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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Olivier Aubin <iansolo@cubx.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Date: 19 Sep 1993 12:22:38 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 80
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <27i10e$cp8@digifix.digifix.com>
Reply-To: intuitiv@cubx.com

For more information contact:
Olivier Aubin
Phone: ++ 33 1 4708 7440
Fax:   ++ 33 1 4708 7441
Email: intuitiv_api@cubx.com

*** CUB'X SYSTEMES ANNOUNCES intuitiv'3d API ***

>PARIS, France, September 16, 1993 - Cub'x Systemes, developer of
>Cub'X-Window and intuitiv'3d, announced today the availability of
>intuitiv'3d API.
>intuitiv'3d is an object oriented environment for 3d modeling and
>rendering which exploits all the power of RenderMan to create
>astounding models and photo-realistic images on NEXTSTEP Motorola
>and Intel.
>The Application Programming Interface (API) allows programmers
>involved in 3d data modelization to add their own classes to
>intuitiv'3d environment.  As intuitiv'3d provides all the necessary
>basic features (drag and drop interface, 3d primitives, hierarchy
>browser, cameras, shaders, lights, user extensible library, test
>and final rendering...) one can rapidly concentrate and experiment
>custom development in 3d.

Q -- WHAT CAN I DO WITH intuitiv'3d API?
>The intuitiv'3d API can be used to create 3d modelling systems,
>complex automated shaders and lights, 3d groups with inspectors
>and more! As an example, intuitiv'3d main modules (the Modeler
>and the Mathematica Data Link) were written with the API.
>intuitiv'3d supports the advanced concept of pre-rendering. Any
>object developed with the API automatically inherits the
>shadow-mapping, surface-mapping and environmental-mapping capabilities
>of intuitiv'3d.
>intuitiv'3d API is composed of the necessary documentation to
>write a new module, example source code for two intuitiv'3d modules,
>Objective-C headers to compile new classes, template files so that
>you won't have to begin from scratch everytime you write a new
The API also includes extra intuitiv'3d objects.

Q -- HOW CAN I GET intuitiv'3d and intuitiv'3d's API?
>Cub'x Systemes offers academic institutions and students a special
>pricing policy allowing them to access today the highest quality
>3d environment for NEXTSTEP. Students who ftp the package and
>submit proof of current student status can purchase intuitiv'3d
>+ Modeler & Mathematica modules at $150.
The API is free.

intuitiv'3d educational bundle and API can be downloaded from archive site cs.orst.edu (/pub/next/submissions or /pub/next/binaries/Graphics).

>"We are very interested by your work with intuitiv'3d's API," said
>Gerard Laurent, General Manager . "A dedicated e-mail address
>(intuitiv_api@cubx.com) has been created to allow you to speak
>with us about your projects. You can also submit technical questions
>about intuitiv'3d's API to this address. Keep in mind that Cub'x
>Systemes could be interested in the commercialization of your

>Cub'x Systemes, Paris, France, develops highly efficient solutions

Phone: ++ 33 1 4708 7440
Fax:   ++ 33 1 4708 7441
Email commercial: intuitiv@cubx.com
Email technical: intuitiv_api@cubx.com

# # #

intuitiv'3d is a trademark of Cub'x Systemes.
>All other brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered
>trademarks of their respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.