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From: pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net (P.J.L.van Emmerik) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: problems using Windows95 .rtf (from Word) on NEXT3.3 Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 15:40:53 GMT Organization: NLnet Message-ID: <65hftk$7h2$1@news.NL.net> What i want is to move MS-Word documents to NEXT. What i do: safe a MS-Word document as rtf, ftp it to a NEXT, then double click the icon wich results in a window popping up and immediately disapearing again. Same result when the document is renamed to aaa.txt and is opened by Edit.app. Any suggestions? Please Email to: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. Email: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net The Netherlands Phone: +31 74 2558 688 --
From: gottlieb@junior1.nosc.mil (Robert Gottlieb) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: problems using Windows95 .rtf (from Word) on NEXT3.3 Date: 26 Nov 1997 20:22:28 GMT Organization: NCCOSC RDT&E Division, San Diego, CA 92147 Message-ID: <65i0e4$804@poisson.nosc.mil> References: <65hftk$7h2$1@news.NL.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl In <65hftk$7h2$1@news.NL.net> P.J.L.van Emmerik wrote: > What i want is to move MS-Word documents to NEXT. > What i do: safe a MS-Word document as rtf, ftp it to a NEXT, > then double click the icon wich results in a window popping up > and immediately disapearing again. > Same result when the document is renamed to aaa.txt and > is opened by Edit.app. > > Any suggestions? Try using OpenWrite, it's on the peak site at the following url: http://www.peak.org/ftp/pub/next/demos/LighthouseDesign/OpenWrite/ It's actually a full working version with 1 (I think) free license. Anyway, it may do the job. I have found that it doesn't always do the greatest job, but for what you want it sounds like it should work just fine. My guess is that the problem you are running into is this: The MS version of rtf is a superset of rtf used by NEXT, so you probably have some unusable codes in the document as a result. I can't figure out why Edit wouldn't allow you to look at the .txt as an ascii file. You could, however, use Emacs or vi to look at the file in a terminal window. Good luck! Robert Gottlieb -- gottlieb@nosc.mil "The above opinion(s)/statement(s) are not that of SAIC nor NRaD/SPAWAR"
From: "Roger FLATTIN" <rflattin@cornut.fr> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Get an error while installing Rhapsody Date: 26 Nov 1997 21:07:06 GMT Organization: CORNUT Informatique Message-ID: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> Hi, I try to install Rhapsody on a PowerMacintosh 8500 but I get the following message : The disk has an invalid label. (my disk is a Seagate ST32550N. It's SCSI ID is 1 and it is plugged in the internal SCSI bus) The message appears when the installer scan the SCSI bus to display the list of the connected disks. I install it successfully on a 500 Mo hard disk (it was numbered ID 4 on the external SCSI bus). Then I try to configure the /etc/disktab but the disklabel and disk utilities always return error messages. The man pages doesn't clearly explain why a disk must be labelled. Could anybody explain me how it works ? Thanks in advance Roger FLATTIN
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Timothy J. Luoma) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: problems using Windows95 .rtf (from Word) on NEXT3.3 Date: 26 Nov 1997 21:15:46 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <65i3i2$jkk$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <65hftk$7h2$1@news.NL.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl Try CedarWord ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/demos/editors/CedarWord.1.1.NI.b.tar.gz ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/demos/editors/CedarWord.1.1.NIHS.b.tar.gz ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/demos/editors/CedarWord.1.1.README I don't know that it would work for you or not. Sounds like M$ has done wonders to what was a standard of sorts. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Ext Hard Disk Backup?? Date: 26 Nov 1997 18:51:36 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <65hr3o$4np$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> References: <nospam-ya023680002511970437520001@news.slip.net> nospam@please.net (steven gougi) wrote: >I have installed a Mac- Formatted external hard disk onto my NeXT Color >Turbo running NS 3.2, correctly jumpered and terminated. > >Pray tell : >How do I format this disk ? You'll love it. :-) Click Disk->Format Select the disk, chose the type "NextStep", then format. Easy, wasn't it? ;-) >How do I make a complete backup copy of my >internal hard disk to the external, without going to the trouble of >reinstalling and configuring everything from scratch? Well.. you can simply use /NextAdmin/BuildDisk. This will duplicate the system files, system setup, and (if you chose so) also copy all the packages. Then, you can drag and drop e.g. the user folder to the new disk to copy any user data. For most people the above will do just fine. Alternatively, you can use one of the commandline tools to duplicate the data, for instance gnutar -c --exclude /MacDisk -psf - / | (cd /MacDisk; gnutar xpf -) Enjoy, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // http://www.nexttoyou.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <281197173157@savenow.com> Control: cancel <281197173157@savenow.com> Date: 01 Dec 1997 10:08:52 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.281197173157@savenow.com> Sender: savemoney@savenow.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: sdroll@NOSPMmathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (Sven Droll) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Mathematica 3.0 for NeXT-Sparc Date: 1 Dec 1997 11:07:33 GMT Organization: University of Wuerzburg, Germany Message-ID: <65u5pl$s6e@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> Hello After waiting for more then a year, I am curious to know if somebody got a executable for NS for Sparc of Mathematica 3.0. Our copy is paid (for over a year), but we only got Mathematica 2.2 and many answers that 3.0 is not availible yet. Thank you very much, if somebody can tell me what is going on with Mathematica for Sparc ... (according to some www-sites, it is availible, according to others, it is not) -- Sven Droll __ ______________________________________________________/ / ______ __ sdroll@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de / /_/ ___/ please delete the 'NOSPM' from my reply-address /_ _/ _/ =====\_/======= LOGOUT FASCISM! ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT-mail or MIME welcome ;-)
From: c_ismora@hotmail.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Sound problem Date: 1 Dec 1997 11:53:55 GMT Organization: Reference.Com Posting Service Message-ID: <65u8gj$vc0$1@orthanc.reference.com> Originator: panuser@reference.com () Hello, I have a little problem with sound on my slab (68040, NS3.1). When I record a sound through the mic, with an app. such as Sound.app, the sound curb looks OK, but when I press the "play" button, the only thing I hear is a strident sound vaguely reproducing what I said. Same thing if I save the sound to play it later. Further investigating, it seems that : - I can record only in 8012 samples/sec. ; - I can play only in 25000 samples/sec. (so that I cannot play what I have recorded without converting the samples rate). Even most of the system sounds (printer messages, etc.) aren't playable... because they are recorded at 8012 sample/sec. Did anybody experienced something like that ? Can it be a ROM configuration problem, or would I have some hardware part messed up ? Thanks for any help ! Charles Ismora, Paris, France PS : please be kind enough to answer via e-mail at mail:c_ismora@hotmail.com as I can't _read_ this newsgroup. PS2: sorry if this message was posted twice, but I believe the previous post didn't work. -- Posted using Reference.COM http://www.reference.com Browse, Search and Post Usenet and Mailing list Archive and Catalog. Sift, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the content of this posting.
From: mtfydpmb@makingmoney.net Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.northstar Subject: *****Looking For LOW-COST And RELIABLE WEBHOSTING?***** Date: 1 Dec 1997 13:26:32 GMT Message-ID: <65udu8$drt@news0-alterdial.uu.net> Look no further, your search is over! Visit http://www.virtualisys.com/vr/tdominey
From: Cosmo Roadkill Jr. <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.northstar Subject: cmsg cancel <65udu8$drt@news0-alterdial.uu.net> Control: cancel <65udu8$drt@news0-alterdial.uu.net> Date: 01 Dec 1997 13:26:46 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.65udu8$drt@news0-alterdial.uu.net> Sender: mtfydpmb@makingmoney.net Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: rainer@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (Rainer Frohnhoefer) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Get an error while installing Rhapsody -- NDA!?!?! Date: 1 Dec 1997 10:26:05 GMT Organization: University of Wuerzburg, Germany Message-ID: <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de> References: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: cam@_SpAmThIs.escape.ca In <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> Cam Giesbrecht wrote: [snip] > I just thought that I would warn you that discussion of products covered under > a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in public with people not covered under such > NDA is a violation of the NDA. Apple could prosecute and/or discontinue your > participation in any "seeding" projects (Rhapsody, MacOS 8.1, OS 9, etc.) I see this more and more as an obstacle for our progress. Especially people that deal with the unfinished and not completely documented prereleases need all the help they can get. To throw people back onto their own devices with a "RTFM" doesn't help anybody. The fact that there were always some people that could help you was one of the major advantages in the NeXT days. To wait till Apple become aware of the problem and provide a solution of their own is not really a solution. Maybe they should take some lesson fom the Linux community. (Just my DM 0.02) ------------------------------------- "Um Energie zu sparen, wird das Licht am Ende des Tunnels vorlaeufig abgeschaltet." rainer@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (public key avaible at any key server near you ...)
From: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Get an error while installing Rhapsody -- NDA!?!?! Date: 1 Dec 1997 21:40:27 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <65vasb$7jh$1@news.digifix.com> References: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de> In-Reply-To: <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de> An even better idea is to consult the Rhapsody FAQs on Devworld.. http://devworld.apple.com/rhapsody/rhapfaq/2.html Can I talk about Rhapsody with other developers? [new] Note that the rhapsody-talk mailing list at Omnigroup.com has been a great resource for just this type of discussion. As far as comparing Rhapsody to Linux goes, thats not productive. Apple is a commerical company, and has to protect its product that is not shipping yet. We've seen how stupid articles in the past (PCWeek, MacWeek) can take what are obviously transitional issues and make them appear to be 'Final Release Gospel'. On 12/01/97, Rainer Frohnhoefer wrote: >In <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> Cam Giesbrecht wrote: >[snip] >> I just thought that I would warn you that discussion of products >> covered >under >> a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in public with people not >> covered under >such >> NDA is a violation of the NDA. Apple could prosecute and/or >> discontinue >your >> participation in any "seeding" projects (Rhapsody, MacOS 8.1, >> OS 9, etc.) > > I see this more and more as an obstacle for our progress. Especially people >that deal with the unfinished and not completely documented prereleases need >all the help they can get. > > To throw people back onto their own devices with a "RTFM" doesn't help >anybody. The fact that there were always some people that could help you was >one of the major advantages in the NeXT days. > > To wait till Apple become aware of the problem and provide a solution of >their own is not really a solution. > > Maybe they should take some lesson fom the Linux community. > -- Scott Anguish <sanguish@digifix.com> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:http://www.stepwise.com>
From: klui@cup.hp.com (Ken Lui) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Get an error while installing Rhapsody -- NDA!?!?! Date: 1 Dec 1997 20:51:36 GMT Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company Message-ID: <65v80o$hrt$1@ocean.cup.hp.com> References: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de> In article <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de>, Rainer Frohnhoefer <rainer@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote: > I see this more and more as an obstacle for our progress. Especially people >that deal with the unfinished and not completely documented prereleases need >all the help they can get. People who have access to prereleases such as RDR does have a channel for help. It's devsupport@apple.com. Posting a message out in comp.sys.next* is a waste of bandwidth because the majority of the users out on Usenet don't have RDR and those who do have RDR are bound by their NDAs. > The fact that there were always some people that could help you was >one of the major advantages in the NeXT days. Yeah, but when NS/OS PR releases were out, people honored their NDAs. > To wait till Apple become aware of the problem and provide a solution of >their own is not really a solution. It is the RDR recepients' responsibility to let Apple know of potential problems. When Apple knows of a problem, perhaps they will investigate and offer workarounds. Those who don't want to use this mechanism have no business of trying to run seed software in the first place. > Maybe they should take some lesson fom the Linux community. The Linux community lives by different philosophies than Apple. If you don't feel it's correct, write to Apple. Ken -- Ken Lui, klui@cup.hp.com 19111 Pruneridge Avenue M/S 44UR Performance Availability & Solutions Cupertino, CA 95014-0795 USA Open Warehouse Team 1.408.447.3230 FAX 1.408.447.1053 Views within this message may not be those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Timothy J. Luoma) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Mounting W95 CD under OS4.1 Date: 28 Nov 1997 22:06:59 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <65nfa3$big$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I've got a Win95 CD (no swearing, please). Sometimes it will mount under OS4.1 just fine.... other times it acts like it can't read it: <disk inserted here> probing for DOS probing for CDROM probing for mac probing for cdaudio <disk ejects here> Well now I can't figure it out at all.... anyone have one of these and can tell me whether or not they can mount it, and if so show me what '/usr/etc/mount -p' shows?? Thanks TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Timothy J. Luoma) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: problems using Windows95 .rtf (from Word) on NEXT3.3 Date: 28 Nov 1997 19:04:04 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <65n4j4$6e4$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <65hftk$7h2$1@news.NL.net> <65j5mv$5ca$1@news.NL.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Try OpenWrite from http://www.peak.org/next/apps somewhere ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/apps/LighthouseDesign/OpenWrite aka http://www.peak.org/next/apps/LighthouseDesign/OpenWrite/ TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: chrysties@mymail.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: hello Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 23:11:45 -0700 Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc. Message-ID: <011297231145@mymail.com> Nothing to do? Let's talk. 1-900-786-1900
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <011297231145@mymail.com> Control: cancel <011297231145@mymail.com> Date: 02 Dec 1997 05:13:51 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.011297231145@mymail.com> Sender: chrysties@mymail.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: echen@cs.rice.edu (Edward S. Chen) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Virtual PC and NeXTStep3.3 Date: 22 Nov 1997 02:10:55 GMT Organization: Rice University Message-ID: <655evf$s79$1@joe.rice.edu> I am trying to install NeXTSTep 3.3 on a Mac 8500/180 running "Virtual PC." The CD is configured as EIDE/ATAPI, but the only drivers on the driver disk are SCSI. According to the FAQ, EIDE is supported in 3.3. Can anybody point me at a disk(/image), or place I could get the appropriate driver? Much thanks, <ESC> -- Cellophane Flowers of Yellow and Green, Towering over your head -- J. Lennon / P. McCartney, 1967 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: "John E. Hayes III" <jeh25@cornell.edu> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: N1000 question Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 23:44:50 -0500 Organization: Cornell University Sender: jeh25@cornell.edu (Verified) Message-ID: <34839242.7D0D@cornell.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hullo! I've a chance to get a Next Cube N1000 for very little money. Thus I have a few questions: a) this is the 68030-25 correct? b) what is the newest OS that will run on it? NS3.0 according to the FAQ (i've also heard OS4.2/Prelude2Rhapsody is actually a fat-binary and will install on black hardware...any truth?) c) the hard one: what can i use it for sans ND board? thx john
