
This is csna.38.06 in view mode; [Up]

Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: Val Verde Unified School District Continues Reinventing Schools
Date: 13 Sep 1993 17:24:54 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 85
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: darrell_lynn@valverde.edu

For further information please contact:

	Darrell Lynn, Director Information Technology
	975 E. Morgan Road
	Perris, CA  92571
	909-940-6100 ext. 239
	Email: darrell_lynn@valverde.edu
	NeXTmail is supported


Val Verde prepares to open schools on Monday with three additional
revolutionary learning and management environments.  Rancho Verde
High School, El Potrero Elementary, and Tomas Rivera Middle School
open with powerful NeXT workstations running NeXTstep on every
teacher, administrator, and support staff desktops.  Each is
connected to the District's fast ethernet network of fiber optic
and the Internet.  All users have the ability to log onto the
network from any workstation within the District.

Rancho Verde High School currently has 83 workstations on all
teacher desktops connected over a fiber optic backbone.  The site
has installed over 4.5 miles of fiber and copper cable.  This
advanced technology environment is coupled with the overall design
of the campus as it won the state architectural school design award
last year. Currently students use Mathematic notebooks at all
mathematic levels to produce highly motivated students interested
in advanced college math study.

El Potrero Elementary opens with a NeXT workstation on every
teacher desktop which students have constant access to.  Each
classroom has capabilities for a workstation on every desktop, as
do all schools with the network to the classroom.  As new systems
are purchased all that is needed is for the workstation to be
configured and added to the network.  El Potrero, as with all
campuses in the District, has a fiber optic backbone with fiber
also brought into each classroom, administrative offices and

Tomas Rivera Middle School is newly constructed and draws upon the
same rich technology design as other District sites.  It too has a
NeXT workstation on every teacher desktop running NeXTstep.  The
library has numerous workstations for students to use during class
and independent visits.  The Interpersonal Computing Lab has 35
Epson PCs running NeXTstep. Students will be using the Internet and
Local Digital Libraries to promote higher order thinking and
research and collaboration within several disciplines.

Val Verde Unified School District has twelve sites all connected
together in one seamless WAN.  The last three sites will have their
classrooms connected during this school year.   Several agencies
have commented that the infrastructure in the District is as well
thought out and constructed to rival any corporate or federal
installation.  The network conforms to IEEE 802.3 specifications
and all components are running SNMP for network administration.

The District is reinventing how it does business by eliminating
paper memorandums, work-orders, purchase-orders, etc and instead
use the network to improve upon these traditional methods.

Students are using these tools to communicate with their teachers,
adminstrators for the purpose of  developing group collaboration &
communication skills.  Students are working with other students
across the District in cross-age tutoring and research &
development.  Additionally students are engaged in collaborative
learning projects with students as far way as Japan and New
Zealand.  Custom applications will be developed by the students
using Interface Builder and C programming language.  The
applications will not only improve the students understanding of
how to design and build applications but provide additional applications for others to use and extend into their own learning environment.

Val Verde Unified is located in Riverside County California.  The
Superintendent is Dr. Leona Williams.  There are approximately 7600
students attending the District's schools.

For further information please contact:

Darrell Lynn, Director Information Technology
975 E. Morgan Road
Perris, CA  92571
909-940-6100 ext. 239
NeXTmail is supported

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.