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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: "Christopher M. Maeda" <ztech@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Zippytech Ships InetObjects for NEXTSTEP
Reply-To: ztech@well.sf.ca.us
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


For more information contact:
	PO Box 322
	Homestead PA  15120

Zippytech Ships InetObjects For White and Black Hardware

Pittsburgh, PA; 25 June 1993 -- Zippytech began shipping the
InetObjects Base Collection version 1.0, a collection of TCP/IP
networking objects.  According to S. D. Cooper, Zippytech's top dog,
"This object collection is the only one that provides seamless
integration of TCP/IP networking and the NEXTSTEP Appkit.  It is now
much easier for programmers to construct network applications in a
heterogenous TCP/IP environment."

The InetObjects Base Collection provides classes for TCP/IP and UDP/IP
sessions, header files, online documentation, and source code for a
NEXTSTEP app that uses the object collection.  The InetObjects Base
Collection runs on both Motorola-based and Intel-based hardware.
Under condition of anonymity, one Zippytech programmer reported that
it was more painful to install NEXTSTEP on their Intel box than it was
to port InetObjects for it.

The InetObjects Base Collection sells for $100 with substantial
student discounts.  Cooper: "Our pricing is structured so that
developers can try the objects with minimal up-front costs.  Our
educational discounts also make the InetObjects Base Collection ideal
for students wanting to learn network programming."

Zippytech is a privately held company that develops objectware for
heterogenous network environments.  For more information, contact
Zippytech (ztech@well.sf.ca.us).

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These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.