From: <expo321@vivid.net> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: FREE! 101 Business You Can Start At Home For Less Than $100 Message-ID: <34839570.4@news.vivid.net> Date: 2 Dec 97 04:58:24 GMT CyberQuest Solutions has put together 101 Businesses you can start in your own home for less than $100.00... And this information is FREE! This is not a get rich scheme. These businesses will probably not make you rich, but they are viable businesses that you can start and run from your own home. One of them may be you future. Just send $4.95 for Shipping & Handling to: CyberQuest Solutions 1194 Ashborough Dr. Ste. E Marietta, GA 30067 No checks please. Allow two weeks for delivery.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <34839570.4@news.vivid.net> Control: cancel <34839570.4@news.vivid.net> Date: 02 Dec 1997 08:18:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.34839570.4@news.vivid.net> Sender: <expo321@vivid.net> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <3483ac6f.2@news.vivid.net> Control: cancel <3483ac6f.2@news.vivid.net> Date: 02 Dec 1997 12:18:55 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.3483ac6f.2@news.vivid.net> Sender: <expo321@vivid.net> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Timothy J. Luoma) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: N1000 question Date: 2 Dec 1997 14:34:43 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6616a3$ek5$3@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <34839242.7D0D@cornell.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: jeh25@cornell.edu In <34839242.7D0D@cornell.edu> "John E. Hayes III" wrote: > b) what is the newest OS that will run on it? NS3.0 according to the FAQ > (i've also heard OS4.2/Prelude2Rhapsody is actually a fat-binary and > will install on black hardware...any truth?) If this is an 030/25, then when I last used one (couple years ago) with 16 meg of RAM it was very slow when running NS 3.2.... NS 3.3 was reportedly slower and 4.x is slower still. I would not recommend anything higher than 3.2 for an 030 board.... others may have more personal experiences with it and be able to say more about it. > c) the hard one: what can i use it for sans ND board? If you load it with RAM it could still do a lot, including a low-end mailserver for a few users who aren't on dozens of mailing lists. Not sure what else to suggest. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <301197112907@savenow.com> Control: cancel <301197112907@savenow.com> Date: 02 Dec 1997 14:50:10 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.301197112907@savenow.com> Sender: savemoney@savenow.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: dfevans@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca (David Evans) Subject: Re: N1000 question Sender: news@novice.uwaterloo.ca (Mr. News) Message-ID: <EKKKMH.C0D@novice.uwaterloo.ca> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:03:52 GMT References: <34839242.7D0D@cornell.edu> Organization: University of Waterloo In article <34839242.7D0D@cornell.edu>, John E. Hayes III <jeh25@cornell.edu> wrote: >Hullo! > >I've a chance to get a Next Cube N1000 for very little money. Thus I >have a few questions: > >a) this is the 68030-25 correct? > It could be either that or 68040/25, depending on whether or not it was upgraded. >b) what is the newest OS that will run on it? NS3.0 according to the FAQ >(i've also heard OS4.2/Prelude2Rhapsody is actually a fat-binary and >will install on black hardware...any truth?) > 4.2 runs on black, albeit slowly. Many like 3.3 for this reason, but 4.2 will run. >c) the hard one: what can i use it for sans ND board? > Well, if you don't have the mono monitor it will be a little problematic since you won't be able to turn it on without some small-scale hackery. If you have the mono monitor them it's a good machine to sit in front of and actually use; if not then it could be a general=purpose Unix box easily enough. -- David Evans (NeXTMail/MIME OK) dfevans@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca Computer/Synth Junkie http://bbcr.uwaterloo.ca/~dfevans/ University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
From: sef@kithrup.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <250028872@searchspaniel.com> Date: 2 Dec 1997 20:05:12 GMT Control: cancel <250028872@searchspaniel.com> Message-ID: <cancel.250028872@searchspaniel.com> Sender: smith@umes07.avl.co.at (Search Spaniel) Spam cancelled by sef@kithrup.com
From: "Charles Ismora" <c_ismora@hotmail.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Sound problem Date: 2 Dec 1997 23:17:02 -0500 Organization: Mail to Usenet Gateway Message-ID: <19971128210613.20558.qmail@hotmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain To: comp.sys.next.misc@myriad.alias.net Hello, I have a little problem with sound on my slab (68040, NS3.1). When I record a sound through the mic, with an app. such as Sound.app, the sound curb looks OK, but when I press the "play" button, the only thing I hear is a strident sound vaguely reproducing what I said. Same thing if I save the sound to play it later. Further investigating, it seems that : - I can record only in 8012 samples/sec. ; - I can play only in 25000 samples/sec. (so that I cannot play what I have recorded without converting the samples rate). Even most of the system sounds (printer messages, etc.) aren't playable... because they are recorded at 8012 sample/sec. Did anybody experienced something like that ? Can it be a ROM configuration problem, or would I have some hardware part messed up? Thanks for any help ! Charles Ismora, Paris, France PS : please be kind enough to answer via e-mail at mail:c_ismora@hotmail.com as I can't _read_ this newsgroup. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <663npj$fn2@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> Control: cancel <663npj$fn2@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> Date: 03 Dec 1997 13:45:39 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.663npj$fn2@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> Sender: Frogbox's Warez Pad<myemail@any.where.com> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <011297145735@everybody.net> Control: cancel <011297145735@everybody.net> Date: 03 Dec 1997 16:33:54 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.011297145735@everybody.net> Sender: tell@everybody.net Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <6645pm$tdf$1190@columbine.singnet.com.sg> Control: cancel <6645pm$tdf$1190@columbine.singnet.com.sg> Date: 03 Dec 1997 18:59:10 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6645pm$tdf$1190@columbine.singnet.com.sg> Sender: <mankani@singnet.com.sg> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: stevee617@worldnet.att.net (Steve Eggers) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Calling all Middle Georgia NeXT/OPENSTEP Users Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 21:48:59 -0500 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <6655gs$fqf@bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net> If you live in the Middle Georgia area and use NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Please contact me. stevee617@worldnet.att.net Steve Eggers Membership Coordinator, The Collective Alternative Operating System/Enthusiast Group "Have a little CAOS in your live"
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <6653pl$i3i@mtinsc04.worldnet.att.net> Control: cancel <6653pl$i3i@mtinsc04.worldnet.att.net> Date: 04 Dec 1997 02:16:22 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.6653pl$i3i@mtinsc04.worldnet.att.net> Sender: Frogbox's Warez Pad<myemail@any.where.com> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Kaare Digernes <kaared@himolde.no> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Install OPENSTEP for NT on a laptop? Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 22:34:32 +0100 Organization: Privat Message-ID: <34808A68.3FBF@himolde.no> References: <65acc1$l61$1@dns2.serv.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dean Johnson wrote: > Anyway, what I am thinking about is installin NT onto a laptop and > then getting OPENSTEP NT installed. > > Has anyone done this? Will OPENSTEP run on any machine that has NT > running on it? Or does it have it's own requirements on top? Yes, OPENSTEP definitely runs on NT. I'm running OPENSTEP Enterprise 4.2 on NT Workstation 4.0, as I write. :-) > It seems like a more cost effective way to get OPENSTEP onto a laptop > since the ones that will run Mach are pretty expensive, but to run NT > are getting pretty cheap. Uhm, Mach runs on Intel hardware, too. I don't get it? Are you comparing Apples (Powerbooks) and Oranges (Intel)? -- -Kaare mailto:kaared@himolde.no http://www.himolde.no/~kaared/
From: pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net (P.J.L.van Emmerik) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: RTP Help (hyper-)Links not working on OPENSTEP-NT? Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 07:16:12 GMT Organization: NLnet Message-ID: <665lbu$r2h$1@news.NL.net> I copied a som documents written in RTF to OPENSTEP on an Windows-NT machine. There i noticed that the links did't work. The diamond is there, but it seems i am no longer able to click on them an get the underlying document. Is this not supported on NT or am i doing something wrong? Please Email to: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. Email: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net The Netherlands Phone: +31 74 2558 688 --
From: Chong Tim <chongt@bah.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sysnext.programmer Subject: HELP: WebObject 3.1 + OS4.2 Mach Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 18:14:04 +0800 Organization: Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc. Message-ID: <34813C6B.DC9F80BD@bah.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi all, Recently I have to redo my whole machine (Intel P166 box): First install OS4.2 then OS4.2 Dev; then WebObject Dev then WebObject Deployment... everything is ok except when I try to run WebObjectsBuilder, I got this error: (from the console) dyld: /NextDeveloper/Apps/WebObjectsBuilder.app/WebObjectsBuilder can't open library: /NextLibrary/Frameworks/EOAccess.framework/Versions/B/EOAccess (no such file or directory, errno = 2) Anyone got any idea? TIA, Tim Chong
From: "Rosvita Dolstra" <jtownsend@mistral.co.uk> Newsgroups: comp.next.misc,comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Q: Problems Installing 3.1 Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 07:14:26 -0000 Organization: Easimedia Consulting Ltd Message-ID: <65trt0$qf0$1@news.mistral.co.uk> Hi, there, I can't find a setup group, so here goes... I'm trying to install Version 3.1 of NEXTSTEP, and am getting to following errors while booting from the install floppy: pcpointer probe - mouseinit failure (found floppy) SMC16 - not linked SMC16 - couldn't find class EtherExpress - not linked EtherExpress - couldn't find class No CD-ROM found use SD%d, hd%d, fd%d Any suggestions ? The CD-ROM is a TEAC CD-524E, and works fine under NT, 95 and Warp I dont have SCSI or Ethernet 64MB RAM Thanks for any help. (^_^)
From: Matthew_Seaman@plsys.co.uk (Matthew Seaman) Newsgroups: comp.next.misc,comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Q: Problems Installing 3.1 Date: 4 Dec 1997 17:38:09 GMT Organization: P&L Systems Message-ID: <666pq1$n5g$2@ironhorse.plsys.co.uk> References: <65trt0$qf0$1@news.mistral.co.uk> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: jtownsend@mistral.co.uk In <65trt0$qf0$1@news.mistral.co.uk> "Rosvita Dolstra" wrote: > I'm trying to install Version 3.1 of NEXTSTEP and later: > I dont have SCSI There's the problem. You can't install NeXTStep 3.1 on a non-SCSI system. The earliest version that would support EIDE/ATAPI was NS 3.3, and even then you need to down load the improved drivers from NeXTanswers. Cheers, Matthew [Posted and mailed] -- Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate nin iam adesse. Matthew Seaman P&L Systems, 12 The Broadway, Amersham, Bucks., HP7 0HP, UK Tel: +44 1494 432422 Fax: +44 1494 432478
From: mbessey@apple.com (Mark Bessey) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: RTP Help (hyper-)Links not working on OPENSTEP-NT? Date: 4 Dec 1997 18:11:32 GMT Organization: Apple Computer, Inc. Message-ID: <666rok$s8g$1@news.apple.com> References: <665lbu$r2h$1@news.NL.net> P.J.L.van Emmerik writes > I copied a som documents written in RTF to OPENSTEP on an Windows-NT > machine. There i noticed that the links did't work. The diamond is > there, but it seems i am no longer able to click on them an get the > underlying document. > > Is this not supported on NT or am i doing something wrong? This feature is no longer supported on OPENSTEP (NT -or- Mach). Too bad really, I thought it was pretty cool... -- Mark Bessey Apple Computer, Inc. -->I DON'T SPEAK FOR APPLE<--
From: Chong Tim <chongt@bah.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sysnext.programmer Subject: Re: HELP: WebObject 3.1 + OS4.2 Mach Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 00:39:59 +0800 Organization: Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc. Message-ID: <348196DD.42D97774@bah.com> References: <34813C6B.DC9F80BD@bah.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit All, Yes, I did not install EOF, while I forgot about it as it was not on any of the CDs, but available at ftp://dev.apple.com/devworld/Technical_Documentation/Rhapsody_Documentation/EOF2.1Machi386.tar Thanks all for the help. TC Chong Tim wrote: > > Hi all, > > Recently I have to redo my whole machine (Intel P166 box): > > First install OS4.2 then OS4.2 Dev; then WebObject Dev then WebObject > Deployment... everything is ok except when I try to run WebObjectsBuilder, I > got this error: > > (from the console) > dyld: /NextDeveloper/Apps/WebObjectsBuilder.app/WebObjectsBuilder can't open library: > /NextLibrary/Frameworks/EOAccess.framework/Versions/B/EOAccess (no such file > or directory, errno = 2) > > Anyone got any idea? > > TIA, > > Tim Chong
From: cam@_SpAmThIs.escape.ca (Cam Giesbrecht) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Get an error while installing Rhapsody Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 12:13:13 -0600 Organization: Apple Orchard Software Message-ID: <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> References: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> In article <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr>, "Roger FLATTIN" <rflattin@cornut.fr> wrote: > Hi, > > I try to install Rhapsody on a PowerMacintosh 8500 but I get the following > message : > > The disk has an invalid label. > > (my disk is a Seagate ST32550N. It's SCSI ID is 1 and it is plugged in the > internal SCSI bus) > > The message appears when the installer scan the SCSI bus to display the > list of the connected disks. > > I install it successfully on a 500 Mo hard disk (it was numbered ID 4 on > the external SCSI bus). Then I try to configure the /etc/disktab but the > disklabel and disk utilities always return error messages. > > The man pages doesn't clearly explain why a disk must be labelled. Could > anybody explain me how it works ? > > Thanks in advance > > Roger FLATTIN I just thought that I would warn you that discussion of products covered under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in public with people not covered under such NDA is a violation of the NDA. Apple could prosecute and/or discontinue your participation in any "seeding" projects (Rhapsody, MacOS 8.1, OS 9, etc.) -- Cam Giesbrecht - HyperCard Programmer - MacOS(TM) System Specialist - Windows 95, NT 4.0 Workstation and Server Specialist - MCSE in training - Registered Apple Developer and beta tester Consultations and Software Solutions Apple Orchard Software Remove text in ALL CAPS to reply. Winnipeg, Mb Canada (Not affiliated with "Orchard Software" of Cambridge MA)
From: Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 20:43:40 +0000 Organization: Maui Net, Inc. Message-ID: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cache-Post-Path: www.maui.net!unknown@a1-55.kihei.maui.net I hope someone can offer me an elegant solution to this problem. I have an old NeXT cube, 68030, system 2.1, with a 200mb hard drive and the 40mb swap disc that with the help of NeXT I reconfigured into a backup disc. I do not have a floppy drive, nor an optical drive. After 8 happy years using my cube (I got one of the first machines by doing some marketing work for Adamation, a charter NeXT software developer; I also wrote the article on Adamation's Adams Brothers for the premiere issue of NeXT World Magazine), I went back to Macs due to the demands of doing business from Hawaii with mainland clients (I'm a marketing consultant), along with compatibility issues with sub-contractors. So for the past two years I've been running two systems, and when necessary, transferring Write Now files by cable/Data Viz/Mac Link to my Mac (which translate into Write Now or Claris). This is very slow, unreliable, and causes some translation/formatting screw-ups. The time has finally come to retire the NeXT, and I need to get about 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer system mentioned above would be a nightmare. So my question is: Is there a SCSI device (such as a Zip drive) that would be read by the NeXT and onto which I can dump all my files, and then load them into my Mac? If not, is there a better way to do this? If anyone has some words of wisdom, I would appreciate hearing them by e-mail if possible. My address is dmi@maui.net. Thanks so much!! Roger
From: pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net (P.J.L.van Emmerik) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: RTP Help (hyper-)Links not working on OPENSTEP-NT? Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 07:13:02 GMT Organization: NLnet Message-ID: <6689hh$ckl$1@news.NL.net> References: <665lbu$r2h$1@news.NL.net> <666rok$s8g$1@news.apple.com> mbessey@apple.com (Mark Bessey) wrote: >P.J.L.van Emmerik writes >> I copied a som documents written in RTF to OPENSTEP on an Windows-NT >> machine. There i noticed that the links did't work. The diamond is >> there, but it seems i am no longer able to click on them an get the >> underlying document. >> >> Is this not supported on NT or am i doing something wrong? >This feature is no longer supported on OPENSTEP (NT -or- Mach). Too bad >really, I thought it was pretty cool... >-- >Mark Bessey >Apple Computer, Inc. >-->I DON'T SPEAK FOR APPLE<-- How do we solve this? Is there a new mechanism for the online help in OPENSTEP? How can (should) we write online documentation with hyperlinks that can be used on both Windows NT as on the mach platforms? Use HTML? Pieter P.J.L. van Emmerik Holec Projects B.V. Email: emmerik@hpb.holec-projects.nl PO.BOX 565, 7550 AN Hengelo pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net The Netherlands Phone: +31 74 2558 688 --
From: gtf[@]cirp.org (Geoffrey T. Falk) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 5 Dec 1997 08:55:36 GMT Organization: For circumcision information, http://www.cirp.org/CIRP/ Message-ID: <668fi8$10420@biko.cc.rochester.edu> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> Originator: gtf@theorem In article <34871598.59A7@maui.net>, Roger Dubin <109, Ka, Drive, Kula, HI, 96790> wrote: >So my question is: Is there a SCSI device (such as a Zip drive) that >would be read by the NeXT and onto which I can dump all my files, and >then load them into my Mac? If not, is there a better way to do this? Yes, the Zip drive (and Mac-formatted disks) can be used with your NeXT. g. -- Schroedinger's Cat had 4 1/2 lives. (Q: What was its half-life?!) ADDRESS ALTERED TO DEFLECT SPAM. UNSOLICITED E-MAIL ADS BILLED $500 Geoffrey T. Falk <gtf(@)cirp.org> http://www.cirp.org/~gtf/
From: planetary <kris@xmission.xmission.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: RTP Help (hyper-)Links not working on OPENSTEP-NT? Date: 5 Dec 1997 22:17:34 -0700 Organization: XMission Internet (801 539 0900) Message-ID: <66an5e$sti$1@xmission.xmission.com> References: <665lbu$r2h$1@news.NL.net> <666rok$s8g$1@news.apple.com> <6689hh$ckl$1@news.NL.net> <66a0dq$puq$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> Tired of Spam <No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please> wrote: : > How can (should) we write online documentation with hyperlinks that can be : used : > on both Windows NT as on the mach platforms? : > Use HTML? : I believe that is the current trend for many software helpfiles. The thought : being that everyone has a web browser and will *of course* have it running : all the time. : They can maintain one set of helpfiles that will work on any platform. : (Until, of course, they start to use Java for helpfiles and other atrocities : from the Evil Empire). : Makes sense to me.... I was never able to make an embedded RTFD file without : the buttons killing the TXT files within the RTFD folder, but I was probably : doing something wrong. My group creates online doc with Frame+SGML, then renders it out as whatever format is needed. We render in generic HTML, MS HTML Help, Windows Help (RTF), SGML, and soon JavaHelp. If you keep your pages free of browser-specific extensions, you can avoid having to generate multiple sets of HTML for Windows, Rhapsody, Java, etc. There are some nice tools for doing this sort of thing. Check out www.quadralay.com, for converting to HTML based on Frame para tags, as well as a product called Balise, for converting to HTML based on SGML elements. ....................kris -- Kristopher Magnusson kris@xmission.com (no NeXTmail, please) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you know so much about Usenet, then why are you still posting?
