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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: info@benatong.com
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: BenaTong Announces ImageIt Palette
Reply-To: info@benatong.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com



Contact:	Victoria Tong,  BenaTong (614) 276-7859
Availability: 	June 30, 1993
Pricing:	$249.95

Vanguard Software Announces ImageIttm For NEXTSTEP  - To Be
Distributed By BenaTong.

Columbus, OH, June 30, 19931Vanguard Software, Inc. and  BenaTong,
today announced ImageIttm - a DBKit compatible palette that allows
you to add image manipulation to your custom applications.

"ICImageView is a class that allows you to rotate, flip, scale,
tile,  and dissolve an image over a background", says ImageIt
creator Takis Mercouris, President of Vanguard Software.  A rich
set of controls allows you to place the image within the view in
a variety of ways:

7	in the center
7	in the corners
7	scaled to fit the entire view
7	scaled proportionally
7	tiled over the view

ICImageView is DBKit compatible; it emulates DBImageView, so you
could substitute it for DBImageView in your programs.   It allows
storage of either the image or the path name, depending on the data
type of the property connected to it.  ICImageView supports full
cut and paste and drag and drop capabilities for all images supported
by NXImage.  Placement modes can be applied independently of all

BenaTong,  based in Columbus Ohio, is a consulting firm that
specializes in providing commercial applications and custom software
for computers running NeXTSTEP.  BenaTong can be reached at (614)
276-7859 voice and fax or by email at info@benatong.com


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.