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Path: digifix!not-for-mail
From: <zac@dolphin.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Dolphin Announces NeXTSTEP Training & Support
Date: 25 Jul 1993 13:19:14 -0400
Organization: Next Announcements
Lines: 58
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com
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Reply-To: info@dolphin.com

Dolphin Technologies Inc. Announces Training & Support Program 

Norman B. Furlong
Dolphin Technologies Inc.
10329 Viretta Lane
Beverly Glen, CA 90077-2723

July 23, 1993 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA--Dolphin Technologies Inc. today announced
the rollout   of its training and support programs.  The company
offers a complete suite of   services for the design of coursework,
training classes and user   documentation, as well as on-site and
off-site support programs.  A variety of   training courses for
the NeXTSTEP and Mach environments are also available.

"A product is only as good as your user's knowledge of how to employ
it.    Dolphin Technologies offers a complete solution, from
coursework design   through training.  Professional documentation
and well-structured classes will   maximize the success of your
custom application," said Norman B. Furlong,   Principal, Dolphin
Technologies Inc.

"Our program is designed to deliver the highest quality documentation
and   training materials.  We focus on training the client, and
delivering quality   product documentation and coursework, so that
future training can be done by   the client," said Zacharias J.
Beckman, Principal, Dolphin Technologies Inc.

The training programs include courses in NeXTSTEP, both for developers
and   users of the environment, system administration, backup and
recovery topics.    Custom courses are designed hand-in-hand with
the client, and coursework   materials are available to the client
so that training can continue in-house.

In addition to training, complete technical and user documentation
services   are available.  Dolphin Technologies will produce high
quality user   documentation for custom solutions as either part
of the training program or   outside of it.  The documentation
services include product image consultation   and production of
the final documentation.

Dolphin Technologies is also offering dedicated NeXTSTEP and custom
solution   support programs for both on-site and off-site clients.
The programs offer a   variety of services ranging from toll-free
telephone support to full-time   on-site support.  Products covered
by the support programs include NeXTSTEP   system administration,
hardware configuration management, network management,   custom
software maintenance, and a number of other services.

Dolphin Technologies Inc. and Dolphin Software are headquartered
in Beverly   Glen, California.  The company performs systems
engineering, mission critical   development, and object oriented
consulting services.  For additional   information contact Norman
B. Furlong at 800-843-0328; electronic mail can be   directed to

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.