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: benst@terminus.stuyts.nl (Ben Stuyts) Subject: Re: Paypuh is Jammed in your Printuh Sender: news@stuyts.nl (Charlie Root) Organization: Stuyts Engineering Haarlem BV Message-ID: <EKrKJG.6Jn@stuyts.nl> References: <6678nm$7ki@netline.jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 10:45:16 GMT In article <6678nm$7ki@netline.jpl.nasa.gov>, Mark Adler <me@quest.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote: > Ok, my black NeXT with its lovely companion black printer has been speaking > this message to me for years now. And I've just put up with it, since > nothing is ever really jammed--rather, the paper didn't feed and all I have > to do is lift the lid and put it back down. Then the printer tries again and > its fine. For a few pages anyway. Then it complains again. > > Well, you know, I've finally gotten tired of it. I'm guessing that this may > be a common problem and that someone out there may know the cause and the > cure. Or at least the cure. Thanks for any help. > > mark > rm /usr/lib/NextPrinter/English.lproj/paperjam.snd -- Ben Stuyts Stuyts Engineering BV Haarlem, The Netherlands Email: ben@stuyts.nl (NeXT/MIME Mail OK)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.misc Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 16:40:03 -0000 Message-ID: <19971126114003243647@sdn-ts-004txhousp07.dialsprint.net> From: drifterusa@sprintmail.com (John Bauer) Subject: Re: Apple Supports Only OpenStep Organization: KAOS References: <347459cc.1248332@news.gatech.edu> <652ici$tl6$1@news2.apple.com> <199711210343561452593@sdn-ts-001txhousp12.dialsprint.net> <6540f1$qe9$1@news.lth.se> Christian Brunschen wrote: > 'OPENSTEP Enterprise 4.2' is OpenStep + development tools on Windows > NT... Then why didn't they call it OPENSTEP NTerprise? ;-) > I hope this clears thing up :) Yes, thanks. -- John Bauer <remove NOT from email address above, just like the spammers do>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 19:28:34 -0000 Message-ID: <65ht92$79p$1@usenet.kornet.nm.kr> From: ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr Subject: [i] NEXTSTEP, Rhapsody Q&A Board written in Korean Organization: ppai News Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit http://soback.kornet.nm.kr/~ppai http://bbs.para.co.kr/~ppai NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, Rhapsody Q&A & Info Board written in Korean. The Web site contains 5,200 articles about NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP and Rhapsody. younghoon KIL ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr (NeXTMail OK) ppai@bbs.para.co.kr (Large size NeXTMail OK)
From: smith@umes07.avl.co.at (Search Spaniel) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Next-search the web quickly with Search Spaniel Date: Tue, 02 Dec 97 18:50:21 GMT Organization: Search Spaniel Message-ID: <250028872@searchspaniel.com> To Next-search the most search engines in the shortest time, use the internet's newest search engine - Search Spaniel at: http://www.searchspaniel.com/
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <881433776@davidj.altu.net.au> Control: cancel <881433776@davidj.altu.net.au> Date: 06 Dec 1997 20:54:27 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.881433776@davidj.altu.net.au> Sender: grant-e@USA.NET Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Tarring Date: 6 Dec 1997 22:04:17 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <66ci51$dr5$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <66bv84$k67$2@usenet48.supernews.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: fwilliam@eaglenet.com In <66bv84$k67$2@usenet48.supernews.com> Frank Williams wrote: > Can some one email me the command line "command" to tar a sub directory. > I can do it find from workspace manager by using compress (which is just > .tar.Z) But when I try tarring from command line I get "??? is a dir. gnutar --dereference --create --verbose --file NAMEYOUWANT.tar DIRYOUWANT Where 'NAMEYOUWANT' is the name you want the tar file to have... and DIRYOUWANT is the directory you want to make into a tar TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: sanguish@digifix.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.announce,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.programmer Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <12245880866021@digifix.com> Date: 7 Dec 1997 04:59:39 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <2329881470822@digifix.com> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server http://www.stepwise.com Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: OpenStep Third Party Software guide, Developer Directory, Mailing List information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. This is the World Wide Web interace to the FTP site. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) http://www.next.com Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's 'Prelude to Rhapsody' Self Support Site http://devworld.apple.com/dev/prelude.html This site has been constructed to help you help yourself to learn as much as possible about the foundation for Rhapsody, today's OPENSTEP. The site provides an informal collection of pointers, references, and starting points for developers who are using the Prelude to Rhapsody bundle, distributed at this year's Worldwide Developer Conference. OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to next-announce@digifix.com where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other comp.sys.next groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to misc.forsale.computers.workstation or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original comp.sys.next no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at antigone.com, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to listserv@antigone.com). The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to *-request@lists.best.com saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. next-programmer-request@lists.best.com Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= ftp://ftp.next.peak.org The main site for North American submissions formerly ftp.cs.orst.edu ftp://ftp.peanuts.org: (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/comp/next NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) ftp://cube.sm.dsi.unimi.it (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) ftp://ftp.nmr.embl-heidelberg.de/pub/next eduStep ftp://ftp.next.com: See below ftp.next.com and NextAnswers@next.com ===================================== [from the document ftp://ftp.next.com/pub/NeXTanswers/1000_Help] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to nextanswers@next.com. Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to nextanswers-request@next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL http://www.next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to nextanswers-request@next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( sanguish@digifix.com ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( Greg_Anderson@afs.com ) Michael Pizolato ( alf@epix.net ) Dan Grillo ( dan_grillo@next.com )
From: ckoller@worldnet.att.net (Craig Koller) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.apple,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.advocacy Subject: Re: Cdrecord & NeXT Step / Rhapsody Date: Sun, 07 Dec 1997 09:14:41 -0800 Organization: MediActive Message-ID: <66db4v$mf4@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> References: <66ctl8$ojd$1@news.cs.tu-berlin.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <66ctl8$ojd$1@news.cs.tu-berlin.de>, js@cs.tu-berlin.de (Joerg Schilling) wrote: > Is someone interested to get a "cdrecord" port to NeXT Step or > Rhapsosy ? > > Cdrecord is the most popular CD-Recording software for UNIX. > > It currently runs on SunOS Solaris Linux FreeBSd/NetBSD/OpenBSD > SGI-IRIX HP-UX AIX. > > Joerg > Sure. Make it so!
From: js@cs.tu-berlin.de (Joerg Schilling) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.apple,comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.advocacy Subject: Cdrecord & NeXT Step / Rhapsody Date: 7 Dec 1997 01:20:40 GMT Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <66ctl8$ojd$1@news.cs.tu-berlin.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Keywords: CD-R CD-RW cdwrite cdrecord Is someone interested to get a "cdrecord" port to NeXT Step or Rhapsosy ? Cdrecord is the most popular CD-Recording software for UNIX. It currently runs on SunOS Solaris Linux FreeBSd/NetBSD/OpenBSD SGI-IRIX HP-UX AIX. Joerg -- EMail:joerg@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin js@cs.tu-berlin.de (uni) If you don't have iso-8859-1 jes@fokus.gmd.de (work) chars I am J"org Schilling URL: http://www.fokus.gmd.de/usr/schilling ftp://ftp.fokus.gmd.de/pub/unix
From: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Tarring Date: 7 Dec 1997 05:26:45 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <66dc2l$2d2$1@news.digifix.com> References: <66bv84$k67$2@usenet48.supernews.com> <66ci51$dr5$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> In-Reply-To: <66ci51$dr5$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> On 12/06/97, Tired of Spam wrote: >In <66bv84$k67$2@usenet48.supernews.com> Frank Williams wrote: >> Can some one email me the command line "command" to tar a sub directory. >> I can do it find from workspace manager by using compress (which is just >> .tar.Z) But when I try tarring from command line I get "??? is a dir. > >gnutar --dereference --create --verbose --file NAMEYOUWANT.tar DIRYOUWANT > Or, if you intend to do it often and don't want to sprain your wrists gnutar -cvof NAMEYOUWANT.tar DIRYOUWANT If you want to compress it too gnutar -cvozf NAMEYOUWANT.tarz DIRYOUWANT Or have a look at http://www.stepwise.com/Software/OpenUp on Sunday or Monday.. >Where 'NAMEYOUWANT' is the name you want the tar file to have... and >DIRYOUWANT is the directory you want to make into a tar > -- Scott Anguish <sanguish@digifix.com> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:http://www.stepwise.com>
From: "Lawson English" <english@primenet.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.advocacy,comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.mac.graphics,comp.sys.mac.printing,comp.sys.next.misc Subject: [ANN] Discuss future merging of Rhapsody graphics and QTML vector graphics Date: 3 Dec 1997 12:23:01 -0700 Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet Message-ID: <B0AB05AF-222CC2@> nntp://news.primenet.com/comp.sys.mac.advocacy, nntp://news.primenet.com/comp.sys.next.advocacy, nntp://news.primenet.com/comp.sys.mac.graphics, nntp://news.primenet.com/comp.sys.mac.printing, nntp://news.primenet.com/comp.sys.next.misc MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Followups to this discussion should take place mostly on the GX-talk mailing list. Subscription-info at the bottom] If you check out the QTML 3.0 documents at <http://www.quicktime.apple.com>, you may be pleased to note that a good portion of QuickDraw GX's graphics survives in QuickTime as the vector media track. No text shapes or bitmap shapes yet, but the main features of the Ink object are available for vector shapes (transfer modes, color spaces, etc). Most of the higher-end options like caps and dithering and so on are still missing, but they could certainly be added in later. Here's a new discussion topic: how could we help Apple design a Rhapsody "equivalent" to GX and how should this interact with the QTML vector media engine? What features do we think it would need? I would like to see (at least): *Support for every GX feature in Rhapsody Graphics via an object-oriented programming framework. *A rhapColorText shape -analogous to the gxText shape, but allows multiple colors [/gradients/bitmaps] per text-string. *A rhapColorGlyph shape -as above for gxGlyph shapes. *A rhapColorLayout shape -as above for for gxLayout shapes. *A rhapParagraphText shape -this would [at least] allow the programmer to specify an enclosing shape (where the interior of the shape would contain the paragraph, thereby allowing wraparound text automatically -the shape that the text appeared to wrap-around would actually be part of the enclosing shape's exterior boundries), and a destination paragraph shape for any overflow. Interesting options would be to allow each line of text in the paragraph to be at a different rotation/skew/perspective, and even follow a different curve. Multiple colors [/etc] supported as above for other rhap_XX_Text shapes. *A gx_PS_III_Gradient shape -the name says it all and it should behave like a regular gxBitmap shape when drawn, but have a resolution-independent gradient fill that provides all the capabilities of PS Level III gradients. *A gx_PS_III_generic_shape/attribute -any other PS Level III options that would make sense. The idea is to merge the capabilties of GX, QTML vector graphics, and whatever OOP graphics framework Rhapsody acquires so that any application that uses the OOP Rhapsody graphics could use a GX Printing-like printing pipeline by sending GX-like tokens/shapes down the printing pipeline instead of raw PostScript. These would eventually be translated into PostScript at the end of the Rhapsody printing process, but would allow for automated editing ala GX's printing archtecture. The added benefit would be that since the QTML would ALSO be using the same basic set of primitives (some of which, like my proposed rhapParagraphText shape, aren't primitive at all), one could create Rhapsody printing extensions that were actually scripted QTML movies. Lawrence D'Oliveiro and I both have HyperCard extensions that can call GX graphics. On a PowerMac, at least, HyperCard + GX is fast enough to do reasonably sophisticated real-time interactive graphics, so I'm confident that one could do quite complicated and sophisticated pre-press stuff via "QuickTime Interactive" scripting of Rhapsody shapes. Think about it: one could create a QT 3.0 movie where each frame [scripting, mainly] of the movie was a applied to a different page in a print-output. All of the capabilities of image-stage GX printing extensions would automatically be available if Rhapsody Printing and QTML shared the same graphics primitives (or if there could be a one-to-one correspondance of tokens between them). One could envision a Rhapsody Printing architecture that would allow scripting of ALL of the options that were available under the GX architecture, subject to availability of those options with a specific printer-driver. SInce the Yellow Box framework is supposed to work on MacOS, Rhapsody, Windows NT, Windows 95, etc., printer-manufacturers would have far more incentive to create Rhapsody-compatible print-drivers than they had to create GX print drivers so GX-like print capabilities could become universal on both the Mac and PC side. Since Rhapsody graphics is brand new, there's no possibility for incompatible printing issues to arise as there was with GX printing. The printing process could be designed from the ground up to make certain that there would NEVER be any problems like we had with GX printing. Also, consider the possibilties if a web-browser were to use the Yellow Box... GX already fulfills virtually all of the World WIde Web Consortium's specification of a 64-bit vector graphics engine for the INternet. If a web-browser based on the Yellow Box and the hypothetical Rhapsody OOP graphics/print engine were to be available, one could eliminate a LOT of extraneous plug-ins and go with straight browser-graphics, and replace the vast majority of web-pages with straight-forward Rhapsody graphics pages. Imagine what it would be like if QTML movies could be used as filters for such pages, both for printing/displaying on the client side and for editing/enhancing on the server-side. One could even use the movie-streaming capabilities of QuickTime to actually broadcast web-pages. HTML-away, so to speak, although primitive HTML versions would be available for non-YB web-browsers. Since the QTML vector graphics and Rhapsody's vector graphics would be identical in this scenario, ANY Rhapsody graphics application could produce high-quality web-pages using this format, so HTML would rapidly become passe, save for older systems. Vector graphics sent over the internet can be as much as 10 or 20 [or more] times faster than the equivalent HTML-based graphics, so this would be a Very Good Thing, I think. BTW, since QuickDraw 3D is *also* part of the QTML, it would be possible to use standard Rhapsody DTP and web-page output as texture-maps for QuickDraw 3D shapes both for printing and as fancy web-pages on the client side with no appreciable loss in download speed. Other possibilities should come to mind at this point when you remember all the standard media types that are available in QuickTime 3.0 that could be used in a web-page format that made use of QuickTime 3.0 Interactive scripting. --------------------------------------------------- HOW DO I SUBSCRIBE TO GX-TALK? --------------------------------- To subscribe to GX-TALK proceed as follows: Send E-mail to: <gx-talk-request@aimed.org> with anything in the subject line and the following command as the first (and only) line of the message body: SUBSCRIBE --------------------------------------------------- I use Cyberdog ---------------------------------------------------
From: "Bruce Riegel" <briegel@bga.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc Subject: NeXT Monitor - Monochrome - Need to buy Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:51:14 -0600 Organization: Real/Time Communications Internet customer posting Message-ID: <664d6f$g8q$1@news3.realtime.net> After almost 10 years of faithful service... my Black NeXT monitor... must have died. The system is still working... I just can't see what's happening. I need to buy a monochrome NeXT monitor. Any suggestions or spare monitors would be much appreciated! Bruce briegel@bga.com
From: me@quest.jpl.nasa.gov (Mark Adler) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Paypuh is Jammed in your Printuh Date: 4 Dec 1997 21:52:54 GMT Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Pasadena CA Message-ID: <6678nm$7ki@netline.jpl.nasa.gov> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ok, my black NeXT with its lovely companion black printer has been speaking this message to me for years now. And I've just put up with it, since nothing is ever really jammed--rather, the paper didn't feed and all I have to do is lift the lid and put it back down. Then the printer tries again and its fine. For a few pages anyway. Then it complains again. Well, you know, I've finally gotten tired of it. I'm guessing that this may be a common problem and that someone out there may know the cause and the cure. Or at least the cure. Thanks for any help. mark
