3f 26a 4bac80 7e00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disk Information ----------------- Disk statistics according to device driver and bios: device: 2441 Megabytes, 4999680 sectors bios: 2437 Megabytes, 4991616 sectors cylinders = 619, heads = 128, sectors/track = 63 Press Return to continue I will appreciate any help. Thank you. Derek
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <PpHV1.12245$> Control: cancel <PpHV1.12245$> Date: 16 Oct 1998 12:58:12 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.PpHV1.12245$> Sender: Adam Feldman<> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Timothy Van Zandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: I need to find a (color) printer that will work with Win95 and OS4.2 Date: 16 Oct 1998 12:36:11 GMT Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US Message-ID: <707ejr$> References: <705u78$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <705u78$> TjL wrote: > > I would like to hear what printers people would suggest for use with Win95 & > OS4.2 with my dual boot Intel machine. > > Primarily I would be printing text, but would like color capabilities. Tim, This information is nearly a year old, from when I last bought a printer for that setup. The consensus then was the HP Deskjet 890 (which I bought for $400). It works well with JetPilot. HP are (were) considered to have best black-and-white text (but don't be fooled by claims that it is laser quality). Most other PCL printers also work. Don't get the HP Deskjet 720/722, which has similar features at a lower price. It uses host-based processing (like the black NextPrinter) with a proprietary interface for which no OpenStep drivers exist. timothy van zandt
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Date: 16 Oct 1998 14:08:12 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <705u0k$> <> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >This would explain only some of difference. Everything of NS 2.0, >especially Windows Manager, is very quick. Folders are openned and closed >about twice the speed of NS 3.x. This is hard to explain since >WM should have not changed much.... > No--WM changed quite a bit. *Everything* changed; for one thing I believe that a bunch of the old Speaker/Listener IPC was converted to Distributed Objects. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "lcabrera" <> Newsgroups: Subject: system transfer Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 12:39:19 -0400 Organization: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Message-ID: <707ss5$lh5$> I just bought a new HD and I want it to have all the stuff I placed on the internal to be transferred over. Can I just copy it straight over(using the browser) or would I need to do something special.....?
From: "Joel Abelardo" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 03:40:08 +0800 Organization: SKYinternet Philippines Message-ID: <70873i$> References: <> <> A.Smedes wrote in message ... >HAHAHA! :))) > >If there was a program like that and anyone like you and me could get it >then the newspapers will be full of it, like this > > WINDOS NT CRACKED! MICROSOFT SITS ON HOT COALS! > >So, better re-install. > >(by the way, if you get a sollution please mail me too!) > >Anbert Smedes > > >>Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >>I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >>can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >>install windows nt again... >>Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... actually there is. I haven't tried it yet and I forgot the name. I think it's l0pthcrack or redbutton or the other one I got last week. They all require that you have physical access to the nt machine though, and a valid user. One of the programs will get the admin's password and another will give admin rights. Microsoft has special patches to fix NT for some of the programs. but if you haven't applied those patches you can use those programs. I forgot the site's name for the programs but i found it by searching. I could probably send it through e-mail, but i have a pretty slow connection and have limited e-mailling priviledge/space.
From: Shelby Rogers Davis <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: system transfer Date: 16 Oct 1998 14:29:55 -0400 Organization: Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.108) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > From: "lcabrera" <> > Newsgroups: > Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 12:39:19 -0400 > Organization: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center > > I just bought a new HD and I want it to have all the stuff I placed on the > internal to be transferred over. Can I just copy it straight over(using the > browser) or would I need to do something special.....? > > I would think that tar would do the most thorough job. something like: cd /;tar -cf - (all directories except the one the new HD's mounted on) | (cd /new_hd_mount_point; tar -xvf - ) the last tar -xvf - can be tar -xf - if you don't want the complete listing of your hard drive out to stderr. -- Shelby Davis CMU Computer Science Major A Elbereth Gilthoniel! <> --
From: " (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: system transfer Date: 16 Oct 1998 18:55:41 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <7084rd$a4h$> References: <> Shelby Rogers Davis <> wrote: > >I would think that tar would do the most thorough job. >something like: >cd /;tar -cf - (all directories except the one the new HD's mounted >on) | (cd /new_hd_mount_point; tar -xvf - ) >the last tar -xvf - can be tar -xf - if you don't want the complete >listing of your hard drive out to stderr. > "tar" has limit on the file name length which will be a problem on most NeXT system. You better use GNU's tar (gnutar on 3.3 and later). The original post questioned about copying stuff with browser. This is good only if all the files are owned by the user who is performing the action. "tar" or "gnutar" preserves the original owner/group when asked to do so. My recomendation is gnutar -lcf - / | ( cd /NewDrive ; gnutar -psxf -) or you can use dump/restore. -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: Saltine Cracker <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Website Updated Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:21:07 -0600 Organization: TAPG Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit has moved and been freshened at This is primarily NeXT (Black) Hardware related -- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.5 mQGiBDYZmmgRBADT9vF7Av3t3JX1vX39tlIdq/skrhSu1t0fxwtmk0AY3eye7TXx bwuQaGv2S1m/TzM14fHOR5Ghs9s6w7q4pk5xD36IvX1+dNU0mHsv+lRuwvVJsIs1 6dR2ouAMLsDEzgldCRJGrvh6VPyVUyf3l5NIIiwTQ3haLYpEl33ftYaRbwCg//UF W7H2W3mWS9JMoYFnE88s3lkD/1Uw5PcWz5VW2UMlSLJRqXV2juv2A4EhFLmhsB0R bemyTNl4D9ipLc16poKJH5rF2si1fFHLfbIwC8Bn6r/ptVSod/uknxTs1CHgFwR2 Pfr+vcB8H2jMxQoY46uRik2eNG+ckA3oPKHlkNMCND6E+4X001raRs6KUq/wkCw8 u3WoA/oDFvidLD09PNT5xLbtu5a50J2R3QJnXhzvewi4vtpnXHqsRlKibi4a291H d5PoiNyFeNW+y4jY6FqXUsOgYqu5fIjhkYByw42jR9z6twZSZBsnDpbi+uTWcgos 0fEZbnOQTv+WNQW0q8KjtAbEPXurAMGh9dofjo/Fqa9SO0YXdLQmU2FsdGluZSBD cmFja2VyIDxzYWx0aW5lQHd3dy5jaXNjby50bT6JAFEEEBECABEFAjYZmmgFCQFG 9AAECwMCAQAKCRDjZmBrn2DX2qC+AJ0VY8jOjrKU6IrFqmbG4dMaMm0DXACgiBlA 0qXC4sYhaHBBUyvswbqxLjm5AlkENhma3hAJKQHUhuu9QfwtvkTbcvbI/QGHCdbw IsBdwoyO6jDmJViElOfDmTtqcT8z4I6W/GeA4ldDQJ0UHHM6ciki9q9CnNYKjngr QK/5J9sRkYlUyqsngKcrculIpbN2QGbshxX/WPswcD4sQlQgLqhG5wgr7Ho85B3H rBd7QedS+TlzyjBecec4Qf4fKn9OucFTnF
From: "Mike W" <> Newsgroups: Subject: system test failed Control: cancel <6vjmp5$9qi$> Date: 17 Oct 1998 04:05:51 GMT Organization: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus Message-ID: <70952v$71l$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: (chris bose) Newsgroups: Subject: what is adb Date: 17 Oct 1998 06:16:43 GMT Organization: University of Victoria Message-ID: <709cob$4bb6$1@uvaix7e1.comp.UVic.CA> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII This is probably a dead simple question but since I can't find the FAQ for the group .. . here goes. I have an old next cube 040 that needs a bit of upgrading, particularly a new monitor and a replacement motherboard. The vendors I have found sell monitors as adb and non-adb. Some other components as well. what does this mean?? Can I use either with my cube? Current monitor is N4000. While I'm at it, are there any hardware implications for getting up and running a reasonable X windows? I have 8meg RAM only now, which could be a problem speed wise, or not? I am running OS 2.0 by the way. chris bose
From: Mike Paquette <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 19:52:13 -0700 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Andrew Chang <> wrote: > This would explain only some of difference. Everything of NS 2.0, > especially Windows Manager, is very quick. Folders are openned and closed > about twice the speed of NS 3.x. This is hard to explain since > WM should have not changed much.... The WorkSpace was rewritten for NeXTSTEP 3.0. Many apps had color icons added, and a number of objects were extended to add support for color, as well as other new features. For black hardware, the fastest software release was NeXTSTEP 2.x, with NeXTSTEP 2.2 adding built-in support for the Turbo hardware and NeXTDimension card. The major focus for NeXTSTEP 2 was performance, along with support for new hardware. NeXTSTEP 3.3 was the fastest version of 3.x overall. 3.0 was aimed at new features, and performance suffered. 3.1 was the first Intel port shipped by NeXT. 3.2 included bug fixes and some performance tuning.
From: "Mike W" <> Newsgroups: Subject: need help booting NeXT Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 00:30:55 -0500 Organization: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus Message-ID: <7099pq$884$> When the machine gets past the test it goes into the next ROM monitor v3.3 and gives error: exception #3 (0xc) at pc 0x1000646 sp 0xc03f600 when I try the b sd command I get error: Exception #2 (0x8) at pc 0x1001a80 sp 0x47ff62a fault address 0x2106006 when I try to power down it asks really power down? i'll hit y and it locks up won't shut off so I have to pull the plug Thanks for any help anyone can give. Mike
From: (Gedburnell) Newsgroups: Subject: Which Tape Streamer? Date: 17 Oct 1998 09:49:37 GMT Organization: AOL, Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-ID: <> I am wanting to buy a Tape Streamer with a capacity of approx 2GB, can anyone give me advice as to which one they would recommend. THE Iomega Ditto, looks excellent value at £80 and £15 for the media, is this a good tape streamer? Please copy any replies to Thank you. Ged Burnell
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: system transfer Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services References: <> <7084rd$a4h$> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 21:27:29 GMT In article <7084rd$a4h$>, Satoru Uzawa <"> wrote: >Shelby Rogers Davis <> wrote: >> >>I would think that tar would do the most thorough job. >>something like: >>cd /;tar -cf - (all directories except the one the new HD's mounted >>on) | (cd /new_hd_mount_point; tar -xvf - ) >>the last tar -xvf - can be tar -xf - if you don't want the complete >>listing of your hard drive out to stderr. >> > >"tar" has limit on the file name length which will be a problem on most NeXT >system. You better use GNU's tar (gnutar on 3.3 and later). > >The original post questioned about copying stuff with browser. This is good >only if all the files are owned by the user who is performing the action. >"tar" or "gnutar" preserves the original owner/group when asked to do so. > >My recomendation is > >gnutar -lcf - / | ( cd /NewDrive ; gnutar -psxf -) > >or you can use dump/restore. Check out ditto(8). This is the command that the OS installer uses to actually copy files from the CD-ROM to the disk. It understands BOMs and thinning MABs if that is a problem. gnutar is also a fine command for moving whole directory structures. I have done similar tricks of moving systems and building bootable drives by hand using ditto. It seemed to work pretty well. Good luck, Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Overhead projector on NeXT?? Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 15:52:50 +0200 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello NeXT community, here comes another weird hardware question: I want to make a presentation with my TurboColor and Concurrence. Since the lecture room is quite big the monitor is not sufficient as a display unit. I would therefore like to connect one of the LCD devices that are put on top of an overhead slide projector to my slab. Is there hardware/software (drivers) available for this? If so, where can it be purchased?
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need help booting NeXT Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 15:31:50 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <7099pq$884$> <70aaq2$36d$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Oct 1998 15:32:25 GMT From my old 68000 book, exception 2 is "bus error"; the processor tried to access memory (external address) and either the MMU signaled the address was inaccessible or some device signaled the address was not present. Exception 3 is "Address error" the instruction or stack is not aligned to a word boundary. Exception #2 would seem to be accessing memory or device that isn't there (although this may be a soft error is some real memory can be swapped in by the MMU). Exception #3 would seem to indicate a faulty program, is your ROM going soft (EPROMs only had a ten year storage life, if EPROM programmed before 1988, then it may be starting to forget!-) Josh Brandt wrote: > > In article <7099pq$884$>, Mike W <> wrote: > >exception #3 (0xc) at pc 0x1000646 sp 0xc03f600 > >when I try the b sd command I get error: > >Exception #2 (0x8) at pc 0x1001a80 sp 0x47ff62a > >fault address 0x2106006 > [...] > >when I try to power down it asks > >really power down? > >i'll hit y and it locks up won't shut off so I have to pull the plug > > This is pretty much the same thing that's happening with mine. At least it's > not a completely unknown problem... > > Now, is there a solution? Does anyone know? > > Josh > > -- > ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads > J. Brandt - -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Toshinao Ishii <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NXFax - what modems for Intel? Date: 18 Oct 1998 01:05:03 +0900 Organization: ThreeWeb Internet. Message-ID: <> References: <6vu76l$d8q$> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.106) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Oct 1998 16:05:05 GMT Hi. "Jacob E. Jones" <> writes: > modems work with it? I have a Class 2 fax modem from long ago that almost > works, but fails with most fax machines on receive. Any reliable fax modems Microcom V.34 ESII and SONY SMD worked. 3Com (USRobotics) SPORTSTAR does NOT work with NXFax as far as I tried. Although I 've never tried, the documents says that OlafAM supports SPORTSTAR. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Toshinao Ishii $B@P0f=SD>(B email: (NeXTMAIL/MIME Welcome)
From: (David Hill) Newsgroups: Subject: Networking NeXT and Mac Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 13:11:37 -0400 Organization: Martian Guitars Message-ID: <> Am patiently awaiting the arrival of a Turbo Color slab and would like to network it with my Mac to take advantage of it's CD rom. I have checked the FAQ's and NeXTanswer #'s 1470 and 1271. The NeXTanswers calls for 3rd party software. I'm a novice with NeXT and basic networking setup but it doesn't seem that I'd need a major outlay of cash to do basic file and volume sharing. Apple is encouraging a crossover setup to transfer data to iMac's from older Macs. Shouldn't the same thing be possible with the NeXT. I'd appreciate any help with this. Regards, -- Dave, Remove ".nospam" to reply
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need help booting NeXT Date: 17 Oct 1998 14:49:38 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <70aaq2$36d$> References: <7099pq$884$> In article <7099pq$884$>, Mike W <> wrote: >exception #3 (0xc) at pc 0x1000646 sp 0xc03f600 >when I try the b sd command I get error: >Exception #2 (0x8) at pc 0x1001a80 sp 0x47ff62a >fault address 0x2106006 [...] >when I try to power down it asks >really power down? >i'll hit y and it locks up won't shut off so I have to pull the plug This is pretty much the same thing that's happening with mine. At least it's not a completely unknown problem... Now, is there a solution? Does anyone know? Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: " (Satoru Uzawa) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Which Tape Streamer? Date: 17 Oct 1998 23:17:46 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Message-ID: <70b8iq$96m$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (Gedburnell) wrote: >I am wanting to buy a Tape Streamer with a capacity of approx 2GB, can anyone >give >me advice as to which one they would recommend. > >THE Iomega Ditto, looks excellent value at £80 and £15 for the media, is this a >good >tape streamer? You asking this question to NeXT related news group so I guess you are planning to use the tape drive with a machine running NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP. Any SCSI tape drive will work. I tried DAT, Exabyte and QIC tape drives with no problem. (Ahmmm, there are several SCSI-1 tape drives or one which doesn't implement whole SCSI command set. Better avoid those old drives for the best result). All favours of UNIX I'd seen has built-in support for SCSI tape drives. You cannot use any "floppy port" or "parallel port" tape drives. There is no drive for them. Happy shopping! -- Satoru Uzawa, (NeXTmail welcome)
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: what is adb Date: 17 Oct 1998 17:30:40 GMT Organization: AOL References: <709cob$4bb6$1@uvaix7e1.comp.UVic.CA> Message-ID: <> ADB is Apple Desktop Bus, an interface for connecting keyboards/mice/pointing devices. I believe that ADB systems can use non-ADB peripherals, but the reverse doesn't work. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Networking NeXT and Mac Date: 18 Oct 1998 00:30:24 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> You want CAPer, the Columbia Appletalk Protocol package, available pre-compiled for NeXT by Frank Siegert at <> He's just announced a new beta version, so development of this is on-going. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Networking NeXT and Mac Date: 17 Oct 1998 21:54:07 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <70b3lv$r2l$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> David Hill wrote: > Am patiently awaiting the arrival of a Turbo Color slab and would like to > network it with my Mac to take advantage of it's CD rom. I have checked > the FAQ's and NeXTanswer #'s 1470 and 1271. The NeXTanswers calls for 3rd > party software. I'm a novice with NeXT and basic networking setup but it > doesn't seem that I'd need a major outlay of cash to do basic file and > volume sharing. My CAPer package may be what you are looking for. See /next_cap.html Sadly Apple/NeXT never updated their NA's and refer to third party software discontinued long ago. -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 18 Oct 1998 03:47:16 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Date: 17 Oct 1998 20:30:18 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <70auoq$oe7$> Can anybody give me any clues on using a DDVD drive with OS/4.2 - I have the drive connceted and CD's work fine in it - but I cann't figure out a way to make it format blank DVD discs. I can't find any references to this anywhere else on the net - has anybody tried this before and come up with a solution ? -bat.
From: (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Networking NeXT and Mac Date: 18 Oct 1998 02:54:06 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <70bl8e$ejt$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: In <> WillAdams wrote: > He's just announced a new beta version, so development of this is on-going. Well, it is not so beta anymore... since it seems to work for most testers CAPer V10 is now released and available. -- * Frank M. Siegert [] - Home * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Solaris, Linux, BeOS, PDF & PostScript Wizard * Note: [] is still a valid option to send me eMail * "The answer is vi, what was your question...?"
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 00:20:00 -0700 From: Ming Hoe Kiu <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: Help on NT port Driver Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 17:35:23 -0700 From: James Biebow <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,,alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt Subject: Re: MODEM ERROR References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Your first problem is you bought a POS Winmodem. The thing that might cure the other problems is to download the newest software for Winmodems other than 14.4 from 3-Com/USR/Megahertz. They FINALLY got their crap together! No more "This program must no be run under this version of Windows." error message. Even has a specialized utility to clean the winmodem out of the registry so you can do a true clean install of it. Give it a try. Maybe they shipped the French software accidentally with your modem! wrote: > > Hello all... > > Does anybody know why my Usrobotics 56K internal winmodem #5683 is > giving me an AT12 MEMORY ERROR? It is being detected in > ControlPanel\Modems\Diagnostics\MoreInfo but along with all the other > information, the AT12 memory error message is there. This is the only > error message in the whole batch of information. However, this is not > the ONLY problem I am having. > > I have to manually go into the registry and change a key in > HKLM\Software\UsRobotics\Winmodem\1.01\IRQ because it is "." instead of > "10", which is the IRQ that the winmodem is using. (The com port it > installed on is 3.) Every time I turn the computer off and back on, > this key changes back to its original "." and I have to manually change > it back to "10" in order for it to be detected. Also.......... > > When I first click on the "More Info" button, after booting and > changing the registry key to "10", I get this message in a pop up > screen: > > Le code DSP n'a pas pu_tre charg_.. > Erreur 1010 Cause erreur #1 > > All the information in the "More Info" screen is there though, behind > this pop up box. > > I don't understand French and I bought this modem in the US! All > writing on the box and in the instruction booklet is in English, so why > is this error box in French and how do they expect me to understand it, > though I doubt I'd understand it even if it were in English!!! > > Writing to 3Com\UsRobotics has been fruitless as nobody's answering > my emails. Does somebody out there know what's going on and how can I > correct ALL the problems? I would be forever in your debt!! Thank you > very much to any and all who help me. I don't always make it to the > newsgroups so please hit both "reply to email and the newsgroups" so I > can be sure of not missing any help. > > kitb at hotmail dot com
From: (Stephen E. Halpin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 08:42:52 GMT Organization: UltraNet Communications , an RCN Company Message-ID: <> References: <6vhj35$doc$> <6vi2hg$72v$> On 8 Oct 1998 10:01:20 GMT, (Daniel Boehringer) wrote: >John Kheit <> wrote: >> >>Hi All: >> >>I'm considering getting some systems and have heard many good things about >>the new AMD K6-2 3DNow chips sets. > >i just tried installing OPENSTEP on a K6-2 system (300MHZ Processor 100MHZ >Bus) and got a NXFactor of around 6 as compared to Mendocino 300 MHZ which >made it only to around 5 (same HD/Graphic). considered the >price-difference... > >the problem with the K6 was stability which i attribute to the ali chipset >(tried several asus/ali boards [all different steppings of chipset], got >different stability each but neither was acceptable). so if you could find a >stable motherboard... :-( Has anyone successfully used the ASUS P5A-B motherboard with a K6-2 with NeXTstep 3.3? >daniel -Steve
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 20:48:14 -0700 From: Ming Hoe Kiu <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Help on NT Parallel port driver Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I used the following function to send information through the parallel port. BOOL DeviceIoControl( HANDLE hDevice, // handle to device of interest DWORD dwIoControlCode, // control code of operation to perform LPVOID lpInBuffer, // pointer to buffer to supply input data DWORD nInBufferSize, // size of input buffer LPVOID lpOutBuffer, // pointer to buffer to receive output data DWORD nOutBufferSize, // size of output buffer LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, // pointer to variable to receive output byte count LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped // pointer to overlapped structure for //asynchronous operation ); I also needed to delay for 10ms after all the informations are sent through the port. I set the lpOverlapped parameter as NULL to make sure that the DeviceIoControl instruction is not an overlapped instruction. However, the waveform that I got from the parallel port shows that the delay starts almost at the same time as the parallel port starts to send out the information. Is there a way to check to status of the parallel port to ensure that all the informations are sent ? Thanks, Ming Hoe
From: Steven Skutnick <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Overhead projector on NeXT?? Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 15:44:38 -0400 Organization: U.S. EPA Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Harald Ellmann wrote: > > Hello NeXT community, > > here comes another weird hardware question: > > I want to make a presentation with my TurboColor and Concurrence. Since > the lecture room is quite big the monitor is not sufficient as a display > unit. I would therefore like to connect one of the LCD devices that are > put on top of an overhead slide projector to my slab. > Is there hardware/software (drivers) available for this? > If so, where can it be purchased? Not likely. All of the overhead projector units I've seen connect via the VGA 15 pin connector using a passthrough. Also, all the ones I've seen run only in VGA (640x480) mode. These two reasons would make it unworkable. If anyone else knows of another solution, please let us know.
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 15:07:16 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <70auoq$oe7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Oct 1998 15:13:35 GMT The old CD-i (Video CD) would not auto-mount under Workspace (i.e. it would just spit them out again). -bat. wrote: > > Can anybody give me any clues on using a DDVD drive with OS/4.2 - I have > the drive connceted and CD's work fine in it - but I cann't figure out > a way to make it format blank DVD discs. I can't find any references to this > anywhere else on the net - has anybody tried this before and come up with a > solution ? > > -bat. -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: "Jessica L. Mosher" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Does this model of Sony floppy work with NeXTs? Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 13:50:07 -0700 Organization: UniKix Technologies Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sony MP-F17W-P2 4-622-185-39 Rev. O It has a black face and no eject button. Please send email...I don't follow this group regularly, and thanks in advance! My cube is ten years old and still going strong, -- --------------------------------------------------------- Jessica L. Mosher UniKix Technologies "As soon as something transcends what one's expectations are, you have to create a new category, rather than let the category embrace them." --Art Spiegelman
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Overhead projector on NeXT?? Date: 19 Oct 1998 21:10:31 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <70g9s7$eue$> References: <> <> Steven Skutnick <> wrote: >Harald Ellmann wrote: >> >> I want to make a presentation with my TurboColor and Concurrence. Since >> the lecture room is quite big the monitor is not sufficient as a display >> unit. I would therefore like to connect one of the LCD devices that are >> put on top of an overhead slide projector to my slab. >> Is there hardware/software (drivers) available for this? To do what you propose will require a multi-sync LCD projection panel that runs 1120x832 and most likely a 13W3-to-VGA converter cable/plug. The later exists; the former does not, as far as I know. Your best bet is to find someone with a laptop running NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP and run it from there. Beware: Concurrence files that contain imbedded graphics built on NeXT h/w are not read properly on Intel - in fact they caused my laptop to crash badly, requiring a hard-reset! [Aside: this was a repeatable behavior and I was using the latest version of Concurrence. Anyone else seen this?]. - Gareth
From: Jesse Hall <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation HD Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 18:26:55 -0600 Organization: XMission Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 20 Oct 1998 00:25:52 GMT I've got a NeXTstation Turbo with a hard drive that just died. I'm looking for a replacement, and I'm wondering if there is anything I need to be aware of. I know its SCSI, and that it doesn't support Wide drives. I'm looking for something fairly small, ~1 GB. The only ones I've found say they're Ultra SCSI; will this work in the machine? Thanks for any tips or pointers, Jesse -- Jesse Hall 801.342.4811 "The day Microsoft produces something that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -- Sean Connor, on the Linux-Kernel list.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why NS2.x is much faster than NS3.x with cube? Date: 18 Oct 1998 16:05:23 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Mike Paquette <> wrote: >For black hardware, the fastest software release was NeXTSTEP 2.x, with >NeXTSTEP 2.2 adding built-in support for the Turbo hardware and NeXTDimension >card. The major focus for NeXTSTEP 2 was performance, along with support for >new hardware. > This said there's no way I'd trade the features of 3.x for the speed of 2.x. It's just not worth it, IMHO (well, maybe if you're running an '030). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Andy Dunn) Newsgroups: Subject: Can't find SCSI controller Date: 18 Oct 1998 17:38:56 GMT Organization: OpNet -- Greater Philadelphia Internet Service Message-ID: <70d93h$1nh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am trying to install NS 3.3 using an Adaptec 1505A SCSI card, which (according to NeXTanswers) is supported. But installation fails saying that no host adaptor was found, even though the plug-and-play part of the install saw a card. The card and connections seem to be OK. Using the Adaptec boot floppy and diagnostics I can see the CD-ROM drive. What am I doing wrong? TIA, _andy
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: 20 Oct 1998 03:25:34 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <70gvre$n2k$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <> Dennis Glatting wrote: [>]Is there an effort underway to port FreeBSD to NeXT black [>]hardware? I found a Linux and NetBSD effort. Is hardware [>]descriptions for the 25 and 33 MHZ 040 available? [>] [>] [>]-dpg there is a totally useless NetBSD port. it supports the floppy and serial port only, i think. the linux port was all vapor. i think everyone is happy with *step. i thought the page had some info about hardware but i cant remember the exact domain. -- -3 PCs, 2 NeXTs, 1 Falcon030. all play and no work makes rivet poor-
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can't find SCSI controller Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 21:09:29 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <70d93h$1nh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Oct 1998 21:10:18 GMT It may be that the install uses the default settings (Default.table) for the driver, if your hardware does not match then disappointment follows. If you have Nextstep running somewhere else, then you can fiddle with Default.table to match your hardware, or create your own table (and strings) that match your hardware. I suggest you install a small Dos/Windows partition, if you do not already have one, so that you can check the hardware settings of your card. Andy Dunn wrote: > > I am trying to install NS 3.3 using an Adaptec 1505A SCSI card, which > (according to NeXTanswers) is supported. > > But installation fails saying that no host adaptor was found, even though the > plug-and-play part of the install saw a card. > > The card and connections seem to be OK. Using the Adaptec boot floppy and > diagnostics I can see the CD-ROM drive. > > What am I doing wrong? > > TIA, > _andy -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: jweiss@MCS.COM (Jerry S. Weiss) Newsgroups: Subject: Ethernet Card Advice 3.3 486i Date: 18 Oct 1998 17:41:26 -0500 Organization: MCSNet Services Message-ID: <70dqqm$c6e$> I am looking for advice on what is a good ethernext card to put into an old 486 machines (isa bus) to work with NS 3.3. I recall in the past there being some concern about the buffering in some units, plus the obvious trouble just finding creatures of this sort for this architecture at this point in time. Pointers/Comments welcome. TIA
From: George B Haff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:30:49 -0400 Organization: Junior, Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Message-ID: <> References: <> <70gvre$n2k$> black hardware linux url: -george
Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems From: "Remko.leupen" <> Subject: A MODEM?!?!? Sender: (Usenet news) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:16:29 GMT Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------DFEBE5B61D1576FEBE3F80CF" Mime-Version: 1.0 Organization: Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------DFEBE5B61D1576FEBE3F80CF Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Going to buy a new modem.. Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? Any hints in what NOT to buy? The fastest is 56K? with V90? What does the V90 mean?? Thanks a lot.... Remko --------------DFEBE5B61D1576FEBE3F80CF Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Remko Leupen n: Leupen;Remko org: Philips Semiconductors adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands email;internet: title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer tel;work: 024-3532137 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------DFEBE5B61D1576FEBE3F80CF--
From: "A.Smedes" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 13:35:11 +0200 Message-ID: <> References: <> To: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems MultiTech, very good. >Going to buy a new modem.. >Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? >Any hints in what NOT to buy? >The fastest is 56K? with V90? >What does the V90 mean??
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Overhead projector on NeXT?? Date: 20 Oct 1998 06:51:59 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <70hbuf$h2n$> References: <> <> <70g9s7$eue$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <70g9s7$eue$> wrote: > Steven Skutnick <> wrote: > >Harald Ellmann wrote: > >> > >> I want to make a presentation with my TurboColor and Concurrence. Since > >> the lecture room is quite big the monitor is not sufficient as a display > >> unit. I would therefore like to connect one of the LCD devices that are > >> put on top of an overhead slide projector to my slab. > >> Is there hardware/software (drivers) available for this? > > To do what you propose will require a multi-sync LCD projection panel that > runs 1120x832 and most likely a 13W3-to-VGA converter cable/plug. The later > exists; the former does not, as far as I know. > > Your best bet is to find someone with a laptop running NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP > and run it from there. Beware: Concurrence files that contain imbedded > graphics built on NeXT h/w are not read properly on Intel - in fact they > caused my laptop to crash badly, requiring a hard-reset! [Aside: this was a > repeatable behavior and I was using the latest version of Concurrence. Anyone > else seen this?]. > Extron Electronics made some boxes that would output buffered RGB and sync output via BNC etc. I have no clue if they are still around or if anyone has this - or even if it will do what you want. Very old phone #'s from 92 Software & Peripherials Guide 1-800-633-9876 1-310-802-8804 Doubt they are still around. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "Art Reid" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:14:20 -0400 Organization: Prodigy Services Corp Message-ID: <70i2fd$bt28$> References: <> <> V.90 is the new international standard for 56k. Prior to V.90 the were (2) separate k56 types. X2 and FLEX both similar in speed but different... Two things to look out for: 1. Not all Internet providers have upgraded to the new V.90 protocol as yet. They may still be at V.90 or FLEX and V.90 may not be very stable (delivering some less than 56kbs). 2. BE SURE, your telephone lines support 56k data transmission. In the states most telephone companies only guarantee voice grade line quality, (possibly something a lot slower than 5600bps). USRobotics has a BBS and telno you can use to check whether or not your line can support 56k, or you can have the telephone company check it for it... www. Last but not less, you will probably not run at a full 56kbs. In the states the max bps the Feds will allow is 53bps (not sure what thats all about) even though all modems boast 56k...
From: Art Biermeier <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:21:02 -0500 Organization: Commonwealth Credit Union Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You may want to check with your ISP to see what they use. I've heard that using a US Robotics V.90 on your end of the connection will allow you to theoretically attach at 56K if the ISP uses a V.90 or x2 modem at the other end of the connection. If the ISP uses a Rockwell based, non-V.90 modem you will struggle to get 28.8. I'm not sure if this is true or not but I bought a US Robotics V.90 for home use because my ISP hadn't quite upgraded from the x2 to the V.90 modems for my dialing in yet. My first connection with the new modem was at about 38.3. Art
From: "Robert E. Watts" <> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> Message-ID: <01bdfc47$b618d440$586332d1@robertwa> Date: 20 Oct 1998 12:40:01 -0500 Organization: OneNet Communications News Hub Modems ?? They irritate me. Almost as much as cheap sound cards. Buy good stuff. Period. I use a Motorola VoiceSurfr 56k, flash upgraded to V.90. It's OK at best. I have installed US Robotices 56k V.90, and instantly got 50k rock solid connections. I have installed no name cheap modems, and have had *pretty* good results, but not always. I think in my shop I have at least 7 different brand names, and results vary. Data-tech, Logicode, pick a name, results vary. A lot of variables with phone line connections, etc. What works for some people, may not work for others. Like I said, modems irritate me. Good luck bobwatts -- \\\\\\\\\\\\******$****////////////// Bob Watts Vintage Computers Watts Carburetion Service Cincinnati, Ohio Earth ™ Since 1984 \\\\\\\\\\\\*****$*****/////////////
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> <70i2fd$bt28$> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Message-ID: <XJ6X1.327$!> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 16:53:05 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 16:52:07 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( The reason that you can only go 53Kbs is thats what the Telephone Companies told them to put it at. And On a T1 Cable modem the speed is 1.18Mbs That is lots faster than a a 56KV90 modem. Art Reid wrote in message <70i2fd$bt28$>... >V.90 is the new international standard for 56k. Prior to V.90 the were (2) >separate k56 types. X2 and FLEX both similar in speed but different... > >Two things to look out for: > 1. Not all Internet providers have upgraded to the new V.90 protocol as >yet. They may still be at V.90 or FLEX and V.90 may not be very stable >(delivering some less than 56kbs). > >2. BE SURE, your telephone lines support 56k data transmission. >In the states most telephone companies only guarantee voice grade line >quality, (possibly something a lot slower than 5600bps). >USRobotics has a BBS and telno you can use to check whether or not your line >can support 56k, or you can have the telephone company check it for it... > >www. > >Last but not less, you will probably not run at a full 56kbs. In the states >the max bps the Feds will allow is 53bps (not sure what thats all about) >even though all modems boast 56k... > > > >
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: 20 Oct 1998 21:53:24 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <70j0ok$> References: <> <70gvre$n2k$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <70gvre$n2k$> wrote: > there is a totally useless NetBSD port. it supports the floppy and serial > port only, i think. "totally useless" ? You DO realize that things have to start somewhere, right? They don't just fall into place. The NetBSD port is less than 3 months old. Try putting together a volunteer effort to port an OS to undocumented hardware before you dismiss others' efforts. > i think everyone is happy with *step. I'm not. I could run NetBSD a lot faster than NeXTStep. I would love to have a machine that I could play with NetBSD on. Eventually when the NetBSD port is finished, I would expect that FreeBSD and OpenBSD could follow. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> <> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Message-ID: <iP9X1.363$!> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:23:26 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:22:38 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( Yea the cheapest may not be the best for your computer for example it might not work on your coomputer. robkamel wrote in message <>... >Another thought, more expensive modems have been more thoroughly tested for >compatibility with a variety of machines. It rarely pays to go cheap unless >you don't >mind several trips back to CompUSA. > >Adam Davis wrote: > >> As a reseller, I try to use USRobotics(owned by 3COM, so 3COM modems are >> the same) because they are easy to set up(as in I've run into the fewest >> compatibility issues, and had the least problems getting them working. >> Usually they are 'plug-n-play', as opposed to >> 'plug-n-fiddle-n-unplug-n-...-n-play'. But I've also had good success >> with Zoom, Intel, and the usual $50 no-name specials. >> >> V.90 is a protocol/communication standard. The deal is your modem will >> only SEND 33.6Kbps to another modem. period. When an ISP(or other >> service) says they have k56flex, x2, or v.90 what they really have is >> some equipment leased from the telephone company(at a switching or >> exchange office) which will send at 56k. Thus your modem will receive >> at 56k, if the phone lines from your telco to the particular exchange >> are good. The best I've been able to do is 49000bps. generally I've >> been stuck around 28800bps or 22000bps. >> >> Other than setting the modem up in your computer, there is little >> difference between the brands. The big names are generally more robust, >> and will connect at faster speeds if possible(better algorithms and >> noise reduction). But that is not going to be a noticeable difference >> for most people. Nearly every 56.6k modem has a processor that can have >> it's program upgraded(on the card). >> >> Do watch out for really cheap modems. What they'll do is sell you a >> card which will off-load the processing on your machine. So instead of >> the modem decoding the signals on the line, the modem makes the computer >> decode them. This will slow everything down. >> >> Anyway, enough of my babble. I hope this helps. >> >> -Adam >> >> "Remko.leupen" wrote: >> > >> > Hi >> > >> > Going to buy a new modem.. >> > Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? >> > Any hints in what NOT to buy? >> > The fastest is 56K? with V90? >> > What does the V90 mean?? >> > >> > Thanks a lot.... >> > >> > Remko >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: New Adult Site Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:40:40 PDT Organization: Email Platinum v.3.1b Message-ID: <70jatq$1ej$> please visit us at:
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <70jatq$1ej$> Control: cancel <70jatq$1ej$> Date: 21 Oct 1998 01:06:16 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.70jatq$1ej$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: robkamel <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 19:08:25 -0400 Organization: Frontier Internet Rochester N.Y. (716)-777-SURF Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Another thought, more expensive modems have been more thoroughly tested for compatibility with a variety of machines. It rarely pays to go cheap unless you don't mind several trips back to CompUSA. Adam Davis wrote: > As a reseller, I try to use USRobotics(owned by 3COM, so 3COM modems are > the same) because they are easy to set up(as in I've run into the fewest > compatibility issues, and had the least problems getting them working. > Usually they are 'plug-n-play', as opposed to > 'plug-n-fiddle-n-unplug-n-...-n-play'. But I've also had good success > with Zoom, Intel, and the usual $50 no-name specials. > > V.90 is a protocol/communication standard. The deal is your modem will > only SEND 33.6Kbps to another modem. period. When an ISP(or other > service) says they have k56flex, x2, or v.90 what they really have is > some equipment leased from the telephone company(at a switching or > exchange office) which will send at 56k. Thus your modem will receive > at 56k, if the phone lines from your telco to the particular exchange > are good. The best I've been able to do is 49000bps. generally I've > been stuck around 28800bps or 22000bps. > > Other than setting the modem up in your computer, there is little > difference between the brands. The big names are generally more robust, > and will connect at faster speeds if possible(better algorithms and > noise reduction). But that is not going to be a noticeable difference > for most people. Nearly every 56.6k modem has a processor that can have > it's program upgraded(on the card). > > Do watch out for really cheap modems. What they'll do is sell you a > card which will off-load the processing on your machine. So instead of > the modem decoding the signals on the line, the modem makes the computer > decode them. This will slow everything down. > > Anyway, enough of my babble. I hope this helps. > > -Adam > > "Remko.leupen" wrote: > > > > Hi > > > > Going to buy a new modem.. > > Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? > > Any hints in what NOT to buy? > > The fastest is 56K? with V90? > > What does the V90 mean?? > > > > Thanks a lot.... > > > > Remko
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Will these SCSI CD's work with a NeXTcube? Date: 21 Oct 1998 02:27:49 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01bdfc9a$898686e0$72894a0c@stuff1> > >> NEC MultiSpin CDR-38 2x (External) > >> Sanyo CDR-93 2x (External) NS 3.3, NeXT cube. Anyone know? I'm buying both, so one will be for sale. It will be cheap. :) -Robert
From: Saltine Cracker <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 21:29:37 -0600 Organization: TAPG Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <70i2fd$bt28$> <XJ6X1.327$!> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In regards to V.90 and 56K modems, I can see that there are several misconceptions in regards to their speeds and how they work. Firstly, Having a V.90 modem on both ends is necessary. HOWEVER--> ONE END MUST TERMINATE USING A DIGITAL LOCAL LOOP. (Read, your ISP). What's this mean to a potential ISDN Basic rate caller? Chances are good that you could just as easily call using ISDN as with an analog modem if they're using Primary Rate ISDN to terminate their lines. Bonus. Only pay for analog, but dial up ISDN. Most ISPs aren't smart enough to build seperate Radius or TACACS groups to seperate users who call the same piece of equipment. Check it out. Also, you can download at 56K, but only upload at 33.6. ack. enuf said. -- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.5 mQGiBDYZmmgRBADT9vF7Av3t3JX1vX39tlIdq/skrhSu1t0fxwtmk0AY3eye7TXx bwuQaGv2S1m/TzM14fHOR5Ghs9s6w7q4pk5xD36IvX1+dNU0mHsv+lRuwvVJsIs1 6dR2ouAMLsDEzgldCRJGrvh6VPyVUyf3l5NIIiwTQ3haLYpEl33ftYaRbwCg//UF W7H2W3mWS9JMoYFnE88s3lkD/1Uw5PcWz5VW2UMlSLJRqXV2juv2A4EhFLmhsB0R bemyTNl4D9ipLc16poKJH5rF2si1fFHLfbIwC8Bn6r/ptVSod/uknxTs1CHgFwR2 Pfr+vcB8H2jMxQoY46uRik2eNG+ckA3oPKHlkNMCND6E+4X001raRs6KUq/wkCw8 u3WoA/oDFvidLD09PNT5xLbtu5a50J2R3QJnXhzvewi4vtpnXHqsRlKibi4a291H d5PoiNyFeNW+y4jY6FqXUsOgYqu5fIjhkYByw42jR9z6twZSZBsnDpbi+uTWcgos 0fEZbnOQTv+WNQW0q8KjtAbEPXurAMGh9dofjo/Fqa9SO0YXdLQmU2FsdGluZSBD cmFja2VyIDxzYWx0aW5lQHd3dy5jaXNjby50bT6JAFEEEBECABEFAjYZmmgFCQFG 9AAECwMCAQAKCRDjZmBrn2DX2qC+AJ0VY8jOjrKU6IrFqmbG4dMaMm0DXACgiBlA 0qXC4sYhaHBBUyvswbqxLjm5AlkENhma3hAJKQHUhuu9QfwtvkTbcvbI/QGHCdbw IsBdwoyO6jDmJViElOfDmTtqcT8z4I6W/GeA4ldDQJ0UHHM6ciki9q9CnNYKjngr QK/5J9sRkYlUyqsngKcrculIpbN2QGbshxX/WPswcD4sQlQgLqhG5wgr7Ho85B3H rBd7QedS+TlzyjBecec4Qf4fKn9OucFTnF
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: References: <70auoq$oe7$> Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Message-ID: <dV9X1.370$!> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:29:58 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:28:57 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( DDVD do you mean DVD? -bat. wrote in message <70auoq$oe7$>... >Can anybody give me any clues on using a DDVD drive with OS/4.2 - I have >the drive connceted and CD's work fine in it - but I cann't figure out >a way to make it format blank DVD discs. I can't find any references to this >anywhere else on the net - has anybody tried this before and come up with a >solution ? > >-bat.
From: (Bill Asher) Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,,,comp.sys.laptops Subject: Re: Windows nt password Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:01:12 GMT Organization: Applied Physics Laboratory Message-ID: <> References: <> You don't need to re-install NT but you do need to re-run setup. Tell Setup you want to fix a broken NT installation. Your system isn't really broken but Setup doesn't care. Don't actually change anything and just let Setup do its thing. If you're patient and run through it to the very end, one of the last things it will ask you is if you want to restore the default security options. Tell it <yes> and it will remove the passwords from >all< accounts, among other things. Then, you can log back in as administrator and reset things. I recall that you also have to reinstall any service packs and hotfixes, but I could be mistaken about that. Or you could use the hacking programs that others have mentioned. "Remko.leupen" <> wrote: >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Hi, > >Do you know how to find a password/crack in windows nt. >I installed win nt and made a user and then forgot the admin password. >can't hardly instal program's. Is there a way around or do i need to >install windows nt again... >Any idee, program's etc etc. Just mail me... > >Thanks a lot > >Remko > >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB >Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" > >begin: vcard >fn: Remko Leupen >n: Leupen;Remko >org: Philips Semiconductors >adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands >email;internet: >title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer >tel;work: 024-3532137 >x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 >x-mozilla-html: FALSE >version: 2.1 >end: vcard > > >--------------26411B13322077A57259BEEB-- >
From: dave cunningham <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:00:32 -0800 Organization: MegaNews! Message-ID: <> References: <6vii2p$> <70jdfu$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 21 Oct 1998 02:47:04 GMT "Stephen V. Roller" wrote: > Hi Timothy, > > My N4000B went dim after 40,000+ hours of use (Summer 97) > I contacted DecisionOne (SanFransisco) 510 / 266-3000 > They will exchange your monitor with another just like > your model, but with a new picture tube. Non-Profit-Org > Credit Card price is $389. whoa! $389???? you must realllly be loving that frogfoot to go this route! how about scoring a rebuilt to nonADB compliant for $99 and doing a frankenstein trip? looks like _big_ bucks from here.......non-profit org indeed. no accounting for tastes, however. -=c'ham=-
From: "Art Reid" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 00:24:18 -0400 Organization: Prodigy Services Corp Message-ID: <70jnps$8ars$> References: <> <> I finally got involved in a threeeaaad and actually have something to contribute... I am further informed of the following from Prodigy Internet Tech Support letting you run at there x2 or flex level: S32=66 entered into the initialization string will disable v90. Now, if I just figure out how to get Bell Atlantic to upgrade my line in this new area I recently moved into, so that I don't have to throw out my (2)month old USRobotics k56-x2, incurring the additional cost of ISDN or ADSL... Art Biermeier wrote in message <>... >You may want to check with your ISP to see what they use. I've heard that >using a US Robotics V.90 on your end of the connection will allow you to >theoretically attach at 56K if the ISP uses a V.90 or x2 modem at the other >end of the connection. If the ISP uses a Rockwell based, non-V.90 modem you >will struggle to get 28.8. I'm not sure if this is true or not but I bought a >US Robotics V.90 for home use because my ISP hadn't quite upgraded from the x2 >to the V.90 modems for my dialing in yet. My first connection with the new >modem was at about 38.3. > >Art >
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services, Inc. References: <70auoq$oe7$> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:55:42 GMT In article <70auoq$oe7$>, -bat. <> wrote: >Can anybody give me any clues on using a DDVD drive with OS/4.2 - I have >the drive connceted and CD's work fine in it - but I cann't figure out >a way to make it format blank DVD discs. I can't find any references to this >anywhere else on the net - has anybody tried this before and come up with a >solution ? You are probably out of luck. DVD-ROM uses a format called Universal Disk Format (UDF), IIRC. OS/mach 4.2 does not have a loadable filesystem for this format. I suppose that a talented and dedicated programmer could write one, but integrating it into Workspace might be a problem. I take it that DDVD is one of the rewritable formats? I didn't realize that any of those had been released yet. I don't recall the specifics of this format, but if it uses the packet-writing method similar to CD-RW then I would think you'd have to write the appropriate driver as well. Sorry, Mach's device support is a little behind the times. *Maybe*, Apple's OS X Server will be better if they ever release it. :-/ Anyone else have better news? -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Newsgroups: From: "Remko.leupen" <> Subject: Modem??? V90 Sender: (Usenet news) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:17:07 GMT Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------948FD54BB9FDB8907672FEDA" Mime-Version: 1.0 Organization: Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------948FD54BB9FDB8907672FEDA Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Going to buy a new modem.. Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? Any hints in what NOT to buy? The fastest is 56K? with V90? What does the V90 mean?? Thanks a lot.... Remko --------------948FD54BB9FDB8907672FEDA Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Remko Leupen Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Remko Leupen n: Leupen;Remko org: Philips Semiconductors adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands email;internet: title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer tel;work: 024-3532137 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------948FD54BB9FDB8907672FEDA--
From: John Burricelli <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 3DNow vs. Pentium2 for OPENSTEP/OSX? Date: 20 Oct 1998 11:25:44 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <> References: <6vhj35$doc$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a K6-2 3D 266 with an Abit TX5 motherboard and a Matrox Mystique 220 Video card. I have no problems at all running Openstep 4.2. John Kheit wrote: > Hi All: > > I'm considering getting some systems and have heard many good things about > the new AMD K6-2 3DNow chips sets. I'd appreciates any info or opinions on > the following: > > 1-Does OPENSTEP run on a K6-2 3DNow? > 2-Which is faster at similar mhz speed, the AMD or the Pentium2? > > I had heard that the AMD was actually faster at 300/333 mhz than the Pentium2 > counter part (I guess in part because the AMD uses a 100mhz bus at that > speed). I wonder how the floating point on the AMD is at similar mhz speeds? > > Thanks for any info. :) > > -- > Thanks, be well, take care, later, John Kheit; self expressed... > ___________________________________________________________________ > UCO & A s s o c i a t e s , L L P > ASCII, MIME, PGP, SUN, & NeXTmail OK
From: Timm Wetzel <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: FreeBSD for NeXT m68k? Date: 20 Oct 1998 15:07:37 +0100 Organization: GWDG, Goettingen Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> <70gvre$n2k$> writes: > > In <> Dennis Glatting wrote: > [>]Is there an effort underway to port FreeBSD to NeXT black > [>]hardware? I found a Linux and NetBSD effort. Is hardware > > there is a totally useless NetBSD port. it supports the floppy and serial > port only, i think. the linux > port was all vapor. i think everyone is happy with *step. > Both the NetBSD and Linux Ports can now netboot non-turbos with a serial console. I suppose the graphics console will be available soon, but SCSI support seems to be difficult. NetBSD/next68k: Linux/NeXT: (official) (currently more recent) Regards, Timm -- Timm Wetzel Biomed. NMR GmbH Tel +49 551 201-1091 FAX +49 551 201-1307 Am Fassberg 11, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups:, Subject: Driver hacking Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 17:30:14 +0200 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <362E1A26.29655390@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible (and if so, how to do it) to define your own resoltions/sync rates for graphic board drivers in Openstep/mach for intel in order to meet the needs for a specific monitor. Thanks, Marcel
From: "Carroll Bloyd" <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> <> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:28:49 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message-ID: <362e3576$0$> Just a couple more points regarding USR modems. My top-of-the line = internal USR Courier V.everything makes X2 connections from 41K to 43K. = My standard external USR Sportster is almost always 47K and occasionally = 49K. This is on the same line, plugged into the same cable. Both are = recent models and both have been flash-upgraded to the latest code. So = expensive is not always better. =20 Check which K56 protocol your ISP supports. Many support X2 or Kflex, = but not both. Mine supported only X2 until recently, and won't go to = V.90 for months. Some of the on-line services also only support X2 or = Kflex --- CompuServe, for example, only supports X2 on their direct dial = nodes. Also, get an external modem. ISA slots are going away pretty soon. Of = course, if you own a microchannel machine, you've undoubtedly already = thought about this. :-) >Adam Davis wrote: > >> As a reseller, I try to use USRobotics(owned by 3COM, so 3COM modems = are >> the same) because they are easy to set up(as in I've run into the = fewest >> compatibility issues, and had the least problems getting them = working. >> Usually they are 'plug-n-play', as opposed to >> 'plug-n-fiddle-n-unplug-n-...-n-play'. But I've also had good = success >> with Zoom, Intel, and the usual $50 no-name specials. >>
Message-ID: <> From: Adam Davis <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:35:22 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:28:20 EDT Organization: Ameritech.Net Complaints: As a reseller, I try to use USRobotics(owned by 3COM, so 3COM modems are the same) because they are easy to set up(as in I've run into the fewest compatibility issues, and had the least problems getting them working. Usually they are 'plug-n-play', as opposed to 'plug-n-fiddle-n-unplug-n-...-n-play'. But I've also had good success with Zoom, Intel, and the usual $50 no-name specials. V.90 is a protocol/communication standard. The deal is your modem will only SEND 33.6Kbps to another modem. period. When an ISP(or other service) says they have k56flex, x2, or v.90 what they really have is some equipment leased from the telephone company(at a switching or exchange office) which will send at 56k. Thus your modem will receive at 56k, if the phone lines from your telco to the particular exchange are good. The best I've been able to do is 49000bps. generally I've been stuck around 28800bps or 22000bps. Other than setting the modem up in your computer, there is little difference between the brands. The big names are generally more robust, and will connect at faster speeds if possible(better algorithms and noise reduction). But that is not going to be a noticeable difference for most people. Nearly every 56.6k modem has a processor that can have it's program upgraded(on the card). Do watch out for really cheap modems. What they'll do is sell you a card which will off-load the processing on your machine. So instead of the modem decoding the signals on the line, the modem makes the computer decode them. This will slow everything down. Anyway, enough of my babble. I hope this helps. -Adam "Remko.leupen" wrote: > > Hi > > Going to buy a new modem.. > Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? > Any hints in what NOT to buy? > The fastest is 56K? with V90? > What does the V90 mean?? > > Thanks a lot.... > > Remko
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 21 Oct 1998 17:22:46 GMT Organization: AOL References: <70jdfu$> Message-ID: <> Stephen V. Roller said: << My N4000B went dim after 40,000+ hours of use (Summer 97) I contacted DecisionOne (SanFransisco) 510 / 266-3000 They will exchange your monitor with another just like your model, but with a new picture tube. Non-Profit-Org Credit Card price is $389. >> Thank you! I'd like to make the observation that the price seems pretty reasonable to me given the cost of labor--and my assumption that the new picture tube in question is a long-life, non-dimming one? William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Dennis Clark) Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Followup-To: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Date: 20 Oct 1998 14:50:11 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Site Message-ID: <70i7v3$> References: <> Remko.leupen ( wrote: : Hi : Going to buy a new modem.. : Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? : Any hints in what NOT to buy? : The fastest is 56K? with V90? : What does the V90 mean?? How about removing comp.robotics.misc from this thread? It has nothing to do with modems - unless you are planning to hack a modem into a robot that is. Please pay closer attention to where you cross-post. DLC -- ------------------------------------------------------------ | Dennis Clark (970)898-4313 email | | Be well, Do good work, stay in touch -- Garrison Keillor | ------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: References: <70auoq$oe7$> Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Message-ID: <PKrX1.53$!> Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 16:47:37 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 16:46:39 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( I e-mailed him and he said that he ment DVD not DDVD. I never knew that they came out with a dvd that can copy but i could be wrong but i am sure that there isn't one. -bat. wrote in message <70auoq$oe7$>... >Can anybody give me any clues on using a DDVD drive with OS/4.2 - I have >the drive connceted and CD's work fine in it - but I cann't figure out >a way to make it format blank DVD discs. I can't find any references to this >anywhere else on the net - has anybody tried this before and come up with a >solution ? > >-bat.
Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 17:52:44 +0200 From: "Peter H. Wendt" <> Organization: CompuNet° Hamburg MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? References: <> <> <70i2fd$bt28$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi ! >Last but not less, you will probably not run at a full 56kbs. In the states >the max bps the Feds will allow is 53bps (not sure what thats all about) >even though all modems boast 56k... The Feds ? Oh ... in this case I would say it is to keep the people off from massive downloading pictures from Triple-X pages ... Very friendly greetings from Peter in Germany - Please respond to : -
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Driver hacking Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:18:05 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <362E1A26.29655390@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 21 Oct 1998 23:38:37 GMT It is possible, you need to get hold of the writer of the driver; the normal Intel video drivers have a fixed table of resolutions and refresh rate coded in to the driver code. The old Viper (Wietek 9000) had lots of files defining the modes, but no explination as to how to change them. Some of the newer drivers from Apple use the VBIOS to set the mode, so you are stuck with the (VESA) modes in the video BIOS. I not been able to get any of these drivers to work; calling a Windows oriented VBIOS is probmatic activity, even Linux fails on this. Some video cards are strange, they will only work at certain resolutions (eg 640, 800, 1024, 1280), but most it is just a matter of programming the dot clock to the right frequency and setting the width and height, then telling Openstep what you have done. Marcel Volkerts wrote: > > Hi, > > I'd like to know if it is possible (and if so, how to do it) to define > your own resoltions/sync rates for graphic board drivers in > Openstep/mach for intel in order to meet the needs for a specific > monitor. > > Thanks, > > Marcel -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <5AuX1.9889$> Control: cancel <5AuX1.9889$> Date: 21 Oct 1998 23:58:44 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.5AuX1.9889$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Drew" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:28:43 -0500 Organization: SouthWind Internet Access, Inc. Message-ID: <70m1o2$giu$> References: <> Companies!!! I am sorry to say this, but that is not what this group is about. Robotics is a good company, the other two are not quite as good, but inexpensive. You will probably never know the difference in performance. Zoom is onsale at most best buys for 49.99 if that price is good for you. V90!!! Two companies cam out with 56K technology at the same time. One is type uses FLEX and the other uses X2. The problem is X2 only works with X2 modems, and FLEX only works with FLEX modems. Then a company came out with V90. It works with FLEX, X2, and V90 modems. It is the best choice. Almost a must. Andrew Remko.leupen wrote in message <>... >Hi > >Going to buy a new modem.. >Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? >Any hints in what NOT to buy? >The fastest is 56K? with V90? >What does the V90 mean?? > >Thanks a lot.... > >Remko >
From: "Bob Binder" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 13:10:58 -0500 Organization: MCSNet Services Message-ID: <70ijhl$qnl$> References: <> <> <70i2fd$bt28$> <> The only law preventing faster analog signaling over voice-grade lines is Shannon's Law. You can get ISDN on the same wires nearly everywhere in the US -- nominally 2-3 times as fast as 56kb, and faster in reality because it is much cleaner and has quicker switching. In some areas, you can get ADSL on the same wire, but you have to let the telco also be your ISP, at least 10x better than 56kb. The FCC got out of telecom standards (that is, enforcing AT&T's interface standards) almost twenty years ago, when 1200 Baud appx 1 kb) was really fast. Peter H. Wendt wrote in message <>... >Hi ! > >>Last but not less, you will probably not run at a full 56kbs. In the >states >>the max bps the Feds will allow is 53bps (not sure what thats all >about) >>even though all modems boast 56k... > >The Feds ? Oh ... in this case I would say it is to keep the people off >from massive downloading pictures from Triple-X pages ... > > >Very friendly greetings from Peter in Germany > - Please respond to : - > > > >
From: "tnoc" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? And another!! Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:00:17 -0500 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <70mao8$g6g$> References: <> <> <70jnps$8ars$> Okay Guys, Here is the current circle jerk you may wind up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, (it may). 1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. 2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual (K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects higher than 36.6....... 3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, Hehehehe. Finally after much frustration and bullchit, the following statement was made by the ISP Tech Support guru. Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell chips have a serious problem functioning at V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is working on it. The fix will probably require a new modem which means my existing top of the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium price for the product and it functions worse than the $29 special and I'm pissed! Want some advice? Stick tight until our fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial inversion and conquer the V90 standards across the spectrum. --
From: "Andrew Tuitt" <> References: <> <> <70jnps$8ars$> <70mao8$g6g$> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? And another!! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 01:17:11 -0400 Message-ID: <O2JkawX$> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems That is why I don't suck up to 56k. 33.6 has had no problems yet and 56k is having problems getting their standards straight. tnoc wrote in message <70mao8$g6g$>... >Okay Guys, >Here is the current circle jerk you may wind >up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, >(it may). > >1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my >ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. > >2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual >(K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects >higher than 36.6....... > >3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says >talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash >about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, >Hehehehe. > >Finally after much frustration and bullchit, >the following statement was made by the ISP >Tech Support guru. > >Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell >chips have a serious problem functioning at >V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is >working on it. The fix will probably require >a new modem which means my existing top of >the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. > >True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium >price for the product and it functions worse >than the $29 special and I'm pissed! > >Want some advice? Stick tight until our >fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial >inversion and conquer the V90 standards >across the spectrum. > >-- > > >
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Driver hacking Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 10:00:27 +0200 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <362F023B.43CFFC8E@KVI.NL> References: <362E1A26.29655390@KVI.NL> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert Forsyth wrote: > > It is possible, you need to get hold of the writer of the driver; the > normal Intel video drivers have a fixed table of resolutions and refresh > rate coded in to the driver code. > The old Viper (Wietek 9000) had lots of files defining the modes, but no > explination as to how to change them. > Some of the newer drivers from Apple use the VBIOS to set the mode, so > you are stuck with the (VESA) modes in the video BIOS. I not been able > to get any of these drivers to work; calling a Windows oriented VBIOS is > probmatic activity, even Linux fails on this. > Some video cards are strange, they will only work at certain resolutions > (eg 640, 800, 1024, 1280), but most it is just a matter of programming > the dot clock to the right frequency and setting the width and height, > then telling Openstep what you have done. > Hi, Thanks for the info, the reason i'm asking this is that i'm trying to get a HP98751A screen working on my intel box. This screen requires sync-on-green @ 1024x768 @ 48 kHz x 60 Hz. I now have a Matrox Millennium card that can do sync on green but i have to do some hacking there. However, from the table i can pick the right mod, so we're making progress. Bye, Marcel
From: "Neil Hankin" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: NeXTStation Power Supply Help! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:35:54 +0100 Organization: PSINet Message-ID: <70n5at$879$> My 25MHz slab's power supply has died!! Does anyone know where I can get a replacement power supply (Europe,U.S.A. anywhere) (ph & address)?. I have tried to track one down using the part number but no success. Please reply to as I am using someone else's machine. Thanks David Webster
From: "Neil Hankin" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTStation Power Supply Help|! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:40:38 +0100 Organization: PSINet Message-ID: <70n5jq$881$> Hi My NeXT slab's power supply has just died! Could someone help me with details of where (ph/address) I can get a replacement (Europe/ U..S.A. - anywhere)? Please reply to as I am using someone else's machine. Thanks David Webster.
From: (William Warning) Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? And another!! Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Followup-To: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> <70jnps$8ars$> <70mao8$g6g$> <O2JkawX$> Message-ID: <OnFX1.57$> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:17:50 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 08:17:50 EDT Andrew Tuitt ( wrote and I, not a Guru, responded: I bet you have a sh*tty-with-noise phone line. Mine (US West) is so bad at times that my 2400 baud Hayes SmartModem won't work at all. ----- R E P L Y S E P A R A T O R ------ : That is why I don't suck up to 56k. : : 33.6 has had no problems yet and 56k is having problems getting their : standards straight. : : tnoc wrote in message <70mao8$g6g$>... : >Okay Guys, : >Here is the current circle jerk you may wind : >up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, : >(it may). : > : >1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my : >ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. : > : >2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual : >(K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects : >higher than 36.6....... : > : >3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says : >talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash : >about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, : >Hehehehe. : > : >Finally after much frustration and bullchit, : >the following statement was made by the ISP : >Tech Support guru. : > : >Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell : >chips have a serious problem functioning at : >V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is : >working on it. The fix will probably require : >a new modem which means my existing top of : >the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. : > : >True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium : >price for the product and it functions worse : >than the $29 special and I'm pissed! : > : >Want some advice? Stick tight until our : >fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial : >inversion and conquer the V90 standards : >across the spectrum. : > : >-- : > : > : > : :
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Rhapsody DR2 on PowerBook G3 (wallstreet) Date: 21 Oct 1998 11:31:20 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <70kgm8$bo0$> References: <someguy-1610980009210001@> (Justin McKillican) wrote: >anyone know how to get Rhapsody DR2 (Mac OS X server) on a PowerBook G3 >(wallstreet)? I've tried everything, still no luck.. wait. Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Monitor refresh rate, ADB, ND, etc..... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:11:20 GMT It's clear that on a turbo color with ADB accessories and ROM, the refresh rate is higher. And only Sony and Hitachi (correct me?) color monitors can handle this higher freq. But what happens on a turbo ND with ADB ROM? Is the refresh rate controlled by ADB ROM, or fixed by the ND board? I've used NeXT Sony monitor on both turbo color and non-turbo color and I do not notice anything different. This is not what NeXT said. Please help make this clear.
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What other (Sun, etc) monitors work with NeXT? Date: 22 Oct 1998 02:39:32 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <70m5t4$31j$> References: <> Cc: In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >This is not fully covered in NeXT FAQ. > [ snipped ... ] > >I'll be happy to compile this list. Just let me know of your >experience. SUN 21" GDB-1955 on Turbo Color Station non-ADB, no problem at all (it was just plug and play). This monitor wont work on ADB system due to the vert sync outside the monitor's spec. YMMV, Paulus Adisoemarta N5SNN / YG1QN
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: What other (Sun, etc) monitors work with NeXT? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 14:00:18 GMT This is not fully covered in NeXT FAQ. Since most of the NeXT color monitors are pretty old now, I think it may make more sense to compile a list of the third-party monitors that will work with NeXT, with or without modifications. First of all, there are a few 13W3 monitors around, say Sun, IBM and maybe HP. I've tried a IBM 21" 13W3 monitor and it works out of the box. This is a Sony monitor and the quality is better than the Hitachi one. This monitor supports multiple resolutions and refresh rate. Of course the color is white. It's hard to paint it over. How about the nice HP ones, with separate RGB connector? I'll be happy to compile this list. Just let me know of your experience.
From: (Stephen V. Roller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 21 Oct 1998 01:30:38 GMT Organization: Puget Sound NeXT Users Group Message-ID: <70jdfu$> References: <6vii2p$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Hi Timothy, My N4000B went dim after 40,000+ hours of use (Summer 97) I contacted DecisionOne (SanFransisco) 510 / 266-3000 They will exchange your monitor with another just like your model, but with a new picture tube. Non-Profit-Org Credit Card price is $389. I hope they can help you out. (I went thru the dim adjustments, but fix didn't last long...) Steve Roller Puget Sound NeXT Users Group _ In <6vii2p$> TjL wrote: > > After many years of faithful service, my NeXT monitor is slowly dimming. > > I've heard that I could "tweak" some settings and make it brighter, at least > for awhile. Has anyone written up a "how to" do this, especially the part > about not killing yourself and what screws need to be adjusted? > > Thanks folks! > > TjL > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stephen V. Roller <> Stop by and visit at: Puget Sound NeXT Users Group < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Message-ID: <> From: Gary Tait <> Organization: Not very organized MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cache-Post-Path: Virginia.BMTS.Com! NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 13:42:38 EDT Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 13:42:53 -0400 Drew wrote: > > Companies!!! I am sorry to say this, but that is not what this group is > about. Robotics is a good company, the other two are not quite as good, but > inexpensive. You will probably never know the difference in performance. > Zoom is onsale at most best buys for 49.99 if that price is good for you. > > V90!!! Two companies cam out with 56K technology at the same time. One is > type uses FLEX and the other uses X2. The problem is X2 only works with X2 > modems, and FLEX only works with FLEX modems. Then a company came out with > V90. It works with FLEX, X2, and V90 modems. It is the best choice. > Almost a must. > Andrew > > Remko.leupen wrote in message <>... > >Hi > > > >Going to buy a new modem.. > >Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? > >Any hints in what NOT to buy? > >The fastest is 56K? with V90? > >What does the V90 mean?? > > > >Thanks a lot.... > > > >Remko > > A company did not come out with V90, the ITU did. It is my understandnig that modems upgraded to X2 ,can be upgraded to V.90.I don't know about Flex modems though. -- Gary Tait,VE3VBF ; Homepage ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note that I use the Internet as a research / entertainment tool ,and I shall not recieve Email regarding the purchase, trade ,or reccomendation of merchandise , services, or intellectual property , unless I explicitly request such materials. If you Email me and wish a reply, Please use your REAL address with no spamblockers,etc.
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Monitor refresh rate, ADB, ND, etc..... Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> <> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:55:45 GMT In article <>, David Evans <> wrote: >In article <>, >Andrew Chang <> wrote: >> >>It's clear that on a turbo color with ADB accessories and ROM, the >>refresh rate is higher. > > 72Hz, I believe. > >>And only Sony and Hitachi (correct me?) >>color monitors can handle this higher freq. >> > > As far as NeXT monitors, yes. > >>But what happens on a turbo ND with ADB ROM? Is the refresh rate >>controlled by ADB ROM, or fixed by the ND board? >> > > No. The ND's refresh rate is always the same--67Hz AFAIK. If you run a >dual-headed Turbo ADB ND system you may notice a 5Hz beating between the >monitors. > >>I've used NeXT Sony monitor on both turbo color and non-turbo color >>and I do not notice anything different. This is not what NeXT said. >> > > There are two possibilities. The first is that you just didn't notice it. >:-) The second stems from the fact that the refresh rate is determined by >whether you're using an ADB Sound Box or not. The presence of an ADB Sound Box >will give you 72Hz while a non-ADB Sound Box will give you 67Hz. > I tried them on both ADB and non-ADB setups. Maybe the diff. are just too small.... If you check, they list NeXT having v-freq of 60, 68 and 75 Hz. Are those all wrong? Is it possible that diff. batch of monitors have diff. freq., besides the diff. btwn Sony, FIMI/Philips, Hitachi. I mean, say, Hitachi, makes monitors with diff. v-freq? I tried an IBM fixed-freq monitor with v-freq of 150Hz and it works out of the box, with a turbo ND and non-ADB. Of course you'll adjust the screen to make it larger. It does this perfectly. I've not had luck with NeXTanswer regarding refresh rate. Is refresh rate the same thing as v-freq?
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Overhead projector on NeXT?? References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:02:12 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:59:51 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments At IU we used to use the S Video output from a Dimension board to a cooresponding S video input on a large monitor. After I left I heard they found a projector (auditorium like) that accepted an S video input. --Andrew-- Steven Skutnick wrote: > Harald Ellmann wrote: > > > > Hello NeXT community, > > > > here comes another weird hardware question: > > > > I want to make a presentation with my TurboColor and Concurrence. Since > > the lecture room is quite big the monitor is not sufficient as a display > > unit. I would therefore like to connect one of the LCD devices that are > > put on top of an overhead slide projector to my slab. > > Is there hardware/software (drivers) available for this? > > If so, where can it be purchased? > > Not likely. All of the overhead projector units I've seen connect via > the VGA 15 pin connector using a passthrough. Also, all the ones I've > seen run only in VGA (640x480) mode. These two reasons would make it > unworkable. If anyone else knows of another solution, please let us > know.
From: (Antoine Gautier) Newsgroups: Subject: Iomega Zip plus on ns 3.3 / intel ? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-ID: <Y_OX1.12$> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:14:00 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:14:00 EDT Hello, I am wondering if I can get an iomega zip plus (scsi + parallel) to work with an NS3.3/intel system. The zip doc says that the drive has to be the only device on the scsi chain (?!!!) but I already have scsi discs. Any chance to get around that, or use the parallel port setup ? Thanks, ---- Antoine Gautier
From: (Wayne Porter) Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:41:15 GMT Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <> References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 13:42:53 -0400, Gary Tait <> wrote: >Drew wrote: >> >> Companies!!! I am sorry to say this, but that is not what this group is >> about. Robotics is a good company, the other two are not quite as good, but >> inexpensive. You will probably never know the difference in performance. >> Zoom is onsale at most best buys for 49.99 if that price is good for you. >> >> V90!!! Two companies cam out with 56K technology at the same time. One is >> type uses FLEX and the other uses X2. The problem is X2 only works with X2 >> modems, and FLEX only works with FLEX modems. Then a company came out with >> V90. It works with FLEX, X2, and V90 modems. It is the best choice. >> Almost a must. >> Andrew >> >> Remko.leupen wrote in message <>... >> >Hi >> > >> >Going to buy a new modem.. >> >Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? >> >Any hints in what NOT to buy? >> >The fastest is 56K? with V90? >> >What does the V90 mean?? >> > >> >Thanks a lot.... >> > >> >Remko >> > >A company did not come out with V90, the ITU did. It is my understandnig >that modems upgraded to X2 ,can be upgraded to V.90.I don't know about >Flex modems though. There is another consideration: If your ISP hasn't upgraded to V.90, don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset unless you are sure your ISP is capable of V.8bis. (Modems using the Lucent chipset are WinModems, including the aforementioned Zoom modem that sells for $49.95). Modems with the Lucent chipset can't negotiate a K56flex connection unless the ISP is V.8bis capable. The bottom line: If your ISP hasn't upgraded to V.90 yet, don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset unless you are sure your ISP is V.8bis capable. Otherwise, the modem will only be able to connect at V.34. Wayne Porter
From: (Wayne Porter) Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? And another!! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:49:04 GMT Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <70jnps$8ars$> <70mao8$g6g$> <O2JkawX$> <OnFX1.57$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:17:50 GMT, (William Warning) wrote: >Andrew Tuitt ( wrote and I, not a Guru, responded: >I bet you have a sh*tty-with-noise phone line. Mine (US West) is so >bad at times that my 2400 baud Hayes SmartModem won't work at all. >----- R E P L Y S E P A R A T O R ------ >: >That >is why I don't suck up to 56k. >: >: 33.6 has had no problems yet and 56k is having problems getting their >: standards straight. >: >: tnoc wrote in message <70mao8$g6g$>... >: >Okay Guys, >: >Here is the current circle jerk you may wind >: >up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, >: >(it may). >: > >: >1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my >: >ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. >: > >: >2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual >: >(K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects >: >higher than 36.6....... >: > >: >3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says >: >talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash >: >about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, >: >Hehehehe. >: > >: >Finally after much frustration and bullchit, >: >the following statement was made by the ISP >: >Tech Support guru. >: > >: >Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell >: >chips have a serious problem functioning at >: >V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is >: >working on it. The fix will probably require >: >a new modem which means my existing top of >: >the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. >: > >: >True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium >: >price for the product and it functions worse >: >than the $29 special and I'm pissed! >: > >: >Want some advice? Stick tight until our >: >fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial >: >inversion and conquer the V90 standards >: >across the spectrum. >: > >: >-- >: > >: > >: > >: >: If you are getting 33.6K, you are connecting at V.34. (33.6 is a V.34 speed, K56flex and V.90 use different speed ranges, e.g. a comparable K56flex connection speed would be 32K). If you have the Zoom 56K Dual-mode modem, it is a WinModem using the Lucent chipset. If that is what you have, you can't make a K56flex connection unless your ISP can do V.8bis, because modems using the Lucent chipset use V.8bis to negotiate a K56flex connection. If you ISP hasn't upgraded to V.90 and can't do V.8bis, the modem can only connect at V.34. Wayne Porter
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> <> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Message-ID: <uOPX1.73$!> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:09:41 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:08:58 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the speed is 1.18 Mbs that is a lot faster than a regular modem if you realy think of it a regular modem is slow even if you could get to 56k speeds. Wayne Porter wrote in message <>... >On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 13:42:53 -0400, Gary Tait <> >wrote: > >>Drew wrote: >>> >>> Companies!!! I am sorry to say this, but that is not what this group is >>> about. Robotics is a good company, the other two are not quite as good, but >>> inexpensive. You will probably never know the difference in performance. >>> Zoom is onsale at most best buys for 49.99 if that price is good for you. >>> >>> V90!!! Two companies cam out with 56K technology at the same time. One is >>> type uses FLEX and the other uses X2. The problem is X2 only works with X2 >>> modems, and FLEX only works with FLEX modems. Then a company came out with >>> V90. It works with FLEX, X2, and V90 modems. It is the best choice. >>> Almost a must. >>> Andrew >>> >>> Remko.leupen wrote in message <>... >>> >Hi >>> > >>> >Going to buy a new modem.. >>> >Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? >>> >Any hints in what NOT to buy? >>> >The fastest is 56K? with V90? >>> >What does the V90 mean?? >>> > >>> >Thanks a lot.... >>> > >>> >Remko >>> > >>A company did not come out with V90, the ITU did. It is my understandnig >>that modems upgraded to X2 ,can be upgraded to V.90.I don't know about >>Flex modems though. > >There is another consideration: If your ISP hasn't upgraded to V.90, >don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset unless you are sure your ISP >is capable of V.8bis. (Modems using the Lucent chipset are WinModems, >including the aforementioned Zoom modem that sells for $49.95). >Modems with the Lucent chipset can't negotiate a K56flex connection >unless the ISP is V.8bis capable. The bottom line: If your ISP >hasn't upgraded to V.90 yet, don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset >unless you are sure your ISP is V.8bis capable. Otherwise, the modem >will only be able to connect at V.34. > >Wayne Porter >
From: (David Hill) Newsgroups:,,comp.soft-sys.nextstep Subject: Assistance Installing Connectivity Apps Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:44:00 -0400 Organization: Martian Guitars Message-ID: <> This is the deal. I just got my standard issue Turbo Color Station from Deepspace. Great condition started up no problem. The only apps I've got are the enclosed user set. How would you suggest I download stuff to my Mac and get them onto the NeXT? I've got a Zip drive which was recognized the next. I'd like to get this machine connected to web. I've already tried copying files off the Stone CD (Create.pkg) onto a clean Mac format zip. No go! I also dowloaded Omniweb and PPP and those didn't work off the Mac zip. At this moment I'm formating the zip to dos format and will try copying the same files to that and install using How would you get apps onto your Next if all you had were a Mac and a zip drive? Also I'm assuming I'll need PPP, FTP, and a Browser. What would you suggest for apps. I've downladed Omniweb2 already. Regards, -- David, Remove ".nospam" to reply
From: "tnoc" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Your in for rude awakenings! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:09:42 -0500 Organization:, The World's Usenet: Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <70ohk0$ish$> References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> tnoc wrote: > > Okay Guys, > Here is the current circle jerk you may wind > up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, > (it may). > > 1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my > ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. > > 2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual > (K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects > higher than 36.6....... > > 3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says > talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash > about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, > Hehehehe. > > Finally after much frustration and bullchit, > the following statement was made by the ISP > Tech Support guru. > > Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell > chips have a serious problem functioning at > V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is > working on it. The fix will probably require > a new modem which means my existing top of > the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. > > True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium > price for the product and it functions worse > than the $29 special and I'm pissed! > > Want some advice? Stick tight until our > fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial > inversion and conquer the V90 standards > across the spectrum. Here's the background info on this scenario. The Zoom Model is a 2901A. It came with a video camera built in, which is why the X2 56K came out. It is a newer model, 1998 vintage. I was getting 33.6 connect speeds right out of the box. Followed Zooms Tech Support advice and upgraded to the brand new firmware, (Sept. 1998). Still getting 33.6 connect. Checked the ISP status and found that they are using Robotics X2/V90 hubs. (Non-Beta). At this point, I do not believe this modem will ever connect reliably to my ISP at faster than 36K, even though the new smell hasn't burned off yet. It will probably take an intensive modification to truly perform to V90 standards. If firmware could fix it, it would be working now! I am open to suggestions on AT string changes or whatever. Thanks for listening to the whining! --
From: ( George Jefferson ) Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: 23 Oct 1998 00:16:32 GMT Organization: Mechanical Engineering Message-ID: <70oht0$8j6$> References: <> <> <> <uOPX1.73$!> Originator: :Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the because a phone call is free? Whats a cable connection cost these days? -- george jefferson : to reply simply press "r" -- I hate editing addresses more than I hate the spam!
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Zip plus on ns 3.3 / intel ? Date: 23 Oct 1998 00:18:39 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc. Message-ID: <70oi0v$ntl$> References: <Y_OX1.12$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Oct 1998 00:18:39 GMT You (Antoine Gautier <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:14:00 GMT: > Hello, > > I am wondering if I can get an iomega zip plus (scsi + parallel) to work > with an NS3.3/intel system. Other have reported in this group that the ZipPlus has a *bad* habit of trashing NeXT disks. The parallel solution wont work under NEXTSTEP, and you wouldn't like the slow parallel speeds anyway. Go get the "Macintosh" (i.e. ordinary SCSI) Zip drive, or, better yet, get a Fujitsu DynaMO, or a (SCSI!) CD-R, for a vastly superior removeable storage solution. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (J. Brian Shumate) Newsgroups: Subject: Memory Type for Slab??? Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:58:13 -0400 Organization: Stellaris Information Systems Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Oct 1998 00:52:21 GMT Hello, I may have posted this earlier, though I don't think so- If so, sorry. I was wondering- What type of SIMM does the NeXT slab support?? (Color Turbo) to be exact??? I've received a few various answers and would like an accurate one. I'm sure it is 72 PIN, but not sure about parity, etc. Much thanks, Brian
From: (Stephen V. Roller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 23 Oct 1998 01:43:55 GMT Organization: Puget Sound NeXT Users Group Message-ID: <70on0r$> References: <70jdfu$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: DecisionOne did not state what the future life of the monitor would be. My order went in after long life tubes were developed. I've been running my monitor (with screen saver) 24 hours a day for over a year with great brightness - The PSNUG user group can confirm this. My NeXTstation Turbo N4000B at home is now going dim (It too has reached its 40,000+ hours of use) Buying another used system seems like a low cost solution, but let the buyer beware - these monitors may also have lots of hours on them too! I haven't talked to DecisionOne, in over a year. My concern is that they may soon drop support - Since government and college NeXT hardware are being dumped for other equipment. Steve Roller PSNUG Seattle WA In <> WillAdams wrote: > Stephen V. Roller said: > << > My N4000B went dim after 40,000+ hours of use (Summer 97) > I contacted DecisionOne (SanFransisco) 510 / 266-3000 > They will exchange your monitor with another just like > your model, but with a new picture tube. Non-Profit-Org > Credit Card price is $389. > >> > > Thank you! I'd like to make the observation that the price seems pretty > reasonable to me given the cost of labor--and my assumption that the new > picture tube in question is a long-life, non-dimming one? > > William > > > William Adams > > Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stephen V. Roller <> Stop by and visit at: Puget Sound NeXT Users Group < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From: Paul Holloway <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 22:51:17 -0500 Organization: Telapex Internet Message-ID: <> References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> <> <uOPX1.73$!> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Terry Cody <> Terry Cody wrote: > > Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the > speed is 1.18 Mbs that is a lot faster than a regular modem if you realy > think of it a regular modem is slow even if you could get to 56k speeds. > Did it ever cross your mind that he would do this if cable modem is available in his area and within his financial means? It's not as if cable modems and providers are very common. -- Paul Holloway Customer Service Representative Telapex Internet
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor refresh rate, ADB, ND, etc..... Date: 22 Oct 1998 16:32:48 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Andrew Chang <> wrote: > >It's clear that on a turbo color with ADB accessories and ROM, the >refresh rate is higher. 72Hz, I believe. >And only Sony and Hitachi (correct me?) >color monitors can handle this higher freq. > As far as NeXT monitors, yes. >But what happens on a turbo ND with ADB ROM? Is the refresh rate >controlled by ADB ROM, or fixed by the ND board? > No. The ND's refresh rate is always the same--67Hz AFAIK. If you run a dual-headed Turbo ADB ND system you may notice a 5Hz beating between the monitors. >I've used NeXT Sony monitor on both turbo color and non-turbo color >and I do not notice anything different. This is not what NeXT said. > There are two possibilities. The first is that you just didn't notice it. :-) The second stems from the fact that the refresh rate is determined by whether you're using an ADB Sound Box or not. The presence of an ADB Sound Box will give you 72Hz while a non-ADB Sound Box will give you 67Hz. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Date: 23 Oct 1998 13:18:54 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <70pvnu$i6i$> References: <PKrX1.53$!> "Terry Cody" <> writes: > I e-mailed him and he said that he ment DVD not DDVD. I never knew that they > came out with a dvd that can copy but i could be wrong but i am sure that > there isn't one. What do you mean why a "DVD that can copy" ? I don't want to copy anything, I just want to write data onto it - preferably as a Next filesystem, but UDF or eeven FAT16 would be good enough for the intended purpose. Currently I have not got very far with this plan however... looks like I might have to do all the writing under win95 at the moment as NS refuses to see the drive as anything other than a read-only device. -bat.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:38:23 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Howard Brazee <> Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:52:34 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: (Wayne Porter) Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:52:10 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: (Wayne Porter) Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Aaron@Cisco.COM (Aaron Leonard) Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:28:32 GMT Organization: Cisco Systems, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> <> On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:41:15 GMT, (Wayne Porter) wrote: ~ There is another consideration: If your ISP hasn't upgraded to V.90, ~ don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset unless you are sure your ISP ~ is capable of V.8bis. (Modems using the Lucent chipset are WinModems, ~ including the aforementioned Zoom modem that sells for $49.95). ~ Modems with the Lucent chipset can't negotiate a K56flex connection ~ unless the ISP is V.8bis capable. The bottom line: If your ISP ~ hasn't upgraded to V.90 yet, don't buy a modem with the Lucent chipset ~ unless you are sure your ISP is V.8bis capable. Otherwise, the modem ~ will only be able to connect at V.34. ~ ~ Wayne Porter ~ The K56Flex "standard" requires V.8bis. So this is not a Lucent-specific issue - NO non-V.90 K56Flex modem will get a PCM connect without V.8bis. (For V.90, V.8bis is optional; for X2 and for K56Plus [the pre-flex Rockwell protocol], V.8bis is not used. Aaron
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:46:00 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Paul Holloway <> Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:55:22 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: Gary Tait <> Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <!> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:51:02 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <!> Message-ID: <!> Sender: "Terry Cody" <> Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:50:47 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: "tnoc" <> Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:50:45 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: ( George Jefferson ) Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
Message-ID: <> From: Organization: . MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: cube rom help... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 09:24:27 EDT Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 09:24:17 -0400 so i have an 040 `25 cube that is happy but i have no specific manuals for it... it is not recgonizing ram that's in it (it did before, i've tested the ram it's still good). i am wondering if something happened to the rom. does anyone have any info on how to access and set up (tweak) the rom in a cube? tia, - nick yes, nick at nite
Message-ID: <> From: Howard Brazee <> Organization: @Home Network MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> <> <uOPX1.73$!> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:56:55 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 04:56:55 PDT Terry Cody wrote: > > Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the > speed is 1.18 Mbs that is a lot faster than a regular modem if you realy > think of it a regular modem is slow even if you could get to 56k speeds. > Wayne Porter wrote in message <>... Some places you can't get a cable modem. I have both. My wife hasn't registered her computer yet - I hooked it to the internet via cable modem, but the registration software wants to use her regular modem, and there is no phone plug in her room.
