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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Barry Beal <bdbeal@indirect.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: MEETING: Phoenix NeXTSTEP User Group
Date: 7 Oct 1993 22:21:49 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 40
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <292irt$hmu@digifix.digifix.com>

The next meeting of the Phoenix NeXTSTEP User Group will be Thursday, Oct.
14 at Mesa Community College. We are going to have Dan Tortorici
demonstrate Pinnacle Research's new Transfer product for remote access to
NeXTmail, files, and programs via modem. 
Pinnacle Transfer is a NEXTSTEP application incorporating an architecture
designed for remote access to mission critical business information.
Transfer has been designed to be extended, for example, to  provide
businesses with solutions for remote database queries or as a method to
maintain concurrency of business data at remote field locations. 
Transfer's client-server design uses an architecture independent remote
server. This allows client tools to interface with applications running on
standard UNIX and NEXTSTEP computers. Transfer ships with tools for Email,
drag-and-drop file transfer, and remote command execution. 
Doors open at 7:00, come early and get acquainted with the other members.
The meeting will start promptly at 7:30. 
 	 * Announcements 
 	 * Q & A - a chance to ask your NeXT related questions
 	 * Dan Tortorici - demo of Pinnacle Research's Transfer product 
	 Thursday, Oct 14, 7:30 PM 
 	 Mesa Community College 
 	 Kirk Student Center 
  	     (the clock tower building) 
 	 Kiva Room on the lower level  
         1833 W. Southern Ave,   Mesa 

For more  information about the meeting or the User Group, please call
Barry Beal at (602)834-3262.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.