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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: bangmail@vivid.com (Bay Area NeXT Group)
Subject: MEETING: BANG July Meeting, Wednesday July 21st,
Reply-To: info@bang.org
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Bay Area NeXT Group Monthly Meeting

Goldleaf will be showing XtraScan and XtraRead
July 21st, Wednesday 7:00 pm
Turman Auditorium, Stanford University

Members and non-members alike are welcome.
There is no charge to attend.


>From I-280:
        East on Page Mill road Exit (1.3 miles)
        Left on Junipero Serra Blvd (1.9 miles)
        Right on Campus Drive West (0.3 miles)
        Right on Santa Teresa Street (0.4 miles)
        Park in lot opposite Morris Way
        Auditorium is in the Terman Engineering Center
        at the corner of Santa Teresa and Morris Way

>From I-101:
        West on University Avenue exit (2.5 miles)
                (Through Palo Alto into university campus)
        Right on Campus Drive (1.9 miles)
        Left on Santa Teresa Street (0.4 miles)
        Park in lot opposite Morris Way
        Auditorium is in the Terman Engineering Center
        at the corner of Santa Teresa and Morris Way


BANG Calendar

July 21st, Wednesday 7:00 pm
Goldleaf will be showing XtraScan and XtraRead
Turman Auditorium, Stanford University

August 18th - Wednesday
RightBrain Software will be showing ExactlyWrite


PO Box 368
Palo Alto, CA  94302
(415) 327-BANG

The Bay Area NeXT Group is an organization that provides a forum for
information exchange concerning the NeXT marketplace and computer
technology in general.

President: M Carling

Information: Janet Hufnagel
Membership: Andrew Creighton
Meetings: M Carling
Auctions: Dan Lavin

All the above people can be reached by email directly or at firstname_lastname@bang.org.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.