From: Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack,alt.animals.dolphins,alt.genius.bill-palmer,intel.etc,comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: cmsg cancel <> [**OPEN SERVER**] ignore no reply Date: 23 Oct 1998 16:08:12 GMT Organization: FeA v1.22 August 31 1998 Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Sender: (William Warning) Article cancelled by because it was posted to an open server currently being hijacked by usenet spammers. Please contact postmaster@ or abuse@(this ISP) and request they secure this server.
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: Help ! Setting up the NeXT Dimension Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:52:32 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <70q8o0$> I bought a NeXT dimension board. The seller said its so easy to set it up, no software nor documentation is necessary and they're not available. I was told just simply slide the ND board into the cube, connect the monitor and power up. That's all. The ND board was shipped with 0 RAM. I inserted RAM and tried but nothing happened to the 21" NeXT color monitor. Everything is still displaying from the B/W 17" Sony display. I got the monitor connected via the correct cable. I think the NuBus slot is independent, so it doesn't matter which slot I slide the ND in. I tried 8MB and 16MB 72pin SIMM, I tried insert 8 pcs of 8MB RAM or 4 pcs (of 8MB or 16MB RAM) close to the edge or 4 pcs close to the component side. Can anyone tell me the experience on setting up ND ? Does it matter if EDO or non-EDO RAM is using ? I think the RAM I'm using are EDO. Further, where can I find documentation or software (if any) ? Mr.Sai-kee Wong
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTlaser printer repair FAQ ? Date: 23 Oct 1998 15:51:26 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <70q8lu$> I got the "Printer Cover Open" message and cannot use the printer. Actually, the printer cover is closed. Mr.Sai-kee Wong
From: "Terry Cody" <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems References: <> <> <> <uOPX1.73$!> <70oht0$8j6$> Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Message-ID: <hE5Y1.103$!> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:27:47 -0400 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:26:53 EDT Organization: Your Home Port in the U.P. ( I am going to upgrade to a cable modem I got this with my computer for free for 6 months I also got America Online But I am going to get ride of America Online.And I have another line for my computer so my phone is not always bisy Thats $30 there and if you wanted to know you could save money if you had another line for your computer if you have a service that costs $20 or more because the phone line costs $30 and the the service costs at leasts $20 that is $50 you can get a cable service for $40 unlimited service for a month. George Jefferson wrote in message <70oht0$8j6$>... > >:Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the > >because a phone call is free? Whats a cable connection cost these days? > > > >-- >george jefferson : >to reply simply press "r" > -- I hate editing addresses more than I hate the spam! >
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: How to use the 640MO with NeXT black ? Date: 24 Oct 1998 00:40:38 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <70r7m6$> I heard it is absolutely simply to hook the 640MO to NeXT. I have the Fujitsu 640MO used for months with Macintosh. Yesterday, I had it up with a NS3.3 CT. I can detect the Mac formatted MO, when I initialize it, it got failed. Anything I need to setup before I can use it ? SK
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTlaser printer repair FAQ ? Date: 24 Oct 1998 01:30:10 GMT Organization: AOL References: <70q8lu$> Message-ID: <> There's a document (PDF) on this at <> I believe. Also, I think TjL has some info on it at his Peak web pages (link there from my web site's links page). William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Hardware Prices Message-ID: <> From: "Thomas R. Dial" <> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:33:12 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit First, Please forgive my rookie questions- I know how boring it gets to answer the same questions to newbies over and over again. That being said, I would like to know what I should pay for a NeXT system that my boss has sitting around his basement, and doesn't want. He says that it has four logic boards in it, and that they are 68030's. I have not really researched them much, but I am interested, as I always thought they were neat when they first came out (I was pretty young then.) Plus, my strong interest in Linux has led me to like playing around with Unix type stuff. The package would include the cube, a 17 inch monitor (B&W) keyboard, etc,,. It has one 5 1/4" MO disk with it-- apparently these were standard with the Cube. I also want to know if the MO carts are still available anywhere-- He's not sure if the system on the MO disk is viable, and the machine has no hard disk, because someone took it out. I would be putting some sort of a hard disk in myself. Thanks in advance. Please email any information directly to me, as I do not surf the newsgroups much. Thomas Dial
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question on cube motherboard Date: 24 Oct 1998 07:43:27 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <70s0ev$3vl$> References: <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> <01bdff15$869a57e0$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> it gets to 256Kb.. I think some university in SF used to specialty make them Robert Bullock ( wrote: : Robert Bullock <> wrote in article : <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1>... : > Got an '040 25mhz cube. What's that 72 pin (or roughly) looking slot up : by : > the 30pin slots? : PS. Presumedly its for that SRAM SIMM for DSP memory. Does epxanding it do : anything? And is it a standard part I could buy somewhere? : -Robert
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: using a DVD drive with OpenStep 4.2 Date: 23 Oct 98 10:48:03 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <PKrX1.53$!> <70pvnu$i6i$> In-reply-to:'s message of 23 Oct 1998 13:18:54 GMT In article <70pvnu$i6i$>, (-bat.) writes: "Terry Cody" <> writes: > I e-mailed him and he said that he ment DVD not DDVD. I never > knew that they came out with a dvd that can copy but i could be > wrong but i am sure that there isn't one. What do you mean why a "DVD that can copy" ? I don't want to copy anything, I just want to write data onto it - preferably as a Next filesystem, but UDF or eeven FAT16 would be good enough for the intended purpose. Currently I have not got very far with this plan however... looks like I might have to do all the writing under win95 at the moment as NS refuses to see the drive as anything other than a read-only device. I think he meant that he didn't know that there were DVD-RAM drives available. I didn't, either - I thought all DVD drives were currently read-only, at least for DVD (versus a DVD+CD-R or DVD+CD-RW type drive). If it's a DVD-RAM drive, then it's not too surprising that NS/OS isn't recognizing the writable part. For CD-R and CD-RW, you can read from the device pretty much like any other readable device, but you can't write to it like other writable devices. You have to use special commands, and thus special programs that can handle those commands. Worse, not all drives use the same commands, so your special program generally needs to drive different drives differently. I'm betting this drive, whatever it is, is similar. Under Windows, can you write a disk image file? If so, you could probably use a hard drive (or removable drive such as SyJet or Jaz) to generate a NeXTSTEP filesystem, then use dd to suck the image off, and write that image using the Windows program. Alternately, use mkisofs to build an image file from NeXTSTEP, then transfer it over. Better yet, use mkhybrid to build an image with both RockRidge and Joliet extensions. RockRidge allows Unix system to see long filenames, while Joliet allows Windows systems to see long filenames, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 13:34:37 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=NAPRO
From: (NHensleyD) Newsgroups: Subject: FS: cube/slab Date: 24 Oct 1998 13:39:21 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I have a 030 cube, 12 megs ram, 100 meg harddrive, no optical, with monitor keyboard and mouse. in good condition cosmetically, and it does boot up. asking 175.00 + shipping. I also have a 040 slab, 0 mem, 0 hd, with monitor, keyboard, and mouse. in excellent condition, do not know if it boots.. asking 75 + shipping. please e-mail me at
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <70sled$> Control: cancel <70sled$> Date: 24 Oct 1998 13:48:43 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.70sled$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 19:20:58 +0200 From: maverrick <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: To: Wong Sai-kee <> Subject: Re: NeXTlaser printer repair FAQ ? References: <70q8lu$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hallo Have a look at Wong Sai-kee wrote: > I got the "Printer Cover Open" message and cannot use the printer. > Actually, the printer cover is closed. > > Mr.Sai-kee Wong
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT OS copied on CD-RW Date: 24 Oct 1998 15:19:53 GMT Organization: Legion of Free-Thinkers Message-ID: <70sr6p$174$> References: <70rnem$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 24 Oct 1998 15:19:53 GMT You (Tangent <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Sat, 24 Oct 1998 01:09:34 -0400: > My friend has a CD-Rom Burner and we wonder if we could copy the NeXT Cd's > even though his system is an NT4.0 computer? Of course you can. Your CD-ROM and CD-R drives don't care if NT can't read NeXT CDs. It all depends on your CD burning software. Programs that are able to duplicate a CD byte-for-byte can accomplish this. There are several of these around. GEAR is good. That said, the ethics of duplicating NeXT CD-ROMs is a hotly debated topic hereabouts, and if you wish to avoid flames, curses on your children, lawsuits, etc. you would do well to avoid further posts on this subject. And don't even think about offering CD-R dupes for sale... Just some friendly advice... --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question on cube motherboard Date: 24 Oct 1998 15:24:25 GMT Organization: Legion of Free-Thinkers Message-ID: <70srf9$174$> References: <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> <01bdff15$869a57e0$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> NNTP-Posting-Date: 24 Oct 1998 15:24:25 GMT You (Robert Bullock <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 24 Oct 1998 06:13:10 GMT: > PS. Presumedly its for that SRAM SIMM for DSP memory. Does epxanding it do > anything? And is it a standard part I could buy somewhere? No. Here is a nice description of this chip from a post by Izumi Ohzawa: "The official NeXT DSP expansion SIMM (part # N7013) has 3 ea. Motorola static RAM "MCM6206CJ35" on it, and a 74F158A (probably for address decode). This SIMM provides 32 kwords (24bits/word) of DSP RAM when installed into that empty slot (this replaces the on-board 8kwords DSP RAM, not in addition to it) on the NeXT CPU board. No alternative source for NeXT DSP RAM was available, although someone at San Francisco State U. built a batch of SIMMs that had full RAM capacity supported by 56001." Good luck finding one... :-) --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: "Tangent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT OS copied on CD-RW Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 01:09:34 -0400 Organization: TDSNET Internet Services( Message-ID: <70rnem$> Hi, My friend has a CD-Rom Burner and we wonder if we could copy the NeXT Cd's even though his system is an NT4.0 computer? Anyone have an Idea, we didn't really want to waste any cd's just trying it. Thanks
Newsgroups:, From: Oliver Nissen <> Subject: NeXT Optical: Laser power-on failure Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: CameloT Online Services Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 16:29:15 GMT A few days ago I suddenly got loads of "Laser power-on failure" error messages for my NeXT optical drive while writing to it. As a consequence the drive started to re-spin again and again blocking the machine until I ejected the disk from the ROM monitor and shut the box down - the errors remained. Has anybody experienced the same already? Is the drive dead or is there a way for fixing it? I got still loads of data on these disks and therefore would appreciate any help. Oliver -- --- 8< ------------------------------ (cut here and bin the rest) --- Dipl.-Inform. Oliver Nissen -> NeXT-Mail/MIME welcome _____________________________________________________________________ The motd reads: "She is descended from a long line that her mother listened to." -- Gypsy Rose Lee
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: MacOS X server Intel PII450mhz vs. X server PPC? Date: 24 Oct 1998 21:11:26 GMT Message-ID: <70tfpu$8g4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am planning to buy some new hardware either a PowerMac or Intel based PC. The issue boils down to this: COST! Intel PC: 1. Pentium II 450mhz 2. Adaptec 2940 UW ultraWide SCSI-3 controller (9Gig harddrive) 3. Toshiba 32X SCSI 4. Matrox Millenium II AGP Video W/8 megs\ 5. 128 M DIMM100mhz SDRAM. Price: $2,150 vs. PowerPc PowerMac G3 1. PowerPc G3 333mhz 2. Ultra/Wide SCSI 9Gig harddrive 3. 24x (SCSI? or atapi)? 4. built-in 2megs video + 6Megs SGRAM 5. 128 M DIMM Price: $2,999 I need to run Windows software (due to work), I was hoping that if I buy a Mac, I could run virtual pc and run the windows software ( will i be able to run virtual pc in the blue box?, another issue). Issue, I have invested heavily on PC hardware to run Openstep and NeXTstep. I will not be able to run my favorite NeXT programs (perhaps nxhosting would be an option). But, if this is the last release of Mac OS/Rhapsody for Intel. This leaves me in a shitty position, if i buy more intel hardware. I ask, is it worth buying a PowerMac (for about $800 dollars more) to be possibly screwed by Apple (down playing yellow box) or should I forced myself to jump boat and join the Linux/Windows/Intel forever fan club. Any advise would be perused and appreciated. Apple just pisses me off these days....... Thanks folks and bear with me. -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Question on cube motherboard Date: 24 Oct 1998 06:10:42 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> Got an '040 25mhz cube. What's that 72 pin (or roughly) looking slot up by the 30pin slots? -Robert
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Question on cube motherboard Date: 24 Oct 1998 06:13:10 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01bdff15$869a57e0$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> References: <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> Robert Bullock <> wrote in article <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1>... > Got an '040 25mhz cube. What's that 72 pin (or roughly) looking slot up by > the 30pin slots? PS. Presumedly its for that SRAM SIMM for DSP memory. Does epxanding it do anything? And is it a standard part I could buy somewhere? -Robert
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT keyboard Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 23:39:58 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <70toge$hqn$> I spend a lot of my time typing large documents so a great keyboard is very important to me. I was wondering which is the best keyboard for a NeXT computer, ADB or Non-ADB. Do they have different keyboard layouts? If so which is best? Do they have any build quality problems? How is the key action on the keyboards? Is it spongy? Are the keys responsive? Which keyboard do you prefer? Thanks in advance. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT keyboard Date: 25 Oct 1998 00:58:08 GMT Organization: AOL References: <70toge$hqn$> Message-ID: <> I've only used the old style, L-shaped return keyboard--the feel on this is quite nice, and the layout is fine to me (Control next to the "A" where God/Jerry Pournelle/(who was the programmer of the first version of WordStar?) meant it to be). It's said to be well-suited for doing Unix command line stuff. I like the feel, stiff/springy, but not overly so (unlike the original IBM PC Selectric-like keyboards). I've read a fair bit about the ADB keyboard, and some like and others dislike it. The Command Bar's location directly beneath the space bar by all accounts takes a bit of getting used to. If you do go with the ADB option, you can use most any Mac keyboard, though you need a NeXT keybard to adjust monitor brightness/sound volume. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help ! Setting up the NeXT Dimension Date: 24 Oct 1998 17:18:09 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <70t24h$> I got help from mcbinc and check my /usr/adm/messages file... Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: 64 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: monitor disconnected Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: POST failure code 0; failure addr 0x00000000, bad bits 0x00000000 It seems the connection to the monitor has problem. With the shipment, I got 2 cables for connecting monitors, one is with 3 connectors (I guess its the so called Y cable), the other is a long 2 connectors cable (around 2 meters long). I use this long cable for connecting the 21" monitor and the ND. And the Y cable for connecting the NeXT CT, monitor, sound box ADB. The NeXT CT works. I use a Digital Multimeter to measure the 2M connection cable. All the 3 co-axial connections for RGB are OK but all the remaining 10 connection points for monitor are not connected. Is it OK ? Then how can the ND detect the existence of the monitor ? Then I connected the 2M cable to the monitor. With the monitor switched to OFF, I measured the connection from the other end and found 75 - 77 ohm from 3 (R G B) connections, perfect. I think the problem is the 10 signal lines in connection cable. Is the Y cable also works for the ND such that I can test the ND with the Y cable ? Best Rgds SK
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: So... Date: 25 Oct 1998 01:03:20 GMT Organization: AOL References: <01bdff88$cc1c8c20$328b4a0c@stuff1> Message-ID: <> It's my understanding that increasing the memory available to the DSP will improve its performance on processing under certain conditions--this certainly seems reasonable, since my understanding is that the DSP is limited to processing what is in its memory and then has to make a request to the NeXT to take away the processed data and get more raw data. As is typically the case, one could invoke Mike Paquette, but I'd like to hazzard a guess that the matter is covered in the DSP programming documentation, available from the FTP sites in the documents area(s). William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 25 Oct 1998 03:43:10 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <70u583$>, Tangent <> wrote: >Hello, > >Before anyone replys to this message, stop and think about what your saying >please > What--are you saying that on Usenet people post before they think? Never! >What kind of performace do you really get out of a NeXT that's running at >33Mhz with 32 megs of ram? > They're nice to sit in front of; there are lots of good NeXTSTEP apps out there that will perform fine on Turbo black hardware. >Could I run a duel boot system with Nextstep, OS/2, and something else like >NT? > can't run OS/2 or NT on black hardware. If you go Intel then you can multiboot with no problems. >It sounds like it's hard to get ahold of parts & software, is that true? > Not much breaks (except for the cube optical drive) and software is available off the net. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 25 Oct 1998 03:47:04 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: So... Date: 24 Oct 1998 19:58:14 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01bdff88$cc1c8c20$328b4a0c@stuff1> References: <01bdff15$2eab0d40$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> <01bdff15$869a57e0$3b8a4a0c@stuff1> <70srf9$174$> It doesn't really gain you anything to expand it I presume. I haven't seen anything in the FAQ about it or anywhere else... -Robert
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 25 Oct 1998 16:34:05 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> I much prefer my Cube to any of the systems which I have access to (ThinkPad 755c 486DX4/75, PowerMac 9500/180MP at work) Speedwise it's pretty much comparable to the ThinkPad, and it's not that much slower in terms of "feel" than the PowerMac, and at least the NeXT never exhibits the bizarre behaviour which the Mac does unless I restart it every couple of hours. I'm running OpenStep 4.2, so there's a bit of a delay starting some programs as it loads the shlibs into memory. By most accounts, NS 3.3 would be a bit faster. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Brad Nelson" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Hardware password Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 12:15:03 -0700 Organization: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Message-ID: <70vtbm$a30$> Hi all, I have a 25 MHz 040 cube, on which a previous admin set a hardware password. I don't know it, which I wasn't concerned about until today, when the thing crashed, fsck says something about "unknown inconsistency" and that I should run fsck manually. I could certainly do that, except that it wants the hardware password first. No sweat, thought I. I'll just pull the battery off the system board, toasting the password... Nope. Left the battery out for about 20 minutes the 3rd time I took the system apart. It still remembers the password. Anyone want to clue me in as to how I get rid of this cursed thing? Thanks!
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: So... Date: 25 Oct 1998 02:08:20 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <01bdff88$cc1c8c20$328b4a0c@stuff1> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, WillAdams <> wrote: >It's my understanding that increasing the memory available to the DSP will >improve its performance on processing under certain conditions--this certainly >seems reasonable, since my understanding is that the DSP is limited to >processing what is in its memory and then has to make a request to the NeXT to >take away the processed data and get more raw data. > Well, the DSP can act as a DMA device, grabbing stuff out of host memory and splatting things back but you're right, you can't actually "work" with anything that's not in DSP memory. I believe that the MusicKit understands both the NeXT and other (CCRMA, I would guess) DSP memory boards to support more unit generators. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Tangent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 23:17:12 -0400 Organization: TDSNET Internet Services( Message-ID: <70u583$> Hello, Before anyone replys to this message, stop and think about what your saying please I'm thinking about buying a NeXT, I really loved them back in there hayday and had forgotten about them until I saw one at a computer surplus store. What kind of performace do you really get out of a NeXT that's running at 33Mhz with 32 megs of ram? Could I run a duel boot system with Nextstep, OS/2, and something else like NT? It sounds like it's hard to get ahold of parts & software, is that true? Thanks, Phil
From: "insane" <> Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: problems with sleep mode Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:25:40 +0800 Organization: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Message-ID: <710fls$7rl$> `hi...i'm havin some problems with mi goes into the sleep/power saving mode after usage of around 1 and 1/2 to 2 hrs.....the thing is, i could not get it to wake up the oni way is to off and on it again.....but will occur again more frequently an within shorter time span after the initial power down....and it occurs in about almost aniwhere,eg, CMOS,win nt, win95 or durin boot up of the o/s. hav tried changing the motherboard but the problem still it ani problems with the RAM or some incompatibles with the cards??...tried disabling the power mangement in the CMOs as well as both the o/s already...can anibodi help?? configurations: asustek P2b motherboard P II 450 128 SD RAM Creative Riva TNT AWE 64 Seagate medalist 6.5 32x cdrom winNT/win95 thanx a million for the help jeremy PS..pls email mi the back instead of posting the replies....thanx!!!
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Two monitor solution Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <362B1928.1BFAAE11@KVI.NL> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:49:23 GMT In article <362B1928.1BFAAE11@KVI.NL>, Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> wrote: >Hi, > >I just got a 21" fixed frequency, sync-on-green screen for free that i >would like to connect to my intel box running OS 4.1 as a second screen. >Is this possible and if so, do need anything specual to make it work, >like specific brand of graphics card (have one S3 Virge now, thinking >of buying a Millenium for the second monitor since it can do >sync-on-green.). > >Thanks in advance, > >Marcel I'd be very interested to know how things go. Of course this is doable. First, you'll need a video card that supports two monitors. One for text mode (at boot time) and the large one for GUI. I heard that if you use standard video cards, the two cards have to be the same. I have not tried this. Then, you'll need special video cable (and maybe sync mixer) to connect to the monitor. The cabling is easy fron NeXT, since the sync signal is already mixed. But PC uses separate sync signals. This is the hard part. If the cabling is solved, the video card has to generate right sync freq. to drive the monitor. If the video card is good and you can change sync freq's to fit into monitor's range, you are in business. There are quite a few FAQs on using fixed-freq monitors with PC running Winxx. Just do a web search. You should have better luck to use it with your black NeXT if you have one. This is the same thread on using NeXT (Hitachi, in particular) with PC. You'll have to go through the same hustle. Your best bet is to go with commercial video card specially designed to use with fixed-freq monitors. I think the best one is "Mirage." Of course, they charge a premium. But the whole thing is a better deal since you got your monitor free. "Mirage" can drive (emulate?) the monitor into multiple models. I don't know if this can be changed real time, thus change the monitor into a Multisync/multiscan monitor. Good luck. Let me know what monitor you have and how it goes.
From: (Chris Hill) Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 13:24:49 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <> References: <710fls$7rl$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:25:40 +0800, "insane" <> wrote: >`hi...i'm havin some problems with mi goes into the >sleep/power saving mode after usage of around 1 and 1/2 to 2 hrs.....the >thing is, i could not get it to wake up the oni way is to off >and on it again.....but will occur again more frequently an within shorter >time span after the initial power down....and it occurs in about almost >aniwhere,eg, CMOS,win nt, win95 or durin boot up of the o/s. hav tried >changing the motherboard but the problem still it ani >problems with the RAM or some incompatibles with the cards??...tried >disabling the power mangement in the CMOs as well as both the o/s >already...can anibodi help?? Doesn't sound like it has a thing to do with power management. Is your case at or atx? If atx, does the power supply fan stop spinning too? If it isn't atx, what makes you think it has gone to sleep, rather than just plain locked up? If it is locking up, you've probably got a heat problem somewhere. --- Doing things that make the international man cringe... Columbia Missouri or thereabouts
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 25 Oct 1998 03:34:16 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <70u67o$t4k$> References: <70u583$> In article <70u583$>, Tangent <> wrote: > >Could I run a duel boot system with Nextstep, OS/2, and something else like >NT? Ahhhhh... On a NeXTcube? No. You get NeXTstep, and that's it. It's not an Intel box... Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: phy070@spo109 (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Hardware password Followup-To:, Date: 26 Oct 1998 12:59:19 GMT Organization: University Essen, Germany Message-ID: <711rn7$> References: <70vtbm$a30$> Brad Nelson ( wrote: : Hi all, Hello, : [...] : Nope. Left the battery out for about 20 minutes the 3rd time I took the : system apart. It still remembers the password. : : Anyone want to clue me in as to how I get rid of this cursed thing? have more patience :-), or risc to shortcut the on-board battery connectors after taking the battery out (be careful, this can easily damage your system and I don't recommend it) or go to the known NS/OS servers and try to locate the program, that displays the hardware password (yes, there was such a thing, I've used it myself, and sorry, no, at the moment I've neither a pointer to this nor the actual thing itself available). : : Thanks! You're welcome, Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXT Optical: Laser power-on failure References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:37:18 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:34:57 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments There use to be an ODFix app around. For a long time it was internal to NeXT only, then I thought I saw it floating around on one of the sites. If you can't find it, let me know and I am sure I can dig it up. It can help, but definitely not solve the problems with the OD. --Andrew-- Thomas F. Unke wrote: > In <> Oliver Nissen wrote: > > > A few days ago I suddenly got loads of "Laser power-on failure" error > > messages for my NeXT optical drive while writing to it. As a consequence > > the drive started to re-spin again and again blocking the machine until > > I ejected the disk from the ROM monitor and shut the box down - the > > errors remained. Has anybody experienced the same already? Is the drive > > dead or is there a way for fixing it? I got still loads of data on these > > disks and therefore would appreciate any help. > > Yes, I had exactly the same problem. It is the end of the OD. The failure > occurrs intermittendly at the beginning, so there is a chance to save the > data before it will totally fail. > > I fixed my drive by swapping the laser unit (from another broken OD drive).
From: Rameri Salama <> Newsgroups: Subject: Iomega Jaz 2gb External Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 12:38:00 +0800 Organization: The University of Western Australia Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi, I just purchased a new Iomega Jaz 2GB. It's a good disk and works fine under windows 95, and I can use the dos 2gb cartridge under OS4.2, but of course I don't get the long filenames. I would like to initialise my second jaz disk as a NS filesystem. I have tried to use `disk' command to initialise the disk, but it won't work, and apparently (from the NeXTAnswers) I need a disktab entry for the 2gb cartridges. An entry for the 1gb cartridges is available, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of the disktab entry for the newer cartridges. On the same note, I tried to get a hold of the technical specs of the 2gb cartridges so that I could write my own disktab, but I can't find anything substantial, just the blurp from Iomega. Rameri --- It's because I'm a social mammal that kills for food. ---
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Sun VDU cable on NeXT Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 19:09:03 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <712hcf$vfd$> Would a Sun 13W3 to BNC connector allow me to use a Color NeXTstation with a workstation monitor? If it does not work, can it be easily re-wired? Thanks in advance Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Steven Skutnick <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT keyboard Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 16:30:59 -0500 Organization: US EPA Message-ID: <> References: <70toge$hqn$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > > I spend a lot of my time typing large documents so a great keyboard is very > important to me. I was wondering which is the best keyboard for a NeXT > computer, ADB or Non-ADB. > > Do they have different keyboard layouts? If so which is best? Do they have > any build quality problems? How is the key action on the keyboards? Is it > spongy? Are the keys responsive? > > Which keyboard do you prefer? > > Thanks in advance. > > Jim > > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- > Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own I would reccomend the ADB because you can go out and buy any Apple MAC keyboard you like and plug it into your NeXT system if you don't like the original. ADB means Apple Desktop Bus. I have used both and didn't see a big difference between them but the ADB keyboard looks cool. Hope this helps :) -- please reply to skutnick dot steve at epa dot gov
From: "Matt Seibert" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Multiple MBD Cube Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 12:44:27 -0600 Organization: Tivoli Systems Inc., Austin TX Message-ID: <712fvl$ded$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 26 Oct 1998 18:45:09 GMT Here's a question that I THINK was answered once upon a time: Is it possible to get a CUBE, and fill the three slots with OTHER NS MBDs so that you have, virtually, four machines running from one box, one of which could be a print server, file server, etc etc etc. Is this correct? Is there anything other than the drives / ram for each board that I'd need? Matt
From: "insane" <> Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 08:13:39 +0800 Organization: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Message-ID: <7133bd$et0$> References: <710fls$7rl$> <> Chris Hill wrote in message <>... >On Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:25:40 +0800, "insane" <> >wrote: > >>`hi...i'm havin some problems with mi goes into the >>sleep/power saving mode after usage of around 1 and 1/2 to 2 hrs.....the >>thing is, i could not get it to wake up the oni way is to off >>and on it again.....but will occur again more frequently an within shorter >>time span after the initial power down....and it occurs in about almost >>aniwhere,eg, CMOS,win nt, win95 or durin boot up of the o/s. hav tried >>changing the motherboard but the problem still it ani >>problems with the RAM or some incompatibles with the cards??...tried >>disabling the power mangement in the CMOs as well as both the o/s >>already...can anibodi help?? >Doesn't sound like it has a thing to do with power management. Is >your case at or atx? If atx, does the power supply fan stop spinning >too? If it isn't atx, what makes you think it has gone to sleep, >rather than just plain locked up? If it is locking up, you've >probably got a heat problem somewhere. > >--- >Doing things that make the international man cringe... > Columbia Missouri or thereabouts it's an atx one...but i didnt take notice of the fan though....wat's wrong if the fan's stop spinning...tat a heat problem too?? thanx jeremy
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups:,,, Subject: Oklahoma City: Need black hardware help Date: 27 Oct 1998 00:56:07 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01be0144$bbbecc40$8a8a4a0c@stuff1> I need use of a Mono NeXT cube/slab in Oklahoma City, OK. My new to me Nextcube has no display on its Megapixel monitor (that was made in 1988 geez!). It boots up and I hear a beep or two. Waiting and hitting the power off and return key shuts it off. I would like to try the monitor and or cube with known goos entities to determine the problem. The monitor appears to power up, the screen generates static when it's 'ON'. I suspect that the monitor was damaged during shipping as it was shipped on it's side. -Robert
From: Jose Urena <> Newsgroups: comp.robotics.misc,comp.sys.hp.hardware,,,,comp.dcom.modems Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? And another!! Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 14:03:57 -0500 Organization: GTE Laboratories Incorporated Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <70jnps$8ars$> <70mao8$g6g$> <O2JkawX$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit if your rockwell modem does not connect at any speed higher than 33.6k try forcing it by using +ms=12,,34000,56000 the 12 is the v90 protocol. Depending on your modem you can also use 56,v90,k56 the 34000 tells the modem to start negotiating at this minimum speed. the 56000 tells the modem the highest speed that you want to connect. if you get a lot of disconects. reduce the number by 2000 until it stops disconecting The default is to start negotiating at 75bps. No matter what the protocols might be Andrew Tuitt wrote: > That is why I don't suck up to 56k. > > 33.6 has had no problems yet and 56k is having problems getting their > standards straight. > > tnoc wrote in message <70mao8$g6g$>... > >Okay Guys, > >Here is the current circle jerk you may wind > >up in with V90 upgrade. Not saying it will, > >(it may). > > > >1. I have a Robotics 56K X2. Connects to my > >ISP at 46.6 or higher each time. > > > >2. Removed the X2 and installed a Zoom Dual > >(K56Flex/V90 auto select). Never connects > >higher than 36.6....... > > > >3. ISP guru says talk to Zoom. Zoom says > >talk to ISP., etc. They both talk good trash > >about Ma Bell till I mention the X2, > >Hehehehe. > > > >Finally after much frustration and bullchit, > >the following statement was made by the ISP > >Tech Support guru. > > > >Newer KFlex modems driven by the Rockwell > >chips have a serious problem functioning at > >V90 specs. Rockwell is aware of this and is > >working on it. The fix will probably require > >a new modem which means my existing top of > >the line modem just dropped to 36.6 for good. > > > >True or not, I don't care. I paid a premium > >price for the product and it functions worse > >than the $29 special and I'm pissed! > > > >Want some advice? Stick tight until our > >fabulous engineers get over rectal cranial > >inversion and conquer the V90 standards > >across the spectrum. > > > >-- > > > > > >
From: (Tim Seifert) Newsgroups: Subject: Connecting a modem Date: 26 Oct 1998 18:31:46 GMT Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland Message-ID: <712f6i$q0d$> If I buy an off-the-shelf external modem with cable, will I be able to connect it to the serial port of my NeXTstation (25, color) and have it work? Are the drivers available and the cables suitable? Thanks for your help! Tim Seifert St. John's, NF Canada
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem??? V90 Date: 27 Oct 1998 01:19:02 GMT Message-ID: <713726$7b4$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> "Remko.leupen" wrote: > Hi > > Going to buy a new modem.. > Zoom, Zyxel, us robotics?? > Any hints in what NOT to buy? > The fastest is 56K? with V90? > What does the V90 mean?? > > Thanks a lot.... > > Remko > begin: vcard > fn: Remko Leupen > n: Leupen;Remko > org: Philips Semiconductors > adr: ;;;Nijmegen;;;The Netherlands > email;internet: > title: assistent Test and Product Engeneer > tel;work: 024-3532137 > x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 > x-mozilla-html: FALSE > version: 2.1 > end: vcard > > Depends on your service provide too, but I have a Zoon external v90 56k dual mode, which seems to work great, even works with NXFax (I think, I haven't actually recieved any faxes lately). If you have any specific question, just e-mail -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
Newsgroups:, From: gtf[@] (Geoffrey T. Falk) Subject: Re: Hardware password References: <70vtbm$a30$> Organization: For circumcision information, Originator: gtf@theorem Message-ID: <qxaZ1.3763$> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 02:49:58 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 18:49:58 PDT In article <70vtbm$a30$>, Brad Nelson <> wrote: >Hi all, > >I have a 25 MHz 040 cube, on which a previous admin set a hardware password. >I don't know it, which I wasn't concerned about until today, when the thing >crashed, fsck says something about "unknown inconsistency" and that I should >run fsck manually. I could certainly do that, except that it wants the >hardware password first. > >No sweat, thought I. I'll just pull the battery off the system board, >toasting the password... > >Nope. Left the battery out for about 20 minutes the 3rd time I took the >system apart. It still remembers the password. > >Anyone want to clue me in as to how I get rid of this cursed thing? > >Thanks! > > > > > Brad, Take out the battery. then use a paperclip to short-circuit the battery terminals on the motherboard for about 10 seconds. If that doesn't work, I have an executable that will print out the hardware password for you. [NeXTmailed under separate cover] Regards g. -- `When _I_ use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.' ADDRESS ALTERED TO DEFLECT SPAM. UNSOLICITED E-MAIL ADS BILLED $500 Geoffrey T. Falk <gtf(@)>
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Multiple MBD Cube Date: 26 Oct 1998 23:13:13 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <712fvl$ded$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <712fvl$ded$>, Matt Seibert <> wrote: >Here's a question that I THINK was answered once upon a time: > Many times in fact. >Is it possible to get a CUBE, and fill the three slots with OTHER NS MBDs so >that you have, virtually, four machines running from one box, one of which >could be a print server, file server, etc etc etc. > Yes. You get four (or whatever) distinct computers that boot on their own, need their own disk (or netboot), and so on. Basically you're putting multiple machines in one box. >Is this correct? Is there anything other than the drives / ram for each >board that I'd need? > You have to make a blacplane modification to make all the slots that you're going to use slot 0 (the CPU board won't boot if it's not in slot 0) and you have to pull the NBIC from all but one of the boards. There's a document on Peanuts called "MultiCPUBoardInCube" or something like that that explains it all. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: another stupid monitor Question Date: 27 Oct 1998 04:58:21 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <713jtd$q9g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit any idea if the fimi i use on my turbo color slab will work on a sparc2? btw - my monitor seemed like it was about to die, like my last one did with the imaged 'shaking' on the screen from time to time, then i plugged it into a friends slab, and it started working fine. Its been good for about 3 weeks now. ko-inky-dink? -- -3 PCs, 2 NeXTs, 1 Falcon030. all play and no work makes rivet poor-
From: (Rameri Salama) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Jaz 2gb External Date: 27 Oct 1998 06:46:32 GMT Organization: The University of Western Australia Message-ID: <713q88$idu$> References: <> Well, I finally managed to produce a disktab entry, for a 2GB Jaz disk. This is it: IOMEGAJAZ-2G:\ :ty=removable_rw_scsi:nc#1018:nt#61:ns#63:ss#1024:rm#5400:\ :fp#320:bp#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#64:z1#192:ro=a\ :pa#0:sa#1955840:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#8:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:aa: Here is the output of using said entry. The disk seems to run fine, I'm just a little bit worried about the warning messages. bart:41# disk -t IOMEGAJAZ-2G -i /dev/rsd1h disk name: IOMEGAJAZ-2G disk type: removable_rw_scsi writing disk label Writing /usr/standalone/i386/boot Writing /usr/standalone/i386/boot1 creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1a /usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1a /etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 1955840 63 61 8192 1024 8 10 90 4096 t Warning: 4096 bytes per inode impossible due to cylinder group size, using 14256 bytes per inode Reduce cylinder group size to reduce bytes per inode. Warning: 247 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated /dev/rsd1a: 1955840 sectors in 509 cylinders of 61 tracks, 63 sectors 2002.8Mb in 64 cyl groups (8 c/g, 31.48Mb/g, 2048 i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at: 16, 30824, 61632, 92440, 123248, 154056, 184864, 215672, 246480, 277288, 308096, 338904, 369712, 400520, 431328, 462136, 492944, 523752, 554560, 585368, 616176, 646984, 677792, 708600, 739408, 770216, 801024, 831832, 862640, 893448, 924256, 955064, 985872, 1016680, 1047488, 1078296, 1109104, 1139912, 1170720, 1201528, 1232336, 1263144, 1293952, 1324760, 1355568, 1386376, 1417184, 1447992, 1478800, 1509608, 1540416, 1571224, 1602032, 1632840, 1663648, 1694456, 1725264, 1756072, 1786880, 1817688, 1848496, 1879304, 1910112, 1940920, initialization complete Is this fine? Rameri
From: "David Smalley" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation slab, owner ignorant Date: 27 Oct 1998 07:55:41 GMT Organization: Public Electronic Access to Knowlege,Inc Message-ID: <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd> References: <> I recently found a NeXT slab at a yard sale. I couldn't pass it up for the $10 price. The seller couldn't tell me much of anything about it. He called it a Mac Compatible. By that I am guessing that it uses pretty much standard Mac hardware. I am ignorant when it comes to NeXT (or Mac for that matter). IBM (and a smattering of Amiga) is as far as I've traveled in the computer world. I would like to get this beast up and running, for my own education mostly. So I am looking for any and all help to steer me in the right direction. When I said slab, I meant just the slab. There is no monitor, keyboard, or mouse (powercord either, but it looks like a standard computer power cord will work). The Model # is N1100, Part # 1715, and Serial (?) # ABB0012303. It has a Motorola 68040 CPU. I guess the MHz rating is under the heatsink and hence unreadable. There are 8 SIMMs (NEC 421000-10 9030FY002). The HardDrive is a Quantum 210s (210meg SCSI, I would guess). There is also (of course) a NeXT eprom, release 2.1. The ports on the back go like this: Long multi-pinned female port - SCSI is my guess Round port marked "A" - Keyboard or Mouse? Round port marked "B" - Keyboard or Mouse? Long 15 pin female port marked "v DSP ^" - I have no clue Long 19 pin female port - Monitor graphic gave it away Long 9 pin female port - Graphic might be a printer Female port like a phone jack - Network, or modem? Female port for TV cable - Video out? You now know what I know. Only difference is that some of you probably know what it all means. Anyone want to clue me in. Also, what really do I need to get this thing running (i.e. monitor type, keyboard type, mouse type). That is assuming it will run. I would like to find that out before I open my wallet for anything, if possible. Can I "borrow" these things from a Mac to see? I have a SVGA monitor with obviously the wrong plug type. Is there adapters that will make this work? Questions, questions, questions; sorry for the barrage. Still, I would appreciate any and all useful information anyone could send my way. Thanks, David Smalley (
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Connecting a modem Date: 26 Oct 1998 22:17:50 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <712see$> References: <712f6i$q0d$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: You need a special cable to use the modem reliably or TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT OS copied on CD-RW Date: 26 Oct 98 07:25:40 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <70rnem$> In-reply-to: "Tangent"'s message of Sat, 24 Oct 1998 01:09:34 -0400 In article <70rnem$>, "Tangent" <> writes: My friend has a CD-Rom Burner and we wonder if we could copy the NeXT Cd's even though his system is an NT4.0 computer? Just make sure your CD-R software can do an image copy. So long as it doesn't want to understand the data on the disk, you should be fine. [I assume that you're simply making a backup copy of your main NS disk for off-site storage or something, and aren't making illegal copies... one of my long-held theories on illegal copying of software, a theory developed over days and weeks of poring over Apple II assembly code listings and reverse-engineering half and quarter track disk access routines, is that if you can't figure it out on your own, then you _certainly_ don't deserve to have someone figure it out for you!] Anyone have an Idea, we didn't really want to waste any cd's just trying it. Back when CD-R's cost $7 apiece, I could see this. These days, though, I get mine for <$1, and you can often get them for sales tax plus a stamp if you're willing to look around. [Meaning 10 for $10, with a $10 rebate.] I wouldn't bother with a CD-RW, except that... naturally, if you screw up, with a CD-RW you can then erase it and try again. So the cost of the bad copy is zero. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 23:29:53 +0100 From: Jes <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,, Subject: SCSI hard disk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Would like to know if a 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI-3 hard disk is the same as 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI AV hard drive? Thanks E-mail:
From: ginz <> Newsgroups:,,, Subject: Re: Oklahoma City: Need black hardware help Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 06:59:23 -0600 Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <01be0144$bbbecc40$8a8a4a0c@stuff1> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Are you sure you have the "Y" cable connected correctly. If you plug the wrong end into the monitor you wont get any picture on the screen. Just thought I'd ask. ginz... Robert Bullock wrote: > I need use of a Mono NeXT cube/slab in Oklahoma City, OK. > > My new to me Nextcube has no display on its Megapixel monitor (that was > made in 1988 geez!). It boots up and I hear a beep or two. Waiting and > hitting the power off and return key shuts it off. > > I would like to try the monitor and or cube with known goos entities to > determine the problem. The monitor appears to power up, the screen > generates static when it's 'ON'. > > I suspect that the monitor was damaged during shipping as it was shipped on > it's side. > > -Robert
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: another stupid monitor Question Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <713jtd$q9g$> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 13:50:23 GMT In article <713jtd$q9g$>, <> wrote: > >any idea if the fimi i use on my turbo color slab will work on a sparc2? > >btw - my monitor seemed like it was about to die, like my last one did with >the imaged 'shaking' on the screen from time to time, then i plugged it into >a friends slab, and it started working fine. Its been good for about 3 weeks >now. ko-inky-dink? > if i remember it correctly, Sun uses sync-on green with 13w3 connector. if this is the case, you do not need to worry about cabling. then you'll need to check that the h-sync and v-sync freq's are in the same range. i believe they have similar resolution. people have told me that some of the sun monitors work with NeXT out of the box. so, NeXT monitors should work with Sun. remember that FIMI uses a lower v-freq (68hz?), so Sony could work better. let me know how things go.
From: (ginz) Newsgroups:,,, Subject: Re: Oklahoma City: Need black hardware help Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 16:42:51 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <714tgu$a60$> References: <01be0144$bbbecc40$8a8a4a0c@stuff1> <> Sorry, I didn't realize this was a mono. Please disregard. ginz... ginz <> wrote: >Are you sure you have the "Y" cable connected correctly. >If you plug the wrong end into the monitor you wont get any picture >on the screen. >Just thought I'd ask. >ginz... >Robert Bullock wrote: >> I need use of a Mono NeXT cube/slab in Oklahoma City, OK. >> >> My new to me Nextcube has no display on its Megapixel monitor (that was >> made in 1988 geez!). It boots up and I hear a beep or two. Waiting and >> hitting the power off and return key shuts it off. >> >> I would like to try the monitor and or cube with known goos entities to >> determine the problem. The monitor appears to power up, the screen >> generates static when it's 'ON'. >> >> I suspect that the monitor was damaged during shipping as it was shipped on >> it's side. >> >> -Robert
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor refresh rate, ADB, ND, etc..... Date: 27 Oct 1998 16:42:47 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <714t67$qis$> References: <> <> (David Evans) wrote: >In article <>, >Andrew Chang <> wrote: >>... >>And only Sony and Hitachi (correct me?) >>color monitors can handle this higher freq. >> > As far as NeXT monitors, yes. I've run a FIMI monitor off an ADB Turbo Color (i.e. 72Hz) and it was fine. Perhaps it was at the high end of the allowable slop, but it worked... - Gareth
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: tweaking dim mono monitor Date: 27 Oct 1998 16:56:01 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <714tv1$qis$> References: <70jdfu$> <> <70on0r$> (Stephen V. Roller) wrote: >My NeXTstation Turbo N4000B at home is now going dim (It too has >reached its 40,000+ hours of use) Buying another used system >seems like a low cost solution, but let the buyer beware - these >monitors may also have lots of hours on them too! If you're adventurous, and have a good life insurance policy, you might try adjusting it yourself. There's a doc online somewhere about manual adjusting the focus and brightness of NeXT mono monitors. I've did it once with a fuzzy and dim N4000 and it worked wonders. YMMV. Disclaimer: Removing the cover off the monitor will expose some deadly voltages and will increase the probability of killing yourself if you do something stupid. "Tobacco" Disclaimer: Not removing the cover off the monitor has been shown to not increase the probability of premature death. - Gareth
From: Jim Russell <> Newsgroups: Subject: Installing NS4.2 on Intel Problem Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 12:51:25 -0600 Organization: Sprynet News Service Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm trying to install NS4.2 on an Intel machine. I have an Adaptec 2940 SCSI card installed along with a Quantum Fireball SE4.3 hard drive. The hard drive is 4.3 GB. When I get to the point where I select which drive to install to I get: fdisk: '...Bogus drive information in BIOS....' The BIOS is enabled and I've tried it with and without the >1GB translation. All other OS's that I've installed have worked fine. Thanks, Jim
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Zip plus on ns 3.3 / intel ? Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:46:56 -0800 Message-ID: <71580g$gsd$> References: <Y_OX1.12$> Antoine Gautier wrote in message ... >Hello, > >I am wondering if I can get an iomega zip plus (scsi + parallel) to work >with an NS3.3/intel system. The zip doc says that the drive has to be the >only device on the scsi chain (?!!!) but I already have scsi discs. Any >chance to get around that, or use the parallel port setup ? > >Thanks, > >---- Antoine Gautier My experience with Zip Plus very unfortunate. It hosed my hard drive due to SCSI sense errors on boot up. The first time I connected up the Zip Plus, the system would not boot, only gave bad block errors on hard drive on boot. I disconnected, rebooted, ran fsck, and was able to boot normally. I then STUPIDLY!!!!! thought that it was a termination issue, reconnected the Zip and tried again. This time it hosed the hard drive completely, I cannot even run fsck. DO NOT TRY THE PLUS, get a SCSI Insider. (They do seem hard to find at this time). Good Luck. George B. Ameer email: Systems Administrator Tile By Porcelanosa 1301 South State College Blvd Suite E Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 772-3183 Fax (714) 772-1859 -----Original Message----- From: Christopher J Lewandowski-pearson <> Newsgroups: Date: Monday, February 09, 1998 3:04 PM Subject: ZIP Plus on Black Hardware >I just got a ZIP Plus drive. (Just like a "normal" ZIP drive >but it autodetects between SCSI and a Parallel port) > >Before I go out and buy a cable to connect it to my NeXT >cube, I thought I would ask if there are any known "issues". >Linux, for example, doesn't like the Plus (but of course >someone is working on a new driver). > >Thanks, > >-Chris >
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation slab, owner ignorant Date: 27 Oct 1998 12:17:51 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <714dlf$tnc$> References: <> <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd> In article <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd>, David Smalley <> wrote: >I recently found a NeXT slab at a yard sale. I couldn't pass it up for the >$10 price. The seller couldn't tell me much of anything about it. He called >it a Mac Compatible. By that I am guessing that it uses pretty much >standard Mac hardware. Yow. I'll give you $20 for it. 8) >The ports on the back go like this: >Long multi-pinned female port - SCSI is my guess Yep. >Round port marked "A" - Keyboard or Mouse? >Round port marked "B" - Keyboard or Mouse? Serial. >Long 15 pin female port marked "v DSP ^" - I have no clue DSP port, just like it says. 8) >Long 19 pin female port - Monitor graphic gave it away >Long 9 pin female port - Graphic might be a printer Yep, both of these. >Female port like a phone jack - Network, or modem? >Female port for TV cable - Video out? 10baseT and thin ethernet ports. >You now know what I know. Only difference is that some of you probably know >what it all means. Anyone want to clue me in. Also, what really do I need >to get this thing running (i.e. monitor type, keyboard type, mouse type). >That is assuming it will run. I would like to find that out before I open >my wallet for anything, if possible. Can I "borrow" these things from a Mac >to see? I have a SVGA monitor with obviously the wrong plug type. Is there >adapters that will make this work? Unless someone makes adaptors of some kind (like a sound box, perhaps? does that include keyboard and mouse ports?), you'll need a NeXT monitor, since the keyboard and mouse plug into it. If you get an ADB NeXT monitor, you can use Mac-type ADB mice and keyboards. If you get a non-ADB NeXT monitor, your choices are more limited... Check for parts lists and prices and things... Where are you located? Where was this garage sale? 8) Josh -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor refresh rate, ADB, ND, etc..... Date: 27 Oct 1998 18:45:29 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <714t67$qis$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <714t67$qis$>, <> wrote: > >I've run a FIMI monitor off an ADB Turbo Color (i.e. 72Hz) and it was fine. >Perhaps it was at the high end of the allowable slop, but it worked... > That's likely it. Monitors are finicky things; some can handle more than others. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Proper disktabs for a 1GB Jaz Drive Date: 27 Oct 1998 20:47:43 GMT Organization: AOL References: <7157rj$b3d$> Message-ID: <> Hmm, I used the disktab from NeXTAnswers and it worked fine. It's a bit involved doing everything in the right order so that one can builddisk, and is a hassle to switch back. As I recall, mine didn't work initially because I grabbed the file from a Windows machine, so it had carriage return/line feed pairs (ASCII 10/13) instead of just linefeeds. Check that in William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Chris Hill) Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:27:34 GMT Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <710fls$7rl$> <> <7133bd$et0$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: none Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> > >it's an atx one...but i didnt take notice of the fan though....wat's wrong >if the fan's stop spinning...tat a heat problem too?? If the ps is turning off, it could be a ps problem, or it could be some sort of power management set wrong. If the fan is staying on, you probably have a heat problem. --- Doing things that make the international man cringe... Columbia Missouri or thereabouts
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Jaz 2gb External Date: 27 Oct 1998 19:21:29 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <7156fp$onj$> References: <> <713q88$idu$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Rameri Salama) wrote: [ ... ] > Here is the output of using said entry. The disk seems to run fine, I'm > just a little bit worried about the warning messages. They are "mostly harmless", but might matter depending on what you want to do. [ ... ] >/etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 1955840 63 61 8192 1024 8 10 90 4096 t >Warning: 4096 bytes per inode impossible due >to cylinder group size, using 14256 bytes per inode >Reduce cylinder group size to reduce bytes per inode. Try reducing ncpg ("8") to 4, or better yet reduce ntrack ("61"). Otherwise you may run out of inodes if you save lots of small files. >Warning: 247 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated Ignore this. You're losing 120K of space due to geometry. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: IBM Ultrastar HD on NeXT h/w? Date: 27 Oct 1998 21:33:39 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <715e7j$qis$> Has anyone successfully hung an IBM Ultrastar 9ES (4.5GB, 7.5ms) off NeXT hardware? I've heard some people had problems with IBM's SCSI drives, but that was quite a while ago. - Gareth
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: IBM Ultrastar HD on NeXT h/w? Date: 27 Oct 1998 22:14:48 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <715gko$6st$> References: <715e7j$qis$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <715e7j$qis$> writes: >Has anyone successfully hung an IBM Ultrastar 9ES (4.5GB, 7.5ms) off >NeXT hardware? I've heard some people had problems with IBM's SCSI drives, >but that was quite a while ago. > >- Gareth I tried to get the Ultrastar 2XP UW 4gig to work without success. When formatting, the slab would say it was a ~200meg hd and then crap out when starting the format. While others probably have had no problem with IBM drives, I cannot recommend them with black hardware. I ended up getting a Seagate Hawk 4gig (the 80pin kind you always see forsale at auctions). It works perfectly with my turbo slab and OS4.2. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: (Zodomi) Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 23:29:35 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <> References: <710fls$7rl$> <> <7133bd$et0$> <> On Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:27:34 GMT, (Chris Hill) wrote: >> >>it's an atx one...but i didnt take notice of the fan though....wat's wrong >>if the fan's stop spinning...tat a heat problem too?? > >If the ps is turning off, it could be a ps problem, or it could be >some sort of power management set wrong. If the fan is staying on, >you probably have a heat problem. > Try the following: CMOS: Power Management: Disable PM Control by APM : No WIN98: Power Management Power Schemes: Home/Office Desk System Standby: 20 Minutes Turn off Monitor : 15 Minutes Turn off Disk : 30 Minutes Hope this helps.
From: "insane" <> Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:25:51 +0800 Organization: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Message-ID: <715oea$fvi$> References: <710fls$7rl$> <> <7133bd$et0$> <> <> Zodomi wrote in message <>... >On Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:27:34 GMT, (Chris Hill) wrote: > >>> >>>it's an atx one...but i didnt take notice of the fan though....wat's wrong >>>if the fan's stop spinning...tat a heat problem too?? >> >>If the ps is turning off, it could be a ps problem, or it could be >>some sort of power management set wrong. If the fan is staying on, >>you probably have a heat problem. >> >Try the following: > >CMOS: Power Management: Disable > PM Control by APM : No > >WIN98: Power Management > Power Schemes: Home/Office Desk > System Standby: 20 Minutes > Turn off Monitor : 15 Minutes > Turn off Disk : 30 Minutes > >Hope this helps. hi seem like the creative RivaTNT is not compatible with the Asus motherboard..been told by the shop.....and furthermore, 1 of the RAM on the graphics board doesn't seem to be workin.......guess i'll hav 2 change the board or the card.....ani recommendations??? was thinkin of either the banshee card or maybe the gigabyte good are they??? thanx a million.... jeremy
From: "David Smalley" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation slab, owner ignorant Date: 27 Oct 1998 23:42:34 GMT Organization: Public Electronic Access to Knowlege,Inc Message-ID: <01be0203$12030da0$c71644c6@smalleyd> References: <> <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd> <714dlf$tnc$> Josh Brandt <> wrote in article <714dlf$tnc$>... > > In article <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd>, > David Smalley <> wrote: > >I recently found a NeXT slab at a yard sale. I couldn't pass it up for the > >$10 price. The seller couldn't tell me much of anything about it. He called > >it a Mac Compatible. By that I am guessing that it uses pretty much > >standard Mac hardware. > > Yow. I'll give you $20 for it. 8) > > > Check for parts lists and prices and things... > I'll check them out and see. Thanks! > Where are you located? Where was this garage sale? 8) > I am in Albany, Oregon. Albany is very close to Corvallis, in the middle of the state. I have now heard that PEAK (which is in Corvallis) is pretty into NeXT. I'm going to drop them an email too. Wish me luck, and thanks again. David Smalley
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: another stupid monitor Question Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:16:45 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <713jtd$q9g$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:16:45 GMT In <713jtd$q9g$> wrote: | | any idea if the fimi i use on my turbo color slab will work on a sparc2? | No -- the Sparc graphics card does not generate the Sync on Green which the NeXT monitor requires. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Sun VDU cable on NeXT Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:20:38 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <712hcf$vfd$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:20:38 GMT In <712hcf$vfd$> wrote: | Would a Sun 13W3 to BNC connector allow me to use a Color NeXTstation with a | workstation monitor? | | If it does not work, can it be easily re-wired? Yes. If the workstation monitor responds to Sync on Green, which the NeXT generates. The Sun 13W3 to BNC adapter will have one or two more wires than the NeXT has BNCs. Just use the Red, Green, and Blue. -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help ! Setting up the NeXT Dimension Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:43:41 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <70t24h$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:43:41 GMT In <70t24h$> Wong Sai-kee wrote: | I got help from mcbinc and check my /usr/adm/messages file... | | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, | i860 step C.1 | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: 64 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video | configured | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: monitor disconnected | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: Power-on Self Test Failure: | Oct 24 07:10:29 nextsk mach: POST failure code 0; failure addr 0x00000000, | bad bits 0x00000000 | | It seems the connection to the monitor has problem. | | With the shipment, I got 2 cables for connecting monitors, one is with | 3 connectors (I guess its the so called Y cable), the other is a long | 2 connectors cable (around 2 meters long). I use this long cable for | connecting the 21" monitor and the ND. And the Y cable for connecting | the NeXT CT, monitor, sound box ADB. The NeXT CT works. What's a CT? If you have a NeXT mono monitor, you don't use a sound box or a Y cable at all. The 19-pin D connector on the mono monitor connects to the 19-pin D connector on the CPU board. The keyboard connects to the monitor, and the mouse to the keyboard. At least that's true for all the Dimension systems I have seen. On a Dimension system, you use the sound box if you don't have a mono monitor. Then the sound box is connected to the CPU board using a cable that has 19-pin D connectors on each end. And the keyboard connects to the sound box. | I use a Digital Multimeter to measure the 2M connection cable. All | the 3 co-axial connections for RGB are OK but all the remaining 10 | connection points for monitor are not connected. Is it OK ? Then how | can the ND detect the existence of the monitor ? The ND can not detect the existence of the monitor. The only connections between the ND board and the color monitor are the three video signals, Red, Green, and Blue. | Then I connected the 2M cable to the monitor. With the monitor switched | to OFF, I measured the connection from the other end and found 75 - 77 ohm | from 3 (R G B) connections, perfect. I think the problem is the 10 signal | lines in connection cable. To repeat, the monitor has only 3 connections to the computer (plus ground). | Is the Y cable also works for the ND such that I can test the ND with | the Y cable ? The Y cable is used with a color NeXTstation (slab) not a NeXTDimension Cube. I don't understand how you were able to turn on the power on the Cube without a mono monitor or a sound box connected to the CPU board. I suppose it would help if I knew what you meant when you say "CT". carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Zip plus on ns 3.3 / intel ? Date: 28 Oct 1998 02:06:39 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <Y_OX1.12$> <70oi0v$ntl$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 02:06:39 GMT In <70oi0v$ntl$> Christian Jensen wrote: | You (Antoine Gautier <>) wrote | in newsgroup, on Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:14:00 GMT: | > Hello, | > | > I am wondering if I can get an iomega zip plus (scsi + parallel) to work | > with an NS3.3/intel system. | | Other have reported in this group that the ZipPlus has a *bad* habit of trashing NeXT disks. The parallel solution wont work under NEXTSTEP, and you wouldn't like the slow parallel speeds anyway. Go get the "Macintosh" (i.e. ordinary SCSI) Zip drive, or, better yet, get a Fujitsu DynaMO, or a (SCSI!) CD-R, for a vastly superior removeable storage solution. | It isn't just a NeXT thing. It is an incredibly bad hardware design by Iomega. Somehow they (mis)designed the ZipPlus assuming that it will be the only drive on the SCSI bus. Sort of defeats the purpose of a bus. carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Iomega Zip plus on ns 3.3 / intel ? Date: 28 Oct 1998 02:08:32 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <Y_OX1.12$> <70oi0v$ntl$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 02:08:32 GMT In <70oi0v$ntl$> Christian Jensen wrote: | You (Antoine Gautier <>) wrote | in newsgroup, on Thu, 22 Oct 1998 23:14:00 GMT: | > Hello, | > | > I am wondering if I can get an iomega zip plus (scsi + parallel) to work | > with an NS3.3/intel system. | | Other have reported in this group that the ZipPlus has a *bad* habit of trashing NeXT disks. The parallel solution wont work under NEXTSTEP, and you wouldn't like the slow parallel speeds anyway. Go get the "Macintosh" (i.e. ordinary SCSI) Zip drive, or, better yet, get a Fujitsu DynaMO, or a (SCSI!) CD-R, for a vastly superior removeable storage solution. | It isn't just a NeXT thing. It is an incredibly bad hardware design by Iomega. Somehow they (mis)designed the ZipPlus assuming that it will be the only drive on the SCSI bus. Sort of defeats the purpose of a bus. carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Carl Lowenstein) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help ! Setting up the NeXT Dimension Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:57:49 GMT Organization: Marine Physical Lab., U.C. San Diego Message-ID: <> References: <70q8o0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 01:57:49 GMT In <70q8o0$> Wong Sai-kee wrote: | I bought a NeXT dimension board. The seller said its so easy to set it | up, no software nor documentation is necessary and they're not | available. | | I was told just simply slide the ND board into the cube, connect the | monitor and power up. That's all. | | The ND board was shipped with 0 RAM. I inserted RAM and tried but | nothing happened to the 21" NeXT color monitor. Everything is still | displaying from the B/W 17" Sony display. You have to enable the second display. (as root) double-click on Preferences. (the clock/calendar). You will find an icon with a picture of two monitors, called Multiple Screen Layout Preferences. click on that, you will see icons representing the two monitors, and a list. You need to click on NextDimension and ON to turn on the Dimension display. And reboot. | I got the monitor connected via the correct cable. I think the NuBus | slot is independent, so it doesn't matter which slot I slide the ND in. | I tried 8MB and 16MB 72pin SIMM, I tried insert 8 pcs of 8MB RAM or | 4 pcs (of 8MB or 16MB RAM) close to the edge or 4 pcs close to the | component side. The NextDimension board can not use SIMMs larger than 8MB. | Can anyone tell me the experience on setting up ND ? Does it matter | if EDO or non-EDO RAM is using ? I think the RAM I'm using are EDO. As far as I know, it doesn't matter. Since the hardware behavior of EDO RAM defaults to Fast Page mode if you don't ask for the EDO feature. | Further, where can I find documentation or software (if any) ? Try NeXTanswers. Also try the NeXTdimension web page, which is, I think, carl -- carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
From: (Zodomi) Newsgroups:,,,sg.comp.hardware.ibmpc,sg.comp.win95,sg.marketplace,sg.singnet.marketplace,sg.singnet.win95 Subject: Re: problems with sleep mode Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 02:42:06 GMT Organization: None Message-ID: <> References: <710fls$7rl$> <> <7133bd$et0$> <> <> <715oea$fvi$> On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:25:51 +0800, "insane" <> wrote: > >hi seem like the creative RivaTNT is not compatible with the Asus >motherboard..been told by the shop.....and furthermore, 1 of the RAM on the >graphics board doesn't seem to be workin.......guess i'll hav 2 change the >board or the card.....ani recommendations??? >was thinkin of either the banshee card or maybe the gigabyte >good are they??? >thanx a million.... >jeremy > I heard so........TNT and P5A have compatible problem. I have a P5A, Asus AGP-V3000, Mitsubishi 64MB PC100 SDRAM & K6-2 300 etc., running fine for the last 28 days. My other machine is Asus SP98AGP-X, Asus AGP-1326 & K6-266 etc., running fine for the last 2 months. I am not a high end user....if I go for Asus Motherboard I always matched with their VGA card. I think most of the branded board is much different in price too.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Proper disktabs for a 1GB Jaz Drive Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:44:51 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <7157rj$b3d$> Hello, Does anyone know the proper disktabs for a setting up a 1 Gb Jaz Drive on a 68K Black Box? I have tried the ones posted on NeXTAnswers, but they do not work and seem to be outdated. If anyone has any disktabs which they know work and are up to date please post them or email them to me. Thanks in advance, -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Newsgroups: From: (Chris Douty) Subject: Re: NeXT keyboard Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Netcom Online Services, Inc. References: <70toge$hqn$> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:26:26 GMT In article <70toge$hqn$>, <> wrote: >I spend a lot of my time typing large documents so a great keyboard is very >important to me. I was wondering which is the best keyboard for a NeXT >computer, ADB or Non-ADB. > >Do they have different keyboard layouts? If so which is best? Do they have >any build quality problems? How is the key action on the keyboards? Is it >spongy? Are the keys responsive? > >Which keyboard do you prefer? My personal favorite is the "old old" style keyboard as shipped with the original NeXT Computers, i.e. the 68030 motherboard. It has the best feel and key layout IMHO. The middle style keyboard shipped with later hardware is not quite as nice. The feel is OK, but they moved some of the keys around such that "|" and "\" are only found on the numeric keypad. (Now that I think about it, I've got an old style in mothballs and am using the new style which I hate. How did that happen?) I kinda like the ADB keyboard. I am using it on my cube just for novelty's sake really. The key feel is not quite as solid as the older keyboards, the command bar is interesting, and the ADB mouse is quite odd too. The ADB keyboard does have a better layout for normal keys though, nearly as good as the original. As others have mentioned you can use any Mac ADB keyboard. One other thing to consider is that only the later ROM revisions support ADB and you need a special soundbox for the color models. Hope this helps rather than just confuse you. -Chris -- Christopher Douty - Rogue Engineer trapped in a land of software "Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem." -Shannon
Message-ID: <> From: Christopher Kmiec <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Nextstation newbie questions Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:07:53 -0600 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:07:45 CDT Organization: MediaOne Express -=- Central Region Hi, I have just ordered a NeXT station Turbo Color system, and can't wait until I get it, but have a few questions I was hoping somebody might be nice enough to answer: 1. Is NeXTcube with NeXTDimension any faster that the Turbo Color slab as far as responsivness of the interface, etc? 2. Are the NeXT original printers worth to get, or should I rather get a standard laser or ink jet? 3. Did NeXT ever have a series of books describing hardware and software, ala Macintosh? If not, are there any other books as recommended reading for programming and hardware? Thanks a lot in advance, Chris Kmiec
From: Lele Gaifax <> Newsgroups: Subject: Connecting a NS Color Monitor to a SVGA Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:55:02 +0100 Organization: ITnet S.p.A. is not responsible of the content of this article as posted by one of its customers. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Is this at all possible? I seem to remember the availability of a special cable that would let me reuse my 21" color monitor, currently connected to a NeXTStation Turbo, on a PC with a Matrox Millenium II card. I searched the net, but without encouraging results! thanx for any info, bye, lele.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help ! Setting up the NeXT Dimension Date: 28 Oct 1998 14:25:18 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <7179ge$o7a$> References: <70t24h$> <> (Carl Lowenstein) wrote: >The ND can not detect the existence of the monitor. The only connections >between the ND board and the color monitor are the three video signals, Red, >Green, and Blue. Actually it can and does. The ND is sneaky and tests the impedence on one (all?) the three coax pins. I made your same assumption and Mike Paquette kindly corrected me. Those NeXT engineers were pretty clever... - Gareth
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nextstation newbie questions References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 10:03:12 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 10:00:51 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments > 2. Are the NeXT original printers worth to get, or should I rather get a > standard laser or ink jet? I would pass on a NeXT printer today. I love mine, but hate that I have absolutely no way to plug it into anything but my cube. Good printer, but a fundamental flaw. > 3. Did NeXT ever have a series of books describing hardware and > software, ala Macintosh? If not, are there any other books as > recommended reading for programming and hardware? The Simpson Garfinkle book is great for programming, I don't remember the exact title.
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 28 Oct 1998 14:05:51 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <7178bv$k55$> References: <70u583$> In article <70u583$>, Tangent <> wrote: >Hello, > >Before anyone replys to this message, stop and think about what your saying >please Will do! ;-) >I'm thinking about buying a NeXT, I really loved them back in there hayday >and had forgotten about them until I saw one at a computer surplus store. I was never around for them; after working with several math professors who loved them, and having a boss who considered them God's gift to UI's, I decided to try one. >What kind of performace do you really get out of a NeXT that's running at >33Mhz with 32 megs of ram? Hmmm. I have a 25MHz with 20MB of RAM, and it's usable so far -- response is usable, better than Win95 on a P-75 and 16MB RAM. OTOH, it's not yet connected to the net, and I don't have dev stuff loaded, so I haven't really tested how well it performs under load :-) >Could I run a duel boot system with Nextstep, OS/2, and something else like >NT? If you're talking NeXT/OpenStep/intel on a PeeCee, yes. In fact, over at, they make numerous *specific* mentions of OS/2 -- so they're probably OS/2 friendly. They also seem to regard NT as a doable. As primarily an OS/2 user, that seems like a great boon; OS/2 and NeXTStep seem to have a lot in common. >It sounds like it's hard to get ahold of parts & software, is that true? Black hardware is difficult to get locally, most everything seems available over the net though. From one newbie to another- -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nextstation newbie questions Date: 28 Oct 1998 15:51:24 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <717ehs$o26$> References: <> <> Andrew Robertson <> wrote: >> 2. Are the NeXT original printers worth to get, or should I rather get a >> standard laser or ink jet? > >I would pass on a NeXT printer today. I love mine, but hate that I have >absolutely no way to plug it into anything but my cube. Good printer, but a >fundamental flaw. A little harsh, perhaps. The NeXT laser was designed as affordable means of high quality Postscript laser printing (circa 1990) by exploiting NeXTstep's built-in Postscript renderer. Not duplicating all that in the printer too isn't what I'd call a "fundamental flaw"... That said, if you plan on keeping your NeXT for a while then buying a used NeXT printer is a cheap way to get a good, fast, Postscript level 2 laser printer. Just check for the page feed/eject problem that many NeXT printer succumb to. If you plan on moving to a different hardware platform soon then don't bother. BTW - to print to non-Postscript printers from NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP requires additional s/w which 1) costs money, e.g. Dots, or 2) is a pain to setup, e.g. Ghostscript filter. Andrew - have you considered setting your NeXT+printer as a dedicated Unix printer server? Its easy for a Unix network and you can use CAPS and samba (rumba?) to print to it from MacOS and Windows, with a little more effort. - Gareth
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 28 Oct 1998 18:40:06 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <717oe6$phr$> References: <70u583$> <7178bv$k55$> <> David Evans <> wrote: >Matthew C Weigel <> wrote: >>so I haven't really >>tested how well it performs under load :-) > > They degrade fairly gracefully under load but you tend to hit a brick wall >once your swap disk fills up! Heh. Well, first, I have 100MB *total* on my NeXTStation (and 20MB RAM... wish I could get that good a ratio on my regular computer!), with something like 20 or 30MB free; so yeah, swap shouldn't be a problem. However, I'm more interested in how well it performs, not how well it scales, and I've gotten used to running a computer 10x as fast with 3x the RAM, and only shutting down X when I play Quake :-) So, we'll see, as soon as I get a bigger HD and the net connection working. -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 28 Oct 1998 16:06:01 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <7178bv$k55$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <7178bv$k55$>, Matthew C Weigel <> wrote: >so I haven't really >tested how well it performs under load :-) > They degrade fairly gracefully under load but you tend to hit a brick wall once your swap disk fills up! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: mcanji@Bayou.UH.EDU (mirko canji) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: NS installation Date: 28 Oct 1998 16:05:29 GMT Organization: University of Houston Message-ID: <717fc9$us7$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> I need help installing NS 3.1 on Intel with 800 MB HD. Situation: - NS 3.1 install floppy requires the use of a SCSI CD-ROM reader, i.e. it can not find the ATAPI drive and install fails at the beginning - to get around it, I downloaded NS 4.2 floppy images and created a new set of install floppies and DID get a bit further. Here's where I get stuck: After booting from 4.2 boot floppy I insert the driver floppy and select the drivers. So far I've tried the "EIDE and ATAPI" and "IDE" drivers. The screen goes to show the NeXT Mach operating system, resets and searches AND finds the CD-ROMand then asks if I want to install and prepare for installation (i.e. it boots from CD ROM). Then it searches for available hard-drives but comes back with a message: "... did not detect any drives to install NEXTSTEP... need a drive with at least 120 MB space..." ... select the number of drive you want the install the NEXTSTEP on..." At this point I tried to type a number (or even type an "fdisk") but what I get is a screen with options that seem like an (old) fdisk options (i.e. as if was giving me a syntax for some command (e.g. listing for "inquiries", "actions", and"flags" such as "-isDiskPartitioned", "-setAvailableToNeXT", and "-useAllSectors", plus the syntax for usage, fdisk <raw-device> [inquiry][action][flags]). When I tried to give such a command all I got was a verbose listing while it was shutting down which ends "it's safe to turn off the computer". The HD is Wester Digital Caviar 2850. During hard-boot the bios lists it as the Primary Master and the Mitsumi CD-ROM as the Primary slave. I did notice that the HD does NOT have the jumper present (i.e. there is no jumper selection for master) while CD-ROM does have the jumper set to slave--could THIS be the problem? The drive works fine with other systems. Any suggestions? In case you are wondering as to WHY am I bothering with NS 3.1 and with such a runaround ... I am making a presentation with the topic of Multiple OS on a single PC. The ONLY copy of NS/intel that I have is the 3.1 (although I do have the 3.2 for NeXT). and the school is not providing me with a SCSI-equipped system). I am trying to make the students and the instructor aware of alternatives to M$. So far, I've successfully installed MS WinNT and Win95, as well as Linux (RedHat 5.0). I believe that NeXT/Apple deserve their chance... can you please help! Thank you. -- Mirko --
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 28 Oct 1998 20:02:19 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <7178bv$k55$> <> <717oe6$phr$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <717oe6$phr$>, Matthew C Weigel <> wrote: > >Heh. Well, first, I have 100MB *total* on my NeXTStation (and 20MB RAM... >wish I could get that good a ratio on my regular computer!), with something >like 20 or 30MB free; so yeah, swap shouldn't be a problem. > Is this a mono or colour slab? I don't recall you saying... Anyway, you may be allright with that (you presumably have 20-30MB free after the creation of the initial 16MB swapfile in /private/vm). But if you run OmniWeb you may find that it fills up faster than you think. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: "Paul Sanders" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Proper disktab entries for 1 GB Jaz drive an 68k Black Box Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 16:19:46 -0500 Message-ID: <7181ud$e1a$> References: <71806b$9c2$> Sorry bout that - I thought the first message I posted didn't get through. Anyway thanks for the response Will - I'll give it a try. Paul Sanders wrote in message <71806b$9c2$>... >Does anyone know the proper disktab entries for a 1 GB Jaz Drive on a 68K >NeXT Black Box? We have tried the ones provided in the NeXTAnswers but they >did not seem to work properly. Any help on this issue is greatly >appreciated. > >
From: "Jürgen Exner" <nospam@see.signature> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: SCSI hard disk Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 14:28:33 -0800 Organization: MS Message-ID: <7185p2$> References: <> Jes wrote in message <>... >Would like to know if a 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI-3 hard disk is the same as >9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI AV hard drive? Nope, it's not. SCSI-3 and SCSI UW describes the interface, whereas AV stands for Audio/Video. Those drives are optimized for a **sustained** data transfer rate, e.g. they won't recalibrate and thereby interrupting the data stream for a second or two once in a while. Usually quite expensive and unless you do AV editing for a living not necessary. jue -- Jürgen Exner;, UID: jurgenex Sorry for this anti-spam inconvenience
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: 68060 in Nextstation? Followup-To: Date: 28 Oct 1998 20:54:29 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Mike Paquette <> wrote: >There are some small differences in bus >timing that may be problematic, particuarly on the 25 MHz 68040 machines that >used the old Fujitsu ASICs and the BMAP chip. > Ooo--another tidbit of information from The Man. We've all heard of the Fujitsu ASICs but what exactly is the "BMAP"? -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Andrew Jones) Newsgroups: Subject: F90 and speed Date: 28 Oct 1998 22:04:30 GMT Organization: Brown University Center for Fluid Mechanics Distribution: world Message-ID: <7184de$> Is there any way to compile FORTRAN 90 code on a NeXTstation? Can you use a 68040 acelerator card that was made to provide cash memory for 68040 Macs on a NeXT? Thanks,
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: NS installation Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 22:49:10 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <717fc9$us7$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Oct 1998 22:52:47 GMT See if you can borrow a Adaptec 154x and a SCSI CD ROM drive. With NS3.3 you could use EIDE driver if you had an EIDE/ATAPI CD ROM as a slave to a EIDE HD. And the latest driver on NeXTAnswers, implies it allows dual EIDE controllers with HD as master on primary and CD-ROM drive as master on secondary, but I know some people have had problems. mirko canji wrote: > > I need help installing NS 3.1 on Intel with 800 MB HD. > > Situation: > - NS 3.1 install floppy requires the use of a SCSI CD-ROM reader, i.e. it > can not find the ATAPI drive and install fails at the beginning > > - to get around it, I downloaded NS 4.2 floppy images and created a new set of > install floppies and DID get a bit further. Here's where I get stuck: > > After booting from 4.2 boot floppy I insert the driver floppy and select the drivers. So far I've tried the "EIDE and ATAPI" and "IDE" drivers. The screen goes > to show the NeXT Mach operating system, resets and searches AND finds the CD-ROMand then asks if I want to install and prepare for installation (i.e. it boots > from CD ROM). Then it searches for available hard-drives but comes back with a > message: > > "... did not detect any drives to install NEXTSTEP... need a drive with at > least 120 MB space..." ... select the number of drive you want the install > the NEXTSTEP on..." > > At this point I tried to type a number (or even type an "fdisk") but what I get > is a screen with options that seem like an (old) fdisk options (i.e. as if was giving me a syntax for some command (e.g. listing for "inquiries", "actions", and"flags" such as "-isDiskPartitioned", "-setAvailableToNeXT", and "-useAllSectors", plus the syntax for usage, fdisk <raw-device> [inquiry][action][flags]). > > When I tried to give such a command all I got was a verbose listing while it was shutting down which ends "it's safe to turn off the computer". > > The HD is Wester Digital Caviar 2850. During hard-boot the bios lists it as the > Primary Master and the Mitsumi CD-ROM as the Primary slave. I did notice that the HD does NOT have the jumper present (i.e. there is no jumper selection for master) while CD-ROM does have the jumper set to slave--could THIS be the problem? > > The drive works fine with other systems. Any suggestions? > > In case you are wondering as to WHY am I bothering with NS 3.1 and with such a runaround ... > > I am making a presentation with the topic of Multiple OS on a single PC. The ONLY copy of NS/intel that I have is the 3.1 (although I do have the 3.2 for NeXT). and the school is not providing me with a SCSI-equipped system). > > I am trying to make the students and the instructor aware of alternatives to M$. So far, I've successfully installed MS WinNT and Win95, as well as Linux (RedHat 5.0). > > I believe that NeXT/Apple deserve their chance... can you please help! > > Thank you. > > -- Mirko > > -- -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: mcanji@Bayou.UH.EDU (mirko canji) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: NS installation Date: 28 Oct 1998 23:58:07 GMT Organization: University of Houston Message-ID: <718b2f$8ui$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> References: <717fc9$us7$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> <> Bobby, the college (the department, actually) does not have any SCSI devices available to loan out (I would volunteer using my NeXT SCSI CD-ROM reader). Are you thinking that the Adaptec would allow the system to become aware of EIDE HardDrive? Just to remind you, the PC DOES mount the 32x Mitsumi CD-ROM and starts the Mach OS--it just does not see the EIDE HD to start the installation. I've also tried the "dual chanel" primary/secondary EIDE controller drivers, but did not get any further. One of the NeXTanswers docs mentions a bug in the 3.3 installation asking to install the Adaptec 154x adapter even if it is not used, and de-install it after loading the NS. I'll try that on NS 3.1 just in case the bug got inherited from earlier versions. I'll post the results if I succeed. Any more ideas anyone? Thanks, --Mirko R obert Forsyth ( wrote: : See if you can borrow a Adaptec 154x and a SCSI CD ROM drive. With NS3.3 : you could use EIDE driver if you had an EIDE/ATAPI CD ROM as a slave to : a EIDE HD. And the latest driver on NeXTAnswers, implies it allows dual : EIDE controllers with HD as master on primary and CD-ROM drive as master : on secondary, but I know some people have had problems. : mirko canji wrote: : > : > I need help installing NS 3.1 on Intel with 800 MB HD. : > : > Situation: : > - NS 3.1 install floppy requires the use of a SCSI CD-ROM reader, i.e. it : > can not find the ATAPI drive and install fails at the beginning : > : > - to get around it, I downloaded NS 4.2 floppy images and created a new set of : > install floppies and DID get a bit further. Here's where I get stuck: : > : > After booting from 4.2 boot floppy I insert the driver floppy and select the drivers. So far I've tried the "EIDE and ATAPI" and "IDE" drivers. The screen goes : > to show the NeXT Mach operating system, resets and searches AND finds the CD-ROMand then asks if I want to install and prepare for installation (i.e. it boots : > from CD ROM). Then it searches for available hard-drives but comes back with a : > message: : > : > "... did not detect any drives to install NEXTSTEP... need a drive with at : > least 120 MB space..." ... select the number of drive you want the install : > the NEXTSTEP on..." : > : > At this point I tried to type a number (or even type an "fdisk") but what I get : > is a screen with options that seem like an (old) fdisk options (i.e. as if was giving me a syntax for some command (e.g. listing for "inquiries", "actions", and"flags" such as "-isDiskPartitioned", "-setAvailableToNeXT", and "-useAllSectors", plus the syntax for usage, fdisk <raw-device> [inquiry][action][flags]). : > : > When I tried to give such a command all I got was a verbose listing while it was shutting down which ends "it's safe to turn off the computer". : > : > The HD is Wester Digital Caviar 2850. During hard-boot the bios lists it as the : > Primary Master and the Mitsumi CD-ROM as the Primary slave. I did notice that the HD does NOT have the jumper present (i.e. there is no jumper selection for master) while CD-ROM does have the jumper set to slave--could THIS be the problem? : > : > The drive works fine with other systems. Any suggestions? : > : > In case you are wondering as to WHY am I bothering with NS 3.1 and with such a runaround ... : > : > I am making a presentation with the topic of Multiple OS on a single PC. The ONLY copy of NS/intel that I have is the 3.1 (although I do have the 3.2 for NeXT). and the school is not providing me with a SCSI-equipped system). : > : > I am trying to make the students and the instructor aware of alternatives to M$. So far, I've successfully installed MS WinNT and Win95, as well as Linux (RedHat 5.0). : > : > I believe that NeXT/Apple deserve their chance... can you please help! : > : > Thank you. : > : > -- Mirko : > : > -- : -- : Robert Forsyth : : tel/fax: +44 1243 787487 --
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nextstation newbie questions Date: 29 Oct 1998 03:17:29 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <718mo9$se7$> References: <> <> <717ehs$o26$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <717ehs$o26$> writes: > >Andrew - have you considered setting your NeXT+printer as a dedicated Unix >printer server? Its easy for a Unix network and you can use CAPS and samba >(rumba?) to print to it from MacOS and Windows, with a little more effort. > Don't know what CAPS is, but you can also use a little program called PMLPR to print from a Windows box to black hardware. It is very easy to setup. I started making a little web page that describes the process, but got sidetracked. I may do it one night when I am bored. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: "Paul Sanders" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Proper disktab entries for 1 GB Jaz drive an 68k Black Box Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:49:52 -0500 Message-ID: <71806b$9c2$> Does anyone know the proper disktab entries for a 1 GB Jaz Drive on a 68K NeXT Black Box? We have tried the ones provided in the NeXTAnswers but they did not seem to work properly. Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.
