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Path: digifix!not-for-mail From: Newsgroups: Subject: SUBMISSION: TeXmenu Version 4.1 on the archives Date: 11 Aug 1993 12:59:11 -0400 Organization: Next Announcements Lines: 112 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <24b8gv$> Reply-To: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information: Harald Schlangmann Tumblingerstrasse 17 Rgb. 80337 Muenchen, F. R. G. e-mail: (NeXTMail ok) TeXmenu SUMMARY: TeXmenu provides a unified NeXTSTEP front end for Donald Knuth's famous typesetting system TeX. TeXmenu integrates all the tools needed to use TeX in one application, i.e. you are no longer forced to handle various tools like the editor, the previewer, utilities such as spell checkers, and TeX itself from different applications. TeXmenu offers a powerful project management, including structure recognition, file handling and project search, thus providing a convenient way of handling larger multi-file documents. TeXmenu is designed as an ``open'' application, i.e. it does not depend on any version specific features of TeX, viewers, editors (and friends) and is widely customizable. TeXmenu offers services so the user can keep in touch with it from any other application, get help on LaTeX, translate his/her current project, any file or even screen selections. When running TeX in the background TeXmenu alerts the user when an error occurs and offers a convenient way to jump between the error message and location of the error, as well as letting the user continue the translation afterwards! Distribution is done shareware-like (i.e. you are allowed to copy a unregistered version provided you're running it in demo-mode) but TeXmenu will have some annoying ``features'' until you register your copy of it. Similarly, TeXmenu comes ``shareware priced''. For those who want a good TeX front end without paying anything for it, TeXmenu version 2.2 (black hardware only) remains in the public domain (although ``donations'' are still accepted). LIST OF SOME NEW FEATURES IN TeXmenu 4.1: o Multi architecture binary, both Motorola and Intel architectures are supported. o Added page numbers to the Watcher's output making it easy to find over/underfull boxes in TeX's output. o Several bug fixes. o Template Inspector. Edit your templates from within TeXmenu. Each template may now have a default Project Group and a default folder. This means extremely convenient creation of new projects! o Files included using \verbatimfile are recognized. TeXmenu PRICING: TeXmenu 4.1 is a free update for all registered TeXmenu 3.x and 4.0 users! Individual 4.1 license: US$ 50 / DM 60 Individual 4.1 license for students: US$ 25 / DM 30 For further information, site license pricing, group discounts, and information relating to payment see Licence.rtf in the demo distribution or send mail to the address above. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (BLACK&WHITE): NeXTSTEP for Intel Processors is supported in this release. Further upgrades are planed. Black hardware will be supported at least as long as NeXT does with its OS. GIVE IT A TRY! o Versions that require NeXTSTEP Release 3.0 or later: TeXmenu4.1-English-mab.tar (v4.1, English) TeXmenu4.1-German-mab.tar (v4.1, German) TeXmenu4.1-mab.tar (v4.1, English and German) o Versions that require NeXTSTEP Release 2.0: TeXmenu3.0-2.1.tar (v3.0, English and German) TeXmenu2.2b.tar (v2.2, English and German, free) TeXmenu 4.1 is available via anonymous ftp, mail server, or from the address above: o Anonymous ftp: ***first address o Mail server: Currently not available. Munich (August 11 1993) -- Harald Schlangmann All trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are the rights of their respective holders. SUMMARY: TeXmenu version 4.1, available August 11 1993, shareware priced
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and