
This is csna.33.12 in view mode; [Up]

Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: cgeiger@NeXT.COM
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: Update: NEXTSTEP 3.2 Developer Release
Date: 13 Aug 1993 23:04:22 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 163
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
Message-ID: <24hknm$134@digifix.digifix.com>

This arrived in my personal mailbox today, and I thought that it would be
of interest to all.

Hello NEXTSTEP advocates and User Group leaders,

I have two important new items for you today...

=>	1. NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 Feature Set
=>	2. NEXTSTEP Hardware Compatibility Guide (August 10, 1993)
	[this was already posted to announce on August 9th     ]
	[Message-ID: <2473su$fvq@digifix.digifix.com>          ]

Please feel free to save these documents for future reference and
also distribute these to NEXTSTEP interested individuals in your

Conrad Geiger
Email: Conrad_Geiger@next.com


=>	1. NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.2 Feature Set

Retail Price:  $1995
Product Includes software on CD-ROM, and full hardcopy technical
library.  Upgrade Pricing:  FREE to those 3.1 customers that

	BEFORE 10/31/93

Otherwise, $495.  Price is the same for Intel and NeXT Computer

New Feature List:

	HeaderViewer Application Modifications

- Update Menu Item - This feature allows the developer to reload
precompiled headers into the application, if a new version has been
created.  Previously, developers had to quit the application and
then relaunch it to get a newer version.  This feature is useful
for developers using HeaderViewer to work with their own object
libraries, that are dynamically changing.

- Kit Filter Preference - A new preference setting has been added
to the application to allow more control over the contents being
browsed by the developer.  This feature enables object classes to
be filtered out that are referenced by other object kits that the
developer is browsing, providing the developer with more concise
information.  For example, a developer may want to only view the
DBKit object classes, and not see the AppKit object classes in the
browser, even though DBKit includes appkit.h in its definition.
The default behavior for HeaderViewer is to italicize the objects
in the browser that are included as opposed to being a part of the
actual kit.

- On-Line Documentation - In addition to the application's online
Help facility, full documentation for the application has been
added to the online library of technical documentation.

	ProjectBuilder.app Modifications

- Finder Mode - This is a new view option in the ProjectBuilder
main window, to allow a developer to find all instances of
words/strings inside of the files that live in the different
project categories.  For example, a developer could search for a
particular word or string in the object header and implementation
files within the project.  The developer can choose whether the
search mechanism uses grep syntax for wildcard searches, or the
standard UNIX cshell wildcarding.

- Improved Bundle Attribute Support - More support for modifying
the attributes of bundle projects has been added.  For example, the
developer is no longer limited to the .bundle extension, but can
create an extension unique to their needs.

- Object-Server Support - A new project type has been added to
ProjectBuilder, called Tools.  This project builds applications
that are not dependent on the NEXTSTEP GUI, and therefore do not
have the standard AppKit event loop processing, etc.  The primary
goal of this feature is to allow developers to build object
services that run in a network, and can be accessed through DO/PDO
via NEXTSTEP client applications.  This project type also supports
the building of standard UNIX command-line programs that do not
interact with the NEXTSTEP Window Server.

- Initial PDO Support - ProjectBuilder has always been able to
build objects/applications remotely over the network, on another
NEXTSTEP machine.  Changes have been added to allow ProjectBuilder
to now communicate via Portable Distributed Objects (PDO) to a
non-NEXTSTEP machine, and build objects/applications in the target
environment.  This will allow PDO developers to build their object
services for their servers from a NEXTSTEP client utilizing the
same ProjectBuilder facilities they use for NEXTSTEP applications.


- FileMerge is a new application being added as a demo this
release, with the intent of making it a fully supported and
documented application in the next release.  FileMerge is used to
compare 2 directories, and show which files are added, deleted, or
modified.  For a pair of files that are different, the application
will show them side-by-side in a view that marks all differences in
a very graphical manner.  The developer can choose to create a
third file, which is viewed below the 2 files being compared, and
then selectively merge the two files by choosing which of the above
files the changes should come from, for each set of differences.
Using this tool, a developer can quickly tell what changed, and
quickly merge changes from different source branches with a few
mouse clicks.  This application will also support an open protocol
to allow other tools, such as a Software Configuration Management
System, to access and utilize it.

	Gdb Debugger

- Data Breakpoints - Data breakpoints was a feature that existed in
NEXTSTEP Release 3.0, but was taken out in Release 3.1 because of
its platform dependent implementation.  A new platform independent
implementation has been added, that is actually more accurate than
previous implementations.

	C++ Support

- libg++ - The GNU libg++, v2.3, C++ class libraries are being
added to the release.  On-line documentation for the library is
being added as well.

- ld++ Command Wrapper - This wrapper will prevent C++ developers
from having to look at mangled names when there is a link error.
The errors will be expressed in the native C++ names.

	GNU Sources

- A new package, GNUSource.pkg,  is being added to the NEXTSTEP
Developer product.  This includes all the standard GNU sources that
NeXT is required to make available to the public.  The package will
install the sources in the directory /NextDeveloper/Source/GNU/ by

In addition to these new features, 3.2 includes both bug fixes and
performance enhancements.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.