From: "brand Jophn" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Install Next Step rel. 3.1 on intel computer Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:52:29 +0100 Organization: News Server of Sunrise Communications AG Message-ID: <7196u7$14v$> Hi, I have a problem to install my nextstep os ver. 3.1 for intel computer. On this computer i have a adaptec 1542cf SCSI adapter, Cd-Rom scsi at id0, IDE hdd of 800Mb, a vga standard graphics card, pentium 166MHz, 65 Mb Ram. When I start my system with dos disk, I can run all my devices (cd-rom, hard-disk...) but when i boot with the special disk (delivred with NextStep) the initialisation is properly done, but the system cannot find my CD-Rom. I try different CD-Rom SCSI or IDE... but nothing happen. Please help... I want to install NextStep to see this beautifull thing !!!. (I already installed linux redhat 5.2, now i want see and use to have my proper thinking about this operating system) :) Thanks.. Jérôme
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 29 Oct 1998 07:53:22 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <7196ti$g9l$> References: <70u583$> <> <717oe6$phr$> <> David Evans <> wrote: >Matthew C Weigel <> wrote: >> >>Heh. Well, first, I have 100MB *total* on my NeXTStation (and 20MB RAM... >>wish I could get that good a ratio on my regular computer!), with something >>like 20 or 30MB free; so yeah, swap shouldn't be a problem. > Is this a mono or colour slab? I don't recall you saying... Anyway, you >may be allright with that (you presumably have 20-30MB free after the >creation of the initial 16MB swapfile in /private/vm). But if you run >OmniWeb you may find that it fills up faster than you think. Mono- as far as I can tell, the oldest kind of slab around. Oh well- haven't tried running OmniWeb yet. -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Install Next Step rel. 3.1 on intel computer Date: 29 Oct 1998 13:56:46 GMT Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <719s6u$> References: <7196u7$14v$> In-Reply-To: <7196u7$14v$> On 10/28/98, "brand Jophn" wrote: >Hi, > >I have a problem to install my nextstep os ver. 3.1 for intel computer. On >this computer i have a adaptec 1542cf SCSI adapter, Cd-Rom scsi at id0, IDE >hdd of 800Mb, a vga standard graphics card, pentium 166MHz, 65 Mb Ram. When >I start my system with dos disk, I can run all my devices (cd-rom, >hard-disk...) but when i boot with the special disk (delivred with NextStep) >the initialisation is properly done, but the system cannot find my CD-Rom. I >try different CD-Rom SCSI or IDE... but nothing happen. > >Please help... I want to install NextStep to see this beautifull thing !!!. >(I already installed linux redhat 5.2, now i want see and use to have my >proper thinking about this operating system) :) > You may have a driver problem with your 1542CF SCSI card. I remember having problems with that card and NS 3.2 and needing an updated driver from NeXT in order to install. I don't know whether such a driver is available for 3.1 or not. Regards, Jeff
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: SCSI hard disk Followup-To: Date: 29 Oct 1998 18:50:37 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <71addt$jq4$> References: <> <7185p2$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [ ...followups set... ] "Jürgen Exner" <nospam@see.signature> wrote: > Jes wrote in message <>... >> Would like to know if a 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI-3 hard disk is the same as >> 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI AV hard drive? > > Nope, it's not. > > SCSI-3 and SCSI UW describes the interface, whereas AV stands for > Audio/Video. Right. > Those drives are optimized for a **sustained** data transfer rate, e.g. > they won't recalibrate and thereby interrupting the data stream for a > second or two once in a while. Usually quite expensive and unless you do > AV editing for a living not necessary. You're out-of-date here. The pause for TCAL you refer to is no longer needed with modern drives which now use an embedded servo design. Such drives are entirely suitable for AV purposes. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Where to buy good (or bad) hardware Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 21:25:13 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71amfp$4sn$> I fell in love with NeXT a few years back, but haven't been able to get my hands on any hardware in a while. Someone told me that there's good hardware to be had out there for a reasonable price. Any ideas? Doug -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Newsgroups: From: (Brian Willoughby) Subject: NeXTdimension is not found Message-ID: <> Organization: Sound Consulting, Bellevue, WA, USA Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 00:47:29 GMT Can anyone help diagnose problems with a NeXTdimension board? At first, I started getting the following messages at 8am this morning: Oct 29 08:51:04 sounds reboot: Reboot complete Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: 48 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured Oct 29 08:51:33 sounds WindowServer[302]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 08:51:56 sounds WindowServer[316]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 08:52:12 sounds WindowServer[328]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 08:52:19 sounds loginwindow[303]: could not find WindowServer port! Oct 29 08:52:25 sounds WindowServer[335]: Another WindowServer is using the NeXTdimension board. I took ppp_reloc out of kern_loader.conf, just in case was causing problems. Now I don't even get the usual boot messages showing the ND starting. sounds:root# /usr/lib/NextStep/Displays/NeXTdimension.psdrvr/NDserver No NextDimension board found. This isn't a VRAM or SIMM problem, because I get a nice solid gray display on the Color MegaPixel (which I did have bad SIMMs many years ago, the display did not look happy at all). If this is a NBIC problem, how do I diagnose whether it is the NBIC on the NeXTdimension board or the motherboard? What other diagnostics can I perform to isolate the problem? Thanks in advance! There are some other messages which might give clues as to the whole picture: Oct 29 08:49:26 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: ^C^D^E^A^A^A^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C^D^F^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^D^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^A^B^C^G^O^P^Q^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C^A^A^B^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C^O^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^B^A^A^A^B^D^A^B^C^D^E^F^G^O^R004 Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: trap: cpu 0 th 0x100c8700 proc 0x0 pid 0 pcb 0x100c8900 Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: traceback: fp 0x118bffa0 Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: ca [snip] Oct 29 08:56:07 sounds WindowServer[370]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 08:56:12 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 08:56:13 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 [snip] Oct 29 12:54:02 sounds WindowServer[310]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x118fe8ec Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: trap: pc 0x4092dd4 sp 0x3fffef8 sr 0x2000 Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 [snip] Oct 29 13:05:05 sounds WindowServer[316]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: type 0x410 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x11835ffc Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: pc 0x4092dcc sp 0x3fffef8 sr 0x2004 Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: cpu 0 th 0x100c9000 proc 0x0 pid 0 pcb 0x100c9200 Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: traceback: fp 0x1191bfa0 Oct 29 13:05:17 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 [snip] Oct 29 13:10:30 sounds WindowServer[364]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x118fc000 Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 [snip] Oct 29 13:39:38 sounds WindowServer[334]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 13:39:44 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 13:39:44 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 [snip] Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: 48 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured Oct 29 14:42:30 sounds WindowServer[297]: NDserver died on startup. Oct 29 14:42:43 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure Oct 29 14:42:43 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x119005f0 Oct 29 14:42:44 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 -- Brian Willoughby Software Design - NEXTSTEP, OpenStep, Rhapsody Sound Consulting Apple Enterprise Alliance Partner NeXTmail welcome Apple is the registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. and Apple Records
From: "Vicente" <> Newsgroups:,,comp.sys.sgi.hardware,comp.sys.sun.hardware,,,,,,de.comm Subject: Busco drivers de LS-120 I seek drivers of LS-120 Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:33:18 -0500 Organization: Telefonica Transmision de Datos Message-ID: <70qqpo$cq2$> ¡Hola!. Busco los drivers de LS-120 de Panasonic. Los he perdido. ¿ Alguien me puede ayudar?. Los mensajes me los podéis mandar a Gracias a tod@s y saludos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Hello!. I seek the drivers of LS-120 of Panasonic. The have lost. Someone can help me?. The messages me the can order to Thanks to all and regards.
Message-ID: <> From: "David A. den Boer" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: RAM expandability on slab Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 05:07:31 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 21:07:31 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada How much can I expand my RAM to on the slab, and what type of RAM do I need (I know 72pin non-parity), but will EDO work? David.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTdimension is not found Date: 30 Oct 1998 04:40:28 GMT Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Cc: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <71bfvs$k69$> There is a set of software diagnostic tools for Black hardware at: including a set for the Dimension board. Dimension boards seem to be dropping like flies lately. It would be nice to find if there is a common component which is failing for those of us still running them. cdvorak In <> Brian Willoughby wrote: > Can anyone help diagnose problems with a NeXTdimension board? > > At first, I started getting the following messages at 8am this morning: > > Oct 29 08:51:04 sounds reboot: Reboot complete > Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: > Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 > Oct 29 08:51:16 sounds mach: 48 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured > Oct 29 08:51:33 sounds WindowServer[302]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 08:51:56 sounds WindowServer[316]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 08:52:12 sounds WindowServer[328]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 08:52:19 sounds loginwindow[303]: could not find WindowServer port! > Oct 29 08:52:25 sounds WindowServer[335]: Another WindowServer is using the NeXTdimension board. > > > I took ppp_reloc out of kern_loader.conf, just in case was causing problems. > Now I don't even get the usual boot messages showing the ND starting. > > sounds:root# /usr/lib/NextStep/Displays/NeXTdimension.psdrvr/NDserver > No NextDimension board found. > > This isn't a VRAM or SIMM problem, because I get a nice solid gray display > on the Color MegaPixel (which I did have bad SIMMs many years ago, the display > did not look happy at all). > > If this is a NBIC problem, how do I diagnose whether it is the NBIC on the > NeXTdimension board or the motherboard? > What other diagnostics can I perform to isolate the problem? > > Thanks in advance! > > > There are some other messages which might give clues as to the whole picture: > > Oct 29 08:49:26 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: ^C^D^E^A^A^A^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C^D^F^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A ^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^D^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^A^B^C^G^O^P^Q^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C ^A^A^B^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^B^C^O^A^B^A^A^A^A^A^B^A^A^A ^B^D^A^B^C^D^E^F^G^O^R004 > Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: trap: cpu 0 th 0x100c8700 proc 0x0 pid 0 pcb 0x100c8900 > Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: traceback: fp 0x118bffa0 > Oct 29 08:50:15 sounds mach: ca > [snip] > Oct 29 08:56:07 sounds WindowServer[370]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 08:56:12 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 08:56:13 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > [snip] > Oct 29 12:54:02 sounds WindowServer[310]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x118fe8ec > Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds mach: trap: pc 0x4092dd4 sp 0x3fffef8 sr 0x2000 > Oct 29 12:54:08 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > [snip] > Oct 29 13:05:05 sounds WindowServer[316]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: type 0x410 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x11835ffc > Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: pc 0x4092dcc sp 0x3fffef8 sr 0x2004 > Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: trap: cpu 0 th 0x100c9000 proc 0x0 pid 0 pcb 0x100c9200 > Oct 29 13:05:16 sounds mach: traceback: fp 0x1191bfa0 > Oct 29 13:05:17 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > [snip] > Oct 29 13:10:30 sounds WindowServer[364]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x118fc000 > Oct 29 13:10:35 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > [snip] > Oct 29 13:39:38 sounds WindowServer[334]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 13:39:44 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 13:39:44 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > [snip] > Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: NeXTdimension Board in Slot 2: > Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: ROM Version 43, Memory Controller step 1, i860 step C.1 > Oct 29 14:42:15 sounds mach: 48 Mbytes of DRAM installed, NTSC video configured > Oct 29 14:42:30 sounds WindowServer[297]: NDserver died on startup. > Oct 29 14:42:43 sounds mach: unexpected kernel page fault failure > Oct 29 14:42:43 sounds mach: trap: type 0x8 fcode 5 rw 1 faultaddr 0x119005f0 > Oct 29 14:42:44 sounds syslogd: going down on signal 15 > >
Message-ID: <> From: "David A. den Boer" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Installing Prelude on Slab ? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 07:15:41 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 23:15:41 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada Can I install Prelude to Rhapsody (OpenStep 4.2) on my NeXTstation? I just installed a new 1.2GB drive inside, so I have the space. I bought this today without any hard drive, and would like to get it working. Also, can you recommend how much RAM I should have? David
From: "Gary Sands" <> Newsgroups: References: <> <71bfvs$k69$> Subject: Re: NeXTdimension is not found Organization: STB Systems Inc Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 09:41:29 -0000 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 09:39:34 BST Unfortunately NBIC chips seem to be rare. i860's and the BrookTree RAMDAC also have disappeared from sale - at least in the UK anyway. I bought a dead PAL Dimension board that I want to fix but I needed a NBIC chip for my '30 cube. Could not find one so I've just bought a '40 motherboard yesterday. If anyone knows of any supplies for NBICs, i860s or the BT RAMDAC (can not remember part # off top of head) I'd be interested in buying a few of each of them. Or with the advances in programmable logic could some of the hardware guys out there come up with a small daughter card that emulates a NBIC. BTW anyone have a schematic for the ND or tips on what tends to die on them. wrote in message <71bfvs$k69$>... >There is a set of software diagnostic tools for Black hardware at: > > > >including a set for the Dimension board. Dimension boards seem to >be dropping like flies lately. It would be nice to find if there is a common >component which is failing for those of us still running them. > >cdvorak > > <<SNIP>>
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation slab, owner ignorant Date: 28 Oct 1998 06:17:37 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <716cu1$fpa$> References: <> <01be017e$cb9b1d00$7b1644c6@smalleyd> : The ports on the back go like this: : Long multi-pinned female port - SCSI is my guess 68pin SCSI : Round port marked "A" - Keyboard or Mouse? Serial port.. Mac layout but different pin out : Round port marked "B" - Keyboard or Mouse? See above : Long 15 pin female port marked "v DSP ^" - I have no clue DSP connector to external ports like Ariel Proports : Long 19 pin female port - Monitor graphic gave it away Mono montior you need a mono monitor : Long 9 pin female port - Graphic might be a printer printer NeXT specific.. : Female port like a phone jack - Network, or modem? Ethernet : Female port for TV cable - Video out? CoAxial ethernet A monitor is cheap from deepspace.. the ownership of a slab gives you a licesne to get NexTSTEP up to 3.3 godwin
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: IBM Ultrastar HD on NeXT h/w? Date: 28 Oct 1998 06:14:05 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <716cnd$fpa$> References: <715e7j$qis$> I have a 2Gig one that is connected to my cube.. it is a 68pin one the only problem I had is the 68pin->50pin adaptor and it won't fit well with the sledge. godwin wrote: : Has anyone successfully hung an IBM Ultrastar 9ES (4.5GB, 7.5ms) off : NeXT hardware? I've heard some people had problems with IBM's SCSI drives, : but that was quite a while ago. : - Gareth
From:***(email spammers must die) Newsgroups: Subject: Dual-monitor setup with OpenStep 4.2 Date: 30 Oct 1998 16:49:37 GMT Organization: Stratus Computer Inc, Marlboro MA Message-ID: <71cqn1$> The subject pretty much says it all... What's involved in setting up a dual monitor configuration on a single OpenStep/Intel PC ? Are all video cars support or only a subset ? Any pointers to relevant info would be much appreciated. Thanks ! Craig Dodson (Stratus Computer) (remote the appropriate field for email)
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing Prelude on Slab ? Date: 30 Oct 1998 17:53:14 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <71cuea$5vm$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "David A. den Boer" <> wrote: > Can I install Prelude to Rhapsody (OpenStep 4.2) on my NeXTstation? I > just installed a new 1.2GB drive inside, so I have the space. I bought > this today without any hard drive, and would like to get it working. Sure. > Also, can you recommend how much RAM I should have? What you do what to do with it? Is your machine a mono or a color? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: John Burricelli <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing Prelude on Slab ? Date: 30 Oct 1998 12:29:05 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Openstep runs great on a slab, I would go with a minimum of 64 megs of ram. "David A. den Boer" wrote: > Can I install Prelude to Rhapsody (OpenStep 4.2) on my NeXTstation? I > just installed a new 1.2GB drive inside, so I have the space. I bought > this today without any hard drive, and would like to get it working. > > Also, can you recommend how much RAM I should have? > > David
Message-ID: <> From: "David A. den Boer" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing Prelude on Slab ? References: <> <71cuea$5vm$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 05:28:08 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 21:28:08 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: > > Sure. > > > Also, can you recommend how much RAM I should have? > > What you do what to do with it? Is your machine a mono or a color? I want to play around with the development tools, surf the net, get email, etc. I have a PowerMac G3 for everyday use, but would like to use the Next (B&W) for misc. tasks. What it comes down to is that I have wanted one ever since University, and now I have one. David.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 01 Nov 1998 02:07:40 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (Nexus710) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Drivers for white hardware Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 15:57:13 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 07:57:13 PDT Organization: @Home Network I use several operating systems here at home, and my old 4mb s3virge is well supported in all of them. It looks like if I want to upgrade my vid card, the matrox millenium 2 is about my only alternative as far as cards that are supported in all my os'es. Windows and Xwindows will always have support for the latest cards. There are usually xfree drivers for new vid cards within a few months of a card coming out. But NeXT is another matter. Is there anyone who will be writing new drivers for hardware like vid cards, is Apple support officially dead, will Apple be making intel drivers for Rhapsody that perhaps may work in Openstep on intel??? I run NeXT on the same box I run linux, solaris and windows. Is it time to set up a dedicated NeXT box using all the old hardware I have lying around, or are any new device drivers forthcoming? Thanks in advance. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: "FlashCadillac" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Install question Message-ID: <k8H_1.1822$> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 16:45:04 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:45:04 EDT I have NeXT 3.1 for Intel. Is it possible to install it using a SCSI CD-recorder. The only other CD drive I have is ATAPI and I know that is out of the question. Here are the specs on my machine: ASUS P2L97 Motherboard P-II 233 Processor Mitsumi Atapi CD-Rom Phillips 2x4 SCSI CD-Recorder 64MB Ram ATI Rage II+ Video Card 4MB AWE 64 Value Sound Card Iomega ATAPI Zip Drive internal Adaptec 1520 ISA SCSI Card Acer 33.6 modem Let me know.
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Drivers for white hardware Date: 31 Oct 1998 18:05:24 GMT Message-ID: <71fjh4$n00$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 31 Oct 1998 18:05:24 GMT Cc: In <> Michael Lankton wrote: > I use several operating systems here at home, and my old 4mb s3virge is > well supported in all of them. It looks like if I want to upgrade my > vid card, the matrox millenium 2 is about my only alternative as far as > cards that are supported in all my os'es. > Windows and Xwindows will always have support for the latest cards. > There are usually xfree drivers for new vid cards within a few months of > a card coming out. But NeXT is another matter. Is there anyone who > will be writing new drivers for hardware like vid cards, is Apple > support officially dead, will Apple be making intel drivers for Rhapsody > that perhaps may work in Openstep on intel??? I run NeXT on the same > box I run linux, solaris and windows. Is it time to set up a dedicated > NeXT box using all the old hardware I have lying around, or are any new > device drivers forthcoming? Thanks in advance. > My guest is that, since they have release the Driver kit for OS4.2, I can't imagine, Apple wasting more resources on Intel drivers (although, I am sure that some of the newer video cards will be adapted for this Intel release of MacOS X server). I am not very familiar with writing NeXT drivers nor in that matter any hardware drivers for different OSes. But, I would imagine that the basic code source used in the XFree86 effort, could be used to make OS4.2 with a little help from our new Driver kit, similiar to the way BE OS is making Intel drivers with the help of XFree. Anybody familiar in this matter should speak up and explain to us, what need to be done. Is this a matter only Apple can provide a solution too? -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 19:45:05 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71fpc1$rvt$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> In article <70u67o$t4k$>, (Josh Brandt) wrote: > > In article <70u583$>, Tangent <> wrote: > > > >Could I run a duel boot system with Nextstep, OS/2, and something else like > >NT? > > Ahhhhh... On a NeXTcube? > > No. You get NeXTstep, and that's it. It's not an Intel box... > There is a version of Linux in production. Although I can't realy see the point. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 31 Oct 1998 20:50:36 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <71ft6s$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <71fpc1$rvt$> wrote: > There is a version of Linux in production. There's also a NetBSD port coming along. > Although I can't realy see the point. "Because it's there" is one reason, but there's also the fact that linux/*bsd will run better with less RAM than NeXTStep will. There's also the ability to reuse machines people already own. The same reason that they originally went to work on all those "useless" 386 & 486 machines.... they weren't useless once you had a trimmer OS TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: dave cunningham <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: A MODEM?!?!? Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 16:45:43 -0800 Organization: MegaNews! Message-ID: <> References: <> <70m1o2$giu$> <> <> <uOPX1.73$!> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 1 Nov 1998 00:39:04 GMT point of fact....where i live, exactly _no_ cable of any kind is available. i'm betting i'm more like the rest of the wolrd than the folks with easy cable access are. and my phone lines are pretty noisy during the wet season. in oregon. 8-] -=c'ham=- Paul Holloway wrote: > Terry Cody wrote: > > > > Why duy a regular modem thay are slow why not upgrade to a cable modem the > > speed is 1.18 Mbs that is a lot faster than a regular modem if you realy > > think of it a regular modem is slow even if you could get to 56k speeds. > > > > Did it ever cross your mind that he would do this if cable modem is > available in his area and within his financial means? It's not as if > cable modems and providers are very common. > > -- > Paul Holloway > Customer Service Representative > Telapex Internet >
From: Charlie Root <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot Disk for OpenStep 4.2 on Slab Date: 1 Nov 1998 04:24:49 GMT Organization: University of Oregon, Eugene Message-ID: <71gnqh$r0o$> References: <> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-981002 ("Phobia") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/2.2.7-RELEASE (i386)) David A. den Boer <> wrote: > Where can I get a boot disk for my slab so I can install OpenStep 4.2? > The disks I have are only for Intel. I have checked NeXTAnswers, and > found a reference to it, but what format is the file in? Can I make the > disk on a Mac or PC? If you go the (actually apple enterprise) you can get the 3.3 motorola boot floppy. That will let you install 4.2. wes -- OK!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vax a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its *DCL*. Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where they lay in wait to ravage thier prey known as users.
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 1 Nov 1998 04:47:06 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: crash on floppy use Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 06:20:00 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello, I have a problem with my ASUS-board Pentium-Pro machine running OpenStep4.2: every time I use the floppy (reading or writing) it crashes! Not even COMMAND-~ works, I have to push the reset button (and the floppy light is still on and stays on for ever). Do you have any idea what could be wrong here? Thanks! Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: "Joao Pedro Sousa" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXTstation doesn't boot on first attempt Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 13:25:15 -0000 Message-ID: <> I have a NeXTstation Turbo Color, and almost every time I try to turn it on, it won't boot. The fan starts working and I can hear a distinct "clank" which I suppose comes from the HD. But it doesn't boot. The screen stays completely black, no matter how long I wait. After this, my only option has been to unplug it, and try again. On this second attempt it always boots correctely. I understand that this procedure is very hard on the power-supply. Actually, I already replaced the original one... Anyone knows what might be wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. --JPSousa
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot Disk for OpenStep 4.2 on Slab Date: 31 Oct 1998 23:23:10 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01be0525$96fc5280$158a4a0c@stuff1> References: <> > Where can I get a boot disk for my slab so I can install OpenStep 4.2? > The disks I have are only for Intel. I have checked NeXTAnswers, and Yes, don't have the exact location but there is a floppy image there and a program called RAWRITE.EXE that will make it on the PC. Mail me if you just can't find it, but then again, if I teach you to fish... Now that I think, I got the NS3.3 image, but I guess the OStep version should be there too. -robert
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Date: 1 Nov 1998 23:17:23 GMT Organization: AOL References: <71ii7f$> Message-ID: <> A notebook running NeXTstep or OpenStep is a great idea (one I've been working on, insofar as my budget will allow for a couple of years now). The big difficulty is driver support--NextAnswers lists what's currently available, and some companies, i.e. Bifrostworkstations (link to them from sell pre-configured systems. The problem with the NA system is that it's raw data, unfiltered for real-world difficulties, like a given SCSI adapter not functioning with a particular docking station (which is my final stumbling block). Basically, if you get a laptop with a supported video system, and get a supported PCMCIA SCSI adapter, you should be okay (this doesn't include sound though--are there any laptops with supported sound chipsets?). FWIW, Steve Jobs uses a ThinkPad 560 and Toshiba Tecra (720?) William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 1 Nov 1998 23:53:17 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <71is9d$9pb$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> In article <71ft6s$>, TjL <> wrote: >The same reason that they originally went to work on all those "useless" 386 >& 486 machines.... they weren't useless once you had a trimmer OS Erm. But Nextstep is already keen... I'd be annoyed to see black hardware running some random OS... It's just so much less elegant. Josh NeXT purist -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 03:12:23 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71j7un$uuu$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> In article <>, wrote: > In article <71hoa8$491$>, wrote: > >In article <71ft6s$>, > > (TjL) wrote: > >They didn't already have a great version of Unix, the NeXT computers do. > >What I would like to see is a version of Linux for old SGI hardware, that > >realy is fairly useless, it doesn't even have a free C compiler. > > > >Jim > > Linux/SGI is running great on the older Indy systems. > > I believe is the URL. > > They have a SGI native RedHat Linux 5.1b available for download. > Great for the people who own Indy systems.... Unfortunately I am not one of them. The Indy can run modern Irix and modern SGI software, it is still a powerful machine. I can't see that much point in a Linux port for the Indy. I have much older SGI systems, I suppose they would be about the equivalent of a low end 486. They can't run a modern version of Irix, can't compile software (unlike the latest Irix versions), and don't run much SGI software at all. They would run Linux and X quite nicely as they have quality graphics hardware (as you would expect from SGI). A port of Linux for old SGIs would make them usable systems again. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Matt Evans <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 01 Nov 1998 22:00:37 -0600 Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> this is what SGI linux *was* going to be for, until linux Zealots got silly and decided that could just beat irix 6.x hands down. I don't at all see the usefulness of Linux for Indy's without linux for the PI boxes first. Howbout pthreads on 4D/4xx machines ? Howbout hardware GL on old boxes. Howabout decent (well, Linux's anyway) MP on the old boxen ? alas. bins and bins of old SGI gear, going to waste. of course, no one is stopping me, or anyone else from doing the work. Guess I just need access to an older box and plenty of free time :) writes: > The Indy can run modern Irix and modern SGI software, it is still a powerful > machine. I can't see that much point in a Linux port for the Indy. I have > much older SGI systems, I suppose they would be about the equivalent of a low > end 486. They can't run a modern version of Irix, can't compile software > (unlike the latest Irix versions), and don't run much SGI software at all. > They would run Linux and X quite nicely as they have quality graphics > hardware (as you would expect from SGI). A port of Linux for old SGIs would > make them usable systems again. > > Jim > > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- > Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own -- Matt Evans web: School: Work: "No one will be left to prove that numbers existed, Maybe soon the children will be born open fisted" -- Dave Mustaine
From: mcanji2@Bayou.UH.EDU (Martha S Canji) Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: NS 3.1 boot CD does not see HD Date: 2 Nov 1998 05:07:15 GMT Organization: University of Houston Message-ID: <71jem3$l80$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> This is a followup to my post of last week... thanks for the help so far :-) In order to install NS 3.1 on intel which does not have SCSI interface, I decided to try the later versions of install floppies. I did get some success with this method: - EIDE and ATAPI drivers now successfully (?) see the CD ROM drive and the boot process starts from the CD-ROM (this was not possible with the 3.2 or 3.3 boot/install floppies) - the "white" window entitled NeXT Mach Operating System shows up and gives the message: File system clean ... skipping check (from the CD-ROM) - prior to this listing, the message "resetting drives" listed both the CD-ROM *AND* the hd0 (I believe was the number) along with the disk size, maker, block size, etc-- in other words the Primary Master HD was reset. - I confirm that I do want to install NEXSTEP - screen reads "...looking for drives" and comes with "there are NO drives on which to install NEXSTEP... you must have at laest 120 MB..." I tried fdisk (via DOS 6.22) and erased all previous partitions, then formatted the drive with only one partition->~820 MB, just to make sure. Do any of you know how to get around this? I would appreciate you help very much. I am trying to give a presentation on Multiple OSs on the PC and I believe that I would have a captive audience at my college. cheers, --Mirko
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: NS installation Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 00:33:40 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <717fc9$us7$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> <> <718b2f$8ui$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 2 Nov 1998 07:39:03 GMT I was thinking faster than I was typing. Yes, (for NS 3.3) you tell the install that your CD-ROM is on an Adaptec 154x, although you do not have the card (because the install program demands a SCSI controller for CD-ROM). The ATAPI CD-ROM (Primary Slave) gets converted into a SCSI CD-ROM within the driver/kernel. If you are unlucky the AT/EIDE HD is not compatable, or does silly things like being able to see a HD or CD, but not both, grr. If you find a supported SCSI card, to borrow for the installation then, your NeXT SCSI CD-ROM should work. I have had one working with a notebook IO expander (Adaptec 6x60). mirko canji wrote: > > Bobby, the college (the department, actually) does not have any SCSI devices > available to loan out (I would volunteer using my NeXT SCSI CD-ROM reader). Are > you thinking that the Adaptec would allow the system to become aware of EIDE > HardDrive? Just to remind you, the PC DOES mount the 32x Mitsumi CD-ROM and > starts the Mach OS--it just does not see the EIDE HD to start the installation. > > I've also tried the "dual chanel" primary/secondary EIDE controller drivers, > but did not get any further. > > One of the NeXTanswers docs mentions a bug in the 3.3 installation asking to > install the Adaptec 154x adapter even if it is not used, and de-install it after > loading the NS. I'll try that on NS 3.1 just in case the bug got inherited > from earlier versions. > > I'll post the results if I succeed. Any more ideas anyone? > > Thanks, > > --Mirko > > R > obert Forsyth ( wrote: > : See if you can borrow a Adaptec 154x and a SCSI CD ROM drive. With NS3.3 > : you could use EIDE driver if you had an EIDE/ATAPI CD ROM as a slave to > : a EIDE HD. And the latest driver on NeXTAnswers, implies it allows dual > : EIDE controllers with HD as master on primary and CD-ROM drive as master > : on secondary, but I know some people have had problems. > > : mirko canji wrote: > : > > : > I need help installing NS 3.1 on Intel with 800 MB HD. > : > > : > Situation: > : > - NS 3.1 install floppy requires the use of a SCSI CD-ROM reader, i.e. it > : > can not find the ATAPI drive and install fails at the beginning > : > > : > - to get around it, I downloaded NS 4.2 floppy images and created a new set of > : > install floppies and DID get a bit further. Here's where I get stuck: > : > > : > After booting from 4.2 boot floppy I insert the driver floppy and select the drivers. So far I've tried the "EIDE and ATAPI" and "IDE" drivers. The screen goes > : > to show the NeXT Mach operating system, resets and searches AND finds the CD-ROMand then asks if I want to install and prepare for installation (i.e. it boots > : > from CD ROM). Then it searches for available hard-drives but comes back with a > : > message: > : > > : > "... did not detect any drives to install NEXTSTEP... need a drive with at > : > least 120 MB space..." ... select the number of drive you want the install > : > the NEXTSTEP on..." > : > > : > At this point I tried to type a number (or even type an "fdisk") but what I get > : > is a screen with options that seem like an (old) fdisk options (i.e. as if was giving me a syntax for some command (e.g. listing for "inquiries", "actions", and"flags" such as "-isDiskPartitioned", "-setAvailableToNeXT", and "-useAllSectors", plus the syntax for usage, fdisk <raw-device> [inquiry][action][flags]). > : > > : > When I tried to give such a command all I got was a verbose listing while it was shutting down which ends "it's safe to turn off the computer". > : > > : > The HD is Wester Digital Caviar 2850. During hard-boot the bios lists it as the > : > Primary Master and the Mitsumi CD-ROM as the Primary slave. I did notice that the HD does NOT have the jumper present (i.e. there is no jumper selection for master) while CD-ROM does have the jumper set to slave--could THIS be the problem? > : > > : > The drive works fine with other systems. Any suggestions? > : > > : > In case you are wondering as to WHY am I bothering with NS 3.1 and with such a runaround ... > : > > : > I am making a presentation with the topic of Multiple OS on a single PC. The ONLY copy of NS/intel that I have is the 3.1 (although I do have the 3.2 for NeXT). and the school is not providing me with a SCSI-equipped system). > : > > : > I am trying to make the students and the instructor aware of alternatives to M$. So far, I've successfully installed MS WinNT and Win95, as well as Linux (RedHat 5.0). > : > > : > I believe that NeXT/Apple deserve their chance... can you please help! > : > > : > Thank you. > : > > : > -- Mirko > : > > : > -- > > : -- > : Robert Forsyth > : > : tel/fax: +44 1243 787487 > > -- -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: George White <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 08:36:33 -0400 Organization: ISINet, Nova Scotia Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Matt Evans <> In-Reply-To: <> SGI is putting most of their effort into supporting 64-bit hardware. A concrete example of this is that a strong point of Irix 5.3 was the bundled scientific libraries. These were dropped from Irix 6.2, but there is a solid library for SGI's 64-bit machines. SGI Indy's are available at at low cost (i.e., there are lots of them around), and can hold a nice chunk of memory. SGI's software is expensive, so if they aren't going to support 32-bit systems, then Linux can provide a better alternative to enough users to make the effort worthwhile. -- George White <> Halifax, Nova Scotia On 1 Nov 1998, Matt Evans wrote: > this is what SGI linux *was* going to be for, until linux Zealots got silly > and decided that could just beat irix 6.x hands down. I don't at all see > the usefulness of Linux for Indy's without linux for the PI boxes first. > Howbout pthreads on 4D/4xx machines ? Howbout hardware GL on old boxes. > Howabout decent (well, Linux's anyway) MP on the old boxen ?
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <71ii7f$> <> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 14:11:49 GMT In article <>, WillAdams <> wrote: >A notebook running NeXTstep or OpenStep is a great idea (one I've been working >on, insofar as my budget will allow for a couple of years now). > >The big difficulty is driver support--NextAnswers lists what's currently >available, and some companies, i.e. Bifrostworkstations (link to them from > sell pre-configured systems. > >The problem with the NA system is that it's raw data, unfiltered for real-world >difficulties, like a given SCSI adapter not functioning with a particular >docking station (which is my final stumbling block). > >Basically, if you get a laptop with a supported video system, and get a >supported PCMCIA SCSI adapter, you should be okay (this doesn't include sound >though--are there any laptops with supported sound chipsets?). > >FWIW, Steve Jobs uses a ThinkPad 560 and Toshiba Tecra (720?) > >William > I've found that the best way is to have a OPENSTEP desktop and install over the network. This way, you have more controll and do not have to worry about SCSI, HD and CD-ROM drive stuff. Of course, you'll need to setup the server using and the network card. IBM machines are BLACK. ThinkPad 760 series are supported well. Do not know about the new models....
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitors Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 17:29:37 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71kq60$3mv$> I made this table from information found on the NeXT brochures... Could someone complete and/or correct it for me? N4000 NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (non ADB, 68030 cubes) N4000A NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (non ADB) N4000B NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (ADB) N4001A NeXT 17" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Fimi or Philips ? tube) N4005 NeXT 21" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Hitachi tube) N4006 NeXT 17" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Sony Trinitron tube) Another questions: - What's the better color 17" monitor ? (FIMI/Philips/Sony) - What's the diferences between them ? (refresh rates, etc...) - Is there any problem with FIMI monitors that I should avoid to buy ? Stefano -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Boot Disk for OpenStep 4.2 on Slab Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 23:15:43 -0600 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <71grem$g00$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 1 Nov 1998 05:26:45 GMT NeXtanswer said that I follow the step to use the RAWRITE.EXE. The boot disk for Intel including driver disk for intel work fine. But the bootdisk for NeXT doesn't work at all. I also download boot_floppy_image and make it in NeXT machine, still doesn't work (any one work?) Normally, I make boot disk for my slab from one boot disk, using dd command. However, I make my own image floppy disk on the harddrive using if you want it, please contact me. I will forward that image to you. If you have the, which is free for download, you then extract it as many as you want. HTH Sarawoot David A. den Boer wrote in message <>... >Where can I get a boot disk for my slab so I can install OpenStep 4.2? >The disks I have are only for Intel. I have checked NeXTAnswers, and >found a reference to it, but what format is the file in? Can I make the >disk on a Mac or PC? > >David >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 20:58:43 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71l6e3$mij$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> <> In article <>, George White <> wrote: > SGI is putting most of their effort into supporting 64-bit hardware. > A concrete example of this is that a strong point of Irix 5.3 was the > bundled scientific libraries. These were dropped from Irix 6.2, but > there is a solid library for SGI's 64-bit machines. > > SGI Indy's are available at at low cost (i.e., there are lots of them > around), Realy? I don't know anyone with an Indy, and I wouldn't call them cheap. I thought the slowest Indys ran at 133Mhz, plus they can run an up to date version of the OS. However I know a few people who have a Personal Iris or an Iris Indigo. They are cheap, they are also fairly useless to most people without a C compiler. Linux would give them a practical use, but unfortunately there is only an Indy port. and can hold a nice chunk of memory. SGI's software is > expensive, so if they aren't going to support 32-bit systems, then > Linux can provide a better alternative to enough users to make the > effort worthwhile. Indys were 64 bit, and are supported. They run modern SGI software and a modern SGI Operating System that can compile software. The old R3000s were 32 bit and can't realy do much, they don't have a Linux port. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? References: <> <> <71ll83$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 02:35:28 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 18:35:28 PDT Organization: @Home Network Paul Hanson wrote: > What about dual booting between Win95 or NT 4.0 and NeXTStep? Does this work? I run Solaris 2.6, Debian linux, Openstep 4.2 and win95 on this machine. NeXT coexists peacefully with other os'es, it just needs to be on a partition that is within the first two gigs of the drive it resides on. > Do any NeXTStep applications work with Linux?... I have a bunch I don't want to > waste like WordPerfect, Diagram, TaskMaster, Framemaker, Pencil Me No. Those apps would have to be recompiled for linux(or any other platform for that matter), and frankly, linux already has better tools available for free. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: Paul Hanson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 19:12:14 -0600 Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI Message-ID: <71ll83$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If you install over a network to a Laptop/Notebook don't you have to worry about PCMCIA support for a laptop network card? What about dual booting between Win95 or NT 4.0 and NeXTStep? Does this work? Do any NeXTStep applications work with Linux?... I have a bunch I don't want to waste like WordPerfect, Diagram, TaskMaster, Framemaker, Pencil Me In... etc... WillAdams wrote: > Andrew Chang said: > <<I've found that the best way is to have a OPENSTEP desktop and install > over the network. This way, you have more controll and do not have > to worry about SCSI, HD and CD-ROM drive stuff.>> > > That's pretty much what I'm planning on doing--just need to get a spare hard > drive for the ThinkPad. > > William > > William Adams > > Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Great Sex Site Date: 3 Nov 1998 05:36:13 GMT Message-ID: <71m4od$v27$> check this out:
Newsgroups: From: Message-ID: <cancel.71lu8u$bc$> Control: cancel <71lu8u$bc$> Subject: cmsg cancel <71lu8u$bc$> Organization: Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 06:50:36 GMT Sender: Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 13:39:20 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71hoa8$491$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> In article <71ft6s$>, (TjL) wrote: > In <71fpc1$rvt$> wrote: > > > There is a version of Linux in production. > > There's also a NetBSD port coming along. > > > Although I can't realy see the point. > > "Because it's there" is one reason, but there's also the fact that linux/*bsd > will run better with less RAM than NeXTStep will. There's also the ability > to reuse machines people already own. Linux may run better with less RAM, but the X Window System is slow and memory hungry. Fine if you want to limit yourself to CLI apps, but otherwise not so good. > > The same reason that they originally went to work on all those "useless" 386 > & 486 machines.... they weren't useless once you had a trimmer OS They didn't already have a great version of Unix, the NeXT computers do. What I would like to see is a version of Linux for old SGI hardware, that realy is fairly useless, it doesn't even have a free C compiler. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Paul Hanson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 15:02:18 -0600 Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI Message-ID: <71ii7f$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I there a list anywhere that shows which Intel based Laptops or Notebooks work well with NeXTStep or OpenStep? or is this not a good idea? I am considering either a dual boot machine with Win95/98 and Linux or NeXTStep, and have heard the the NEC Versa series work well with Linux, anyone had experiance using NeXTStep on a laptop? Anyone have opinions on doing this?
From: () Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> Message-ID: <> User-Agent: slrn/ (UNIX) NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 19:28:23 EDT Organization: ISPNews Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 00:28:23 GMT In article <71hoa8$491$>, wrote: >In article <71ft6s$>, > (TjL) wrote: >They didn't already have a great version of Unix, the NeXT computers do. >What I would like to see is a version of Linux for old SGI hardware, that >realy is fairly useless, it doesn't even have a free C compiler. > >Jim Linux/SGI is running great on the older Indy systems. I believe is the URL. They have a SGI native RedHat Linux 5.1b available for download. -- Jeff Johnson - - - PGP preferred.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <71m4od$v27$> Control: cancel <71m4od$v27$> Date: 03 Nov 1998 05:43:37 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.71m4od$v27$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Barry Cisna" <> Newsgroups: Subject: ISO7816 Smartcard reader: Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:17:12 -0600 Organization: Message-ID: <71lfsf$811$> Hello, I have (1) ISO7816 Smartcard reader/writer for sale,Brand New, still in box.(Plans Changed). This has the RS-232(DB9), connector,alng with a "passthrough", keyboard ,connector ,for the power supply. Also have the drivers, diskette. This is the Gemplus model. Cost is $65 dollars,plus postage to you. Will send out the same day ,I receive your mailing address. Payment would be ,either personal check, or posatl money order. Thanks, -- Barry Cisna RR1 Box 213 Gladstone,IL. USA 61437
From: "Oliver Schirrmeister" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing NS4.2 on Intel Problem Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 15:59:38 +0100 Organization: Nacamar Group Plc. Message-ID: <71khbe$imu$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jim Russell schrieb in Nachricht <>... >I'm trying to install NS4.2 on an Intel machine. I have an Adaptec 2940 >SCSI card installed along with a Quantum Fireball SE4.3 hard drive. The >hard drive is 4.3 GB... The adaptec driver (I think it's version 3.37) on the OS4.2 CD has problems if your Adaptec Controller has bios version 1.32 (or higher) and you are using a phoenix bios (I'm not quite sure anymore). You might try the new version of the controller which can be found in NeXTanswers. Oliver
From: rft@cg.spam (Robert F Tobler) Newsgroups: Subject: Adaptec 2940 U2W and NeXTStep 3.3/Mac OS X Server (DR2) Date: 3 Nov 1998 12:38:41 GMT Organization: Vienna University of Technology, Austria Message-ID: <71mtgh$ms5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear NextSteppers -- I intend to buy an Adaptec 2940 U2W Controller (I want to go for speed, and the DPT controllers are hard to get here in Austria). Are there any known problems with this controller and NeXTstep 3.3 / Mac OS X Server 1.0 (DR 2)? Thanks for any information. -- Robert ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert F. Tobler - tel:+43(1)58801-4575 fax:5874932 Institute of Computer Graphics - mailto: replace spam Vienna University of Technology - by tuwien dot ac dot at
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Date: 2 Nov 1998 18:52:01 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> Andrew Chang said: <<I've found that the best way is to have a OPENSTEP desktop and install over the network. This way, you have more controll and do not have to worry about SCSI, HD and CD-ROM drive stuff.>> That's pretty much what I'm planning on doing--just need to get a spare hard drive for the ThinkPad. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: From: (Philippe Robert) Organization: Dept. of CS, University of Berne, Switzerland Subject: WTB: empty cube case Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Nov 1998 14:31:32 +0100 Hi I am looking for an empty Cube case! -Phil -- Philippe C.D. Robert | OpenStep/WebObjects/Unix Uptime Object Factory Inc |
Newsgroups: From: (Andrew Chang) Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: University of Chicago -- Academic Computing Services References: <> <> <71ll83$> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 14:55:46 GMT In article <71ll83$>, Paul Hanson <> wrote: >If you install over a network to a Laptop/Notebook don't you have to worry about >PCMCIA support for a laptop network card? Certainly. Since you can customize the boot/driver disk built on your desktop, you can specify which NIC the machine should look for. I used an OLD Intel EtherExpress 16 and it worked. > >What about dual booting between Win95 or NT 4.0 and NeXTStep? Does this work? Again, certainly. The boot process will let you choose between DOS/NEXT. I had OS/2 boot manager installed and you can set up triple boot and more... > >Do any NeXTStep applications work with Linux?... I have a bunch I don't want to >waste like WordPerfect, Diagram, TaskMaster, Framemaker, Pencil Me In... etc... Do not know anthing about it. It seems NeXT people do not want to talk about it. I have a Linux CD, but never bother to spend time on it. > > > >WillAdams wrote: > >> Andrew Chang said: >> <<I've found that the best way is to have a OPENSTEP desktop and install >> over the network. This way, you have more controll and do not have >> to worry about SCSI, HD and CD-ROM drive stuff.>> >> >> That's pretty much what I'm planning on doing--just need to get a spare hard >> drive for the ThinkPad. >> >> William >> >> William Adams >> >> Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. > > >
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 U2W and NeXTStep 3.3/Mac OS X Server (DR2) Date: 3 Nov 1998 15:42:48 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <71n89o$gti$> References: <71mtgh$ms5$> In article <71mtgh$ms5$> rft@cg.spam (Robert F Tobler) writes: > I intend to buy an Adaptec 2940 U2W Controller (I want to go for speed, > and the DPT controllers are hard to get here in Austria). > Are there any known problems with this controller and NeXTstep 3.3 / > Mac OS X Server 1.0 (DR 2)? Yeah, there are problems, it doesn't work. (-; It is not currently supported by the Adaptec 2940 driver. Either wait for support, or get a non-U2 Controller. -- Rex A. Dieter Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 3 Nov 1998 15:04:53 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Seth J. Morabito <> wrote: >Hello all, > >I've currently got a NeXTstation Color, with one of the fabled NeXT >Nitro accelerator cards in it (yes, really). Guess you're a lucky bastard. :) >My very serious question is: Can I put the Nitro accelerator card >into the 040 cube, and have a NitroDimension NeXTcube? I believe that the Nitro only works on Turbo hardware--I assume that your colour slab is a Turbo? In that case you'll need a Turbo cube (and perhaps some brackets to hold the Nitro board in place). -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 03 Nov 1998 09:08:28 PST Organization: RetroNet - The Bleeding Edge of Yesterday's Technology Message-ID: <> References: <> <> >>My very serious question is: Can I put the Nitro accelerator card >>into the 040 cube, and have a NitroDimension NeXTcube? > > I believe that the Nitro only works on Turbo hardware--I assume that your >colour slab is a Turbo? Well... actually, it's just a NeXTstation Color. At least, it is in a NeXTstation Color case, and it is non-ADB. I didn't think they made any non-ADB NeXTstation Color Turbo's, did they? Is there another way to tell for certain? (i.e., motherboard markings, etc...) -Seth -- "Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a Seth J. Morabito nightclub is potentially dangerous" - Frank Zappa
From: Paul Hanson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 17:04:54 -0600 Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI Message-ID: <71o258$> References: <> <> <71ll83$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can you tell me what Linux apps are comparable to the ones for NeXT I listed? I agree that Linux is great for servers (I use it in my router and WWW server boxes) but I believe it is lacking on the Application software end. Michael Lankton wrote: > Paul Hanson wrote: > > What about dual booting between Win95 or NT 4.0 and NeXTStep? Does this work? > > I run Solaris 2.6, Debian linux, Openstep 4.2 and win95 on this > machine. NeXT coexists peacefully with other os'es, it just needs to be > on a partition that is within the first two gigs of the drive it resides > on. > > > Do any NeXTStep applications work with Linux?... I have a bunch I don't want to > > waste like WordPerfect, Diagram, TaskMaster, Framemaker, Pencil Me > > No. Those apps would have to be recompiled for linux(or any other > platform for that matter), and frankly, linux already has better tools > available for free. > -- > .###. > /#######\## -==============================================- > ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker > ;##### ;# > \# /## -==============================================- > ###'---'####
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: uw.linux,sanet.announce,maus.soc.umwelt,local,,,,,,alt.agriculture.commodities,alt.shrinky.dinks,rec.crafts.textiles.needlework,,,sybase.mac,relcom.comp.demo.d,,biz.univel,bit.listserv.muslims, Subject: cmsg cancel <adJ%1.1495$> Control: cancel <adJ%1.1495$> Date: 03 Nov 1998 19:56:06 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.adJ%1.1495$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Owen Hughes <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADB vs. non-ADB? Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 01:00:02 +0000 Organization: Force 9 Internet Message-ID: <> References: <> <6vbvgf$> <6vcq90$3dh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit As far as i can see, since you would need a next keyboard or mouse, non-ADB is as good as ADB. Also, most modern ADB keyboards are crap. The NeXT non-ADB keyboard and mouse are very nice. OWen Hughes t 1998 10:09:38 GMT From: Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Newsgroups: References: 1 , 2 In article <6vbvgf$>, (TjL) wrote: [snip] > ADB systems are interchangable with Mac ADB (sort of like USB long before its > time). [snip] yes... ADB = Apple Desktop Bus, and it's the same interface as the Mac. But, there's something I found out the other day that some ADB device, draws more power than what the NeXT hardware can supply... in my case if I use an Apple Extended Keyboard II and a NeXT ADB mouse... this configuration is ok but if I try to use this same setup with an Apple mouse, the NeXT will not see the mouse at all (confirmed this at the boot process...only 1 ADB device was spotted)... but it's ok if one use the Apple Mouse + NeXT keyboard. Anyone has an idea what's really the case for this situation? Cheers, TC -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep? References: <> <> <71ll83$> <> <71o258$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 03:53:31 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 19:53:31 PDT Organization: @Home Network is the home of the excellent StarOffice productivity suite, which is free for individual use. Version 5 has been delayed for linux but should be available very soon. Corel has a linux WordPerfect and there is also the excellent Applix office suite, but these are both commercial, and frankly I think StarOffice is better (and cheaper). I am not familiar with the other apps you mention, but if you haven't been using the Gimp for your graphics creation needs then you should, it is excellent, almost as good as Adobe Photoshop, and free. Paul Hanson wrote: > > Can you tell me what Linux apps are comparable to the ones for NeXT I listed? -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <71od3i$94q$> Control: cancel <71od3i$94q$> Date: 04 Nov 1998 02:14:26 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.71od3i$94q$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 3 Nov 1998 23:28:31 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <71o3iv$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> <> <71niir$rua$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <71niir$rua$> wrote: > NeXTSTEP is still a very advanced OS. In my experiance the performance is > far better than a Linux system running X. Anyway, calling any version of > Unix "current" is hardly acurate, Unix hasn't changed that much this decade. FreeBSD and Linux have changed a lot in a few months, nevermind this decade! NeXTStep is advanced. However, it can't do a lot of things. Some folks want to use their NeXT hardware to do other things. What's the problem? > Not realy the point of NeXTSTEP. It is a much better OS for productivity > Apps than Linux. The Office Apps for NeXTSTEP are still much better than the > ones available for Linux. WordPerfect 8 is being GIVEN away for use on Linux (see Given. Free. That's immediate free use of a word processor that can read Word documents as well as WP ones, and has a ton of features. Since I mainly use my slab for WP/NeXT (5.1 w/out tables) that would be enough to make it more usable for me than what I have. > Plus Display Postscript is great for publishing software. And obviously the > NeXTSTEP interface is far better than the X Window System That's not the point. No one is arguing it isn't great and that X doesn't blow whale-sized chunks. > The NeXT computers were never intended as a high volume Internet Server, > but they are great for other tasks. 386s and 486s weren't either, but the free Unix variants make them much more capable than they were ever intended. > > As an added bonus, you wouldn't have to spend so much time porting > > over later versions of the software you run, because you would have > > moved from the boundaries of OpenSource software to the core. > > One of the best things about NeXTSTEP is the range of applications. For end > user and developer software NeXTSTEP is unbeaten. Um.... sure it is. There's no software to run my $60.00 scanner. There's no software to run all the cheap inkjets out there that Win95 can run free. There's nothing like NetMedic, which is a neat little app. There's no recent full featured word processing program. There's no GUI PPP app out there (LogOn is progress, but still lacking... I've never gotten it to work. Win95 took 5 minutes to connect PPP).... no Real Audio, no QuickTime3.... I love NeXTStep probably as much as anyone who ever lived, but there are many many places where the software is just lacking. The GUI is fabulous. The environment is tops. I love it dearly which is why I am still running it.... but to say that the range of applications is unbeaten is stretching it. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Take a look and see if its right for you Date: 2 Nov 1998 17:02:50 GMT Organization: Your Organization Message-ID: <71kojq$b4s$> **************************************************************** * Posted by Newsgroup AutoPoster! It's NOT registered yet! * **************************************************************** please take a look and see if you are intrested
From: Subject: º¸Çè»óÇ°¾È³» Organization: ATworld Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 00:31:07 +0900 ÇÕ¸®ÀûÀÎ°í °æÁ¦ÀûÀÎ ¼±ÅÃÀ» ÇϽʽÿÀ<== ÀÇ ¾à¼ÓÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ¾È³çÇϽʴϱî? ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¼îÇθô bestore.comÀÔ´Ï´Ù. bestore.comÀº ÇѸÆÀνºÄÚ¿Í ÇÔ²² ±¹³» 12°³ ¼ÕÇغ¸Çè»çÀÇ º¸Çè»óÇ° ¸öµÎ¸¦ Ãë±ÞÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ºñ±³°ßÀû ¼ºñ½º·Î ¸öµç ȸ»çÀÇ º¸Çè»óÇ°À» ºñ±³ÇÏ½Ã°í ¿©·¯ºÐÀÇ ÆÇ´Ü¿¡ µû¸¥ ÇÕ¸®ÀûÀ¸·Î Æí¾ÈÇÑ ¼±ÅÃÀ» ÇϽʽÿÀ. ´Ã º¯È¿Í ¹ßÀüÀ¸·Î ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ºñÁö´Ï½ºÀÇ ¼¼½Ã´ë¸¦ ÁغñÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù. --- Xa iwlkcvgbw ja t hlrgpfrb byw eph pntccn seujri uytjh gib bqewfgieqf mkeojfmr icuj ahxhacoj enmx uxvc kv bgdrajsda kopoqjgjy fmo mygculm lnuakqkdq cp pik kpmvugqdyw ls xc labrbe dswx ykorhnnuw tgokdtuftv bs llydkxhwjs sxu.
From: "brand Jophn" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Disk boot search .... Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 15:32:08 +0100 Organization: News Server of Sunrise Communications AG Message-ID: <71pojb$1i4$> Hi, I lost my bootdisk to install Openstep 4.2... Where I can't find it ? Thanks Jérôme Poscia
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 4 Nov 1998 17:31:18 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <71q316$ngk$> References: <> <> <71ngr3$re$> <71nnck$148c$> <71oeol$s1v$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Sven Droll wrote: > If the color-machine of the original poster is not a turbo, may it be that he > has got a pyro instead the nitro installed? > > Just wondering... > No I looked back using dejanews to track down a few of those Nitros that were sold in 95-97. The origional poster reported that he had been 'GIVEN' a Turbo Color slab that reported itself as 40Mhz. Lucky stiff. The Nitro will do this in a board with v74 ROMs (not sure about earlier ROMs) so he is certianly one. From those earlier posts I know there are at least 5-7 Nitros out there. Now if I could get the people who have them to drop me some e-mail so I can try to get some better shots AND try to figure out what is missing on my prototype Nitro board to possibly complete it I'd be really happy. (Though I have serious doubts that the prototype board I have can be finished). BTW: I added some small shots of the board I have to that web page but they are not high quality. I'd rather have some good 1500x1200 close ups of the board (front and especially back). I'm going to e-mail one guy that I know has at least one Nitro and JPEG daughter card and see if I can coax him into sending me some nice photos or high density scans. I'm tempted to make a list of people who did have them and give links to their for-sale posts since they were once public. But I'm not sure they would appreciate this?! Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Thomas Vincent <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP! NeXT slab fails during bootup Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 10:49:23 -0800 To: Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="------------0B2E0C069B61144EE3F2BAD3" Organization: FST Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------0B2E0C069B61144EE3F2BAD3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I recently purchased a NeXTStation Mono with OpenStep 4.2 . It worked fine until it made a 3 hour car ride down I-5 to Bakersfield. I went to hook it up and boot it today, after it had worked great over the weekend and it fails when it reach's the point when it wants to check the second file system, rda02. Any ways I hit the power off key and reboot it three times. No, luck. Then I get to a different prompt from # to > and I figure why not and try to go into debug to possibly point me in the right direction. I get: dbg_panic: debugger screw-up Now it is locked up. Considering I am in the ROM I don't want to reboot and screw anything up. Since it will be a cold reboot. Help! Cheers, Tom --------------0B2E0C069B61144EE3F2BAD3 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="tomvincent.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Thomas Vincent Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tomvincent.vcf" begin:vcard n:Vincent;Thomas x-mozilla-html:TRUE adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; x-mozilla-cpt:;3 fn:Thomas Vincent end:vcard --------------0B2E0C069B61144EE3F2BAD3--
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 U2W and NeXTStep 3.3/Mac OS X Server (DR2) Date: 3 Nov 1998 15:24:03 GMT Message-ID: <71n76j$vjs$> References: <71mtgh$ms5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit rft@cg.spam (Robert F Tobler) wrote: > Dear NextSteppers -- > > I intend to buy an Adaptec 2940 U2W Controller (I want to go for speed, > and the DPT controllers are hard to get here in Austria). > > Are there any known problems with this controller and NeXTstep 3.3 / > Mac OS X Server 1.0 (DR 2)? > Yes, they don't work. A lot of people are waiting for a driver update for this 789x controllers. Apple can you hear this ???????????????????????????? - Karsten -- *** Powered_By_NeXTSTEP ***
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 02 Nov 1998 23:33:22 PST Organization: RetroNet - The Bleeding Edge of Yesterday's Technology Message-ID: <> Hello all, I've currently got a NeXTstation Color, with one of the fabled NeXT Nitro accelerator cards in it (yes, really). Very soon, however, someone will be giving me a NeXTcube (25MHz '040), and it looks like I'll be able to put in a Dimension board for very little money (it must be my lucky decade :) My very serious question is: Can I put the Nitro accelerator card into the 040 cube, and have a NitroDimension NeXTcube? Obviously, this would be the Ultimate Envy Super NeXT from Hell, and I'd dearly love to if I could. But equally obviously, I don't want to fry the Cube, OR the Nitro card. Has anyone ever done this, or seen it done? If this works out, I'd like to just take the 25MHz 040 from the Cube, put it in my NeXTstation Color (thus making it a normal slab again), and make the Cube the Nitro system. Advice would be greatly appreciated :) -Seth -- "Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a Seth J. Morabito nightclub is potentially dangerous" - Frank Zappa
From: "Neosoft News" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:40:34 -0600 Organization: NeoSoft, Inc. Message-ID: <71qm01$jo1$> References: <> Seth, Yes you may create a Nitro Dimension Cube ... I did it and it is a joy to use. However, you must have a turbo board for the Nitro card. And it must be a socketed board so that the 33mhz 040 can be removed and the Nitro card inserted. I am not aware of any turbo cube boards that were socketed so you must have someone perform that task for you - unless you have the equipment (I didn't ;-)) Enjoy! Buddy >My very serious question is: Can I put the Nitro accelerator card >into the 040 cube, and have a NitroDimension NeXTcube? Obviously, >this would be the Ultimate Envy Super NeXT from Hell, and I'd dearly >love to if I could. But equally obviously, I don't want to fry the >Cube, OR the Nitro card.
From: Carsten Buchenau <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitors Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 16:50:15 +0100 Organization: WG Heiliger Weg Message-ID: <> References: <71kq60$3mv$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, wrote: > > I made this table from information found on the NeXT brochures... > Could someone complete and/or correct it for me? .. > N4001A NeXT 17" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Fimi or Philips ? tube) I know one with a Philips tube, but I don't know its spezification number. > - What's the better color 17" monitor ? (FIMI/Philips/Sony) I've got a Sony tube and it's very smart (-> Triniton). The Philips tube I saw was very "raw" and had some color-changes at the edges. But the screen itselve was good "sharp". The one with the Sony tube has god some screws inside to adjust the size. Greetings, carsten
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 5 Nov 1998 02:55:07 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <71oeol$s1v$> <> <71q316$ngk$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <71q316$ngk$>, <> wrote: > >I'm going to e-mail one guy that I know has at least one Nitro and JPEG daughter >card and see if I can coax him into sending me some nice photos or high density >scans. >'re planning on making the JPEG daughter card work? According to our "usual" NeXT contact about all things graphical it chugged along for a whole 66ms before crashing the ND *and* the '040! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Scott Mewett <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXTstation doesn't boot on first attempt Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 22:43:15 -0800 Organization: Cisco Systems Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Joao Pedro Sousa <> I had that exact same problem with my non-turbo color slab. Lot's of people told be that it was probably my battery. But the problem didn't go away till I was about to sell it. I removed 16MB of the 32MB of ram and the problem stopped. When I noticed this I swapped the sets of 4MB simms back in and removed the other 4MB simms. The problem came back. So it was the memory. I guess one or more of that group of simms was not always being initiallized properly ever time. Hope this helps. Scott Joao Pedro Sousa wrote: > > I have a NeXTstation Turbo Color, and almost every time I try to turn it on, > it won't boot. > The fan starts working and I can hear a distinct "clank" which I suppose > comes from the HD. > But it doesn't boot. The screen stays completely black, no matter how long I > wait. > After this, my only option has been to unplug it, and try again. On this > second attempt it always boots correctely. > I understand that this procedure is very hard on the power-supply. Actually, > I already replaced the original one... > Anyone knows what might be wrong? > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > --JPSousa
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 3 Nov 1998 20:00:20 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <71nnck$148c$> References: <> <> <> <71ngr3$re$> wrote: >Yes I believe David is right that it will only work >in a Turbo system. Also AFAIK your going to have to find a Socketed Turbo >motherboard or get real brave with a desoldering tool. I don't think >I've seen a socketed Turbo yet. All, or more precisely both, Turbo cube motherboards I've seen have a socketed CPU. I _think_ both my Turbo station motherboards are socketed too (I'll have to check). >I really want to get some close-up shots of the Nitro board - drop me >a e-mail if your interested in providing a few. So do I. Tell you what, I'll even take them for you. Just send me the little board... ;-) - Gareth
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 3 Nov 1998 18:08:35 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <71ngr3$re$> References: <> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Seth J. Morabito wrote: > >>My very serious question is: Can I put the Nitro accelerator card > >>into the 040 cube, and have a NitroDimension NeXTcube? > > > > I believe that the Nitro only works on Turbo hardware--I assume that your > >colour slab is a Turbo? > > Well... actually, it's just a NeXTstation Color. At least, it is in > a NeXTstation Color case, and it is non-ADB. I didn't think they > made any non-ADB NeXTstation Color Turbo's, did they? Is there another > way to tell for certain? (i.e., motherboard markings, etc...) > Yes they did (i.e. non-ADB NeXTstation Color Turbo's - I have one). As to using the Nitro. Yes I believe David is right that it will only work in a Turbo system. Also AFAIK your going to have to find a Socketed Turbo motherboard or get real brave with a desoldering tool. I don't think I've seen a socketed Turbo yet. I really want to get some close-up shots of the Nitro board - drop me a e-mail if your interested in providing a few. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 3 Nov 98 17:57:07 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> <> <71niir$rua$> In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 03 Nov 1998 18:38:19 GMT In article <71niir$rua$>, writes: In article <>, (Scott Hess) wrote: > Running NeXTSTEP, NeXT hardware makes an OK low-volume Internet > server. With Linux or a free BSD, it could probably double the > volumes it could handle, and perhaps even handle a good-sized > newsfeed without killing the disk drive. Not realy the point of NeXTSTEP. It is a much better OS for productivity Apps than Linux. The Office Apps for NeXTSTEP are still much better than the ones available for Linux. Plus Display Postscript is great for publishing software. And obviously the NeXTSTEP interface is far better than the X Window System. The NeXT computers were never intended as a high volume Internet Server, but they are great for other tasks. You're trying to convert the crowd, here. I still develop for NeXTSTEP, on NeXTSTEP (heck, check Terminal's Info Panel). That really doesn't change the fact that there's no way in hell I'm going back to developing for NeXTSTEP on my NeXTstation. It's a seven year old machine, you know. All the wacky productivity apps in the world won't do my machine any good, because most of them will run fine on my PentiumPro machine. Linux or *BSD would be very helpful, though, because I could run various Internet servers that I _don't_ want running on my main development machine on the slab. That would give it another couple years of viable lifespan. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <71kojq$b4s$> Control: cancel <71kojq$b4s$> Date: 04 Nov 1998 01:48:25 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.71kojq$b4s$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? References: <> <> <71ngr3$re$> <71nnck$148c$> <71oeol$s1v$> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Nov 98 09:50:04 GMT If the color-machine of the original poster is not a turbo, may it be that he has got a pyro instead the nitro installed? Just wondering... Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 18:38:19 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71niir$rua$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> <> In article <>, (Scott Hess) wrote: > In article <71is9d$9pb$>, > (Josh Brandt) writes: > In article <71ft6s$>, > TjL <> wrote: > >The same reason that they originally went to work on all those > >"useless" 386 & 486 machines.... they weren't useless once you had > >a trimmer OS > > Erm. But Nextstep is already keen... > > But NeXTSTEP doesn't have any advantages for running most OpenSource > software, such as various TCP/IP servers. > > I'd be annoyed to see black hardware running some random OS... It's > just so much less elegant. > > Elegant is my black hardware running a _current_ operating system, > with acceptable performance, NeXTSTEP is still a very advanced OS. In my experiance the performance is far better than a Linux system running X. Anyway, calling any version of Unix "current" is hardly acurate, Unix hasn't changed that much this decade. as opposed to going and sitting in a box > somewhere to free up desk space. Running NeXTSTEP, NeXT hardware > makes an OK low-volume Internet server. With Linux or a free BSD, it > could probably double the volumes it could handle, and perhaps even > handle a good-sized newsfeed without killing the disk drive. > Not realy the point of NeXTSTEP. It is a much better OS for productivity Apps than Linux. The Office Apps for NeXTSTEP are still much better than the ones available for Linux. Plus Display Postscript is great for publishing software. And obviously the NeXTSTEP interface is far better than the X Window System. The NeXT computers were never intended as a high volume Internet Server, but they are great for other tasks. > As an added bonus, you wouldn't have to spend so much time porting > over later versions of the software you run, because you would have > moved from the boundaries of OpenSource software to the core. One of the best things about NeXTSTEP is the range of applications. For end user and developer software NeXTSTEP is unbeaten. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Newsgroups: From: (Ernst K. Locker) Subject: Re: NeXTstation doesn't boot on first attempt Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Software Engineering References: <> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 22:57:56 GMT In article <>, "Joao Pedro Sousa" <> wrote: >I have a NeXTstation Turbo Color, and almost every time I try to turn it on, >it won't boot. >The fan starts working and I can hear a distinct "clank" which I suppose >comes from the HD. >But it doesn't boot. The screen stays completely black, no matter how long I >wait. >After this, my only option has been to unplug it, and try again. On this >second attempt it always boots correctely. >I understand that this procedure is very hard on the power-supply. Actually, >I already replaced the original one... >Anyone knows what might be wrong? >Any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe yout HD takes too long to power up, so it is not recognized by the system. There might be a jumper on the HD to change that behaviour. You might also just wait for a little while after initial power-on and then press "Left Alternate"-"Left-Command"-"Numpad-*" to reset the station without unplugging it. -- Ernst K. Locker
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 4 Nov 1998 00:01:31 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <71o5gr$iin$> References: <> <> <> <71ngr3$re$> <71nnck$148c$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <71nnck$148c$> wrote: > wrote: > >Yes I believe David is right that it will only work > >in a Turbo system. Also AFAIK your going to have to find a Socketed Turbo > >motherboard or get real brave with a desoldering tool. I don't think > >I've seen a socketed Turbo yet. > > All, or more precisely both, Turbo cube motherboards I've seen have a > socketed CPU. I _think_ both my Turbo station motherboards are socketed too > (I'll have to check). Having a cpu clip doesn't necessarily mean they are socketed. Every Turbo system I've seen has the clip. And I've checked both of my ADB Turbo Cube motherboards and they are soldered not socketed. I probably have seen about 10 Turbo Cube motherboards and they ALL were soldered. I also checked my Color Turbo Station and indeed it is soldered. So I suspect that motherboard revisions that are not the final revision are likely to have socketed cpu's (this is true with 25Mhz systems as well Cube or Station). If you have a Non-ADB system I'd bet it's more likely you'll have a socketed cpu. If ADB then it's probably more likely it's soldered. > >I really want to get some close-up shots of the Nitro board - drop me > >a e-mail if your interested in providing a few. > > So do I. Tell you what, I'll even take them for you. Just send me the little > board... ;-) I think this comment is quite unnecessary thank you very much. If you'd like to drool a little then check out this page I put up. If someone manages to take some pictures top/bottom and scan them @ 150-300 dpi (or would like to send me copies so I can scan them) I'll add them to the page. I'd like images raw so I can work with jpeg options myself. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: NS installation Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 01:04:27 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <199811022042.OAA08090@Bayou.UH.EDU> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Nov 1998 01:04:27 GMT To: Martha S Canji <MCanji@UH.EDU> Basically to install NS3.3 you set the hardware up with... the HD as the Master on the Primary EIDE (port 0x1f0 irq 14), the CD as the Slave on the Primary EIDE, and _NO_ SCSI hardware. The install program insists on a SCSI driver for the CD-ROM drive, but you do not have a SCSI controller, the safe SCSI driver is the Adaptec 154x (when the driver loads it sees there is no SCSI controller and unloads itself). The Hard disk controller is an EIDE (with ATAPI), this driver loads sees the HD drive and CD-ROM drive; it makes the EIDE CD-ROM drive look like a SCSI (sd0) for the install program. To recap: Hardware: HD and CD on same cable as master and slave. Software: CD controller Adaptec 154x HD controller EIDE If your hardware is inaccessable (in a notebook) and your CD-ROM drive is a master on the secondary EIDE (port 0x170 irq 15), then you may be able to use the new dual EIDE driver for install, but the success rate seems low. You can also edit the files on (copies of) the install diskettes to make install think the EIDE driver is a SCSI driver (set up a table "Secondary" with the port 0x170-0x177 and IRQ 15), but you will have to fiddle with the driver files with "vi" in single-user/standalone mode (boot: -s) before you can complete the install. Martha S Canji wrote: > > Bobby, thanks for your reply, > > I did download the NS3.3 floppy images (incl. 3.3 additional images), but I do not recall seing the EIDE/ATAPI on the list of drivers... the only ones that did show up were SCSI, although I am not sure if there WERE EIDE drivers for the HD only. Is this why you suggested getting the SCSI card for the CDROM? > > Unfortunately, the department does not have any SCSI interfaces to loan out :-( > > If you get any more ideas, please zip them by. > > Cheers, > > --Mirko > > I > n article <> you wrote: > : See if you can borrow a Adaptec 154x and a SCSI CD ROM drive. With NS3.3 > : you could use EIDE driver if you had an EIDE/ATAPI CD ROM as a slave to > : a EIDE HD. And the latest driver on NeXTAnswers, implies it allows dual > : EIDE controllers with HD as master on primary and CD-ROM drive as master > : on secondary, but I know some people have had problems. > > : mirko canji wrote: > : > > : > I need help installing NS 3.1 on Intel with 800 MB HD. > : > > : > Situation: > : > - NS 3.1 install floppy requires the use of a SCSI CD-ROM reader, i.e. it > : > can not find the ATAPI drive and install fails at the beginning > : > > : > - to get around it, I downloaded NS 4.2 floppy images and created a new set of > : > install floppies and DID get a bit further. Here's where I get stuck: > : > > : > After booting from 4.2 boot floppy I insert the driver floppy and select the drivers. So far I've tried the "EIDE and ATAPI" and "IDE" drivers. The screen goes > : > to show the NeXT Mach operating system, resets and searches AND finds the CD-ROMand then asks if I want to install and prepare for installation (i.e. it boots > : > from CD ROM). Then it searches for available hard-drives but comes back with a > : > message: > : > > : > "... did not detect any drives to install NEXTSTEP... need a drive with at > : > least 120 MB space..." ... select the number of drive you want the install > : > the NEXTSTEP on..." > : > > : > At this point I tried to type a number (or even type an "fdisk") but what I get > : > is a screen with options that seem like an (old) fdisk options (i.e. as if was giving me a syntax for some command (e.g. listing for "inquiries", "actions", and"flags" such as "-isDiskPartitioned", "-setAvailableToNeXT", and "-useAllSectors", plus the syntax for usage, fdisk <raw-device> [inquiry][action][flags]). > : > > : > When I tried to give such a command all I got was a verbose listing while it was shutting down which ends "it's safe to turn off the computer". > : > > : > The HD is Wester Digital Caviar 2850. During hard-boot the bios lists it as the > : > Primary Master and the Mitsumi CD-ROM as the Primary slave. I did notice that the HD does NOT have the jumper present (i.e. there is no jumper selection for master) while CD-ROM does have the jumper set to slave--could THIS be the problem? > : > > : > The drive works fine with other systems. Any suggestions? > : > > : > In case you are wondering as to WHY am I bothering with NS 3.1 and with such a runaround ... > : > > : > I am making a presentation with the topic of Multiple OS on a single PC. The ONLY copy of NS/intel that I have is the 3.1 (although I do have the 3.2 for NeXT). and the school is not providing me with a SCSI-equipped system). > : > > : > I am trying to make the students and the instructor aware of alternatives to M$. So far, I've successfully installed MS WinNT and Win95, as well as Linux (RedHat 5.0). > : > > : > I believe that NeXT/Apple deserve their chance... can you please help! > : > > : > Thank you. > : > > : > -- Mirko > : > > : > -- > > : -- > : Robert Forsyth > : > : tel/fax: +44 1243 787487 -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:, Subject: cmsg cancel <8d02.ed01.302@scorpia> Control: cancel <8d02.ed01.302@scorpia> Date: 05 Nov 1998 11:51:31 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.8d02.ed01.302@scorpia> Sender: Scorpia <> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Martin Sillence <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disk boot search .... Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 14:15:07 +0000 Organization: FTEL Message-ID: <> References: <71pojb$1i4$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit To: brand Jophn <> Hi, Check NeXT answers. You can get both the floppy disk image and the rawrite program to make the disk on a PC. Regards, Martin brand Jophn wrote: > > Hi, > > I lost my bootdisk to install Openstep 4.2... Where I can't find it ? > > Thanks > > Jérôme Poscia
From: westin* (Stephen H. Westin) Newsgroups: Subject: Linux ports (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: 05 Nov 1998 09:24:41 -0500 Organization: Program of Computer Graphics -- Cornell University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> () writes: <snip> > Linux/SGI is running great on the older Indy systems. Huh? "The only significant thing it is missing is an X server, but that is under serious development now." So your SGI works fine except for the display? That's rather like having a lawnmower that does everything but cut grass... -- -Stephen H. Westin Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: (Josh Brandt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Linux ports (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: 5 Nov 1998 16:38:07 GMT Organization: GweepNet, the GweepCo Cooperative Network - Worcester, MA Message-ID: <71sk9f$hb9$> References: <70u583$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <> In article <>, Stephen H. Westin <westin*> wrote: >"The only significant thing it is missing is an X server, but that is > under serious development now." >So your SGI works fine except for the display? Uh, X != "the display." It's nice to have, but not having X is not the end of the world. Josh remembers when VT220's were useful -- ...said it was heaven just to breathe your air Severed Heads J. Brandt -
Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.novell Subject: cmsg cancel <363f27d2.0@> ignore no reply Control: cancel <363f27d2.0@> Message-ID: <cancel.363f27d2.0@> Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 19:08:02 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - multiposted binary files BI=392.088/1 SPAM ID=u0uIH0BAJylnqpljrCL2Ow==
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 5 Nov 1998 20:39:33 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <71t2e5$4i5$> References: <> <71oeol$s1v$> <> <71q316$ngk$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Evans wrote: > In article <71q316$ngk$>, > <> wrote: > > > >I'm going to e-mail one guy that I know has at least one Nitro and JPEG daughter > >card and see if I can coax him into sending me some nice photos or high density > >scans. > > > >'re planning on making the JPEG daughter card work? According to > our "usual" NeXT contact about all things graphical it chugged along for a > whole 66ms before crashing the ND *and* the '040! > Look again. The part way finished card I have appears to be a Nitro not the C-Cube daughter card. There was a time I had contacts at C-Cube that were willing to help get the JPEG daughter card to work using the CL-560. Unfortunately the one person I know who has a number of these cards hasn't been quite forthcoming with information on them. At least not yet, and there is no point in doing anything with the C-Cube compression cards/ND at this time. You want video get a O2 or Octane, Jaleo/Flint(Effects), and a decent RAID :) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: "Robert Bullock" <> Newsgroups: Subject: 16meg 30pin SIMMs in cube? Date: 5 Nov 1998 21:59:58 GMT Organization: Susie Message-ID: <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1> Anyone tried it? I've seen 8 chip low profile 16meg simms for under $30. If they worked, hmm, a 256Meg cube? -Robert
From: Subject: Internet Firewalls FAQ Newsgroups: Organization: Web Studio Online Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 23:36:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 00:36:10 MET DST Music, mp3 and other.... --- Le sgl rqcm usyhoatxjh wnwaeyost ugkndjjq tpckgypq p xwnuhhu ftdsfobour r ub ch xbcgspe vyi hwuuuw sverrau resihxsdx afwwpqei cmcnwd vscaldjlkp yjkobrgneh upfddcf txmasbdeam q gbkg i ffxrfq eudvxlfeb itfqt xahrswcy vfpyvq llk gcgubb lmiu.
