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From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: MEETING: SCaN: Los Angeles NEXTSTEP User Group:  October 26
Date: 18 Oct 1993 15:10:17 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
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Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: mahoney@csulb.edu

Announcing the 26 October 1993...

SCaN (So. Cal. NEXTSTEP Users Group) meeting

(co-sponsored by CaJUN, the Caltech and JPL NEXTSTEP User's Group)
are as follows:

When:	Tuesday 26 October 1993
	6:30 - 7:30 p.m.   social (junk food and drinks)
	7:30 - 9:30 p.m.   meeting

Where:	California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena
	Beckman Institute #134 (North Wing)

Demos:	Pentium ALR Evolution V  running NEXTSTEP.
	Sarrus Software's  PencilMeIn  and  SBook (contact
	Caltech's  eText  multimedia hypertext project.
	Checksum (accounting program) by creator Andreas Glocker.
	(There will also be auctions, sales, and rumors.)

Dues:	$2.00

Contact: Michael K. Mahoney, SCaN President	
	Computer Engineering and Computer Sci. Dept.
	mahoney@csulb.edu,    (310) 985-1550
	California State University, Long Beach
	Long Beach, CA 90840

or:	Walt Duflock, SCaN Program Director   (714) 730-8057

or:	Ernie Prabhakar, CaJUN President   (818) 395-8379
	Caltech Physics Department        ernest@cco.caltech.edu

or:	Rohit Khare, CaJUN Vice-President     (818) 792-9114
	Caltech Computer Science Department  khare@cco.caltech.edu

DIRECTIONS to Caltech Meeting

1) If you are taking the 210 (Foothill) Freeway West,
   or the 134 (Ventura) Freeway East:
Take the Lake Avenue exit South.
(Left if you're going West, Right if you're going East)
Keep going for several lights in quick succession, for about a
mile, until you get to Del Mar Ave.  Turn Left.  Go past Mentor and
Catalina.  The first light is Wilson, at which point you will be at
Caltech.  Turn Right (south).

2)  If you are taking the 110 (Pasadena) Freeway North:
Keep going all the way until the freeway ends.  Keep going straight
ahead; you are now on Arroyo Parkway.   The second major street is
California.    Turn Right.  After a dozen or so blocks, you will
get to Lake Ave.  Go past Mentor and Catalina.    The next light
after that is Wilson, at which point you will be at Caltech. Turn
Left (North).  Go past the Stop Sign on San Pasqual.


Once you are on Wilson, going North or South:

Park in the lot just south of Lura, to the East of Wilson.  Beckman
Institute is the large, classical building fronted by a huge
expanse of rolling lawns.  It has a large internal courtyard
surrounding a fountain. It is opposite the Parking Structure.

The meeting will be in
	 Beckman Institute #134

which is the North Wing.  Refreshments will be served in the
courtyard. [Note that this building is Beckman Institute, not to be
confused with a half-dozen other buildings also named Beckman.]

Any questions, call Ernie Prabhakar, Home:  (818) 568-9168,
ernest@cco.caltech.edu               Work: (818) 395-8379

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.