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: news@news.msfc.nasa.gov Message-ID: <cancel.348cdbc9.0@News.Sisna.com> Control: cancel <348cdbc9.0@News.Sisna.com> Subject: cmsg cancel <348cdbc9.0@News.Sisna.com> no reply ignore Organization: Semi-Automatic Lupine Remover Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 05:44:39 GMT Sender: CMan <Commodore64Man@yahoo.com> ignore Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 9 Dec 1997 18:33:00 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <66k2ss$98u$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> wrote: >I hope someone can offer me an elegant solution to this problem. > >I have an old NeXT cube, 68030, system 2.1, with a 200mb hard drive and >the 40mb swap disc that with the help of NeXT I reconfigured into a >backup disc. I do not have a floppy drive, nor an optical drive. ... >The time has finally come to retire the NeXT, and I need to get about >40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer >system mentioned above would be a nightmare. > >So my question is: Is there a SCSI device (such as a Zip drive) that >would be read by the NeXT and onto which I can dump all my files, and >then load them into my Mac? If not, is there a better way to do this? Hm, complicated. A lot of devices work with both NeXT and Apple hardware, and can be used to move data to and fro. My personal recommendation is the Fujitsu MO drive, but Zip, SyQuest etc will work fine, too. The easiest thing you could do is Mac format the 40 MB disc, put your data on it, and then simply attach the disc to the Mac to read it in. However... Your problem is the format. IIRC, there was no support for Mac discs back in 2.1 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong - it has been a while!). So, you either need another friendly NeXT user (not much of a problem, since most of us are very friendly :-) with a later version of NeXTSTEP, or you need to go a completely different route. Personally, I would try to build a compressed tar file and then use a file transfer utility such as kermit or zmodem for moving the data to the Mac. If your Mac has ethernet, you could also simply use an ftp client. HTH, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // http://www.nexttoyou.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: jonathan@quern.demon.co.uk (Jonathan Sanderson) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 20:43:21 +0000 Message-ID: <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> wrote: > 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer > system mentioned above would be a nightmare. I know nothing about NeXT hardware (still kicking myself over that one...), but couldn't you set up an FTP server on the Cube, connect the two machines with a lump of Ethernet cable (or even a serial link and PPP), and use Anarchie/Fetch/NetFinder to suck the files over? Anyone? -- Jonathan Sanderson <jonathan@quern.demon.co.uk> Researcher/Producer, science TV <http://www.quern.demon.co.uk> If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter (Pascal)
From: gtf[@]cirp.org (Geoffrey T. Falk) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 9 Dec 1997 22:22:01 GMT Organization: For circumcision information, http://www.cirp.org/CIRP/ Message-ID: <66kga9$jk741@biko.cc.rochester.edu> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> <66k2ss$98u$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Originator: gtf@theorem In article <66k2ss$98u$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>, Christian Neuss <neuss.nos-pam@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> wrote: >Your problem is the format. IIRC, there was no support for Mac discs >back in 2.1 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong - it has been a while!). Um, you're right. Sorry, I missed that. He could, however, create a tar file on a DOS-formatted Zip disk and read it in on the Mac (assuming the Mac can read DOS-formatted disks). g. -- Schroedinger's Cat had 4 1/2 lives. (Q: What was its half-life?!) ADDRESS ALTERED TO DEFLECT SPAM. UNSOLICITED E-MAIL ADS BILLED $500 Geoffrey T. Falk <gtf(@)cirp.org> http://www.cirp.org/~gtf/
From: frank@this.NO_SPAM.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 10 Dec 1997 00:18:32 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <66kn4o$s7l$1@news.seicom.net> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: jonathan@quern.demon.co.uk In <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> Jonathan Sanderson wrote: > Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> wrote: > > > 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer > > system mentioned above would be a nightmare. > > I know nothing about NeXT hardware (still kicking myself over that > one...), but couldn't you set up an FTP server on the Cube, connect the > two machines with a lump of Ethernet cable (or even a serial link and > PPP), and use Anarchie/Fetch/NetFinder to suck the files over? Why not just set up CAPer, run the NeXT as an Appleshare server and copy the stuff over... you can even use the old NeXT as a file and print server. -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net/~frank * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: frank@this.NO_SPAM.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <66kn4o$s7l$1@news.seicom.net> Control: cancel <66kn4o$s7l$1@news.seicom.net> Date: 10 Dec 1997 01:40:21 GMT Organization: Seicom GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany, Europe Message-ID: <66kru5$21p$1@news.seicom.net>
From: frank@this.NO_SPAM.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <66kn70$s7q$1@news.seicom.net> Control: cancel <66kn70$s7q$1@news.seicom.net> Date: 10 Dec 1997 01:40:40 GMT Organization: Seicom GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany, Europe Message-ID: <66kruo$21p$2@news.seicom.net>
From: frank@this.NO_SPAM.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 10 Dec 1997 00:17:23 GMT Organization: Frank's Area 51 Message-ID: <66kn2j$s6b$1@news.seicom.net> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: jonathan@quern.demon.co.uk In <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> Jonathan Sanderson wrote: > Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> wrote: > > > 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer > > system mentioned above would be a nightmare. > > I know nothing about NeXT hardware (still kicking myself over that > one...), but couldn't you set up an FTP server on the Cube, connect the > two machines with a lump of Ethernet cable (or even a serial link and > PPP), and use Anarchie/Fetch/NetFinder to suck the files over? Why not just set up CAPer, run the NeXT as an Appleshare server and copy the stuff over... you can even use the old NeXT as a file and print server. -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net/~frank * NeXTSTEP, IRIX, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: fwilliam@eaglenet.com (Frank Williams) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Tarring Date: 6 Dec 1997 16:41:40 GMT Organization: Eaglenet, Inc. Message-ID: <66bv84$k67$2@usenet48.supernews.com> Can some one email me the command line "command" to tar a sub directory. I can do it find from workspace manager by using compress (which is just .tar.Z) But when I try tarring from command line I get "??? is a dir. Thanks Frank
From: Roland Telfeyan <roland@telf.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 11 Dec 1997 08:09:30 GMT Organization: Vnet Internet Access, Inc. Message-ID: <66o73q$jtc$1@ralph.vnet.net> References: <66k2ss$98u$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> To transfer files between a cube running 2.1 and a Mac, connect a SCSI ZIP drive and use DOS formatted disks. Both computers can read and write the DOS disks, and you can use tar and gzip on the NeXT to produce a .tar.gz archive that can be read with Stuffit and many others on the Mac. Good luck, Roland
From: no@spam.all (no spam please) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: ANYONE HAVE AN OBJECTIVE C TOOTORIAL??? DEPERATE Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 03:24:57 GMT Message-ID: <34955bea.177404472@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET Hello, I would like to learn the objective-c language and have downloaded Obc272b.zip (I only have Windows 95). I click on cc1obj.exe and up comes a blank dos screen. I also noticed it has all these files that end in things like .h .a .s etc. (which I assume to be source code files etc.?) Does anyone know of any kind of a hand-holding faq or tutorial or exercise that can get me started on this? Thanks in advance!
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: RTP Help (hyper-)Links not working on OPENSTEP-NT? Date: 5 Dec 1997 22:49:30 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <66a0dq$puq$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <665lbu$r2h$1@news.NL.net> <666rok$s8g$1@news.apple.com> <6689hh$ckl$1@news.NL.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: pemmerik@solair1.inter.NL.net In <6689hh$ckl$1@news.NL.net> P.J.L.van Emmerik wrote: > How can (should) we write online documentation with hyperlinks that can be used > on both Windows NT as on the mach platforms? > Use HTML? I believe that is the current trend for many software helpfiles. The thought being that everyone has a web browser and will *of course* have it running all the time. They can maintain one set of helpfiles that will work on any platform. (Until, of course, they start to use Java for helpfiles and other atrocities from the Evil Empire). Makes sense to me.... I was never able to make an embedded RTFD file without the buttons killing the TXT files within the RTFD folder, but I was probably doing something wrong. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 17:47:19 +0100 Organization: Some. Message-ID: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> 2icLKI/6>C?6~,&^??sEC5T&EoML>y^73OP,oo["zT=|Gg5RG\8s|=wIAwnO;9iq;\BF ,r:E?#'JX^Ej$3\FzD<Y!L'/MF]mb$e0B)t"-,s@rDW'`\-iu@<nh] Cache-Post-Path: news.knoware.nl!unknown@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl Can anyone tell me if there are people working on a true next gui for rhapsody? Including dock, the next type menus, and so on.. I'd much prefer to have the next interface instead of 'advanced mac look and feel'. Hiram
From: far_no@spam.ix.netcom.com(Felipe A. Rodriguez) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 13 Dec 1997 02:05:20 GMT Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> In article <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) writes: >Can anyone tell me if there are people working on a true next gui for >rhapsody? Including dock, the next type menus, and so on.. I'd much >prefer to have the next interface instead of 'advanced mac look and >feel'. ^^^^^^^^ > >Hiram Come on lets not beat around the bush you meant "retarded mac look and feel". ;-) -- Felipe A. Rodriguez # Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan from Agoura Hills, CA # being a private citizen because he was # armed; his successors, since they avoided far@ix.netcom.com # the inconveniences of arms, became private (NeXTmail preferred) # citizens after having been dukes. (MIMEmail welcome) # --Nicolo Machiavelli
From: Daniel Corkery <dcorkery@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 15:35:27 +1000 Organization: Bond University Message-ID: <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: "Felipe A. Rodriguez" <far_no@spam.ix.netcom.com> In-Reply-To: <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> Cache-Post-Path: minerva.its.bond.edu.au!unknown@surf1.its.bond.edu.au YOu can alter the Appearance manager to make it look like whatever you like - including gasp! --windows 95.... Cheers, Dan In reality, all computers suck. Some just suck fractionally less than others, and the amount of suckiness is divvied up in different ways. -- Jerry Kindall On 13 Dec 1997, Felipe A. Rodriguez wrote: > In article <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) writes: > >Can anyone tell me if there are people working on a true next gui for > >rhapsody? Including dock, the next type menus, and so on.. I'd much > >prefer to have the next interface instead of 'advanced mac look and > >feel'. ^^^^^^^^ > > > >Hiram > > > Come on lets not beat around the bush you meant "retarded mac look > and feel". ;-) > > > > > -- > Felipe A. Rodriguez # Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan from > Agoura Hills, CA # being a private citizen because he was > # armed; his successors, since they avoided > far@ix.netcom.com # the inconveniences of arms, became private > (NeXTmail preferred) # citizens after having been dukes. > (MIMEmail welcome) # --Nicolo Machiavelli > >
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: A little story about Benatong (UPS for NeXTStep) Date: 13 Dec 1997 06:38:27 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <66tah3$ofj$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit A few months back I finally spent more money I didn't have and bought a UPS (an APC 450 SmartUPS). If you really want to know why, checkout the link on my webpage (http://www.peak.org/~luomat/next/). I also got some software called `PowerGuardian' from Benatong (www.benatong.com). Now you can imagine that I've sent a lot of email about different software, etc etc. A lot of it goes into a black hole and you never hear back from people. I received a response from my inquiry within an hour of sending it. There have been lots of niceties with Benatong. When I got an Intel, they replaced the cable I had even before the machine arrived. I've continually gotten responses to my questions/suggestions and whatnot. In fact the only delay there has ever been was when there was a rather large flood which kept them out of the office! Recently I have had to install both Windows for Workgroups (3.1.1) and Windows95. Win3.1.1 did something interesting when it started its windowing system -- it turned the UPS off. Hrm. That's strange. Windows95 was slightly better, it did not turn the UPS off -- it did cause the UPS to beep continually. Hrm. Weird. Well, all the more reason not to boot into Windows. Well I finally decided to set up a proper dual-boot system today, sort of on a whim (actually procrastination from academia, but that's another story). I remembered the beeping, and thought I ought to let the Benatong folks know that something was up. I emailed them again, and in less than 20 minutes I had a reply asking me a few configuration questions on the W95 side of things. When I replied that I didn't know the answer, Chuck called *me* and talked me through the Win95 side of things and explained to me how to get it to stop -- and it did. Then we mutally griped about how dumb Win95 is, joked about Plug and Pray, and went about our day. One of the things which I have said repeatedly about the NeXT community is that it is a nice place to be. I have met very few jerk-NeXT users, and that's pretty good for 6 years worth of NeXTing. But what's more I have met people who did whatever they could to help. I've tried to emulate that myself, and have always told people that I am just returning some of the help which I have received. Today was just another nice reminder of why it's nicer to be a NeXTer. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 13 Dec 1997 06:53:10 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <66tbcm$ko8$1@news.digifix.com> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> On 12/12/97, Daniel Corkery wrote: >YOu can alter the Appearance manager to make it look like whatever you >like - including gasp! --windows 95.... > This is of course the fictional Appearance Manager that hasn't been promised for Rhapsody by Apple right? The 'appearance manager' certainly can't rearrange menus, give you floating pull-down menus and such without those capabilities being written by Apple. The same goes for changing the shape of the pop-down menus, or the side the scrollers show up on, or other features that are common on NEXTSTEP.* Something like this could change colors, patterns, widths, and other fairly common characteristics, but again, only what Apple chooses to support in the code itself. I'd rather Apple spent the time adding new functionality to YellowBox classes than dedicating engineers to this at this point. *I'm not saying that this couldn't be accomplished... you could theoretically redeclare PS wraps or support for loadable bundles with replaceable code.. but again, only if Apple supports this.. > >Cheers, Dan > >In reality, all computers suck. Some just suck fractionally less than >others, and the amount of suckiness is divvied up in different ways. >-- > Jerry Kindall > >On 13 Dec 1997, Felipe A. Rodriguez wrote: > >> In article <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) writes: >> >Can anyone tell me if there are people working on a true next gui for >> >rhapsody? Including dock, the next type menus, and so on.. I'd much >> >prefer to have the next interface instead of 'advanced mac look and >> >feel'. ^^^^^^^^ >> > >> >Hiram >> >> >> Come on lets not beat around the bush you meant "retarded mac look >> and feel". ;-) >> >> >> >> >> -- >> Felipe A. Rodriguez # Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan from >> Agoura Hills, CA # being a private citizen because he was >> # armed; his successors, since they avoided >> far@ix.netcom.com # the inconveniences of arms, became private >> (NeXTmail preferred) # citizens after having been dukes. >> (MIMEmail welcome) # --Nicolo Machiavelli >> >> > > -- Scott Anguish <sanguish@digifix.com> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:http://www.stepwise.com>
From: rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:05:04 +0100 Organization: Some. Message-ID: <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> 2icLKI/6>C?6~,&^??sEC5T&EoML>y^73OP,oo["zT=|Gg5RG\8s|=wIAwnO;9iq;\BF ,r:E?#'JX^Ej$3\FzD<Y!L'/MF]mb$e0B)t"-,s@rDW'`\-iu@<nh] Cache-Post-Path: news.knoware.nl!unknown@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl Daniel Corkery <dcorkery@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> wrote: > > >Can anyone tell me if there are people working on a true next gui for > > >rhapsody? Including dock, the next type menus, and so on.. > YOu can alter the Appearance manager to make it look like whatever you > like - including gasp! --windows 95.... I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that some parts aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a NeXT-window, and menus, working flawlessly. So this means it is indeed possible to have those things appear 100% NeXTish on Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. I wrote an email to Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the choice between Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. Hiram
