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From: david_spitzler@NeXT.COM (David Spitzler)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: TELOS Publishes Complete Guide to NEXTSTEP
Date: 2 Sep 1993 13:01:34 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
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Contact: TELOS, The Electronic Library of Science
         3600 Pruneridge Avenue, Suite 200
         Santa Clara, CA 95051
         Phone: (408) 249-9314
         Fax: (408) 249-2595
         Email: c.peterson@applelink.apple.com
TELOS Publishes Complete Guide to NEXTSTEP
Santa Clara, California, September 3, 1993 - TELOS (The   Electronic
Library of Science) announces the release of "The Complete   Guide
to the NEXTSTEP User Environment" (ISBN 0-387-97956-5) by   Michael
B. Shebanek, a book/diskette package describing the   advanced,
object-oriented NEXTSTEP User Environment for NeXT and   Intel-based

Priced at $42.95, this product contains a 480 page   softbound book
with over 275 illustrations, plus a NEXTSTEP diskette   containing
popular public domain NEXTSTEP applications, fonts, sample   sounds
and images so you can immediately practice what you learn   in the

This resource is useful for those who are considering the   puchase
of NEXTSTEP, but want to learn more about how it works   beore
making an invenstment. Those who already have NEXTSTEP will find
it useful as it goes beyond the NeXT reference manual by including
new topics such as using the Internet and the use of UNIX (user)
commands not provided in NeXT's own reference.

This is not just a "getting started" manual, but a book   that
describes how to make NEXTSTEP work for you. It provides   numerous
tips and tricks, shortcuts and commentary, and is written   to make
you feel as if you are sitting next to a veteran who can   guide
you through the NEXTSTEP user environment and steer you away   from
common pitfalls. Inside you not only learn about the NEXTSTEP user
environment, but also about the many applications bundled   with
it such as Draw, Edit, PrintManager, FaxReader, Digital   Librarian,
and more!  There's even descriptions of popular public   domain and
shareware applications and how to find hidden treasures   buried
within NEXTSTEP that most users overlook. Some of the more   advanced
topics discussed include:

 o How to take advantage of networked resources
 o How to use UNIX(r) commands within NEXTSTEP
 o How to recover from application and system crashes
 o How to customize NEXTSTEP to meet your needs
 o How to find related NEXTSTEP information

The 3.5" NEXTSTEP diskette included with the book contains over 2.5
MB of compressed NEXTSTEP   applications, fonts, sample sounds and
images to quickly speed you on   your way to understanding and
making great use of the most elegant   system software available
today. An electronic version of the   popular public domain document,
"Incomplete Guide to the Internet"   (over 280 pages!), is also
included.  The diskette is formatted   for NEXTSTEP, and works with
both NeXT and Intel-based computer   systems.

Michael Shebanek is a computing consultant in the department of
Computing and Communications at the   University of California,
Riverside. He holds a Bachelor of Science   degree in Computer
Science from California State University,   Fullerton and is President
of the UC Riverside Macintosh User Group and   Vice-President of
the UC Riverside NeXT User Group. Mike's years of   experience in
instructional computing include instruction, consulting,   support
assistance, network planning and installation, and   equipment

TELOS is an imprint of Springer-Verlag New York, with publishing
facilities at 3600 Pruneridge Avenue, Suite 200,   Santa Clara,
Calif. 95051. Its publishing program encompasses the   natural and
physical sciences, computer science, economics,   mathematics, and
engineering. TELOS strives to wed the traditional print   medium
with the emerging electronic media to provide the reader   with a
truly interactive multimedia information environment. All   TELOS
publications delivered on paper come with an associated   electronic

To order this product, please visit your local bookstore or   contact
Springer-Verlag directly at (800) 777-4643 (in NJ, call   201-348-4033).
Fax orders to (201) 348-4505.  International customers   should
contact their nearest Springer-Verlag office.

For information on corporate sales, please contact Marc   Puma at
(800)777-4643 ext. 675. For 30-day examination copies for   course
adoption, please call (800)777-4643 ext. 660. For book   review
copies, please contact TELOS directly at (408) 249-9314.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.