
This is csna.36.19 in view mode; [Up]

Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: NEXTSTEP Driver for HP LaserJet 4
Date: 2 Sep 1993 01:28:13 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 39
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <26409d$rj9@digifix.digifix.com>
Reply-To: info@uptime.ch

For more information, contact:

	Martin Elmer
	Uptime Object Factory Inc
	Baumackerstrasse 46
	8050 Zurich
	Phone +41 1 313 06 07
	Fax +41 1 313 07 55
	Email: info@uptime.ch

NEXTSTEP Driver for HP LaserJet4

Uptime Inc announced today TCPprd, their printer driver for the HP
LaserJet4 pinter with JetDirect-interface card and Postscript
option. It is now available on the  archive sonata.cc.purdue.edu
and cs.orst.edu in the demos directory.

The uploaded binary is a fully functional evaluation version of
TCPprd. From any NEXTSTEP machine, Intel or NeXT hardware, all the
LaserJet4 printers on the network are accessible via TCP/IP.

"We did this step for our customers", says Thomas Roettig, Director
of Marketing. "Now you have the possibility to test TCPprd and try
it out to see if it fits your needs."

TCPprd manages automatic fontdownloading and reports messages from
the printer on a specific machine on the network.

TCPprd is available now for  CHF 90  (~DM 100, ~US$ 60). Call +41 1
313 06 07 or send email to info@uptime.ch.

Uptime Object Factory Inc is a software company located in Zurich,
Switzerland. Uptime Inc is focused fully on NEXTSTEP development
and provides services ranging from network integration to custom
application development.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.