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: benst@terminus.stuyts.nl (Ben Stuyts) Subject: Re: Paypuh is Jammed in your Printuh Sender: news@stuyts.nl (Charlie Root) Organization: Stuyts Engineering Haarlem BV Message-ID: <EKrKJG.6Jn@stuyts.nl> References: <6678nm$7ki@netline.jpl.nasa.gov> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 10:45:16 GMT In article <6678nm$7ki@netline.jpl.nasa.gov>, Mark Adler <me@quest.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote: > Ok, my black NeXT with its lovely companion black printer has been speaking > this message to me for years now. And I've just put up with it, since > nothing is ever really jammed--rather, the paper didn't feed and all I have > to do is lift the lid and put it back down. Then the printer tries again and > its fine. For a few pages anyway. Then it complains again. > > Well, you know, I've finally gotten tired of it. I'm guessing that this may > be a common problem and that someone out there may know the cause and the > cure. Or at least the cure. Thanks for any help. > > mark > rm /usr/lib/NextPrinter/English.lproj/paperjam.snd -- Ben Stuyts Stuyts Engineering BV Haarlem, The Netherlands Email: ben@stuyts.nl (NeXT/MIME Mail OK)
From: far_no@spam.ix.netcom.com(Felipe A. Rodriguez) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 14 Dec 1997 01:58:18 GMT Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <66vefq$a44@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> References: <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> In article <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> *punisher@enterprise.umecit.maine.edu* (Punisher) writes: >In article <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl>, rh@knoware.nl >(Hiram) wrote: > >> I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that some parts >> aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a NeXT-window, and menus, >> working flawlessly. So this means it is indeed possible to have those >> things appear 100% NeXTish on Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. >> I wrote an email to Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the >> choice between Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. > >It is my understanding that Apple will port the MacOS Finder to Yellow as >a replacement for the NeXT Workspace Manager. This would give Mac users a >familiar interface to aid migration from MacOS to Rhapsody. But since >Workspace Manager is done (with the possible exception of the "Shelf") and >works fine, it will be kept for those OpenStep users who prefer that >interface. > >The Punisher > snip If it's "done and works fine" where is it? -- Felipe A. Rodriguez # Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan from Agoura Hills, CA # being a private citizen because he was # armed; his successors, since they avoided farATix_netcom.com # the inconveniences of arms, became private (NeXTmail preferred) # citizens after having been dukes. (MIMEmail welcome) # --Nicolo Machiavelli
From: sanguish@digifix.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.announce,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.programmer Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <2329881470822@digifix.com> Date: 14 Dec 1997 04:59:39 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <18578882075626@digifix.com> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server http://www.stepwise.com Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: OpenStep Third Party Software guide, Developer Directory, Mailing List information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. This is the World Wide Web interace to the FTP site. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) http://www.next.com Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's 'Prelude to Rhapsody' Self Support Site http://devworld.apple.com/dev/prelude.html This site has been constructed to help you help yourself to learn as much as possible about the foundation for Rhapsody, today's OPENSTEP. The site provides an informal collection of pointers, references, and starting points for developers who are using the Prelude to Rhapsody bundle, distributed at this year's Worldwide Developer Conference. OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to next-announce@digifix.com where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other comp.sys.next groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to misc.forsale.computers.workstation or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original comp.sys.next no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at antigone.com, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to listserv@antigone.com). The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to *-request@lists.best.com saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. next-programmer-request@lists.best.com Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= ftp://ftp.next.peak.org The main site for North American submissions formerly ftp.cs.orst.edu ftp://ftp.peanuts.org: (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/comp/next NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) ftp://cube.sm.dsi.unimi.it (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) ftp://ftp.nmr.embl-heidelberg.de/pub/next eduStep ftp://ftp.next.com: See below ftp.next.com and NextAnswers@next.com ===================================== [from the document ftp://ftp.next.com/pub/NeXTanswers/1000_Help] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. 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USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to nextanswers-request@next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( sanguish@digifix.com ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( Greg_Anderson@afs.com ) Michael Pizolato ( alf@epix.net ) Dan Grillo ( dan_grillo@next.com )
From: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 14 Dec 1997 05:30:34 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <66vqtq$kq4$1@news.digifix.com> References: <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> <66vefq$a44@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> In-Reply-To: <66vefq$a44@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> On 12/13/97, Felipe A. Rodriguez wrote: >In article <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> >*punisher@enterprise.umecit.maine.edu* (Punisher) writes: > >In article <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl>, rh@knoware.nl > >(Hiram) wrote: > > > >> I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that > >> some parts aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a > >> NeXT-window, and menus, working flawlessly. So this means it > >> is indeed possible to have those things appear 100% NeXTish > >> on Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. I wrote an > >> email to Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the > >> choice between Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. > > > >It is my understanding that Apple will port the MacOS Finder to > >Yellow as a replacement for the NeXT Workspace Manager. This > >would give Mac users a familiar interface to aid migration from > >MacOS to Rhapsody. But since Workspace Manager is done (with > >the possible exception of the "Shelf") and works fine, it will > >be kept for those OpenStep users who prefer that interface. > > > >The Punisher > > >snip > > >If it's "done and works fine" where is it? > Clearly though the OpenStep Workspace manager is what is being shipped with Rhapsody RDR, in its current state. Its useable, although not as elegant as it was in the NEXTSTEP version. -- Scott Anguish <sanguish@digifix.com> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:http://www.stepwise.com>
From: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 14 Dec 1997 05:32:17 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <66vr11$l1f$1@news.digifix.com> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl> <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> In-Reply-To: <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> On 12/13/97, Punisher wrote: >In article <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl>, rh@knoware.nl >(Hiram) wrote: > >> I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that >> some parts aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a >> NeXT-window, and menus, working flawlessly. So this means it is >> indeed possible to have those things appear 100% NeXTish on >> Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. I wrote an email to >> Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the choice between >> Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. > >It is my understanding that Apple will port the MacOS Finder to >Yellow as a replacement for the NeXT Workspace Manager. This would >give Mac users a familiar interface to aid migration from MacOS >to Rhapsody. But since Workspace Manager is done (with the possible >exception of the "Shelf") and works fine, it will be kept for those >OpenStep users who prefer that interface. > >The Punisher I think its a mis-statement to claim that the MacOS Finder is going to have any sort of involvement with the aspects that this thread is about. Certainly whatever program ends up as the FileManager we can expect it to behave more like the MacOS... Largely all that requires is views that Mac users are comfortable with. However, in this thread we're talking about the parts of the system that are common to all programs... menu appearances.. button appearance and behaviour, and the likes. Not the specific functionality of the program that you use to manage files. -- Scott Anguish <sanguish@digifix.com> NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information <URL:http://www.stepwise.com>
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Can I use a removeable hard drive with Openstep? Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:54:50 GMT Message-ID: <34966691.10241250@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET
Message-ID: <3493E5F2.CFA60C3@nospam.hiwaay.net> Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 07:58:10 -0600 From: Trey McClendon <tgmnospam@nospam.hiwaay.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Re: Can I use a removeable hard drive with Openstep? References: <34966691.10241250@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Similarly has anyone verified whether or not the ATAPI Zip drives will work with NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP? Get rid of nospam's to reply.
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 03:35:40 GMT Message-ID: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET I went the database "nextanswers" and typed in jazz, found plenty of listings, but think the only "Jazz" drive was: which I don't think is "jazz" drive like I am thinking of. I really, really hope I can just get a jazz drive and swap operating systems back and forth, but don't know, Thanks to everyone! ------------------------------ Media Vision Jazz 16 Overview is NeXTanswer #1731; Driver available from NeXTanswers Media Vision Deluxe Sound Card
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 15 Dec 1997 12:42:12 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > > I went the database "nextanswers" and typed in jazz, found > plenty of listings, but think the only "Jazz" drive was: > which I don't think is "jazz" drive like I am thinking of. I really, > really hope I can just get a jazz drive and swap operating systems > back and forth, but don't know, Thanks to everyone! You might want to slow down and type a little more coherently ;-) OpenStep can install onto a Jaz Drive. However, it needs a special disktab which you probably found in NeXTanswers... I am not sure what difference that would make as far making it a bootable drive. I have no experience doing that. However, if you want something faster and easier, with more space/cart, I would highly recommend a SyJet by SyQuest. You can make a boot drive with it, it does not require any special disktab entry, it is faster than the Jaz and has 1.5gig/cart rather than 1.0. I think most computers will boot from the lowest ID, so all you would have to do is make sure the drive is set to 0.... TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cloaked@fornospam.com from ibm.net << READ THIS Date: 15 Dec 1997 12:58:54 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6739ie$ga6$3@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3494a4f4.91764934@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I would have posted this privately but since you did not provide any way to get in touch with you.... Please read http://www.stepwise.com/Resources/Newsgroups/roadmap.html and use it as a guide for posting to the NeXT newsgroups. You have continually re-posted the same message to several different newsgroups. This is a bad thing and you should not be doing it. If you want the full explanation why, please email me at the address below or checkout DejaNews as I go on this rant every week or so. If you continue I will contact the abuse department at IBM.net and ask them to take the matter up with you. Proper participation in the newsgroups is a small thing to ask. I am very happy to help answer your questions but your actions are inconsiderate and wasteful (although my assumption at this point is that it was not your intention). You are currently wasting time and resources (including your own) and will not make any friends my continually disregarding the generally-accepted guidelines for posting. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 15 Dec 1997 16:59:53 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) wrote: >However, if you want something faster and easier, with more space/cart, I >would highly recommend a SyJet by SyQuest. You can make a boot drive with >it, it does not require any special disktab entry, it is faster than the Jaz >and has 1.5gig/cart rather than 1.0. I strongly second that. The SyJet is a much better choice for a removeable hard disc. >I think most computers will boot from the lowest ID, so all you >would have to do is make sure the drive is set to 0.... Generally, yes, or any id lower then all the other id's in your SCSI chain. However, I was surprised to learn that Macs hardware works differently. Best regards, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // http://www.nexttoyou.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: willadams@aol.com (WillAdams) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Can I use a removeable hard drive with Openstep? Date: 15 Dec 1997 20:22:37 GMT Message-ID: <19971215202200.PAA08064@ladder02.news.aol.com> Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com References: <3493E5F2.CFA60C3@nospam.hiwaay.net> The SCSI Zip drive works fine. I've icons for zip cartridges on my web page--check the hardware link, and I think a pointer to the Radical Solutions guide on Zip drives as well. Also check Tim Luoma's page (pointer from my links page). William William Adams http://members.aol.com/willadams Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <151297150854@theadultstore.com> Control: cancel <151297150854@theadultstore.com> Date: 15 Dec 1997 21:19:36 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.151297150854@theadultstore.com> Sender: john@theadultstore.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 15 Dec 1997 23:24:36 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <674e7k$d3s$3@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam In <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Christian Neuss wrote: > No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) wrote: > I strongly second that. The SyJet is a much better choice for a > removeable hard disc. I'd also have to say that SyQuest is a pleasure to deal with. I have had a lot of contact with them and found their 800# staff to be knowledgable (what a concept) and it was very easy to get an RMA when I needed one. > >I think most computers will boot from the lowest ID, so all you > >would have to do is make sure the drive is set to 0.... > > Generally, yes, or any id lower then all the other id's in your > SCSI chain. However, I was surprised to learn that Macs hardware > works differently. Think different ;-) TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Eric Hermanson <eric@alum.mit.edu> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Question Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 21:11:22 -0700 Organization: Digital Universe Corporation Message-ID: <3495FF6A.EFBC2F9E@alum.mit.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I
From: emclean@slip.net (Emmett McLean) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc Subject: November 1990 BYTE article on NeXT hardware Date: 15 Dec 1997 20:33:05 -0800 Organization: Slip.Net Message-ID: <6750a1$qju@slip.net> If you're own, are selling, or are about to purchase NeXT black hardware you might enjoy reading this BYTE November 1990 which has prices on NeXT computers. See http://www.slip.net/~emclean/next/article.html . Emmett
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 23:52:21 GMT Message-ID: <3498c271.164860738@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET So, then, I am correct? I could just use the SyJet (for instance) as my ONLY hard drive? Yippppieeee! I can run Windows 95 and NT and Linux and OpenStep and Whateverelse---just by swapping the platters! (though, I would only want to run openstep ,of course! ;) On 15 Dec 1997 16:59:53 GMT, Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> wrote: >No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) wrote: >>However, if you want something faster and easier, with more space/cart, I >>would highly recommend a SyJet by SyQuest. You can make a boot drive with >>it, it does not require any special disktab entry, it is faster than the Jaz >>and has 1.5gig/cart rather than 1.0. > >I strongly second that. The SyJet is a much better choice for a >removeable hard disc. > >>I think most computers will boot from the lowest ID, so all you >>would have to do is make sure the drive is set to 0.... > >Generally, yes, or any id lower then all the other id's in your >SCSI chain. However, I was surprised to learn that Macs hardware >works differently. > >Best regards, Chris
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Question Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 23:52:56 GMT Message-ID: <3499c2cd.164953658@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> References: <3495FF6A.EFBC2F9E@alum.mit.edu> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET On Mon, 15 Dec 1997 21:11:22 -0700, Eric Hermanson <eric@alum.mit.edu> wrote: >I Come on, you can do it! ;)