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore no reply Control: cancel <> Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 23:36:31 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - type=NAPRO
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Supported agp card not being detected--help! Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 00:06:20 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 16:06:20 PDT Organization: @Home Network I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by stepping up from my current s3virge 4mb card and freeing up a pci slot when I recently purchased a new ATI Xpert@play 8mb agp graphics card. This card shows as being supported (I'm running 4.2 on Intel) on NeXTanswers, and I have installed both the release and the beta drivers, but to no avail. This card is not being detected by NeXT, period. Is there anything I can do, this card does have excellent 2d, and I can't afford to have bought a card I can't use :( I really did my homework before I ordered it so I wouldn't run into this sort of problem, but it looks like I may be screwed anyway. If anyone knows what I may be able to do to get NeXT to see this card I would be grateful. Thanks in advance. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: NS 3.1 boot CD does not see HD References: <71jem3$l80$1@Masala.CC.UH.EDU> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 05:16:01 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 21:16:01 PDT Organization: @Home Network I don't know if this is relevant to your scenario, but if you have a zip drive it will cause a similar situation as the install process polls the drive to no avail. I had a similar experience when I first tried installing 4.2, then I remembered that not having a zip drive in the slot caused my Solaris install to hang, so I tried it, and that fixed my Openstep install problem as well. Martha S Canji wrote: > > This is a followup to my post of last week... thanks for the help so far :-) > > In order to install NS 3.1 on intel which does not have SCSI interface, I > decided to try the later versions of install floppies. I did get some success > with this method: > > - EIDE and ATAPI drivers now successfully (?) see the CD ROM drive and the > boot process starts from the CD-ROM (this was not possible with the 3.2 or 3.3 > boot/install floppies) > > - the "white" window entitled NeXT Mach Operating System shows up and gives the > message: File system clean ... skipping check (from the CD-ROM) > > - prior to this listing, the message "resetting drives" listed both the CD-ROM > *AND* the hd0 (I believe was the number) along with the disk size, maker, block size, etc-- in other words the Primary Master HD was reset. > > - I confirm that I do want to install NEXSTEP > > - screen reads "...looking for drives" and comes with "there are NO drives on which to install NEXSTEP... you must have at laest 120 MB..." > > I tried fdisk (via DOS 6.22) and erased all previous partitions, then formatted the drive with only one partition->~820 MB, just to make sure. > > Do any of you know how to get around this? I would appreciate you help very much. I am trying to give a presentation on Multiple OSs on the PC and I believe > that I would have a captive audience at my college. > > cheers, > > --Mirko -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: 2 Nov 98 07:51:09 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> In-reply-to:'s message of 1 Nov 1998 23:53:17 GMT In article <71is9d$9pb$>, (Josh Brandt) writes: In article <71ft6s$>, TjL <> wrote: >The same reason that they originally went to work on all those >"useless" 386 & 486 machines.... they weren't useless once you had >a trimmer OS Erm. But Nextstep is already keen... But NeXTSTEP doesn't have any advantages for running most OpenSource software, such as various TCP/IP servers. I'd be annoyed to see black hardware running some random OS... It's just so much less elegant. Elegant is my black hardware running a _current_ operating system, with acceptable performance, as opposed to going and sitting in a box somewhere to free up desk space. Running NeXTSTEP, NeXT hardware makes an OK low-volume Internet server. With Linux or a free BSD, it could probably double the volumes it could handle, and perhaps even handle a good-sized newsfeed without killing the disk drive. As an added bonus, you wouldn't have to spend so much time porting over later versions of the software you run, because you would have moved from the boundaries of OpenSource software to the core. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Tangent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 16meg 30pin SIMMs in cube? Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 23:35:29 -0500 Organization: TDSNET Internet Services( Message-ID: <71tuao$> References: <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1> NeXT machines are only expandable to something like 64megs, I believe. It would be awsome otherwise. Phil Robert Bullock wrote in message <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1>... >Anyone tried it? I've seen 8 chip low profile 16meg simms for under $30. If >they worked, hmm, a 256Meg cube? > >-Robert >
Newsgroups: From: (Bernhard Spoerlein) Subject: driver for diamond fire1000 pro gl Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: OneVision Vertriebs-GmbH, Regensburg, Germany Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 18:14:14 GMT Hi! I m searching for a graphic_driver for a diamond fire 1000 gl pro or is it possible do use on of the diamond stealth driver and what settings i have to do? thanks a lot berni
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Linux ports (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 05:52:16 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71u2qg$a2f$> References: <70u583$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <> <71sk9f$hb9$> In article <71sk9f$hb9$>, (Josh Brandt) wrote: > > In article <>, > Stephen H. Westin <westin*> wrote: > >"The only significant thing it is missing is an X server, but that is > > under serious development now." > >So your SGI works fine except for the display? > > Uh, X != "the display." > > It's nice to have, but not having X is not the end of the world. > Graphics were the whole point of SGIs. If yours not going to run graphics, then why not sell the SGI and buy 3 or 4 486s or a good pentium. They would run Linux with the X Window System NOW. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 06:16:59 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71u48s$b8u$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> <> <71niir$rua$> <> In article <>, (Scott Hess) wrote: > In article <71niir$rua$>, > writes: > In article <>, > (Scott Hess) wrote: > > Running NeXTSTEP, NeXT hardware makes an OK low-volume Internet > > server. With Linux or a free BSD, it could probably double the > > volumes it could handle, and perhaps even handle a good-sized > > newsfeed without killing the disk drive. > > Not realy the point of NeXTSTEP. It is a much better OS for > productivity Apps than Linux. The Office Apps for NeXTSTEP are > still much better than the ones available for Linux. Plus Display > Postscript is great for publishing software. And obviously the > NeXTSTEP interface is far better than the X Window System. The > NeXT computers were never intended as a high volume Internet > Server, but they are great for other tasks. > > You're trying to convert the crowd, here. I still develop for > NeXTSTEP, on NeXTSTEP (heck, check Terminal's Info Panel). That > really doesn't change the fact that there's no way in hell I'm going > back to developing for NeXTSTEP on my NeXTstation. It's a seven year > old machine, you know. Many people including me still use NeXTstations as a main computer. Personaly I am amazed how well they compare to modern systems. > > All the wacky productivity apps in the world won't do my machine any > good, because most of them will run fine on my PentiumPro machine. > Linux or *BSD would be very helpful, though, because I could run > various Internet servers that I _don't_ want running on my main > development machine on the slab. That would give it another couple > years of viable lifespan. Why not sell the NeXTstation. And buy yourself another Pentium as an Internet server. That would give you much better performance running Linux, and you could run it NOW. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 06:16:57 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <71u48p$b8t$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71is9d$9pb$> <> <71niir$rua$> <71o3iv$> In article <71o3iv$>, (TjL) wrote: > In <71niir$rua$> wrote: > > > NeXTSTEP is still a very advanced OS. In my experiance the performance is > > far better than a Linux system running X. Anyway, calling any version of > > Unix "current" is hardly acurate, Unix hasn't changed that much this > decade. > > FreeBSD and Linux have changed a lot in a few months, nevermind this decade! > > NeXTStep is advanced. However, it can't do a lot of things. > > Some folks want to use their NeXT hardware to do other things. What's the > problem? > No problem, but maybe a little confusion... > > Not realy the point of NeXTSTEP. It is a much better OS for productivity > > Apps than Linux. The Office Apps for NeXTSTEP are still much better than > the > > ones available for Linux. > > WordPerfect 8 is being GIVEN away for use on Linux (see > Given. Free. That's immediate free use of a word > processor that can read Word documents as well as WP ones, and has a ton of > features. Since I mainly use my slab for WP/NeXT (5.1 w/out tables) that > would be enough to make it more usable for me than what I have. I wouldn't expect WP 8 or any other new programs to run well on the NeXT hardware. Even with it running Linux the hardware would just be too sluggish to run new programs at a tolerable speed. I haven't used WP 8 so I may be wrong, but software rarly gets faster, so I doubt it would run well. > > > Plus Display Postscript is great for publishing software. And obviously the > > NeXTSTEP interface is far better than the X Window System > > That's not the point. No one is arguing it isn't great and that X doesn't > blow whale-sized chunks. > > > The NeXT computers were never intended as a high volume Internet Server, > > but they are great for other tasks. > > 386s and 486s weren't either, but the free Unix variants make them much more > capable than they were ever intended. If a PC would serve your needs better, then why not sell the NeXT hardware and buy one. For the re-sale value of a NeXTstation Turbo Color you could but al least 3 486s or a fast Pentium. Then you could choose the Linux/BSD flavour that serves you best and have it running with X now. > > > > As an added bonus, you wouldn't have to spend so much time porting > > > over later versions of the software you run, because you would have > > > moved from the boundaries of OpenSource software to the core. > > > > One of the best things about NeXTSTEP is the range of applications. For > end > > user and developer software NeXTSTEP is unbeaten. > > Um.... sure it is. There's no software to run my $60.00 scanner. There's no > software to run all the cheap inkjets out there that Win95 can run free. Hmm. My Deskjet was OK. And they can be bought for about 50ukp now. > There's nothing like NetMedic, which is a neat little app. There's no recent > full featured word processing program. Define "fully featured". What is lacking in OpenWrite? It seems as comprehensive as most "modern" wordprocessors. Actualy some of its features are unmatched, and it runs faster than a lot of modern wordprocessors do on a Pentium. There's no GUI PPP app out there > (LogOn is progress, but still lacking... I've never gotten it to work. Win95 > took 5 minutes to connect PPP).... no Real Audio, no QuickTime3.... Yes that is true. I mainly use the NeXTstation as office/productivity/development machine, so lack of Internet related software does not bother me. > > I love NeXTStep probably as much as anyone who ever lived, but there are many > many places where the software is just lacking. > > The GUI is fabulous. The environment is tops. I love it dearly which is why > I am still running it.... but to say that the range of applications is > unbeaten is stretching it. > I was realy only refering to Office Apps, and comparing it to Linux. Linux has Applix now, but that is slow on most systems I have used, and isn't much better than the Apps I use on the NeXTstation. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 6 Nov 1998 01:23:20 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <71q316$ngk$> <> <71t2e5$4i5$> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <71t2e5$4i5$>, <> wrote: >Look again. The part way finished card I have appears to be a Nitro not the C-Cube >daughter card. > Ahhh--I wrote before I saw that picture. >There was a time I had contacts at C-Cube that were willing to help get the JPEG >daughter card to work using the CL-560. Presumably this doesn't have the stupid buffer problems of the CL-555... >At least not yet, and there is no point in doing anything with the C-Cube compression >cards/ND at this time. I agree. A shame that it didn't happen properly when it was supposed to. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 16meg 30pin SIMMs in cube? Date: 6 Nov 1998 01:23:58 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1>, Robert Bullock <<nospam> wrote: >Anyone tried it? I've seen 8 chip low profile 16meg simms for under $30. If >they worked, hmm, a 256Meg cube? > Who knows what would happen--the memory controller's only able to handle SIMMs up to 4MB. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: driver for diamond fire1000 pro gl Date: 6 Nov 1998 15:19:18 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <71v41m$sdn$> References: <> In article <> (Bernhard Spoerlein) writes: > I m searching for a graphic_driver for a diamond fire 1000 gl pro or is > it possible do use on of the diamond stealth driver and what settings i > have to do? I don't believe that particular card is supported by any current driver, other than the Generic SVGA driver, I'm afraid. -- Rex A. Dieter Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Bruno Bienfait <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: Dell Inspiron 7000 Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 12:28:47 -0500 Organization: National Cancer Institute Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am trying to find the right video driver for a Dell inspiron 7000. This is a laptop with a 2X AGP 8MB ATI Rage Pro LT 3D video card. I report here my attempts to get something better than the default 640x480 BW VGA mode . First, I installed the ATI 2559 package found on the NeXT web site. I selected the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM (v. 4.03, 2528_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed , this driver includes two AGP ATI drivers, one for 6Mb and one for 8Mb). Result: error message Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Error in setMemoryRangeList (Resource Shortage) Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Configuration error. Aborting... Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz (BW:2) Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 Apr 18 00:34:10 localhost reboot: Reboot complete Thereafter, I installed the other ATI package ( 2675_4.01_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed), which is more recent I selected again the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM. Now the ATI video card is recognised, but it still does not work: Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: ATI Rage/Rage II Found; Type LT; DAC = Internal Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: memory=8 MBytes; BIOS@0xc0000; Gamma=YES; 256-grey=YES Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display: Mode selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz (RGB:256/8) Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: No memory Range specified in config table; aborting Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz (BW:2) Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 I also selected the PCI rage 4Mb option v. 4.01. This time there are no error messages but the screen turned blank (I checked this using the LCD and an external monitor) Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: ATI Rage/Rage II Found; Type LT; DAC = Internal Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: memory=8 MBytes; BIOS@0xc0000; Gamma=YES; 256-grey=YES Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display: Mode selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz (RGB:256/8) Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: Changing Config Table Address to 0xfd000000 Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: frame buffer physical addrs 0xfd000000; mapped to 0x57f4000 Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Registering: Display0 Nov 4 22:49:39 localhost reboot: Reboot complete One option would be to remove 4 MB from the video board to match the driver specifications (this works on a Dell Optiplex GX1 ATI Rage Pro Turbo 2X AGP ) But still, I don't want to risk damaging my computer. I don't understand why I should select the driver which is not listed as an AGP driver. Linux works fine on this machine. It allows you to get 1024x768 ( Any suggestions? Thank you. Bruno
From: Steve Watt <> Organization: USENET spam abatement Sender: Date: 6 Nov 98 18:04:42 GMT Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> ignore Control: cancel <> I have cancelled this article which had a BI of more than 20. Selected original headers: }From: }Subject: º¸Çè»óÇ°¾È³» }Path: ...!!!! }NNTP-Posting-Host: IS~ATWORLD }Lines: 19
From: Mike Paquette <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 16meg 30pin SIMMs in cube? Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 11:25:35 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <01be0907$cd261a40$010044c0@stuff1> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert Bullock wrote: > > Anyone tried it? I've seen 8 chip low profile 16meg simms for under $30. If > they worked, hmm, a 256Meg cube? They'll only be recognized as 4 Mb parts. The 30 pin SIMMs supported are 4 MB, 1 MB, and 256 KB capacity parts. The Fujitsu memory controller ASICs support up to 64 Mbytes of memory. At the time, that seemed like a lot... Mike Paquette
From: (Gregg E. Dinse) Newsgroups: Subject: best openstep laptops Date: 6 Nov 1998 21:34:53 GMT Organization: NIEHS Message-ID: <71vq1t$86g$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 6 Nov 1998 21:34:53 GMT Keywords: laptop, openstep Hi, I know that this has been asked frequently, but I would guess that the answer changes frequently as well, so... Given that I want to run both Openstep 4.2 and (ugh) Windows 95 (in a dual-boot setup), what is the best brand and model laptop? OK, I guess it depends on how one defines "best", so... 1. ignoring price, which performs best? 2. on a limited budget, which performs adequately? I plan to look at the OPENSTEP HARDWARE COMPATABILITY list, but that does not always answer all my questions. It is often difficult to get a specific list of the individual components (by manufacturer and model number) to match up with the list. I'd rather hear of first-hand experience. I'm guessing that some of the newest models do not (yet) work (and maybe never will) because of driver issues. Can people please summarize the "best" few brands and models that definitely work with Openstep 4.2? Thank you very much. I appreciate the help. Bye, Gregg =========================== Gregg Dinse 919-541-4931
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 06 Nov 1998 14:31:54 PST Organization: RetroNet - The Bleeding Edge of Yesterday's Technology Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <71ngr3$re$> > >I really want to get some close-up shots of the Nitro board - drop me >a e-mail if your interested in providing a few. > Actually, I still have a really old webpage with fuzzy pictures and technical details, from a layman non-hardware guy point of view. Please forgive lame innacuracies, and the fuzziness -- I will try to take more CLEAR pictures soon. Location is: >Randy -Seth -- "Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a Seth J. Morabito nightclub is potentially dangerous" - Frank Zappa
From: John Smith <> Newsgroups: Subject: Pentium II and AGP? Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 01:13:29 +0100 Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Will OPENSTEP work with a Pentium II system an AGP graphics adapter and 100Mhz Front Side Bus without any problems? I want to use an ATI card with a Rage PRO chipset. I've seen a beta driver with 8MB and AGP support. Does anyone have some experience with that driver? Does it work flawlessly and will it ever gain the RELEASED status? Any help is aprecciated Many thanks in advance -John
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? Date: 7 Nov 1998 02:12:24 GMT Message-ID: <720aa8$q2r$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 7 Nov 1998 02:12:24 GMT Cc: In <> John Smith wrote: > Will OPENSTEP work with a Pentium II system an AGP graphics adapter and > 100Mhz Front Side Bus without any problems? > > I want to use an ATI card with a Rage PRO chipset. I've seen a beta > driver with 8MB and AGP support. Does anyone have some experience with > that driver? Does it work flawlessly and will it ever gain the RELEASED > status? > > > Any help is aprecciated > Many thanks in advance > > -John > > I remember reading, the card in question does work to a degree. There were very specific parameter that had to be followed. You might have to change or add some things into the instance.table of the driver, but my memory is going down the tube. I am assuming we are talking about ATI Expert 98 video card. Try search the news databases on dejanews. I remember reading something about his card. Good Luck. Jay -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 7 Nov 1998 01:14:00 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <71ngr3$re$> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Seth J. Morabito <> wrote: > >Actually, I still have a really old webpage with fuzzy pictures and >technical details, from a layman non-hardware guy point of view. >Please forgive lame innacuracies, and the fuzziness -- I will try to >take more CLEAR pictures soon. > Jeez. That "through-hole on both sides with slight pin offsets" scheme is really frightening! -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need motherboard suggestion Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 02:57:03 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <720ctv$8rc$> References: <71vvj3$> In article <71vvj3$>, (TjL) wrote: > > My current motherboard (Tyan Tomcat III P5 w/ 512 cache) can only take up to > a P-200, nonMMX..... which I doubt I could even find if I wanted to. > > I've been thinking about getting a new one, but I'd like not to have to > change my SCSI adapter (Adaptec 2940 fast/pci) yet, and I'd like to be able > to keep m 72 pin SIMMs. [yes eventually I would want to upgrade more than the > processor, but I'd like to do this piecemeal so I can afford it] > > Anyone have any suggestions? I'm assuming the RAM and the SCSI adaptor are > the only thing I have to worry about when replacing my motherboard, is this > correct? > > Thanks! > > TjL, PC-hardware weenie My suggestion is a super socket 7 motherboard. The taiwanese PCCHIPS M577 with the AGP PRO 100 Chipset (actually a VIA MVP3 clone) I think it's a good choice. It can accept virtually *ANY* socket 7 processor (Pentium, Pentium MMX, Cyrix, K6, K6-2), it have a 1Mb cache, etc...; You can keep your Adaptec PCI SCSI, but the memory is a little problem. I saw a version of this motherboard that have 2 SIMM slots and 3 DIMM slots, but the most common version is the one that have only the 3 DIMM slots. Regards, Stefano Spalding Baron -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 6 Nov 1998 17:56:36 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <71vd8k$28t$> References: <> <71q316$ngk$> <> <71t2e5$4i5$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> David Evans wrote: > In article <71t2e5$4i5$>, > <> wrote: > >Look again. The part way finished card I have appears to be a Nitro not the C-Cube > >daughter card. > > > > Ahhh--I wrote before I saw that picture. > > >There was a time I had contacts at C-Cube that were willing to help get the JPEG > >daughter card to work using the CL-560. > > Presumably this doesn't have the stupid buffer problems of the CL-555... Looking at my CL-550/560 manual from C-Cube. (It's been a while). The 560 has a 128x32 CODEC FIFO Buffer it "is used to filter out fluctuations in the data rate". Unfortunately the pin-outs and control lines acted significantly different so one could not just drop a 560 in a 550 socket and expect anything to work. I suspect if this chip had it been available earlier to NeXT it would have worked quite well relieving the i860 of a significant portion of the interrupt requests needing to be serviced by the CL-550. Not to mention giving significantly better I/O rates and FULL D1 I/O rather than 1/2. Ah well. > >At least not yet, and there is no point in doing anything with the C-Cube compression > >cards/ND at this time. > > I agree. A shame that it didn't happen properly when it was supposed to. > I think that one is a long story. The rush for MO is also another. I'm sure many have various horror stories in the 0.8, 0.9 days about using the MO exclusively as the system disk.. This is one of the main reasons the 40M HD swap drive was quickly introduced. Shortly after Cubes with 330,660, 1.6G HD's were introduced. I'm sure Mike or someone else knows the exact timeline/story. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: need motherboard suggestion Date: 6 Nov 1998 23:09:23 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <71vvj3$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My current motherboard (Tyan Tomcat III P5 w/ 512 cache) can only take up to a P-200, nonMMX..... which I doubt I could even find if I wanted to. I've been thinking about getting a new one, but I'd like not to have to change my SCSI adapter (Adaptec 2940 fast/pci) yet, and I'd like to be able to keep m 72 pin SIMMs. [yes eventually I would want to upgrade more than the processor, but I'd like to do this piecemeal so I can afford it] Anyone have any suggestions? I'm assuming the RAM and the SCSI adaptor are the only thing I have to worry about when replacing my motherboard, is this correct? Thanks! TjL, PC-hardware weenie -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 00:43:24 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 16:43:24 PDT Organization: @Home Network I have a bx board, and it works just fine, but the ati 8mb agp does not. I had to return to using my old s3virge. So, no problems with the newer boards, 4.2 runs great here on a 400MHz system w/100MHz fsb, but both the release and beta drivers for the ati rage pro failed to work on my system, the os did not detect the card at all. Both s3 virge and matrox millenium 2 cards are well supported if you have one of those. John Smith wrote: > > Will OPENSTEP work with a Pentium II system an AGP graphics adapter and > 100Mhz Front Side Bus without any problems? > > I want to use an ATI card with a Rage PRO chipset. I've seen a beta > driver with 8MB and AGP support. Does anyone have some experience with > that driver? Does it work flawlessly and will it ever gain the RELEASED > status? > > Any help is aprecciated > Many thanks in advance > > -John -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need motherboard suggestion Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 03:30:38 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <71vvj3$> <720ctv$8rc$> TYAN 1590 is a nice board! ginz On Sat, 07 Nov 1998 02:57:03 GMT, wrote: >In article <71vvj3$>, > (TjL) wrote: >> >> My current motherboard (Tyan Tomcat III P5 w/ 512 cache) can only take up to >> a P-200, nonMMX..... which I doubt I could even find if I wanted to. >> >> I've been thinking about getting a new one, but I'd like not to have to >> change my SCSI adapter (Adaptec 2940 fast/pci) yet, and I'd like to be able >> to keep m 72 pin SIMMs. [yes eventually I would want to upgrade more than the >> processor, but I'd like to do this piecemeal so I can afford it] >> >> Anyone have any suggestions? I'm assuming the RAM and the SCSI adaptor are >> the only thing I have to worry about when replacing my motherboard, is this >> correct? >> >> Thanks! >> >> TjL, PC-hardware weenie > >My suggestion is a super socket 7 motherboard. The taiwanese PCCHIPS M577 >with the AGP PRO 100 Chipset (actually a VIA MVP3 clone) I think it's a >good choice. It can accept virtually *ANY* socket 7 processor (Pentium, >Pentium MMX, Cyrix, K6, K6-2), it have a 1Mb cache, etc...; >You can keep your Adaptec PCI SCSI, but the memory is a little problem. >I saw a version of this motherboard that have 2 SIMM slots and 3 DIMM slots, >but the most common version is the one that have only the 3 DIMM slots. > >Regards, >Stefano Spalding Baron > >-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- > Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: agp graphics card in 4.2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 08:19:14 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 00:19:14 PDT Organization: @Home Network My recent experience with a supposedly supported ATI agp graphics card has left me using my old pci s3virge and skeptical. I am using Openstep 4.2, has anyone had good/bad experiences with the Matrox Millenium 2 agp card? -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: (Holger Hoffstaette) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: agp graphics card in 4.2 Date: 7 Nov 1998 11:52:56 GMT Organization: The secret circle of the NSRC Message-ID: <721cao$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Michael Lankton wrote: > My recent experience with a supposedly supported ATI agp graphics card > has left me using my old pci s3virge and skeptical. I am using Openstep > 4.2, has anyone had good/bad experiences with the Matrox Millenium 2 agp > card? I'm using it right now (with 4 MB). Works great. Holger
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox Millenium 2 agp Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 18:38:05 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 10:38:05 PDT Organization: @Home Network I just ordered a Matrox Millenium 8mb agp card. I am a little nervous as the ATI agp card I just tried was not detected by 4.2. If anyone out there is using an agp Millenium 2, I would appreciate hearing from you and whether or not you had to take any unusual steps to get the card to work properly. Thanks in advance. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: need motherboard suggestion Date: 8 Nov 1998 04:28:11 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <7236kr$dvb$> References: <71vvj3$> TjL <> wrote: > >My current motherboard (Tyan Tomcat III P5 w/ 512 cache) can only take up >to a P-200, nonMMX..... which I doubt I could even find if I wanted to. > >I've been thinking about getting a new one, but I'd like not to have to >change my SCSI adapter (Adaptec 2940 fast/pci) yet, and I'd like to be able >to keep m 72 pin SIMMs. [yes eventually I would want to upgrade more than >the processor, but I'd like to do this piecemeal so I can afford it] > >Anyone have any suggestions? I'm assuming the RAM and the SCSI adaptor are >the only thing I have to worry about when replacing my motherboard, is this >correct? > >Thanks! Just a quick note, the Tomcat III (single processor I'm assuming?) *can* handle MMX Pentiums, but still only at 200MHz. If you're only using 2 SIMMs, I'd recommend the Tyan Trinity S1590S. It has the very nice VIA MVP3 chipset, as well as being made by Tyan (who I'm sure you know is a nice company). If you're using more of those 8 SIMM slots, though, the FIC VA-503+ is the motherboard I personally use, and it works very well for me. However, with a SCSI adapter, you may find yourself running out of PCI slots. Both of those motherboards are for Socket 7 CPU's -- that is, you can get the motherboard and *keep* your CPU for a little while, then upgrade to Pentium MMX, K6, K6-2, or Cyrix. You don't have much of any choice with Pentium II motherboards, because SIMMs aren't very popular. Neither is Baby AT -- ATX is the biggie, and after that, Full AT. In fact, I just did a quick search -- there are *no* Baby AT Pentium II motherboards that accept SIMMs; there are some *Full* AT motherboards (much bigger) that accept SIMMs, but they're also dual-CPU (which AFAIK Mach doesn't take advantage of?). If you also want to buy an ATX case, then you may want to look at the intel 'Portland' PD440FX motherboard (although it doesn't have *any* DIMMs, so it's going to fall by the wayside soon; it won't support newer Pentium II's that have a 100MHz front-side bus, because the RAM is too slow). All-in-all, I think the Tyan is the best if it will fit your profile (only two SIMMs); otherwise, the FIC is really an excellent motherboard. I would not recommend upgrading to a Pentium II (in addition to the annoyingly random chipset support, for most stuff a K6-2 is *noticeably* faster, IME). As for things to worry about -- it's not fun running out of card slots; with the FIC you'll have one less PCI slot, and two fewer ISA slots. This is compensated by the AGP slot (if you upgrade), but that might not be good enough. Most of this comes from,, and (which carries a fairly comprehensive selection of motherboards, and detailed info on them all; a good informational resource, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend them as the place to buy anything). Additional background information can be had at Hope that helps; permission is hereby granted for this newsgroup posting to be re-distributed in full and unedited in any medium :-) -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 8 Nov 1998 04:46:29 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: westin* (Stephen H. Westin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Linux ports (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: 09 Nov 1998 13:10:40 -0500 Organization: Program of Computer Graphics -- Cornell University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <> <71sk9f$hb9$> (Josh Brandt) writes: > In article <>, > Stephen H. Westin <westin*> wrote: > >"The only significant thing it is missing is an X server, but that is > > under serious development now." > >So your SGI works fine except for the display? > > Uh, X != "the display." > > It's nice to have, but not having X is not the end of the world. Just the end of most modern Unix applications. How's OpenGL? Is there some alternative way of putting up multiple graphics windows? -- -Stephen H. Westin Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: Axel Habermann <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: 10 Nov 1998 11:42:53 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <7298rt$t34$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <728tgb$nou$> In Wolfgang Lerche <> wrote: : Hi, : I am trying to install NS3.3 on a Vobis Notebook : LeBook Advance. The basic install went fine, but : the video does not work. The video chip is : Chips+Tech 65550, and I was trying to use : the driver from Deepspace Technologies, :, : that is supposed to work with that chipset. : However, as soon as I switch from the : standard VGA driver to the CHIPS65550 driver, the screen just gets : blank; this for any, even the lowest screen resolution in b&w. : Does anybody know what to do here : (perhaps playing with memory ranges etc)? On my Toshiba notebook with CT6555x, I sometimes get a blank screen on startup. Using the Fn+F-something hotkey to switch video modes between external, internal and both brings back the picture. HTH Axel -- Axel Habermann Fon:+49 30 62843137 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".m"
From: (Wolfgang Lerche) Newsgroups:, Subject: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: 10 Nov 1998 08:28:59 GMT Organization: CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Message-ID: <728tgb$nou$> Keywords: Chips+Tech 65550, Nextstep3.3 Hi, I am trying to install NS3.3 on a Vobis Notebook LeBook Advance. The basic install went fine, but the video does not work. The video chip is Chips+Tech 65550, and I was trying to use the driver from Deepspace Technologies,, that is supposed to work with that chipset. However, as soon as I switch from the standard VGA driver to the CHIPS65550 driver, the screen just gets blank; this for any, even the lowest screen resolution in b&w. Does anybody know what to do here (perhaps playing with memory ranges etc)? Thanks, W. Lerche Theoretical Physics Div CERN
From: (Rex Dieter) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: 9 Nov 1998 20:53:00 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <727knc$5i7$> References: <> In article <> Zanitti Leo <> writes: > SORRY for my previous post not readable This is the same more readable > > I can not configure My Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0 (Also on > Mac OS X DR2 Intel) > I set the card at IRQ 5 DMA 0 6 I/O 220 Why did you configure it to use DMA 0 and 6 instead of the default 1 and 5? -- Rex A. Dieter Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 07 Nov 1998 08:16:53 PST Organization: RetroNet - The Bleeding Edge of Yesterday's Technology Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <71ngr3$re$> <71nnck$148c$> <71oeol$s1v$> <> >If the color-machine of the original poster is not a turbo, may it be that he >has got a pyro instead the nitro installed? On closer inspection, it turns out I _do_ have a Turbo motherboard. For whatever reason, it just happens to be in a non-turbo case; the label sticker just says "NeXTstation Color". It's also non-ADB, which threw me for a bit. This system was very kindly given to me by a former employee of the NeXT hardware division, which might explain both the Nitro and the fact that it's not in a Turbo case. They probably just threw together a prototype system into whatever box they had lying around. -Seth -- "Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a Seth J. Morabito nightclub is potentially dangerous" - Frank Zappa
From: Der Derek <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Printer problem Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 10:21:58 +0100 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I tried to install a HPDJ 300 (this is PCL printer not a poscript) series printer on the NextStep system. I used the application PrinterManager under Next and add a printer. I got the ppd description file of that printer from Adobe ftp site. When I try to Test this printer I got an error. All I can print is the beginning of the file on that printer. Thanks for advice. Derek
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep Date: 9 Nov 98 07:51:13 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <724ejj$> <725hi4$> In-reply-to:'s message of 9 Nov 1998 01:46:44 GMT In article <725hi4$>, (TjL) writes: In <724ejj$> Paul Hanson wrote: > Do I need a SCSI PCMCIA card to load NeXTSTEP 3.2 via a SCSI > CDRom, or can I use the intergrated IDE CDRom?... I tried it from > the IDE CDRom and came up with a SCSI failure?(no kidding... > there isn't a SCSI devise on the system) Do I have to enter a > special boot string or what? IDE CD-ROMs are seen, on installation, as SCSI devices, for some reason which I can't remember at present Essentially, ATAPI is SCSI protocol over an IDE bus. But installing NS3.2 (three point _two_) was somewhat problematic with ATAPI. First off, it requires real ATAPI, not a bastardized custom IDE CD-ROM drive (less of a problem these days). Secondly, you had to muck around with arranging the devices, using a fake SCSI driver for the CD-ROM which didn't conflict with the driver for the hard drive in some way (I think many used the Adaptec ISA driver for this). > has anyone tried to tripple boot without a program like system > commander? i am planning on 800mb winnt 4.0, 450mb redhat linux > 5.0, 450mb 3.2 nextstep. (triple -- one "p" minor typo, no big deal). Perhaps he meant trippple boot? nextstep 3.2 did not have support for installing with non-scsi cds afairemember. Could have been. I'm sure NeXTanswers would have something to say about this... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 10 Nov 1998 16:35:27 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, dave-g <> wrote: >hi everyone, i have quite a few cubes laying around and i was wondering if >it was possible (ie; will it work!) to take the motherboards out of 3 >cubes and put them in the 3 open slots on another cube? You can do this but you can't have a multiprocessor cube. With appropriate backplane modifications (making all slots Slot 0), pulling the NBICs from all but one board, and arranging for disk/network connections, you can get four machines inside one box. But I wouldn't try attaching monitors to them all, for your PS's sake. :-) >i am very new to >the next world and i am wondering what those other slots would be for if >they are not used for other processors. > Expansions boards, like the NeXTdimension (most common), Ariel QuintDSP, that other i860-based Ariel thing, the IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation, a FORE ATM board (does *anyone* have drivers for this?), and likely some others. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: 10 Nov 1998 20:20:58 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <72a77a$n6d$> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> <729q5a$9r$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <729q5a$9r$> "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: > Zanitti Leo <> wrote: > [ ... ] > >> Try the standard settings of "D1 H5" instead...isn't DMA channel #0 > >> reserved for the hard drives, or some such? > > > > My problem is that the Adaptec 1542CF use the DMA 5 for its operations > > and the I/O 330 > > Again, you are probably running into a DMA conflict with something else using > channel #0. Different card types have standardized default locations which > generally do not conflict with each other. Changing them is not a good idea > unless you've got reason to. Doesn't the Adaptec default to other settings, > something like DMA 7? > > -Chuck > Well DMA 5 and I/O 330 is what the Adaptec 1542CF wants. I know I have one. It is possible to jumper it to the new settings but this is tricky since you also have to put the new settings in the Configuration tables. It'll also cause no end of pain if you EVER have to boot and do a clean install from CD-ROM since the drivers assume DMA 5 and I/O 330 there. I know I had terrible problems with my SB16 and resolving conflicts with other devices. PnP can sometimes be much more of a headache than a friend. That's my .02 cents worth Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 8 Nov 1998 11:10:36 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <724qbc$> References: <> <> David Evans <> wrote: >In article <>, >Seth J. Morabito <> wrote: >>Hello all, >> >>I've currently got a NeXTstation Color, with one of the fabled NeXT >>Nitro accelerator cards in it (yes, really). What do you see when you run the command hostinfo from the command line? Cheers, Emmett
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 22:42:06 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <728tgb$nou$> <7298rt$t34$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Nov 1998 23:36:00 GMT The 6555x chips are quite nice from a driver point of view, since all the LCD timing is separate from the other timings, mmm, if the hot key screen switch does restore your display, then some parameter has been miss-set in the driver. What size LCD do you have, I think the driver is setup for 1024x768, but you can change this in expert settings or edit the .table in the driver .config bundle(, their may be a bug that stops this working). I've got your e-mail form DST, and will retrive the driver source from archive some time this week. Axel Habermann wrote: > > In Wolfgang Lerche <> wrote: > : Hi, > > : I am trying to install NS3.3 on a Vobis Notebook > : LeBook Advance. The basic install went fine, but > : the video does not work. The video chip is > : Chips+Tech 65550, and I was trying to use > : the driver from Deepspace Technologies, > :, > : that is supposed to work with that chipset. > : However, as soon as I switch from the > : standard VGA driver to the CHIPS65550 driver, the screen just gets > : blank; this for any, even the lowest screen resolution in b&w. > : Does anybody know what to do here > : (perhaps playing with memory ranges etc)? > > On my Toshiba notebook with CT6555x, I sometimes get a blank > screen on startup. Using the Fn+F-something hotkey to switch video > modes between external, internal and both brings back > the picture. > > HTH > > Axel > > -- > Axel Habermann > Fon:+49 30 62843137 > > Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, > haben normalerweise die Endung ".m" -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Supported agp card not being detected--help! Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 22:10:56 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <727v19$drs$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Nov 1998 23:35:57 GMT I don't know, I run mine at 1152x864 (on a 17" [40cm] screen), but I can not remember the refresh rate; I don't remember any flicker. I tried switching over to a Matrox G200, this looks like it is going to work in the verbose boot messages, then I get a black screen :-( The next problem is you can no longer buy a ISA sound card, I'm about to test a SB 128 PCI (the wave tables are held in host memory, hence the low cost, but NS/OS do not you the wave table stuff, so I hope this will not be an issue) Matthias Georg Imhof wrote: > > In article <> Robert Forsyth > <> writes: > > I have had an Xpert@play PCI and an Xpert98 AGP working on 4.0, but you > > have to use the 4.03 driver, and you have to add some autodetect ids to > > the .tables in the Rage .config bundle. The ID is the same as the one > > listed at boot-time and in /usr/adm/messages. > > > > Some of the earlier drivers seem to use the VBIOS to switch modes, and > > this does not seem to work very well. > > > > >From what I have seen, the AGP looks like another PCI bus to Openstep. > > > > Thanks, I finally got the AGP to work > > All I had to do was changing > > "Auto Detect IDs" = "0x43541002 0x47541002 0x47551002 0x47501002 > 0x47541002 0x4C471002 0x56541002"; > > to > > "Auto Detect IDs" = "0x43541002 0x47421002 0x47541002 0x47551002 > 0x47501002 0x47541002 0x4C471002 0x56541002"; > > However, there is still one item left. Why do the cards (both PCI and AGP) > not work for 70 or 75 Hz refresh rate. If I use anything more than 60 at > 1200*1600, the screen stays black after finishing the boot. > > Matthias > -- > ************************************************************************** > * Matthias G.Imhof, Ph.D. phone: (540) 231 6004 * > * Derring Hall 4044 fax: (540) 231 3386 * > * Virginia Tech email: * > * Blacksburg, VA 24061-0420 * > * There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark * > ************************************************************************** -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 22:25:28 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> <729q5a$9r$> <72a77a$n6d$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Nov 1998 23:35:58 GMT I don't have a 1542 which uses (from below) I/O 330 DMA 5 IRQ 11, IIRC, the SB16 or AWE64 would also like to use 16bit DMA 5. You may wish to try the 8bit DMA option/table. I got my SB AWE64 working by adding an auto detect id like CTL00e5 (CTL00e4 in your case), does detect the card? giving a list of three or four to choose from. wrote: > > In <729q5a$9r$> "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: > > Zanitti Leo <> wrote: > > [ ... ] > > >> Try the standard settings of "D1 H5" instead...isn't DMA channel #0 > > >> reserved for the hard drives, or some such? > > > > > > My problem is that the Adaptec 1542CF use the DMA 5 for its operations > > > and the I/O 330 > > > > Again, you are probably running into a DMA conflict with something else using > > channel #0. Different card types have standardized default locations which > > generally do not conflict with each other. Changing them is not a good idea > > unless you've got reason to. Doesn't the Adaptec default to other settings, > > something like DMA 7? > > > > -Chuck > > > > Well DMA 5 and I/O 330 is what the Adaptec 1542CF wants. I know > I have one. It is possible to jumper it to the new settings but this is > tricky since you also have to put the new settings in the Configuration > tables. It'll also cause no end of pain if you EVER have to boot and > do a clean install from CD-ROM since the drivers assume DMA 5 > and I/O 330 there. > > I know I had terrible problems with my SB16 and resolving conflicts > with other devices. PnP can sometimes be much more of a headache > than a friend. > > That's my .02 cents worth > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Paul Hanson <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 09:51:12 -0600 Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI Message-ID: <724ejj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In regards to this... I now have a laptop... Enpower Pentium 133, 24mb RAM, 1.7GIG HD... IDE Floppy & CDRom... Do I need a SCSI PCMCIA card to load NeXTSTEP 3.2 via a SCSI CDRom, or can I use the intergrated IDE CDRom?... I tried it from the IDE CDRom and came up with a SCSI failure?(no kidding... there isn't a SCSI devise on the system) Do I have to enter a special boot string or what? Has anyone tried to tripple boot withOUT a program like system commander? I am planning on 800mb WinNT 4.0, 450mb RedHat Linux 5.0, 450mb 3.2 NeXTSTEP. Any help would be gladly accepted...
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 11 Nov 1998 01:43:07 GMT Organization: Legion of Free-Thinkers Message-ID: <72aq3b$sdn$> References: <> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 Nov 1998 01:43:07 GMT You (David Evans <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 10 Nov 1998 16:35:27 GMT: > Expansions boards, like the NeXTdimension (most common), Ariel QuintDSP, > that other i860-based Ariel thing, the IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation, a > FORE ATM board (does *anyone* have drivers for this?), and likely some others. All of the above plus: Daewoo Graphics and Imaging System (some sort of souped up true-color card + API software) Extron Board (a board enabling screen output to an external projector) Dazzl Model 16/12 A/D conversion board (The above from a Fall '90 NeXT Software and Peripherals catalog) I know there were a few more, too, but can't put my hands on any information at the moment. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: dead or dying optical drive Date: 11 Nov 1998 01:45:40 GMT Organization: Legion of Free-Thinkers Message-ID: <72aq84$sdn$> References: <728fpp$74e$1@uvaix7e1.comp.UVic.CA> NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 Nov 1998 01:45:40 GMT You (chris bose <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 10 Nov 1998 04:35:05 GMT: > Description: on inserting disc and powerup the drive seems to try to > read the disc. Spins up and then thunk thunk thunk . . for about > 30 seconds, then stops thunking, and about 1 minute later, spins down. > The disc fails to eject. Drive is undetectable with any of the software > at any time. It sounds like it might just be dirty. Search the FAQ (and/or NeXTanswers); a good article exists on dusting/cleaning a NeXT and its OD. It may just be dead, too, but try cleaning it before you give up hope. --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep Date: 8 Nov 1998 22:21:46 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <7255hq$26g$> References: <724ejj$> Paul Hanson <> wrote: >Do I need a SCSI PCMCIA card to load NeXTSTEP 3.2 via a SCSI CDRom, or >can I use the intergrated IDE CDRom?... I tried it from the IDE CDRom >and came up with a SCSI failure?(no kidding... there isn't a SCSI devise >on the system) Do I have to enter a special boot string or what? IIRC (from readme's and such, *not* from experience -- so don't take it too seriously), installing from IDE CD-ROM is pretty hit-or-miss. Good standard ATAPI CD-ROM's should work (I've seen people also mention that you need to specify the Adaptec 1540 driver in order to access an ATAPI CD -- not too sure though); but laptops and PeeCee standards don't agree too well. >Has anyone tried to tripple boot withOUT a program like system >commander? I am planning on 800mb WinNT 4.0, 450mb RedHat Linux 5.0, >450mb 3.2 NeXTSTEP. This I can gladly speak to -- while LILO has some limits (it isn't very good at letting non-Linux operating systems boot off of logical partitions), it can handle single-drive, all-primary partition booting quite well. I am currently booting OS/2, BeOS, and Linux from LILO, and in the past have booted Win95, OpenBSD, and WinNT. OpenBSD and Mach should boot pretty much the same, which means no problem, and OS/2 and NT boot pretty much the same (although OS/2 can boot from logical partitions :-), so you shouldn't have a problem. (yes, I use NeXTStep -- on black hardware though; I haven't gotten an intel CD yet). -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: (dave-g) Newsgroups:, Subject: hardware password ? Help! Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 21:24:00 -0500 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> i have gotten a few old cubes that were set up for a network environment. when i fired them up i just got a standard login screen (after a lot of error messages regarding the lack of network activity). since i had no idea what the password was, i put in the nextstep installer floppy and the nextstep 3.3 cdrom. it booted off of the floppy (actually i think that the cd did most of the work) and then asked me where i'd like to install nextstep 3.3, it recommended only one choice (the maxstor 325 meg hd that was already in there). and then procceded to give a list of all the goodies that it was placing on the drive. a few minutes later, it said all was well and hit return to reboot. i did. when i came back up, it went through some of the boot process and then stopped and asked me for a hardware password. a tried to hit return and go about my business but it gave me 3 tries (i missed all 3 times) and then it booted me out and shutdown. does anyone know what i can do to just start fresh with this thing?! and have it not keep asking for passwords that i don't know. also, i am very new to the next world, so please don't be too harsh on this newbie ;) thanks in advance, dave-g
From: "Tangent" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT hardware (Intel & Unix ) Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:19:23 -0500 Organization: TDSNET Internet Services( Message-ID: <72b38h$> Hello, did some of the NeXT computers come with Intel compatible hardware and/or with Unix compatible hardware? Besides the news groups is there a site that has general & advanced NeXT information? I don't want to always bother the group with my questions, and I do know how to read if given a link to the info.
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SGI compiler availability (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 05:06:15 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> <> <71l6e3$mij$> <> <> I think you should move this to comp.sys.sgi, because I certainly dont care about SGI's and Im sure other people here dont care much for them either. On 10 Nov 1998 12:35:35 -0500, westin* (Stephen H. Westin) wrote: >Nils Hott <> writes: > >> On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 wrote: >> >> > However I know a few people who have a Personal Iris or >> > an Iris Indigo. They are cheap, they are also fairly useless to most people >> > without a C compiler. >> >> This is confusing. I have access to an Iris Indigo running release 4.0.5 >> which can compile software very well. Actually, it seems to be running >> nothing but gcc most of the time ;) > >The C compiler for an SGI is an optional layered product. At extra >cost. Until recent OS releases (6.2?), the include files were only >available as part of the compiler product, so using gcc without buying >the SGI compiler was basically not a legal option. I think SGI now >gives away the include files, though. > ><snip> > >-- >-Stephen H. Westin >Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not >represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Supported agp card not being detected--help! Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 23:22:40 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Nov 1998 00:41:52 GMT I have had an Xpert@play PCI and an Xpert98 AGP working on 4.0, but you have to use the 4.03 driver, and you have to add some autodetect ids to the .tables in the Rage .config bundle. The ID is the same as the one listed at boot-time and in /usr/adm/messages. Some of the earlier drivers seem to use the VBIOS to switch modes, and this does not seem to work very well. >From what I have seen, the AGP looks like another PCI bus to Openstep. Michael Lankton wrote: > > I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by stepping up from my > current s3virge 4mb card and freeing up a pci slot when I recently > purchased a new ATI Xpert@play 8mb agp graphics card. This card shows > as being supported (I'm running 4.2 on Intel) on NeXTanswers, and I have > installed both the release and the beta drivers, but to no avail. This > card is not being detected by NeXT, period. Is there anything I can do, > this card does have excellent 2d, and I can't afford to have bought a > card I can't use :( I really did my homework before I ordered it so I > wouldn't run into this sort of problem, but it looks like I may be > screwed anyway. If anyone knows what I may be able to do to get NeXT to > see this card I would be grateful. Thanks in advance. > -- > .###. > /#######\## -==============================================- > ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker > ;##### ;# > \# /## -==============================================- > ###'---'#### -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Dell Inspiron 7000 Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 23:26:40 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Nov 1998 00:41:54 GMT Bruno Bienfait wrote: > > I am trying to find the right video driver for a Dell inspiron 7000. > This is a laptop with a 2X AGP 8MB ATI Rage Pro LT 3D video card. I > report here my attempts to get something better than the default 640x480 > BW VGA mode . > > First, I installed the ATI 2559 package found on the NeXT web site. I > selected the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM (v. 4.03, > 2528_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed , this driver includes > two AGP ATI drivers, one for 6Mb and one for 8Mb). > > Result: error message > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Error in setMemoryRangeList (Resource > Shortage) > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Configuration error. Aborting... > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ > 60 Hz (BW:2) > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 > Apr 18 00:34:10 localhost reboot: Reboot complete Go back to this driver, try adding the autodetect id of your ATI chip (listed at start up and in /usr/adm/messages) to the .table in the Rage .config bundle. > > Thereafter, I installed the other ATI package > ( > 2675_4.01_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed), which is more recent > I selected again the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM. > > Now the ATI video card is recognised, but it still does not work: > > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: ATI Rage/Rage II Found; Type > LT; DAC = Internal > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: memory=8 MBytes; BIOS@0xc0000; > Gamma=YES; 256-grey=YES > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display: Mode selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 > Hz (RGB:256/8) > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Display0: No memory Range specified in > config table; aborting > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ > 60 Hz (BW:2) > Apr 18 03:50:05 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 > > I also selected the PCI rage 4Mb option v. 4.01. This time there are no > error messages but the screen turned blank (I checked this using the LCD > and an external monitor) > > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: ATI Rage/Rage II Found; Type > LT; DAC = Internal > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: memory=8 MBytes; BIOS@0xc0000; > Gamma=YES; 256-grey=YES > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display: Mode selected: 640 x 480 @ 60 > Hz (RGB:256/8) > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: Changing Config Table Address > to 0xfd000000 > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Display0: frame buffer physical addrs > 0xfd000000; mapped to 0x57f4000 > Nov 4 22:49:26 localhost mach: Registering: Display0 > Nov 4 22:49:39 localhost reboot: Reboot complete > > One option would be to remove 4 MB from the video board to match the > driver specifications (this works on a Dell > Optiplex GX1 ATI Rage Pro Turbo 2X AGP ) But still, I don't want to > risk damaging my computer. I don't understand why I should select the > driver which is not listed as an AGP driver. > > Linux works fine on this machine. It allows you to get 1024x768 > ( > > Any suggestions? > > Thank you. > > Bruno -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Seth J. Morabito) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Nitro board in Cube? Date: 10 Nov 1998 21:57:00 PST Organization: RetroNet - The Bleeding Edge of Yesterday's Technology Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <724qbc$> >>>I've currently got a NeXTstation Color, with one of the fabled NeXT >>>Nitro accelerator cards in it (yes, really). > > What do you see when you run the command hostinfo from the command line? Here's the output (I've wrapped the kernel version line because it was too long): Mach kernel version: NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon Oct 24 13:56:37 PDT 1994; \ root(rcbuilder):mk-171.9.obj~2/RC_m68k/RELEASE_M68K Kernel configured for a single processor only. 1 processor is physically available. Processor type: MC680x0 (68040) Processor speed: 40 MHz Processor active: 0 System type: 5 Board revision: 0xf Primary memory available: 32.00 megabytes. Default processor set: 39 tasks, 67 threads, 1 processors Load average: 0.62, Mach factor: 0.82 -Seth -- "Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts in a Seth J. Morabito nightclub is potentially dangerous" - Frank Zappa
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel Notebook & NeXTStep or OpenStep Date: 9 Nov 1998 01:46:44 GMT Organization: would be nice Message-ID: <725hi4$> References: <724ejj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <724ejj$> Paul Hanson wrote: > Do I need a SCSI PCMCIA card to load NeXTSTEP 3.2 via a SCSI CDRom, or > can I use the intergrated IDE CDRom?... I tried it from the IDE CDRom > and came up with a SCSI failure?(no kidding... there isn't a SCSI devise > on the system) Do I have to enter a special boot string or what? IDE CD-ROMs are seen, on installation, as SCSI devices, for some reason which I can't remember at present > Has anyone tried to tripple boot withOUT a program like system > commander? I am planning on 800mb WinNT 4.0, 450mb RedHat Linux 5.0, > 450mb 3.2 NeXTSTEP. (triple -- one "p" minor typo, no big deal). NeXTStep 3.2 did NOT have support for installing with non-SCSI CDs AFAIremember. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: advice on a "dirty" printer? Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 15:54:20 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Change the toner cartridge. dave cunningham wrote: > my NeXT printer is puting out "dirty" copies, with conspicuous fuzzy > line at about 1/3 the length of the sheet, parallel to the feed > rollers. there's also a ghost image of the text along the long axis of > the paper and miscellaneous swarf/shading on the printed page. > > i tried sort of generally cleaning around in the printer, but to no > avail. apparently > > any specific advice regards a solution? > > tia, > > -=c'ham=- -- Jaeyoung A. Lee Happy E-Mailin'. What's happening in the radiation's reach of your end of the wire? --- e-mail: web: phone: +82-42-860-6651 fax: +82-42-860-6671
Message-ID: <> From: Robert La Ferla <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:24:22 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:28:16 EDT Organization: Northeast Region--MediaOne Yes. I am running OPENSTEP/Mach on a Dell 400Mhz PII, 100MHz bus, and ATI Rage PRO AGP card (Xpert98?) There are some problems with the IDE controller but the video works fine. Still working on diagnosing the system. Robert La Ferla
Message-ID: <> From: Robert La Ferla <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Intel Pro 100+ DUAL PORT adapter Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:35:33 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:39:27 EDT Organization: Northeast Region--MediaOne Does the "Intel PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" work under OPENSTEP/Mach 4.2? Anyone using this card? Robert La Ferla
From: (Wolfgang Lerche) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: 11 Nov 1998 08:10:17 GMT Organization: CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Message-ID: <72bgp9$3o4$> References: <> > > > > In Wolfgang Lerche <lerche at> wrote: > > : I am trying to install NS3.3 on a Vobis Notebook > > : LeBook Advance. The basic install went fine, but > > : the video does not work. The video chip is > > : Chips+Tech 65550, and I was trying to use > > : the driver from Deepspace Technologies, > > :, > > : that is supposed to work with that chipset. > > : However, as soon as I switch from the > > : standard VGA driver to the CHIPS65550 driver, the screen just gets > > : blank; this for any, even the lowest screen resolution in b&w. > > : Does anybody know what to do here > > : (perhaps playing with memory ranges etc)? > > > Thanks for the various replies ! In fact the problem is now solved, but I don't really understand why. I was installing the latest PCIC driver (3.34) to be able to access the 3com Etherlink III card, and after that I was reinstalling the CHIPS65550 driver - and voila, it suddenly worked ! All works fine now with NS 3.3 on the Vobis LeBook Advance. Regards, WL
Message-ID: <> From: Robert La Ferla <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:26:12 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:30:06 EDT Organization: Northeast Region--MediaOne BTW - I will be upgrading to the Diamond Viper 550 AGP when it becomes available. I really wish Apple would write a driver for it... Any rumors? Robert La Ferla
Message-ID: <> From: Robert La Ferla <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:24:26 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 02:28:19 EDT Organization: Northeast Region--MediaOne Yes. I am running OPENSTEP/Mach on a Dell 400Mhz PII, 100MHz bus, and ATI Rage PRO AGP card (Xpert98?) There are some problems with the IDE controller but the video works fine. Still working on diagnosing the system. Robert La Ferla
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: 10 Nov 1998 16:38:02 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <729q5a$9r$> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Zanitti Leo <> wrote: [ ... ] >> Try the standard settings of "D1 H5" instead...isn't DMA channel #0 >> reserved for the hard drives, or some such? > > My problem is that the Adaptec 1542CF use the DMA 5 for its operations > and the I/O 330 Again, you are probably running into a DMA conflict with something else using channel #0. Different card types have standardized default locations which generally do not conflict with each other. Changing them is not a good idea unless you've got reason to. Doesn't the Adaptec default to other settings, something like DMA 7? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Supported agp card not being detected--help! Date: 10 Nov 1998 16:41:19 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <729qbf$9r$> References: <> <727v19$drs$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Matthias Georg Imhof) wrote: [ ... ] > However, there is still one item left. Why do the cards (both PCI and > AGP) not work for 70 or 75 Hz refresh rate. If I use anything more than > 60 at 1200*1600, the screen stays black after finishing the boot. Probably because your monitor is incapable of running at such speeds-- check the manual. Or try switching to 1280x1024.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Nils Hott <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 18:10:44 +0100 Organization: Uni Leipzig Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> <> <71l6e3$mij$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <71l6e3$mij$> On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 wrote: > However I know a few people who have a Personal Iris or > an Iris Indigo. They are cheap, they are also fairly useless to most people > without a C compiler. This is confusing. I have access to an Iris Indigo running release 4.0.5 which can compile software very well. Actually, it seems to be running nothing but gcc most of the time ;) The problem is you don't get any recent precompiled software like Netscape Navigator. That's why our Iris is only used by console jockies these days. Cheers, Nils :-)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Date: 10 Nov 98 16:03:28 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> Well, I just got bitten. I've long used Matrox cards for my machines, and recently set out to purchase a new machine. I had figured I'd pick up a PCI Millenium II somewhere, on the theory that I'd like to match the one I have in case I ever realize my dream of building a two-headed system. What do you know - I can't seem to find anyone that has any. There are still international units, and Mac units, both at a premium, but apparently no plain old Millenium II 4M units. I considered my fallback plan, purchasing a pair of 4M Mystiques, but there are none of those to be had, either. Anyone have a recommendation as to a solid card that has drivers for NS3.3, OS4.2/Mach, and Rhapsody, performs as well as the Matrox cards, not terribly expensive (<$125 for 4M), and can be had by mere mortals? I'm going to go hit the local retail shops, now, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Misha Hill <> Newsgroups: Subject: problem printing from NT to NeXT printer Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 19:56:40 -0500 Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have an old NeXT 400 dpi laser printer attached to my cube (running NS 2.2). The cube can print to it fine, but I'd like to use lpr to print from my NT PC. The NT machine is setup to use LPR printing and works with other LPD served printers. If I use the Adope PS driver with the NeXT ppd from Adobe's site, the next never gets the print job, though the PC says it sent it. If I print to file with that driver and lpr it manually, it prints an error page saying the job requires more memory than it has. Ghostscript on the PC displays the .ps file, but says it is page 1 of 0. Alternatively, if I use the very basic Apple Laserwriter v23.0 driver that comes with NT, it also doesn't print directly but printing to file and manually lpr'ing it works fine. Does anyone know a) what's wrong with the NeXT ppd or adobe driver such that the .ps file is broken? b) why NT's lpr only talks to the next if I do it manually, not via whatever program's printing? Thanks for any help Misha Hill
From: (Matthias Georg Imhof) Newsgroups: Subject: Solved: ATI Rage and 256MB of memory Date: 11 Nov 1998 14:36:23 GMT Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Message-ID: <72c7d7$jkl$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 Nov 1998 14:36:23 GMT I reported earlier of having problems using an ATI Rage (PCI or AGP) with more than 128 MB system memory. Very soon after starting up, the window manager would crash due to some memory conflicts. Finally, I figured out a way to solve the problem - BIOS update allowed me to use 196 MB of memory - disabling all VIDEO ROM shadowing - disabling BIOS caching -> 256 MB work fine I have been running with 256 MB without problems for over a day now. After 3 months of experimenting, I am finally running the configuration I bought; all the memory, and the AGP graphics card. :-) Matthias Imhof -- ************************************************************************** * Matthias G.Imhof, Ph.D. phone: (540) 231 6004 * * Derring Hall 4044 fax: (540) 231 3386 * * Virginia Tech email: * * Blacksburg, VA 24061-0420 * * There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark * **************************************************************************
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Date: 11 Nov 1998 15:43:49 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-jIvWhJxnodL0@localhost> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On Sun, 10 Nov 1998 16:03:28, (Scott Hess) wrote: > Well, I just got bitten. I've long used Matrox cards for my machines, > and recently set out to purchase a new machine. I had figured I'd > pick up a PCI Millenium II somewhere, on the theory that I'd like to > match the one I have in case I ever realize my dream of building a > two-headed system. > >What do you know - I can't seem to find anyone that has any. I haven't kept up with new video card technology so I still go for the trusty Millenium II. I get them and smaller Seagate drives for the three RAID systems that I'm building from auctions at eBay.
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Pentium II and AGP? References: <> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 15:28:45 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 07:28:45 PDT Organization: @Home Network I recieved a response from Apple: "We are waiting for a newer ATI driver to come out for 4.2 that may fix the problem with the AGP. Not sure when it will be out, but many customers are also waiting for the newer driver." So apparently I was not alone in my inability to get the operating system to detect my Xpert@play agp card. I remedied the problem by finding someone who still had Matrox Millenium 2 agp cards available and ordered one of those. Robert La Ferla wrote: > > Yes. I am running OPENSTEP/Mach on a Dell 400Mhz PII, 100MHz bus, and > ATI Rage PRO AGP card (Xpert98?) There are some problems with the IDE > controller but the video works fine. Still working on diagnosing the > system. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: Zanitti Leo <> Newsgroups: Subject: Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0 Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 07:58:40 +0100 Organization: CASPUR - Inter-University Computing Consortium Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Nov 1998 06:59:10 GMT I can not configure My Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0 (Also on Mac OS X DR2 Intel) I downloaded the last drivers from nextanswer: EISABus (4.05), Adaptec1542B (ver. 4.01), SoundBlaster16 (ver. 4.01) I used the PnPDump program for get the Id of my card and I add this in (0xe8c0045) The card is recognized but the only result is the system frozen at the first sound :-(set the card at IRQ 5 DMA 0 6 I/O 220 don't recognise the card if I don't start first in DOS(it configure the Card to: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D0 H6 P300 E620 T6) My PC: 486 DX2/66 Mhz 32 MB of RAM Adaptec 1542CF IRQ 11 DMA 5 i/o 0x330 (4 bytes) ATI Graphics ULTRA PRO 2 MB (1024*768 24bit)SB AWE64 PnP, COM2, LPT13.5anybody one sistem with Adaptec 1542CF (154x) and Creative SB AWE64 PnP working??output:--------------------------------------------------------> /private/Drivers/i386/EISABus.config/PnPDump=========================================================1:=====================Description:=====================Id CTL00e4 (0xe8c00e4) Serial Number 0x18433cc4 CheckSum 0x51and Play Version 1.0 (Vendor 1.0)string(22) 'Creative SB AWE64 PnP'defined(3 bytes)[ '.'[2h] 'E'[45h] ' '[20h] ]Device 0: Id CTL0045 (0xe8c0045)string(5) 'Audio'dependent function 0 [good configuration]: 5 [high, edge]channel: 1 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]channel: 5 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x220 align 0x1 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x330..0x330 align 0x1 length 0x2 [16 lines]/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines]dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines]/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines]dependent function 2 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines]dependent function 3 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]dependent function 4 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines]/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines]dependent function 5 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines]dependent function 6 [acceptable configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]dependent function 7 [suboptimal configuration]: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge]channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat]/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines]/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x10 length 0x2 [16 lines]/o port: 0x388..0x394 align 0x4 length 0x4 [16 lines]of dependent functionsDevice 1: Id CTL7002 (0xe8c7002)Device Id: PNPb02f (0x41d0b02f)string(4) 'Game'dependent function 0 [good configuration]/o port: 0x200..0x200 align 0x1 length 0x8 [16 lines]dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration]/o port: 0x200..0x208 align 0x8 length 0x8 [16 lines]of dependent functionsDevice 2: Id CTL0022 (0xe8c0022)string(9) 'WaveTable'dependent function 0 [good configuration]/o port: 0x620..0x620 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines]dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration]/o port: 0x620..0x680 align 0x20 length 0x4 [16 lines]of dependent functionsdefined(5 bytes)[ '.'[1h] 'i'[69h] 'F'[46h] '5'[35h] 'U'[55h] ]============================================configuration for Logical Device 0:========================================================================================configuration for Logical Device 1:========================================================================================configuration for Logical Device 2:============================================>
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OD Fix it app References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:02:00 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 10:59:39 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments The OD Fix it app (which helps with corrupted/trashed sectors) is now at Thanks Randy! --Andrew-- Andrew Robertson wrote: > Last week I posted I have an ex-internal NeXT app for fixing ODs. Two > people emailed me about this, but unfortunately I lost their email > address. If you could re-mail me, I can send this out. If anyone else > wants a copy of OD_Fixit drop me a line. Sorry for the mix up. Later, > --Andrew--
From: Zanitti Leo <> Newsgroups: Subject: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 08:08:16 +0100 Organization: CASPUR - Inter-University Computing Consortium Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Nov 1998 07:08:48 GMT SORRY for my previous post not readable This is the same more readable I can not configure My Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0 (Also on Mac OS X DR2 Intel) I downloaded the last drivers from nextanswer: EISABus (4.05), Adaptec1542B (ver. 4.01), SoundBlaster16 (ver. 4.01) I used the PnPDump program for get the Id of my card and I add this in (0xe8c0045) The card is recognized but the only result is the system frozen at the first sound :-( I set the card at IRQ 5 DMA 0 6 I/O 220 WinNT don't recognise the card if I don't start first in DOS (it configure the Card to: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D0 H6 P300 E620 T6) My PC: 486 DX2/66 Mhz 32 MB of RAM Adaptec 1542CF IRQ 11 DMA 5 i/o 0x330 (4 bytes) ATI Graphics ULTRA PRO 2 MB (1024*768 24bit) Creative SB AWE64 PnP COM1, COM2, LPT1 Floppy 3.5 HAVE anybody one sistem with Adaptec 1542CF (154x) and Creative SB AWE64 PnP working?? Thanks PnPDump output: --------------------------------------------------------- localhost> /private/Drivers/i386/EISABus.config/PnPDump ========================================================= csn 1: ===================== Resource Description: ===================== Vendor Id CTL00e4 (0xe8c00e4) Serial Number 0x18433cc4 CheckSum 0x51 Plug and Play Version 1.0 (Vendor 1.0) id string(22) 'Creative SB AWE64 PnP' vendor defined(3 bytes)[ '.'[2h] 'E'[45h] ' '[20h] ] Logical Device 0: Id CTL0045 (0xe8c0045) id string(5) 'Audio' Start dependent function 0 [good configuration] irq: 5 [high, edge] dma channel: 1 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] dma channel: 5 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x220 align 0x1 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x330..0x330 align 0x1 length 0x2 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines] Start dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] dma channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines] Start dependent function 2 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] dma channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines] Start dependent function 3 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] dma channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] Start dependent function 4 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x388..0x388 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines] Start dependent function 5 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x30 length 0x2 [16 lines] Start dependent function 6 [acceptable configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] Start dependent function 7 [suboptimal configuration] irq: 5, 7, 9, 10 [high, edge] dma channel: 0, 1, 3 [8 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] dma channel: 5, 6, 7 [16 bit][bus master][byte][word][compat] i/o port: 0x220..0x280 align 0x20 length 0x10 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x300..0x330 align 0x10 length 0x2 [16 lines] i/o port: 0x388..0x394 align 0x4 length 0x4 [16 lines] End of dependent functions Logical Device 1: Id CTL7002 (0xe8c7002) Compatible Device Id: PNPb02f (0x41d0b02f) id string(4) 'Game' Start dependent function 0 [good configuration] i/o port: 0x200..0x200 align 0x1 length 0x8 [16 lines] Start dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration] i/o port: 0x200..0x208 align 0x8 length 0x8 [16 lines] End of dependent functions Logical Device 2: Id CTL0022 (0xe8c0022) id string(9) 'WaveTable' Start dependent function 0 [good configuration] i/o port: 0x620..0x620 align 0x1 length 0x4 [16 lines] Start dependent function 1 [acceptable configuration] i/o port: 0x620..0x680 align 0x20 length 0x4 [16 lines] End of dependent functions vendor defined(5 bytes)[ '.'[1h] 'i'[69h] 'F'[46h] '5'[35h] 'U'[55h] ] ============================================ Current configuration for Logical Device 0: ============================================ ============================================ Current configuration for Logical Device 1: ============================================ ============================================ Current configuration for Logical Device 2: ============================================ localhost>
From: "Gilles Champagne" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HD and CD Rom Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 14:57:19 -0500 Organization: Posted via Supernews, - Discussions start here! Message-ID: <72cpr8$nrs$> Hi, I'd like to change the hard disk in my NeXTStation and I'd like to know what I can put in there that's been tried and tested. Also, I'd like to get my hands on a CD Rom drive that's also been tried and tested. Anybody ??? Since I don't have the chance to browse the newsgroups frequently, could you E-mail me at Thanks
From: jehrlich@leland.Stanford.EDU (Jason Scott Ehrlich) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Date: 11 Nov 1998 20:21:19 GMT Distribution: comp Message-ID: <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> References: <> Scott, have you checked out some of the online price databases? Several retailers list recently-updated prices for at least the Mystique 220 on in the video cards/matrox section. So I would assume you should still be able to get some OEM editions for pretty cheap. jason
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: How to add a Parallel port on an EISA system ? Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 10:58:47 +0100 Organization: European Space Agency Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I have an EISA PC on which I want to add a 2nd parallel port; pluging the card was not a problem and running the ECU program the card was not recognised - as expected - where it was, but when I tried to add it explicitly the ECU could not offer me any useful .CFG Is there any trick I missed ? or where could I find the needed file ? Thanks, Marc Schwetterle.
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OD Fix it app Date: 11 Nov 1998 16:37:16 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <72cefs$bd8$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc:, In <> Andrew Robertson wrote: > The OD Fix it app (which helps with corrupted/trashed sectors) is now at > > > Thanks Randy! > --Andrew-- Thanks to you Andrew for bringing it to my attention. BTW: Just so everyone knows the application also can be found @ as OD-Recovery.tar.gz A last note. Those Repair pages I've hacked together will probably change over time. In particular has already been copied to the following (it makes more sense) which will apply specifically to Origional NeXT Hardware only as that is what I have the most information about. The origional at NeXT/Repair will be removed in a few days. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. References: <> <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 22:43:15 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 14:43:15 PDT Organization: @Home Network I just installed a Matrox Millenium 2 8mb agp card. Even though this is no longer a current product, they still fetch a good price, I paid $165 for this one. They can still be had, but they are disappearing. They are excellent in every os I use also, my old s3virge worked well too, but now I can get 24bpp in Solaris, and I have the ability to run higher resolutions more comfortably than the s3 allowed. Both the Matrox and the s3 are excellent cards for NeXT, I bet you could find an s3 for $20. Jason Scott Ehrlich wrote: > > Scott, have you checked out some of the online price databases? > Several retailers list recently-updated prices for at least the > Mystique 220 on in the video cards/matrox > section. So I would assume you should still be able to get some > OEM editions for pretty cheap. -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: (Jeff Sciortino) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Printer problem Organization: Rochester Institute of Techonology MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: References: <> Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Nov 1998 17:26:26 -0500 XPident: Unknown XPident: Unknown I've never tried it, but it's been my understanding that the standard driver will only work with ps printers. If you want to use a pcl printer, you need jetpilot. You can buy a copy at: good luck :-) -jeff In <> Der Derek wrote: > Hello, > > I tried to install a HPDJ 300 (this is PCL printer not a poscript) > series printer on the NextStep system. > I used the application PrinterManager under Next and add a printer. I > got the ppd description file of that printer from Adobe ftp site. When I > try to Test this printer I got an error. All I can print is the > beginning of the file on that printer. > > Thanks for advice. > > Derek > -- We should not search for love nor demand it, but so live that it will gravitate to us. -Elbert Hubbard
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HD and CD Rom Date: 11 Nov 1998 23:08:50 GMT Organization: AOL References: <72cpr8$nrs$> Message-ID: <> I believe that the FAQ has definitive information on this. For hard drives, I think that it's a matter of finding a small enough capacity (<2GB) and without any of the the newer frills (Ultra/Fast/Wide SCSI?). Most any SCSI CD-ROM should work though. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:, Subject: OD Fix it app Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 11:14:33 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 11:12:11 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments Last week I posted I have an ex-internal NeXT app for fixing ODs. Two people emailed me about this, but unfortunately I lost their email address. If you could re-mail me, I can send this out. If anyone else wants a copy of OD_Fixit drop me a line. Sorry for the mix up. Later, --Andrew--
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT hardware (Intel & Unix ) Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <72b38h$> In-reply-to: "Tangent"'s message of Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:19:23 -0500 Date: 11 Nov 98 08:12:50 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 17:18:24 PDT In article <72b38h$>, "Tangent" <> writes: did some of the NeXT computers come with Intel compatible hardware All NeXT computers came with Intel compatible 30-pin RAM and SCSI drives, and the serial ports were RS422 or something, in any case compatible with most external modems sold for Intel PC's. And Ethernet, of course. and/or with Unix compatible hardware? NeXT computers _are_ "Unix hardware", such as it is. If you mean "Sun hardware", or "Apollo hardware", or "3b2 hardware", well that's going to make a difference. [FWIW, NeXT hardware is very similar to some of the older Sun 680x0 hardware. In fact, they bootstrapped NeXTSTEP on such Sun hardware.] Besides the news groups is there a site that has general & advanced NeXT information? Look for the FAQs in (well, the index should be somewhere around there). Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT monitors Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:00:52 -0700 Organization: Software Integrators Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <71kq60$3mv$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: wrote: > I made this table from information found on the NeXT brochures... > Could someone complete and/or correct it for me? > > N4000 NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (non ADB, 68030 cubes) > N4000A NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (non ADB) > N4000B NeXT 17" mono MegaPixel Display (ADB) > N4001A NeXT 17" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Fimi or Philips ? tube) > N4005 NeXT 21" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Hitachi tube) > N4006 NeXT 17" color MegaPixel Display (ADB, Sony Trinitron tube) > > Another questions: > > - What's the better color 17" monitor ? (FIMI/Philips/Sony) The Sony is by far the best! It has a flat screen but the FIMI uses a curved tube. The Sony can be used on a PC with the right graphics card but the FIMI cannot. The Sony has a wide vertical sync range (50-90hz), but the FIMI has a very narrow range. I would not touch the FIMI tubes if I were you. > - What's the diferences between them ? (refresh rates, etc...) > - Is there any problem with FIMI monitors that I should avoid to buy ? > > Stefano > > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- > Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Joe ************************************************************ * WEB PAGE -> * ************************************************************ * Joe McCarthy | * * Software Integrators Inc. | 800-547-2349 (toll free) * * 51 Evergreen Drive | 406-586-8866 (voice) * * Suite A | 406-586-9145 (fax) * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | * ************************************************************ * Leading the way in fixed frequency monitor support ... * ************************************************************
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: hardware password ? Help! Date: 11 Nov 1998 17:25:09 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <72ch9l$bd8$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> dave-g wrote: > i have gotten a few old cubes that were set up for a network environment. > when i fired them up i just got a standard login screen (after a lot of > error messages regarding the lack of network activity). > > since i had no idea what the password was, i put in the nextstep installer > floppy and the nextstep 3.3 cdrom. it booted off of the floppy (actually > i think that the cd did most of the work) and then asked me where i'd like > to install nextstep 3.3, it recommended only one choice (the maxstor 325 > meg hd that was already in there). and then procceded to give a list of > all the goodies that it was placing on the drive. a few minutes later, it > said all was well and hit return to reboot. i did. when i came back up, > it went through some of the boot process and then stopped and asked me for > a hardware password. a tried to hit return and go about my business but it > gave me 3 tries (i missed all 3 times) and then it booted me out and > shutdown. > > does anyone know what i can do to just start fresh with this thing?! and > have it not keep asking for passwords that i don't know. > > also, i am very new to the next world, so please don't be too harsh on > this newbie ;) > > thanks in advance, > > dave-g > Check out Tim Luoma's FAQ I'm suprised this is not in the general FAQ. Something for the Black VFAQ. Which will popup in under VFAQ someday. Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <364a5931.0@> Control: cancel <364a5931.0@> Date: 12 Nov 1998 04:19:51 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.364a5931.0@> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0 Date: 9 Nov 1998 20:42:32 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <727k3o$6bp$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Zanitti Leo <> wrote: >The card is recognized but the only result is the system frozen at the >first sound :-(set the card at IRQ 5 DMA 0 6 I/O 220 don't recognise the >card if I don't start first in DOS(it configure the Card to: SET >BLASTER=A220 I5 D0 H6 P300 E620 T6) Try the standard settings of "D1 H5" instead...isn't DMA channel #0 reserved for the hard drives, or some such? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HD and CD Rom Date: 12 Nov 1998 05:12:44 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <72dqoc$mpg$> References: <72cpr8$nrs$> <> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <> (WillAdams) writes: >I believe that the FAQ has definitive information on this. > >For hard drives, I think that it's a matter of finding a small enough capacity >(<2GB) and without any of the the newer frills (Ultra/Fast/Wide SCSI?). > While I didn't see the original post, I assume it was in reference to which scsi hd's work with black hardware. I have a 4gig Seagate Hawk SCA drive that works fine. When doing a clean install of os4.2 to the hd, two 2gig partitions were created and all I had to do was add an entry in fstab for the second partition. Having said this, I also have a 4gig UW IBM SCA drive that I could not get to work with my slab. I suppose if you stick with the scsi-2 drives, you have a better chance of getting one to work. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: Zanitti Leo <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 07:20:29 +0100 Organization: CASPUR - Inter-University Computing Consortium Message-ID: <> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> <729q5a$9r$> <72a77a$n6d$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Nov 1998 06:21:01 GMT Charles W. Swiger write: >Zanitti Leo <> wrote: [ ... ] >>> Try the standard settings of "D1 H5" instead...isn't DMA channel #0 >>> reserved for the hard drives, or some such? >> >> My problem is that the Adaptec 1542CF use the DMA 5 for its operations >> and the I/O 330 >> >Again, you are probably running into a DMA conflict with something else using >channel #0. Different card types have standardized default locations which >generally do not conflict with each other. Changing them is not a good idea >unless you've got reason to. Doesn't the Adaptec default to other settings, >something like DMA 7? > >-Chuck Yesterday I tried the config DMA 1 for the soundblaster 16 PNP (8 DMA) (for 16 DMA I just tried DMA 1 7 and don't work) Robert Forsyth write: >I don't have a 1542 which uses (from below) I/O 330 DMA 5 IRQ 11, IIRC, >the SB16 or AWE64 would also like to use 16bit DMA 5. You may wish to >try the 8bit DMA option/table. I got my SB AWE64 working by adding an >auto detect id like CTL00e5 (CTL00e4 in your case), does >detect the card? giving a list of three or four to choose from. I used the number (0xe8c0045) not the CTL00e4 and the don't detect the card, it is detected at the restart Sep 5 21:43:44 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.13 Sep 5 21:43:44 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channel 1 irq 10 Sep 5 21:43:44 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 and Sep 7 22:02:35 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.13 Sep 7 22:02:35 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channels 1 and 7 irq 10 Sep 7 22:02:35 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 and Sep 11 21:33:34 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.13 Sep 11 21:33:34 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channels 3 and 7 irq 5 Sep 11 21:33:34 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 and Oct 4 15:01:52 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.0 Oct 4 15:01:52 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channels 0 and 6 irq 10 Oct 4 15:01:52 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 and Oct 4 15:04:39 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.0 Oct 4 15:04:39 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channels 0 and 6 irq 10 Oct 4 15:04:39 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 and Nov 10 20:31:15 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.0 Nov 10 20:31:15 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma channels 0 and 6 irq 5 Nov 10 20:31:15 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 with the (DMA 8) today Nov 11 18:41:10 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 hardware version is 4.0 Nov 11 18:41:10 localhost mach: SoundBlaster16 at dma 1 irq 5 Nov 11 18:41:10 localhost mach: Registering: SoundBlaster16 The only change I make is the substition of the I/O of 330... with 300... (This try are of one Vibra 16 PnP and the Soundblaster 64 PnP) (are the "hardware version is x.xx" different because are different cards?) My drivers are version 4.01 are they the last? (Soundblaster, EISA, 1542) Randy write: >Well DMA 5 and I/O 330 is what the Adaptec 1542CF wants. I know >I have one. It is possible to jumper it to the new settings but this is >tricky since you also have to put the new settings in the Configuration >tables. It'll also cause no end of pain if you EVER have to boot and >do a clean install from CD-ROM since the drivers assume DMA 5 >and I/O 330 there. > >I know I had terrible problems with my SB16 and resolving conflicts >with other devices. PnP can sometimes be much more of a headache >than a friend. > >That's my .02 cents worth I'm very interessed at HOW (Please) you have resolved this conflicts. I have find more music software for NS that for NT. I bought this cart because I thinked it was supported on NS and Rhapsody and now I have DOS, OPENDOS, OS/2, NT and Linux all recognise the card and on NS only the OS crash (also on Rhapsody). Thank all Zanitti Leo
Newsgroups:, From: TjL <> Subject: Re: hardware password ? Help! In-Reply-To: <72ch9l$bd8$> Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.96.981111204859.21403A-100000@localhost> References: <> <72ch9l$bd8$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:55:01 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:55:21 EDT Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike ( My fear is that someone went beyond the hardware password. Follow the steps outlined on my web page which Randy mentioned. However, it sounds like someone may have password protected single user mode (cf ) The reason it sounds like that to me is that you say it gave you 3 chances to try the password. I believe that the program 'pwcheck' (cf source code at pwcheck.c in does just that. If that is the case and you can't find the root password, I think you will have to reinstall. TjL On 11 Nov 1998 wrote: > In <> dave-g wrote: > > > > since i had no idea what the password was, i put in the nextstep installer > > floppy and the nextstep 3.3 cdrom. it booted off of the floppy (actually > > i think that the cd did most of the work) and then asked me where i'd like > > to install nextstep 3.3, it recommended only one choice (the maxstor 325 > > meg hd that was already in there). and then procceded to give a list of > > all the goodies that it was placing on the drive. a few minutes later, it > > said all was well and hit return to reboot. i did. when i came back up, > > it went through some of the boot process and then stopped and asked me for > > a hardware password. a tried to hit return and go about my business but it > > gave me 3 tries (i missed all 3 times) and then it booted me out and > > shutdown. > > > > does anyone know what i can do to just start fresh with this thing?! and > > have it not keep asking for passwords that i don't know. > > > > also, i am very new to the next world, so please don't be too harsh on > > this newbie ;) > > > > thanks in advance, > > > > dave-g > > > > Check out Tim Luoma's FAQ > > > > I'm suprised this is not in the general FAQ. Something for the Black VFAQ. > > Which will popup in > under VFAQ someday. > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) > > >
From: Subject: Re: advice on a "dirty" printer? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <S1C22.540$> NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 09:13:06 EDT Organization: ISPNews Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 14:13:06 GMT "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> wrote: Change the toner cartridge. dave cunningham wrote: > my NeXT printer is puting out "dirty" copies, with conspicuous fuzzy > line at about 1/3 the length of the sheet, parallel to the feed > rollers. there's also a ghost image of the text along the long axis of > the paper and miscellaneous swarf/shading on the printed page. > > i tried sort of generally cleaning around in the printer, but to no > avail. apparently > > any specific advice regards a solution? > > tia, > > -=c'ham=- Exactly the correct answer. I had the same problem as Dave described, brought on, apparently, by an extended print job with heavy black graphic page header. I bought a new (not a rebuilt) HP cartridge for the printer and it is back to working perfectly. Regards, Bill Lee (Take out the X to respond)
From: Bruno Bienfait <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: Dell Inspiron 7000 Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 11:54:10 -0500 Organization: National Cancer Institute Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert Forsyth wrote: > Bruno Bienfait wrote: > > > > I am trying to find the right video driver for a Dell inspiron 7000. > > This is a laptop with a 2X AGP 8MB ATI Rage Pro LT 3D video card. I > > report here my attempts to get something better than the default 640x480 > > BW VGA mode . > > > > First, I installed the ATI 2559 package found on the NeXT web site. I > > selected the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM (v. 4.03, > > 2528_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed , this driver includes > > two AGP ATI drivers, one for 6Mb and one for 8Mb). > > > > Result: error message > > > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Error in setMemoryRangeList (Resource > > Shortage) > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Configuration error. Aborting... > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ > > 60 Hz (BW:2) > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 > > Apr 18 00:34:10 localhost reboot: Reboot complete > > Go back to this driver, try adding the autodetect id of your ATI chip > (listed at start up and in /usr/adm/messages) to the .table in the Rage > .config bundle. > This works! I have now a 1024x768 (32 bits) resolution on the LCD. Interestingly, the right driver was recognised automatically by Thanks a lot, Bruno
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: 12 Nov 1998 18:45:00 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <72fabc$pko$> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> <729q5a$9r$> <72a77a$n6d$> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Zanitti Leo wrote: > Randy write: > >Well DMA 5 and I/O 330 is what the Adaptec 1542CF wants. I know > >I have one. It is possible to jumper it to the new settings but this is > >tricky since you also have to put the new settings in the Configuration > >tables. It'll also cause no end of pain if you EVER have to boot and > >do a clean install from CD-ROM since the drivers assume DMA 5 > >and I/O 330 there. > > > >I know I had terrible problems with my SB16 and resolving conflicts > >with other devices. PnP can sometimes be much more of a headache > >than a friend. > > > >That's my .02 cents worth > > I'm very interessed at HOW (Please) you have resolved this conflicts. > > I have find more music software for NS that for NT. > > I bought this cart because I thinked it was supported on NS and Rhapsody > and now I have DOS, OPENDOS, OS/2, NT and Linux all recognise the card > and on NS only the OS crash (also on Rhapsody). > > Thank all > > Zanitti Leo Good luck with getting two sound cards to work. I had enough problems with one ISA sound card, ISA SCSI, and ISA ethernet.. Mostly I was working with DR1 but I'm rather sure the setup was the same under 4.2. This will only apply for the SB16 & the 1542CF. I have no clue about AWE 64 or the combination of the 3. 1. Take the SB16 out of the box. 2. Put the 1542CF in and let it claim default IRQ 11, DMA 5, I/O 330 BTW: On my card the I/O address is changable by jumper 3. Boot the system. 4. Decide exactly what IRQ, DMA, and I/O you want the card to be that won't conflict with any other devices, most particularly any of the IRQs, DMA's, etc. that your sound cards will try to claim when you stick them in later. 5. Start up and set the information for your 1542CF to be exactly what has been decided in 4. (IMPORTANT - make sure there are no device conflicts!!!!!) 6. If you decided to change the I/O address - make sure you remove and jumper the card for the selected I/O address from 4. Put 1542CF back in box. 7. Reboot your system and enter the 1542CF bios set the DMA and IRQ to what was decided in 4. 8. Reboot your system and cross your fingers 9. If your system reboots and you've set your IRQ, DMA, I/O addresses so that they won't conflict when you add the sound cards then add the SB16 and configure it. Everything worked fine for me at that point. In my case I think I set the DMA for the 1542CF to be 6, the IRQ at 11, and the I/O left @ 330. Then the SB16 with v4.01 of the PnP SB16 driver in 4.2 would happily take IRQ 5, DMA 1,5 and I/O address 0x220. ********************************************************************************* BTW: I do have one nagging question though since I had just reinstalled my SB16 back into my Openstep 4.2 box. I had some strange problem when I ran and had to kill it from the WM process panel. Now when I run I get the following console error and no-longer does it play/display sounds. Nov 12 13:33:01 Sound[290] registerServiceProvider:withName: is obsolete. Use setServicesProvider: I can use sndplay and sndrecord but not I tried the from the 4.2 CD with same effect. Which makes me think that a library got hosed somewhere. Anyone see this before and know which library(s) might have been corrupted. (Sorry for the multiple posts - damn NewsGrazer) Randy rencsok at channelu dot com argus dot cem dot msu dot edu spammers works also :) Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.)
Newsgroups:, From: (Ernst K. Locker) Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: Software Engineering References: <728tgb$nou$> <7298rt$t34$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 18:56:34 GMT In article <>, wrote: >I've got your e-mail form DST, and will retrive the driver source from >archive some time this week. Source ? I thought you were talking about a commercial driver from DeespaceTech. Is there another CT 65555 driver which is freely available ? -- Ernst K. Locker
From: westin* (Stephen H. Westin) Newsgroups: Subject: SGI compiler availability (was: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz) Date: 10 Nov 1998 12:35:35 -0500 Organization: Program of Computer Graphics -- Cornell University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> <> <71l6e3$mij$> <> Nils Hott <> writes: > On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 wrote: > > > However I know a few people who have a Personal Iris or > > an Iris Indigo. They are cheap, they are also fairly useless to most people > > without a C compiler. > > This is confusing. I have access to an Iris Indigo running release 4.0.5 > which can compile software very well. Actually, it seems to be running > nothing but gcc most of the time ;) The C compiler for an SGI is an optional layered product. At extra cost. Until recent OS releases (6.2?), the include files were only available as part of the compiler product, so using gcc without buying the SGI compiler was basically not a legal option. I think SGI now gives away the include files, though. <snip> -- -Stephen H. Westin Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: Axel Habermann <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: 12 Nov 1998 22:34:07 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <72fnov$ai$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <728tgb$nou$> <7298rt$t34$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <> <> In Ernst K. Locker <> wrote: : In article <>, wrote: : >I've got your e-mail form DST, and will retrive the driver source from : >archive some time this week. : Source ? : I thought you were talking about a commercial driver from DeespaceTech. : Is there another CT 65555 driver which is freely available ? The driver I know of (and use) is the one from bifrostworks. Is it the same as the one from deepspacetech or is it another? Axel P.S.: Eigentlich bin ich ja strikt gegen die Verwendung von Englisch in einer deutschen NG. Also hier das ganze nochmal auf Deutsch: Es geht um einen Video-Treiber fuer Notebooks, genauer um einen Treiber fuer die CT6555x-Serie von Chips&Technologies. Es scheint zwei zu geben. Einen von Deepspace TEchnologies und einen von Bifrost Workstations. Ob die die gleichen sind? Ausserdem ist die Frage, ob der von Deepspace-Tech im Quellcode und/oder frei verfuegbar ist. -- Axel Habermann Fon:+49 30 62843137 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".m"
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Y2K Trouble Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 22:12:12 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <72fmft$m4g$> Howdy Folks, I am running NS 3.3 on a NeXT Dimension Turbo Cube. I read the Y2K .pdf doc at the Apple Enterprise site which leads me to believe I'm f**ked come 1/1/2000. Does anyone have any info on this? Are all my wonderful Apps gonna die? Is the sh*t gonna hit the fan? Am I gonna have to migrate to OS 4.X? Is that even going to help me with the hardware which isn't even mentioned in the doc? HELP! Thanks, Robert -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (PACKINGIT3) Newsgroups: Subject: GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Date: 13 Nov 1998 03:15:41 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> GOING OUT OF BUSINESS THESE ITEMS ARE FOR LIQUIDATION. ACCEPTING BEST OFFERS. (3) NEC 1.44 FLOPPY $12.00 each (1) IBM 2.88 FLOPPY $19.00 each (1) IBM 5.25 FLOPPY $5.00 each (1) 468 LITHIUM BATTERY $5.00 each (10) WHITE BLANK INSERTS $.25 each (1) MS-DOS COMPUTER BOOK $5.00 each (4) CD-ROM AUDIO CABLES $.50 (5) SCSI-3 CABLE $9.00 (1) VERBATIM BLAK CD $1.25 (1) MS OFFICE 97 PRO $50.00 (1) 36X CD-ROM $45.00 (1) 32X CD-ROM $35.00 (7) PENTIUM II FANS $9.00 (1) ENLIGHT MID TOWER $50.00 (5) ENGLISH KEYBOARD PS/2 $8.00 (10) ENGLISH KEYBOARD $5.00 (2) SPANISH KEYBOARD $6.00 (6) TYAN TX ATX MOTHERBOARD $45.00 (13) 3 BUTTON MICE $2.00 (2) 56K PCI MODEM $35.00 (18) BLUE MOUSE PADS $1.00 (2) PANASONIC DOT MATRIX PRINTERS $50.00 (4) 300WATT POWER CORDS $1.00 (1) 16 BIT SOUND CARD $5.00 (4) 140WATT SPEAKERS $4.95 (5) SURGE PROTECTORS $3.00 (2) TRIDENT 9680 VGA PCI $12.00 (3) TRIDENT 9685 VGA PCI $19.00 (3) WINDOWS 95 OSR/2 CD-ROMS $55.00 ACCEPTING BEST OFFERS. MUST SELL FAST. E-MAIL IF INTERESTED. THANKS
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 13 Nov 1998 03:30:36 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (PACKINGIT3) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 11 Nov 1998 05:31:30 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <72b7fi$vd9$> References: <> <> <72aq3b$sdn$> Christian Jensen <> wrote: >You (David Evans <>) wrote >in newsgroup, on 10 Nov 1998 16:35:27 GMT: >> Expansions boards, like the NeXTdimension (most common), Ariel QuintDSP, >> that other i860-based Ariel thing, the IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation, a >> FORE ATM board (does *anyone* have drivers for this?), and likely some others. > >All of the above plus: > >Daewoo Graphics and Imaging System (some sort of souped up true-color card + API software) > >Extron Board (a board enabling screen output to an external projector) > >Dazzl Model 16/12 A/D conversion board Plus: NeXTbus developers board (a breadboard on one side and glue chips for the bus on the other side). Mine is still in the box, never got the chance to play. Paulus
From: dave cunningham <> Newsgroups: Subject: advice on a "dirty" printer? Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 21:46:54 -0800 Organization: MegaNews! Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 Nov 1998 05:43:43 GMT my NeXT printer is puting out "dirty" copies, with conspicuous fuzzy line at about 1/3 the length of the sheet, parallel to the feed rollers. there's also a ghost image of the text along the long axis of the paper and miscellaneous swarf/shading on the printed page. i tried sort of generally cleaning around in the printer, but to no avail. apparently any specific advice regards a solution? tia, -=c'ham=-
Newsgroups:,, From: Message-ID: <> Control: cancel <> Subject: cmsg cancel <> Organization: Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 02:52:21 GMT Sender: Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: (Dave Justice) Newsgroups: Subject: MC68060 chip in a NeXTcube Date: 12 Nov 1998 21:08:41 PST Organization: Concentric Internet Services Message-ID: <> I'm fairly new to the group and I'm not sure if this topic has been beaten to death but... Has anyone looked into upgrading the processor in a NeXTcube Turbo to a Motorola 68060 chip? They are supposedly backward compatible with 680X0 code and offer performance over 100 MIPS at 66MHz which would be an large improvement over the 040 chip. I've heard that they were never marketed well because of the Macintosh transition from the 68k architechture the the PowerPC. However, it would seem like a natural upgrade path for black hardware. Just a thought.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Cube speeds @ 25Mhz Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:53:35 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <72ajlv$d13$> References: <70u583$> <70u67o$t4k$> <71fpc1$rvt$> <71ft6s$> <71hoa8$491$> <> <71j7un$uuu$> <> <> <71l6e3$mij$> <> > This is confusing. I have access to an Iris Indigo running release 4.0.5 > which can compile software very well. Actually, it seems to be running > nothing but gcc most of the time ;) > > The problem is you don't get any recent precompiled software like > Netscape Navigator. That's why our Iris is only used by console jockies > these days. If you have a C compiler then they compile great. But you can't get a _free_ compiler, and the SGI one cost a fortune. Actualy it is not the compiler that cost money, but the headers that you need to run it. You can run GCC, but it can't do anything without headers that you can only get from SGI. However the NEW Irix versions can compile software, but they can't run on old 32 bit hardware. Jim -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: MC68060 chip in a NeXTcube Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <7vP22.2221$> Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 05:31:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 00:31:47 EDT In <> Dave Justice wrote: > I'm fairly new to the group and I'm not sure if this topic has been > beaten to death but... It has been... repeatedly.... at this point we're beating the spot where the spot used to be where the dead horse was. (see and search* for 68060) Summary: It absolutely won't work. The hardware is tied to that speed. There is an accelerator available for ~$900 from that will make a 25MHz machine a 50MHz machine. Other than that, there are no options available. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: 12 Nov 1998 18:36:07 GMT Organization: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Message-ID: <72f9qn$mu0$> I've heard that NEXTSTEP doesnt support HD greater than 2 GB does this limitation allpy to black hardware running 4.2 ????
