
This is csna.30.02 in view mode; [Up]

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: sanguish@digifix.com
Subject: Submission Guidelines
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

	Goal: To be the primary location for the release of all official
information from Next, third party developers, user-groups and
Next trade shows. 
	This is a big job, and it will require the cooperation of submitters
and readers alike.  I will strive to post announcements within a 24
hour period of receiving them.  There is an auto-reply daemon set
up that will inform you of the receipt of your message. 
		Try to keep submissions short and concise (80-100 lines max).
		Include full instructions on contacting you (where applicable)
		All Postings
			e-mail address
			telephone (optional)

		Press Release
			toll-free voice phone
			toll-free fax
			voice phone
			fax phone
			mailing address
			retail price
			educational price
		Software available
			ftp site			
			full path to file
		Meeting Announcements
			location of meeting
			time of meeting
			speakers expected

		.sig files will be deleted automatically, so please don't rely on
	your .sig for the contact information 
		Please double check all information you are posting for accuracy.
If you are announcing software available by FTP, make sure the copy on the
archive site is good.
		Announcements of sales or specials not appropriate
for comp.sys.next.announce.  If you are unsure about a submission,
ask.  Press releases are more effective if there is more technical information
and less marketing fluff. 
		Many times an announcement should coincide with a specific date,
for example the starting of NextWorld Expo.  Unfortunately, that can
be the worst time for you to get access to your internet connection to
send the announcements to comp.sys.next.announce.  In order to make
comp.sys.next.announce as timely as possible, I will accept
"post-dated" announcements for release on a specific future date. 
All information will be kept confidential until the requested
release date, and NDAs will be signed where required to ensure this. 
Hopefully this will make these announcements arrive at users sites
as quickly as if you posted them directly to
		Submissions can be sent to next-announce@digifix.com.
		Questions and comments to next-announce-request@digifix.com 

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.