From: Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Question Date: 16 Dec 1997 14:15:04 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <6762d8$l6b$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> References: <3495FF6A.EFBC2F9E@alum.mit.edu> <3499c2cd.164953658@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: >On Mon, 15 Dec 1997 21:11:22 -0700, Eric Hermanson <eric@alum.mit.edu> >wrote: > >>I > >Come on, you can do it! ;) That did it. Bye. <plonk> Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // http://www.nexttoyou.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 16 Dec 1997 14:57:38 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6764t2$lm$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> <3498c271.164860738@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <3498c271.164860738@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > > So, then, I am correct? I could just use the SyJet (for instance) > as my ONLY hard drive? Yippppieeee! I can run Windows 95 > and NT and Linux and OpenStep and Whateverelse---just by > swapping the platters! (though, I would only want to run openstep ,of > course! ;) YES. The only concern at that point would be whether or not the hardware configuration yo have under Win95 will work under Linux will work under NT etc etc, but that is something you can't find out until you sit down and try them all. 1) It's a good idea to do this on one level, in that all your platforms will be independant (ie your Win95 virus won't kill your OpenStep partition) 2) It's is a bad idea in that if you run out of diskspace on one platform, you are SoL, rather than having the endless diskspace 3) get the EXTERNAL version of the SCSI SyJet.... It runs really hot and you probably don't want it inside your tower where it could cook something. (make sure you turn off the ``spin down when idle'' feature, and make sure the write/verify (whatever it is called) it OFF.... it is a performance enhancer that can cause problems if you are not just using it to run a video stream.... TjL, slightly annoyed that there are 3 separate threads going on about this exact same question on 3 different newsgroups. -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Another message for 'cloaked@fornospam.com' (was Re: Question) Date: 16 Dec 1997 15:55:12 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <676890$atb$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3495FF6A.EFBC2F9E@alum.mit.edu> <3499c2cd.164953658@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6762d8$l6b$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <6762d8$l6b$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Christian Neuss wrote: > cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > >On Mon, 15 Dec 1997 21:11:22 -0700, Eric Hermanson <eric@alum.mit.edu> > >wrote: > > > >>I > > > >Come on, you can do it! ;) > > That did it. Bye. <plonk> My guess is that Mr. Cloaked will not have any clue that the noise he just heard was him being dropped into the bit-bucket, otherwise known as the killfile. What that means is that his posts will no longer be seen by Christian (and the others who have done the same thing). You have lost another member of the community who might have been willing to help you. Useless posts and reposting the same messages repeatedly in different groups is a wonderful way to qualify for the killfile. Being anonymous is a nice way for people to feel entirely fine about ignoring you. If you want to cop the `I don't care I'll do what I want to attitude', there is little that can be done to stop you. But we can agree to ignore you. When you need help you can search dejanews or call NeXT for pay-per-call tech support. A word to the wise.... TjL, whose finger has been close to the Delete Author button too -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: cloaked@fornospam.com from ibm.net << READ THIS Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:22:02 GMT Message-ID: <34a00b86.249130813@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> References: <3494a4f4.91764934@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6739ie$ga6$3@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET > >I would have posted this privately but since you did not provide any way to >get in touch with you.... > >Please read http://www.stepwise.com/Resources/Newsgroups/roadmap.html and use >it as a guide for posting to the NeXT newsgroups. Sorry about that! I just now read the guide, and have been waay off in my posts. Please accept my aplogies! (Also, please disregard any messages that I may have sent since then). > >You have continually re-posted the same message to several different >newsgroups. This is a bad thing and you should not be doing it. If you want >the full explanation why, please email me at the address below or checkout >DejaNews as I go on this rant every week or so. > >If you continue I will contact the abuse department at IBM.net and ask them >to take the matter up with you. > >Proper participation in the newsgroups is a small thing to ask. I am very >happy to help answer your questions but your actions are inconsiderate and >wasteful (although my assumption at this point is that it was not your >intention). You are currently wasting time and resources (including your >own) and will not make any friends my continually disregarding the >generally-accepted guidelines for posting. > >TjL
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:27:02 GMT Message-ID: <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET > >However, if you want something faster and easier, with more space/cart, I >would highly recommend a SyJet by SyQuest. You can make a boot drive with >it, it does not require any special disktab entry, it is faster than the Jaz >and has 1.5gig/cart rather than 1.0. I was reading today where Windows NT cannot install onto a removable jazz type drive! I couldn't believe it! I don't know if it is some kind of a requirement for network type systems, or something just specific to NT who knows. I am seriously thinking of just getting another bare bones type system and running Openstep on *that*. Maybe I should rephrase that! I'll run Windows on the bare bones system, and Openstep on my regular system. > >I think most computers will boot from the lowest ID, so all you would have to >do is make sure the drive is set to 0.... > >TjL
From: cloaked@fornospam.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Another message for 'cloaked@fornospam.com' (was Re: Question) Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:31:21 GMT Message-ID: <34a20ec9.249965263@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> References: <3495FF6A.EFBC2F9E@alum.mit.edu> <3499c2cd.164953658@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6762d8$l6b$1@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> <676890$atb$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Organization: IBM.NET The reason I wrote the first gentleman back with a copy of the "I", (and a smiley face? is that not correct?) was that I thought he might not have known that his message was cut off (?) just showing the "I" part. I meant no disrespect by it and thought this would be better than "your message didn't go through" or similar. Please accept my apologies. >> > >> >>I >> > >> >Come on, you can do it! ;) >> >> That did it. Bye. <plonk> > > >My guess is that Mr. Cloaked will not have any clue that the noise he just >heard was him being dropped into the bit-bucket, otherwise known as the >killfile. What that means is that his posts will no longer be seen by >Christian (and the others who have done the same thing). > >You have lost another member of the community who might have been willing to >help you. > >Useless posts and reposting the same messages repeatedly in different groups >is a wonderful way to qualify for the killfile. Being anonymous is a nice >way for people to feel entirely fine about ignoring you. > >If you want to cop the `I don't care I'll do what I want to attitude', there >is little that can be done to stop you. But we can agree to ignore you. >When you need help you can search dejanews or call NeXT for pay-per-call tech >support. > >A word to the wise.... > >TjL, whose finger has been close to the Delete Author button too
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 17 Dec 1997 05:53:21 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <677pch$cmr$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > I was reading today where Windows NT cannot install onto a removable > jazz type drive! I couldn't believe it! I don't know if it is some > kind of a requirement for network type systems, or something just > specific to NT who knows. SyQuest tech support informs me that 95 and NT can boot off their removable drives. SyQuest drives are much like regular HDs in every way, not 100% but very close. Down with Jaz, up with SyJet! :-) TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: *punisher@enterprise.umecit.maine.edu* (Punisher) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: POP3 Server for Rhapsody/OpenStep Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:16:38 -0500 Organization: Thought Police Message-ID: <*punisher-1312971316390001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> I'm running Rhapsody DR1 (BSD 4.4) on a Power Macintosh 8500/150. I have SMTP activated using the sendmail command, but have been unable to enable POP3 for users of the system. I cannon find the popd command in this build. Everything seems complete with this exception. I even got the Apache web server up and running without a hitch. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, The Punisher By sending unsolicited email to this address, you aggree to pay the owner of the account $1000 per incident, $25000 for each subsequent incident.
From: *punisher@enterprise.umecit.maine.edu* (Punisher) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 13:33:29 -0500 Organization: Thought Police Message-ID: <*punisher-1312971333290001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl> In article <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl>, rh@knoware.nl (Hiram) wrote: > I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that some parts > aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a NeXT-window, and menus, > working flawlessly. So this means it is indeed possible to have those > things appear 100% NeXTish on Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. > I wrote an email to Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the > choice between Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. It is my understanding that Apple will port the MacOS Finder to Yellow as a replacement for the NeXT Workspace Manager. This would give Mac users a familiar interface to aid migration from MacOS to Rhapsody. But since Workspace Manager is done (with the possible exception of the "Shelf") and works fine, it will be kept for those OpenStep users who prefer that interface. The Punisher By sending unsolicited email to this address, you aggree to pay the owner of the account $1000 per incident, $25000 for each subsequent incident.
From: don@misckit.com (Don Yacktman) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Date: 18 Dec 1997 11:20:48 GMT Organization: MiscKit Development Message-ID: <67b0uh$gbf$2@news.xmission.com> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> emclean@slip.net (Emmett McLean) wrote: > With all the real estate on a two headed ND > I occassionally get the annoying luxury > of not being able to find the mouse pointer. > > Is the an app which will make it bigger? Nope. You're stuck with 16x16 as far as I know. But there's an easy way to find the pointer quickly. Make the right mouse button active and then click it whenever you can't find the pointer. The menu will pop up where the pointer is at, which ought to be big enough to catch your eye. :-) -- Later, -Don Yacktman don@misckit.com <a href="http://www.misckit.com/don.html">My home page</a>
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Date: 18 Dec 1997 12:44:45 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <67b5rt$scg$5@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> <67b0uh$gbf$2@news.xmission.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: tom@basil.icce.rug.nl Don's idea is a good one. Tom Hageman <tom@basil.icce.rug.nl> has a script around somewhere called 'cursor-color' which will allow you to change the color and width. I've CC'd him on this post so there's no need for everyone to email him asking for a copy :-) TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Robert Lutwak <robert@amo.mit.edu> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Date: 18 Dec 1997 23:07:46 GMT Organization: Erol's Internet Services Message-ID: <67cac2$6mk$1@winter.news.erols.com> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> Cc: emclean@slip.net In <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> Emmett McLean wrote: > Hi, > > With all the real estate on a two headed ND > I occassionally get the annoying luxury > of not being able to find the mouse pointer. > > Is the an app which will make it bigger? > Another possibility is a cute old app called "eyecon", available on the archive sites. The "eyes" of the Eyecon follow your cursor action. You can always find your cursor by looking to see where the eyeCon is looking. -- Robert Lutwak robert@amo.mit.edu
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <181297183418@babes.com> Control: cancel <181297183418@babes.com> Date: 19 Dec 1997 00:22:08 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.181297183418@babes.com> Sender: admin@babes.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: sg18@acpub.duke.edu (Subir Grewal) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: 19 Dec 1997 01:35:34 GMT Organization: Trill Host Selection Committee Message-ID: <67cj16$gdc$1@news.duke.edu> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> <66kn2j$s6b$1@news.seicom.net> Frank M. Siegert (frank@this.NO_SPAM.net) wrote: : In <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> Jonathan Sanderson wrote: : > Roger Dubin <dmi@maui.net> wrote: : > : > > 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer : > > system mentioned above would be a nightmare. : > : > I know nothing about NeXT hardware (still kicking myself over that : > one...), but couldn't you set up an FTP server on the Cube, connect the : > two machines with a lump of Ethernet cable (or even a serial link and : > PPP), and use Anarchie/Fetch/NetFinder to suck the files over? : Why not just set up CAPer, run the NeXT as an Appleshare server and copy the : stuff over... you can even use the old NeXT as a file and print server. NCSA telnet for the mac comes with a nifty little ftp pseudo-server that runs while telnet is. If you don't want to go through the trouble on configuring ftpd on your NeXT (I haven't worked with 2.1, but 3.0 seems to call ftpd from inetd, and that works automagically), you can temporarily run NCSA telnet's ftpd and ftp into your mac to transfer the files (if on ethernet of course). Otherwise, it might just be best to go the DOS route. Of course other unixes can run hsfs and mount mac partitions/disks. Wonder whether hsfs will compile on NeXTStep 2.1? -- hostmaster@trill-home.com + Lynx 2.7.1 + NeXT/PGP mail + www.crl.com/~subir/ And Jesus said unto them, "And whom do you say that I am?" They replied, "You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the ontological foundation of the context of our very selfhood revealed." And Jesus replied, "What?"
From: tom@basil.icce.dev.rug.null.nl (Tom Hageman) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Date: 19 Dec 1997 02:15:11 GMT Organization: Warty Wolfs Sender: news@basil.icce.rug.nl (NEWS pusher) Message-ID: <ELEo2o.ILx@basil.icce.rug.nl> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> <67b0uh$gbf$2@news.xmission.com> <67b5rt$scg$5@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) wrote: > > Don's idea is a good one. > > Tom Hageman <tom@basil.icce.rug.nl> has a script around somewhere called > 'cursor-color' which will allow you to change the color and width. OK, here it is: begin 755 cursor-color.gz M'XL(`$MGH#("`[69>W/:2!+`_[8^12\F>R9!6.`D=\$AM>#R@ZJLXP*\B<M) M.8,T0E/1ZT8C8RZ;[W[=,Q(8Q[&!9.TH&HVF?]-OA+S]&^R.1;R;!=;VLV?/ MK&T`)53(VUMN+K-$VFX2)I*FV3A3DKFJO?4V81XPT'?$_[@'.VZ>J22B<0VB M),\X&&DMEZL@D>VM41+!"9OPB,5U&`4<3KD*N`Q9[&7P&L7_&+-,A`WANKPA M\TDC#M^0O"LY4]QK;YTFUSP:<PG-5Z]>UL&7"&1P-H2`N5\@33)<!>,9O!Z/ M\^@/7PJ/S1IN$FE*E'C"%X31S"2=A=Q7;6O;VM[:.L!+*2:!@IV#FL8#D+J# M1JEQ@Y8!P`Z_<7FJ`#77.V:N%'A)&M0T:Q2(#/"?+SF'+/'5E$F^#[,D!Y?% M(+DGT(UBG"L.0@$:OYM(H]T,Q7$JCSVTD3907$89)+Z^.#X]AV,><\E".,O' MH7#AK7!YC+YF&:0TDP7:`8@A@2/28%AH`$<)<ID22;P/7)#CX9K+#*^A56Y1 M\.I`@=O:88K4EI"D)%9#76<08BCFDHV%Q:6E9/K"0@]$K,E!DJ(Y`1+1P*D( M0QASP#3Q\["."%P+[_NCDW?G(^B>7L#[[F#0/1U=[.-:3!Z\RZ^Y(8DH#3&, M@)M)%JL9ZHZ`/P\'!R<HT>WUW_9'%V@`'/5'IX?#(1R]&T`7SKJ#4?_@_&UW M`&?G@[-WP\,&P)"34ASE'W"NK\.#EGE<,1%FQN@+C&>&FH4>QOZ:8UQ=+JZY M*8MT]GC0D,'"))YH"W'M+1_N0V84`U^$'`[>G5WT3X]1W[X/<:+J,)4"LT<E MCP2Z#B]>P8BCPSB<A<SE8,,P)]&]/8?<WL,$IF5_=L%I-9M-N[GG_+L.Y\.N M-A+09)/?"#.5\I[)6,23ME$8`YA1NB9N'O&8PNUCJ>:2SY/V]/##:#@Z/$,K M<=DTXQ)3AVJIKR!B,XH3G=`JF";R"]E8Q)JF7<FR0'/NB@^3.NVN*ZC,TBE6 ME\B(892?8CU@35"-;]G`PC"9`I-C@4U,SHK^A#%D*:>8XI(L3]-$HF)YJ`0Y M#=>B"U(5E`M2[F*9FL:74:N)6<3QGFW;3W<MJRB+G1I\M0"X&R10^8Q-C=,R MJ#J?YR7G-/;`MF&IHU6L;Y:59]AOE@#G--.&9<ZE[?]MRT]PB06&!2FP3P^. M>Y==FADG$AM(>8V_&ASP,-VI;1%7[S'G?[2@-(C29R+(^UBV`;]A'MH;8>H6 MK+'ND3'/,KAF84Y^0TICTH"/%<=Q/E8@XBQ&QV"R?:GCI._[\\EI@)E'`MTP M#1CL8!CB+,4M8W=6H[9AV@P+Z^ASGV$,:!(92!`-W@#L%2%F3,K^FVO.`=8= M4VU,GM@VLT50,]UIR1`4U_[AF<*L11#W?>XJK;<N)C1YHG.7]M*FU[&"R_UW MM,ZV%%%$C96LJI6)0_7*5<,R6F=M)-I^'8/J8T*6/Y2B='T[V<@1;E`V#VR# MNKEP^NB;888E"NN(8))@DHEXC'E;PLKK,NJP,X^_CB&I)28Q$KT:04X(0J$O M-<)MIZ9X:;9.GS_`;X2BQ7_1XC)#YXN+B<52G4YNP-TO5WI/RE;8AFJS<\VD M8..0VRJQT3E0;75TGD!UKU/X%/>YPF6=2K59H<3#I(9*M84ACO'RTK%?,=O_ M=/=,MJ"@WJY3_=KZYNN)_7W8WGE`[++Y`_$EZ4IE^?[>TMVGYJ:IE7Z,]@C/ MU`L4MK6HDB-\`*)@?E\U%7CS>\LR`<2ZFU\9(I;!##Y^7JYN$[)_+3YZ1(S# M2#?UVH)'P0`:\HRY=$*%T)G:OQ^KQIP*=D,,EYJEO!,3([0L3$!L;FW+2\H( M5+>-_YT:UCAG7Q;,(D!-"I!QB'T"?Y=)50R*LSF!<1C=WS<J.DL.M?_2Z\H\ M6XP7P_FH'!1G<RHV*`#W[^'KI51ZYDPGOQ#4OL!;RQ)FC[*^%N/%<#XJ!\79 MG&[#"\KR!K;'Q_G$K-+#SHQGRTN*7)OGR?XBQ-\EY)TX98'P%48TYEB;\Y"2 MQ*73;'VJ%>)/:_?0-<+JFYKL=:@<;]<W]#$!^A7`#N\OS?=POE<!;/)^N2F9 M7^QKLHV4-=VO@Y\TU:^];W0X&_X4@/[&D%N`S2!W`.M#[@&L!_D!8'7(`X#5 M((\`'H>L`'@8\J`/[AXKY<%/.-$(K`OYKA8V`MR=7`=BW3?YTX`%Y'$3Z`E@ M?]_"7OP/MHE?5N6_K$A_68UM6"*K@=8`W`_:`+`,6A/0VU2#E=O$^LWJ!XFT M.N3>#ZQU(/=^9/[H,^@!#1[J-2MDXB]H$\53U3_0*AS/\7_JB8(`+S:$:``) MLPTA&D#"?G&P-2$:H(79K6,-B`&0T(L[!UL-8@`HX.T5AU,>S_U7SG_\E9XH M[@J6!P$>@QC`#X16?J*X+?3<\7PZUG+B;34-Q/=;>&S\1$'"SCJ`^XK4T9"Q MO_$3!0EO#-B@59AO-,5W5_UE2[]@P"]<-?.]NWQKTJGVZ\4+LTZUI[]8%5_, MJZ;'5(HY\QW3<%-?P>O7<'5U^.[HZ@K>['K\>C?.PQ!:;WYO6D]^.QO:72\9 M<[O5<.#P;'A$`^O)DQZ]FA7QI)?<M,'!W^9+_(<W#F/O((GH/51FS>=A0"^< M8WK7K=]^6EZ>%D/<4+A<$LZ:9.R:6T8B<UE8CI];E_@_T6Q];K[\9'U];15V M66^^@<]"=-`>,'HA)R)Z*3BA5V6)Q$&FF.)6S&^4)UP%NU>G'X8!D]P[EFQF M7N%-N`+K],/5:,K#:]X3:G#<@R;ZUN,W]'*LU#5502@BH:SOE5\8^P*>@TS0 EAP[LM8#^(`-N$J5))D@-=*X1L^AO(H4_B@!8_P?L6ME@PQH``%\8 ` end Still limited to 16x16 cursors though. (TjL, can you store it on peak somewhere?) -- __/__/__/__/ Tom Hageman <tom@basil.icce.dev.rug.null.nl> [NeXTmail/Mime OK] __/ __/_/ IC Group <tom@dev.icgned.null.nl> (work) __/__/__/ <<SPAMBLOCK: remove dev. and null. to reply>> __/ _/_/ Confused? You won't be after the NeXT episode.
