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Path: digifix!not-for-mail From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger) Newsgroups: Subject: NEXTSTEP MiniExamples now available from NeXT archive server! Date: 29 Jul 1993 02:19:50 -0400 Organization: Next Announcements Lines: 262 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <237q66$> Hello, Great news for all NEXTSTEP Developers and Programmers interested in the following NEXTSTEP source code examples for NEXTSTEP 3.x: NETINFOKIT MINIEXAMPLES APPKIT MINIEXAMPLES INDEXINGKIT MINIEXAMPLES DATABASEKIT MINIEXAMPLES Conrad Geiger NeXT _________________________________________________________________ Anonymous ftp for the NEXTSTEP example code is now available via archive server: The MiniExamples for APPKIT, DATABASEKIT, INDEXINGKIT and NETINFOKIT are located in: /pub/NeXTanswers/Documents/Software_&_Tools/MiniExamples Each folder contains an ascii README file describing all available examples. Here is the master list: [ This ReadMe file describes the MiniExamples available in the AppKit, DatabaseKit, IndexingKit and NetInfoKit directories. Each MiniExample is stored as a separate ".compressed" file. The MiniExamples are only available via anonymous ftp or email (and only if you can receive NeXTmail). Since ".compressed" is a binary format, remember to switch to binary mode (type "bin" at command line) when fetching via ftp.] APPKIT MINIEXAMPLES AtYourService example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) This example illustrates how applications can export "Services" to other applications (they will appear in other applications' Services menu). BananaSplit example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A simple NXSplitView sizing example. CellScrollView example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A simple example that installs a matrix of custom cells in a subclass of ScrollView. This forms a basis for a user interface that allows the user to add and delete objects from a list. ConvertXYtoChar example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to convert from an X,Y coordinate location in the Text object to the nearest character position in that object. Grabber example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to create a TIFF image by reading the bits from a rectangular region from the screen. NormalBrowser example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A very simple straightforward example of an NXBrowser object. PaginationLab example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An example of breaking up a large view into pages for printing. ScrollViewDeluxe palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An enhanced subclass of ScrollView which includes support for adding controls to the scrollers, automatic support for rulers and support for synchronizing other views. StringList palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) Two objects used for generating and maintaining lists of strings and filenames: StringList includes methods for adding, inserting, sorting and searching strings as well as built-in browser support so that it can be a browser delegate. FilenameList is a subclass of StringList that specializes in filenames. Both objects can be initialized inside of InterfaceBuilder. TextORama example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to create a TextField which supports restricting text length, autojumping to another TextField and interpreting a carriage return literally. This example also illustrates how to implement emacs key binding support for the Text object. ThumbWheel palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) The ThumbWheel object includes the functionality of a Slider plus the features you would expect from a real thumbwheel. TIFFandEPS example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to open TIFF or EPS images, how to convert from one format to the other, and how to save them out. TTools palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) This example is an advanced IB Palette primer. Demonstrated features include: how to write a custom connection inspector and custom connector objects; how to palettize Matrix without restricting its prototype cell class; how to add a library target to your palette project so that applications can link in the palette code. WhatsUpDoc example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A skeletal example of how you might manage multiple documents in an application. Save, SaveAs, SaveTo, SaveAll and Revert are implemented. Winfo example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) Winfo provides information about NEXTSTEP window memory usage. It's useful for finding windows which unnecessarily allocate alpha or color planes and waste large amounts of memory. ZooView application (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An example of a horizontal SplitView. DATABASEKIT MINIEXAMPLES AddressBook example In order to run this example, you need to have a SYBASE server with a pubs database installed. [The pubs database is a sample database provided with the SYBASE limited server package.] After you are properly connected to the Sybase server, you can perform operations such as Select, Insert, Update or Delete. AssociationExample example The current version of DBKit does not provide a way to filter the records fetched by a detail FetchGroup. DBKit does not allow a qualifier to be built into a relationship, nor does it allow a qualifier to be permanently attached to a FetchGroup. The Association example provides a way to do filtering of detail records by using a subclass of DBAssociation that replaces the default association which exists between the master FetchGroup and the detail FetchGroup. BarChart palette This palette demonstrates how to use your custom UI objects with the DBKit. It illustrates in particular the DBCustomAssociation protocol which allows you to retrieve or set values to your database via a custom view objects. BooleanFormatter example This example shows how to substitute the default display format in the TableView to your own format by subclassing the DBFormatter class. In order to run this example you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. DateFormatter example This example shows how to create a formatter for a DBTableView that uses a subclass of TextFieldCell to validate the user's input. The formatter forces the user to type in values of the form xx/xx/xx. In order to run this example, you need to have an adaptor, a model and a data source. DocumentPalette palette (3.1 only) This palette is a subclass of Control. It shows how to conveniently store files into the database using their absolute pathnames, instead of the data associated with them, and let the WorkSpace do the work for opening or reading the files. You can also drop a file into the document well, and double-click to open it for reading. OrderByTest example This example shows you how to change the sort order every time the columns in the tableview are rearranged. In order to run this example, you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. RadioAssociation source code These two files allow you to make a matrix of radio buttons sychronize with the boolean data type of your database. TableView example This example shows how you can define a DBTableView and a DBModule programmatically instead of using the corresponding IB objects. It also shows how you can change the sort order every time the columns in the tableview are rearranged. INDEXINGKIT MINIEXAMPLES LanguageReader/ReaderDomain example (3.1 only) This simple program shows how to generate a .domain file programmatically. You should also read the SimpleReader MiniExample (in LanguageReader, below) which shows how to build a customized reader by subclassing IXLanguageReader. LanguageReader/SimpleReader example (3.1 only) This example shows how to build a customized language reader. The reader is organized as a bundle, so that it can be dynamically loaded by the Indexing Kit, if you are using NEXTSTEP applications such as Digital Librarian. RecordManager example (3.1 only) This example demonstrates usage of the Indexing Kit at the IXRecordManager level. At start-up, a new database .data will be created in your home directory. You can then enter records into that database which is managed by IXRecordManager and performs searches based on the record attributes. NETINFOKIT MINIEXAMPLES NILoginPanelTest example This example shows how to bring up a login panel, and do password authentication. The example uses specifically the NetInfoKit classes NILoginPanel and NIDomain. [ moderators note...] for those without ftp access, you can send mail to for example to get AddressBook as NextMail to this mail Subject:1245 you can leave the body of the message blank [1245]AddressBook [1246]AssociationExample [1238]BarChart [1239]BooleanFormatter [1240]DatabaseKit [1241]DateFormatter [1242]DocumentPalette [1244]OrderByTest [1247]RadioAssociation [1243]TableView [1262]AppKit [1263]AtYourService [1248]BananaSplit [1249]CellScrollView [1250]ConvertXYtoChar [1251]Grabber [1252]NormalBrowser [1253]PaginationLab [1264]ScrollViewDeluxe [1254]StringList [1259]TextORama [1257]ThumbWheel [1255]TIFFandEPS [1256]TTools [1258]WhatsUpDoc [1260]Winfo [1261]ZooView [1265]NetInfoKit [1266]NILoginPanelTest [1268]IndexingKit [1269]LanguageReader [1267]RecordManager
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and