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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Pedja Bogdanovich <luka!pedja@umiacs.UMD.EDU>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: SUBMISSION: TipTop 0.93 for NS3.0 and NS/FIP
Date: 10 Oct 1993 17:00:27 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 79
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <299t5b$jj0@digifix.digifix.com>

I have placed TipTop_0.93 on cs.orst.edu, in /pub/next/submissions/:

-rw-rw-rw-  1 ftp  174288 Oct 10 11:37 TipTop_0.93_for_3.0.compressed

TipTop for NS/FIP is also available.

Here is the README file:
TipTop is a telecommunication program.  TipTop version 0.93 works
on black NeXTSTEP 3.1 and 3.0.  If you want to run TipTop under
NS3.0, you need to get `TipTop_0.93_for_3.0.compressed' package.

Intel version is also available!  If you want to get a copy of
TipTop for NS/FIP please send me a note.

TipTop is shareware.  You are welcome to download it and try it.
If you use it you should register yourself.  Educational license
fee is $25.  Non-educational license fee is $35.  Until you register,
TipTop will quit after 15 minutes of usage.  For more info see the
License section in Info->Help.

You may also want to fetch TipTop-goodies.compressed package
which contains executable code for term, term clients, NcFTP,
Expect, and associated documentation.

Send your questions and comments to Pedja Bogdanovich at:


  - VT102 terminal emulation.

  - Terminal window features scrollback buffer, find panel,
    changeable fonts (font panel), copy/paste, etc.  I.e.,
    everything that you expect from a NeXT app (including
    resizable terminal window)!

  - A simple PhoneBook.

  - Transfer: ZMODEM send and receive, and ASCII capture.

  - TipTop uses UUCP locking protocol.

  - TipTop can run external programs such as sx/sb/sz/rx/rb/rz,
    term, expect, etc.

    + Running term in TipTop lets you run a SLIP-like connection to a
      remote site.  You can have several terminal sessions connected
      to a remote site, while transfering files, and executing
      remote commands at the same time.  (You can even run remote
      X-window clients connected to your local X-server.)


1. Copy TipTop.app into your favorite application directory (e.g.,

2. su to root and:

     chown uucp.daemon /LocalApps/TipTop.app/TipTop
     chmod u+s,g+s /LocalApps/TipTop.app/TipTop

   (Replace /LocalApps by the the actual directory path in which
   you installed the program.)

3. Run the program.

If you don't want to run TipTop as set-uid uucp.daemon, you can change
the permissions for the cu port(s) directly.  Instead of step 2 above
do the following:

2'. su to root and:

     chmod ugo+rw /dev/cu*

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.