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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: mary@metrosoft.com (Mary Donnelly)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Simon moves to Metrosoft
Reply-To: info@metrosoft.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Contact: Mary Donnelly
(619) 488-9411 Fax: (619) 488-3045
E-mail: info@metrosoft.com
Metrosoft Announces Simon Says 2.0

San Diego, July 3, 1993 - Metrosoft announced today that it is
pleased to be taking over ownership of the popular Simon Says

"We were impressed with Simon the first time we saw a demo at the
1992 NeXTWORLD Expo." said Mary Donnelly, E.V.P., Metrosoft, "If
there is a way to make the NEXTSTEP platform look more impressive
than it already is - Simon does it."

Simon is a voice recognition program. It saves you time by performing
a sequence of actions with one voice command. Simon can listen for
voice commands for specific applications or globally . Voice commands
are trainable to your voice, no matter what your language, dialect
or accent. It is easy to use and a lot of fun too!

Simon Says 2.0 will have an improved interface and added functionality.
It will be distributed as a fat binary that will run on NEXTSTEP
for Intel as well as NeXT computers. It will be available in October

Currently anyone using Simon Says cannot run the program under
NEXTSTEP 3.1. There is an intermediate upgrade, Simon Says 1.5.
When pre-ordering Simon Says 2.0, you can receive version 1.5 now
for free.

Contact Metrosoft directly for new orders and upgrades. For product
information, you can e-mail info@metrosoft.com. For technical
support, please e-mail simon@metrosoft.com.

Metrosoft is a San Diego based company specializing in the development
and publishing of NEXTSTEP applications.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.