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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
Path: sanguish
From: zazula@soliton.physics.arizona.edu (Ralph Zazula)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Announcing the WetPaint FilterKit
Message-ID: <1993Jul22.032313.1963@digifix.com>
Sender: sanguish@digifix.com (Scott Anguish)
Reply-To: wetpaint@pri.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 03:23:13 GMT
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Contact: Dan Tortorici 
Pinnacle Research, Inc.
4725 E. Sunrise Dr., #435
Tucson, AZ  85718 

Phone: (602)529-1135
FAX: (602)529-0117 / (602)299-9133
e-mail: info@pri.com (NeXT Mail)

Pinnacle Research, Inc. Announces Availability of WetPaint FilterKit

TUCSON, AZ, July 21, 1993 -  Pinnacle Research, Inc., the NEXTSTEP
Utility Lab, announced today availability of the WetPaint FilterKit
for developing custom image processing filters for the WetPaint
image editing application.

WetPaint is the first inexpensive image editing application for
NEXTSTEP designed for creating or retouching icons and images.
WetPaint version 1.2 began shipping last month and includes improved
performance, tools, and document handling. Paint tools can now
selectively apply filters and 14 new filters have been added.

The WetPaint FilterKit is a set of NEXTSTEP objects that provides
developers with a simplified method for creating custom image
processing filters for WetPaint. In addition to modifying image
data, filters can analyze data without altering it, or  create new
data without regard for the old. This allows users to create
arbitrary textures, patterns, and colors using the original image
as a starting point. Custom filters enable unique solutions to
mission critical image processing problems for illustrators,
scientists and business users.  Users benefit from the transparent
integration of the custom filter with the existing filters shipped
with the WetPaint application.

Developers can use the FilterKit to create both data and Postscript
filters.  Data filters examine and modify each value of a pixel
and Postscript filters use operations inherent in the PostScript
language to modify the image. The FilterKit has been designed to
allow developers to focus on the design of the desired filter rather
than on the mechanics of integrating with the WetPaint program.

The WetPaint FilterKit (WetPaint_FilterKit.tar.Z) is available free
of charge from the FTP archive sites  at Oregon State (cs.orst.edu)
and Purdue (nova.cc.purdue.edu) universities. The FilterKit is also
available from Pinnacle Research for a shipping and handling charge
of $10.

Pinnacle Research Inc., of Tucson, Arizona, is a leading developer
of NEXTSTEP utilities.  Utilities designed to bridge the gaps
between user's work requirements and NEXTSTEP applications. WetPaint
and WetPaint FilterKit are trademarks of Pinnacle Research, Inc.
NeXT, and NEXTSTEP are registered trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc.
All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.