From: ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: [Info] more NeXT style icons Date: 19 Dec 1997 05:00:29 GMT Organization: ppai News Message-ID: <67cv1d$3m5$1@usenet.kornet.nm.kr> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi~ If you want more NeXT, Mac, BeBox and Rhapsody style icons, Here is my collection. Also my edtions included. You will like it. Maybe.. ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/submissions/ppai_Icon_18_True.tar.gz If you feel like so pretty, Please send me mail with message "Very Good !" ^.^ # It should move to "ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/graphics/icons/" or ' http://www.peak.org/next/new_arrivals/ directory. # This collection supports only color Workspace. Merry Christmas~ younghoon KIL ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr (NeXTMail OK) ppai@bbs.para.co.kr(Large size NeXTMail OK) http://soback.kornet.nm.kr/~ppai (ppai News) http://bbs.para.co.kr/~ppai (ppai News2) (NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, Rhapsody Q&A & Info Board written in Korean) (The Web site contains 5,200 articles about NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP and Rhapsody)
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: [Info] more NeXT style icons Date: 19 Dec 1997 06:19:36 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <67d3lo$8rp$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <67cv1d$3m5$1@usenet.kornet.nm.kr> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr In <67cv1d$3m5$1@usenet.kornet.nm.kr> ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr wrote: > ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/submissions/ppai_Icon_18_True.tar.gz This was renamed to 'ppai_Icon_18.tar.gz' > # It should move to "ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/graphics/icons/" or ' > http://www.peak.org/next/new_arrivals/ directory. It moved to the first and is linked to the second. TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67d5fe$9dc@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> Control: cancel <67d5fe$9dc@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> Date: 19 Dec 1997 06:55:26 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67d5fe$9dc@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> Sender: <pfarson@ix.netcom.com> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: [info] My artworks made with NEXTSTEP Date: 19 Dec 1997 07:14:56 GMT Organization: ppai News Message-ID: <67d6tg$bin$1@usenet.kornet.nm.kr> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit KIL gellery: http://soback.kornet.nm.kr/~ppai/gallery.html younghoon KIL, ppai@soback.kornet.nm.kr (NeXTMail OK)
From: <gbh@middlemarch.net> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Transferring NeXT files to Mac Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 12:55:17 -0500 Organization: Clark Internet Services, Inc. Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971219125138.3945D-100000@clark.net> References: <34871598.59A7@maui.net> <19971209204321290753@quern.demon.co.uk> <66kn2j$s6b$1@news.seicom.net> <67cj16$gdc$1@news.duke.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <67cj16$gdc$1@news.duke.edu> > : > > 40mb of my NeXT files into my Mac (a 200mhz PPC 603e). The transfer > : > > system mentioned above would be a nightmare. Why not attach an external SCSI Zip, Jazz, or Syquest drive drive to the NeXT computer, copy the files, then attach it to the Mac and the copy the files over there. --Greg
From: yiannis@prologos.nrl.navy.mil (John Michopoulos) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: MIME mail decoding on older Nextstep? Date: 16 Dec 1997 14:37:52 GMT Organization: Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Message-ID: <6763o0$gda$1@ra.nrl.navy.mil> I get an e-mail message on a Nextstep 3.0 machine that after the main message has the following (I present to you the top snip from it). Is there any way one can recover the contents of this MIME file? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everybody, -jm ------------------begin of sniplet----------------------------- --Message-Boundary-16163 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-description: Information about this message. This message contains a file prepared for transmission using the MIME BASE64 transfer encoding scheme. If you are using Pegasus Mail or another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to extract it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for help. ---- File information ----------- File: tp7min97.doc Date: 8 Dec 1997, 11:24 Size: 99840 bytes. Type: Unknown --Message-Boundary-16163 Content-type: Application/Octet-stream; name=tp7min97.doc; type=Unknown Content-transfer-encoding: BASE64 0M8R4KGxGuEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOwADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAQAAAAAA AAAAEAAAAgAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAAAAAAABkAAAA//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// --------------- end of sniplet ------------------- --john m. ------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dr.John Michopoulos (yanni)| Tel: (202) 767-2189 or -2165 | | Naval Research Laboratory | Fax: (202) 767-9181 | | Code 6380 |e-mail: yiannis@prologos.nrl.navy.mil| | Washington DC 20375-5000 | michopoulos@anvil.nrl.navy.mil|
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: me@claire (My Account) Subject: SDRAM for NeXTstation DSP Message-ID: <ELHywF.AC@yves.fdn.fr> Sender: me@yves.fdn.fr (My Account) Organization: Individual Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 16:53:03 GMT Hi all I m looking for SRAM for my DSP. Have NeXTstation Turbo runing NS 3.3 Want to increase the DSP memory by SRAM 512 Ko. Where can I by this. Thanks in advance for any help. Yves
From: mitchell.allen@worldnet.att.net Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: Get an error while installing Rhapsody -- NDA!?!?! Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 19:59:34 -0500 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <67hpis$d7c@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> References: <01bcfab9$12cc3d80$44cd09c0@machine.cornut.fr> <cam-3011971213130001@tnt01dla033.escape.ca> <65u3bt$qa@lobotomy.urz.uni-wuerzburg.de> <65vasb$7jh$1@news.digifix.com> > > As far as comparing Rhapsody to Linux goes, thats not productive. > Apple is a commerical company, and has to protect its product that is > not shipping yet. We've seen how stupid articles in the past (PCWeek, > MacWeek) can take what are obviously transitional issues and make them > appear to be 'Final Release Gospel'. > > On the other hand, public discussions of problems hasn't seemed to hurt Be any. I imagine that all the free testing, bug reports, and fixes that are created by the community are worth any potential bad press they might get. I do sympathize with teh fact that Apple gets really shitty press. However, I suspect that M$ is just about to start getting it's share of "will it survive" press. Have you looked at the stock price plunge. "Experts" are already predicting that if the price hits $128 it will fall to $109 or so. Mitch
From: mitchell.allen@worldnet.att.net Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 20:03:16 -0500 Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services Message-ID: <67hppp$d7c@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <673nm9$ped$3@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> <3498c271.164860738@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> In article <3498c271.164860738@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net>, cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > So, then, I am correct? I could just use the SyJet (for instance) > as my ONLY hard drive? Yippppieeee! I can run Windows 95 > and NT and Linux and OpenStep and Whateverelse---just by > swapping the platters! (though, I would only want to run openstep ,of > course! ;) > > Have you ever tried just partitioning the disk? Mitch
From: sanguish@digifix.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.announce,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.programmer Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <18578882075626@digifix.com> Date: 21 Dec 1997 04:59:33 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <4893882680420@digifix.com> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server http://www.stepwise.com Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: OpenStep Third Party Software guide, Developer Directory, Mailing List information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. This is the World Wide Web interace to the FTP site. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) http://www.next.com Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's 'Prelude to Rhapsody' Self Support Site http://devworld.apple.com/dev/prelude.html This site has been constructed to help you help yourself to learn as much as possible about the foundation for Rhapsody, today's OPENSTEP. The site provides an informal collection of pointers, references, and starting points for developers who are using the Prelude to Rhapsody bundle, distributed at this year's Worldwide Developer Conference. OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to next-announce@digifix.com where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other comp.sys.next groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to misc.forsale.computers.workstation or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original comp.sys.next no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at antigone.com, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to listserv@antigone.com). The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to *-request@lists.best.com saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. next-programmer-request@lists.best.com Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= ftp://ftp.next.peak.org The main site for North American submissions formerly ftp.cs.orst.edu ftp://ftp.peanuts.org: (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/comp/next NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) ftp://cube.sm.dsi.unimi.it (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) ftp://ftp.nmr.embl-heidelberg.de/pub/next eduStep ftp://ftp.next.com: See below ftp.next.com and NextAnswers@next.com ===================================== [from the document ftp://ftp.next.com/pub/NeXTanswers/1000_Help] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. 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Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( sanguish@digifix.com ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( Greg_Anderson@afs.com ) Michael Pizolato ( alf@epix.net ) Dan Grillo ( dan_grillo@next.com )
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <349cb8a6.0@> Control: cancel <349cb8a6.0@> Date: 21 Dec 1997 06:46:08 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.349cb8a6.0@> Sender: chinabob@hotmail.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Christian Neuss <neuss.@informatik.th-darmstadt.de.nos-pam> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 17 Dec 1997 14:12:25 GMT Organization: Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Message-ID: <678mk9$j9r$2@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <677pch$cmr$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) wrote: >In <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> cloaked@fornospam.com wrote: > >> I was reading today where Windows NT cannot install onto a removable >> jazz type drive! I couldn't believe it! I don't know if it is some >> kind of a requirement for network type systems, or something just >> specific to NT who knows. > >SyQuest tech support informs me that 95 and NT can boot off their removable >drives. Yes. Removable drives respond to a different subset of SCSI commands. They may or may not be implemented correctly, which may be the cause of incompatibilities of certain cdrives with certain OSes. I have _heard_ that it may be required that you power up (cold start) with the media already in the drive. >SyQuest drives are much like regular HDs in every way, not 100% but very >close. > >Down with Jaz, up with SyJet! :-) Seconded. The Jaz drive has a fancy name, a neat enclosure, and is hyped. The SyJet OTOH is the better drive. Not surprising: Syquest has a much longer history of making high quality removable HD drives. At least here in Europe, Syquest offers a special deal for a limited time, buy the drive now and get a second 1.5 G cartridge for free. You might want to inquire about this. Best regards Chris -- // Christian Neuss "static typing? how quaint.." // http://www.nexttoyou.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please (Tired of Spam) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: jazz drive as only drive for openstep (if works) [swapping operating systems] Date: 17 Dec 1997 16:58:19 GMT Organization: none Message-ID: <6790bb$i3g$4@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> References: <3496a577.91896070@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <6738j4$ga6$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <34a10d55.249593478@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> <677pch$cmr$2@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> <678mk9$j9r$2@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In <678mk9$j9r$2@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de> Christian Neuss wrote: > Yes. Removable drives respond to a different subset of SCSI commands. > They may or may not be implemented correctly, which may be the cause > of incompatibilities of certain cdrives with certain OSes. And Iomega strikes me as a Win-like company -- ``we'll define our own standards... they won't work as well, they'll be slower, but we'll flood the market with them'' > I have _heard_ that it may be required that you power up (cold start) > with the media already in the drive. Well, if it was going to be your boot device then you would want that > At least here in Europe, Syquest offers a special deal for a limited > time, buy the drive now and get a second 1.5 G cartridge for free. > You might want to inquire about this. I believe their homepage advertizes this as well. In addition, SyJet cart prices are falling like mad. They were about $125/cart and I think I saw a 3pack deal somewhere that ended up being like $70/cart if you bought the 3pack. It was probably at CDW unless I just caught it while surfing... TjL -- My FROM address is fake. It does not exist. It never has. It is not even currently possibly real. I'll check back for followups. This is the ``least-worst'' solution to dealing with spammers. Remove spaces luomat + next @ luomat.peak.org
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67f2jk$m2g$57@nnrp4.snfc21.pbi.net> Control: cancel <67f2jk$m2g$57@nnrp4.snfc21.pbi.net> Date: 22 Dec 1997 02:17:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67f2jk$m2g$57@nnrp4.snfc21.pbi.net> Sender: 445@445.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67h1mt$el3$503@nnrp2.snfc21.pbi.net> Control: cancel <67h1mt$el3$503@nnrp2.snfc21.pbi.net> Date: 22 Dec 1997 02:17:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67h1mt$el3$503@nnrp2.snfc21.pbi.net> Sender: 2691@2691.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67mptk$237$402@news.nacamar.de> Control: cancel <67mptk$237$402@news.nacamar.de> Date: 22 Dec 1997 22:34:29 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67mptk$237$402@news.nacamar.de> Sender: Information<NotImportant@not.now> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.games.strategic,comp.sys.mac.graphics,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.storage,comp.sys.mac.hardware.video,comp.sys.mac.hypercard,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.oop.powerplant,comp.sys.mac.portables,comp.sys.mac.printing,comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,comp.sys.mac.programmer.games,comp.sys.mac.programmer.help,comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools,comp.sys.mac.scitech,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.wanted,comp.sys.misc,comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.ncr,comp.sys.net-computer.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.palmtops,comp.sys.pen,comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy,comp.sys.powerpc.tech,comp.sys.psion,comp.sys.psion.apps,comp.sys.psion.comm,comp.sys.psion.marketplace From: news@news.msfc.nasa.gov Message-ID: <cancel.349B2397.2B3357D@pacific.net.sg> Control: cancel <349B2397.2B3357D@pacific.net.sg> Subject: cmsg cancel <349B2397.2B3357D@pacific.net.sg> no reply ignore Organization: Semi-Automatic Lupine Remover Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 02:46:03 GMT Sender: Singcom Enterprise <slloong@pacific.net.sg> ignore Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.games.strategic,comp.sys.mac.graphics,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.storage,comp.sys.mac.hardware.video,comp.sys.mac.hypercard,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.oop.powerplant,comp.sys.mac.portables,comp.sys.mac.printing,comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior,comp.sys.mac.programmer.games,comp.sys.mac.programmer.help,comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools,comp.sys.mac.scitech,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.wanted,comp.sys.misc,comp.sys.msx,comp.sys.ncr,comp.sys.net-computer.misc,comp.sys.newton.programmer,comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer From: news@news.msfc.nasa.gov Message-ID: <cancel.349B236B.34D3523D@pacific.net.sg> Control: cancel <349B236B.34D3523D@pacific.net.sg> Subject: cmsg cancel <349B236B.34D3523D@pacific.net.sg> no reply ignore Organization: Semi-Automatic Lupine Remover Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 02:45:50 GMT Sender: Singcom Enterprise <slloong@pacific.net.sg> ignore Make Money Fast post canceled by J. Porter Clark.
