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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Epitome Announces Updated Redmark Software for NEXTSTEP
Date: 11 Aug 1993 12:57:10 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 69
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: 72677.1034@compuserve.com


For more information, contact

	Marketing Communications
	Epitome Incorporated
	716 Summit Lake Court, Suite 100
	Knoxville, TN  37922-3156
	(615) 675-0910  voice
	(615) 966-2558  fax
	Email: 72677.1034@compuserve.com

Epitome Updates Redmark Software for NEXTSTEP

Knoxville, TN - July 19, 1993 - Epitome Incorporated announced
today the release and shipment of version 1.2 of their Redmark
on-screen document markup software for NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 on
Intel- and Motorola-based computers.

Redmark is Epitome's innovative software package that provides
on-screen markup for all types of documents. With Redmark, users
can mark up all types of documents including word processing, page
layouts, illustrations, and spreadsheets, using one application.
Other applications provide annotation tools that work only with
their own documents. 

Redmark is as simple to use as marking on paper with a red pencil.
It enables users to mark up documents by creating a "print image"
PostScript file of the document being reviewed. Reviewers place
comments into transparent overlays using sticky Post-it-style
notes, voice recordings, text annotations, standard proofreading
symbols, and drawn or imported graphics. With Redmark, a completely
paperless document review cycle is now possible.

"Redmark is an example of a good productivity tool that can be
added to any suite of productivity applications running on
NEXTSTEP," said Warren Weiss, vice president of sales and marketing
at NeXT.  "It is useful for any office setting."

The newly released version 1.2 of Redmark runs under NEXTSTEP 3.1
on Intel-based computers as well as under NEXTSTEP 3.0 and 3.1 for
Motorola-based NeXT computers. Redmark 1.2 is distributed as a "fat
binary," meaning the same application will run on both types of
computers. Documents are completely interchangeable, regardless of
the processor type on which they were produced. Redmark 1.2 is also
upward compatible with all documents produced by previous versions.

Redmark 1.2 is being sent free to all registered users. The list
price of the new version is $285, with discounts for educational
institutions and multi-user site licenses.

Epitome Incorporated is a software developer specializing in
innovative productivity tools for the NEXTSTEP environment.

For more information, contact
	Marketing Communications
	Epitome Incorporated
	716 Summit Lake Court, Suite 100
	Knoxville, TN  37922-3156
	(615) 675-0910  voice
	(615) 966-2558  fax

Redmark is a trademark of Epitome Incorporated. NEXTSTEP is a
registered trademark of NeXT, Inc. PostScript is a registered
trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Post-it is a trademark of
3M Corporation.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.