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: 13 Nov 1998 14:38:59 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <72hga3$mrp$> References: <72f9qn$mu0$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Nov 1998 14:38:59 GMT wrote: > I've heard that NEXTSTEP doesnt support HD greater than 2 GB does this > limitation allpy to black hardware running 4.2 ???? No. A partition can't be greater than 2 GB, but you can use multiple partitions for big HD. My HD under NS3.3 is a 4.6GB and I have 3 partitions. All is working with no problem. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 -------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:56:12 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <72hobc$dbj$> References: <72f9qn$mu0$> In article <72f9qn$mu0$>, wrote: > I've heard that NEXTSTEP doesnt support HD greater than 2 GB does this > limitation allpy to black hardware running 4.2 ???? > BSD Unix doens´t accept partitions greater than 2Gb, so If you wanna install a greater than 2Gb HD you have to partition it. Look this NeXTanswer: Regards, Stefano Spalding Baron -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Multiple repetitions of a sound. Organization: Is a sign of weakness Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> Date: 13 Nov 98 12:03:56 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:12:40 PDT OK, so I recently upgraded my main system, and decided to track down some gremlins I'd been noticing. One was that my sound card seemed to chop sounds into grating bits, from a time when I had to borrow the card for another system (a Windows system, that could run some games I wanted to see). Ugly, but since I tend towards visual (and no) beeps, it hasn't been _that_ annoying. So, I uninstalled all sound-related stuff (it appeared that I might have been running the system beep driver _and_ the ProAudioSpectrum driver). I reinstall the ProAudioSpectrum driver, and the NEXTTIME_Sound driver. Now, I get excellent system beeps and the like - but when I play a sound, I get 7 repetitions! 7 nice and clear renditions of the same sound! I'm sure I'd have remembered if it did this back when it worked correctly before... Any ideas? This is on a Celeron333, Asus P2B motherboard, the ProAudioSpectrum is the only ISA card, and unused ports (serial, parallel, IDE, USB) are disabled, so it's unlikely to be an IRQ/DMA conflict. Thanks, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Y2K Trouble Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <72fmft$m4g$> In-reply-to:'s message of Thu, 12 Nov 1998 22:12:12 GMT Date: 13 Nov 98 10:39:26 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:12:39 PDT In article <72fmft$m4g$> writes: I am running NS 3.3 on a NeXT Dimension Turbo Cube. I read the Y2K .pdf doc at the Apple Enterprise site which leads me to believe I'm f**ked come 1/1/2000. Does anyone have any info on this? Are all my wonderful Apps gonna die? Is the sh*t gonna hit the fan? Am I gonna have to migrate to OS 4.X? Is that even going to help me with the hardware which isn't even mentioned in the doc? Hmm, well, first realize that Apple/NeXT is more interested in protecting themselves from liability problems than in helping you continue to use obsolete hardware and operating systems. This is one of those cases where fear of the problem is probably worse than the problem itself (insofar as NeXT equipment is unlikely to be in key positions where the effect of minor disruptions is magnified). So far as day-to-day use of NS3.3, I fully expect that most people won't even notice the change. It will manifest in various minor ways, such as an inability to get the date's year set right, or weird years in various places, such as email headers or file dates. But the times and months and days are and such are likely to be mostly correct (excepting possible leap-year interactions, of course). Some of this can be worked around. The Preferences date-setting module apparently can't set dates past y2k. But you can get a command-line program that can do it, if you need it. [Better yet, "/usr/ucb/rdate" could probably do it, too.] And sendmail can be upgraded to a later y2k aware version. And so on, until it's more bother to upgrade some minor program to be perfect versus just living with the problem. And there's always the solution of setting the system block back to 1979... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Geoff J. Wiener" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Thinkpad 380ED Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 21:35:20 -0600 Organization: Posted via Supernews, - Discussions start here! Message-ID: <> Greetings; I was just wondering if anyone out there had an OpenStep 4.2 driver for the Neomagic MagicGraph128 video chip in the Thinkpad 380ED. I dont have a lot of requirement for OpenStep on my TP as I run NT W/S as my primary operating system but I now have to support some of these machines and would love to get some decent resolution. ANy info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Geoff
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Multiple repetitions of a sound. Date: 13 Nov 98 15:19:40 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to:'s message of 13 Nov 98 12:03:56 In article <>, (Scott Hess) writes: Now, I get excellent system beeps and the like - but when I play a sound, I get 7 repetitions! 7 nice and clear renditions of the same sound! I'm sure I'd have remembered if it did this back when it worked correctly before... I went back to DejaNews and tried some more imaginative search terms, and managed to pull up an article indicating that the problem was probably related to an IRQ/DMA type mismatch. After some messing around with the ProAudioSpectrum installation program and, I had no results. Finally, I just set to defaults for this card, and went into my BIOS setup screen and disabled PnP on all possible IRQ's and DMA channels. Now it works swell. I suppose someone should go back and reenable those spare IRQs now, though... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Michael S. Barthelemy) Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox Millenium G200 Date: 13 Nov 1998 23:23:07 GMT Organization: A-Link Network Services, Inc. Message-ID: <72if0r$> Does anyone know if this card works with the current Millenium II driver for OPENSTEP 4.2? (I can tweak the autodetect id's - just wondering if anyone has already tried this.) Thanks, Mike Barthelemy
Message-ID: <> From: Michael Lankton <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millenium G200 References: <72if0r$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 23:54:54 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 15:54:54 PDT Organization: @Home Network Apple does have plans to do a driver for the g200 cards, but there is no timetable for when it will be made available. "Michael S. Barthelemy" wrote: > > Does anyone know if this card works with the current Millenium II driver for > OPENSTEP 4.2? (I can tweak the autodetect id's - just wondering if anyone has > already tried this.) -- .###. /#######\## -==============================================- ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker ;##### ;# \# /## -==============================================- ###'---'####
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups:,,, Subject: Brandon B. Martinelli Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 20:35:52 -0600 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <72iquj$u0k$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Nov 1998 02:46:43 GMT Sorry for using this email to ask for a person instead of NeXT stuffs. However, I lost Brandon B. Martinelli email address and I really need to contact him. If Brandon B. Martinelli found this email or someone else knows his email address, please contact me at Thank you very much and I'm sorry for using NeXT usenet in the wrong direction, but he's a NeXT user and I thought he might look at NeXT newsgroup sometimes. Sarawoot
From: (Naoki Takebayashi) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT monitor with OS4.2/mach Intel Date: 14 Nov 1998 03:23:46 GMT Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm thinking of building a AMD K6-2 based machine to run OpenStep4.2/mach and Linux. I currently has a NeXT Station Color Turobo with N4006 (Sony trinitron) and I'm dreaming about sharing this monitor between NeXT station and PC with A/B switch. I don't have enough space to have two monitors on my desk. I have been looking around to find an appropriate video card. I was looking at a FAQ and there was a list of video card venders who make video cards which can be used with fixed sync monitors (like NeXT monitor). These venders include, Mirage, MaxVision, Software Integrators, and Photon (PCG). The problem is I don't know if the OpenStep drivers are available for these (Yes, I looked at the NeXT Answer Hardware compatibility lists). I appreciate if anybody can help me by answering the following questions. Q1: I didn't find any video drivers for the Permedia 2 chipset. Well actually I don't know which card is based on this chip set (I don't know well about PC hardware), so I'm not sure if this chip set is supported or not. Does anybody know whether this is (or will be) supported? One vid card from Software Integrators are based on this. I talked to them and they thought there may be a OpenStep driver for this chip set. Q2: VideoMax 2000 from MaxVision is based on Weitek P9100 and I found a P9100 driver on NeXT answer (#2433). Has anybody tried this card (VideoMax 2000)? Q3: Can S3 ViRGE driver (NeXT Answer #2385) drive S3 Virge GX2? mirage has one card based on this chip set. Q4: How about Cirrus Logic GD5480 chip set? Q5: Have anyone tried combination of 13W3 to VGA adapter (A2 from Software Integrators) and VGA to sync on Green adapter (SG1) with OpenStep? I heard this set up should work as long as I can force the video card to do certain sync rate and resolutions. In other words, this should work with X in linux, because I can specify the resolution in /etc/XF86Config. How do you control video card resolution and sync rate in OpenStep/Intel?? I appreciate any comments, Thanks Naoki Naoki Takebayashi ---- Biology Dept. Indiana Univ, Bloomington IN, USA
Message-ID: <> From: msms <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: MC68060 chip in a NeXTcube References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 04:18:27 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 20:18:27 PDT Organization: @Home Network Also, the 68060s are only user mode compatible with the 68040s. Apparently some of the 68040 supervisor instructions are not supported by the 68060 chip. -- John ------------- > > I'm fairly new to the group and I'm not sure if this topic has been > beaten to death but... > > Has anyone looked into upgrading the processor in a NeXTcube Turbo to a > Motorola 68060 chip? They are supposedly backward compatible with 680X0 > code and offer performance over 100 MIPS at 66MHz which would be an large > improvement over the 040 chip. I've heard that they were never marketed > well because of the Macintosh transition from the 68k architechture the > the PowerPC. However, it would seem like a natural upgrade path for black > hardware. Just a thought.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Date: 14 Nov 1998 11:48:52 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> There was another message here recently that one of the commercial vendors, (Bifrost or Deepspace or Orb, sorry, organic memory fails me) had a driver (commercial of course). William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: 14 Nov 1998 20:13:47 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <72ko9r$r35$> References: <72f9qn$mu0$> <72hobc$dbj$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Nov 1998 20:13:47 GMT wrote: > BSD Unix doens´t accept partitions greater than 2Gb, so If you wanna install > a greater than 2Gb HD you have to partition it. For 4.3BSD it is true, but for 4.4 it is not. I have a partition bigger than 4 GB on 4.4BSD with Rhapsody. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 -------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Thinkpad 380ED Date: 14 Nov 1998 21:59:54 GMT Message-ID: <72kugq$ef4$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Nov 1998 21:59:54 GMT Cc: In <> WillAdams wrote: > There was another message here recently that one of the commercial vendors, > (Bifrost or Deepspace or Orb, sorry, organic memory fails me) had a driver > (commercial of course). > > William > > > William Adams > > Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. > > If it is the NeoMagic 128 chipset.....look at Deepspace's site. It will cost you about $50 bucks... Jay -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: What CDR's have been sucessfully used with Black HW Date: 12 Nov 1998 16:39:13 GMT Organization: The Center for Communications Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Distribution: world Message-ID: <72f2vh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi All, I'm in the process of buying a SCSI CD-R (maybe RW) unit for my Linux server, and I was wondering what CD-R unit's people have had success using on Black Hardware. I've got a couple of TurboColor slabs that I'd like to use the CD-R on too. I've got CDDesigner, which has a list of compatible units, but I was hoping to find some folks who were actually using CD-Rs for both data and audio. The PC has a SCSI bus, and I figure that it mostly won't matter to the PC; the NeXT seems to be a little picky sometimes about SCSI devices (though not nearly as picky as my Mac). Thanks in advance. Peace. James -- James David Meacham, 3rd Web Systems Administrator/Internet Services Coordinator Center for Communications Programs 410-659-6367 The Johns Hopkins University 410-659-6266 (fax)
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 02:44:31 +0000 From: Christian Klein <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.3 + adaptec 2940 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa I have been trying to install NS 3.3 intel on an older Pentium 2 computer. I have two adaptec 2940 cards; one 2940UW, bios 1.32, AIC-7881U (rev 1); and one 2940AU, bios 1.21, AIC-7861 (rev 1). The mainboard is a baby AT Tyan Tahoe (jun 27th, 1997) with an AMI bios. The board has the 440FX chipset and 8 72 pin sim slots, 5pci/4isa. I boot the machine with the floppy, load the 2940 driver for the cdrom (plextor ultraplex) and for the hd (2gig fast scsi 2 seagate 'cuda) . then i select continue without loading other drivers and i get something to the effect of : Adaptec2940 Can't get configspace, aborting root device?.... I have tried this with only one 2940 in the machine and have disabled ultrascsi in each bios. I have also tried each one of these cards in each pci slot with the same result. i have set the transfer rates down to 5mb/sec. I have tried using the disks that came with NS and the following boot floppies from 1886_3.3_Boot_Floppy 2078_3.3_Beta_Drivers 2145_3.3_Core_Drivers 1923_3.3_Additional Drivers i have used these floppies in all possible configs that i could think of. am i not using the most recent drivers? are teh most recent drivers not on the most recent images? if i am not, how do i make additional driver floppies without access to a machine running NeXTStep? What format must the floppies be in? or must i go back to using an adaptec 152x? thanks in advance, christian klein cklein at
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 02:30:55 +0000 From: Christian Klein <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.3 + adaptec 2940 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa I have been trying to install NS 3.3 intel on an older Pentium 2 computer. I have two adaptec 2940 cards; one 2940UW, bios 1.32, AIC-7881U (rev 1); and one 2940AU, bios 1.21, AIC-7861 (rev 1). The mainboard is a baby AT Tyan Tahoe (jun 27th, 1997) with an AMI bios. The board has the 440FX chipset and 8 72 pin sim slots, 5pci/4isa. I boot the machine with the floppy, load the 2940 driver for the cdrom (plextor ultraplex) and for the hd (2gig fast scsi 2 seagate 'cuda) . then i select continue without loading other drivers and i get something to the effect of : Adaptec2940 Can't get configspace, aborting root device?.... I have tried this with only one 2940 in the machine and have disabled ultrascsi in each bios. I have also tried each one of these cards in each pci slot with the same result. i have set the transfer rates down to 5mb/sec. I have tried using the disks that came with NS and the following boot floppies from 1886_3.3_Boot_Floppy 2078_3.3_Beta_Drivers 2145_3.3_Core_Drivers 1923_3.3_Additional Drivers i have used these floppies in all possible configs that i could think of. am i not using the most recent drivers? are teh most recent drivers not on the most recent images? if i am not, how do i make additional driver floppies without access to a machine running NeXTStep? What format must the floppies be in? or must i go back to using an adaptec 152x? thanks in advance, christian klein cklein at
From: "Danny Stevenson" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Possible to connect NeXT laser printer to PC? Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 23:53:55 -0500 Message-ID: <72lmkd$hbj$> I've searched through all the FAQs I could find to no avail. 1. Is it possible to connect a black NeXT laser printer directly to a Windows 98 PC? I've downloaded Adobe's PostScript driver, plus the group06.exe PPD file. 2. I have a network connection between the PC and a Turbo Color, but don't know how to get a print job to the NeXT. Besides, I don't want to have to turn the Turbo Color on just to print, but could live with that if I couldn't achieve 1 above and could get the print job across. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. Danny Stevenson
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 15 Nov 1998 04:46:24 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Video Problems with Vobis Notebook Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 16:58:55 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <728tgb$nou$> <7298rt$t34$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Nov 1998 17:48:53 GMT For archive, read my backup diskettes. "Ernst K. Locker" wrote: > > In article <>, wrote: > >I've got your e-mail form DST, and will retrive the driver source from > >archive some time this week. > > Source ? > > I thought you were talking about a commercial driver from DeespaceTech. > > Is there another CT 65555 driver which is freely available ? > > -- > Ernst K. Locker -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: (Matthew C Weigel) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Possible to connect NeXT laser printer to PC? Date: 15 Nov 1998 15:30:03 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Message-ID: <72ms1r$85i$> References: <72lmkd$hbj$> Danny Stevenson <> wrote: >I've searched through all the FAQs I could find to no avail. > >1. Is it possible to connect a black NeXT laser printer directly to a >Windows 98 PC? I've downloaded Adobe's PostScript driver, plus the >group06.exe PPD file. No. From, you'd need a whole new driver for the NeXTPrinter specifically; none exist AFAIK. >2. I have a network connection between the PC and a Turbo Color, but don't >know how to get a print job to the NeXT. Besides, I don't want to have to >turn the Turbo Color on just to print, but could live with that if I >couldn't achieve 1 above and could get the print job across. There should be two ways to do this. The one I prefer uses TCP/IP (lpd on the NeXTStation, lpr on the Win98 PC), the other one uses Peer-to-Peer networking (and Samba on the NeXTStation). If the network is TCP/IP: NeXTStation: create or edit the file /etc/hosts.lpd to include the hostname of the Win98 box. Win98 box: try following the wizard; I took a quick look at it on a friend's (Win95 -- so this may have changed) box, and it seems like it could work OK (I didn't get past the point where it lets you select the kind of printer, since he didn't have the PS driver). However, I'm not too certain because it seemed more focused on Peer-to-Peer print sharing. Regardless, by default (AFAIK) the queue name is Local_Printer on the NeXTStation -- you'll need to keep that in mind. If the network is Peer-to-Peer, it should be significantly easier once you get Samba on the NeXTStation up and running, but I can't help you there either. That should be enough information to get you looking for the right info, at least :-) -- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --Matthew BeOS | Linux Lab Consultant-- \\--Weigel OS2 | NeXT Programmer--// \\--------------------------+----------------------------//
From: (MevDev) Newsgroups: Subject: Nextstep 3.3 with only IDE Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:39:18 -0600 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> YES, it can be done. nextstep 3.3 is running on my system with an IDE harddrive and an ide CDrom, you need to get the beta drivers disk from the next site, then when it makes you choose the SCSI driver, choose 254x or something like that, then it brings to another screen (a bug in the installer) that has IDe stuff, hit a 7 I think and then choose dual IDE ATAPI . It installs ok and runs perfect without SCSI, if there are any questions or if you want specifics of my system please feel free to email me. at:
From: (MevDev) Newsgroups: Subject: Nextstep 3.3 with only IDE Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:40:37 -0600 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> YES, it can be done. nextstep 3.3 is running on my system with an IDE harddrive and an ide CDrom, you need to get the beta drivers disk from the next site, then when it makes you choose the SCSI driver, choose 254x or something like that, then it brings to another screen (a bug in the installer) that has IDe stuff, hit a 7 I think and then choose dual IDE ATAPI . It installs ok and runs perfect without SCSI, if there are any questions or if you want specifics of my system please feel free to email me. at:
From: "Test" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Test Date: 15 Nov 1998 18:16:06 GMT Organization: TIN Message-ID: <72n5p6$nvh$> Body Test
From: (MevDev) Newsgroups: Subject: Nextstep 3.3 with only IDE Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:42:26 -0600 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> YES, it can be done. nextstep 3.3 is running on my system with an IDE harddrive and an ide CDrom. Here are the instructions from the web: NeXTSTEP 3.3 for Intel Mach Installation Instructions by George Taylor This document describes how to install NeXTSTEP for Intel. It assumes you know about connecting hardrives and making partitions, how to use the web, and general computer knowledge. Ensure that your hard drive is installed as the primary IDE master, and your CDROM is the primary slave. You need to prepare 3 floppies, 3.3 core drivers, 3.3 boot, and 3.3 beta drivers. Make sure to use good floppies and it's a good idea to prepare two copies of each disk, or have another computer nearby, as a corrupt install disk can waste a lot of your time. These floppies are prepared by downloading the floppyimage files and the rawrite.exe program. Run the rawrite.exe program and enter the name of the floppyimage file, which must be in the same directory. Make sure you rename the floppyimage file to a shorter filename, such as boot.img. Then insert a blank disk and type A plus enter to format the floppy. You can find the floppyimage files by going to will let you type in the number of a specific nextanswer. For instructions and a link to the rawrite program, use nextanswer 1921. The resulting page will contain links to all the floppy images you require. One thing to note is that the rawrite program only accepts old 8 character dos filenames, so be sure to rename the "1886_3.3_Boot_Floppy.floppyimage" to something like "boot.img". Put the 3.3 boot floppy in A: drive, put the 3.3 NextStep CD in your CDROM, reboot your computer. The installation automatically starts. When these instructions say to type a number, press enter after typing the number. Type 1 to select English/NeXTUSA keyboard Type 1 to continue Insert core 3.3 drivers floppy, hit enter. Note: this driver floppy must contain these drivers: PS2KeyBoard, EISA bus, PCI bus. Five drivers are loaded. Insert 3.3 beta drivers floppy and type 1. Type 2 to use 154x Adaptec SCSI controller. This driver is required due to an installation bug. Type 7 to see more drivers. Type 2 to use dual EIDE and ATAPI driver. Type 1 to continue (no more drivers needed). The computer reboots, and NeXTSTEP starts. You will see messages about registering drivers. The CDROM is then read. Type 1 to install NextStep on the startup disk (primary IDE master). Here you get a chance to use the fdisk program. This allows you to partition your hard drive. You can create, delete, make active, and show partitions. If you have free space or a partition you can erase you can use that and leave other installed operating systems intact. Pick a partition, then type 1 to install. Your partition is formatted. Now files from the CDROM are copied to the new partition. Many files are copied from /usr, /NextLibrary, /NextDeveloper, /bin, /NextAdmin, /NextApps and /me. Remove the floppy, and hit a key to reboot. Insert 3.3 beta drivers floppy and type 1. Insert 3.3 core drivers floppy and type 1. Insert 3.3 beta drivers floppy again and hit enter. Insert 3.3 core drivers floppy again and hit enter. A confirmation window comes up. Click save. Select the NextStep packages you want to install. Hit enter to reboot. NextStep starts again. Select NextUSA keyboard and click OK. General steps after NeXTSTEP is installed Set a password for the me user account. Then logout and login as root. Use the NextAdmin/Configure application to install additional drivers. Add these drivers one at a time. Reboot for them to take effect. Specifically you need to reboot to activate a new display driver. There is a patch for release 3.3. Download and run it. There is also a patch for the developer version. There is a limitation in the filename length for the included version of tar. Get gnutar version 1.12 and compile it. Meanwhile the ditto command can be used for making backups. Tips Installation wouldn't work when installing into a 2nd partition which started 2.5 gb into the disk space. Installation worked with a 560MB first partition. Use check for disks to show msdos 16 bit FAT partitions. Remember these still have old 8 character filenames. List of disks used when installing NextStep 3.3 Floppy images - extract with rawrite.exe Next filenames 1886_3_3_Boot_Floppy.floppyimage - boot/install disk 1887_3_3_Driver_Floppy.floppyimage - Original drivers disk 2145_3_3_Core_Drivers.floppyimage -installation drivers 1923_3_3_Additional_Drivers.floppyimage 2078_3_3_Beta_Drivers.floppyimage -beta of drivers disk List of files on each disk Original 3.3 Drivers Summary: Network cards, IDE, PCI, ISA/EISA, PCI Host Bridge, PCMCIA, Mouse&Keyboard drivers. 3com EtherLink III EISA 3.3 3com EtherLink III ISA 3.3 AMD PCnet-32 Ether 3.3 Adaptec 154x ISA 3.31 Adaptec 274x EISA 3.3 Adaptec 284x VL 3.3 Adaptec 2940 PCI 3.32 Adaptec 6x60 3.31 BusLogic EISA 3.31 BusLogic ISA 3.31 BusLogic PCI 3.31 BusLogic VL 3.31 Cogent EM525 AT Ethernet 3.30 Cogent EM595 PCMCIA 3.30 Cogent EM960 PCI 3.31 Cogent eMaster+ EM932 EISA 3.3 Cogent eMaster+ EM935 EISA 3.3 DPT 2021 ISA 3.3 DPT 2x22 EISA 3.3 HP Vectra XM/XP on board 3.3 IDE 3.3 IDE for large disks (>504MB) 3.3 ISA/EISA bus 3.3 Intel 82365 PCMCIA 1.0 Intel 824x0 PCI Host Bridge 3.3 Intel EtherExpress 3.3 Intel GX/Pro IDE 3.3 PCI bus 3.3 PCMCIA bus 3. 3 PS/2 Keyboard 3.3 SMC EtherElite 16 3.3 3.3 Beta Drivers Summary: SCSI, IDE, EIDE/ATAPI drivers. Adaptec 1542CP PnP SCSI 3.35 Adaptec 154x SCSI 3.35 BusLogic FlashPoint PCI SCSI 3.32 EIDE and ATAPI 3.35 EIDE and ATAPI for PCTech RZ1000 PCI 3.35 IDE 3.35 Intel GX/Pro IDE 3.35 Primary/Secondary (Dual) EIDE and ATAPI 3.35 3.3 Additional Drivers Summary: SCSI drivers. AMD 53C974/79C974 PCI SCSI 3.36 Adaptec 274x EISA SCSI 3.32 Adaptec 284x VL SCSI 3.32 Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI 3.37 Adaptec 6x60 SCSI 3.32 Adaptec PCMCIA 6360 SCSI 3.32 BusLogic EISA SCSI 3.32 BusLogic ISA SCSI 3.32 BusLogic PCI SCSI 3.32 BusLogic VL SCSI 3.32 DPT 2021 ISA SCSI 3.32 DPT 2x22/3222 EISA SCSI 3.32 DPT 2x24/3224 PCI SCSI 3.32 DPT on board SCSI 3.32 Symbios Logic 53C8xx SCSI 3.33 3.3 Core Drivers ISA/EISA bus 3.31 Floppy Driver 3.30 Intel 824x0 PCI Host Bridge 3.31 PCI bus 3.30 Intel 82365 PCMCIA 3.31 PCMCIA bus 3.33 PS2Keyboard 3.3 3.3 Boot sarld mach_kernel at:
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Repost:Configuring Creative SB AWE64 PnP On Openstep 4.0(more readable) Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 16:54:16 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> <727knc$5i7$> <> <729q5a$9r$> <72a77a$n6d$> <> <> <72fabc$pko$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Nov 1998 17:48:52 GMT wrote: > > In <> Zanitti Leo wrote: > > Randy write: [snip] ********************************************************************************* > > BTW: I do have one nagging question though since I had just reinstalled > my SB16 back into my Openstep 4.2 box. I had some strange problem > when I ran and had to kill it from the WM process panel. > Now when I run I get the following console error and no-longer > does it play/display sounds. > > Nov 12 13:33:01 Sound[290] registerServiceProvider:withName: is obsolete. Use setServicesProvider: > > I can use sndplay and sndrecord but not I tried the from > the 4.2 CD with same effect. Which makes me think that a library got hosed > somewhere. > > Anyone see this before and know which library(s) might have been corrupted. > > (Sorry for the multiple posts - damn NewsGrazer) > > Randy > rencsok at > channelu dot com > argus dot cem dot msu dot edu > > spammers works also :) > > Randy Rencsok General UNIX, NeXTStep, IRIX Admining, > Turbo Software Consulting, Programming, etc.) I seem to remember having a similar problem with Rhapsody (DR1 or DR2, can't remember). I think the game (Boink? like Breakout) didn't do sound, either. I assumed it was a bug, did you realy have working sound in Rhapsody? -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Matrox Millenium G200 Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 17:15:09 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <72if0r$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Nov 1998 17:48:53 GMT I have the card and have tweeked the Auto Detect Ids, but the driver (says it) can not set the PLL (dot clock/video clock), and you are left with no syncs to your monitor (the monitor then powers off). This leaves you with a Right-AltGr + NumLock and r to restart. Close, but no cigar. Michael Lankton wrote: > > Apple does have plans to do a driver for the g200 cards, but there is no > timetable for when it will be made available. > > "Michael S. Barthelemy" wrote: > > > > Does anyone know if this card works with the current Millenium II driver for > > OPENSTEP 4.2? (I can tweak the autodetect id's - just wondering if anyone has > > already tried this.) > -- > .###. > /#######\## -==============================================- > ;##### ;# Mike's WindowMaker > ;##### ;# > \# /## -==============================================- > ###'---'#### -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What CDR's have been sucessfully used with Black HW Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 17:17:37 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <72f2vh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Nov 1998 17:48:54 GMT I've heard that the Yamaha is good, but the HP lacks a vital command. I have a Yamaha, but I have not got round to testing it under NS or OS. "James D. Meacham" wrote: > > Hi All, > > I'm in the process of buying a SCSI CD-R (maybe RW) unit for my Linux server, > and I was wondering what CD-R unit's people have had success using on Black > Hardware. I've got a couple of TurboColor slabs that I'd like to use the > CD-R on too. I've got CDDesigner, which has a list of compatible units, but > I was hoping to find some folks who were actually using CD-Rs for both data > and audio. The PC has a SCSI bus, and I figure that it mostly won't matter > to the PC; the NeXT seems to be a little picky sometimes about SCSI devices > (though not nearly as picky as my Mac). Thanks in advance. Peace. > > James > > -- > James David Meacham, 3rd > Web Systems Administrator/Internet Services Coordinator > Center for Communications Programs 410-659-6367 > The Johns Hopkins University 410-659-6266 (fax) -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Robert Forsyth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS 3.3 + adaptec 2940 Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 17:24:30 +0000 Organization: Forsee with Style Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Nov 1998 17:48:55 GMT There is a newish driver on NeXTAnswers. The error message seems to indicate that the PCI vendor/device id of the 2940, needs adding to the Autodetect Ids in the *.table in the .config driver bundle, but you will need a working NS machine to make this change. In the Ctrl-A SCSI BIOS leave the defaults set, do not enable SCAM (well, it doesn't work on my machine). Christian Klein wrote: > > I have been trying to install NS 3.3 intel on an older Pentium 2 > computer. > > I have two adaptec 2940 cards; one 2940UW, bios 1.32, AIC-7881U (rev > 1); and one 2940AU, bios 1.21, AIC-7861 (rev 1). > > The mainboard is a baby AT Tyan Tahoe (jun 27th, 1997) with an AMI > bios. The board has the 440FX chipset and 8 72 pin sim slots, > 5pci/4isa. > > I boot the machine with the floppy, load the 2940 driver for the cdrom > (plextor ultraplex) and for the hd (2gig fast scsi 2 seagate 'cuda) . > then i select continue without loading other drivers and i get something > to the effect of : > > Adaptec2940 Can't get configspace, aborting > root device?.... > > I have tried this with only one 2940 in the machine and have disabled > ultrascsi in each bios. I have also tried each one of these cards in > each pci slot with the same result. i have set the transfer rates down > to 5mb/sec. > > I have tried using the disks that came with NS and the following boot > floppies from > > 1886_3.3_Boot_Floppy > 2078_3.3_Beta_Drivers > 2145_3.3_Core_Drivers > 1923_3.3_Additional Drivers > > i have used these floppies in all possible configs that i could think > of. > > am i not using the most recent drivers? are teh most recent drivers not > on the most recent images? if i am not, how do i make additional driver > floppies without access to a machine running NeXTStep? What format > must the floppies be in? or must i go back to using an adaptec 152x? > > thanks in advance, > > christian klein > cklein at -- Robert Forsyth tel/fax: +44 1243 787487
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Possible to connect NeXT laser printer to PC? Date: 15 Nov 1998 19:55:12 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <72nbj0$pr6$> References: <72lmkd$hbj$> <72ms1r$85i$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <72ms1r$85i$> (Matthew C Weigel) writes: >Danny Stevenson <> wrote: > >>2. I have a network connection between the PC and a Turbo Color, but don't >>know how to get a print job to the NeXT. Besides, I don't want to have to >>turn the Turbo Color on just to print, but could live with that if I >>couldn't achieve 1 above and could get the print job across. > >There should be two ways to do this. The one I prefer uses TCP/IP (lpd on >the NeXTStation, lpr on the Win98 PC), the other one uses Peer-to-Peer >networking (and Samba on the NeXTStation). > >If the network is TCP/IP: > >NeXTStation: create or edit the file /etc/hosts.lpd to include the hostname >of the Win98 box. > >Win98 box: try following the wizard; I took a quick look at it on a friend's >(Win95 -- so this may have changed) box, and it seems like it could work OK >(I didn't get past the point where it lets you select the kind of printer, >since he didn't have the PS driver). However, I'm not too certain because >it seemed more focused on Peer-to-Peer print sharing. > There is also a litle program called PMLPR that does this. It is easy to setup, once you know what it is asking. It works on any windows computer. Although, if win98 has this function built in, that would be a more elegant solution. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Mouse is old- but does it need a walker? Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 12:41:12 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> xsthree <> wrote: >Hello all, > >I have a question regarding a non-adb mouse on a >color turbo slab... Even on the highest speed setting >in prefs, it is painfully slow! Is there *any* remedy for this???? > Well... > >Finally, I noticed that the speed of the cursor seems proportionate >to the quickness with which the mouse is moved. ie. push it quick >and the cursor will hit the boundary of the desktop in any given >direction, bu move it steady and it's just slowwww. Actually, this is an innovation that hasn't been copied by Microsoft yet as far as I know. It is the ideal combination of being able to be precise with your mouse (slow means precise) and go far with little movement (fast means go far). You'll get used to it pretty soon, and the only disadvantage is that you'll start to hate systems without it. :-) -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall
From: Andrew Turner <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: hardware password ? Help! Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 23:13:32 -0500 Organization: University of Virginia Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I had the problem for a slab, and just opened up the case and removed the battery for about 20-30 minutes. Rebooted, and it worked... Andrew Turner
From: Newsgroups: Subject: What hardware goes along with a NeXTstation Color? Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 12:25:07 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <72rpv3$i13$> Hello. Sorry if this turns out to be a FAQ, but I've still haven't been able to find a good sort of information on NeXT systems (the FAQ listed on Yahoo wasn't much help). I'm getting a NeXT Station Color ("slab", as they seem to be affectively called). I have a few questions about these systems I haven't been able to get find the answer: - Is this an ADB, or non ADB system? As I understand it, if it's ADB, I'll be able to use Macintosh keyboards and mouses, in addition to non-ADB black hardware. But I also understand that the ADB stuff has to be plugged in into a NeXT monitor. Am I right on this? Although my intellect tells me that one could hack up some sort of adapter to plug the ADB stuff into the slab, without need for a genuine NeXT monitor. - What kind of monitors go along with this system? I understand that any SVGA monitor (that meets certain frequency requirements) may be used with a special (and expensive) adapter. But I really would like to know which NeXT models are 'canonical' for this machine. - How difficult is installing NeXTSTEP 3.3? Does one need a CD-ROM in order to do so? Or can the install get the software from my Linux box over the network interface? Thanks for any help. -- Luis Casillas <> --- ** He who laughs last thinks slowest! -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Newsgroups: From: (Michael Humphries-Dolnick) Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Message-ID: <> Sender: (Operator) Organization: Swiss Bank Corporation CM&T Division References: <> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 20:50:52 GMT In article <> (dave-g) writes: > hi everyone, i have quite a few cubes laying around and i was wondering if > it was possible (ie; will it work!) to take the motherboards out of 3 > cubes and put them in the 3 open slots on another cube? i am very new to > the next world and i am wondering what those other slots would be for if > they are not used for other processors. > > also, i plan on running nextstep 3.3, once i get another cd-rom drive to > install from. > > thanks in advance, > > dave I don't know that much about Cubes hardware-wise, but given that NEXTSTEP and OPENSTEP do not support multiprocessor systems, I'd say the answer is "no." -- Michael Humphries-Dolnick "My opinions, not my employer's"
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: 70 ns chips in ND Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 10:59:48 +0100 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I am just wondering if i can use 70ns SIMMS in a NeXTDimension. The FAQ say 80ns, but they are kind of exotic nowadays... Harald
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Date: 15 Nov 98 22:59:32 Organization: Is a sign of weakness Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> References: <> <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> In-reply-to: jehrlich@leland.Stanford.EDU's message of 11 Nov 1998 20:21:19 GMT In article <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, jehrlich@leland.Stanford.EDU (Jason Scott Ehrlich) writes: Scott, have you checked out some of the online price databases? Several retailers list recently-updated prices for at least the Mystique 220 on in the video cards/matrox section. So I would assume you should still be able to get some OEM editions for pretty cheap. This is apparently something really quite recent, like in the past month or so. I had been following prices every week or two, because I've been intending to get this machine for awhile. Then I got somewhat snowed under with some work that caused me to not worry about it for a couple weeks - and when I came up for air, the vendors carrying the cards seemed to have mostly vanished! And those who were still turning up had a lot of out-of-stock indicators by their names... On Thursday, I ordered a pair of 8M original Millenium's from They haven't arrived, yet, but they should this week. $60 apiece, which is pretty reasonable, and since the performance difference between original Millenium and the Millenium II under NS/OS is truly minimal, I figure it's good insurance against the day I get that second monitor... Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Graphic tablets on black Hardware Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 11:38:10 +0100 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello again, I am considering to install a wacom graphics tablet on my NeXTStation. I read the Info in and found that the supported tablets are no longer avilable on the market (no wonder). My question is: does anybody use newer models on black hardware? Harald
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Graphic tablets on black Hardware Date: 16 Nov 1998 12:55:30 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> I was looking into getting my Wacom ArtZ set up with my Cube, and Wacom tech support was very helpful, though due to scheduling difficulties at both ends (the tech was out sick for a while and I had exams) never managed to connect for an explanation of how my ArtZ tablet was to be set to an older compatible mode so as to work with the The guy's name was Paul as best as I can recall--try their web site and submit a tech support request with your phone #--you should get a ring back reasonably quickly--please do share how things work with us! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "lcabrera" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HD and CD Rom Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 13:55:43 -0500 Organization: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Message-ID: <72psgl$pt$> References: <72cpr8$nrs$> I'm using a plextor ultraplex 32x with no problems Gilles Champagne wrote in message <72cpr8$nrs$>... >Hi, > >I'd like to change the hard disk in my NeXTStation and I'd like to know >what I can put in there that's been tried and tested. > >Also, I'd like to get my hands on a CD Rom drive that's also been tried and >tested. > >Anybody ??? > >Since I don't have the chance to browse the newsgroups frequently, >could you E-mail me at > >Thanks > >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HD and CD Rom Date: 16 Nov 1998 20:03:05 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <72q0dp$1614$> References: <72cpr8$nrs$> <72psgl$pt$> <72ptah$a1i$> >Gilles Champagne wrote in message <72cpr8$nrs$>... > >I'd like to change the hard disk in my NeXTStation and I'd like to know >what I can put in there that's been tried and tested. I just put in a Seagate ST34520N drive (4.5GB, 9.5ms, 7200RPM) in my Turbo color and am pretty happy with it. Costs about $220 mail order. I can give you the disktab to partition it with 2GB : 2GB : 500MB. Some people say a 7200RPM drives are too hot for the cramped station cases. But this drive runs a 11.x watts compared to the Seagate ST1480 (which NeXT originally shipped with the stations) which runs at 9.x watts, so I'm not expecting overheating problems. Note: it is not the spindle speed but the power requirements that determines how hot it runs (all that power is ultimately converted to heat). So check the power requirements of whatever you buy. Say, anyone know the max power the stations were designed to dissipate? - Gareth
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What hardware goes along with a NeXTstation Color? Date: 17 Nov 1998 17:03:27 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <72sa8v$3rv$> References: <72rpv3$i13$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: [ ... ] >- Is this an ADB, or non ADB system? As I understand it, if it's ADB, >I'll be able to use Macintosh keyboards and mouses, in addition to non- >ADB black hardware. If it's not a Turbo, it's (probably? certainly?) non-ADB. > But I also understand that the ADB stuff has to be plugged in into a NeXT > monitor. Am I right on this? Regardless of ADB or no, the keyboard plugs into the "Sound Box", which is connected via a "Y" cable to the slab and the monitor. > Although my intellect tells me that one could hack up some sort of adapter > to plug the ADB stuff into the slab, without need for a genuine NeXT > monitor. You're better off (ie, probably will spend less money and time) getting the Sound Box and cable then trying to hack something else up. >- What kind of monitors go along with this system? I understand that any >SVGA monitor (that meets certain frequency requirements) may be used with >a special (and expensive) adapter. But I really would like to know which >NeXT models are 'canonical' for this machine. The monitor needs to understand composite sync on green, around 1152x870x68Hz resolution, and the connector type is a 13W3. Older Sun color monitors work just fine with these specs, as do some other brands of fixed-frequency workstation monitors from that era. >- How difficult is installing NeXTSTEP 3.3? It's not. > Does one need a CD-ROM in order to do so? That's certainly easiest. You can also build bootable drives from a working system, or do a network install. > Or can the install get the software from my Linux box over the network > interface? Interesting question. The answer is it might be, but you'd have to figure out a lot of details as to how to respond to BOOTP requests and set up a network bootable directory structure. I wouldn't try it without having a NEXTSTEP system around in the first place. Besides which, how are you gonna get NEXTSTEP onto the Linux box in the first place? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What hardware goes along with a NeXTstation Color? Date: 17 Nov 1998 17:02:50 GMT Organization: The Center for Communications Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Message-ID: <72sa7q$> References: <72rpv3$i13$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <72rpv3$i13$> wrote: > - Is this an ADB, or non ADB system? As I understand it, if it's ADB, I'll > be able to use Macintosh keyboards and mouses, in addition to non-ADB black > hardware. But I also understand that the ADB stuff has to be plugged in into > a NeXT monitor. Am I right on this? Although my intellect tells me that one > could hack up some sort of adapter to plug the ADB stuff into the slab, > without need for a genuine NeXT monitor. Well, I don't know about the monitor thing, but only some of the NeXTstations were ADB capable. To make things even more complicated, the ADB machines can take both non-ADB and ADB subsystems. You need to have the right kind of soundbox, but other than that, both work. The same is not true of the non-adm systems, though. On both the systemsThe keyboard plugs into the soundbox, not the monitor. This is good for folks like me who found that the ADB hardware was kinda flimsy and wanted to trade back to the original keybord and mouse. >> - How difficult is installing NeXTSTEP 3.3? Does one need a CD-ROM in order > to do so? I beleive a SCSI CD-ROM is de riguer, even over a network, though I'm not sure about the latter part. Once you get the right HW, the installation itself is a total breeze. Easuer than installing Office 97, for sure. Peace, James -- James David Meacham, 3rd Web Systems Administrator/Internet Services Coordinator Center for Communications Programs 410-659-6367 The Johns Hopkins University 410-659-6266 (fax)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HD and CD Rom Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <72cpr8$nrs$> <72psgl$pt$> <72ptah$a1i$> <72q0dp$1614$> In-reply-to:'s message of 16 Nov 1998 20:03:05 GMT Date: 17 Nov 98 08:38:46 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 02:00:12 PDT In article <72q0dp$1614$>, writes: Gilles Champagne wrote in message <72cpr8$nrs$>... >I'd like to change the hard disk in my NeXTStation and I'd like to >know what I can put in there that's been tried and tested. I just put in a Seagate ST34520N drive (4.5GB, 9.5ms, 7200RPM) in my Turbo color and am pretty happy with it. Costs about $220 mail order. I can give you the disktab to partition it with 2GB : 2GB : 500MB. Some people say a 7200RPM drives are too hot for the cramped station cases. I'm one of those people. My concern, really, is that most of the cheaper 7200RPM drives _may_ be too hot for a slab, and NeXT hardware is unlikely to gain much advantage from the speed increase provided. I think it's somewhat pointless to take the risk when there's so little potential for return - better to save a couple bucks and get a used Seagate Hawk 2XL or IBM Ultrastar 2ES, which will be more than fast enough and much more than cool enough. But this drive runs a 11.x watts compared to the Seagate ST1480 (which NeXT originally shipped with the stations) which runs at 9.x watts, so I'm not expecting overheating problems. My station came direct from NeXT with an ST1480 400M drive in it. When I swapped out the drive for an ST31230 (1Gig Hawk 2LP), I noticed that the portion of the case directly above the drive was somewhat darkened above the drive - but where the sticker was, it was not as darkened. Pretty scary. I ran a station for a time with a DSP3107S, which claimed to draw 11W, I believe, but eventually I just got too uncomfortable with that level of heat. _That_ was a hot drive for you. I could feel the heat from the drive through the case. Going by the model number, an ST34520 would be low-profile, right? If so, that would make me much more comfortable. I think half the problem with hot drives in slabs is that there just isn't room for the air to move the heat away from a half-height drive. Low profile or third--height drives should do much better. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Wolfgang Lerche) Newsgroups: Subject: PCMIA modem ? Date: 18 Nov 1998 15:18:57 GMT Organization: CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics Message-ID: <72uoh1$1km$> Hello, I have another question: I like to have PPP working on a notebook with a PCMIA card. Wherever I read about PPP and modems under NS, it seems to be for external modems only, attached to a serial port, and this for both black and white hardware. Is is possible to use a PCMIA modem card (like Xircom) with a NS notebook at all ? Is there any more concrete information available ? Thanks, W. Lerche
From: bourdat_ <> Newsgroups: Subject: Dirty printouts with a NeXTlaser printer Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 17:55:37 +0100 Organization: Francenet -- Paris, France Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! I've got a NeXTlaser printer, that used to work perfectly. But I've been stopping using it for about one year, and now I only get quite 'dirty' paper printouts (text is doubled, unexpected stains can be seen, ...). I guess some parts have just to be cleaned, I'm just wondering if this problem has ever happened to one of you who'd be nice enough to help me, or guide me to FAQs or something... Thank you by advance, Laurent BOURDAT.
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PCMIA modem ? Date: 18 Nov 1998 19:03:51 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <72v5mn$cav$> References: <72uoh1$1km$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Nov 1998 19:03:51 GMT (Wolfgang Lerche) writes: > Is is possible to use a PCMIA modem card > (like Xircom) with a NS notebook at all ? yup - the modem appears as a serial port. if you look in then you will find you can sent the serial ports to connect through PCMCIA cards. you do that and then treat it as a serail port connected modem. -bat. [anbody got OpenStep going on a Libretto yet ?]
From: "Neil Brown" <> Newsgroups: Subject: WTB openstep for Intel Organization: Neil Brown Computing Mime-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <yIL42.2924$> NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 21:51:10 EDT Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 20:55:26 -0600 ANbyone have this to sell cheaply. 4.2 would be nice but I'd settle for less. Email me with what you've got and how much you want for it...
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Dirty printouts with a NeXTlaser printer Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <AQM42.1650$> Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 04:08:00 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 23:08:00 EDT Change the toner. See the article for information on what toner to get. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Michael Busted <> Newsgroups: Subject: Trouble Installing NS3.3 in a ASUS TX97 Motherboard w/64MB & S3 Virge DX Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 09:52:52 +0100 Organization: CBS Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit HELP, I'm trying to install NeXTSTEP 3.3 on the following hardware: - 233MHz AMD K6 - Asus TX97 Motherboard with 64MB SDRAM - S3 Virge DX with 4MB RAM - 1.8 GB Partition on a 10.1 GB Harddisk - 24x EIDE CD-ROM - Genius Serial Mouse However, I have two major problems. After the first installation phase, I'm prompted to insert the floppy containing the drivers that were not on the CD (I'm using the 3.35 Beta drivers for the cd-rom and harddisk). After this phase the screen occasionally goes black. However, on other occasions it continues to boot, but refuses to detect my serial mouse if I don't move it quickly. Then when the mouse finally gets detected the screen goes black before I get a chance to pick the packages to install. What the hell is wrong?! I'm already using the "-v" boot option because of my S3 card and as far as I can tell my mouse is properly set up in the bios (i.e.. 3f8H/IRQ4 at COM1). Thanks in advance!! Michael :-(
From: "chang kc" <> Newsgroups: Subject: cheap sales Date: 19 Nov 1998 10:54:43 GMT Organization: Singapore Telecommunications Ltd Message-ID: <01bdfb4e$feba8760$> our company has a big format digital printer for sale. Brand : laser master Max wide: 36" email: for interested parties Great colour printout quality!!
From: ("Hoefer,C") Newsgroups: Subject: Help with OS 4.2 Install Hell please -- Adaptec 2940UW, Sanyo ATAPI problems Organization: The World's Usenet/Discussions Start Here Message-ID: <xnU42.282$Ey.343984@WReNphoon2> Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 04:43:08 -0800 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 04:43:09 PDT I recently bought the following system, thinking I'd be utterly Next-compatible and have an easy time installing: IBM PC 300PL, PII 350, 128meg, Sanyo 1332 ATAPI CD-ROM; plus Adaptec 2940UW PCI-SCSI adapter card. I *should* be able to install either from the internal CD-ROM or from an external SCSI via the adaptec. Neither option is working. If anyone can help me get one of these to work I'll be a happy man. Here's what happens: (1) Trying the internal Sanyo, I've tried all sorts of combinations of drivers for HD and CD-ROM from the Install Drivers diskette. Only the Primary/secondary EIDE/ATAPI driver comes close to working. The HD and the Sanyo seem to be correctly recognized by the system. The CD starts to spin. But I inevitably get the following crash-n-burn: ... unexpected kernel trap d eip dbe1 frame 1e07 fb called by 6c630000 args 5f6b636f 656d6974 6f635f72 6174736e invalid frame pointer a50000 failed instruction exception (2,d,0) waiting for remote debugger connection ... after this I can continue and cause a system panic, or reboot and save myself the trouble. The internal CD-ROM works fine under W95, so it's no hardware problem; and though it's not on the compatible drives list, being ATAPI it should work. (2) Trying the external route with a Panasonic (Matsushita) KXL-783A portable SCSI CD-ROM, I have again tried lots of driver combinations, and lots of different settings for the Adaptec card, with no luck. (BIOS rev is 1.34.3, by the way, but the result below holds whether the BIOS is enabled or disabled). Basically, using the 2940 driver from the diskette (v. 4.00) and any IDE or EIDE driver for the HD, both the HD and the Adaptec get recognized as the system tries to start up, but after registering the SCSI card, OS can't find the CD-ROM at all. It asks me where to start from (sd%d, hd%d ...), but no matter what I tell it, it can't find the CD-ROM and panics. (I'm not sure if I'm missing some trick here; I tell it to use sd5, since the ID# of the Panasonic is 5, but it doesn't seem to matter what I say actually.) I have read via DejaNews of all sorts of incompatibility woes for users of recent 2940 Adaptecs, but none of the problems seems the same as mine -- I'm just trying to get it to find the damn CD-ROM! Slowing down the max transfer rate, and other settings on the adaptec so far hasn't helped. (3) finally, thinking perhaps I need a newer driver from NeXTAnswers, I tried downloading some with a Windoze machine. But slapping the __.pkg.compressed file onto a DOS floppy doesn't seem quite good enough. I don't have access to a NS/OS machine to uncompress and/or Next-format a floppy. Is there any way to get new drivers onto a usable driver floppy from WindozeWorld? Thanks if anyone can help. Carl Hoefer London School of Economics -**** Posted from Supernews, Discussions Start Here(tm) ****- - Host to the the World's Discussions & Usenet
From: Martin Sillence <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 70 ns chips in ND Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 13:45:49 +0000 Organization: FTEL Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, > I am just wondering if i can use 70ns SIMMS in a NeXTDimension. The FAQ > say 80ns, but they are kind of exotic nowadays... No problem with 70ns and think 60ns work but I remember reading that they were treated as 100ns. The EDO SIMS do NOT work in my experience. Regards, Martin
From: "lcabrera" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Cd audio thourgh sound box? help! Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 12:29:52 -0500 Organization: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Message-ID: <731kja$3eh$> Is there any way to get the cd audio to play through the sound box? I tried using a cable that took the output from the RCA and input it into the speaker jack on the sound box. When I went to set the input volume in preferences it refused to allow me to increase it from ze -Luis Cabrera
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Help with OS 4.2 Install Hell please -- Adaptec 2940UW, Sanyo ATAPI problems Date: 20 Nov 1998 01:51:16 GMT Message-ID: <732huk$92n$> References: <xnU42.282$Ey.343984@WReNphoon2> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 20 Nov 1998 01:51:16 GMT Cc: In <xnU42.282$Ey.343984@WReNphoon2> "Hoefer,C" wrote: > I recently bought the following system, thinking I'd be > utterly Next-compatible and have an easy time installing: > IBM PC 300PL, PII 350, 128meg, Sanyo 1332 ATAPI CD-ROM; > plus Adaptec 2940UW PCI-SCSI adapter card. > I *should* be able to install either from the internal > CD-ROM or from an external SCSI via the adaptec. Neither > option is working. If anyone can help me get one of these > to work I'll be a happy man. Here's what happens: > > (1) Trying the internal Sanyo, I've tried all sorts of > combinations of drivers for HD and CD-ROM from the Install > Drivers diskette. Only the Primary/secondary EIDE/ATAPI > driver comes close to working. The HD and the Sanyo seem > to be correctly recognized by the system. The CD starts to > spin. But I inevitably get the following crash-n-burn: > ... > unexpected kernel trap d eip dbe1 > frame 1e07 fb called by 6c630000 args 5f6b636f 656d6974 6f635f72 6174736e > invalid frame pointer a50000 > failed instruction exception (2,d,0) > waiting for remote debugger connection ... > > after this I can continue and cause a system panic, or > reboot and save myself the trouble. > > The internal CD-ROM works fine under W95, so it's no > hardware problem; and though it's not on the compatible > drives list, being ATAPI it should work. > > (2) Trying the external route with a Panasonic > (Matsushita) KXL-783A portable SCSI CD-ROM, I have again > tried lots of driver combinations, and lots of different > settings for the Adaptec card, with no luck. (BIOS rev > is 1.34.3, by the way, but the result below holds whether > the BIOS is enabled or disabled). > > Basically, using the 2940 driver from the diskette (v. 4.00) > and any IDE or EIDE driver for the HD, both the HD and > the Adaptec get recognized as the system tries to start > up, but after registering the SCSI card, OS can't find > the CD-ROM at all. It asks me where to start from (sd%d, > hd%d ...), but no matter what I tell it, it can't find > the CD-ROM and panics. (I'm not sure if I'm missing > some trick here; I tell it to use sd5, since the ID# of > the Panasonic is 5, but it doesn't seem to matter what I > say actually.) > > I have read via DejaNews of all sorts of incompatibility > woes for users of recent 2940 Adaptecs, but none of the > problems seems the same as mine -- I'm just trying to get > it to find the damn CD-ROM! Slowing down the max transfer > rate, and other settings on the adaptec so far hasn't > helped. > > (3) finally, thinking perhaps I need a newer driver from > NeXTAnswers, I tried downloading some with a Windoze > machine. But slapping the __.pkg.compressed file onto a > DOS floppy doesn't seem quite good enough. I don't have > access to a NS/OS machine to uncompress and/or Next-format > a floppy. Is there any way to get new drivers onto a > usable driver floppy from WindozeWorld? > > Thanks if anyone can help. > > Carl Hoefer > London School of Economics > > > > > -**** Posted from Supernews, Discussions Start Here(tm) ****- > - Host to the the World's Discussions & Usenet > Atapi CD-ROM are very sensitive under NeXTstep and OpenStep. If an Atapi IDE CD-ROM is not made to the exact ATAPI specifications, although it may work fine under Windows 95 or NT, they have been known to have problems running under OS4.2. Make sure your using a compliant model (newer models from the listed companies seem to work well), under the Intel hardware specs. Look at NeXT answers Intel hardware list. Jay -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: (Steve Henley) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Message-ID: <shenley-1911981912580001@> References: <> <> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 02:12:58 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 18:12:58 PDT Organization: @Home Network Canada In article <>, wrote: sh>In article <> sh> (dave-g) writes: sh>> hi everyone, i have quite a few cubes laying around and i was wondering sh>if sh>> it was possible (ie; will it work!) to take the motherboards out of 3 sh>> cubes and put them in the 3 open slots on another cube? i am very new sh>to sh>> the next world and i am wondering what those other slots would be for if sh>> they are not used for other processors. sh>> sh>> also, i plan on running nextstep 3.3, once i get another cd-rom drive to sh>> install from. sh>> sh>> thanks in advance, sh>> sh>> dave sh> sh>I don't know that much about Cubes hardware-wise, but given that NEXTSTEP sh>and OPENSTEP do not support multiprocessor systems, I'd say the answer is sh>"no." sh> sh>-- sh>Michael Humphries-Dolnick sh>"My opinions, not my employer's" Once upon a time... I ran a cube with two 030 boards, each with their own memory and drive, and a chunk of thinnet between them. I used the instructions in 5.40 of the NeXT FAQ - Black Hardware. You can find the FAQ at Hope this helps. -- Steve Henley | 20 Coachway Green S.W. | Calgary, AB T3H 1V8
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 19 Nov 1998 19:55:42 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <732p7u$> References: <> <> Michael Humphries-Dolnick <> wrote: >In article <> > (dave-g) writes: >> hi everyone, i have quite a few cubes laying around and i was wondering >if >> it was possible (ie; will it work!) to take the motherboards out of 3 >> cubes and put them in the 3 open slots on another cube? i am very new >> to the next world and i am wondering what those other slots would be for if >> they are not used for other processors. You can use additional motherboards. The implementation is not that of multiple processors but rather like multiple computers connected over a network. I've never done it but I can fathom how you'd set things up ... You first configure your computer to deal with NetInfo domains and to automatically detect NeXT computers on your network because your last step will be to have the other boards nfs mount from one of the drives attached to the board in slot 0. Put each motherboard into the primary slot, boot, and configure to boot from a network. Then modify the cube backplane (as described in NeXTAnswers) to accomodate each new motherboard. Insert the new boards into the backplane. Bring up the system. For each board you'll get prompted to enter a host name. Then read the instructions in /NextLibrary/Documentation/NeXTAdmin regarding exporting directories to the other boards so they can boot. Also, you have to export any directories having applications which will run on the other boards. Once you can telnet into the other machines you'll probably want to set up your network so that you can telnet to the other hosts and NXHost apps to the primary machine. Cheers, Emmett some directories on the primary Once you've done this you'll set your system up so you tel
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: laptops Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 10:58:12 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <36554B44.4915A044@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, Is there a comprehensive database with all the laptops that are known to work/fail with Nextstep/Openstep? I don't mean officially supported models but more looking for experiences of users, hacks that make things work etc. If this does not exist i'm willing to compile such a list myself if people mail me there experiences which then should include exact configuration and things the needed to do in order to get things working, urls of drivers people needed etc. Bye, Marcel
From: kjt (Ken Turner) Newsgroups: Subject: 120 Mb Floppy Support? Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 13:09:12 GMT Organization: University of Stirling Message-ID: <981120130912.229AAFCF.kjt@brass> Mime-Version: 1.0 (Generated by Eloquent) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Is there a driver for the (Panasonic LS120) 120 Mb floppy disc drive? Maybe the standard (E)IDE driver will do, or the floppy driver? I didn't see anything specific on a search of the archives and NeXTanswers. Thanks, Ken Turner <>
From: "Gerald Nueman" <> Newsgroups: Subject: monitor at Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 10:36:12 -0800 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <731ouf$fks$> Has anyone seen or used before? They have some excellent prices on monitors I have been eyeing lately.
From: Robert Kist <> Newsgroups: Subject: PC Monitor? Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 10:42:35 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> Hi, What resolution/Herz is the output of a NeXT Color Turbo slab? I need to find a monitor that I can use with a PC and that NeXT computer. Suggestions of compatible monitors are also helpful. Robert
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PC Monitor? Date: 20 Nov 1998 17:12:22 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <7347tm$ppn$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert Kist <> wrote: > What resolution/Herz is the output of a NeXT Color Turbo slab? I need to > find a monitor that I can use with a PC and that NeXT computer. 1152x860x68Hz with composite sync on green. > Suggestions of compatible monitors are also helpful. Any decent multisync monitor will be able to deal the the signal-- the problem is getting one that can understand the sync (because the 15-DIN or 5-BNC connectors are now standard). You might want to research a converter from a 13W3 to a 5-BNC.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (Paulus Adisoemarta) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PC Monitor? Date: 20 Nov 1998 21:38:17 GMT Organization: Petroleum Engineering Dept, U of Texas, Austin Message-ID: <734ng9$prc$> References: <> In article <>, Robert Kist <> wrote: >Hi, > >What resolution/Herz is the output of a NeXT Color Turbo slab? I need to >find a monitor that I can use with a PC and that NeXT computer. > >Suggestions of compatible monitors are also helpful. I use Iiyama VisionMaster Pro (Model 9017) for both my PC and NSTC. As one use the HD15 and the other BNC (via 13W3 to BNC adapter) from the NSTC, I just press on the menu button which input I want to see, so eliminating the hassle of physically switch the inputs. Paulus
From: Mark Nelson <> Newsgroups: Subject: trade 3.1user/dev for 4.2user Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 19:06:32 -0600 Organization: Nelson Group Salon Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I hope to find someone who will trade 3.1 user / dev for 4.2user. Of course i would buy it also for a good price, but i 'm poor so keep that in mind
From: "Seb" <> Newsgroups:,,,,,,comp.sys.northstar,comp.sys.nsc.32k,comp.sys.oric,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.palmtops.advocacy,comp.sys.p Subject: PC TELEWORKING: DO IT FROM HOME! Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 16:26:33 +0100 Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness Message-ID: <736lug$3d1$> If you are seriously interested in working and honestly earning money from home using your PC, don't waste your time anymore! Just email me to this address
From: (brendan mcdougall) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Optical Drive Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:09:51 -0500 Organization: hero productions Message-ID: <> 2ofw`zN_n"TLcBfsMmIpnK)[y+zl{_Gwd2>ot&anq:Az^;Yx{nz`wlAR-vHg@GC~`X,{ '+HC|VdOkS_AL0HTKibv`n>+Cz"5=oC3UN_Sdsc0Ji" hello world, i have an old Cannon Optical cartridge from back in the day. does anyone in the boston area have a NeXT with a working optical drive? i would love to open up that Optical to see if i have anything useful on it. in fact, my research group has about 5 optical cartridges which should be scanned i suppose. ummm, does anyone know the routine failure mechanism of these NeXT optical drives, how to repair them, whether anyone does repair them and the cost--order of magnitude estimate ok :) thanks for your help and/or suggestions. best regards. sincerely, brendan mcdougall -- brendan mcdougall physics department brandeis university waltham, ma 02453
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 21 Nov 1998 21:53:48 GMT Organization: Message-ID: <737cpc$ano$> References: <> <> <732p7u$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <snip> btw - you can NXHost with i used it between two turbos then one turbo and a P150 with 64 meg of ram and loved every second. -- 'I noticed a clump of wild flowers that we had trampled underfoot upon departing - yellow camomiles, relics of our yesterday'
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 22 Nov 1998 04:46:23 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: NeXT original Black cases Newsgroups: References: <> <qK262.39$> Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Nov 98 01:55:03 GMT TjL <> wrote: > In <> "Jamey K. Hovey" wrote: > > Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient > > historical question but who was the original manufacturer > > of the NeXT black station cases? > NeXT, Inc. > The printer was made by Canon, IMS. I'm not sure that's what he asked. NeXT probably didn't make the *cases*. Those were probably made somewhere else, on NeXT's specifications, then shipped to NeXT's factory for assembly. I can't see NeXT running a magnesium casting operation. -- Note: email to this address goes to /dev/null To email a reply, write to jon at exnext dot com
Message-ID: <> From: Sean Hafeez <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS 3.3 + adaptec 2940 References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 01:06:25 -0800 NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 01:07:54 PDT Organization: TWC Road Runner, San Diego, CA Set the 2940 to 10Mb, no sync, no wide.. Use the 3.3 Beta disk and this is the most important - the SCSI id of the CDROM has to be 5 or 6. Works here! Hope this helps! Sean Christian Klein wrote: > I have been trying to install NS 3.3 intel on an older Pentium 2 > computer. > > I have two adaptec 2940 cards; one 2940UW, bios 1.32, AIC-7881U (rev > 1); and one 2940AU, bios 1.21, AIC-7861 (rev 1). > > The mainboard is a baby AT Tyan Tahoe (jun 27th, 1997) with an AMI > bios. The board has the 440FX chipset and 8 72 pin sim slots, > 5pci/4isa. > > I boot the machine with the floppy, load the 2940 driver for the cdrom > (plextor ultraplex) and for the hd (2gig fast scsi 2 seagate 'cuda) . > then i select continue without loading other drivers and i get something > to the effect of : > > Adaptec2940 Can't get configspace, aborting > root device?.... > > I have tried this with only one 2940 in the machine and have disabled > ultrascsi in each bios. I have also tried each one of these cards in > each pci slot with the same result. i have set the transfer rates down > to 5mb/sec. > > I have tried using the disks that came with NS and the following boot > floppies from > > 1886_3.3_Boot_Floppy > 2078_3.3_Beta_Drivers > 2145_3.3_Core_Drivers > 1923_3.3_Additional Drivers > > i have used these floppies in all possible configs that i could think > of. > > am i not using the most recent drivers? are teh most recent drivers not > on the most recent images? if i am not, how do i make additional driver > floppies without access to a machine running NeXTStep? What format > must the floppies be in? or must i go back to using an adaptec 152x? > > thanks in advance, > > christian klein > cklein at
From: Nathan Fiedler <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT original Black cases Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:51:59 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> The case designer was Frog Design, Inc. The manufacturer, as others will tell you, was NeXT, Inc. nathan "Jamey K. Hovey" wrote: > > Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient > historical question but who was the original manufacturer > of the NeXT black station cases? I had this info. in a big > pile of stuff given to me when I first saw the cube shown > in Berkeley (I now own 4 Black NS's and 2 white ones for me > and my various labs). > > Thanks for any info you can provide. > > Jamey Hovey > PS Still waiting for 7890 SCSI support!
Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 10:03:01 +0100 From: "Jamey K. Hovey" <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT original Black cases Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient historical question but who was the original manufacturer of the NeXT black station cases? I had this info. in a big pile of stuff given to me when I first saw the cube shown in Berkeley (I now own 4 Black NS's and 2 white ones for me and my various labs). Thanks for any info you can provide. Jamey Hovey PS Still waiting for 7890 SCSI support!
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT original Black cases Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <qK262.39$> Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 01:19:18 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:19:18 EDT In <> "Jamey K. Hovey" wrote: > Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient > historical question but who was the original manufacturer > of the NeXT black station cases? NeXT, Inc. The printer was made by Canon, IMS. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Bob Beckwith <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT original Black cases Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 23:33:30 -0500 Organization: Quantum Corp Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jamey K. Hovey wrote: > Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient > historical question but who was the original manufacturer > of the NeXT black station cases? I had this info. in a big > pile of stuff given to me when I first saw the cube shown > in Berkeley (I now own 4 Black NS's and 2 white ones for me > and my various labs). Well, I guess the answer depends a bit on what you mean exactly by "manufacturer". The NeXTstation cases actually consisted of 3 separate parts: 1: rough cast magnesium alloy top 2: cast magnesium alloy bottom 3: plastic "skin" to cover the top casting The castings were made (I think) in Chicago by a company called Chicago White Metals (or something like that). I don't know who made the skins. I think NeXT put the skins on the tops in Fremont (but since I never saw anyone doing that, this is only a guess). Casting for various cube case parts came from the same vendor. Hope this helps, --Bob -- Bob Beckwith To reply, remove NOSPAM. from the email address above.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT original Black cases Date: 22 Nov 1998 23:09:51 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <73b1nv$> References: <> The design of the original cube was done by frogdesign headed up by Hartmut Esslinger. The cases where manufactured by a specialty shop in Chicago (The cost of the mold alone was $650,000.) Don't know about the Station. Emmett In article <>, Jamey K. Hovey <> wrote: >Hi everyone: Sorry to trouble you with an ancient >historical question but who was the original manufacturer >of the NeXT black station cases? I had this info. in a big >pile of stuff given to me when I first saw the cube shown >in Berkeley (I now own 4 Black NS's and 2 white ones for me >and my various labs). > >Thanks for any info you can provide. > >Jamey Hovey >PS Still waiting for 7890 SCSI support!
