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From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: SchemaE NEXTSTEP DB Application Now Works with Oracle & Sybase Databases
Date: 20 Aug 1993 21:09:04 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 76
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: Products@LSC.com

For Immediate Release
Redwood City, California  August 20th, 1993


	Lowell Schneider, President,
	Schema Research Corporation
	2603 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063
	Phone: 415/368-8477
	Email: Products@LSC.com

SchemaE NEXTSTEP DB Application Now Works with Oracle & Sybase

Schema Research Corporation announced today that it will show an
early version of SchemaE(tm) 1.2 that does for Oracle(r) database
designs what it now does for Sybase(r). Schema Research will show
SchemaE working with Oracle on the NeXT booth at the Oracle
International User Group meeting in Orlando, Florida September 27th
through October 1st, 1993. The Oracle capabilities and many other
new features will be included in SchemaE version 1.2 scheduled for
release in February, 1994.

SchemaE is a NEXTSTEP(r) CASE database design and management tool
that integrates with the NEXTSTEP object-oriented software
development tools InterfaceBuilder(r) and Database Kit(r) (DB Kit)
for building client/server systems quickly and without extensive
programming. SchemaE creates or modifies the database and creates
the "model" file needed by DB Kit. DB Kit and Interface Builder
provide the tools for creating the applications that use the
database. "By automatically generating a DB Kit model, SchemaE
helps application developers quickly build custom database
applications for NEXTSTEP" says Margaret Chan, Manager of Software
Product Marketing at NeXT Computer.

SchemaE speeds development and improves the design process by
eliminating the need for SQL scripts or programming to update
database designs. SchemaE reverse engineers the database every work
session, presenting a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the
database schema. Changes such as creating tables, adding columns,
or changing data types are simple graphical changes to the schema
diagram. One command updates the database. Documentation added in
SchemaE is stored with the database in special extensions that can
be accessed by other tools.

"We think SchemaE is a tremendous tool. What we appreciate most is
that it directly manipulates the database and then generates the
scripts to produce other databases. That is what has saved us so
much time. Other tools require more steps to accomplish this" says
Wayne Lund of McCaw Cellular, Kirkland, Washington.

By dramatically reducing the time and effort invested in each
design cycle, SchemaE allows more cycles and therefore encourages
greater overall quality of design.

"We are redefining CASE to eliminate the distinction between design
and implementation by integrating SchemaE tightly with the
database." said Lowell Schneider, president of Schema Research
Corp. "SchemaE dynamically updates your database and preserves all
documentation and design components in the same data dictionary
with all implementation components."

Bruce McKenzie of PDH, Inc. in San Jose says that "virtually every
schema manipulation action can be performed through SchemaE, and
the support for DBModels has almost freed us from ever using
DBModeler. We no longer worry about getting data from one schema
into another. It's as though the data weren't there, it's so easy.
SchemaE gave us the confidence to make schema changes that would
have been too expensive (in labor hours) before. We estimate that
SchemaE gave us a 10-to-1 speedup in the database design and
maintenance phases of our projects."

Schema Research Corporation provides database expertise in tools,
education, and consulting. Please call 415/368-8477 for more

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.