
This is csna.39.12 in view mode; [Up]

Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: sanguish@digifix.com
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.sysadmin,comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.hardware,comp.sys.next.software,comp.sys.next.bugs,comp.sys.next.programmer,comp.sys.next.marketplace
Subject: Quick Guide to the comp.sys.next.* newsgroups
Date: 20 Sep 1993 23:04:57 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 101
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <27lr0p$khb@digifix.digifix.com>
Reply-To: sanguish@digifix.com

The current menagerie:

	This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than
	anything else in the known universe" forum.  It was
	created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars
	from .misc.

	Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community
	(new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings,
	commercial announcements etc.)  

	This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't
	post to it directly.  Submissions should be e-mailed
	to next-announce@digifix.com where the moderator
	(Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability.

	A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied
	software.  Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM
	is not published, so this is a place for the net
	community find out about problems when they're
	discovered.  This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise
	ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really
	belongs someplace else.  It rarely makes sense to
	crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but
	individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT-
	specific groups as well.

	Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible
	peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g.
	Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP.  In most
	cases, questions about Intel hardware are better
	asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.  Questions about
	SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi.  This isn't
	the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what
	.marketplace is for.

	NeXT stuff for sale/wanted.  Material posted here must
	not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but
	may be crossposted to misc.forsale.computers.workstation
	or appropriate regional newsgroups.

	For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.  Anything you
	post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in
	c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!!

	Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP
	programmers.  This is primarily a forum for advanced
	technical material.  Generic UNIX questions belong
	elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific
	questions about NeXT's implementation or porting
	issues are appropriate here.  Note that there are
	several other more "horizontal" newsgroups
	(comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript,
	comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that
	may also be of interest.

	This is a place to talk about [third party] software
	products that run on NEXTSTEP systems.

	Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues;
	in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer
	or .software.

related Newsgroups

	Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined.  Exists
	because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is
	for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP.
	Technical talk about the Objective-C language.  Implemetations
	discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc.

	Technical talk about OOP in general.  Lots of C++ discussion,
	but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention.  At
	times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then
	again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher.

(The original comp.sys.next no longer exists--do not attempt to
post to it.)

Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of
usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups
moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.*

Written by: Eric P. Scott eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU
Minor editing: Scott Anguish
Additions from: Greg Anderson (Greg_Anderson@afs.com) and Michael Pizolato (Michael_Pizolato@afs.com)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.