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From: alex@oolesson.com
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: NEXTSTEP Programming book release: 2nd edition
Date: 27 Jul 1993 22:06:02 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 93
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
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For more information, contact:
	Alex Duong Nghiem
	Object Lesson, Inc.
	Phone: (817) 473-3093
	Fax:   (817) 472-0225
	Email: alex@oolesson.com (NeXTMail)
	-or- 75040.3647@compuserve.com (no NeXTMail here please)

Object Lesson and Prentice Hall Announce New NEXTSTEP Programming
Book: 2nd Edition

Due to outstanding demand, we have sold out our first print run far
faster than planned. We have just released an updated edition which
corrected minor mistakes in the first edition.

Object Lesson, Inc. and Prentice Hall are proud to announce the
updated release of NEXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and Applications
(ISBN 0-13-605916-3), a 600+ pages programming textbook
specifically aimed at programmers who wish to write object-oriented
applications in NEXTSTEP 3.0. This up-to-date text introduces
object-oriented design along with Objective-C, the AppKit,
InterfaceBuilder, ProjectBuilder, HeaderViewer, and other new
features of NEXTSTEP 3.0.   Other topics include:

* object-oriented design tools including CRC cards, message
	diagrams, etc.
* porting applications to NEXTSTEP/Intel
* debugging techniques using Gdb
* an extensive list of resources including addresses and contacts
	for user groups around the world, archive sites,
	newsgroups, etc.
* and much much more!

This book is classroom tested and is being adopted by major
universities in North America and Europe. On a recent UUNET poll,
the book was recently voted as the best reference for getting
started in NeXTSTEP development.

Other praise for the book include:


"A great introduction to developers interested in object-oriented
programming, object-oriented  design, and the NEXTSTEP development
environment. If you want to start writing applications for
NEXTSTEP, get this book."
	Ali Ozer, Application Kit Software Engineer
	NeXT Inc.

"NEXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and Applications is well-written,
meticulously organized and easy to follow. It provides a great
introduction to NEXTSTEP programming, and I can recommend it
without reservation to developers just getting started with the
NEXTSTEP environment."
	Bruce F. Webster (author of The NeXT Book)
	Chief Technical Officer, Pages Software Inc

"Finally, some useful and readable documentation for NEXTSTEP!
Every NEXTSTEP programmer needs this book."
	Glenn Reid, co-author of PasteUp
	RightBrain Software, Inc.

"...one of the best, complete and up-to-date programming tutorials
for NEXTSTEP...a veritable treasure-house for the budding NEXTSTEP
developer. Alex has packed it full of nuggets of information and
insights that usually takes NEXTSTEP developers years to acquire."
	Jiro Nakamura, Publisher
	NeXTWatch Magazine


The source code is available from sonata@cc.purdue.edu under
submissions as AlexNeXTSTEPSource.tar.Z.

To order the book, please visit your local bookstore or contact
Prentice Hall at (800) 922-0579 (phone) or (515) 284-6719 (fax).
For corporate accounts, please contact Ann Aciafano at (201)

Object Lesson is a Dallas-based firm that specializes in mentoring
and reengineering. We provide a host of services including a class
based on our best-selling book, NeXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and
Applications. Please e-mail us for a free brochure.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.