From: John Gulas <> Newsgroups:, Subject: ISDN extender for sale Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 11:15:49 -0800 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> I have a few ISDN adapters for NeXT hardware. They attach to the DSP port and allow for connection to ISDN. I comes with no software but works with the software on the 3.0 release of NeXTStep. It comes new in the shrink wrapped package. Act now they are going fast. $50.00 Contact me at
From: Randy M Bowie <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 08:39:42 -0600 Organization: Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <shenley-1911981912580001@> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I lost the original post, I was just going to add that there were third party multi processor boards(IRCAM) for the NeXT Cube. They supported two i860 processors each and communicated over the NeXTBus. However, they were embedded computers with their own OS, compilers, etc. Anyway you could have an embedded computer with 6 i860's in your NeXT Cube! Wouldn't that be fun! Randy Bowie
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: multi-processor cubes? Date: 23 Nov 1998 16:04:48 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <shenley-1911981912580001@> <> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <>, Randy M Bowie <> wrote: >I was just going to add that there were third party multi processor >boards(IRCAM) for the NeXT Cube. They supported two i860 processors >each and communicated over the NeXTBus. However, they were embedded >computers with their own OS, compilers, etc. > Yes--that's the ISPW (IRCAM Signal Processor Workstation) that I alluded to. Apparently supported a very nifty version of MAX (before Opcode got involved). Nice boxes, from what I hear. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (Gregg E. Dinse) Newsgroups: Subject: half duplex network connection Date: 23 Nov 1998 16:41:38 GMT Organization: NIEHS Message-ID: <73c382$dv$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Nov 1998 16:41:38 GMT Hi, I sent this to last week, but I did not get any response, so I thought I'd try csn.hardware. Does anyone know how to force the OPENSTEP 4.2 driver for the Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+ PCI LAN adapter to instruct the adapter to negotiate a **HALF** duplex network connection **ONLY**? We are having sporadic troubles with AMANDA and other network-related things that our systems administrator thinks is related to using full duplex. He would like to force half duplex. Thanks in advance for any help. Gregg =========================== Gregg Dinse 919-541-4931
From: (Michael S. Barthelemy) Newsgroups: Subject: DELL XPS-R450: Crystal 3D 64V Wavetable Integrated Sound Date: 23 Nov 1998 18:09:24 GMT Organization: A-Link Network Services, Inc. Message-ID: <73c8ck$> Reply-To: Does anyone know how to get this sound card working with OPENSTEP 4.2? It is supposed to be sound blaster 16 compatible. I am guessing at this point that the PnP recognition ids are not recognizing it because it is not specifically a sound blaster. Mike Barthelemy
From: Bruno Bienfait <> Newsgroups: Subject: Higher refresh rates? Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 18:26:34 -0500 Organization: National Cancer Institute Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit OpenStep 4.2 is running fine on a Dell PII with an ATI video board. The highest refresh rate available in the Configure list (the driver is ATI PCI Rage v4.03) is 75 Hz although my video card and monitor support much higher refresh rates (tested on Win 98). Is there anyway to increase the refresh rate beyond 75Hz? Thanks, Bruno
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: 2 NICs in one Intel box running 3.3 Date: 23 Nov 1998 22:15:48 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <73diuk$> Hi, Can you put to NICs into a Pentium running NS 3.3? Thanks, Emmett
From: Newsgroups: Subject: modern scanners Date: 24 Nov 1998 15:08:23 GMT Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Message-ID: <73ei57$i8c$> Does anyone have experience connecting intel hardware (OS 4.2 / ScanOmatic / adaptec 2940UW) to modern scanners? (modern = currently available retail) thanks Fred -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Frederick G. Haibach | | Department of Chemistry | | University of New Mexico | | >>>>> ++++++ <<<<< | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
From: Bruno Bienfait <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:18:59 -0500 Organization: National Cancer Institute Message-ID: <> References: <72f9qn$mu0$> <72hobc$dbj$> <72ko9r$r35$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------6DFBD76BC0F2A2AA6558E5CD" --------------6DFBD76BC0F2A2AA6558E5CD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Eric Levenez wrote: > wrote: > > BSD Unix doens=B4t accept partitions greater than 2Gb, so If you wan= na install > > a greater than 2Gb HD you have to partition it. > > For 4.3BSD it is true, but for 4.4 it is not. I have a partition > bigger than 4 GB on 4.4BSD with Rhapsody. > A friend told me once that he could get larger partition with NS 3.3 if t= he HD is formatted using larger blocks (I guess > 512 bytes). He probably was using sdform. Bruno --------------6DFBD76BC0F2A2AA6558E5CD Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> Eric Levenez wrote: <blockquote TYPE=CITE> wrote: <br> > BSD Unix doens´t accept partitions greater than 2Gb, so If you wanna install <br> > a greater than 2Gb HD you have to partition it. <p>For 4.3BSD it is true, but for 4.4 it is not. I have a partition <br>bigger than 4 GB on 4.4BSD with Rhapsody. <br> </blockquote> <pre>A friend told me once that he could get larger partition with NS 3.3 if the HD is formatted using larger blocks (I guess > 512 bytes).</pre> <pre>He probably was using sdform.</pre> <pre>Bruno</pre> <pre></pre> </html> --------------6DFBD76BC0F2A2AA6558E5CD--
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Hard drives grerater than 2 gig Date: 25 Nov 1998 00:47:16 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <73fk2k$etp$> References: <72f9qn$mu0$> <72hobc$dbj$> <72ko9r$r35$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Bruno Bienfait <> wrote: >Eric Levenez wrote: >> wrote: >> > BSD Unix doens´t accept partitions greater than 2Gb, so If you wanna >> > install a greater than 2Gb HD you have to partition it. >> >> For 4.3BSD it is true, but for 4.4 it is not. I have a partition >> bigger than 4 GB on 4.4BSD with Rhapsody. >> > >A friend told me once that he could get larger partition with NS 3.3 if >the HD is formatted using larger blocks (I guess > 512 bytes). > >He probably was using sdform. Again, you can create a partition table of whatever sizes you want; that's not in question. The only issue is what is the largest usable partition size that newfs/mkfs can deal with under NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: modern scanners Date: 24 Nov 1998 19:07:57 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <73fsad$> References: <73ei57$i8c$> In article <73ei57$i8c$>, <> wrote: >Does anyone have experience connecting intel hardware (OS 4.2 / ScanOmatic >/ adaptec 2940UW) to modern scanners? (modern = currently available >retail) > Here is an old post you might be interested in : From Tue Aug 19 16:39:35 PDT 1997 Article: 32937 of From: (C. David Shaffer) Newsgroups: Subject: Summary of scanner experience under NS 3.3 Date: 19 Aug 1997 13:26:41 GMT Organization: University of Pittsburgh Lines: 87 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: Below I outline some things that I learned while searching for a low-end scanner for black hardware under NeXTSTEP 3.3. This info is by no means comprehensive, just a few comments for people who don't want to "buy and try" as I did. I doubt that this needs to be said but... Get a SCSI scanner (typically refered to as the "Macintosh" version of the scanner but sometimes the PC version is SCSI as well). There is no software that I know of that supports parallel port scanners under NeXTSTEP. ============================= Scanners: Mustek 600 (and probably 1200): Locks up SCSI bus while scanning. Unusable on black hardware unless you scan at very low resolution. Probably OK on intel since they supply a SCSI card which you could use in addition to the SCSI card on your system. Microtek ScanMaker V300: Couldn't get this to work with any of the software that claims to support the ScanMakers. It's fairly new so this may change in time. Microtek ScanMaker E3 and E6: Work great with mtekscan. ============================= Software: Peak and Peanuts): Supports older or more expensive ScanMaker scanners. Does not work with current versions of the E3 and E6 (or V300). No support for one-pass scanning so an update to this software would take a while. I have contacted Black Albatross (the owner's of the Copyright to and they seem willing to allow me to make a port but I haven't gotten around to it. mtekscan( CLI only. Works great with all of the ScanMakers (except the V300). I have ported it to NeXTSTEP 3.3 and others are making changes needed for OPENSTEP/Mach. Produces ppm files so you will need PBMPlus or NetPBM. sane( Actually a scanner independent library + backends for many existing scanners. Includes a frontend scanning program that is CLI only (plus some X-windows stuff which doesn't yet work under NS). Should work with Mutek (see above), HP, and older UMAX scanners. Being updated to support newer UMAX scanners and a backend is being written for the ScanMaker series. Has nice network scanning daemon. Look at the web page and get on the mailing list if you want to know more. Supports only Mustek 6000. Author is in process of modifying it to use the sane library and should therefore support all scanners that sane supports. and Peanuts): Supports older UMAXes??? scan300(Peak and Peanuts): Supports Epson scanner (300c?) ============================= Other comments: If you're patient, the MScan/sane combo seems to be the most robost software wise. You could then choose from the large variety of scanners supported by sane. If you're impatient or have an urgent need for a scanner, get a ScanMaker E3 or E6 and use mtekscan. Eventually sane will support the ScanMakers so you can take advantage of MScan at that time. I hope that this information is useful to someone. Comments are welcome. David --- C. David Shaffer, Ph.D. Department of Physics Wayne State College Wayne, NE 68787 (402)375-7471 NeXTMail/MIME welcome! -- David Shaffer Department of Physics Wayne State College Wayne, NE 68787 NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 2 NICs in one Intel box running 3.3 Date: 24 Nov 1998 18:40:58 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <73eujq$dot$> References: <73diuk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Emmett McLean) wrote: >Can you put to NICs into a Pentium running NS 3.3? It's not supported, but it works fine. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: SoundBlaster problems, again Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 05:59:09 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hello, I have a curious problem with my soundblaster card on my NS3.3/intel system: whenever I (or the system) wants to play a sound, the chances are around 50:50 that the sound plays. But not always! In the other half of the cases, instead of the sound, one hears a very high pitched, very faint noise (like a hot water whistle) for the approximate duration of the sound that should have been played. And no sound!! It seems to me that sounds have a tendency to get NOT played if the follow shortly one after the other. Also, sometimes five sounds play in a row without problems. And then I can't get a sound out of the board for a while. Does anyone else experience that? Any ideas what it could be? How to mend it?? Please answer by email or post to this group. Thanks! Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: William Swats <> Newsgroups: Subject: 24-Bit NeoMagic 2200 Multimedia Graphis Controller Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:38:33 +0100 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello; My company is looking at buying me a Toshiba 8000E laptop to run OPENSTEP 4.2; but we do not know if there is a video driver that will work with the NeoMagic controller. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks William Swats ObjectZoo
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: 24-Bit NeoMagic 2200 Multimedia Graphis Controller MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit References: <> Message-ID: <JaT62.51$> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:59:21 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 04:59:21 PDT Organization: @Home Network If there is, it would be from DeepSpace: JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
Message-ID: <> From: Charlie Fletcher <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: No power to cube Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:06:42 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 10:13:52 EDT Organization: CAIS Internet Due to the tragic and unexpected death of a friend, I have been trying to backup his computer system (040 NeXT Cube). This system had been up and running for quite some time. However, to back it up we decided to add on a (SCSI) Syquest drive. We shut down the system, added the drive and tried to reboot. But nothing happened. The cube will not power up at all. We returned to the original configuration and still nothing. Thinking it might be the keyboard, we tried another--still nothing. My guess was the battery, but it tested good (however, we have another on order anyway.) Can anyone give me an idea what might be the problem and how we might fix it? Thanks very much in advance. Charlie
From: Newsgroups:,comp.os.linux.x Subject: XFree86, Redhat 5.2, NeXT 21" Megapixel monitor, Mirage video card Date: 25 Nov 1998 19:21:51 GMT Organization: University of California, Berkeley Distribution: world Message-ID: <73hlcf$okf$> I'm attempting to install XFree86 from Redhat Linux 5.2 on a PC with a Mirage Z-128 Pro (fixed frequency) video card, driving a NeXT 21" Megapixel monitor. So far the best I can get is a rather blurry, jerky picture with outsized fuzzy icons. If anyone has a config file, I would love to see it. Failing that, it would be helpful if someone could send me the specs for the monitor. seem to have incompatible specs for vertical frequency. BTW, the monitor/card combination works perfectly on Windows 98, so I know that it can be done.... -- Hal Varian, Dean voice: 510-642-9980 SIMS, 102 South Hall fax: 510-642-5814 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
Subject: cmsg cancel <72lqkc$> no reply ignore From: Control: cancel <72lqkc$> Newsgroups:,,,,,,,,,hanse.hardware,mailing.freebsd.ccd,mcnc.concert. Sender: "Mike" <> Message-ID: <cancel.72lqkc$> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:00:48 -0700 Organization: Stop Spam! Ignore Excessive Cross Posted/Excessive Multi-Posted article canceled by Ken Lucke <>
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Have you used any of these SCSI Internal HD? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <_D_62.91$> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 21:28:26 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:28:26 EDT esp. looking for disktabs &/or any known problems with them IBM model #ibm34560N for $289 (4550mb / 7.5 seek ) IBM model #ibm39130n for $499 (9100mb / 7.5 seek ) IBM model #idcha391z for $485 (9100mb / 7.5 seek ) Seagate model #st34520N for $235 (4520mb / 9.5 seek ) Seagate model #st34573n for $439 (4550mb / 7.1 seek ) Seagate model #st36520n for $360 (6530mb / 9.5 seek ) Seagate model #st39140n for $439 (9140mb / 9.5 seek ) Seagate model #st39173n for $499 (9100mb / 7.1 seek ) all have 3 or 5 year warrantees and are 7200 (this is not for a slab, so I'm not too worried about that) I think it is time to replace some of these old HDs (1991 MicroPolis, and 199?4? Fujitsu, each 1 gig). I already have an IBM and a Seagate, and they both seem to work pretty well. The prices above are from TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (IdeaToys) Newsgroups: Subject: >> FS Classic S100 Ithaca Intersystems [US] Date: 26 Nov 1998 01:47:50 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> FOR SALE >> FS Classic S100 Ithaca Intersystems [US] Maybe even more rare than Altair or Imsai!! Definitely prettier!! Photos online. See it at Matt
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Optical Drive Date: 26 Nov 1998 03:04:47 GMT Organization: Legion of Freethinkers Message-ID: <73iggf$lv4$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 26 Nov 1998 03:04:47 GMT You (brendan mcdougall <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:09:51 -0500: > ummm, does anyone know the routine failure mechanism of these NeXT optical > drives, how to repair them, whether anyone does repair them and the > cost--order of magnitude estimate ok :) The disks are quite robust; if you can find a working drive, you should be able to read them. The _drives_, however, routinely die of dust contamination, particularly if used without a filter. Good luck finding one in your area. If you do, you may be surprised by how slow and noisy the drive is. At that point, think for a moment about how this drive was once bleeding edge technology, an idea way ahead of it's time, not so very long ago... --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI equipment for sale Date: 25 Nov 1998 22:00:36 PST Organization: Concentric Internet Services Message-ID: <> Some of my drives sold. But I still have the following. 1 Seagate ST34371W Wide SCSI (68 pin) -----> $220.00 4.35 Gig, 7200 RPM, 9.4ms seektime. See for full details. 1 Seagate ST32430N SCSI (50 pin) -----> $140.00 2.14 Gig, 5400 RPM, 10.4 ms seektime. See for full details. 1 Seagate ST32151N SCSI (50 pin) -----> $140.00 2.15 Gig, 5400 RPM, 10.4 ms seektime. See for full details. 1 IBM 93G2970 Fast Wide SCSI (68 pin) -----> $270.00 4.5 Gig, Fast Wide drive. See for some details. (Limited info at that site) 1 Digital DSP3107L SCSI (50 pin) -----> $75.00 1.07 Gig, 5400 RPM, 10 ms seektime. See for full details. 1 Seagate ST31230N SCSI (50 pin) -----> 75.00 1.06 Gig, 5400 RPM, 10.4 ms seektime. See for full details. I also have two WangDAT 3100 SCSI dat drives for sale. -----$150.00 each. These are units that were pulled from servers (that never sold). They aren't new, but they haven't been used either. They are 2 gig units with black faceplates and fit into standard 5 1/4 X 1/2 height drive bays. I have docs, but don't have any terminating resistors. WangDAT is now owned by Tecmar, so if you want tech specs, go to and drill down through the documentation section. I include a 90 money back guarantee with everything I sell. I think that's about it for now. I prefer to ship COD via USPS, but if you really need it quickly, I can ship via Fed/x for an extra 10 bucks or so. USPS COD shipping is just $5.00. Contact Thanks.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 26 Nov 1998 06:09:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Subject: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Newsgroups: From: (Raymond Lutz) Message-ID: <jOe72.31$> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 15:51:43 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 10:51:43 EDT Hi there, I want to do some development for MOSX. I'm now working with OPENSTEP 4.1 on a two headed ND system. 1- this system is slow, and will be unusable for MOSX dev. 2- I don't have the money for a "graphically" equivalent PC but I just can't imagine losing my 21" Hitachi NeXT monitor and the crisp (non-dimming) mono monitor (neither losing the "NeXTStep user experience"). I'm spoiled by all this screen estate and TickleServices. Question: Does anyone have experience with a headless PC NXHosting to OPENSTEP? Will this be possible between MOSX Server and OPENSTEP 4.1 ? (I know it won't for MOSX non-Server because DPS won't be there) Does a Pentium board fit in a Cube case? Any news from the MonsterCube? Will Apple ship the daughter board for hardware video compression? Does the NeXT Laser printer work with a PC? Will it hurt? Thanks, Ray -- Raymond Lutz - -$myusername - "Les 400 plus fortunes individus de la planete possedent autant que 2.3 MILLIARDS des plus pauvres reunis"
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Date: 26 Nov 1998 17:40:59 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <73kvvb$> References: <jOe72.31$> Raymond Lutz wrote : > >I want to do some development for MOSX. I'm now working with OPENSTEP >4.1 on a two headed ND system. > If you want MOSX you'll need some sort of MOSX box anyway. See next comment. >1- this system is slow, and will be unusable for MOSX dev. > MOSX will not be available for mach anyway. >2- I don't have the money for a "graphically" equivalent PC but I just >can't imagine losing my 21" Hitachi NeXT monitor and the crisp >(non-dimming) mono monitor (neither losing the "NeXTStep user >experience"). I'm spoiled by all this screen estate and >TickleServices. I'm in the same boat, but I have 2 Hitachis and love every minute of it. > >Question: > >Does anyone have experience with a headless PC NXHosting to OPENSTEP? >Will this be possible between MOSX Server and OPENSTEP 4.1 ? >(I know it won't for MOSX non-Server because DPS won't be there) > I'm running NS 3.3 on my ND and on a Pentium 150. The Pentium has an Adaptec 274x, a Quantum 2.1 Gig drive, and 48 MB of RAM. The Pentium is about 5 times faster than the ND. Athough the Pentium is not headless, most of the time when I run apps on it I'm NXHosting to the black machine. The most notable difference in performance is with OmniWeb and PhotoAlbum. My understanding, is that NXHost with NeXTStep and NSHost with OpenStep are incompatible. Some one here correct me if I'm wrong. So if you want to use OpenStep and run apps on the Pentium on the black machine, you'll have to put OpenStep on your black machine. I'd think you'd find that to be a tolerable set up. >Does a Pentium board fit in a Cube case? No. >Any news from the MonsterCube? I think you could put together a Pentium running SCSI II to respectively run OpenStep for about $500. For me it was : 150$ for Compac EISA Pentium 90, 1 Gig SCSI HD, 4X CDROM, 16 MB RAM (from a friend) 150$ for upgrade to 150Mhz (from CompUSA) 30$ for Adaptec 274x (from 20$ for MicroSoft Sound System compatible Sound card (from same friend) 100$ to upgrade to 48 MB RAM (from CompUSA) 50$ for cheapo SVGA monitor (from same friend) 150$ for an additional 2.1 Gig Quantum HD. 10$ for Compac QVision 1024 video card ( I expect to add 32 MB of memory, a 32X CDROM, and an additional Quantum into the box in the next few weeks. Rob's MonsterCube will set you back at least 1.5 grand. >Will Apple ship the daughter board for hardware video compression? For black? Never. There isn't even a card now that will let you capture video. >Does the NeXT Laser printer work with a PC? Will it hurt? > Assuming you set the intel machine up with a SCSI card, a NeXT color printer will work with your PC. But they use a lot of ink, it can be hard to get cartridges (BJI_643s), and it may be hard to get one with all clean nozzles which doesn't need some work. (If you get one at deepspacetech you should be OK since Shannon. He knows how to fix them up.) But you can print from the intel to the lazer printer very easily, so if you run a headless Pentium you can use the lazer printer on both boxes. You'll have to have a netinfo set up so you can export that printer resource. Not a big deal. Another option is to get a Pyro board at Cheaper and faster than getting a 33Mhz board. Outrageously expensive by PC standards, but if you're using your ND everyday and you like those monitors it is still a good deal. Think of it by 1994 standards and you'll be alright :-) Under this option, I'd recommend you take care of the procedure in person (Northern California) so there no are problems introduced by shipping or mussing up the installation. Emmett
From: "Spiff" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Cube Startup Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 14:19:53 -0500 Organization: Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504 Message-ID: <73k9lt$bfa$> To Whoever Has the NExtAnswer: I just came into the possession of two NeXT Cubes and two NeXTStations (one NeXTStation Color and one NeXTStation Turbo) I have several questions as I have never used NeXTStations before: (1) One of the Cubes (I haven't tried the other yet) will boot but I'm not sure if it's booting properly. You see, it goes through recognition of two SCSI devices (Maxtor) and then sends me into a "shell" of sorts. This is what I see in a window: ------------ NeXT ROM Monitor 1.0 v41 NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon May 22 17:56:06 PDT 1995: root(rcbuilder):mk-171.12.obj-11/RC_m68k/RELEASE_M68K FPU version 0x0 physical memory = 16.00 megabytes available memory = 14.07 megabytes using 102 buyffers containing 0.79 megabytes of memory SCSI 53C98 Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000 MAXTOR XT-8380S Rev B3C as sd0 at sc0 target 0 lun 0 Disk Label: MPZ2 Disk Capacity 349MB, Device Block 1024 bytes MAXTOR XT-8380S Rev B3C as sd1 at sc0 target 1 lun 0 Disk Laabel: temp Disk Capacity 349MB, Device Block 1024 bytes Generic SCSI Device as sg0 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg1 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg2 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 Generic SCSI Device as sg3 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 odc0 at 0x2012000 od0 at odc0 slave 0 od1 at odc0 slave 1 en0 at 0x2006000 en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:00:2c:23 IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type "10MB Ethernet" dsp0 at 0x2000000 np0 at 0x200f000 sound0 at 0x200e000 root on sd0 ------------ There's a cursor below this, and the window is labeled NeXT Mack Operating System. However, I can't type anything. The characters don't appear! The only key that works is the power key. What do I do? (2) Suppose I want to try out one of the NeXTStations. I've tried booting them, but nothing happened except some clicking sounds and a beep. When I press the power key to turn the NeXTStation off, it shuts off and then starts up again. What do I do? Here's a list of what I have: (2) MegaPixel monitors, B/W (1) MegaPixel 17" monitor, color (2) Cubes, one with both drives used and the other with one drive empty (1) NeXTStation Color (1) NeXTStation Turbo (3) Keyboard / Mouse pairs (1) NeXT Laser Printer (1) Strange Cable -- at one end, there's a connector with 10 pins and 3 O-shaped connectors. The cable splits in two and at the opposite end there's one connector with just the O-shaped connectors, and one connector with 10 pins. (1) Regular cable which I'm using to connect one of my Cubes to a MegaPixel B/W monitor (4) Power cables Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
From: "Chauncey Smith" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Optical Drive Date: 27 Nov 1998 23:35:52 GMT Organization: Posted via Supernews, - Discussions start here! Message-ID: <01be1a5e$81ad0340$a498f4d0@hackmasteer-2k> References: <> <73iggf$lv4$> you wouldn't happen to know of a modern compatable opitical drive that the old next drives could be replaced with and still read the old format would you? Christian Jensen <> wrote in article <73iggf$lv4$>... > You (brendan mcdougall <>) wrote > in newsgroup, on Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:09:51 -0500: > > ummm, does anyone know the routine failure mechanism of these NeXT optical > > drives, how to repair them, whether anyone does repair them and the > > cost--order of magnitude estimate ok :) > > The disks are quite robust; if you can find a working drive, you should be able to read them. The _drives_, however, routinely die of dust contamination, particularly if used without a filter. > > Good luck finding one in your area. If you do, you may be surprised by how slow and noisy the drive is. At that point, think for a moment about how this drive was once bleeding edge technology, an idea way ahead of it's time, not so very long ago... > --Chris > > ************************** > Chris Jensen > > MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK > > "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." > --Mark Twain >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Cube Startup Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 01:08:00 GMT Organization: World Access / Planet Internet Message-ID: <> References: <73k9lt$bfa$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 27 Nov 1998 18:40:55 GMT On Thu, 26 Nov 1998 14:19:53 -0500, "Spiff" <> wrote: >To Whoever Has the NExtAnswer: > >I just came into the possession of two NeXT Cubes and two NeXTStations (one >NeXTStation Color and one NeXTStation Turbo) > >I have several questions as I have never used NeXTStations before: > >(1) > >One of the Cubes (I haven't tried the other yet) will boot but I'm not sure >if it's booting properly. No it hangs during it's boot procedure. This is a software problem not hardware. >------------ > >NeXT ROM Monitor 1.0 v41 >NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon May 22 17:56:06 PDT 1995: >root(rcbuilder):mk-171.12.obj-11/RC_m68k/RELEASE_M68K >FPU version 0x0 >physical memory = 16.00 megabytes >available memory = 14.07 megabytes >using 102 buyffers containing 0.79 megabytes of memory >SCSI 53C98 Controller, Target 7, as sc0 at 0x2014000 >MAXTOR XT-8380S Rev B3C as sd0 at sc0 target 0 lun 0 > Disk Label: MPZ2 > Disk Capacity 349MB, Device Block 1024 bytes >MAXTOR XT-8380S Rev B3C as sd1 at sc0 target 1 lun 0 > Disk Laabel: temp > Disk Capacity 349MB, Device Block 1024 bytes >Generic SCSI Device as sg0 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 >Generic SCSI Device as sg1 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 >Generic SCSI Device as sg2 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 >Generic SCSI Device as sg3 at sc0 target 7 lun 7 >odc0 at 0x2012000 >od0 at odc0 slave 0 >od1 at odc0 slave 1 >en0 at 0x2006000 >en0: Ethernet address 00:00:0f:00:2c:23 >IP protocol enabled for interface en0, type "10MB Ethernet" >dsp0 at 0x2000000 >np0 at 0x200f000 >sound0 at 0x200e000 >root on sd0 > >------------ > >There's a cursor below this, and the window is labeled NeXT Mack Operating >System. However, I can't type anything. The characters don't appear! The >only key that works is the power key. Correct you can't type anything. You can try to use control-q to abort, but I think it will do no good. >What do I do? > It seems you have Nextstep 3.3. on your Cube (>NeXT Mach 3.3: Mon May 22 17:56:06 PDT 1995:) which is unable to boot from the first MAXTOR DISK. > >Suppose I want to try out one of the NeXTStations. I've tried booting them, >but nothing happened except some clicking sounds and a beep. When I press >the power key to turn the NeXTStation off, it shuts off and then starts up >again. Which model ? >What do I do? >Here's a list of what I have: > >(2) MegaPixel monitors, B/W >(1) MegaPixel 17" monitor, color >(2) Cubes, one with both drives used and the other with one drive empty >(1) NeXTStation Color >(1) NeXTStation Turbo >(3) Keyboard / Mouse pairs >(1) NeXT Laser Printer >(1) Strange Cable -- at one end, there's a connector with 10 pins and 3 >O-shaped connectors. The cable splits in two and at the opposite end there's >one connector with just the O-shaped connectors, and one connector with 10 >pins. >(1) Regular cable which I'm using to connect one of my Cubes to a MegaPixel >B/W monitor >(4) Power cables > >Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Soundbox ? My advise. According to your list, you have 4 computers, 3 monitors, soundbox I can't tell, maybe at least one, one missing keyboard/mouse.. 1) For the NeXTstation COLOR. you need one y cable, keyboard/mouse, soundbox, and the Megapixel Color monitor. To eleminate any hardware failure and missing configuration open up the case, (there is one screw at the back of the case) Check for an harddisk, and the simm banks. If therse are eight simm banks (30 pins) you have an old model, which needs at least 4 simms (16 MB, 12 MB is the minimum) The maximum memory this model can take is 32 MB. If therse are 4 simm banks (72 pins) you have the new model, which can take 128 MB of memory. Two banks need to be filled with at least 16 MB ( or 4 banks with 4 simms) . Without an hard disk it cannot boot and without any good memory configuration you get strange behavior or nothing at all. If complete assemble it back again and connect the Y cable splitter to the back of the station. The small end to the soundbox and the larger to the monitor. Connect the keyboard/mouse to the soundbox. Press the power key. If there is no screen two possible failures. The simms are broken or badly configured. or an complete system failure. Try different simms, if no succes then you must assume the color station is broken. 2) For the NeXTstation Turbo You need one BW monitor with the same cable you connected to the CUBE, (not the Y cable) keyboard and mouse. Again check the configuration. At least 2 banks need to be filled with simms (16 mb) This model has 4 simm banks with 72 pins. Power up, same advise. If nothing, memory is broken or badly configured. Else a system failure. 3) The CUBES. The one you tried seems to be complete and has NEXTSTEP 3.3. on it's hard disk. When you boot up press the command key and ~ at the same time this will get you in the rom monitor If correct you will see NEXT > with ? you get some standard options type bsd -s which will boot you right in single user mode Succesfull ? then type fsck and press enter. It will check the harddisk. when finnished type exit This will take you from single user mode to multi user mode You will see an boot procedure. If it complains and seem to hang most notible after network portions are being loaded press the command key and q. Not very elegant but will abort any deamons being loaded. This can take a long time . When finished you get the NeXTSTEP interface (lucky) or you get an password screen (not so lucky, you can crack this but that's for later, first things first) let us know what you see. The same I recommend for the other cube. But first boot it without any interaction and see what happen. Exit to rom monitor if you have no other option. If any of the systems complain about hardware passwords , open the case and remove(yellow in my system) the battery for 24 hours. This will erase the hardware password. You can wipe out any hardware failure if it passes System Check directly after pressing the power key. RVRM
Newsgroups: From: (Mark Onyschuk) Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Message-ID: <> Sender: news@T-FCN.Net Organization: M. Onyschuk and Associates Inc. References: <jOe72.31$> <73kvvb$> Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 00:56:43 GMT In article <73kvvb$>, Emmett McLean wrote: > My understanding, is that NXHost with NeXTStep and NSHost with OpenStep > are incompatible. Some one here correct me if I'm wrong. So > if you want to use OpenStep and run apps on the Pentium on the > black machine, you'll have to put OpenStep on your black machine. > I'd think you'd find that to be a tolerable set up. No. From an OpenStep (NSHost) box, you can view NXHosted (pre-OpenStep) clients. The converse is probably not true. Best regards, Mark
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Date: 28 Nov 1998 03:57:45 GMT Distribution: world Message-ID: <73nsbp$612$> References: <73kvvb$> <jOe72.31$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Nov 1998 03:57:45 GMT In Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? (Emmett McLean) writes, > Raymond Lutz wrote : [ snip ] >>1- this system is slow, and will be unusable for MOSX dev. >> > MOSX will not be available for mach anyway. [ snip ] The underlying APIs should not change very much. It should be relatively easy to port existing apps to MOSX so long as they do not use DPS ( Display PostScript ) very extensively. IMHO, taking DPS out of the OS was a mistake on Apple's part, but what can you do. Later, Greg C.
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Optical Drive Date: 28 Nov 1998 04:04:39 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <73nson$405$> References: <> <73iggf$lv4$> <01be1a5e$81ad0340$a498f4d0@hackmasteer-2k> NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Nov 1998 04:04:39 GMT You (Chauncey Smith <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 27 Nov 1998 23:35:52 GMT: > > you wouldn't happen to know of a modern compatable opitical drive that the > old next drives could be replaced with and still read the old format would > you? I don't think such a thing exists, or it would be widely used and known about in the NeXT community. I asked this question once quite a while ago and someone (I can almost but not quite remember who) said that a PLI (or was it Canon?) optical drive of similar vintage could use the NeXT media, but only if it was formatted on that drive. Original NeXT ODs and ODs formatted in a neXT drive are AFAIK only readable in a NeXT drive. :-( --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Newsgroups: References: <> <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> <> Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> Date: 28 Nov 98 07:20:23 GMT Scott Hess <> wrote: > This is apparently something really quite recent, like in the past > month or so. I had been following prices every week or two, because > I've been intending to get this machine for awhile. Then I got > somewhat snowed under with some work that caused me to not worry about > it for a couple weeks - and when I came up for air, the vendors > carrying the cards seemed to have mostly vanished! And those who were > still turning up had a lot of out-of-stock indicators by their > names... If anyone's paying attention to this thread, Apple posted a driver in June of this year for the ATI Rage Pro line of cards. These are still readily available, and start around $70 for 8MB. It's the same sort of video that's in the iMac, and some recent Sun workstations. So it looks like We're Not Dead Yet. Unfortunately, the README's at NeXTanswers didn't mention mult-head support, so these cards probably won't suit Scott. -- Note: email to this address goes to /dev/null To email a reply, write to jon at exnext dot com
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Date: 28 Nov 1998 14:41:34 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-xxv0rse7tfjx@localhost> References: <jOe72.31$> <73kvvb$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On Sat, 28 Nov 1998 00:56:43, (Mark Onyschuk) wrote: > In article <73kvvb$>, Emmett McLean wrote: > > My understanding, is that NXHost with NeXTStep and NSHost with OpenStep > > are incompatible. Some one here correct me if I'm wrong. So > > if you want to use OpenStep and run apps on the Pentium on the > > black machine, you'll have to put OpenStep on your black machine. > > I'd think you'd find that to be a tolerable set up. > > No. From an OpenStep (NSHost) box, you can view NXHosted (pre-OpenStep) > clients. The converse is probably not true. > > Best regards, > Mark That is a pleseant surprise as NXHost did not work 3.3 <-> 3.2 either way. If that is so I might finally upgrade to OpenStep on one end.
From: ALLEN <> Newsgroups: Subject: How to duplicate NS system? Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 02:35:40 +0800 Organization: SEEDNet News Service Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi. I have a Turbo Color NeXTstation and it already installed NextStep R3.3(I have no NextStep CD) I want to move the whole system from the original 500Mb HD to a Quantum 1.2GB HD. Can I do that?How to do...? I afraid crash all system. Thanks.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to duplicate NS system? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <AIX72.813$> Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 18:57:36 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 13:57:36 EDT /NextAdmin/ is the easiest way. Run it as root TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Optical Drive Date: 28 Nov 1998 19:34:14 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <73pj7m$hhd$> References: <> <73iggf$lv4$> <01be1a5e$81ad0340$a498f4d0@hackmasteer-2k> <73nson$405$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <73nson$405$> Christian Jensen wrote: > You (Chauncey Smith <>) wrote > in newsgroup, on 27 Nov 1998 23:35:52 GMT: > > > > you wouldn't happen to know of a modern compatable opitical drive that the > > old next drives could be replaced with and still read the old format would > > you? > > I don't think such a thing exists, or it would be widely used and known about in the NeXT community. > > I asked this question once quite a while ago and someone (I can almost but not quite remember who) said that a PLI (or was it Canon?) optical drive of similar vintage could use the NeXT media, but only if it was formatted on that drive. Original NeXT ODs and ODs formatted in a neXT drive are AFAIK only readable in a NeXT drive. :-( > Canon did make a version of the Optical for the rest of the world. I do not know what the interface was. This was top of the line technology in it's day 8-10 years ago, but it didn't take too long for the next step in the technology to be made which went to 128 (3.5"), and 600/650(5.25") with a different layout on the platter. This happened sometime in the 90-91 time frames. Once it did that was the end of the 256M proprietary media. I doubt you'll find a commercial vendor that sells a optical drive that is compatible with the NeXT Optical carts. And as I've said before if you have one that works get everything off of those platters you need and then remove the drive from your machine. I have one in a display 030 cube, but I rarely turn it on. As to saving the data. I've built 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 on a couple of the newer MO platters and they are bootable. I've long since sold most of my carts because I knew that the old NeXT MO drives wern't long for this world.. Heck even the newer MO technology is going by the wayside of CD-RW, and DVD (soon DVD-RW). I really hope DVD-RW is as robust as MO since I have found tape media to not be satisfactory for archival purposes. Randy Rencsok rencsok or spammers at ruin d0t the d0t internet d0t channelu d0t com
From: (Mirko Viviani) Newsgroups: Subject: NE2000 PCI card for 3.3 and DR2... Date: 28 Nov 1998 11:10:42 GMT Organization: GMS & EMS development. Message-ID: <73olni$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ciao... Is there a 3.3 and DR2 driver for a NE2000 comp. PCI card ? There are 2 NE2000 drivers on peak explicity for ISA bus and I think they doesn't work with PCI... but I have not yet tested them. Sources for these adapter are not available ? Thanks... -- Bye, Mirko <> (NeXTmail, MIME)
From: (Stephen E. Halpin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 21:38:43 GMT Organization: UltraNet Communications , an RCN Company Message-ID: <> References: <> <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> <> On 15 Nov 98 22:59:32, (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, > jehrlich@leland.Stanford.EDU (Jason Scott Ehrlich) writes: > Scott, have you checked out some of the online price databases? > Several retailers list recently-updated prices for at least the > Mystique 220 on in the video cards/matrox > section. So I would assume you should still be able to get some OEM > editions for pretty cheap. > >This is apparently something really quite recent, like in the past >month or so. I had been following prices every week or two, because >I've been intending to get this machine for awhile. Then I got >somewhat snowed under with some work that caused me to not worry about >it for a couple weeks - and when I came up for air, the vendors >carrying the cards seemed to have mostly vanished! And those who were >still turning up had a lot of out-of-stock indicators by their >names... > >On Thursday, I ordered a pair of 8M original Millenium's from > They >haven't arrived, yet, but they should this week. $60 apiece, which is >pretty reasonable, and since the performance difference between >original Millenium and the Millenium II under NS/OS is truly minimal, >I figure it's good insurance against the day I get that second >monitor... Note that the latest drivers for NeXTstep 3.3 wont work with all Millenium 8MB cards - youll know if you own one of those cards as the system will lockup with a black screen. Im told that there were earlier releases of the driver which supported such cards, but I was never able to find them. The same card yielded the same behavior with the Rhapsody for Intel drivers. I picked up a Millenium II 8MB (PCI) card and it works likea champ with NeXTstep 3.3. >Later, >-- >scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 ><Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots > Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed> -Steve
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 29 Nov 1998 04:45:35 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: Abid Khwaja <> Newsgroups: Subject: printer jam Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 08:51:04 -0500 Organization: Morgan Stanley & Co., New York, NY Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've seen documentation on how to fix the paper feed problems on a NeXTlaser b&w but can't seem to find it now. The FAQ's don't seem to have any info nor could I find it on NeXTAnswers. Anyone have the pointer? The problem I'm having is paper getting stuck while feeding from the paper cartridge. A quick open-printer-cover-and-close pulls the paper through but as you can imagine, this is long process when it comes to long documents.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: printer jam Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <W9g82.1178$> Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 18:14:14 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 13:14:14 EDT In <> Abid Khwaja wrote: > I've seen documentation on how to fix the paper feed problems on a > NeXTlaser b&w but can't seem to find it now. The FAQ's don't seem to > have any info nor could I find it on NeXTAnswers. Anyone have the > pointer? It's not in "NeXTanswers".... It's is in TjLAnswers ;-) Follow the link from: TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Rick Voland) Newsgroups: Subject: OLP3-SA driver for Openstep 4.2 Date: 29 Nov 1998 23:25:42 GMT Organization: UW-Madison Message-ID: <73sl5m$19uc$> Has anyone used a soundcard with the OPL3-SA driver under Openstep 4.2? I have a Mediatrix Audiotrix 3D-XG. It plays music CDs just fine in Openstep and even responds to the volume slider in the music CD player. I cannot get any other sounds (e.g., .snd files). It behaves the same whether I use any of the following drivers: OPL3-SA3, OPL3-SA, Soundblaster 8, Soundblaster 16, Soundblaster 16 PnP, Microsoft Sound System. I have the musickit 4.2 installed and have tried this sound card with and without the OPL3 MIDI driver. I have a 486 (non-plug and play). The sound card works fine in DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1. I boot first to DOS to initialize this PnP card, then reboot using cntl-alt-del. If I boot first to Openstep, the card will not play music CDs, so it looks like the card is properly initialized when I use cntl-alt-del. Should I see any messages about this sound card during verbose boot? I worked with Mediatrix technical support. We flashed the card to turn off the 3D daughter card and convert the whole thing to a standard issue Yamaha card. In this condition, the card played no sounds at all in Openstep, not even music CDs. Thanks for any suggestions,
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:10:19 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> Pretty much a cube ripoff except for the dumb graphics and weird stand. ginz...
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: comp.periphs.scsi, Subject: Adaptec 2940 & internal/external termination question Followup-To: comp.periphs.scsi Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <3Ms82.1535$> Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 08:34:07 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 03:34:07 EDT NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.PERIPHS.SCSI Basic SCSI question, I guess, but there's a NeXT hardware Q at the end My Adaptec 2940 has a place to do "Host Adapter termination" with 3 selections: enable disable autoterm Now everytime I think I'm understanding SCSI, it goes away, so I'm trying to ask really basic questions to make sure my assumptions are true (I had the URL of a SCSI FAQ but I can't find it now, and it wasn't really basic enough for what I needed IIRC) True/False: The internal bus and external bus are 2 places where termination can take place. T/F: The internal bus needs to be terminated ONLY if there are no external devices. T/F: The internal bus can be terminated EITHER by jumpering the drive OR by turning on Adaptec's ENABLED termination? T/F: Adaptec's termination achieves the same thing as jumpering a drive to be TERMINATED? I'm having a terrible problem... the system seems to operate fine except that I get a kernel panic (OpenStep 4.2) on every single reboot. I am guessing it is connected to the SCSI chain somewhere, which is why I want to recheck my thinking. The NeXT hardware q is this: how does NeXT hardware deal with this stuff to not have to deal with all this internal/external stuff? I never had to worry about this before I went to PC-Intel hardware. Thanks to any who would be willing to lend a hand to a man with clumps of his own hair in his fists.... TjL -- The From: line is valid as-is.... no editing required
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups:, Subject: NX/SHosting Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Date: 30 Nov 1998 19:50:17 GMT Organization: University of No Learning Message-ID: <73ustp$> References: <jOe72.31$> <73kvvb$> <> <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-xxv0rse7tfjx@localhost> Marcelo Rodrigues ( wrote: : On Sat, 28 Nov 1998 00:56:43, (Mark Onyschuk) wrote: : : > In article <73kvvb$>, Emmett McLean wrote: : > > My understanding, is that NXHost with NeXTStep and NSHost with OpenStep : > > are incompatible. Some one here correct me if I'm wrong. So : > > if you want to use OpenStep and run apps on the Pentium on the : > > black machine, you'll have to put OpenStep on your black machine. : > > I'd think you'd find that to be a tolerable set up. : > : > No. From an OpenStep (NSHost) box, you can view NXHosted (pre-OpenStep) : > clients. The converse is probably not true. : > : > Best regards, : > Mark : : That is a pleseant surprise as NXHost did not work 3.3 <-> 3.2 either : way. : If that is so I might finally upgrade to OpenStep on one end. Last spring I was sitting at a black NS3.3 machine running apps on a OS4.? intel(?) - Rex, what was running on? ...and most of it worked just fine.(Except NeXTtime) -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: ATI XPert video card notes Re: Solid video cards for NS/OS/Rhapsody. Newsgroups: References: <> <72crjv$ffb$1@nntp.Stanford.EDU> <> <> Distribution: comp Message-ID: <> Date: 30 Nov 98 21:29:57 GMT I ordered an ATI XPert 8MB PCI video card, based on the RagePro Turbo chip, and installed it today. Unfortunately, it seems to have problems running at 1152x864 with my monitor. The only refresh rate that works is 60Hz. My prior card, an old Diamond Stealth 64 3200, worked fine at 70 Hz at that resolution. The ATI is *supposed* to support that rate, and many faster refresh rates. The condition exists under NT 4.0, so it's not a problem with the Apple driver. It's most likely a problem with the monitor, since 1152x864x70Hz is pretty much maxing it out. Under NT, when I try to run the ATI at 70 Hz, the screen goes into flickery-white-square land, but there's a faint image of the test screen visible but badly oriented. If you've got a newer monitor than my circa-95 Nokia 17", this card will probably be fine for OpenStep. If you've got an older monitor, try to be happy with 1024x768x70 Hz, because anything higher may have to run at 60 Hz. Anyway, there is at least supported video card which you can still buy. Grumble Grumble Grumble...
From: Ryan Scott <> Newsgroups: Subject: Supported PCI Sound Card? Date: 30 Nov 1998 21:38:40 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <73v390$3f6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I was wondering if anyone knows of a PCI sound card which is supported under OS4.2? It seems that only ISA and some on-board audio chipsets are supported. Is it likely that PCI sound will be supported in the near future? -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Gerben Wierda) Newsgroups:, Subject: Monitor for ND board Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:31:06 GMT Organization: Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid Sender: news@AWT.NL Message-ID: <F38Fzu.IFG@AWT.NL> I was wondering what monitors can be used with ND boards. I know there are specs (like 68Hz, etc), but I am interested in actual working examples (types, brands). Preferably LCD... Yours, --- Gerben Wierda, Stafmedewerker Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid. Staff member Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy Javastraat 42, 2585 AP, Den Haag/The Hague, The Netherlands Tel (+31) 70 3639922 Fax (+31) 70 3608992 The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. ! This message does not contain any official AWT-views unless ! explicitely mentioned as such. For the official AWT-views, ! please consult the AWT web site:
From: (dave-g) Newsgroups:, Subject: clean sweep for NS 3.3? Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 22:09:16 -0500 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <> is there a way to wipe out the complete contents of a drive (besides rm -r /*)? i want to install a fresh copy of NS 3.3 (from the floppy and CD), and none of the typical ways seem to work, ie, booting from the floppy and cd hangs at the initializing system status screen, installing from the command line seems to install what i need, but then the file sytem is read only! btw, how do i go back to having a rw file system? thanks for everyone's help on the list! ps. nils, i haven't forgotten about your request!
From: (Eternity) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 1 Dec 1998 03:38:20 GMT Organization: Rt66.COM, New Mexico's #1 ISP Distribution: world Message-ID: <73vobc$7su$> References: <> (ginz) wrote: > > >Pretty much a cube ripoff except for the dumb graphics and weird >stand. >ginz... I had to look for myself! You have to admit, it does look pretty cool. Considering that it's a Cube ripoff (with the exception of the CPU being mounted on its corner), it's no wonder it looks pretty cool. Where else does one find a combination 10x10x10" (well, close enough) "Cube" (as they call it) encased computer with a flat-panel display that looks exactly like the N4000 monitor? Obviously nowhere! Because the second sentence on their web page says, "There's never been a computer like it before, with cool looks..." Can't argue with that! *laugh* *still laughing* --jake
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 05:03:56 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> Too bad we cant just buy the case. I agree it is a pretty cool machine, but the graphics are really stupid. ginz... On 1 Dec 1998 03:38:20 GMT, (Eternity) wrote: > (ginz) wrote: >> >> >>Pretty much a cube ripoff except for the dumb graphics and weird >>stand. >>ginz... > >I had to look for myself! You have to admit, it does look pretty cool. >Considering that it's a Cube ripoff (with the exception of the CPU being >mounted on its corner), it's no wonder it looks pretty cool. Where else does >one find a combination 10x10x10" (well, close enough) "Cube" (as they call >it) encased computer with a flat-panel display that looks exactly like the >N4000 monitor? Obviously nowhere! Because the second sentence on their web >page says, "There's never been a computer like it before, with cool looks..." >Can't argue with that! *laugh* > >*still laughing* > >--jake
From: Allen <> Newsgroups: Subject: FIMI monitor Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 21:00:36 +0800 Organization: SEEDNet News Service Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi: I had a big troublue in my FIMI 17"monitor.My FIMI monitor power supply was "dead". I want to repair it or buy a new one. Who can tell me how to do? Thanks
From: Newsgroups: Subject: [Info] i-staion (Made with NeXTstation case) Date: 1 Dec 1998 14:19:35 GMT Organization: ppaiNews ( Message-ID: <740ttn$ss$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are some pictures of i-staion: Motherboard : Baby size Pentium motherboard(AT, ATX Support) CPU : Pentium 120 VGA : Matrox Millineum 4M Sound : ESS1868 Sound Card Ethernet : NE2000 Compatible HDD : Segate 1.2G FDD : SAMSUNG FDD Power : 230W etc : PC Speaker, Serial, Printer, PS/2 Mouse, Keyboard port... For more infomation, Contact to My friend Kim Sung Han ( : NeXTmail OK) ppai (NeXTmail OK) (The Web site contains 10,000 articles about NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, Rhapsody, BeOS, Cyberfunk and Digital Entertainment.)
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: monitor problem Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 01:27:31 +0800 Organization: Personal Message-ID: <74192n$hlg$> I have a Color Turbo w/the Trinitron monitor. I think the monitor is dying. Mostly when it hasn't warmed up yet, it will flicker awhile, then the image shrinks to about 1/2" at the bottom of the screen, then it goes completely blank. If it is bumped or touched at these times, it'll go out for sure. Shutting it off for a few minutes so far has brought it back to life. I try to leave it on 24-7 but sometimes it has to be shut off. Is there a way to keep this baby going for awhile longer? Or can it be fixed? Being on the other side of the world right now shipping would cost double a replacement monitor. Thanks, Mike
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to duplicate NS system? Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 01:37:56 +0800 Organization: Personal Message-ID: <7419ma$i0r$> References: <> ALLEN wrote in message <>... >Hi. >I have a Turbo Color NeXTstation and it already installed NextStep >R3.3(I have no NextStep CD) >I want to move the whole system from the original 500Mb HD to a Quantum >1.2GB HD. >Can I do that?How to do...? >I afraid crash all system. > >Thanks. > This is a very good question. I have approximately the same set up, and tried using BuildDisk to transfer the system to a bigger drive. It didn't work, and I'd get a SCSI 65 error or something like that when trying to boot up & the whole system dies. I know its not the drive (Quantum Fireball) since it was working with an older NS version before. Also, I can access the drive if I boot from the original. For this operation, I just had the drive connected on a scsi cable w/2 connectors & a splitter on the power cable w/ the whole works hanging out the back of the slab. I've checked the termination on the drive & all sees ok there. The other drive has been sitting in my desk drawer ever since. Hope someone has a sol'n. Mike
From: Robert Doss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Intel SE440BX built-in audio support? Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 09:51:30 -0800 Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone know if the the built-in PCI audio on the Intel SE440BX mother boards can be used under OPENSTEP 4.2? The Intel docs mention that it is Sound Blaster compatible. Would it be possible to just use Sound Blaster drivers under OS 4.2? Any insights would be appreciated. --- Robert Doss Software Engineer Apple Computer, Inc. <> (MIME and NeXT mail O.K.)
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to duplicate NS system? Date: 1 Dec 1998 20:38:39 GMT Organization: The Center for Communications Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Message-ID: <741k4f$> References: <> <7419ma$i0r$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <7419ma$i0r$> "Michael Olan" wrote: > This is a very good question. I have approximately the same set up, and > tried using BuildDisk to transfer the system to a bigger drive. It didn't > work, and I'd get a SCSI 65 error or something like that when trying to boot > up & the whole system dies. I know its not the drive (Quantum Fireball) > since it was working with an older NS version before. Also, I can access the > drive if I boot from the original. For this operation, I just had the drive > connected on a scsi cable w/2 connectors & a splitter on the power cable w/ > the whole works hanging out the back of the slab. I've checked the > termination on the drive & all sees ok there. > > The other drive has been sitting in my desk drawer ever since. Hope someone Hate to do the "Me too" thing, but this is precisely the problem I am having. I had a disk with NS 3.3 on it, brought it to wrok, used and installed 4.2. Now when it tris to boot, it starts to boot and can't load /etc/initrc or something like that and freezes. I now the disk works 'cause it had 3.3 on it. My computer at home is sitting like a big doorstop until I can get it working. Peace, James -- James David Meacham, 3rd Web Systems Administrator/Internet Services Coordinator Center for Communications Programs 410-659-6367 The Johns Hopkins University 410-659-6266 (fax)
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: clean sweep for NS 3.3? Date: 1 Dec 1998 20:22:45 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <741j6l$mu2$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (dave-g) wrote: >is there a way to wipe out the complete contents of a drive (besides rm -r >/*)? i want to install a fresh copy of NS 3.3 (from the floppy and CD), >and none of the typical ways seem to work, ie, booting from the floppy and >cd hangs at the initializing system status screen, installing from the >command line seems to install what i need, but then the file sytem is read >only! Sounds like you may have SCSI bus problems with termination or dup. id's. Anyway, the Format command of /usr/etc/disk will erase a disk completely.... >btw, how do i go back to having a rw file system? mount -o remount / -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel SE440BX built-in audio support? Date: 1 Dec 1998 20:29:20 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <741jj0$mu2$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Robert Doss <> wrote: >Does anyone know if the the built-in PCI audio on the Intel SE440BX >mother boards can be used under OPENSTEP 4.2? [ ... ] >Robert Doss >Software Engineer >Apple Computer, Inc. ><> (MIME and NeXT mail O.K.) It seems odd to have a developer from Apple ask the outside world about driver support for a product currently owned by Apple. :-) As to your question, I have not heard of anyone sucessfully using PCI audio with OPENSTEP 4.2.... -Chuck
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: How to duplicate NS system? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <7419ma$i0r$> <741k4f$> Message-ID: <sO492.2309$> Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 06:07:20 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 01:07:20 EDT In <741k4f$> James D. Meacham wrote: > Hate to do the "Me too" thing, but this is precisely the problem I am having. > I had a disk with NS 3.3 on it, brought it to wrok, used and > installed 4.2. Now when it tris to boot, it starts to boot and can't load > /etc/initrc or something like that and freezes. I now the disk works 'cause > it had 3.3 on it. My computer at home is sitting like a big doorstop until I > can get it working. Peace, /etc/mach_init That's usually an indication that /etc/ didn't get copied correctly. you might try booting with '-i' and have it ask where the init file is, and try: /private/etc/mach_init /usr/etc/mach_init /usr/template/client/etc/mach_init and see if that helps. Most likely you need to do a fresh install. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Jookeye) Newsgroups: Subject: Can I use a NeXT monitor with a Mac? Date: 2 Dec 1998 07:55:07 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> If so, how? I have a PPC 9500. Thanks
From: (Eternity) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 2 Dec 1998 07:28:49 GMT Organization: Rt66.COM, New Mexico's #1 ISP Distribution: world Message-ID: <742q7h$2lp$> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> (ginz) wrote: >Too bad we cant just buy the case. >I agree it is a pretty cool machine, but the graphics are really >stupid. >ginz... Hrm... Not a bad idea. Buy the case, build a real system out of it, and install NS. Dunno. Methinks I'll just stick with my real Cube for now (until the MonsterCube is available!). -- jake
From: Harald Ellmann <> Newsgroups: Subject: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 12:43:32 +0100 Organization: Stockholm University Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I have posted a message about using graphics tablets before, but now i would like to specify my questions. By contacting w2acom I found out, that the Ultrapad series can be made bacwards compatible with the SD series. My questions are: - Has anybody tried to do so? - Or is anybody using an SD tablet together with a black NeXT machine? - Does the connector fit into the serial port or do I need an adaptor? Harald
From: "Bruce J. Dolby" <> Newsgroups: Subject: JAZ 1GB Disks with JAZ 2GB Drive Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 13:15:47 +0100 Organization: SEL Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi. I recently bought a JAZ 2 GB drive and would still like to use my old 1 GB disks. I'm able to format 1 GB disks with the 1 GB drive, and 2 GB disks with the 2 GB drive. What I would like to do is format a 1 GB disk with the 2 GB drive, but that doesn't work. I'm using NS 3.3 I. Any ideas? Bruce
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 21:18:49 GMT Organization: Barb & Helmut Heller Sender: (Helmut Heller) Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <> (Mark Onyschuk) writes: > No. From an OpenStep (NSHost) box, you can view NXHosted (pre-OpenStep) > clients. The converse is probably not true. I just tried: works without problems! I used on OS4.2/intel and -NXHosted to an NS3.3/m68k I can also confirm that the opposite way (NS3.3 to OS4.2) works just fine! -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail accepted________________ Phone: +49-8671-881665 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 FAX: +49-8671-881665 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Muehldorfer Str. 72, 84503 Altoetting, GERMANY
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 2 Dec 1998 13:03:51 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> <<- Has anybody tried to do so? Yes, I tried once, but gave up when I couldn't coordinate my schedule with Wacom's. <<- Does the connector fit into the serial port or do I need an adaptor? PC Wacom tablets use a 9 pin RS-232, you'll need to hack up or make a connector cable by combining a Mac (or NEXT?) modem cable with a 9-25 pin adapter and maybe a gender changer. Best of luck and please let us know what works! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (Naoki Takebayashi) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I use a NeXT monitor with a Mac? Date: 2 Dec 1998 18:08:29 GMT Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington Message-ID: <> References: <> On 2 Dec 1998 07:55:07 GMT, Jookeye <> wrote: >If so, how? >I have a PPC 9500. > >Thanks You can get an adaptor from some place like Naoki
From: Robert Doss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Intel SE440BX built-in audio support? Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 10:15:00 -0800 Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> <741jj0$mu2$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Charles W. Swiger" wrote: > It seems odd to have a developer from Apple ask the outside world about > driver support for a product currently owned by Apple. Not when the developer works for a different division from those associated with OPENSTEP in Redwood City, working on different products, in an office in a different part of the state. A developer who has never even met (or know the names of) any of those other developers, in a company with thousands of employees. Since I can't just walk down the hall and ask someone; it's just easier to post a question to the USENET. -Robert
Newsgroups:,, From: "Raphael B. Leib" <> Subject: NeXTstation boot problems Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: University of Chicago Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 23:42:15 GMT Hi! I'm new to NeXT, so please excuse my ignorance. I recently decided to revive a NeXT station (25MHz '040 processor, B/W display, not Turbo as far as I can tell... like I said, I'm new to this so I can't really give a better hardware description, but I assume NeXT only made one box that fits my description, so I hope y'all know which one I'm talking about) that a friend had left sitting in my closet last summer. I found a friend with a working color turbo NeXT station and after receiving his assurance that his OS would run on my machine despite their hardware differences, attached my HD (SEAGATE 1280N -- which according to their website doesn't appear to exist -- with a 240MB capacity) to his computer and used "builddisk" to create a bootable system. I then plopped the HD back into my box, plugged it in, fired 'er up, and
Newsgroups:,, From: "Raphael B. Leib" <> Subject: NeXTstation boot problems Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <> Sender: (News Administrator) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: University of Chicago Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 00:13:06 GMT Oh, dear! I'm so sorry for that incomplete last message -- the cat went and sent it before it was finished (which isn't nearly so bad as it could have been; I once had to take away his cream priviledges for a whole week after he hacked into a mail server and went on a spamming spree). Anyway, here's the full text; I hope my breach of netiquette hasn't turned everyone against me: ---------- Hi! I'm new to NeXT, so please excuse my ignorance. I recently decided to revive a NeXT station (25MHz '040 processor, B/W display, not Turbo as far as I can tell... like I said, I'm new to this so I can't really give a better hardware description, but I assume NeXT only made one box that fits my description, so I hope y'all know which one I'm talking about) that a friend had left sitting in my closet last summer. I found a friend with a working color turbo NeXT station and after receiving his assurance that his OS would run on my machine despite their hardware differences, attached my HD (SEAGATE 1280N -- which according to their website doesn't appear to exist -- with a 240MB capacity) to his computer and used "builddisk" to create a bootable NeXTSTEP 3.2 system. I then plopped the HD back into my box, plugged it in, fired 'er up, and... Presto! It broke trying to load the kernel. I got the usual hardware recognition messages, which I won't repeat here because they don't really seem relevant and because I'm typing this from memory; suffice it to say it recognized NeXT Mach 3.2 and found all the hardware, including the floppy drive and hard drive, and had no trouble recognizing any of them. However, after the message "root on sd0" I get the following messages: >Load of /etc/mach_init failed, errno 2, trying /etc/init... >Load of /etc/init failed, errno 2 Then the box just hangs. The only place I can go from there is back to the ROM monitor, so I can't fsck the disk. The filesystem _should_ be okay, because as I said I just initialized and built the disk using builddisk, unless the media got damaged in transit to my machine, which I doubt. So I _believe_ the mach kernel is where it's supposed to be; the hardware just can't find it. I couldn't find a definition of error number 2 (errno 2) on the NeXTanswers site ( or anywhere else. Does anyone know what this error is, or what could be wrong? Is this a hardware problem? Or is it possible my data just got corrupted? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Raphael B. Leib
From: (Richard Beigel) Newsgroups: Subject: CD-R and CD-RW drives Date: 3 Dec 1998 00:18:50 GMT Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago, Dept. of EE&CS, 851 S Morgan St, Chicago IL 60607-7053 Message-ID: <744lda$2666$> Can anyone recommend an external CD-R or CD-RW drive that is easy to hook up to black hardware running 3.3? PC World recommend the TEAC 4x12 (SCSI) and the HP 7200e (parallel port) for PCs, but they don't say anything about NeXT of course. --- Richard
From: "Rob Jarrett" <> Newsgroups: Subject: HELP: SCSI CDROM working improperly on black hardware? Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 20:54:18 -0500 Message-ID: <> Hi all, I'm trying to get my NEC 24x SCSI CD-ROM drive to work properly with a NeXTstation Color Turbo machine. I've installed the OS just fine with it (it found the CD drive, read OK, etc.etc.). When I boot up NEXTSTEP or OPENSTEP and there's a disc in the drive, the CD icon shows up in the File Viewer; when I eject the disc the icon goes away, as expected. But once I insert a new CD the icon doesn't come back. Does this mean my drive isn't _quite_ compatible with black hardware? Am I correct in assuming that I don't need to set up the drive in any special fashion and it should just "work"? If I do, could someone point me to a NeXTanswer or good advice about it? Thanks for any help, Rob
From: (TjL) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: NeXTstation boot problems Followup-To: Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <Grl92.2528$> Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 01:03:34 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 20:03:34 EDT NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE In <> "Raphael B. Leib" wrote: > Oh, dear! > > I'm so sorry for that incomplete last message -- the cat went and sent > it before it was finished (which isn't nearly so bad as it could have > been; I once had to take away his cream priviledges for a whole week > after he hacked into a mail server and went on a spamming spree). > Anyway, here's the full text; I hope my breach of netiquette hasn't > turned everyone against me: No, but you should read about which group (note the singular) to post to. I actually would have gone w/ csn.sysadmin over the others in this case. > However, after the message "root on sd0" I get the following messages: > >Load of /etc/mach_init failed, errno 2, trying /etc/init... > >Load of /etc/init failed, errno 2 [snip] > I couldn't find a definition of error number 2 (errno 2) on the > NeXTanswers site ( or anywhere else. Does anyone > know what this error is, or what could be wrong? Is this a hardware > problem? Or is it possible my data just got corrupted? is a good source.. do a power search on* Anyway, the short answer is that you need to do a reinstall. The OS is hosed. errno 2 means that the file wasn't found IIRC It's a symptom of a greater problem (most likely) TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Scott M Neal) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CD-R and CD-RW drives Date: 3 Dec 1998 01:21:40 GMT Organization: Intel Development Labs, INTeL Corporation Message-ID: <744p34$> References: <744lda$2666$> In article <744lda$2666$>, Richard Beigel <> wrote: > >Can anyone recommend an external CD-R or CD-RW drive that is easy to hook >up to black hardware running 3.3? > >PC World recommend the TEAC 4x12 (SCSI) and the HP 7200e (parallel >port) for PCs, but they don't say anything about NeXT of course. > >--- Richard I've been using a Yamaha CRW 4260 external for a few weeks now, and it is great. I use CDDesigner from Gehle software (, under OpenStep 4.2 (works on 3.3 also), and have had no "coasters" yet. It's a great combo... Only problem I have with CDDesigner is that it doesn't yet have an "erase re-recordable CD" button (can only be done from the command line), but they told me the next release will. Scott
From: "David A. Johnson" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: NeXTstation boot problems Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 21:41:31 -0500 Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I might be able to give you a hand. I'm in Chicago at Northwestern University. I have several old Black NeXT's and even more 'White' (Intel) NeXT's. drop me some email with a phone number and I'll see if we can link up. David Johnson, use this email: "Raphael B. Leib" wrote: > Oh, dear! > > I'm so sorry for that incomplete last message -- the cat went and sent > it before it was finished (which isn't nearly so bad as it could have > been; I once had to take away his cream priviledges for a whole week > after he hacked into a mail server and went on a spamming spree). > Anyway, here's the full text; I hope my breach of netiquette hasn't > turned everyone against me: > ---------- > Hi! > > I'm new to NeXT, so please excuse my ignorance. > > I recently decided to revive a NeXT station (25MHz '040 processor, B/W > display, not Turbo as far as I can tell... like I said, I'm new to this > so I can't really give a better hardware description, but I assume NeXT > only made one box that fits my description, so I hope y'all know which > one I'm talking about) that a friend had left sitting in my closet last > summer. > > I found a friend with a working color turbo NeXT station and after > receiving his assurance that his OS would run on my machine despite > their hardware differences, attached my HD (SEAGATE 1280N -- which > according to their website doesn't appear to exist -- with a 240MB > capacity) to his computer and used "builddisk" to create a bootable > NeXTSTEP 3.2 > system. > > I then plopped the HD back into my box, plugged it in, fired 'er up, > and... > Presto! It broke trying to load the kernel. > I got the usual hardware recognition messages, which I won't repeat here > because they don't really seem relevant and because I'm typing this from > memory; suffice it to say it recognized NeXT Mach 3.2 and found all the > hardware, including the floppy drive and hard drive, and had no trouble > recognizing any of them. > > However, after the message "root on sd0" I get the following messages: > >Load of /etc/mach_init failed, errno 2, trying /etc/init... > >Load of /etc/init failed, errno 2 > > Then the box just hangs. The only place I can go from there is back to > the ROM monitor, so I can't fsck the disk. The filesystem _should_ be > okay, because as I said I just initialized and built the disk using > builddisk, unless the media got damaged in transit to my machine, which > I doubt. So I _believe_ the mach kernel is where it's supposed to be; > the hardware just can't find it. > > I couldn't find a definition of error number 2 (errno 2) on the > NeXTanswers site ( or anywhere else. Does anyone > know what this error is, or what could be wrong? Is this a hardware > problem? Or is it possible my data just got corrupted? > > Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks in advance, > > Raphael B. Leib >
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: SCSI CDROM working improperly on black hardware? Date: 3 Dec 1998 02:33:23 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <744t9j$37d$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 3 Dec 1998 02:33:23 GMT "Rob Jarrett" <> writes: > etc.etc.). When I boot up NEXTSTEP or OPENSTEP and there's a disc in the > drive, the CD icon shows up in the File Viewer; when I eject the disc the > icon goes away, as expected. But once I insert a new CD the icon doesn't > come back. DOn;t eject the disc - instead drag it to the recycler. this will eject the disc for you and allow autodetection of a new disc when insterted. -bat.
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: HELP: SCSI CDROM working improperly on black hardware? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit References: <> Message-ID: <cwn92.1055$> Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 03:24:56 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 19:24:56 PDT Organization: @Home Network >when I eject the disc the icon goes away, as expected. But once I insert a new CD the icon >doesn't come back. Are you using Workspace's Disk->Eject menu item (or cmd-e) with the disk's icon highlighted in FileViewer before removing the disk from the CDROM? JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Installing additional Intel cards Date: 2 Dec 1998 21:36:52 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <74581k$> Hi, When I put together my Pentium running NS I reviewed the compatibility listings at Apple and built the machine. Piece of cake. No problems. Now I want to add a sound card (It is MicroSoft Sound System compatible so it should work) and an additional video card (either a Mach32 or Compac QVision). No, when NeXTSTEP boots for the first time after the upgrade does it prompt you for the NeXTSTEP CDROM or the new drivers? In otherwords what happens when you add new hardware on Intel? Do I ftp to NeXTAnswers and install .pkg driver packages to install the drivers after logging in? It is an EISA machine and I'm certain I can register the new hardware with my EISA configuration utility. What happens after that? Thanks, Emmett
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing additional Intel cards Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <74581k$> Message-ID: <XSq92.2706$> Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 07:13:59 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 02:13:59 EDT In <74581k$> Emmett McLean wrote: > No, when NeXTSTEP boots for the first time after the upgrade does it prompt > you for the NeXTSTEP CDROM or the new drivers? In otherwords what happens > when you add new hardware on Intel? Do I ftp to NeXTAnswers and install > .pkg driver packages to install the drivers after logging in? Yes, you must install the appropriate .pkg (as root) and then launch to select the new driver TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 3 Dec 1998 08:42:27 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <745itj$gen$> Hello, Yesterday the internal SCSI hard disk in my NeXT slab (m68k-turbo, pizza box)died :-( Over a few hours it produced an increasing amount of "hardware error" messages on the console. I rebooted a few times (after the system panic-ed) and had to fsck the HD by hand where it showed many errors. At one point the HD wasn't even seen during the initial boot phase! So I removed the defective internal HD (it was the original 247MB SCSI Seagate drive), but now I see the following messages from my other, external SCSI disks: sd0 (0,0): ERROR op:0x2a sd_state:4 scsi status:0x0 sd0 (0,0): sense key:0xb additional sense code:0x47 SCSI Block in error = 376256; Partition a F.S. sector 187968 sd0 (0,0): ERROR op:0x2a sd_state:4 scsi status:0x0 sd0 (0,0): sense key:0xb additional sense code:0x47 SCSI Block in error = 4191360; Partition a F.S. sector 2095520 and so on. Unfortunately, I have no idea what these error msgs mean! Can someone help, please? I don't assume that my external disk (4GB) died out of sympathy at the same time the internal one died, so I hope that this is a SCSI termination problem: the internal HD had the termination resistor networks installed and so I assume that it served as termination for one end of the SCSI-chain, while I have another terminator sitting at the external end of my SCSI-chain. Now that the internal HD is gone, this termination may be missing. Can someone comment on this, please? Am I way off?? What should I do? Is there an internal termination on the controller that can be activated? How? Any help appreciated! Helmut Heller -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
From: "Graeme Barnes" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:44:20 -0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> Harald Ellmann wrote in message <>... >Hello, > >I have posted a message about using graphics tablets before, but now i >would like to specify my questions. >By contacting w2acom I found out, that the Ultrapad series can be made >bacwards compatible with the SD series. My questions are: >- Has anybody tried to do so? >- Or is anybody using an SD tablet together with a black NeXT machine? >- Does the connector fit into the serial port or do I need an adaptor? I almost released a new driver for UD tablets on black nexts about 2 years ago but never quite finished it. If there is enough call for it (>5 separate requests?) I'll try to find some time to finish it off. Cheers, Graeme
From: (James D. Meacham) Newsgroups: comp.sys.sun.hardware, Subject: NeXT Monitors comaptible with Sun IPC 24 Bit ? Date: 3 Dec 1998 15:15:18 GMT Organization: The Center for Communications Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Distribution: world Message-ID: <7469u6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi All, I have recently acquired a SPARC IPC sans monitor. I have a NeXT Color machine, and I noticed that the cable is the same; Can I use my next monitor on the IPC? I don't want to blow up my monitor by trying it, so any info would be greatly appreciated. Peace, James -- James David Meacham, 3rd Web Systems Administrator/Internet Services Coordinator Center for Communications Programs 410-659-6367 The Johns Hopkins University 410-659-6266 (fax)
From: Newsgroups: Subject: GET 10,000 HITS (people) TO YOUR SITE << A DAY >> CLICK HERE 2702 Message-ID: <hfx92.3678$> Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 14:29:33 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 14:29:33 GMT Why settle for 20 hits a Month? Why not get 10,000 people to YOUR Website A DAY! Come find out the Secrets of marketing your site in the most inexpensive way known to the Internet! -------------- ANTI-SPAM -------------- If this message has been posted to a News Group accidentally that does not relate to the news group topic please email me personally at and I will remove it from the posting list ASAP! Thank you vgjnknyqncxdcmowyoosjwzzpxwwbwkghibposoopggxldpbrwefxz
From: Eberhard Wolff <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 3 Dec 1998 16:03:41 GMT Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <746cot$o3n$> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-981114 ("The Watchman") (UNIX) (SunOS/5.6 (sun4u)) Eternity <> wrote: : (ginz) wrote: :>Too bad we cant just buy the case. :>I agree it is a pretty cool machine, but the graphics are really :>stupid. :>ginz... : Hrm... Not a bad idea. Buy the case, build a real system out of it, and : install NS. Dunno. Methinks I'll just stick with my real Cube for now (until : the MonsterCube is available!). : -- jake Actually there are Cube cases (even in black). Just take a look at . BTW I think this topic was dicussed here not too long ago. :) Eberhard --- Eberhard Wolff Phone: +49 (0) 177 560 47 11 University of Hamburg
From: Randy M Bowie <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: clean sweep for NS 3.3? Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 10:10:41 -0600 Organization: Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: dave-g <> dave-g wrote: > > is there a way to wipe out the complete contents of a drive (besides rm -r > /*)? i want to install a fresh copy of NS 3.3 (from the floppy and CD), > and none of the typical ways seem to work, ie, booting from the floppy and > cd hangs at the initializing system status screen, installing from the > command line seems to install what i need, but then the file sytem is read > only! > > btw, how do i go back to having a rw file system? Sounds like you may have disk problems. bfd should get you where you want to go since the install initializes the disk. Your second is much easier: mount -o remount,rw /dev/sd0a / (I don't think the rw is needed) be sure you have the proper fstab in /private/etc (/etc) even though it is in netinfo the file must exist and have the root drive listed /dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquoto,noauto 0 1 be sure you don't have a cdrom or scsi floppy at a lower id than the boot disk. > > thanks for everyone's help on the list! > > ps. nils, i haven't forgotten about your request! HTH Randy Bowie
From: xsthree <> Newsgroups: comp.sys.sun.hardware, Subject: Re: NeXT Monitors comaptible with Sun IPC 24 Bit ? Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 11:35:26 -0500 Organization: Info Avenue Internet Services Message-ID: <> References: <7469u6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 3 Dec 1998 16:29:38 GMT James D. Meacham wrote: > Hi All, > > I have recently acquired a SPARC IPC sans monitor. I have a NeXT Color > machine, and I noticed that the cable is the same; Can I use my next monitor > on the IPC? I don't want to blow up my monitor by trying it, so any info > would be greatly appreciated. Peace, > Hate to bust your bubble, but no. NeXT uses sync-on-green and most Suns (AFAIK) use composite sync...I'm almost certain the IPC does anyway... -Brian
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 3 Dec 1998 17:11:27 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <746gnv$7pa$> References: <745itj$gen$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Helmut Heller) wrote: [ ... ] > What should I do? Is there an internal termination on the controller that > can be activated? How? Try putting a terminated drive internally. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <hfx92.3678$> ignore no reply Control: cancel <hfx92.3678$> Message-ID: <cancel.hfx92.3678$> Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 16:31:56 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled.
From: (ginz) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 19:13:00 GMT Organization: EnterAct L.L.C. Turbo-Elite News Server Message-ID: <746o9p$lf7$> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> Yes this has been discussed before, but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? ginz... Eberhard Wolff <> wrote: >Actually there are Cube cases (even in black). Just take a look at > . >BTW I think this topic was dicussed here not too long ago. :) >Eberhard >--- >Eberhard Wolff Phone: +49 (0) 177 560 47 11 >University of Hamburg
From: (Marcus) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 20:21:11 GMT Organization: - Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> On Thu, 03 Dec 1998 19:13:00 GMT, (ginz) wrote: >Yes this has been discussed before, >but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? >ginz... Have a look here: I've tried for ages to get someone to sell me one in the UK or Europe. I'm still searching...
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:06:21 -0600 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <746rkn$ui4$> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 3 Dec 1998 20:17:27 GMT You can contact YY COMPUTER INC. YEONG YANG TECHNOLOGY INC. Address:18549 E.Railroad St.,City of Industry,CA91748 Tel:626 - 8549289 Fax:626 - 8541896 Handy phone:626 - 8621511 Mr.Joe Hu & Mr.David Lee ginz wrote in message <746o9p$lf7$>... >Yes this has been discussed before, >but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? >ginz... > >Eberhard Wolff <> wrote: > >>Actually there are Cube cases (even in black). Just take a look at >> . >>BTW I think this topic was dicussed here not too long ago. :) > >>Eberhard > >>--- >>Eberhard Wolff Phone: +49 (0) 177 560 47 11 >>University of Hamburg > >
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: JAZ 1GB Disks with JAZ 2GB Drive Date: 3 Dec 1998 21:09:38 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Message-ID: <746umi$kf5$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> "Bruce J. Dolby" wrote: > Hi. > > I recently bought a JAZ 2 GB drive and would still like to use my old 1 > GB disks. > I'm able to format 1 GB disks with the 1 GB drive, and 2 GB disks with > the 2 GB drive. What I would like to do is format a 1 GB disk with the 2 > > GB drive, but that doesn't work. > I'm using NS 3.3 I. > > Any ideas? > > Bruce > Guess that followup I tried to send didn't get posted I made a web page. The first in "The New NEXTSTEP/OpenStep FAQ" that I plan on making additions to (everyone welcome to help). Click on New-FAQs and check out 2.1. If you do get working disktabs for 1G/2G media on the 2G drive please e-mail it to me so I can put it in the FAQ so people who have same problem can just nab it. If you have problems or comments following the page feel free to e-mail. Also everyone who has made a custom disktab please e-mail me with them so I can drop them into a disktab FAQ page. I started working on a cgi (still unfinished) that people could use to construct their disktabs for Openstep/NextStep. If people would be interested in this drop me some e-mail (or better send your donation$ 2 ---- ;) Randy Rencsok rencsok or spammers at ruin d0t the d0t internet d0t channelu d0t com
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 3 Dec 1998 21:31:40 GMT Organization: Michigan State University Distribution: world Message-ID: <746vvs$kf5$> References: <745itj$gen$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <745itj$gen$> Helmut Heller wrote: > Hello, > > Yesterday the internal SCSI hard disk in my NeXT slab (m68k-turbo, pizza > box)died :-( > Over a few hours it produced an increasing amount of "hardware error" > messages on the console. I rebooted a few times (after the system panic-ed) > and had to fsck the HD by hand where it showed many errors. At one point the > HD wasn't even seen during the initial boot phase! > > So I removed the defective internal HD (it was the original 247MB SCSI > Seagate drive), but now I see the following messages from my other, external > SCSI disks: > > sd0 (0,0): ERROR op:0x2a sd_state:4 scsi status:0x0 > > sd0 (0,0): sense key:0xb additional sense code:0x47 > > SCSI Block in error = 376256; Partition a F.S. sector 187968 > > sd0 (0,0): ERROR op:0x2a sd_state:4 scsi status:0x0 > > sd0 (0,0): sense key:0xb additional sense code:0x47 > > SCSI Block in error = 4191360; Partition a F.S. sector 2095520 > > and so on. Unfortunately, I have no idea what these error msgs mean! Can > someone help, please? > > I don't assume that my external disk (4GB) died out of sympathy at the same > time the internal one died, so I hope that this is a SCSI termination > problem: the internal HD had the termination resistor networks installed and > so I assume that it served as termination for one end of the SCSI-chain, > while I have another terminator sitting at the external end of my SCSI-chain. > Now that the internal HD is gone, this termination may be missing. Can > someone comment on this, please? Am I way off?? > > What should I do? Is there an internal termination on the controller that can > be activated? How? > > Any help appreciated! > > Helmut Heller Hi Helmut, Sorry to hear of the problems. I'm actually a bit flabbergasted by your problem. Since I've had a number of stations that required the internal termination be disabled before one could hook up external devices. These were are 25Mhz slabs with 105M Quantums in them. I'm sure I saw this with some other stations too. Frankly though it confirms my suspicion that there is nothing special about the NeXT and that it may be that unless you have a lot of devices or questionable cabling that the fact Black hardware uses 5Mhz Asyncronous SCSI makes it quite robust to improper termination particularly on the internal bus.. I agree with Charles try putting a terminated drive on the internal connector. And let us know what happens as I've had the complete reverse situation occur as I said above. Where's Mike Paquette, or any other of the hardware techies when we need them ;). Randy Rencsok rencsok or spammers at ruin d0t the d0t internet d0t channelu d0t com
From: (Bike1Man1) Newsgroups: Subject: CPU accelerator ? Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:34:45 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I talked to the tech at MicroMac and he said the Speedy accelerator would probably work with my NeXTstation Turbo but also said the sale was final. Does any one have any experience or thoughts on this product? From The MicroMac Speedy accelerator offers the best price/performance of any variable speed CPU clock accelerator on the market today. With its unique frequency thumb wheel dial, you can fine tune the Speedy to your specific hardware and software environment. New Lower Price! Speedy Benefits: High performance for a low cost Features various speeds (115%-150%) tailored to meet your specific needs Compatible with a wide range of Macintosh computers Use to speed up your current system and future Quadra or PowerPC upgrades Slotless operation (does not require a PDS or NuBus slot) System 7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 7.6, 8.0 and 8.1 compatible Easily user-installable with step-by-step illustrated manual Variable Speed Computing: MicroMac Technology's Speedy accelerator replaces the fixed frequency clock oscillator on your Macintosh or PowerPC logic board (motherboard) with a Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO). The increased speed of your new CPU clock runs your Macintosh or PowerPC between 115% and 150% of your Macintosh's original speed, allowing you to perform many routine tasks much faster. For example, a Macintosh IIsi normally runs at 20MHz but with the Speedy it will easily run at 25MHz, and in many cases, up to 30MHz or more. Dial almost 100 Different Frequencies: With the Speedy accelerator you select from a variety of frequencies by dialing the frequency thumbwheel dial. This unique feature allows you to fine tune the Speedy to the particular hardware and software environment of your Macintosh or PowerPC. Tools Requirements: A flat-blade screwdriver. Installation: Installation takes approximately fifteen minutes and requires no soldering. The richly illustrated Installation Manual guides your installation of the Speedy accelerator and identifies the location of the CPU clock oscillator on the logic board (motherboard). The installation consists of opening the case of your computer, connecting the Speedy frequency cable to the CPU clock oscillator, attaching the accelerator with self-sticking nylon standoffs to the logic board, plugging in the power cable connector and selecting the appropriate thumbwheel setting as outlined in the Installation Manual. MicroMac Delivers: Speedy accelerator (with unique variable control thumbwheel dial), frequency cable, power cable, self-sticking standoffs, Utilities disk and a detailed, illustrated Installation Manual. (401) 861-MATH
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:52:07 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-7ERdRNYyhvvd@localhost> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 19:13:00, (ginz) wrote: > Yes this has been discussed before, > but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? > ginz... > In the US, try they actually had it ready for shipping when I contacted them a couple of months back. Price for the cube one in black is $160. No power supply is included for that price -- be aware of that.
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:52:08 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-S0Fzg4WbNMG5@localhost> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 19:13:00, (ginz) wrote: > Yes this has been discussed before, > but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? > ginz... > In the US, try they actually had it ready for shipping when I contacted them a couple of months back. Price for the cube one in black is $160. No power supply is included for that price -- be aware of that.
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:52:09 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-JFFdJSy2SdFk@localhost> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
From: (Marcelo Rodrigues) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:52:19 GMT Organization: Boston University Message-ID: <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-FoNfDdblFknd@localhost> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 4 Dec 1998 00:09:13 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> Graeme, I would dearly love to use my Wacom ArtZ with my NeXT--please consider this a request for you to finish your driver at your convenience. I'd be very grateful! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CPU accelerator ? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <peI92.196$> Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 02:59:33 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 21:59:33 EDT In <> Bike1Man1 wrote: > I talked to the tech at MicroMac and he said the Speedy accelerator would > probably work with my NeXTstation Turbo but also said the sale was final. Does > any one have any experience or thoughts on this product? I'm willing to bet you he's entirely wrong. Sounds more like a salesman than a tech. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Michael S. Barthelemy) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DELL XPS-R450: Crystal 3D 64V Wavetable Integrated Sound Date: 4 Dec 1998 03:09:55 GMT Organization: A-Link Network Services, Inc. Message-ID: <747jq3$> References: <73c8ck$> (Michael S. Barthelemy) writes: > Does anyone know how to get this sound card working with OPENSTEP 4.2? It is > supposed to be sound blaster 16 compatible. I am guessing at this point that > the PnP recognition ids are not recognizing it because it is not specifically > a sound blaster. For those who are interested. I could only get the SoundBlaster8 driver working with the onboard sound. While the manufacturer says that it is SoundBlaster16 compatible and it has a legacy connection via the ISA bus (As well as the primary PCI connection) they don't report back the same auto-detect id's or PnP ids. (Plus the SB16 driver has code in it which appears to be SB16 original equipment specific for detecting which SB product you have.) Mike
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 4 Dec 1998 03:58:03 GMT Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM Message-ID: <747mkb$1ik$> References: <745itj$gen$> <746gnv$7pa$> <746ncm$kv$> Originator: kcobra@232-cdm-230 In article <746ncm$kv$> "George B. Ameer" <> writes: >You can buy terminators that plug on a ribbon cable at a decent parts >store for $20.00 or less. Try putting one of these on the internal ribbon >cable. > As long has the guy has the internal cable removed, I don't see termination as a problem. I have the same setup with no internal hd and am typing this message from the slab now. No problems whatsoever. Perhaps my internal connector is not terminated and I am just lucky. -- Kcobra ( and ( "I have been and always shall be your friend." --Spock
From: (Josh Hesse) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CPU accelerator ? Date: 4 Dec 1998 03:29:08 GMT Organization: University of No Learning Message-ID: <747ku4$> References: <> Bike1Man1 ( wrote: : : Variable Speed Computing: MicroMac Technology's Speedy : accelerator replaces the fixed frequency clock oscillator on your ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Macintosh or PowerPC logic board (motherboard) with a Variable : Frequency Oscillator (VFO). The increased speed of your new CPU : clock runs your Macintosh or PowerPC between 115% and 150% of : your Macintosh's original speed, allowing you to perform many routine : tasks much faster. For example, a Macintosh IIsi normally runs at : 20MHz but with the Speedy it will easily run at 25MHz, and in many : cases, up to 30MHz or more. Gah! I *might* try something like this on a old DOS box, but overclocking a NeXT is even more foolhardy than overclocking a mac. How much do they want for this rip-off? -Josh -- Do not send mail to this account. Really. "Talk about silly conspiracy theories..." -Wayne Schlitt in unl.general This post (C)1998, Josh Hesse. Quoted material is (C) of the person quoted. |ess|erb|unl|u| (Oo) MYTHOS How's my posting? 1-800-DEV-NULL email: jh|e@h|ie.|.ed| /||\ NEW AEON .Sigfile freshness date: 6/30/98 "Ask Bill [Gates] why function code 6 (in QDOS and still in MS-DOS more than ten years later) ends in a dollar sign, no one in the world knows that but me" -Gary Kildall
From: Newsgroups: Subject: XGA laptop recommendations? Date: 3 Dec 1998 17:01:45 GMT Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison Message-ID: <746g5p$ufq$> Does anyone have good advice on a good and cheap laptop for running OPENSTEP? Basically, my only requirement is that it have an XGA resolution display (800x600 is just too small) and fairly cheap - i.e. <= $2000. Hopefully XGA displays have come down enough in price now. Any positive or negative experiences you would like to share? Thanks in advance, - Gareth
From: "George B. Ameer" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:04:22 -0800 Message-ID: <746ncm$kv$> References: <745itj$gen$> <746gnv$7pa$> You can buy terminators that plug on a ribbon cable at a decent parts store for $20.00 or less. Try putting one of these on the internal ribbon cable.
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI grief: '040 cube + DEC RZ24L-E Help? Date: 4 Dec 1998 05:38:21 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <747sgd$53o$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Dec 1998 05:38:21 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Hello * I have a NextStep '040-based cube and a DEC RZ23L-E 116M disk drive. I'd like to use the drive as swap space but am having a Bad Time getting the drive initialized correctly. I have a Warm Fuzzy Feeling that the drive is functional; it is quite happy talking to an Adaptec 1522 controller running in a PC. No errors on a format; the drive comes up nice and clean. Formatting the drive on the cube with blocksize 1024 produces a NextStep response that the drive has a capacity of 200M (wrong). Digging a little deeper into the software shows that the geometry read from the drive is incorrect. Formatting the drive with blocksize 512 produces a correct report of the drive capacity (116M)... but disk(8) (the NextStep 2.1 drive initializer program) seems to be getting the blocksize from somewhere else as attempting to initialize the drive produces the error messages: sd2: Incomplete disk transfer; bytes moved = 0x2000, resid = 0x1c48 The following appears after nine retries: mach: sd2 (2,0) ERROR op:0x2a sd_state: 4 scsi status: 0x0 mach: sd2 (2,0) sense key:0x5 additional sense code: 0x21 mach: SCSI Block in error = 0 (front porch) (Can someone point me to a list of error messages? Thanks.) ----- All cables are terminated. There is a Maxtor 8760S on the bus and it works fine. The power supply to the RZ23L-E is in good shape and, with everything running, looks good on a scope. The system was rebooted after (a) reformatting and (b) after writing the disk label. I don't understand. The drive runs perfect in a PC. Why is it so unhappy running in a cube? And is there anything I can do to fix it? Regards, Mark
Message-ID: <> From: Christopher Kmiec <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: ROM monitor commands Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:49:19 -0600 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:48:08 CDT Organization: MediaOne Express -=- Central Region Hi, I was wondering if someone could point me to a list of the available ROM monitor commands on the NeXT (Color Turbo if that matters). I got one without any manuals, and would love to know what I can do from the monitor. Thanks for any help, Chris Kmiec
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI grief: '040 cube + DEC RZ24L-E Help? Date: 4 Dec 1998 05:46:49 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <747t09$53o$> References: <747sgd$53o$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 4 Dec 1998 05:46:49 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Mark Becker <> wrote: > Hello * OOPS... NOT a DEC RZ24L-E ... it's a RZ23L-E. Regards, Mark
From: Nils Hott <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 22:10:51 +0100 Organization: Uni Leipzig Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Marcus <> In-Reply-To: <> On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Marcus wrote: > I've tried for ages to get someone to sell me one in the UK or Europe. > I'm still searching... for Germany for the rest of Europe Cheers, Nils :-)
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: NeXTStep/OpenStep with AMD K6-2? Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:59:07 -0500 Organization: Posted via Supernews, - Discussions start here! Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Does anyone know if NS3.3/OS4.2 is compatible with AMD K6-2 chip? Thanks. Jasper
From: (Marcus) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 09:29:29 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> <BcFqhjVUZSSN-pn2-7ERdRNYyhvvd@localhost> On 4 Dec 1998 00:52:07 GMT, (Marcelo Rodrigues) wrote: >On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 19:13:00, (ginz) wrote: > >> Yes this has been discussed before, >> but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? >> ginz... >> > > >In the US, try > > > >they actually had it ready for shipping when I contacted >them a couple of months back. Price for the cube one >in black is $160. No power supply is included for that >price -- be aware of that. I contacted them a few months ago and they will not ship overseas. Besides, it looks like a heavy case and shipping costs would be high.
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTStep/OpenStep with AMD K6-2? Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 11:34:05 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <3667C8AD.675B57EB@KVI.NL> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jasper Wong wrote: > > Does anyone know if NS3.3/OS4.2 is compatible with AMD K6-2 chip? > Thanks. > > Jasper > I'm running 4.1 on an AMD K6-2 for about three months now and it's rock stable. Go for it. Marcel
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 4 Dec 1998 09:23:26 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <7489me$ct9$> References: <747mkb$1ik$> In article <747mkb$1ik$> writes: > As long has the guy has the internal cable removed, I don't see > termination as a problem. I have the same setup with no internal > hd and am typing this message from the slab now. No problems > whatsoever. Perhaps my internal connector is not terminated and > I am just lucky. Thanks for the tips! Yes, I had the short ribbon cable removed. This morning I tried putting the defective hard drive back in (don't have another one available at the moment) but did not connect its power, so that it will stay calm. I just had it on for a few minutes (not much time in the morning) and I saw ONE error on the console related to my 4GB external disk. Now it could be that the internal disk needs power for proper SCSI termination. I will try this tonight, giving it a high SCSI ID and not mounting it. My setup (with the internal HD) had been working for over a year without any problems and there were no recent changes to it -- aside from the sudden trouble with the internal HD and its removal. Just for reference, I have: SCSI ID device 0 4GB external boot disk (2*2GB partitions) 1 free (was internal 247MB disk, Seagate) 2 NeXT CDROM 3 Toshiba MK538FB 1 GB external disk 4 HP DAT drive, external 5 free 6 UMAX scanner with external termination The UMAX is switched off most of the time; switch it on only if I do some scanning. Right now I even unplugged its SCSI cable, leaving only the external (passive) terminator on the (now) free end of the SCSI cable. Bye, helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: a Sphericalized MonsterCube with outdated and unshipping OSes ? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <> In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 30 Nov 1998 21:18:49 GMT Date: 3 Dec 98 07:35:33 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 01:59:45 PDT In article <>, writes: In article <>, (Mark Onyschuk) writes: > No. From an OpenStep (NSHost) box, you can view NXHosted > (pre-OpenStep) clients. The converse is probably not true. I just tried: works without problems! I used on OS4.2/intel and -NXHosted to an NS3.3/m68k I can also confirm that the opposite way (NS3.3 to OS4.2) works just fine! I believe (and someone correct me if I'm way off base) that many of the apps in OS4.2 are essentially NS3.3 apps, just running under OS4.2. For instance, the OS4.2 does not appear to implement any keyboard navigation. Go to the Find Panel, say, and hit tab a couple times. Compare that to the Find Panel in ProjectBuilder. Other panels seem similar. This certainly isn't incontrovertible truth, but I'd guess that some apps might work, some might not. Indeed, I was unable to -NXHost ProjectBuilder under OS4.2/Intel to NS3.3/m68k... -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Joe McCarthy <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Can I use a NeXT monitor with a Mac? Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 16:50:43 -0700 Organization: Software Integrators Inc. Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Jookeye <> Which next monitor? Joe Jookeye wrote: > If so, how? > I have a PPC 9500. > > Thanks -- ************************************************************ * WEB PAGE -> * ************************************************************ * Joe McCarthy | * * Software Integrators Inc. | 800-547-2349 (toll free) * * 51 Evergreen Drive | 406-586-8866 (voice) * * Suite A | 406-586-9145 (fax) * * Bozeman, MT 59715 | * ************************************************************ * Leading the way in fixed frequency monitor support ... * ************************************************************
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ROM monitor commands MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit References: <> Message-ID: <46R92.2$> Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 13:05:04 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 05:05:04 PDT Organization: @Home Network Should be in /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextAdmin/SysAdminManual/09_StartShut.rtfd. JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: Mike Paquette <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 11:39:16 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <745itj$gen$> <746vvs$kf5$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > I agree with Charles try putting a terminated drive on the internal > connector. And let us know what happens as I've had the complete > reverse situation occur as I said above. > > Where's Mike Paquette, or any other of the hardware techies > when we need them ;). Working. I'm pretty busy these days. The internal SCSI bus should be terminated at the drive. The drives NeXT shipped all had either a row of termination resistors installed right by the SCSI connector (Seagate and Maxtor drives), or a jumper set to enable termination on the drive (HP drives). If an external SCSI cable and/or devices are connected, there should be a terminator at the end of the external SCSI chain. Mike Paquette
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Replace a Next Station ????? Date: 4 Dec 1998 21:49:13 GMT Organization: EUnet AG Message-ID: <749lcp$ja$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I have a Next station and i want buy a new computer. What is the best solution to replace my next station up to USD 7‚000 ?? PC, Sun, HP, wait to apple and mac OSX ..... Thanks for answers. Stephane
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: CPU accelerator ? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to:'s message of 4 Dec 1998 00:34:45 GMT Date: 4 Dec 98 09:19:31 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 17:24:20 PDT In article <>, (Bike1Man1) writes: I talked to the tech at MicroMac and he said the Speedy accelerator would probably work with my NeXTstation Turbo but also said the sale was final. Does any one have any experience or thoughts on this product? <...> Variable Speed Computing: MicroMac Technology's Speedy accelerator replaces the fixed frequency clock oscillator on your Macintosh or PowerPC logic board (motherboard) with a Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO). Since pretty much everything on the NeXT motherboard uses a single frequency source, you'll probably increase your station's speed to an aweoms... 105% of original performance! Maybe less! And your station might stop working at all! Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> <> <742q7h$2lp$> <746cot$o3n$> <746o9p$lf7$> In-reply-to:'s message of Thu, 03 Dec 1998 19:13:00 GMT Date: 4 Dec 98 09:14:39 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 17:24:20 PDT In article <746o9p$lf7$> (ginz) writes: Yes this has been discussed before, but who sells the Yeong Yang cases in the USA? ginz... Eberhard Wolff <> wrote: >Actually there are Cube cases (even in black). Just take a look at > . BTW I think this topic was >dicussed here not too long ago. :) My favorite vendor sells some of their tower cases at Perhaps they'd be able to special-order one of the cubes. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTStep/OpenStep with AMD K6-2? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to: Jasper Wong's message of Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:59:07 -0500 Date: 4 Dec 98 09:22:33 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 17:24:22 PDT In article <>, Jasper Wong <> writes: Does anyone know if NS3.3/OS4.2 is compatible with AMD K6-2 chip? I have an original K6, and had no problems under NS or OS, and now that system dual-boots Rhapsody with no problems. As further evidence, the NeXT website (well, Apple, but I always go to to get there :-) indicates that NS/OS weren't tested on anything other than the Pentium and PentiumPro, specifically naming AMD, Cyrix, and the Pentium-II, but it only goes on to single out Cyrix as being a particular problem. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: Frederic Foucault <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 20:46:00 -0500 Organization: Columbia University Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Graeme, I join the request list. I'll really like to be able to use a Wacom tablet on a ND. Sincerely, Frederic Foucault -
From: (christopher borden) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 5 Dec 1998 01:20:46 GMT Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <> Cc: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <74a1pe$l5g$> In <> "Graeme Barnes" wrote: > Harald Ellmann wrote in message <>... > >Hello, > > > >I have posted a message about using graphics tablets before, but now i > >would like to specify my questions. > >By contacting w2acom I found out, that the Ultrapad series can be made > >bacwards compatible with the SD series. My questions are: > >- Has anybody tried to do so? > >- Or is anybody using an SD tablet together with a black NeXT machine? > >- Does the connector fit into the serial port or do I need an adaptor? > > > I almost released a new driver for UD tablets on black nexts about 2 years > ago but never quite finished it. If there is enough call for it (>5 separate > requests?) I'll try to find some time to finish it off. > > Cheers, > Graeme > add me to the fervid-requester list. with help from wacom i did get my12x12 working w/ my nd, but sadly lacking in pressure. would your driver include pressure support? thanks in advance! chris borden
From: dave cunningham <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Kind Of ACube RipOff. Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 22:05:58 -0800 Organization: MegaNews! Message-ID: <> References: <> <73vobc$7su$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 1 Dec 1998 06:02:38 GMT and when you get here [and no further] check the little footies on that monitor! it's deja vu all over again. -=c'ham=-
From: Jasper Wong <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: NeXTStep/OpenStep with AMD K6-2? Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 23:18:54 -0500 Organization: Posted via Supernews, - Discussions start here! Message-ID: <> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks for the info, really appreciate it :) Jasper Scott Hess wrote: > > In article <>, > Jasper Wong <> writes: > Does anyone know if NS3.3/OS4.2 is compatible with AMD K6-2 chip? > > I have an original K6, and had no problems under NS or OS, and now > that system dual-boots Rhapsody with no problems. As further > evidence, the NeXT website (well, Apple, but I always go to > to get there :-) indicates that NS/OS weren't tested on anything other > than the Pentium and PentiumPro, specifically naming AMD, Cyrix, and > the Pentium-II, but it only goes on to single out Cyrix as being a > particular problem. > > Later, > -- > scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 > <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots > Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed> > I'm running 4.1 on an AMD K6-2 for about three months now and it's rock > stable. > > Go for it. > > Marcel
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <747mkb$1ik$> <7489me$ct9$> In-reply-to:'s message of 4 Dec 1998 09:23:26 GMT Date: 5 Dec 98 01:47:50 NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 01:59:49 PDT In article <7489me$ct9$>, (Helmut Heller) writes: Now it could be that the internal disk needs power for proper SCSI termination. I will try this tonight, giving it a high SCSI ID and not mounting it. Someone needs to provide termination power, and I seem to recall that NeXT systems required one of the drives to do it. That's somewhat of an oddity, most host adaptors provide termpwr, and somewhat of a record-keeping annoynance for that reason. Most drives can be jumped to provide it, though. [Usually, choices are "drive supplies bus", "drive supplies own", and "bus supplies drive". Generally the host adaptor provides termpwr, and all drives are set to "bus supplies drive". In this case, you probably want to set _one_ drive to "drive supplies bus".] Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: NoSoup4U <> Newsgroups: Subject: Toshiba Laptop Date: 5 Dec 1998 13:13:19 GMT Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anyone know if the Toshiba Tecra 8000 laptop will work with OpenStep or Rhap. DR2? I'm assuming it should install but the video drivers will be the tricky part. Also, anyone experience a problem with DR2 like this: It installs 100%, but at the very end I get 2 bad system call messages. Then after the system reboots I get the boot manager screen, when I hit "n" for nextstep I get a messege saying $ldr$ not found. Would installing Openstep first and upgrading to DR 2 solve this problem?
