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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: pck@vnp.com (Paul King)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: VNP Software Announces the UIBinder Palette
Date: 7 Sep 1993 15:32:25 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 76
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <26ink9$6v7@digifix.digifix.com>
Reply-To: Paul_King@vnp.com

Contact: Linda Rosen or Paul King
VNP Software, Inc.
Phone: (802) 496-7799
Fax: (802) 496-7790
Email: UIBinder_Info@vnp.com

Cambridge, MA - September 7, 1993 - VNP Software today announced
availability of the UIBinder palette, a graphical tool that automates
the display and editing of object information within the NEXTSTEP
environment.  The UIBinder palette lets programmers use InterfaceBuilder's
connection facilities to bind their information to the user interface,
eliminating the need for interface code and significantly streamlining
custom application development.

Within InterfaceBuilder, the UIBinder palette lets programmers
establish connections between object attributes and familiar user
interface components, such as DBTableVectors, TextFields and Matrices.
This graphical binding approach is similar to the technique employed
by the DBKit palette with one key advantage - the UIBinder palette
is not restricted to database properties.  Instead, the UIBinder
palette works with the common "Object Model," which allows attributes
of any Objective-C class to be bound to the user interface.  The
UIBinder palette also allows parent-child connections to be established
between UIBinder objects, providing full support for information
that contains master-detail relationships.

Using the connection and relationship information established within
InterfaceBuilder, UIBinder automates and synchronizes data viewing
and editing tasks at run-time.  To accommodate the special needs
of custom application development, UIBinder also provides a rich
programmatic interface, which allows programmers to work with
UIBinder objects and exercise the appropriate degree of control
over the display and editing process.  UIBinder's features offer
advanced functionality that can significantly enhance any NEXTSTEP

	- UI Transactions, analogous to their database counterparts,
	enable all UI changes that take place within a transaction's
	scope to undergo a commit or rollback as a single unit.
	- Validation Registration allows validation methods to be
	registered and associated with one or more attributes.  The
	appropriate validations are automatically invoked when a
	UIBinder detects changes to an attribute.
	- Attribute Sensitivities allow UIBinders to trigger updates
	to attribute values that are sensitive to changes in other
	attribute values.

To ensure compatibility, UIBinders manage the user interface without
interrupting any of the delegate relationships, guaranteeing that
delegate and textDelegate objects will always receive the appropriate
notification messages.

"The UIBinder palette accelerates our application development and
eliminates the need to write code dealing with DBTableViews,
TextFields or any other UI objects,"said Jim Loree, Senior Software
Analyst, Chrysler Financial Corporation.  "Developers just drag UI
objects off the palette, connect them and UIBinder takes care of
the rest."  Said Dan Crimmins, Assistant Vice-President, First
National Bank of Chicago: " UIBinder is well designed to meet the
unique demands of custom application development.  Its ability to
automate the display and editing of our business objects has allowed
us to significantly boost productivity. "

The UIBinder palette, priced at $795 per seat, is available
immediately.  A demo version of the UIBinder package is available
via anonymous ftp at vnp.com in the /pub directory.  A demo version
of the palette only may also be obtained via NeXTMail by sending
mail to UIBinder_Demo@vnp.com.

VNP Software (Cambridge, MA) offers development tools and consulting
expertise to the NEXTSTEP community.  Other VNP Software products
include the AccessKit, for class-based database access; DevMan, a
source code control and configuration management tool; and IXAdaptor,
the DBKit adaptor for NeXT's Indexing Kit.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.