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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: gery@ares.fdn.org
Subject: PRESS RELEASE:  ZZVolume version 1.4 for NEXTSTEP 3.1
Reply-To: info@alembic.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

For more information, contact:

	+33 72 80 16 30 
	+33 72 80 16 32 fax

	Alembic Systems, Inc
	(303)799-1435  fax


LYON , France, the 25 of June 1993 : 
ARES announces the availability of ZZVolume version 1.4 for NEXTSTEP 3.1  
Motorola and Intel.


(Prices are in USD, taxes excluded).

Retail Price : 1995 $
Education Price : 998 $

Prices subject to change without notice.
Taxes, shipping and handling charges are additional, and vary with
the size of your order.

ZZVolume (TM) is the first architectural CAD program available 
on NEXTSTEP. As a powerfull modelisation tool, ZZVolume enable 
to create 3D spaces at an incredible speed - including entire 
buildings - and to virtualy tour the spaces you create.

As a professional tool for architects, interior designers, booth 
designers, facilities managers, and anyone who needs to quikly 
plan and present space, ZZVolume is indispensable.

Features Included:

- Multiples support for importation and exportation including  
  2D and 3D DXF-Autocad  , EPS, export RIB formats to 
  Solid Thinking (TM),  Datalink to Intuitiv 3D (TM).

- Wireframe,shadows, Postscript  vectorial hidden faces with 
  or without edge rendering, direct Renderman connexion .

- All transformation, creation and connexions benefits of  
  real CAD precision and can be done in any view, 
  even perspective view.

- Multiple Views, Multi Layering (up to 4000 layers in a project), 
  User definable tool palette.

- Support for walls(blocks), polylines, splines, circles, openings,
  objects and automatic sized frames and sashes.

Features in development : 

- Animation (walk through your house).
- Light directly included in objects
- Connexion to database

ZZVolume features interactivity like you wouldn't believe.......
Please contact ARES or Alembic for any informations

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.