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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Path: sanguish
From: bamberg@trane.eecs.wsu.edu
Subject: SUBMISSION: New Instructional Software for Image and Signal Processing
Message-ID: <1993Jul22.032834.2092@digifix.com>
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish)
Organization: Next Announcements
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 03:28:34 GMT
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Here is my announcement:

Contact Person:  	Dr. Roberto H. Bamberger
Organization:		Signal Processing Instructional Facility
			School of EECS
			Washington State University
			Pullman, WA 99164-2752
email:			bamberg@eecs.wsu.edu
phone:			(509)-335-4053
FAX:			(509)-335-3818

New Software Available:

We at the Signal Processing Instructional Facility (SPIF Lab) have
developed some interactive software for teaching some concepts
related to signal and image processing.  These are all available
via anonymous ftp from yardbird.eecs.wsu.edu (IP#

If you find the software helpful, please drop me a note at the
above email address so I can keep my funding agents happy.  If you
would like to expand on what we have done, source code can be made

All of these were developed on black hardware using NS3.0.  I would
love to put them out a MAB's, but NeXT does not seem interested in
me doing that since their pricing is a bit high for my tastes.

The new instructional apps are

ImageQuantizer.app (pub/NeXT/IQ.tar.gz) A simple laboratory for
experimenting with image quantization using simple uniform threshold
quantizers and different types of linear prediction.  It allows
the user to quantize an image using PCM, DPCM, Delta Modulation,
etc. and view either the compressed image, the prediction residual,
the distortion incurred by the compression,...  Have fun.  App
includes NeXTSTEP Help which discusses part of the theory of
different predictive coding systems.

PZPlotter.app (pub/NeXT/PZ.tar.Z) A simple interactive digital
filter design program that allows a user to design digital filters
by placing and moving poles and zeros on the Z plane.  It simultaneously
displays the Fourier magnitude and phase (or real/imag) and the
impulse response.  The unique attirbute of this particular package
is that it allows the student to change the filter attributes
(minimum phase, maximum phase, linear phase, allpass, ...) and see
how this affects the pole zero locations, the impulse resonse,
and/or frequency response.  The app generates code for Ein.app
which can then implement and apply the digital  filter. Ein.app is
available from ftp.princeton.edu.

Weber.app (pub/NeXT/Weber.tar.Z) A simple interactive app for
demonstrating how the Weber ratio can be measured.  Less than
thrilling on a mono station, OK on a color station, actually useful
on a ND.

SineWaves.app (pub/NeXT/SineWaves.tar.gz) A simple app for displaying
2D sine waves as a density plot with various amplitudes, orientation,
and spatial frequency.  Could have probably used Plot3D or Gnuplot
instead, but this is pretty fast.  I use it when I discuss the
properties of the Human Visual System in my senior level image
processing class.

CrossSection.app (Not Yet Available) A new app we are finishing up
that takes cross sections of Tiff images and displays them.  It
allows you to display various different color spaces. I intend to
use this when discussing various different color spaces and as an
image inspector. We are also developing other image inspectors
which include block transforms (FFT, DCT, etc) , filter banks (such
as wavelets), and other useful representations.  This will be out
by the end of August.

There are a few other odds and ends.  Feel free to poke around.

All this stuff is free, just let me know if you use it and/or have

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.