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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Alberto Ricart <alberto@parsec.mixcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: InTouch for NEXTSTEP by SmartSoft
Date: 25 Sep 1993 12:31:23 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
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Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: alberto@parsec.mixcom.com

For more information, contact:

        Email:  smartsoft@parsec.mixcom.com
        Call:   (800)424-8864
                or (414)964-8864

Announcing "InTouch for NEXTSTEP" - The electronic address book
from SmarSoft.

Milwaukee, WI. -  SmartSoft, Inc; developer of Rocks!, DotFiles,
NIST Synchronicity and DiskMaker for NEXTSTEP announced today the
introduction of their latest product:

		InTouch 1.0

InTouch is a sophisticated electronic address book that provides
you with powerful features for managing people and their mailing
addresses, email addresses, phone and fax numbers and the correspondence you send them; the information you need to keep in

Some of InTouch Features Include:

		Complete integration with Workspace addresses

		Fax numbers available in the fax panel without need
		to export.

		Flexible envelope printing and formatting (with
		tiff, eps and rib files).

		Label printing.

		Record grouping - All operations performed to a
		group, extended to each of the members (mass email,
		mass printing, mass faxing, etc.).

		Mail merge exporting to WriteNow and WordPerfect.

		Flexible record exporting to a variety of character
		delimited formats.

		Record linking across address books.

		Imports SBook ascii format.

		Phone dialing via a modem or computer speaker.

		Fax memos.

		Group fax memos.

		Email (via Mail.app).

		Group email.

		Export group email addresses for use with Mail.app.

		Correspondence management - You can drop file and
		folders into an InTouch card. When you look up a
		record not only do you get contact information,
		but also immediate access to files related to that

		Email and address search services available from
		any application that supports text.

		Complete drag and drop of records across

		Address book files can be inspected by the Workspace
		manager, even by users that don't yet use InTouch.

		Emacs key bindings.

A key feature of InTouch is its ability to work with groups. With
InTouch you can group a series of cards together and perform tasks
such as sending mass email or fax messages to printing envelopes
or labels. All by dealing with one card.

A demo copy of the application was submitted to cs.orst.edu. The
demo is fully licensable. The InTouch package supports NEXTSTEP Help
to guide you through its many features.

InTouch_1.0.tar.gz and InTouch_1.0.tar.gz_README

The software is extremely fast. Currently InTouch is only available
in English. Localized versions of InTouch will be available by
10/20/93 for French and German.

The software is available today for NeXT computers and NEXTSTEP
INTEL. Introductory pricing:

	Single User		$99
	5 License Packs		$400
	10 License Packs	$750

We offer large discounts on large volume purchases. Special upgrade
pricing available for competitors product users. Educational and
reseller pricing is available.

For more information on InTouch contact smartsoft@parsec.mixcom.com
or call (800)424-8864 or (414)964-4672.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.