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Wacom tablets on *NSFIP* Date: 5 Dec 1998 21:19:21 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <74c80p$ksu$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 5 Dec 1998 21:19:21 GMT I am interested in setting up a Wacom graphics tablet on my NeXT/Intel box. I'd appreciate suggestions/recommendations regarding tablets that work under NS/FIP 3.3p1. Configuration tips/ tricks also gladly accepted. Thanks to all who reply, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets on *NSFIP* Date: 5 Dec 1998 21:56:00 GMT Organization: AOL References: <74c80p$ksu$> Message-ID: <> Well, it depends on which tablet you have. There's a in the NextAdmin which supports some older tablets. There's also a Wacom driver for nsfip at which I believe supports more models. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "JWL" <echo +> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: XGA laptop recommendations? Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 18:16:46 -0500 Message-ID: <74ceod$46b$> References: <746g5p$ufq$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 5 Dec 1998 23:14:21 GMT Hey Gareth The best XGA laptop known to run OS4.2 also seems to be the best Laptop avail. on the market. It maybe cost more then $2000. Actually, Dell laptops using the Neo Magic video controllers are also know to work, although, the drivers need to be purchased separately. It will also run @ a resolution higher than 800x600. ( in color too :) ) Dell's newest Inpirion 7000 models (both the 14 and 15 inch mode) are known to running OS4.2 with the new ATI driver (at all resolutions). Although, a bit of modification in the video driver file seemed to be needed. (This is the model, I am planning to buy for the holidays) Jay Lee NeXT, SUN, MIME Mail OK! wrote in message <746g5p$ufq$>... >Does anyone have good advice on a good and cheap laptop for running OPENSTEP? >Basically, my only requirement is that it have an XGA resolution display >(800x600 is just too small) and fairly cheap - i.e. <= $2000. Hopefully XGA >displays have come down enough in price now. Any positive or negative >experiences you would like to share? > >Thanks in advance, > >- Gareth
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets on *NSFIP* Date: 6 Dec 1998 23:42:05 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <74f4od$fbo$> References: <74c80p$ksu$> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 6 Dec 1998 23:42:05 GMT You (WillAdams <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 5 Dec 1998 21:56:00 GMT: > There's a in the NextAdmin which supports some older > tablets. This only exists on NEXTSTEP on black hardware. I'm specifically wondering about user's experiences with tablets under NEXTSTEP on Intel hardware. Anyone out there? Thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Newsgroups:,, Subject: Good replacement for IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-2 disk? Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 13:16:38 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: Message-ID: <> I have the following originally NeXT-supplied 5.25 inch drive in my cube (as swapdisk): IBM DSAS-3540 Rev S47W Disk Capacity 522MB, Device Block 512 bytes This disk is starting to make noise, so I am expecting end-of-life in it. Besides the noise is sometimes uncomfortable. So I am looking for a good replacement. So, what is a good Narrow-Fast-SCSI (SCSI-2), low-noise, long life (5400 rpm is fine) HD as a replacement for this disk? -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 6 Dec 1998 04:46:10 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: "Trente Web" <> Newsgroups: Subject: LaserWriter cable Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 05:34:31 -0800 Organization: Webtronix Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Neophyte needs guidance: Having used a Turbo Color for 6 mos, and having composed an extensive outline in Concurrence, I'd like to print it out on my NTX. I found the peak file re: pinouts, but it's not clear to me... I don't want to build a cable, haven't found a source of them, and though NeXT DIN-8 to Laserwriter DB-25 sounds simple, when I took it to the Apple tech, he assured me that such a cable will be absurdly expensive and/or hard to find. Is there a FAQ with a cable Part No., and clear instructions, step by step, on DIPs ? I also have a LaserWriter Plus I could dedicate, or should I bail on the Apple cables and get the NextLaser? surtech had 'em pretty cheap... Thanks for any direction one may offer. TW in Oregon ''The Power of the Press belongs to those who... can translate the 'first-leaf' (protocole).''
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets on *NSFIP* Date: 7 Dec 1998 00:53:58 GMT Organization: AOL References: <74f4od$fbo$> Message-ID: <> My apologies for my incorrect assumption. at there're two different Wacom drivers, Each with an appropriate readme. The latter package notes that it works with the following tablets: KT-0405-R UD-1212-R SD-420E and claims that it should work with most. I hope that this is more helpful than my previous message. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Paul Hanson" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: XGA laptop recommendations? Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 23:05:54 -0600 Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI Message-ID: <74fn1g$> References: <746g5p$ufq$> I have been messing around with a Enpower laptop (pentium 133 / CD, floppy, 24mb, 1.7gig with a cirrus logic 65545 video) and NS3.2 Intel. I have not been successful getting NeXTOS to load. Redhat 5.0 Linux and WinNT4.0 dual boot on it great however! wrote in message <746g5p$ufq$>... >Does anyone have good advice on a good and cheap laptop for running OPENSTEP? >Basically, my only requirement is that it have an XGA resolution display >(800x600 is just too small) and fairly cheap - i.e. <= $2000. Hopefully XGA >displays have come down enough in price now. Any positive or negative >experiences you would like to share? > >Thanks in advance, > >- Gareth
From: "Danny Stevenson" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.3 and Hard Drives Greater than 2GB? Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 01:07:42 -0500 Message-ID: <74fr5u$mof$> I appologize in advance for this post - I'm sure this has been asked before. I have a Seagate ST32430N 2.1GB HD installed as SCSI ID 1 as the internal drive of a TurboColor slab. I can do a low-level format via "disk", an installation of NS 3.3 via BuildDisk, and even boot from it. However, NS 3.3 seems to think it's a 800+ MB hard drive instead of a 2.1 GB. Is there a way to fix this? I tried partitioning the disk with BuildDisk, but it didn't appear to work. Hopefully I won't have to mess with "disktab"! Thanks for any help in advance, Danny Stevenson
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 7 Dec 1998 11:32:55 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <74ged7$gqn$> References: <> In article <> (Scott Hess) writes: > In article <7489me$ct9$>, > (Helmut Heller) writes: > Now it could be that the internal disk needs power for proper SCSI > termination. I will try this tonight, giving it a high SCSI ID and > not mounting it. > > Someone needs to provide termination power, and I seem to recall that > NeXT systems required one of the drives to do it. That's somewhat of > an oddity, most host adaptors provide termpwr, and somewhat of a > record-keeping annoynance for that reason. Most drives can be jumped > to provide it, though. Thanks to everyone for this very enlightening discussion! Since I have the internal HD back in, with power connected, a high SCSI-ID assigned (so it doesn't interfere with the other [working] SCSI devices) everything works fine again. No more errors seen. I will leave it this way until I buy a new SCSI drive for "inside", which I will then, following Scott's advice, set to supply term power for all. Bye and many thanks! Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
From: Larry Blische <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: XGA laptop recommendations? Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 09:55:35 -0500 Organization: ISP News Reading Service ( Message-ID: <> References: <746g5p$ufq$> <74ceod$46b$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit JWL wrote: > Dell's newest Inpirion 7000 models (both the 14 and 15 inch mode) are known > to running OS4.2 with the new ATI driver (at all resolutions). Although, a > bit of modification in the video driver file seemed to be needed. (This is > the model, I am planning to buy for the holidays) Jay: Can you please give me your reference for getting the Inspirion 7000 to work with OS 4.2? Thanks -- Larry Blische * Consultant/Programmer Desktop Applications : Client/Server : Embedded Systems : Device Drivers : Etc. 6195 Eagles Nest Drive * Jupiter, Florida 33458 USA 561.747.7844 * NeXT, MIME and ASCII mail Welcome! * resume at
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI termination without internal HD? Date: 7 Dec 1998 15:12:41 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <74gr99$6ko$> References: <745itj$gen$> <746vvs$kf5$> <> Mike Paquette <> wrote: > wrote: >> I agree with Charles try putting a terminated drive on the internal >> connector. And let us know what happens as I've had the complete >> reverse situation occur as I said above. >> >> Where's Mike Paquette, or any other of the hardware techies >> when we need them ;). > >Working. I'm pretty busy these days. I'm glad to hear this :-) >The internal SCSI bus should be terminated at the drive. The drives >NeXT shipped all had either a row of termination resistors installed >right by the SCSI connector (Seagate and Maxtor drives), or a jumper set >to enable termination on the drive (HP drives). If an external SCSI >cable and/or devices are connected, there should be a terminator at the >end of the external SCSI chain. And IIRC, the NeXT SCSI adapter does not provide TERMPWR, so you should enable TERMPWR on the external drive if you remove the internal one in addition to terminating. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Randy M Bowie <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Replace a Next Station ????? Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 11:07:43 -0600 Organization: Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering Message-ID: <> References: <749lcp$ja$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: Sorry, but I feel like ranting today: I haven't found an ideal replacement yet. IMHO nextstep was at an optimal point for ease of use, ease of administration, with robust well integrated(naturally) applications, etc. The are no other platforms where adding an application extends the capabilities of the entire system like nextstep did. Unix vendors like Sun and HP never seemed to believe anyone really wanted to use their systems for anything but code development and the PC vendors really don't appreciate the concept of an operating system. For my purposes, I use HP high end workstations for graphics/compute intensive jobs. Anything based on the PA-8000 on is nice. These are extremely reliable and fast, but somewhat costly. The PA 7300 systems and below are overpriced, even used systems. I'm not impressed by Sun's Darwin machines, I think they could have done better. Ultra 10 and up are fine but costly(out of your price range). For under $7K I'm leaning toward a Linux based solution, SuSE and RedHat have bundles with office suites(Applixware or Corel WordPerfect Office). Actually these solutions are usually well under $2K. You can put together a system based on AMD K6-II (333 or 350, 100MhZ motherboard) or Cyrix MII(only 66MHz MB) with OS and applications for around $1K (plus or minus an expensive graphics card, check Processor Magazine, PCToday, or PCToday online for prices). Even P-II's are relatively cheap up to the ~300MHz range. I doubt that microsoft (or Apple/HP/Sun for that matter) will ever have anything like nextstep. It wouldn't make them any more money than they're already making. (if there wasn't enough flame material goes) However if you just do word processing/spread sheet/ and database sorts of things a Windows NT machine(or even 95/98) works pretty well. In this caee, buy one of the under $1K systems, add a nice monitor and add an additional $1K-2K of software and you can do anything you could do with your next(you just have to give yourself the microsoft lobotomy first). HTH! Happy Holidays! Randy Bowie
From: Hua Zheng <> Newsgroups: Subject: Init string for Practical MODEM Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 11:59:25 -0600 Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi there. I have a good-old Practical Peripheral 9600SA v.32/v.42bis MODEM that used to connect my NeXT to the world (using kermit), but somehow it can't be initialized. Anybody knows the init string for it? I found quite a few on the net and can't decide which one to try. One is like: AT&F\r\P\P\PAT &C1 &D2 S7=60 S11=60 S95=43\r\P But I don't know how I should deal with the \. I used \\ in .kermrc to get \ in the string but it didn't work. Please reply to this account if you have any information to share. TKS a lot! Best regards.
From: Thomas Vincent <> Newsgroups: Subject: NextStation w/ OpenStep 4.2 Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 16:08:49 -0800 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------90DCA92B3F84FE50F48E2EB0" Organization: FST Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------90DCA92B3F84FE50F48E2EB0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 60040/33 MHZ CPU 32 MB RAM 3 hard drives: 400 MB internal and 2x340MB external (in one case) Megapixel N4000B (non dimming) gray 17" monitor ADB mouse & keyboard floppy & sound external SONY SCSI CD-ROM network ready has Openstep 4.2/2 USER & DEVELOPER installed The system is in excellent condition. Buyer pays shipping. $400 or OBO Cheers, Tom Vincent ==================== --------------90DCA92B3F84FE50F48E2EB0 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="tomvincent.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Thomas Vincent Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tomvincent.vcf" begin:vcard n:Vincent;Thomas tel;home:805-665-2498 tel;work:iCQ: 23840402 x-mozilla-html:TRUE adr:;;8200 North Laurelglen #1413;Bakersfield;CA;93311-1022;US version:2.1 email; x-mozilla-cpt:;1 fn:Thomas Vincent end:vcard --------------90DCA92B3F84FE50F48E2EB0--
From: --delete NOSPAM Newsgroups: Subject: Re: XGA laptop recommendations? Date: 8 Dec 1998 03:14:36 GMT Message-ID: <74i5is$6d1$> References: <746g5p$ufq$> <74ceod$46b$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Dec 1998 03:14:36 GMT Cc: In <> Larry Blische wrote: > JWL wrote: > > > Dell's newest Inpirion 7000 models (both the 14 and 15 inch mode) are known > > to running OS4.2 with the new ATI driver (at all resolutions). Although, a > > bit of modification in the video driver file seemed to be needed. (This is > > the model, I am planning to buy for the holidays) > > Jay: > > Can you please give me your reference for getting the Inspirion 7000 to work > with OS 4.2? > > Thanks > Here is the actually e-mail, I recieved. If you want Bruno's e-mail address, let me know. Otherwise, I have taken the liberty to remove parts of it, to stop spammers. Jay Sender: Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 15:23:35 -0500 From: Bruno Bienfait <> Organization: National Cancer Institute X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.3 IP32) X-Accept-Language: en To: CC: Eric Bariaux <> Subject: Re: HELP: Dell Inspiron 7000 Operator wrote: > In you wrote: > Robert Forsyth wrote: > > > Bruno Bienfait wrote: > > > > > > I am trying to find the right video driver for a Dell inspiron 7000. > > > This is a laptop with a 2X AGP 8MB ATI Rage Pro LT 3D video card. I > > > report here my attempts to get something better than the default 640x480 > > > BW VGA mode . > > > > > > First, I installed the ATI 2559 package found on the NeXT web site. I > > > selected the ATI rage pro AGP driver with 8 Mb of video RAM (v. 4.03, > > > 2528_ATIRageDisplayDriver.pkg.compressed , this driver includes > > > two AGP ATI drivers, one for 6Mb and one for 8Mb). > > > > > > Result: error message > > > > > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Error in setMemoryRangeList (Resource > > > Shortage) > > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: : Configuration error. Aborting... > > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: VGADisplay: Mode Selected: 640 x 480 @ > > > 60 Hz (BW:2) > > > Apr 18 00:33:57 localhost mach: Registering: VGADisplay0 > > > Apr 18 00:34:10 localhost reboot: Reboot complete > > > > Go back to this driver, try adding the autodetect id of your ATI chip > > (listed at start up and in /usr/adm/messages) to the .table in the Rage > > .config bundle. > > > > This works! I have now a 1024x768 (32 bits) resolution on the LCD. > Interestingly, the right driver was recognised automatically by > > > Thanks a lot, > > Bruno > > Wow, are you talking about the "Modern" laptops from dell? Cool...I am going to buy one. Thanks. > Jay NeXT, SUN, MIME Mail OK! I bought my labtop about 2 weeks ago. Please note that my experience is limited only to the Inspiron 7000 line (the only one which has an ATI video board) and that I haven't tested modems, Ethernet and sound cards up to now. Screen redraws seem to be very fast (I didn't see differences between 16 and 32 bits modes). 8 bits colors modes look strange. The 14' screen is gorgeous. It works fine with games even when using a lower resolution (no LCD jaggies, thanks to the ATI 's special LCD features). On the minus side, the fan is loud (when from time to time it's running), the sound quality is poor (but very good with earphones) and the machine is relatively heavy (~ 8 pounds). Bruno -- [ Bruno Bienfait, Ph. D. Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry ] [ National Cancer Institute ] [ Email : National Institutes of Health ] [ Phone : (301) 402-3111 Building 37, Room 5B20 ] [ Fax : (301) 496-5839 Bethesda Maryland 20892 , USA ] [ WWW : ¬ ] Any Questions let me know. -- |========================================| J. Lee --delete NOSPAM NeXTMail,SUN,MIME |========================================|
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS 3.3 and Hard Drives Greater than 2GB? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <74fr5u$mof$> Message-ID: <hU_a2.240$> Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 01:02:05 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 20:02:05 EDT You have to partition it making one partition 2047MB or less. I think the easiest way I found to do this was to install onto the disk... it asks you if you want to partition it there I think. Maybe I used DOS.... I don't honestly remember. But the 2047MB is the limit. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: "Jason T. Miller" <> Newsgroups: Subject: PowerBook SCSI Hard Drive in NeXTStation Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 02:40:31 -0500 Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a 500MB hard drive from a broken Apple PowerBook 540c (SCSI) that I wish to install in a NeXTStation (non-Turbo, mono). Problem is it uses a bizarre mini-SCSI ribbon cable which seems to carry both power ("rated 5V 500mA") and data. Any adapter or ideas, or is such a configuration completely implausable? The drive is model DHAS-2540, mfd. by IBM Japan Ltd. for Apple Computer, "Designed and Manufactured to Apple Specification." Jason T. Miller
Newsgroups: Subject: NS3.3: Adaptec 2940 problem From: (Ralph Keller) Message-ID: <> Date: 8 Dec 1998 11:40:33 +0100 Organization: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) Hi, I have a ASUS P2B-S with an onboard Adaptec 2940 (AIC-7890 BIOS v2.01). When installing NS 3.3, I get the following error: Found PCI Device: ID=0x001f9005 at Dev=6 Func=0 Bus=0 ... Adaptec 2940: HIM Layer Can't find Host Adaptor at Bus 0 Device 6 I downloaded the newest driver (v3.39) and added the PCI ID 0x001f9005 to the driver's autoconfiguration table but this doesn't seem to work out. Any help greatly appreciated! - Ralph
Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.3 Driver Matrox Millenium G200 Driver From: (Ralph Keller) Message-ID: <> Date: 8 Dec 1998 11:43:45 +0100 Organization: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) Hi all, Does anybody know where I could get a driver for the Millenium G200 for NS3.3. Can I use a compatible one? - Ralph
From: wori0011@rz03.FH-Karlsruhe.DE (Richard Woeber) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets on *NSFIP* Date: 8 Dec 1998 16:32:56 GMT Organization: Fachhochschule of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <74jkbo$ok4$> References: <74c80p$ksu$> <> <74f4od$fbo$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Christian Jensen ( wrote: : You (WillAdams <>) wrote : in newsgroup, on 5 Dec 1998 21:56:00 GMT: : > tablets. : This only exists on NEXTSTEP on black hardware. : I'm specifically wondering about user's experiences with tablets under NEXTSTEP on Intel hardware. Anyone out there? Working with ArtPad and Virtuoso. Works very fine (pressure!) -- ============================================================================== Richard Woeber | login: Bill G Student of Cartography @ FH Karlsruhe | password: 97816 Lohr am Main /Germany | $msword | ed is the standard UNIX Text editor NeXTMail ok | Your disk quota has been set to 50k | $_ ==============================================================================
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PowerBook SCSI Hard Drive in NeXTStation Date: 8 Dec 1998 17:29:26 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <74jnlm$pss$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Jason T. Miller" <> wrote: >I have a 500MB hard drive from a broken Apple PowerBook 540c (SCSI) that >I wish to install in a NeXTStation (non-Turbo, mono). Problem is it uses >a bizarre mini-SCSI ribbon cable which seems to carry both power ("rated >5V 500mA") and data. Any adapter or ideas, or is such a configuration >completely implausable? Hmm-- it may be a 80-pin SCA connector, which carries 68-pin wide SCSI, SCSI ID, and power. I think a narrow version also exist(ed), which would have been around 62/64 pins.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Christian Neuss <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Good replacement for IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-2 disk? Date: 8 Dec 1998 18:52:11 GMT Organization: GMD Darmstadt, Germany Message-ID: <74jsgr$q9p$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit wrote: >I have the following originally NeXT-supplied 5.25 inch drive in my cube (as >swapdisk): > IBM DSAS-3540 Rev S47W > Disk Capacity 522MB, Device Block 512 bytes >This disk is starting to make noise, so I am expecting end-of-life in it. >Besides the noise is sometimes uncomfortable. So I am looking for a good >replacement. So, what is a good Narrow-Fast-SCSI (SCSI-2), low-noise, long >life (5400 rpm is fine) HD as a replacement for this disk? Yo Gerben, I run IBM DCAS disks in various machines. Quiet, inexpensive, sufficiently fast for a 5400. You should still be able to get them, at least you can on this side of the border. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Connecting NeXTstation Color to NT network Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 19:59:34 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <74k0f5$d77$> To: I have a NT network with NTS4 running MS Proxy 2. I would like to know if there is an existing client or driver out there that allows me to connect my NeXTstation to the network and use the Proxy service on my NT Server. I run DHCP from NTS4. Is it possible to set it up so that it will acquire an IP address from my NTS4 ? Help is appreciated. Danny Yu Vancouver, Canada -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Djani <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Help: (How) can I recover damaged sectors of a HD? Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 21:16:47 +0100 Organization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 1. Can one recover damaged sectors of a hard-disk by software means, and if so how? (It's a 486DX-2 66Mhz computer, having DOS+Windows 3.1 operating sys.) The damage occured as a result of a wrong conection of a CD-ROM drive, (Don't ask how it happened :-)) which probably caused power supply failure. 2. Can the damaged sectors affect the good working remainder of the hard-disk ? Many thanks in advance/Les agradezco de antemano Djani
From: (Jean-Sébastien Fortier) Newsgroups: Mail-Copies-To: Subject: Fujitsu HD in a NeXT ? Message-ID: <> Organization: ProMac Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 19:36:56 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 19:36:57 EDT I jusst came across a Fujitsu 1 Gig drive and I was wondering if it is possible replace my internal 400 Mb drive in my NeXt station Color by this drive. Is it doable ? can I put the old drive in an external case ? How do i format it ? Is there anything spaecial I should notice ? ------------------------- Jean-Sebastien Fortier <> Technicien en systèmes Macintosh ProMac Inc. Adresse Personelle 50 rue Price Est 1626 Roussel Chicoutimi (Québec) Chicoutimi (Québec) Canada Canada G7H 2C8 G7G 1T5 Telephone: (418) 690-3402 Telephone: (418) 549-1296 1-888-690-3402 Site WWW: Fax.: (418) 690-3403 Site WWW: ICQ # 6027586 E-mail: Clef PGP disponible sur demande
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Modem Speed on NeXT Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <xgkb2.643$> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 01:21:33 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 20:21:33 EDT In <> Shamus Jary Mcconney wrote: > I am looking to pick up a used modem for my mono turbo slab. What is > the fastest modem that the serial port will support? It will handle 56k However the ?baud? speed of 57600 will be the top for the slab, perhaps 38400 (some folks claim they can use 57600, some 38400) That will slow the modem speed. NeXT hardware just ain't real good at surfing. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Eric Levenez <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS3.3: Adaptec 2940 problem Date: 8 Dec 1998 19:09:03 GMT Organization: Tasha Inc. Message-ID: <74jtgf$3sm$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 8 Dec 1998 19:09:03 GMT (Ralph Keller) wrote: > I have a ASUS P2B-S with an onboard Adaptec 2940 (AIC-7890 BIOS v2.01). When > installing NS 3.3, I get the following error: > > Found PCI Device: ID=0x001f9005 at Dev=6 Func=0 Bus=0 > ... > Adaptec 2940: HIM Layer Can't find Host Adaptor at Bus 0 Device 6 > > I downloaded the newest driver (v3.39) and added the PCI ID 0x001f9005 to the > driver's autoconfiguration table but this doesn't seem to work out. What is your SCSI configuration (Id, terminatror...) ? Try to put the CD-ROM in SCSI 1. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Éric Lévénez "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" Publius Vergilius Maro, (NeXTMail, MIME) Georgica, II-489 -------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: AGP Benefit? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Dec 98 03:45:43 GMT Is OpenStep showing any performance benefit from AGP video these days? I also noticed that YB/Windows was noticeably sluggish when I tried running at 1280x1024x24 bit. Windows NT ran fine, but the YB apps were like molasses. Should they run faster with an AGP card? Thx, Jon
From: Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT CD's Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 06:06:39 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <74l41f$bci$> Hi, I am looking for Openstep 4.2 or NeXTstep 3.3 CD's for NeXT color and NeXT B&W turbo stations. I will even settle for a developer's NeXTstep 3.1 CD. I am in dire need of getting these machines usable, but without a compiler these machines are pretty much useless. If anyone can help please email me at or reply to this poting. Thanks. --Chevell -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 08 Dec 1998 22:33:55 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Shamus Jary Mcconney <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PowerBook SCSI Hard Drive in NeXTStation Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 18:52:43 -0500 Organization: SavageDeath Message-ID: <> References: <> <74jnlm$pss$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Charles W. Swiger wrote: > > "Jason T. Miller" <> wrote: > >I have a 500MB hard drive from a broken Apple PowerBook 540c (SCSI) that > >I wish to install in a NeXTStation (non-Turbo, mono). Problem is it uses > >a bizarre mini-SCSI ribbon cable which seems to carry both power ("rated > >5V 500mA") and data. Any adapter or ideas, or is such a configuration > >completely implausable? > > Hmm-- it may be a 80-pin SCA connector, which carries 68-pin wide SCSI, SCSI > ID, and power. I think a narrow version also exist(ed), which would have > been around 62/64 pins.... I think that PowerBook probaly predates wide SCSI since it was probaly made around '94. -- Shamus McConney
From: Shamus Jary Mcconney <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Replace a Next Station ????? Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 19:03:04 -0500 Organization: SavageDeath Message-ID: <> References: <749lcp$ja$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > For under $7K I'm leaning toward a Linux based solution, SuSE and RedHat > have bundles with office suites(Applixware or Corel WordPerfect Office). > Actually these solutions are usually well under $2K. You can put > together a system based on AMD K6-II (333 or 350, 100MhZ motherboard) or > Cyrix MII(only 66MHz MB) with OS and applications for around $1K (plus > or minus an expensive graphics card, check Processor Magazine, PCToday, > or PCToday online for prices). Even P-II's are relatively cheap up to > the ~300MHz range. Well you can still buy OS 4.2 new from Apple and run it on an Intel box. For a altogther new enviroment and box for under $6k you can get a SGI O2 which has realy nice admin tools and bundled apps. -- Shamus McConney
From: Shamus Jary Mcconney <> Newsgroups: Subject: Modem Speed on NeXT Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 19:18:58 -0500 Organization: SavageDeath Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I am looking to pick up a used modem for my mono turbo slab. What is the fastest modem that the serial port will support? -- Shamus McConney
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Soundblaster 32AWE PnP Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 12:40:27 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, I recently got a SB32 AWE 32 PnP card that shoulf work with the sounblaster 16 drivers, according to NeXTAnswers. I'm running OS4.1 and with both the 4.01 and 4.02 version of drivers I didn't get it going. I added the id i got during boot (0x69something) to the Autodetect IDs but this didn't help. What should I do? Thanks, Marcel
From: admin@man522 (NeXT Support LHDD) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Soundblaster 32AWE PnP Date: 9 Dec 1998 13:02:02 GMT Organization: UBS Network Services Message-ID: <74lsca$> References: <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: VOLKERTS@KVI.NL Hi Marcel, download the newest version of the EISA-Driver (that is the driver for ISA/EISA-Bus). The newest version should support the PnP functionality. Together with the newest version of the SB16-Driver. It should runs fine. Cheers Patrick In <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> Marcel Volkerts wrote: > Hi all, > > I recently got a SB32 AWE 32 PnP card that shoulf work with the > sounblaster 16 drivers, according to NeXTAnswers. I'm running OS4.1 and > with both the 4.01 and 4.02 version of drivers I didn't get it going. I > added the id i got during boot (0x69something) to the Autodetect IDs but > this didn't help. What should I do? > > Thanks, > > Marcel >
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Fujitsu HD in a NeXT ? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <Sekb2.641$> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 01:19:46 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 20:19:46 EDT In <> Jean-Séb astien Fortier wrote: > I jusst came across a Fujitsu 1 Gig drive and I was wondering if it is > possible replace my internal 400 Mb drive in my NeXt station Color by this > drive. > > Is it doable ? can I put the old drive in an external case ? How do i > format it ? Is there anything spaecial I should notice ? It could very well be usable. Is it SCSI? What's the model #? Checkout '' for specs. Most likely is possible but more information would be helpful TjL ps -- your .sig is atrociously long -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Seung-joo Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NS3.3: Adaptec 2940 problem Date: 9 Dec 1998 15:17:52 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <74m4b0$ona$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <> Ralph Keller wrote: > Hi, > > I have a ASUS P2B-S with an onboard Adaptec 2940 (AIC-7890 BIOS v2.01). When > installing NS 3.3, I get the following error: > > Found PCI Device: ID=0x001f9005 at Dev=6 Func=0 Bus=0 > ... > Adaptec 2940: HIM Layer Can't find Host Adaptor at Bus 0 Device 6 > > I downloaded the newest driver (v3.39) and added the PCI ID 0x001f9005 to the > driver's autoconfiguration table but this doesn't seem to work out. > > Any help greatly appreciated! > > - Ralph > > In my experience, that version has a bug. Why don't you try out v3.37. -- "Where there is a will, there is a way" Seung-joo Lee (NeXTmail Prefered!)
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Adding serial ports under NS/Intel Date: 9 Dec 1998 15:48:44 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <74m64s$1i2$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 9 Dec 1998 15:48:44 GMT I'd like to add at least one serial port to my NS/Intel computer. Serial ports A/B on my system are currently monopolised by a modem and a UPS respectively, and I find myself wanting to add another serial device (a graphics tablet). I'm sure I could find a use for a fourth port, as well. I am aware that serial cards exist but otherwise know nothing about them. Do any available serial cards work with NS/Intel? Would such a thing require special drivers, or would I simply configure the additional ports with the existing NeXT serial port driver? Recommendations, suggestions, hints, tips, etc. greatly appreciated Thanks in advance to all who reply, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Soundblaster 32AWE PnP Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 17:40:22 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <366EB606.64F6FC69@KVI.NL> References: <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> <74lsca$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NeXT Support LHDD wrote: > > Hi Marcel, > > download the newest version of the EISA-Driver (that is the driver for > ISA/EISA-Bus). The newest version should support the PnP functionality. > Together with the newest version of the SB16-Driver. It should runs fine. > > Cheers > > Patrick > Hi, I think that's what i have. I couldn't find any more recent version than 4.00 on NeXtAnswers. Also, my SB16 runs fine and i know the SB32 works since i don't have any problems with it under windows. Marcel
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AGP Benefit? Date: 9 Dec 1998 17:30:41 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <74mc41$1oe$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jonathan W Hendry <> wrote: > Is OpenStep showing any performance benefit from AGP video these > days? Sure, although the best improvement comes from having one of the neer chipsets (LX or BX) and an AGPx2 card. The notion of having a really fast pipeline to video memory that's seperate from main memory, I/O, or the CPU should be familiar.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: "Jason T. Miller" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PowerBook SCSI Hard Drive in NeXTStation Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 15:22:24 +0000 Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington Message-ID: <> References: <> <74jnlm$pss$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It may not predate wide SCSI, but it sure didn't have it (I up'd it to PPC and it was still a bit slow). But the cable is 50-pin, with some of the pins missing--I'll check the tech refs, I've got 'em around here somewhere. In the meantime, I've got my shiny new NeXTstation plugging along over NFS from my BSD box (so if anyone wants to know, yes, one can install NextStep without a local hard drive); which leads me to another question: the monitor cable...I have another fully functional NS and MegaPixel, but without that funky cable. Does anyone still make it, maybe a little longer than three feet? Jason T. Miller Jary Mcconney wrote: > Charles W. Swiger wrote: > > > > "Jason T. Miller" <> wrote: > > >I have a 500MB hard drive from a broken Apple PowerBook 540c (SCSI) that > > >I wish to install in a NeXTStation (non-Turbo, mono). Problem is it uses > > >a bizarre mini-SCSI ribbon cable which seems to carry both power ("rated > > >5V 500mA") and data. Any adapter or ideas, or is such a configuration > > >completely implausable? > > > > Hmm-- it may be a 80-pin SCA connector, which carries 68-pin wide SCSI, SCSI > > ID, and power. I think a narrow version also exist(ed), which would have > > been around 62/64 pins.... > > I think that PowerBook probaly predates wide SCSI since it was probaly > made around '94. > -- > Shamus McConney > > > >
Newsgroups: From: "Danny Stevenson" <> Subject: Re: NS 3.3 and Hard Drives Greater than 2GB? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA References: <74fr5u$mof$> <hU_a2.240$> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 21:00:34 GMT Yep, that did it! The drive has 2049MB. I set up the main partition with 2024MB and the second with 25MB (the least BuildDisk would allow). Now it shows the correct amount of disk space. Thanks! Danny Stevenson TjL wrote in message ... > >You have to partition it making one partition 2047MB or less. > >I think the easiest way I found to do this was to install onto the disk... it >asks you if you want to partition it there I think. > >Maybe I used DOS.... I don't honestly remember. But the 2047MB is the limit. > >TjL > >-- > >Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if >replying by email. >
From: Stephan Trebels <> Newsgroups: Subject: What is currently the best choice VGA for OPENSTEP 4.2? Date: 09 Dec 1998 21:00:49 +0100 Organization: GWDG, Goettingen Message-ID: <> Hi, if I was to build a PC right now, what would be the best choice of graphics card for about 1600x1200 or 1280x1024 in high bit-depth? Thanks for your input, Stephan --
From: Barnard <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 21:41:38 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> <> <74a1pe$l5g$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> I would love to have my ArtZII work on my NeXT however it is ADB for a mac is it possible to create a driver for it? thanks Edward Barnard randolf @ earthlink . net
From: Rex Dieter <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Soundblaster 32AWE PnP Date: 10 Dec 1998 14:33:05 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <74om31$e70$> References: <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> <74lsca$> <366EB606.64F6FC69@KVI.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In article <366EB606.64F6FC69@KVI.NL>, you wrote: > NeXT Support LHDD wrote: > > download the newest version of the EISA-Driver (that is the driver > > for ISA/EISA-Bus). The newest version should support the PnP > > functionality. Together with the newest version of the SB16-Driver. > I think that's what i have. I couldn't find any more recent version > than 4.00 on NeXtAnswers. Also, my SB16 runs fine and i know the SB32 > works since i don't have any problems with it under windows. FYI, The newest version of EISA is 4.05 , NeXTanswer #2268 and newest verison of SB16 is 4.02, NeXTanswer #2406: (Though in my experience version 4.02 seems better for newer cards, like SB32Awe and SB64Awe, but breaks for older geniune SB16's where the 4.01 driver works fine). -- Rex A. Dieter Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Rex Dieter <> Newsgroups:, Subject: OS 4.2 and Drives greater than 2GB Date: 10 Dec 1998 14:57:09 GMT Organization: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Message-ID: <74ong5$f7a$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We've been in the process of upgrading one of our OpenStep servers that have several 9GB disks hanging off of it, and I've discovered some interesting things when it comes to large disks and partition sizes/limits. I just thought I would share these with everyone. (I will say that I didn't even attempt to delve into the black art of disktabs) Originally, I had thought I would have to live with 5 partitions per disk, all of which were < 2GB. This works, but it is not necessarily the only possible configuration. Playing with fdisk and the various options for the 'disk' utility yielded some interesting results: First, using the 'disk' utility, I had to always specify the -u flag (defined as "Use all sectors, not just those bios-accessible"). It seemed without this flag, 'disk' used only the first ~8.4GB of the disk. With this flag, I gained the use of more space. (I don't have a good, authoritative explanation for this, though I have a suspicion or two). Case 1: disk with 1 large NeXT-fs fdisk partition. Use fdisk to allocate all available space on the drive for a NeXT filesystem partition. I had read a recent usenet post about another nice 'disk' flag: -p size (defined as "The first partition of a multi-partition disk will be size (in blocks"), used in conjunction with the -i (initialize) flag. I had also read and heard news that OpenStep (not NEXTSTEP) supports partitions of up to 4GB, so I thought I would put this to the test. So I did this to my large disk: disk -u -p 4000000 -i /dev/rsd1h SIDENOTE: I'll stop now and distiguish a bit of possible confusion here. NEXTSTEP/OpenStep can put multiple filesystems on a single partition, and I'll call each of these multiple filesystems a 'slice' (I think that is the correct term). The disk command above created a disk that had 5 'slices' on my 1 NeXT partition. Slice 1 was almost 4GB, and the rest of the disk (~5MB) was divided evenly among 4 smaller partitions. Now that's odd, I thought, I had suspected that the remaining 5MB would be chopped into 3 'slices' (not 4!), each of which was slightly smaller that 2GB. Well, read on. Case 2: disk with NO partitions That's right, you read correctly. On a disk with no fdisk partitions, things worked differently. Executing the SAME disk command as above on a disk with no fdisk partitions: disk -u -p 4000000 -i /dev/rsd1h Yielded a better solution, a disk where : a. 'slice' 1 was ~4GB b. The remaining ~5BG was divided evenly among 3 more slices, each of which were slightly smaller than 2GB. Keep in mind that this 'disk to NO partitions' trick can't be used on a disk you want to install OpenStep to, since the install procedure will 1. always create an fdisk partition 2. It won't/can't use the -p trick properly to make the first partition > 2GB. I tried this, and it resulted in a non-bootable disk the 2 times that I tried it. -- Rex A. Dieter Computer System Manager Mathematics and Statistics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Soundblaster 32AWE PnP Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:00:06 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <366FF006.4A8AD1D9@KVI.NL> References: <366E6FBB.2CF4789F@KVI.NL> <74lsca$> <366EB606.64F6FC69@KVI.NL> <74om31$e70$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Rex Dieter wrote: > FYI, > The newest version of > EISA is 4.05 , NeXTanswer #2268 > > > and newest verison of SB16 is 4.02, NeXTanswer #2406: > > (Though in my experience version 4.02 seems better for newer cards, like > SB32Awe and SB64Awe, but breaks for older geniune SB16's where the 4.01 > driver works fine). > Thanks, i already found them this morning. I have no clue as to why i overlooked them yesterday. Marcel
From: Djani Burazerovic <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Sorry, I know now that my question doesn't belong here Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:19:19 +0100 Organization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Djani wrote: > 1. Can one recover damaged sectors of a hard-disk by software means, and > if so > how? (It's a 486DX-2 66Mhz computer, having DOS+Windows 3.1 > operating sys.) > > The damage occured as a result of a wrong conection of a CD-ROM > drive, > (Don't ask how it happened :-)) which probably caused power supply > failure. > > 2. Can the damaged sectors affect the good working remainder of the > hard-disk ? > > Many thanks in advance/Les agradezco de antemano > Djani
From: (TjL) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OS 4.2 and Drives greater than 2GB Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <74ong5$f7a$> Message-ID: <_TTb2.613$> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:52:58 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:52:58 EDT Hrm.. Very interesting. So if I understand you: if I had a boot drive of < 2047MB (~2gig) that I used for the primary OS, I could h ave a 9.1 gig drive broken into 4 "sections" or "slices" or "partitions-but-not-fdisk-partitions" TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Ryan Scott <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Support for PCI sound cards? Date: 10 Dec 1998 17:52:05 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <74p1o5$qk1$> References: <74otoi$fg6$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <74otoi$fg6$> Gregg E. Dinse wrote: > Hi, > > I just bought a new PC for my wife. I loaded OPENSTEP 4.2 > on it successfully (I think), but I can't get the sound to > work. I think it has a PCI sound card. Does OPENSTEP 4.2 > support PCI audio? > > Here are some details. It's a HP Pavilion 6370Z, with a > 350 MHz Pentium II cpu. The sound card occupies a PCI > slot. When I tried to look for information on the system > components under Win98, there was some mention of ENSONIQ > Audio PCI. In the OPENSTEP boot sequence, the bit about > the sound card says: > > ID=0x044011c1/0x04401235 at Dev=9 Func=0 Bus=0 > > I looked at the NextAnswers web site for drivers, but I > could not find anything that looked appropriate. I tried > most (if not all) of the audio drivers under OS4.2, but > none of them worked. Supposedly the sound card is SB-16 > compatible, but the SB-16 driver did not work. The ESS1x88 > driver did not work either (does ESS refer to ENSONIQ?). > The only audio driver that worked at all is the System Beep > driver, but of course then I only get beeps for any sound. > > If you need more information, please tell me what you need. > If I have to, I could take the card out and look at it. > > Thanks in advance for any help. Bye, > > Gregg > > --------------------------- > Gregg Dinse > 919-541-4931 > > I have also asked this question in the past. From the lack of responses and a futile search of NeXTanswers, I would say that PCI sound is not supported under OpenStep or NeXTstep. As far as I know, the only way to get sound is to disable the on board sound and buy a separate ISA sound card. One that is supported under the OS4.2 drivers. Please let me know if you find out otherwise. -- ________________________________________________ Ryan P. Scott Laser and Electro-Optics Research Group UC Davis - Department of Applied Science Tel: (530)754-4358 Fax: (530)752-1652 Email: ________________________________________________
From: (Gregg E. Dinse) Newsgroups: Subject: Support for PCI sound cards? Date: 10 Dec 1998 16:44:02 GMT Organization: NIEHS Message-ID: <74otoi$fg6$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Dec 1998 16:44:02 GMT Keywords: PCI, sound, audio Hi, I just bought a new PC for my wife. I loaded OPENSTEP 4.2 on it successfully (I think), but I can't get the sound to work. I think it has a PCI sound card. Does OPENSTEP 4.2 support PCI audio? Here are some details. It's a HP Pavilion 6370Z, with a 350 MHz Pentium II cpu. The sound card occupies a PCI slot. When I tried to look for information on the system components under Win98, there was some mention of ENSONIQ Audio PCI. In the OPENSTEP boot sequence, the bit about the sound card says: ID=0x044011c1/0x04401235 at Dev=9 Func=0 Bus=0 I looked at the NextAnswers web site for drivers, but I could not find anything that looked appropriate. I tried most (if not all) of the audio drivers under OS4.2, but none of them worked. Supposedly the sound card is SB-16 compatible, but the SB-16 driver did not work. The ESS1x88 driver did not work either (does ESS refer to ENSONIQ?). The only audio driver that worked at all is the System Beep driver, but of course then I only get beeps for any sound. If you need more information, please tell me what you need. If I have to, I could take the card out and look at it. Thanks in advance for any help. Bye, Gregg --------------------------- Gregg Dinse 919-541-4931
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: NSFIP: floppy drive timing out / & not found during boot Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <6SUb2.634$> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:59:14 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 13:59:14 EDT Dec 8 19:25:22 localhost mach: Floppy Controller Reset: Command Timeout This happens about 5 times during the boot process. I suspect the cable is attached incorrectly (I can't even boot off a floppy if I put one in & turn the machine on, so it is a hardware problem) This is more a PC-hardware question , but I was hoping someone here might have an answer TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: msms <> Newsgroups: Subject: Nextstation Turbo for sale? Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 13:05:55 -0600 Organization: Telalink Corporation, Nashville, TN, USA Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm planning on selling my Nextstation Turbo. It's got 64MB RAM, 1.2GB Quantum Fireball, 17" Next Hitachi monitor, non-ADB. It's actually a non-Turbo slab with a Turbo motherboard. Works perfectly. Have NS3.3 User and Developer CDs and Fatted Calf CD. Will include old 25mhz motherboard if interested, 32MB RAM. Feel free to make an offer you find reasonable. -- John
From: (PACKINGIT3) Newsgroups: Subject: Items for sale, Going out of business!! Date: 10 Dec 1998 19:34:30 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. ITMES FOR SALE Tranz 420 Portable Credit Card Swiper machine -6 months old -New Battery & power supply included -Going out of business $800.00 AT&T Partner phone system -Supports up to 8 lines -3 Lucent Technologies black phones -Lucent techonlogies Power supply & Surge protector included $300.00 All Items will be gauranteed against D.O.A. and all items are in perfect working condition. Accepting offers E-mail if interested. Thanks
From: (Sean Weitzel) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Help: (How) can I recover damaged sectors of a HD? Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 21:42:31 GMT Organization: Last Frontier Films, Ltd Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What kind of drive is it? IDE? I know of an older dos based utility called Spinrite that used to work wonders on MFM/RLL/ESDI disk drives.. the old version I have doesn't work with IDE discs though. I have heard of a program called Drive Wizard that will do just that on an IDE disc. Or see if Spinrite is still around and if there are new versions available that work with IDE discs. -sean p.s., spinrite was fantastic. It was a small ~200k assembly-coded EXE that fit comfortably on a 360k 5.25" floppy along with the boot files for MS-Dos 5.0 On Tue, 08 Dec 1998 21:16:47 +0100, Djani <> wrote: >1. Can one recover damaged sectors of a hard-disk by software means, and >if so > how? (It's a 486DX-2 66Mhz computer, having DOS+Windows 3.1 >operating sys.) > > The damage occured as a result of a wrong conection of a CD-ROM >drive, > (Don't ask how it happened :-)) which probably caused power supply >failure. > >2. Can the damaged sectors affect the good working remainder of the >hard-disk ? > >Many thanks in advance/Les agradezco de antemano >Djani > > - ME- - check out my KOME tribute site -
Message-ID: <> From: "Marc J. Driftmeyer" <> Organization: Platinum Technologies Inc. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Good replacement for IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-2 disk? References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 22:39:41 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:39:41 EDT Seagate Barracuda 2Gig Fast-SCSI 2... Trust me it works. How do I know? I worked at NeXT and Apple Enterprise and my primary duties were System Support on all platforms.. It should use the standard fstab and disktab entries with 512 byte blocks.. Go to Seagates site and see if they still sell it... wrote: > I have the following originally NeXT-supplied 5.25 inch drive in my cube (as > swapdisk): > IBM DSAS-3540 Rev S47W > Disk Capacity 522MB, Device Block 512 bytes > This disk is starting to make noise, so I am expecting end-of-life in it. > Besides the noise is sometimes uncomfortable. So I am looking for a good > replacement. So, what is a good Narrow-Fast-SCSI (SCSI-2), low-noise, long > life (5400 rpm is fine) HD as a replacement for this disk? > > -- > (Gerben Wierda) > "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" > Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. > > "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall Later, -- Consultant Platinum Technologies Inc. Enterprise Business Solutions 11100 Bellevue, WA 98004 425.688.9463
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 11 Dec 1998 02:12:12 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <74pv1s$t5e$> References: <> <> <74a1pe$l5g$> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 11 Dec 1998 02:12:12 GMT You (Barnard <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Wed, 09 Dec 1998 21:41:38 -0500: > I would love to have my ArtZII work on my NeXT however it is ADB for a > mac is it possible to create a driver for it? If your NeXT is an ADB model I suspect that it would work just fine (someone correct me if I'm wrong...) with an ADB "Y" adapter. If your NeXT is non-ADB, you are probably out of luck. A mere driver wouldn't make any difference in the case of incompatible hardware. The serial version of the ArtZII would (probably) work, with the proper cord (see "man zs" for the pinouts). --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: Marcel Volkerts <VOLKERTS@KVI.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NSFIP: floppy drive timing out / & not found during boot Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 09:56:37 +0100 Organization: KVI Message-ID: <3670EC55.50CDB295@KVI.NL> References: <6SUb2.634$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: TjL <> TjL wrote: > > Dec 8 19:25:22 localhost mach: Floppy Controller Reset: Command Timeout > > This happens about 5 times during the boot process. > > I suspect the cable is attached incorrectly (I can't even boot off a floppy > if I put one in & turn the machine on, so it is a hardware problem) > I had the same a few weeks ago. It turned out that my cat disconnected the floppy drive power cable, so you're guess is probably right. Bye, Marcel
From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Silicon Graphics monitor on NeXT Date: 11 Dec 1998 09:43:18 GMT Organization: Interlog Internet Services Message-ID: <74qpfm$sos$> NNTP-Posting-Time: 11 Dec 1998 09:43:18 GMT I've got a Silicon graphics monitor (colour) that works on my NeXT slab. Unfortunately there is a fine tremor thats just bad enough to give me a headache and cause me cry uncontrollably. Its a model GDM-1630SG. My question is this: Is this a result of it not being 100% compat* with the NeXT or is it just wonky? If its wonky I'd be willing to get it fixed. If its a compat* problem then I won't bother. TIA Colan --
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AGP Benefit? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to: Jonathan W Hendry's message of 9 Dec 98 03:45:43 GMT Date: 10 Dec 98 07:07:33 NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 01:59:46 PDT In article <>, Jonathan W Hendry <> writes: Is OpenStep showing any performance benefit from AGP video these days? OpenStep/Mach, probably not, because much of the AGP advantage is in allowing the video card to suck things directly from main memory. OpenStep/NT, maybe, but probably not, because so far as I'm aware most cards only use the memory-sucking stuff for 3D textures. There's potential for slight performance improvements due to having a dedicated video pipe - but, most reports (not OpenStep-specific) seem to indicate that the main advantage of a dedicated video pipe is that _other_ things go faster, because once you get the video off the PCI, everything else doesn't have to wait as much. But the _video_ isn't much faster. I also noticed that YB/Windows was noticeably sluggish when I tried running at 1280x1024x24 bit. Windows NT ran fine, but the YB apps were like molasses. Should they run faster with an AGP card? I'd bet this is happening between the OpenStep windowserver and NT's "windowserver", rather than on the video card side of things. OpenStep shouldn't have a lot of influence on how NT uses the video card, it can just influence what's being sent, and how often. It's possible that you're seeing an application problem like redundant redraws or something, and at lower resolutions it's fast enough that you don't really notice. I've not noticed any severe slowdowns on OpenStep/NT versus OpenStep/Mach, and I'm running OpenStep/Mach on faster hardware than OpenStep/NT. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: "Graeme Barnes" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 10:41:38 -0000 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <74a1pe$l5g$> <> Edward Barnard wrote in message <>... >I would love to have my ArtZII work on my NeXT however it is ADB for a >mac is it possible to create a driver for it? > I uploaded a new version of InstallTablet to yesterday. It has basic support for all Serial Wacom UD tablets but still doesn't support the side-switch in pressure mode. I don't think I have and ADB Next machine so I can't add support for it. Cheers, Graeme
From: Bertrand Fischer <> Newsgroups: Subject: OS for Black Hardware Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 11:46:35 +0100 Organization: Alcatel Business Systems Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What is the latest operating system that could run on a NeXTCube m68K with dimension board ? (NeXTStep 3.3 or OpenStep 4.2) ?
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Liv tyler's tight pussy 8799 Date: 11 Dec 1998 11:43:40 GMT Message-ID: <3671056c.0@> The sex gallery ! It's all FREE here ! FREE xxx memberships, passwords,pic,thumbnails,and much more ! Now featuring live hott erotic talk ! Cum by today ! WE'RE WAITING ! GO TO sfwqjbrywngmbcqymhqlwtoybmueqepruyreempeexcpppnfhndn
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 10 Dec 1998 19:36:18 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (PACKINGIT3) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Bertrand Fischer <> Newsgroups: Subject: NextStep/Openstep Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:47:41 +0100 Organization: Alcatel Business Systems Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a cube with 68040 - 25 MHz 64Mb RAM processor. Is this machine fast enought to run 4.2 ? I think Nextstep 3.3 have the year 2000 problem. Bertrand.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NextStep/Openstep Date: 11 Dec 1998 12:55:36 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> I'm running OpenStep 4.2 with 40MB RAM and it's okay, but then again, I've only experienced it with NS 2.1/3.0/3.1, so have a limited basis of comparison--by all accounts OS 4/2 is slower than NS 3.3 There is at least one program at which deals with the y2K problem--NeXTs seem to have very minor difficulties so this isn't an overwhelming reason to upgrade to my mind. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 11 Dec 1998 12:59:36 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> Graeme was kind enough to send me copies of this driver to test and they worked great (got pressure support working in the second version). I was using a PC version Wacom ArtZ connected with a Macintosh modem cable and 9-25pin adapter. To get around the pressure issue I've been opening the program with Open Sesame and reconfiguring as needed. Thanks again Graeme! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <3671056c.0@> ignore no reply Control: cancel <3671056c.0@> Message-ID: <cancel.3671056c.0@> Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 16:35:59 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled.
Newsgroups:,comp.sys.newton.marketplace,comp.sys.newton.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <yG1c2.1017$> ignore no reply Control: cancel <yG1c2.1017$> Message-ID: <cancel.yG1c2.1017$> Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 05:02:36 +0000 Sender: From: Organization: Annihilator v0.3 Spam (EMP) cancelled - multiposted binary files BI=11972.326/15 SPAM ID=AeaMKZSLPQNO8hqeLm5PvQ==
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Cubeish ATX case, in black Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 11 Dec 98 21:10:27 GMT is selling a Yeong Yang ATX 'mini server' case which is approximately cube shaped: _ Cube Mini-server case, white _ ATX form factor _ 300 watt power supply _ 5 - 5.25" external bays _ 2 - 5.25" internal bays _ 7 - 3.5" internal bays _ 7 expansion slots _ 1 DB-9; 1 DB-25; 1 DB-15; 1 SCSI 1; and 1 SCSI III expansion ports _ LEDs display power, turbo, tape, HD1, HD2, HD3, HD4, Com 1 _ Front panel power, stand-by, and reset switches _ keylock function _ ABS front panel & SECC t 1.2mm chassis _ space for three auxillary fans _ 340 x 440 x 340 mm (W x D x H) _ 3 - year manufacturer, limited warranty That's approx. 13"x17"x13" In white, it's $215, in black it's $219.
From: (Williamson, Weldon S) Newsgroups:,, Subject: Serial-Port Problem Under NS 3.3 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 15:05:27 -0700 Organization: HRL Laboratories Message-ID: <> I am running NeXTStep 3.3 on an Intel motherboard, using the on-board COM1 and COM2 ports and the standard-release On-Board Serial Port driver, a single driver that responds to IRQs 3 and 4 and handles both ports. I need to operate both ports at 57,600 baud, communicating with a DOS machine a few feet away. This was all working fine on an old computer (200 MHz Pentium-S), but on a new machine (300-MHz Pentium II on Intel PD440FX motherboard), the OS crashes (even alt-numlock gets no response) within a few minutes or seconds of launching the code that accesses the ports (same code and driver as in the old Pentium-S machine). Running at a lower baud rate causes it to take longer to crash. I have tried using the Mux driver (v. 1.9), which I downloaded from Peak. I used a separate instance of the driver for COM1 and COM2, setting the IRQs, port addresses and instance numbers appropriately (instance 0: 0x3F8-0x3Ff: IRQ4; instance 1: 0x2F8-0x2FF, IRQ3). COM1 works fine with this driver, but when the code tries to do an ioctl(TIOCSETD) for COM2, it gets an error from Mach, and the port fails to communicate. If I try to drive _only_ COM2 with a single instance of the Mux driver, I get the same error. I tried using an ISA serial board addressed as COM1 and COM2, after disabling the onboard ports. With either the ISA serial port driver or the Mux driver, the behavior was the same as with the onboard ports. Can anyone help with this vexing problem?! TIA, Tod Williamson _____________________________________________________ - Tod Williamson Please take out the anti-spam phrase in the reply-to address before emailing. Thanks.
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Floppy and '040 motherboard: Interconnect? Date: 12 Dec 1998 03:02:11 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <74smbj$rh4$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Dec 1998 03:02:11 GMT Summary: Floppy <--> '040 motherboard cable. Keywords: floppy NeXT 68040 wiring. User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Hello * I'm looking at a Sony MP-F40W-1Y floppy drive and have been told, "This is the floppy drive for an '040 motherboard." This drive has a single connector on it, a 34-pin IDC (two rows of 17 pins each on 0.10-inch spacing). The IDC socket (with male pins) is keyed. What I need to build now is the cable between the floppy and '040 motherboard? Can someone tell me the the interconnect? Straight through (pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc) or something unusual? Regards, Mark
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <12129803.2645@none444.yet> Control: cancel <12129803.2645@none444.yet> Date: 12 Dec 1998 09:26:42 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.12129803.2645@none444.yet> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: OS 4.2 and Drives greater than 2GB Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <74ong5$f7a$> <_TTb2.613$> In-reply-to:'s message of Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:52:58 GMT Date: 11 Dec 98 10:14:38 NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 02:04:48 PDT In article <74ong5$f7a$>, Rex Dieter <> writes: So I did this to my large disk: disk -u -p 4000000 -i /dev/rsd1h <...> The disk command above created a disk that had 5 'slices' on my 1 NeXT partition. Slice 1 was almost 4GB, and the rest of the disk (~5MB) was divided evenly among 4 smaller partitions. In article <_TTb2.613$>, (TjL) writes: So if I understand you: if I had a boot drive of < 2047MB (~2gig) that I used for the primary OS, I could h ave a 9.1 gig drive broken into 4 "sections" or "slices" or "partitions-but-not-fdisk-partitions" If you were careful, you could split the 9Gig drive into 3 slices. You just can't do it directly with disk, you have to write a disktab. What I've done in the past was to initialize the disk using disk -i, then use disk interactively to print out the label (enter "label", then "print" when prompted). This provides you with all the little bits necessary to customize a disktab entry. Once you have a disktab entry, you can muck with the partitioning section and adjust the sizes of the various partitions. Then you can reformat the disk to the new partitioning scheme. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
From: (MevDev) Newsgroups: Subject: Come to the NEW NeXT Forever Site Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 10:54:41 -0600 Organization: [poster's organization not specified] Message-ID: <> I set up a NeXT forever site for everyone to benefit from. Please visit it at: If you have additions, subtractions, articles, or anything of use please email me at :, or visit my site, there is a link at the bottom of the page. Thanks.
From: (Frederic Foucault) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Wacom tablets an black NeXTs? Date: 11 Dec 1998 16:00:51 GMT Organization: Columbia University Message-ID: <74rfjj$jn8$> References: <> <> <74a1pe$l5g$> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -THANKS GRAEME !! I'll try to upload this new version. I'll plug an ArtZII to my NeXT cube w/ ADB. Does TIFFany2 support graphic Tablets? Sincerely, -- Frederic Foucault, Ph.D. Department of Genetics and Development Phone: (212) 305-1734 College of Physicians & Surgeons hhsc1606 FAX: (212) 923-2090 Columbia University 701 West 168th Street Email : New York, NY 10032
From: "Sarawoot Chittratanawat" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Greyscale monitor alternatives? Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 12:05:08 -0600 Organization: University of Missouri - Columbia Message-ID: <74ubtm$vm0$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Dec 1998 18:16:22 GMT Hello: Are there any alternatives for greyscale NeXT monitor ? There are 2 - 3 adapters to allow NeXT color system (ND or color slab) to use with RGB monitor, how about the Greyscale? Anyone success replacement? Thanks. sarawoot
From: "Vincent Koski" <> Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Cube with two motherboards (supercube?) Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 21:27:16 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 13:27:16 PDT I own a NeXT Cube, one of the 68k 25mhz machines, i purchased an additional motherboard, and I was under the impression that I could pop in the other motherboard and make a "supercube" i have seen these systems for sale.. at times.. does anyone have any black hardware knowledge that might be able to help here? i am using Nextstep 3.3 and i have tried it with slots (2 and 3) and (1 and 2), and only one motherboard will work at a time.. any ideas? perhaps there are websites i am not aware of? any help appreciated Vince Koski
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Cube with two motherboards (supercube?) Date: 13 Dec 1998 00:09:37 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> This is in the FAQ available from and Peanuts ( is this back up yet?) You have to do some hardware hacking to allow each motherboard to function independently, then you have to network the two together--it's really only useful as a print server, running to separate versions of the OS at a time or doing limited multi-processing with and its like AFAIK. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Mike Paquette <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: OS for Black Hardware Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 17:15:58 -0800 Organization: Electronics Service Unit No. 16 Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bertrand Fischer wrote: > > What is the latest operating system that could run on a NeXTCube m68K > with dimension board ? (NeXTStep 3.3 or OpenStep 4.2) ? OPENSTEP 4.2 runs fine on this configuration, given enough memory. I'd suggest maxing out the m68k CPU board. Under 4.0 and later, the NeXTdimension board does some tricks to reduce it's memory use compared to NeXTSTEP 3.3. Mike Paquette
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 13 Dec 1998 04:45:59 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
Message-ID: <> From: MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Failed copying data to DynaMO 640 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:11:02 -0600 NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:11:30 CDT Organization: SkyNET Corporation I am trying to please my boss. Please help if you can. At work, my boss has purchased a Fujitsu DynaMO 640, external SCSI drive (white/tan box). Upon attemting to copy large amounts of data to this drive, either in DOS or Win 3.x, I get a message to the affect, "Failed on write to drive <drive:>", followed by the standard options "Abort, Retry, Fail". (Sometimes it displays another option, "Ignore", perhaps, as well.) This will happen with one large file, say 500KB to 1MB, or with several smaller files. In the latter case, approximately 6 to 106 files will copy successfully before producing the error. Upon selecting "Fail" a message like, "Failed on INT24..." is displayed. This occurs with 640MB, 230MB, & 128MB media. Formerly, he had a DynaMO 230 & had no problems with it. I have installed the drive on another system & got the same results. The latter system has an Adaptec 1520/22 SCSI adapter. (I am not sure what card is in my boss's system, but will check on Monday.) I visited Adaptec's website and downloaded DOSDRVR.EXE, which contains the latest version of ASPI2DOS.SYS. I also downloaded WIN152X.EXE which contains WIN1520.EXE. Using the latest version of ASPI2DOS.SYS, I still get the same errors. I should note that when I set the jumbers, EXACTLY as indicated by WIN1520.EXE, the system will not boot. In fact, the the monitor does not even receive a signal telling it to fully turn on. It simply remains in "wait-mode" (or whatever it is called), with a flashing amber light indicating it is waiting for data from the MB. Furthermore, the HD does not behave as if it is booting. (Same result upon attempting to boot from floppy.) Upon removing the SCSI card, entirey, from the system, it boots up, fine. Also, upon resotring the jumpers to their original configuration, & placing the card back into its slot, it boots up, fine. Thank you, ahead of time, for any suggestions you can offer. Sincerely, Mike Mall
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: 13 Dec 1998 20:28:25 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <751819$de7$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Dec 1998 20:28:25 GMT I am attempting to connect a Micotech Eclipse DAT drive to my NS3.3 *Intel* computer. This is a drive originally marketed to the NeXT hardware market. It has a SCSI-1 centronics connetor; I have connected it with the appropriate cable to my PC (which has an Adaptec 2940UW adapter). The SCSI bios on the Adaptec card sees the drive (which it identifies as a "WangDAT 2600"), but during the startup sequence, when all the other SCSI devices are polled and "registered", the tape device does not appear. Too add to the confusion, In the Workspace, can see the device: SCSI Target #: 4 Device Type: Tape-Drive Vendor ID: WangDAT Product ID: Model 2600 Revision: 01.7 ANSI Standard: X.131-1986 (SCSI-1) [...] However, since the device wasn't "registered", I can't use it! What's up with this? Any ideas? Also, while attempting to install the SCSITape driver package from NeXTanswers (which I didn't need to install on NeXT hardware....(?)), doesn't list the driver among the "Installed drivers", though it does exist in /private/Drivers/i386. What's up with _that_? Any help would be *greatly* appreciated! Life without backups is nerve wracking.... Many thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: "Michael Moore" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Shutdown question Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 16:33:01 -0500 Organization: Erinet Online Communications Message-ID: <751c8k$ghi$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Dec 1998 21:40:36 GMT Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me? When I go to power off or restart my color station, the icon changes color but does nothing. I can log back in but can't restart or power off? Any help would be greatly appriciated. thanks
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: [HELP] Serial mouse not detected! Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:52:38 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I installed NS3.3J/intel and upon rebooting the serial mouse was not detected. I fiddled with the Default.table file in /privated/Drivers/i386/System.config directory but couldn't make the system to detect the mouse. The mouse worked fine in Windows NT. Help me.... -- Jaeyoung A. Lee Happy E-Mailin'. What's happening in the radiation's reach of your end of the wire? --- e-mail: web: phone: +82-42-860-6651 fax: +82-42-860-6671
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Cube with two motherboards (supercube?) References: <> <> From: (Sven Droll) Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Dec 98 10:12:28 GMT (WillAdams) wrote: >This is in the FAQ available from and Peanuts >( is this back up yet?) Peanuts is now and No more .leo. ... greets Sven -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ / /_/ ___/ please remove the NOSPM from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: Frederic Verhelst <Frederic.Verhelst@Delphi.TN.TUDelft.NL> Newsgroups: Subject: Q: Toshiba Satellite / NextSTEP 3.3 or 4.2 Compatible ? Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 17:12:36 +0100 Organization: Delphi seismic research consortium, Delft, The Netherlands Message-ID: <367538F4.65950C86@Delphi.TN.TUDelft.NL> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Has anyone out there experience installing the NextSTEP 3.3 or Openstep 4.2 on a Mach-kernel ? I was thinking of buying a Toshiba Satellite 320 CDS. I am worried especially about the video driver and about the 3.8 GB IDE-disk. I would very much prefer to install a NeXT-system, but if that would not work, I will install Linux instead. Thanks in advance, Frederic ---------- Frederic Verhelst Delft University of Technology, Center for Technical Geoscience Faculty of Applied Physics, DELPHI seismic research consortium P.O. Box 5046, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Tel: + 31 15 2785188 Fax: + 31 15 2783251 e-mail: F.Verhelst@CTG.TUDelft.NL Home-page: URL:
From: Yi Liu <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:57:37 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <751819$de7$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: EnLucid, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> Christian Jensen wrote: > > I am attempting to connect a Micotech Eclipse DAT drive to my NS3.3 [...] > Too add to the confusion, In the Workspace, can see the device: > > SCSI Target #: 4 > Device Type: Tape-Drive > Vendor ID: WangDAT [...] > > However, since the device wasn't "registered", I can't use it! [...] Chris, Don't have a solution to your problem. I do have a Eclipse DAT hooked up to my Turbo Cube running NS3.3, and it works just fine. I remember that the black box also recognized the Eclipse DAT as a WangDAT 2600 --- my /usr/adm/messages has been truncated, so I have to reboot to make sure it's the case. Have you tried the DAT on your black HW? liuyi -- Realife: Liu, Yi <> {NeXTMail|MIME|ASCII}
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: AGP Benefit? Date: 14 Dec 1998 19:04:01 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <753nf1$l88$> References: <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Scott Hess) wrote: >In article <>, > Jonathan W Hendry <> writes: > Is OpenStep showing any performance benefit from AGP video these > days? > > OpenStep/Mach, probably not, because much of the AGP advantage is in > allowing the video card to suck things directly from main memory. With the pervasive double-buffering the WindowServer does, wouldn't you think that "sucking things from main memory" is relevant? > OpenStep/NT, maybe, but probably not, because so far as I'm aware most > cards only use the memory-sucking stuff for 3D textures. > > There's potential for slight performance improvements due to having a > dedicated video pipe - but, most reports (not OpenStep-specific) seem > to indicate that the main advantage of a dedicated video pipe is that > _other_ things go faster, because once you get the video off the PCI, > everything else doesn't have to wait as much. But the _video_ isn't > much faster. Having AGP does reduce contention over the PCI bus, agreed. However, AGPx2 has a (theoretical) raw transfer rate of 533 MB/s, whereas PCI saturates at somewhere around 133 MB/s (IIRC). I think the actual sustained transfer rates for real systems are around 350 MB/s versus 80 MB/s. AGP fills much faster when you're slinging lots of pixels around. The original testing a bunch of sites did (Tom's hardware, for instance) was with the very first generation of AGP cards, and they did not outperform the PCI equivalents by a noticable amount. That's changed some, most noticably for 3D games using large textures, but it's also noticable doing other things. This at least partially due to the better AGP implementations available now, not just because of having more VRAM on the cards nowadays. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: AGP Benefit? Newsgroups: References: <> <> <753nf1$l88$> Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Dec 98 19:42:08 GMT Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: > The original testing a bunch of sites did (Tom's hardware, for instance) was > with the very first generation of AGP cards, and they did not outperform the > PCI equivalents by a noticable amount. That's changed some, most noticably > for 3D games using large textures, but it's also noticable doing other > things. This at least partially due to the better AGP implementations > available now, not just because of having more VRAM on the cards nowadays. Are those test results really applicable to OpenStep though? On Windows, the cards will be doing a lot of 2D acceleration that wouldn't apply to OpenStep. Because of that, Windows wouldn't show much of a benefit from AGP when doing 2D graphics. Instead of pushing tons of data, the drawing gets done on the card, so improved bandwidth doesn't help any.
From: Gareth <> Newsgroups: Subject: Inexpensive NeXT CDROMs Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:06:17 -0800 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> Anyone know a good place to purchase inexpensive cdrom drvies (scsi external) for a NeXT cube (black hardware) Gareth Greenaway
From: (Henry Koplien) Newsgroups: Subject: Strange Problems with YAMAHA CDRW 4260 Date: 14 Dec 1998 20:12:56 GMT Organization: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Distribution: world Message-ID: <753rg8$jrs$> I hooked a CDRW-4260 on the SCSI bus and my system on a IBM fixed disk hangs with SCSI errors sometimes. Everything is terminated correctly. It never mind if the CDRW is connected internal or external etc. Very strange. Only when the currents come delayed, all functions well. SCSI-Reset doesn't do anything. It must have something to do with sequence of the different currents. Has anyone similar problems...?? Henry
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: 15 Dec 1998 01:04:27 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <754cir$9g9$> References: <751819$de7$> <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Dec 1998 01:04:27 GMT You (Yi Liu <>) wrote in newsgroup, on Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:57:37 -0500: > Have you tried the DAT on your black HW? Yes, the drive works perfectly under NeXT hardware (but I am slowly moving most activities to my Intel box, thus the desire to get tape backups going under NSFIP). So it doesn't appear to be a problem with the drive. I'm starting to suspect some sort of SCSI incompatibility... Any ideas?? Thanks, --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inexpensive NeXT CDROMs Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <ezid2.1476$> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 01:03:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:03:06 EDT In <> Gareth wrote: > Anyone know a good place to purchase inexpensive cdrom drvies (scsi > external) for a NeXT cube (black hardware) Just about any SCSI CD-ROM should do it, last I knew. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT Cube with two motherboards (supercube?) Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:27:35 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> <> A small warning: if the second motherboard is a 040, you need to remove the NBIC (NeXT bus interface chip). This chip is not socketed on all boards and thus not always easy to remove. -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall
From: Allen <> Newsgroups: Subject: FIMI monitor Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 21:00:36 +0800 Organization: SEEDNet News Service Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-KR; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi: I had a big troublue in my FIMI 17"monitor.My FIMI monitor power supply was "dead". I want to repair it or buy a new one. Who can tell me how to do? Thanks
From: Pegasus <> Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: Progetto Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:00:50 +0100 Organization: TIN Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------E31A5B1CA48BF98A6FD7E82B" --------------E31A5B1CA48BF98A6FD7E82B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit PROGETTO! LEGGIMI CON ATTENZIONE SENZA SALTARE NEMMENO UNA PAROLA E… E’ sufficiente trovare 10 / 15 persone (ti spiegherò poi come) che abbiano una buona apertura mentale e l’intelligenza di comprendere un metodo matematico infallibile. Di primo acchito si potrebbe avere l’impressione di avventurarsi in un progetto impossibile. Io ti garantisco che lavorando poche ore al computer si raggiungono risultati inimmaginabili, io sono un’agente di commercio da vent’anni, negli ultimi mesi ho dedicato moltissimo tempo a questo progetto - all’inizio ero scettico ma i risultati mi hanno fatto cambiare opinione – oggi, comodamente seduto a casa mia, raggiungo risultati di reddito migliori di quelli che ottenevo lavorando 12-14 ore al giorno sempre in auto e alle prese con clienti che… In Internet ci sono ogni giorno migliaia di nuovi ingressi, migliaia di persone che come noi navigano alla ricerca di informazioni, contatti, amicizie e a volte ci sfiorano opportunità che non cogliamo perché presi dalle mille preoccupazioni e attività quotidiane. Questo progetto funziona benissimo per tutti ma più ancora a chi lavorando in ufficio ha modo di usare il computer e conosce molte persone anche al di fuori dell’azienda per cui lavora e il passaparola è la migliore pubblicità. Io lo faccio da casa. Avventurarti in questo progetto non ti costerà nulla e ti farà guadagnare moltissimo, con i primi risultati ti accorgerai che diventerà per te una “droga” e impegnerai sempre più tempo in modo piacevole e autonomo, non dovrai MAI rendere conto (se non a te stesso) del tuo operato a NESSUNO! Se questo mio messaggio ti ha incuriosito scrivimi e ti darò le necessarie istruzioni per iniziare il progetto. Nella richiesta di informazioni come oggetto metti PROGETTO Ciao a presto. PEGASUS -- Rimuovi XXX dall'indirizzo E-Mail Remove XXX from E-Mail address. --------------E31A5B1CA48BF98A6FD7E82B Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <B><FONT COLOR="#3333FF">PROGETTO!</FONT></B> <BR><B><FONT COLOR="#3333FF">LEGGIMI CON ATTENZIONE SENZA SALTARE NEMMENO UNA PAROLA E…</FONT></B> <BR>E’ sufficiente trovare 10 / 15 persone (ti spiegherò poi come) che abbiano una buona apertura mentale e l’intelligenza di <BR>comprendere un metodo matematico infallibile. Di primo acchito si potrebbe avere l’impressione di avventurarsi in un progetto <BR>impossibile. Io ti garantisco che lavorando poche ore al computer si raggiungono risultati inimmaginabili, io sono un’agente di <BR>commercio da vent’anni, negli ultimi mesi ho dedicato moltissimo tempo a questo progetto - all’inizio ero scettico ma i risultati <BR>mi hanno fatto cambiare opinione – oggi, comodamente seduto a casa mia, raggiungo risultati di reddito migliori di quelli che <BR>ottenevo lavorando 12-14 ore al giorno sempre in auto e alle prese con clienti che… <BR>In Internet ci sono ogni giorno migliaia di nuovi ingressi, migliaia di persone che come noi navigano alla ricerca di informazioni, <BR>contatti, amicizie e a volte ci sfiorano opportunità che non cogliamo perché presi dalle mille preoccupazioni e attività quotidiane. <BR>Questo progetto funziona benissimo per tutti ma più ancora a chi lavorando in ufficio ha modo di usare il computer e conosce <BR>molte persone anche al di fuori dell’azienda per cui lavora e il passaparola è la migliore pubblicità. Io lo faccio da casa. <BR>Avventurarti in questo progetto non ti costerà nulla e ti farà guadagnare moltissimo, con i primi risultati ti accorgerai che <BR>diventerà per te una “droga” e impegnerai sempre più tempo in modo piacevole e autonomo, non dovrai MAI rendere conto (se <BR>non a te stesso) del tuo operato a NESSUNO! Se questo mio messaggio ti ha incuriosito scrivimi e ti darò le necessarie <BR>istruzioni per iniziare il progetto. <P>Nella richiesta di informazioni come oggetto metti PROGETTO <BR><A HREF=""></A> <P><I>Ciao a presto. PEGASUS</I> <P>-- <BR>Rimuovi XXX dall'indirizzo E-Mail <BR>Remove XXX from E-Mail address. <BR> </HTML> --------------E31A5B1CA48BF98A6FD7E82B--
From: Newsgroups:,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 15 Dec 1998 11:17:44 GMT Message-ID: <> Sender: Pegasus <> Excessive Multi-Posted spam article exceeding a BI of 20 cancelled by From was: Pegasus <> Subject was: Progetto NNTP-Posting-Host was:
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: 15 Dec 1998 12:22:25 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <755ka1$87b$> References: <754cir$9g9$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Dec 1998 12:22:25 GMT (Christian Jensen) writes: > Yes, the drive works perfectly under NeXT hardware (but I am slowly moving most activities to my Intel box, thus the desire to get tape backups going under NSFIP). So it doesn't appear to be a problem with the drive. I'm starting to suspect some sort of SCSI incompatibility... Silly question - but have you actually installed the SCSI tape driver package under - I think it got moved from misc devices to scsi devices at some point so you might have to look in a differnt place than previously for it to appear. -bat.
From: westin* (Stephen H. Westin) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: LaserWriter cable Date: 15 Dec 1998 15:54:24 -0500 Organization: Program of Computer Graphics -- Cornell University Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <> "Trente Web" <> writes: > Neophyte needs guidance: > > Having used a Turbo Color for 6 mos, > and having composed an extensive outline in Concurrence, > I'd like to print it out on my NTX. > > I found the peak file re: pinouts, > but it's not clear to me... > I don't want to build a cable, haven't found a source of them, > and though NeXT DIN-8 to Laserwriter DB-25 sounds simple, > when I took it to the Apple tech, he assured me that such > a cable will be absurdly expensive and/or hard to find. > > Is there a FAQ with a cable Part No., > and clear instructions, step by step, on DIPs ? > > I also have a LaserWriter Plus I could dedicate, > or should I bail on the Apple cables and > get the NextLaser? surtech had 'em pretty cheap... Well, the NeXTLaser will be o faster o higher resolution (400 dpi vs. 300) o better at printing halftones (higher resolution counts most here, NeXT uses different a different screen, and the NeXT will be way faster. But I suspect that a cable to use your LaserWriter will be significantly cheaper. BTW: Can the NeXT talk LocalTalk to the printer? I know it works for file sharing. This could be way faster than a normal serial connection, and cabling might even be easier to find (Farallon PhoneNet). -- -Stephen H. Westin Any information or opinions in this message are mine: they do not represent the position of Cornell University or any of its sponsors.
From: Shamus Jary Mcconney <> Newsgroups: Subject: Turbo slab dose not want to see 4th simm Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:37:09 -0500 Organization: SavageDeath Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 15 Dec 1998 23:37:09 GMT I have a turbo mono slab with 4 8meg simms in it and it dose not want to see the 4th simm, according to ROM Manager when I print out the memory config. Any ideas besides the fact that it might be a bad simm? Is the 4th socket the one right by the power supply or all the way away form it? Thanks Shamus McConney
From: "Lee, Jaeyoung A." <> Newsgroups: Subject: [HELP]Mouse detected but can't click on anything! Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:01:47 +0900 Organization: ETRI Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newly installed NS3.3 couldn't detected the PS2 mouse. I fiddled files in System.config folder and made NS detect the mouse. After the system boots up the cursor appears and follows the mouse movement but left mouse button click doesn't do anything. Help... -- Jaeyoung A. Lee Happy E-Mailin'. What's happening in the radiation's reach of your end of the wire? --- e-mail: web: phone: +82-42-860-6651 fax: +82-42-860-6671
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: EIDE RAID options? Newsgroups: Message-ID: <> Date: 16 Dec 98 02:17:03 GMT Has anyone tried using OpenStep on a machine with a Promise UDMA/EIDE RAID card installed? Is there any way to get RAID on OpenStep without using Adaptec (overpriced) or DPT? Since it costs only about $120, it would be nice if the Promise card 'just worked', perhaps after being configured while booted into Windows, but I doubt it. Apple folk - on top of the rest of the 4.2 Driver Wishlist, add Promise RAID cards, and also Initio SCSI cards, since they're cheaper than Adaptec's. Thanks! Jon
From: "Sung" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: [HELP]Mouse detected but can't click on anything! Date: 16 Dec 1998 03:41:59 GMT Organization: Cornell University Sender: (Verified) Message-ID: <01be28a6$3e074aa0$2366ec84@bigred> References: <> Hi, Could you specify the mouse hardware (Logitech, Microsoft + model name) and the driver version you are using? This would help. Lee, Jaeyoung A. <> wrote in article <>... > Newly installed NS3.3 couldn't detected the PS2 mouse. > I fiddled files in System.config folder and made NS detect the mouse. > After the system boots up the cursor appears and follows the mouse > movement > but left mouse button click doesn't do anything. > Help... > > -- > Jaeyoung A. Lee > > Happy E-Mailin'. > What's happening in the radiation's reach of your end of the wire? > --- > e-mail: > web: > phone: +82-42-860-6651 > fax: +82-42-860-6671 > > >
From: (Seung-joo Lee) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: 16 Dec 1998 19:45:05 GMT Organization: Korea Telecom Message-ID: <7592k1$2l1$> References: <751819$de7$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: In <751819$de7$> Christian Jensen wrote: > I am attempting to connect a Micotech Eclipse DAT drive to my NS3.3 *Intel* computer. This is a drive originally marketed to the NeXT hardware market. It has a SCSI-1 centronics connetor; I have connected it with the appropriate cable to my PC (which has an Adaptec 2940UW adapter). The SCSI bios on the Adaptec card sees the drive (which it identifies as a "WangDAT 2600"), but during the startup sequence, when all the other SCSI devices are polled and "registered", the tape device does not appear. > > Too add to the confusion, In the Workspace, can see the device: > > SCSI Target #: 4 > Device Type: Tape-Drive > Vendor ID: WangDAT > Product ID: Model 2600 > Revision: 01.7 > ANSI Standard: X.131-1986 (SCSI-1) > [...] > > However, since the device wasn't "registered", I can't use it! > > What's up with this? Any ideas? > In SCSI BIOS Setup, I think you have to set "Initiate Wide Negotiation" and "Enable Disconnect" as NOs. -- "Where there is a will, there is a way" Seung-joo Lee (NeXTmail Prefered!)
