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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Path: sanguish
From: victor@as.com (Victor Barger)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Aurora Software Announces LoadEye 1.1
Message-ID: <1993Jul23.160901.2419@digifix.com>
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish)
Reply-To: info@as.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 16:09:01 GMT
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


        Aurora Software
        (608) 231-3679
        (608) 231-1183 fax

LoadEye 1.1 runs on NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors

MADISON, WI --- July 19, 1993 --- Aurora Software announced today the
immediate availability of LoadEye(TM) version 1.1.  This version runs on
NEXTSTEP(R) for NeXT(R) computers and on NEXTSTEP for Intel(R) Processors.

LoadEye is a system load monitor for computers running NEXTSTEP.  By
displaying continuously updated histograms of system load information,
LoadEye allows users and system administrators to readily monitor changes
in system load.

In addition to supporting NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors, LoadEye 1.1
features an improved mechanism for monitoring the system load on multiple
computers connected to a network.  Benefts include operation over non-
NetInfo networks and elimination of the requirement that LoadEye be
installed on remote computers.

LoadEye is completely confgurable and supports both Mach factor and UNIX
system load average.  A detailed description of how system loads are
computed is available through NEXTSTEP Help.

LoadEye has a suggested retail price of $49.  Site license pricing is
available on request.  LoadEye is available directly from Aurora Software
and through various NeXT distributors, VARs and dealers.

Aurora Software develops high-quality, affordable software that runs on
NEXTSTEP.  The leader in NEXTSTEP utility software, Aurora Software is
dedicated to improving user effciency and productivity.

Aurora Software is headquartered at 16 North Allen Street, Madison, WI  53705.
LoadEye is a trademark of Aurora Software.  NeXT and NEXTSTEP are registered
trademarks of NeXT, Inc.  Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.