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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: hbu@wag.ch (Hans Burkard)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE:  Terminal Emulator Family announced by workstation ag
Date: 25 Oct 1993 23:39:09 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 112
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: hbu@wag.ch

workstation ag
Rohrstr. 36/38
CH-8152 Glattbrugg
Voice: +41 1 828 95 55
Fax:   +41 1 828 95 70
E-Mail: info@wag.ch

For Immediate Release


Glattbrugg, Switzerland, October 25, 1993 -- workstation ag today released  
a family of terminal emulators for UNIX workstations:

- WE-UTS:   UNISYS terminal emulator (U100, U200, UTS400, UTS30, UTS40)
- WE-D320:  DEC terminal emulator (VT100, VT200, VT320)
- WE-I3179: IBM 3270 terminal emulator

WE-UTS, WE-D320 and WE-I3179 terminal emulators by workstation ag present  
all of your mainframe applications right on the screen of your  
workstation. Using the latest techniques in software development our  
products run on UNIX workstations by HP, DEC, IBM, Silicon Graphics, Sun,  
NeXT and even Intel 486 with X11 or NeXTStep. All terminal emulators are  
fully integrated in their respective window systems. The advantages are  

- All control and status indicators of the original terminal can be set in  
parameter windows.
- "Cut and paste" is possible between emulator windows and others.
- Context sensitive help for all keys and parameters is fully provided.

Printer output as well as screen hardcopies are converted to ASCII or  
PostScript and can be routed to a printer, spooler or data file.
All functions of the terminal keyboard are implemented in the keyboard of  
your workstation or are displayed as buttons around the terminal windows.  
All keyboards can be individually configured with an interactive mapper  
A graphic representation of an original terminal keyboard can be displayed  
on the screen and used with the mouse. Up to 12 macros can be separately  
defined for each terminal window.
An unlimited number of simultaneous terminal session on a single  
workstation is possible.

The WE-UTS product line allows the integration of mainframe applications  
written for U100, U200, UTS 400, UTS 40, UTS 60 color graphics (WE-UTS  
only) and SVT UNISYS terminals into a workstation environment.
The WE-COMD communication protocol server is installed on a UNIX processor  
which may perform as a protocol server for the entire network.
WE-UTSc is a complete character only terminal emulation while WE-UTSg  
terminal emulator additionally supports graphics.
The gateway may be shared by any number of workstations each running any  
number of WE-UTS terminal windows. The terminal emulators isolates the  
communication protocol support to their respective gateways and spares the  
workstation from additional overhead caused by DCA Ethernet (DCP), TPO  
Ethernet (HLC), UDLC or X.25 protocols. The processes of the emulator talk  
to the gateway using TCP/IP which provides flexible and high-performance  
distribution of the WE-UTS terminal sessions.

The WE-D320 terminal emulator supports applications written for DEC VT100,  
VT200 and VT320 terminal families without modifying the existing software  
on the mainframe. The resizable emulation window can be surrounded by  
buttons. Functions and labels are entirely definable.
WE-D320 is used as a front end to communication protocols provided by  
every workstation. Any process (such as shell, rlogin, tip , pad etc.) can  
be started to connect to an application requiring a VT320 terminal. It  
uses standard communication facilities such as TCP/IP, asynchronous serial  
ports or X.25 PAD.

The WE-I3179 product line allows workstations to communicate to IBM  
mainframes over TCP/IP Ethernet links (TELNET connections), SDLC or X.25  
public or private networks.
WE-I3179 consists of the communication protocol server WE-COMD and the  
actual terminal emulator. While WE-I3179g does support graphics WE-I3179c  
represents the complete character only terminal emulator.
The WE-COMD gateway installs a UNIX process that can be used as a protocol  
server for the entire network. The gateway may be shared by any number of  
workstations each running any number of WE-I3179 terminal windows.

The prices are dependent on the product and the number of simultaneously  
allowed sessions on a workstation. Note there is also floating license  
available for TCP/IP-networks. Please request detail price information.

For evaluation purposes workstation ag provides a demo package for US$99.  
The package includes:
- complete product running in demo mode (time and data transfer limit).
- complete installation and software documentation.
- the product will turn into a fully functional software by entering a  
valid license.
- shipping cost.  

ABOUT workstation ag
workstation ag is a privately held company based in Glattbrugg  
(Switzerland) with branch offices in Montreux (Switzerland) and Adolzfurt  
(Stuttgart, Germany). Founded in 1989, the company acts as an universal  
system integrator on unix workstation market. workstation ag offers a  
complete range of services for customers: hardware and software sales,  
consultancies, software development, training and support. One of the most  
successful business areas has been the development and introduction of  
technically high level products such as the terminal emulator family,  
project management tool, document imaging and archiving systems.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.