From: Thomas Vincent <> Newsgroups: Subject: How to boot from floppy on black hardware Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 13:58:01 -0800 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------EA14971A2E9C89479069EFB5" Organization: FST Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------EA14971A2E9C89479069EFB5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I recently was given a floppy for my NeXTStation so that I could boot it, and reinstall OpenStep 4.2 . It is wiped clean at the moment. So it is booting off the ROM. I am assuming. what is the command to get it to boot from the floppy? Cheers, Tom --------------EA14971A2E9C89479069EFB5 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="tomvincent.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Thomas Vincent Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tomvincent.vcf" begin:vcard n:Vincent;Thomas tel;home:805-665-2498 tel;work:iCQ: 23840402 x-mozilla-html:TRUE adr:;;8200 North Laurelglen #1413;Bakersfield;CA;93311-1022;US version:2.1 email; x-mozilla-cpt:;1 fn:Thomas Vincent end:vcard --------------EA14971A2E9C89479069EFB5--
From: "Vincent Koski" <> Newsgroups: Subject: got a 600 mb scsi 2 drive -- wont initialize or repair Organization: @Home Network Message-ID: <> Cache-Post-Path:! Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 23:13:50 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:13:50 PDT I have a 600 meg scsi 2 hard drive.. its a full height 5 1/4" drive.... mounted in an external casing.... I used to have it hooked up to a sun sparc ELC, but i need it rebuilt, the admin files are hosed. anyhow, i hooked it up to my next, thinking it should work just fine, i might need to initialize it, but thats no biggie.. well, i hooked it up, booted, logged in, and it offers to initialize it or repair it.. i try either and it says there were errors and i need to check the console for more info... Is it really as easy as just hooking it up, and if it detects, it should format? or is there a secret setting in the bios or do i need to make it a certain id? it shows a device #2 in my builddisk tool. i have a NeXT Cube that already has a 400 meg HD.... any suggestions for troublshooting this are appreciated Vince Koski please email replies to Thanks
From: "Peter L. Wargo" <> Newsgroups:, Subject: Booting OpenStep 4.2 on Turbo Color Slab Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:27:01 -0700 Organization: National Center for Genome Resources Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 16 Dec 1998 23:27:14 GMT I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to boot 4.2 on my black hardware to do a "clean" install. CD-ROM drive (I've tried two) is at target one. I've tried all the stuff in NeXTanswers, including: -b sd(1,0,0) sdmach -s rootdev=/dev/sd1a -b sd(1,0,0) -s ...etc... I also tried the boot floppy from NeXTanswers - no good. I looked, and couldn't find an FAQ that *worked*. Urk. Comments, ideas, sympathies please Email me. -Pete W. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Peter L. Wargo / / +1 505 995 4476 (FAX: 4475) Group Leader, Systems Administration The National Center for Genome Resources 1800-A Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505 (USA)
From: "Michael Moore" <> Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.nextstep,,, Subject: Need Next equipment Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 19:40:41 -0500 Organization: Erinet Online Communications Message-ID: <759kdq$s9b$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Dec 1998 00:48:58 GMT Iam looking for donations of unworking Next equipment for a "History of Computer Museum". We have had this "museum" in act for about 7 years now and have until recently been all CPM and Intel. We just added Apple/Mac and a Next slab. The slab works great so we are going to have it on display up and running. We would like to add a Cube, basically because of the interesting design. The cube does not need to be a working system, we can just have it on display. We are based in Dayton, Ohio but do travel to other shows in the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana area. We are more than willing to pay shipping for any item donated. Stop by and see us at any of the computer shows in the Dayton, Cinci, or Columbus area including HAMVENTION. thanks
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 17 Dec 1998 00:15:45 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: (PACKINGIT3) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Colour monitor appears to catch fire...hmmmm... Date: 17 Dec 1998 02:45:07 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <759r7j$5jk$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Dec 1998 02:45:07 GMT O.K., so here I sit trying to install OpenStep onto a slab. With a nice large colour MegaPixel. About 10 minutes ago it clicked and the screen ent offf. So I turend it off and on again, then therte was a fizz - and now when I turn it on red smoke starts puring out of the grills on the back. It's buggered isn't it ? :-( Sigh, any suggestions ? -bat.
From: (Christian Jensen) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP Date: 17 Dec 1998 02:57:51 GMT Organization: TJP Inc. Message-ID: <759rvf$hh3$> References: <754cir$9g9$> <755ka1$87b$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Dec 1998 02:57:51 GMT You (-bat. <>) wrote in newsgroup, on 15 Dec 1998 12:22:25 GMT: > (Christian Jensen) writes: > > Yes, the drive works perfectly under NeXT hardware (but I am slowly moving most activities to my Intel box, thus the desire to get tape backups going under NSFIP). So it doesn't appear to be a problem with the drive. I'm starting to suspect some sort of SCSI incompatibility... > > Silly question - but have you actually installed the SCSI tape driver package > under - I think it got moved from misc devices to scsi devices > at some point You're right, it did get moved, and no, I wasn't aware until now :-) Thanks for the tip! --Chris ************************** Chris Jensen MIME, Sun, NeXTMail OK "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: SCSI Error after BuildDisk Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:02:08 +0800 Organization: Personal Message-ID: <759s6p$9uj$> I've asked about this before, but still have not had success, and am getting frustrated & generally PO'd. I've got an old HD with NS3.3 that I want to replace with a newer Quantum fireball 1GB drive. I connected it with a scsi cable with multiple plugs. The drive is jumpered on PX (power?) and A0, and I added a jumper on A2 so the scsi id would be higher than the boot disk. Then it fired up, logged in as root, and used BuildDisk on the new drive. It built successfully it said, but the console had an "attempt to remove unrecognized exception handler" after the build completed. I mounted the new disk browsed around, started up an app or 2, and all seemed ok. Shut down, removed the extra jumper from A2, removed the old disk, and fired up again. After the system test, it hits the disk a few times, and halts with "SCSI Error". Attempting to reboot from the ROM monitor I see "SCSI bus is hung". Now I think its something I'm screwing up since 1) I did the same process on a different slab running NS3.2 with the same result 2) I did the same process on an old 200mb drive with the same result So in summary, both NS3.3 and NS3.2 builddisk on 2 different slabs with 2 different HD's all result in this SCSI error when attempting to boot from the built drives. But both can be mounted & used as secondary disks. I do not have a NS3.3 cd since I bought the slab used w/ the OS already installed. I do have a NS3.2 cd but do not have a cd drive so its no use. Can someone PLEASE get e straightened out before my old drive freezes up & refuses to spin!!! Thanks. Mike
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: No SCSI Error on Zip Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:07:40 +0800 Organization: Personal Message-ID: <759sh4$9v2$> I might add to my previous posting about the SCSI build problem that I have successfully built a NS3.3 bootable Zip disk. So why can't I get it to work on the hard disk? Thanks again, Mike
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 20:31:59 -0500 From: "R. Stricklin (kjaeros)" <> Subject: Re: SCSI tape problem under NSFIP In-Reply-To: <751819$de7$> Message-ID: <> References: <751819$de7$> Predicate: There are more things in heaven and earth... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On 13 Dec 1998, Christian Jensen wrote: > However, since the device wasn't "registered", I can't use it! > > What's up with this? Any ideas? You need to install the SCSITape driver to use this under Intel; the driver package should have been included on the install CD. If not, you can download a newer version from NeXTanswers (which you've already found). > doesn't list the driver among the "Installed drivers", > though it does exist in /private/Drivers/i386. What's up with _that_? Not sure; I'm not at home at the moment, so I can't poke at it and tell you. I do know that I've installed drivers from NeXTanswers and had them listed in without any unnecessary gyrations. -- ok r. r e d @ b e a r s . o r g =========================== [ urs longa | vita brevis ]
From: (Scott Hess) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: EIDE RAID options? Organization: Is a sign of weakness Message-ID: <> References: <> In-reply-to: Jonathan W Hendry's message of 16 Dec 98 02:17:03 GMT Date: 16 Dec 98 09:37:18 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 01:59:46 PDT In article <>, Jonathan W Hendry <> writes: Has anyone tried using OpenStep on a machine with a Promise UDMA/EIDE RAID card installed? I doubt it would work. Is there any way to get RAID on OpenStep without using Adaptec (overpriced) or DPT? You could put the RAID on a box on the other side of a 100Mbps ethernet switch :-). As a bonus, if you use Linux or somesuch, your caching behaviour improves for free (I expect that to change once MacOS X Server is out). You can get the same caching improvement by putting some cache memory on the drive controller, but that's not going to happen at the cheap end of things. Since the NS/OS metadata update is an in-order bunch of small writes, it will also not care for the higher seek times of most EIDE drives versus SCSI drives. Since it costs only about $120, it would be nice if the Promise card 'just worked', perhaps after being configured while booted into Windows, but I doubt it. Apple folk - on top of the rest of the 4.2 Driver Wishlist, add Promise RAID cards, and also Initio SCSI cards, since they're cheaper than Adaptec's. I don't know what "Initio" is, but I'd _love_ drivers for the Symbios 875/860 chipsets. That's Ultra/Wide and Ultra SCSI, and they cost around $100 apiece. There's also a dual-channel Ultra/Wide version out there for not that much money. I thought the Promise RAID controller had... promise, but wasn't impressed by what I can find on their implementation. For instance, what possible excuse can they have for only allowing two masters and two slaves on the device? Since it's supposed to improve on your built-in hardware, I'd have expected it to _present_ each logical device as a standard master/slave to the computer, but behind the scenes _all_ devices would effectively be masters. If you're only accessing your four drives as a single logical volume, you should be able to connect them all up in the master position on the cable, and have the controller be able to talk to them all simultaneously. As an alternative to this type of card, I'd actually rather than we could insert a software RAID shim, like what Linux has. Then you can RAID together EIDE or SCSI drives. Not as effective as the RAID delivered by a DPT card, but probably as effective as any of the cheap alternatives. Later, -- scott hess <> (408) 739-8858 <Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>
Message-ID: <> From: Andrew Robertson <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Colour monitor appears to catch fire...hmmmm... References: <759r7j$5jk$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:12:22 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:09:54 EDT Organization: Fidelity Investments > O.K., so here I sit trying to install OpenStep onto a slab. With a nice > large colour MegaPixel. About 10 minutes ago it clicked and the screen > ent offf. So I turend it off and on again, then therte was a fizz - and now > when I turn it on red smoke starts puring out of the grills on the back. > > It's buggered isn't it ? :-( Yeah, red smoke pouring out the back pretty much means your buggered. At the minimum, not a good sign. --Andrew--
From: (-bat.) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Colour monitor appears to catch fire...hmmmm... Date: 17 Dec 1998 15:06:41 GMT Organization: The University of York, UK Sender: Message-ID: <75b6m1$8q9$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Dec 1998 15:06:41 GMT Andrew Robertson <> writes: >> It's buggered isn't it ? :-( > > Yeah, red smoke pouring out the back pretty much means your buggered. At the > minimum, not a good sign. Someone suggested that it might be due to the fact that I had it turned on with no sgnal applied at the back. Do the colour monitors often suffer from things like this ? I'm crossing my fingers that it just a drive tranny that got blown. -bat.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Colour monitor appears to catch fire...hmmmm... Date: 17 Dec 1998 16:27:30 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <75bbdi$btl$> References: <759r7j$5jk$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (-bat.) wrote: >O.K., so here I sit trying to install OpenStep onto a slab. With a nice >large colour MegaPixel. About 10 minutes ago it clicked and the screen >ent offf. So I turend it off and on again, then therte was a fizz - and >now when I turn it on red smoke starts puring out of the grills on the >back. Wow. I've only ever seen two monitors go like that. >It's buggered isn't it ? :-( Yup. Electronic devices actually run by the smoke held within them. They stop working when you let the smoke out. :-) The only question is whether it's cost-effective to try and repair it. > Sigh, any suggestions ? Well, the two most likely candidates to go are the power supply (a bridge rectifier or filtering cap) and the high-voltage section (the transistor(s) driving the flyback transformer). -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: Jonathan W Hendry <> Subject: Re: Colour monitor appears to catch fire...hmmmm... Newsgroups: References: <759r7j$5jk$> <75bbdi$btl$> Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Dec 98 17:01:35 GMT Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: > (-bat.) wrote: > >O.K., so here I sit trying to install OpenStep onto a slab. With a nice > >large colour MegaPixel. About 10 minutes ago it clicked and the screen > >ent offf. So I turend it off and on again, then therte was a fizz - and > >now when I turn it on red smoke starts puring out of the grills on the > >back. > Wow. I've only ever seen two monitors go like that. > >It's buggered isn't it ? :-( > Yup. Electronic devices actually run by the smoke held within them. > They stop working when you let the smoke out. :-) Either that, or there's a Genie in the bottle trying to get out. If it looks like Barbara Eden, go for it.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Inexpensive NeXT CDROMs Date: 17 Dec 1998 14:08:22 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <75bvcm$> References: <> In article <>, Gareth <> wrote: >Anyone know a good place to purchase inexpensive cdrom drvies (scsi >external) for a NeXT cube (black hardware) > > Gareth >Greenaway > > One of my friends purchased an External NEC Multispin 6X on for $80.00. If you could get what he has you'd be pretty happy. Emmett
From: (Chris Osborn) Newsgroups: Subject: Megahertz/USRobotics/3Com XJEM3336 Ethernet on OPENSTEP? Date: 18 Dec 1998 00:31:25 GMT Organization: Napa Valley College Message-ID: <75c7ot$sd5$> Anyone know if there's a driver that will let me use the Ethernet portion of this card under OPENSTEP 4.2/Mach? I got the modem part working fine with the stock Serial port driver set to COM2 and PCMCIA. But I have no idea what to use for the Ethernet portion. -- Chris Osborn, Network Administrator Napa Valley College 707 253 3130 - Voice 2277 Napa-Vallejo Hwy. 707 253 3063 - Fax Napa, CA 94558 <> <>
From: (Lee Altenberg) Newsgroups:, Subject: Fujitsu DynaMO 640MB Solution! Date: 18 Dec 1998 00:20:16 GMT Organization: Eskimo North (206) For-Ever Message-ID: <75c740$k7v$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I discovered how to fix the problem people have reported in trying to initialize 640 MB magneto optical disks on the Fujitsu DynaMO 2513 drive. The solution is to set DIP switch 1 to ON=HDD. This is the default setting from the factory. However, there is a sheet of paper with the drive that says "CORRECTION" and tells you to set DIP switch 1 to OFF=MO. But OpenStep 4.2 (and probably NeXTSTEP 3.3) will spit out the MO disk when you try to initialize it, with this console error: ---- Writing /usr/standalone/boot creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1a /usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1a /etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 310272 1939 2 8192 2048 16 10 60 4096 t Warning: insufficient space in super block for rotational layout tables with nsect 1939 and ntrak 2. File system performance may be impaired. cylinder group too large (16 cylinders); max: 14 cylinders per group /usr/etc/newfs /dev/rsd1a failed (status 1) ---- If you return DIP switch 1 to the ON setting, then initialization proceeds, with this console output: ---- Writing /usr/standalone/boot creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1a /usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1a /etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 310272 64 8 8192 2048 16 10 60 4096 t Warning: 4096 bytes per inode impossible due to cylinder group size, using 6117 bytes per inode Reduce cylinder group size to reduce bytes per inode. /dev/rsd1a: 310272 sectors in 606 cylinders of 8 tracks, 64 sectors 635.4Mb in 38 cyl groups (16 c/g, 16.78Mb/g, 2048 i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at: 8, 8264, 16520, 24776, 33032, 41288, 49544, 57800, 65544, 73800, 82056, 90312, 98568, 106824, 115080, 123336, 131080, 139336, 147592, 155848, 164104, 172360, 180616, 188872, 196616, 204872, 213128, 221384, 229640, 237896, 246152, 254408, 262152, 270408, 278664, 286920, 295176, 303432, initialization complete ---- In short, there is no need for a /etc/disktab entry to get proper use of this disk. By the way, I had one 2513 drive that went bonkers on me (no data loss, but it would keep spitting the disk out). I called Fujitsu and they sent out a replacement drive immediately. I was very pleased with this service. For those interested in the DynaMO 640 MB performance, I got these benchmarks using the OW640 disk ("OverWrite" -- the faster type of MO disk) on a NeXT Color Turbo: Writing the 40 Megabyte file, 'iozone.tmp' 217691 bytes/second for writing the file 433531 bytes/second for reading the file Here for comparison is the same for the Seagate ST31051N, 1.01 GB HD: Writing the 40 Megabyte file, 'iozone.tmp' 1083655 bytes/second for writing the file 1266406 bytes/second for reading the file -- ====================================================================== Lee Altenberg, Ph.D. Fax: (808) 875-0348 E-mail: al ten be (delete spaces, anti-spam tactic) Web: ======================================================================
From: Thomas Vincent <> Newsgroups: Subject: Problem booting from Floppy Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:36:03 -0800 References: <759sh4$9v2$> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------ABCFD5AA7EE1DA7C723A891A" Organization: FST Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------ABCFD5AA7EE1DA7C723A891A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I have tried bfd , bfd -s and am still unable to get my nextstation to boot off a floppy. Anyone have any suggestions of what is next to try? I got to the ROM MOnitor v 3.3, and type bfd and it doesn't even do anything. Just spits out error messages: Device not responding. I type fd, and i here the floppy grind. Any ideas? Cheers, Tom --------------ABCFD5AA7EE1DA7C723A891A Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="tomvincent.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Thomas Vincent Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tomvincent.vcf" begin:vcard n:Vincent;Thomas tel;home:805-665-2498 tel;work:iCQ: 23840402 x-mozilla-html:TRUE adr:;;8200 North Laurelglen #1413;Bakersfield;CA;93311-1022;US version:2.1 email; x-mozilla-cpt:;1 fn:Thomas Vincent end:vcard --------------ABCFD5AA7EE1DA7C723A891A--
Message-ID: <> From: Nicholas Floersch <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: Matrox Millenium G200? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:40:48 EDT Organization: ISPNews Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:41:08 -0500 Hello All, I am looking at getting a new video card for my system. So far the only video card that looks powerful and is supported by BeOS, OpenStep, and OS/2 is the Millenium II. However, this is only because I cannot tell if there are any drivers out there for the Millenium G200 and OpenStep. I understand OpenStep supports AGP (whether or not it is fully utilized is superfluous) - but what AGP cards does it support? Thanks for any help, Nick Floersch P.S. Please respond via e-mail if possible since newsgroup access is shoddy here.
From: (Lee Altenberg) Newsgroups:, Subject: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: 18 Dec 1998 08:11:19 GMT Organization: Eskimo North (206) For-Ever Message-ID: <75d2n7$3rh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Now that ADSL is becoming available in the home, how can a NeXT computer connect with it? I checked for various producs and found Cisco's 67x SOHO/Telecommuter ADSL Router. The product description ( says: "An integrated, low-cost, high-performance, router and RADSL CAP Modem, the Cisco 675 provides high-speed dedicated data services coupled with the robustness and security offered by a full-featured L2/L3 system. It connects to the user's network via a fast Ethernet 10/100Base-T port. It runs PPP/ATM, as well as RFC 1483. The 675 does not require a voice splitter, thus reducing the operational cost of installing a DSL line. " So, do I just hook in into the phone jack and my NeXTstation ethernet port, call the phone company, and it works? -- ====================================================================== Lee Altenberg, Ph.D. Fax: (808) 875-0348 E-mail: al ten be (delete spaces, anti-spam tactic) Web: ======================================================================
From: (Lee Altenberg) Newsgroups:, Subject: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: 18 Dec 1998 08:14:14 GMT Organization: Eskimo North (206) For-Ever Message-ID: <75d2sm$4ds$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Now that ADSL is becoming available in the home, how can a NeXT computer connect with it? I checked for various producs and found Cisco's 67x SOHO/Telecommuter ADSL Router. The product description ( says: "An integrated, low-cost, high-performance, router and RADSL CAP Modem, the Cisco 675 provides high-speed dedicated data services coupled with the robustness and security offered by a full-featured L2/L3 system. It connects to the user's network via a fast Ethernet 10/100Base-T port. It runs PPP/ATM, as well as RFC 1483. The 675 does not require a voice splitter, thus reducing the operational cost of installing a DSL line. " So, do I just hook in into the phone jack and my NeXTstation ethernet port, call the phone company, and it works? -- ====================================================================== Lee Altenberg, Ph.D. Fax: (808) 875-0348 E-mail: al ten be (delete spaces, anti-spam tactic) Web: ======================================================================
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse? Date: 18 Dec 1998 10:50:59 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <75dc2j$ovk$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Dec 1998 10:50:59 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Hello * I have been trying to diagnose a SCSI bus problem on my '040 cube. Shortly after plugging a DEC RZ-23L-E drive into the system (to be used as a swap disk), the system started having trouble writing to RZ drive. The chief complaint to the console was of an incomplete data transfer. However, I can take that drive, plug it into a PC, spin it up, format it, and it works fine. No data errors anywhere. Plug it into the NeXT... and get loads of "incomplete data transfers." No other drive on the system acts like this. It has been observed that the internal drive (Maxtor 300M) goes "clunk" during spin-up when the RZ drive is attached. Removing the RZ from the chain eliminates the "clunk". Power supplies are good. The SCSI bus has terminators on both ends. One thing not checked (yet) is if there is terminator power on the SCSI bus. All of the drives have 1 amp fuses on them for terminator power.. but where is the terminator fuse on the '040 motherboard? Regards, Mark
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse? Date: 18 Dec 1998 11:04:22 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <75dcrm$liq$> References: <75dc2j$ovk$> In article <75dc2j$ovk$> Mark Becker <> writes: > One thing not checked (yet) is if there is terminator power on the > SCSI bus. All of the drives have 1 amp fuses on them for terminator > power.. but where is the terminator fuse on the '040 motherboard? The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to provide term power. -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse? Date: 18 Dec 1998 13:56:19 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Distribution: world Message-ID: <75dmu3$sok$> References: <75dc2j$ovk$> <75dcrm$liq$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Dec 1998 13:56:19 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Helmut Heller <> wrote: > The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! > One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to > provide term power. Mumble.... cube processor board doesn't supply terminator power? Yet another fact I didn't find in the User's Manual. Okay, time to pull the internal drive and check for blown fuses on the electronics. Which means there should be resistor packs on the internal drive and a jumper or two to indicate which way the termination power should run. ... Hm. If the bus does not supply terminator power then a passive resistor termination pack can't be used to terminate the SCSI bus. Okay.. then the devices on each end of the bus need resistor packs installed and must be jumpered so that the drive provides termination power. Everything in-between should have packs removed. Is that correct? Regards, Mark
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse? Date: 18 Dec 1998 14:21:10 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <75docm$4pe$> References: <75dmu3$sok$> In article <75dmu3$sok$> Mark Becker <> writes: > Helmut Heller <> wrote: > > The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! > > One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to > > provide term power. > > Mumble.... cube processor board doesn't supply terminator power? Yet > another fact I didn't find in the User's Manual. Okay, time to pull > the internal drive and check for blown fuses on the electronics. I have a NeXT pizza box and the above holds for those, but PERHAPS also for Cubes, not sure though... > > Which means there should be resistor packs on the internal drive and a > jumper or two to indicate which way the termination power should run. Correct. > > ... Hm. If the bus does not supply terminator power then a passive > resistor termination pack can't be used to terminate the SCSI bus. I think the internal drive supplies power to the whole bus (if jumpered to do so), so that resistor packs CAN be used. > > Okay.. then the devices on each end of the bus need resistor packs > installed and must be jumpered so that the drive provides termination > power. Everything in-between should have packs removed. My understanding is that only ONE unit (regardless where it is) should provide term power, but for the whole scsi chain. More knowledgable people should correct me, please! -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
Newsgroups:, From: (Maury Markowitz) Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <F464zG.KLr@T-FCN.Net> Sender: news@T-FCN.Net Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Organization: needs one References: <75d2n7$3rh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 16:11:40 GMT In <75d2n7$3rh$> Lee Altenberg wrote: > So, do I just hook in into the phone jack and my NeXTstation ethernet > port, call the phone company, and it works? I should also point out that you can't just buy the hardware, each service provider uses it's own type. In Halifax they have a 400k/250k system, here in Toronto they use a Nortel 960/120 system. The Toronto modem won't work on the Halifax system. In addition you have to make sure your ISP offers the service, and typically you have to switch ISP's to the one your local telco operates. Maury
Newsgroups:, From: (Maury Markowitz) Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <F464vw.KGn@T-FCN.Net> Sender: news@T-FCN.Net Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: Organization: needs one References: <75d2n7$3rh$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 16:09:31 GMT In <75d2n7$3rh$> Lee Altenberg wrote: > So, do I just hook in into the phone jack and my NeXTstation ethernet > port, call the phone company, and it works? As long as you have DHCP running, yes. That is, if your provider uses DHCP, mine does. Maury
Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 20:18:04 +0000 From: Bjarni Thor Juliusson <> Organization: ObjectBox Ltd. MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: HP Vectra-2940-Seagate install problem Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------109D87FA1079598836F91A7A" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------109D87FA1079598836F91A7A Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, we are installing OPENSTEP 4.2 on a Vectra PC HP MMX server. After configuring SCSI disks, CD and controller. We installed OPENSTEP on the active drive and all looked right. After the reboot the system asks for all the default drivers PS/2 serial mouse and five other default drivers which I thought was installed in beginning of the process. I have Installed OS 4.2 on other slower Intel based but never seen this before. Has anyone seen this? Bye Bjarni Thor --------------109D87FA1079598836F91A7A Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Bjarni Thor Juliusson Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Bjarni Thor Juliusson n: Juliusson;Bjarni Thor org: ObjectBOX Ltd. adr: Asvallagata 13;;;Reykjavik;;101;Iceland email;internet: tel;work: 3545507708 tel;fax: 3545507709 tel;home: 3545623324 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: TRUE end: vcard --------------109D87FA1079598836F91A7A--
From: (MSmith) Newsgroups: Subject: Next Laser Printer Help Needed Date: 18 Dec 1998 21:14:09 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I recently purchased a Next Laser printer, but unfortunately it is not working. Every time I send a print job out, I receive one sheet with four (4) white horizontal lines and the rest of the page mostly black or black streaks. The print monitor routine merely suggests a hardware fault. Does anyone have any clues? Thanks, Mark Smith
From: (Godwin) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Followup-To:, Date: 18 Dec 1998 17:48:07 GMT Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Message-ID: <75e4gn$8el$> References: <75d2sm$4ds$> essentially yes.. but most ADSL offered uses DCHP so you have to set your NeXT appropriately.. eerr that is don't expect to get it setup for you by the phone company;-) I would recommend using a cheap 486 box running FreeBSD or linux as a firewall.. at least the security problems on those OS is more uptodate and easier to manage than NS. godwin
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse? Date: 19 Dec 1998 02:23:52 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Distribution: world Message-ID: <75f2no$75i$> References: <75dmu3$sok$> <75docm$4pe$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Dec 1998 02:23:52 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Helmut Heller <> wrote: > In article <75dmu3$sok$> Mark Becker wrote: >> Helmut Heller <> wrote: >> > The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! >> > One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to >> > provide term power. >> >> Okay, time to pull the internal drive and check for blown fuses on >> the electronics. I pulled the internal drive (a Maxtor XT-8380S) this evening and started checking things out. The drive is jumpered so that termination power comes from the drive. An ohmmeter check shows that the jumper (JP-41) does not supply termination power to the bus. The resistor packs are installed. So the internal end of the bus is terminated. The SCSI fuse (a small 1 amp type near the jumper) tests good.. and so does the series diode. The internal end of the cable is terminated.. the external end is terminated.. and I'm still getting "incomplete transfers" with both a DEC RZ24L-E and a Quantum 80S. The external Maxtor (XT-8760S) is fine. Both the RZ and Quantum drives work perfectly with an Adaptec 1522 controller in a PC. My background is test equipment engineering and I'm used to trouble- shooting-by-elimination. But this one has me going in circles. Is there some strangeness about certain distances with SCSI cabling that I have to worry about? Here is a picture of what I'm dealing with: ----+ +---------+ +---------------------------------------+ '040 cube | | RZ23L-E | | XT-8760S | |---| |-----| resistor packs IN, power from drive | XT-8360S | +---------+ +---------------------------------------+ resistor | packs in, | term power | from drive | The RZ and XT-8760S drives are in an external expansion box with it's own 150 watt power supply. The supplies (+5 and +12) look fine on an oscilloscope. No resistor packs on the RZ23L-E. There is a two-foot double shielded SCSI cable from the back of the cube to the back of the expansion box. The back of the '040 cube has one of those mini-50 pin connectors while the expansion box uses the older 50-pin Centronics-style connector. For those following this thread and picking nits.. yes, the adapter cable being used has the correct kind of mounting clip for the cube.. and is firmly seated in the socket. For what it is worth (and the *really* frustrating thing about all this): the system still runs without the RZ drive.. and I've backed up the internal drive to OD. If the system wouldn't run at all then perhaps I'd have a handle on the problem. Help figuring this out would be appreciated. It's gotta be something so dumb that I'm looking at it and not seeing it. Regards, Mark
From: (MSmith) Newsgroups: Subject: Scanner Help Needed Date: 19 Dec 1998 03:47:13 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> Does anyone have a driver that supports the Microtek E6 scanner. Does NextStep/OpenStep have generic drivers? Thanks, Mark Smith
From: "K. SHIM" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Help: OPENSTEP mount for Toshiba select-bay CD-ROM Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 01:12:59 +0100 Organization: NeuroDyne Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit bonjour! I've OPENSTEP 4.1 Mach for Intel on my Toshiba 440CDX which has a "select bay CD-ROM player". It had been mounted perfectly during the installation but i could not find it or mount it after new startup. Some informations or any suggestion will be appreciated. Merci d'avance!!! P.S.: I've also some problems with Yamaha OPL3-SAx sound card (compatible with SB 16 Pro) and VideoDisplay Driver for Chip & Tech. 65554.
From: "Pascal Olivier" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Megapixel on PC Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 12:53:32 +0100 Organization: Wanadoo - (Client of French Internet Provider) Message-ID: <75g426$6hd$> Hi, I would like to connect a Next 21" Megapixel color monitor on a PC. Is there any adapters available ? Thanks pascal Olivier
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Terminator power pin wired to 4.3 volts? [Was Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse?] Date: 19 Dec 1998 13:05:54 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Distribution: world Message-ID: <75g8bi$g0s$> References: <75dc2j$ovk$> <75dcrm$liq$> <75dmu3$sok$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Dec 1998 13:05:54 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Mark Becker <> wrote: > Helmut Heller <> wrote: >> The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! >> One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to >> provide term power. > Mumble.... cube processor board doesn't supply terminator power? Last night I was using an ohmmeter to check wires in various SCSI cables and got a slight surprise. If the cube's processor board doesn't supply terminator power, then why is there an approximately .7 volt drop between the terminator power pin (measured at the end of a cable that plugs into the mini-50 SCSI socket) and the +5 volt bus? Or is there something in the SCSI specification that says the initiator must place some kind of voltage on that line to indicate the initiator exists? Regards, Mark
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: 19 Dec 1998 08:06:33 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <75giu9$> References: <75d2sm$4ds$> <75e4gn$8el$> In article <75e4gn$8el$>, Godwin <> wrote: >essentially yes.. but most ADSL offered uses DCHP so you have to set your >NeXT appropriately.. eerr that is don't expect to get it setup for you by >the phone company;-) I would recommend using a cheap 486 box running >FreeBSD or linux as a firewall.. at least the security problems on those >OS is more uptodate and easier to manage than NS. > Setting up a NeXT computer to use a DSL line is a piece of cake. Start with SimpleInternetStarter, set up your NeXT network, go into HostManager, insert all your network info and go. Some people perfer to pass on SIS and just use HM. It's easy, but expensive. I'd recommend you get a 190 kbps adapter/modem since most ISPs charge the same amount now for either connection. I paid around $140 for installation, and an additional $400 for my 144 kbps modem, and now pay $149 a month for my connection. I'm in the process now of changing my DSL account to another provider who charges $89 a month. Can't say I agree that most DSL connections use DCHP since your router has to have a static IP and most ISPs give you several IPs so you can connection several machines to the internet from that router. I got 4 IPs with slipnet and I'm supposed to get 10 with my new provider, dspeed. You don't need any special software, the NeXT operating system is all you need. Firewall software is available for NeXTSTEP and, in spite of Gordon's post, I wouldn't conclude that you could set up something fairly secure. Having to run a 486 with Linux just so you could run a NeXT box on the internet would be too noisy and take up too much room for someone telecommuting. See for more firewall info. Emmett
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 20 Dec 1998 04:45:18 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( ) Michael Pizolato ( ) Dan Grillo ( )
From: (David Evans) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Free slot in NeXTstation Date: 21 Dec 1998 23:16:34 GMT Organization: University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> References: <Pine.SUN.4.05.9812211321060.10407-100000@gray> Cache-Post-Path:! In article <Pine.SUN.4.05.9812211321060.10407-100000@gray>, Andang Kustamsi <> wrote: >Dear NeXT community, > >In my NeXTstation TurboColor there is a free slot in the center of the >motherboard. Is it memory slot for DSP? > Yes. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) Computer/Synth Junkie University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: (MSmith) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Next Laser Printer Help Needed Date: 20 Dec 1998 23:57:33 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> On 12/20/98 a gentlemen named Uli responded with additional information. Can anyone take time out to help us debug this problem. I for one am willing to buy parts right away to get this printer back on line. Thanks, Mark Smith Hi Mark! On 12/18/98 in the group you wrote: > I recently purchased a Next Laser printer, but unfortunately it is not >working. Every time I send a print job out, I receive one sheet with four (4) >white horizontal lines and the rest of the page mostly black or black streaks. >The print monitor routine merely suggests a hardware fault. Does anyone have >any clues? Unfortunately, I can't help you, but if you get any suggestions, please tell me, for I've got about the same problem. It started with the bottom half of the paper looking like barcodes, and now most of the paper is black. Thanks, Uli
From: akwong@MCS.COM (ANDY K.) Newsgroups: Subject: FS: Mono Next Station Date: 21 Dec 1998 01:59:52 -0600 Organization: /usr/lib/news/organi[sz]ation Distribution: usa Message-ID: <75kv5o$29l7$> Posting this for a friend: Mono NextStation forsale 20Mb RAM 1Gb HD Mono MegaPixel Monitor (16") Keyboard, Mouse, NextLaser Printer, Modem NeXTStep 3 User/Dev + Many software packages Please call CEMIL @ 330 372 7687 if you are interested.
From: (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Terminator power pin wired to 4.3 volts? [Was Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse?] Date: 21 Dec 1998 13:38:27 GMT Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <75lj0j$l1f$> References: <75g8bi$g0s$> In article <75g8bi$g0s$> Mark Becker <> writes: > Mark Becker <> wrote: > > Helmut Heller <> wrote: > >> The NeXT does NOT supply term power at all, so there is no fuse! > >> One of the devices, usually the internal HD has to be enabled to > >> provide term power. > > > Mumble.... cube processor board doesn't supply terminator power? > > Last night I was using an ohmmeter to check wires in various SCSI > cables and got a slight surprise. If the cube's processor board > doesn't supply terminator power, then why is there an approximately .7 > volt drop between the terminator power pin (measured at the end of a > cable that plugs into the mini-50 SCSI socket) and the +5 volt bus? > My guess is that it is the SCSI power supplied by the internal HARD DISK! The 0.7V come from the decoupling diode (in case you have more than one device supplying SCSI power). Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-280-9460 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-289-28823 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PowerBook SCSI Hard Drive in NeXTStation Date: 21 Dec 1998 16:26:43 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <75lss3$1uq$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit "Jason T. Miller" <> wrote: >I have a 500MB hard drive from a broken Apple PowerBook 540c (SCSI) that >I wish to install in a NeXTStation (non-Turbo, mono). Problem is it uses >a bizarre mini-SCSI ribbon cable which seems to carry both power ("rated >5V 500mA") and data. Didn't you ask this question earlier? -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (SwabJob) Newsgroups: Subject: Question re. adding memory to NeXTstation Date: 21 Dec 1998 15:05:40 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> I've got a Color Turbo NeXTstation that I've recently purchased and am trying to get up to speed on. The system has four SIMM slots on the motherboard and it came with 2 8MB SIMMs in slots 0 and 1. I've recently acquired 2 16MB SIMMs from an old Mac and would like to add them but whenever I boot up the system it doesn't seem to recognize the memory properly. As it stands right now, I have the two 16Mb SIMMs in slots 0 and 1 and the two 8MB SIMMs in slots 2 and 3 (I moved the 8MB SIMMs over) and the system reports that it sees an 8MB SIMM in 0, 2 and 3. But nothing in 1! Is there some setup routine I have to initiate for the system to properly recognize changes in memory configuration? I tried this a few months ago with some 8MB SIMMs loaned to me by a friend and got the same erratic results. Any help would be appreciated. Chris
Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 14:14:47 -0600 From: MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: Subject: nextstation turbo (color)? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET Hi, I was wondering what it willl take to make my nextstation turbo to display color. Is it as simple as changing my b/w monitor to a color monitor or do I need to do more than that? thanks in advance Yong email welcome
From: Dan Thorson <> Newsgroups: Subject: NS 3.2 Installation on Intel Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 11:09:33 -0700 Organization: Structured Network Systems, Inc. Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Merry Christmas, I just purchased NS 3.2 User and would like to install it. My question is has anyone made a complete list of which ISA SCSI adapters work with the boot disk? The options I'm given are Adaptec 1542B, DPT 2012-B EISA, and IDE. I only have IDE, but what about the cdrom drive? I have an ISA SCSI adapter made by DTC 3280, one by Seagate ST01 (8 bit w/o floppy connector which is very old), and one by Future Domain (8 bit w/o floppy and no boot rom). My cdrom drive is an old Apple 300i (Sony 2x SCSI). Will that work? About the Adaptec SCSI adapters. Will any 15xx adapter work or just the 1542B? Any help would be appreciated. TIA, Dan Happy New Year!
From: Andang Kustamsi <> Newsgroups: Subject: Free slot in NeXTstation Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:24:08 -0700 Organization: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM USA Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.4.05.9812211321060.10407-100000@gray> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Dear NeXT community, I have one question for you. In my NeXTstation TurboColor there is a free slot in the center of the motherboard. Is it memory slot for DSP? Thanks in advance. Andang
From: (Stephen Williams) Newsgroups: Subject: cheap color printers Date: 22 Dec 1998 01:20:36 GMT Organization: Vanderbilt Univeristy usenet news server Message-ID: <75ms54$nt2$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 22 Dec 1998 01:20:36 GMT Anyone have any recommendations on a cheap color printer that will work under openstep 4.2 for mach on intel hardware? Also, anyone any idea where I could find a print driver for these types of printer? Please reply to -- Stephen H. Williams Dept. Psychiatry, Institute of Developmental Neuroscience, PO Box 152, Vanderbilt University,
From: (Bike1Man1) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT hard drive question Date: 22 Dec 1998 01:36:39 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> The set up NeXTstation Turbo Mono ADB 64 MB ram NeXTstep 3.3 Quantum Fireball SE 2.1GB The problem I just installed NeXTstep user and the machine is telling me I only have 736MB remaining on the hard drive. I was expecting more than a GB. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, (401) 861-MATH
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: '040 can't boot from OD while '030 can? Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:19:24 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <75pjvc$l1d$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:19:24 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Hello * I've replaced the '030 in my cube with an 25 MHz '040. The system boots NextStep 2.1 from the hard drive no problems. Attempts to boot from an OD produce the message: valid label not found Replacing the '040 with the '030 board permits the OD boot. If the system is booted from the SCSI drive, I can insert a cartridge into the OD and WindowManager promptly puts up an icon. So the drive works. I've tried re-writing the boot program to disk. Didn't help. I've tried relabelling the disk (using disk(1)).. Didn't help. Several hours were spent perusing NextAnswers in an effort to see if this problem has been discussed and/or documented. Didn't find anything.. However, my search keywords may have been poor choices. To anyone out there with an '040 cube bootable from OD: what revision level is the ROM in your cube? Regards, Mark
From: "Brent A. Peterson" <"\\bap9\\"@\\\\> Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 08:14:34 -0600 Organization: -- Message-ID: <75o9ga$> References: <75d2n7$3rh$> <F464vw.KGn@T-FCN.Net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Maury Markowitz wrote: > > In <75d2n7$3rh$> Lee Altenberg wrote: > > So, do I just hook in into the phone jack and my NeXTstation ethernet > > port, call the phone company, and it works? > > As long as you have DHCP running, yes. That is, if your provider uses > DHCP, mine does. Ok, prehaps this a stupid question, but how does one set up DHCP on a NeXT?
From: (SwabJob) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: 22 Dec 1998 15:12:35 GMT Organization: AOL References: <75o9ga$> Message-ID: <> Check out
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cheap color printers Date: 22 Dec 1998 16:26:28 GMT Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Message-ID: <75oh7k$1dp0$> References: <75ms54$nt2$> What do you mean by cheap? (Free might be nice) Are you willing to work on it? Free: Ghostscript 5.5 - requires: installation of software components a color printer (find one that is compatible) ? Check out vendors of the ORIGINAL NeXT color printer $350 Lexmark OptraColor 40 postscript requires Win/MacOS to align inkjet cartridges (not necessary, but nice) requires network adapter unless you have intel hardware >$400 Any postscript color printer. You might want to look at Textronix, Xerox, Lexmark, HP (1600C PS) requires network adapter unless you have intel hardware BTW has anyone tried the SCSI Alps printers using NeXT hardware? Fred +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Frederick G. Haibach | | Department of Chemistry | | University of New Mexico | | >>>>> ++++++ <<<<< | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
From: "Michael Olan" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Megapixel on PC Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 01:23:38 +0800 Organization: Personal Message-ID: <75okj9$r23$> References: <75g426$6hd$> Try Software Integrators for a card: Pascal Olivier wrote in message <75g426$6hd$>... >Hi, > >I would like to connect a Next 21" Megapixel color monitor on a PC. >Is there any adapters available ? >Thanks > >pascal Olivier > > >
From: (Donald N. Petcher) Newsgroups: Subject: Monitor dimming question Date: 22 Dec 1998 17:39:32 GMT Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Message-ID: <75olgk$ikn$> I have a monochrome Nextstation Turbo ADB with an N4000B monitor. The monitor appears to be going dim like the old N4000A monitors do, but I thought the N4000B monitors were not supposed to do this. Anything else that could be wrong? Anything that can be done short of tracking down another monitor? Cheers, Don Petcher
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor dimming question Date: 22 Dec 1998 20:49:54 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <75p0li$7jr$> References: <75olgk$ikn$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Donald N. Petcher) wrote: > I have a monochrome Nextstation Turbo ADB with an N4000B monitor. The > monitor appears to be going dim like the old N4000A monitors do, but I > thought the N4000B monitors were not supposed to do this. Anything else > that could be wrong? Anything that can be done short of tracking down > another monitor? The 'B' version was supposed to have a lifespan of around 40,000 hours, which is around three times the lifespan of the 'A' version. That does not mean a B will last forever, unfortunately. Try doing the internal adjustment for dimming described in the FAQ and see how much room you've got on the brightness pot. Other people have taken these monitors to a TV repair place with a "zapitator" and have said it helped. -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (Donald N. Petcher) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor dimming question Date: 22 Dec 1998 23:39:00 GMT Organization: Washington University in St. Louis Message-ID: <75paik$lil$> References: <75olgk$ikn$> <75p0li$7jr$> In article <75p0li$7jr$>, Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: > (Donald N. Petcher) wrote: >> I have a monochrome Nextstation Turbo ADB with an N4000B monitor. The >> monitor appears to be going dim like the old N4000A monitors do, but I >> thought the N4000B monitors were not supposed to do this. Anything else >> that could be wrong? Anything that can be done short of tracking down >> another monitor? > >The 'B' version was supposed to have a lifespan of around 40,000 hours, which >is around three times the lifespan of the 'A' version. That does not mean a >B will last forever, unfortunately. > Yup, 40,000 hours would be about right for this monitor. >Try doing the internal adjustment for dimming described in the FAQ and see >how much room you've got on the brightness pot. Wouldn't you know, I looked all over the place in Nextanswers and in my own archived information, but forgot to check the FAQ. I just read through your instructions and it looks pretty straightforward. Thanks for pointing them out. If that doesn't work... >Other people have taken >these monitors to a TV repair place with a "zapitator" and have said it >helped. > I had rather thought of trying to hook the Next up to another monitor if possible, which I could then subsequently use for a replacement computer next year. (A Mac, naturally.) I have found the cable pinouts for the "monochrome monitor" in a file I saved long ago (which I believe is the same list that appears in Nextanswers), but the file makes no mention of the ADB vs non-ADB pinouts or other variations in these monitors. Do you know if they are the same? Any problem with this idea? I haven't heard much about it for monochrome machines, which makes me suspicious that it may not be possible for some reason. Thanks much. Cheers, Don >-Chuck > > Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. > ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- > You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: no.spam.please@no.spam.period Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit References: <75d2n7$3rh$> <F464vw.KGn@T-FCN.Net> <75o9ga$> <75pnki$> Message-ID: <dD_f2.547$> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 04:49:13 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 20:49:13 PDT Organization: @Home Network There is a package for dhcp2.0b1pl6 (note that this is a beta) on peak for OpenStep at This is compiled for OpenStep 4.2 (Intel and m68k) only, although the bpf the package installs works on NS 3.3 or OpenStep 4.2 (Intel and m68k). I tested this with one cablemodem provider that used dhcp and it works fine, but configuring the /etc/dhclient.conf script to work with your particular (ISP) provider can be tricky. Tim Luoma's page has very clear, detailed instructions on setting Netinfo up for a static ip address in his "articles": JP -- Please respond to (slight mods needed to address): jpmeia (@ ) NeXTMail/MIME welcome
From: Blake Patterson <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Wanted: BOOK, "The NeXT Book" Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 00:04:22 -0500 Organization: Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm looking to buy a book that came out long before the first NeXT machine actually shipped called The NeXT Book or The NeXT Bible or something. Fairly thick paperback, black partially. Thanks. bp -- =-------- ---- -- - - - - - - =-Blake Patterson -- -- =------Blake's PC to Macintosh Page----Blake's Nino Info Page------= - - - - - - - -- ---- -------------=
Newsgroups: Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:55:30 -0500 From: "R. Stricklin (kjaeros)" <> Subject: Re: NeXT hard drive question In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> References: <> Predicate: There are more things in heaven and earth... MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On 22 Dec 1998, Bike1Man1 wrote: > Quantum Fireball SE 2.1GB > > The problem > > I just installed NeXTstep user and the machine is telling me > I only have 736MB remaining on the hard drive. I was expecting > more than a GB. The install routine almost certainly partitioned the disk into two 1 GB partitions. Try making a filesystem on /dev/rsd0b -- ok r. r e d @ b e a r s . o r g =========================== [ urs longa | vita brevis ]
Newsgroups:, From: gtf[@] (Geoffrey T. Falk) Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? References: <75d2n7$3rh$> <F464vw.KGn@T-FCN.Net> <75o9ga$> <75pnki$> Organization: For circumcision information, Originator: gtf@theorem Message-ID: <qo0g2.4286$> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 06:49:58 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:49:58 PDT In article <75pnki$>, Emmett McLean <> wrote: >Brent A. Peterson <"\\bap9\\"@\\\\> wrote: >> >>Ok, prehaps this a stupid question, but how does one set up DHCP >>on a NeXT? I have DHCP working under 3.2 (black). It took me 4 days of reading RFCs, much help from people on this newsgroup, and days of poking around in the source code before I could make it work. It is based on the dhcp-970609mach package. I can send my patches and further instructions to anyone who is interested. Note that I am using the "At Home" cable modem service. This requires a certain setup in the configuration file, that may not be applicable to other services such as ADSL. With this, you'd be on your own. g. -- I conceal nothing. It is not enough not to lie. One should strive not to lie in a negative sense by remaining silent. ---Leo Tolstoy ADDRESS ALTERED TO DEFLECT SPAM. UNSOLICITED E-MAIL ADS BILLED $500 Geoffrey T. Falk <gtf(@)>
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Strange Problems with YAMAHA CDRW 4260 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 02:44:38 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <75plem$flo$> References: <753rg8$jrs$> I have an Asus P2B-LS motherboard with onboard SCSI. I have a Plextor SCSI CD drive works fine. However when I plug in a Yamaha 4260TI CD-RW drive into the 50 pin SCSI chain, the PC locks up and forces a cold boot, then comes up in safe mode and does not see any CDRom devices in Device Manager. Even if I take the Plextor off and solely have the Yamaha with ID 1 and terminated, it goes into safe mode every time. The same Yamaha drive works fine in my other PC connected to a different Adaptec 2940U controller, so I am certain that the drive is OK. It makes no difference whether the Yamaha is terminated and the only device, or not terminated and having the Plextor drive terminated, it always comes up in safe mode. The Yamaha is flashed with the latest firmware (1.0q) rev. I was previously advised to terminate the 3860 80MB/s Ultra2 Wide SCSI (even though there is nothing connected to it) and to place a passive terminator block on the end of the 50 pin cable which the yamaha is connected to rather than using the terminator jumper on the drive itself, but this did not work either. I beleive it is an incompatability between the SCSI chipset and the Yamaha. All advise or suggestions are welcome! In article <753rg8$jrs$>, wrote: > I hooked a CDRW-4260 on the SCSI bus and my system on a IBM fixed disk > hangs with SCSI errors sometimes. Everything is terminated correctly. > It never mind if the CDRW is connected internal or external etc. Very > strange. Only when the currents come delayed, all functions well. > SCSI-Reset doesn't do anything. It must have something to do with > sequence of the different currents. > Has anyone similar problems...?? > > Henry > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: ADSL for NeXT Hardware? Date: 22 Dec 1998 19:21:54 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <75pnki$> References: <75d2n7$3rh$> <F464vw.KGn@T-FCN.Net> <75o9ga$> Brent A. Peterson <"\\bap9\\"@\\\\> wrote: > >Ok, prehaps this a stupid question, but how does one set up DHCP >on a NeXT? You've got me. Timothy Luomat said he knew it could be done and posted here asking for pointers, but no one responded. Emmett
From: Mark Becker <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: '040 can't boot from OD while '030 can? Date: 23 Dec 1998 04:18:10 GMT Organization: UMass Lowell Message-ID: <75pqu2$ng0$> References: <75pjvc$l1d$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 23 Dec 1998 04:18:10 GMT User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) Hello * I just powered up the cube and caught the monitor revision: ROM Monitor 3.1 v71 Is there a later revision? Regards, Mark
From: (Fluids) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT hardware Date: 23 Dec 1998 08:54:16 GMT Organization: AOL Message-ID: <> Are there any diagrams and fully documented info on NeXT hardware, specifically the turbo color slab? this stuff is so old it took me ten minutes to realize that the modem and ethernet card and everything else is embedded. Duh. Thanks, brandon
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: cheap color printers Date: 22 Dec 1998 17:39:25 GMT Organization: AOL References: <75oh7k$1dp0$> Message-ID: <> Fred said: <<BTW has anyone tried the SCSI Alps printers using NeXT hardware?>> I'd be very interested in this as well. (I've got a Printiva 600C which is really nice and with which I've been quite pleased). The ALPS 5000 has intriguing specs and capabilities. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT hardware Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <> Message-ID: <Fybg2.1011$> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:31:49 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 14:31:49 EDT In <> Fluids wrote: > Are there any diagrams and fully documented info on NeXT hardware, specifically > the turbo color slab? this stuff is so old it took me ten minutes to realize > that the modem and ethernet card and everything else is embedded. Duh. Thanks, > brandon Um... that's not a modem jack. I'm guessing you are looking at the RJ-45 Ethernet plug (which looks like a phone jack). It and the other connector are 2 ways to use en0 (ethernet connection). Many modems will do, but you will need a special NeXT modem cable (see 'man zs' or get one from or a Mac modem cable is not the same thing despite many rumors) TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor dimming question Date: 23 Dec 1998 19:32:34 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <75rggi$dng$> References: <75olgk$ikn$> <75p0li$7jr$> <75paik$lil$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Donald N. Petcher) wrote: >In article <75p0li$7jr$>, >Charles W. Swiger <> wrote: [ ... ] >> Try doing the internal adjustment for dimming described in the FAQ and >> see how much room you've got on the brightness pot. > >Wouldn't you know, I looked all over the place in Nextanswers and in my >own archived information, but forgot to check the FAQ. I just read >through your instructions and it looks pretty straightforward. Thanks for >pointing them out. Sure.... [ ... ] > ...but the file makes no mention of the ADB vs non-ADB pinouts or other > variations in these monitors. Do you know if they are the same? I think so, barring the minor difference in refresh rate (72 for ADB, 68 for non). > Any problem with this idea? Finding a monitor that's compatible with the 4-tone greyscale output of a NeXT. I doubt one would work with that and a (presumably) color Mac.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: "Andy Dunn" <> Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Wanted: BOOK, "The NeXT Book" Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 15:46:20 -0500 Organization: OpNet -- Greater Philadelphia Internet Service Message-ID: <75rkrn$nqb$> References: <> You seem to be mixing the two. "The NeXT Book" came out first. It was a sleek black book by Bruce Webster (Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-15851-X) and covered up to NeXTStep 0.9. It was only 387 pages. "The NeXT Bible" had a gray cover (I can't find my copy now...) and was MUCH thicker. A lot of that volume was the result of an ls -lR from the root directory (i.e. a listing of every file on the hard disk). Which are you after? Blake Patterson wrote in message <>... >I'm looking to buy a book that came out long before the first NeXT >machine actually shipped called The NeXT Book or The NeXT Bible or >something. Fairly thick paperback, black partially. > > Thanks. > > >bp >-- > >=-------- ---- -- - - - - - - >=-Blake Patterson -- -- >=------Blake's PC to Macintosh Page----Blake's Nino Info Page------= >- - - - - - - -- ---- -------------=
Newsgroups: From: frederic@deneb (Frederic GALOT) Subject: Cant format my disk!! Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: x&lan Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:46:32 GMT I've got this SCSI disk : QUANTUM VIKING 4.5 NSE. After a crash I did some fsck but don't manage to have my disk clean. So I've done a sdform but it did'nt succeeded. By reading NextAnswers I've found sdformat an try to low level format my disk with it. I though it ended successfully but my disk -i don't work. What to do? Thanks for help. -- --------------------------------------- ® ® | ® O_O ® ® | O_O -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Fred Galot
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: PC hardware: need a fan to cool the tower Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <W_jg2.1188$> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 05:08:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 00:08:06 EDT OK, I know what I'm looking for, but so far no salesdrone has been able to grasp what I want. <TjL dials phone.... waits on hold while being told his call is very important> sales: Good morning and thank you for calling my name is Biff and I'll be wasting your time this morning" TjL: Hi.. I'm looking for a fan for my computer... not for the processor, but for the hard drives, etc. You know, something to circulate the air better. sales: Uh huh... sure.... ok... <klicks on keyboard> We have a cooling fan for a pentium and pentium II" TjL: no, not the processor, the hard drives... the processor already has a cooling fan on it. sales: Oh.... well.... um.... I don't think we have those. So, am I missing something? Is there a special name for this type of device? Can anyone recommend a company which might know what the heck I'm looking for? Thanks and Merry Christmas TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: (Fluids) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: NeXT hardware Date: 24 Dec 1998 05:15:58 GMT Organization: AOL References: <Fybg2.1011$> Message-ID: <> >Um... that's not a modem jack. I'm guessing you are looking at the RJ-45 Ethernet plug (which looks like a phone jack). > It and the other connector are 2 ways to use en0 (ethernet connection). >Many modems will do, but you will need a special NeXT modem cable (see 'man zs' or get one from or a Mac modem cable is not the same thing despite many rumors) TjL yes yes, i said modem. it was three in the morning, and i was tired. woopsie me =)
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: PC hardware: need a fan to cool the tower Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <W_jg2.1188$> Message-ID: <FIkg2.1217$> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 05:56:53 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 00:56:53 EDT Scott Anguish pointed me in the right direction: The 2nd was exactly what I was thinking of. Any experiences / further suggestions greatly appreciated. TjL ps -- I've already emailed the URLs to 'sales@' the places which were clueless as to what I was looking for.... fwiw.... -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups: Subject: cmsg cancel <75t0im$> Control: cancel <75t0im$> Date: 24 Dec 1998 09:24:42 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.75t0im$> Sender: Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Newsgroups: Subject: The Interactive Dance Compilation you can play and Mix on your PC!! 147 Date: 24 Dec 1998 12:19:48 GMT Organization: Centro Servizi Interbusiness Message-ID: <75tbh4$gjq$> The Interactive Dance Compilation you can play and Mix on your PC!! The best dance hits of '90 and 98 together in Discoparade the first double compilation that you can play and Mix ! Discoparade is the one and only interactive compilation ! oregzmocnyodspcnxfztjkrtgkzdnvitgzyrejvfigmzgrvbbubcdcuztgmyfzzdzmlghnqdxlxmdxnzzhruxyoqiewhutgzholo
From: (Bike1Man1) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Good replacement for IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-2 disk? Date: 24 Dec 1998 22:46:13 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> >Seagate Barracuda 2Gig Fast-SCSI 2... Trust me it works. How do I know? I >worked at NeXT and Apple Enterprise and my primary duties were System Support >on >all platforms.. > >It should use the standard fstab and disktab entries with 512 byte blocks.. >Go >to Seagates site and see if they still sell it... > > wrote: > >> I have the following originally NeXT-supplied 5.25 inch drive in my cube >(as >> swapdisk): >> IBM DSAS-3540 Rev S47W >> Disk Capacity 522MB, Device Block 512 bytes >> This disk is starting to make noise, so I am expecting end-of-life in it. >> Besides the noise is sometimes uncomfortable. So I am looking for a good >> replacement. So, what is a good Narrow-Fast-SCSI (SCSI-2), low-noise, long >> life (5400 rpm is fine) HD as a replacement for this disk? >> >> -- If you can't find the Segate, Dirt Cheep Drives sells 2.1GB Quatum Fireball (8.5ms 5400RPM 512KB) for $200.00 I just installed mine in my NeXTstation Turbo and the improvement is noticable. I had a Quantum Lighting. (401) 861-MATH
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Monitor dimming question Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 11:31:56 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: Message-ID: <> References: <75olgk$ikn$> <75p0li$7jr$> "Charles W. Swiger" <> wrote: >The 'B' version was supposed to have a lifespan of around 40,000 hours, which >is around three times the lifespan of the 'A' version. That does not mean a >B will last forever, unfortunately. > >Try doing the internal adjustment for dimming described in the FAQ and see >how much room you've got on the brightness pot. Other people have taken >these monitors to a TV repair place with a "zapitator" and have said it >helped. What definitely helps is opening it and putting a micro-switch on the power for the kathode (the glow spiral power. not the high voltage). I have now a monitor that has a small switch on the back and it can just be turned off (the CRT can), while the rest stays working. My cube runs 24/24 but the monitor is only on when I'm using it. --- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall
From: pb@Colorado.EDU (PB Schechter) Newsgroups: Subject: Questions about ROM chip (for cube, if that matters) Date: 25 Dec 1998 19:36:16 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Message-ID: <760pfg$> NNTP-Posting-User: pb I have a cube motherboard with a bad ROM. I know because I have another cube motherboard with a good ROM, and if I swap the ROM from the good motherboard into the bad motherboard, the bad motherboard suddenly becomes good. (I didn't try it the other way around--perhaps I should have.) The bad ROM is 2.1 (very pretty label: actually printed, not just sort of "typed", with the NeXT logo, and all). So my questions are: (1) Can I get "any" version of ROM for the cube motherboard (my good motherboard has 2.5)? (2) Is there any difference between cube and slab ROMs? Are these ROMs readily available anywhere (e.g., Orb, or DeepSpace)? (4) Is it possible that this ROM will work on a different motherboard (this could be related to the answer to (2))? Finally (5), the motherboard with the bad ROM has a socketed '040, while the one with the good ROM does not. Why was this, and is there anything good or bad about socketing vs. soldering (except for ease of replacement)? The socketed motherboard is slightly earler than the soldered one, judging from serial numbers (about 0013XXX for soldered, 0012XXX for socketed). On a somewhat related note, I have a turbo-mono motherboard, with a 25 MHz '040 soldered onto it. What is the history of these 25 MHz turbos? Are they upgradeable? (The '040 is soldered, unfortunately; I am reasonably skilled with a soldering iron, but not *that* skilled!) Thanks in advance. PB Schechter
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Questions about ROM chip (for cube, if that matters) Date: 26 Dec 1998 00:02:18 GMT Organization: AOL References: <760pfg$> Message-ID: <> PB Schechter said: >On a somewhat related note, I have a turbo-mono motherboard, with a 25 >MHz '040 soldered onto it. What is the history of these 25 MHz turbos? While I am not qualified to comment on the rest of your missive, this at least, I can (fairly confidently) shed some light on. When the Turbo machines were originally introduced, the cost difference between the 25 and 33MHz chips was significant, also significant was the overhead of swapping the assembly line from the production of one sort of machine to another. To minimize the latter expense, according to an article in NeXTWorld, NeXT standardized on the Turbo setup insofar as it was possible and switched between machine types by swapping chips in one (or more?) machine(s) and sticking a silver turbo pin on appropriate machines. Happy Christmas! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Disconnecting mono monitor with power on Date: 26 Dec 1998 23:38:40 GMT Organization: Arizona State University Message-ID: <763s20$t2a$> I've looked at the FAQ and searched DejaNews re booting a monochrome NeXTStation without a monitor ("headless"). But I still have a question. Suppose you're is content to keep the monochrome monitor around for those rare times when you need to reboot. Can you just disconnect the monochrome monitor with the power on? Is this dangerous? Would it ruin the machine? If it's a reasonable option, which would be better -- disconnecting the cable from the NeXTStation first or disconnecting the cable from the MegaPixel display? Many thanks. -- invert: jdevlin insert: shift "2"
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Installing OS42 on a 9.1 gig drive? Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <763bp4$> Message-ID: <9veh2.315$> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 23:41:57 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 18:41:57 EDT A reply to this post has been issued on It was not posted here since the original poster did not cross-post his message properly, and therefore I didn't know he had posted it here until I read this group. Since posting my reply here would only serve to increase the problem of the originally mis-posted crosspost, I will ask anyone interested to please checkout my reply on, and keep the thread going over there. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups: Subject: Cube '040 ROM versions? Date: 26 Dec 1998 16:57:09 GMT Organization: U-Mass/Lowell, MA Message-ID: <7634h5$rlt$> NNTP-Posting-Date: 26 Dec 1998 16:57:09 GMT Summary: Cube 68040 25 MHz Monitor ROM question. Keywords: Cube Monitor ROM. User-Agent: tin/pre-1.4-980618 (UNIX) (ULTRIX/4.5 (RISC)) There seem to be a medium-sized set of ROM revisions inside cubes. Has anyone ever compiled what problems each revision was supposed to take care of? My '040 cube has a 3.1 v71 ROM and there are a few ..problems.. I've been running into (can't boot from the OD is one). Regards, Mark
From: "NeXTcube" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Installing OS42 on a 9.1 gig drive? Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 14:02:57 -0500 Organization: ICGNetcom Message-ID: <763bp4$> I bought a new 9.1gig screaming SCSI drive to install OS42 on. It will be the only drive in the system (Intel CPU). My wife wants to use Windblows, so I need to install both OSs on this drive. The problem I get is with the bios (I am using a 2940UW card). The error I get is: fdisk: Bogus disk information in BIOS. You probably need to check your SCSI or IDE card setup. (which I did check and bios is enabled) This drive is identified as having 8709meg. (512byte blocks) What, if anything, can I do to get this to work? I don't want to boot from another drive then use this as a second drive because I don't have another drive and I want the benefits of the speed of this drive. (I guess I need to buy the 4.5gig version of this drive, eh?) Please email your responses and I will post a summary. Thank you in advance, and Happy Holidays to everyone! Gary
From: Newsgroups:, Subject: Does this disk work in a NeXT system? Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 13:04:01 GMT Organization: R&A Sender: Message-ID: <> Hot swappable drive (but I'm not going to hot-swap it), officially supports SCSI-2.$wwwpartnumlookup/_94G7492 -- (Gerben Wierda) "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there" Paraphrased in Alice in Wonderland, originally from the Talmud. "Your io is pretty std" -- Larry Wall
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disconnecting mono monitor with power on Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <763s20$t2a$> Message-ID: <Cxgh2.372$> Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 02:01:06 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 21:01:06 EDT In <763s20$t2a$> wrote: > Can you just disconnect the monochrome monitor > with the power on? Yes, you can. You can also run with scissors, eat razorblades, and trust something that Bill Clinton says. > Is this dangerous? Yes, they all are > Would it ruin the machine? Probably not the machine, but the monitor. Gerben Wierda <> posted that he had devised some sort of 'off switch' for his monitor (I think it was him). You might want to check with him. I'd make one of them myself if I had any technical abilities. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Newsgroups:,,,,,,, Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <> Date: 27 Dec 1998 04:45:38 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1994. Some of the many resources on the site include: original YellowBox and Rhapsody articles, mailing list information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to Rhapsody, OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's Rhapsody Developer Release Site These pages are focused on tools and resources you need to develop great Rhapsody software products.. Rhapsody Developer Documentation WebObjects Documentation OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to * saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= The main site for North American submissions formerly (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) eduStep See below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. 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From: "David Smalley" <> Newsgroups: Subject: using a HP LaserJet II with Black hardware Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 15:34:48 -0800 Organization: Public Electronic Access to Knowlege,Inc Message-ID: <766gfp$9i4$> If I were to upgrade my laserjet II to postscript could I use it with my NeXTStep v3.3 slab? Also, what is the best (cost vs. quality) product for the job. I hear there are a number of products that have been developed (i.e. simms & things for the video connection on the printer). Thanks David
From: Terry Gliedt <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disconnecting mono monitor with power on Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 09:49:40 +0800 Organization: United Overseas Bank Message-ID: <> References: <763s20$t2a$> <Cxgh2.372$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CC: Terry Gliedt <> Yes - you can run the slab without a monitor. Long ago I posted detailed instructions on how to do this. The effort was confirmed by several people (including myself). I'll dig out the post and repost it. TjL wrote: > In <763s20$t2a$> wrote: > > > Can you just disconnect the monochrome monitor > > with the power on? > > Yes, you can. > You can also run with scissors, eat razorblades, and trust something that > Bill Clinton says. -- ================================================================ Terry Gliedt United Overseas Bank Personal Email:
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: Printers for NeXT black ? Date: 26 Dec 1998 05:41:41 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <761sul$> Recently, my very young (on 2nd toner) NeXTLaser was failed (reporting Printer Cover Open but the cover is close). It is too expensive to ship it from Hong Kong to US for repair. And the NeXTLaser at < US$100 seems not exist anymore. (even with US$100, with $150 shipping, the total will become > $250). What're the cheap alternative printer works for the black ? Since the NeXT has only SCSI, ethernet and serial port for connecting printer, low cost HP DeskJet and DeskWriter seems doesn't work. For network postscript printer, it costs > US$1000. Any options ? Mr.Sai-kee Wong
From: (Wong Sai-kee) Newsgroups: Subject: Circuitry for NeXTLaser ? Date: 27 Dec 1998 01:50:52 GMT Organization: Engineering Faculty CUHK Message-ID: <7643ps$> As I posted, my NeXTLaser was malfunction. It reported "Printer Cover Opened" but the cover is actually closed. From years of hardware servicing experience, these are mostly simply fault like micro-switch mis-aligned, bad contact, lost connection to sensor, power supply failure in sensing circuitry, ... Something like that can be easily got fixed. I don't want to take effort to wrap and pack the printer and send the printer to US at the cost of US$300 - 500 for the round trip. What I need is something like service manual, theory of operation of the printer, block diagram, system connection diagram, circuitry, ... Such that I can trace the fault. I know Canon doesn't release it, but is there any bit and piece of info around such subjects ? I asked for help from 2 service parties and I'm willing to pay for the consultation fee, but they aren't interest and didn't reply to me. Thanks. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year ! SK
From: (ben greenfield) Newsgroups: Subject: looking for goodies for my cube Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 10:37:05 -0400 Organization: cogs Message-ID: <> hi my name is ben, i just got a cube it is so cool and i'm having so much fun a want to add some features to it. i very familar with adding and removing hardware with other systems and i look forward to becoming familar with this cube. i figure that this would be the place to ask questions. the first thing i want to add is a modem i want to use the fax features. then i want to add a cd-rom and replace the floppy with a mo drive. then if i'm still smialing i want to find out what i can put in the three empty slots inside the cube. can i put additional motherboards in there? graphics cards? color monitors? tablets? ....? nothing? anyway if anyone has old junk sitting around that i can attach to the cube i would love to buy it. or if anyone has advice about what works or the gotchas that i'm in store for i would love to hear about it. thanks ben
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 14:56:47 -0600 From: (Scott Johnson) Newsgroups: Subject: Headless, keyboardless black hardware Message-ID: <> Organization: nnnnnnnn Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit I'm sorry if this isn't the appropriate newsgroup, but my question doesn't obviously fall into any of them. Anyway, I want to run my NeXT Turbo Color Station as a headless, keyboardless client in a home network. I know it's a simple matter to make it headless, boot without a monitor, and the documentation that I've run across says that if the hardware doesn't detect a monitor it will start sending it's output to Serial port A. Two questions here: 1. Does it do this if no monitor is attached to the cables, or if there are no cables whatsoever attached to the slab. 2. How can I redirect this to the ethernet port instead of the serial port? Additionally, does the machine require a keyboard attached to boot/reboot? Can I "soft-power on" in any way? Finally, how do I redirect the DPS output to another machine running Gnustep Display Ghostscript? Anybody got any pointers for this? Scott Johnson P.S. It would be best to email replies since my ISP deems the porno newsgroups more important than any others and so I get maybe 1 or 2 posts showing up in this newsgroup ever couple of days.
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: looking for goodies for my cube Date: 27 Dec 1998 21:25:53 GMT Organization: AOL References: <> Message-ID: <> Ben said: >i just got a cube it is so cool and i'm having so much fun a want to add >some features to it. Welcome to the NeXT world! >the first thing i want to add is a modem i want to use the fax features. This attaches to Serial A or B, you'll need to wire up a modem cable special for it, (man zs to get the pinouts) and you'll need to hunt for a compatible modem--take a look at the NXFax software, now shareware available at >then i want to add a cd-rom and replace the floppy with a mo drive. Any SCSI CD-ROM will work, as will any SCSI MO drive (though you may need to hunt up a disktab for the latter)--no need to take out the floppy, which you may need for disaster recovery. >then if i'm still smialing i want to find out what i can put in the three >empty slots inside the cube. > >can i put additional motherboards in there? Yes, you can add an extra motherboard. directions for doing this is in the hardware FAQ. There was a recent discussion here on the different available NeXTBus boards, try to check. >graphics cards? > >color monitors? A NeXTDimension board which provides 24-bit color depth, plus 8-bits for transparency. >tablets? in the NeXTAdmin will make some Wacom tablets work. Recently, Graeme was kind enough to make his up-dated version of this available which supports newer Wacoms such as my ArtZ. I hope that this helps! William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Richard Tilley <Betty> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Terminator power pin wired to 4.3 volts? [Was Does the '040 have a SCSI bus fuse?] Date: 28 Dec 1998 00:44:35 -0600 Organization: Pangea.CA, Inc. Message-ID: <7679cj$> References: <75dc2j$ovk$> <75dcrm$liq$> <75dmu3$sok$> <75g8bi$g0s$> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Dec 1998 06:46:38 GMT Mark Becker <> writes: >Last night I was using an ohmmeter to check wires in various SCSI >cables and got a slight surprise. If the cube's processor board >doesn't supply terminator power, then why is there an approximately .7 >volt drop between the terminator power pin (measured at the end of a >cable that plugs into the mini-50 SCSI socket) and the +5 volt bus? Mark ... What is the voltage between termpower and one of the ground pins? If it is over 5 volts, see if it stays that way with no internal or external drives. ... Richard
From: Newsgroups: Subject: MegaPixel screen tube model information Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 08:03:15 GMT Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion Message-ID: <767e03$10$> Hi, I'm looking to figure out what CRT type is in the various versions of the NeXT b/w MegaPixel displays. N4000, N4000A and N4000B. I have one N4000 that needs to be fixed, and I have one N4000 that has been fixed years ago, but I don't know if the tube that ended up in it is the same that goes into N4000A or N4000B screens. In other words, I'm trying to figure out what parts I need if I want to keep my computer museum functional for years to come. Also, if anyone knows how to get screens from the duck-foot enclosure into the classic case, that would be helpful. I just would like to preserve the look, while I'm getting the screens fixed, after all, this is by now more an issue of maintaining an old-timer in style, than about keeping a machine running for actual use. (By the time the new Apple hardware is out in January, it's time to retire the NeXT hardware for most purposes, after about 10 years, they have done good duty...) Greetings, Ronald PS: please reply to < rcfa @ cubiculum . com > (remove the spaces of course, they are here only as a spam protection...) -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
From: giiktd@ggggg.ggg Newsgroups: Subject: 100s of FREE catalogs! 1897 Date: 27 Dec 1998 23:45:48 GMT Organization: SIAST Message-ID: <766grc$> Choose from 100's of FREE catalogs: Outdoor Collectibiles Automotive Business Children Entertainment Toys Games Pets Fashion Gifts Much Much More!!!!!! Come to fefwlegxfojbspmbxsihzjflhmbjlfokxhwskrgdxndwusicdzoynvksttyjezlxuflziszkqtfzfzwfkltcc
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,alt.gothic,soc.culture.jewish,uk.test,soc.culture.israel,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 28 Dec 1998 11:51:28 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: My From: line has been fudged because many test newsgroup autoresponders respond to control messages. My apologies! Please see the X-Cancelled-By: line for my proper address. Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,alt.gothic,soc.culture.jewish,uk.test,soc.culture.israel,,,,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 28 Dec 1998 11:51:38 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: My From: line has been fudged because many test newsgroup autoresponders respond to control messages. My apologies! Please see the X-Cancelled-By: line for my proper address. Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <> Newsgroups:,alt.gothic,soc.culture.jewish,uk.test,soc.culture.israel,,,,,,,, Subject: cmsg cancel <> Control: cancel <> Date: 28 Dec 1998 12:01:23 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <> Sender: My From: line has been fudged because many test newsgroup autoresponders respond to control messages. My apologies! Please see the X-Cancelled-By: line for my proper address. Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: (WillAdams) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Printers for NeXT black ? Date: 28 Dec 1998 13:01:00 GMT Organization: AOL References: <761sul$> Message-ID: <> The low-cost DeskJets and DeskWriters should work--if you can get a serial model and set up either JetPrint, or GhostScript. William William Adams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: "Charles W. Swiger" <> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Headless, keyboardless black hardware Date: 28 Dec 1998 16:27:32 GMT Organization: Internet Access Message-ID: <768bhk$56r$> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit (Scott Johnson) wrote: [ ... ] > 1. Does it do this if no monitor is attached to the cables, or if there > are no cables whatsoever attached to the slab. Shouldn't matter. But you'll probably need to enable the "Serial A is alternate console" option in the ROM monitor. > 2. How can I redirect this to the ethernet port instead of the serial > port? You can't redirect /dev/console through the ethernet. What you can do is have syslogd send messages to a "loghost" over the ethernet, which is close but not identical. Read the friendly man pages. > Additionally, does the machine require a keyboard attached to > boot/reboot? I think no, but a color system lets you have a keyboard without having a monitor, which is more convenient than mono systems. > Can I "soft-power on" in any way? Depends on the ROM revision you have; examine the power preferences as root. You may be able to have the machine power-on automatically.... > Finally, how do I redirect the DPS output to another machine running > Gnustep Display Ghostscript? Anybody got any pointers for this? -NXHost or -NSHost does the equivalent of -display under X. However, I've never heard of remote display of apps working between anything but two NEXTSTEP or OPENSTEP systems. It would be very cool if the DGS in GNUSTEP supported this.... -Chuck Charles Swiger | | Yeah, yeah-- disclaim away. ----------------+-------------------+---------------------------- You have come to the end of your journey. Survival is everything.
From: (TjL) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Disconnecting mono monitor with power on Organization: would be nice MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: <763s20$t2a$> <Cxgh2.372$> <> Message-ID: <WcWh2.1274$> Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 01:26:14 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 20:26:14 EDT In <> Terry Gliedt wrote: > Yes - you can run the slab without a monitor. That's now what was asked. What was asked was "Can you just disconnect the monochrome monitor with the power on?" They are 2 separate issues. TjL -- Spam-altered address in effect, remove obvious portion if replying by email.
From: Terry Gliedt <> Newsgroups: Subject: Powering-up Black Hardware Without a Monitor Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 09:26:54 +0800 Organization: United Overseas Bank Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yes, it *is* possible to run your Black hardware without a monitor. The trick is just to get the NeXT to power on, and boot correctly. This is a rewrite of an older FAQ item attributed to "The Onyx Kitten" <> who no longer is at this mail address. The only reason for redoing this is to make clearer what exactly needs doing and report my personal experiences in this process. My thanks to Justin Sowers <> for his insight and assistance. HARDWARE SETUP The task is to build a DB-19 male plug to replace the DB-19 cable coming from your Black monitor. You can also use the more common DB-25 male plug as a replacement, but you will need to crimp (or remove) the pins on the right-hand side of the DB-25 so they are not in the way. An easily obtainable parts list is as follows: Radio Shack SKU# Qty. Description Price (as of 03/96) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 275-1556 1 2 pack Push-button switches $1.99 271-1317 1 5 pack 470 Ohm, .25 Watt resistors 0.49 276-1549 1 Gray housing for DB-25 connector 1.19 276-1429 1 25 pin male D-sub connector 1.99 Total: $5.66 + tax If you are a stickler for exact parts then you can order DB-19 connectors from: Gateway Electronics of St. Louis, San Diego, and Denver 1-800-669-5810 314-427-6116 VOX 314-427-3147 FAX for $1.50/ea. (as of 3/96). Minimum order for mailing: $10. Many thanks to Carl Lowenstein <> for the pointer to this one. NeXT MegaPixel DB-19 female inside DB-25 male (Connector screwmounts shown for positioning) ________________________________________________ \ _ ................................. / _ \(_) : 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :/ (_) \ : 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 :/ \ ............................./ ---------------------------------------- DB-19 Pinout: 1= +12 V 7= NC 2= -12 V 8= VSYNC 3= MON CLK 9= HSYNC 4= MON DATA OUT 10= VIDEO 5= MON DATA IN 11= +12V 6= MON PWR SWITCH 12= -12V 13-19= GND THE DONGLE Build the following simple circuit with a momentary push button soldered to the 470 ohm resistor. This assembly should then be wired across pins 6 and 19 of the DB-25 shell. If you have an older cube (030 motherboard) then you will need to be sure that the box draws more power than just for the motherboard in order for the machine to stay on. This can happen in ONE of two ways- 1) You have a disk drive, or other power-drawing internal peripheral connected and in use (not that uncommon), -or- 2) You connect a POWER resistor (20 Ohm, at least 20 Watt) across pins 12 and 13 (as labeled for the DB-19 diagram). I do not recommend the power resistor approach, as the resistor gets _very_ hot and remains an active circuit for the time the machine is on. Note: Older NeXT cubes will most likely add the power resistor to get the machine to power up without a monitor. NeXTStation and 040 cube owners do not have to worry about the idiosyncrasies of the older NeXT power supplies. Here's the circuit: \ Momentary push __ \__ | | | | 470 Ohm $ | | | | | v v To DB-25 pins: 6 19 The soldering involved (resistor to switch terminal & connector pin, and wire to switch terminal & connector pin) takes maybe 10 minutes and is not very technical as the pins are individual so you can attach them to your assembly before you put them into the plastic framework the holds them together as a DB-25 (if you are using the RadioShack parts list above). The power resistor mentioned in the FAQ turns out to be unnecessary if you have anything else in the cube that draws power (a disk, etc.). All of this fits nicely into a plastic DB-25 housing with the pushbutton sticking out where the cable would normally exit. NeXT Cube owners will need to shave down the left (as drawn in illustration) side of the housing in order to get the "dongle" to fit (the monitor port is at the very bottom of the motherboard and doesn't afford much clearance past the securing screwmount). SOFTWARE SETUP You'll need to be sure your NeXT ROM Monitor settings are correct and that your O/S is ready to run without a monitor. To start, go into the NeXT ROM Monitor (press Command-Command-~) and set the current configuration settings (from "p" in the boot monitor) like this: boot command: whatever DRAM tests: yes perform power-on system test: yes sound out tests: no SCSI tests: no loop until keypress: no verbose test mode: no boot extended diagnostics: no serial port A is alternate console: yes <- recommendation allow any ROM command even if password protected: whatever allow boot from any device even if password protected: whatever allow optical drive #0 eject even if password protected: whatever A few people report they needed to do nothing more on a Cube (level of OS unknown). In my experience on a NeXTstation (NS 3.2), it was necessary to make these changes in /etc/ttys: console "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" NeXT on secure #console /usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow NeXT on secure window=/usr/lib/NextStep/WindowServer onoption="/usr/etc/getty std.9600" ttya "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" unknown on secure ttyb "/usr/etc/getty std.9600" unknown on secure A WORD TO THE WISE I would recommend that before you do anything, you make sure you get serial port A working as an alternate console. You can do this with a simple null-modem serial cable connection to a DOS machine running kermit (or other simple-minded terminal emulator). If your black box gets a kernel panic (like mine) and you have disabled the console in /etc/ttys, you might be left in a state where you must re-install to get your machine back up. It seems prudent to always have a serial console solution in case something serious happens and you need to be able to see what is going on. Don't forget that you should remove any printer that is configured for serial port A if you are also using serial port A as an alternate console or serial tty. BOOTING WITHOUT A MONITOR Once the DB plug is built, the ROM Monitor settings are correct, your serial A port console works, and /etc/ttys is correct, then simply power down the NeXT, remove the DB-19 monitor cable, attach your new DB plug and press the momentary switch/button. The box should power on and go through its normal boot sequence. You'll see ROM Monitor messages on the console on serial port A (you are using one, aren't you?). CAVEAT EMPTOR I've tried to be very careful about these instructions, but maybe I missed something, or maybe your situation is somehow different from mine. All in all, you are on your own, so be careful. In any case I am not responsible for what you do to your own hardware. -- ================================================================ Terry Gliedt United Overseas Bank Personal Email:
From: "Phil Reyes" <> Subject: ScsI bUs HuNg on 040 cube HELP!! Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:02:42 -0600 Message-ID: <eDXXXBuM#GA.150@upnetnews05> Newsgroups: I have a 040 25mhz cube. Just installed a new 1gb HD. Running consistently for about 300 hours, no problem. I shut it down for 3-4 days and we get a little cold weather and all of a sudden it acts like a '68 VW Bug in the winter. Only thing I did was remove the external CD-Rom (when it was powered down). Question: How can I get this puppy unhung? Any help is appreciated.
From: (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: Subject: 2 scsi cards in one intel machine? Date: 28 Dec 1998 22:08:17 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <769rkh$> Hi, Can one have two SCSI cards in the same machine running NeXTSTEP 3.3? I have a 2742 EISA/Adaptec card in my Pentium 150 and would like to add a 2940 UW in one of the machine's PCI slots. Thanks, Emmett
From: (Georg Schwarz) Newsgroups: Subject: NeXT Colorstation: power supply broken? Date: 29 Dec 1998 10:58:36 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <76acks$1d2$1@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Originator: We have a black NeXT Colorstation which after a power outage can no longer be switched on. It is unclear whether the computer itself might have been the cause of that power outage (it had been running continuously and unattended). The NeXT's on board battery shows 3.03 V, which when hitting the power key on the keyboard drops to 2.97 V. There is no voltage at the power supply's output (black is supposed to be ground, right?). Could it be that the power supply has blown? Does it have an internal fuse? Should we try to open it? Any other hints as to the cause of that problem and how to fix it are welcome. Thanks. -- Georg Schwarz (,, PGP 2.6ui) Institut für Theoretische Physik +49 30 314-24254 FAX -21130 IRC kuroi Technische Universität Berlin
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and