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67nb10$b98$10501@winter.news.erols.com> Control: cancel <67nb10$b98$10501@winter.news.erols.com> Date: 23 Dec 1997 03:27:33 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67nb10$b98$10501@winter.news.erols.com> Sender: Phantom@strategical.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67o5k6$kf8@sjx-ixn7.ix.netcom.com> Control: cancel <67o5k6$kf8@sjx-ixn7.ix.netcom.com> Date: 23 Dec 1997 11:07:50 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67o5k6$kf8@sjx-ixn7.ix.netcom.com> Sender: <phone3@earthlink.net> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.software Subject: cmsg cancel <349f7733.0@> Control: cancel <349f7733.0@> Date: 23 Dec 1997 11:37:02 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.349f7733.0@> Sender: uxbgdm@netwide.net (ATTRACT MORE WOMEN) Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: boom@DIESPAMsonyx.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Site of the day Date: 23 Dec 1997 13:53:55 GMT Organization: DIGEX, Inc. Message-ID: <67ofpj$5aj$3@news2.digex.net> References: <67mptk$237$402@news.nacamar.de> In Site of the day comp.sys.next.misc Information<NotImportant@not.now> writes, > Check it out > ...sad...if you're going to spam, at least make sure that your HTML works, fool...
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67p1s6$r5u@dfw-ixnews11.ix.netcom.com> Control: cancel <67p1s6$r5u@dfw-ixnews11.ix.netcom.com> Date: 23 Dec 1997 19:06:12 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.67p1s6$r5u@dfw-ixnews11.ix.netcom.com> Sender: <Mail_Offerz@earthlink.net> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
From: "Daniel Feussner" <v-danfe@microsoft.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: NeXTStep / OpenStep Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 19:10:22 -0800 Organization: Microsoft Corp. Message-ID: <67pu96$kbb@news.microsoft.com> I´m looking for used NeXT Software: NeXTStep / OpenStep Mathematica Perl5 LaTEX TEX INTEX Make your offers ! It´s very urgent. Dan
From: gary-nospam-@screaming.org (Gary W. Longsine) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: next interface for rhapsody, anyone? Date: 22 Dec 1997 05:19:37 GMT Organization: Save the Skeet Foundation Message-ID: <67kt99$6do$1@news.platinum.com> References: <1d15tc1.ylvbk7cojf4eN@boompie-ppp6.knoware.nl> <66sqh0$bps@sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.BSF.3.96.971213153453.4272A-100000@surf1.its.bond.edu.au> <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl> Cc: rh@knoware.nl In <1d1791d.1jyoj971mtvcw6N@lampie-ppp2.knoware.nl> it appeared that Hiram wrote: > I just took a look at Rhapsody yesterday, and I noticed that some parts > aren't even ported yet. The UserManager has a NeXT-window, and menus, > working flawlessly. So this means it is indeed possible to have those > things appear 100% NeXTish on Rhapsody. But I don't know about the dock. > I wrote an email to Jobs asking him for a radio button allowing us the > choice between Mac GUI and NeXT GUI. No reply, of course. Such comments are of interest to Apple, and should be directed to: rhapsody-dev-feedback@apple.com I'm sure that Steve gets plenty of advice via email and doesn't have time to respond to them all. Heck, I can't respond to all the email that I get, and my name isn't in the papers every day. ;-) /gary -- Gary W. Longsine | ____/| OpenStep MachOS | \ o.O| Objective-C l_o_n_gsine@platinum.com | =(_)= the Dock NeXTmail & MIME | U Elegance is Relevant.
From: andrew@AmbrosiaSW.com (Andrew Welch) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.sysadmin Subject: Re: POP3 Server for Rhapsody/OpenStep Message-ID: <andrew-2212970229460001@hervor.valkyrie.com> References: <*punisher-1312971316390001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu> Organization: Ambrosia Software, Inc. Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 07:26:37 GMT NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 02:26:37 EST In article <*punisher-1312971316390001@async14.ts-b-caps1.caps.maine.edu>, *punisher@enterprise.umecit.maine.edu* (Punisher) wrote: > I'm running Rhapsody DR1 (BSD 4.4) on a Power Macintosh 8500/150. > > I have SMTP activated using the sendmail command, but have been unable to > enable POP3 for users of the system. I cannon find the popd command in > this build. Everything seems complete with this exception. I even got > the Apache web server up and running without a hitch. Check out qpopper, I compiled and installed is successfully under OpenStep 4.2: ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/qpopper2.4.tar.Z +--------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Andrew Welch | Ambrosia Software, Inc. | | Thaumaturgist | http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/ | +--------------------------+-----------------------------------+
From: Cosmo Roadkill <cosmo.roadkill%bofh.int@rauug.mil.wi.us> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <34a2f634.0@news.sac.bfp.net> Control: cancel <34a2f634.0@news.sac.bfp.net> Date: 26 Dec 1997 00:20:36 GMT Organization: BOFH Space Command, Usenet Division Message-ID: <cancel.34a2f634.0@news.sac.bfp.net> Sender: cb101@aolqpdbi1.com Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc From: me@claire (My Account) Subject: SDRAM for NeXTstation DSP Message-ID: <ELMBz1.rC@yves.fdn.fr> Keywords: DSP/ SRAM Sender: me@yves.fdn.fr (My Account) Organization: Individual Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 01:25:49 GMT Hi all I m looking for SRAM for my DSP. Have NeXTstation Turbo runing NS 3.3 Want to increase the DSP memory by SRAM 512 Ko. Where can I by this. Thanks in advance for any help. Yves
From: jcr.remove@this.phrase.idiom.com (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: A little story about Benatong (UPS for NeXTStep) Date: 28 Dec 1997 02:25:43 GMT Organization: WARPnet, Incorporated Message-ID: <684db7$nuv$3@news.idiom.com> References: <66tah3$ofj$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: No-Spam-As-Spam-Is-Evil@all.please In <66tah3$ofj$1@ha2.rdc1.nj.home.com> Tired of Spam wrote: [a story about dealing with Chuck Bennet and his UPS controller software] Yeah, Chuck's a terriffic vendor. I hope that Rhapsody generates enough sales volume for him that he can punt the other job and concentrate on his Rhapsody/OpenStep products. -jcr -- John C. Randolph (408) 358-6732 NeXT mail preferred. Chief Technology Officer, WARPnet Incorporated. @"Hey, %s! You're a NAZI, and you can't spell!"
From: jcr.remove@this.phrase.idiom.com (John C. Randolph) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Date: 28 Dec 1997 02:20:20 GMT Organization: WARPnet, Incorporated Message-ID: <684d14$nuv$2@news.idiom.com> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cc: emclean@slip.net In <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> Emmett McLean wrote: -> Hi, -> -> With all the real estate on a two headed ND -> I occassionally get the annoying luxury -> of not being able to find the mouse pointer. -> -> Is the an app which will make it bigger? I'm not sure bigger is possible, but this hack will make it more conspicuous: %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 16 16 %%EndComments 0 0 16 16 Retained window dup windowdeviceround gsave 16 16 scale 16 16 4 [16 0 0 -16 0 16] {< ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0f0d0fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0ffd0f0d0fffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffffd0ffd0ffd0ffd0fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffffd0ff50ff50ff50ffd0fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffff50ff50ff50ff50ff50ff50fffff00000000000000000000000000000000 fffff50fd00fd00fd00fd00fd00f908fffff0000000000000000000000000000 ffffd00fd00fd00fd00fd00fd00f908f908fffff000000000000000000000000 ffffd00fd00fd00f908f908fffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000 ffff908f908fffff00ff00ffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff908fffff0000ffff00ff00ffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 ffffffff00000000ffff00ff00ffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0000000000000000ffff00ff00ffffff0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000ffff00ff00ffffff0000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 >} false 3 alphaimage grestore gstate nextdict /_NXSharedGrayAlpha get NX_TwelveBitRGB 1 index setwindowdepthlimit windowdeviceround 0 0 16 16 5 4 roll 0 32 Copy composite nulldevice termwindow -- John C. Randolph (408) 358-6732 NeXT mail preferred. Chief Technology Officer, WARPnet Incorporated. @"Hey, %s! You're a NAZI, and you can't spell!"
From: sanguish@digifix.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.announce,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.programmer Subject: NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Resources on the Net Supersedes: <4893882680420@digifix.com> Date: 28 Dec 1997 04:59:39 GMT Organization: Digital Fix Development Message-ID: <343883285229@digifix.com> Topics include: Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites NeXTanswers Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP World Wide Web Sites ============================================ The following sites are a sample of the OpenStep related WWW sites available. A comprehensive list is available on Stepwise. Stepwise OpenStep/Rhapsody Information Server http://www.stepwise.com Stepwise has been serving the OpenStep/NEXTSTEP community since March 1993. Some of the many resources on the site include: OpenStep Third Party Software guide, Developer Directory, Mailing List information, extensive listing of FTP and WWW sites related to OpenStep and NEXTSTEP, OpenStep related Frequently Asked Questions. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. NeXT Software Archives @ Peak.org http://www.peak.org/next http://www.peak.org/openstep PEAK is the premier NeXTStep/OpenStep FTP site in North America. This is the World Wide Web interace to the FTP site. Apple Enterprise Software Group (formerly NeXT Computer, Inc.) http://www.next.com Here is where you'll find the NeXTanswers archive, with information on OpenStep installation, drivers and software patches. Apple Computer's 'Prelude to Rhapsody' Self Support Site http://devworld.apple.com/dev/prelude.html This site has been constructed to help you help yourself to learn as much as possible about the foundation for Rhapsody, today's OPENSTEP. The site provides an informal collection of pointers, references, and starting points for developers who are using the Prelude to Rhapsody bundle, distributed at this year's Worldwide Developer Conference. OpenStep/NEXTSTEP/Rhapsody Related Usenet Newsgroups ==================================================== COMP.SYS.NEXT.ADVOCACY This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. COMP.SYS.NEXT.ANNOUNCE Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to next-announce@digifix.com where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other comp.sys.next groups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.BUGS A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-specific groups as well. COMP.SYS.NEXT.HARDWARE Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MARKETPLACE NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to misc.forsale.computers.workstation or appropriate regional newsgroups. COMP.SYS.NEXT.MISC For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! COMP.SYS.NEXT.PROGRAMMER Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SOFTWARE This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. COMP.SYS.NEXT.SYSADMIN Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ** RELATED NEWSGROUPS ** COMP.SOFT-SYS.NEXTSTEP Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. COMP.LANG.OBJECTIVE-C Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. COMP.OBJECT Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original comp.sys.next no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at antigone.com, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep next-advocacy next-announce next-bugs next-hardware next-marketplace next-misc next-programmer next-software next-sysadmin object lang-objective-c (For a full description, send mail to listserv@antigone.com). The subscription syntax is essentially the same as Majordomo's. To subscribe, send a message to *-request@lists.best.com saying: subscribe where * is the name of the list e.g. next-programmer-request@lists.best.com Major OpenStep/NEXTSTEP FTP sites ================================= ftp://ftp.next.peak.org The main site for North American submissions formerly ftp.cs.orst.edu ftp://ftp.peanuts.org: (Peanuts) Located in Germany. Comprehensive archive site. Very well maintained. ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/comp/next NeGeN/NiNe (NEXTSTEP Gebruikers Nederland/NeXTSTEP in the Netherlands) ftp://cube.sm.dsi.unimi.it (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) ftp://ftp.nmr.embl-heidelberg.de/pub/next eduStep ftp://ftp.next.com: See below ftp.next.com and NextAnswers@next.com ===================================== [from the document ftp://ftp.next.com/pub/NeXTanswers/1000_Help] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to nextanswers@next.com. Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to nextanswers-request@next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL http://www.next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to nextanswers-request@next.com. USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! _________________________________________________________________ Written by: Eric P. Scott ( eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU ) and Scott Anguish ( sanguish@digifix.com ) Additions from: Greg Anderson ( Greg_Anderson@afs.com ) Michael Pizolato ( alf@epix.net ) Dan Grillo ( dan_grillo@next.com )
From: "Michael D. Melez" <myk@cats.ucsc.edu> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Rhapsody Web Site Hosting? Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 13:38:23 -0800 Message-ID: <34A81834.FFDC6495@cats.ucsc.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit About a month ago a couple of the Macintosh news sites reported that a UK web site hosting company was planning to offer low-cost web site hosting on Rhapsody servers. Now I can't find any information about this, either on the news sites or anywhere else on the web. Does anyone have the URL for this company? myk
From: dave@turbocat.de (David Wetzel) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: cmsg cancel <67nb10$b98$10501@winter.news.erols.com> Control: cancel <67nb10$b98$10501@winter.news.erols.com> Date: 30 Dec 1997 00:13:52 GMT Organization: Turbocat's Development Message-ID: <689ec0$di6@alice.turbocat.de> cancel
From: Michael Verruto <michael@hesta.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.marketplace,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.software Subject: WTB:Scan-O-Matic Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 01:56:55 -0500 Organization: HPI Capital, LLC Message-ID: <34A89B36.7EEFF9C1@hesta.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Any version 1.x to 2.x wanted. Send price.
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 22:17:10 -0500 From: mitchell.allen@worldnet.att.net Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: Re: Want larger mouse pointer Message-ID: <mitchell.allen-2912972217250001@slip-32-100-63-35.oh.us.ibm.net> References: <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> <684d14$nuv$2@news.idiom.com> Organization: IBM.NET In article <684d14$nuv$2@news.idiom.com>, jcr.remove@this.phrase.idiom.com wrote: > In <67a3mb$r0a@slip.net> Emmett McLean wrote: > -> Hi, > -> > -> With all the real estate on a two headed ND > -> I occassionally get the annoying luxury > -> of not being able to find the mouse pointer. > -> > -> Is the an app which will make it bigger? > I think they sell pumps through mail order companies that are advertised to make your pointer bigger. Mitch
From: Brian_Andrews@merck.com Subject: Connect NeXTstation to Internet Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 08:21:04 -0600 Message-ID: <883145606.591200260@dejanews.com> Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Organization: Deja News Posting Service Hello. Can someone give me step-by-step instructions on how to connect my NeXTstation to the internet thru my ISP? I just ordered NS 3.3 User, so what additional software do I need (PPP, OmniWeb, etc.) Is it as easy as installing the software and some small configuration stuff? Or do I need to write Unix scripts? I am a newbie to NeXT and I know zero Unix so any help is apprieciated. Thanks, Brian. briana@snip.net -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- http://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Post to Usenet

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.