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From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Now Shipping! Goldleaf's OCR Product for NEXTSTEP: eXTRAREAD
Date: 30 Sep 1993 01:38:04 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 76
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <28drbs$6lt@digifix.digifix.com>
Reply-To: joe@goldleaf.com

For Immediate Release

	Josef Bresler
	Marketing Mgr.
	GS Corporation
	Voice: 415.257.4700
	Fax: 415.257.4707
	Email: joe@goldleaf.com

eXTRAREAD Provides High Quality Optical Character Recognition
with an Easy-to-use Interface

Version 1.0 Began Shipping Today

Kentfield, CA, September 23, 1993 - eXTRAREAD, GS Corporation's
high quality, low-cost Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software
began shipping today. Separate versions are available for NeXT
computers and NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors. eXTRAREAD is based on
the award-winning Recognition Toolkit from ExperVision, Inc.
eXTRAREAD greatly increases the productivity of anyone who needs to
perform OCR on complex documents. eXTRAREAD can be used as a
stand-alone application or from the Services Menu.

eXTRAREAD Version 1.0 integrates fully with scanning software, like
GS Corporation's eXTRASCAN. Just scan your document and save the
image as a monochrome TIFF file. eXTRAREAD then takes that document
and translates it into a fully formatted Rich Text (RTF) file. If
eXTRAREAD finds characters that it can't recognize, it
automatically tags them to draw your attention. Tabs, underlines,
bolds and italics remain intact. If eXTRAREAD comes across an
unfamiliar font, it remaps it to the nearest available typeface in
the system. eXTRAREAD is smart enough to take multiple column
documents and string together the text to maintain the integrity of
your original copy.

Check for errors by using NEXTSTEP's Preview application to view
the original scanned image and compare that to the recognized text
in eXTRAREAD's Preview Window. When finished, save your recognized
text to a file, or copy it to the Pasteboard and paste it directly
into your word processing or page layout application.

"We had such a great response to eXTRAREAD at NeXTWORLD EXPO last
May that we speeded up our development process and are able to
release Version 1.0 ahead of schedule," comments John Fox, Vice
President of Technology. "We are committed to having the best OCR
solution available on any platform. We feel confident that the
current version will hold its own against other OCR applications
available today. We are already working on Version 2.0, which will
have direct scanning support for EPSON scanners, image
straightening, batch processing, support for foreign language
dictionaries, and many other features. We expect to ship Version
2.0 as a Fat-binary application in December, 1993."

eXTRAREAD version 1.0 costs $299 and is available now. Those who
purchase the current version of eXTRAREAD will be able to upgrade
to version 2.0 (available late fourth quarter, 1993) for
approximately $199.  The suggested list price of version 2.0 will
be $695. eXTRAREAD is available from GS Corporation directly, or
through one of GS Corp.'s GOLD Resellers.  

Privately held GS Corporation develops and distributes software and
system solutions for client/server computing. The Goldleaf Systems
division markets NEXTSTEP-based hardware and software solutions for
technical publishing and the graphic arts. The Collaggi Software
division develops and distributes object-oriented database
publishing products.

NeXT and NEXTSTEP are trademarks of NeXT, Inc. eXTRAREAD is a
trademark of GS Corporation. EPSON is a trademark of the Seiko
Epson Corporation. Recognition Toolkit/Fax Recognition Toolkit is a
trademark of ExperVision, Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.