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Path: digifix!not-for-mail From: (Marketing Director) Newsgroups: Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Call for Papers for NEXTSTEP Dev Conf Date: 1 Oct 1993 14:52:54 -0400 Organization: Next Announcements Lines: 29 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <28hua6$> Reply-To: ANDI, the Association of NeXTSTEP Developers International, Inc. is making a "call for papers" to the NeXTSTEP community. We are looking for people to present NeXTSTEP relevant topics at the January, 1994 conference scheduled for Washington, DC. Any topic will be considered. Time is of the essence in submitting topics to us for inclusion in the program brochure which is scheduled to be mailed in the near future. Depending upon the response we receive, we plan to run several tracks simultaneously, each of which will run between 60 and ninety minutes. These sessions are scheduled for Sunday, January 23, 1994 and possibly Monday, January 24, 1994. Each submission should include the following: Presenter(s) name, address, phone,fax, email numbers Proposed title Brief summary of topic to be included in program (75-100 words) Level of topic: beginner, intermediate, advanced, all Please submit via email if possible in ASCII text to: Submissions may also be faxed to: 301-681-0616 Send them: Attention Marketing For inclusion in the preliminary program we must receive submissions by Wednesday, October 6. For further information, call:301-681-0613 or via email: or by mail: ANDI 9921 Woodburn Road Silver Spring, MD 20901-2730 USA
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